Search Results for 2
PDB IdName
11ba binding of a substrate analogue to a domain swapping protein in the complex of bovine seminal ribonuclease with uridylyl-2',5'-adenosine
11bg a potential allosteric subsite generated by domain swapping in bovine seminal ribonuclease
11gs glutathione s-transferase complexed with ethacrynic acid- glutathione conjugate (form ii)
12as asparagine synthetase mutant c51a, c315a complexed with l- asparagine and amp
12gs glutathione s-transferase complexed with s-nonyl-glutathione
137l structural basis of amino acid alpha helix propensity
13gs glutathione s-transferase complexed with sulfasalazine
148l a covalent enzyme-substrate intermediate with saccharide distortion in a mutant t4 lysozyme
14gs glutathione s-transferase p1-1 apo form 1
15c8 catalytic antibody 5c8, free fab
167l protein flexibility and adaptability seen in 25 crystal forms of t4 lysozyme
16gs glutathione s-transferase p1-1 apo form 3
174l protein flexibility and adaptability seen in 25 crystal forms of t4 lysozyme
175l protein flexibility and adaptability seen in 25 crystal forms of t4 lysozyme
176l protein flexibility and adaptability seen in 25 crystal forms of t4 lysozyme
17gs glutathione s-transferase p1-1
18gs glutathione s-transferase p1-1 complexed with 1-(s- glutathionyl)-2,4-dinitrobenzene
19gs glutathione s-transferase p1-1
19hc nine-haem cytochrome c from desulfovibrio desulfuricans atcc 27774
1a03 the three-dimensional structure of ca2+-bound calcyclin: implications for ca2+-signal transduction by s100 proteins, nmr, 20 structures
1a04 the structure of the nitrate/nitrite response regulator protein narl in the monoclinic c2 crystal form
1a05 crystal structure of the complex of 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase from thiobacillus ferrooxidans with 3- isopropylmalate
1a0e xylose isomerase from thermotoga neapolitana
1a0f crystal structure of glutathione s-transferase from escherichia coli complexed with glutathionesulfonic acid
1a0g l201a mutant of d-amino acid aminotransferase complexed with pyridoxamine-5'-phosphate
1a0m 1.1 angstrom crystal structure of a-conotoxin [tyr15]-epi
1a0n nmr study of the sh3 domain from fyn proto-oncogene tyrosine kinase complexed with the synthetic peptide p2l corresponding to residues 91-104 of the p85 subunit of pi3- kinase, family of 25 structures
1a0q 29g11 complexed with phenyl [1-(1-n-succinylamino)pentyl] phosphonate
1a15 sdf-1alpha
1a19 barstar (free), c82a mutant
1a1u solution structure determination of a p53 mutant dimerization domain, nmr, minimized average structure
1a22 human growth hormone bound to single receptor
1a25 c2 domain from protein kinase c (beta)
1a28 hormone-bound human progesterone receptor ligand-binding domain
1a2d pyridoxamine modified murine adipocyte lipid binding protein
1a2l reduced dsba at 2.7 angstroms resolution
1a2m oxidized dsba at 2.7 angstroms resolution, crystal form iii
1a2o structural basis for methylesterase cheb regulation by a phosphorylation-activated domain
1a2w crystal structure of a 3d domain-swapped dimer of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease a
1a2x complex of troponin c with a 47 residue (1-47) fragment of troponin i
1a3l catalysis of a disfavored reaction: an antibody exo diels- alderase-tsa-inhibitor complex at 1.95 a resolution
1a3w pyruvate kinase from saccharomyces cerevisiae complexed with fbp, pg, mn2+ and k+
1a3y odorant binding protein from nasal mucosa of pig
1a4a azurin mutant with met 121 replaced by his, ph 6.5 crystal form, data collected at 16 degrees celsius
1a4b azurin mutant with met 121 replaced by his, ph 6.5 crystal form, data collected at-180 degrees celsius
1a4f bar-headed goose hemoglobin (oxy form)
1a4g influenza virus b/beijing/1/87 neuraminidase complexed with zanamivir
1a4i human tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase / cyclohydrolase
1a4p p11 (s100a10), ligand of annexin ii
1a4q influenza virus b/beijing/1/87 neuraminidase complexed with dihydropyran-phenethyl-propyl-carboxamide
1a4r g12v mutant of human placental cdc42 gtpase in the gdp form
1a4u alcohol dehydrogenase from drosophila lebanonensis
1a4x pyrr, the bacillus subtilis pyrimidine biosynthetic operon repressor, hexameric form
1a50 crystal structure of wild-type tryptophan synthase complexed with 5- fluoroindole propanol phosphate
1a52 estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain complexed to estradiol
1a5a cryo-crystallography of a true substrate, indole-3-glycerol phosphate, bound to a mutant (alphad60n) tryptophan synthase alpha2beta2 complex reveals the correct orientation of active site alpha glu 49
1a5b cryo-crystallography of a true substrate, indole-3-glycerol phosphate, bound to a mutant (alpha d60n) tryptophan synthase alpha2beta2 complex reveals the correct orientation of active site alpha glu 49
1a5c fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase from plasmodium falciparum
1a5f fab fragment of a monoclonal anti-e-selectin antibody
1a5s crystal structure of wild-type tryptophan synthase complexed with 5- fluoroindole propanol phosphate and l-ser bound as amino acrylate to the beta site
1a64 engineering a misfolded form of rat cd2
1a6d thermosome from t. acidophilum
1a6e thermosome-mg-adp-alf3 complex
1a6j nitrogen regulatory bacterial protein iia-nitrogen
1a6p engineering of a misfolded form of cd2
1a6u b1-8 fv fragment
1a6w b1-8 fv fragment complexed with a (4-hydroxy-5-iodo-3- nitrophenyl) acetate compound
1a71 ternary complex of an active site double mutant of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase, phe93=>trp, val203=>ala with nad and trifluoroethanol
1a75 whiting parvalbumin
1a78 complex of toad ovary galectin with thio-digalactose
1a7a structure of human placental s-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase: determination of a 30 selenium atom substructure from data at a single wavelength
1a7f insulin mutant b16 glu, b24 gly, des-b30, nmr, 20 structures
1a7h gamma s crystallin c-terminal domain
1a7n fv fragment of mouse monoclonal antibody d1.3 (balb/c, igg1, k) variant for chain l glu81->asp and chain h leu312->val
1a7o fv fragment of mouse monoclonal antibody d1.3 (balb/c, igg1, k) r96l deletion mutant on variant for chain l glu81->asp and chain h leu312->val
1a7p fv fragment of mouse monoclonal antibody d1.3 (balb/c, igg1, k) engineered mutant pro95l->ser on variant chain l glu81- >asp and chain h leu312->val
1a7q fv fragment of mouse monoclonal antibody d1.3 (balb/c, igg1, k) high affinity expressed variant containing ser26l->gly, ile29l->thr, glu81l->asp, thr97l->ser, pro240h->leu, asp258h->ala, lys281h->glu, asn283h->asp and leu312h->val
1a7r fv fragment of mouse monoclonal antibody d1.3 (balb/c, igg1, k) variant chain l glu81->asp
1a7t metallo-beta-lactamase with mes
1a7u chloroperoxidase t
1a7v cytochrome c' from rhodopseudomonas palustris
1a7x fkbp12-fk1012 complex
1a8g hiv-1 protease in complex with sdz283-910
1a8j immunoglobulin lambda light chain dimer (mcg) complex with aspartame
1a8t metallo-beta-lactamase in complex with l-159,061
1a8u chloroperoxidase t/benzoate complex
1a8v structure of the rna-binding domain of the rho transcription terminator
1a93 nmr solution structure of the c-myc-max heterodimeric leucine zipper, nmr, minimized average structure
1a98 xprtase from e. coli complexed with gmp
1a9m g48h mutant of hiv-1 protease in complex with a peptidic inhibitor u-89360e
1aa7 influenza virus matrix protein crystal structure at ph 4.0
1aal structural effects induced by mutagenesis affected by crystal packing factors: the structure of a 30-51 disulfide mutant of basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor
1aap x-ray crystal structure of the protease inhibitor domain of alzheimer's amyloid beta-protein precursor
1aaq hydroxyethylene isostere inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus-1 protease: structure-activity analysis using enzyme kinetics, x-ray crystallography, and infected t-cell assays
1aar structure of a diubiquitin conjugate and a model for interaction with ubiquitin conjugating enzyme (e2)
1aat oxoglutarate-induced conformational changes in cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase
1aaz the structure of oxidized bacteriophage t4 glutaredoxin (thioredoxin)
1ab8 rat type ii adenylyl cyclase c2 domain/forskolin complex
1abj structure of the hirulog 3-thrombin complex and nature of the s' subsites of substrates and inhibitors
1abr crystal structure of abrin-a
1abt nmr solution structure of an alpha-bungarotoxin(slash) nicotinic receptor peptide complex
1ac1 dsba mutant h32l
1ac6 crystal structure of a variable domain mutant of a t-cell receptor alpha chain
1acb crystal and molecular structure of the bovine alpha-chymotrypsin-eglin c complex at 2.0 angstroms resolution
1acv dsba mutant h32s
1ad1 dihydropteroate synthetase (apo form) from staphylococcus aureus
1ad3 class 3 aldehyde dehydrogenase complex with nicotinamide- adenine-dinucleotide
1ad4 dihydropteroate synthetase complexed with oh-ch2-pterin- pyrophosphate from staphylococcus aureus
1ad5 src family kinase hck-amp-pnp complex
1adb crystallographic studies of isosteric nad analogues bound to alcohol dehydrogenase: specificity and substrate binding in two ternary complexes
1adc crystallographic studies of isosteric nad analogues bound to alcohol dehydrogenase: specificity and substrate binding in two ternary complexes
1ade structure of adenylosuccinate synthetase ph 7 at 25 degrees celsius
1adi structure of adenylosuccinate synthetase at ph 6.5 and 25 degrees celsius
1adu early e2a dna-binding protein
1adv early e2a dna-binding protein
1adw pseudoazurin
1ae1 tropinone reductase-i complex with nadp
1ae6 igg-fab fragment of mouse monoclonal antibody ctm01
1ae9 structure of the lambda integrase catalytic core
1aer domain iii of pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin complexed with beta-tad
1afk crystal structure of ribonuclease a in complex with 5'- diphosphoadenosine-3'-phosphate
1afl ribonuclease a in complex with 5'-diphosphoadenosine 2'- phosphate at 1.7 angstrom resolution
1afo dimeric transmembrane domain of human glycophorin a, nmr, 20 structures
1afs recombinant rat liver 3-alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3-alpha-hsd) complexed with nadp and testosterone
1afu structure of ribonuclease a at 2.0 angstroms from monoclinic crystals
1afw the 1.8 angstrom crystal structure of the dimeric peroxisomal thiolase of saccharomyces cerevisiae
1ag0 structure of cys 112 asp azurin from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1ag1 monohydrogen phosphate binding to trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase
1ag9 flavodoxins that are required for enzyme activation: the structure of oxidized flavodoxin from escherichia coli at 1.8 angstroms resolution.
1agj epidermolytic toxin a from staphylococcus aureus
1ags a surface mutant (g82r) of a human alpha-glutathione s- transferase shows decreased thermal stability and a new mode of molecular association in the crystal
1agw crystal structure of the tyrosine kinase domain of fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 in complex with su4984 inhibitor
1ah8 structure of the orthorhombic form of the n-terminal domain of the yeast hsp90 chaperone
1ahe aspartate aminotransferase hexamutant
1ahf aspartate aminotransferase hexamutant
1ahh 7 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase complexed with nad+
1ahi 7 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase complexed with nadh and 7-oxo glycochenodeoxycholic acid
1ahp oligosaccharide substrate binding in escherichia coli maltodextrin phsphorylase
1ahu structure of the octameric flavoenzyme vanillyl-alcohol oxidase in complex with p-cresol
1ahv structure of the octameric flavoenzyme vanillyl-alcohol oxidase in complex with 2-nitro-p-cresol
1ahx aspartate aminotransferase hexamutant
1ahy aspartate aminotransferase hexamutant
1ahz structure of the octameric flavoenzyme vanillyl-alcohol oxidase in complex with 4-(1-heptenyl)phenol
1ai4 penicillin acylase complexed with 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid
1ai5 penicillin acylase complexed with m-nitrophenylacetic acid
1ai6 penicillin acylase with p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid
1ai7 penicillin acylase complexed with phenol
1ai9 candida albicans dihydrofolate reductase
1aia structural basis for the catalytic activity of aspartate aminotransferase k258h lacking the pyridoxal-5'-phosphate binding lysine residue
1aib structural basis for the catalytic activity of aspartate aminotransferase k258h lacking the pyridoxal-5'-phsophate binding lysine residue
1aic structural basis for the catalytic activity of aspartate aminotransferase k258h lacking the pyridoxal-5'-phsophate binding lysine residue
1aid structure of a non-peptide inhibitor complexed with hiv-1 protease: developing a cycle of structure-based drug design
1aik hiv gp41 core structure
1aiq crystal structure of thymidylate synthase r126e mutant
1aiz structure of apo-azurin from alcaligenes denitrificans at 1.8 angstroms resolution
1aj7 immunoglobulin 48g7 germline fab antibody complexed with hapten 5-(para-nitrophenyl phosphonate)-pentanoic acid. affinity maturation of an esterolytic antibody
1aj8 citrate synthase from pyrococcus furiosus
1aj9 r-state human carbonmonoxyhemoglobin alpha-a53s
1aja three-dimensional structure of the d153g mutant of e. coli alkaline phosphatase: a mutant with weaker magnesium binding and increased catalytic activity
1ajb three-dimensional structure of the d153g mutant of e. coli alkaline phosphatase: a mutant with weaker magnesium binding and increased catalytic activity
1ajc three-dimensional structure of the d153g mutant of e. coli alkaline phosphatase: a mutant with weaker magnesium binding and increased catalytic activity
1ajd three-dimensional structure of the d153g mutant of e. coli alkaline phosphatase: a mutant with weaker magnesium binding and increased catalytic activity
1ajk circularly permuted (1-3,1-4)-beta-d-glucan 4- glucanohydrolase cpa16m-84
1ajn penicillin acylase complexed with p-nitrophenylacetic acid
1ajo circularly permuted (1-3,1-4)-beta-d-glucan 4- glucanohydrolase cpa16m-127
1ajp penicillin acylase complexed with 2,5-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid
1ajq penicillin acylase complexed with thiopheneacetic acid
1ajr refinement and comparison of the crystal structures of pig cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase and its complex with 2-methylaspartate
1ajs refinement and comparison of the crystal structures of pig cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase and its complex with 2-methylaspartate
1ajv hiv-1 protease in complex with the cyclic sulfamide inhibitor aha006
1ajx hiv-1 protease in complex with the cyclic urea inhibitor aha001
1ajy structure and mobility of the put3 dimer: a dna pincer, nmr, 13 structures
1aka structural basis for the catalytic activity of aspartate aminotransferase k258h lacking its pyridoxal-5'-phosphate-binding lysine residue
1ake structure of the complex between adenylate kinase from escherichia coli and the inhibitor ap5a refined at 1.9 angstroms resolution: a model for a catalytic transition state
1aks crystal structure of the first active autolysate form of the porcine alpha trypsin
1al4 gramicidin d from bacillus brevis (n-propanol solvate)
1alh kinetics and crystal structure of a mutant e. coli alkaline phosphatase (asp-369-->asn): a mechanism involving one zinc per active site
1ali alkaline phosphatase mutant (h412n)
1alj alkaline phosphatase mutant (h412n)
1alk reaction mechanism of alkaline phosphatase based on crystal structures. two metal ion catalysis
1all allophycocyanin
1alv calcium bound domain vi of porcine calpain
1alw inhibitor and calcium bound domain vi of porcine calpain
1alx gramicidin d from bacillus brevis (methanol solvate)
1alz gramicidin d from bacillus brevis (ethanol solvate)
1amh uncomplexed rat trypsin mutant with asp 189 replaced with ser (d189s)
1amo three-dimensional structure of nadph-cytochrome p450 reductase: prototype for fmn-and fad-containing enzymes
1amu phenylalanine activating domain of gramicidin synthetase 1 in a complex with amp and phenylalanine
1an0 cdc42hs-gdp complex
1an1 leech-derived tryptase inhibitor/trypsin complex
1an5 e. coli thymidylate synthase in complex with cb3717
1an7 ribosomal protein s8 from thermus thermophilus
1an9 d-amino acid oxidase complex with o-aminobenzoate
1ani alkaline phosphatase (d153h, k328h)
1anj alkaline phosphatase (k328h)
1ank the closed conformation of a highly flexible protein: the structure of e. coli adenylate kinase with bound amp and amppnp
1ant biological implications of a 3 angstroms structure of dimeric antithrombin
1anw the effect of metal binding on the structure of annexin v and implications for membrane binding
1ao3 a3 domain of von willebrand factor
1ao5 mouse glandular kallikrein-13 (prorenin converting enzyme)
1ao6 crystal structure of human serum albumin
1aoc japanese horseshoe crab coagulogen
1aoe candida albicans dihydrofolate reductase complexed with dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate (nadph) and 1,3-diamino-7-(1-ethyepropye)-7h-pyrralo-[3,2- f]quinazoline (gw345)
1aof cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase, reduced form
1aog trypanosoma cruzi trypanothione reductase (oxidized form)
1aoh single cohesin domain from the scaffolding protein cipa of the clostridium thermocellum cellulosome
1aoj the sh3 domain of eps8 exists as a novel intertwined dimer
1aok vipoxin complex
1aom substrate and product bound to cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase
1aoq cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase with substrate and product bound
1aor structure of a hyperthermophilic tungstopterin enzyme, aldehyde ferredoxin oxidoreductase
1aos human argininosuccinate lyase
1aot nmr structure of the fyn sh2 domain complexed with a phosphotyrosyl peptide, minimized average structure
1aou nmr structure of the fyn sh2 domain complexed with a phosphotyrosyl peptide, 22 structures
1aox i domain from integrin alpha2-beta1
1aoz refined crystal structure of ascorbate oxidase at 1.9 angstroms resolution
1ap5 tyr34->phe mutant of human mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase
1ap6 tyr34->phe mutant of human mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase
1aph conformational changes in cubic insulin crystals in the ph range 7-11
1apm 2.0 angstrom refined crystal structure of the catalytic subunit of camp-dependent protein kinase complexed with a peptide inhibitor and detergent
1apn the crystallographic structure of metal-free concanavalin a at 2.5 angstroms resolution
1apt crystallographic analysis of a pepstatin analogue binding to the aspartyl proteinase penicillopepsin at 1.8 angstroms resolution
1apu crystallographic analysis of a pepstatin analogue binding to the aspartyl proteinase penicillopepsin at 1.8 angstroms resolution
1apv crystallographic analysis of transition state mimics bound to penicillopepsin: difluorostatine-and difluorostatone-containing peptides
1apw crystallographic analysis of transition state mimics bound to penicillopepsin: difluorostatine-and difluorostatone-containing peptides
1aq0 barley 1,3-1,4-beta-glucanase in monoclinic space group
1aq6 structure of l-2-haloacid dehalogenase from xanthobacter autotrophicus
1aqi structure of adenine-n6-dna-methyltransferase taqi
1aqj structure of adenine-n6-dna-methyltransferase taqi
1aqk three-dimensional structure of a human fab with high affinity for tetanus toxoid
1aql crystal structure of bovine bile-salt activated lipase complexed with taurocholate
1aqu estrogen sulfotransferase with bound inactive cofactor pap and 17-beta estradiol
1aqv glutathione s-transferase in complex with p-bromobenzylglutathione
1aqy estrogen sulfotransferase with pap
1aqz crystal structure of a highly specific aspergillus ribotoxin, restrictocin
1ar0 nuclear transport factor 2 (ntf2) e42k mutant
1ar4 x-ray structure analysis of the cambialistic superoxide dismutase from propionibacterium shermanii active with fe or mn
1ar5 x-ray structure of the cambialistic superoxide dismutase from propionibacterium shermanii active with fe or mn
1arg aspartate aminotransferase, phospho-5'-pyridoxyl aspartate complex
1arh aspartate aminotransferase, y225r/r386a mutant
1ari aspartate aminotransferase, w140h mutant, maleate complex
1aro t7 rna polymerase complexed with t7 lysozyme
1arq relaxation matrix refinement of the solution structure of the arc repressor
1arr relaxation matrix refinement of the solution structure of the arc repressor
1as4 cleaved antichymotrypsin a349r
1ask nuclear transport factor 2 (ntf2) h66a mutant
1asl crystal structures of escherichia coli aspartate aminotransferase in two conformations: comparison of an unliganded open and two liganded closed forms
1asm crystal structures of escherichia coli aspartate aminotransferase in two conformations: comparison of an unliganded open and two liganded closed forms
1asn crystal structures of escherichia coli aspartate aminotransferase in two conformations: comparison of an unliganded open and two liganded closed forms
1aso x-ray structures and mechanistic implications of three functional derivatives of ascorbate oxidase from zucchini: reduced-, peroxide-, and azide-forms
1asp x-ray structures and mechanistic implications of three functional derivatives of ascorbate oxidase from zucchini: reduced-, peroxide-, and azide-forms
1asq x-ray structures and mechanistic implications of three functional derivatives of ascorbate oxidase from zucchini: reduced-, peroxide-, and azide-forms
1at3 herpes simplex virus type ii protease
1ath the intact and cleaved human antithrombin iii complex as a model for serpin-proteinase interactions
1atl structural interaction of natural and synthetic inhibitors with the venom metalloproteinase, atrolysin c (form-d)
1atn atomic structure of the actin:dnase i complex
1atp 2.2 angstrom refined crystal structure of the catalytic subunit of camp-dependent protein kinase complexed with mnatp and a peptide inhibitor
1atz human von willebrand factor a3 domain
1au1 human interferon-beta crystal structure
1aue fkbp-rapamycin binding domain (frb) of the fkbp-rapamycin associated protein
1aui human calcineurin heterodimer
1auo carboxylesterase from pseudomonas fluorescens
1aur pmsf-inhibited carboxylesterase from pseudomonas fluorescens
1aut human activated protein c
1auu solution structure of the rna-binding domain of the antiterminator protein sacy, nmr, 10 structures
1auv structure of the c domain of synapsin ia from bovine brain
1aux structure of the c domain of synapsin ia from bovine brain with calcium atp-gamma-s bound
1av5 pkci-substrate analog
1av8 ribonucleotide reductase r2 subunit from e. coli
1avb arcelin-1 from phaseolus vulgaris l
1avd three-dimensional structure of the tetragonal crystal form of egg- white avidin in its functional complex with biotin at 2.7 angstroms resolution
1ave crystal structure of hen egg-white apo-avidin in relation to its thermal stability properties
1avh crystal and molecular structure of human annexin v after refinement. implications for structure, membrane binding and ion channel formation of the annexin family of proteins
1avm the cambialistic superoxide dismutase (fe-sod) of p. shermanii coordinated by azide
1avp structure of human adenovirus 2 proteinase with its 11 amino acid cofactor
1avs x-ray crystallographic study of calcium-saturated n- terminal domain of troponin c
1avw complex porcine pancreatic trypsin/soybean trypsin inhibitor, orthorhombic crystal form
1avx complex porcine pancreatic trypsin/soybean trypsin inhibitor, tetragonal crystal form
1awb human myo-inositol monophosphatase in complex with d- inositol-1-phosphate and calcium
1awp rat outer mitochondrial membrane cytochrome b5
1awq cypa complexed with hagpia (pseudo-symmetric monomer)
1aws secypa complexed with hagpia (pseudo-symmetric monomer)
1awu cypa complexed with hvgpia (pseudo-symmetric monomer)
1axa active-site mobility in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease as demonstrated by crystal structure of a28s mutant
1axe crystal structure of the active-site mutant phe93->trp of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase in complex with nad and inhibitor trifluoroethanol
1axi structural plasticity at the hgh:hghbp interface
1axk engineered bacillus bifunctional enzyme gluxyn-1
1axt immune versus natural selection: antibody aldolases with the rates of natural enzymes
1axw e. coli thymidylate synthase in complex with methotrexate (mtx) and 2'-deoxyuridine 5'-monophosphate (dump)
1ay0 identification of catalytically important residues in yeast transketolase
1ay1 anti taq fab tp7
1ay4 aromatic amino acid aminotransferase without substrate
1ay5 aromatic amino acid aminotransferase complex with maleate
1ay7 ribonuclease sa complex with barstar
1ay8 aromatic amino acid aminotransferase complex with 3-phenylpropionate
1ay9 wild-type umud' from e. coli
1ayb crystal structures of peptide complexes of the amino- terminal sh2 domain of the syp tyrosine phosphatase
1ayc crystal structures of peptide complexes of the amino- terminal sh2 domain of the syp tyrosine phosphatase
1ayf bovine adrenodoxin (oxidized)
1ayo receptor binding domain of bovine alpha-2-macroglobulin
1az3 ecorv endonuclease, unliganded, form b
1az4 ecorv endonuclease, unliganded, form b, t93a mutant
1azb structure of apo-azurin from alcaligenes denitrificans at 1.8 angstroms resolution
1azc structure of apo-azurin from alcaligenes denitrificans at 1.8 angstroms resolution
1aze nmr structure of the complex between the c32s-y7v mutant of the nsh3 domain of grb2 with a peptide from sos, 10 structures
1azg nmr study of the sh3 domain from fyn proto-oncogene tyrosine kinase kinase complexed with the synthetic peptide p2l corresponding to residues 91-104 of the p85 subunit of pi3-kinase, minimized average (probmap) structure
1azt gs-alpha complexed with gtp-gamma-s
1azv familial als mutant g37r cuznsod (human)
1azw proline iminopeptidase from xanthomonas campestris pv. citri
1azx antithrombin/pentasaccharide complex
1azy structural and theoretical studies suggest domain movement produces an active conformation of thymidine phosphorylase
1b00 phob receiver domain from escherichia coli
1b04 structure of the adenylation domain of an nad+ dependent ligase
1b05 structure of oligo-peptide binding protein complexed with lys-cys-lys
1b07 crk sh3 domain complexed with peptoid inhibitor
1b0h oligo-peptide binding protein complexed with lysyl- napthylalanyl-lysine
1b0n sinr protein/sini protein complex
1b0p crystal structure of pyruvate-ferredoxin oxidoreductase from desulfovibrio africanus
1b14 alcohol dehydrogenase from drosophila lebanonensis binary complex with nad+
1b15 alcohol dehydrogenase from drosophila lebanonensis ternary complex with nad-acetone
1b16 alcohol dehydrogenase from drosophila lebanonensis ternary complex with nad-3-pentanone
1b17 ph affects glu b13 switching and sulfate binding in cubic insulin crystals (ph 5.00 coordinates)
1b18 ph affects glu b13 switching and sulfate binding in cubic insulin crystals (ph 5.53 coordinates)
1b19 ph affects glu b13 switching and sulfate binding in cubic insulin crystals (ph 5.80 coordinates)
1b1h oligo-peptide binding protein/tripeptide (lys hpe lys) complex
1b28 arc repressor myl mutant from salmonella bacteriophage p22
1b2a ph affects glu b13 switching and sulfate binding in cubic insulin crystals (ph 6.00 coordinates)
1b2b ph affects glu b13 switching and sulfate binding in cubic insulin crystals (ph 6.16 coordinates)
1b2c ph affects glu b13 switching and sulfate binding in cubic insulin crystals (ph 6.26 coordinates)
1b2d ph affects glu b13 switching and sulfate binding in cubic insulin crystals (ph 6.35 coordinates)
1b2e ph affects glu b13 switching and sulfate binding in cubic insulin crystals (ph 6.50 coordinates)
1b2f ph affects glu b13 switching and sulfate binding in cubic insulin crystals (ph 6.98 coordinates)
1b2g ph affects glu b13 switching and sulfate binding in cubic insulin crystals (ph 9.00 coordinates)
1b2h oligo-peptide binding protein complexed with lysyl-ornithyl-lysine
1b2k structural effects of monovalent anions on polymorphic lysozyme crystals
1b2p native mannose-specific bulb lectin from scilla campanulata (bluebell) at 1.7 angstroms resolution
1b2w comparison of the three-dimensional structures of a humanized and a chimeric fab of an anti-gamma-interferon antibody
1b32 oligo-peptide binding protein (oppa) complexed with kmk
1b34 crystal structure of the d1d2 sub-complex from the human snrnp core domain
1b3a total chemical synthesis and high-resolution crystal structure of the potent anti-hiv protein aop-rantes
1b3d stromelysin-1
1b3f oligo-peptide binding protein (oppa) complexed with khk
1b3g oligo-peptide binding protein (oppa) complexed with kik
1b3h oligo-peptide binding protein complexed with lysyl- cyclohexylalanyl-lysine
1b3o ternary complex of human type-ii inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase with 6-cl-imp and selenazole adenine dinucleotide
1b3q crystal structure of chea-289, a signal transducing histidine kinase
1b3u crystal structure of constant regulatory domain of human pp2a, pr65alpha
1b40 oligo-peptide binding protein (oppa) complexed with kfk
1b41 human acetylcholinesterase complexed with fasciculin-ii, glycosylated protein
1b43 fen-1 from p. furiosus
1b46 oligo-peptide binding protein (oppa) complexed with kpk
1b48 crystal structure of mgsta4-4 in complex with gsh conjugate of 4-hydroxynonenal in one subunit and gsh in the other: evidence of signaling across dimer interface in mgsta4-4
1b49 dcmp hydroxymethylase from t4 (phosphate-bound)
1b4c solution structure of rat apo-s100b using dipolar couplings
1b4h oligo-peptide binding protein complexed with lysyl- diaminobutyric acid-lysine
1b4j comparison of the three-dimensional structures of a humanized and a chimeric fab of an anti-gamma-interferon antibody
1b4k high resolution crystal structure of a mg2-dependent 5-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase
1b4z oligo-peptide binding protein (oppa) complexed with kdk
1b50 nmr structure of human mip-1a d26a, 10 structures
1b51 oligo-peptide binding protein (oppa) complexed with ksk
1b52 oligo-peptide binding protein (oppa) complexed with ktk
1b53 nmr structure of human mip-1a d26a, minimized average structure
1b55 ph domain from bruton's tyrosine kinase in complex with inositol 1,3, 4,5-tetrakisphosphate
1b57 class ii fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase in complex with phosphoglycolohydroxamate
1b58 oligo-peptide binding protein (oppa) complexed with kyk
1b5d dcmp hydroxymethylase from t4 (intact)
1b5e dcmp hydroxymethylase from t4
1b5h oligo-peptide binding protein complexed with lysyl-diaminopropanoic acid-lysine
1b5i oligo-peptide binding protein (oppa) complexed with knk
1b5j oligo-peptide binding protein (oppa) complexed with kqk
1b5o thermus thermophilus aspartate aminotransferase single mutant 1
1b5p thermus thermophilus aspartate aminotransferase double mutant 1
1b5z contribution of hydrogen bonds to the conformational stability of human lysozyme: calorimetry and x-ray analysis of six ser->ala mutants
1b66 6-pyruvoyl tetrahydropterin synthase
1b67 crystal structure of the histone hmfa from methanothermus fervidus
1b6b melatonin biosynthesis: the structure of serotonin n- acetyltransferase at 2.5 a resolution suggests a catalytic mechanism
1b6d bence jones protein del: an entire immunoglobulin kappa light-chain dimer
1b6h oligo-peptide binding protein complexed with lysyl-norvalyl- lysine
1b6k hiv-1 protease complexed with macrocyclic peptidomimetic inhibitor 5
1b6l hiv-1 protease complexed with macrocyclic peptidomimetic inhibitor 4
1b6m hiv-1 protease complexed with macrocyclic peptidomimetic inhibitor 6
1b6p hiv-1 protease complexed with macrocyclic peptidomimetic inhibitor 7
1b6t phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase in complex with 3'- dephospho-coa from escherichia coli
1b6v crystal structure of a hybrid between ribonuclease a and bovine seminal ribonuclease
1b6z 6-pyruvoyl tetrahydropterin synthase
1b70 phenylalanyl trna synthetase complexed with phenylalanine
1b76 glycyl-trna synthetase from thermus thermophilus complexed with atp
1b78 structure-based identification of the biochemical function of a hypothetical protein from methanococcus jannaschii:mj0226
1b7a structure of the phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein from bovine brain
1b7g glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase
1b7h oligo-peptide binding protein complexed with lysyl- norleucyl-lysine
1b7y phenylalanyl trna synthetase complexed with phenylalaninyl-adenylate
1b80 rec. lignin peroxidase h8 oxidatively processed
1b82 pristine recomb. lignin peroxidase h8
1b85 lignin peroxidase
1b88 v-alpha 2.6 mouse t cell receptor (tcr) domain
1b8a aspartyl-trna synthetase
1b8c parvalbumin
1b8g 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase
1b8j alkaline phosphatase complexed with vanadate
1b8m brain derived neurotrophic factor, neurotrophin-4
1b8q solution structure of the extended neuronal nitric oxide synthase pdz domain complexed with an associated peptide
1b8z hu from thermotoga maritima
1b98 neurotrophin 4 (homodimer)
1b9b triosephosphate isomerase of thermotoga maritima
1b9j oligo-peptide binding protein (oppa) complexed with klk
1b9m regulator from escherichia coli
1b9n regulator from escherichia coli
1ba2 d67r mutant of d-ribose-binding protein from escherichia coli
1ba7 soybean trypsin inhibitor
1baf 2.9 angstroms resolution structure of an anti-dinitrophenyl- spin-label monoclonal antibody fab fragment with bound hapten
1bai crystal structure of rous sarcoma virus protease in complex with inhibitor
1bar three-dimensional structures of acidic and basic fibroblast growth factors
1bay glutathione s-transferase yfyf cys 47-carboxymethylated class pi, free enzyme
1bb3 human lysozyme mutant a96l
1bb4 human lysozyme double mutant a96l, w109h
1bb5 human lysozyme mutant a96l complexed with chitotriose
1bbd three dimensional structure of the fab fragment of a neutralizing antibody to human rhinovirus serotype 2
1bbh atomic structure of a cytochrome c' with an unusual ligand- controlled dimer dissociation at 1.8 angstroms resolution
1bc2 zn-dependent metallo-beta-lactamase from bacillus cereus
1bc5 chemotaxis receptor recognition by protein methyltransferase cher
1bck human cyclophilin a complexed with 2-thr cyclosporin
1bcm bacteriophage mu transposase core domain with 2 monomers per asymmetric unit
1bd0 alanine racemase complexed with alanine phosphonate
1bd7 circularly permuted bb2-crystallin
1bd9 human phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein
1bda catalytic domain of human single chain tissue plasminogen activator in complex with dansyl-egr-cmk (dansyl-glu-gly-arg chloromethyl ketone)
1bdj complex structure of hpt domain and chey
1bdl hiv-1 (2:31-37) protease complexed with inhibitor sb203386
1bdm the structure at 1.8 angstroms resolution of a single site mutant (t189i) of malate dehydrogenase from thermus flavus with increased enzymatic activity
1bdq hiv-1 (2:31-37, 47, 82) protease complexed with inhibitor sb203386
1bdr hiv-1 (2: 31, 33-37) protease complexed with inhibitor sb203386
1bdw gramicidin d from bacillus brevis (active form)
1bdy c2 domain from protein kinase c delta
1be9 the third pdz domain from the synaptic protein psd-95 in complex with a c-terminal peptide derived from cript.
1beb bovine beta-lactoglobulin, lattice x
1beh human phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein in complex with cacodylate
1beu trp synthase (d60n-ipp-ser) with k+
1bex structure of ruthenium-modified pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin
1bey antibody to campath-1h humanized fab
1bf6 phosphotriesterase homology protein from escherichia coli
1bfm histone b from methanothermus fervidus
1bft structure of nf-kb p50 homodimer bound to a kb site
1bfv monoclonal antibody fragment fv4155 from e. coli
1bg3 rat brain hexokinase type i complex with glucose and inhibitor glucose-6-phosphate
1bge crystal structure of canine and bovine granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (g-csf)
1bh8 htafii18/htafii28 heterodimer crystal structure
1bh9 htafii18/htafii28 heterodimer crystal structure with bound pcmbs
1bhf p56lck sh2 domain inhibitor complex
1bhg human beta-glucuronidase at 2.6 a resolution
1bhh free p56lck sh2 domain
1bhj crystal structure of apo-glycine n-methyltransferase (gnmt)
1bho mac-1 i domain magnesium complex
1bhq mac-1 i domain cadmium complex
1bht nk1 fragment of human hepatocyte growth factor
1bi2 structure of apo-and holo-diphtheria toxin repressor
1bi3 structure of apo-and holo-diphtheria toxin repressor
1bi6 nmr structure of bromelain inhibitor vi from pineapple stem
1bi7 mechanism of g1 cyclin dependent kinase inhibition from the structure of the cdk6-p16ink4a tumor suppressor complex
1bih crystal structure of the insect immune protein hemolin: a new domain arrangement with implications for homophilic adhesion
1bil crystallographic studies on the binding modes of p2-p3 butanediamide renin inhibitors
1bim crystallographic studies on the binding modes of p2-p3 butanediamide renin inhibitors
1bin leghemoglobin a (acetomet)
1biq ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase 1 beta chain mutant e238a
1bir ribonuclease t1, phe 100 to ala mutant complexed with 2' gmp
1bis hiv-1 integrase core domain
1biw design and synthesis of conformationally-constrained mmp inhibitors
1biz hiv-1 integrase core domain
1bj3 crystal structure of coagulation factor ix-binding protein (ix-bp) from venom of habu snake with a heterodimer of c-type lectin domains
1bja activation domain of the phage t4 transcription factor mota
1bjf crystal structure of recombinant bovine neurocalcin delta at 2.4 angstroms
1bjm loc naks, a lambda 1 type light-chain dimer (bence-jones protein) crystallized in nakso4
1bjn structure of phosphoserine aminotransferase from escherichia coli
1bjo the structure of phosphoserine aminotransferase from e. coli in complex with alpha-methyl-l-glutamate
1bjr complex formed between proteolytically generated lactoferrin fragment and proteinase k
1bjw aspartate aminotransferase from thermus thermophilus
1bjy tetracycline chelated mg2+-ion initiates helix unwinding for tet repressor induction
1bk5 karyopherin alpha from saccharomyces cerevisiae
1bkd complex of human h-ras with human sos-1
1bkj nadph:fmn oxidoreductase from vibrio harveyi
1bkn crystal structure of an n-terminal 40kd fragment of e. coli dna mismatch repair protein mutl
1bkp thermostable thymidylate synthase a from bacillus subtilis
1bks tryptophan synthase (e.c. from salmonella typhimurium
1bkz crystal structure of human galectin-7
1bl4 fkbp mutant f36v complexed with remodeled synthetic ligand
1bl9 conformational changes occurring upon reduction in nitrite reductase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1bll x-ray crystallographic determination of the structure of bovine lens leucine aminopeptidase complexed with amastatin: formulation of a catalytic mechanism featuring a gem-diolate transition state
1bls crystallographic structure of a phosphonate derivative of the enterobacter cloacae p99 cephalosporinase: mechanistic interpretation of a beta-lactamase transition state analog
1blx p19ink4d/cdk6 complex
1bm0 crystal structure of human serum albumin
1bm2 grb2-sh2 domain in complex with cyclo-[n-alpha-acetyl-l-thi alysyl-o-phosphotyrosyl-valyl-asparagyl-valyl-prolyl] (pkf273-791)
1bm3 immunoglobulin opg2 fab-peptide complex
1bm7 human transthyretin (prealbumin) complex with flufenamic acid (2-[[3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]amino] benzoic acid)
1bmb grb2-sh2 domain in complex with kpfy*vnvef (pkf270-974)
1bmd determinants of protein thermostability observed in the 1.9 angstroms crystal structure of malate dehydrogenase from the thermophilic bacterium thermus flavus
1bmo bm-40, fs/ec domain pair
1bmq crystal structure of the complex of interleukin-1beta converting enzyme (ice) with a peptide based inhibitor, (3s )-n-methanesulfonyl-3-({1-[n-(2-naphtoyl)-l-valyl]-l- prolyl }amino)-4-oxobutanamide
1bmt how a protein binds b12: a 3.o angstrom x-ray structure of the b12-binding domains of methionine synthase
1bmz human transthyretin (prealbumin)
1bnc three-dimensional structure of the biotin carboxylase subunit of acetyl-coa carboxylase
1bnd structure of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor(slash)neurotrophin 3 heterodimer
1bo1 phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinase type ii beta
1bo4 crystal structure of a gcn5-related n-acetyltransferase: serratia marescens aminoglycoside 3-n-acetyltransferase
1bo5 crystal structure of the complex between escherichia coli glycerol kinase and the allosteric regulator fructose 1,6-bisphosphate.
1bo6 estrogen sulfotransferase with inactive cofactor pap and vanadate
1bom three-dimensional structure of bombyxin-ii, an insulin- related brain-secretory peptide of the silkmoth bombyx mori: comparison with insulin and relaxin
1bon three-dimensional structure of bombyxin-ii, an insulin- related brain-secretory peptide of the silkmoth bombyx mori: comparison with insulin and relaxin
1bot crystal structure of the complex between escherichia coli glycerol kinase and the allosteric regulator fructose 1,6-bisphosphate.
1bp3 the xray structure of a growth hormone-prolactin receptor complex
1bph conformational changes in cubic insulin crystals in the ph range 7-11
1bpl glycosyltransferase
1bq1 e. coli thymidylate synthase mutant n177a in complex with cb3717 and 2'-deoxyuridine 5'-monophosphate (dump)
1bqa aspartate aminotransferase p195a mutant
1bqd aspartate aminotransferase p138a/p195a double mutant
1bqm hiv-1 rt/hby 097
1bqn tyr 188 leu hiv-1 rt/hby 097
1bqo discovery of potent, achiral matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors
1bqq crystal structure of the mt1-mmp--timp-2 complex
1bqu cytokyne-binding region of gp130
1brb crystal structures of rat anionic trypsin complexed with the protein inhibitors appi and bpti
1brc relocating a negative charge in the binding pocket of trypsin
1bro bromoperoxidase a2
1brw the crystal structure of pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase in a closed conformation
1bry bryodin type i rip
1bs3 p.shermanii sod(fe+3) fluoride
1bsf thermostable thymidylate synthase a from bacillus subtilis
1bsl structure of alkanal monooxygenase beta chain
1bsm p.shermanii sod(fe+3) 140k ph8
1bsp thermostable thymidylate synthase a from bacillus subtilis
1bsr bovine seminal ribonuclease structure at 1.9 angstroms resolution
1bt1 catechol oxidase from ipomoea batatas (sweet potatoes) in the native cu(ii)-cu(ii) state
1bt2 catechol oxidase from ipomoea batatas (sweet potatoes) in the reduced cu(i)-cu(i) state
1bt8 p.shermanii sod(fe+3) ph 10.0
1btk ph domain and btk motif from bruton's tyrosine kinase mutant r28c
1btm triosephosphate isomerase (tim) complexed with 2- phosphoglycolic acid
1bu5 x-ray crystal structure of the desulfovibrio vulgaris (hildenborough) apoflavodoxin-riboflavin complex
1bu7 cryogenic structure of cytochrome p450bm-3 heme domain
1buc three-dimensional structure of butyryl-coa dehydrogenase from megasphaera elsdenii
1bug catechol oxidase from ipomoea batatas (sweet potatoes)- inhibitor complex with phenylthiourea (ptu)
1buh crystal structure of the human cdk2 kinase complex with cell cycle-regulatory protein ckshs1
1bun structure of beta2-bungarotoxin: potassium channel binding by kunitz modules and targeted phospholipase action
1buq solution structure of delta-5-3-ketosteroid isomerase complexed with the steroid 19-nortestosterone-hemisuccinate
1buv crystal structure of the mt1-mmp-timp-2 complex
1bv7 counteracting hiv-1 protease drug resistance: structural analysis of mutant proteases complexed with xv638 and sd146, cyclic urea amides with broad specificities
1bv9 hiv-1 protease (i84v) complexed with xv638 of dupont pharmaceuticals
1bve hiv-1 protease-dmp323 complex in solution, nmr, 28 structures
1bvg hiv-1 protease-dmp323 complex in solution, nmr minimized average structure
1bvn pig pancreatic alpha-amylase in complex with the proteinaceous inhibitor tendamistat
1bvz alpha-amylase ii (tvaii) from thermoactinomyces vulgaris r- 47
1bw0 crystal structure of tyrosine aminotransferase from trypanosoma cruzi
1bw8 mu2 adaptin subunit (ap50) of ap2 adaptor (second domain), complexed with egfr internalization peptide fyralm
1bwa hiv-1 protease (v82f/i84v) double mutant complexed with xv638 of dupont pharmaceuticals
1bwb hiv-1 protease (v82f/i84v) double mutant complexed with sd146 of dupont pharmaceuticals
1bwf escherichia coli glycerol kinase mutant with bound atp analog showing substantial domain motion
1bwn ph domain and btk motif from bruton's tyrosine kinase mutant e41k in complex with ins(1,3,4,5)p4
1bww bence-jones immunoglobulin rei variable portion, t39k mutant
1bx9 glutathione s-transferase in complex with herbicide
1bxg phenylalanine dehydrogenase structure in ternary complex with nad+ and beta-phenylpropionate
1bxi crystal structure of the escherichia coli colicin e9 dnase domain with its cognate immunity protein im9
1bxk dtdp-glucose 4,6-dehydratase from e. coli
1bxl structure of bcl-xl/bak peptide complex, nmr, minimized average structure
1bxp solution nmr structure of the complex of alpha-bungarotoxin with a library derived peptide, 20 structures
1bxt streptococcal superantigen (ssa) from streptococcus pyogenes
1bxx mu2 adaptin subunit (ap50) of ap2 adaptor (second domain), complexed with tgn38 internalization peptide dyqrln
1bxy crystal structure of ribosomal protein l30 from thermus thermophilus at 1.9 a resolution: conformational flexibility of the molecule.
1by5 fhua from e. coli, with its ligand ferrichrome
1byf structure of tc14; a c-type lectin from the tunicate polyandrocarpa misakiensis
1byk trehalose repressor from escherichia coli
1byo wild-type plastocyanin from silene
1byu canine gdp-ran
1bz7 fab fragment from murine ascites
1bz8 transthyretin (del val122)
1bzd tertiary structures of three amyloidogenic transthyretin variants and implications for amyloid fibril formation
1bze tertiary structures of three amyloidogenic transthyretin variants and implications for amyloid fibril formation
1bzh cyclic peptide inhibitor of human ptp1b
1bzl crystal structure of trypanosoma cruzi trypanothione reductase in complex with trypanothione, and the structure- based discovery of new natural product inhibitors
1bzv [d-alab26]-des(b27-b30)-insulin-b26-amide a superpotent single-replacement insulin analogue, nmr, minimized average structure
1bzx the crystal structure of anionic salmon trypsin in complex with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor
1c02 crystal structure of yeast ypd1p
1c0e active site s19a mutant of bovine heart phosphotyrosyl phosphatase
1c0f crystal structure of dictyostelium caatp-actin in complex with gelsolin segment 1
1c0g crystal structure of 1:1 complex between gelsolin segment 1 and a dictyostelium/tetrahymena chimera actin (mutant 228: q228k/t229a/a230y/e360h)
1c0t crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with bm+21.1326
1c0u crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with bm+50.0934
1c12 insight in odorant perception: the crystal structure and binding characteristics of antibody fragments directed against the musk odorant traseolide
1c14 crystal structure of e coli enoyl reductase-nad+-triclosan complex
1c1a crystal structure of rsv two-domain integrase
1c1b crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with gca-186
1c1c crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with tnk-6123
1c1e crystal structure of a diels-alderase catalytic antibody 1e9 in complex with its hapten
1c1y crystal structure of rap.gmppnp in complex with the ras- binding-domain of c-raf1 kinase (rafrbd).
1c29 crystal structure of the complex of bacterial tryptophan synthase with the transition state analogue inhibitor 4-(2-hydroxyphenylthio)-1- butenylphosphonic acid
1c2p hepatitis c virus ns5b rna-dependent rna polymerase
1c2r molecular structure of cytochrome c2 isolated from rhodobacter capsulatus determined at 2.5 angstroms resolution
1c2t new insights into inhibitor design from the crystal structure and nmr studies of e. coli gar transformylase in complex with beta-gar and 10-formyl-5,8,10-trideazafolic acid.
1c39 structure of cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate receptor bound to pentamannosyl phosphate
1c3a crystal structure of flavocetin-a from the habu snake venom, a novel cyclic tetramer of c-type lectin-like heterodimers
1c3b ampc beta-lactamase from e. coli complexed with inhibitor, benzo(b) thiophene-2-boronic acid (bzb)
1c3c t. maritima adenylosuccinate lyase
1c3e new insights into inhibitor design from the crystal structure and nmr studies of e. coli gar transformylate in complex with beta-gar and 10-formyl-5,8,10-trideazafolic acid.
1c3i human stromelysin-1 catalytic domain complexed with ro-26-2812
1c3r crystal structure of an hdac homolog complexed with trichostatin a
1c3u t. maritima adenylosuccinate lyase
1c3v dihydrodipicolinate reductase from mycobacterium tuberculosis complexed with nadph and pdc
1c40 bar-headed goose hemoglobin (aquomet form)
1c47 binding driven structural changes in crystaline phosphoglucomutase associated with chemical reaction
1c4g phosphoglucomutase vanadate based transition state analog complex
1c5b decarboxylase catalytic antibody 21d8 unliganded form
1c5c decarboxylase catalytic antibody 21d8-hapten complex
1c5m structural basis for selectivity of a small molecule, s1- binding, sub-micromolar inhibitor of urokinase type plasminogen activator
1c5w structural basis for selectivity of a small molecule, s1- binding, sub-micromolar inhibitor of urokinase type plasminogen activator
1c5x structural basis for selectivity of a small molecule, s1- binding, sub-micromolar inhibitor of urokinase type plasminogen activator
1c5y structural basis for selectivity of a small molecule, s1- binding, sub-micromolar inhibitor of urokinase type plasminogen activator
1c5z structural basis for selectivity of a small molecule, s1- binding, sub-micromolar inhibitor of urokinase type plasminogen activator
1c6o crystal structure of oxidized cytochrome c6 from the green algae scenedesmus obliquus
1c6x alternate binding site for the p1-p3 group of a class of potent hiv-1 protease inhibitors as a result of concerted structural change in 80's loop.
1c6y alternate binding site for the p1-p3 group of a class of potent hiv-1 protease inhibitors as a result of concerted structural change in 80's loop.
1c6z alternate binding site for the p1-p3 group of a class of potent hiv-1 protease inhibitors as a result of concerted structural change in 80's loop.
1c70 alternate binding site for the p1-p3 group of a class of potent hiv-1 protease inhibitors as a result of concerted structural change in 80's loop.
1c77 staphylokinase (sak) dimer
1c78 staphylokinase (sak) dimer
1c79 staphylokinase (sak) dimer
1c7z regulatory complex of fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase
1c80 regulatory complex of fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase
1c8b crystal structure of a novel germination protease from spores of bacillus megaterium: structural rearrangements and zymogen activation
1c8j crystal structure of cytochrome p450cam mutant (f87w/y96f)
1c8o 2.9 a structure of cleaved viral serpin crma
1c8t human stromelysin-1 (e202q) catalytic domain complexed with ro-26-2812
1c8u crystal structure of the e.coli thioesterase ii, a homologue of the human nef-binding enzyme
1c8v crystal structure of the complex of bacterial tryptophan synthase with the transition state analogue inhibitor 4-(2-hydroxyphenylthio)- butylphosphonic acid
1c94 reversing the sequence of the gcn4 leucine zipper does not affect its fold.
1c9d crystal structure of the complex of bacterial tryptophan synthase with the transition state analogue inhibitor 4-(2-hydroxy-4- fluorophenylthio)-butylphosphonic acid
1c9o crystal structure analysis of the bacillus caldolyticus cold shock protein bc-csp
1c9p complex of bdellastasin with porcine trypsin
1c9u crystal structure of the soluble quinoprotein glucose dehydrogenase in complex with pqq
1cau determination of three crystal structures of canavalin by molecular replacement
1cav the three-dimensional structure of canavalin from jack bean (canavalia ensiformis)
1caw determination of three crystal structures of canavalin by molecular replacement
1cb4 crystal structure of copper, zinc superoxide dismutase
1cbi apo-cellular retinoic acid binding protein i
1cbj crystal structure of bovine superoxide dismutase crystal.
1cbk 7,8-dihydro-6-hydroxymethylpterin-pyrophosphokinase from haemophilus influenzae
1cbr crystal structure of cellular retinoic-acid-binding proteins i and ii in complex with all-trans-retinoic acid and a synthetic retinoid
1cc1 crystal structure of a reduced, active form of the ni-fe-se hydrogenase from desulfomicrobium baculatum
1cc3 purple cua center
1cd0 structure of human lamda-6 light chain dimer jto
1cdc cd2, n-terminal domain (1-99), truncated form
1cdd structures of apo and complexed escherichia coli glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase
1cdm modulation of calmodulin plasticity in molecular recognition on the basis of x-ray structures
1cdo alcohol dehydrogenase (e.c. (ee isozyme) complexed with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (nad), and zinc
1cdt cardiotoxin v4/ii from naja mossambica mossambica: the refined crystal structure
1ce7 mistletoe lectin i from viscum album
1cea the structure of the non-covalent complex of recombinant kringle 1 domain of human plasminogen with eaca (epsilon- aminocaproic acid)
1ceb the structure of the non-covalent complex of recombinant kringle 1 domain of human plasminogen with amcha (trans-4- aminomethylcyclohexane-1-carboxylic acid)
1cee solution structure of cdc42 in complex with the gtpase binding domain of wasp
1ces crystals of demetallized concanavalin a soaked with zinc have a zinc ion bound in the s1 site
1cf4 cdc42/ack gtpase-binding domain complex
1cf5 beta-momorcharin structure at 2.55 a
1cf8 convergence of catalytic antibody and terpene cyclase mechanisms: polyene cyclization directed by carbocation-pi interactions
1cfa solution structure of a semi-synthetic c5a receptor antagonist at ph 5.2, 303k, nmr, 20 structures
1cff nmr solution structure of a complex of calmodulin with a binding peptide of the ca2+-pump
1cfp s100b (s100beta) nmr data was collected from a sample of calcium free protein at ph 6.3 and a temperature of 311 k and 1.7-6.9 mm concentration, 25 structures
1cfq anti-p24 (hiv-1) fab fragment cb41
1cfv monoclonal antibody fragment fv4155 from e. coli
1cfw ga-substituted desulforedoxin
1cfy yeast cofilin, monoclinic crystal form
1cg5 deoxy form hemoglobin from dasyatis akajei
1cg8 co form hemoglobin from dasyatis akajei
1cgf crystal structures of recombinant 19-kda human fibroblast collagenase complexed to itself
1cgi three-dimensional structure of the complexes between bovine chymotrypsinogen*a and two recombinant variants of human pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (kazal-type)
1cgj three-dimensional structure of the complexes between bovine chymotrypsinogen*a and two recombinant variants of human pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (kazal-type)
1cgl structure of the catalytic domain of fibroblast collagenase complexed with an inhibitor
1cgs local and transmitted conformational changes on complexation of an anti-sweetener fab
1chk streptomyces n174 chitosanase ph5.5 298k
1chm enzymatic mechanism of creatine amidinohydrolase as deduced from crystal structures
1chw chalcone synthase from alfalfa complexed with hexanoyl-coa
1ci0 pnp oxidase from saccharomyces cerevisiae
1ci1 crystal structure of triosephosphate isomerase from trypanosoma cruzi in hexane
1ci4 the crystal structure of human barrier-to-autointegration factor (baf)
1ci6 transcription factor atf4-c/ebp beta bzip heterodimer
1ci7 ternary complex of thymidylate synthase from pneumocystis carinii
1ci8 esterase estb from burkholderia gladioli: an esterase with (beta)-lactamase fold.
1ci9 dfp-inhibited esterase estb from burkholderia gladioli
1ciq complex of two fragments of ci2, residues 1-40 and 41-64
1cir complex of two fragments of ci2 [(1-40)(dot)(41-64)]
1cj0 crystal structure of rabbit cytosolic serine hydroxymethyltransferase at 2.8 angstrom resolution
1cja actin-fragmin kinase, catalytic domain from physarum polycephalum
1cjq x-ray crystallographic studies of the denaturation of the denaturation of ribonuclease s.
1cjr x-ray crystallographic studies of denaturation in ribonuclease s
1ck0 anti-anti-idiotypic antibody against human angiotensin ii, unliganded form
1ck4 crystal structure of rat a1b1 integrin i-domain.
1cka structural basis for the specific interaction of lysine- containing proline-rich peptides with the n-terminal sh3 domain of c-crk
1ckb structural basis for the specific interaction of lysine- containing proline-rich peptides with the n-terminal sh3 domain of c-crk
1ckg t52v mutant human lysozyme
1cki recombinant casein kinase i delta truncation mutant containing residues 1-317
1ckj casein kinase i delta truncation mutant containing residues 1-317 complex with bound tungstate
1ckk calmodulin/rat ca2+/calmodulin dependent protein kinase fragment
1ckm structure of two different conformations of mrna capping enzyme in complex with gtp
1ckn structure of guanylylated mrna capping enzyme complexed with gtp
1cku ab initio solution and refinement of two high potential iron protein structures at atomic resolution
1cl1 cystathionine beta-lyase (cbl) from escherichia coli
1cl2 cystathionine beta-lyase (cbl) from escherichia coli in complex with aminoethoxyvinylglycine
1cl5 crystal structure of phospholipase a2 from daboia russelli pulchella
1cle structure of uncomplexed and linoleate-bound candida cylindracea cholesterol esterase
1clo anti-carcinoembryonic antigen monoclonal antibody a5b7
1clp crystal structure of a calcium-independent phospholipaselike myotoxic protein from bothrops asper venom
1clv yellow meal worm alpha-amylase in complex with the amaranth alpha-amylase inhibitor
1cly igg fab (human igg1, kappa) chimeric fragment (cbr96) complexed with lewis y nonoate methyl ester
1clz igg fab (igg3, kappa) fragment (mbr96) complexed with lewis y nonoate methyl ester
1cm1 motions of calmodulin-single-conformer refinement
1cm4 motions of calmodulin-four-conformer refinement
1cm5 crystal structure of c418a,c419a mutant of pfl from e.coli
1cm7 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase from escherichia coli
1cm8 phosphorylated map kinase p38-gamma
1cm9 crystal structure of viral macrophage inflammatory protein-ii
1cmb three dimensional crystal structures of escherichia coli met repressor with and without corepressor
1cmc three dimensional crystal structures of e. coli met repressor with and without corepressor
1cmk crystal structures of the myristylated catalytic subunit of camp-dependent protein kinase reveal open and closed conformations
1cmv human cytomegalovirus protease
1cn1 crystal structure of demetallized concanavalin a. the metal- binding region
1cnp the structure of calcyclin reveals a novel homodimeric fold for s100 ca2+-binding proteins, nmr, 22 structures
1cns crystal structure of chitinase at 1.91a resolution
1cnz 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (ipmdh) from salmonella typhimurium
1co7 r117h mutant rat anionic trypsin complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (bpti)
1cob crystal structure solution and refinement of the semisynthetic cobalt substituted bovine erythrocyte enzyme superoxide dismutase at 2.0 angstroms resolution
1col refined structure of the pore-forming domain of colicin a at 2.4 angstroms resolution
1cop three-dimensional dimer structure of the lambda-cro repressor in solution as determined by heteronuclear multidimensional nmr
1coz ctp:glycerol-3-phosphate cytidylyltransferase from bacillus subtilis
1cp2 nitrogenase iron protein from clostridium pasteurianum
1cp9 crystal structure of penicillin g acylase from the bro1 mutant strain of providencia rettgeri
1cpb structure of carboxypeptidase b at 2.8 angstroms resolution
1cph conformational changes in cubic insulin crystals in the ph range 7-11
1cpj crystal structures of recombinant rat cathepsin b and a cathepsin b-inhibitor complex: implications for structure- based inhibitor design
1cq1 soluble quinoprotein glucose dehydrogenase from acinetobacter calcoaceticus in complex with pqqh2 and glucose
1cq3 structure of a soluble secreted chemokine inhibitor, vcci, from cowpox virus
1cq4 ci2 mutant with tetraglutamine (mgqqqqgm) replacing met59
1cqe prostaglandin h2 synthase-1 complex with flurbiprofen
1cqg high resolution solution nmr structure of mixed disulfide intermediate between human thioredoxin (c35a, c62a, c69a, c73a) mutant and a 13 residue peptide comprising its target site in human ref-1 (residues 59-71 of the p50 subunit of nfkb), nmr, 31 structures
1cqh high resolution solution nmr structure of mixed disulfide intermediate between human thioredoxin (c35a, c62a, c69a, c73a) mutant and a 13 residue peptide comprising its target site in human ref-1 (residues 59-71 of the p50 subunit of nfkb), nmr, minimized average structure
1cqk crystal structure of the ch3 domain from the mak33 antibody
1cqm protein aggregation and alzheimer's disease: crystallographic analysis of the phenomenon. engineered version of the ribosomal protein s6 used as a stable scaffold to study oligomerization.
1cqn protein aggregation and alzheimer's disease: crystallographic analysis of the phenomenon. engineered version of the ribosomal protein s6 used as a stable scaffold to study oligomerization.
1cqp crystal structure analysis of the complex lfa-1 (cd11a) i- domain / lovastatin at 2.6 a resolution
1cqr crystal structure of the stromelysin catalytic domain at 2.0 a resolution
1cqs crystal structure of d103e mutant with equilenineof ksi in pseudomonas putida
1cqx crystal structure of the flavohemoglobin from alcaligenes eutrophus at 1.75 a resolution
1cqz crystal structure of murine soluble epoxide hydrolase.
1cr6 crystal structure of murine soluble epoxide hydrolase complexed with cpu inhibitor
1cr9 crystal structure of the anti-prion fab 3f4
1crc cytochrome c at low ionic strength
1cru soluble quinoprotein glucose dehydrogenase from acinetobacter calcoaceticus in complex with pqq and methylhydrazine
1crw crystal structure of apo-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from palinurus versicolor at 2.0a resolution
1cse the high-resolution x-ray crystal structure of the complex formed between subtilisin carlsberg and eglin c, an elastase inhibitor from the leech hirudo medicinalis. structural analysis, subtilisin structure and interface geometry
1csg three-dimensional structure of recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor
1csj crystal structure of the rna-dependent rna polymerase of hepatitis c virus
1csm the crystal structure of allosteric chorismate mutase at 2.2 angstroms resolution
1cso crystal structure of the omtky3 p1 variant omtky3-ile18i in complex with sgpb
1csy syk tyrosine kinase c-terminal sh2 domain complexed with a phosphopeptidefrom the gamma chain of the high affinity immunoglobin g receptor, nmr
1csz syk tyrosine kinase c-terminal sh2 domain complexed with a phosphopeptidefrom the gamma chain of the high affinity immunoglobin g receptor, nmr
1ct0 crystal structure of the omtky3 p1 variant omtky3-ser18i in complex with sgpb
1ct2 crystal structure of the omtky3 p1 variant omtky3-thr18i in complex with sgpb
1ct4 crystal structure of the omtky3 p1 variant omtky3-val18i in complex with sgpb
1cta determination of the solution structure of a synthetic two- site calcium-binding homodimeric protein domain by nmr spectroscopy
1ctd determination of the solution structure of a synthetic two- site calcium-binding homodimeric protein domain by nmr spectroscopy
1cte crystal structures of recombinant rat cathepsin b and a cathepsin b-inhibitor complex: implications for structure- based inhibitor design
1ctp structure of the mammalian catalytic subunit of camp- dependent protein kinase and an inhibitor peptide displays an open conformation
1cu1 crystal structure of an enzyme complex from hepatitis c virus
1cuw cutinase, g82a, a85f, v184i, a185l, l189f mutant
1cvw crystal structure of active site-inhibited human coagulation factor viia (des-gla)
1cw2 crystal structure of the complex of bacterial tryptophan synthase with the transition state analogue inhibitor 4-(2-hydroxyphenylsulfinyl)- butylphosphonic acid
1cwa x-ray structure of a monomeric cyclophilin a-cyclosporin a crystal complex at 2.1 angstroms resolution
1cwb the x-ray structure of (mebm2t)1-cyclosporin complexed with cyclophilin a provides an explanation for its anomalously high immunosuppressive activity
1cwc improved binding affinity for cyclophilin a by a cyclosporin derivative singly modified at its effector domain
1cwd human p56lck tyrosine kinase complexed with phosphopeptide
1cwf human cyclophilin a complexed with 2-val cyclosporin
1cwh human cyclophilin a complexed with 3-d-ser cyclosporin
1cwi human cyclophilin a complexed with 2-val 3-(n-methyl)-d-alanine cyclosporin
1cwj human cyclophilin a complexed with 2-val 3-s-methyl-sarcosine cyclosporin
1cwk human cyclophilin a complexed with 1-(6,7-dihydro)mebmt 2-val 3-d-(2- s-methyl)sarcosine cyclosporin
1cwl human cyclophilin a complexed with 4 4-hydroxy-meleu cyclosporin
1cwm human cyclophilin a complexed with 4 meile cyclosporin
1cwo human cyclophilin a complexed with thr2, leu5, d-hiv8, leu10 cyclosporin
1cwq m intermediate structure of the wild type bacteriorhodopsin in combination with the ground state structure
1cwu brassica napus enoyl acp reductase a138g mutant complexed with nad+ and thienodiazaborine
1cx9 crystal structure of the complex of bacterial tryptophan synthase with the transition state analogue inhibitor 4-(2-aminophenylthio)- butylphosphonic acid
1cxv structure of recombinant mouse collagenase-3 (mmp-13)
1cxz crystal structure of human rhoa complexed with the effector domain of the protein kinase pkn/prk1
1cy9 crystal structure of the 30 kda fragment of e. coli dna topoisomerase i. monoclinic form
1cyc the crystal structure of bonito (katsuo) ferrocytochrome c at 2.3 angstroms resolution. ii. structure and function
1cyn cyclophilin b complexed with [d-(cholinylester)ser8]-cyclosporin
1cyy crystal structure of the 30 kda fragment of e. coli dna topoisomerase i. hexagonal form
1cz3 dihydrofolate reductase from thermotoga maritima
1czf endo-polygalacturonase ii from aspergillus niger
1czi chymosin complex with the inhibitor cp-113972
1czp anabaena pcc7119 [2fe-2s] ferredoxin in the reduced and oxixized state at 1.17 a
1czq crystal structure of the d10-p1/iqn17 complex: a d-peptide inhibitor of hiv-1 entry bound to the gp41 coiled-coil pocket.
1czv crystal structure of the c2 domain of human coagulation factor v: dimeric crystal form
1d0c bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with 3- bromo-7-nitroindazole (h4b free)
1d0d crystal structure of tick anticoagulant protein complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor
1d0n the crystal structure of calcium-free equine plasma gelsolin.
1d0o bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with 3- bromo-7-nitroindazole (h4b present)
1d0q structure of the zinc-binding domain of bacillus stearothermophilus dna primase
1d1g dihydrofolate reductase from thermotoga maritima
1d1m crystal structure of cro k56-[dgevk]-f58w mutant
1d1p crystal structure of a yeast low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase (ltp1)
1d1q crystal structure of a yeast low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase (ltp1) complexed with the substrate pnpp
1d1v bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with s- ethyl-n-phenyl-isothiourea (h4b bound)
1d1w bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with 2- aminothiazoline (h4b bound)
1d1x bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with 1, 4-pbitu (h4b bound)
1d1y bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with 1, 3-pbitu (h4b free)
1d2a crystal structure of a yeast low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase (ltp1) complexed with the activator adenine
1d2c methyltransferase
1d2f x-ray structure of maly from escherichia coli: a pyridoxal-5'- phosphate-dependent enzyme acting as a modulator in mal gene expression
1d2g crystal structure of r175k mutant glycine n- methyltransferase from rat liver
1d2o crystal structure of a single b repeat unit (b1) of collagen binding surface protein (cna) of staphylococcus aureus.
1d2q crystal structure of human trail
1d3a crystal structure of the wild type halophilic malate dehydrogenase in the apo form
1d3y structure of the dna topoisomerase vi a subunit
1d4h hiv-1 protease in complex with the inhibitor bea435
1d4i hiv-1 protease in complex with the inhibitor bea425
1d4j hiv-1 protease in complex with the inhibitor msl370
1d4k hiv-1 protease complexed with a macrocyclic peptidomimetic inhibitor
1d4l hiv-1 protease complexed with a macrocyclic peptidomimetic inhibitor
1d4s hiv-1 protease v82f/i84v double mutant/tipranavir complex
1d4t crystal structure of the xlp protein sap in complex with a slam peptide
1d4v crystal structure of trail-dr5 complex
1d4x crystal structure of caenorhabditis elegans mg-atp actin complexed with human gelsolin segment 1 at 1.75 a resolution.
1d4y hiv-1 protease triple mutant/tipranavir complex
1d5d the role of phenylalanine 8 in the stabilization of the s protein-s peptide interaction: packing and cavities
1d5e the role of phenylalanine 8 in the stabilization of the s protein-s peptide interaction: packing and cavities
1d5g solution structure of the pdz2 domain from human phosphatase hptp1e complexed with a peptide
1d5h rnase s(f8a). mutant ribonuclease s.
1d5i unliganded germline precursor of an oxy-cope catalytic antibody
1d5j crystal structure of mmp3 complexed with a thiazepine based inhibitor.
1d5s crystal structure of cleaved antitrypsin polymer
1d6g molecular complex of cholecystokinin-8 and n-terminus of the cholecystokinin a receptor by nmr spectroscopy
1d6i chalcone synthase (h303q mutant)
1d6j crystal structure of adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (aps) kinase from penicillium chrysogenum
1d6n ternary complex structure of human hgprtase, prpp, mg2+, and the inhibitor hpp reveals the involvement of the flexible loop in substrate binding
1d6o native fkbp
1d6r crystal structure of cancer chemopreventive bowman-birk inhibitor in ternary complex with bovine trypsin at 2.3 a resolution. structural basis of janus-faced serine protease inhibitor specificity
1d6s crystal structure of the k41a mutant of o-acetylserine sulfhydrylase complexed in external aldimine linkage with methionine
1d6u crystal structure of e. coli amine oxidase anaerobically reduced with beta-phenylethylamine
1d6v conformation effects in biological catalysis introduced by oxy-cope antibody maturation
1d6w structure of thrombin complexed with selective non-electrophilic inhibitors having cyclohexyl moieties at p1
1d6y crystal structure of e. coli copper-containing amine oxidase anaerobically reduced with beta-phenylethylamine and complexed with nitric oxide.
1d6z crystal structure of the aerobically freeze trapped rate-determining catalytic intermediate of e. coli copper-containing amine oxidase.
1d7b cytochrome domain of cellobiose dehydrogenase, ph 7.5
1d7c cytochrome domain of cellobiose dehydrogenase, ph 4.6
1d7d cytochrome domain of cellobiose dehydrogenase, hp3 fragment, ph 7.5
1d7f crystal structure of asparagine 233-replaced cyclodextrin glucanotransferase from alkalophilic bacillus sp. 1011 determined at 1.9 a resolution
1d7h fkbp complexed with dmso
1d7i fkbp complexed with methyl methylsulfinylmethyl sulfide (dss)
1d7j fkbp complexed with 4-hydroxy-2-butanone
1d7k crystal structure of human ornithine decarboxylase at 2.1 angstroms resolution
1d7m coiled-coil dimerization domain from cortexillin i
1d7q human translation initiation factor eif1a
1d7x crystal structure of mmp3 complexed with a modified proline scaffold based inhibitor.
1d8a e. coli enoyl reductase/nad+/triclosan complex
1d8f crystal structure of mmp3 complexed with a piperazine based inhibitor.
1d8l e. coli holliday junction binding protein ruva nh2 region lacking domain iii
1d8m crystal structure of mmp3 complexed with a heterocycle- based inhibitor
1d8u crystal structure of non-symbiotic plant hemoglobin from rice
1d9c bovine interferon-gamma at 2.0 angstroms
1d9g bovine interferon-gamma at 2.9 angstroms
1d9i structure of thrombin complexed with selective non-electophilic inhibitors having cyclohexyl moieties at p1
1d9u bacteriophage lambda lysozyme complexed with a chitohexasacharide
1daa crystallographic structure of d-amino acid aminotransferase complexed with pyridoxal-5'-phosphate
1dap c. glutamicum dap dehydrogenase in complex with nadp+
1daz structural and kinetic analysis of drug resistant mutants of hiv-1 protease
1db2 crystal structure of native plasminogen activator inhibitor- 1
1dba three-dimensional structure of an anti-steroid fab' and progesterone-fab' complex
1dbb three-dimensional structure of an anti-steroid fab' and progesterone-fab' complex
1dbd e2 dna-binding domain from papillomavirus bpv-1
1dbj molecular basis of cross-reactivity and the limits of antibody-antigen complementarity
1dbk molecular basis of cross-reactivity and the limits of antibody-antigen complementarity
1dbm molecular basis of cross-reactivity and the limits of antibody-antigen complementarity
1dbn maackia amurensis leukoagglutinin (lectin) with sialyllactose
1dbq dna-binding regulatory protein
1dbw crystal structure of fixj-n
1dbx crystal structure of cysteinyl-trna(pro) deacylase from h. influenzae (hi1434)
1dc3 structural analysis of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase from escherichia coli: direct evidence for substrate binding and cofactor-induced conformational changes
1dc4 structural analysis of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase from escherichia coli: direct evidence for substrate binding and cofactor-induced conformational changes
1dc5 structural analysis of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase from escherichia coli: direct evidence for substrate binding and cofactor- induced conformational changes
1dc6 structural analysis of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase from escherichia coli: direct evidence for substrate binding and cofactor- induced conformational changes.
1dcd desulforedoxin complexed with cd2+
1dck structure of unphosphorylated fixj-n complexed with mn2+
1dcl mcg, a lambda v type light-chain dimer (bence-jones protein), crystallized from ammonium sulfate
1dcm structure of unphosphorylated fixj-n with an atypical conformer (monomer a)
1ddm solution structure of the numb ptb domain complexed to a nak peptide
1ddr molecule: dihydrofolate reductase (e.c. complexed with methotrexate and urea
1dds molecule: dihydrofolate reductase (e.c. complexed with methotrexate
1ddu e. coli thymidylate synthase in complex with cb3717 and 2', 5'-dideoxyuridine (ddurd)
1ddv crystal structure of the homer evh1 domain with bound mglur peptide
1ddz x-ray structure of a beta-carbonic anhydrase from the red alga, porphyridium purpureum r-1
1de0 modulating the midpoint potential of the [4fe-4s] cluster of the nitrogenase fe protein
1dea structure and catalytic mechanism of glucosamine 6-phosphate deaminase from escherichia coli at 2.1 angstroms resolution
1deb crystal structure of the n-terminal coiled coil domain from apc
1ded crystal structure of alkalophilic asparagine 233-replaced cyclodextrin glucanotransferase complexed with an inhibitor, acarbose, at 2.0 a resolution
1deh crystallization of human beta1 alcohol dehydrogenase (15 mg/ml) in 50 mm sodium phosphate (ph 7.5), 2.0 mm nad+ and 1 mm 4-iodopyrazole at 25 oc, 13% (w/v) peg 8000
1dej crystal structure of a dictyostelium/tetrahymena chimera actin (mutant 646: q228k/t229a/a230y/a231k/s232e/e360h) in complex with human gelsolin segment 1
1dek deoxynucleoside monophosphate kinase complexed with deoxy-gmp
1del deoxynucleoside monophosphate kinase complexed with deoxy-gmp and amp
1df0 crystal structure of m-calpain
1df1 murine inosoxy dimer with isothiourea bound in the active site
1df8 s45a mutant of streptavidin in complex with biotin
1dfb structure of a human monoclonal antibody fab fragment against gp41 of human immunodeficiency virus type i
1dfc crystal structure of human fascin, an actin-crosslinking protein
1dfg x-ray structure of escherichia coli enoyl reductase with bound nad and benzo-diazaborine
1dfh x-ray structure of escherichia coli enoyl reductase with bound nad and thieno-diazaborine
1dfj ribonuclease inhibitor complexed with ribonuclease a
1dfn crystal structure of defensin hnp-3, an amphiphilic dimer: mechanisms of membrane permeabilization
1dfp factor d inhibited by diisopropyl fluorophosphate
1dfv crystal structure of human neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin monomer
1dg1 whole, unmodified, ef-tu(elongation factor tu).
1dgl lectin from dioclea grandiflora complexed to trimannoside
1dhf crystal structures of recombinant human dihydrofolate reductase complexed with folate and 5-deazofolate
1dhg hg-substituted desulforedoxin
1dhi long-range structural effects in a second-site revertant of a mutant dihydrofolate reductase
1dhj long-range structural effects in a second-site revertant of a mutant dihydrofolate reductase
1dhk structure of porcine pancreatic alpha-amylase
1dhm dna-binding domain of e2 from human papillomavirus-31, nmr, minimized average structure
1dia human methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase / cyclohydrolase complexed with nadp and inhibitor ly249543
1dib human methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase / cyclohydrolase complexed with nadp and inhibitor ly345899
1did observations of reaction intermediates and the mechanism of aldose- ketose interconversion by d-xylose isomerase
1die observations of reaction intermediates and the mechanism of aldose- ketose interconversion by d-xylose isomerase
1dif hiv-1 protease in complex with a difluoroketone containing inhibitor a79285
1dig human methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase / cyclohydrolase complexed with nadp and inhibitor ly374571
1dip the solution structure of porcine delta-sleep-inducing peptide immunoreactive peptide, nmr, 10 structures
1dj0 the crystal structure of e. coli pseudouridine synthase i at 1.5 angstrom resolution
1dj2 structures of adenylosuccinate synthetase from triticum aestivum and arabidopsis thaliana
1dj3 structures of adenylosuccinate synthetase from triticum aestivum and arabidopsis thaliana
1dj7 crystal structure of ferredoxin thioredoxin reductase
1djg phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase c-delta1 from rat complexed with lanthanum
1djh phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase c-delta1 from rat complexed with barium
1dji phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase c-delta1 from rat complexed with calcium
1djl the crystal structure of human transhydrogenase domain iii with bound nadp
1djn structural and biochemical characterization of recombinant wild type trimethylamine dehydrogenase from methylophilus methylotrophus (sp. w3a1)
1djo crystal structure of pseudomonas 7a glutaminase-asparaginase with the inhibitor donv covalently bound in the active site
1djp crystal structure of pseudomonas 7a glutaminase-asparaginase with the inhibitor don covalently bound in the active site
1djq structural and biochemical characterization of recombinant c30a mutant of trimethylamine dehydrogenase from methylophilus methylotrophus (sp. w3a1)
1djs ligand-binding portion of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 in complex with fgf1
1djt atomic resolution structure of scorpion alpha-like toxin bmk m1 in a new crystal form
1dju crystal structure of aromatic aminotransferase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
1djw phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase c-delta1 from rat complexed with inositol-2-methylene-1,2-cyclic- monophosphonate
1djx phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase c-delta1 from rat complexed with inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate
1djy phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase c-delta1 from rat complexed with inositol-2,4,5-trisphosphate
1djz phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase c-delta1 from rat complexed with inositol-4,5-bisphosphate
1dk0 crystal structure of the hemophore hasa from serratia marcescens crystal form p2(1), ph8
1dk4 crystal structure of mj0109 gene product inositol monophosphatase
1dk7 crystal structure of an isolated apical domain of groel
1dkf crystal structure of a heterodimeric complex of rar and rxr ligand-binding domains
1dkk bobwhite quail lysozyme with nitrate
1dkl crystal structure of escherichia coli phytase at ph 4.5 (no ligand bound)
1dkr crystal structures of bacillus subtilis phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase: molecular basis of allosteric inhibition and activation.
1dks ckshs1: human cyclin dependent kinase subunit, type 1 in complex with phosphate
1dkt ckshs1: human cyclin dependent kinase subunit, type 1 complex with metavanadate
1dku crystal structures of bacillus subtilis phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase: molecular basis of allosteric inhibition and activation.
1dkw crystal structure of triose-phosphate isomerase with modified substrate binding site
1dkx the substrate binding domain of dnak in complex with a substrate peptide, determined from type 1 selenomethionyl crystals
1dkz the substrate binding domain of dnak in complex with a substrate peptide, determined from type 1 native crystals
1dl3 crystal structure of mutually generated monomers of dimeric phosphoribosylantranilate isomerase from thermotoga maritima
1dl5 protein-l-isoaspartate o-methyltransferase
1dl7 the structural basis of repertoire shift in an immune response to phosphocholine
1dle factor b serine protease domain
1dlf high resolution crystal structure of the fv fragment from an anti-dansyl switch variant antibody igg2a(s) crystallized at ph 5.25
1dlg crystal structure of the c115s enterobacter cloacae mura in the un- liganded state
1dlm structure of catechol 1,2-dioxygenase from acinetobacter calcoaceticus native data
1dlo human immunodeficiency virus type 1
1dlq structure of catechol 1,2-dioxygenase from acinetobacter sp. adp1 inhibited by bound mercury
1dlt structure of catechol 1,2-dioxygenase from acinetobacter sp. adp1 with bound catechol
1dm6 bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with n- (4-chlorophenyl)-n'-hydroxyguanidine (h4b free)
1dm7 bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with homoarginine (h4b free)
1dm8 bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with 1, 2,4-triazole-carboxamidine (h4b bound)
1dm9 heat shock protein 15 kd
1dma domain iii of pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin complexed with nicotinamide and amp
1dmh structure of catechol 1,2-dioxygenase from acinetobacter sp. adp1 with bound 4-methylcatechol
1dmi bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with 6s-h4b
1dmj bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with 5, 6-cyclic-tetrahydropteridine
1dmk bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with 4- amino-6-phenyl-tetrahydropteridine
1dmp structure of hiv-1 protease complex
1dmx murine mitochondrial carbonic anyhdrase v at 2.45 angstroms resolution
1dmy complex between murine mitochondrial carbonic anyhdrase v and the transition state analogue acetazolamide
1dna d221(169)n mutant does not promote opening of the cofactor imidazolidine ring
1dnp structure of deoxyribodipyrimidine photolyase
1do6 crystal structure of superoxide reductase in the oxidized state at 2.0 angstrom resolution
1doa structure of the rho family gtp-binding protein cdc42 in complex with the multifunctional regulator rhogdi
1doh structure of trihydroxynaphthalene reductase in complex with nadph and 4-nitro-inden-1-one
1doj crystal structure of human alpha-thrombin*rwj-51438 complex at 1.7 a
1dok monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, p-form
1dom solution structure of the monocyte chemoattractant protein- 1 dimer using heteronuclear, nmr, minimized average structure
1don solution structure of the monocyte chemoattractant protein- 1 dimer using heteronuclear, nmr, 20 structures
1dor dihydroorotate dehydrogenase a from lactococcus lactis
1dow crystal structure of a chimera of beta-catenin and alpha- catenin
1dp4 dimerized hormone binding domain of the atrial natriuretic peptide receptor
1dp5 the structure of proteinase a complexed with a ia3 mutant inhibitor
1dpg glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase from leuconostoc mesenteroides
1dph conformational changes in cubic insulin crystals in the ph range 7-11
1dpj the structure of proteinase a complexed with ia3 peptide inhibitor
1dpm three-dimensional structure of the zinc-containing phosphotriesterase with bound substrate analog diethyl 4- methylbenzylphosphonate
1dpr structures of the apo-and metal ion activated forms of the diphtheria tox repressor from corynebacterium diphtheriae
1dpu solution structure of the c-terminal domain of human rpa32 complexed with ung2(73-88)
1dpz stucture of modified 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase at the c- terminus, hd711
1dq2 unlocked metal-free concanavalin a
1dq4 a transient unlocked concanavalin a structure with mn2+ bound in the transition metal ion binding site s1 and an empty calcium binding site s2
1dq7 three-dimensional structure of a neurotoxin from red scorpion (buthus tamulus) at 2.2a resolution.
1dqd crystal structure of fab hgr-2 f6, a competitive antagonist of the glucagon receptor
1dqe bombyx mori pheromone binding protein
1dql crystal structure of an unliganded (native) fv from a human igm anti-peptide antibody
1dqm crystal structure of anti-lysozyme antibody
1dqn crystal structure of giardia guanine phosphoribosyltransferase complexed with a transition state analogue
1dqp crystal structure of giardia guanine phosphoribosyltransferase complexed with immucilling
1dqr crystal structure of rabbit phosphoglucose isomerase, a glycolytic enzyme that moonlights as neuroleukin, autocrine motility factor, and differentiation mediator
1dqs crystal structure of dehydroquinate synthase (dhqs) complexed with carbaphosphonate, nad+ and zn2+
1dqz crystal structure of antigen 85c from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1dr0 structure of modified 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase at the c- terminus, hd708
1dr8 structure of modified 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase at the c- terminus, hd177
1dra crystal structure of unliganded escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase. ligand-induced conformational changes and cooperativity in binding
1drb crystal structure of unliganded escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase. ligand-induced conformational changes and cooperativity in binding
1ds2 crystal structure of sgpb:omtky3-coo-leu18i
1ds6 crystal structure of a rac-rhogdi complex
1ds7 a minor fmn-dependent nitroreductase from escherichia coli b
1dsb crystal structure of the dsba protein required for disulphide bond formation in vivo
1dsf the crystal structure of the disulfide-stabilized fv fragment of anticancer antibody b1: conformational influence of an engineered disulfide bond
1dss structure of active-site carboxymethylated d-glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate dehydrogenase from palinurus versicolor
1dsu human factor d, complement activating enzyme
1dt3 the structural origins of interfacial activation in thermomyces (humicola) lanuginosa lipase
1dtd crystal structure of the complex between the leech carboxypeptidase inhibitor and the human carboxypeptidase a2 (lci-cpa2)
1dth metalloprotease
1dtq crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with pett-1 (pett131a94)
1dtt crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with pett-2 (pett130a94)
1dtw human branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase
1dty crystal structure of adenosylmethionine-8-amino-7-oxonanoate aminotransferase with pyridoxal phosphate cofactor.
1du5 the crystal structure of zeamatin.
1dug structure of the fibrinogen g chain integrin binding and factor xiiia crosslinking sites obtained through carrier protein driven crystallization
1dum nmr structure of [f5y, f16w] magainin 2 bound to phospholipid vesicles
1dut fiv dutp pyrophosphatase
1dv1 structure of biotin carboxylase (apo)
1dv2 the structure of biotin carboxylase, mutant e288k, complexed with atp
1dvg crystal structure of rat heme oxygenase-1 in complex with heme; seleleno-methionine derivative, mutated at m51t,m93l, m155l,m191l.
1dvi calpain domain vi with calcium bound
1dvk crystal structure of the functional domain of the splicing factor prp18
1dvq crystal structure of human transthyretin
1dvr structure of a mutant adenylate kinase ligated with an atp- analogue showing domain closure over atp
1dvs crystal structure of human transthyretin in complex with resveratrol
1dvt crystal structure of human transthyretin in complex with flurbiprofen
1dvu crystal structure of human transthyretin in complex with dibenzofuran- 4,6-dicarboxylic acid
1dvx crystal structure of human transthyretin in complex with diclofenac
1dvy crystal structure of transthyretin in complex with n-(m- trifluoromethylphenyl) phenoxazine-4,6-dicarboxylic acid
1dvz crystal structure of human transthyretin in complex with o- trifluoromethylphenyl anthranilic acid
1dw6 structural and kinetic analysis of drug resistant mutants of hiv-1 protease
1dwl the ferredoxin-cytochrome complex using heteronuclear nmr and docking simulation
1dwo crystal structure of hydroxynitrile lyase from manihot esculenta in complex with substrates acetone and chloroacetone:implications for the mechanism of cyanogenesis
1dwp crystal structure of hydroxynitrile lyase from manihot esculenta at 2.2 angstrom resolution
1dwq crystal structure of hydroxynitrile lyase from manihot esculenta in complex with substrates acetone and chloroacetone:implications for the mechanism of cyanogenesis
1dwu ribosomal protein l1
1dwv murine inducible nitric oxide synthase oxygenase dimer n-hydroxyarginine and 4-amino tetrahydrobiopterin
1dww murine inducible nitric oxide synthase oxygenase dimer n-hydroxyarginine and dihydrobiopterin
1dwx murine inducible nitric oxide synthase oxygenase dimer n-hydroxyarginine and tetrahydrobiopterin
1dxe 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-galactarate aldolase from escherichia coli
1dxf 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-galactarate aldolase from escherichia coli in complex with pyruvate
1dxg crystal structure of desulforedoxin from desulfovibrio gigas at 1.8 a resolution
1dxi structure determination of glucose isomerase from streptomyces murinus at 2.6 angstroms resolution
1dxm reduced form of the h protein from glycine decarboxylase complex
1dy5 deamidated derivative of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease
1dy6 structure of the imipenem-hydrolyzing beta-lactamase sme-1
1dy7 cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase, co complex
1dyh isomorphous crystal structures of escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase complexed with folate, 5- deazafolate and 5,10-dideazatetrahydrofolate: mechanistic implications
1dyi isomorphous crystal structures of escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase complexed with folate, 5- deazafolate and 5,10-dideazatetrahydrofolate: mechanistic implications
1dyj isomorphous crystal structures of escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase complexed with folate, 5- deazafolate and 5,10-dideazatetrahydrofolate: mechanistic implications
1dyn crystal structure at 2.2 angstroms resolution of the pleckstrin homology domain from human dynamin
1dyo xylan-binding domain from cbm 22, formally x6b domain
1dys endoglucanase cel6b from humicola insolens
1dyt x-ray crystal structure of ecp (rnase 3) at 1.75 a
1dyu the active site base controls cofactor reactivity in escherichia coli amine oxidase: x-ray crystallographic studies with mutational variants.
1dz1 mouse hp1 (m31) c terminal (shadow chromo) domain
1dz4 ferric p450cam from pseudomonas putida
1dz6 ferrous p450cam from pseudomonas putida
1dz8 oxygen complex of p450cam from pseudomonas putida
1dz9 putative oxo complex of p450cam from pseudomonas putida
1dza 3-d structure of a hp-rnase
1dzg n135q-s380c-antithrombin-iii
1dzh p14-fluorescein-n135q-s380c-antithrombin-iii
1dzj porcine odorant binding protein complexed with 2-amino-4-butyl-5-propylselenazole
1dzk porcine odorant binding protein complexed with pyrazine (2-isobutyl-3-metoxypyrazine)
1dzm porcine odorant binding protein complexed with benzoic acid phenylmethylester
1dzn asp170ser mutant of vanillyl-alcohol oxidase
1dzp porcine odorant binding protein complexed with diphenylmethanone
1dzr rmlc from salmonella typhimurium
1dzt rmlc from salmonella typhimurium
1e00 porcine odorant binding protein complexed with 2,6-dimethyl-7-octen-2-ol
1e02 porcine odorant binding protein complexed with undecanal
1e03 plasma alpha antithrombin-iii and pentasaccharide
1e04 plasma beta antithrombin-iii
1e05 plasma alpha antithrombin-iii
1e06 porcine odorant binding protein complexed with 5-methyl-2-(1-methylethyl)phenol
1e0a cdc42 complexed with the gtpase binding domain of p21 activated kinase
1e0b chromo shadow domain from fission yeast swi6 protein.
1e0e n-terminal zinc-binding hhcc domain of hiv-2 integrase
1e0x xylanase 10a from sreptomyces lividans. xylobiosyl-enzyme intermediate at 1.65 a
1e0y structure of the d170s/t457e double mutant of vanillyl-alcohol oxidase
1e15 chitinase b from serratia marcescens
1e19 structure of the carbamate kinase-like carbamoyl phosphate synthetase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon pyrococcus furiosus bound to adp
1e1e crystal structure of a monocot (maize zmglu1) beta-glucosidase
1e1f crystal structure of a monocot (maize zmglu1) beta-glucosidase in complex with p-nitrophenyl-beta-d-thioglucoside
1e2h the nucleoside binding site of herpes simplex type 1 thymidine kinase analyzed by x-ray crystallography
1e2i the nucleoside binding site of herpes simplex type 1 thymidine kinase analyzed by x-ray crystallography
1e2j the nucleoside binding site of herpes simplex type 1 thymidine kinase analyzed by x-ray crystallography
1e2k kinetics and crystal structure of the wild-type and the engineered y101f mutant of herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase interacting with (north)-methanocarba-thymidine
1e2l kinetics and crystal structure of the wild-type and the engineered y101f mutant of herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase interacting with (north)-methanocarba-thymidine
1e2m hpt + hmtt
1e2n hpt + hmtt
1e2p thymidine kinase, dhbt
1e2r cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase, reduced and cyanide bound
1e30 crystal structure of the met148gln mutant of rusticyanin at 1.5 angstrom resolution
1e31 survivin dimer h. sapiens
1e3a a slow processing precursor penicillin acylase from escherichia coli
1e3e mouse class ii alcohol dehydrogenase complex with nadh
1e3f structure of human transthyretin complexed with bromophenols: a new mode of binding
1e3i mouse class ii alcohol dehydrogenase complex with nadh and inhibitor
1e3k human progesteron receptor ligand binding domain in complex with the ligand metribolone (r1881)
1e3l p47h mutant of mouse class ii alcohol dehydrogenase complex with nadh
1e3r crystal structure of ketosteroid isomerase mutant d40n (d38n ti numbering) from pseudomonas putida complexed with androsten-3beta-ol-17-one
1e3v crystal structure of ketosteroid isomerase from psedomonas putida complexed with deoxycholate
1e42 beta2-adaptin appendage domain, from clathrin adaptor ap2
1e44 ribonuclease domain of colicin e3 in complex with its immunity protein
1e4e d-alanyl-d-lacate ligase
1e4h structure of human transthyretin complexed with bromophenols: a new mode of binding
1e4l crystal structure of the inactive mutant monocot (maize zmglu1) beta-glucosidase zm glu191asp
1e4n crystal structure of the inactive mutant monocot (maize zmglu1) beta-glucosidase zmglu e191d in complex with the natural aglycone dimboa
1e4o phosphorylase recognition and phosphorolysis of its oligosaccharide substrate: answers to a long outstanding question
1e4v mutant g10v of adenylate kinase from e. coli, modified in the gly-loop
1e4y mutant p9l of adenylate kinase from e. coli, modified in the gly-loop
1e51 crystal structure of native human erythrocyte 5-aminolaevulinic acid dehydratase
1e52 solution structure of escherichia coli uvrb c-terminal domain
1e54 anion-selective porin from comamonas acidovorans
1e55 crystal structure of the inactive mutant monocot (maize zmglu1) beta-glucosidase zmglue191d in complex with the competitive inhibitor dhurrin
1e56 crystal structure of the inactive mutant monocot (maize zmglu1) beta-glucosidase zmglue191d in complex with the natural substrate dimboa-beta-d-glucoside
1e5a structure of human transthyretin complexed with bromophenols: a new mode of binding
1e5d rubredoxin oxygen:oxidoreductase (roo) from anaerobe desulfovibrio gigas
1e5e methionine gamma-lyase (mgl) from trichomonas vaginalis in complex with propargylglycine
1e5f methionine gamma-lyase (mgl) from trichomonas vaginalis
1e5l apo saccharopine reductase from magnaporthe grisea
1e5n e246c mutant of p fluorescens subsp. cellulosa xylanase a in complex with xylopentaose
1e5r proline 3-hydroxylase (type ii) -apo form
1e5s proline 3-hydroxylase (type ii) - iron form
1e5v oxidized dmso reductase exposed to hepes buffer
1e5x structure of threonine synthase from arabidopsis thaliana
1e60 oxidized dmso reductase exposed to hepes - structure ii buffer
1e61 oxidized dmso reductase exposed to hepes - structure ii buffer
1e6a fluoride-inhibited substrate complex of saccharomyces cerevisiae inorganic pyrophosphatase
1e6c k15m mutant of shikimate kinase from erwinia chrysanthemi
1e6f human mir-receptor, repeat 11
1e6i bromodomain from gcn5 complexed with acetylated h4 peptide
1e6n chitinase b from serratia marcescens inactive mutant e144q in complex with n-acetylglucosamine-pentamer
1e6o crystal structure of fab13b5 against hiv-1 capsid protein p24
1e6p chitinase b from serratia marcescens inactive mutant e144q
1e6r chitinase b from serratia marcescens wildtype in complex with inhibitor allosamidin
1e6z chitinase b from serratia marcescens wildtype in complex with catalytic intermediate
1e7d endonuclease vii (endovii) from phage t4
1e7l endonuclease vii (endovii) n62d mutant from phage t4
1e7n the n-terminal domain of beta-b2-crystallin resembles the putative ancestral homodimer
1e7w one active site, two modes of reduction correlate the mechanism of leishmania pteridine reductase with pterin metabolism and antifolate drug resistance in trpanosomes
1e89 on the mechanism of cyanogenesis catalyzed by hydroxynitrile lyase from manihot esculenta. crystal structure of active site mutant ser80ala in complex with acetone cyanohydrin
1e8a the three-dimensional structure of human s100a12
1e8c structure of mure the udp-n-acetylmuramyl tripeptide synthetase from e. coli
1e8d mechanistic aspects of cyanogenesis from active site mutant ser80ala of hydroxynitrile lyase from manihot esculenta in complex with acetone cyanohydrin
1e8f structure of the h61t mutant of the flavoenzyme vanillyl-alcohol oxidase in the apo form
1e8g structure of the h61t double mutant of vanillyl-alcohol oxidase in complex with fluoro-cresol
1e8h structure of the h61t mutant of the flavoenzyme vanillyl-alcohol oxidase in the apo form complexed by adp
1e8i human cd69 - tetragonal form
1e8n prolyl oligopeptidase from porcine brain, mutant, complexed with peptide
1e8t structure of the multifunctional paramyxovirus hemagglutinin-neuraminidase
1e8u structure of the multifunctional paramyxovirus hemagglutinin-neuraminidase
1e8v structure of the multifunctional paramyxovirus hemagglutinin-neuraminidase
1e91 structure of the complex of the mad1-sin3b interaction domains
1e96 structure of the rac/p67phox complex
1e9g structure of inorganic pyrophosphatase
1e9n a second divalent metal ion in the active site of a new crystal form of human apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease, ape1, and its implications for the catalytic mechanism
1e9o crystal structure of bovine sod - 1 of 3
1e9p crystal structure of bovine cu, zn sod to 1.7 angstrom (3 of 3)
1e9q crystal structure of bovine cu zn sod - (1 of 3)
1e9y crystal structure of helicobacter pylori urease in complex with acetohydroxamic acid
1e9z crystal structure of helicobacter pylori urease
1ea0 alpha subunit of a. brasilense glutamate synthase
1ea3 influenza virus m1 protein
1ea6 n-terminal 40kda fragment of nhpms2 complexed with adp
1ea9 cyclomaltodextrinase
1eaj dimeric structure of the coxsackie virus and adenovirus receptor d1 domain at 1.35 angstrom resolution
1eao the runx1 runt domain at 1.25a resolution: a structural switch and specifically bound chloride ions modulate dna binding
1eap crystal structure of a catalytic antibody with a serine protease active site
1eaq the runx1 runt domain at 1.25a resolution: a structural switch and specifically bound chloride ions modulate dna binding
1eb8 structure determinants of substrate specificity of hydroxynitrile lyase from manihot esculenta
1eb9 structure determinants of substrate specificity of hydroxynitrile lyase from manihot esculenta
1ebf homoserine dehydrogenase from s. cerevisiae complex with nad+
1ebg chelation of ser 39 to mg2+ latches a gate at the active site of enolase: structure of the bis(mg2+) complex of yeast enolase and the intermediate analog phosphonoacetohydroxamate at 2.1 angstroms resolution
1ebh octahedral coordination at the high affinity metal site in enolase; crystallographic analysis of the mg++-enzyme from yeast at 1.9 angstroms resolution
1ebl the 1.8 a crystal structure and active site architecture of beta-ketoacyl-[acyl carrier protein] synthase iii (fabh) from escherichia coli
1ebw hiv-1 protease in complex with the inhibitor bea322
1eby hiv-1 protease in complex with the inhibitor bea369
1ebz hiv-1 protease in complex with the inhibitor bea388
1ec0 hiv-1 protease in complex with the inhibitor bea403
1ec1 hiv-1 protease in complex with the inhibitor bea409
1ec2 hiv-1 protease in complex with the inhibitor bea428
1ec3 hiv-1 protease in complex with the inhibitor msa367
1ecc escherichia coli glutamine phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (prpp) amidotransferase complexed with mn-cprpp and 5-oxo- norleucine
1ece acidothermus cellulolyticus endocellulase e1 catalytic domain in complex with a cellotetraose
1ecf escherichia coli glutamine phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (prpp) amidotransferase
1ecg don inactivated escherichia coli glutamine phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (prpp) amidotransferase
1eci ectatomin (water solution, nmr 20 structures)
1ecm atomic structure of the buried catalytic pocket of escherichia coli chorismate mutase
1ecs the 1.7 a crystal structure of a bleomycin resistance determinant encoded on the transposon tn5
1ecx nifs-like protein
1ecz protease inhibitor ecotin
1ed4 bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with ipitu (h4b free)
1ed5 bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with nna(h4b free)
1ed6 bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with l- nio (h4b free)
1ed8 structure of e. coli alkaline phosphatase inhibited by the inorganic phosphate at 1.75a resolution
1ed9 structure of e. coli alkaline phosphatase without the inorganic phosphate at 1.75a resolution
1edh e-cadherin domains 1 and 2 in complex with calcium
1edm epidermal growth factor-like domain from human factor ix
1edy crystal structure of rat alpha 1-macroglobulin receptor binding domain
1ee0 2-pyrone synthase complexed with acetoacetyl-coa
1ee1 crystal structure of nh3-dependent nad+ synthetase from bacillus subtilis complexed with one molecule atp, two molecules deamido-nad+ and one mg2+ ion
1ee2 the structure of steroid-active alcohol dehydrogenase at 1.54 a resolution
1ee5 yeast karyopherin (importin) alpha in a complex with a nucleoplasmin nls peptide
1ee8 crystal structure of mutm (fpg) protein from thermus thermophilus hb8
1eej crystal structure of the protein disulfide bond isomerase, dsbc, from escherichia coli
1een crystal structure of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b complexed with acetyl-d-a-d-bpa-ptyr-l-i-p-q-q-g
1eeo crystal structure of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b complexed with acetyl-e-l-e-f-ptyr-m-d-y-e-nh2
1eeq m4l/y(27d)d/t94h mutant of len
1ees solution structure of cdc42hs complexed with a peptide derived from p-21 activated kinase, nmr, 20 structures
1eet hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with the inhibitor msc204
1eeu m4l/y(27d)d/q89d/t94h mutant of len
1ef0 crystal structure of pi-scei miniprecursor
1ef3 fidarestat bound to human aldose reductase
1ef7 crystal structure of human cathepsin x
1efc intact elongation factor from e.coli
1efh crystal structure of the human hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase in the presence of pap
1efv three-dimensional structure of human electron transfer flavoprotein to 2.1 a resolution
1eg1 endoglucanase i from trichoderma reesei
1eg4 structure of a dystrophin ww domain fragment in complex with a beta-dystroglycan peptide
1eg5 nifs-like protein
1eg7 the crystal structure of formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase from moorella thermoacetica
1eg9 naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase with indole bound in the active site.
1ega crystal structure of a widely conserved gtpase era
1egg structure of a c-type carbohydrate-recognition domain (crd- 4) from the macrophage mannose receptor
1egi structure of a c-type carbohydrate-recognition domain (crd- 4) from the macrophage mannose receptor
1egp proteinase inhibitor eglin c with hydrolysed reactive center
1eh4 binary complex of casein kinase-1 from s. pombe with an atp competitive inhibitor, ic261
1ehh crystal structure of urtica dioica agglutinin isolectin vi complex with tri-n-acetylchitotriose
1ehi d-alanine:d-lactate ligase (lmddl2) of vancomycin-resistant leuconostoc mesenteroides
1ehw human nucleoside diphosphate kinase 4
1ei1 dimerization of e. coli dna gyrase b provides a structural mechanism for activating the atpase catalytic center
1ei7 tmv coat protein refined from the 4-layer aggregate
1ej1 cocrystal structure of the messenger rna 5' cap-binding protein (eif4e) bound to 7-methyl-gdp
1ej3 crystal structure of aequorin
1ej4 cocrystal structure of eif4e/4e-bp1 peptide
1ej7 crystal structure of unactivated tobacco rubisco with bound phosphate ions
1eja structure of porcine trypsin complexed with bdellastasin, an antistasin-type inhibitor
1ejd crystal structure of unliganded mura (type1)
1ejf crystal structure of the human co-chaperone p23
1ejp solution structure of the syndecan-4 whole cytoplasmic domain
1ejq solution structure of the syndecan-4 whole cytoplasmic domain in the presence of phosphatidylinositol 4,5- bisphosphate
1ejy mouse importin alpha-nucleoplasmin nls peptide complex
1ek1 crystal structure of murine soluble epoxide hydrolase complexed with ciu inhibitor
1ek2 crystal structure of murine soluble epoxide hydrolase complexed with cdu inhibitor
1ek3 kappa-4 immunoglobulin vl, rec
1ek6 structure of human udp-galactose 4-epimerase complexed with nadh and udp-glucose
1eke crystal structure of class ii ribonuclease h (rnase hii) with mes ligand
1ekf crystallographic structure of human branched chain amino acid aminotransferase (mitochondrial) complexed with pyridoxal-5'- phosphate at 1.95 angstroms (orthorhombic form)
1ekp crystal structure of human branched chain amino acid aminotransferase (mitochondrial) complexed with pyridoxal-5'-phosphate at 2.5 angstroms (monoclinic form).
1eku crystal structure of a biologically active single chain mutant of human ifn-gamma
1ekv human branched chain amino acid aminotransferase (mitochondrial): three dimensional structure of enzyme inactivated by tris bound to the pyridoxal-5'-phosphate on one end and active site lys202 nz on the other.
1el1 x-ray crystal structure analysis of canine milk lysozyme (holo-type)
1el5 complex of monomeric sarcosine oxidase with the inhibitor dimethylglycine
1el7 complex of monomeric sarcosine oxidase with the inhibitor [methytelluro]acetate
1el8 complex of monomeric sarcosine oxidase with the inhibitor [methylseleno]cetate
1el9 complex of monomeric sarcosine oxidase with the inhibitor [methylthio]acetate
1eli complex of monomeric sarcosine oxidase with the inhibitor pyrrole-2- carboxylate
1elk vhs domain of tom1 protein from h. sapiens
1elp gamma-d crystallin structure at 1.95 a resolution
1elq crystal structure of the cystine c-s lyase c-des
1elr crystal structure of the tpr2a domain of hop in complex with the hsp90 peptide meevd
1elu complex between the cystine c-s lyase c-des and its reaction product cysteine persulfide.
1elx e. coli alkaline phosphatase mutant (s102a)
1ely e. coli alkaline phosphatase mutant (s102c)
1elz e. coli alkaline phosphatase mutant (s102g)
1em1 x-ray crystal structure for human manganese superoxide dismutase, q143a
1em6 human liver glycogen phosphorylase a complexed with glcnac and cp-526, 423
1em9 rous sarcoma virus capsid protein: n-terminal domain
1ems crystal structure of the c. elegans nitfhit protein
1emt fab antibody fragment of an c60 antifullerene antibody
1emu structure of the axin rgs-homologous domain in complex with a samp repeat from apc
1emv crystal structure of colicin e9 dnase domain with its cognate immunity protein im9 (1.7 angstroms)
1en7 endonuclease vii (endovii) from phage t4
1ens crystals of demetallized concanavalin a soaked with cobalt having a cobalt ion bound in the s1 site
1enx structural comparison of two major endo-1,4-beta-xylanases from trichodrema reesei
1eo2 crystal structure of acinetobacter sp. adp1 protocatechuate 3,4- dioxygenase
1eo6 crystal structure of gate-16
1eo9 crystal structure of acinetobacter sp. adp1 protocatechuate 3,4- dioxygenase at ph < 7.0
1eoa crystal structure of acinetobacter sp. adp1 protocatechuate 3,4- dioxygenase in complex with cyanide
1eob crystal structure of acinetobacter sp. adp1 protocatechuate 3,4- dioxygenase in complex with 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate
1eoc crystal structure of acinetobacter sp. adp1 protocatechuate 3,4- dioxygenase in complex with 4-nitrocatechol
1eog crystal structure of pi class glutathione transferase
1eoj design of p1' and p3' residues of trivalent thrombin inhibitors and their crystal structures
1eol design of p1' and p3' residues of trivalent thrombin inhibitors and their crystal structures
1eos crystal structure of ribonuclease a complexed with uridylyl(2',5')guanosine (productive binding)
1ep1 crystal structure of lactococcus lactis dihydroorotate dehydrogenase b
1ep2 crystal structure of lactococcus lactis dihydroorotate dehydrogenase b complexed with orotate
1ep3 crystal structure of lactococcus lactis dihydroorotate dehydrogenase b. data collected under cryogenic conditions.
1ep4 crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with s-1153
1ep7 crystal structure of wt thioredoxin h from chlamydomonas reinhardtii
1ep8 crystal structure of a mutated thioredoxin, d30a, from chlamydomonas reinhardtii
1epa structure of the epididymal retinoic acid-binding protein at 2.1 angstroms resolution
1epb structure of the epididymal retinoic acid-binding protein at 2.1 angstroms resolution
1epl a structural comparison of 21 inhibitor complexes of the aspartic proteinase from endothia parasitica
1epm a structural comparison of 21 inhibitor complexes of the aspartic proteinase from endothia parasitica
1epv alanine racemase with bound inhibitor derived from d- cycloserine
1eq9 crystal structure of fire ant chymotrypsin complexed to pmsf
1eqg the 2.6 angstrom model of ovine cox-1 complexed with ibuprofen
1eqh the 2.7 angstrom model of ovine cox-1 complexed with flurbiprofen
1eqt met-rantes
1equ type 1 17-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase equilin complexed with nadp+
1eqy complex between rabbit muscle alpha-actin: human gelsolin domain 1
1er8 the active site of aspartic proteinases
1ern native structure of the extracellular domain of erythropoietin (epo) receptor [ebp]
1err human estrogen receptor ligand-binding domain in complex with raloxifene
1erz crystal structure of n-carbamyl-d-amino acid amidohydrolase with a novel catalytic framework common to amidohydrolases
1es0 crystal structure of the murine class ii allele i-a(g7) complexed with the glutamic acid decarboxylase (gad65) peptide 207-220
1esf staphylococcal enterotoxin a
1esv complex between latrunculin a:rabbit muscle alpha actin:human gelsolin domain 1
1et1 crystal structure of human parathyroid hormone 1-34 at 0.9 a resolution
1et6 crystal structure of the superantigen smez-2 from streptococcus pyogenes
1eta the x-ray crystal structure refinements of normal human transthyretin and the amyloidogenic val 30-->met variant to 1.7 angstroms resolution
1etb the x-ray crystal structure refinements of normal human transthyretin and the amyloidogenic val 30-->met variant to 1.7 angstroms resolution
1etk the crystal structure of e. coli fis mutant q68a
1eto the crystal structure of e. coli fis mutant r71l
1etp crystal structure of cytochrome c4 from pseudomonas stutzeri
1etr refined 2.3 angstroms x-ray crystal structure of bovine thrombin complexes formed with the benzamidine and arginine-based thrombin inhibitors napap, 4-tapap and mqpa: a starting point for improving antithrombotics
1ets refined 2.3 angstroms x-ray crystal structure of bovine thrombin complexes formed with the benzamidine and arginine-based thrombin inhibitors napap, 4-tapap and mqpa: a starting point for improving antithrombotics
1ett refined 2.3 angstroms x-ray crystal structure of bovine thrombin complexes formed with the benzamidine and arginine-based thrombin inhibitors napap, 4-tapap and mqpa: a starting point for improving antithrombotics
1etv the crystal structure of e. coli fis mutant g72a
1etw the crystal structure of e. coli fis mutant g72d
1etx the crystal structure of e. coli fis mutant q74a
1ety the crystal structure of e. coli wild-type fis
1eu3 crystal structure of the superantigen smez-2 (zinc bound) from streptococcus pyogenes
1euc crystal structure of dephosphorylated pig heart, gtp- specific succinyl-coa synthetase
1eud crystal structure of phosphorylated pig heart, gtp-specific succinyl-coa synthetase
1eue rat outer mitochondrial membrane cytochrome b5
1euj a novel anti-tumor cytokine contains a rna-binding motif present in aminoacyl-trna synthetases
1euv x-ray structure of the c-terminal ulp1 protease domain in complex with smt3, the yeast ortholog of sumo.
1ev0 solution structure of the mine topological specificity domain
1ev7 crystal structure of dna restriction endonuclease naei
1evh evh1 domain from murine enabled in complex with acta peptide
1evi three-dimensional structure of the purple intermediate of porcine kidney d-amino acid oxidase
1evk crystal structure of a truncated form of threonyl-trna synthetase with the ligand threonine
1evu human factor xiii with calcium bound in the ion site
1evx apo crystal structure of the homing endonuclease, i-ppoi
1ew6 the crystal structure and amino acid sequence of dehaloperoxidase from amphitrite ornata indicate common ancestry with globins
1ew8 alkaline phosphatase (e.c. complex with phosphonoacetic acid
1ew9 alkaline phosphatase (e.c. complex with mercaptomethyl phosphonate
1ewa dehaloperoxidase and 4-iodophenol
1ewk crystal structure of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 1 complexed with glutamate
1ewr crystal structure of taq muts
1ewt crystal structure of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 1 ligand free form i
1ewv crystal structure of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 1 ligand free form ii
1ex0 human factor xiii, mutant w279f zymogen
1ex2 crystal structure of bacillus subtilis maf protein
1ex4 hiv-1 integrase catalytic core and c-terminal domain
1ex6 crystal structure of unliganded form of guanylate kinase from yeast
1exb structure of the cytoplasmic beta subunit-t1 assembly of voltage-dependent k channels
1exc crystal structure of b. subtilis maf protein complexed with d-(utp)
1exe solution structure of a mutant of transcription factor 1.
1exq crystal structure of the hiv-1 integrase catalytic core domain
1ext extracellular domain of the 55kda tumor necrosis factor receptor. crystallized at ph3.7 in p 21 21 21.
1exu crystal structure of the human mhc-related fc receptor
1exv human liver glycogen phosphorylase a complexed with glcnac and cp-403, 700
1eyj fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase complex with amp, magnesium, fructose-6- phosphate and phosphate (t-state)
1eyk fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase complex with amp, zinc, fructose-6- phosphate and phosphate (t-state)
1eym fk506 binding protein mutant, homodimeric complex
1eyp chalcone isomerase
1eyq chalcone isomerase and naringenin
1eyr structure of a sialic acid activating synthetase, cmp acylneuraminate synthetase in the presence and absence of cdp
1eyv the crystal structure of nusb from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1eyz structure of escherichia coli purt-encoded glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase complexed with mg and amppnp
1ez1 structure of escherichia coli purt-encoded glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase complexed with mg, amppnp, and gar
1ez2 three-dimensional structure of the zinc-containing phosphotriesterase with bound substrate analog diisopropylmethyl phosphonate.
1ez9 structure of maltotetraitol bound to open-form maltodextrin binding protein in p1 crystal form
1ezg crystal structure of antifreeze protein from the beetle, tenebrio molitor
1ezi structure of a sialic acid activating synthetase, cmp acylneuraminate synthetase in the presence and absence of cdp
1ezq crystal structure of human coagulation factor xa complexed with rpr128515
1f02 crystal structure of c-terminal 282-residue fragment of intimin in complex with translocated intimin receptor (tir) intimin-binding domain
1f05 crystal structure of human transaldolase
1f06 three dimensional structure of the ternary complex of corynebacterium glutamicum diaminopimelate dehydrogenase nadph-l-2-amino-6-methylene- pimelate
1f08 crystal structure of the dna-binding domain of the replication initiation protein e1 from papillomavirus
1f0c structure of the viral serpin crma
1f0j catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4b2b
1f0k the 1.9 angstrom crystal structure of e. coli murg
1f0l 1.55 angstrom crystal structure of wild type diphtheria toxin
1f0r crystal structure of human coagulation factor xa complexed with rpr208815
1f0s crystal structure of human coagulation factor xa complexed with rpr208707
1f0x crystal structure of d-lactate dehydrogenase, a peripheral membrane respiratory enzyme.
1f0y l-3-hydroxyacyl-coa dehydrogenase complexed with acetoacetyl-coa and nad+
1f12 l-3-hydroxyacyl-coa dehydrogenase complexed with 3- hydroxybutyryl-coa
1f13 recombinant human cellular coagulation factor xiii
1f14 l-3-hydroxyacyl-coa dehydrogenase (apo)
1f17 l-3-hydroxyacyl-coa dehydrogenase complexed with nadh
1f1c crystal structure of cytochrome c549
1f1r crystal structure of homoprotocatechuate 2,3-dioxygenase from arthrobacter globiformis (native, non-cryo)
1f1u crystal structure of homoprotocatechuate 2,3-dioxygenase from arthrobacter globiformis (native, low temperature)
1f1v anaerobic substrate complex of homoprotocatechuate 2,3-dioxygenase from arthrobacter globiformis. (complex with 3,4- dihydroxyphenylacetate)
1f1w src sh2 thref1trp mutant complexed with the phosphopeptide s(ptr)vnvqn
1f1z tnsa, a catalytic component of the tn7 transposition system
1f2k crystal structure of acanthamoeba castellanii profilin ii, cubic crystal form
1f2r nmr structure of the heterodimeric complex between cad domains of cad and icad
1f2s crystal structure of the complex formed between bovine beta- trypsin and mcti-a, a trypsin inhibitor of squash family at 1.8 a resolution
1f2t crystal structure of atp-free rad50 abc-atpase
1f2x structure of the single-domain camelid antibody cab-ca05
1f34 crystal structure of ascaris pepsin inhibitor-3 bound to porcine pepsin
1f35 crystal structure of murine olfactory marker protein
1f36 the crystal structure of fis mutant k36e reveals that the transactivation region of the fis protein contains extended mobile beta-hairpin arms
1f37 structure of a thioredoxin-like [2fe-2s] ferredoxin from aquifex aeolicus
1f39 crystal structure of the lambda repressor c-terminal domain
1f3a crystal structure of mgsta1-1 in complex with gsh
1f3b crystal structure of mgsta1-1 in complex with glutathione conjugate of benzo[a]pyrene epoxide
1f3c refined solution structure of 8kda dynein light chain (dlc8)
1f3h x-ray crystal structure of the human anti-apoptotic protein survivin
1f3r complex between fv antibody fragment and an analogue of the main immunogenic region of the acetylcholine receptor
1f3v crystal structure of the complex between the n-terminal domain of tradd and the traf domain of traf2
1f41 crystal structure of human transthyretin at 1.5a resolution
1f45 human interleukin-12
1f46 the bacterial cell-division protein zipa and its interaction with an ftsz fragment revealed by x-ray crystallography
1f47 the bacterial cell-division protein zipa and its interaction with an ftsz fragment revealed by x-ray crystallography
1f4c crystal structure of e. coli thymidylate synthase covalently modified at c146 with n-[tosyl-d-prolinyl]amino-ethanethiol
1f4d crystal structure of e. coli thymidylate synthase c146s, l143c covalently modified at c143 with n-[tosyl-d-prolinyl]amino- ethanethiol
1f4f crystal structure of e. coli thymidylate synthase complexed with sp- 722
1f4g crystal structure of e. coli thymidylate synthase complexed with sp- 876
1f4n c2 crystal structure of ala2ile2-6, a version of rop with a repacked hydrophobic core and a new fold.
1f4o crystal structure of grancalcin with bound calcium
1f4q crystal structure of apo grancalcin
1f4t thermophilic p450: cyp119 from sulfolobus solfactaricus with 4- phenylimidazole bound
1f4u thermophilic p450: cyp119 from sulfolobus solfactaricus
1f4w crystal structure of an anti-carbohydrate antibody directed against vibrio cholerae o1 in complex with antigen
1f4x crystal structure of an anti-carbohydrate antibody directed against vibrio cholerae o1 in complex with antigen
1f4y crystal structure of an anti-carbohydrate antibody directed against vibrio cholerae o1 in complex with antigen
1f5j crystal structure of xynb, a highly thermostable beta-1,4- xylanase from dictyoglomus thermophilum rt46b.1, at 1.8 a resolution
1f5m structure of the gaf domain
1f5r rat trypsinogen mutant complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor
1f5s crystal structure of phosphoserine phosphatase from methanococcus jannaschii
1f5v structure and site-directed mutagenesis of a flavoprotein from escherichia coli that reduces nitrocompounds. alteration of pyridine nucleotide binding by a single amino acid substitution
1f5w dimeric structure of the coxsackie virus and adenovirus receptor d1 domain
1f60 crystal structure of the yeast elongation factor complex eef1a:eef1ba
1f61 crystal structure of isocitrate lyase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1f6b crystal structure of sar1-gdp complex
1f6k crystal structure analysis of n-acetylneuraminate lyase from haemophilus influenzae: crystal form ii
1f6y mad crystal structure analysis of methyltetrahydrofolate: corrinoid/iron-sulfur protein methyltransferase (metr)
1f74 crystal structure analysis of n-acetylneuraminate lyase from haemophilus influenzae: crystal form ii complexed with 4-deoxy-sialic acid
1f75 crystal structure of undecaprenyl diphosphate synthase from micrococcus luteus b-p 26
1f77 staphylococcal enterotoxin h determined to 2.4 a resolution
1f7b crystal structure analysis of n-acetylneuraminate lyase from haemophilus influenzae: crystal form ii in complex with 4-oxo-sialic acid
1f7d crystal structures of feline immunodeficiency virus dutp pyrophosphatase and its nucleotide complexes in three crystal forms
1f7k crystal structures of feline immunodeficiency virus dutp pyrophosphatase and its nucleotide complexes in three crystal forms.
1f7n crystal structures of feline immunodeficiency virus dutp pyrophosphatase and its nucleotide complexes in three crystal forms.
1f7u crystal structure of the arginyl-trna synthetase complexed with the trna(arg) and l-arg
1f7v crystal structure of yeast arginyl-trna synthetase complexed with the trnaarg
1f7z rat trypsinogen k15a complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor
1f86 transthyretin thr119met protein stabilisation
1f88 crystal structure of bovine rhodopsin
1f89 crystal structure of saccharomyces cerevisiae nit3, a member of branch 10 of the nitrilase superfamily
1f8a structural basis for the phosphoserine-proline recognition by group iv ww domains
1f8h structure of the second eps15 homology domain of human eps15 in complex with ptgssstnpfr
1f8t fab (lnkb-2) of monoclonal antibody, crystal structure
1f8u crystal structure of mutant e202q of human acetylcholinesterase complexed with green mamba venom peptide fasciculin-ii
1f8x crystal structure of nucleoside 2-deoxyribosyltransferase
1f8y crystal structure analysis of nucleoside 2- deoxyribosyltransferase complexed with 5-methyl-2'- deoxypseudouridine
1f9c crystal structure of mle d178n variant
1f9j structure of a new crystal form of tetraubiquitin
1f9k winged bean acidic lectin complexed with methyl-alpha-d-galactose
1f9m crystal structure of thioredoxin f from spinach chloroplast (short form)
1f9w crystal structures of mutants reveal a signalling pathway for activation of the kinesin motor atpase
1f9z crystal structure of the ni(ii)-bound glyoxalase i from escherichia coli
1fa0 structure of yeast poly(a) polymerase bound to manganate and 3'-datp
1fa5 crystal structure of the zn(ii)-bound glyoxalase i of escherichia coli
1fa6 crystal structure of the co(ii)-bound glyoxalase i of escherichia coli
1fa7 crystal structure of cd(ii)-bound glyoxalase i of escherichia coli
1fa8 crystal structure of the apo form glyoxalase i of escherichia coli
1fah structure of cytochrome p450
1fai three-dimensional structure of two crystal forms of fab r19.9, from a monoclonal anti-arsonate antibody
1fap the structure of the immunophilin-immunosuppressant fkbp12- rapamycin complex interacting with human frap
1fav the structure of an hiv-1 specific cell entry inhibitor in complex with the hiv-1 gp41 trimeric core
1fax coagulation factor xa inhibitor complex
1fb0 crystal structure of thioredoxin m from spinach chloroplast (reduced form)
1fb2 structure of phospholipase a2 from daboia russelli pulchella at 1.95
1fb6 crystal structure of thioredoxin m from spinach chloroplast (oxidized form)
1fbc crystallographic studies of the catalytic mechanism of the neutral form of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
1fbd crystallographic studies of the catalytic mechanism of the neutral form of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
1fbe crystallographic studies of the catalytic mechanism of the neutral form of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
1fbf crystallographic studies of the catalytic mechanism of the neutral form of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
1fbg crystallographic studies of the catalytic mechanism of the neutral form of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
1fbh crystallographic studies of the catalytic mechanism of the neutral form of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
1fbp crystal structure of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase complexed with fructose 6-phosphate, amp, and magnesium
1fbq heat shock transcription factor dna binding domain containing the p237k mutation
1fbs heat shock transcription factor dna binding domain containing the p237a mutation
1fbt the bisphosphatase domain of the bifunctional rat liver 6- phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase
1fbu heat shock transcription factor dna binding domain
1fby crystal structure of the human rxr alpha ligand binding domain bound to 9-cis retinoic acid
1fc0 human liver glycogen phosphorylase complexed with n-acetyl-beta-d- glucopyranosylamine
1fc1 crystallographic refinement and atomic models of a human fc fragment and its complex with fragment b of protein a from staphylococcus aureus at 2.9-and 2.8-angstroms resolution
1fc2 crystallographic refinement and atomic models of a human fc fragment and its complex with fragment b of protein a from staphylococcus aureus at 2.9-and 2.8-angstroms resolution
1fc4 2-amino-3-ketobutyrate coa ligase
1fc5 crystal structure of molybdopterin biosynthesis moea protein
1fcb molecular structure of flavocytochrome b2 at 2.4 angstroms resolution
1fcm crystal structure of the e.coli ampc beta-lactamase mutant q120l/y150e covalently acylated with the inhibitory beta-lactam, cloxacillin
1fcn crystal structure of the e. coli ampc beta-lactamase mutant q120l/y150e covalently acylated with the substrate beta-lactam loracarbef
1fco crystal structure of the e. coli ampc beta-lactamase covalently acylated with the inhibitory beta-lactam, moxalactam
1fdq crystal structure of human brain fatty acid binding protein
1fe0 crystal structure of cadmium-hah1
1fe4 crystal structure of mercury-hah1
1feb unliganded crithidia fasciculata trypanothione reductase at 2.0 angstrom resolution
1fec unliganded crithidia fasciculata trypanothione reductase at 1.7 angstrom resolution
1fee crystal structure of copper-hah1
1fej structural implications of drug resistant mutants of hiv-1 protease: high resolution crystal structures of the mutant protease/substrate analog complexes
1fev crystal structure of the ala4aib mutation in rnase s
1ff0 structural implications of drug resistant mutants of hiv-1 protease: high resolution crystal structures of the mutant protease/substrate analog complexes.
1ff1 structure of the second eps15 homology domain of human eps15 in complex with ptgssstnpfl
1ff5 structure of e-cadherin double domain
1fff structural implications of drug resistant mutants of hiv-1 protease : high resolution crystal structures of the mutant protease/substrate analog complexes.
1ffi structural implications of drug resistant mutants of hiv-1 protease: high resolution crystal structures of the mutant protease/substrate analog complexes
1fg4 structure of tryparedoxin ii
1fg6 structural implications of drug resistant mutants of hiv-1 protease: high resolution crystal structures of the mutant protease/substrate analog complexes
1fg8 structural implications of drug resistant mutants of hiv-1 protease: high resolution crystal structures of the mutant protease/substrate analog complexes
1fgc structural implications of drug resistant mutants of hiv-1 protease: high resolution crystal structures of the mutant protease/substrate analog complexes
1fgg crystal structure of 1,3-glucuronyltransferase i (glcat-i) complexed with gal-gal-xyl, udp, and mn2+
1fgi crystal structure of the tyrosine kinase domain of fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 in complex with su5402 inhibitor
1fgj x-ray structure of hydroxylamine oxidoreductase
1fgk crystal structure of the tyrosine kinase domain of fibroblast growth factor receptor 1
1fgl cyclophilin a complexed with a fragment of hiv-1 gag protein
1fgn monoclonal murine antibody 5g9-anti-human tissue factor
1fgu ssdna-binding domain of the large subunit of replication protein a
1fgv x-ray structures of fragments from binding and nonbinding versions of a humanized anti-cd18 antibody: structural indications of the key role of vh residues 59 to 65
1fgx crystal structure of the bovine beta 1,4 galactosyltransferase (b4galt1) catalytic domain complexed with ump
1fh2 transthyretin stability as a key factor in amyloidogenesis
1fh5 crystal structure of the fab fragment of the monoclonal antibody mak33
1fhn transthyretin stability as a key factor in amyloidogenesis
1fhr solution structure of the fha2 domain of rad53 complexed with a phosphotyrosyl peptide
1fhw structure of the pleckstrin homology domain from grp1 in complex with inositol(1,3,4,5,6)pentakisphosphate
1fhx structure of the pleckstrin homology domain from grp1 in complex with inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate
1fia crystal structure of the factor for inversion stimulation fis at 2.0 angstroms resolution
1fic structure of human gamma fibrinogen 30 kd carboxyl terminal fragment
1fie recombinant human coagulation factor xiii
1fig routes to catalysis: structure of a catalytic antibody and comparison with its natural counterpart
1fiv structure of an inhibitor complex of proteinase from feline immunodeficiency virus
1fiw three-dimensional structure of beta-acrosin from ram spermatozoa
1fiz three dimensional structure of beta-acrosin from boar spermatozoa
1fj2 crystal structure of the human acyl protein thioesterase 1 at 1.5 a resolution
1fj9 fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (mutant y57w) products/zn/amp complex (t- state)
1fjh the crystal structure of 3-alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase from comamonas testosteroni, a member of the short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family
1fjr crystal structure of the ectodomain of methuselah
1fjs crystal structure of the inhibitor zk-807834 (ci-1031) complexed with factor xa
1fk8 the crystal structure of the binary complex with nad of 3- alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase from comamonas testosteroni, a member of the short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family
1fk9 crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with dmp-266(efavirenz)
1fki design, synthesis, and kinetic evaluation of high-affinity fkbp ligands, and the x-ray crystal structures of their complexes with fkbp12
1fko crystal structure of nnrti resistant k103n mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with dmp-266(efavirenz)
1fkp crystal structure of nnrti resistant k103n mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with nevirapine
1fl1 kshv protease
1fle crystal structure of elafin complexed with porcine pancreatic elastase
1flg crystal structure of the quinoprotein ethanol dehydrogenase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1flm dimer of fmn-binding protein from desulfovibrio vulgaris (miyazaki f)
1flr 4-4-20 fab fragment
1fm0 molybdopterin synthase (moad/moae)
1fm2 the 2 angstrom crystal structure of cephalosporin acylase
1fm7 chalcone isomerase complexed with 5-deoxyflavanone
1fm8 chalcone isomerase complexed with 5,4'-dideoxyflavanone
1fma molybdopterin synthase (moad/moae)
1fmc 7-alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase complex with nadh and 7-oxo glycochenodeoxycholic acid
1fmh nmr solution structure of a designed heterodimeric leucine zipper
1fmj crystal structure of mercury derivative of retinol dehydratase in a complex with retinol and pap
1fml crystal structure of retinol dehydratase in a complex with retinol and pap
1fmo crystal structure of a polyhistidine-tagged recombinant catalytic subunit of camp-dependent protein kinase complexed with the peptide inhibitor pki(5-24) and adenosine
1fmt methionyl-trnafmet formyltransferase from escherichia coli
1fmx structure of native proteinase a in the space group p21
1fn8 fusarium oxysporum trypsin at atomic resolution
1fn9 crystal structure of the reovirus outer capsid protein sigma 3
1fnn crystal structure of cdc6p from pyrobaculum aerophilum
1fo1 crystal structure of the rna-binding domain of the mrna export factor tap
1fo4 crystal structure of xanthine dehydrogenase isolated from bovine milk
1foc cytochrome c557: improperly folded thermus thermophilus c552
1fof crystal structure of the class d beta-lactamase oxa-10
1foi bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with 1400w(h4b-free)
1foj bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with 7- nitroindazole-2-carboxamidine (h4b present)
1fol reduced bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with l-arg(h4b-free)
1fon crystal structure of bovine procarboxypeptidase a-s6 subunit iii, a highly structured truncated zymogen e
1foo bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with l- arg and no(h4b-free)
1fop bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with l- arg and no(h4b-bound)
1for structure determination of an fab fragment that neutralizes human rhinovirus and analysis of the fab-virus complex
1fp3 crystal structure of n-acyl-d-glucosamine 2-epimerase from porcine kidney
1fp7 monovalent cation binding sites in n10-formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase from moorella thermoacetica
1fpb crystal structure of the neutral form of fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase complexed with regulatory inhibitor fructose 2,6-bisphosphate at 2.6- angstroms resolution
1fpd structural aspects of the allosteric inhibition of fructose-1,6- bisphosphatase by amp: the binding of both the substrate analogue 2, 5-anhydro-d-glucitol-1,6-bisphosphate and catalytic metal ions monitored by x-ray crystallography
1fpe structural aspects of the allosteric inhibition of fructose-1,6- bisphosphatase by amp: the binding of both the substrate analogue 2, 5-anhydro-d-glucitol-1,6-bisphosphate and catalytic metal ions monitored by x-ray crystallography
1fpf structural aspects of the allosteric inhibition of fructose-1,6- bisphosphatase by amp: the binding of both the substrate analogue 2, 5-anhydro-d-glucitol-1,6-bisphosphate and catalytic metal ions monitored by x-ray crystallography
1fpg structural aspects of the allosteric inhibition of fructose-1,6- bisphosphatase by amp: the binding of both the substrate analogue 2, 5-anhydro-d-glucitol-1,6-bisphosphate and catalytic metal ions monitored by x-ray crystallography
1fpi fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (d-fructose-1,6-bisphosphate 1- phosphohydrolase) complexed with amp, 2,5-anhydro-d-glucitol-1,6- bisphosphate and potassium ions (100 mm)
1fpj fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (d-fructose-1,6-bisphosphate 1- phosphohydrolase) complexed with amp, 2,5-anhydro-d-glucitol-1,6- bisphosphate, thallium (10 mm) and lithium ions (10 mm)
1fpk fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (d-fructose-1,6-bisphosphate 1- phosphohydrolase) complexed with thallium ions (10 mm)
1fpl fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (d-fructose-1,6-bisphosphate 1- phosphohydrolase) complexed with amp, 2,5-anhydro-d-glucitol-1,6- bisphosphate and thallium ions (10 mm)
1fpm monovalent cation binding sites in n10-formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase from moorella thermoacetica
1fpp protein farnesyltransferase complex with farnesyl diphosphate
1fpr crystal structure of the complex formed between the catalytic domain of shp-1 and an in vitro peptide substrate py469 derived from shps-1.
1fpu crystal structure of abl kinase domain in complex with a small molecule inhibitor
1fq1 crystal structure of kinase associated phosphatase (kap) in complex with phospho-cdk2
1fq3 crystal structure of human granzyme b
1fqo glucosamine 6-phosphate deaminase complexed with the substrate of the reverse reaction fructose 6-phosphate (open form)
1fqt crystal structure of the rieske-type ferredoxin associated with biphenyl dioxygenase
1fqw crystal structure of activated chey
1fqx crystal structure of the complex of hiv-1 protease with a peptidomimetic inhibitor
1fr1 refined crystal structure of beta-lactamase from citrobacter freundii indicates a mechanism for beta-lactam hydrolysis
1fr2 crystal structure of the e9 dnase domain with a mutant immunity protein im9(e41a)
1fr6 refined crystal structure of beta-lactamase from citrobacter freundii indicates a mechanism for beta-lactam hydrolysis
1fr8 crystal structure of the bovine beta 1,4 galactosyltransferase (b4galt1) catalytic domain complexed with uridine diphosphogalactose
1frf crystal structure of the ni-fe hydrogenase from desulfovibrio fructosovorans
1frp crystal structure of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase complexed with fructose-2,6-bisphosphate, amp and zn2+ at 2.0 angstroms resolution. aspects of synergism between inhibitors
1frr crystal structure of [2fe-2s] ferredoxin i from equisetum arvense at 1.8 angstroms resolution
1frz glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase from e.coli, r conformer. complexed with the allosteric activator n-acetyl-glucosamine-6-phosphate at 2.2 a resolution
1fs0 complex of gamma/epsilon atp synthase from e.coli
1fs5 a discovery of three alternate conformations in the active site of glucosamine-6-phosphate isomerase
1fsa the t-state structure of lys 42 to ala mutant of the pig kidney fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase expressed in e. coli
1fsg toxoplasma gondii hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase complexed with 9-deazaguanine, alpha-d-5-phosphoribosyl-1- pyrophosphate (prpp) and two mg2+ ions
1fsl ferric soybean leghemoglobin complexed with nicotinate
1fss acetylcholinesterase (e.c. complexed with fasciculin-ii
1fst crystal structure of truncated human rhogdi triple mutant
1fsw ampc beta-lactamase from e. coli complexed with inhibitor cephalothinboronic acid
1fsy ampc beta-lactamase from e. coli complexed with inhibitor cloxacillinboronic acid
1ft0 crystal structure of truncated human rhogdi k113a mutant
1ft1 crystal structure of protein farnesyltransferase at 2.25 angstroms resolution
1ft2 co-crystal structure of protein farnesyltransferase complexed with a farnesyl diphosphate substrate
1ft3 crystal structure of truncated rhogdi k141a mutant
1ft4 photochemically-enhanced binding of small molecules to the tumor necrosis factor receptor-1
1ft9 structure of the reduced (feii) co-sensing protein from r. rubrum
1ftl crystal structure of the glur2 ligand binding core (s1s2j) in complex with the antagonist dnqx at 1.8 a resolution
1fto crystal structure of the glur2 ligand binding core (s1s2j) in the apo state at 2.0 a resolution
1ftp three-dimensional structure of the muscle fatty-acid- binding protein isolated from the desert locust, schistocerca gregaria
1ftx crystal stucture of alanine racemase in complex with d- alanine phosphonate
1fu0 crystal structure analysis of the phospho-serine 46 hpr from enterococcus faecalis
1fu1 crystal structure of human xrcc4
1fu5 nmr structure of the n-sh2 domain of the p85 subunit of pi3- kinase complexed to a doubly phosphorylated peptide derived from polyomavirus middle t antigen
1fug s-adenosylmethionine synthetase
1fuo fumarase c with bound citrate
1fup fumarase with bound pyromellitic acid
1fuq fumarase with bound pyromellitic acid
1fur fumarase mutant h188n with bound substrate l-malate at putative activator site
1fuu yeast initiation factor 4a
1fux crystal structure of e.coli ybcl, a new member of the mammalian pebp family
1fuy crystal structure of betaa169l/betac170w double mutant of tryptophan synthase complexed with 5-fluoro-indole-propanol phosphate
1fv0 first structural evidence of the inhibition of phospholipase a2 by aristolochic acid: crystal structure of a complex formed between phospholipase a2 and aristolochic acid
1fv3 the hc fragment of tetanus toxin complexed with an analogue of its ganglioside receptor gt1b
1fvf crystal structure analysis of neuronal sec1 from the squid l. pealei
1fvj the 2.06 angstrom structure of the h32y mutant of the disulfide bond formation protein (dsba)
1fvk the 1.7 angstrom structure of wild type disulfide bond formation protein (dsba)
1fvo crystal structure of human ornithine transcarbamylase complexed with carbamoyl phosphate
1fvp flavoprotein 390
1fvr tie2 kinase domain
1fw3 outer membrane phospholipase a from escherichia coli
1fwm crystal structure of the thymidylate synthase r166q mutant
1fwn aquifex aeolicus kdo8p synthase in complex with pep
1fws aquifex aeolicus kdo8p synthase in complex with pep and cadmium
1fwt aquifex aeolicus kdo8p synthase in complex with pep, e4p and cadmium
1fww aquifex aeolicus kdo8p synthase in complex with pep, a5p and cadmium
1fwy crystal structure of n-acetylglucosamine 1-phosphate uridyltransferase bound to udp-glcnac
1fx0 crystal structure of the chloroplast f1-atpase from spinach
1fx5 crystal structure analysis of ulex europaeus lectin i
1fx6 aquifex aeolicus kdo8p synthase
1fx9 carboxylic ester hydrolase complex (dimeric pla2 + mj33 inhibitor + sulphate ions)
1fxa crystallization and structure determination to 2.5-angstroms resolution of the oxidized [2fe-2s] ferredoxin isolated from anabaena 7120
1fxf carboxylic ester hydrolase complex (dimeric pla2 + mj33 inhibitor + phosphate ions)
1fxh mutant of penicillin acylase impaired in catalysis with phenylacetic acid in the active site
1fxj crystal structure of n-acetylglucosamine 1-phosphate uridyltransferase
1fxp aquifex aeolicus kdo8p synthase in complex with cadmium
1fxq aquifex aeolicus kdo8p synthase in complex with pep and a5p
1fxr crystal structure of the ferredoxin i from desulfovibrio africanus at 2.3 angstroms resolution
1fxt structure of a conjugating enzyme-ubiquitin thiolester complex
1fxv penicillin acylase mutant impaired in catalysis with penicillin g in the active site
1fxw crystal structure of the recombinant alpha1/alpha2 catalytic heterodimer of bovine brain platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase ib.
1fy4 fusarium oxysporum trypsin at atomic resolution
1fy5 fusarium oxysporum trypsin at atomic resolution
1fy6 aquifex aeolicus kdo8p synthase in complex with cadmium and a5p
1fy8 crystal structure of the deltaile16val17 rat anionic trypsinogen-bpti complex
1fyd crystal structure of nh3-dependent nad+ synthetase from bacillus subtilis complexed with one molecule amp, one pyrophosphate ion and one mg2+ ion
1fyf crystal structure of a truncated form of threonyl-trna synthetase complexed with a seryl adenylate analog
1fyk serendipitous crystal structure containing the heat shock transcription factor's dna binding domain and cognate dna that is translationally disordered
1fyn phosphotransferase
1fyu crystal structure of erythrina corallodendron lectin in hexagonal crystal form
1fzv the crystal structure of human placenta growth factor-1 (plgf-1), an angiogenic protein at 2.0a resolution
1fzy crystal structure of saccharomyces cerevisiae ubiquitin conjugating enzyme 1
1g05 heterocycle-based mmp inhibitor with p2'substituents
1g0b carbonmonoxy liganded equine hemoglobin ph 8.5
1g0h crystal structure of mj0109 gene product inositol monophosphatase-fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase
1g0i crystal structure of mj0109 gene product inositol monophosphatase-fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase
1g0n structure of trihydroxynaphthalene reductase in complex with nadph and 4,5,6,7-tetrachloro-phthalide
1g0s the crystal structure of the e.coli adp-ribose pyrophosphatase
1g0t dsbc mutant c101s
1g0v the structure of proteinase a complexed with a ia3 mutant, mvv
1g0y il-1 receptor type 1 complexed with antagonist peptide af10847
1g0z specific mutations in krait pla2 lead to dimerization of protein molecules: crystal structure of krait pla2 at 2.1 resolution
1g17 crystal structure of sec4-guanosine-5'-(beta,gamma)- imidotriphosphate
1g1b chorismate lyase (wild-type) with bound product
1g1e nmr structure of the human mad1 transrepression domain sid in complex with mammalian sin3a pah2 domain
1g1f crystal structure of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b complexed with a tri-phosphorylated peptide (rdi(ptr) etd(ptr)(ptr)rk) from the insulin receptor kinase
1g1g crystal structure of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b complexed with a mono-phosphorylated peptide (etdy(ptr) rkggkgll) from the insulin receptor kinase
1g1h crystal structure of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b complexed with a bis-phosphorylated peptide (etd(ptr)(ptr) rkggkgll) from the insulin receptor kinase
1g1i crystal structure of the oligomerization domain from rotavirus nsp4
1g1j crystal structure of the oligomerization domain from rotavirus nsp4
1g1k cohesin module from the cellulosome of clostridium cellulolyticum
1g1m all-ferrous nitrogenase iron protein from azotobacter vinelandii
1g1y crystal structure of alpha-amylase ii (tvaii) from thermoactinomyces vulgaris r-47 and beta-cyclodextrin complex
1g29 malk
1g2k hiv-1 protease with cyclic sulfamide inhibitor, aha047
1g2l factor xa inhibitor complex
1g2m factor xa inhibitor complex
1g2q crystal structure of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase
1g2w e177s mutant of the pyridoxal-5'-phosphate enzyme d-amino acid aminotransferase
1g2z dimerization domain of hnf-1alpha with a leu 13 selenomethionine substitution
1g35 crystal structure of hiv-1 protease in complex with inhibitor, aha024
1g37 crystal structure of human alpha-thrombin complexed with bch-10556 and exosite-directed peptide
1g3f nmr structure of a 9 residue peptide from smac/diablo complexed to the bir3 domain of xiap
1g3m crystal structure of human estrogen sulfotransferase in complex with in-active cofactor pap and 3,5,3',5'- tetrachloro-biphenyl-4,4'-diol
1g3t cys102ser dtxr
1g40 crystal structure of a complement protein that regulates both pathways of complement activation and binds heparan sulfate proteoglycans
1g49 a carboxylic acid based inhibitor in complex with mmp3
1g4c crystal structure of a complex of hppk(r92a) from e.coli with mg2+ at 1.65 angstrom resolution
1g4e thiamin phosphate synthase
1g4m crystal structure of bovine beta-arrestin 1
1g4p thiamin phosphate synthase
1g4s thiamin phosphate synthase
1g4t thiamin phosphate synthase
1g4u crystal structure of the salmonella tyrosine phosphatase and gtpase activating protein sptp bound to rac1
1g4y 1.60 a crystal structure of the gating domain from small conductance potassium channel complexed with calcium-calmodulin
1g51 aspartyl trna synthetase from thermus thermophilus at 2.4 a resolution
1g57 crystal structure of 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase
1g58 crystal structure of 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase gold derivative
1g5j complex of bcl-xl with peptide from bad
1g5p nitrogenase iron protein from azotobacter vinelandii
1g5u latex profilin hevb8
1g60 crystal structure of methyltransferase mboiia (moraxella bovis)
1g61 crystal structure of m.jannaschii eif6
1g64 the three-dimensional structure of atp:corrinoid adenosyltransferase from salmonella typhimurium. cobalamin/atp ternary complex
1g67 thiamin phosphate synthase
1g69 thiamin phosphate synthase
1g6c thiamin phosphate synthase
1g6n 2.1 angstrom structure of cap-camp
1g6o crystal structure of the helicobacter pylori atpase, hp0525, in complex with adp
1g6u crystal structure of a domain swapped dimer
1g6v complex of the camelid heavy-chain antibody fragment cab- ca05 with bovine carbonic anhydrase
1g6y crystal structure of the globular region of the prion protien ure2 from yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae
1g71 crystal structure of pyrococcus furiosus dna primase
1g7c yeast eef1a:eef1ba in complex with gdpnp
1g83 crystal structure of fyn sh3-sh2
1g85 crystal structure of bovine odorant binding protein complexed with is natural ligand
1g87 the crystal structure of endoglucanase 9g from clostridium cellulolyticum
1g8e crystal structure of flhd from escherichia coli
1g8i crystal structure of human frequenin (neuronal calcium sensor 1)
1g8l crystal structure of escherichia coli moea
1g8m crystal structure of avian atic, a bifunctional transformylase and cyclohydrolase enzyme in purine biosynthesis at 1.75 ang. resolution
1g8q crystal structure of human cd81 extracellular domain, a receptor for hepatitis c virus
1g8r moea
1g8t sm endonuclease from seratia marcenscens at 1.1 a resolution
1g8x structure of a genetically engineered molecular motor
1g98 crystal structure analysis of rabbit phosphoglucose isomerase complexed with 5-phosphoarabinonate, a transition state analogue
1g99 an ancient enzyme: acetate kinase from methanosarcina thermophila
1g9i crystal structure of beta-trysin complex in cyclohexane
1g9q complex structure of the adpr-ase and its substrate adp- ribose
1g9s crystal structure of a complex between e.coli hprt and imp
1g9t crystal structure of e.coli hprt-gmp complex
1ga2 the crystal structure of endoglucanase 9g from clostridium cellulolyticum complexed with cellobiose
1ga7 crystal structure of the adp-ribose pyrophosphatase in complex with gd+3
1ga9 crystal structure of ampc beta-lactamase from e. coli complexed with non-beta-lactamase inhibitor (2, 3-(4- benzenesulfonyl-thiophene-2-sulfonylamino)-phenylboronic acid)
1gad comparison of the structures of wild type and a n313t mutant of escherichia coli glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenases: implication for nad binding and cooperativity
1gae comparison of the structures of wild type and a n313t mutant of escherichia coli glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenases: implication for nad binding and cooperativity
1gaf 48g7 hybridoma line fab complexed with hapten 5-(para- nitrophenyl phosphonate)-pentanoic acid
1gag crystal structure of the insulin receptor kinase in complex with a bisubstrate inhibitor
1gam gamma b crystallin truncated c-terminal domain
1gan complex of toad ovary galectin with n-acetylgalactose
1gar towards structure-based drug design: crystal structure of a multisubstrate adduct complex of glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase at 1.96 angstroms resolution
1gaw crystal structure analysis of the ferredoxin-nadp+ reductase from maize leaf
1gbb alpha-lytic protease with met 190 replaced by ala and gly 216 replaced by ala complex with methoxysuccinyl-ala-ala-pro-alanine boronic acid
1gbc alpha-lytic protease with met 190 replaced by ala and gly 216 replaced by ala complex with methoxysuccinyl-ala-ala-pro-leucine boronic acid
1gbd alpha-lytic protease with met 190 replaced by ala and gly 216 replaced by ala complex with methoxysuccinyl-ala-ala-pro-phenylalanine boronic acid
1gbf alpha-lytic protease with met 190 replaced by ala and gly 216 replaced by leu complex with methoxysuccinyl-ala-ala-pro-alanine boronic acid
1gbh alpha-lytic protease with met 190 replaced by ala and gly 216 replaced by leu complex with methoxysuccinyl-ala-ala-pro-leucine boronic acid
1gbi alpha-lytic protease with met 190 replaced by ala and gly 216 replaced by leu complex with methoxysuccinyl-ala-ala-pro-phenylalanine boronic acid
1gbk alpha-lytic protease with met 190 replaced by ala complex with methoxysuccinyl-ala-ala-pro-alanine boronic acid
1gbl alpha-lytic protease with met 190 replaced by ala complex with methoxysuccinyl-ala-ala-pro-leucine boronic acid
1gbm alpha-lytic protease with met 190 replaced by ala complex with methoxysuccinyl-ala-ala-pro-phenylalanine boronic acid
1gbq solution nmr structure of the grb2 n-terminal sh3 domain complexed with a ten-residue peptide derived from sos direct refinement against noes, j-couplings, and 1h and 13c chemical shifts, minimized average structure
1gbr orientation of peptide fragments from sos proteins bound to the n-terminal sh3 domain of grb2 determined by nmr spectroscopy
1gc8 the crystal structure of thermus thermophilus 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase mutated at 172th from ala to phe
1gcj n-terminal fragment of importin-beta
1gck thermus thermophilus aspartate aminotransferase double mutant 1 complexed with aspartate
1gd9 crystall structure of pyrococcus protein-a1
1gde crystal structure of pyrococcus protein a-1 e-form
1gdh crystal structure of a nad-dependent d-glycerate dehydrogenase at 2.4 angstroms resolution
1gdn fusarium oxysporum trypsin at atomic resolution
1gdq fusarium oxysporum trypsin at atomic resolution
1gdu fusarium oxysporum trypsin at atomic resolution
1ge7 zinc peptidase from grifola frondosa
1gec glycyl endopeptidase-complex with benzyloxycarbonyl-leucine-valine- glycine-methylene covalently bound to cysteine 25
1geq entropic stabilization of the tryptophan synthase a-subunit from a hyperthermophile, pyrococcus furiosus: x-ray analysis and calorimetry
1ger the structure of glutathione reductase from escherichia coli at 1.86 angstroms resolution: comparison with the enzyme from human erythrocytes
1ges anatomy of an engineered nad-binding site
1get anatomy of an engineered nad-binding site
1geu anatomy of an engineered nad-binding site
1gfl structure of green fluorescent protein
1gfw the 2.8 angstrom crystal structure of caspase-3 (apopain or cpp32)in complex with an isatin sulfonamide inhibitor.
1gg4 crystal structure of escherichia coli udpmurnac-tripeptide d-alanyl-d-alanine-adding enzyme (murf) at 2.3 angstrom resolution
1ggb major antigen-induced domain rearrangements in an antibody
1ggc major antigen-induced domain rearrangements in an antibody
1ggg glutamine binding protein open ligand-free structure
1ggl human cellular retinol binding protein iii
1ggm glycyl-trna synthetase from thermus thermophilus complexed with glycyl-adenylate
1ggp crystal structure of trichosanthes kirilowii lectin-1 and its relation to the type 2 ribosome inactivating proteins
1ggr complex of enzyme iiaglc and the histidine-containing phosphocarrier protein hpr from escherichia coli nmr, restrained regularized mean structure
1ggt three-dimensional structure of a transglutaminase: human blood coagulation factor xiii
1ggu human factor xiii with calcium bound in the ion site
1ggy human factor xiii with ytterbium bound in the ion site
1gh6 retinoblastoma pocket complexed with sv40 large t antigen
1gh7 crystal structure of the complete extracellular domain of the beta- common receptor of il-3, il-5, and gm-csf
1ghd crystal structure of the glutaryl-7-aminocephalosporanic acid acylase by mad phasing
1ghe crystal structure of tabtoxin resistance protein complexed with an acyl coenzyme a
1ghf anti-anti-idiotype gh1002 fab fragment
1ghs the three-dimensional structures of two plant beta-glucan endohydrolases with distinct substrate specificities
1gi7 a novel serine protease inhibition motif involving a multi-centered short hydrogen bonding network at the active site
1gi8 a novel serine protease inhibition motif involving a multi- centered short hydrogen bonding network at the active site
1gi9 a novel serine protease inhibition motif involving a multi-centered short hydrogen bonding network at the active site
1gic concanavalin a complexed with methyl alpha-d-glucopyranoside
1gig refined three-dimensional structure of the fab fragment of a murine igg1, lambda antibody
1giq crystal structure of the enzymatic componet of iota-toxin from clostridium perfringens with nadh
1gj7 engineering inhibitors highly selective for the s1 sites of ser190 trypsin-like serine protease drug targets
1gj8 engineering inhibitors highly selective for the s1 sites of ser190 trypsin-like serine protease drug targets
1gj9 engineering inhibitors highly selective for the s1 sites of ser190 trypsin-like serine protease drug targets
1gja engineering inhibitors highly selective for the s1 sites of ser190 trypsin-like serine protease drug targets
1gjb engineering inhibitors highly selective for the s1 sites of ser190 trypsin-like serine protease drug targets
1gjc engineering inhibitors highly selective for the s1 sites of ser190 trypsin-like serine protease drug targets
1gjd engineering inhibitors highly selective for the s1 sites of ser190 trypsin-like serine protease drug targets
1gjq pseudomonas aeruginosa cd1 nitrite reductase reduced cyanide complex
1gjz solution structure of a dimeric n-terminal fragment of human ubiquitin
1gk6 human vimentin coil 2b fragment linked to gcn4 leucine zipper (z2b)
1gk9 crystal structures of penicillin acylase enzyme-substrate complexes: structural insights into the catalytic mechanism
1gka the molecular basis of the coloration mechanism in lobster shell. beta-crustacyanin at 3.2 a resolution
1gkb concanavalin a, new crystal form
1gkc mmp9-inhibitor complex
1gkd mmp9 active site mutant-inhibitor complex
1gkf crystal structures of penicillin acylase enzyme-substrate complexes: structural insights into the catalytic mechanism
1gkk feruloyl esterase domain of xyny from clostridium thermocellum
1gkl s954a mutant of the feruloyl esterase module from clostridium thermocellum complexed with ferulic acid
1gkt neutron laue diffraction structure of endothiapepsin complexed with transition state analogue inhibitor h261
1gl0 structure of the complex between bovine alpha-chymotrypsin and pmp-d2v, an inhibitor from the insect locusta migratoria
1gl3 aspartate beta-semialdehyde dehydrogenase in complex with nadp and substrate analogue s-methyl cysteine sulfoxide
1gl4 nidogen-1 g2/perlecan ig3 complex
1gl9 archaeoglobus fulgidus reverse gyrase complexed with adpnp
1gla structure of the regulatory complex of escherichia coli iiiglc with glycerol kinase
1glb structure of the regulatory complex of escherichia coli iiiglc with glycerol kinase
1glc cation promoted association (cpa) of a regulatory and target protein is controlled by phosphorylation
1gld cation promoted association (cpa) of a regulatory and target protein is controlled by phosphorylation
1gle cation promoted association (cpa) of a regulatory and target protein is controlled by phosphorylation
1glj escherichia coli glycerol kinase mutant with bound atp analog showing substantial domain motion
1gll escherichia coli glycerol kinase mutant with bound atp analog showing substantial domain motion
1glp 1.8 angstroms molecular structure of mouse liver class pi glutathione s-transferase complexed with s-(p-nitrobenzyl) glutathione and other inhibitors
1glq 1.8 angstroms molecular structure of mouse liver class pi glutathione s-transferase complexed with s-(p-nitrobenzyl) glutathione and other inhibitors
1gm7 crystal structures of penicillin acylase enzyme-substrate complexes: structural insights into the catalytic mechanism
1gm8 crystal structures of penicillin acylase enzyme-substrate complexes: structural insights into the catalytic mechanism
1gm9 crystal structures of penicillin acylase enzyme-substrate complexes: structural insights into the catalytic mechanism
1gmg alanine 31 proline mutant of rop protein, monoclinic form
1gmn crystal structures of nk1-heparin complexes reveal the basis for nk1 activity and enable engineering of potent agonists of the met receptor
1gmp complex of ribonuclease from streptomyces aureofaciens with 2'-gmp at 1.7 angstroms resolution
1gmq complex of ribonuclease from streptomyces aureofaciens with 2'-gmp at 1.7 angstroms resolution
1gmr complex of ribonuclease from streptomyces aureofaciens with 2'-gmp at 1.7 angstroms resolution
1gmv structure of uree
1gn3 h145q mutant of mycobacterium tuberculosis iron-superoxide dismutase.
1gn8 phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase in complex with mn2+ atp from escherichia coli
1gn9 hybrid cluster protein from desulfovibrio desulfuricans atcc 27774 x-ray structure at 2.6a resolution using synchrotron radiation at a wavelength of 1.722a
1gnk glnk, a signal protein from e. coli
1gnl hybrid cluster protein from desulfovibrio desulfuricans x-ray structure at 1.25a resolution using synchrotron radiation at a wavelength of 0.933a
1gnm hiv-1 protease mutant with val 82 replaced by asp (v82d) complexed with u89360e (inhibitor)
1gnn hiv-1 protease mutant with val 82 replaced by asn (v82n) complexed with u89360e (inhibitor)
1gno hiv-1 protease (wild type) complexed with u89360e (inhibitor)
1gnw structure of glutathione s-transferase
1gnx b-glucosidase from streptomyces sp
1goi crystal structure of the d140n mutant of chitinase b from serratia marcescens at 1.45 a resolution
1gon b-glucosidase from streptomyces sp
1gos human monoamine oxidase b
1gou ribonuclease binase (g specific endonuclease) unliganded form
1gov ribonuclease bi(g specific endonuclease) complexed with sulfate ions
1gow beta-glycosidase from sulfolobus solfataricus
1goy hydrolase(endoribonuclease)ribonuclease bi (g specific endonuclease) (e.c.3.1.27.-) complexed with guanosine-3'-phosphate (3'-gmp)
1goz structural basis for the altered t-cell receptor binding specificty in a superantigenic staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin-b mutant
1gp1 the refined structure of the selenoenzyme glutathione peroxidase at 0.2-nm resolution
1gpd studies of asymmetry in the three-dimensional structure of lobster d- glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
1gpe glucose oxidase from penicillium amagasakiense
1gpf chitinase b from serratia marcescens in complex with inhibitor psammaplin
1gpu transketolase complex with reaction intermediate
1gpz the crystal structure of the zymogen catalytic domain of complement protease c1r
1gq1 cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase, y25s mutant, oxidised form
1gq9 the structure of cmp:2-keto-3-deoxy-manno-octonic acid synthetase complexed with ctp at 100k
1gqa cytochrome c' from rhodobacter spheriodes
1gqb human mir-receptor, repeat 11
1gqc the structure of cmp:2-keto-3-deoxy-manno-octonic acid synthetase complexed with cmp-kdo at 100k
1gqf crystal structure of human procaspase-7
1gqi structure of pseudomonas cellulosa alpha-d-glucuronidase
1gqj structure of pseudomonas cellulosa alpha-d-glucuronidase complexed with xylobiose
1gqk structure of pseudomonas cellulosa alpha-d-glucuronidase complexed with glucuronic acid
1gql structure of pseudomonas cellulosa alpha-d-glucuronidase complexed with glucuronic acid and xylotriose
1gqp apc10/doc1 subunit of s. cerevisiae
1gqq murc - crystal structure of the apo-enzyme from haemophilus influenzae
1gqw taurine/alpha-ketoglutarate dioxygenase from escherichia coli
1gqy murc - crystal structure of the enzyme from haemophilus influenzae complexed with amppcp
1grc crystal structure of glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase from escherichia coli at 3.0 angstroms resolution: a target enzyme for chemotherapy
1gri grb2
1grm refinement of the spatial structure of the gramicidin a transmembrane ion-channel (russian)
1grn crystal structure of the cdc42/cdc42gap/alf3 complex.
1grv hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase from e. coli
1gs0 crystal structure of the catalytic fragment of murine poly (adp-ribose) polymerase-2
1gse glutathione transferase a1-1 complexed with an ethacrynic acid glutathione conjugate (mutant r15k)
1gss three-dimensional structure of class pi glutathione s-transferase from human placenta in complex with s-hexylglutathione at 2.8 angstroms resolution
1gsu an avian class-mu glutathione s-transferase, cgstm1-1 at 1.94 angstrom resolution
1gsy glutathione s-transferase yfyf, class pi, complexed with glutathione
1gt1 complex of bovine odorant binding protein with aminoanthracene and pyrazine
1gt3 complex of bovine odorant binding protein with dihydromyrcenol
1gt4 complex of bovine odorant binding protein with undecanal
1gt5 complexe of bovine odorant binding protein with benzophenone
1gt6 s146a mutant of thermomyces (humicola) lanuginosa lipase complex with oleic acid
1gt9 high resolution crystal structure of a thermostable serine-carboxyl type proteinase, kumamolisin (kscp)
1gtd northeast structural genomics consortium (nesg id tt50) structure of mth169, the purs subunit of fgam synthetase
1gtq 6-pyruvoyl tetrahydropterin synthase
1gtv crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis thymidylate kinase complexed with thymidine-5'-diphosphate (tdp)
1gu2 crystal structure of oxidized cytochrome c'' from methylophilus methylotrophus
1gu7 enoyl thioester reductase from candida tropicalis
1gua human rap1a, residues 1-167, double mutant (e30d,k31e) complexed with gppnhp and the ras-binding-domain of human c-raf1, residues 51-131
1gud hinge-bending motion of d-allose binding protein from escherichia coli: three open conformations
1guf enoyl thioester reductase from candida tropicalis
1guk crystal structure of murine alpha-class gsta4-4
1guw structure of the chromodomain from mouse hp1beta in complex with the lysine 9-methyl histone h3 n-terminal peptide, nmr, 25 structures
1guy structural basis for thermophilic protein stability: structures of thermophilic and mesophilic malate dehydrogenases
1gv0 structural basis for thermophilic protein stability: structures of thermophilic and mesophilic malate dehydrogenases
1gv3 the 2.0 angstrom resolution structure of the catalytic portion of a cyanobacterial membrane-bound manganese superoxide dismutase
1gv4 murine apoptosis-inducing factor (aif)
1gve aflatoxin aldehyde reductase (akr7a1) from rat liver
1gvf structure of tagatose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase
1gvi thermus maltogenic amylase in complex with beta-cd
1gvj ets-1 dna binding and autoinhibitory domains
1gvk porcine pancreatic elastase acyl enzyme at 0.95 a resolution
1gvu endothiapepsin complex with h189
1gvx endothiapepsin complexed with h256
1gw0 crystal structure of laccase from melanocarpus albomyces in four copper form
1gwb structure of glycoprotein 1b
1gwi the 1.92 a structure of streptomyces coelicolor a3(2) cyp154c1: a new monooxygenase that functionalizes macrolide ring systems
1gwk carbohydrate binding module family29
1gwn the crystal structure of the core domain of rhoe/rnd3 - a constitutively activated small g protein
1gwv alpha-,1,3 galactosyltransferase - lactose complex
1gww alpha-,1,3 galactosyltransferase - alpha-d-glucose complex
1gwx molecular recognition of fatty acids by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors
1gwy crystal structure of the water-soluble state of the pore-forming cytolysin sticholysin ii
1gx0 alpha-,1,3 galactosyltransferase - beta-d-galactose complex
1gx2 recombinant horseradish peroxidase phe209ser complex with benzhydroxamic acid
1gx4 alpha-,1,3 galactosyltransferase - n-acetyl lactosamine complex
1gxf crystal structure of trypanosoma cruzi trypanothione reductase in complex with the inhibitor quinacrine mustard
1gxj smc hinge domain from t. maritima w/o coiled coil
1gxm family 10 polysaccharide lyase from cellvibrio cellulosa
1gxr wd40 region of human groucho/tle1
1gxy crystal structure of the eucaryotic mono-adp-ribosyltransferase art2.2; crystal form a (p21)
1gxz crystal structure of the eucaryotic mono-adp-ribosyltransferase art2.2; crystal form b (p212121)
1gy1 crystal structures of ser86asp and met148leu rusticyanin
1gy2 crystal structure of met148leu rusticyanin
1gy5 d92n,d94n double point mutant of human nuclear transport factor 2 (ntf2)
1gy6 ntf2 from rat, ammonium sulphate conditions
1gy9 taurine/alpha-ketoglutarate dioxygenase from escherichia coli
1gyg r32 closed form of alpha-toxin from clostridium perfringens strain cer89l43
1gyj the crystal structure of ydce, a 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase homologue from escherichia coli, confirms the structural basis for oligomer diversity
1gyl involvement of tyr24 and trp108 in substrate binding and substrate specificity of glycolate oxidase
1gyo crystal structure of the di-tetraheme cytochrome c3 from desulfovibrio gigas at 1.2 ang resolution
1gyw gamma-adaptin appendage domain from clathrin adaptor ap1 a753d mutant
1gyx the crystal structure of ydce, a 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase homologue from escherichia coli, confirms the structural basis for oligomer diversity
1gyy the crystal structure of ydce, a 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase homologue from escherichia coli, confirms the structural basis for oligomer diversity
1gzg complex of a mg2-dependent porphobilinogen synthase from pseudomonas aeruginosa (mutant d139n) with 5-fluorolevulinic acid
1gzj structure of thermoascus aurantiacus family 5 endoglucanase
1gzm structure of bovine rhodopsin in a trigonal crystal form
1gzp cd1b in complex with gm2 ganglioside
1gzq cd1b in complex with phophatidylinositol
1gzw x-ray crystal structure of human galectin-1
1h03 human cd55 domains 3 & 4
1h0b endoglucanase cel12a from rhodothermus marinus
1h0k enoyl thioester reductase 2
1h0t an affibody in complex with a target protein: structure and coupled folding
1h0x structure of alba: an archaeal chromatin protein modulated by acetylation
1h18 pyruvate formate-lyase (e.coli) in complex with pyruvate
1h1a thermophilic b-1,4-xylanase from chaetomium thermophilum
1h1b crystal structure of human neutrophil elastase complexed with an inhibitor (gw475151)
1h1o acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans cytochrome c4 structure supports a complex-induced tuning of electron transfer
1h1t phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase in complex with coenzyme a from escherichia coli
1h1v gelsolin g4-g6/actin complex
1h1y the structure of the cytosolic d-ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase from rice complexed with sulfate
1h1z the structure of the cytosolic d-ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase from rice complexed with sulfate and zinc
1h2a single crystals of hydrogenase from desulfovibrio vulgaris
1h2b crystal structure of the alcohol dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon aeropyrum pernix at 1.65a resolution
1h2g altered substrate specificity mutant of penicillin acylase
1h2k factor inhibiting hif-1 alpha in complex with hif-1 alpha fragment peptide
1h2l factor inhibiting hif-1 alpha in complex with hif-1 alpha fragment peptide
1h2m factor inhibiting hif-1 alpha in complex with hif-1 alpha fragment peptide
1h2r three-dimensional structure of ni-fe hydrogenase from desulfivibrio vulgaris miyazaki f in the reduced form at 1.4 a resolution
1h2s molecular basis of transmenbrane signalling by sensory rhodopsin ii-transducer complex
1h2t structure of the human nuclear cap-binding-complex (cbc) in complex with a cap analogue m7gpppg
1h2v structure of the human nuclear cap-binding-complex (cbc)
1h32 reduced soxax complex from rhodovulum sulfidophilum
1h33 oxidised soxax complex from rhodovulum sulfidophilum
1h3f tyrosyl-trna synthetase from thermus thermophilus complexed with tyrosinol
1h3g cyclomaltodextrinase from flavobacterium sp. no. 92: from dna sequence to protein structure
1h3h structural basis for specific recognition of an rxxk-containing slp-76 peptide by the gads c-terminal sh3 domain
1h3i crystal structure of the histone methyltransferase set7/9
1h3j structure of recombinant coprinus cinereus peroxidase determined to 2.0 a
1h3l n-terminal fragment of sigr from streptomyces coelicolor
1h3m structure of 4-diphosphocytidyl-2c-methyl-d-erythritol synthetase
1h3p structural characterisation of a monoclonal antibody specific for the pres1 region of the hepatitis b virus
1h3t crystal structure of the human igg1 fc-fragment,glycoform (mn2f)2
1h3u crystal structure of the human igg1 fc-fragment,glycoform (m3n2f)2
1h3v crystal structure of the human igg1 fc-fragment,glycoform (g2f)2,sg p212121
1h3x crystal structure of the human igg1 fc-fragment,glycoform (g0f)2
1h3y crystal structure of a human igg1 fc-fragment,high salt condition
1h41 pseudomonas cellulosa e292a alpha-d-glucuronidase mutant complexed with aldotriuronic acid
1h49 crystal structure of the inactive double mutant of the maize beta-glucosidase zmglu1-e191d-f198v in complex with dimboa-glucoside
1h4g oligosaccharide-binding to family 11 xylanases: both covalent intermediate and mutant-product complexes display 2,5b conformations at the active-centre
1h4p crystal structure of exo-1,3-beta glucanse from saccharomyces cerevisiae
1h4r crystal structure of the ferm domain of merlin, the neurofibromatosis 2 tumor suppressor protein.
1h4x structure of the bacillus cell fate determinant spoiiaa in the phosphorylated form
1h4y structure of the anti-sigma factor antagonist spoiiaa in its unphosphorylated form
1h54 maltose phosphorylase from lactobacillus brevis
1h56 structural and biochemical characterization of a new magnesium ion binding site near tyr94 in the restriction endonuclease pvuii
1h59 complex of igfbp-5 with igf-i
1h5n dmso reductase modified by the presence of dms and air
1h5x crystal structure of the class d beta-lactamase oxa-13 complexed with imipenem
1h5y hisf protein from pyrobaculum aerophilum
1h6a reduced precursor form of glucose-fructose oxidoreductase from zymomonas mobilis
1h6b reduced precursor form of glucose-fructose oxidoreductase from zymomonas mobilis complexed with glycerol
1h6c oxidized precursor form of glucose-fructose oxidoreductase from zymomonas mobilis complexed with succinate
1h6e mu2 adaptin subunit (ap50) of ap2 adaptor (second domain), complexed with ctla-4 internalization peptide ttgvyvkmppt
1h6g alpha-catenin m-domain
1h6j the three-dimensional structure of capsule-specific cmp:2-keto-3-deoxy-manno-octonic acid synthetase from escherichia coli
1h6p dimeristion domain from human trf2
1h6w crystal structure of a heat- and protease-stable fragment of the bacteriophage t4 short fibre
1h6y the role of conserved amino acids in the cleft of the c-terminal family 22 carbohydrate binding module of clostridium thermocellum xyn10b in ligand binding
1h7e the structure of cmp:2-keto-3-deoxy-manno-octonic acid synthetase and of its complexes with substrates and substrate analogues, apo-enzyme
1h7f the structure of cmp:2-keto-3-deoxy-manno-octonic acid synthetase and of its complexes with substrates and substrate analogues, cmp complex
1h7g the structure of cmp:2-keto-3-deoxy-manno-octonic acid synthetase and of its complexes with substrates and substrate analogues, ctp mg2+ complex
1h7h the structure of cmp:2-keto-3-deoxy-manno-octonic acid synthetase and of its complexes with substrates and substrate analogues, cdp complex
1h7s n-terminal 40kda fragment of human pms2
1h7t the structure of cmp:2-keto-3-deoxy-manno-octonic acid synthetase and of its complexes with substrates and substrate analogues, here complex with cmp-neuac, cmp-neuac complex
1h7u hpms2-atpgs
1h80 1,3-alpha-1,4-beta-d-galactose-4-sulfate- 3,6-anhydro-d-galactose-2-sulfate 4 galactohydrolase
1h8b ef-hands 3,4 from alpha-actinin / z-repeat 7 from titin
1h8f glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta.
1h8g c-terminal domain of the major autolysin (c-lyta) from streptococcus pneumoniae
1h8o three-dimensional structure of anti-ampicillin single chain fv fragment.
1h8p bull seminal plasma pdc-109 fibronectin type ii module
1h8s three-dimensional structure of anti-ampicillin single chain fv fragment complexed with the hapten.
1h8u crystal structure of the eosinophil major basic protein at 1.8a: an atypical lectin with a paradigm shift in specificity
1h8x domain-swapped dimer of a human pancreatic ribonuclease variant
1h8y crystal structure of the class d beta-lactamase oxa-13 in complex with meropenem
1h8z crystal structure of the class d beta-lactamase oxa-13
1h91 the crystal structure of lobster apocrustacyanin a1 using softer x-rays.
1h97 trematode hemoglobin from paramphistomum epiclitum
1h9h complex of eeti-ii with porcine trypsin
1h9i complex of eeti-ii mutant with porcine trypsin
1h9l porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with acetyl-val-glu-pro-ile-cooh
1h9m two crystal structures of the cytoplasmic molybdate-binding protein modg suggest a novel cooperative binding mechanism and provide insights into ligand-binding specificity. peg-grown form with molybdate bound
1h9o phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, p85-alpha subunit: c-terminal sh2 domain complexed with a tyr751 phosphopeptide from the pdgf receptor, crystal structure at 1.79 a
1h9r tungstate bound complex dimop domain of mode from e.coli
1h9s molybdate bound complex of dimop domain of mode from e.coli
1h9w native dioclea guianensis seed lectin
1h9x cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase, reduced form
1h9y cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase, reduced form complexed to cn
1ha3 elongation factor tu in complex with aurodox
1ha4 gammas crystallin c terminal domain from homo sapiens
1haa a beta-hairpin structure in a 13-mer peptide that binds a-bungarotoxin with high affinity and neutralizes its toxicity
1hag the isomorphous structures of prethrombin2, hirugen-and ppack- thrombin: changes accompanying activation and exosite binding to thrombin
1hai the isomorphous structures of prethrombin2, hirugen-and ppack- thrombin: changes accompanying activation and exosite binding to thrombin
1haj a beta-hairpin structure in a 13-mer peptide that binds a-bungarotoxin with high affinity and neutralizes its toxicity
1hak crystal structure of recombinant human placental annexin v complexed with k-201 as a calcium channel activity inhibitor
1hav hepatitis a virus 3c proteinase
1hax snapshots of serine protease catalysis: (a) acyl-enzyme intermediate between porcine pancreatic elastase and human beta-casomorphin-7 at ph 5
1haz snapshots of serine protease catalysis: (c) acyl-enzyme intermediate between porcine pancreatic elastase and human beta-casomorphin-7 jumped to ph 9 for 1 minute
1hbi crystal structure of oxygenated scapharca dimeric hemoglobin at 1.7 angstroms resolution
1hbv a check on rational drug design. crystal structure of a complex of hiv-1 protease with a novel gamma-turn mimetic
1hbw solution nmr structure of the dimerization domain of the yeast transcriptional activator gal4 (residues 50-106)
1hcg structure of human des(1-45) factor xa at 2.2 angstroms resolution
1hci crystal structure of the rod domain of alpha-actinin
1hcm cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase, oxidised from from tetragonal crystals
1hcn structure of human chorionic gonadotropin at 2.6 angstroms resolution from mad analysis of the selenomethionyl protein
1hco the structure of human carbonmonoxy haemoglobin at 2.7 angstroms resolution
1hcs nmr structure of the human src sh2 domain complex
1hct nmr structure of the human src sh2 domain complex
1hcx choline binding domain of the major autolysin (c-lyta) from streptococcus pneumoniae
1hde haloalkane dehalogenase mutant with phe 172 replaced with trp
1hdf evolution of the eye lens beta-gamma-crystallin domain fold
1hdg the crystal structure of holo-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophilic bacterium thermotoga maritima at 2.5 angstroms resolution
1hdh arylsulfatase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1hdm histocompatibility antigen hla-dm
1hdx three-dimensional structures of three human alcohol dehydrogenase variants: correlations with their functional differences
1hdy three-dimensional structures of three human alcohol dehydrogenase variants: correlations with their functional differences
1hdz three-dimensional structures of three human alcohol dehydrogenase variants: correlations with their functional differences
1he8 ras g12v - pi 3-kinase gamma complex
1hef the crystal structures at 2.2 angstroms resolution of hydroxyethylene- based inhibitors bound to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease show that the inhibitors are present in two distinct orientations
1hei structure of the hepatitis c virus rna helicase domain
1hek crystal structure of equine infectious anaemia virus matrix antigen (eiav ma)
1hes mu2 adaptin subunit (ap50) of ap2 adaptor (second domain), complexed with p-selectin internalization peptide shlgtygvftnaa
1het atomic x-ray structure of liver alcohol dehydrogenase containing a hydroxide adduct to nadh
1heu atomic x-ray structure of liver alcohol dehydrogenase containing cadmium and a hydroxide adduct to nadh
1hf3 atomic x-ray structure of liver alcohol dehydrogenase containing cadmium and a hydroxide adduct to nadh
1hf4 structural effects of monovalent anions on polymorphic lysozyme crystals
1hf9 c-terminal coiled-coil domain from bovine if1
1hfj asparaginase from erwinia chrysanthemi, hexagonal form with sulfate
1hfk asparaginase from erwinia chrysanthemi, hexagonal form with weak sulfate
1hfy alpha-lactalbumin
1hgx hypoxanthine-guanine-xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (hgxprtase)
1hgy cel6a d221a mutant
1hho structure of human oxyhaemoglobin at 2.1 angstroms resolution
1hi7 nmr solution structure of the disulphide-linked dimeric of human tff1, 10 structures
1hi8 rna dependent rna polymerase from dsrna bacteriophage phi6
1hih comparative analysis of the x-ray structures of hiv-1 and hiv-2 proteases in complex with cgp 53820, a novel pseudosymmetric inhibitor
1hii comparative analysis of the x-ray structures of hiv-1 and hiv-2 proteases in complex with cgp 53820, a novel pseudosymmetric inhibitor
1hiq paradoxical structure and function in a mutant human insulin associated with diabetes mellitus
1his structure and dynamics of des-pentapeptide-insulin in solution: the molten-globule hypothesis.
1hit receptor binding redefined by a structural switch in a mutant human insulin
1hiv crystal structure of a complex of hiv-1 protease with a dihydroethylene-containing inhibitor: comparisons with molecular modeling
1hj3 cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase, dioxygen complex
1hj4 cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase, x-ray reduced dioxygen complex
1hj5 cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase, reoxidised enzyme
1hjk alkaline phosphatase mutant h331q
1hjw crystal structure of hcgp-39 in complex with chitin octamer
1hjz crystal structure of af1521 protein containing a macroh2a domain
1hk7 middle domain of hsp90
1hkb crystal structure of recombinant human brain hexokinase type i complexed with glucose and glucose-6-phosphate
1hkh unligated gamma lactamase from an aureobacterium species
1hkl free and liganded form of an esterolytic catalytic antibody
1hkq pps10 plasmid dna replication initiator protein repa. replication inactive, dimeric n-terminal domain.
1hkv mycobacterium diaminopimelate dicarboxylase (lysa)
1hkw mycobacterium diaminopimelate dicarboxylase (lysa)
1hl3 ctbp/bars in ternary complex with nad(h) and pidlskk peptide
1hl7 gamma lactamase from an aureobacterium species in complex with 3a,4,7,7a-tetrahydro-benzo [1,3] dioxol-2-one
1hla structure of the human class i histocompatibility antigen, hla-a2
1hlc x-ray crystal structure of the human dimeric s-lac lectin, l-14-ii, in complex with lactose at 2.9 angstroms resolution
1hld structures of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase complexed with nad+ and substituted benzyl alcohols
1hle crystal structure of cleaved equine leucocyte elastase inhibitor determined at 1.95 angstroms resolution
1hlg crystal structure of human gastric lipase
1hlk metallo-beta-lactamase from bacteroides fragilis in complex with a tricyclic inhibitor
1hlp structural features stabilizing halophilic malate dehydrogenase from an archaebacterium
1hls nmr structure of the human insulin-his(b16)
1hlu structure of bovine beta-actin-profilin complex with actin bound atp phosphates solvent accessible
1hm4 n219l pentalenene synthase
1hm5 crystal structure analysis of the rabbit d-glucose 6-phosphate isomerase (no ligand bound)
1hm6 x-ray structure of full-length annexin 1
1hm7 n219l pentalenene synthase
1hmc three-dimensional structure of dimeric human recombinant macrophage colony stimulating factor
1hmp the crystal structure of human hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase with bound gmp
1hn2 crystal structure of bovine obp complexed with aminoanthracene
1hn4 prophospholipase a2 dimer complexed with mj33, sulfate, and calcium
1hn9 crystal structure of beta-ketoacyl-acp synthase iii
1hnb crystal structure of human class mu glutathione transferase gstm2-2: effects of lattice packing on conformational heterogeneity
1hne structure of human neutrophil elastase in complex with a peptide chloromethyl ketone inhibitor at 1.84-angstroms resolution
1hng crystal structure at 2.8 angstroms resolution of a soluble form of the cell adhesion molecule cd2
1hni structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in a complex with the nonnucleoside inhibitor alpha-apa r 95845 at 2.8 angstroms resolution
1hnn crystal structure of human pnmt complexed with sk&f 29661 and adohcy(sah)
1hnv structure of hiv-1 rt(slash)tibo r 86183 complex reveals similarity in the binding of diverse nonnucleoside inhibitors
1ho3 crystal structure analysis of e. coli l-asparaginase ii (y25f mutant)
1ho5 5'-nucleotidase (e. coli) in complex with adenosine and phosphate
1hon structure of guanine nucleotide (gppcp) complex of adenylosuccinate synthetase from escherichia coli at ph 6.5 and 25 degree celsius
1hoo structure of guanine nucleotide (gppcp) complex of adenylosuccinate synthetase from e. coli at ph 6.5 and 25 degrees celsius
1hop structure of guanine nucleotide (gppcp) complex of adenylosuccinate synthetase from escherichia coli at ph 6.5 and 25 degrees celsius
1hor structure and catalytic mechanism of glucosamine 6-phosphate deaminase from escherichia coli at 2.1 angstroms resolution
1hos inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus-1 protease by a c2-symmetric phosphinate synthesis and crystallographic analysis
1hot glucosamine 6-phosphate deaminase complexed with the allosteric activator n-acetyl-glucosamine-6-phosphate
1hox crystal structure of rabbit phosphoglucose isomerase complexed with fructose-6-phosphate
1hoy nmr structure of the complex between a-bungarotoxin and a mimotope of the nicotinic acetilcholine receptor
1hoz crystal structure of an inosine-adenosine-guanosine-preferring nucleoside hydrolase from trypanosoma vivax
1hp0 crystal structure of an inosine-adenosine-guanosine- preferring nucleoside hydrolase from trypanosoma vivax in complex with the substrate analogue 3-deaza-adenosine
1hpc refined structures at 2 angstroms and 2.2 angstroms of the two forms of the h-protein, a lipoamide-containing protein of the glycine decarboxylase
1hpg a glutamic acid specific serine protease utilizes a novel histidine triad in substrate binding
1hpl horse pancreatic lipase. the crystal structure at 2.3 angstroms resolution
1hpo hiv-1 protease triple mutant/u103265 complex
1hps rational design, synthesis and crystallographic analysis of a hydroxyethylene-based hiv-1 protease inhibitor containing a heterocyclic p1'-p2' amide bond isostere
1hpv crystal structure of hiv-1 protease in complex with vx-478, a potent and orally bioavailable inhibitor of the enzyme
1hpx hiv-1 protease complexed with the inhibitor kni-272
1hpz human immunodeficiency virus type 1
1hqa alkaline phosphatase (h412q)
1hqc structure of ruvb from thermus thermophilus hb8
1hqe human immunodeficiency virus type 1
1hql the xenograft antigen in complex with the b4 isolectin of griffonia simplicifolia lectin-1
1hqo crystal structure of the nitrogen regulation fragment of the yeast prion protein ure2p
1hqs crystal structure of isocitrate dehydrogenase from bacillus subtilis
1hqu human immunodeficiency virus type 1
1hqw crystal structure of the complex of concanavalin a with a tripeptide ypy
1hrh crystal structure of the ribonuclease h domain of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase
1hrj human rantes, nmr, 13 structures
1hrk crystal structure of human ferrochelatase
1hrn high resolution crystal structures of recombinant human renin in complex with polyhydroxymonoamide inhibitors
1hro molecular structure of a high potential cytochrome c2 isolated from rhodopila globiformis
1hrp crystal structure of human chorionic gonadotropin
1hru the structure of the yrdc gene product from e.coli
1hs5 nmr solution structure of designed p53 dimer
1hsg crystal structure at 1.9 angstroms resolution of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) ii protease complexed with l- 735,524, an orally bioavailable inhibitor of the hiv proteases
1hsi crystal structure at 1.9 angstroms resolution of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) ii protease complexed with l- 735,524, an orally bioavailable inhibitor of the hiv proteases
1hsj sarr mbp fusion structure
1hsl refined 1.89 angstroms structure of the histidine-binding protein complexed with histidine and its relationship with many other active transport(slash)chemosensory receptors
1hso human alpha alcohol dehydrogenase (adh1a)
1hst crystal structure of globular domain of histone h5 and its implications for nucleosome binding
1hsz human beta-1 alcohol dehydrogenase (adh1b*1)
1ht0 human gamma-2 alcohol dehydrogense
1ht5 the 2.75 angstrom resolution model of ovine cox-1 complexed with methyl ester flurbiprofen
1ht8 the 2.7 angstrom resolution model of ovine cox-1 complexed with alclofenac
1ht9 domain swapping ef-hands
1htb crystallization of human beta3 alcohol dehydrogenase (10 mg/ml) in 100 mm sodium phosphate (ph 7.5), 7.5 mm nad+ and 1 mm 4-iodopyrazole at 25 c
1htd structural interaction of natural and synthetic inhibitors with the venom metalloproteinase, atrolysin c (ht-d)
1htf x-ray crystallographic studies of a series of penicillin- derived asymmetric inhibitors of hiv-1 protease
1htg x-ray crystallographic studies of a series of penicillin- derived asymmetric inhibitors of hiv-1 protease
1hti crystal structure of recombinant human triosephosphate isomerase at 2.8 angstroms resolution. triosephosphate isomerase related human genetic disorders and comparison with the trypanosomal enzyme
1htr crystal and molecular structures of human progastricsin at 1.62 angstroms resolution
1hue histone-like protein
1hui insulin mutant (b1, b10, b16, b27)glu, des-b30, nmr, 25 structures
1huj refined structure of yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase and its k61r mutant
1huk refined structure of yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase and its k61r mutant
1hul a novel dimer configuration revealed by the crystal structure at 2.4 angstroms resolution of human interleukin- 5
1hum solution structure of the chemokine hmip-1beta(slash)act-2 by multi-dimensional nmr: a novel chemokine dimer
1hun solution structure of the chemokine hmip-1beta(slash)act-2 by multi-dimensional nmr: a novel chemokine dimer
1hur human adp-ribosylation factor 1 complexed with gdp, full length non-myristoylated
1hux crystal structure of the acidaminococcus fermentans (r)-2- hydroxyglutaryl-coa dehydratase component a
1hv2 solution structure of yeast elongin c in complex with a von hippel-lindau peptide
1hv8 crystal structure of a dead box protein from the hyperthermophile methanococcus jannaschii
1hv9 structure of e. coli glmu: analysis of pyrophosphorylase and acetyltransferase active sites
1hvh nonpeptide cyclic cyanoguanidines as hiv protease inhibitors
1hvi influence of stereochemistry on activity and binding modes for c2 symmetry-based diol inhibitors of hiv-1 protease
1hvj influence of stereochemistry on activity and binding modes for c2 symmetry-based diol inhibitors of hiv-1 protease
1hvk influence of stereochemistry on activity and binding modes for c2 symmetry-based diol inhibitors of hiv-1 protease
1hvl influence of stereochemistry on activity and binding modes for c2 symmetry-based diol inhibitors of hiv-1 protease
1hvr rational design of potent, bioavailable, nonpeptide cyclic ureas as hiv protease inhibitors
1hvs structural basis of drug resistance for the v82a mutant of hiv-1 protease: backbone flexibility and subsite repacking
1hw1 the fadr-dna complex: transcriptional control of fatty acid metabolism in escherichia coli
1hw5 the cap/crp variant t127l/s128a
1hwh 1:1 complex of human growth hormone mutant g120r with its soluble binding protein
1hwm ebulin,orthorhombic crystal form model
1hwn ebulin complexed with galactose, trigonal crystal form
1hwo ebulin complexed with lactose, trigonal crystal form
1hwp ebulin complexed with pteroic acid, trigonal crystal form
1hwr molecular recognition of cyclic urea hiv protease inhibitors
1hx1 crystal structure of a bag domain in complex with the hsc70 atpase domain
1hx3 crystal structure of e.coli isopentenyl diphosphate:dimethylallyl diphosphate isomerase
1hx8 crystal structure of n-terminal domain of drosophila ap180
1hxb hiv-1 proteinase complexed with ro 31-8959
1hxj crystal structure of the maize zm-p60.1 beta-glucosidase
1hxp nucleotide transferase
1hxq the structure of nucleotidylated galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase from escherichia coli at 1.86 angstroms resolution
1hxr crystal structure of mss4 at 1.65 angstroms
1hxw hiv-1 protease dimer complexed with a-84538
1hy0 crystal structure of wild type duck delta 1 crystallin (eye lens protein)
1hy3 crystal structure of human estrogen sulfotransferase v269e mutant in the presence of paps
1hy5 crystal structure of the catalytic domain of yope-yersinia pestis gap effector protein.
1hy7 a carboxylic acid based inhibitor in complex with mmp3
1hyg crystal structure of mj0490 gene product, the family of lactate/malate dehydrogenase
1hyl the 1.8 a structure of collagenase from hypoderma lineatum
1hym hydrolyzed trypsin inhibitor (cmti-v, minimized average nmr structure)
1hyo crystal structure of fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase complexed with 4-(hydroxymethylphosphinoyl)-3-oxo-butanoic acid
1hz5 crystal structures of the b1 domain of protein l from peptostreptococcus magnus, with a tyrosine to tryptophan substitution
1hz9 bacillus caldolyticus cold-shock protein mutants to study determinants of protein stability
1hza bacillus caldolyticus cold-shock protein mutants to study determinants of protein stability
1hzb bacillus caldolyticus cold-shock protein mutants to study determinants of protein stability
1hzc bacillus caldolyticus cold-shock protein mutants to study determinants of protein stability
1hze solution structure of the n-terminal domain of riboflavin synthase from e. coli
1hzj human udp-galactose 4-epimerase: accommodation of udp-n- acetylglucosamine within the active site
1hzo structure of class a cephalosporinase from proteus vulgaris k1
1hzp crystal structure of the myobacterium tuberculosis beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase iii
1hzw crystal structure of human thymidylate synthase
1hzx crystal structure of bovine rhodopsin
1hzy high resolution structure of the zinc-containing phosphotriesterase from pseudomonas diminuta
1i00 crystal structure of human thymidylate synthase, ternary complex with dump and tomudex
1i07 eps8 sh3 domain intertwined dimer
1i09 structure of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (gsk3b)
1i0b high resolution structure of the manganese-containing phosphotriesterase from pseudomonas diminuta
1i0c eps8 sh3 closed monomer
1i0d high resolution structure of the zinc/cadmium-containing phosphotriesterase from pseudomonas diminuta
1i0h crystal structure of the e. coli manganese superoxide dismutase mutant y174f at 1.35 angstroms resolution.
1i0i analysis of an invariant aspartic acid in hprts-glutamine mutant
1i0l analysis of an invariant aspartic acid in hprts-asparagine mutant
1i0r crystal structure of ferric reductase from archaeoglobus fulgidus
1i0s archaeoglobus fulgidus ferric reductase complex with nadp+
1i0z human heart l-lactate dehydrogenase h chain, ternary complex with nadh and oxamate
1i13 analysis of an invariant aspartic acid in hprts-alanine mutant
1i14 analysis of an invariant aspartic acid in hprts-glutamic acid mutant
1i18 solution structure of the n-terminal domain of riboflavin synthase from e. coli
1i19 crystal structure of cholesterol oxidase from b.sterolicum
1i1c non-fcrn binding fc fragment of rat igg2a
1i1g crystal structure of the lrp-like transcriptional regulator from the archaeon pyrococcus furiosus
1i1j structure of melanoma inhibitory activity protein: a member of a new family of secreted proteins
1i1q structure of the cooperative allosteric anthranilate synthase from salmonella typhimurium
1i1r crystal structure of a cytokine/receptor complex
1i2n crystal structure of escherichia coli transaldolase b mutant n35a
1i2o crystal structure of escherichia coli transaldolase b mutant e96a
1i2p crystal structure of escherichia coli transaldolase b mutant d17a
1i2q crystal structure of escherichia coli transaldolase b mutant t156a
1i2r crystal structure of escherichia coli transaldolase b mutant s176a
1i2s beta-lactamase from bacillus licheniformis bs3
1i2w beta-lactamase from bacillus licheniformis bs3 complexed with cefoxitin
1i2z e. coli enoyl reductase in complex with nad and brl-12654
1i30 e. coli enoyl reductase +nad+sb385826
1i31 mu2 adaptin subunit (ap50) of ap2 clathrin adaptor, complexed with egfr internalization peptide fyralm at 2.5 a resolution
1i36 structure of conserved protein mth1747 of unknown function reveals structural similarity with 3-hydroxyacid dehydrogenases
1i3c response regulator for cyanobacterial phytochrome, rcp1
1i3d human carbonmonoxy hemoglobin bart's (gamma4)
1i3e human azido-met hemoglobin bart's (gamma4)
1i3g crystal structure of an ampicillin single chain fv, form 1, free
1i3k molecular basis for severe epimerase-deficiency galactosemia: x-ray structure of the human v94m- substituted udp-galactose 4-epimerase
1i3l molecular basis for severe epimerase-deficiency galactosemia: x-ray structure of the human v94m- substituted udp-galactose 4-epimerase
1i3m molecular basis for severe epimerase-deficiency galactosemia: x-ray structure of the human v94m- substituted udp-galactose 4-epimerase
1i3n molecular basis for severe epimerase-deficiency galactosemia: x-ray structure of the human v94m- substituted udp-galactose 4-epimerase
1i3v three-dimensional structure of a lama vhh domain unliganded
1i3z murine eat2 sh2 domain in complex with slam phosphopeptide
1i45 yeast triosephosphate isomerase (mutant)
1i49 crystal structure analysis of arfaptin
1i4e crystal structure of the caspase-8/p35 complex
1i4g crystal structure of staphylococcal enterotoxin a mutant h187a with reduced zn2+ affinity
1i4h crystal structure of zn2+ soaked staphylococcal enterotoxin a mutant h187a
1i4j crystal structure of l22 ribosomal protein mutant
1i4n crystal structure of indoleglycerol phosphate synthase from thermotoga maritima
1i4s crystal structure of rnase iii endonuclease domain from aquifex aeolicus at 2.15 angstrom resolution
1i4u the c1 subunit of alpha-crustacyanin
1i4v solution structure of the umud' homodimer
1i53 re(i)-tricarbonly diimine (q107h)) azurin
1i54 cytochrome c (tuna) 2fe:1zn mixed-metal porphyrins
1i55 cytochrome c (tuna) with 2zn:1fe mixed-metal porphyrins
1i58 structure of the histidine kinase chea atp-binding domain in complex with atp analog adpcp and magnesium
1i59 structure of the histidine kinase chea atp-binding domain in complex with adpnp and magensium
1i5a structure of chea domain p4 in complex with adpcp and manganese
1i5b structure of chea domain p4 in complex with adpnp and manganese
1i5c structure of chea domain p4 in complex with adp
1i5e crystal structure of bacillus caldolyticus uracil phosphoribosyltransferase with bound ump
1i5f bacillus caldolyticus cold-shock protein mutants to study determinants of protein stability
1i5h solution structure of the rnedd4 wwiii domain-renac bp2 peptide complex
1i5q crystal structure of the e. coli ampc beta-lactamase mutant n152a covalently acylated with the inhibitory beta-lactam, moxalactam
1i5z structure of crp-camp at 1.9 a
1i69 crystal structure of the reduced form of oxyr
1i6o crystal structure of e. coli beta carbonic anhydrase (ecca)
1i6w the crystal structure of bacillus subtilis lipase: a minimal alpha/beta hydrolase enzyme
1i6x structure of a star mutant crp-camp at 2.2 a
1i70 crystal structure of rnase sa y86f mutant
1i72 human s-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase with covalently bound pyruvoyl group and covalently bound 5'-deoxy-5'-[n-methyl-n-(2- aminooxyethyl) amino]adenosine
1i73 complex of pro-leu-l-trp phosphonate with the catalitic domain of matrix metallo proteinase-8 (met80 form)
1i74 streptococcus mutans inorganic pyrophosphatase
1i75 crystal structure of cyclodextrin glucanotransferase from alkalophilic bacillus sp.#1011 complexed with 1-deoxynojirimycin
1i78 crystal structure of outer membrane protease ompt from escherichia coli
1i79 human s-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase with covalently bound pyruvoyl group and covalently bound 5'-deoxy-5'-[(3-hydrazinopropyl) methylamino]adenosine
1i7b human s-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase with covalently bound pyruvoyl group and covalently bound s-adenosylmethionine methyl ester
1i7c human s-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase with covalently bound pyruvoyl group and complexed with methylglyoxal bis-(guanylhydrazone)
1i7i crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of human ppar-gamma in complex with the agonist az 242
1i7k crystal structure of human mitotic-specific ubiquitin- conjugating enzyme, ubch10
1i7l crystal structure analysis of the complex of the c domain of synapsin ii from rat with atp
1i7n crystal structure analysis of the c domain of synapsin ii from rat brain
1i7y crystal structure of c-phycocyanin of synechococcus vulcanus at 2.5 angstroms.
1i83 bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with n1,n14-bis((s-methyl)isothioureido)tetradecane (h4b free)
1i88 chalcone synthase (g256v)
1i89 chalcone synthase (g256l)
1i8b chalcone synthase (g256f)
1i8g solution structure of pin1 ww domain complexed with cdc25 phosphothreonine peptide
1i8h solution structure of pin1 ww domain complexed with human tau phosphothreonine peptide
1i8j crystal structure of porphobilinogen synthase complexed with the inhibitor 4,7-dioxosebacic acid
1i8t strcuture of udp-galactopyranose mutase from e.coli
1i8v crystal structure of rnase sa y80f mutant
1i9a structural studies of cholesterol biosynthesis: mevalonate 5-diphosphate decarboxylase and isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase
1i9h core streptavidin-bna complex
1i9i native crystal structure of the recombinant monoclonal wild type anti-testosterone fab fragment
1i9j testosterone complex structure of the recombinant monoclonal wild type anti-testosterone fab fragment
1ia1 candida albicans dihydrofolate reductase complexed with dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate (nadph) and 5-(phenylsulfanyl)-2,4-quinazolinediamine (gw997)
1ia2 candida albicans dihydrofolate reductase complexed with dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate (nadph) and 5-[(4-methylphenyl)sulfanyl]-2,4- quinazolinediamine (gw578)
1ia3 candida albicans dihydrofolate reductase complex in which the dihydronicotinamide moiety of dihydro-nicotinamide- adenine-dinucleotide phosphate (nadph) is displaced by 5- [(4-tert-butylphenyl)sulfanyl]-2,4-quinazolinediamine (gw995)
1ia4 candida albicans dihydrofolate reductase complex in which the dihydronicotinamide moiety of dihydro-nicotinamide- adenine-dinucleotide phosphate (nadph) is displaced by 5- {[4-(4-morpholinyl)phenyl]sulfanyl}-2,4-quinazolinediamin (gw2021)
1ia9 crystal structure of the atypical protein kinase domain of a trp ca-channel, chak (amppnp complex)
1iah crystal structure of the atypical protein kinase domain of a trp ca-channel, chak (adp-mg complex)
1iaj crystal structure of the atypical protein kinase domain of a trp ca-channel, chak (apo)
1iao class ii mhc i-ad in complex with ovalbumin peptide 323-339
1iar interleukin-4 / receptor alpha chain complex
1iau human granzyme b in complex with ac-iepd-cho
1iax crystal structure of acc synthase complexed with plp
1iaz equinatoxin ii
1ib4 crystal structure of polygalacturonase from aspergillus aculeatus at ph4.5
1ibe deoxy-haemoglobin trapped in the high-affinity (r) state
1ibg structure and specificity of the anti-digoxin antibody 40-50
1ibj crystal structure of cystathionine beta-lyase from arabidopsis thaliana
1ibq aspergillopepsin from aspergillus phoenicis
1ibs phosphoribosyldiphosphate synthetase in complex with cadmium ions
1ibx nmr structure of dff40 and dff45 n-terminal domain complex
1ici crystal structure of a sir2 homolog-nad complex
1icp crystal structure of 12-oxophytodienoate reductase 1 from tomato complexed with peg400
1icq crystal structure of 12-oxophytodienoate reductase 1 from tomato complexed with 9r,13r-opda
1icr the structure of escherichia coli nitroreductase complexed with nicotinic acid
1icw interleukin-8, mutant with glu 38 replaced by cys and cys 50 replaced by ala
1id1 crystal structure of the rck domain from e.coli potassium channel
1id4 crystal structure of the catalytic site mutant (h157q) of the human cytomegalovirus protease
1ida crystal structures of hiv-2 protease in complex with inhibitors containing the hydroxyethylamine dipeptide isostere
1idb crystal structures of hiv-2 protease in complex with inhibitors containing the hydroxyethylamine dipeptide isostere
1idg the nmr solution structure of the complex formed between alpha-bungarotoxin and an 18mer cognate peptide
1idh the nmr solution structure of the complex formed between alpha-bungarotoxin and an 18mer cognate peptide
1idj pectin lyase a
1idn mac-1 i domain metal free
1idr crystal structure of the truncated-hemoglobin-n from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1idt structural studies on a prodrug-activating system-cb1954 and fmn-dependent nitroreductase
1iec crystal structure of the catalytic site mutant (h157a) of the human cytomegalovirus protease
1ied crystal structure of the catalytic site mutant (h157e) of the human cytomegalovirus protease
1ief crystal structure of the catalytic site mutant s134a of the human cytomegalovirus protease
1ieg crystal structure of the catalytic site mutant s134a/h157a of the human cytomegalovirus protease
1iel crystal structure of ampc beta-lactamase from e. coli in complex with ceftazidime
1iem crystal structure of ampc beta-lactamase from e. coli in complex with a boronic acid inhibitor (1, cefb4)
1iep crystal structure of the c-abl kinase domain in complex with sti-571.
1ifq sec22b n-terminal domain
1ifv crystal structure of pathogenesis-related protein llpr10.1b from yellow lupine
1ifx crystal structure of nh3-dependent nad+ synthetase from bacillus subtilis complexed with two molecules deamido-nad
1ig0 crystal structure of yeast thiamin pyrophosphokinase
1ig3 mouse thiamin pyrophosphokinase complexed with thiamin
1igi 26-10 fab:digoxin complex-affinity and specificity due to surface complementarity
1igm three dimensional structure of an fv from a human igm immunoglobulin
1igo family 11 xylanase
1igu c-terminal domain of the transcriptional repressor protein korb
1ih8 nh3-dependent nad+ synthetase from bacillus subtilis complexed with amp-cpp and mg2+ ions.
1ihb crystal structure of p18-ink4c(ink6)
1ihd crystal structure of trigonal form of d90e mutant of escherichia coli asparaginase ii
1ihi crystal structure of human type iii 3-alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/bile acid binding protein (akr1c2) complexed with nadp+ and ursodeoxycholate
1ihn mt938
1iho crystal apo-structure of pantothenate synthetase from e. coli
1ihq glytm1bzip: a chimeric peptide model of the n-terminus of a rat short alpha tropomyosin with the n-terminus encoded by exon 1b
1ihr crystal structure of the dimeric c-terminal domain of tonb
1ihv solution structure of the dna binding domain of hiv-1 integrase, nmr, minimized average structure
1ihw solution structure of the dna binding domain of hiv-1 integrase, nmr, 40 structures
1ii0 crystal structure of the escherichia coli arsenite-translocating atpase
1ii2 crystal structure of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (pepck) from trypanosoma cruzi
1ii6 crystal structure of the mitotic kinesin eg5 in complex with mg-adp.
1ii7 crystal structure of p. furiosus mre11 with manganese and damp
1ii8 crystal structure of the p. furiosus rad50 atpase domain
1ii9 crystal structure of the escherichia coli arsenite- translocating atpase in complex with amp-pnp
1iid crystal structure of saccharomyces cerevisiae n- myristoyltransferase with bound s-(2-oxo)pentadecylcoa and the octapeptide glyaskla
1iig structure of trypanosoma brucei brucei triosephosphate isomerase complexed with 3-phosphonopropionate
1iih structure of trypanosoma brucei brucei triosephosphate isomerase complexed with 3-phosphoglycerate
1iii crystal structure of the transthyretin mutant ttr y114c-data collected at room temperature
1iik crystal structure of the transthyretin mutant ttr y114c-data collected at cryo temperature
1iim thymidylyltransferase complexed with ttp
1iiq crystal structure of hiv-1 protease complexed with a hydroxyethylamine peptidomimetic inhibitor
1ij8 crystal structure of lite avidin-bni complex
1ije nucleotide exchange intermediates in the eef1a-eef1ba complex
1ijf nucleotide exchange mechanisms in the eef1a-eef1ba complex
1ijj the x-ray crystal structure of the complex between rabbit skeletal muscle actin and latrunculin a at 2.85 a resolution
1ijl crystal structure of acidic phospholipase a2 from deinagkistrodon acutus
1ijn crystal structure of the transthyretin mutant ttr c10a/y114c
1ijq crystal structure of the ldl receptor ywtd-egf domain pair
1ijv human beta-defensin-1
1ijy crystal structure of the cysteine-rich domain of mouse frizzled 8 (mfz8)
1ik7 crystal structure of the uncomplexed pelle death domain
1ikv k103n mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with efivarenz
1ikw wild type hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with efavirenz
1ikx k103n mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with the inhibitor pnu142721
1iky hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with the inhibitor msc194
1il0 x-ray crystal structure of the e170q mutant of human l-3- hydroxyacyl-coa dehydrogenase
1il1 crystal structure of g3-519, an anti-hiv monoclonal antibody
1il5 structure of ricin a chain bound with inhibitor 2,5-diamino- 4,6-dihydroxypyrimidine (ddp)
1il8 three-dimensional structure of interleukin 8 in solution
1ilr crystal structure of the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist
1ilv crystal structure analysis of the tm107
1im8 crystal structure of yeco from haemophilus influenzae (hi0319), a methyltransferase with a bound s-adenosylhomocysteine
1ima structural analysis of inositol monophosphatase complexes with substrates
1imb structural analysis of inositol monophosphatase complexes with substrates
1imc structural studies of metal binding by inositol monophosphatase: evidence for two-metal ion catalysis
1imd structural studies of metal binding by inositol monophosphatase: evidence for two-metal ion catalysis
1ime structural studies of metal binding by inositol monophosphatase: evidence for two-metal ion catalysis
1in0 yajq protein (hi1034)
1ind how the anti-(metal chelate) antibody cha255 is specific for the metal ion of its antigen: x-ray structures for two fab'(slash)hapten complexes with different metals in the chelate
1ine how the anti-(metal chelate) antibody cha255 is specific for the metal ion of its antigen: x-ray structures for two fab'(slash)hapten complexes with different metals in the chelate
1ing influenza a subtype n2 neuraminidase complexed with aromatic bana109 inhibitor
1inh influenza a subtype n2 neuraminidase complexed with aromatic bana111 inhibitor
1inn crystal structure of d. radiodurans luxs, p21
1io6 growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (grb2) c-terminal sh3 domain complexed with a ligand peptide (nmr, minimized mean structure)
1io7 thermophilic cytochrome p450 (cyp119) from sulfolobus solfataricus: high resolution structural origin of its thermostability and functional properties
1io8 thermophilic cytochrome p450 (cyp119) from sulfolobus solfataricus: high resolution structural origin of its thermostability and functional properties
1io9 thermophilic cytochrome p450 (cyp119) from sulfolobus solfataricus: high resolution structural origin of its thermostability and functional properties
1ioa arcelin-5, a lectin-like defense protein from phaseolus vulgaris
1ioe human coagulation factor xa in complex with m55532
1iog insulin mutant a3 gly,(b1, b10, b16, b27)glu, des-b30, nmr, 19 structures
1ioh insulin mutant a8 his,(b1, b10, b16, b27)glu, des-b30, nmr, 26 structures
1ioo crystal structure of nicotiana alata gemetophytic self-incompatibility associated sf11-rnase
1ip3 g68a human lysozyme
1ip7 g129a human lysozyme
1ipe tropinone reductase-ii complexed with nadph
1ipf tropinone reductase-ii complexed with nadph and tropinone
1ipi crystal structure of the archaeal holliday junction resolvase hjc from pyrococcus furiosus form ii
1ips isopenicillin n synthase from aspergillus nidulans (manganese complex)
1ipw inorganic pyrophosphatase from escherichia coli with three magnesium ions
1iq4 5s-rrna binding ribosomal protein l5 from bacillus stearothermophilus
1iq5 calmodulin/nematode ca2+/calmodulin dependent kinase kinase fragment
1iq6 (r)-hydratase from a. caviae involved in pha biosynthesis
1iq8 crystal structure of archaeosine trna-guanine transglycosylase from pyrococcus horikoshii
1iqb crystal structure of urtica dioica agglutinin isolectin i
1iqe human coagulation factor xa in complex with m55590
1iqf human coagulation factor xa in complex with m55165
1iqg human coagulation factor xa in complex with m55159
1iqh human coagulation factor xa in complex with m55143
1iqi human coagulation factor xa in complex with m55125
1iqj human coagulation factor xa in complex with m55124
1iqk human coagulation factor xa in complex with m55113
1iql human coagulation factor xa in complex with m54476
1iqm human coagulation factor xa in complex with m54471
1iqn human coagulation factor xa in complex with m55192
1iqw crystal structure of the fab fragment of the mouse anti- human fas antibody hfe7a
1iqx crystal structure of cobalt-substituted amine oxidase from arthrobacter globiformis
1iqy crystal structure of nickel-substituted amine oxidase from arthrobacter globiformis
1ir3 phosphorylated insulin receptor tyrosine kinase in complex with peptide substrate and atp analog
1ira complex of the interleukin-1 receptor with the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (il1ra)
1ird crystal structure of human carbonmonoxy-haemoglobin at 1.25 a resolution
1ire crystal structure of co-type nitrile hydratase from pseudonocardia thermophila
1irq crystal structure of omega transcriptional repressor at 1.5a resolution
1irs irs-1 ptb domain complexed with a il-4 receptor phosphopeptide, nmr, minimized average structure
1irx crystal structure of class i lysyl-trna synthetase
1is2 crystal structure of peroxisomal acyl-coa oxidase-ii from rat liver
1isa structure-function in e. coli iron superoxide dismutase: comparisons with the manganese enzyme from t. thermophilus
1isb structure-function in e. coli iron superoxide dismutase: comparisons with the manganese enzyme from t. thermophilus
1isc structure-function in e. coli iron superoxide dismutase: comparisons with the manganese enzyme from t. thermophilus
1isf crystal structure analysis of bst-1/cd157
1isg crystal structure analysis of bst-1/cd157 with atpgammas
1ish crystal structure analysis of bst-1/cd157 complexed with ethenonadp
1isi crystal structure analysis of bst-1/cd157 complexed with ethenonad
1isj crystal structure analysis of bst-1/cd157 complexed with nmn
1isk 3-oxo-delta5-steroid isomerase, nmr, 20 structures
1ism crystal structure analysis of bst-1/cd157 complexed with nicotinamide
1isq pyrococcus furiosus pcna complexed with rfcl pip-box peptide
1iss crystal structure of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 1 complexed with an antagonist
1ist crystal structure of yeast cyclophilin a, cpr1
1isu the three-dimensional structure of the high-potential iron- sulfur protein isolated from the purple phototrophic bacterium rhodocyclus tenuis determined and refined at 1.5 angstroms resolution
1isv crystal structure of xylanase from streptomyces olivaceoviridis e-86 complexed with xylose
1isw crystal structure of xylanase from streptomyces olivaceoviridis e-86 complexed with xylobiose
1isx crystal structure of xylanase from streptomyces olivaceoviridis e-86 complexed with xylotriose
1isy crystal structure of xylanase from streptomyces olivaceoviridis e-86 complexed with glucose
1isz crystal structure of xylanase from streptomyces olivaceoviridis e-86 complexed with galactose
1it0 crystal structure of xylanase from streptomyces olivaceoviridis e-86 complexed with lactose
1it2 hagfish deoxy hemoglobin
1it7 crystal structure of archaeosine trna-guanine transglycosylase complexed with guanine
1it8 crystal structure of archaeosine trna-guanine transglycosylase from pyrococcus horikoshii complexed with archaeosine precursor, preq0
1it9 crystal structure of an antigen-binding fragment from a humanized version of the anti-human fas antibody hfe7a
1itb type-1 interleukin-1 receptor complexed with interleukin-1 beta
1ith structure determination and refinement of homotetrameric hemoglobin from urechis caupo at 2.5 angstroms resolution
1itk crystal structure of catalase-peroxidase from haloarcula marismortui
1itq human renal dipeptidase
1itu human renal dipeptidase complexed with cilastatin
1itv dimeric form of the haemopexin domain of mmp9
1iu1 crystal structure of human gamma1-adaptin ear domain
1iu7 holo form of copper-containing amine oxidase from arthrobacter globiformis
1iu8 the x-ray crystal structure of pyrrolidone-carboxylate peptidase from hyperthermophilic archaeon pyrococcus horikoshii
1iue crystal structure analysis of ferredoxin from plasmodium falciparum
1iug the crystal structure of aspartate aminotransferase which belongs to subgroup iv from thermus thermophilus
1iuj the structure of tt1380 protein from thermus thermophilus
1iun meta-cleavage product hydrolase from pseudomonas fluorescens ip01 (cumd) s103a mutant hexagonal
1iv5 new crystal form of human cd81 large extracellular loop.
1iv7 crystal structure of single chain monellin
1iv9 crystal structure of single chain monellin
1ivc structures of aromatic inhibitors of influenza virus neuraminidase
1ivd structures of aromatic inhibitors of influenza virus neuraminidase
1ive structures of aromatic inhibitors of influenza virus neuraminidase
1ivf structures of aromatic inhibitors of influenza virus neuraminidase
1ivg structures of aromatic inhibitors of influenza virus neuraminidase
1ivl the de novo design of an antibody combining site: crystallographic analysis of the vl domain confirms the structural model
1ivp the crystallographic structure of the protease from human immunodeficiency virus type 2 with two synthetic peptidic transition state analog inhibitors
1ivq the crystallographic structure of the protease from human immunodeficiency virus type 2 with two synthetic peptidic transition state analog inhibitors
1ivu crystal structure of copper amine oxidase from arthrobacter globiformis: initial intermediate in topaquinone biogenesis
1ivv crystal structure of copper amine oxidase from arthrobacter globiformis: early intermediate in topaquinone biogenesis
1ivw crystal structure of copper amine oxidase from arthrobacter globiformis: late intermediate in topaquinone biogenesis
1ivx crystal structure of copper amine oxidase from arthrobacter globiformis: holo form generated by biogenesis in crystal.
1ivy physiological dimer hpp precursor
1iwe imp complex of the recombinant mouse-muscle adenylosuccinate synthetase
1iwh crystal structure of horse carbonmonoxyhemoglobin-bezafibrate complex at 1.55a resolution: a novel allosteric binding site in r-state hemoglobin
1iwm crystal structure of the outer membrane lipoprotein receptor, lolb
1iwo crystal structure of the sr ca2+-atpase in the absence of ca2+
1iwq crystal structure of marcks calmodulin binding domain peptide complexed with ca2+/calmodulin
1ix1 crystal structure of p.aeruginosa peptide deformylase complexed with antibiotic actinonin
1ix2 crystal structure of selenomethionine pcoc, a copper resistance protein from escherichia coli
1ix9 crystal structure of the e. coli manganase(iii) superoxide dismutase mutant y174f at 0.90 angstroms resolution.
1ixb crystal structure of the e. coli manganese(ii) superoxide dismutase mutant y174f at 0.90 angstroms resolution.
1ixc crystal structure of cbnr, a lysr family transcriptional regulator
1ixm crystal structure of spoob from bacillus subtilis
1ixs structure of ruvb complexed with ruva domain iii
1iyb crystal structure of the nicotiana glutinosa ribonuclease nw
1iyk crystal structure of candida albicans n-myristoyltransferase with myristoyl-coa and peptidic inhibitor
1iyx crystal structure of enolase from enterococcus hirae
1iz5 pyrococcus furiosus pcna mutant (met73leu, asp143ala, asp147ala): orthorhombic form
1iz9 crystal structure of malate dehydrogenase from thermus thermophilus hb8
1ize crystal structure of aspergillus oryzae aspartic proteinase complexed with pepstatin
1izh inhibitor of hiv protease with unusual binding mode potently inhibiting multi-resistant protease mutants
1izi inhibitor of hiv protease with unusual binding mode potently inhibiting multi-resistant protease mutants
1izy crystal structure of hsp31
1j06 crystal structure of mouse acetylcholinesterase in the apo form
1j07 crystal structure of the mouse acetylcholinesterase-decidium complex
1j0h crystal structure of bacillus stearothermophilus neopullulanase
1j0i crystal structure of neopullulanase complex with panose
1j0j crystal structure of neopullulanase e357q complex with maltotetraose
1j0k crystal structure of neopullulanase e357q complex with isopanose
1j0w crystal structure analysis of the dok-5 ptb domain
1j19 crystal structure of the radxin ferm domain complexed with the icam-2 cytoplasmic peptide
1j1a pancreatic secretory phospholipase a2 (iia) with anti- inflammatory activity
1j1b binary complex structure of human tau protein kinase i with amppnp
1j1c binary complex structure of human tau protein kinase i with adp
1j1n structure analysis of algq2, a macromolecule(alginate)-binding periplasmic protein of sphingomonas sp. a1., complexed with an alginate tetrasaccharide
1j1y crystal structure of paai from thermus thermophilus hb8
1j2e crystal structure of human dipeptidyl peptidase iv
1j2f x-ray crystal structure of irf-3 and its functional implications
1j2j crystal structure of gga1 gat n-terminal region in complex with arf1 gtp form
1j2x crystal structure of rap74 c-terminal domain complexed with fcp1 c-terminal peptide
1j30 the crystal structure of sulerythrin, a rubrerythrin-like protein from a strictly aerobic and thermoacidiphilic archaeon
1j32 aspartate aminotransferase from phormidium lapideum
1j36 crystal structure of drosophila ance
1j37 crystal structure of drosophila ance
1j38 crystal structure of drosophila ance
1j3b crystal structure of atp-dependent phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase from thermus thermophilus hb8
1j3h crystal structure of apoenzyme camp-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit
1j3m crystal structure of the conserved hypothetical protein tt1751 from thermus thermophilus hb8
1j3n crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier protein) synthase ii from thermus thermophilus hb8
1j3p crystal structure of thermococcus litoralis phosphoglucose isomerase
1j3q crystal structure of thermococcus litoralis phosphogrucose isomerase soaked with feso4
1j3r crystal structure of thermococcus litoralis phosphogrucose isomerase complexed with gluconate-6-phosphate
1j3u crystal structure of aspartase from bacillus sp. ym55-1
1j48 crystal structure of apo-c1027
1j49 insights into domain closure, substrate specificity and catalysis of d-lactate dehydrogenase from lactobacillus bulgaricus
1j4j crystal structure of tabtoxin resistance protein (form ii) complexed with an acyl coenzyme a
1j4k solution structure of the fha2 domain of rad53 complexed with a phosphotyrosyl peptide derived from rad9
1j4l solution structure of the fha2 domain of rad53 complexed with a phosphothreonyl peptide derived from rad9
1j4p nmr structure of the fha1 domain of rad53 in complex with a rad9-derived phosphothreonine (at t155) peptide
1j4q nmr structure of the fha1 domain of rad53 in complex with a rad9-derived phosphothreonine (at t192) peptide
1j4v cyanovirin-n
1j4x human vh1-related dual-specificity phosphatase c124s mutant- peptide complex
1j5q the structure and evolution of the major capsid protein of a large, lipid-containing, dna virus.
1j5w crystal structure of glycyl-trna synthetase alpha chain (tm0216) from thermotoga maritima at 1.95 a resolution
1j6r crystal structure of activation (adomet binding) domain of methionine synthase (tm0269) from thermotoga maritima at 2.2 a resolution
1j6t complex of enzyme iiamtl and the histidine-containing phosphocarrier protein hpr from escherichia coli nmr, restrained regularized mean structure
1j6w crystal structure of haemophilus influenzae luxs
1j6x crystal structure of helicobacter pylori luxs
1j71 structure of the extracellular aspartic proteinase from candida tropicalis yeast.
1j78 crystallographic analysis of the human vitamin d binding protein
1j79 molecular structure of dihydroorotase: a paradigm for catalysis through the use of a binuclear metal center
1j7d crystal structure of hmms2-hubc13
1j7e a structural basis for the unique binding features of the human vitamin d-binding protein
1j7j crystal structure of the hprt from salmonella typhimurium
1j7n anthrax toxin lethal factor
1j7v human il-10 / il-10r1 complex
1j7z osmolyte stabilization of ribonuclease
1j80 osmolyte stabilization of rnase
1j81 osmolyte stabilization of rnase
1j82 osmolyte stabilization of rnase
1j83 structure of fam17 carbohydrate binding module from clostridium cellulovorans
1j86 human high affinity fc receptor fc(epsilon)ri(alpha), monoclinic crystal form 2
1j90 crystal structure of drosophila deoxyribonucleoside kinase
1j91 crystal structure of z. mays ck2 kinase alpha subunit in complex with the atp-competitive inhibitor 4,5,6,7- tetrabromobenzotriazole
1j96 human 3alpha-hsd type 3 in ternary complex with nadp and testosterone
1j97 phospho-aspartyl intermediate analogue of phosphoserine phosphatase
1j9i structure of the dna binding domain of the gpnu1 subunit of lambda terminase
1j9j crystal structure analysis of sure protein from t.maritima
1j9k crystal structure of sure protein from t.maritima in complex with tungstate
1j9l crystal structure of sure protein from t.maritima in complex with vanadate
1j9w solution structure of the cai michigan 1 variant
1j9z cypor-w677g
1ja0 cypor-w677x
1ja1 cypor-triple mutant
1ja3 crystal structure of the murine nk cell inhibitory receptor ly-49i
1ja8 kinetic analysis of product inhibition in human manganese superoxide dismutase
1jad c-terminal domain of turkey plc-beta
1jaf crystal structure of cytochrome c' from rhodocyclus gelatinosus at 2.5 angstoms resolution
1jal ychf protein (hi0393)
1jan complex of pro-leu-gly-hydroxylamine with the catalytic domain of matrix metallo proteinase-8 (phe79 form)
1jap complex of pro-leu-gly-hydroxylamine with the catalytic domain of matrix metallo proteinase-8 (met80 form)
1jat mms2/ubc13 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme complex
1jax structure of coenzyme f420h2:nadp+ oxidoreductase (fno)
1jay structure of coenzyme f420h2:nadp+ oxidoreductase (fno) with its substrates bound
1jaz crystal structure of monoclinic form of d90e mutant of escherichia coli asparaginase ii
1jb2 crystal structure of ntf2 m84e mutant
1jb4 crystal structure of ntf2 m102e mutant
1jb5 crystal structure of ntf2 m118e mutant
1jb6 crystal structure of dimerization domain (1-33) of hnf-1alpha
1jbb ubiquitin conjugating enzyme, ubc13
1jbd nmr structure of the complex between alpha-bungarotoxin and a mimotope of the nicotinic acetilcholine receptor
1jbo the 1.45a three-dimensional structure of c-phycocyanin from the thermophylic cyanobacterium synechococcus elongatus
1jbp crystal structure of the catalytic subunit of camp- dependent protein kinase complexed with a substrate peptide, adp and detergent
1jcj observation of covalent intermediates in an enzyme mechanism at atomic resolution
1jcl observation of covalent intermediates in an enzyme mechanism at atomic resolution
1jcn binary complex of human type-i inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase with 6-cl-imp
1jco solution structure of the monomeric [thr(b27)->pro,pro(b28)- >thr] insulin mutant (pt insulin)
1jcq crystal structure of human protein farnesyltransferase complexed with farnesyl diphosphate and the peptidomimetic inhibitor l-739,750
1jct glucarate dehydratase, n341l mutant orthorhombic form
1jcx aquifex aeolicus kdo8p synthase in complex with api and cadmium
1jcy aquifex aeolicus kdo8p synthase in complex with r5p, pep and cadmium
1jcz crystal structure of the extracellular domain of human carbonic anhydrase xii
1jd0 crystal structure of the extracellular domain of human carbonic anhydrase xii complexed with acetazolamide
1jd4 crystal structure of diap1-bir2
1jd5 crystal structure of diap1-bir2/grim
1jd6 crystal structure of diap1-bir2/hid complex
1jdh crystal structure of beta-catenin and htcf-4
1jdy rabbit muscle phosphoglucomutase
1je5 crystal structure of gp2.5, a single-stranded dna binding protein encoded by bacteriophage t7
1jeg solution structure of the sh3 domain from c-terminal src kinase complexed with a peptide from the tyrosine phosphatase pep
1jeh crystal structure of yeast e3, lipoamide dehydrogenase
1jek visna tm core structure
1jep chalcone isomerase complexed with 4'-hydroxyflavanone
1jeq crystal structure of the ku heterodimer
1jet oligo-peptide binding protein (oppa) complexed with kak
1jeu oligo-peptide binding protein (oppa) complexed with kek
1jev oligo-peptide binding protein (oppa) complexed with kwk
1jez the structure of xylose reductase, a dimeric aldo-keto reductase from candida tenuis
1jf5 crystal structure of thermoactinomyces vulgaris r-47 alpha- amylase 2 mutant f286a
1jf6 crystal structure of thermoactinomyces vulgaris r-47 alpha- amylase mutant f286y
1jf7 human ptp1b catalytic domain complexed with pnu177836
1jfd structure of inorganic pyrophosphatase
1jff refined structure of alpha-beta tubulin from zinc-induced sheets stabilized with taxol
1jfl crystal structure determination of aspartate racemase from an archaea
1jfr crystal structure of the streptomyces exfoliatus lipase at 1.9a resolution: a model for a family of platelet- activating factor acetylhydrolases
1jfu crystal structure of the soluble domain of tlpa from bradyrhizobium japonicum
1jg0 crystal structure of escherichia coli thymidylate synthase complexed with 2'-deoxyuridine-5'-monophosphate and n,o-didansyl-l-tyrosine
1jgl crystal structure of immunoglobulin fab fragment complexed with 17-beta-estradiol
1jgm high resolution structure of the cadmium-containing phosphotriesterase from pseudomonas diminuta
1jgn solution structure of the c-terminal pabc domain of human poly(a)-binding protein in complex with the peptide from paip2
1jgt crystal structure of beta-lactam synthetase
1jgu structural basis for disfavored elimination reaction in catalytic antibody 1d4
1jgv structural basis for disfavored elimination reaction in catalytic antibody 1d4
1jh4 solution structure of the c-terminal pabc domain of human poly(a)-binding protein in complex with the peptide from paip1
1jh6 semi-reduced cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase from arabidopsis thaliana
1jhe lexa l89p q92w e152a k156a mutant
1jhf lexa g85d mutant
1jhh lexa s119a mutant
1jhk crystal structure of the anti-estradiol antibody 57-2
1jhz purine repressor mutant corepressor binding domain structure
1ji1 crystal structure analysis of thermoactinomyces vulgaris r- 47 alpha-amylase 1
1ji2 improved x-ray structure of thermoactinomyces vulgaris r-47 alpha-amylase 2
1ji3 crystal structure of the first thermostable bacterial lipase from bacillus stearothermophilus
1jia structure of a basic phospholipase a2 from agkistrodon halys pallas at 2.13a resolution
1jib complex of alpha-amylase ii (tva ii) from thermoactinomyces vulgaris r-47 with maltotetraose based on a crystal soaked with maltohexaose.
1jie crystal structure of bleomycin-binding protein from bleomycin-producing streptomyces verticillus complexed with metal-free bleomycin
1jif crystal structure of bleomycin-binding protein from bleomycin-producing streptomyces verticillus complexed with copper(ii)-bleomycin
1jih yeast dna polymerase eta
1jiw crystal structure of the apr-aprin complex
1jjc crystal structure at 2.6a resolution of phenylalanyl-trna synthetase complexed with phenylalanyl-adenylate in the presence of manganese
1jje imp-1 metallo beta-lactamase from pseudomonas aeruginosa in complex with a biaryl succinic acid inhibitor (11)
1jjt imp-1 metallo beta-lactamase from pseudomonas aeruginosa in complex with a biaryl succinic acid inhibitor (1)
1jk0 ribonucleotide reductase y2y4 heterodimer
1jk4 des 1-6 bovine neurophysin ii complex with vasopressin
1jk6 uncomplexed des 1-6 bovine neurophysin
1jkf holo 1l-myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase
1jkg structural basis for the recognition of a nucleoporin fg- repeat by the ntf2-like domain of tap-p15 mrna nuclear export factor
1jkh crystal structure of y181c mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with dmp-266(efavirenz)
1jki myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase complexed with an inhibitor, 2- deoxy-glucitol-6-phosphate
1jkm brefeldin a esterase, a bacterial homologue of human hormone sensitive lipase
1jkt tetragonal crystal form of a catalytic domain of death-associated protein kinase
1jky crystal structure of the anthrax lethal factor (lf): wild- type lf complexed with the n-terminal sequence of mapkk2
1jl0 structure of a human s-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase self-processing ester intermediate and mechanism of putrescine stimulation of processing as revealed by the h243a mutant
1jl8 complex of alpha-amylase ii (tva ii) from thermoactinomyces vulgaris r-47 with beta-cyclodextrin based on a co- crystallization with methyl beta-cyclodextrin
1jl9 crystal structure of human epidermal growth factor
1jla crystal structure of y181c mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with tnk-651
1jlb crystal structure of y181c mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with nevirapine
1jlc crystal structure of y181c mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with pett-2
1jld potent hiv protease inhibitors containing a novel (hydroxyethyl)amide isostere
1jle crystal structure of y188c mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase
1jlf crystal structure of y188c mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with nevirapine
1jlg crystal structure of y188c mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with uc-781
1jlk crystal structure of the mn(2+)-bound form of response regulator rcp1
1jlq crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with 739w94
1jlt vipoxin complex
1jlu crystal structure of the catalytic subunit of camp-dependent protein kinase complexed with a phosphorylated substrate peptide and detergent
1jlw anopheles dirus species b glutathione s-transferases 1-4
1jlx agglutinin in complex with t-disaccharide
1jly crystal structure of amaranthus caudatus agglutinin
1jm4 nmr structure of p/caf bromodomain in complex with hiv-1 tat peptide
1jm6 pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, isozyme 2, containing adp
1jm7 solution structure of the brca1/bard1 ring-domain heterodimer
1jma crystal structure of the herpes simplex virus glycoprotein d bound to the cellular receptor hvea/hvem
1jme crystal structure of phe393his cytochrome p450 bm3
1jmj crystal structure of native heparin cofactor ii
1jmk structural basis for the cyclization of the lipopeptide antibiotic surfactin by the thioesterase domain srfte
1jmq yap65 (l30k mutant) ww domain in complex with gtppppytvg peptide
1jmt x-ray structure of a core u2af65/u2af35 heterodimer
1jn4 the crystal structure of ribonuclease a in complex with 2'- deoxyuridine 3'-pyrophosphate (p'-5') adenosine
1jn6 crystal structure of fab-estradiol complexes
1jnl crystal structure of fab-estradiol complexes
1jnn crystal structure of fab-estradiol complexes
1jno gramicidin a in sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles (nmr)
1jnp crystal structure of murine tcl1 at 2.5 resolution
1jny crystal structure of sulfolobus solfataricus elongation factor 1 alpha in complex with gdp
1jo0 structure of hi1333, a hypothetical protein from haemophilus influenzae with structural similarity to rna-binding proteins
1jo3 gramicidin b in sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles (nmr)
1jo4 gramicidin c in sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles (nmr)
1joc eea1 homodimer of c-terminal fyve domain bound to inositol 1,3-diphosphate
1jod crystal structure of murine olfactory marker protein in spacegroup p43212
1joh the structure of antiamoebin i, a membrane-active peptide
1jol the crystal structure of the binary complex between folinic acid (leucovorin) and e. coli dihydrofolate reductase
1jot structure of the lectin mpa complexed with t-antigen disaccharide
1jow crystal structure of a complex of human cdk6 and a viral cyclin
1joy solution structure of the homodimeric domain of envz from escherichia coli by multi-dimensional nmr.
1jp3 structure of e.coli undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase
1jpa crystal structure of unphosphorylated ephb2 receptor tyrosine kinase and juxtamembrane region
1jpn gmppnp complex of srp gtpase ng domain
1jpr mn substituted ribonucleotide reductase r2 from e. coli oxidized by nitric oxide
1jpt crystal structure of fab d3h44
1jpz crystal structure of a complex of the heme domain of p450bm- 3 with n-palmitoylglycine
1jq7 hcmv protease dimer-interface mutant, s225y complexed to inhibitor bilc 408
1jqc mn substituted ribonucleotide reductase r2 from e. coli oxidized by hydrogen peroxide and hydroxylamine
1jqd crystal structure analysis of human histamine methyltransferase (thr105 polymorphic variant) complexed with adohcy and histamine
1jqe crystal structure analysis of human histamine methyltransferase (ile105 polymorphic variant) complexed with adohcy and antimalarial drug quinacrine
1jqi crystal structure of rat short chain acyl-coa dehydrogenase complexed with acetoacetyl-coa
1jql mechanism of processivity clamp opening by the delta subunit wrench of the clamp loader complex of e. coli dna polymerase iii: structure of beta-delta (1-140)
1jqm fitting of l11 protein and elongation factor g (ef-g) in the cryo-em map of e. coli 70s ribosome bound with ef-g, gdp and fusidic acid
1jqo crystal structure of c4-form phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from maize
1jqv the k213e mutant of lactococcus lactis dihydroorotate dehydrogenase a
1jqx the r57a mutant of lactococcus lactis dihydroorotate dehydrogenase a
1jqz human acidic fibroblast growth factor. 141 amino acid form with amino terminal his tag.
1jr1 crystal structure of inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase in complex with mycophenolic acid
1jr2 structure of uroporphyrinogen iii synthase
1jr5 solution structure of the anti-sigma factor asia homodimer
1jr8 crystal structure of erv2p
1jrb the p56a mutant of lactococcus lactis dihydroorotate dehydrogenase a
1jrc the n67a mutant of lactococcus lactis dihydroorotate dehydrogenase a
1jrg crystal structure of the r3 form of pectate lyase a, erwinia chrysanthemi
1jrq x-ray structure analysis of the role of the conserved tyrosine-369 in active site of e. coli amine oxidase
1jrr human plasminogen activator inhibitor-2.[loop (66-98) deletionmutant] complexed with peptide mimicking the reactive center loop
1jrs hemiacetal complex between leupeptin and trypsin
1jrt hemiacetal complex between leupeptin and trypsin
1jrx crystal structure of arg402ala mutant flavocytochrome c3 from shewanella frigidimarina
1jry crystal structure of arg402lys mutant flavocytochrome c3 from shewanella frigidimarina
1jrz crystal structure of arg402tyr mutant flavocytochrome c3 from shewanella frigidimarina
1js3 crystal structure of dopa decarboxylase in complex with the inhibitor carbidopa
1js4 endo/exocellulase:cellobiose from thermomonospora
1js6 crystal structure of dopa decarboxylase
1js8 structure of a functional unit from octopus hemocyanin
1jsc crystal structure of the catalytic subunit of yeast acetohydroxyacid synthase: a target for herbicidal inhibitors
1jsd crystal structure of swine h9 haemagglutinin
1jsh crystal structure of h9 haemagglutinin complexed with lsta receptor analog
1jsi crystal structure of h9 haemagglutinin bound to lstc receptor analog
1jsm structure of h5 avian haemagglutinin
1jsn structure of avian h5 haemagglutinin complexed with lsta receptro analog
1jso structure of avian h5 haemagglutinin bound to lstc receptor analog
1jsp nmr structure of cbp bromodomain in complex with p53 peptide
1jss crystal structure of the mus musculus cholesterol-regulated start protein 4 (stard4).
1jt3 human acidic fibroblast growth factor. 141 amino acid form with amino histidine tag and leu 73 replaced by val (l73v)
1jt4 human acidic fibroblast growth factor. 141 amino acid form with amino terminal his tag and val 109 replaced by leu (v109l)
1jt5 human acidic fibroblast growth factor. 141 amino acid form with amino terminal his tag and leu 73 replaced by val and val 109 replaced by leu (l73v/v109l)
1jtd crystal structure of beta-lactamase inhibitor protein-ii in complex with tem-1 beta-lactamase
1jti loop-inserted structure of p1-p1' cleaved ovalbumin mutant r339t
1jtk crystal structure of cytidine deaminase from bacillus subtilis in complex with the inhibitor tetrahydrodeoxyuridine
1jtn alternative structures of a sequence extended t4 lysozyme show that the highly conserved beta-sheet region has weak intrinsic folding propensity
1jtq e. coli ts complex with dump and the pyrrolo(2,3-d)pyrimidine-based antifolate ly341770
1jtt degenerate interfaces in antigen-antibody complexes
1jtu e. coli thymidylate synthase in a complex with dump and ly338913, a polyglutamylated pyrrolo(2,3-d)pyrimidine-based antifolate
1ju2 crystal structure of the hydroxynitrile lyase from almond
1ju9 horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase val292ser mutant
1jub the k136e mutant of lactococcus lactis dihydroorotate dehydrogenase a
1jue 1.8 a resolution structure of native lactococcus lactis dihydroorotate dehydrogenase a
1jun nmr study of c-jun homodimer
1juo crystal structure of calcium-free human sorcin: a member of the penta-ef-hand protein family
1jut e. coli thymidylate synthase bound to dump and ly338529, a pyrrolo(2, 3-d)pyrimidine-based antifolate
1jv0 the crystal structure of the zinc(ii) adduct of the cai michigan 1 variant
1jv1 crystal structure of human agx1 complexed with udpglcnac
1jv2 crystal structure of the extracellular segment of integrin alphavbeta3
1jv3 crystal structure of human agx1 complexed with udpgalnac
1jv5 anti-blood group a fv
1jva crystal structure of the vma1-derived endonuclease bearing the n and c extein propeptides
1jvd crystal structure of human agx2 complexed with udpglcnac
1jvg crystal structure of human agx2 complexed with udpgalnac
1jvk three-dimensional structure of an immunoglobulin light chain dimer acting as a lethal amyloid precursor
1jvl azurin dimer, covalently crosslinked through bis- maleimidomethylether
1jvn crystal structure of imidazole glycerol phosphate synthase: a tunnel through a (beta/alpha)8 barrel joins two active sites
1jvs crystal structure of 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase; a target enzyme for antimalarial drugs
1jvt crystal structure of ribonuclease a (ligand-free form)
1jvu crystal structure of ribonuclease a (complexed form)
1jvv crystal structure of ribonuclease a (retro-soaked form)
1jvz structure of cephalosporin acylase in complex with glutaryl- 7-aminocephalosporanic acid
1jw0 structure of cephalosporin acylase in complex with glutarate
1jw6 crystal structure of the complex of concanavalin a and hexapeptide
1jw9 structure of the native moeb-moad protein complex
1jwa structure of the atp-bound moeb-moad protein complex
1jwb structure of the covalent acyl-adenylate form of the moeb-moad protein complex
1jwd ca2+-induced structural changes in calcyclin: high- resolution solution structure of ca2+-bound calcyclin.
1jwi crystal structure of bitiscetin, a von willeband factor- dependent platelet aggregation inducer.
1jwj murine inducible nitric oxide synthase oxygenase dimer (delta 65) with w457f mutation at tetrahydrobiopterin binding site
1jwk murine inducible nitric oxide synthase oxygenase dimer (delta 65) with w457a mutation at tetrahydrobiopterin binding site
1jx0 chalcone isomerase--y106f mutant
1jx9 penicillin acylase, mutant
1jxg the 1.6 a resolution crystal structure of a mutant poplar plastocyanin bearing a 21-25 engeneered disulfide bridge
1jxh 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine phosphate kinase from salmonella typhimurium
1jxi 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine phosphate kinase from salmonella typhimurium complexed with 4-amino-5- hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine
1jxo crystal structure of the sh3-hook-gk fragment of psd-95
1jy0 human acidic fibroblast growth factor. 141 amino acid form with amino terminal his tag and cys 117 replaced with val (c117v).
1jy4 b4dimer: a de novo designed eight-stranded beta-sheet assembled using a disulfide bond
1jy5 rnase-related protein from calystegia sepium
1jy6 b4dimera: a de novo designed four-stranded beta-sheet assembled using a disulfide bond
1jya crystal structure of syce
1jyr xray structure of grb2 sh2 domain complexed with a phosphorylated peptide
1jys crystal structure of e. coli mta/adohcy nucleosidase
1jzi pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin re(phen)(co)3(his83)
1jzj pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin os(bpy)2(im)(his83)
1jzl crystal structure of sapharca inaequivalvis hbi, i114m mutant ligated to carbon monoxide.
1jzm crystal structure of scapharca inaequivalvis hbi, i114m mutant in the absence of ligand.
1jzo dsbc c101s
1jzt crystal structure of yeast ynu0, ynl200c
1k07 native fez-1 metallo-beta-lactamase from legionella gormanii
1k09 solution structure of betacore, a designed water soluble four-stranded antiparallel b-sheet protein
1k0a ure2p in complex with s-hexylglutathione
1k0e the crystal structure of aminodeoxychorismate synthase from formate grown crystals
1k0g the crystal structure of aminodeoxychorismate synthase from phosphate grown crystals
1k0m crystal structure of a soluble monomeric form of clic1 at 1.4 angstroms
1k0n chloride intracellular channel 1 (clic1) complexed with glutathione
1k0o crystal structure of a soluble form of clic1. an intracellular chloride ion channel
1k0r crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis nusa
1k0z crystal structure of the pvuii endonuclease with pr3+ and so4 ions bound in the active site at 2.05a.
1k1k structure of mutant human carbonmonoxyhemoglobin c (beta e6k) at 2.0 angstrom resolution in phosphate buffer.
1k1t combining mutations in hiv-1 protease to understand mechanisms of resistance
1k1u combining mutations in hiv-1 protease to understand mechanisms of resistance
1k1x crystal structure of 4-alpha-glucanotransferase from thermococcus litoralis
1k1y crystal structure of thermococcus litoralis 4-alpha-glucanotransferase complexed with acarbose
1k20 inorganic pyrophosphatase (family ii) from streptococcus gordonii at 1.5 a resolution
1k26 structure of a nudix protein from pyrobaculum aerophilum solved by the single wavelength anomolous scattering method
1k28 the structure of the bacteriophage t4 cell-puncturing device
1k2b combining mutations in hiv-1 protease to understand mechanisms of resistance
1k2c combining mutations in hiv-1 protease to understand mechanisms of resistance
1k2e crystal structure of a nudix protein from pyrobaculum aerophilum
1k2f siah, seven in absentia homolog
1k2h three-dimensional solution structure of apo-s100a1.
1k2m solution structure of the fha2 domain of rad53 complexed with a phosphotyrosyl peptide derived from rad9
1k2n solution structure of the fha2 domain of rad53 complexed with a phosphothreonyl peptide derived from rad9
1k2o cytochrome p450cam with bound bis(2,2'-bipyridine)-(5-methyl-2-2'- bipyridine)-c2-adamantane ruthenium (ii)
1k2p crystal structure of bruton's tyrosine kinase domain
1k2r structure of rat brain nnos heme domain complexed with ng- nitro-l-arginine
1k2s structure of rat brain nnos heme domain complexed with ng- allyl-l-arginine
1k2t structure of rat brain nnos heme domain complexed with s- ethyl-n-phenyl-isothiourea
1k2u structure of rat brain nnos heme domain complexed with s- ethyl-n-[4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl] isothiourea
1k2w crystal structure of sorbitol dehydrogenase from r. sphaeroides
1k38 crystal structure of the class d beta-lactamase oxa-2
1k3a structure of the insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor kinase
1k3e type iii secretion chaperone cest
1k3l crystal structure analysis of s-hexyl-glutathione complex of glutathione transferase at 1.5 angstroms resolution
1k3m nmr structure of human insulin mutant ile-a2-ala, his-b10- asp, pro-b28-lys, lys-b29-pro, 15 structures
1k3n nmr structure of the fha1 domain of rad53 in complex with a rad9-derived phosphothreonine (at t155) peptide
1k3o crystal structure analysis of apo glutathione s-transferase
1k3p three dimensional structure analysis of the type ii citrate synthase from e.coli
1k3q nmr structure of the fha1 domain of rad53 in complex with a rad9-derived phosphothreonine (at t192) peptide
1k3r crystal structure of the methyltransferase with a knot from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
1k3s type iii secretion chaperone sige
1k3u crystal structure of wild-type tryptophan synthase complexed with n- [1h-indol-3-yl-acetyl]aspartic acid
1k3y crystal structure analysis of human glutathione s-transferase with s- hexyl glutatione and glycerol at 1.3 angstrom
1k41 crystal structure of ksi y57s mutant
1k4e crystal structure of the class d beta-lactamases oxa-10 determined by mad phasing with selenomethionine
1k4f crystal structure of the class d beta-lactamase oxa-10 at 1.6 a resolution
1k4u solution structure of the c-terminal sh3 domain of p67phox complexed with the c-terminal tail region of p47phox
1k4v 1.53 a crystal structure of the beta-galactoside-alpha-1,3- galactosyltransferase in complex with udp
1k4w x-ray structure of the orphan nuclear receptor ror beta ligand-binding domain in the active conformation
1k4z c-terminal domain of cyclase associated protein
1k52 monomeric protein l b1 domain with a k54g mutation
1k53 monomeric protein l b1 domain with a g15a mutation
1k5q penicillin acylase, mutant complexed with paa
1k5r yap65 ww domain s24-amino-ethylsulfanyl-acetic acid mutant
1k5s penicillin acylase, mutant complexed with ppa
1k62 crystal structure of the human argininosuccinate lyase q286r mutant
1k66 crystal structure of the cyanobacterial phytochrome response regulator, rcpb
1k68 crystal structure of the phosphorylated cyanobacterial phytochrome response regulator rcpa
1k6c lack of synergy for inhibitors targeting a multi-drug resistant hiv-1 protease
1k6d crystal structure of acetate coa-transferase alpha subunit
1k6j crystal structure of nmra, a negative transcriptional regulator (monoclinic form)
1k6m crystal structure of human liver 6-phosphofructo-2- kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase
1k6p lack of synergy for inhibitors targeting a multi-drug resistant hiv-1 protease
1k6q crystal structure of antibody fab fragment d3
1k6r structure of the class d beta-lactamase oxa-10 in complex with moxalactam
1k6s structure of the class d beta-lactamase oxa-10 in complex with a phenylboronic acid
1k6t lack of synergy for inhibitors targeting a multi-drug resistant hiv-1 protease
1k6v lack of synergy for inhibitors targeting a multi-drug resistant hiv-1 protease
1k6z crystal structure of the yersinia secretion chaperone syce
1k72 the x-ray crystal structure of cel9g complexed with cellotriose
1k75 the l-histidinol dehydrogenase (hisd) structure implicates domain swapping and gene duplication.
1k7d penicillin acylase mutant with phenyl proprionic acid
1k7e crystal structure of wild-type tryptophan synthase complexed with n- [1h-indol-3-yl-acetyl]glycine acid
1k7f crystal structure of wild-type tryptophan synthase complexed with n- [1h-indol-3-yl-acetyl]valine acid
1k7h crystal structure of shrimp alkaline phosphatase
1k7t crystal structure analysis of crosslinked-wga3/glcnacbeta1,6gal complex
1k7u crystal structure analysis of crosslinked-wga3/glcnacbeta1,4glcnac complex
1k7v crystal structure analysis of crosslinked-wga3/glcnacbeta1,6galbeta1, 4glc
1k7x crystal structure of the beta-ser178pro mutant of tryptophan synthase
1k86 crystal structure of caspase-7
1k88 crystal structure of procaspase-7
1k8i crystal structure of mouse h2-dm
1k8q crystal structure of dog gastric lipase in complex with a phosphonate inhibitor
1k8r crystal structure of ras-bry2rbd complex
1k8x crystal structure of alphat183v mutant of tryptophan synthase from salmonella typhimurium
1k8y crystal structure of the tryptophan synthase beta-ser178pro mutant complexed with d,l-alpha-glycerol-3-phosphate
1k8z crystal structure of the tryptophan synthase beta-ser178pro mutant complexed with n-[1h-indol-3-yl-acetyl]glycine acid
1k94 crystal structure of des(1-52)grancalcin with bound calcium
1k9j complex of dc-signr and glcnac2man3
1k9k crystal structure of calcium bound human s100a6
1k9o crystal structure of michaelis serpin-trypsin complex
1k9q yap65 ww domain complexed to n-(n-octyl)-gpppy-nh2
1k9r yap65 ww domain complexed to acetyl-plppy
1k9u crystal structure of the calcium-binding pollen allergen phl p 7 (polcalcin) at 1.75 angstroem
1ka6 sap/sh2d1a bound to peptide n-py
1ka7 sap/sh2d1a bound to peptide n-y-c
1ka9 imidazole glycerol phosphate synthase
1kac knob domain from adenovirus serotype 12 in complex with domain 1 of its cellular receptor car
1kae l-histidinol dehydrogenase (hisd) structure complexed with l- histidinol (substrate), zinc and nad (cofactor)
1kag crystal structure of the escherichia coli shikimate kinase i (arok)
1kah l-histidinol dehydrogenase (hisd) structure complexed with l-histidine (product), zn and nad (cofactor)
1kan molecular structure of kanamycin nucleotidyltransferase determined to 3.0-angstroms resolution
1kap three-dimensional structure of the alkaline protease of pseudomonas aeruginosa: a two-domain protein with a calcium binding parallel beta roll motif
1kar l-histidinol dehydrogenase (hisd) structure complexed with histamine (inhibitor), zinc and nad (cofactor)
1kba crystal structure of kappa-bungarotoxin at 2.3-angstrom resolution
1kbc procarboxypeptidase ternary complex
1kbh mutual synergistic folding in the interaction between nuclear receptor coactivators cbp and actr
1kbi crystallographic study of the recombinant flavin-binding domain of baker's yeast flavocytochrome b2: comparison with the intact wild- type enzyme
1kbj crystallographic study of the recombinant flavin-binding domain of baker's yeast flavocytochrome b2: comparison with the intact wild- type enzyme
1kbn glutathione transferase mutant
1kc2 structure of the triple (lys(beta)d3ala, asp(beta)c8ala, aspcd2ala) mutant of the src sh2 domain bound to the pqpyeeipi peptide
1kc4 nmr structural analysis of the complex formed between alpha- bungarotoxin and the principal alpha-neurotoxin binding sequence on the alpha7 subunit of a neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
1kce e. coli thymidylate synthase mutant e58q in complex with cb3717 and 2'-deoxyuridine 5'-monophosphate (dump)
1kcf crystal structure of the yeast mitochondrial holliday junction resolvase, ydc2
1kcu crystal structure of antibody pc287
1kcv crystal structure of antibody pc282
1kcx x-ray structure of nysgrc target t-45
1kcz crystal structure of beta-methylaspartase from clostridium tetanomorphum. mg-complex.
1kd0 crystal structure of beta-methylaspartase from clostridium tetanomorphum. apo-structure.
1kdg crystal structure of the flavin domain of cellobiose dehydrogenase
1kdq crystal structure analysis of the mutant s189d rat chymotrypsin
1kds x-ray crystal structure of ampc beta-lactamase from e. coli in complex with the inhibitor 3-nitrophenylboronic acid
1kdw x-ray crystal structure of ampc beta-lactamase from e. coli in complex with the inhibitor 4-carboxyphenylboronic acid
1kdx kix domain of mouse cbp (creb binding protein) in complex with phosphorylated kinase inducible domain (pkid) of rat creb (cyclic amp response element binding protein), nmr 17 structures
1ke0 x-ray crystal structure of ampc beta-lactamase from e. coli in complex with the inhibitor 4-(carboxyvin-2-yl) phenylboronic acid
1ke3 x-ray crystal structure of ampc beta-lactamase from e. coli in complex with the inhibitor 4,4'-biphenyldiboronic acid
1ke4 x-ray crystal structure of ampc beta-lactamase from e. coli
1keb crystal structure of double mutant m37l,p40s e.coli thioredoxin
1kec penicillin acylase mutant with phenyl proprionic acid
1kek crystal structure of the free radical intermediate of pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase
1kel catalytic antibody 28b4 fab fragment complexed with hapten (1-[n-4'-nitrobenzyl-n-4'-carboxybutylamino] methylphosphonic acid)
1kem catalytic antibody 28b4 fab fragment
1keo twists and turns of the cd-mpr: ligand-bound versus ligand-free receptor
1kep the crystal structure of dtdp-d-glucose 4,6-dehydratase (rmlb) from streptococcus suis with dtdp-xylose bound
1ker the crystal structure of dtdp-d-glucose 4,6-dehydratase (rmlb) from streptococcus suis with dtdp-d-glucose bound
1ket the crystal structure of dtdp-d-glucose 4,6-dehydratase (rmlb) from streptococcus suis with thymidine diphosphate bound
1keu the crystal structure of dtdp-d-glucose 4,6-dehydratase (rmlb) from salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium with dtdp-d-glucose bound
1kew the crystal structure of dtdp-d-glucose 4,6-dehydratase (rmlb) from salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium with thymidine diphosphate bound
1kfb crystal structure of alphat183v mutant of tryptophan synthase from salmonella typhimurium with indole glycerol phosphate
1kfc crystal structure of alphat183v mutant of tryptophan synthase from salmonella typhimurium with indole propanol phosphate
1kfe crystal structure of alphat183v mutant of tryptophan synthase from salmonella typhimurium with l-ser bound to the beta site
1kfg the x-ray crystal structure of cel9g from clostridium cellulolyticum complexed with a thio-oligosaccharide inhibitor
1kfi crystal structure of the exocytosis-sensitive phosphoprotein, pp63/parafusin (phosphoglucomutase) from paramecium
1kfj crystal structure of wild-type tryptophan synthase complexed with l-serine
1kfk crystal structure of tryptophan synthase from salmonella typhimurium
1kfq crystal structure of exocytosis-sensitive phosphoprotein, pp63/parafusin (phosphoglucomutse) from paramecium. open form
1kfu crystal structure of human m-calpain form ii
1kfx crystal structure of human m-calpain form i
1kgc immune receptor
1kgz crystal structure analysis of the anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase from erwinia carotovora (current name, pectobacterium carotovorum)
1kh0 accurate computer base design of a new backbone conformation in the second turn of protein l
1kh4 e. coli alkaline phosphatase mutant (d330n) in complex with phosphate
1kh5 e. coli alkaline phosphatase mutant (d330n) mimic of the transition states with aluminium fluoride
1kh7 e. coli alkaline phosphatase mutant (d153gd330n)
1kh9 e. coli alkaline phosphatase mutant (d153gd330n) complex with phosphate
1khh crystal structure of guanidinoacetate methyltransferase from rat liver: a template structure of protein arginine methyltransferase
1khj e. coli alkaline phosphatase mutant (d153hd330n) mimic of the transition states with aluminium fluoride
1khk e. coli alkaline phosphatase mutant (d153hd330n)
1khl e. coli alkaline phosphatase mutant (d153hd330n) complex with phosphate
1khn e. coli alkaline phosphatase mutant (d153hd330n) zinc form
1kho crystal structure analysis of clostridium perfringens alpha- toxin isolated from avian strain swcp
1khp monoclinic form of papain/zlfg-dam covalent complex
1khq orthorhombic form of papain/zlfg-dam covalent complex
1khv crystal structure of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus rna-dependent rna polymerase complexed with lu3+
1khw crystal structure of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus rna-dependent rna polymerase complexed with mn2+
1khz structure of the adpr-ase in complex with ampcpr and mg
1ki2 crystal structure of thymidine kinase from herpes simplex virus type i complexed with ganciclovir
1ki3 crystal structure of thymidine kinase from herpes simplex virus type i complexed with penciclovir
1ki4 crystal structure of thymidine kinase from herpes simplex virus type i complexed with 5-bromothienyldeoxyuridine
1ki6 crystal structure of thymidine kinase from herpes simplex virus type i complexed with a 5-iodouracil anhydrohexitol nucleoside
1ki7 crystal structure of thymidine kinase from herpes simplex virus type i complexed with 5-iododeoxyuridine
1ki8 crystal structure of thymidine kinase from herpes simplex virus type i complexed with 5-bromovinyldeoxyuridine
1kic inosine-adenosine-guanosine preferring nucleoside hydrolase from trypanosoma vivax: asp10ala mutant in complex with inosine
1kie inosine-adenosine-guanosine preferring nucleoside hydrolase from trypanosoma vivax: asp10ala mutant in complex with 3- deaza-adenosine
1kij crystal structure of the 43k atpase domain of thermus thermophilus gyrase b in complex with novobiocin
1kim crystal structure of thymidine kinase from herpes simplex virus type i complexed with deoxythymidine
1kiy d100e trichodiene synthase
1kiz d100e trichodiene synthase complexed with pyrophosphate
1kj8 crystal structure of purt-encoded glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase in complex with mg-atp and gar
1kj9 crystal structure of purt-encoded glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase complexed with mg-atp
1kji crystal structure of glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase in complex with mg-amppcp
1kjj crystal structure of glycniamide ribonucleotide transformylase in complex with mg-atp-gamma-s
1kjn structure of mt0777
1kjq crystal structure of glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase in complex with mg-adp
1kko crystal structure of citrobacter amalonaticus methylaspartate ammonia lyase
1kkr crystal structure of citrobacter amalonaticus methylaspartate ammonia lyase containing (2s,3s)-3-methylaspartic acid
1kkt structure of p. citrinum alpha 1,2-mannosidase reveals the basis for differences in specificity of the er and golgi class i enzymes
1kl2 crystal structure of serine hydroxymethyltransferase complexed with glycine and 5-formyl tetrahydrofolate
1kl7 crystal structure of threonine synthase from yeast
1kl8 nmr structural analysis of the complex formed between alpha- bungarotoxin and the principal alpha-neurotoxin binding sequence on the alpha7 subunit of a neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
1kla solution structure of tgf-b1, nmr, models 1-17 of 33 structures
1klc solution structure of tgf-b1, nmr, minimized average structure
1kld solution structure of tgf-b1, nmr, models 18-33 of 33 structures
1kli cofactor-and substrate-assisted activation of factor viia
1klj crystal structure of uninhibited factor viia
1klm hiv-1 reverse transcriptase complexed with bhap u-90152
1klq the mad2 spindle checkpoint protein undergoes similar major conformational changes upon binding to either mad1 or cdc20
1km1 orotidine monophosphate decarboxylase mutant s127a crystal structure
1kme crystal structure of bacteriorhodopsin crystallized from bicelles
1kmf nmr structure of human insulin mutant ile-a2-allo-ile, his- b10-asp, pro-b28-lys, lys-b29-pro, 15 structures
1kmh crystal structure of spinach chloroplast f1-atpase complexed with tentoxin
1kmi crystal structure of an e.coli chemotaxis protein, chez
1kmt crystal structure of rhogdi glu(154,155)ala mutant
1kn1 crystal structure of allophycocyanin
1kn2 catalytic antibody d2.3 complex
1kn4 catalytic antibody d2.3 complex
1kna chromo domain of hp1 complexed with histone h3 tail containing dimethyllysine 9.
1kne chromo domain of hp1 complexed with histone h3 tail containing trimethyllysine 9
1knq crystal structure of gluconate kinase
1knu ligand binding domain of the human peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma in complex with a synthetic agonist
1knv bse634i restriction endonuclease
1kny kanamycin nucleotidyltransferase
1ko1 crystal structure of gluconate kinase
1ko4 crystal structure of gluconate kinase
1ko5 crystal structure of gluconate kinase
1ko7 x-ray structure of the hpr kinase/phosphatase from staphylococcus xylosus at 1.95 a resolution
1ko8 crystal structure of gluconate kinase
1kob twitchin kinase fragment (aplysia), autoregulated protein kinase domain
1kof crystal structure of gluconate kinase
1koj crystal structure of rabbit phosphoglucose isomerase complexed with 5-phospho-d-arabinonohydroxamic acid
1kol crystal structure of formaldehyde dehydrogenase
1kop neisseria gonorrhoeae carbonic anhydrase
1koq neisseria gonorrhoeae carbonic anhydrase
1kp0 the crystal structure analysis of creatine amidinohydrolase from actinobacillus
1kp5 cyclic green fluorescent protein
1kp9 crystal structure of mycolic acid cyclopropane synthase cmaa1, apo-form
1kpa pkci-1-zinc
1kpb pkci-1-apo
1kpe pkci-transition state analog
1kpm first structural evidence of a specific inhibition of phospholipase a2 by vitamin e and its implications in inflammation: crystal structure of the complex formed between phospholipase a2 and vitamin e at 1.8 a resolution.
1kpt structure and function of a virally encoded fungal toxin from ustilago maydis: a fungal and mammalian calcium channel inhibitor
1kq5 c-terminal domain of cyclase associated protein with pro 505 replaced by ser (p505s)
1kq7 e315q mutant form of fumarase c from e.coli
1kql crystal structure of the c-terminal region of striated muscle alpha-tropomyosin at 2.7 angstrom resolution
1kqp nh3-dependent nad+ synthetase from bacillus subtilis at 1 a resolution
1kr3 crystal structure of the metallo beta-lactamase from bacteroides fragilis (cfia) in complex with the tricyclic inhibitor sb-236050.
1kre structure of p. citrinum alpha 1,2-mannosidase reveals the basis for differences in specificity of the er and golgi class i enzymes
1krf structure of p. citrinum alpha 1,2-mannosidase reveals the basis for differences in specificity of the er and golgi class i enzymes
1krh x-ray stucture of benzoate dioxygenase reductase
1ks2 crystal structure analysis of the rpia, structural genomics, protein ec1268.
1ksg complex of arl2 and pde delta, crystal form 1
1ksh complex of arl2 and pde delta, crystal form 2 (native)
1ksi crystal structure of a eukaryotic (pea seedling) copper-containing amine oxidase at 2.2a resolution
1ksj complex of arl2 and pde delta, crystal form 2 (semet)
1ksn crystal structure of human coagulation factor xa complexed with fxv673
1kso crystal structure of apo s100a3
1ksu crystal structure of his505tyr mutant flavocytochrome c3 from shewanella frigidimarina
1kt8 human branched chain amino acid aminotransferase (mitochondrial): three dimensional structure of enzyme in its ketimine form with the substrate l-isoleucine
1kta human branched chain amino acid aminotransferase : three dimensional structure of the enzyme in its pyridoxamine phosphate form.
1ktg crystal structure of a c. elegans ap4a hydrolase binary complex
1ktj x-ray structure of der p 2, the major house dust mite allergen
1ktn structural genomics, protein ec1535
1ktp crystal structure of c-phycocyanin of synechococcus vulcanus at 1.6 angstroms
1ktv crystal structure of elongation factor g dimer without nucleotide
1ktw iota-carrageenase complexed to iota-carrageenan fragments
1ktz crystal structure of the human tgf-beta type ii receptor extracellular domain in complex with tgf-beta3
1ku0 structure of the bacillus stearothermophilus l1 lipase
1ku1 crystal structure of the sec7 domain of yeast gea2
1ku2 crystal structure of thermus aquaticus rna polymerase sigma subunit fragment containing regions 1.2 to 3.1
1ku5 crystal structure of recombinant histone hpha from hyperthermophilic archaeon pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
1ku6 fasciculin 2-mouse acetylcholinesterase complex
1ku9 x-ray structure of a methanococcus jannaschii dna-binding protein: implications for antibiotic resistance in staphylococcus aureus
1kug crystal structure of a taiwan habu venom metalloproteinase complexed with its endogenous inhibitor penw
1kui crystal structure of a taiwan habu venom metalloproteinase complexed with peqw.
1kuk crystal structure of a taiwan habu venom metalloproteinase complexed with pekw.
1kup solution structure of the membrane proximal regions of alpha-iib and beta-3 integrins
1kut structural genomics, protein tm1243, (saicar synthetase)
1kuz solution structure of the membrane proximal regions of alpha-iib and beta-3 integrins
1kv0 cis/trans isomerization of non-prolyl peptide bond observed in crystal structure of an scorpion toxin
1kv5 structure of trypanosoma brucei brucei tim with the salt-bridge- forming residue arg191 mutated to ser
1kv8 crystal structure of 3-keto-l-gulonate 6-phosphate decarboxylase
1kvl x-ray crystal structure of ampc s64g mutant beta-lactamase in complex with substrate and product forms of cephalothin
1kvm x-ray crystal structure of ampc wt beta-lactamase in complex with covalently bound cephalothin
1kw1 crystal structure of 3-keto-l-gulonate 6-phosphate decarboxylase with bound l-gulonate 6-phosphate
1kw2 crystal structure of uncomplexed vitamin d-binding protein
1kwa human cask/lin-2 pdz domain
1kwp crystal structure of mapkap2
1kws crystal structure of beta1,3-glucuronyltransferase i in complex with the active udp-glcua donor
1kx9 antennal chemosensory protein a6 from the moth mamestra brassicae
1kxi structure of cytotoxin homolog precursor
1kxj the crystal structure of glutamine amidotransferase from thermotoga maritima
1kxp crystal structure of human vitamin d-binding protein in complex with skeletal actin
1kxr crystal structure of calcium-bound protease core of calpain i
1ky6 ap-2 clathrin adaptor alpha-appendage in complex with epsin dpw peptide
1ky7 the ap-2 clathrin adaptor alpha-appendage in complex with amphiphysin fxdxf
1ky9 crystal structure of degp (htra)
1kyd ap-2 clathrin adaptor alpha-appendage in complex with epsin dpw peptide
1kyf ap-2 clathrin adaptor alpha-appendage in complex with eps15 dpf peptide
1kyn cathepsin-g
1kyt crystal structure of thermoplasma acidophilum 0175 (apc014)
1kyu ap-2 clathrin adaptor alpha-appendage in complex with eps15 dpf peptide
1kz8 crystal structure of porcine fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase complexed with a novel allosteric-site inhibitor
1kza complex of mbp-c and man-a13-man
1kzb complex of mbp-c and trimannosyl core
1kzc complex of mbp-c and high-affinity linear trimannose
1kzd complex of mbp-c and glcnac-terminated core
1kze complex of mbp-c and bivalent man-terminated glycopeptide
1kzh structure of a pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase from the lyme disease spirochete borrelia burgdorferi
1kzi crystal structure of ects/dump/thf complex
1kzk je-2147-hiv protease complex
1kzq crystal structure of a parasite protein
1kzz downstream regulator tank binds to the cd40 recognition site on traf3
1l0a downstream regulator tank binds to the cd40 recognition site on traf3
1l0d x-ray crystal structure of ampc s64d mutant beta-lactamase
1l0e x-ray crystal structure of ampc k67q mutant beta-lactamase
1l0f x-ray crystal structure of ampc n152h mutant beta-lactamase
1l0g x-ray crystal structure of ampc s64g mutant beta-lactamase
1l0w aspartyl-trna synthetase-1 from space-grown crystals
1l1d crystal structure of the c-terminal methionine sulfoxide reductase domain (msrb) of n. gonorrhoeae pilb
1l1e crystal structure of mycolic acid cyclopropane synthase pcaa complexed with s-adenosyl-l-homocysteine
1l1j crystal structure of the protease domain of an atp- independent heat shock protease htra
1l1n poliovirus 3c proteinase
1l2j human estrogen receptor beta ligand-binding domain in complex with (r, r)-5,11-cis-diethyl-5,6,11,12-tetrahydrochrysene-2,8-diol
1l2s x-ray crystal structure of ampc beta-lactamase from e. coli in complex with a dock-predicted non-covalent inhibitor
1l2t dimeric structure of mj0796, a bacterial abc transporter cassette
1l2u orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from e. coli
1l2z cd2bp2-gyf domain in complex with proline-rich cd2 tail segment peptide
1l3e nmr structures of the hif-1alpha ctad/p300 ch1 complex
1l3n the solution structure of reduced dimeric copper zinc sod: the structural effects of dimerization
1l3r crystal structure of a transition state mimic of the catalytic subunit of camp-dependent protein kinase
1l4d crystal structure of microplasminogen-streptokinase alpha domain complex
1l4i crystal structure of the periplasmic chaperone sfae
1l4w nmr structure of an achr-peptide (torpedo californica, alpha-subunit residues 182-202) in complex with alpha- bungarotoxin
1l4z x-ray crystal structure of the complex of microplasminogen with alpha domain of streptokinase in the presence cadmium ions
1l5b domain-swapped cyanovirin-n dimer
1l5e the domain-swapped dimer of cv-n in solution
1l5h femo-cofactor deficient nitrogenase mofe protein
1l5j crystal structure of e. coli aconitase b.
1l5q human liver glycogen phosphorylase a complexed with caffeine, n- acetyl-beta-d-glucopyranosylamine, and cp-403700
1l5r human liver glycogen phosphorylase a complexed with riboflavin, n- acetyl-beta-d-glucopyranosylamine and cp-403,700
1l5s human liver glycogen phosphorylase complexed with uric acid, n-acetyl- beta-d-glucopyranosylamine, and cp-403,700
1l5v crystal structure of the maltodextrin phosphorylase complexed with glucose-1-phosphate
1l5w crystal structure of the maltodextrin phosphorylase complexed with the products of the enzymatic reaction between glucose-1-phosphate and maltotetraose
1l5x the 2.0-angstrom resolution crystal structure of a survival protein e (sure) homolog from pyrobaculum aerophilum
1l5y crystal structure of mg2+ / bef3-bound receiver domain of sinorhizobium meliloti dctd
1l6e solution structure of the docking and dimerization domain of protein kinase a ii-alpha (riialpha d/d). alternatively called the n-terminal dimerization domain of the regulatory subunit of protein kinase a.
1l6f alanine racemase bound with n-(5'-phosphopyridoxyl)-l- alanine
1l6g alanine racemase bound with n-(5'-phosphopyridoxyl)-d- alanine
1l6i crystal structure of the maltodextrin phosphorylase complexed with the products of the enzymatic reaction between glucose-1-phosphate and maltopentaose
1l6r crystal structure of thermoplasma acidophilum 0175 (apc0014)
1l6s crystal structure of porphobilinogen synthase complexed with the inhibitor 4,7-dioxosebacic acid
1l6x fc fragment of rituximab bound to a minimized version of the b-domain from protein a called z34c
1l6y crystal structure of porphobilinogen synthase complexed with the inhibitor 4-oxosebacic acid
1l7a structural genomics, crystal structure of cephalosporin c deacetylase
1l7i crystal structure of the anti-erbb2 fab2c4
1l7j x-ray structure of galactose mutarotase from lactococcus lactis (apo)
1l7k x-ray structure of galactose mutarotase from lactococcus lactis complexed with galactose
1l7m high resolution liganded structure of phosphoserine phosphatase (pi complex)
1l7n transition state analogue of phosphoserine phosphatase (aluminum fluoride complex)
1l7o crystal structure of phosphoserine phosphatase in apo form
1l7p substrate bound phosphoserine phosphatase complex structure
1l7t crystal structure analysis of the anti-testosterone fab fragment
1l7x human liver glycogen phosphorylase b complexed with caffeine, n- acetyl-beta-d-glucopyranosylamine, and cp-403,700
1l7z crystal structure of ca2+/calmodulin complexed with myristoylated cap-23/nap-22 peptide
1l8a e. coli pyruvate dehydrogenase
1l8b cocrystal structure of the messenger rna 5' cap-binding protein (eif4e) bound to 7-methylgpppg
1l8c structural basis for hif-1alpha/cbp recognition in the cellular hypoxic response
1l8d rad50 coiled-coil zn hook
1l8l molecular basis for the local confomational rearrangement of human phosphoserine phosphatase
1l8o molecular basis for the local conformational rearrangement of human phosphoserine phosphatase
1l8r structure of the retinal determination protein dachshund reveals a dna-binding motif
1l8s carboxylic ester hydrolase complex (dimeric pla2 + lpc- ether + acetate + phosphate ions)
1l8x crystal structure of ferrochelatase from the yeast, saccharomyces cerevisiae, with cobalt(ii) as the substrate ion
1l97 structure of a hinge-bending bacteriophage t4 lysozyme mutant, ile3-> pro
1l9c role of histidine 269 in catalysis by monomeric sarcosine oxidase
1l9d role of histidine 269 in catalysis by monomeric sarcosine oxidase
1l9e role of histidine 269 in catalysis by monomeric sarcosine oxidase
1l9h crystal structure of bovine rhodopsin at 2.6 angstroms resolution
1l9m three-dimensional structure of the human transglutaminase 3 enzyme: binding of calcium ions change structure for activation
1l9n three-dimensional structure of the human transglutaminase 3 enzyme: binding of calcium ions change structure for activation
1l9y fez-1-y228a, a mutant of the metallo-beta-lactamase from legionella gormanii
1la6 the crystal structure of trematomus newnesi hemoglobin in a partial hemichrome state
1lar crystal structure of the tandem phosphatase domains of rptp lar
1lax crystal structure of male31, a defective folding mutant of maltose-binding protein
1lb5 traf6-rank complex
1lb6 traf6-cd40 complex
1lb8 crystal structure of the non-desensitizing glur2 ligand binding core mutant (s1s2j-l483y) in complex with ampa at 2.3 resolution
1lb9 crystal structure of the non-desensitizing glur2 ligand binding core mutant (s1s2j-l483y) in complex with antagonist dnqx at 2.3 a resolution
1lbe aplysia adp ribosyl cyclase
1lbk crystal structure of a recombinant glutathione transferase, created by replacing the last seven residues of each subunit of the human class pi isoenzyme with the additional c-terminal helix of human class alpha isoenzyme
1lbq the crystal structure of saccharomyces cerevisiae ferrochelatase
1lbt lipase (e.c. (triacylglycerol hydrolase)
1lbv crystal structure of apo-form (p21) of dual activity fbpase/impase (af2372) from archaeoglobus fulgidus
1lbw crystal structure of apo-form (p32) of dual activity fbpase/impase (af2372) from archaeoglobus fulgidus
1lbx crystal structure of a ternary complex of dual activity fbpase/impase (af2372) from archaeoglobus fulgidus with calcium ions and d-myo-inositol-1-phosphate
1lby crystal structure of a complex (p32 crystal form) of dual activity fbpase/impase (af2372) from archaeoglobus fulgidus with 3 manganese ions, fructose-6-phosphate, and phosphate ion
1lbz crystal structure of a complex (p32 crystal form) of dual activity fbpase/impase (af2372) from archaeoglobus fulgidus with 3 calcium ions and fructose-1,6 bisphosphate
1lcj sh2 (src homology-2) domain of human p56-lck tyrosine kinase complexed with the 11 residue phosphotyrosyl peptide epqpyeeipiyl
1lck sh3-sh2 domain fragment of human p56-lck tyrosine kinase complexed with the 10 residue synthetic phosphotyrosyl peptide tegqpyqpqpa
1lcn monoclinic hen egg white lysozyme, thiocyanate complex
1lco x-ray structure of two complexes of the y143f flavocytochrome b2 mutant crystallized in the presence of lactate or phenyl-lactate
1lcp bovine lens leucine aminopeptidase complexed with l-leucine phosphonic acid
1lcu polylysine induces an antiparallel actin dimer that nucleates filament assembly: crystal structure at 3.5 a resolution
1lcv streptavidin-norbiotin complex
1lcw streptavidin-homobiotin complex
1lcz streptavidin-bcap complex
1ld7 co-crystal structure of human farnesyltransferase with farnesyldiphosphate and inhibitor compound 66
1ld8 co-crystal structure of human farnesyltransferase with farnesyldiphosphate and inhibitor compound 49
1ldc x-ray structure of two complexes of the y143f flavocytochrome b2 mutant crystallized in the presence of lactate or phenyl-lactate
1ldj structure of the cul1-rbx1-skp1-f boxskp2 scf ubiquitin ligase complex
1ldo avidin-norbioitn complex
1ldq avidin-homobiotin complex
1ldt complex of leech-derived tryptase inhibitor with porcine trypsin
1le7 carboxylic ester hydrolase, c 2 2 21 space group
1leh leucine dehydrogenase from bacillus sphaericus
1lel the avidin bcap complex
1lem the monosaccharide binding site of lentil lectin: an x-ray and molecular modelling study
1lev porcine kidney fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase complexed with an amp-site inhibitor
1lew crystal structure of map kinase p38 complexed to the docking site on its nuclear substrate mef2a
1lez crystal structure of map kinase p38 complexed to the docking site on its activator mkk3b
1lf6 crystal structure of bacterial glucoamylase
1lf9 crystal structure of bacterial glucoamylase complexed with acarbose
1lfa cd11a i-domain with bound mn++
1lfm crystal structure of cobalt(iii)-substituted cytochrome c (tuna)
1lfq oxy hemoglobin (93% relative humidity)
1lft oxy hemoglobin (90% relative humidity)
1lfv oxy hemoglobin (88% relative humidity)
1lfy oxy hemoglobin (84% relative humidity)
1lfz oxy hemoglobin (25% methanol)
1lga crystallographic refinement of lignin peroxidase at 2 angstroms
1lgq crystal structure of the fha domain of the chfr mitotic checkpoint protein
1lgv structure of a human bence-jones dimer crystallized in u.s. space shuttle mission sts-95: 100k
1lh0 crystal structure of salmonella typhimurium omp synthase in complex with mgprpp and orotate
1lhp crystal structure of pyridoxal kinase from sheep brain
1lhr crystal structure of pyridoxal kinase complexed with atp
1lhz structure of a human bence-jones dimer crystallized in u.s. space shuttle mission sts-95: 293k
1li5 crystal structure of cysteinyl-trna synthetase
1li7 crystal structure of cysteinyl-trna synthetase with cysteine substrate bound
1lil bence jones protein cle, a lambda iii immunoglobulin light- chain dimer
1lj1 crystal structure of q363f/r402a mutant flavocytochrome c3
1lj3 crystal structure of monoclinic lysozyme grown at ph 4.6
1lj4 crystal structure of monoclinic lysozyme grown at ph 4.6
1lj9 the crystal structure of the transcriptional regulator slya
1lje crystal structure of monoclinic lysozyme grown in presence of 10% sucrose
1ljf crystal structure of monoclinic lysozyme grown in presence of 10% sucrose
1ljg crystal structure of monoclinic lysozyme grown in presence of 5% glycerol
1ljh crystal structure of monoclinic lysozyme grown in presence of 5% glycerol
1lji crystal structure of monoclinic lysozyme grown in presence 10% sorbitol
1ljj crystal structure of monoclinic lysozyme grown in presence of 10% trehalose
1ljk crystal structure of monoclinic lysozyme grown in presence of 15% trehalose
1ljm dna recognition is mediated by conformational transition and by dna bending
1ljp crystal structure of beta-cinnamomin elicitin
1ljr glutathione transferase (hgst t2-2) from human
1ljw crystal structure of human carbonmonoxy hemoglobin at 2.16 a: a snapshot of the allosteric transition
1ljz nmr structure of an achr-peptide (torpedo californica, alpha-subunit residues 182-202) in complex with alpha- bungarotoxin
1lk0 disulfide intermediate of c89l arsenate reductase from pi258
1lk9 the three-dimensional structure of alliinase from garlic
1lkk human p56-lck tyrosine kinase sh2 domain in complex with the phosphotyrosyl peptide ac-ptyr-glu-glu-ile (pyeei peptide)
1lkl human p56-lck tyrosine kinase sh2 domain in complex with the phosphotyrosyl peptide ac-ptyr-glu-glu-gly (pyeeg peptide)
1lkq nmr structure of human insulin mutant ile-a2-gly, val-a3- gly, his-b10-asp, pro-b28-lys, lys-b29-pro, 20 structures
1lkr monoclinic hen egg white lysozyme iodide
1lkz crystal structure of d-ribose-5-phosphate isomerase (rpia) from escherichia coli.
1ll5 x-ray crystal structure of ampc wt beta-lactamase in complex with covalently bound imipenem
1ll7 structure of the e171q mutant of c. immitis chitinase 1
1ll9 crystal structure of ampc beta-lactamase from e. coli in complex with amoxicillin
1llb crystal structure of ampc beta-lactamase from e. coli in complex with atmo-penicillin
1lld molecular basis of allosteric activation of bacterial l-lactate dehydrogenase
1llf cholesterol esterase (candida cylindracea) crystal structure at 1.4a resolution
1llq crystal structure of malic enzyme from ascaris suum complexed with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
1lm3 a multi-generation analysis of cytochrome b562 redox variants: evolutionary strategies for modulating redox potential revealed using a library approach
1lm4 structure of peptide deformylase from staphylococcus aureus at 1.45 a
1lm5 structures of two intermediate filament-binding fragments of desmoplakin reveal a unique repeat motif structure
1lm7 structures of two intermediate filament-binding fragments of desmoplakin reveal a unique repeat motif structure
1lme crystal structure of peptide deformylase from thermotoga maritima
1ln0 structure of the catalytic domain of homing endonuclease i- tevi
1lni crystal structure analysis of a ribonuclease from streptomyces aureofaciens at atomic resolution (1.0 a)
1lny crystal structure of the recombinant mouse-muscle adenylosuccinate synthetase complexed with 6-phosphoryl- imp, gdp and mg
1lnz structure of the obg gtp-binding protein
1lo4 retro-diels-alderase catalytic antibody 9d9
1lol crystal structure of orotidine monophosphate decarboxylase complex with xmp
1lop cyclophilin a complexed with succinyl-ala-pro-ala-p-nitroanilide
1lot crystal structure of the complex of actin with vitamin d-binding protein
1lp1 protein z in complex with an in vitro selected affibody
1lp6 crystal structure of orotidine monophosphate decarboxylase complexed with cmp
1lpa interfacial activation of the lipase-procolipase complex by mixed micelles revealed by x-ray crystallography
1lpb the 2.46 angstroms resolution structure of the pancreatic lipase colipase complex inhibited by a c11 alkyl phosphonate
1lpf three-dimensional structure of lipoamide dehydrogenase from pseudomonas fluorescens at 2.8 angstroms resolution. analysis of redox and thermostability properties
1lpg crystal structure of fxa in complex with 79.
1lpk crystal structure of fxa in complex with 125.
1lpz crystal structure of fxa in complex with 41.
1lq9 crystal structure of a monooxygenase from the gene actva-orf6 of streptomyces coelicolor strain a3(2)
1lqa tas protein from escherichia coli in complex with nadph
1lqd crystal structure of fxa in complex with 45.
1lqk high resolution structure of fosfomycin resistance protein a (fosa)
1lqo crystal strutcure of the fosfomycin resistance protein a (fosa) containing bound thallium cations
1lqp crystal structure of the fosfomycin resistance protein (fosa) containing bound substrate
1lqt a covalent modification of nadp+ revealed by the atomic resolution structure of fpra, a mycobacterium tuberculosis oxidoreductase
1lqu mycobacterium tuberculosis fpra in complex with nadph
1lqw crystal structure of s.aureus peptide deformylase
1lr1 solution structure of the oligomerization domain of the bacterial chromatin-structuring protein h-ns
1lrn aquifex aeolicus kdo8p synthase h185g mutant in complex with cadmium
1lro aquifex aeolicus kdo8p synthase h185g mutant in complex with pep and cadmium
1lrq aquifex aeolicus kdo8p synthase h185g mutant in complex with pep, a5p and cadmium
1lsh lipid-protein interactions in lipovitellin
1lsj crystal structure of the e110q mutant of l-3-hydroxyacyl- coa dehydrogenase in complex with nad
1lso crystal structure of the s137a mutant of l-3-hydroxyacyl- coa dehydrogenase in complex with nad
1lsq ribonuclease a with asn 67 replaced by a beta-aspartyl residue
1lsu ktn bsu222 crystal structure in complex with nadh
1lt7 oxidized homo sapiens betaine-homocysteine s-methyltransferase in complex with four sm(iii) ions
1lt8 reduced homo sapiens betaine-homocysteine s- methyltransferase in complex with s-(delta-carboxybutyl)-l- homocysteine
1ltd the 2.6 angstroms refined structure of the escherichia coli recombinant saccharomyces cerevisiae flavocytochrome b2-sulphite complex
1lu0 atomic resolution structure of squash trypsin inhibitor: unexpected metal coordination
1lu2 dolichos biflorus seed lectin in complex with the blood group a trisaccharide
1luc bacterial luciferase
1luj crystal structure of the beta-catenin/icat complex
1luq full matrix error analysis of streptavidin
1lur crystal structure of the galm/aldose epimerase homologue from c. elegans, northeast structural genomics target wr66
1luv catalytic and structural effects of amino-acid substitution at his 30 in human manganese superoxide dismutase: insertion of val cgamma into the substrate access channel
1luw catalytic and structural effects of amino-acid substitution at his 30 in human manganese superoxide dismutase: insertion of val cgamma into the substrate access channel
1luz crystal structure of the k3l protein from vaccinia virus (wisconsin strain)
1lvf syntaxin 6
1lvn crystal structure of e. coli amine oxidase complexed with tranylcypromine
1lw0 crystal structure of t215y mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with nevirapine
1lw2 crystal structure of t215y mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with 1051u91
1lw6 crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 at 1.5 angstrom resolution
1lwc crystal structure of m184v mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with nevirapine
1lwd crystal structure of nadp-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase from porcine heart mitochondria
1lwe crystal structure of m41l/t215y mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rtmn) in complex with nevirapine
1lwf crystal structure of a mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rtmq+m184v: m41l/d67n/k70r/m184v/t215y) in complex with nevirapine
1lwh crystal structure of t. maritima 4-alpha-glucanotransferase
1lwi 3-alpha-hydroxysteroid/dihydrodiol dehydrogenase from rattus norvegicus
1lwj crystal structure of t. maritima 4-alpha- glucanotransferase/acarbose complex
1lx5 crystal structure of the bmp7/actrii extracellular domain complex
1lx6 crystal structure of e. coli enoyl reductase-nad+ with a bound benzamide inhibitor
1lx7 structure of e. coli uridine phosphorylase at 2.0a
1lxc crystal structure of e. coli enoyl reductase-nad+ with a bound acrylamide inhibitor
1lxd crystal structure of the ras interacting domain of ralgds, a guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator of ral protein
1lxf structure of the regulatory n-domain of human cardiac troponin c in complex with human cardiac troponin-i(147- 163) and bepridil
1lxg solution structure of alpha-cobratoxin complexed with a cognate peptide (structure ensemble)
1lxh solution structure of alpha-cobratoxin complexed with a cognate peptide (minimized average structure)
1lxt structure of phosphotransferase phosphoglucomutase from rabbit
1lxy crystal structure of arginine deiminase covalently linked with l-citrulline
1ly9 the impact of the physical and chemical environment on the molecular structure of coprinus cinereus peroxidase
1lyc the impact of the physical and chemical enviroment on the molecular structure of coprinus cinereus peroxidase
1lyn crystal structure and subunit dynamics of the lysin dimer: egg envelopes dissociate dimers, the monomer is the active species
1lyq crystal structure of pcoc, a methionine rich copper resistance protein from escherichia coli
1lys x-ray structure of a monoclinic form of hen egg-white lysozyme crystallized at 313k. comparison of two independent molecules
1lzh the structures of the monoclinic and orthorhombic forms of hen egg-white lysozyme at 6 angstroms resolution.
1lzq crystal structure of the complex of mutant hiv-1 protease (a71v, v82t, i84v) with an ethylenamine peptidomimetic inhibitor boc-phe- psi[ch2ch2nh]-phe-glu-phe-nh2
1lzs structural changes of the active site cleft and different saccharide binding modes in human lysozyme co-crystallized with hexa-n-acetyl- chitohexaose at ph 4.0
1lzw structural basis of clps-mediated switch in clpa substrate recognition
1lzx rat neuronal nos heme domain with ng-hydroxy-l-arginine bound
1lzz rat neuronal nos heme domain with n-isopropyl-n'-hydroxyguanidine bound
1m00 rat neuronal nos heme domain with n-butyl-n'-hydroxyguanidine bound
1m08 crystal structure of the unbound nuclease domain of cole7
1m0b hiv-1 protease in complex with an ethyleneamine inhibitor
1m0s northeast structural genomics consortium (nesg id ir21)
1m0t yeast glutathione synthase
1m0u crystal structure of the drosophila glutathione s- transferase-2 in complex with glutathione
1m0v nmr structure of the type iii secretory domain of yersinia yoph complexed with the skap-hom phospho-peptide n-acetyl- depyddpf-nh2
1m0w yeast glutathione synthase bound to gamma-glutamyl-cysteine, amp-pnp and 2 magnesium ions
1m0z crystal structure of the von willebrand factor binding domain of glycoprotein ib alpha
1m10 crystal structure of the complex of glycoprotein ib alpha and the von willebrand factor a1 domain
1m16 human acidic fibroblast growth factor. 141 amino acid form with amino terminal his tag and leu 44 replaced with phe (l44f), leu 73 replaced with val (l73v), val 109 replaced with leu (v109l) and cys 117 replaced with val (c117v).
1m1b crystal structure of phosphoenolpyruvate mutase complexed with sulfopyruvate
1m1c structure of the l-a virus
1m1e beta-catenin armadillo repeat domain bound to icat
1m1f kid toxin protein from e.coli plasmid r1
1m1m x-ray crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis beta- ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase iii (mtfabh)
1m1x crystal structure of the extracellular segment of integrin alpha vbeta3 bound to mn2+
1m1z beta-lactam synthetase apo enzyme
1m22 x-ray structure of native peptide amidase from stenotrophomonas maltophilia at 1.4 a
1m24 trichotoxin_a50e, an ion channel-forming polypeptide
1m2a crystal structure at 1.5 angstroms resolution of the wild type thioredoxin-like [2fe-2s] ferredoxin from aquifex aeolicus
1m2b crystal structure at 1.25 angstroms resolution of the cys55ser variant of the thioredoxin-like [2fe-2s] ferredoxin from aquifex aeolicus
1m2d crystal structure at 1.05 angstroms resolution of the cys59ser variant of the thioredoxin-like [2fe-2s] ferredoxin from aquifex aeolicus
1m2n sir2 homologues (d102g/f159a/r170a) mutant-2'-o-acetyl adp ribose complex
1m2t mistletoe lectin i from viscum album in complex with adenine monophosphate. crystal structure at 1.9 a resolution
1m2v crystal structure of the yeast sec23/24 heterodimer
1m2w pseudomonas fluorescens mannitol 2-dehydrogenase ternary complex with nad and d-mannitol
1m31 three-dimensional solution structure of apo-mts1
1m38 structure of inorganic pyrophosphatase
1m3s crystal structure of yckf from bacillus subtilis
1m41 crystal structure of escherichia coli alkanesulfonate monooxygenase ssud at 2.3 a resolution
1m44 aminoglycoside 2'-n-acetyltransferase from mycobacterium tuberculosis- apo structure
1m45 crystal structure of mlc1p bound to iq2 of myo2p, a class v myosin
1m46 crystal structure of mlc1p bound to iq4 of myo2p, a class v myosin
1m48 crystal structure of human il-2 complexed with (r)-n-[2-[1- (aminoiminomethyl)-3-piperidinyl]-1-oxoethyl]-4- (phenylethynyl)-l-phenylalanine methyl ester
1m49 crystal structure of human interleukin-2 complexed with sp- 1985
1m4c crystal structure of human interleukin-2
1m4d aminoglycoside 2'-n-acetyltransferase from mycobacterium tuberculosis- complex with coenzyme a and tobramycin
1m4g aminoglycoside 2'-n-acetyltransferase from mycobacterium tuberculosis- complex with coenzyme a and ribostamycin
1m4i aminoglycoside 2'-n-acetyltransferase from mycobacterium tuberculosis- complex with coenzyme a and kanamycin a
1m4j crystal structure of the n-terminal adf-h domain of mouse twinfilin isoform-1
1m4r crystal structure of recombinant human interleukin-22
1m4u crystal structure of bone morphogenetic protein-7 (bmp-7) in complex with the secreted antagonist noggin
1m4v crystal structure of set3, a superantigen-like protein from staphylococcus aureus
1m4z crystal structure of the n-terminal bah domain of orc1p
1m52 crystal structure of the c-abl kinase domain in complex with pd173955
1m55 catalytic domain of the adeno associated virus type 5 rep protein
1m5n crystal structure of heat repeats (1-11) of importin b bound to the non-classical nls(67-94) of pthrp
1m64 crystal structure of q363f mutant flavocytochrome c3
1m6b structure of the her3 (erbb3) extracellular domain
1m6c v68n myoglobin with co
1m6d crystal structure of human cathepsin f
1m6h human glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase
1m6j crystal structure of triosephosphate isomerase from entamoeba histolytica
1m6k structure of the oxa-1 class d beta-lactamase
1m6m v68n met myoglobin
1m6p extracytoplasmic domain of bovine cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate receptor
1m6u crystal structure of a novel dna-binding domain from ndt80, a transcriptional activator required for meiosis in yeast
1m6w binary complex of human glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase and 12-hydroxydodecanoic acid
1m71 crystal structure of a monoclonal fab specific for shigella flexneri y lipopolysaccharide
1m75 crystal structure of the n208s mutant of l-3-hydroxyacyl- coa dehydrogenase in complex with nad and acetoacetyl-coa
1m76 crystal structure of the s137c mutant of l-3-hydroxyacyl- coa dehydrogenase in complex with nad and acetoacetyl-coa
1m78 candida albicans dihydrofolate reductase complexed with dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate (nadph) and 5-chloryl-2,4,6-quinazolinetriamine (gw1225)
1m79 candida albicans dihydrofolate reductase complexed with dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate (nadph) and 5-(4-methoxyphenoxy)-2,4-quinazolinediamine (gw1466)
1m7a candida albicans dihydrofolate reductase complexed with dihydro-nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate (nadph) and 7-[2-methoxy-1-(methoxymethyl)ethyl]-7h- pyrrolo[3,2-f] quinazoline-1,3-diamine (gw557)
1m7d crystal structure of a monoclonal fab specific for shigella flexneri y lipopolysaccharide complexed with a trisaccharide
1m7i crystal structure of a monoclonal fab specific for shigella flexneri y lipopolysaccharide complexed with a pentasaccharide
1m7n crystal structure of unactivated apo insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor kinase domain
1m7o plasmodium falciparum triosephosphate isomerase (pftim) compled to substrate analog 3-phosphoglycerate (3pg)
1m7p plasmodium falciparum triosephosphate isomerase (pftim) compled to substrate analog glycerol-3-phosphate (g3p).
1m7r crystal structure of myotubularin-related protein-2 (mtmr2) complexed with phosphate
1m7u crystal structure of a novel dna-binding domain from ndt80, a transcriptional activator required for meiosis in yeast
1m8a human mip-3alpha/ccl20
1m8d inducible nitric oxide synthase with chlorzoxazone bound
1m8e inducible nitric oxide synthase with 7-nitroindazole bound
1m8h inducible nitric oxide synthase with 6-nitroindazole bound
1m8i inducible nitric oxide synthase with 5-nitroindazole bound
1m8o platelet integrin alfaiib-beta3 cytoplasmic domain
1m98 crystal structure of orange carotenoid protein
1m9j human endothelial nitric oxide synthase with chlorzoxazone bound
1m9k human endothelial nitric oxide synthase with 7- nitroindazole bound
1m9m human endothelial nitric oxide synthase with 6- nitroindazole bound
1m9n crystal structure of the homodimeric bifunctional transformylase and cyclohydrolase enzyme avian atic in complex with aicar and xmp at 1.93 angstroms.
1m9q human endothelial nitric oxide synthase with 5- nitroindazole bound
1m9r human endothelial nitric oxide synthase with 3-bromo-7- nitroindazole bound
1m9t inducible nitric oxide synthase with 3-bromo-7-nitroindazole bound
1ma0 ternary complex of human glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase with nad+ and dodecanoic acid
1ma3 structure of a sir2 enzyme bound to an acetylated p53 peptide
1ma9 crystal structure of the complex of human vitamin d binding protein and rabbit muscle actin
1mac crystal structure and site-directed mutagenesis of bacillus macerans endo-1,3-1,4-beta-glucanase
1mae the active site structure of methylamine dehydrogenase: hydrazines identify c6 as the reactive site of the tryptophan derived quinone cofactor
1maf the active site structure of methylamine dehydrogenase: hydrazines identify c6 as the reactive site of the tryptophan derived quinone cofactor
1mag gramicidin a in hydrated dmpc bilayers, solid state nmr
1mah fasciculin2-mouse acetylcholinesterase complex
1mam crystal structure to 2.45 a resolution of a monoclonal fab specific for the brucella a cell wall polysaccharide antigen
1mas purine nucleoside hydrolase
1mb4 crystal structure of aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase from vibrio cholerae with nadp and s-methyl-l-cysteine sulfoxide
1mb9 beta-lactam synthetase complexed with atp
1mbl a catalytically-impaired class a beta-lactamase: 2 angstroms crystal structure and kinetics of the bacillus licheniformis e166a mutant
1mbv crystal structure analysis of clpsn heterodimer tetragonal form
1mby murine sak polo domain
1mbz beta-lactam synthetase with trapped intermediate
1mc1 beta-lactam synthetase with product (dgpc), amp and ppi
1mc3 crystal structure of rffh
1mc5 ternary complex of human glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase with s-(hydroxymethyl)glutathione and nadh
1mc8 crystal structure of flap endonuclease-1 r42e mutant from pyrococcus horikoshii
1mco three-dimensional structure of a human immunoglobulin with a hinge deletion
1mcp phosphocholine binding immunoglobulin fab mc/pc603. an x-ray diffraction study at 2.7 angstroms
1mct the refined 1.6 angstroms resolution crystal structure of the complex formed between porcine beta-trypsin and mcti-a, a trypsin inhibitor of squash family
1mcv crystal structure analysis of a hybrid squash inhibitor in complex with porcine pancreatic elastase
1mcw three-dimensional structure of a hybrid light chain dimer. protein engineering of a binding cavity
1md0 crystal structure of an inhibited fragment of ets-1
1md3 a folding mutant of human class pi glutathione transferase, created by mutating glycine 146 of the wild-type protein to alanine
1md4 a folding mutant of human class pi glutathione transferase, created by mutating glycine 146 of the wild-type protein to valine
1mdi high resolution solution nmr structure of mixed disulfide intermediate between mutant human thioredoxin and a 13 residue peptide comprising its target site in human nfkb
1mdj high resolution solution nmr structure of mixed disulfide intermediate between human thioredoxin (c35a, c62a, c69a, c73a) mutant and a 13 residue peptide comprising its target site in human nfkb (residues 56-68 of the p50 subunit of nfkb)
1mdk high resolution solution nmr structure of mixed disulfide intermediate between human thioredoxin (c35a, c62a, c69a, c73a) mutant and a 13 residue peptide comprising its target site in human nfkb (residues 56-68 of the p50 subunit of nfkb)
1mdn wild type myoglobin with co
1mdp refined structures of two insertion(slash)deletion mutants probe function of the maltodextrin binding protein
1mdt the refined structure of monomeric diphtheria toxin at 2.3 angstroms resolution
1mdv key role of phenylalanine 20 in cytochrome c3: structure, stability and function studies
1mdw crystal structure of calcium-bound protease core of calpain ii reveals the basis for intrinsic inactivation
1mee the complex between the subtilisin from a mesophilic bacterium and the leech inhibitor eglin-c
1mer hiv-1 mutant (i84v) protease complexed with dmp450
1mes hiv-1 mutant (i84v) protease complexed with dmp323
1met hiv-1 mutant (v82f) protease complexed with dmp323
1meu hiv-1 mutant (v82f, i84v) protease complexed with dmp323
1mex antibody catalysis of a bimolecular cycloaddition reaction
1mf4 structure-based design of potent and selective inhibitors of phospholipase a2: crystal structure of the complex formed between phosholipase a2 from naja naja sagittifera and a designed peptide inhibitor at 1.9 a resolution
1mfa structure of a single-chain fv fragment complexed with a carbohydrate antigen at 1.7 angstroms resolution
1mfb high resolution structures of antibody fab fragment complexed with cell-surface oligosaccharide of pathogenic salmonella
1mfc high resolution structures of antibody fab fragment complexed with cell-surface oligosaccharide of pathogenic salmonella
1mfd the solution structure of a trisaccharide-antibody complex: comparison of nmr measurements with a crystal structure
1mfe recognition of a cell-surface oligo-saccharide of pathogenic salmonella by an antibody fab fragment
1mfg the structure of erbin pdz domain bound to the carboxy- terminal tail of the erbb2 receptor
1mfl the structure of erbin pdz domain bound to the carboxy- terminal tail of the erbb2 receptor
1mfp e. coli enoyl reductase in complex with nad and sb611113
1mft crystal structure of four-helix bundle model
1mg5 crystal structure of drosophila melanogaster alcohol dehydrogenase complexed with nadh and acetate at 1.6 a
1mg7 crystal structure of xol-1
1mg9 the structural basis of clps-mediated switch in clpa substrate recognition
1mgo horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase phe93ala mutant
1mgs the solution structure of melanoma growth stimulating activity
1mgv crystal structure of the r391a mutant of 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid synthase
1mh0 crystal structure of the anticoagulant slow form of thrombin
1mh2 crystal structure of a zinc containing dimer of phospholipase a2 from the venom of indian cobra (naja naja sagittifera)
1mh6 solution structure of the transposon tn5-encoding bleomycin- binding protein, blmt
1mhi three-dimensional solution structure of an insulin dimer. a study of the b9(asp) mutant of human insulin using nuclear magnetic resonance distance geometry and restrained molecular dynamics
1mhj solution structure of the superactive monomeric des- [phe(b25)] human insulin mutant. elucidation of the structural basis for the monomerization of the des- [phe(b25)] insulin and the dimerization of native insulin
1mhm crystal structure of s-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase from potato
1mhq crystal structure of human gga2 vhs domain
1mhs model of neurospora crassa proton atpase
1mi0 crystal structure of the redesigned protein g variant nug2
1mi1 crystal structure of the ph-beach domain of human neurobeachin
1mi2 solution structure of murine macrophage inflammatory protein-2, nmr, 20 structures
1mic gramicidin a: left-handed parallel double helical form in methanol in the presence of cacl2, nmr, 20 structures
1mie crystal structure of the fab fragment of esterolytic antibody ms5-393
1mik the role of water molecules in the structure-based design of (5- hydroxynorvaline)-2-cyclosporin: synthesis, biological activity, and crystallographic analysis with cyclophilin a
1mim igg fab fragment (cd25-binding)
1miq crystal structure of proplasmepsin from the human malarial pathogen plasmodium vivax
1miu structure of a brca2-dss1 complex
1miv crystal structure of bacillus stearothermophilus cca-adding enzyme
1miw crystal structure of bacillus stearothermophilus cca-adding enzyme in complex with atp
1miy crystal structure of bacillus stearothermophilus cca-adding enzyme in complex with ctp
1miz crystal structure of an integrin beta3-talin chimera
1mj7 crystal structure of the complex of the fab fragment of esterolytic antibody ms5-393 and a transition-state analog
1mj8 high resolution crystal structure of the fab fragment of the esterolytic antibody ms6-126
1mjf putative spermidine synthetase from pyrococcus furiosus pfu- 132382
1mjh structure-based assignment of the biochemical function of hypothetical protein mj0577: a test case of structural genomics
1mjk methionine repressor mutant aporepressor (q44k) from escherichia coli
1mjl methionine repressor mutant (q44k) complex with the corepressor sam (s-adenosyl methionine) from escherichia coli
1mjt crystal structure of sanos, a bacterial nitric oxide synthase oxygenase protein, in complex with nad+ and seitu
1mju 1.22 angstrom resolution crystal structure of the fab fragment of esterolytic antibody ms6-12
1mjv disulfide deficient mutant of vascular endothelial growth factor a (c51a and c60a)
1mjw structure of inorganic pyrophosphatase mutant d42n
1mjx structure of inorganic pyrophosphatase mutant d65n
1mjy structure of inorganic pyrophosphatase mutant d70n
1mk2 smad3 sbd complex
1mk4 structure of protein of unknown function yqjy from bacillus subtilis, probable acetyltransferase
1mk5 wildtype core-streptavidin with biotin at 1.4a.
1mka e. coli beta-hydroxydecanoyl thiol ester dehydrase modified by its classic mechanism-based inactivator, 3-decynoyl-n- acetyl cysteamine
1mkb escherichia coli beta-hydroxydecanoyl thiol ester dehydrase at ph 5 and 21 degrees c
1mkf viral chemokine binding protein m3 from murine gammaherpesvirus 68
1mki crystal structure of bacillus subtilis probable glutaminase, apc1040
1mkk disulfide deficient mutant of vascular endothelial growth factor a (c61a and c104a)
1mkm crystal structure of the thermotoga maritima iclr
1mkz crystal structure of moab protein at 1.6 a resolution.
1ml0 viral chemokine binding protein m3 from murine gammaherpesvirus68 in complex with the p8a variant of cc-chemokine mcp-1
1ml6 crystal structure of mgsta2-2 in complex with the glutathione conjugate of benzo[a]pyrene-7(r),8(s)-diol- 9(s),10(r)-epoxide
1mlb monoclonal antibody fab d44.1 raised against chicken egg- white lysozyme
1mly crystal structure of 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid synthase in complex with the cis isomer of amiclenomycin
1mlz crystal structure of 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid synthase in complex with the trans-isomer of amiclenomycin.
1mm6 crystal structure of the glur2 ligand binding core (s1s2j) in complex with quisqualate in a non zinc crystal form at 2.15 angstroms resolution
1mmi e. coli dna polymerase beta subunit
1mmm distinct metal environment in iron-substituted manganese superoxide dismutase provides a structural basis of metal specificity
1mmp matrilysin complexed with carboxylate inhibitor
1mmu crystal structure of galactose mutarotase from lactococcus lactis complexed with d-glucose
1mmv rat neuronal nos heme domain with ng-propyl-l-arginine bound
1mmw rat neuronal nos heme domain with vinyl-l-nio bound
1mmx crystal structure of galactose mutarotase from lactococcus lactis complexed with d-fucose
1mmy crystal structure of galactose mutarotase from lactococcus lactis complexed with d-quinovose
1mmz crystal structure of galactose mutarotase from lactococcus lactis complexed with l-arabinose
1mn0 crystal structure of galactose mutarotase from lactococcus lactis complexed with d-xylose
1mn6 thioesterase domain from picromycin polyketide synthase, ph 7.6
1mn7 ndp kinase mutant (h122g;n119s;f64w) in complex with abazttp
1mna thioesterase domain of picromycin polyketide synthase (pics te), ph 8.0
1mng structure-function in e. coli iron superoxide dismutase: comparisons with the manganese enzyme from t. thermophilus
1mni alteration of axial coordination by protein engineering in myoglobin. bis-imidazole ligation in the his64-- >val(slash)val68-->his double mutant
1mnj interactions among residues cd3, e7, e10 and e11 in myoglobins: attempts to simulate the o2 and co binding properties of aplysia myoglobin
1mnk interactions among residues cd3, e7, e10 and e11 in myoglobins: attempts to simulate the o2 and co binding properties of aplysia myoglobin
1mno v68n myoglobin oxy form
1mnq thioesterase domain of picromycin polyketide synthase (pics te), ph 8.4
1mnt solution structure of dimeric mnt repressor (1-76)
1mnu unliganded bactericidal antibody against neisseria meningitidis
1mo0 structural genomics of caenorhabditis elegans: triose phosphate isomerase
1mo2 thioesterase domain from 6-deoxyerythronolide synthase (debs te), ph 8.5
1mo9 nadph dependent 2-ketopropyl coenzyme m oxidoreductase/carboxylase complexed with 2-ketopropyl coenzyme m
1moe the three-dimensional structure of an engineered scfv t84.66 dimer or diabody in vl to vh linkage.
1mol two crystal structures of a potently sweet protein: natural monellin at 2.75 angstroms resolution and single-chain monellin at 1.7 angstroms resolution
1mop crystal structure of a pantothenate synthetase from m. tuberculosis
1moz adp-ribosylation factor-like 1 (arl1) from saccharomyces cerevisiae
1mp0 binary complex of human glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase with nad(h)
1mp3 l89t variant of s. enterica rmla
1mp4 w224h variant of s. enterica rmla
1mp9 tbp from a mesothermophilic archaeon, sulfolobus acidocaldarius
1mpg 3-methyladenine dna glycosylase ii from escherichia coli
1mpw molecular recognition in (+)-a-pinene oxidation by cytochrome p450cam
1mq0 crystal structure of human cytidine deaminase
1mq5 crystal structure of 3-chloro-n-[4-chloro-2-[[(4-chlorophenyl) amino]carbonyl]phenyl]-4-[(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)methyl]-2- thiophenecarboxamide complexed with human factor xa
1mq6 crystal structure of 3-chloro-n-[4-chloro-2-[[(5-chloro-2-pyridinyl) amino]carbonyl]-6-methoxyphenyl]-4-[[(4,5-dihydro-2-oxazolyl) methylamino]methyl]-2-thiophenecarboxamide complexed with human factor xa
1mqb crystal structure of ephrin a2 (epha2) receptor protein kinase
1mqg crystal structure of the glur2 ligand binding core (s1s2j) in complex with iodo-willardiine at 2.15 angstroms resolution
1mqk crystal structure of the unliganded fv-fragment of the anti- cytochrome c oxidase antibody 7e2
1mqs crystal structure of sly1p in complex with an n-terminal peptide of sed5p
1mqv crystal structure of the q1a/f32w/w72f mutant of rhodopseudomonas palustris cytochrome c' (prime) expressed in e. coli
1mr8 migration inhibitory factor-related protein 8 from human
1mrc preparation, characterization and crystallization of an antibody fab fragment that recognizes rna. crystal structures of native fab and three fab-mononucleotide complexes
1mrd preparation, characterization and crystallization of an antibody fab fragment that recognizes rna. crystal structures of native fab and three fab-mononucleotide complexes
1mre preparation, characterization and crystallization of an antibody fab fragment that recognizes rna. crystal structures of native fab and three fab-mononucleotide complexes
1mrf preparation, characterization and crystallization of an antibody fab fragment that recognizes rna. crystal structures of native fab and three fab-mononucleotide complexes
1mrr substitution of manganese for iron in ribonucleotide reductase from escherichia coli. spectroscopic and crystallographic characterization
1mru intracellular ser/thr protein kinase domain of mycobacterium tuberculosis pknb.
1mrw structure of hiv protease (mutant q7k l33i l63i) complexed with kni- 577
1mrx structure of hiv protease (mutant q7k l33i l63i v82f i84v ) complexed with kni-577
1mrz crystal structure of a flavin binding protein from thermotoga maritima, tm379
1ms0 monoclinic form of trypanosoma cruzi trans-sialidase, in complex with 3-deoxy-2,3-dehydro-n-acetylneuraminic acid (dana)and lactose
1ms1 monoclinic form of trypanosoma cruzi trans-sialidase, in complex with 3-deoxy-2,3-dehydro-n-acetylneuraminic acid (dana)
1ms3 monoclinic form of trypanosoma cruzi trans-sialidase
1msb structure of the calcium-dependent lectin domain from a rat mannose-binding protein determined by mad phasing
1msd comparison of the crystal structures of genetically engineered human manganese superoxide dismutase and manganese superoxide dismutase from thermus thermophilus. differences in dimer-dimer interactions.
1msg solution structure of gro(slash)melanoma growth stimulatory activity determined by 1h nmr spectroscopy
1msh solution structure of gro(slash)melanoma growth stimulatory activity determined by 1h nmr spectroscopy
1msm the hiv protease (mutant q7k l33i l63i) complexed with kni-764 (an inhibitor)
1msn the hiv protease (mutant q7k l33i l63i v82f i84v) complexed with kni- 764 (an inhibitor)
1msp major sperm protein, alpha isoform (recombinant), ph 4.6
1mss large scale structural rearrangements of the front loops in monomerised triosephosphate isomerase, as deduced from the comparison of the structural properties of monotim and its point mutation variant monoss
1msv the s68a s-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase proenzyme processing mutant.
1mtb viability of a drug-resistant hiv-1 protease mutant: structural insights for better antiviral therapy
1mtc glutathione transferase mutant y115f
1mtp the x-ray crystal structure of a serpin from a thermophilic prokaryote
1mtr hiv-1 protease complexed with a cyclic phe-ile-val peptidomimetic inhibitor
1mu2 crystal structure of hiv-2 reverse transcriptase
1mu4 crystal structure at 1.8 angstroms of the bacillus subtilis catabolite repression histidine containing protein (crh)
1mu7 crystal structure of a human tyrosyl-dna phosphodiesterase (tdp1)- tungstate complex
1mu9 crystal structure of a human tyrosyl-dna phosphodiesterase (tdp1)- vanadate complex
1muc structure of muconate lactonizing enzyme at 1.85 angstroms resolution
1mui crystal structure of hiv-1 protease complexed with lopinavir.
1mum structure of the 2-methylisocitrate lyase (prpb) from escherichia coli
1mv0 nmr structure of the tumor suppressor bin1: alternative splicing in melanoma and interaction with c-myc
1mv4 tm9a251-284: a peptide model of the c-terminus of a rat striated alpha tropomyosin
1mv9 crystal structure of the human rxr alpha ligand binding domain bound to the eicosanoid dha (docosa hexaenoic acid) and a coactivator peptide
1mvc crystal structure of the human rxr alpha ligand binding domain bound to the synthetic agonist compound bms 649 and a coactivator peptide
1mvp structural studies of the retroviral proteinase from avian myeloblastosis associated virus
1mw4 solution structure of the human grb7-sh2 domain in complex with a 10 amino acid peptide py1139
1mw5 structure of hi1480 from haemophilus influenzae
1mwc wild type myoglobin with co
1mwd wild type deoxy myoglobin
1mwk parm from plasmid r1 apo form
1mwq structure of hi0828, a hypothetical protein from haemophilus influenzae with a putative active-site phosphohistidine
1mwr structure of semet penicillin binding protein 2a from methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus strain 27r (trigonal form) at 2.45 a resolution.
1mws structure of nitrocefin acyl-penicillin binding protein 2a from methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus strain 27r at 2.00 a resolution.
1mwt structure of penicillin g acyl-penicillin binding protein 2a from methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus strain 27r at 2.45 a resolution.
1mwu structure of methicillin acyl-penicillin binding protein 2a from methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus strain 27r at 2.60 a resolution.
1mwv crystal structure of catalase-peroxidase katg of burkholderia pseudomallei
1mx2 structure of f71n mutant of p18ink4c
1mx4 structure of p18ink4c (f82q)
1mx6 structure of p18ink4c (f92n)
1mxl structure of cardiac troponin c-troponin i complex
1mxo ampc beta-lactamase in complex with an m.carboxyphenylglycylboronic acid bearing the cephalothin r1 side chain
1mxr high resolution structure of ribonucleotide reductase r2 from e. coli in its oxidised (met) form
1my5 nf-kappab p65 subunit dimerization domain homodimer
1my6 the 1.6 a structure of fe-superoxide dismutase from the thermophilic cyanobacterium thermosynechococcus elongatus : correlation of epr and structural characteristics
1my7 nf-kappab p65 subunit dimerization domain homodimer n202r mutation
1my8 ampc beta-lactamase in complex with an m.carboxyphenylglycylboronic acid bearing the cephalothin r1 side chain
1myk crystal structure, folding, and operator binding of the hyperstable arc repressor mutant pl8
1mzc co-crystal structure of human farnesyltransferase with farnesyldiphosphate and inhibitor compound 33a
1mzg x-ray structure of sufe from e.coli northeast structural genomics (nesg) consortium target er30
1mzh qr15, an aldolase
1mzj crystal structure of the priming beta-ketosynthase from the r1128 polyketide biosynthetic pathway
1mzo crystal structure of pyruvate formate-lyase with pyruvate
1mzr structure of dkga from e.coli at 2.13 a resolution solved by molecular replacement
1mzw crystal structure of a u4/u6 snrnp complex between human spliceosomal cyclophilin h and a u4/u6-60k peptide
1n06 crystal structure of schizosaccharomyces pombe riboflavin kinase reveals a novel atp and riboflavin binding fold
1n07 crystal structure of schizosaccharomyces pombe riboflavin kinase reveals a novel atp and riboflavin binding fold
1n08 crystal structure of schizosaccharomyces pombe riboflavin kinase reveals a novel atp and riboflavin binding fold
1n0g crystal structure of a cell division and cell wall biosynthesis protein upf0040 from mycoplasma pneumoniae: indication of a novel fold with a possible new conserved sequence motif
1n0h crystal structure of yeast acetohydroxyacid synthase in complex with a sulfonylurea herbicide, chlorimuron ethyl
1n0j the structure of human mitochondrial mn3+ superoxide dismutase reveals a novel tetrameric interface of two 4-helix bundles
1n0n catalytic and structural effects of amino-acid substitution at his30 in human manganese superoxide dismutase
1n0q 3ank: a designed ankyrin repeat protein with three identical consensus repeats
1n0s engineered lipocalin flua in complex with fluorescein
1n0v crystal structure of elongation factor 2
1n0y crystal structure of pb-bound calmodulin
1n10 crystal structure of phl p 1, a major timothy grass pollen allergen
1n15 following the c heme reduction in nitrite reductase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1n19 structure of the hsod a4v mutant
1n1a crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of human fkbp52
1n1b crystal structure of (+)-bornyl diphosphate synthase from sage
1n1c crystal structure of the dimeric tord chaperone from shewanella massilia
1n1e crystal structure of leishmania mexicana glycerol-3- phosphate dehydrogenase complexed with dhap and nad
1n1j crystal structure of the nf-yb/nf-yc histone pair
1n1m human dipeptidyl peptidase iv/cd26 in complex with an inhibitor
1n1z (+)-bornyl diphosphate synthase: complex with mg and pyrophosphate
1n20 (+)-bornyl diphosphate synthase: complex with mg and 3-aza- 2,3-dihydrogeranyl diphosphate
1n22 (+)-bornyl diphosphate synthase: complex with mg, pyrophosphate, and (4r)-7-aza-7,8-dihydrolimonene
1n23 (+)-bornyl diphosphate synthase: complex with mg, pyrophosphate, and (1r,4s)-2-azabornane
1n24 (+)-bornyl diphosphate synthase: complex with mg and product
1n25 crystal structure of the sv40 large t antigen helicase domain
1n2a crystal structure of a bacterial glutathione transferase from escherichia coli with glutathione sulfonate in the active site
1n2b crystal structure of a pantothenate synthetase from m. tuberculosis in complex with ampcpp and pantoate, higher occupancy of pantoate and lower occupancy of ampcpp in subunit a
1n2e crystal structure of a pantothenate synthetase from m. tuberculosis in complex with ampcpp and pantoate
1n2f crystal structure of p. aeruginosa ohr
1n2g crystal structure of a pantothenate synthetase from m. tuberculosis in complex with ampcpp
1n2h crystal structure of a pantothenate synthetase from m. tuberculosis in complex with a reaction intermediate, pantoyl adenylate
1n2i crystal structure of pantothenate synthetase from m. tuberculosis in complex with a reaction intermediate, pantoyl adenylate, different occupancies of pantoyl adenylate
1n2j crystal structure of a pantothenate synthetase from m. tuberculosis in complex with pantoate
1n2n crystal structure of cyanide complex of the oxygenase domain of inducible nitric oxide synthase.
1n2o crystal structure of pantothenate synthetase from m. tuberculosis, low occupancy of beta-alanine at the pantoate binding sites
1n2t c-des mutant k223a with gly covalenty linked to the plp-cofactor
1n2z 2.0 angstrom structure of btuf, the vitamin b12 binding protein of e. coli
1n31 structure of a catalytically inactive mutant (k223a) of c-des with a substrate (cystine) linked to the co-factor
1n3j structure and substrate of a histone h3 lysine methyltransferase from paramecium bursaria chlorella virus 1
1n3o pterocarcpus angolensis lectin in complex with alpha-methyl glucose
1n3p pterocarpus angolensis lectin in complex with sucrose
1n3q pterocarpus angolensis lectin complexed with turanose
1n3u crystal structure of human heme oxygenase 1 (ho-1) in complex with its substrate heme, crystal form b
1n45 x-ray crystal structure of human heme oxygenase-1 (ho-1) in complex with its substrate heme
1n46 crystal structure of human tr beta ligand-binding domain complexed with a potent subtype-selective thyromimetic
1n4a the ligand bound structure of e.coli btuf, the periplasmic binding protein for vitamin b12
1n4h characterization of ligands for the orphan nuclear receptor rorbeta
1n4o crystal structure of the class a beta-lactamase l2 from stenotrophomonas maltophilia
1n50 following the c heme reduction in nitrite reductase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1n51 aminopeptidase p in complex with the inhibitor apstatin
1n52 cap binding complex
1n54 cap binding complex m7gpppg free
1n5k crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis thymidylate kinase crystallized in sodium malonate (resolution 2.1 a)
1n5l crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis thymidylate kinase crystallized in sodium malonate, after catalysis in the crystal (2.3 a resolution)
1n5m crystal structure of the mouse acetylcholinesterase-gallamine complex
1n5n crystal structure of peptide deformylase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1n5q crystal structure of a monooxygenase from the gene actva-orf6 of streptomyces coelicolor in complex with dehydrated sancycline
1n5r crystal structure of the mouse acetylcholinesterase-propidium complex
1n5s crystal structure of a monooxygenase from the gene actva-orf6 of streptomyces coelicolor in complex with the ligand acetyl dithranol
1n5t crystal structure of a monooxygenase from the gene actva-orf6 of streptomyces coelicolor in complex with the ligand oxidized acetyl dithranol
1n5v crystal structure of a monooxygenase from the gene actva-orf6 of streptomyces coelicolor in complex with the ligand nanaomycin d
1n5x xanthine dehydrogenase from bovine milk with inhibitor tei- 6720 bound
1n6m rotation of the stalk/neck and one head in a new crystal structure of the kinesin motor protein, ncd
1n7h crystal structure of gdp-mannose 4,6-dehydratase ternary complex with nadph and gdp
1n7i the structure of phenylethanolamine n-methyltransferase in complex with s-adenosylhomocysteine and the inhibitor ly134046
1n7j the structure of phenylethanolamine n-methyltransferase in complex with s-adenosylhomocysteine and an iodinated inhibitor
1n7k unique tetrameric structure of deoxyribose phosphate aldolase from aeropyrum pernix
1n7m germline 7g12 with n-methylmesoporphyrin
1n7t erbin pdz domain bound to a phage-derived peptide
1n82 the high-resolution crystal structure of ixt6, a thermophilic, intracellular xylanase from g. stearothermophilus
1n8k horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase val292thr mutant complexed to nad+ and pyrazole
1n8s structure of the pancreatic lipase-colipase complex
1n8t the crystal structure of phosphoglucose isomerase from rabbit muscle
1n8v chemosensory protein in complex with bromo-dodecanol
1n8w biochemical and structural studies of malate synthase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1n90 following the c heme reduction in nitrite reductase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1n92 horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase complexed with nad+ and 4- iodopyrazole
1n94 aryl tetrahydropyridine inhbitors of farnesyltransferase: glycine, phenylalanine and histidine derivates
1n95 aryl tetrahydrophyridine inhbitors of farnesyltranferase: glycine, phenylalanine and histidine derivatives
1n97 crystal stucture of cyp175a1 from thermus thermophillus strain hb27
1n99 crystal structure of the pdz tandem of human syntenin
1n9a farnesyltransferase complex with tetrahydropyridine inhibitors
1n9j solution structure of the 3d domain swapped dimer of stefin a
1n9k crystal structure of the bromide adduct of apha class b acid phosphatase/phosphotransferase from e. coli at 2.2 a resolution
1n9w crystal structure of the non-discriminating and archaeal- type aspartyl-trna synthetase from thermus thermophilus
1na0 design of stable alpha-helical arrays from an idealized tpr motif
1na6 crystal structure of restriction endonuclease ecorii mutant r88a
1na8 crystal structure of adp-ribosylation factor binding protein gga1
1naa cellobiose dehydrogenase flavoprotein fragment in complex with cellobionolactam
1naw enolpyruvyl transferase
1nb4 hc-j4 rna polymerase apo-form
1nb6 hc-j4 rna polymerase complexed with utp
1nb8 structure of the catalytic domain of usp7 (hausp)
1nbb n-butylisocyanide bound rhodobacter capsulatus cytochrome c'
1nbc bacterial type 3a cellulose-binding domain
1nbq crystal structure of human junctional adhesion molecule type 1
1nbv an autoantibody to single-stranded dna: comparison of the three-dimensional structures of the unliganded fab and a deoxynucleotide-fab complex
1nc1 crystal structure of e. coli mta/adohcy nucleosidase complexed with 5'-methylthiotubercidin (mth)
1nc3 crystal structure of e. coli mta/adohcy nucleosidase complexed with formycin a (fma)
1nce crystal structure of a ternary complex of e. coli thymidylate synthase d169c with dump and the antifolate cb3717
1ncf a new paradigm for tumor necrosis factor signalling
1nch structural basis of cell-cell adhesion by cadherins
1nci structural basis of cell-cell adhesion by cadherins
1ncn the receptor-binding domain of human b7-2
1nco structure of the antitumor protein-chromophore complex neocarzinostatin
1ncp structural characterization of a 39 residue synthetic peptide containing the two zinc binding domains from the hiv-1 p7 nucleocapsid protein by cd and nmr spectroscopy
1ncv determination cc-chemokine mcp-3, nmr, 7 structures
1ncw cationic cyclization antibody 4c6 in complex with benzoic acid
1nd4 crystal structure of aminoglycoside-3'-phosphotransferase- iia
1ndb crystal structure of carnitine acetyltransferase
1ndf carnitine acetyltransferase in complex with carnitine
1ndi carnitine acetyltransferase in complex with coa
1ndp adenosine 5'-diphosphate binding and the active site of nucleoside diphosphate kinase
1ne2 crystal structure of thermoplasma acidophilum 1320 (apc5513)
1nei solution nmr structure of protein yoag from escherichia coli. ontario centre for structural proteomics target ec0264_1_60; northeast structural genomics consortium target et94.
1ney triosephosphate isomerase in complex with dhap
1nf0 triosephosphate isomerase in complex with dhap
1nf7 ternary complex of the human type ii inosine monophosphate dedhydrogenase with ribavirin monophosphate and c2- mycophenolic adenine dinucleotide
1nfb ternary complex of the human type ii inosine monophosphate dedhydrogenase with 6cl-imp and nad
1nff crystal structure of rv2002 gene product from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1nfh structure of a sir2 substrate, alba, reveals a mechanism for deactylation-induced enhancement of dna-binding
1nfs structure and mechanism of action of isopentenylpyrophosphate-dimethylallylpyrophosphate isomerase: complex with nipp
1nfu crystal structure of human coagulation factor xa complexed with rpr132747
1nfw crystal structure of human coagulation factor xa complexed with rpr209685
1nfx crystal structure of human coagulation factor xa complexed with rpr208944
1nfy crystal structure of human coagulation factor xa complexed with rpr200095
1nfz structure and mechanism of action of isopentenylpyrophosphate-dimethylallylpyrophosphate isomerase: complex with eipp
1ng3 complex of thio (glycine oxidase) with acetyl-glycine
1ng4 structure of thio (glycine oxidase) from bacillus subtilis
1ng5 2.0 a crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus sortase b
1ng7 the solution structure of the soluble domain of poliovirus 3a protein
1ng8 g15-gramicidin a in sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles (nmr)
1ngp n1g9 (igg1-lambda) fab fragment complexed with (4-hydroxy-3- nitrophenyl) acetate
1ngq n1g9 (igg1-lambda) fab fragment
1ngs complex of transketolase with thiamin diphosphate, ca2+ and acceptor substrate erythrose-4-phosphate
1ngy chimeric mature fab 7g12-apo
1ngz chimeric germline fab 7g12-apo
1nhk crystal structure of myxococcus xanthus nucleoside diphosphate kinase and its interaction with a nucleotide substrate at 2.0 angstroms resolution
1nhu hepatitis c virus rna polymerase in complex with non- nucleoside analogue inhibitor
1nhv hepatitis c virus rna polymerase in complex with non- nucleoside analogue inhibitor
1ni1 imidazole and cyanophenyl farnesyl transferase inhibitors
1ni8 h-ns dimerization motif
1nip crystallographic structure of the nitrogenase iron protein from azotobacter vinelandii
1niq solution structure of the hoo-bm bound blmt, transposon tn5- encoding bleomycin-binding protein
1nir oxydized nitrite reductase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1niu alanine racemase with bound inhibitor derived from l- cycloserine
1njg nucleotide-free form of an isolated e. coli clamp loader gamma subunit
1njs human gar tfase in complex with hydrolyzed form of 10- trifluoroacetyl-5,10-dideaza-acyclic-5,6,7,8- tetrahydrofolic acid
1nk1 nk1 fragment of human hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (hgf/sf) at 2.5 angstrom resolution
1nki crystal strucure of the fosfomycin resistance protein a (fosa) containing bound phosphonoformate
1nkm complex structure of hcmv protease and a peptidomimetic inhibitor
1nkt crystal structure of the seca protein translocation atpase from mycobacterium tuberculosis complex with adpbs
1nl3 crystal structure of the seca protein translocation atpase from mycobacterium tuberculosis in apo form
1nl4 crystal structure of rat farnesyl transferase in complex with a potent biphenyl inhibitor
1nla solution structure of switch arc, a mutant with 3(10) helices replacing a wild-type beta-ribbon
1nlb crystal structure of anti-hcv monoclonal antibody 19d9d6
1nld fab fragment of a neutralizing antibody directed against an epitope of gp41 from hiv-1
1nlj crystal structure of the cysteine protease human cathepsin k in complex with a covalent azepanone inhibitor
1nlk crystal structure of myxococcus xanthus nucleoside diphosphate kinase and its interaction with a nucleotide substrate at 2.0 angstroms resolution
1nlm crystal structure of murg:glcnac complex
1nln crystal structure of human adenovirus 2 proteinase with its 11 amino acid cofactor at 1.6 angstrom resolution
1nlo structure of signal transduction protein, nmr, minimized average structure
1nlp structure of signal transduction protein, nmr, minimized average structure
1nlt the crystal structure of hsp40 ydj1
1nlv crystal structure of dictyostelium discoideum actin complexed with ca atp and human gelsolin segment 1
1nly crystal structure of the traffic atpase of the helicobacter pylori type iv secretion system in complex with atpgammas
1nm1 crystal structure of d. dicsoideum actin complexed with gelsolin segment 1 and mg atp at 1.8 a resolution
1nm3 crystal structure of heamophilus influenza hybrid-prx5
1nm6 thrombin in complex with selective macrocyclic inhibitor at 1.8a
1nmd crystal structure of d. discoideum actin-gelsolin segment 1 complex crystallized in presence of lithium atp
1nme structure of casp-3 with tethered salicylate
1nmk the sanglifehrin-cyclophilin interaction: degradation work, synthetic macrocyclic analogues, x-ray crystal structure and binding data
1nmn structure of yqgf from escherichia coli, a hypothetical protein
1nmq extendend tethering: in situ assembly of inhibitors
1nms caspase-3 tethered to irreversible inhibitor
1nnl crystal structure of human phosphoserine phosphatase
1nno conformational changes occurring upon no binding in nitrite reductase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1nnp x-ray structure of the glur2 ligand-binding core (s1s2j) in complex with (s)-atpa at 1.9 a resolution. crystallization without zinc ions.
1nnq rubrerythrin from pyrococcus furiosus pfu-1210814
1nnr crystal structure of a probable fosfomycin resistance protein (pa1129) from pseudomonas aeruginosa with sulfate present in the active site
1nns l-asparaginase of e. coli in c2 space group and 1.95 a resolution
1nnw hypothetical protein from pyrococcus furiosus pfu-1218608
1no5 structure of hi0073 from haemophilus influenzae, the nucleotide binding domain of the hi0073/hi0074 two protein nucleotidyl transferase.
1no7 structure of the large protease resistant upper domain of vp5, the major capsid protein of herpes simplex virus-1
1noc murine inducible nitric oxide synthase oxygenase domain (delta 114) complexed with type i e. coli chloramphenicol acetyl transferase and imidazole
1nod murine inducible nitric oxide synthase oxygenase dimer (delta 65) with tetrahydrobiopterin and substrate l-arginine
1nou native human lysosomal beta-hexosaminidase isoform b
1now human lysosomal beta-hexosaminidase isoform b in complex with (2r,3r, 4s,5r)-2-acetamido-3,4-dihydroxy-5-hydroxymethyl-piperidinium chloride (galnac-isofagomine)
1noz t4 dna polymerase fragment (residues 1-388) at 110k
1np0 human lysosomal beta-hexosaminidase isoform b in complex with intermediate analogue nag-thiazoline
1np1 crystal structure of the complex of nitrophorin 1 from rhodnius prolixus with histamine
1np2 crystal structure of thermostable beta-glycosidase from thermophilic eubacterium thermus nonproteolyticus hg102
1np6 crystal structure of escherichia coli mobb
1np8 18-k c-terminally trunucated small subunit of calpain
1npa crystal structure of hiv-1 protease-hup
1npd x-ray structure of shikimate dehydrogenase complexed with nad+ from e.coli (ydib) northeast structural genomics research consortium (nesg) target er24
1npe crystal structure of nidogen/laminin complex
1npm neuropsin, a serine protease expressed in the limbic system of mouse brain
1npq structure of a rhodamine-labeled n-domain troponin c mutant (ca2+ saturated) in complex with skeletal troponin i 115- 131
1npv crystal structure of hiv-1 protease complexed with ldc271
1npw crystal structure of hiv protease complexed with lgz479
1npz crystal structures of cathepsin s inhibitor complexes
1nq7 characterization of ligands for the orphan nuclear receptor rorbeta
1nq9 crystal structure of antithrombin in the pentasaccharide-bound intermediate state
1nqb trivalent antibody fragment
1nqd crystal structure of clostridium histolyticum colg collagenase collagen-binding domain 3b at 1.65 angstrom resolution in presence of calcium
1nqj crystal structure of clostridium histolyticum colg collagenase collagen-binding domain 3b at 1.0 angstrom resolution in absence of calcium
1nql structure of the extracellular domain of human epidermal growth factor (egf) receptor in an inactive (low ph) complex with egf.
1nqn structure of avm-w110k (w110k mutant of avidin)
1nr2 high resolution crystal structures of thymus and activation- regulated chemokine
1nr5 crystal structure of 3-dehydroquinate synthase (dhqs) in complex with zn2+, nad and carbaphosphonate
1nrj signal recognition particle receptor beta-subunit in complex with the srx domain from the alpha-subunit
1nrm gramicidin a in dodecyl phosphocholine micelles (nmr)
1nru gramicidin a in dodecyl phosphocholine micelles in the presence of excess na+ (nmr)
1nrv crystal structure of the sh2 domain of grb10
1nrx crystal structure of 3-dehydroquinate synthase (dhqs) in complex with zn2+ and nad
1ns0 crystal structure of galactose mutarotase from lactococcus lactis mutant e304q complexed with galactose
1ns1 rna-binding domain of non-structural protein 1 from influenza virus, nmr, 16 structures
1ns2 crystal structure of galactose mutarotase from lactococcus lactis mutant e304a complexed with galactose
1ns4 crystal structure of galactose mutarotase from lactococcus lactis mutant e304q complexed with glucose
1ns5 x-ray structure of ybea from e.coli. northeast structural genomics research consortium (nesg) target er45
1ns6 the 2.1a structure of horse (alpha hemichrome/beta met) hemoglobin at ph 5.4
1ns7 crystal structure of galactose mutarotase from lactococcus lactis mutant e304a complexed with glucose
1ns8 crystal structure of galactose mutarotase from lactococcus lactis mutant d243n complexed with galactose
1ns9 the 1.6a structure of horse methemoglobin at ph 7.1
1nsb the 2.2 angstroms resolution crystal structure of influenza b neuraminidase and its complex with sialic acid
1nsc influenza b virus neuraminidase can synthesize its own inhibitor
1nsd influenza b virus neuraminidase can synthesize its own inhibitor
1nse bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase
1nsg the structure of the immunophilin-immunosuppressant fkbp12- rapamycin complex interacting with human frap
1nsh solution structure of rabbit apo-s100a11 (19 models)
1nsm crystal structure of galactose mutarotase from lactococcus lactis mutant d243a complexed with galactose
1nsr crystal structure of galactose mutarotase from lactococcus lactis mutant d243n complexed with glucose
1nss crystal structure of galactose mutarotase from lactococcus lactis mutant d243a complexed with glucose
1nsu crystal structure of galactose mutarotase from lactococcus lactis mutant h96n complexed with galactose
1nsv crystal structure of galactose mutarotase from lactococcus lactis mutant h96n complexed with glucose
1nsx crystal structure of galactose mutarotase from lactococcus lactis mutant h170n complexed with galactose
1nsy crystal structure of nh3-dependent nad+ synthetase from bacillus subtilis
1nsz crystal structure of galactose mutarotase from lactococcus lactis mutant h170n complexed with glucose
1nt0 crystal structure of the cub1-egf-cub2 region of masp2
1nt1 thrombin in complex with selective macrocyclic inhibitor
1nt2 crystal structure of fibrillarin/nop5p complex
1nt4 crystal structure of escherichia coli periplasmic glucose-1- phosphatase h18a mutant complexed with glucose-1-phosphate
1nt5 f1-gramicidin a in sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles (nmr)
1nt6 f1-gramicidin c in sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles (nmr)
1ntc solution structure of the dna-binding domain of ntrc with three alanine substitutions
1ntl model of mouse crry-ig determined by solution scattering, curve fitting and homology modelling
1ntv crystal structure of the disabled-1 (dab1) ptb domain- apoer2 peptide complex
1nu0 structure of the double mutant (l6m; f134m, semet form) of yqgf from escherichia coli, a hypothetical protein
1nu2 crystal structure of the murine disabled-1 (dab1) ptb domain-apoer2 peptide-pi-4,5p2 ternary complex
1nu3 limonene-1,2-epoxide hydrolase in complex with valpromide
1nu4 u1a rna binding domain at 1.8 angstrom resolution reveals a pre- organized c-terminal helix
1nu6 crystal structure of human dipeptidyl peptidase iv (dpp-iv)
1nua crystal structure of 3-dehydroquinate synthase (dhqs) in complex with zn2+
1nub helix c deletion mutant of bm-40 fs-ec domain pair
1nud role of calcium ions in the activation and activity of the transglutaminase 3 enzyme (3 calciums, active form)
1nug role of calcium ions in the activation and activity of the transglutaminase 3 enzyme (2 calciums, 1 mg, inactive form)
1nui crystal structure of the primase fragment of bacteriophage t7 primase- helicase protein
1nul xprtase from e. coli
1nun crystal structure analysis of the fgf10-fgfr2b complex
1nup crystal structure of human cytosolic nmn/namn adenylyltransferase complex with nmn
1nuq crystal structure of human cytosolic nmn/namn adenylyltransferase complexed with naad
1nur crystal structure of human cytosolic nmn/namn adenylyltransferase
1nus crystal structure of human cytosolic nmn/namn adenylyltransferase complexed with atp analog and nmn
1nut crystal structure of human cytosolic nmn/namn adenylyltransferase complexed with atp analog
1nuu crystal structure of human cytosolic nmn/namn adenylyltransferase complexed with nad
1nv7 fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase complex with amp, magnesium, fructose-6-phosphate, phosphate and thallium (20 mm)
1nv8 n5-glutamine methyltransferase, hemk
1nva crystal structure of 3-dehydroquinate synthase (dhqs) in complex with zn2+ and adp
1nvb crystal structure of 3-dehydroquinate synthase (dhqs) in complex with zn2+ and carbaphosphonate
1nvd crystal structure of 3-dehydroquinate synthase (dhqs) in complex with zn2+ and carbaphosphonate
1nvi orthorhombic crystal form of molybdopterin synthase
1nvo solution structure of a four-helix bundle model, apo-df1
1nvq the complex structure of checkpoint kinase chk1/ucn-01
1nvr the complex structure of checkpoint kinase chk1/staurosporine
1nvs the complex structure of checkpoint kinase chk1/sb218078
1nvt crystal structure of shikimate dehydrogenase (aroe or mj1084) in complex with nadp+
1nw1 crystal structure of choline kinase
1nw9 structure of caspase-9 in an inhibitory complex with xiap- bir3
1nwc crystal structure of aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase from haemophilus influenzae
1nwh crystal structure of aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase from haemophilus influenzae as a tetrahedral hemithioacetal reaction intermediate at 2.0 a
1nwn crystals of co-hbi in which the structure was converted to its unligated state, and then converted back to its original co-ligated state.
1nwo crystallographic study of azurin from pseudomonas putida
1nwp crystallographic study of azurin from pseudomonas putida
1nww limonene-1,2-epoxide hydrolase
1nxe a novel nadh allosteric regulator site is found on the surface of the hexameric type ii phe383ala variant of citrate synthase
1nxf ligand-linked transitions of deoxyhbi crystals exposed to co.
1nxg the f383a variant of type ii citrate synthase complexed with nadh
1nxh x-ray structure: northeast structural genomics consortium target tt87
1nxm the high resolution structures of rmlc from streptococcus suis
1nxu crystal structure of e. coli hypothetical oxidoreductase yiak northeast structural genomics consortium target er82.
1nxz x-ray crystal structure of protein yggj_haein of haemophilus influenzae. northeast structural genomics consortium target ir73.
1ny1 crystal structure of b. subtilis polysaccharide deacetylase northeast structural genomics consortium target sr127.
1ny5 crystal structure of sigm54 activator (aaa+ atpase) in the inactive state
1ny7 cowpea mosaic virus (cpmv)
1nyc staphostatins resemble lipocalins, not cystatins in fold.
1nyq structure of staphylococcus aureus threonyl-trna synthetase complexed with an analogue of threonyl adenylate
1nyr structure of staphylococcus aureus threonyl-trna synthetase complexed with atp
1nyw the high resolution structures of rmlc from streptoccus suis in complex with dtdp-d-glucose
1nyx ligand binding domain of the human peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma in complex with an agonist
1nzi crystal structure of the cub1-egf interaction domain of complement protease c1s
1o07 crystal structure of the complex between q120l/y150e mutant of ampc and a beta-lactam inhibitor (mxg)
1o0e 1.9 angstrom crystal structure of a plant cysteine protease ervatamin c
1o0f rnase a in complex with 3',5'-adp
1o0h ribonuclease a in complex with 5'-adp
1o0m ribonuclease a in complex with uridine-2'-phosphate
1o0n ribonuclease a in complex with uridine-3'-phosphate
1o0o ribonuclease a in complex with adenosine-2',5'-diphosphate
1o0p solution structure of the third rna recognition motif (rrm) of u2af65 in complex with an n-terminal sf1 peptide
1o0s crystal structure of ascaris suum malic enzyme complexed with nadh
1o0v the crystal structure of ige fc reveals an asymmetrically bent conformation
1o0w crystal structure of ribonuclease iii (tm1102) from thermotoga maritima at 2.0 a resolution
1o12 crystal structure of n-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase (tm0814) from thermotoga maritima at 2.5 a resolution
1o1h structure of glucose isomerase derivatized with kr.
1o1i cyanomet hemoglobin (a-gly-c:v1m,l29f,h58q; b,d:v1m,l106w)
1o1r structure of fpt bound to ggpp
1o1s structure of fpt bound to isoprenoid analog 3b
1o1t structure of fpt bound to the cvim-fpp product
1o2d crystal structure of alcohol dehydrogenase, iron-containing (tm0920) from thermotoga maritima at 1.30 a resolution
1o2f complex of enzyme iiaglc and iibglc phosphocarrier protein hpr from escherichia coli nmr, restrained regularized mean structure
1o3p elaborate manifold of short hydrogen bond arrays mediating binding of active site-directed serine protease inhibitors
1o3y crystal structure of mouse arf1 (delta17-q71l), gtp form
1o4s crystal structure of aspartate aminotransferase (tm1255) from thermotoga maritima at 1.90 a resolution
1o4t crystal structure of a predicted oxalate decarboxylase (tm1287) from thermotoga maritima at 1.95 a resolution
1o4u crystal structure of a nicotinate nucleotide pyrophosphorylase (tm1645) from thermotoga maritima at 2.50 a resolution
1o5a dissecting and designing inhibitor selectivity determinants at the s1 site using an artificial ala190 protease (ala190 upa)
1o5b dissecting and designing inhibitor selectivity determinants at the s1 site using an artificial ala190 protease (ala190 upa)
1o5c dissecting and designing inhibitor selectivity determinants at the s1 site using an artificial ala190 protease (ala190 upa)
1o5e dissecting and designing inhibitor selectivity determinants at the s1 site using an artificial ala190 protease (ala190 upa)
1o5f dissecting and designing inhibitor selectivity determinants at the s1 site using an artificial ala190 protease (ala190 upa)
1o5h crystal structure of formiminotetrahydrofolate cyclodeaminase (tm1560) from thermotoga maritima at 2.80 a resolution
1o5k crystal structure of dihydrodipicolinate synthase (tm1521) from thermotoga maritima at 1.80 a resolution
1o5m structure of fpt bound to the inhibitor sch66336
1o5u crystal structure of a duf861 family protein (tm1112) from thermotoga maritima at 1.83 a resolution
1o5x plasmodium falciparum tim complexed to 2-phosphoglycerate
1o61 crystal structure of a plp-dependent enzyme with plp
1o62 crystal structure of the apo form of a plp-dependent enzyme
1o63 crystal structure of an atp phosphoribosyltransferase
1o64 crystal structure of an atp phosphoribosyltransferase
1o69 crystal structure of a plp-dependent enzyme
1o6a crystal structure of a c-terminal fragment of the putative flagellar motor switch protein flin (tm0680) from thermotoga maritima at 1.85 a resolution
1o6c crystal structure of udp-n-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase
1o6e epstein-barr virus protease
1o6i chitinase b from serratia marcescens complexed with the catalytic intermediate mimic cyclic dipeptide ci4.
1o6j tryparedoxin ii from c.fasciculata solved by sulphur phasing
1o6k structure of activated form of pkb kinase domain s474d with gsk3 peptide and amp-pnp
1o6l crystal structure of an activated akt/protein kinase b (pkb-pif chimera) ternary complex with amp-pnp and gsk3 peptide
1o6s internalin (listeria monocytogenes) / e-cadherin (human) recognition complex
1o6v internalin (inla,listeria monocytogenes) - functional domain, uncomplexed
1o71 crystal structure of the water-soluble state of the pore-forming cytolysin sticholysin ii complexed with glycerol
1o72 crystal structure of the water-soluble state of the pore-forming cytolysin sticholysin ii complexed with phosphorylcholine
1o75 tp47, the 47-kilodalton lipoprotein of treponema pallidum
1o76 cyanide complex of p450cam from pseudomonas putida
1o7e crystal structure of the class a beta-lactamse l2 from stenotrophomonas maltophilia at 1.51 angstrom
1o7g naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase with naphthalene bound in the active site.
1o7h naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase with oxidized rieske iron sulphur center site.
1o7i crystal structure of a single stranded dna binding protein
1o7m naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase, binary complex with dioxygen
1o7n naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase, ternary complex with dioxygen and indole
1o7o roles of individual residues of alpha-1,3 galactosyltransferases in substrate binding and catalysis
1o7p naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase, product complex
1o7q roles of individual residues of alpha-1,3 galactosyltransferases in substrate binding and catalysis
1o7w naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase, fully reduced form
1o7z crystal structure of ip-10 t-form
1o80 crystal structure of ip-10 h-form
1o81 tryparedoxin ii from c.fasciculata solved by sulphur phasing
1o84 crystal structure of bacteriocin as-48. n-decyl-beta-d- maltoside bound.
1o87 a new mggdp complex of the ffh ng domain
1o8b structure of escherichia coli ribose-5-phosphate isomerase, rpia, complexed with arabinose-5-phosphate.
1o90 methionine adenosyltransferase complexed with a l-methionine analogous
1o92 methionine adenosyltransferase complexed with adp and a l-methionine analogous
1o93 methionine adenosyltransferase complexed with atp and a l-methionine analogous
1o97 structure of electron transferring flavoprotein from methylophilus methylotrophus, recognition loop removed by limited proteolysis
1o9a solution structure of the complex of 1f12f1 from fibronectin with b3 from fnbb from s. dysgalactiae
1o9b quinate/shikimate dehydrogenase ydib complexed with nadh
1o9d structural view of a fungal toxin acting on a 14-3-3 regulatory complex
1o9f structural view of a fungal toxin acting on a 14-3-3 regulatory complex
1o9n crystal structure of the k62a mutant of malonamidase e2 from bradyrhizobium japonicum
1o9o crystal structure of the s131a mutant of malonamidase e2 complexed with malonamate from bradyrhizobium japonicum
1o9p crystal structure of the s131a mutant of malonamidase e2 complexed with malonate from bradyrhizobium japonicum
1o9q crystal structure of the s155c mutant of malonamidase e2 from bradyrhizobium japonicum
1o9t methionine adenosyltransferase complexed with both substrates atp and methionine
1o9u glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta complexed with axin peptide
1oa0 reduced hybrid cluster protein from desulfovibrio desulfuricans x-ray structure at 1.25a resolution
1oab crystal structure of the tyrosine regulated 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase from saccharomyces cerevisiae in complex with phosphoenolpyruvate and manganese(ii)
1oac crystal structure of a quinoenzyme: copper amine oxidase of escherichia coli at 2 angstroems resolution
1oad glucose isomerase from streptomyces rubiginosus in p21212 crystal form
1oah cytochrome c nitrite reductase from desulfovibrio desulfuricans atcc 27774: the relevance of the two calcium sites in the structure of the catalytic subunit (nrfa).
1oai complex between tap uba domain and fxfg nucleoporin peptide
1oan crystal structure of the dengue 2 virus envelope protein
1oaq free conformation ab1 of the ige spe-7
1oas o-acetylserine sulfhydrylase from salmonella typhimurium
1ob3 structure of p. falciparum pfpk5
1ob6 cephaibol b
1ob8 holliday junction resolving enzyme
1obb alpha-glucosidase a, agla, from thermotoga maritima in complex with maltose and nad+
1obf the crystal structure of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase from alcaligenes xylosoxidans at 1.7 resolution.
1obi crystal structure of the g130a mutant of malonamidase e2 from bradyrhizobium japonicum
1obj crystal structure of the t150a mutant of malonamidase e2 from bradyrhizobium japonicum
1obk crystal structure of the r158q mutant of malonamidase e2 from bradyrhizobium japonicum
1obl crystal structure of the s133a mutant of malonamidase e2 complexed with malonate from bradyrhizobium japonicum
1obo w57l flavodoxin from anabaena
1obp odorant-binding protein from bovine nasal mucosa
1obq apocrustacyanin c1 crystals grown in space and earth using vapour diffusion geometry
1obu apocrustacyanin c1 crystals grown in space and earth using vapour diffusion geometry
1obx crystal structure of the complex of pdz2 of syntenin with an interleukin 5 receptor alpha peptide.
1oc0 plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 complex with somatomedin b domain of vitronectin
1oc2 the structure of nadh in the dtdp-d-glucose dehydratase (rmlb) enzyme
1oc4 lactate dehydrogenase from plasmodium berghei
1oc8 tryparedoxin ii from c.fasciculata solved by mr
1oc9 tryparedoxin ii from c.fasciculata solved by mr
1och crystal structure of the s155c mutant of malonamidase e2 from bradyrhizobium japonicum
1ock the crystal structure of malonamidase e2 from bradyrhizobium japonicum
1ocl the crystal structure of malonamidase e2 complexed with malonate from bradyrhizobium japonicum
1ocm the crystal structure of malonamidase e2 covalently complexed with pyrophosphate from bradyrhizobium japonicum
1ocu crystal structure of the yeast px-domain protein grd19p (sorting nexin 3) complexed to phosphatidylinosytol-3-phospahte.
1ocw free conformation ab2 of the ige spe-7
1od0 family 1 b-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima
1od2 acetyl-coa carboxylase carboxyltransferase domain
1od5 crystal structure of glycinin a3b4 subunit homohexamer
1odt cephalosporin c deacetylase mutated, in complex with acetate
1odv photoactive yellow protein 1-25 deletion mutant
1odw native hiv-1 proteinase
1odx hiv-1 proteinase mutant a71t, v82a
1ody hiv-1 protease complexed with an inhibitor lp-130
1odz expansion of the glycosynthase repertoire to produce defined manno-oligosaccharides
1oe7 28kda glutathione s-transferase from schistosoma haematobium
1oe8 28kda glutathione s-transferase from schistosoma haematobium (glutathione saturated)
1oe9 crystal structure of myosin v motor with essential light chain - nucleotide-free
1oex atomic resolution structure of endothiapepsin in complex with a hydroxyethylene transition state analogue inhibitor h261
1of1 kinetics and crystal structure of the herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase interacting with (south)-methanocarba-thymidine
1of3 structural and thermodynamic dissection of specific mannan recognition by a carbohydrate-binding module, tmcbm27
1of5 crystal structure of mex67-mtr2
1of8 double complex of the tyrosine sensitive dahp synthase from s. cerevisiae with co2+, pep and the e4p analogoue g3p
1ofa crystal structure of the tyrosine-regulated 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase from saccharomyces cerevisiae in complex with phosphoenolpyruvate and cobalt(ii)
1ofb crystal structure of the tyrosine-regulated 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase from saccharomyces cerevisiae in complex with manganese(ii)
1ofd glutamate synthase from synechocystis sp in complex with 2-oxoglutarate at 2.0 angstrom resolution
1ofe glutamate synthase from synechocystis sp in complex with 2-oxoglutarate and l-don at 2.45 angstrom resolution
1ofn purification, crystallisation and preliminary structural studies of dtdp-4-keto-6-deoxy-glucose-5-epimerase (evad) from amycolatopsis orientalis; the fourth enzyme in the dtdp-l-epivancosamine biosynthetic pathway.
1ofo crystal structure of the tyrosine regulated 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase from saccharomyces cerevisiae in complex with 2-phosphoglycolate
1ofw three dimensional structure of the oxidized form of nine heme cytochrome c at ph 7.5
1ofy three dimensional structure of the reduced form of nine-heme cytochrome c at ph 7.5
1ofz crystal structure of fungal lectin: six-bladed beta-propeller fold and novel fucose recognition mode for aleuria aurantia lectin
1og2 structure of human cytochrome p450 cyp2c9
1og5 structure of human cytochrome p450 cyp2c9
1ogb chitinase b from serratia marcescens mutant d142n
1ogg chitinase b from serratia marcescens mutant d142n in complex with inhibitor allosamidin
1ogh structure of the bifunctional dctp deaminase-dutpase from methanocaldococcus jannaschii
1ogs human acid-beta-glucosidase
1ogx high resolution crystal structure of ketosteroid isomerase mutant d40n(d38n, ti numbering) from pseudomonas putida complexed with equilenin at 2.0 a resolution.
1oh0 crystal structure of ketosteroid isomerase complexed with equilenin
1oh3 e78r mutant of a carbohydrate binding module family 29
1ohe structure of cdc14b phosphatase with a peptide ligand
1ohq crystal structure of hel4, a soluble human vh antibody domain resistant to aggregation
1ohr viracept (r) (nelfinavir mesylate, ag1343): a potent orally bioavailable inhibitor of hiv-1 protease
1ohu structure of caenorhabditis elegans ced-9
1ohz cohesin-dockerin complex from the cellulosome of clostridium thermocellum
1oi2 x-ray structure of the dihydroxyacetone kinase from escherichia coli
1oi3 x-ray structure of the dihydroxyacetone kinase from escherichia coli
1oi4 crystal structure of yhbo from escherichia coli
1oi6 structure determination of the tmp-complex of evad
1oi8 5'-nucleotidase (e. coli) with an engineered disulfide bridge (p90c, l424c)
1oia u1a rnp domain 1-95
1oid 5'-nucleotidase (e. coli) with an engineered disulfide bridge (s228c, p513c)
1oif family 1 b-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima
1oik crystal structure of the alkylsulfatase atsk, a non-heme fe(ii) alphaketoglutarate dependent dioxygenase in complex with fe, alphaketoglutarate and 2-ethyl-1-hexanesulfuric acid
1oil structure of lipase
1oim family 1 b-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima
1oin family 1 b-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima
1oio gafd (f17c-type) fimbrial adhesin from escherichia coli
1oiv x-ray structure of the small g protein rab11a in complex with gdp
1oiz the molecular basis of vitamin e retention: structure of human alpha-tocopherol transfer protein
1oj4 ternary complex of 4-diphosphocytidyl-2-c-methyl-d-erythritol kinase
1oj5 crystal structure of the nco-a1 pas-b domain bound to the stat6 transactivation domain lxxll motif
1oj9 human monoamine oxidase b in complex with 1,4-diphenyl-2-butene
1oja human monoamine oxidase b in complex with isatin
1ojc human monoamine oxidase b in complex with n-(2-aminoethyl)-p-chlorobenzamide
1ojj anatomy of glycosynthesis: structure and kinetics of the humicola insolens cel7be197a and e197s glycosynthase mutants
1ojk anatomy of glycosynthesis: structure and kinetics of the humicola insolens cel7be197a and e197s glycosynthase mutants
1ojv decay accelerating factor (cd55): the structure of an intact human complement regulator.
1ojw decay accelerating factor (cd55): the structure of an intact human complement regulator.
1ok1 decay accelerating factor (cd55): the structure of an intact human complement regulator.
1ok2 decay accelerating factor (cd55): the structure of an intact human complement regulator.
1ok3 decay accelerating factor (cd55): the structure of an intact human complement regulator.
1ok9 decay accelerating factor (cd55): the structure of an intact human complement regulator.
1okb crystal structure of uracil-dna glycosylase from atlantic cod (gadus morhua)
1oke crystal structure of the dengue 2 virus envelope protein in complex with n-octyl-beta-d-glucoside
1okh viscotoxin a3 from viscum album l.
1oki crystal structure of truncated human beta-b1-crystallin
1okk homo-heterodimeric complex of the srp gtpases
1okr three-dimensional structure of s.aureus methicillin-resistance regulating transcriptional repressor meci.
1okt x-ray structure of glutathione s-transferase from the malarial parasite plasmodium falciparum
1ol0 crystal structure of a camelised human vh
1ol5 structure of aurora-a 122-403, phosphorylated on thr287, thr288 and bound to tpx2 1-43
1ola the structural basis of multispecificity in the oligopeptide-binding protein oppa
1olc oligo-peptide binding protein (oppa) complexed with lys-lys- lys-ala
1olo hexameric replicative dna helicase repa from plasmid rsf1010 - cubic crystal structure
1olq the trichoderma reesei cel12a p201c mutant, structure at 1.7 a resolution
1ols roles of his291-alpha and his146-beta' in the reductive acylation reaction catalyzed by human branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase
1olu roles of his291-alpha and his146-beta' in the reductive acylation reaction catalyzed by human branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase
1olx roles of his291-alpha and his146-beta' in the reductive acylation reaction catalyzed by human branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase
1olz the ligand-binding face of the semaphorins revealed by the high resolution crystal structure of sema4d
1om2 solution nmr structure of the mitochondrial protein import receptor tom20 from rat in a complex with a presequence peptide derived from rat aldehyde dehydrogenase (aldh)
1om4 structure of rat neuronal nos heme domain with l-arginine bound
1om5 structure of rat neuronal nos heme domain with 3-bromo-7- nitroindazole bound
1ome crystal structure of the omega loop deletion mutant (residues 163-178 deleted) of beta-lactamase from staphylococcus aureus pc1
1omi crystal structure of prfa,the transcriptional regulator in listeria monocytogenes
1omo alanine dehydrogenase dimer w/bound nad (archaeal)
1omx crystal structure of mouse alpha-1,4-n- acetylhexosaminyltransferase (extl2)
1omz crystal structure of mouse alpha-1,4-n- acetylhexosaminyltransferase (extl2) in complex with udpgalnac
1on1 bacillus subtilis manganese transport regulator (mntr) bound to manganese, ab conformation.
1on2 bacillus subtilis manganese transport regulator (mntr), d8m mutant, bound to manganese
1on6 crystal structure of mouse alpha-1,4-n- acetylhexosaminotransferase (extl2) in complex with udpglcnac
1on7 unmethylated form of c-phycocyanin from themosynechococcus vulcanus at 2.7a
1on8 crystal structure of mouse alpha-1,4-n-acetylhexosaminyltransferase (extl2) with udp and glcuab(1-3)galb(1-o)-naphthalenelmethanol an acceptor substrate analog
1one yeast enolase complexed with an equilibrium mixture of 2'- phosphoglyceate and phosphoenolpyruvate
1onk mistletoe lectin i from viscum album
1onn ispc apo structure
1ono ispc mn2+ complex
1onp ispc complex with mn2+ and fosmidomycin
1onr structure of transaldolase b
1onv nmr structure of a complex containing the tfiif subunit rap74 and the rnap ii ctd phosphatase fcp1
1onw crystal structure of isoaspartyl dipeptidase from e. coli
1onx crystal structure of isoaspartyl dipeptidase from escherichia coli complexed with aspartate
1oo0 crystal structure of the drosophila mago nashi-y14 complex
1oo4 p395s mutant of the p85 regulatory subunit of the n- terminal src homology 2 domain of pi3-kinase complexed to a peptide derived from pdgfr
1oo5 studies on the nitroreductase prodrug-activating system. crystal structures of the enzyme active form and complexes with the inhibitor dicoumarol and dinitrobenzamide prodrugs
1oo6 nitroreductase from e-coli in complex with the dinitrobenzamide prodrug sn23862
1oo9 orientation in solution of mmp-3 catalytic domain and n- timp-1 from residual dipolar couplings
1ooc mutations in the t1.5 loop of pectate lyase a
1ooe structural genomics of caenorhabditis elegans : dihydropteridine reductase
1oof complex of drosophila odorant binding protein lush with ethanol
1oog complex of drosophila odorant binding protein lush with propanol
1ooh complex of drosophila odorant binding protein lush with butanol
1oon nitroreductase from e-coli in complex with the dinitrobenzamide prodrug sn27217
1ooq nitroreductase from e-coli in complex with the inhibitor dicoumarol
1ooy succinyl-coa:3-ketoacid coa transferase from pig heart
1ooz deletion mutant of succinyl-coa:3-ketoacid coa transferase from pig heart
1op9 complex of human lysozyme with camelid vhh hl6 antibody fragment
1opa the crystal structures of holo-and apo-cellular retinol binding protein ii
1ope deletion mutant of succinyl-coa:3-ketoacid coa transferase from pig heart
1opg opg2 fab fragment
1oph non-covalent complex between alpha-1-pi-pittsburgh and s195a trypsin
1opi solution structure of the third rna recognition motif (rrm) of u2af65 in complex with an n-terminal sf1 peptide
1opj structural basis for the auto-inhibition of c-abl tyrosine kinase
1opl structural basis for the auto-inhibition of c-abl tyrosine kinase
1opx crystal structure of the traffic atpase (hp0525) of the helicobacter pylori type iv secretion system bound by sulfate
1oqf crystal structure of the 2-methylisocitrate lyase
1oqj crystal structure of the sand domain from glucocorticoid modulatory element binding protein-1 (gmeb1)
1oql mistletoe lectin i from viscum album complexed with galactose
1oqp structure of the ca2+/c-terminal domain of caltractin in complex with the cdc31p-binding domain from kar1p
1oqq crystal structure of c73s/c85s mutant of putidaredoxin, a [2fe-2s] ferredoxin from pseudomonas putida, at 1.47a resolution
1or4 crystal structure of hemat sensor domain from b.subtilis in the cyano-liganded form
1or6 crystal structure of hemat sensor domain from b.subtilis in the unliganded form
1ord crystallographic structure of a plp-dependent ornithine decarboxylase from lactobacillus 30a to 3.1 angstroms resolution
1org the crystal structure of a pheromone binding protein from the cockroach leucophaea maderae reveals a new mechanism of pheromone binding
1orh structure of the predominant protein arginine methyltransferase prmt1
1oro a flexible loop at the dimer interface is a part of the active site of the adjacent monomer of escherichia coli orotate phosphoribosyltransferase
1oru crystal structure of apc1665, yuad protein from bacillus subtilis
1ory flagellar export chaperone in complex with its cognate binding partner
1osd crystal structure of oxidized merp from ralstonia metallidurans ch34
1osj structure of 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase
1osy crystal structure of fip-fve fungal immunomodulatory protein
1otd strong hydrogen bonds in photoactive yellow protein and their role in its photocycle
1otk structural genomics, protein paac
1otr solution structure of a cue-ubiquitin complex
1otv pqqc, pyrroloquinolinquinone synthase c
1otw crystal structure of pqqc in complex with pqq and a putative h2o2
1ou5 crystal structure of human cca-adding enzyme
1oul structure of the aaa+ protease delivery protein sspb
1oun crystal structure of nuclear transport factor 2 (ntf2)
1out trout hemoglobin i
1ov9 crystal structure of the n-terminal dimerisation domain of vich, the h-ns protein from vibrio cholerae
1ovd the k136e mutant of lactococcus lactis dihydroorotate dehydrogenase a in complex with orotate
1ovn crystal structure and functional analysis of drosophila wind-- a pdi-related protein
1ovx nmr structure of the e. coli clpx chaperone zinc binding domain dimer
1ovz crystal structure of human fcari
1ow2 structure and mechanism of action of isopentenylpyrophosphate-dimethylallylpyrophosphate isomerase: complex of c67a mutant with eipp
1ow3 crystal structure of rhoa.gdp.mgf3-in complex with rhogap
1ow4 crystal structure of a pheromone binding protein from the cockroach leucophaea maderae in complex with the fluorescent reporter ans (1- anilinonaphtalene-8-sulfonic acid),
1owb three dimensional structure analysis of the variant r109l nadh complex of type ii citrate synthase from e. coli
1owc three dimensional structure analysis of the r109l variant of the type ii citrate synthase from e. coli
1ows crystal structure of a c49 phospholipase a2 from indian cobra reveals carbohydrate binding in the hydrophobic channel
1ox1 crystal structure of the bovine trypsin complex with a synthetic 11 peptide inhibitor
1ox4 towards understanding the mechanism of the complex cyclization reaction catalyzed by imidazole glycerophosphate synthase
1ox5 towards understanding the mechanism of the complex cyclization reaction catalyzed by imidazole glycerophosphate synthase
1ox6 towards understanding the mechanism of the complex cyclization reaction catalyzed by imidazole glycerophosphate synthase
1ox7 crystal structure of yeast cytosine deaminase apo-enzyme: inorganic zinc bound
1ox8 crystal structure of sspb
1oxb complex between ypd1 and sln1 response regulator domain in space group p2(1)2(1)2(1)
1oxg crystal structure of a complex formed between organic solvent treated bovine alpha-chymotrypsin and its autocatalytically produced highly potent 14-residue peptide at 2.2 resolution
1oxl inhibition of phospholipase a2 (pla2) by (2-carbamoylmethyl- 5-propyl-octahydro-indol-7-yl)-acetic acid (indole): crystal structure of the complex formed between pla2 from russell's viper and indole at 1.8 resolution
1oxm structure of cutinase
1oxo aspartate aminotransferase, h-asp complex, open conformation
1oyf crystal structure of russelles viper (daboia russellii pulchella) phospholipase a2 in a complex with venom 6- methyl heptanol
1oyh crystal structure of p13 alanine variant of antithrombin
1oyk crystal structures of the ferric, ferrous, and ferrous-no forms of the asp140ala mutant of human heme oxygenase-1: catalytic implications
1oyl crystal structures of the ferric, ferrous, and ferrous-no forms of the asp140ala mutant of human heme oxygenase-1: catalytic implications
1oz0 crystal structure of the homodimeric bifunctional transformylase and cyclohydrolase enzyme avian atic in complex with a multisubstrate adduct inhibitor beta-dadf.
1oz7 crystal structure of echicetin from the venom of indian saw- scaled viper (echis carinatus) at 2.4 resolution
1oze crystal structures of the ferric, ferrous, and ferrous-no forms of the asp140ala mutant of human heme oxygenase- 1:catalytic implications
1ozf the crystal structure of klebsiella pneumoniae acetolactate synthase with enzyme-bound cofactors
1ozg the crystal structure of klebsiella pneumoniae acetolactate synthase with enzyme-bound cofactor and with an unusual intermediate
1ozl crystal structures of the ferric, ferrous, and ferrous-no forms of the asp140ala mutant of human heme oxygenase-1: catalytic implications
1ozo three-dimensional solution structure of apo-s100p protein determined by nmr spectroscopy
1ozr crystal structures of the ferric, ferrous and ferrous-no forms of the asp140ala mutant of human heme oxygenase-1: catalytic implications
1ozs c-domain of human cardiac troponin c in complex with the inhibitory region of human cardiac troponin i
1ozu crystal structure of familial als mutant s134n of human cu, zn superoxide dismutase (cuznsod) to 1.3a resolution
1ozw crystal structures of the ferric, ferrous and ferrous-no forms of the asp140ala mutant of human heme oxygenase-1: catalytic implications
1ozy crystal structure of phospholipase a2 (mipla3) from micropechis ikaheka
1p02 structure analysis of specificity. alpha-lytic protease complexes with analogues of reaction intermediates
1p03 structure analysis of specificity. alpha-lytic protease complexes with analogues of reaction intermediates
1p04 structure analysis of specificity. alpha-lytic protease complexes with analogues of reaction intermediates
1p05 structure analysis of specificity. alpha-lytic protease complexes with analogues of reaction intermediates
1p06 structure analysis of specificity. alpha-lytic protease complexes with analogues of reaction intermediates
1p0c crystal structure of the nadp(h)-dependent vertebrate alcohol dehydrogenase (adh8)
1p0f crystal structure of the binary complex: nadp(h)-dependent vertebrate alcohol dehydrogenase (adh8) with the cofactor nadp
1p0k ipp:dmapp isomerase type ii apo structure
1p0n ipp:dmapp isomerase type ii, fmn complex
1p0v f393a mutant heme domain of flavocytochrome p450 bm3
1p0w f393w mutant heme domain of flavocytochrome p450 bm3
1p0x f393y mutant heme domain of flavocytochrome p450 bm3
1p10 structural plasticity as a determinant of enzyme specificity. creating broadly specific proteases
1p12 crystal structures of alpha-lytic protease complexes with irreversibly bound phosphonate esters
1p18 hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase from trypanosoma cruzi, k68r mutant, ternary substrates complex
1p1c guanidinoacetate methyltransferase with gd ion
1p1f crystal structure of apo 1l-myo-inositol 1-phosphate synthase
1p1i crystal structure of the nad+-bound 1l-myo-inositol 1-phosphate synthase
1p1j crystal structure of the 1l-myo-inositol 1-phosphate synthase complexed with nadh
1p1k crystal structure of the 1l-myo-inositol 1-phosphate synthase complexed with nadh in the presence of edta
1p1u crystal structure of the glur2 ligand-binding core (s1s2j) l650t mutant in complex with ampa (ammonium sulfate crystal form)
1p1w crystal structure of the glur2 ligand-binding core (s1s2j) with the l483y and l650t mutations and in complex with ampa
1p1x comparison of class i aldolase binding site architecture based on the crystal structure of 2-deoxyribose-5- phosphate aldolase determined at 0.99 angstrom resolution
1p28 the crystal structure of a pheromone binding protein from the cockroach leucophaea maderae in complex with a component of the pheromonal blend: 3-hydroxy-butan-2-one.
1p2i structural consequences of accommodation of four non- cognate amino-acid residues in the s1 pocket of bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin
1p2j structural consequences of accommodation of four non- cognate amino-acid residues in the s1 pocket of bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin
1p2k structural consequences of accommodation of four non- cognate amino-acid residues in the s1 pocket of bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin
1p31 crystal structure of udp-n-acetylmuramic acid:l-alanine ligase (murc) from haemophilus influenzae
1p3w x-ray crystal structure of e. coli iscs
1p42 crystal structure of aquifex aeolicus lpxc deacetylase (zinc-inhibited form)
1p43 reverse protonation is the key to general acid-base catalysis in enolase
1p45 targeting tuberculosis and malaria through inhibition of enoyl reductase: compound activity and structural data
1p48 reverse protonation is the key to general acid-base catalysis in enolase
1p4i crystal structure of scfv against peptide gcn4
1p4k crystal structure of the glycosylasparaginase precursor d151n mutant
1p4n crystal structure of weissella viridescens femx:udp-murnac- pentapeptide complex
1p4o structure of apo unactivated igf-1r kinase domain at 1.5a resolution.
1p4q solution structure of the cited2 transactivation domain in complex with the p300 ch1 domain
1p4r crystal structure of human atic in complex with folate- based inhibitor bw1540u88ud
1p4u crystal structure of gga3 gae domain in complex with rabaptin-5 peptide
1p4v crystal structure of the glycosylasparaginase precursor d151n mutant with glycine
1p53 the crystal structure of icam-1 d3-d5 fragment
1p57 extracellular domain of human hepsin
1p5h crystal structure of formyl-coa transferase (apoenzyme) from oxalobacter formigenes
1p5r formyl-coa transferase in complex with coenzyme a
1p5t crystal structure of dok1 ptb domain
1p5v x-ray structure of the caf1m:caf1 chaperone:subunit preassembly complex
1p60 structure of human dck complexed with 2'-deoxycytidine and adp, space group c 2 2 21
1p63 human acidic fibroblast growth factor. 140 amino acid form with amino terminal his tag and leu111 replaced with ile (l111i)
1p65 crystal structure of the nucleocapsid protein of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv)
1p69 structural basis for variation in adenovirus affinity for the cellular receptor car (p417s mutant)
1p6a structural basis for variation in asdenovirus affinity for the cellular receptor car (s489y mutant)
1p6b x-ray structure of phosphotriesterase, triple mutant h254g/h257w/l303t
1p6c crystal structure of phosphotriesterase triple mutant h254g/h257w/l303t complexed with diisopropylmethylphosphonate
1p6h rat neuronal nos heme domain with l-n(omega)-nitroarginine- 2,4-l-diaminobutyric amide bound
1p6i rat neuronal nos heme domain with (4s)-n-(4-amino-5- [aminoethyl]aminopentyl)-n'-nitroguanidine bound
1p6j rat neuronal nos heme domain with l-n(omega)-nitroarginine- (4r)-amino-l-proline amide bound
1p6k rat neuronal nos d597n mutant heme domain with l-n(omega)- nitroarginine-2,4-l-diaminobutyric amide bound
1p6l bovine endothelial nos heme domain with l-n(omega)-nitroarginine-2,4- l-diaminobutyric amide bound
1p6m bovine endothelial nos heme domain with (4s)-n-(4-amino-5- [aminoethyl]aminopentyl)-n'-nitroguanidine bound
1p6n bovine endothelial nos heme domain with l-n(omega)-nitroarginine-(4r)- amino-l-proline amide bound
1p6o the crystal structure of yeast cytosine deaminase bound to 4(r)-hydroxyl-3,4-dihydropyrimidine at 1.14 angstroms.
1p6x crystal structure of ehv4-tk complexed with thy and so4
1p72 crystal structure of ehv4-tk complexed with thy and adp
1p74 crystal structure of shikimate dehydrogenase (aroe) from haemophilus influenzae
1p7b crystal structure of an inward rectifier potassium channel
1p7c crystal structure of hsv1-tk complexed with tp5a
1p7t structure of escherichia coli malate synthase g:pyruvate:acetyl- coenzyme a abortive ternary complex at 1.95 angstrom resolution
1p7v structure of a complex formed between proteinase k and a designed heptapeptide inhibitor pro-ala-pro-phe-ala-ala- ala at atomic resolution
1p7w crystal structure of the complex of proteinase k with a designed heptapeptide inhibitor pro-ala-pro-phe-ala-ser-ala at atomic resolution
1p8z complex between rabbit muscle alpha-actin: human gelsolin residues val26-glu156
1p91 crystal structure of rlma(i) enzyme: 23s rrna n1-g745 methyltransferase (northeast structural genomics consortium target er19)
1p94 nmr structure of parg symmetric dimer
1p9d high-resolution structure of the complex of hhr23a ubiquitin-like domain and the c-terminal ubiquitin- interacting motif of proteasome subunit s5a
1p9e crystal structure analysis of methyl parathion hydrolase from pseudomonas sp wbc-3
1p9l structure of m. tuberculosis dihydrodipicolinate reductase in complex with nadh and 2,6 pdc
1p9n crystal structure of escherichia coli mobb.
1p9o crystal structure of phosphopantothenoylcysteine synthetase
1p9s coronavirus main proteinase (3clpro) structure: basis for design of anti-sars drugs
1p9y ribosome binding of e. coli trigger factor mutant f44l.
1pa0 crystal structure of bnsp-7, a lys49-phospholipase a2
1pa3 crystal structure of glutathione-s-transferase from plasmodium falciparum
1pad binding of chloromethyl ketone substrate analogues to crystalline papain
1paf the 2.5 angstroms structure of pokeweed antiviral protein
1pag the 2.5 angstroms structure of pokeweed antiviral protein
1pam cyclodextrin glucanotransferase
1pbi crystal structure of a bowman-birk inhibitor from pea seeds
1pbo complex of bovine odorant binding protein (obp) with a selenium containing odorant
1pbq crystal structure of the nr1 ligand binding core in complex with 5,7-dichlorokynurenic acid (dcka) at 1.90 angstroms resolution
1pbw structure of bcr-homology (bh) domain
1pbx haemoglobin of the antarctic fish pagothenia bernacchii: amino acid sequence, oxygen equilibria and crystal structure of its carbonmonoxy derivative
1pbz de novo designed peptide-metalloporphyrin complex, solution structure
1pc6 structural genomics, ninb
1pc8 crystal structure of a novel form of mistletoe lectin from himalayan viscum album l. at 3.8a resolution
1pc9 crystal structure of bnsp-6, a lys49-phospholipase a2
1pck aquifex aeolicus kdo8ps in complex with z-methyl-pep
1pcv crystal structure of osmotin, a plant antifungal protein
1pcw aquifex aeolicus kdo8ps in complex with cadmium and app, a bisubstrate inhibitor
1pcx crystal structure of the copii coat subunit, sec24, complexed with a peptide from the snare protein bet1
1pcz structure of tata-binding protein
1pd0 crystal structure of the copii coat subunit, sec24, complexed with a peptide from the snare protein sed5 (yeast syntaxin-5)
1pd1 crystal structure of the copii coat subunit, sec24, complexed with a peptide containing the dxe cargo sorting signal of yeast sys1 protein
1pd2 crystal structure of hematopoietic prostaglandin d synthase complex with glutathione
1pd3 influenza a nep m1-binding domain
1pd7 extended sid of mad1 bound to the pah2 domain of msin3b
1pdk papd-papk chaperone-pilus subunit complex from e.coli p pilus
1pdq polycomb chromodomain complexed with the histone h3 tail containing trimethyllysine 27.
1pdu ligand-binding domain of drosophila orphan nuclear receptor dhr38
1pe0 crystal structure of the k130r mutant of human dj-1
1pe1 aquifex aeolicus kdo8ps in complex with cadmium and 2-pga
1pe3 solution structure of the disulphide-linked dimer of human intestinal trefoil factor (tff3)
1pe9 mutations in the t1.5 loop of pectate lyase a
1pew high resolution crystal structure of jto2, a mutant of the non- amyloidogenic lamba6 light chain, jto
1pfb structural basis for specific binding of polycomb chromodomain to histone h3 methylated at k27
1pff crystal structure of homocysteine alpha-, gamma-lyase at 1.8 angstroms
1pfg strategy to design inhibitors: structure of a complex of proteinase k with a designed octapeptide inhibitor n-ac-pro-ala-pro-phe-dala-ala- ala-ala-nh2 at 2.5a resolution
1pfk crystal structure of the complex of phosphofructokinase from escherichia coli with its reaction products
1pfq crystal structure of human apo dipeptidyl peptidase iv / cd26
1pfr ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase 1 beta chain
1pfs solution nmr structure of the single-stranded dna binding protein of the filamentous pseudomonas phage pf3, minimized average structure
1pfx porcine factor ixa
1pg3 acetyl coa synthetase, acetylated on lys609
1pg4 acetyl coa synthetase, salmonella enterica
1pg5 crystal structure of the unligated (t-state) aspartate transcarbamoylase from the extremely thermophilic archaeon sulfolobus acidocaldarius
1pge prostaglandin h2 synthase-1 complexed with p-(2'-iodo-5'-thenoyl) hydrotropic acid (iodosuprofen)
1pgf prostaglandin h2 synthase-1 complexed with 1-(4-iodobenzoyl)-5- methoxy-2-methylindole-3-acetic acid (iodoindomethacin), cis model
1pgg prostaglandin h2 synthase-1 complexed with 1-(4-iodobenzoyl)-5- methoxy-2-methylindole-3-acetic acid (iodoindomethacin), trans model
1pgj x-ray structure of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase from the protozoan parasite t. brucei
1pgt crystal structure of human glutathione s-transferase p1- 1[v104] complexed with s-hexylglutathione
1pgu yeast actin interacting protein 1 (aip1), se-met protein, monoclinic crystal form
1pgw bean pod mottle virus (bpmv), top component
1phn structure of phycocyanin from cyanidium caldarium at 1.65a resolution
1pi4 structure of n289a mutant of ampc in complex with sm3, a phenylglyclboronic acid bearing the cephalothin r1 side chain
1pi5 structure of n289a mutant of ampc in complex with sm2, carboxyphenylglycylboronic acid bearing the cephalothin r1 side chain
1pic phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, p85-alpha subunit: c- terminal sh2 domain complexed with a tyr751 phosphopeptide from the pdgf receptor, nmr, minimized mean structure
1pim dithionite reduced e. coli ribonucleotide reductase r2 subunit, d84e mutant
1pio an engineered staphylococcus aureus pc1 beta-lactamase that hydrolyses third generation cephalosporins
1pip crystal structure of papain-succinyl-gln-val-val-ala-ala-p- nitroanilide complex at 1.7 angstroms resolution: noncovalent binding mode of a common sequence of endogenous thiol protease inhibitors
1piu oxidized ribonucleotide reductase r2-d84e mutant containing oxo-bridged diferric cluster
1piw apo and holo structures of an nadp(h)-dependent cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase from saccharomyces cerevisiae
1pix crystal structure of the carboxyltransferase subunit of the bacterial ion pump glutaconyl-coenzyme a decarboxylase
1piy ribonucleotide reductase r2 soaked with ferrous ion at neutral ph
1piz ribonucleotide reductase r2 d84e mutant soaked with ferrous ions at neutral ph
1pj0 ribonucleotide reductase r2-d84e/w48f mutant soaked with ferrous ions at neutral ph
1pj1 ribonucleotide reductase r2-d84e/w48f soaked with ferrous ions at ph 5
1pj8 structure of a ternary complex of proteinase k, mercury and a substrate-analogue hexapeptide at 2.2 a resolution
1pjm mouse importin alpha-bipartite nls from human retinoblastoma protein complex
1pjn mouse importin alpha-bipartite nls n1n2 from xenopus laevis phosphoprotein complex
1pjp the 2.2 a crystal structure of human chymase in complex with succinyl- ala-ala-pro-phe-chloromethylketone
1pjq structure and function of cysg, the multifunctional methyltransferase/dehydrogenase/ferrochelatase for siroheme synthesis
1pjs the co-crystal structure of cysg, the multifunctional methyltransferase/dehydrogenase/ferrochelatase for siroheme synthesis, in complex with it nad cofactor
1pjt the structure of the ser128ala point-mutant variant of cysg, the multifunctional methyltransferase/dehydrogenase/ferrochelatase for siroheme synthesis
1pk5 crystal structure of the orphan nuclear receptor lrh-1
1pkg structure of a c-kit kinase product complex
1pkh structural basis for recognition and catalysis by the bifunctional dctp deaminase and dutpase from methanococcus jannaschii
1pkj structural basis for recognition and catalysis by the bifunctional dctp deaminase and dutpase from methanococcus jannaschii
1pkk structural basis for recognition and catalysis by the bifunctional dctp deaminase and dutpase from methanococcus jannaschii
1pkv the n-terminal domain of riboflavin synthase in complex with riboflavin
1pkw crystal structure of human glutathione transferase (gst) a1-1 in complex with glutathione
1pkz crystal structure of human glutathione transferase (gst) a1- 1
1pl1 crystal structure of human glutathione transferase (gst) a1- 1 in complex with a decarboxy-glutathione
1pl2 crystal structure of human glutathione transferase (gst) a1- 1 t68e mutant in complex with decarboxy-glutathione
1pl3 cytochrome domain of cellobiose dehydrogenase, m65h mutant
1pl5 crystal structure analysis of the sir4p c-terminal coiled coil
1pm2 crystal structure of manganese substituted r2-d84e (d84e mutant of the r2 subunit of e. coli ribonucleotide reductase)
1pm3 mth1859
1pm7 rmlc (dtdp-6-deoxy-d-xylo-4-hexulose 3,5-epimerase)structure from mycobacterium tuberculosis and inhibitor design. the apo structure.
1pm9 crystal structure of human mnsod h30n, y166f mutant
1pmk kringle-kringle interactions in multimer kringle structures
1pmx insulin-like growth factor-i bound to a phage-derived peptide
1pn9 crystal structure of an insect delta-class glutathione s- transferase from a ddt-resistant strain of the malaria vector anopheles gambiae
1pnb structure of napin bnib, nmr, 10 structures
1pnk penicillin acylase has a single-amino-acid catalytic centre
1pnl penicillin acylase has a single-amino-acid catalytic centre
1pnm penicillin acylase has a single-amino-acid catalytic centre
1pno crystal structure of r. rubrum transhydrogenase domain iii bound to nadp
1pnq crystal structure of r. rubrum transhydrogenase domain iii bound to nadph
1po3 crystal structure of ferric citrate transporter feca in complex with ferric citrate
1po9 crytsal structure of isoaspartyl dipeptidase
1pob crystal structure of cobra-venom phospholipase a2 in a complex with a transition-state analogue
1poe structures of free and inhibited human secretory phospholipase a2 from inflammatory exudate
1pon site iii-site iv troponin c heterodimer, nmr
1pop x-ray crystallographic structure of a papain-leupeptin complex
1pow the refined structures of a stabilized mutant and of wild-type pyruvate oxidase from lactobacillus plantarum
1pox the refined structures of a stabilized mutant and of wild-type pyruvate oxidase from lactobacillus plantarum
1pp2 the refined crystal structure of dimeric phospholipase a2 at 2.5 angstroms. access to a shielded catalytic center
1pp3 structure of thaumatin in a hexagonal space group
1pp4 the crystal structure of rhamnogalacturonan acetylesterase in space group p3121
1ppb the refined 1.9 angstroms crystal structure of human alpha-thrombin: interaction with d-phe-pro-arg chloromethylketone and significance of the tyr-pro-pro-trp insertion segment
1ppe the refined 2.0 angstroms x-ray crystal structure of the complex formed between bovine beta-trypsin and cmti-i, a trypsin inhibitor from squash seeds (cucurbita maxima): topological similarity of the squash seed inhibitors with the carboxypeptidase a inhibitor from potatoes
1ppf x-ray crystal structure of the complex of human leukocyte elastase (pmn elastase) and the third domain of the turkey ovomucoid inhibitor
1ppg the refined 2.3 angstroms crystal structure of human leukocyte elastase in a complex with a valine chloromethyl ketone inhibitor
1ppv isopentenylpyrophosphate-dimethylallylpyrophosphate isomerase in complex with the bromohydrine of ipp
1ppw isopentenylpyrophosphate-dimethylallylpyrophosphate isomerase in complex with the bromohydrine of ipp
1ppy native precursor of pyruvoyl dependent aspartate decarboxylase
1pq1 crystal structure of bcl-xl/bim
1pq2 crystal structure of human drug metabolizing cytochrome p450 2c8
1pq4 crystal structure of znua
1pq8 trypsin at ph 4 at atomic resolution
1pqf glycine 24 to serine mutation of aspartate decarboxylase
1pqh serine 25 to threonine mutation of aspartate decarboxylase
1pqw putative enoyl reductase domain of polyketide synthase
1pqz murine cytomegalovirus immunomodulatory protein m144
1pr9 human l-xylulose reductase holoenzyme
1pre proaerolysin
1prg ligand binding domain of the human peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma
1prh the x-ray crystal structure of the membrane protein prostaglandin h2 synthase-1
1prl two binding orientations for peptides to src sh3 domain: development of a general model for sh3-ligand interactions
1prm two binding orientations for peptides to src sh3 domain: development of a general model for sh3-ligand interactions
1pro hiv-1 protease dimer complexed with a-98881
1prx horf6 a novel human peroxidase enzyme
1ps1 pentalenene synthase
1ps6 crystal structure of e.coli pdxa
1psa structure of a pepsin(slash)renin inhibitor complex reveals a novel crystal packing induced by minor chemical alterations in the inhibitor
1psc phosphotriesterase from pseudomonas diminuta
1psd the allosteric ligand site in the vmax-type cooperative enzyme phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase
1psk the crystal structure of an fab fragment that binds to the melanoma-associated gd2 ganglioside
1pso the crystal structure of human pepsin and its complex with pepstatin
1psp pancreatic spasmolytic polypeptide: first three-dimensional structure of a member of the mammalian trefoil family of peptides
1psq structure of a probable thiol peroxidase from streptococcus pneumoniae
1psr human psoriasin (s100a7)
1psu structure of the e. coli paai protein from the phyenylacetic acid degradation operon
1pt0 unprocessed pyruvoyl dependent aspartate decarboxylase with an alanine insertion at position 26
1pt1 unprocessed pyruvoyl dependent aspartate decarboxylase with histidine 11 mutated to alanine
1pt5 crystal structure of gene yfdw of e. coli
1pt6 i domain from human integrin alpha1-beta1
1pt7 crystal structure of the apo-form of the yfdw gene product of e. coli
1pt8 crystal structure of the yfdw gene product of e. coli, in complex with oxalate and acetyl-coa
1pt9 crystal structure analysis of the diii component of transhydrogenase with a thio-nicotinamide nucleotide analogue
1pth the structural basis of aspirin activity inferred from the crystal structure of inactivated prostaglandin h2 synthase
1ptm crystal structure of e.coli pdxa
1ptt crystal structure of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b complexed with phosphotyrosine-containing tetra-peptide (ac-depyl-nh2)
1ptu crystal structure of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b complexed with phosphotyrosine-containing hexa-peptide (dadepyl-nh2)
1ptz crystal structure of the human cu, zn superoxide dismutase, familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (fals) mutant h43r
1pu4 crystal structure of human vascular adhesion protein-1
1pu6 crystal structure of h.pylori 3-methyladenine dna glycosylase (magiii)
1pu7 crystal structure of h.pylori 3-methyladenine dna glycosylase (magiii) bound to 3,9-dimethyladenine
1pu8 crystal structure of h.pylori 3-methyladenine dna glycosylase (magiii) bound to 1,n6-ethenoadenine
1pu9 crystal structure of tetrahymena gcn5 with bound coenzyme a and a 19-residue histone h3 peptide
1pua crystal structure of tetrahymena gcn5 with bound coenzyme a and a phosphorylated, 19-residue histone h3 peptide
1pui structure of engb gtpase
1pum mistletoe lectin i in complex with galactose
1puo crystal structure of fel d 1- the major cat allergen
1puu mistletoe lectin i in complex with lactose
1pv6 crystal structure of lactose permease
1pv7 crystal structure of lactose permease with tdg
1pv8 crystal structure of a low activity f12l mutant of human porphobilinogen synthase
1pv9 prolidase from pyrococcus furiosus
1pva comparison between the crystal and the solution structures of the ef hand parvalbumin (alpha component from pike muscle)
1pvd crystal structure of the thiamin diphosphate dependent enzyme pyruvate decarboxylase from the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae at 2.3 angstroms resolution
1pvf e.coli ipp isomerase in complex with diphosphate
1pvg crystal structure of the atpase region of saccharomyces cerevisiae topoisomerase ii
1pvm crystal structure of a conserved cbs domain protein ta0289 of unknown function from thermoplasma acidophilum
1pvs 3-methyladenine glcosylase ii(alka) hypoxanthine complex
1pvu the crystal structure of pvuii endonuclease reveals extensive structural homologies to ecorv
1pvy 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase from m. jannaschii in complex with ribulose 5-phosphate
1pw6 low micromolar small molecule inhibitor of il-2
1pwp crystal structure of the anthrax lethal factor complexed with small molecule inhibitor nsc 12155
1pwq crystal structure of anthrax lethal factor complexed with thioacetyl-tyr-pro-met-amide, a metal-chelating peptidyl small molecule inhibitor
1pwu crystal structure of anthrax lethal factor complexed with (3-(n-hydroxycarboxamido)-2-isobutylpropanoyl-trp- methylamide), a known small molecule inhibitor of matrix metalloproteases.
1pwz crystal structure of the haloalcohol dehalogenase hhec complexed with (r)-styrene oxide and chloride
1px2 crystal structure of rat synapsin i c domain complexed to ca.atp (form 1)
1px5 crystal structure of the 2'-specific and double-stranded rna-activated interferon-induced antiviral protein 2'-5'- oligoadenylate synthetase
1px6 a folding mutant of human class pi glutathione transferase, created by mutating aspartate 153 of the wild-type protein to asparagine
1px7 a folding mutant of human class pi glutathione transferase, created by mutating aspartate 153 of the wild-type protein to glutamate
1px8 crystal structure of beta-d-xylosidase from thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum, a family 39 glycoside hydrolase
1pxd crystal structure of the complex of jacalin with meso- tetrasulphonatophenylporphyrin.
1pxr structure of pro50ala mutant of bacteriorhodopsin
1pxs structure of met56ala mutant of bacteriorhodopsin
1pxt the 2.8 angstroms structure of peroxisomal 3-ketoacyl-coa thiolase of saccharomyces cerevisiae: a five layered a-b-a- b-a structure, constructed from two core domains of identical topology
1pxy crystal structure of the actin-crosslinking core of arabidopsis fimbrin
1pxz 1.7 angstrom crystal structure of jun a 1, the major allergen from cedar pollen
1py6 bacteriorhodopsin crystallized from bicells
1pyd catalytic centers in the thiamin diphosphate dependent enzyme pyruvate decarboxylase at 2.4 angstroms resolution
1pyl crystal structure of ribonuclease sa2
1pym phosphoenolpyruvate mutase from mollusk in with bound mg2-oxalate
1pyp x-ray diffraction study of inorganic pyrophosphatase from baker,s yeast at the 3 angstroms resolution (russian)
1pyq unprocessed aspartate decarboxylase mutant, with alanine inserted at position 24
1pys phenylalanyl-trna synthetase from thermus thermophilus
1pyx gsk-3 beta complexed with amp-pnp
1pyz crystallographic structure of mimochrome iv
1pz2 crystal structure of a transient covalent reaction intermediate of a family 51 alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase
1pz3 crystal structure of a family 51 (gh51) alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase from geobacillus stearothermophilus t6
1pz7 modulation of agrin function by alternative splicing and ca2+ binding
1pz9 modulation of agrin function by alternative splicing and ca2+ binding
1pzl crystal structure of hnf4a lbd in complex with the ligand and the coactivator src-1 peptide
1pzm crystal structure of hgprt-ase from leishmania tarentolae in complex with gmp
1pzq structure of fused docking domains from the erythromycin polyketide synthase (debs), a model for the interaction between debs 2 and debs 3: the a domain
1pzr structure of fused docking domains from the erythromycin polyketide synthase (debs), a model for the interaction between debs2 and debs3: the b domain
1pzx hypothetical protein apc36103 from bacillus stearothermophilus: a lipid binding protein
1pzz crystal structure of fgf-1, v51n mutant
1q03 crystal structure of fgf-1, s50g/v51g mutant
1q04 crystal structure of fgf-1, s50e/v51n
1q05 crystal structure of the cu(i) form of e. coli cuer, a copper efflux regulator
1q06 crystal structure of the ag(i) form of e. coli cuer, a copper efflux regulator
1q07 crystal structure of the au(i) form of e. coli cuer, a copper efflux regulator
1q08 crystal structure of the zn(ii) form of e. coli zntr, a zinc-sensing transcriptional regulator, at 1.9 a resolution (space group p212121)
1q0a crystal structure of the zn(ii) form of e. coli zntr, a zinc-sensing transcriptional regulator (space group c222)
1q0b crystal structure of the motor protein ksp in complex with adp and monastrol
1q0e atomic resolution (1.15 ) crystal structure of bovine copper, zinc superoxide dismutase
1q0o crystal structure of homoprotocatechuate 2,3-dioxygenase from brevibacterium fuscum (full length protein)
1q0q crystal structure of dxr in complex with the substrate 1- deoxy-d-xylulose-5-phosphate
1q0u crystal structure of the bstdead n-terminal domain
1q0w solution structure of vps27 amino-terminal uim-ubiquitin complex
1q0x anti-morphine antibody 9b1 unliganded form
1q0y anti-morphine antibody 9b1 complexed with morphine
1q10 ensemble of 40 structures of the dimeric mutant of the b1 domain of streptococcal protein g
1q13 crystal structure of rabbit 20alpha hyroxysteroid dehydrogenase in ternary complex with nadp and testosterone
1q18 crystal structure of e.coli glucokinase (glk)
1q1a structure of the yeast hst2 protein deacetylase in ternary complex with 2'-o-acetyl adp ribose and histone peptide
1q1e the atpase component of e. coli maltose transporter (malk) in the nucleotide-free form
1q1r crystal structure of putidaredoxin reductase from pseudomonas putida
1q1w crystal structure of putidaredoxin reductase from pseudomonas putida
1q24 pka double mutant model of pkb in complex with mgatp
1q2c crystal structure of tetrahymena gcn5 with bound coenzyme a and a 19- residue histone h4 peptide
1q2d crystal structure of tetrahymena gcn5 with bound coenzyme a and a 19-residue p53 peptide
1q2o bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase n368d mutant heme domain dimer with l-n(omega)-nitroarginine-2,4-l-diaminobutyramide bound
1q2w x-ray crystal structure of the sars coronavirus main protease
1q2x crystal structure of the e243d mutant of aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase from haemophilus influenzae bound with substrate aspartate semialdehyde
1q31 crystal structure of the tobacco etch virus protease c151a mutant
1q3d gsk-3 beta complexed with staurosporine
1q3e hcn2j 443-645 in the presence of cgmp
1q3l chromodomain of hp1 complexed with histone h3 tail containing monomethyllysine 9.
1q3o crystal structure of the shank pdz-ligand complex reveals a class i pdz interaction and a novel pdz-pdz dimerization
1q3w gsk-3 beta complexed with alsterpaullone
1q41 gsk-3 beta complexed with indirubin-3'-monoxime
1q43 hcn2i 443-640 in the presence of camp, selenomethionine derivative
1q45 12-0xo-phytodienoate reductase isoform 3
1q47 structure of the semaphorin 3a receptor-binding module
1q4g 2.0 angstrom crystal structure of ovine prostaglandin h2 synthase-1, in complex with alpha-methyl-4-biphenylacetic acid
1q4j crystal structure of pf-gst1 with its inhibitor s-hexyl-gsh
1q4l gsk-3 beta complexed with inhibitor i-5
1q4o the structure of the polo box domain of human plk1
1q4s crystal structure of arthrobacter sp. strain su 4-hydroxybenzoyl coa thioesterase complexed with coa and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid
1q4t crystal structure of 4-hydroxybenzoyl coa thioesterase from arthrobacter sp. strain su complexed with 4-hydroxyphenyl coa
1q4u crystal structure of 4-hydroxybenzoyl coa thioesterase from arthrobacter sp. strain su complexed with 4-hydroxybenzyl coa
1q53 solution structure of hypothetical arabidopsis thaliana protein at3g17210. center for eukaryotic structural genomics target 13081
1q54 structure and mechanism of action of isopentenylpyrophosphate-dimethylallylpyrophosphate isomerase: complex with the bromohydrine of ipp
1q5a s-shaped trans interactions of cadherins model based on fitting c- cadherin (1l3w) to 3d map of desmosomes obtained by electron tomography
1q5i crystal structure of bacteriorhodopsin mutant p186a crystallized from bicelles
1q5j crystal structure of bacteriorhodopsin mutant p91a crystallized from bicelles
1q5k crystal structure of glycogen synthase kinase 3 in complexed with inhibitor
1q5l nmr structure of the substrate binding domain of dnak bound to the peptide nrllltg
1q5m binary complex of rabbit 20alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase with nadph
1q5t gln48 pla2 separated from vipoxin from the venom of vipera ammodytes meridionalis.
1q5w ubiquitin recognition by npl4 zinc-fingers
1q61 pka triple mutant model of pkb
1q62 pka double mutant model of pkb
1q67 crystal structure of dcp1p
1q68 solution structure of t-cell surface glycoprotein cd4 and proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase lck fragments
1q69 solution structure of t-cell surface glycoprotein cd8 alpha chain and proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase lck fragments
1q6a solution structure of the c-terminal domain of thermosynechococcus elongatus kaia (thkaia180c); averaged minimized structure
1q6b solution structure of the c-terminal domain of thermosynechococcus elongatus kaia (thkaia180c); ensemble of 25 structures
1q6h crystal structure of a truncated form of fkpa from escherichia coli
1q6i crystal structure of a truncated form of fkpa from escherichia coli, in complex with immunosuppressant fk506
1q6l structure of 3-keto-l-gulonate 6-phosphate decarboxylase with bound l-threonohydroxamate 4-phosphate
1q6n the structure of phosphotyrosine phosphatase 1b in complex with compound 4
1q6o structure of 3-keto-l-gulonate 6-phosphate decarboxylase with bound l-gulonaet 6-phosphate
1q6p the structure of phosphotyrosine phosphatase 1b in complex with compound 6
1q6q structure of 3-keto-l-gulonate 6-phosphate decarboxylase with bound xylitol 5-phosphate
1q6r structure of 3-keto-l-gulonate 6-phosphate decarboxylase with bound l-xylulose 5-phosphate
1q6s the structure of phosphotyrosine phosphatase 1b in complex with compound 9
1q6t the structure of phosphotyrosine phosphatase 1b in complex with compound 11
1q72 anti-cocaine antibody m82g2 complexed with cocaine
1q77 x-ray crystal structure of putative universal stress protein from aquifex aeolicus
1q7c the structure of betaketoacyl-[acp] reductase y151f mutant in complex with nadph fragment
1q7f brain tumor nhl domain
1q7g homoserine dehydrogenase in complex with suicide inhibitor complex nad-5-hydroxy-4-oxonorvaline
1q7m cobalamin-dependent methionine synthase (meth) from thermotoga maritima (oxidized, monoclinic)
1q7q cobalamin-dependent methionine synthase (1-566) from t. maritima (oxidized, orthorhombic)
1q7s crystal structure of bit1
1q7t rv1170 (mshb) from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1q7z cobalamin-dependent methionine synthase (1-566) from thermotoga maritima (cd2+ complex)
1q83 crystal structure of the mouse acetylcholinesterase-tz2pa6 syn complex
1q84 crystal structure of the mouse acetylcholinesterase-tz2pa6 anti complex
1q85 cobalamin-dependent methionine synthase (1-566) from thermotoga maritima (cd2+ complex, se-met)
1q87 crystal structure of the c-domain of the t.vaginalis inr binding protein, ibp39 (tetragonal form)
1q88 crystal structure of the c-domain of the t.vaginalis inr binding protein, ibp39 (monoclinic form)
1q8a cobalamin-dependent methionine synthase (1-566) from thermotoga maritima (cd2+:l-hcy complex, se-met)
1q8j cobalamin-dependent methionine synthase (1-566) from thermotoga maritima (cd2+, hcy, methyltetrahydrofolate complex)
1q8o pterocartpus angolensis lectin pal in complex with the dimmanoside man(alpha1-2)man
1q8p pterocarpus angolensis lectin pal in complex with the dimannoside man(alpha1-3)man
1q8q pterocarpus angolensis lectin (pal) in complex with the dimannoside man(alpha1-4)man
1q8r structure of e.coli rusa holliday junction resolvase
1q8s pterocarpus angolensis lectin (pal) in complex with the dimannoside man(alpha1-6)man
1q8t the catalytic subunit of camp-dependent protein kinase (pka) in complex with rho-kinase inhibitor y-27632
1q8u the catalytic subunit of camp-dependent protein kinase in complex with rho-kinase inhibitor h-1152p
1q8v pterocarpus angolensis lectin (pal) in complex with the trimannoside [man(alpha1-3)]man(alpha1-6)man
1q8w the catalytic subunit of camp-dependent protein kinase in complex with rho-kinase inhibitor fasudil (ha-1077)
1q8y the structure of the yeast sr protein kinase, sky1p, with bound adp
1q8z the apoenzyme structure of the yeast sr protein kinase, sky1p
1q97 the structure of the saccharomyces cerevisiae sr protein kinase, sky1p, with bound atp
1q98 structure of a thiol peroxidase from haemophilus influenzae rd
1q99 crystal structure of the saccharomyces cerevisiae sr protein kinsae, sky1p, complexed with the non-hydrolyzable atp analogue, amp-pnp
1q9d fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase complexed with a new allosteric site inhibitor (i-state)
1q9j structure of polyketide synthase associated protein 5 from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1q9k s25-2 fab unliganded 1
1q9u crystal structure of uncharacterized conserved protein duf302 from bacillus stearothermophilus
1qac change in dimerization mode by removal of a single unsatisfied polar residue
1qae the active site of serratia endonuclease contains a conserved magnesium-water cluster
1qaf the active site base controls cofactor reactivity in escherichia coli amine oxidase : x-ray crystallographic studies with mutational variants
1qag actin binding region of the dystrophin homologue utrophin
1qah crystal structure of perchloric acid soluble protein-a translational inhibitor
1qak the active site base controls cofactor reactivity in escherichia coli amine oxidase : x-ray crystallographic studies with mutational variants
1qal the active site base controls cofactor reactivity in escherichia coli amine oxidase : x-ray crystallographic studies with mutational variants
1qap quinolinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase with bound quinolinic acid
1qas 1-phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase delta 1
1qat 1-phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate phosphodiesterase delta complex with samarium (iii) chloride
1qav unexpected modes of pdz domain scaffolding revealed by structure of nnos-syntrophin complex
1qax ternary complex of pseudomonas mevalonii hmg-coa reductase with hmg-coa and nad+
1qay ternary complex of pseudomonas mevalonii hmg-coa reductase with mevalonate and nad+
1qb2 crystal structure of the conserved subdomain of human protein srp54m at 2.1a resolution: evidence for the mechanism of signal peptide binding
1qbi soluble quinoprotein glucose dehydrogenase from acinetobacter calcoaceticus
1qbk structure of the karyopherin beta2-ran gppnhp nuclear transport complex
1qbl fab e8 (fabe8a) x-ray structure at 2.26 angstrom resolution
1qbm fab e8b antibody, x-ray structure at 2.37 angstroms resolution
1qbr hiv-1 protease inhibitors wiih low nanomolar potency
1qbs hiv-1 protease inhibitors wiih low nanomolar potency
1qbt hiv-1 protease inhibitors wiih low nanomolar potency
1qbu hiv-1 protease inhibitors wiih low nanomolar potency
1qc5 i domain from integrin alpha1-beta1
1qc7 t. maritima flig c-terminal domain
1qcg low temperature structure of pokeweed antiviral protein
1qci low temperature structure of pokeweed antiviral protein complexed with adenine
1qcj low temperature complex of pokeweed antiviral protein with pteoric acid
1qck solution structure of human barrier-to-autointegration factor baf, nmr, regularized mean structure plus 20 individual simulated annealing structures
1qcn crystal structure of fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase
1qco crystal structure of fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase complexed with fumarate and acetoacetate
1qcw flavocytochrome b2, arg289lys mutant
1qd1 the crystal structure of the formiminotransferase domain of formiminotransferase-cyclodeaminase.
1qdl the crystal structure of anthranilate synthase from sulfolobus solfataricus
1qe0 crystal structure of apo s. aureus histidyl-trna synthetase
1qe1 crystal structure of 3tc-resistant m184i mutant of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase
1qex bacteriophage t4 gene product 9 (gp9), the trigger of tail contraction and the long tail fibers connector
1qf8 truncated form of casein kinase ii beta subunit (2-182) from homo sapiens
1qfe the structure of type i 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase from salmonella typhi
1qfh dimerization of gelation factor from dictyostelium discoideum: crystal structure of rod domains 5 and 6
1qfk structure of human factor viia and its implications for the triggering of blood coagulation
1qfn glutaredoxin-1-ribonucleotide reductase b1 mixed disulfide bond
1qft histamine binding protein from female brown ear rhipicephalus appendiculatus
1qfv histamine binding protein from female brown ear rhipicephalus appendiculatus
1qfx ph 2.5 acid phosphatase from aspergillus niger
1qfy pea fnr y308s mutant in complex with nadp+
1qfz pea fnr y308s mutant in complex with nadph
1qg0 wild-type pea fnr
1qg1 growth factor receptor binding protein sh2 domain complexed with an shc-derived peptide
1qg4 canine gdp-ran f72y mutant
1qg7 stroma cell-derived factor-1alpha (sdf-1alpha)
1qga pea fnr y308w mutant in complex with nadp+
1qgd transketolase from escherichia coli
1qge new crystal form of pseudomonas glumae (formerly chromobacterium viscosum atcc 6918) lipase
1qgj arabidopsis thaliana peroxidase n
1qgk structure of importin beta bound to the ibb domain of importin alpha
1qgl room temperature structure of concanavalin a complexed to bivalent ligand
1qgr structure of importin beta bound to the ibb domain of importin alpha (ii crystal form, grown at low ph)
1qh2 chymotrypsin inhibitor (c2) from nicotiana alata
1qh3 human glyoxalase ii with cacodylate and acetate ions present in the active site
1qh5 human glyoxalase ii with s-(n-hydroxy-n- bromophenylcarbamoyl)glutathione
1qha human hexokinase type i complexed with atp analogue amp-pnp
1qhc crystal structure of ribonuclease a in complex with 5'- phospho-2'-deoxyuridine-3'-pyrophosphate adenosine-3'- phosphate
1qhf yeast phosphoglycerate mutase-3pg complex structure to 1.7 a
1qhi herpes simplex virus type-i thymidine kinase complexed with a novel non-substrate inhibitor, 9-(4-hydroxybutyl)-n2- phenylguanine
1qhm escherichia coli pyruvate formate lyase large domain
1qi9 x-ray siras structure determination of a vanadium-dependent haloperoxidase from ascophyllum nodosum at 2.0 a resolution
1qin human glyoxalase i complexed with s-(n-hydroxy-n-p- iodophenylcarbamoyl) glutathione
1qiw calmodulin complexed with n-(3,3,-diphenylpropyl)-n'-[1-r-( 3,4-bis-butoxyphenyl)-ethyl]-propylenediamine (dpd)
1qix porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with human beta-casomorphin-7
1qj3 crystal structure of 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid synthase in complex with 7-keto-8-aminopelargonic acid
1qj5 crystal structure of 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid synthase
1qjc phosphopantetheine adenylytransferase from escherichia coli in complex with 4'-phosphopantetheine
1qjj structure of astacin with a hydroxamic acid inhibitor
1qjs mammalian blood serum haemopexin glycosylated-native protein and in complex with its ligand haem
1qjv pectin methylesterase pema from erwinia chrysanthemi
1qk5 toxoplasma gondii hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase with xmp, pyrophosphate and two mg2+ ions
1qka oligo-peptide binding protein (oppa) complexed with krk
1qkb oligo-peptide binding protein (oppa) complexed with kvk
1qkd erabutoxin
1qkr crystal structure of the vinculin tail and a pathway for activation
1qks cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase, oxidised form
1ql0 sm endonuclease from seratia marcenscens at atomic resolution
1qlk solution structure of ca(2+)-loaded rat s100b (betabeta) nmr, 20 structures
1qll piratoxin-ii (prtx-ii) - a k49 pla2 from bothrops pirajai
1qls s100c (s100a11),or calgizzarin, in complex with annexin i n-terminus
1qlt structure of the h422a mutant of the flavoenzyme vanillyl-alcohol oxidase
1qlu structure of the h422a mutant vanillyl-alcohol oxidase in complex with isoeugenol
1qlv pyrone synthase (pys) from gerbera hybrida
1qlw the atomic resolution structure of a novel bacterial esterase
1qm4 methionine adenosyltransferase complexed with a l-methionine analogous
1qm5 phosphorylase recognition and phosphorylysis of its oligosaccharide substrate: answers to a long outstanding question
1qm6 r32 form of clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin strain
1qmb cleaved alpha-1-antitrypsin polymer
1qmc c-terminal dna-binding domain of hiv-1 integrase, nmr, 42 structures
1qmd calcium bound closed form alpha-toxin from clostridium perfringens
1qmh crystal structure of rna 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase, an ubiquitous enzyme with unusual topology
1qmj cg-16, a homodimeric agglutinin from chicken liver
1qng plasmodium falciparum cyclophilin complexed with cyclosporin a
1qnk truncated human grob[5-73], nmr, 20 structures
1qnm human manganese superoxide dismutase mutant q143n
1qo2 crystal structure of n-((5'-phosphoribosyl)-formimino)-5- aminoimidazol-4-carboxamid ribonucleotid isomerase (ec, hisa)
1qo7 structure of aspergillus niger epoxide hydrolase
1qo8 the structure of the open conformation of a flavocytochrome c3 fumarate reductase
1qoa ferredoxin mutation c49s
1qob ferredoxin mutation d62k
1qof ferredoxin mutation q70k
1qog ferredoxin mutation s47a
1qoj crystal structure of e.coli uvrb c-terminal domain, and a model for uvrb-uvrc interaction.
1qom murine inducible nitric oxide synthase oxygenase dimer (delta 65) with swapped n-terminal hook
1qop crystal structure of wild-type tryptophan synthase complexed with indole propanol phosphate
1qoq crystal structure of wild-type tryptophan synthase complexed with indole glycerol phosphate
1qor crystal structure of escherichia coli quinone oxidoreductase complexed with nadph
1qos lectin uea-ii complexed with chitobiose
1qou cen (centroradialis) protein from antirrhinum
1qoz catalytic core domain of acetyl xylan esterase from trichoderma reesei
1qp6 solution structure of alpha2d
1qp8 crystal structure of a putative formate dehydrogenase from pyrobaculum aerophilum
1qpa lignin peroxidase isozyme lip4.65 (pi 4.65)
1qpb pyruvate decarboyxlase from yeast (form b) complexed with pyruvamide
1qpf fk506 binding protein (12 kda, human) complex with l-709,858
1qpl fk506 binding protein (12 kda, human) complex with l-707,587
1qpp crystal structures of self capping papd chaperone homodimers
1qpx crystal structures of self-capping papd chaperone homodimers
1qq2 crystal structure of a mammalian 2-cys peroxiredoxin, hbp23.
1qq5 structure of l-2-haloacid dehalogenase from xanthobacter autotrophicus
1qq6 structure of l-2-haloacid dehalogenase from xanthobacter autotrophicus with chloroacetic acid covalently bound
1qq7 structure of l-2-haloacid dehalogenase from xanthobacter autotrophicus with chloropropionic acid covalently bound
1qqg crystal structure of the ph-ptb targeting region of irs-1
1qqj crystal structure of mouse fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase refined at 1.55 angstrom resolution
1qr2 human quinone reductase type 2
1qr3 structure of porcine pancreatic elastase in complex with fr901277, a novel macrocyclic inhibitor of elastases at 1.6 angstrom resolution
1qr4 two fibronectin type-iii domain segment from chicken tenascin
1qr6 human mitochondrial nad(p)-dependent malic enzyme
1qrd quinone reductase/fad/cibacron blue/duroquinone complex
1qrk human factor xiii with strontium bound in the ion site
1qs0 crystal structure of pseudomonas putida 2-oxoisovalerate dehydrogenase (branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase, e1b)
1qsd rbl2p, beta-tubulin binding post-chaperonin cofactor
1qsn crystal structure of tetrahymena gcn5 with bound coenzyme a and histone h3 peptide
1qsp crystal structure of the yeast phosphorelay protein ypd1
1qt1 crystal structure of xylose isomerase from streptomyces diastaticus no.7 m1033 at 1.85 a resolution
1qtg averaged nmr model of switch arc, a double mutant of arc repressor
1qth the introduction of strain and its effects on the structure and stability of t4 lysozyme
1qtj crystal structure of limulus polyphemus sap
1qtx the 1.65 angstrom structure of calmodulin rs20 peptide complex
1qu7 four helical-bundle structure of the cytoplasmic domain of a serine chemotaxis receptor
1qup crystal structure of the copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase
1qv6 horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase his51gln/lys228arg mutant complexed with nad+ and 2,4-difluorobenzyl alcohol
1qv7 horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase his51gln/lys228arg mutant complexed with nad+ and 2,3-difluorobenzyl alcohol
1qvb crystal structure of the beta-glycosidase from the hyperthermophile thermosphaera aggregans
1qve crystal structure of the truncated k122-4 pilin from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1qvw crystal structure of the s. cerevisiae ydr533c protein
1qvz crystal structure of the s. cerevisiae ydr533c protein
1qw4 crystal structure of murine inducible nitric oxide synthase oxygenase domain in complex with n-omega-propyl-l-arginine.
1qw5 murine inducible nitric oxide synthase oxygenase domain in complex with w1400 inhibitor.
1qw7 structure of an engineered organophosphorous hydrolase with increased activity toward hydrolysis of phosphothiolate bonds
1qw8 crystal structure of a family 51 alpha-l- arabinofuranosidase in complex with ara-alpha(1,3)-xyl
1qw9 crystal structure of a family 51 alpha-l- arabinofuranosidase in complex with 4-nitrophenyl-ara
1qwd crystal structure of a bacterial lipocalin, the blc gene product from e. coli
1qwe c-src sh3 domain complexed with ligand app12
1qwf c-src sh3 domain complexed with ligand vsl12
1qwh a covalent dimer of transthyretin that affects the amyloid pathway
1qwl structure of helicobacter pylori catalase
1qwm structure of helicobacter pylori catalase with formic acid bound
1qwr crystal structure analysis of the mannose 6-phosphate isomerase from bacillus subtilis
1qwt auto-inhibitory interferon regulation factor-3 (irf3) transactivation domain
1qwx crystal structure of a staphylococcal inhibitor/chaperone
1qx2 x-ray structure of calcium-loaded calbindomodulin (a calbindin d9k re- engineered to undergo a conformational opening) at 1.44 a resolution
1qx4 structrue of s127p mutant of cytochrome b5 reductase
1qx8 crystal structure of a five-residue deletion mutant of the rop protein
1qxa crystal structure of sortase b complexed with gly3
1qxh crystal structure of escherichia coli thiol peroxidase in the oxidized state
1qxj crystal structure of native phosphoglucose isomerase from pyrococcus furiosus
1qxm crystal structure of a hemagglutinin component (ha1) from type c clostridium botulinum
1qxn solution structure of the 30 kda polysulfide-sulfur transferase homodimer from wolinella succinogenes
1qxp crystal structure of a mu-like calpain
1qxr crystal structure of phosphoglucose isomerase from pyrococcus furiosus in complex with 5-phosphoarabinonate
1qy4 crystal structure of phosphoglucose isomerase from pyrococcus furiosus in complex with gluconate 6-phosphate
1qya crystal structure of e. coli protein ydde
1qyc crystal structures of pinoresinol-lariciresinol and phenylcoumaran benzylic ether reductases, and their relationship to isoflavone reductases
1qyg anti-cocaine antibody m82g2 complexed with benzoylecgonine
1qyr 2.1 angstrom crystal structure of ksga: a universally conserved adenosine dimethyltransferase
1qyy crystal structure of n-terminal domain of human platelet receptor glycoprotein ib-alpha at 2.8 angstrom resolution
1qz7 beta-catenin binding domain of axin in complex with beta- catenin
1qz8 crystal structure of sars coronavirus nsp9
1qzq human tyrosyl dna phosphodiesterase
1qzr crystal structure of the atpase region of saccharomyces cerevisiae topoisomerase ii bound to icrf-187 (dexrazoxane)
1qzx crystal structure of the complete core of archaeal srp and implications for inter-domain communication
1r05 solution structure of max b-hlh-lz
1r0e glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta in complex with 3-indolyl-4- arylmaleimide inhibitor
1r0r 1.1 angstrom resolution structure of the complex between the protein inhibitor, omtky3, and the serine protease, subtilisin carlsberg
1r0s crystal structure of adp-ribosyl cyclase glu179ala mutant
1r10 cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (cftr) nucleotide- binding domain one (nbd1) with atp, i4122 space group
1r11 structure determination of the dimeric endonuclease in a pseudo-face- centerd p21 space group
1r12 native aplysia adp ribosyl cyclase
1r16 aplysia adp ribosyl cyclase with bound pyridylcarbinol and r5p
1r1d structure of a carboxylesterase from bacillus stearothermophilus
1r1g crystal structure of the scorpion toxin bmbkttx1
1r1k crystal structure of the ligand-binding domains of the heterodimer ecr/usp bound to ponasterone a
1r1t crystal structure of the cyanobacterial metallothionein repressor smtb in the apo-form
1r1v crystal structure of the metal-sensing transcriptional repressor czra from staphylococcus aureus in the zn2-form
1r1x crystal structure of oxy-human hemoglobin bassett at 2.15 angstrom
1r20 crystal structure of the ligand-binding domains of the heterodimer ecr/usp bound to the synthetic agonist byi06830
1r22 crystal structure of the cyanobacterial metallothionein repressor smtb (c14s/c61s/c121s mutant) in the zn2alpha5- form
1r23 crystal structure of the cyanobacterial metallothionein repressor smtb in the zn1-form (one zn(ii) per dimer)
1r28 crystal structure of the b-cell lymphoma 6 (bcl6) btb domain to 2.2 angstrom
1r2a the molecular basis for protein kinase a anchoring revealed by solution nmr
1r2f ribonucleotide reductase r2f protein from salmonella typhimurium
1r2k crystal structure of moab from escherichia coli
1r2m atomic resolution structure of the hfbii hydrophobin: a self-assembling amphiphile
1r2t crystal structure of rabbit muscle triosephosphate isomerase
1r30 the crystal structure of biotin synthase, an s- adenosylmethionine-dependent radical enzyme
1r31 hmg-coa reductase from pseudomonas mevalonii complexed with hmg-coa
1r35 murine inducible nitric oxide synthase oxygenase dimer, tetrahydrobiopterin and 4r-fluoro-n6-ethanimidoyl-l-lysine
1r37 alcohol dehydrogenase from sulfolobus solfataricus complexed with nad(h) and 2-ethoxyethanol
1r3m crystal structure of the dimeric unswapped form of bovine seminal ribonuclease
1r3u crystal structure of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase from thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis
1r43 crystal structure of beta-alanine synthase from saccharomyces kluyveri (selenomethionine substituted protein)
1r46 structure of human alpha-galactosidase
1r47 structure of human alpha-galactosidase
1r48 solution structure of the c-terminal cytoplasmic domain residues 468-497 of escherichia coli protein prop
1r4b adp-ribosyltransferase c3bot2 from clostridium botulinum, monoclinic form
1r4f inosine-adenosine-guanosine preferring nucleoside hydrolase from trypanosoma vivax: trp260ala mutant in complex with 3- deaza-adenosine
1r4z bacillus subtilis lipase a with covalently bound rc-ipg- phosphonate-inhibitor
1r50 bacillus subtilis lipase a with covalently bound sc-ipg- phosphonate-inhibitor
1r59 enterococcus casseliflavus glycerol kinase
1r5c x-ray structure of the complex of bovine seminal ribonuclease swapping dimer with d(cpa)
1r5d x-ray structure of bovine seminal ribonuclease swapping dimer from a new crystal form
1r5j crystal structure of a phosphotransacetylase from streptococcus pyogenes
1r5p crystal structure analysis of kaib from pcc7120
1r5x jamm: a metalloprotease-like zinc site in the proteasome and signalosome
1r61 the structure of predicted metal-dependent hydrolase from bacillus stearothermophilus
1r65 crystal structure of ferrous soaked ribonucleotide reductase r2 subunit (wildtype) at ph 5 from e. coli
1r6r solution structure of dengue virus capsid protein reveals a new fold
1r6t crystal structure of human tryptophanyl-trna synthetase
1r6u crystal structure of an active fragment of human tryptophanyl-trna synthetase with cytokine activity
1r74 crystal structure of human glycine n-methyltransferase
1r77 crystal structure of the cell wall targeting domain of peptidylglycan hydrolase ale-1
1r7a sucrose phosphorylase from bifidobacterium adolescentis
1r7h nrdh-redoxin of corynebacterium ammoniagenes forms a domain- swapped dimer
1r7i hmg-coa reductase from p. mevalonii, native structure at 2.2 angstroms resolution.
1r7l 2.0 a crystal structure of a phage protein from bacillus cereus atcc 14579
1r88 the crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis mpt51 (fbpc1)
1r8g structure and function of ybdk
1r8j crystal structure of circadian clock protein kaia from synechococcus elongatus
1r8k pdxa protein; nad-dependent dehydrogenase/carboxylase; subunit of pyridoxine phosphate biosynthetic protein pdxj- pdxa [salmonella typhimurium]
1r8l the structure of endo-beta-1,4-galactanase from bacillus licheniformis
1r8o crystal structure of an unusual kunitz-type trypsin inhibitor from copaifera langsdorffii seeds
1r8p hpv-16 e2c solution structure
1r8s arf1[delta1-17]-gdp in complex with a sec7 domain carrying the mutation of the catalytic glutamate to lysine
1r8u nmr structure of cbp taz1/cited2 complex
1r8w native structure of the b12-independent glycerol dehydratase from clostridium butyricum
1r8x crystal structure of mouse glycine n-methyltransferase (tetragonal form)
1r94 crystal structure of isca (mercury derivative)
1r95 crystal structure of isca (native)
1r9c crystal structure of fosfomycin resistance protein fosx from mesorhizobium loti
1r9d glycerol bound form of the b12-independent glycerol dehydratase from clostridium butyricum
1r9e structure of the b12-independent glycerol dehydratase with 1,2-propanediol bound
1r9g three-dimensional structure of yaae from bacillus subtilis
1r9j transketolase from leishmania mexicana
1rav recombinant avidin
1rb2 dihydrofolate reductase complexed with folate and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (oxidized form)
1rb3 dihydrofolate reductase complexed with methotrexate and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (oxidized form)
1rb7 yeast cytosine deaminase crystal form p212121 with sodium acetate.
1rba substitution of asp193 to asn at the active site of ribulose-1,5- bisphosphate carboxylase results in conformational changes
1rbb the crystal structure of ribonuclease b at 2.5-angstroms resolution
1rbc crystallographic structures of ribonuclease s variants with nonpolar substitution at position 13: packing and cavities
1rbd crystallographic structures of ribonuclease s variants with nonpolar substitution at position 13: packing and cavities
1rbe crystallographic structures of ribonuclease s variants with nonpolar substitution at position 13: packing and cavities
1rbf crystallographic structures of ribonuclease s variants with nonpolar substitution at position 13: packing and cavities
1rbg crystallographic structures of ribonuclease s variants with nonpolar substitution at position 13: packing and cavities
1rbh crystallographic structures of ribonuclease s variants with nonpolar substitution at position 13: packing and cavities
1rbi crystallographic structures of ribonuclease s variants with nonpolar substitution at position 13: packing and cavities
1rbm human gar tfase complex structure with polyglutamated 10- (trifluoroacetyl)-5,10-dideazaacyclic-5,6,7,8- tetrahydrofolic acid
1rbz human gar tfase complex structure with polyglutamated 10- (trifluoroacetyl)-5,10-dideazaacyclic-5,6,7,8- tetrahydrofolic acid
1rc0 human gar tfase complex structure with polyglutamated 10- (trifluoroacetyl)-5,10-dideazaacyclic-5,6,7,8- tetrahydrofolic acid
1rc1 human gar tfase complex structure with polyglutamated 10- (trifluoroacetyl)-5,10-dideazaacyclic-5,6,7,8- tetrahydrofolic acid
1rc6 crystal structure of protein ylba from e. coli, pfam duf861
1rcm crystal structure of a ubiquitin-dependent degradation substrate: a three-disulfide form of lysozyme
1rcp cytochrome c'
1rd5 crystal structure of tryptophan synthase alpha chain homolog bx1: a member of the chemical plant defense system
1rd7 dihydrofolate reductase complexed with folate
1rdh crystallographic analyses of an active hiv-1 ribonuclease h domain show structural features that distinguish it from the inactive form
1rdi mannose-binding protein, subtilisin digest fragment complex with alpha-methyl-l-fucopyranoside
1rdj mannose-binding protein, subtilisin digest fragment complex with beta-methyl-l-fucopyranoside
1rdk mannose-binding protein, subtilisin digest fragment complex with d-galactose
1rdl mannose-binding protein, subtilisin digest fragment complex with alpha-methyl-d-mannopyranoside (0.2 m)
1rdm mannose-binding protein, subtilisin digest fragment complex with alpha-methyl-d-mannopyranoside (1.3 m)
1rdn mannose-binding protein, subtilisin digest fragment complex with alpha-methyl-d-n-acetylglucosaminide
1rdo mannose-binding protein, subtilisin digest fragment
1rdq hydrolysis of atp in the crystal of y204a mutant of camp-dependent protein kinase
1rdx r-state structure of the arg 243 to ala mutant of pig kidney fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase expressed in e. coli
1rdy t-state structure of the arg 243 to ala mutant of pig kidney fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase expressed in e. coli
1rdz t-state structure of the arg 243 to ala mutant of pig kidney fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase expressed in e. coli
1re0 structure of arf1-gdp bound to sec7 domain complexed with brefeldin a
1re1 crystal structure of caspase-3 with a nicotinic acid aldehyde inhibitor
1re6 localisation of dynein light chains 1 and 2 and their pro- apoptotic ligands
1re7 dihydrofolate reductase complexed with folate
1red endo-1,4-beta-xylanase ii complex with 4,5-epoxypentyl-beta- d-xyloside
1ree endo-1,4-beta-xylanase ii complex with 3,4-epoxybutyl-beta- d-xyloside
1ref endo-1,4-beta-xylanase ii complex with 2,3-epoxypropyl-beta- d-xyloside
1reg crystal structure of the t4 rega translational regulator protein at 1.9 angstroms resolution
1rei the molecular structure of a dimer composed of the variable portions of the bence-jones protein rei refined at 2.0 angstroms resolution
1rev hiv-1 reverse transcriptase
1rf3 structurally distinct recognition motifs in lymphotoxin-b receptor and cd40 for traf-mediated signaling
1rf8 solution structure of the yeast translation initiation factor eif4e in complex with m7gdp and eif4gi residues 393 to 490
1rfb crystal structure of recombinant bovine interferon-gamma at 3.0 angstroms resolution
1rfd anti-cocaine antibody m82g2
1rfk crystal structure of 2fe2s ferredoxin from thermophilic cyanobacterium mastigocladus laminosus
1rfn human coagulation factor ixa in complex with p-amino benzamidine
1rfq actin crystal dynamics: structural implications for f-actin nucleation, polymerization and branching mediated by the anti-parallel dimer
1rfv crystal structure of pyridoxal kinase complexed with adp
1rfy crystal structure of quorum-sensing antiactivator tram
1rg0 monoclinic crystal form of the truncated k122-4 pilin from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1rg8 human acidic fibroblast growth factor (hafgf-1) at 1.10 angstrom resolution (140 amino acid form)
1rgc the complex between ribonuclease t1 and 3'-guanylic acid suggests geometry of enzymatic reaction path. an x-ray study
1rge hydrolase, guanyloribonuclease
1rgf hydrolase, guanyloribonuclease
1rgg hydrolase, guanyloribonuclease
1rgh hydrolase, guanyloribonuclease
1rgi crystal structure of gelsolin domains g1-g3 bound to actin
1rgj nmr structure of the complex between alpha-bungarotoxin and mimotope of the nicotinic acetilcholine receptor with enhanced activity
1rgr cyclic peptides targeting pdz domains of psd-95: structural basis for enhanced affinity and enzymatic stability
1rhf crystal structure of human tyro3-d1d2
1rhr crystal structure of the complex of caspase-3 with a cinnamic acid methyl ester inhibitor
1rhu crystal structure of the complex of caspase-3 with a 5,6,7 tricyclic peptidomimetic inhibitor
1rhy crystal structure of imidazole glycerol phosphate dehydratase
1ri8 crystal structure of the camelid single domain antibody 1d2l19 in complex with hen egg white lysozyme
1rib structure and function of the escherichia coli ribonucleotide reductase protein r2
1rid vaccinia complement protein in complex with heparin
1rif crystal structure of the uvsw helicase from bacteriophage t4
1rih crystal structure of fab 14f7, a unique anti-tumor antibody specific for n-glycolyl gm3
1riu anti-cocaine antibody m82g2 complexed with norbenzoylecgonine
1riv anti-cocaine antibody m82g2 complexed with meta- oxybenzoylecgonine
1rj5 crystal structure of the extracellular domain of murine carbonic anhydrase xiv
1rj6 crystal structure of the extracellular domain of murine carbonic anhydrase xiv in complex with acetazolamide
1rj9 structure of the heterodimer of the conserved gtpase domains of the signal recognition particle (ffh) and its receptor (ftsy)
1rjc crystal structure of the camelid single domain antibody cab-lys2 in complex with hen egg white lysozyme
1rjj solution structure of a homodimeric hypothetical protein, at5g22580, a structural genomics target from arabidopsis thaliana
1rjk crystal structure of the rat vitamin d receptor ligand binding domain complexed with 2md and a synthetic peptide containing the nr2 box of drip 205
1rk3 crystal structure of the rat vitamin d receptor ligand binding domain complexed with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin d3 and a synthetic peptide containing the nr2 box of drip 205
1rk4 crystal structure of a soluble dimeric form of oxidised clic1
1rkc human vinculin head (1-258) in complex with talin's vinculin binding site 3 (residues 1944-1969)
1rke human vinculin head (1-258) in complex with human vinculin tail (879-1066)
1rkg crystal structure of the rat vitamin d receptor ligand binding domain complexed with 2mbisp and a synthetic peptide containing the nr2 box of drip 205
1rkh crystal structure of the rat vitamin d receptor ligand binding domain complexed with 2am20r and a synthetic peptide containing the nr2 box of drip 205
1rki structure of pag5_736 from p. aerophilum with three disulphide bonds
1rkq crystal structure of had-like phosphatase yida from e. coli
1rkt crystal structure of yfir, a putative transcriptional regulator from bacillus subtilis
1rku crystal structure of thrh gene product of pseudomonas aeruginosa
1rkv structure of phosphate complex of thrh from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1rl2 ribosomal protein l2 rna-binding domain from bacillus stearothermophilus
1rl3 crystal structure of camp-free r1a subunit of pka
1rl4 plasmodium falciparum peptide deformylase complex with inhibitor
1rl8 crystal structure of the complex of resistant strain of hiv-1 protease(v82a mutant) with ritonavir
1rlc crystal structure of the unactivated ribulose 1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase(slash)oxygenase complexed with a transition state analog, 2-carboxy-d-arabinitol 1,5-bisphosphate
1rlp two binding orientations for peptides to src sh3 domain: development of a general model for sh3-ligand interactions
1rlq two binding orientations for peptides to src sh3 domain: development of a general model for sh3-ligand interactions
1rlu mycobacterium tuberculosis ftsz in complex with gtp-gamma-s
1rlv crystal structure of a dimeric archaeal splicing endonuclease
1rm0 crystal structure of myo-inositol 1-phosphate synthase from saccharomyces cerevisiae in complex with nad+ and 2-deoxy-d-glucitol 6-(e)-vinylhomophosphonate
1rmf structures of a monoclonal anti-icam-1 antibody r6.5 fragment at 2.8 angstroms resolution
1rmq crystal structure of apha class b acid phosphatase/phosphotransferase with osmiate mimicking the catalytic intermediate
1rmy crystal structure of apha class b acid phosphatase/phosphotransferase ternary complex with deoxycytosine and phosphate bound to the catalytic metal
1rnf x-ray crystal structure of unliganded human ribonuclease 4
1rnr autocatalytic generation of dopa in the engineered protein r2 f208y from escherichia coli ribonucleotide reductase and crystal structure of the dopa-208 protein
1ro6 crystal structure of pde4b2b complexed with rolipram (r & s)
1ro8 structural analysis of the sialyltransferase cstii from campylobacter jejuni in complex with a substrate analogue, cytidine-5'-monophosphate
1ro9 crystal structures of the catalytic domain of phosphodiesterase 4b2b complexed with 8-br-amp
1rod chimeric protein of interleukin 8 and human melanoma growth stimulating activity protein, nmr
1ror crystal structures of the catalytic domain of phosphodiesterase 4b2b complexed with amp
1ros crystal structure of mmp-12 complexed to 2-(1,3-dioxo-1,3- dihydro-2h-isoindol-2-yl)ethyl-4-(4-ethoxy[1,1-biphenyl]-4- yl)-4-oxobutanoic acid
1row structure of ssp-19, an msp-domain protein like family member in caenorhabditis elegans
1roz deoxyhypusine synthase holoenzyme in its low ionic strength, high ph crystal form
1rp0 crystal structure of thi1 protein from arabidopsis thaliana
1rp5 pbp2x from streptococcus pneumoniae strain 5259 with reduced susceptibility to beta-lactam antibiotics
1rp7 e. coli pyruvate dehydrogenase inhibitor complex
1rpi crystal structures of a multidrug-resistant hiv-1 protease reveal an expanded active site cavity
1rpm human receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase mu, domain 1
1rpr the structure of cole1 rop in solution
1rpy crystal structure of the dimeric sh2 domain of aps
1rq2 mycobacterium tuberculosis ftsz in complex with citrate
1rq7 mycobacterium tuberculosis ftsz in complex with gdp
1rq9 crystal structures of a multidrug-resistant hiv-1 protease reveal an expanded active site cavity
1rqd deoxyhypusine synthase holoenzyme in its low ionic strength, high ph crystal form with the inhibitor gc7 bound in the active site
1rqi active conformation of farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase bound to isopentyl pyrophosphate and dimethylallyl s- thiolodiphosphate
1rql crystal structure of phosponoacetaldehyde hydrolase complexed with magnesium and the inhibitor vinyl sulfonate
1rqn phosphonoacetaldehyde hydrolase complexed with magnesium
1rqt nmr structure of dimeric n-terminal domain of ribosomal protein l7 from e.coli
1rqu nmr structure of l7 dimer from e.coli
1rqv spatial model of l7 dimer from e.coli with one hinge region in helical state
1rrg non-myristoylated rat adp-ribosylation factor-1 complexed with gdp, dimeric crystal form
1rrl soybean lipoxygenase (lox-3) at 93k at 2.0 a resolution
1rrm crystal structure of lactaldehyde reductase
1rs6 rat neuronal nos heme domain with d-lysine-d-nitroarginine amide bound
1rs7 rat neuronal nos heme domain with d-phenylalanine-d-nitroarginine amide bound
1rs8 bovine endothelial nos heme domain with d-lysine-d-nitroarginine amide bound
1rs9 bovine endothelial nos heme domain with d-phenylalanine-d- nitroarginine amide bound
1rsg crystal structure of the polyamine oxidase fms1 from yeast
1rsn ribonuclease (rnase sa) (e.c. complexed with exo-2', 3'-cyclophosphorothioate
1rsr azide complex of the diferrous f208a mutant r2 subunit of ribonucleotide reductase
1rst complex between streptavidin and the strep-tag peptide
1rsu complex between streptavidin and the strep-tag ii peptide
1rsv azide complex of the diferrous e238a mutant r2 subunit of ribonucleotide reductase
1rt1 crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase complexed with mkc-442
1rt2 crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase complexed with tnk-651
1rt3 azt drug resistant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase complexed with 1051u91
1rt4 hiv-1 reverse transcriptase complexed with uc781
1rt5 hiv-1 reverse transcriptase complexed with uc10
1rt6 hiv-1 reverse transcriptase complexed with uc38
1rt7 hiv-1 reverse transcriptase complexed with uc84
1rte x-ray structure of cyanide derivative of truncated hemoglobin n (trhbn) from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1rtf complex of benzamidine with the catalytic domain of human two chain tissue plasminogen activator [(tc)-t-pa]
1rth high resolution structures of hiv-1 rt from four rt- inhibitor complexes
1rti high resolution structures of hiv-1 rt from four rt- inhibitor complexes
1rtj mechanism of inhibition of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase by non-nucleoside inhibitors
1rtn proton nmr assignments and solution conformation of rantes, a chemokine of the cc type
1rto proton nmr assignments and solution conformation of rantes, a chemokine of the cc type
1rtr crystal structure of s. aureus farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase
1rts thymidylate synthase from rat in ternary complex with dump and tomudex
1ru0 crystal structure of dcoh2, a paralog of dcoh, the dimerization cofactor of hnf-1
1ru1 crystal structure of a ternary complex of e. coli hppk(v83g/del84-89) with mgampcpp and 6-hydroxymethyl-7,8- dihydropterin at 1.40 angstrom resolution (monoclinic form)
1ru9 crystal structure (a) of u.v.-irradiated cationic cyclization antibody 4c6 fab at ph 4.6 with a data set collected in-house.
1rua crystal structure (b) of u.v.-irradiated cationic cyclization antibody 4c6 fab at ph 4.6 with a data set collected at ssrl beamline 11-1.
1ruk crystal structure (c) of native cationic cyclization antibody 4c6 fab at ph 4.6 with a data set collected at ssrl beamline 9-1
1rul crystal structure (d) of u.v.-irradiated cationic cyclization antibody 4c6 fab at ph 5.6 with a data set collected at ssrl beamline 11-1.
1rum crystal structure (f) of h2o2-soaked cationic cyclization antibody 4c6 fab at ph 8.5 with a data set collected at ssrl beamline 9-1.
1rup crystal structure (g) of native cationic cyclization antibody 4c6 fab at ph 8.5 with a data set collected at aps beamline 19-id
1ruq crystal structure (h) of u.v.-irradiated diels-alder antibody 13g5 fab at ph 8.0 with a data set collected in house.
1rur crystal structure (i) of native diels-alder antibody 13g5 fab at ph 8.0 with a data set collected at ssrl beamline 9- 1.
1rus crystal structure of the binary complex of ribulose-1,5- bisphosphate carboxylase and its product, 3-phospho-d- glycerate
1rv3 e75l mutant of rabbit cytosolic serine hydroxymethyltransferase, complex with glycine
1rv4 e75l mutant of rabbit cytosolic serine hydroxymethyltransferase
1rv7 crystal structures of a multidrug-resistant hiv-1 protease reveal an expanded active site cavity
1rve the crystal structure of ecorv endonuclease and of its complexes with cognate and non-cognate dna fragments
1rvu e75q mutant of rabbit cytosolic serine hydroxymethyltransferase
1rvw r state human hemoglobin [alpha v96w], carbonmonoxy
1rvy e75q mutant of rabbit cytosolic serine hydroxymethyltransferase, complex with glycine
1rw0 crystal structure of protein yfih from salmonella enterica serovar typhi, pfam duf152
1rwi extracellular domain of mycobacterium tuberculosis pknd
1rwk crystal structure of human caspase-1 in complex with 3-(2-mercapto- acetylamino)-4-oxo-pentanoic acid
1rwm crystal structure of human caspase-1 in complex with 4-oxo-3-[2-(5- {[4-(quinoxalin-2-ylamino)-benzoylamino]-methyl}-thiophen-2-yl)- acetylamino]-pentanoic acid
1rwn crystal structure of human caspase-1 in complex with 3-{2-ethyl-6-[4- (quinoxalin-2-ylamino)-benzoylamino]-hexanoylamino}-4-oxo-butyric acid
1rwo crystal structure of human caspase-1 in complex with 4-oxo-3-{6-[4- (quinoxalin-2-ylamino)-benzoylamino]-2-thiophen-2-yl-hexanoylamino}- pentanoic acid
1rwp crystal structure of human caspase-1 in complex with 3-{6-[(8-hydroxy- quinoline-2-carbonyl)-amino]-2-thiophen-2-yl-hexanoylamino}-4-oxo- butyric acid
1rwq human dipeptidyl peptidase iv in complex with 5-aminomethyl-6-(2,4- dichloro-phenyl)-2-(3,5-dimethoxy-phenyl)-pyrimidin-4-ylamine
1rwv crystal structure of human caspase-1 in complex with 5-[5-(1- carboxymethyl-2-oxo-propylcarbamoyl)-5-phenyl-pentylsulfamoyl]-2- hydroxy-benzoic acid
1rww crystal structure of human caspase-1 in complex with 4-oxo-3-[(6-{[4- (quinoxalin-2-ylamino)-benzoylamino]-methyl}-pyridine-3-carbonyl)- amino]-butyric acid
1rwx crystal structure of human caspase-1 in complex with 4-oxo-3-{6-[4- (quinoxalin-2-yloxy)-benzoylamino]-2-thiophen-2-yl-hexanoylamino}- butyric acid
1rxh crystal structure of streptavidin mutant l124r (m1) complexed with biotinyl p-nitroanilide (bni)
1rxk crystal structure of streptavidin mutant (m3) a combination of m1+m2
1rxm c-terminal region of fen-1 bound to a. fulgidus pcna
1rxy e. coli uridine phosphorylase: type-b native
1rxz c-terminal region of a. fulgidus fen-1 complexed with a. fulgidus pcna
1ry0 structure of prostaglandin f synthase with prostaglandin d2
1ry7 crystal structure of the 3 ig form of fgfr3c in complex with fgf1
1ry8 prostaglandin f synthase complexed with nadph and rutin
1rya crystal structure of the e. coli gdp-mannose mannosyl hydrolase in complex with gdp and mg
1ryd crystal structure of glucose-fructose oxidoreductase from zymomonas mobilis
1ryf alternative splicing of rac1 generates rac1b, a self-activating gtpase
1ryh alternative splicing of rac1 generates rac1b, a self-activating gtpase
1ryl the crystal structure of a protein of unknown function yfbm from escherichia coli
1rz7 crystal structure of human anti-hiv-1 gp120-reactive antibody 48d
1rzf crystal structure of human anti-hiv-1 gp120-reactive antibody e51
1rzm crystal structure of 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase (dahps) from thermotoga maritima complexed with cd2+, pep and e4p
1rzn crystal structure of penicillin-binding protein-related factor a from bacillus subtilis.
1rzu crystal structure of the glycogen synthase from a. tumefaciens in complex with adp
1rzv crystal structure of the glycogen synthase from agrobacterium tumefaciens (non-complexed form)
1rzx crystal structure of a par-6 pdz-peptide complex
1s06 crystal structure of the r253k mutant of 7,8- diaminopelargonic acid synthase
1s07 crystal structure of the r253a mutant of 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid synthase
1s08 crystal structure of the d147n mutant of 7,8- diaminopelargonic acid synthase
1s09 crystal structure of the y144f mutant of 7,8- diaminopelargonic acid synthase
1s0a crystal structure of the y17f mutant of 7,8- diaminopelargonic acid synthase
1s0h structure determination of haemoglobin from donkey(equus asinus) at 3.0 angstrom resolution
1s0p structure of the n-terminal domain of the adenylyl cyclase- associated protein (cap) from dictyostelium discoideum.
1s14 crystal structure of escherichia coli topoisomerase iv pare 24kda subunit
1s16 crystal structure of e. coli topoisomerase iv pare 43kda subunit complexed with adpnp
1s17 identification of novel potent bicyclic peptide deformylase inhibitors
1s18 structure and protein design of human apyrase
1s1a pterocarpus angolensis seed lectin (pal) with one binding site free and one binding site containing the disaccharide man(a1-3)manme
1s1d structure and protein design of human apyrase
1s1g crystal structure of kv4.3 t1 domain
1s1j crystal structure of zipa in complex with indoloquinolizin inhibitor 1
1s1m crystal structure of e. coli ctp synthetase
1s1s crystal structure of zipa in complex with indoloquinolizin 10b
1s1t crystal structure of l100i mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with uc-781
1s1u crystal structure of l100i mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with nevirapine
1s1v crystal structure of l100i mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with tnk-651
1s1w crystal structure of v106a mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with uc-781
1s1x crystal structure of v108i mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with nevirapine
1s2e bacteriophage t4 gene product 9 (gp9), the trigger of tail contraction and the long tail fibers connector, alternative fit of the first 19 residues
1s2j crystal structure of the drosophila pattern-recognition receptor pgrp-sa
1s2k structure of scp-b a member of the eqolisin family of peptidases in a complex with a tripeptide ala-ile-his
1s2n crystal strucure of a cold adapted subtilisin-like serine proteinase
1s2p the structure and refinement of apocrustacyanin c2 to 1.3a resolution and the search for differences between this protein and the homologous apoproteins a1 and c1
1s2q crystal structure of maob in complex with n-propargyl-1(r)- aminoindan (rasagiline)
1s2t crystal structure of apo phosphoenolpyruvate mutase
1s2u crystal structure of the d58a phosphoenolpyruvate mutase mutant protein
1s2y crystal structure of maob in complex with n-propargyl-1(s)- aminoindan
1s3b crystal structure of maob in complex with n-methyl-n- propargyl-1(r)-aminoindan
1s3e crystal structure of maob in complex with 6-hydroxy-n- propargyl-1(r)-aminoindan
1s3j x-ray crystal structure of yuso protein from bacillus subtilis
1s3k crystal structure of a humanized fab (hu3s193) in complex with the lewis y tetrasaccharide
1s3l structural and functional characterization of a novel archaeal phosphodiesterase
1s3m structural and functional characterization of a novel archaeal phosphodiesterase
1s3n structural and functional characterization of a novel archaeal phosphodiesterase
1s3o human mitochondrial single strand dna binding protein (hmssb)
1s3r crystal structure of the human-specific toxin intermedilysin
1s3z aminoglycoside n-acetyltransferase aac(6')-iy in complex with coa and ribostamycin
1s44 the structure and refinement of apocrustacyanin c2 to 1.6a resolution and the search for differences between this protein and the homologous apoproteins a1 and c1.
1s4k putative cytoplasmic protein from salmonella typhimurium
1s4m crystal structure of flavin binding to fad synthetase from thermotoga maritina
1s4n crystal structure of yeast alpha1,2-mannosyltransferase kre2p/mnt1p
1s4o crystal structure of yeast alpha1,2-mannosyltransferase kre2p/mnt1p: binary complex with gdp/mn
1s4p crystal structure of yeast alpha1,2-mannosyltransferase kre2p/mnt1p: ternary complex with gdp/mn and methyl-alpha-mannoside acceptor
1s51 thr24ser bacteriorhodopsin
1s52 thr24val bacteriorhodopsin
1s53 thr46ser bacteriorhodopsin
1s54 thr24ala bacteriorhodopsin
1s5i fab (lnkb-2) of monoclonal antibody to human interleukin-2, crystal structure
1s5k aminoglycoside n-acetyltransferase aac(6')-iy in complex with coa and n-terminal his(6)-tag (crystal form 1)
1s5p structure and substrate binding properties of cobb, a sir2 homolog protein deacetylase from eschericia coli.
1s5q solution structure of mad1 sid-msin3a pah2 complex
1s5r solution structure of hbp1 sid-msin3a pah2 complex
1s5x the crystal structure of trematomus bernacchii hemoglobin oxidized by air
1s63 human protein farnesyltransferase complexed with l-778,123 and fpp
1s66 crystal structure of heme domain of direct oxygen sensor from e. coli
1s67 crystal structure of heme domain of direct oxygen sensor from e. coli
1s6b x-ray crystal structure of a complex formed between two homologous isoforms of phospholipase a2 from naja naja sagittifera: principle of molecular association and inactivation
1s6c crystal structure of the complex between kchip1 and kv4.2 n1-30
1s6p crystal structure of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with janssen-r100943
1s6q crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with janssen-r147681
1s70 complex between protein ser/thr phosphatase-1 (delta) and the myosin phosphatase targeting subunit 1 (mypt1)
1s7j crystal structure of phenazine biosynthesis protein phzf family (enterococcus faecalis)
1s7p solution structure of thermolysin digested microcin j25
1s7y crystal structure of the glur6 ligand binding core in complex with glutamate at 1.75 a resolution orthorhombic form
1s8e crystal structure of mre11-3
1s8f crystal structure of rab9 complexed to gdp reveals a dimer with an active conformation of switch ii
1s94 crystal structure of the habc domain of neuronal syntaxin from the squid loligo pealei
1s95 structure of serine/threonine protein phosphatase 5
1s96 the 2.0 a x-ray structure of guanylate kinase from e.coli
1s98 e.coli isca crystal structure to 2.3 a
1s99 the structure and function of b. subtilis ykof gene product: ligand free protein
1s9a crystal structure of 4-chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase from rhodococcus opacus 1cp
1s9d arf1[delta 1-17]-gdp-mg in complex with brefeldin a and a sec7 domain
1s9e crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with janssen-r129385
1s9g crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with janssen-r120394.
1s9i x-ray structure of the human mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 2 (mek2)in a complex with ligand and mgatp
1s9q crystal structure of the ligand-binding domain of the estrogen-related receptor gamma in complex with 4-hydroxytamoxifen
1s9r crystal structure of arginine deiminase covalently linked with a reaction intermediate
1s9t crystal structure of the glur6 ligand binding core in complex with quisqualate at 1.8a resolution
1sa4 human protein farnesyltransferase complexed with fpp and r115777
1sa5 rat protein farnesyltransferase complexed with fpp and bms- 214662
1sar determination and restrained least-squares refinement of the crystal structures of ribonuclease sa and its complex with 3'-guanylic acid at 1.8 angstroms resolution
1saw x-ray structure of homo sapiens protein flj36880
1sb0 solution structure of the kix domain of cbp bound to the transactivation domain of c-myb
1sb2 high resolution structure determination of rhodocetin
1sb7 crystal structure of the e.coli pseudouridine synthase trud
1sbg an orally-bioavailable hiv-1 protease inhibitor containing an imidazole-derived peptide bond replacement. crystallographic and pharmacokinetic analysis
1sbn refined crystal structures of subtilisin novo in complex with wild-type and two mutant eglins. comparison with other serine proteinase inhibitor complexes
1sbq crystal structure of methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase from mycoplasma pneumoniae at 2.2 resolution
1sbr the structure and function of b. subtilis ykof gene product: the complex with thiamin
1sbs crystal structure of an anti-hcg fab
1sbw crystal structure of mung bean inhibitor lysine active fragment complex with bovine beta-trypsin at 1.8a resolution
1sby alcohol dehydrogenase from drosophila lebanonensis complexed with nad+ and 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol at 1.1 a resolution
1sc0 x-ray structure of yb61_haein northeast structural genomics consortium target ir63
1sc1 crystal structure of an active-site ligand-free form of the human caspase-1 c285a mutant
1sc3 crystal structure of the human caspase-1 c285a mutant in complex with malonate
1sc4 crystal structure of the human caspase-1 c285a mutant after removal of malonate
1sc5 sigma-28(flia)/flgm complex
1sch peanut peroxidase
1scj crystal structure of subtilisin-propeptide complex
1sd3 crystal structure of the glur6 ligand binding core in complex with 2s,4r-4-methylglutamate at 1.8 angstrom resolution
1sd4 crystal structure of a semet derivative of blai at 2.0 a
1sd6 crystal structure of native meci at 2.65 a
1sd7 crystal structure of a semet derivative of meci at 2.65 a
1sdb porcine desb1-2 despentapeptide(b26-b30) insulin
1sdd crystal structure of bovine factor vai
1sdt crystal structures of hiv protease v82a and l90m mutants reveal changes in indinavir binding site.
1sdu crystal structures of hiv protease v82a and l90m mutants reveal changes in indinavir binding site.
1sdv crystal structures of hiv protease v82a and l90m mutants reveal changes in indinavir binding site.
1sdx crystal structure of the zinc saturated c-terminal half of bovine lactoferrin at 2.0 a resolution reveals two additional zinc binding sites
1sdz crystal structure of diap1 bir1 bound to a reaper peptide
1se0 crystal structure of diap1 bir1 bound to a grim peptide
1sei structure of 30s ribosomal protein s8
1sel crystal structure of selenosubtilisin at 2.0-angstroms resolution
1seq fab mnac13
1ses crystal structures at 2.5 angstroms resolution of seryl- trna synthetase complexed with two different analogues of seryl-adenylate
1set crystal structures at 2.5 angstroms resolution of seryl- trna synthetase complexed with two different analogues of seryl-adenylate
1sev mature and translocatable forms of glyoxysomal malate dehydrogenase have different activities and stabilities but similar crystal structures
1sez crystal structure of protoporphyrinogen ix oxidase
1sf1 nmr structure of human insulin under amyloidogenic condition, 15 structures
1sfd oxidized form of amicyanin mutant p94f
1sfh reduced state of amicyanin mutant p94f
1sfi high resolution structure of a potent, cyclic protease inhibitor from sunflower seeds
1sfj 2.4a crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus type i 3- dehydroquinase, with 3-dehydroquinate bound
1sfl 1.9a crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus type i 3- dehydroquinase, apo form
1sfn crystal structure of protein dr1152 from deinococcus radiodurans r1, pfam duf861
1sft alanine racemase
1sfx x-ray crystal structure of putative hth transcription regulator from archaeoglobus fulgidus
1sg0 crystal structure analysis of qr2 in complex with resveratrol
1sg3 structure of allantoicase
1sgc the 1.8 angstroms structure of the complex between chymostatin and streptomyces griseus protease a. a model for serine protease catalytic tetrahedral intermediates
1sgd asp 18 variant of turkey ovomucoid inhibitor third domain complexed with streptomyces griseus proteinase b at ph 6.5
1sge glu 18 variant of turkey ovomucoid inhibitor third domain complexed with streptomyces griseus proteinase b at ph 6.5
1sgh moesin ferm domain bound to ebp50 c-terminal peptide
1sgm crystal structure of hypothetical protein yxaf
1sgn asn 18 variant of turkey ovomucoid inhibitor third domain complexed with streptomyces griseus proteinase b
1sgp ala 18 variant of turkey ovomucoid inhibitor third domain complexed with streptomyces griseus proteinase b
1sgq gly 18 variant of turkey ovomucoid inhibitor third domain complexed with streptomyces griseus proteinase b
1sgr leu 18 variant of turkey ovomucoid inhibitor third domain complexed with streptomyces griseus proteinase b
1sgu comparing the accumulation of active site and non-active site mutations in the hiv-1 protease
1sgv structure of trna psi55 pseudouridine synthase (trub)
1sgy tyr 18 variant of turkey ovomucoid inhibitor third domain complexed with streptomyces griseus proteinase b at ph 6.5
1sh0 crystal structure of norwalk virus polymerase (triclinic)
1sh3 crystal structure of norwalk virus polymerase (mgso4 crystal form)
1sh5 crystal structure of actin-binding domain of mouse plectin
1sh8 1.5 a crystal structure of a protein of unknown function pa5026 from pseudomonas aeruginosa, probable thioesterase
1sh9 comparing the accumulation of active site and non-active site mutations in the hiv-1 protease
1sha crystal structure of the phosphotyrosine recognition domain sh2 of v-src complexed with tyrosine-phosphorylated peptides
1shb crystal structure of the phosphotyrosine recognition domain sh2 of v-src complexed with tyrosine-phosphorylated peptides
1shc shc ptb domain complexed with a trka receptor phosphopeptide, nmr, minimized average structure
1shd peptide inhibitors of src sh3-sh2-phosphoprotein interactions
1shf crystal structure of the sh3 domain in human fyn; comparison of the three-dimensional structures of sh3 domains in tyrosine kinases and spectrin
1shj caspase-7 in complex with dica allosteric inhibitor
1shk the three-dimensional structure of shikimate kinase from erwinia chrysanthemi
1shl caspase-7 in complex with fica allosteric inhibitor
1shn crystal structure of shrimp alkaline phosphatase with phosphate bound
1shq crystal structure of shrimp alkaline phosphatase with magnesium in m3
1shw ephb2 / ephrina5 complex structure
1shy the crystal structure of hgf beta-chain in complex with the sema domain of the met receptor.
1sib refined crystal structures of subtilisin novo in complex with wild-type and two mutant eglins. comparison with other serine proteinase inhibitor complexes
1siv three-dimensional structure of a siv protease(slash)inhibitor complex. implications for the design of hiv-1 and hiv-2 protease inhibitors
1siz crystal structure of the [fe3s4]-ferredoxin from the hyperthermophilic archaeon pyrococcus furiosus
1sj1 the 1.5 a resolution crystal structure of [fe3s4]- ferredoxin from the hyperthermophilic archaeon pyrococcus furiosus
1sj2 crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis catalase-peroxidase
1sj5 crystal structure of a duf151 family protein (tm0160) from thermotoga maritima at 2.8 a resolution
1sji comparing skeletal and cardiac calsequestrin structures and their calcium binding: a proposed mechanism for coupled calcium binding and protein polymerization
1sjj cryo-em structure of chicken gizzard smooth muscle alpha- actinin
1sjp mycobacterium tuberculosis chaperonin60.2
1sjt mini-proinsulin, two chain insulin analog mutant: des b30, his(b 10)asp, pro(b 28)asp, nmr, 20 structures
1skg structure-based rational drug design: crystal structure of the complex formed between phospholipase a2 and a pentapeptide val-ala-phe-arg-ser
1sko mp1-p14 complex
1skq the crystal structure of sulfolobus solfataricus elongation factor 1-alpha in complex with magnesium and gdp
1sky crystal structure of the nucleotide free alpha3beta3 sub-complex of f1-atpase from the thermophilic bacillus ps3
1sl3 crystal structue of thrombin in complex with a potent p1 heterocycle- aryl based inhibitor
1sla x-ray crystallography reveals crosslinking of mammalian lectin (galectin-1) by biantennary complex type saccharides
1sld streptavidin, ph 7.5, bound to cyclic disulfide-bonded peptide ligand ac-chpqfc-nh2
1slf apostreptavidin, ph 5.6, two molecules of (so4)2 bound at the biotin binding site
1slt structure of s-lectin, a developmentally regulated vertebrate beta-galactoside binding protein
1slu rat anionic n143h, e151h trypsin complexed to a86h ecotin
1slv rat anionic n143h, e151h trypsin complexed to a86h ecotin; copper- bound
1slw rat anionic n143h, e151h trypsin complexed to a86h ecotin; nickel- bound
1slx rat anionic n143h, e151h trypsin complexed to a86h ecotin; zinc-bound
1sm2 crystal structure of the phosphorylated interleukin-2 tyrosine kinase catalytic domain
1sma crystal structure of a maltogenic amylase
1smf studies on an artificial trypsin inhibitor peptide derived from the mung bean inhibitor
1smh protein kinase a variant complex with completely ordered n- terminal helix
1smn identification of the serratia endonuclease dimer: structural basis and implications for catalysis
1smo crystal structure of human triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 1 (trem-1) at 1.47 .
1smp crystal structure of a complex between serratia marcescens metallo-protease and an inhibitor from erwinia chrysanthemi
1sms structure of the ribonucleotide reductase rnr4 homodimer from saccharomyces cerevisiae
1smt smtb repressor from synechococcus pcc7942
1smx crystal structure of the s1 domain of rnase e from e. coli (native)
1sn8 crystal structure of the s1 domain of rnase e from e. coli (pb derivative)
1snd staphylococcal nuclease dimer containing a deletion of residues 114- 119 complexed with calcium chloride and the competitive inhibitor deoxythymidine-3',5'-diphosphate
1sne an oligomeric domain-swapped beta-beta-alpha mini-protein
1snn 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase from methanococcus jannaschii
1snu crystal structure of the unphosphorylated interleukin-2 tyrosine kinase catalytic domain
1so3 crystal structure of h136a mutant of 3-keto-l-gulonate 6- phosphate decarboxylase with bound l-threonohydroxamate 4- phosphate
1so4 crystal structure of k64a mutant of 3-keto-l-gulonate 6- phosphate decarboxylase with bound l-threonohydroxamate 4- phosphate
1so5 crystal structure of e112q mutant of 3-keto-l-gulonate 6- phosphate decarboxylase with bound l-threonohydroxamate 4- phosphate
1so6 crystal structure of e112q/h136a double mutant of 3-keto-l- gulonate 6-phosphate decarboxylase with bound l- threonohydroxamate 4-phosphate
1sok crystal structure of the transthyretin mutant a108y/l110e solved in space group p21212
1sov toxoplasma gondii bradyzoite-specific ldh (ldh2) apo form
1sow t. gondii bradyzoite-specific ldh (ldh2) in complex with nad and oxalate
1sox sulfite oxidase from chicken liver
1sp4 crystal structure of ns-134 in complex with bovine cathepsin b: a two headed epoxysuccinyl inhibitor extends along the whole active site cleft
1spb subtilisin bpn' prosegment (77 residues) complexed with a mutant subtilisin bpn' (266 residues). crystal ph 4.6. crystallization temperature 20 c diffraction temperature- 160 c
1spd amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and structural defects in cu, zn superoxide dismutase
1spg carbonmonoxy hemoglobin from the teleost fish leiostomus xanthurus
1sph refined structures of the active s83c and impaired s46d hprs: evidence that phosphorylation does not require a backbone conformational transition
1spp the crystal structures of two members of the spermadhesin family reveal the folding of the cub domain
1spq understanding protein lids: structural analysis of active hinge mutants in triosephosphate isomerase
1spu structure of oxidoreductase
1sq0 crystal structure of the complex of the wild-type von willebrand factor a1 domain and glycoprotein ib alpha at 2.6 angstrom resolution
1sq2 crystal structure analysis of the nurse shark new antigen receptor (nar) variable domain in complex with lyxozyme
1sq4 crystal structure of the putative glyoxylate induced protein from pseudomonas aeruginosa, northeast structural genomics target par14
1sq7 understanding protein lids: structural analysis of active hinge mutants in triosephosphate isomerase
1sqe 1.5a crystal structure of the protein pg130 from staphylococcus aureus, structural genomics
1sqi structural basis for inhibitor selectivity revealed by crystal structures of plant and mammalian 4- hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenases
1sqj crystal structure analysis of oligoxyloglucan reducing-end- specific cellobiohydrolase (oxg-rcbh)
1sqk crystal structure of ciboulot in complex with skeletal actin
1sqn progesterone receptor ligand binding domain with bound norethindrone
1sqs x-ray crystal structure protein sp1951 of streptococcus pneumoniae. northeast structural genomics consortium target spr27.
1squ structural genomics, crystal structure of the chex protein from thermotoga maritima
1sqz design of specific inhibitors of phopholipase a2: crystal structure of the complex formed between group ii phopholipase a2 and a designed peptide dehydro-ile-ala-arg-ser at 1.2a resolution
1sr7 progesterone receptor hormone binding domain with bound mometasone furoate
1sr9 crystal structure of leua from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1sre crystallographic and thermodynamic comparison of natural and synthetic ligands bound to streptavidin
1srf structure-based design of synthetic azobenzene ligands for streptavidin
1srg structure-based design of synthetic azobenzene ligands for streptavidin
1srh structure-based design of synthetic azobenzene ligands for streptavidin
1sri structure-based design of synthetic azobenzene ligands for streptavidin
1srj structure-based design of synthetic azobenzene ligands for streptavidin
1srn the refined crystal structure of a fully active semisynthetic ribonuclease at 1.8 angstroms resolution
1sry refined crystal structure of the seryl-trna synthetase from thermus thermophilus at 2.5 angstroms resolution
1ss4 crystal structure of the glyoxalase family protein apc24694 from bacillus cereus
1ssa a structural investigation of catalytically modified f12ol and f12oy semisynthetic ribonucleases
1ssb a structural investigation of catalytically modified f12ol and f12oy semisynthetic ribonucleases
1ssc the 1.6 angstroms structure of a semisynthetic ribonuclease crystallized from aqueous ethanol. comparison with crystals from salt solutions and with rnase a from aqueous alcohol solutions
1ssd understanding protein lids: structural analysis of active hinge mutants in triosephosphate isomerase
1sse solution structure of the oxidized form of the yap1 redox domain
1ssg understanding protein lids: structural analysis of active hinge mutants in triosephosphate isomerase
1ssh crystal structure of the sh3 domain from a s. cerevisiae hypothetical 40.4 kda protein in complex with a peptide
1ssq serine acetyltransferase- complex with cysteine
1st0 structure of dcps bound to m7gpppg
1st4 structure of dcps bound to m7gpppa
1st9 crystal structure of a soluble domain of resa in the oxidised form
1stc camp-dependent protein kinase, alpha-catalytic subunit in complex with staurosporine
1stf the refined 2.4 angstroms x-ray crystal structure of recombinant human stefin b in complex with the cysteine proteinase papain: a novel type of proteinase inhibitor interaction
1su2 crystal structure of the nudix hydrolase dr1025 in complex with atp
1su3 x-ray structure of human prommp-1: new insights into collagenase action
1su5 understanding protein lids: structural analysis of active hinge mutants in triosephosphate isomerase
1su9 reduced structure of the soluble domain of resa
1sua subtilisin bpn'
1sul crystal structure of the apo-ysxc
1sux crystallographic analysis of the complex between triosephosphate isomerase from trypanosoma cruzi and 3-(2- benzothiazolylthio)-1-propanesulfonic acid
1sv2 crystal structure of peptide deformylase from leptospira interrogans (lipdf) at ph7.5
1sv4 crystal structure of yan-sam
1sv5 crystal structure of k103n mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with janssen-r165335
1svd the structure of halothiobacillus neapolitanus rubisco
1sve crystal structure of protein kinase a in complex with azepane derivative 1
1svg crystal structure of protein kinase a in complex with azepane derivative 4
1svh crystal structure of protein kinase a in complex with azepane derivative 8
1svo structure of sv40 large t antigen helicase domain
1svp sindbis virus capsid protein
1svu structure of the q237w mutant of hhai dna methyltransferase: an insight into protein-protein interactions
1svv initial stuctural analysis of leishmania major threonine aldolase
1svw crystal structure of ysxc complexed with gmppnp
1svx crystal structure of a designed selected ankyrin repeat protein in complex with the maltose binding protein
1sw0 triosephosphate isomerase from gallus gallus, loop 6 hinge mutant k174l, t175w
1sw1 crystal structure of prox from archeoglobus fulgidus in complex with proline betaine
1sw3 triosephosphate isomerase from gallus gallus, loop 6 mutant t175v
1sw4 crystal structure of prox from archeoglobus fulgidus in complex with trimethyl ammonium
1sw6 s. cerevisiae swi6 ankyrin-repeat fragment
1sw7 triosephosphate isomerase from gallus gallus, loop 6 mutant k174n, t175s, a176s
1swt core-streptavidin mutant d128a in complex with biotin at ph 4.5
1swv crystal structure of the d12a mutant of phosphonoacetaldehyde hydrolase complexed with magnesium
1sww crystal structure of the phosphonoacetaldehyde hydrolase d12a mutant complexed with magnesium and substrate phosphonoacetaldehyde
1sxa crystal structure of reduced bovine erythrocyte superoxide dismutase at 1.9 angstroms resolution
1sxb crystal structure of reduced bovine erythrocyte superoxide dismutase at 1.9 angstroms resolution
1sxc crystal structure of reduced bovine erythrocyte superoxide dismutase at 1.9 angstroms resolution
1sxh apo structure of b. megaterium transcription regulator
1sxn reduced bovine superoxide dismutase at ph 5.0
1sxr drosophila peptidoglycan recognition protein (pgrp)-sa
1sxs reduced bovine superoxide dismutase at ph 5.0 complexed with thiocyanate
1sxt staphylococcal enterotoxin type a (sea) co-crystallised with zinc
1sxz reduced bovine superoxide dismutase at ph 5.0 complexed with azide
1sy7 crystal structure of the catalase-1 from neurospora crassa, native structure at 1.75a resolution.
1sy9 structure of calmodulin complexed with a fragment of the olfactory cng channel
1syi x-ray structure of the y702f mutant of the glur2 ligand- binding core (s1s2j) in complex with (s)-cpw399 at 2.1 a resolution.
1syk crystal structure of e230q mutant of camp-dependent protein kinase reveals unexpected apoenzyme conformation
1sym 3-d solution structure of reduced apo-s100b from rat, nmr, 20 structures
1syn e. coli thymidylate synthase in complex with bw1843u89 and 2'-deoxyuridine 5'-monophosphate (dump)
1syo n-terminal 3 domains of ci-mpr bound to mannose 6-phosphate
1syq human vinculin head domain vh1, residues 1-258, in complex with human talin's vinculin binding site 1, residues 607-636
1sz0 n-terminal 3 domains of ci-mpr bound to mannose 6-phosphate
1sz2 crystal structure of e. coli glucokinase in complex with glucose
1sz3 crystal structure of nudix hydrolase dr1025 in complexed with gnp and mg+2
1sz6 mistletoe lectin i from viscum album. crystal structure at 2.05 a resolution
1szb crystal structure of the human mbl-associated protein 19 (map19)
1szc structural basis for nicotinamide cleavage and adp-ribose transfer by nad+-dependent sir2 histone/protein deacetylases
1szd structural basis for nicotinamide cleavage and adp-ribose transfer by nad+-dependent sir2 histone/protein deacetylases
1sze l230a mutant flavocytochrome b2 with benzoylformate
1szf a198g:l230a mutant flavocytochrome b2 with pyruvate bound
1szg a198g:l230a flavocytochrome b2 with sulfite bound
1szh crystal structure of c. elegans her-1
1szj structure of holo-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-dehydrogenase from palinurus versicolor refined 2.0 angstrom resolution
1szm dual binding mode of bisindolylmaleimide 2 to protein kinase a (pka)
1szq crystal structure of 2-methylcitrate dehydratase
1szw crystal structure of e. coli trna pseudouridine synthase trud
1szx role of hydrogen bonding in the active site of human manganese superoxide dismutase
1t01 vinculin complexed with the vbs1 helix from talin
1t02 crystal structure of a statin bound to class ii hmg-coa reductase
1t06 1.9 a crystal structure of a protein of unknown function from bacillus cereus atcc 14579
1t09 crystal structure of human cytosolic nadp(+)-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase in complex nadp
1t0h crystal structure of the rattus norvegicus voltage gated calcium channel beta subunit isoform 2a
1t0i ylr011wp, a saccharomyces cerevisiae na(d)ph-dependent fmn reductase
1t0p structural basis of icam recognition by integrin alpahlbeta2 revealed in the complex structure of binding domains of icam-3 and alphalbeta2 at 1.65 a
1t0u crystal structure of e.coli uridine phosphorylase at 2.2 a resolution (type-a native)
1t0z structure of an excitatory insect-specific toxin with an analgesic effect on mammalian from scorpion buthus martensii karsch
1t11 trigger factor
1t14 crystal structure of lush from drosophila melanogaster: apo protein
1t15 crystal structure of the brca1 brct domains in complex with the phosphorylated interacting region from bach1 helicase
1t16 crystal structure of the bacterial fatty acid transporter fadl from escherichia coli
1t1k nmr structure of human insulin mutant his-b10-asp, val-b12- ala, pro-b28-lys, lys-b29-pro, 15 structures
1t1l crystal structure of the long-chain fatty acid transporter fadl
1t1n crystal structure of carbonmonoxy hemoglobin
1t1p nmr structure of human insulin mutant his-b10-asp, val-b12- thr, pro-b28-lys, lys-b29-pro, 15 structures
1t1q nmr structure of human insulin mutant his-b10-asp, val-b12- aba, pro-b28-lys, lys-b29-pro, 15 structures
1t1r crystal structure of the reductoisomerase complexed with a bisphosphonate
1t1s crystal structure of the reductoisomerase complexed with a bisphosphonate
1t1v crystal structure of the glutaredoxin-like protein sh3bgrl3 at 1.6 a resolution
1t29 crystal structure of the brca1 brct repeats bound to a phosphorylated bach1 peptide
1t2b crystal structure of cytochrome p450cin complexed with its substrate 1,8-cineole
1t2h y81w mutant of rnase sa from streptomyces aureofaciens
1t2l three crystal structures of human coactosin-like protein
1t2q the crystal structure of an nna7 fab that recognizes an n-type blood group antigen
1t33 structural genomics, the crystal structure of a putative transcriptional repressor (tetr/acrr family) from salmonella typhimurim lt2
1t37 design of specific inhibitors of phospholipase a2: crystal structure of the complex formed between group i phospholipase a2 and a designed pentapeptide leu-ala-ile- tyr-ser at 2.6a resolution
1t3a crystal structure of clostridium botulinum neurotoxin type e catalytic domain
1t3c clostridium botulinum type e catalytic domain e212q mutant
1t3f three dimensional structure of a humanized anti-ifn-gamma fab (huzaf) in p21 21 21 space group
1t3g crystal structure of the toll/interleukin-1 receptor (tir) domain of human il-1rapl
1t3i structure of slr0077/sufs, the essential cysteine desulfurase from synechocystis pcc 6803
1t3l structural analysis of the voltage-dependent calcium channel beta subunit functional core in complex with alpha1 interaction domain
1t3r hiv protease wild-type in complex with tmc114 inhibitor
1t3w crystal structure of the e.coli dnag c-terminal domain (residues 434 to 581)
1t3z formyl-coa tranferase mutant asp169 to ser
1t44 structural basis of actin sequestration by thymosin-b4: implications for arp2/3 activation
1t47 structure of fe2-hppd bound to ntbc
1t4a structure of b. subtilis purs c2 crystal form
1t4b 1.6 angstrom structure of esherichia coli aspartate- semialdehyde dehydrogenase.
1t4c formyl-coa transferase in complex with oxalyl-coa
1t4e structure of human mdm2 in complex with a benzodiazepine inhibitor
1t4f structure of human mdm2 in complex with an optimized p53 peptide
1t4o crystal structure of rnt1p dsrbd
1t5b structural genomics, a protein from salmonella typhimurium similar to e. coli acyl carrier protein phosphodiesterase
1t5c crystal structure of the motor domain of human kinetochore protein cenp-e
1t5l crystal structure of the dna repair protein uvrb point mutant y96a revealing a novel fold for domain 2
1t5p human heme oxygenase oxidation of alpha- and gamma-meso- phenylhemes
1t5z crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain (lbd) with dht and a peptide derived from its physiological coactivator ara70
1t62 crystal structure of protein ef3133 from enterococcus faecalis v583, pfam duf984
1t63 crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain with dht and a peptide derived from its physiological coactivator grip1 nr box3
1t64 crystal structure of human hdac8 complexed with trichostatin a
1t65 crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain with dht and a peptide derived form its physiological coactivator grip1 nr box 2 bound in a non- helical conformation
1t6b crystal structure of b. anthracis protective antigen complexed with human anthrax toxin receptor
1t6f crystal structure of the coiled-coil dimerization motif of geminin
1t6j crystal structure of phenylalanine ammonia lyase from rhodosporidium toruloides
1t6m x-ray structure of the r70d pi-plc enzyme: insight into the role of calcium and surrounding amino acids on active site geometry and catalysis.
1t6n crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of human uap56
1t6s crystal structure of a conserved hypothetical protein from chlorobium tepidum
1t6t putative protein from aquifex aeolicus
1t6x crystal structure of adp bound tm379
1t6y crystal structure of adp, amp, and fmn bound tm379
1t6z crystal structure of riboflavin bound tm379
1t73 crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with a fxxff motif
1t74 crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with a wxxlf motif
1t76 crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with a wxxvw motif
1t79 crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with a fxxlw motif
1t7f crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with a lxxll motif
1t7h x-ray structure of [lys(-2)-arg(-1)-des(17-21)]-endothelin- 1 peptide
1t7i the structural and thermodynamic basis for the binding of tmc114, a next-generation hiv-1 protease inhibitor.
1t7j crystal structure of inhibitor amprenavir in complex with a multi-drug resistant variant of hiv-1 protease (l63p/v82t/i84v)
1t7k crystal structure of hiv protease complexed with arylsulfonamide azacyclic urea
1t7l crystal structure of cobalamin-independent methionine synthase from t. maritima
1t7m crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with a fxxyf motif
1t7r crystal structure of the androgen receptor ligand binding domain in complex with a fxxlf motif
1t7s structural genomics of caenorhabditis elegans: structure of bag-1 protein
1t86 crystal structure of the ferrous cytochrome p450cam mutant (l358p/c334a)
1t87 crystal structure of the ferrous co-bound cytochrome p450cam (c334a)
1t88 crystal structure of the ferrous cytochrome p450cam (c334a)
1t8p crystal structure of human erythrocyte 2,3- bisphosphoglycerate mutase
1t8t crystal structure of human 3-o-sulfotransferase-3 with bound pap
1t8u crystal structure of human 3-o-sulfotransferase-3 with bound pap and tetrasaccharide substrate
1t8x r106g kdo8ps with pep and a5p
1t92 crystal structure of n-terminal truncated pseudopilin pulg
1t94 crystal structure of the catalytic core of human dna polymerase kappa
1t96 r106g kdo8ps with pep
1t97 use of sequence duplication to engineer a ligand-triggered long-distance molecular switch in t4 lysosyme
1t98 crystal structure of mukf(1-287)
1t99 r106g kdo8ps without substrates
1t9a crystal structure of yeast acetohydroxyacid synthase in complex with a sulfonylurea herbicide, tribenuron methyl
1t9b crystal structure of yeast acetohydroxyacid synthase in complex with a sulfonylurea herbicide, chlorsulfuron
1t9c crystal structure of yeast acetohydroxyacid synthase in complex with a sulfonylurea herbicide, sulfometuron methyl
1t9m x-ray crystal structure of phzg from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1t9s catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 5a in complex with gmp
1ta2 crystal structure of thrombin in complex with compound 1
1ta3 crystal structure of xylanase (gh10) in complex with inhibitor (xip)
1ta6 crystal structure of thrombin in complex with compound 14b
1ta9 crystal structure of glycerol dehydrogenase from schizosaccharomyces pombe
1tab structure of the trypsin-binding domain of bowman-birk type protease inhibitor and its interaction with trypsin
1taf drosophila tbp associated factors dtafii42/dtafii62 heterotetramer
1tar crystalline mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase exists in only two conformations
1tas crystalline mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase exists in only two conformations
1tat crystalline mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase exists in only two conformations
1taw bovine trypsin complexed to appi
1tb5 catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4b in complex with amp
1tb7 catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4d in complex with amp
1tba solution structure of a tbp-tafii230 complex: protein mimicry of the minor groove surface of the tata box unwound by tbp, nmr, 25 structures
1tbb catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4d in complex with rolipram
1tbe structure of tetraubiquitin shows how multiubiquitin chains can be formed
1tbp crystal structure of yeast tata-binding protein and model for interaction with dna
1tbw ligand induced conformational shift in the n-terminal domain of grp94, open conformation
1tbx crystal structure of ssv1 f-93
1tc0 ligand induced conformational shifts in the n-terminal domain of grp94, open conformation complexed with the physiological partner atp
1tc1 a 1.4 angstrom crystal structure for the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase of trypanosoma cruzi
1tc2 ternary substrate complex of the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase from trypanosoma cruzi
1tc6 ligand induced conformational shift in the n-terminal domain of grp94, open conformation adp-complex
1tcb the sequence, crystal structure determination and refinement of two crystal forms of lipase b from candida antarctica
1tcc the sequence, crystal structure determination and refinement of two crystal forms of lipase b from candida antarctica
1tcd trypanosoma cruzi triosephosphate isomerase
1tce solution nmr structure of the shc sh2 domain complexed with a tyrosine-phosphorylated peptide from the t-cell receptor, minimized average structure
1tcm cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase w616a mutant from bacillus circulans strain 251
1tcr murine t-cell antigen receptor 2c clone
1tcw siv protease complexed with inhibitor sb203386
1tcx hiv triple mutant protease complexed with inhibitor sb203386
1td2 crystal structure of the pdxy protein from escherichia coli
1tdi crystal structure of hgsta3-3 in complex with glutathione
1tdq structural basis for the interactions between tenascins and the c-type lectin domains from lecticans: evidence for a cross-linking role for tenascins
1tdr expression, characterization, and crystallographic analysis of telluromethionyl dihydrofolate reductase
1tdu e. coli thymidylate synthase in complex with cb3717 and 2'- deoxyuridine (durd)
1tdv non-specific binding to phospholipase a2:crystal structure of the complex of pla2 with a designed peptide tyr-trp-ala- ala-ala-ala at 1.7a resolution
1te0 structural analysis of degs, a stress sensor of the bacterial periplasm
1te1 crystal structure of family 11 xylanase in complex with inhibitor (xip-i)
1te2 putative phosphatase ynic from escherichia coli k12
1te5 the 2.0 angstrom crystal structure of predicted glutamine amidotransferase from pseudomonas aeruginosa pa01
1te6 crystal structure of human neuron specific enolase at 1.8 angstrom
1tec crystallographic refinement by incorporation of molecular dynamics. the thermostable serine protease thermitase complexed with eglin-c
1tef crystal structure of the spinach plastocyanin mutants g8d/k30c/t69c and k30c/t69c- a study of the effect on crystal packing and thermostability from the introduction of a novel disulfide bond
1teg crystal structure of the spinach plastocyanin mutants g8d/k30c/t69c and k30c/t69c- a study of the effect on crystal packing and thermostability from the introduction of a novel disulfide bond
1teh structure of human liver chichi alcohol dehydrogenase (a glutathione- dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase)
1tej crystal structure of a disintegrin heterodimer at 1.9 a resolution.
1tel crystal structure of a rubisco-like protein from chlorobium tepidum
1tf0 crystal structure of the ga module complexed with human serum albumin
1tf4 endo/exocellulase from thermomonospora
1tfh extracellular domain of human tissue factor
1tfk ribonuclease from escherichia coli complexed with its inhibtor protein
1tfm crystal structure of a ribosome inactivating protein in its naturally inhibited form
1tfo ribonuclease from escherichia coli complexed with its inhibitor protein
1tfp transthyretin (formerly known as prealbumin)
1tg1 crystal structure of the complex formed between russells viper phospholipase a2 and a designed peptide inhibitor phq-leu-val-arg-tyr at 1.2a resolution
1tg4 design of specific inhibitors of groupii phospholipase a2(pla2): crystal structure of the complex formed between russells viper pla2 and designed peptide phe-leu-ala-tyr- lys at 1.7a resolution
1tgr crystal structure of mini-igf-1(2)
1tgs three-dimensional structure of the complex between pancreatic secretory inhibitor (kazal type) and trypsinogen at 1.8 angstroms resolution. structure solution, crystallographic refinement and preliminary structural interpretation
1tgv structure of e. coli uridine phosphorylase complexed with 5- fluorouridine and sulfate
1tgy structure of e. coli uridine phosphorylase complexed with uracil and ribose 1-phosphate
1tgz structure of human senp2 in complex with sumo-1
1th0 structure of human senp2
1th8 crystal structures of the adp and atp bound forms of the bacillus anti-sigma factor spoiiab in complex with the anti-anti-sigma spoiiaa: inhibitory complex with adp, crystal form ii
1tha mechanism of molecular recognition. structural aspects of 3, 3'-diiodo-l-thyronine binding to human serum transthyretin
1thc crystal structure determination at 2.3a of human transthyretin-3',5'- dibromo-2',4,4',6-tetra-hydroxyaurone complex
1the crystal structures of recombinant rat cathepsin b and a cathepsin b- inhibitor complex: implications for structure-based inhibitor design
1thp structure of human alpha-thrombin y225p mutant bound to d-phe-pro-arg- chloromethylketone
1tht structure of a myristoyl-acp-specific thioesterase from vibrio harveyi
1thz crystal structure of avian aicar transformylase in complex with a novel inhibitor identified by virtual ligand screening
1ti8 h7 haemagglutinin
1tic conformational lability of lipases observed in the absence of an oil-water interface: crystallographic studies of enzymes from the fungi humicola lanuginosa and rhizopus delemar
1tij 3d domain-swapped human cystatin c with amyloid-like intermolecular beta-sheets
1tim structure of triose phosphate isomerase from chicken muscle
1tip the bisphosphatase domain of the bifunctional rat liver 6- phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase
1tiq crystal structure of an acetyltransferase (paia) in complex with coa and dtt from bacillus subtilis, northeast structural genomics target sr64.
1tiy x-ray structure of guanine deaminase from bacillus subtilis northeast structural genomics consortium target sr160
1tj6 crystal structure of the xenopus tropicalis spred1 evh-1 domain
1tj7 structure determination and refinement at 2.44 a resolution of argininosuccinate lyase from e. coli
1tj9 structure of the complexed formed between group ii phospholipase a2 and a rationally designed tetra peptide, val-ala-arg-ser at 1.1a resolution
1tjc crystal structure of peptide-substrate-binding domain of human type i collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase
1tjf the crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of cap indicates variable oligomerisation
1tjk crystal structure of the complex formed between group ii phospholipase a2 with a designed pentapeptide, phe- leu- ser- thr- lys at 1.2 a resolution
1tjp crystal structure of wild-type tryptophan synthase complexed with 1- [(2-hydroxylphenyl)amino]3-glycerolphosphate
1tjr crystal structure of wild-type bx1 complexed with a sulfate ion
1tk2 crystal structure of the complex formed between alkaline proteinase savinase and gramicidin s at 1.5a resolution
1tk3 crystal structure of human apo dipeptidyl peptidase iv/cd26
1tk4 crystal structure of russells viper phospholipase a2 in complex with a specifically designed tetrapeptide ala-ile- arg-ser at 1.1 a resolution
1tka specificity of coenzyme binding in thiamin diphosphate dependent enzymes: crystal structures of yeast transketolase in complex with analogs of thiamin diphosphate
1tkb specificity of coenzyme binding in thiamin diphosphate dependent enzymes: crystal structures of yeast transketolase in complex with analogs of thiamin diphosphate
1tkc specificity of coenzyme binding in thiamin diphosphate dependent enzymes: crystal structures of yeast transketolase in complex with analogs of thiamin diphosphate
1tkl yeast oxygen-dependent coproporphyrinogen oxidase
1tkq solution structure of a linked unsymmetric gramicidin in a membrane- isoelectrical solvents mixture in the presence of cscl
1tkr human dipeptidyl peptidase iv/cd26 inhibited with diisopropyl fluorophosphate
1tks crystal structure of 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase of candida albicans
1tkt crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with gw426318
1tku crystal structure of 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase of candida albicans in complex with ribulose-5-phosphate
1tkv solution structure of t4 asia dimer
1tkw the transient complex of poplar plastocyanin with turnip cytochrome f determined with paramagnetic nmr
1tkx crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with gw490745
1tkz crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with gw429576
1tl1 crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with gw451211
1tl3 crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with gw450557
1tl9 high resolution crystal structure of calpain i protease core in complex with leupeptin
1tlc thymidylate synthase complexed with dgmp and folate analog 1843u89
1tlg structure of a tunicate c-type lectin complexed with d- galactose
1tlh t4 asia bound to sigma70 region 4
1tlj crystal structure of conserved protein of unknown function sso0622 from sulfolobus solfataricus
1tll crystal structure of rat neuronal nitric-oxide synthase reductase module at 2.3 a resolution.
1tlm structural aspects of inotropic bipyridine binding: crystal structure determination to 1.9 angstroms of the human serum transthyretin-milrinone complex
1tls thymidylate synthase ternary complex with fdump and methylenetetrahydrofolate
1tlt crystal structure of a putative oxidoreductase (virulence factor mvim homolog)
1tlu crystal structure of thermotoga maritima s- adenosylmethionine decarboxylase
1tlw tsx structure complexed with thymidine
1tly tsx structure
1tlz tsx structure complexed with uridine
1tm0 crystal structure of the putative proline racemase from brucella melitensis, northeast structural genomics target lr31
1tm1 crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2
1tm3 crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 m59k mutant
1tm4 crystal structure of the complex of subtilsin bpn'with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 m59g mutant
1tm5 crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 m59a mutant
1tm7 crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 m59y mutant
1tmg crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 m59f mutant
1tmi structure of thermotoga maritima s63a non-processing mutant s-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase
1tmk yeast thymidylate kinase complexed with thymidine monophosphate (dtmp)
1tmm crystal structure of ternary complex of e.coli hppk(w89a) with mgampcpp and 6-hydroxymethylpterin
1tmq structure of tenebrio molitor larval alpha-amylase in complex with ragi bifunctional inhibitor
1tmx crystal structure of hydroxyquinol 1,2-dioxygenase from nocardioides simplex 3e
1tmz tmzip: a chimeric peptide model of the n-terminus of alpha tropomyosin, nmr, 15 structures
1tn0 structure of bacterorhodopsin mutant a51p
1tn5 structure of bacterorhodopsin mutant k41p
1tnr crystal structure of the soluble human 55 kd tnf receptor- human tnf-beta complex: implications for tnf receptor activation
1to1 crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 y61a mutant
1to2 crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 m59k, in ph 9 cryosoak
1to6 glycerate kinase from neisseria meningitidis (serogroup a)
1to9 crystal structure of thi-4 protein from bacillus subtilis
1toa periplasmic zinc binding protein troa from treponema pallidum
1tog hydrocinnamic acid-bound structure of srhept + a293d mutant of e. coli aspartate aminotransferase
1tok maleic acid-bound structure of srhept mutant of e. coli aspartate aminotransferase
1tox diphtheria toxin dimer complexed with nad
1tp2 crystal structure of the complex of group ii phospholipasea2 dimer with a fatty acid tridecanoic acid at 2.4 a resolution
1tp3 pdz3 domain of psd-95 protein complexed with kketpv peptide ligand
1tp5 crystal structure of pdz3 domain of psd-95 protein complexed with a peptide ligand kketwv
1tpa the geometry of the reactive site and of the peptide groups in trypsin, trypsinogen and its complexes with inhibitors
1tpb offset of a catalytic lesion by a bound water soluble
1tpc offset of a catalytic lesion by a bound water soluble
1tpf comparison of the structures and the crystal contacts of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase in four different crystal forms
1tph 1.8 angstroms crystal structure of wild type chicken triosephosphate isomerase-phosphoglycolohydroxamate complex
1tpl the three-dimensional structure of tyrosine phenol-lyase
1tps atomic structure of the trypsin-a90720a complex: a unified approach to structure and function
1tpu s96p change is a second-site suppressor for h95n sluggish mutant triosephosphate isomerase
1tpv s96p change is a second-site suppressor for h95n sluggish mutant triosephosphate isomerase
1tpw triosephosphate isomerase drinks water to keep healthy
1tpz crystal structure of iigp1: a paradigm for interferon inducible p47 resistance gtpases
1tq2 crystal structure of iigp1: a paradigm for interferon inducible p47 resistance gtpases
1tq7 crystal structure of the anticoagulant thrombin mutant w215a/e217a bound to ppack
1tq9 non-covalent swapped dimer of bovine seminal ribonuclease in complex with 2'-deoxycytidine-2'-deoxyadenosine-3',5'- monophosphate
1tqd crystal structure of iigp1: a paradigm for interferon inducible p47 resistance gtpases
1tr2 crystal structure of human full-length vinculin (residues 1- 1066)
1tr7 fimh adhesin receptor binding domain from uropathogenic e. coli
1tr8 crystal structure of archaeal nascent polypeptide-associated complex (aenac)
1trd the influence of crystal packing on crystallographic binding studies: a new crystal form of trypanosomal tim
1tre the structure of triosephosphate isomerase from escherichia coli determined at 2.6 angstrom resolution
1trk refined structure of transketolase from saccharomyces cerevisiae at 2.0 angstroms resolution
1trl nmr solution structure of the c-terminal fragment 255-316 of thermolysin: a dimer formed by subunits having the native structure
1trm the three-dimensional structure of asn102 mutant of trypsin. role of asp102 in serine protease catalysis
1trn crystal structure of human trypsin 1: unexpected phosphorylation of tyrosine 151
1trp x-ray crystallographic and calorimeric studies of the effects of the mutation trp 59 tyr in ribonuclease t1
1trq x-ray crystallographic and calorimeric studies of the effects of the mutation trp 59 tyr in ribonuclease t1
1ts4 q139k mutant of toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 from s. aureus
1ts5 i140t mutant of toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 from s. aureus
1tsd thymidylate synthase complex with 2'-deoxyuridine 5'- monophosphate (dump) and folate analog 1843u89
1tsh tertiary structures of three amyloidogenic transthyretin variants and implications for amyloid fibril formation
1tt1 crystal structure of the glur6 ligand binding core in complex with kainate 1.93 a resolution
1tt4 structure of np459575, a predicted glutathione synthase from salmonella typhimurium
1tt6 the orthorhombic crystal structure of transthyretin in complex with diethylstilbestrol
1tta the x-ray crystal structure refinements of normal human transthyretin and the amyloidogenic val30met variant to 1.7 angstroms resolution
1ttb the x-ray crystal structure refinements of normal human transthyretin and the amyloidogenic val30met variant to 1.7 angstroms resolution
1ttc the x-ray crystal structure refinements of normal human transthyretin and the amyloidogenic val30met variant to 1.7 angstroms resolution
1ttp tryptophan synthase (e.c. in the presence of cesium, room temperature
1ttq tryptophan synthase (e.c. in the presence of potassium at room temperature
1ttr transthyretin-v/122/i cardiomyopathic mutant
1ttw crystal structure of the yersinia pestis type iii secretion chaperone sych in complex with a stable fragment of yscm2
1tu1 crystal structure of protein of unknown function pa94 from pseudomonas aeruginosa, putative regulator
1tu2 the complex of nostoc cytochrome f and plastocyanin determin with paramagnetic nmr. based on the structures of cytochrome f and plastocyanin, 10 structures
1tu5 crystal structure of bovine plasma copper-containing amine oxidase
1tu6 cathepsin k complexed with a ketoamide inhibitor
1tu7 structure of onchocerca volvulus pi-class glutathione s-transferase
1tub tubulin alpha-beta dimer, electron diffraction
1tuf crystal structure of diaminopimelate decarboxylase from m. jannaschi
1tuu acetate kinase crystallized with atpgs
1tuy acetate kinase complexed with adp, alf3 and acetate
1tv6 hiv-1 reverse transcriptase complexed with cp-94,707
1tv7 structure of the s-adenosylmethionine dependent enzyme moaa
1tv8 structure of moaa in complex with s-adenosylmethionine
1tvd variable domain of t cell receptor delta chain
1tve homoserine dehydrogenase in complex with 4-(4-hydroxy-3- isopropylphenylthio)-2-isopropylphenol
1tvf crystal structure of penicillin-binding protein 4 (pbp4) from staphylococcus aureus
1tvk the binding mode of epothilone a on a,b-tubulin by electron crystallography
1tvn cellulase cel5g from pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis, a family gh 5-2 enzyme
1tvp endoglucanase cel5g from pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis in complex with cellobiose
1tvr hiv-1 rt/9-cl tibo
1tvy beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase mutant met344his (m344h-gal- t1) complex with udp-galactose and manganese
1tw0 native crystal structure of spe16
1tw1 beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase mutant met344his (m344h-gal- t1) complex with udp-galactose and magnesium
1tw2 crystal structure of carminomycin-4-o-methyltransferase (dnrk) in complex with s-adenosyl-l-homocystein (sah) and 4-methoxy-e-rhodomycin t (m-et)
1tw3 crystal structure of carminomycin-4-o-methyltransferase (dnrk) in complex with s-adenosyl-l-homocystein (sah) and 4-methoxy-e-rhodomycin t (m-et)
1tw4 crystal structure of chicken liver basic fatty acid binding protein (bile acid binding protein) complexed with cholic acid
1tw5 beta1,4-galactosyltransferase mutant m344h-gal-t1 in complex with chitobiose
1tw7 wide open 1.3a structure of a multi-drug resistant hiv-1 protease represents a novel drug target
1twd crystal structure of the putative copper homeostasis protein (cutc) from shigella flexneri, northeast structural genomics target sfr33
1twn crystal structures of ferrous and ferrous-no forms of verdoheme in a complex with human heme oxygenase-1: catalytic implications for heme cleavage
1twq crystal structure of the c-terminal pgn-binding domain of human pgrp- ialpha in complex with pgn analog muramyl tripeptide
1twr crystal structures of ferrous and ferrous-no forms of verdoheme in a complex with human heme oxygenase-1: catalytic implications for heme cleavage
1tws dihydropteroate synthetase from bacillus anthracis
1tww dihydropteroate synthetase, with bound substrate analogue ptpp, from bacillus anthracis
1twz dihydropteroate synthetase, with bound substrate analogue ptp, from bacillus anthracis
1tx0 dihydropteroate synthetase, with bound product analogue pteroic acid, from bacillus anthracis
1tx2 dihydropteroate synthetase, with bound inhibitor manic, from bacillus anthracis
1tx4 rho/rhogap/gdp(dot)alf4 complex
1tx9 gpd prior to capsid assembly
1txc complex crystal structure of spe16 with ans
1txg structure of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from archaeoglobus fulgidus
1txk crystal structure of escherichia coli opgg
1txn crystal structure of coproporphyrinogen iii oxidase
1txq crystal structure of the eb1 c-terminal domain complexed with the cap-gly domain of p150glued
1txy e. coli prib
1ty9 x-ray crystal structure of phzg from pseudomonas fluorescens
1tyo isocitrate dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophile aeropyrum pernix in complex with etheno-nadp
1typ substrate interactions between trypanothione reductase and n1-glutathionylspermidine disulphide at 0.28-nm resolution
1tyr transthyretin complex with retinoic acid
1tyt crystal and molecular structure of crithidia fasciculata trypanothione reductase at 2.6 angstroms resolution
1tyy crystal structure of aminoimidazole riboside kinase from salmonella enterica
1tz3 crystal structure of aminoimidazole riboside kinase complexed with aminoimidazole riboside
1tz6 crystal structure of aminoimidazole riboside kinase from salmonella enterica complexed with aminoimidazole riboside and atp analog
1tz9 crystal structure of the putative mannonate dehydratase from enterococcus faecalis, northeast structural genomics target efr41
1tza x-ray structure of northeast structural genomics consortium target sor45
1tzb crystal structure of native phosphoglucose/phosphomannose isomerase from pyrobaculum aerophilum
1tzc crystal structure of phosphoglucose/phosphomannose isomerase from pyrobaculum aerophilum in complex with 5-phosphoarabinonate
1tzd crystal structure of the catalytic core of inositol 1,4,5- trisphosphate 3-kinase
1tze signal transduction adaptor growth factor, grb2 sh2 domain complexed with phosphotyrosyl heptapeptide lys-pro-phe-ptyr-val-asn-val-nh2 (kfppyvnc-nh2)
1tzp mepa, inactive form without zn in p21
1tzt t. maritima nusb, p21
1tzx t. maritima nusb, p3221
1tzz crystal structure of the protein l1841, unknown member of enolase superfamily from bradyrhizobium japonicum
1u00 hsca substrate binding domain complexed with the iscu recognition peptide elppvkihc
1u05 crystal structure of protein yfih from shigella flexneri, pfam duf152
1u07 crystal structure of the 92-residue c-term. part of tonb with significant structural changes compared to shorter fragments
1u08 crystal structure and reactivity of ybdl from escherichia coli identify a methionine aminotransferase function.
1u0e crystal structure of mouse phosphoglucose isomerase
1u0f crystal structure of mouse phosphoglucose isomerase in complex with glucose 6-phosphate
1u0g crystal structure of mouse phosphoglucose isomerase in complex with erythrose 4-phosphate
1u0i iaal-e3/k3 heterodimer
1u0k the structure of a predicted epimerase pa4716 from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1u0m crystal structure of 1,3,6,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene synthase (thns) from streptomyces coelicolor a3(2): a bacterial type iii polyketide synthase (pks) provides insights into enzymatic control of reactive polyketide intermediates
1u0q structure of a llama vhh domain raised against a carbazole molecule
1u0s chemotaxis kinase chea p2 domain in complex with response regulator chey from the thermophile thermotoga maritima
1u0t crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis nad kinase
1u0v an aldol switch discovered in stilbene synthases mediates cyclization of specificity of type iii polyketide synthases: 18xchs structure
1u0z n-domain of grp94 lacking the charged domain in complex with radicicol
1u11 pure (n5-carboxyaminoimidazole ribonucleotide mutase) from the acidophile acetobacter aceti
1u12 m. loti cyclic nucleotide binding domain mutant
1u17 1.7 a crystal structure of h60c mutant of nitrophorin i. heme complexed with two molecules imidazole
1u18 1.96 a crystal structure of h60c mutant of nitrophorin complexed with histamine
1u19 crystal structure of bovine rhodopsin at 2.2 angstroms resolution
1u1b structure of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease a in complex with 3'-phosphothymidine (3'-5')-pyrophosphate adenosine 3'-phosphate
1u1w structure and function of phenazine-biosynthesis protein phzf from pseudomonas fluorescens 2-79
1u1x structure and function of phenazine-biosynthesis protein phzf from pseudomonas fluorescens 2-79
1u20 crystal structure of xenopus laevis nudix hydrolase nuclear snorna decapping protein x29
1u21 transthyretin with tethered inhibitor on one monomer.
1u24 crystal structure of selenomonas ruminantium phytase
1u26 crystal structure of selenomonas ruminantium phytase complexed with persulfated phytate
1u2l crystal structure of the c-terminal domain from the catalase-peroxidase katg of escherichia coli (p1)
1u2o crystal structure of the n-domain of grp94 lacking the charged domain in complex with neca
1u2u nmr solution structure of a designed heterodimeric leucine zipper
1u2x crystal structure of a hypothetical adp-dependent phosphofructokinase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
1u31 recombinant human heart transhydrogenase diii bound with nadph
1u38 auto-inhibition mechanism of x11s/mints family scaffold proteins revealed by the closed conformation of the tandem pdz domains
1u3f structural and functional characterization of a 5,10- methenyltetrahydrofolate synthetase from mycoplasma pneumoniae (gi: 13508087)
1u3t crystal structure of human alcohol dehydrogenase alpha- alpha isoform complexed with n-cyclopentyl-n- cyclobutylformamide determined to 2.5 angstrom resolution
1u3u crystal structure of human alcohol dehydrogenase beta-1- beta-1 isoform complexed with n-benzylformamide determined to 1.6 angstrom resolution
1u3v crystal structure of human alcohol dehydrogenase beta-1- beta-1 isoform complexed with n-heptylformamide determined to 1.65 angstrom resolution
1u3w crystal structure of human alcohol dehydrogenase gamma-2- gamma-2 isoform complexed with n-1-methylheptylformamide determined to 1.45 angstrom resolution
1u46 crystal structure of the unphosphorylated kinase domain of the tyrosine kinase ack1
1u4c structure of spindle checkpoint protein bub3
1u4d structure of the ack1 kinase domain bound to debromohymenialdisine
1u4h crystal structure of an oxygen binding h-nox domain related to soluble guanylate cyclases (oxygen complex)
1u4j crystal structure of a carbohydrate induced dimer of group i phospholipase a2 from bungarus caeruleus at 2.1 a resolution
1u4l human rantes complexed to heparin-derived disaccharide i-s
1u4m human rantes complexed to heparin-derived disaccharide iii-s
1u4p crystal structure of human rantes mutant k45e
1u4q crystal structure of repeats 15, 16 and 17 of chicken brain alpha spectrin
1u54 crystal structures of the phosphorylated and unphosphorylated kinase domains of the cdc42-associated tyrosine kinase ack1 bound to amp-pcp
1u55 crystal structure of an oxygen binding h-nox domain related to soluble guanylate cyclases (oxygen complex)
1u56 crystal structure of an oxygen binding h-nox domain related to soluble guanylate cyclases (water-ligated, ferric form)
1u58 crystal structure of the murine cytomegalovirus mhc-i homolog m144
1u5b crystal structure of the human mitochondrial branched-chain alpha- ketoacid dehydrogenase
1u5e crystal structure of a n-terminal fragment of skap-hom containing both the helical dimerization domain and the ph domain
1u5i crystal structure analysis of rat m-calpain mutant lys10 thr
1u5k recombinational repair protein reco
1u5o structure of the d23a mutant of the nuclear transport carrier ntf2
1u5q crystal structure of the tao2 kinase domain: activation and specifity of a ste20p map3k
1u5r crystal structure of the tao2 kinase domain: activation and specifity of a ste20p map3k
1u5s nmr structure of the complex between nck-2 sh3 domain and pinch-1 lim4 domain
1u5u the structure of an allene oxide synthase reveals a novel use for a catalase fold
1u6a crystal structure of the broadly neutralizing anti-hiv fab f105
1u6e 1.85 angstrom crystal structure of the c112a mutant of mycobacterium tuberculosis beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase iii (fabh)
1u6h vinculin head (0-258) in complex with the talin vinculin binding site 2 (849-879)
1u6l crystal structure of protein pa1353 from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1u6r transition state analog complex of muscle creatine kinase (r134k) mutant
1u6s crystal structure of the complex between mycobacterium tuberculosis beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase iii and lauroyl coenzyme a
1u6z structure of an e. coli exopolyphosphatase: insight into the processive hydrolysis of polyphosphate and its regulation
1u73 crystal structure of a dimeric acidic platelet aggregation inhibitor and hypotensive phospholipase a2 from bothrops jararacussu
1u7b crystal structure of hpcna bound to residues 331-350 of the flap endonuclease-1 (fen1)
1u7d crystal structure of apo m. jannashii tyrosyl-trna synthetase
1u7h structure and a proposed mechanism for ornithine cyclodeaminase from pseudomonas putida
1u7i crystal structure of protein of unknown function pa1358 from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1u7j solution structure of a diiron protein model
1u7m solution structure of a diiron protein model: due ferri(ii) turn mutant
1u7n crystal structure of the fatty acid/phospholipid synthesis protein plsx from enterococcus faecalis v583
1u7x crystal structure of a mutant m. jannashii tyrosyl-trna synthetase specific for o-methyl-tyrosine
1u88 crystal structure of the 26 kda glutathione s-transferase y7f mutant from schistosoma japonicum complexed with s- octyl glutathione
1u8c a novel adaptation of the integrin psi domain revealed from its crystal structure
1u8e human dipeptidyl peptidase iv/cd26 mutant y547f
1u8s crystal structure of putative glycine cleavage system transcriptional repressor
1u8y crystal structures of ral-gppnhp and ral-gdp reveal two novel binding sites that are also present in ras and rap
1u8z crystal structures of ral-gppnhp and ral-gdp reveal two novel binding sites that are also present in ras and rap
1u90 crystal structures of ral-gppnhp and ral-gdp reveal two novel binding sites that are also present in ras and rap
1u9d structure of protein of unknown function from vibrio cholerae o1 biovar eltor str. n16961
1u9g heterocyclic peptide backbone modification in gcn4-pli based coiled coils: replacement of k(8)l(9)
1u9h heterocyclic peptide backbone modification in gcn4-pli based coiled coils: replacement of e(22)l(23)
1u9k crystal structure of mouse triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 1 (trem-1) at 1.76
1u9o crystal structure of the transcriptional regulator ethr in a ligand bound conformation
1uan crystal structure of the conserved protein tt1542 from thermus thermophilus hb8
1uaq the crystal structure of yeast cytosine deaminase
1uax crystal structure of the ribonuclease h2 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
1uay crystal structure of type ii 3-hydroxyacyl-coa dehydrogenase from thermus thermophilus hb8
1uaz crystal structure of archaerhodopsin-1
1ubh three-dimensional structure of the carbon monoxide complex of [nife]hydrogenase from desulufovibrio vulgaris miyazaki f
1ubj three-dimensional structure of the carbon monoxide complex of [nife]hydrogenase from desulufovibrio vulgaris miyazaki f
1ubk three-dimensional structure of the carbon monoxide complex of [nife]hydrogenase from desulufovibrio vulgaris miyazaki f
1ubl three-dimensional structure of the carbon monoxide complex of [nife]hydrogenase from desulufovibrio vulgaris miyazaki f
1ubm three-dimensional structure of the carbon monoxide complex of [nife]hydrogenase from desulufovibrio vulgaris miyazaki f
1ubo three-dimensional structure of the carbon monoxide complex of [nife]hydrogenase from desulufovibrio vulgaris miyazaki f
1ubr three-dimensional structure of the carbon monoxide complex of [nife]hydrogenase from desulufovibrio vulgaris miyazaki f
1ubs tryptophan synthase (e.c. with a mutation of lys 87->thr in the b subunit and in the presence of ligand l-serine
1ubt three-dimensional structure of the carbon monoxide complex of [nife]hydrogenase from desulufovibrio vulgaris miyazaki f
1ubu three-dimensional structure of the carbon monoxide complex of [nife]hydrogenase from desulufovibrio vulgaris miyazaki f
1uc2 hypothetical extein protein of ph1602 from pyrococcus horikoshii
1uc7 crystal structure of dsbdgamma
1uc8 crystal structure of a lysine biosynthesis enzyme, lysx, from thermus thermophilus hb8
1uc9 crystal structure of a lysine biosynthesis enzyme, lysx, from thermus thermophilus hb8
1ucb structure of uncomplexed fab compared to complex (1cly, 1clz)
1ucf the crystal structure of dj-1, a protein related to male fertility and parkinson's disease
1ucg crystal structure of ribonuclease mc1 n71t mutant
1uci mutants of rnase sa
1ucj mutants of rnase sa
1uck mutants of rnase sa
1ucl mutants of rnase sa
1uco hen egg-white lysozyme, low humidity form
1ucr three-dimensional crystal structure of dissimilatory sulfite reductase d (dsrd)
1ucw complex of transaldolase with the reduced schiff-base intermediate
1udi nucleotide mimicry in the crystal structure of the uracil- dna glycosylase-uracil glycosylase inhibitor protein complex
1udu crystal structure of human phosphodiesterase 5 complexed with tadalafil(cialis)
1udv crystal structure of the hyperthermophilic archaeal dna-binding protein sso10b2 at 1.85 a
1udw crystal structure of human uridine-cytidine kinase 2 complexed with a feedback-inhibitor, ctp
1ue1 crystal structure of the single-stranded dna-binding protein from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1ue5 crystal structure of the single-stranded dna-binding protein from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1ueb crystal structure of translation elongation factor p from thermus thermophilus hb8
1ued crystal structure of oxyc a cytochrome p450 implicated in an oxidative c-c coupling reaction during vancomycin biosynthesis.
1ueh e. coli undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with triton x- 100, magnesium and sulfate
1uei crystal structure of human uridine-cytidine kinase 2 complexed with a feedback-inhibitor, utp
1uej crystal structure of human uridine-cytidine kinase 2 complexed with a substrate, cytidine
1uel solution structure of ubiquitin-like domain of hhr23b complexed with ubiquitin-interacting motif of proteasome subunit s5a
1uf4 crystal structure of c171a/v236a mutant of n-carbamyl-d- amino acid amidohydrolase
1uf5 crystal structure of c171a/v236a mutant of n-carbamyl-d- amino acid amidohydrolase complexed with n-carbamyl-d- methionine
1uf7 crystal structure of c171a/v236a mutant of n-carbamyl-d- amino acid amidohydrolase complexed with n-carbamyl-d- valine
1uf8 crystal structure of c171a/v236a mutant of n-carbamyl-d- amino acid amidohydrolase complexed with n-carbamyl-d- phenylalanine
1ufh structure of putative acetyltransferase, yycn protein of bacillus subtilis
1ufv crystal structure of pantothenate synthetase from thermus thermophilus hb8
1ug3 c-terminal portion of human eif4gi
1ugh crystal structure of human uracil-dna glycosylase in complex with a protein inhibitor: protein mimicry of dna
1ugp crystal structure of co-type nitrile hydratase complexed with n-butyric acid
1ugq crystal structure of apoenzyme of co-type nitrile hydratase
1ugr crystal structure of at109s mutant of co-type nitrile hydratase
1ugs crystal structure of ay114t mutant of co-type nitrile hydratase
1ugx crystal structure of jacalin- me-alpha-t-antigen (gal-beta(1-3)- galnac-alpha-o-me) complex
1uh5 crystal structure of enoyl-acp reductase with triclosan at 2.2angstroms
1uhd crystal structure of aspartate decarboxylase, pyruvoly group bound form
1uhe crystal structure of aspartate decarboxylase, isoaspargine complex
1uhh crystal structure of cp-aequorin
1uhi crystal structure of i-aequorin
1uhj crystal structure of br-aequorin
1uhk crystal structure of n-aequorin
1ui5 crystal structure of gamma-butyrolactone receptor (arpa like protein)
1ui6 crystal structure of gamma-butyrolactone receptor (arpa-like protein)
1ui7 site-directed mutagenesis of his433 involved in binding of copper ion in arthrobacter globiformis amine oxidase
1ui8 site-directed mutagenesis of his592 involved in binding of copper ion in arthrobacter globiformis amine oxidase
1uii crystal structure of geminin coiled-coil domain
1uim crystal structure of threonine synthase from thermus thermophilus hb8, orthorhombic crystal form
1uin crystal structure of threonine synthase from thermus thermophilus hb8, trigonal crystal form
1uir crystal structure of polyamine aminopropyltransfease from thermus thermophilus
1uis the 2.0 crystal structure of eqfp611, a far-red fluorescent protein from the sea anemone entacmaea quadricolor
1uiu crystal structures of the liganded and unliganded nickel binding protein nika from escherichia coli (nickel unliganded form)
1uiv crystal structures of the liganded and unliganded nickel binding protein nika from escherichia coli (nickel liganded form)
1uix coiled-coil structure of the rhoa-binding domain in rho- kinase
1uj0 crystal structure of stam2 sh3 domain in complex with a ubpy-derived peptide
1uj1 crystal structure of sars coronavirus main proteinase (3clpro)
1uj2 crystal structure of human uridine-cytidine kinase 2 complexed with products, cmp and adp
1ujm crystal structure of aldehyde reductase 2 from sporobolomyces salmonicolor aku4429
1ujn crystal structure of dehydroquinate synthase from thermus thermophilus hb8
1ujw structure of the complex between btub and colicin e3 receptor binding domain
1ujz crystal structure of the e7_c/im7_c complex; a computationally designed interface between the colicin e7 dnase and the im7 immunity protein
1uk0 crystal structure of catalytic domain of human poly(adp- ribose) polymerase with a novel inhibitor
1uk1 crystal structure of human poly(adp-ribose) polymerase complexed with a potent inhibitor
1uk2 crystal structure of sars coronavirus main proteinase (3clpro) at ph8.0
1uk3 crystal structure of sars coronavirus main proteinase (3clpro) at ph7.6
1ukc crystal structure of aspergillus niger esta
1ukg pterocarps angolensis lectin pal in complex with methyl- alpha-mannose
1ukh structural basis for the selective inhibition of jnk1 by the scaffolding protein jip1 and sp600125
1uki structural basis for the selective inhibition of jnk1 by the scaffolding protein jip1 and sp600125
1ukk structure of osmotically inducible protein c from thermus thermophilus
1ukm crystal structure of ems16, an antagonist of collagen receptor integrin alpha2beta1 (gpia/iia)
1ukq crystal structure of cyclodextrin glucanotransferase complexed with a pseudo-maltotetraose derived from acarbose
1uks crystal structure of f183l/f259l mutant cyclodextrin glucanotransferase complexed with a pseudo-maltotetraose derived from acarbose
1ukt crystal structure of y100l mutant cyclodextrin glucanotransferase compexed with an acarbose
1ukv structure of rabgdp-dissociation inhibitor in complex with prenylated ypt1 gtpase
1ukw crystal structure of medium-chain acyl-coa dehydrogenase from thermus thermophilus hb8
1ul9 cgl2 ligandfree
1ulc cgl2 in complex with lactose
1ule cgl2 in complex with linear b2 trisaccharide
1ulf cgl2 in complex with blood group a tetrasaccharide
1ulh a short peptide insertion crucial for angiostatic activity of human tryptophanyl-trna synthetase
1ulk crystal structure of pokeweed lectin-c
1ulm crystal structure of pokeweed lectin-d2 complexed with tri-n- acetylchitotriose
1ult crystal structure of tt0168 from thermus thermophilus hb8
1um4 catalytic antibody 21h3 with hapten
1um5 catalytic antibody 21h3 with alcohol substrate
1um6 catalytic antibody 21h3
1umj crystal structure of pyrococcus horikoshii cuta in the presence of 3m guanidine hydrochloride
1umo the crystal structure of cytoglobin: the fourth globin type discovered in man
1umu structure determination of umud' by mad phasing of the selenomethionyl protein
1umz xyloglucan endotransglycosylase in complex with the xyloglucan nonasaccharide xllg.
1un1 xyloglucan endotransglycosylase native structure.
1un8 crystal structure of the dihydroxyacetone kinase of c. freundii (native form)
1un9 crystal structure of the dihydroxyacetone kinase from c. freundii in complex with amp-pnp and mg2+
1una unassembled virus coat protein dimer, bacteriophage rna- binding dimer
1uno crystal structure of a d,l-alternating peptide
1unt structure based engineering of internal molecular surfaces of four helix bundles
1unu structure based engineering of internal molecular surfaces of four helix bundles
1unv structure based engineering of internal molecular surfaces of four helix bundles
1unw structure based engineering of internal molecular surfaces of four helix bundles
1unx structure based engineering of internal molecular surfaces of four helix bundles
1uny structure based engineering of internal molecular surfaces of four helix bundles
1unz structure based engineering of internal molecular surfaces of four helix bundles
1uo0 structure based engineering of internal molecular surfaces of four helix bundles
1uo1 structure based engineering of internal molecular surfaces of four helix bundles
1uo2 structure based engineering of internal molecular surfaces of four helix bundles
1uo3 structure based engineering of internal molecular surfaces of four helix bundles
1uo4 structure based engineering of internal molecular surfaces of four helix bundles
1uo5 structure based engineering of internal molecular surfaces of four helix bundles
1uoc x-ray structure of the rnase domain of the yeast pop2 protein
1uod crystal structure of the dihydroxyacetone kinase from e. coli in complex with dihydroxyacetone-phosphate
1uoe crystal structure of the dihydroxyacetone kinase from e. coli in complex with glyceraldehyde
1uol crystal structure of the human p53 core domain mutant m133l/v203a/n239y/n268d at 1.9 a resolution.
1uoo prolyl oligopeptidase from porcine brain, s554a mutant with bound peptide ligand gly-phe-arg-pro
1uop prolyl oligopeptidase from porcine brain, s554a mutant with bound peptide ligand gly-phe-glu-pro
1uoq prolyl oligopeptidase from porcine brain, s554a mutant with bound peptide ligand glu-phe-ser-pro
1up5 chicken calmodulin
1upg crystal structure of the quorum-sensing protein tram from agrobacterium tumefaciens
1upk crystal structure of mo25 in complex with a c-terminal peptide of strad
1upl crystal structure of mo25 alpha
1ups glcnac[alpha]1-4gal releasing endo-[beta]-galactosidase from clostridium perfringens
1upx the crystal structure of the hybrid cluster protein from desulfovibrio desulfuricans containing molecules in the oxidized and reduced states.
1uqs the crystal structure of human cd1b with a bound bacterial glycolipid
1uqt trehalose-6-phosphate from e. coli bound with udp-2-fluoro glucose.
1uqu trehalose-6-phosphate from e. coli bound with udp-glucose.
1ur0 the structure of endo-beta-1,4-galactanase from bacillus licheniformis in complex with two oligosaccharide products.
1ur4 the structure of endo-beta-1,4-galactanase from bacillus licheniformis in complex with two oligosaccharide products.
1ur5 stabilization of a tetrameric malate dehydrogenase by introduction of a disulfide bridge at the dimer/dimer interface
1ur6 nmr based structural model of the ubch5b-cnot4 complex
1ur8 interactions of a family 18 chitinase with the designed inhibitor hm508, and its degradation product, chitobiono-delta-lactone
1ur9 interactions of a family 18 chitinase with the designed inhibitor hm508, and its degradation product, chitobiono-delta-lactone
1ura alkaline phosphatase (d51zn)
1urb alkaline phosphatase (n51mg)
1urd x-ray structures of the maltose-maltodextrin binding protein of the thermoacidophilic bacterium alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius provide insight into acid stability of proteins
1uri azurin mutant with met 121 replaced by gln
1urj single stranded dna-binding protein(icp8) from herpes simplex virus-1
1url n-terminal domain of sialoadhesin (mouse) in complex with glycopeptide
1urs x-ray structures of the maltose-maltodextrin binding protein of the thermoacidophilic bacterium alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius
1urv crystal structure of cytoglobin: the fourth globin type discovered in man displays heme hexa-coordination
1ury cytoglobin cavities
1us1 crystal structure of human vascular adhesion protein-1
1us6 crystal structure of the quorum-sensing protein tram from agrobacterium tumefaciens at 1.65 ang. resolution
1us7 complex of hsp90 and p50
1us8 the rad50 signature motif: essential to atp binding and biological function
1usb rational design of a novel enzyme - efficient thioester hydrolysis enabled by the incorporation of a single his residue into human glutathione transferase a1-1
1usc putative styrene monooxygenase small component
1usf putative styrene monooxygenase small component with bound nadp+
1usi l-leucine-binding protein with phenylalanine bound
1uso dcoh, a bifunctional protein-binding transcriptional coactivator, pro9leu mutant
1usp organic hydroperoxide resistance protein from deinococcus radiodurans
1usr newcastle disease virus hemagglutinin-neuraminidase: evidence for a second sialic acid binding site and implications for fusion
1usu the structure of the complex between aha1 and hsp90
1ut0 crystal structure of cytoglobin: the fourth globin type discovered in man displays heme hexa-coordination
1ut4 structure of the conserved domain of anac, a member of the nac family of transcription factors
1ut5 divalent metal ions (manganese) bound to t5 5'-exonuclease
1ut7 structure of the conserved domain of anac, a member of the nac family of transcription factors
1ut8 divalent metal ions (zinc) bound to t5 5'-exonuclease
1utb dntr from burkholderia sp. strain dnt
1uth dntr from burkholderia sp. strain dnt in complex with thiocyanate
1uti mona/gads sh3c in complex with hpk derived peptide
1utr uteroglobin-pcb complex (reduced form)
1utu crystal structure of novel protein emsy truncate
1utx regulation of cytolysin expression by enterococcus faecalis: role of cylr2
1uty crystal structure of the rna binding domain of bluetongue virus non-structural protein 2(ns2)
1utz crystal structure of mmp-12 complexed to (2r)-3-({[4-[(pyri din-4-yl)phenyl]-thien-2-yl}carboxamido)(phenyl)propanoic acid
1uu2 histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase (hisc) from thermotoga maritima (apo-form)
1uuh hyaluronan binding domain of human cd44
1uun main porin from mycobacteria smegmatis (mspa)
1uuv naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase with nitric oxide and indole bound in the active site.
1uuw naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase with nitric oxide bound in the active site.
1uv7 periplasmic domain of epsm from vibrio cholerae
1uvc lipid binding in rice nonspecific lipid transfer protein-1 complexes from oryza sativa
1uvs bovine thrombin--bm51.1011 complex
1uvt bovine thrombin--bm14.1248 complex
1uvu bovine thrombin--bm12.1700 complex
1uwb tyr 181 cys hiv-1 rt/8-cl tibo
1uwc feruloyl esterase from aspergillus niger
1uwh the complex of wild type b-raf and bay439006
1uwj the complex of mutant v599e b-raf and bay439006
1uwk the high resolution structure of urocanate hydratase from pseudomonas putida in complex with urocanate
1uwl 1.76a structure of urocanate hydratase from pseudomonas putida
1uwo calcium form of human s100b, nmr, 20 structures
1uwq structure of beta-glycosidase from sulfolobus solfataricus
1uwr structure of beta-glycosidase from sulfolobus solfataricus in complex with 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-galactose
1uws structure of beta-glycosidase from sulfolobus solfataricus in complex with 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-glucose
1uwt structure of beta-glycosidase from sulfolobus solfataricus in complex with d-galactohydroximo-1,5-lactam
1uwu structure of beta-glycosidase from sulfolobus solfataricus in complex with d-glucohydroximo-1,5-lactam
1uww x-ray crystal structure of a non-crystalline cellulose specific carbohydrate-binding module: cbm28.
1uwz bacillus subtilis cytidine deaminase with an arg56 - ala substitution
1ux0 bacillus subtilis cytidine deaminase with an arg56 - gln substitution
1ux4 crystal structures of a formin homology-2 domain reveal a tethered-dimer architecture
1ux9 mapping protein matrix cavities in human cytoglobin through xe atom binding: a crystallographic investigation
1uxg large improvement in the thermal stability of a tetrameric malate dehydrogenase by single point mutations at the dimer-dimer interface.
1uxh large improvement in the thermal stability of a tetrameric malate dehydrogenase by single point mutations at the dimer-dimer interface
1uxi large improvement in the thermal stability of a tetrameric malate dehydrogenase by single point mutations at the dimer-dimer interface
1uxj large improvement in the thermal stability of a tetrameric malate dehydrogenase by single point mutations at the dimer-dimer interface
1uxk large improvement in the thermal stability of a tetrameric malate dehydrogenase by single point mutations at the dimer-dimer interface
1uxz carbohydrate binding module (cbm6cm-2) from cellvibrio mixtus lichenase 5a
1uy0 carbohydrate binding module (cbm6cm-2) from cellvibrio mixtus lichenase 5a in complex with glc-1,3-glc-1,4-glc-1,3-glc
1uyr acetyl-coa carboxylase carboxyltransferase domain in complex with inhibitor diclofop
1uyu xenon complex of wildtype p450cam from pseudomonas putida
1uyx carbohydrate binding module (cbm6cm-2) from cellvibrio mixtus lichenase 5a in complex with cellobiose
1uyy carbohydrate binding module (cbm6cm-2) from cellvibrio mixtus lichenase 5a in complex with cellotriose
1uyz carbohydrate binding module (cbm6cm-2) from cellvibrio mixtus lichenase 5a in complex with xylotetraose
1uz1 family 1 b-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima in complex with isofagomine lactam
1uz3 crystal structure of novel protein emsy
1uz9 crystallographic and solution studies of n-lithocholyl insulin: a new generation of prolonged-acting insulins.
1uza crystallographic structure of a feruloyl esterase from aspergillus niger
1uzb 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase
1uzg crystal structure of the dengue type 3 virus envelope protein
1uzi c3 exoenzyme from clostridium botulinum, tetragonal form
1uzl maba from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1uzm maba from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1uzn maba from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1uzx a complex of the vps23 uev with ubiquitin
1uzy erythrina crystagalli lectin
1v08 crystal structure of the zea maze beta-glucosidase-1 in complex with gluco-tetrazole
1v0o structure of p. falciparum pfpk5-indirubin-5-sulphonate ligand complex
1v0p structure of p. falciparum pfpk5-purvalanol b ligand complex
1v11 crosstalk between cofactor binding and the phosphorylation loop conformation in the bckd machine
1v13 crystal structure of the mutant his103ala of the colicin e9 dnase domain in complex with zn+2 (2.0 angstroms)
1v16 crosstalk between cofactor binding and the phosphorylation loop conformation in the bckd machine
1v18 the crystal structure of beta-catenin armadillo repeat complexed with a phosphorylated apc 20mer repeat.
1v19 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate kinase from thermus thermophilus
1v1a 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate kinase from thermus thermophilus with bound 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate and adp
1v1m crosstalk between cofactor binding and the phosphorylation loop conformation in the bckd machine
1v1o staphylococcal superantigen-like protein 7
1v1p the structure ssl from staphylococcus aureus from an orthorhombic crystal form
1v1q crystal structure of prib- a primosomal dna replication protein of escherichia coli
1v1r crosstalk between cofactor binding and the phosphorylation loop conformation in the bckd machine
1v25 crystal structure of tt0168 from thermus thermophilus hb8
1v26 crystal structure of tt0168 from thermus thermophilus hb8
1v29 crystal structure of nitrile hydratase from a thermophile bacillus smithii
1v2b crystal structure of psbp protein in the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem ii from higher plants
1v2e crystal structure of hb8 glutamine aminotransferase complex with a-keto-g-methylthiobutyrate
1v2f crystal structure of hb8 glutamine aminotransferase complex with 3-phenylpropionate
1v2i structure of the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase from human parainfluenza virus type iii
1v35 crystal structure of eoyl-acp reductase with nadh
1v37 crystal structure of phosphoglycerate mutase from thermus thermophilus hb8
1v3b structure of the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase from human parainfluenza virus type iii
1v3c structure of the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase from human parainfluenza virus type iii: complex with neu5ac
1v3d structure of the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase from human parainfluenza virus type iii: complex with neu5ac2en
1v3e structure of the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase from human parainfluenza virus type iii: complex with zanamavir
1v3j crystal structure of f283l mutant cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase
1v3k crystal structure of f283y mutant cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase
1v3l crystal structure of f283l mutant cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase complexed with a pseudo-tetraose derived from acarbose
1v3m crystal structure of f283y mutant cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase complexed with a pseudo-tetraose derived from acarbose
1v3t crystal structure of leukotriene b4 12- hydroxydehydrogenase/15-oxo-prostaglandin 13-reductase
1v3u crystal structure of leukotriene b4 12- hydroxydehydrogenase/15-oxo-prostaglandin 13-reductase in apo form
1v3v crystal structure of leukotriene b4 12- hydroxydehydrogenase/15-oxo-prostaglandin 13-reductase complexed with nadp and 15-oxo-pge2
1v3x factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 1-[6-methyl-4,5,6,7- tetrahydrothiazolo(5,4-c)pyridin-2-yl] carbonyl-2- carbamoyl-4-(6-chloronaphth-2-ylsulphonyl)piperazine
1v3z crystal structure of acylphosphatase from pyrococcus horikoshii
1v47 crystal structure of atp sulfurylase from thermus thermophillus hb8 in complex with aps
1v4e crystal structure of octaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase from hyperthermophilic thermotoga maritima
1v4j crystal structure of octaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase from hyperthermophilic thermotoga maritima v73y mutant
1v4v crystal structure of udp-n-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase from thermus thermophilus hb8
1v53 the crystal structure of 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase from bacillus coagulans
1v57 crystal structure of the disulfide bond isomerase dsbg
1v58 crystal structure of the reduced protein disulfide bond isomerase dsbg
1v59 crystal structure of yeast lipoamide dehydrogenase complexed with nad+
1v5i crystal structure of serine protease inhibitor poia1 in complex with subtilisin bpn'
1v5v crystal structure of a component of glycine cleavage system: t-protein from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 at 1.5 a resolution
1v5w crystal structure of the human dmc1 protein
1v5x crystal structure of phosphoribosyl anthranilate isomerase from thermus thermophilus
1v5y binding of coumarins to nad(p)h:fmn oxidoreductase
1v5z binding of coumarins to nad(p)h:fmn oxidoreductase
1v6a crystal structure of l-lactate dehydrogenase from cyprinus carpio
1v6c crystal structure of psychrophilic subtilisin-like protease apa1 from antarctic psychrotroph pseudoalteromonas sp. as-11
1v6d the crystal structure of the trypsin complex with synthetic heterochiral peptide
1v6p crystal structure of cobrotoxin
1v6s crystal structure of phosphoglycerate kinase from thermus thermophilus hb8
1v6u crystal structure of xylanase from streptomyces olivaceoviridis e-86 complexed with 2(2)-alpha-l- arabinofuranosyl-xylobiose
1v6v crystal structure of xylanase from streptomyces olivaceoviridis e-86 complexed with 3(2)-alpha-l- arabinofuranosyl-xylotriose
1v6w crystal structure of xylanase from streptomyces olivaceoviridis e-86 complexed with 2(2)-4-o-methyl-alpha- d-glucuronosyl-xylobiose
1v6x crystal structure of xylanase from streptomyces olivaceoviridis e-86 complexed with 3(3)-4-o-methyl-alpha- d-glucuronosyl-xylotriose
1v6z crystal structure of tt1573 from thermus thermophilus
1v74 ribonuclease-inhibitor complex
1v75 crystal structure of hemoglobin d from the aldabra giant tortoise (geochelone gigantea) at 2.0 a resolution
1v76 crystal structure of archaeal ribonuclease p protein ph1771p from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
1v7l structure of 3-isopropylmalate isomerase small subunit from pyrococcus horikoshii
1v7o alanyl-trna synthetase editing domain homologue protein from pyrococcus horikoshii
1v7t triclinic lysozyme with low solvent content obtained by phase transition
1v7u crystal structure of undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase with farnesyl pyrophosphate
1v7y crystal structure of tryptophan synthase alpha-subunit from escherichia coli at room temperature
1v82 crystal structure of human glcat-p apo form
1v83 crystal structure of human glcat-p in complex with udp and mn2+
1v84 crystal structure of human glcat-p in complex with n- acetyllactosamine, udp, and mn2+
1v8f crystal structure of pantoate-beta-alanine (pantothenate synthetase) from thermus thermophilus hb8
1v8g crystal structure of anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase (trpd) from thermus thermophilus hb8
1v8h crystal structure of tt0351 protein from thermus thermophilus hb8
1v94 crystal structure of isocitrate dehydrogenase from aeropyrum pernix
1v96 crystal structure of hypothetical protein of unknown function from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
1v97 crystal structure of bovine milk xanthine dehydrogenase fyx-051 bound form
1v98 crystal structure analysis of thioredoxin from thermus thermophilus
1v9a crystal structure of uroporphyrin-iii c-methyl transferase from thermus thermophilus complexed with s-adenyl homocysteine
1v9c crystal analysis of precorrin-8x methyl mutase from thermus thermophilus
1v9k the crystal structure of the catalytic domain of pseudouridine synthase rluc from escherichia coli
1v9y crystal structure of the heme pas sensor domain of ec dos (ferric form)
1v9z crystal structure of the heme pas sensor domain of ec dos (ferrous form)
1va0 crystal structure of the native form of uroporphyrin iii c-methyl transferase from thermus thermophilus
1va5 antigen 85c with octylthioglucoside in active site
1va6 crystal structure of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase from escherichia coli b complexed with transition-state analogue
1vaf inducible nitric oxide synthase oxygenase domain complexed with the inhibitor ar-r17477
1vao structure of the octameric flavoenzyme vanillyl-alcohol oxidase
1vap the monomeric asp49 secretory phospholipase a2 from the venom of agkistridon piscivorus piscivorus
1var mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase variant with ile 58 replaced by thr
1vav crystal structure of alginate lyase pa1167 from pseudomonas aeruginosa at 2.0 a resolution
1vb5 crystal structure analysis of the pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 translation initiation factor eif-2b
1vb6 crystal structure of the heme pas sensor domain of ec dos (oxygen- bound form)
1vb9 crystal structure of thermoactinomyces vulgaris r-47 alpha- amylase ii (tva ii) complexed with transglycosylated product
1vbj the crystal structure of prostaglandin f synthase from trypanosoma brucei
1vbk crystal structure of ph1313 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
1vbm crystal structure of the escherichia coli tyrosyl-trna synthetase complexed with tyr-ams
1vbn escherichia coli tyrosyl-trna synthetase mutant complexed with tyr-ams
1vbp crystal structure of artocarpin-mannopentose complex
1vbr crystal structure of complex xylanase 10b from thermotoga maritima with xylobiose
1vbs structure of cyclophilin complexed with (d)ala containing tetrapeptide
1vbu crystal structure of native xylanase 10b from thermotoga maritima
1vc1 crystal structure of the tm1442 protein from thermotoga maritima, a homolog of the bacillus subtilis general stress response anti-anti-sigma factor rsbv
1vc3 crystal structure of l-aspartate-alpha-decarboxylase
1vc4 crystal structure of indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase (trpc) from thermus thermophilus at 1.8 a resolution
1vc8 crystal structure of a t.thermophilus hb8 ap6a hydrolase ndx1-ap6a complex
1vc9 crystal structure of a t.thermophilus hb8 ap6a hydrolase e50q mutant- mg2+-atp complex
1vca crystal structure of an integrin-binding fragment of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 at 1.8 angstroms resolution
1vcd crystal structure of a t.thermophilus hb8 ap6a hydrolase ndx1
1vce crystal structure of project id ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
1vcf crystal structure of ipp isomerase at i422
1vcl crystal structure of hemolytic lectin cel-iii
1vcq semliki forest virus capsid protein (crystal form ii)
1vcu structure of the human cytosolic sialidase neu2 in complex with the inhibitor dana
1vcv structure of 2-deoxyribose-5-phosphate aldolase from pyrobaculum aerophilum
1vde pi-scei, a homing endonuclease with protein splicing activity
1vdg crystal structure of lir1.01, one of the alleles of lir1
1vdk crystal structure of fumarase from thermus thermophilus hb8
1vdn crystal structure of yeast cyclophilin a complexed with ace-ala-ala- pro-ala-7-amino-4-methylcoumarin
1vdp the crystal structure of the monoclinic form of hen egg white lysozyme at 1.7 angstroms resolution in space
1vdr dihydrofolate reductase
1vdv bovine milk xanthine dehydrogenase y-700 bound form
1vdw a hypothetical protein ph1897 from pyrococcus horikoshii with similarities for inositol-1 monophosphatase
1ve2 crystal structure of uroporphyrin-iii-c-methyltransferase from thermus thermophilus
1ve3 crystal structure of ph0226 protein from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
1ve6 crystal structure of an acylpeptide hydrolase/esterase from aeropyrum pernix k1
1ve7 crystal structure of an acylpeptide hydrolase/esterase from aeropyrum pernix k1 in complex with p-nitrophenyl phosphate
1ve9 porcine kidney d-amino acid oxidase
1vea crystal structure of hutp, an rna binding antitermination protein
1veb crystal structure of protein kinase a in complex with azepane derivative 5
1vec crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of rck/p54, a human dead-box protein
1vef acetylornithine aminotransferase from thermus thermophilus hb8
1ves structure of new antigen receptor variable domain from sharks
1vet crystal structure of p14/mp1 at 1.9 a resolution
1veu crystal structure of the p14/mp1 complex at 2.15 a resolution
1vf2 cgsta1-1 in complex with s-hexyl-glutathione
1vf3 cgsta1-1 in complex with glutathione conjugate of cdnb
1vfa bound water molecules and conformational stabilization help mediate an antigen-antibody association
1vfm crystal structure of thermoactinomyces vulgaris r-47 alpha- amylase 2/alpha-cyclodextrin complex
1vfo crystal structure of thermoactinomyces vulgaris r-47 alpha- amylase 2/beta-cyclodextrin complex
1vfp crystal structure of the sr ca2+-atpase with bound amppcp
1vfr the major nad(p)h:fmn oxidoreductase from vibrio fischeri
1vfs crystal structure of d-cycloserine-bound form of alanine racemase from d-cycloserine-producing streptomyces lavendulae
1vft crystal structure of l-cycloserine-bound form of alanine racemase from d-cycloserine-producing streptomyces lavendulae
1vfu crystal structure of thermoactinomyces vulgaris r-47 amylase 2/gamma-cyclodextrin complex
1vg0 the crystal structures of the rep-1 protein in complex with monoprenylated rab7 protein
1vg4 crystal structure of octaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase from hyperthermophilic thermotoga maritima f132a/l128a mutant
1vge tr1.9 fab fragment of a human igg1 kappa autoantibody
1vgf volvatoxin a2 (diamond crystal form)
1vgm crystal structure of an isozyme of citrate synthase from sulfolbus tokodaii strain7
1vgn structure-based design of the irreversible inhibitors to metallo--lactamase (imp-1)
1vgo crystal structure of archaerhodopsin-2
1vgq formyl-coa transferase mutant asp169 to ala
1vgr formyl-coa transferase mutant asp169 to glu
1vgt crystal structure of 4-diphosphocytidyl-2c-methyl-d-erythritol synthase
1vgu crystal structure of 4-diphosphocytidyl-2c-methyl-d- erythritol synthase
1vgx crystal structure of a autoinducer-2 synthesis protein
1vgy crystal structure of succinyl diaminopimelate desuccinylase
1vgz crystal structure of 4-diphosphocytidyl-2c-methyl-d-erythritol synthase
1vh4 crystal structure of a stabilizer of iron transporter
1vh5 crystal structure of a putative thioesterase
1vh6 crystal structure of a flagellar protein
1vh9 crystal structure of a putative thioesterase
1vhb bacterial dimeric hemoglobin from vitreoscilla stercoraria
1vhd crystal structure of an iron containing alcohol dehydrogenase
1vhg crystal structure of adp compounds hydrolase
1vhi epstein barr virus nuclear antigen-1 dna-binding domain, residues 470-607
1vhm crystal structure of an hypothetical protein
1vhq crystal structure of enhancing lycopene biosynthesis protein 2
1vhr human vh1-related dual-specificity phosphatase
1vhs crystal structure of a putative phosphinothricin n- acetyltransferase
1vhv crystal structure of diphthine synthase
1vhx crystal structure of putative holliday junction resolvase
1vhy crystal structure of haemophilus influenzae protein hi0303, pfam duf558
1vhz crystal structure of adp compounds hydrolase
1vi0 crystal structure of a transcriptional regulator
1vi2 crystal structure of shikimate-5-dehydrogenase with nad
1via crystal structure of shikimate kinase
1vic crystal structure of cmp-kdo synthetase
1vij hiv-1 protease complexed with the inhibitor hoe/bay 793 hexagonal form
1vik hiv-1 protease complexed with the inhibitor hoe/bay 793 orthorhombic form
1vio crystal structure of pseudouridylate synthase
1viv crystal structure of a hypothetical protein
1viw tenebrio molitor alpha-amylase-inhibitor complex
1vix crystal structure of a putative peptidase t
1viz crystal structure of an hypothetical protein
1vj2 crystal structure of a novel family of manganese-containing cupin (tm1459) from thermotoga maritima at 1.65 a resolution
1vj6 pdz2 from ptp-bl in complex with the c-terminal ligand from the apc protein
1vj7 crystal structure of the bifunctional catalytic fragment of relseq, the rela/spot homolog from streptococcus equisimilis.
1vjb crystal structure of the ligand-binding domain of the estrogen-related receptor gamma in complex with 4- hydroxytamoxifen
1vje crystal structure of a autoinducer-2 synthesis protein with bound selenomethionine
1vjh crystal structure of gene product of at1g24000 from arabidopsis thaliana
1vjl crystal structure of a duf151 family protein (tm0160) from thermotoga maritima at 1.90 a resolution
1vjn crystal structure of a putative zn-dependent hydrolase of the metallo- beta-lactamase superfamily (tm0207) from thermotoga maritima at 2.00 a resolution
1vjq designed protein based on backbone conformation of procarboxypeptidase-a (1aye) with sidechains chosen for maximal predicted stability.
1vju coproporphyrinogen iii oxidase from leishmania major
1vka southeast collaboratory for structural genomics: hypothetical human protein q15691 n-terminal fragment
1vkc putative acetyl transferase from pyrococcus furiosus
1vkg crystal structure of human hdac8 complexed with cra-19156
1vkh crystal structure of a putative serine hydrolase (ydr428c) from saccharomyces cerevisiae at 1.85 a resolution
1vki crystal structure of a putative oligo-nucleotide binding protein (atu3699, agr_l_2275) from agrobacterium tumefaciens str. c58 at 1.60 a resolution
1vkl rabbit muscle phosphoglucomutase
1vkp x-ray structure of gene product from arabidopsis thaliana at5g08170, agmatine iminohydrolase
1vkt human insulin two disulfide model, nmr, 10 structures
1vky crystal structure of s-adenosylmethionine trna ribosyltransferase (tm0574) from thermotoga maritima at 2.00 a resolution
1vkz crystal structure of phosphoribosylamine--glycine ligase (tm1250) from thermotoga maritima at 2.30 a resolution
1vl3 design of new mimochromes with unique topology
1vl4 crystal structure of a putative modulator of a dna gyrase (tm0727) from thermotoga maritima msb8 at 1.95 a resolution
1vl7 crystal structure of a putative heme oxygenase (alr5027) from nostoc sp. pcc 7120 at 1.50 a resolution
1vl8 crystal structure of gluconate 5-dehydrogenase (tm0441) from thermotoga maritima at 2.07 a resolution
1vlj crystal structure of nadh-dependent butanol dehydrogenase a (tm0820) from thermotoga maritima at 1.78 a resolution
1vll crystal structure of alanine dehydrogenase (af1665) from archaeoglobus fulgidus at 2.80 a resolution
1vlm crystal structure of sam-dependent methyltransferase, possible histamine n-methyltransferase (tm1293) from thermotoga maritima at 2.20 a resolution
1vlr crystal structure of mrna decapping enzyme (dcps) from mus musculus at 1.83 a resolution
1vlt ligand binding domain of the wild-type aspartate receptor with aspartate
1vlz uncoupled phosphorylation and activation in bacterial chemotaxis: the 2.1 angstrom structure of a threonine to isoleucine mutant at position 87 of chey
1vm0 x-ray structure of gene product from arabidopsis thaliana at2g34160
1vm7 crystal structure of ribokinase (tm0960) from thermotoga maritima at 2.15 a resolution
1vm8 crystal structure of udp-n-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase (agx2) from mus musculus at 2.50 a resolution
1vma crystal structure of cell division protein ftsy (tm0570) from thermotoga maritima at 1.60 a resolution
1vmd crystal structure of methylglyoxal synthase (tm1185) from thermotoga maritima at 2.06 a resolution
1vme crystal structure of flavoprotein (tm0755) from thermotoga maritima at 1.80 a resolution
1vmo crystal structure of vitelline membrane outer layer protein i (vmo-i): a folding motif with homologous greek key structures related by an internal three-fold symmetry
1vok arabidopsis thaliana tbp (dimer)
1vp2 crystal structure of a putative xanthosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase/ham1 protein homolog (tm0159) from thermotoga maritima at 1.78 a resolution
1vp4 crystal structure of a putative aminotransferase (tm1131) from thermotoga maritima msb8 at 1.82 a resolution
1vp5 crystal structure of 2,5-diketo-d-gluconic acid reductase (tm1009) from thermotoga maritima at 2.40 a resolution
1vp6 m.loti ion channel cylic nucleotide binding domain
1vpa crystal structure of 2-c-methyl-d-erythritol 4-phosphate cytidylyltransferase (tm1393) from thermotoga maritima at 2.67 a resolution
1vpo crystal structure analysis of the anti-testosterone fab in complex with testosterone
1vpv crystal structure of a degv lipid binding protein (tm1468) from thermotoga maritima at 2.45 a resolution
1vpz crystal structure of a putative carbon storage regulator protein (csra, pa0905) from pseudomonas aeruginosa at 2.05 a resolution
1vq0 crystal structure of 33 kda chaperonin (heat shock protein 33 homolog) (hsp33) (tm1394) from thermotoga maritima at 2.20 a resolution
1vq1 crystal structure of n5-glutamine methyltransferase, hemk(ec 2.1.1.-) (tm0488) from thermotoga maritima at 2.80 a resolution
1vqq structure of penicillin binding protein 2a from methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus strain 27r at 1.80 a resolution.
1vqu crystal structure of anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase 2 (17130499) from nostoc sp. at 1.85 a resolution
1vqv crystal structure of thiamine monophosphate kinase (thil) from aquifex aeolicus
1vqw crystal structure of a protein with similarity to flavin- containing monooxygenases and to mammalian dimethylalanine monooxygenases
1vr5 crystal structure of oligopeptide abc transporter, periplasmic oligopeptide-binding (tm1223) from thermotoga maritima at 1.73 a resolution
1vr7 crystal structure of s-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase proenzyme (tm0655) from thermotoga maritima at 1.2 a resolution
1vr9 crystal structure of a cbs domain pair/act domain protein (tm0892) from thermotoga maritima at 1.70 a resolution
1vra crystal structure of arginine biosynthesis bifunctional protein argj (10175521) from bacillus halodurans at 2.00 a resolution
1vrd crystal structure of inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase (tm1347) from thermotoga maritima at 2.18 a resolution
1vrk the 1.9 angstrom structure of e84k-calmodulin rs20 peptide complex
1vrp the 2.1 structure of t. californica creatine kinase complexed with the transition-state analogue complex, adp- mg 2+ /no3-/creatine
1vrt high resolution structures of hiv-1 rt from four rt- inhibitor complexes
1vru high resolution structures of hiv-1 rt from four rt- inhibitor complexes
1vrw crystal structure analysis of plasmodium falciparum enoyl- acyl-carrier-protein reductase with nadh
1vrx endocellulase e1 from acidothermus cellulolyticus mutant y245g
1vs0 crystal structure of the ligase domain from m. tuberculosis ligd at 2.4a
1vs3 crystal structure of the trna pseudouridine synthase trua from thermus thermophilus hb8
1vsc vcam-1
1vsg 2.9 angstroms resolution structure of the n-terminal domain of a variant surface glycoprotein from trypanosoma brucei
1vwb streptavidin-cyclo-ac-[chpqfc]-nh2, ph 11.8
1vwc streptavidin-cyclo-ac-[chpqfc]-nh2, ph 2.0
1vwd streptavidin-cyclo-ac-[chpqfc]-nh2, ph 3.0
1vwe streptavidin-cyclo-ac-[chpqfc]-nh2, ph 3.6
1vwf streptavidin complexed with cyclo-ac-[chpqgppc]-nh2 monomer, ph 3.67
1vwg streptavidin complexed with the head-to-tail disulfide-bonded peptide dimer of cyclo-ac-[chpqgppc]-nh2, ph 2.5
1vwh streptavidin complexed with the head-to-tail disulfide- bonded peptide dimer of cyclo-ac-[chpqgppc]-nh2, ph 3.5
1vwm streptavidin-cyclo-ac-[chpqfc]-nh2, ph 4.2
1vwn streptavidin-cyclo-ac-[chpqfc]-nh2, ph 4.8
1vwo streptavidin complexed with cyclo-ac-[chpqgppc]-nh2 monomer, ph 2.85
1vwp streptavidin complexed with cyclo-ac-[chpqgppc]-nh2 monomer, ph 2.5
1vwq streptavidin-cyclo-[5-s-valeramide-hpqgppc]k-nh2, ph 2.5, i4122 complex
1vwr streptavidin-cyclo-[5-s-valeramide-hpqgppc]k-nh2, ph 3.5, i4122 complex
1vyb endonuclease domain of human line1 orf2p
1vyd crystal structure of cytochrome c2 mutant g95e
1vyo crystal structure of avidin
1vyu beta3 subunit of voltage-gated ca2+-channel
1vyv beta4 subunit of ca2+ channel
1vz4 fe-succinate complex of atsk
1vz6 ornithine acetyltransferase (orf6 gene product - clavulanic acid biosynthesis) from streptomyces clavuligerus
1vzg structure of superoxide reductase bound to ferrocyanide and active site expansion upon x-ray induced photoreduction
1vzh structure of superoxide reductase bound to ferrocyanide and active site expansion upon x-ray induced photoreduction
1vzi structure of superoxide reductase bound to ferrocyanide and active site expansion upon x-ray induced photoreduction
1vzt roles of individual residues of alpha-1,3 galactosyltransferases in substrate binding and catalysis
1vzu roles of active site tryptophans in substrate binding and catalysis by alpha-1,3 galactosyltransferase
1vzx roles of active site tryptophans in substrate binding and catalysis by alpha-1,3 galactosyltransferase
1vzy crystal structure of the bacillus subtilis hsp33
1vzz crystal structure of mutant enzyme y32f/d103l of ketosteroid isomerase from pseudomonas putida biotype b
1w00 crystal structure of mutant enzyme d103l of ketosteroid isomerase from pseudomonas putida biotype b
1w01 crystal structure of mutant enzyme y57f/d103l of ketosteroid isomerase from pseudomonas putida biotype b
1w07 arabidopsis thaliana acyl-coa oxidase 1
1w0i arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrial kas
1w0r solution structure of dimeric form of properdin by x-ray solution scattering and analytical ultracentrifugation
1w17 structure of bacillus subtilis pdaa, a family 4 carbohydrate esterase.
1w18 crystal structure of levansucrase from gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus
1w1a structure of bacillus subtilis pdaa in complex with nag, a family 4 carbohydrate esterase.
1w1b structure of bacillus subtilis pdaa with cadmium, a family 4 carbohydrate esterase.
1w1j structure of the octameric flavoenzyme vanillyl-alcohol oxidase: the505ser mutant
1w1k structure of the octameric flavoenzyme vanillyl-alcohol oxidase: ile238thr mutant
1w1l structure of the octameric flavoenzyme vanillyl-alcohol oxidase: phe454tyr mutant
1w1m structure of the octameric flavoenzyme vanillyl-alcohol oxidase: glu502gly mutant
1w1p crystal structure of s. marcescens chitinase b in complex with the cyclic dipeptide inhibitor cyclo-(gly-l-pro) at 2.1 a resolution
1w1t crystal structure of s. marcescens chitinase b in complex with the cyclic dipeptide inhibitor cyclo-(his-l-pro) at 1.9 a resolution
1w1u inactive urocanase-sa cocrystallized with urocanate
1w1v crystal structure of s. marcescens chitinase b in complex with the cyclic dipeptide inhibitor cyclo-(l-arg-l-pro) at 1.85 a resolution
1w1y crystal structure of s. marcescens chitinase b in complex with the cyclic dipeptide inhibitor cyclo-(l-tyr-l-pro) at 1.85 a resolution
1w1z structure of the plant like 5-amino laevulinic acid dehydratase from chlorobium vibrioforme
1w22 crystal structure of inhibited human hdac8
1w23 crystal structure of phosphoserine aminotransferase from bacillus alcalophilus
1w25 response regulator pled in complex with c-digmp
1w26 trigger factor in complex with the ribosome forms a molecular cradle for nascent proteins
1w27 phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (pal) from petroselinum crispum
1w2c human inositol (1,4,5) trisphosphate 3-kinase complexed with mn2+/amppnp/ins(1,4,5)p3
1w2d human inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate 3-kinase complexed with mn2+/adp/ins(1,3,4,5)p4
1w2e the crystal structure of the bacterial cell division protein zapa
1w2f human inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate 3-kinase substituted with selenomethionine
1w2g crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis thymidylate kinase complexed with deoxythymidine (dt) (2.1 a resolution)
1w2h crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis thymidylate kinase complexed with azidothymidine monophosphate (azt-mp) (2.0 a resolution)
1w2i crystal structuore of acylphosphatase from pyrococcus horikoshii complexed with formate
1w2p the 3-dimensional structure of a xylanase (xyn10a) from cellvibrio japonicus
1w2s solution structure of cr2 scr 1-2 in its complex with c3d by x-ray scattering
1w2v the 3-dimensional structure of a thermostable mutant of a xylanase (xyn10a) from cellvibrio japonicus
1w2y the crystal structure of a complex of campylobacter jejuni dutpase with substrate analogue dupnhp
1w30 pyrr of mycobacterium tuberculosis as a potential drug target
1w32 the 3-dimensional structure of a thermostable mutant of a xylanase (xyn10a) from cellvibrio japonicus
1w33 bbcrasp-1 from borrelia burgdorferi
1w3b the superhelical tpr domain of o-linked glcnac transferase reveals structural similarities to importin alpha.
1w3h the 3-dimensional structure of a thermostable mutant of a xylanase (xyn10a) from cellvibrio japonicus
1w3j family 1 b-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima in complex with tetrahydrooxazine
1w3s the crystal structure of reco from deinococcus radiodurans.
1w3z semet derivative of bbcrasp-1 from borrelia burgdorferi
1w4n agao covalent complex with tranylcypromine
1w4o binding of nonnatural 3'-nucleotides to ribonuclease a
1w4p binding of nonnatural 3'-nucleotides to ribonuclease a
1w4q binding of nonnatural 3'-nucleotides to ribonuclease a
1w4z structure of actinorhodin polyketide (actiii) reductase
1w54 stepwise introduction of a zinc binding site into porphobilinogen synthase from pseudomonas aeruginosa (mutation d139c)
1w56 stepwise introduction of zinc binding site into porphobilinogen synthase of pseudomonas aeruginosa (mutations a129c and d131c)
1w59 ftsz dimer, empty (m. jannaschii)
1w5a ftsz dimer, mggtp soak (m. jannaschii)
1w5b ftsz dimer, gtp soak (m. jannaschii)
1w5f ftsz, t7 mutated, domain swapped (t. maritima)
1w5g an anti-parallel four helix bundle (acetimide modification).
1w5h an anti-parallel four helix bundle.
1w5i aba does not affect topology of pli.
1w5l an anti-parallel to parallel switch.
1w5m stepwise introduction of zinc binding site into porphobilinogen synthase of pseudomonas aeruginosa (mutations a129c and d139c)
1w5n stepwise introduction of zinc binding site into porphobilinogen synthase of pseudomonas aeruginosa (mutations d131c and d139c)
1w5o stepwise introduction of zinc binding site into porphobilinogen synthase of pseudomonas aeruginosa (mutations a129c, d131c and d139c)
1w5p stepwise introduction of zinc binding site into porphobilinogen synthase of pseudomonas aeruginosa (mutations a129c, d131c, d139c, p132e)
1w5q stepwise introduction of zinc binding site into porphobilinogen synthase of pseudomonas aeruginosa (mutations a129c, d131c, d139c, p132e, k229r)
1w5r x-ray crystallographic strcuture of a c70q mycobacterium smegmatis n-arylamine acetyltransferase
1w5s structure of the aeropyrum pernix orc2 protein (adp form)
1w5v hiv-1 protease in complex with fluoro substituted diol- based c2-symmetric inhibitor
1w5w hiv-1 protease in complex with fluoro substituted diol- based c2-symmetric inhibitor
1w5x hiv-1 protease in complex with fluoro substituted diol- based c2-symmetric inhibitor
1w5y hiv-1 protease in complex with fluoro substituted diol- based c2-symmetric inhibitor
1w61 proline racemase in complex with 2 molecules of pyrrole-2- carboxylic acid (holo form)
1w62 proline racemase in complex with one molecule of pyrrole-2- carboxylic acid (hemi form)
1w6m x-ray crystal structure of c2s human galectin-1 complexed with galactose
1w6n x-ray crystal structure of c2s human galectin-1
1w6o x-ray crystal structure of c2s human galectin-1 complexed with lactose
1w6p x-ray crystal structure of c2s human galectin-1 complexed with n-acetyl-lactosamine
1w6q x-ray crystal structure of r111h human galectin-1
1w6t crystal structure of octameric enolase from streptococcus pneumoniae
1w6x sh3 domain of p40phox, component of the nadph oxidase
1w74 x-ray structure of peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase a, ppia, rv0009, from mycobacterium tuberculosis.
1w75 native orthorhombic form of torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase (ache)
1w76 orthorhombic form of torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase (ache) complexed with bis-acting galanthamine derivative
1w7i crystal structure of myosin v motor without nucleotide soaked in 10 mm mgadp
1w7j crystal structure of myosin v motor with essential light chain + adp-befx - near rigor
1w7x factor7- 413 complex
1w87 ferredoxin-nadp reductase (mutation: y 303 w) complexed with nadp by cocrystallization
1w8b factor7 - 413 complex
1w8w cbm29-2 mutant y46a: probing the mechanism of ligand recognition by family 29 carbohydrate binding modules
1w8z cbm29-2 mutant k85a: probing the mechanism of ligand recognition by family 29 carbohydrate binding modules
1w90 cbm29-2 mutant d114a: probing the mechanism of ligand recognition by family 29 carbohydrate binding modules
1w94 crystal structure of mil (mth680), an archaeal imp4-like protein
1w98 the structural basis of cdk2 activation by cyclin e
1w9a crystal structure of rv1155 from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1w9c proteolytic fragment of crm1 spanning six c-terminal heat repeats
1w9f cbm29-2 mutant r112a: probing the mechanism of ligand recognition by family 29 carbohydrate binding modules
1w9g structure of erh (enhencer of rudimentary gene)
1w9p specificity and affinity of natural product cyclopentapeptide inhibitors against aspergillus fumigatus, human and bacterial chitinasefra
1w9s structure of a beta-1,3-glucan binding cbm6 from bacillus halodurans
1w9t structure of a beta-1,3-glucan binding cbm6 from bacillus halodurans in complex with xylobiose
1wa7 sh3 domain of human lyn tyrosine kinase in complex with a herpesviral ligand
1wa8 solution structure of the cfp-10.esat-6 complex. major virulence determinants of pathogenic mycobacteria
1wa9 crystal structure of the pas repeat region of the drosophila clock protein period
1waf dna polymerase from bacteriophage rb69
1wat the three-dimensional structure of the ligand-binding domain of a wild-type bacterial chemotaxis receptor
1waw specificity and affinity of natural product cyclopentapeptide inhibitor argadin against human chitinase
1wb4 s954a mutant of the feruloyl esterase module from clostridium thermocellum complexed with sinapinate
1wb5 s954a mutant of the feruloyl esterase module from clostridium thermocellum complexed with syringate
1wb6 s954a mutant of the feruloyl esterase module from clostridium thermocellum complexed with vanillate
1wb7 iron superoxide dismutase (fe-sod) from the hyperthermophile sulfolobus solfataricus. crystal structure of the y41f mutant.
1wb8 iron superoxide dismutase (fe-sod) from the hyperthermophile sulfolobus solfataricus. 2.3 a resolution structure of recombinant protein with a covalently modified tyrosin in the active site.
1wbf winged bean lectin, saccharide free form
1wbj wildtype tryptophan synthase complexed with glycerol phosphate
1wbk hiv-1 protease in complex with asymmetric inhibitor, bea568
1wbm hiv-1 protease in complex with symmetric inhibitor, bea450
1wbp srpk1 bound to 9mer docking motif peptide
1wbu fragment based lead discovery using crystallography
1wc0 soluble adenylyl cyclase cyac from s. platensis in complex with alpha,beta-methylene-atp
1wc3 soluble adenylyl cyclase cyac from s. platensis in complex with alpha,beta-methylene-atp and strontium
1wc4 soluble adenylyl cyclase cyac from s. platensis in complex with alpha,beta-methylene-atp and europium
1wcg aphid myrosinase
1wci reactivity modulation of human branched-chain alpha- ketoacid dehydrogenase by an internal molecular switch
1wco the solution structure of the nisin-lipid ii complex
1wd6 crystal structure of jw1657 from escherichia coli
1wd7 crystal structure of uroporphyrinogen iii synthase from an extremely thermophilic bacterium thermus thermophilus hb8 (wild type, native, form-2 crystal)
1wdf crystal structure of mhv spike protein fusion core
1wdg crystal structure of mhv spike protein fusion core
1wdu endonuclease domain of tras1, a telomere-specific non-ltr retrotransposon
1wdv crystal structure of hypothetical protein ape2540
1wdz crystal structure of rcb domain of irsp53
1weh crystal structure of the conserved hypothetical protein tt1887 from thermus thermophilus hb8
1wfa winter flounder antifreeze protein isoform hplc6 at 4 degrees c
1wfb winter flounder antifreeze protein isoform hplc6 at-180 degrees c
1wg8 crystal structure of a predicted s-adenosylmethionine- dependent methyltransferase tt1512 from thermus thermophilus hb8.
1wgc 2.2 angstroms resolution structure analysis of two refined n- acetylneuraminyllactose-wheat germ agglutinin isolectin complexes
1wgi structure of inorganic pyrophosphatase
1wgj structure of inorganic pyrophosphatase
1wgt x-ray structure of wheat germ agglutinin isolectin 3
1whs structure of the complex of l-benzylsuccinate with wheat serine carboxypeptidase ii at 2.0 angstroms resolution
1wht structure of the complex of l-benzylsuccinate with wheat serine carboxypeptidase ii at 2.0 angstroms resolution
1wio structure of t-cell surface glycoprotein cd4, tetragonal crystal form
1wip structure of t-cell surface glycoprotein cd4, monoclinic crystal form
1wiq structure of t-cell surface glycoprotein cd4, trigonal crystal form
1wiw crystal structure of a glucose-6-phosphate isomerase like protein from thermus thermophilus hb8
1wiy crystal structure analysis of a 6-coordinated cytochorome p450 from thermus thermophilus hb8
1wja solution structure of the n-terminal zn binding domain of hiv-1 integrase (d form), nmr, regularized mean structure
1wjb solution structure of the n-terminal zn binding domain of hiv-1 integrase (d form), nmr, 40 structures
1wjc solution structure of the n-terminal zn binding domain of hiv-1 integrase (e form), nmr, regularized mean structure
1wjd solution structure of the n-terminal zn binding domain of hiv-1 integrase (e form), nmr, 38 structures
1wje solution structure of h12c mutant of the n-terminal zn binding domain of hiv-1 integrase complexed to cadmium, nmr, minimized average structure
1wjf solution structure of h12c mutant of the n-terminal zn binding domain of hiv-1 integrase complexed to cadmium, nmr, 40 structures
1wkg acetylornithine aminotransferase from thermus thermophilus hb8
1wkh acetylornithine aminotransferase from thermus thermophilus hb8
1wkj crystal structure of nucleoside diphosphate kinase from thermus thermophilus hb8
1wkk crystal structure of nucleoside diphosphate kinase from thermus thermophilus hb8 in complex with gdp
1wkl crystal structure of nucleoside diphosphate kinase from thermus thermophilus hb8 in complex with atp and adp
1wko terminal flower 1 (tfl1) from arabidopsis thaliana
1wkq crystal structure of bacillus subtilis guanine deaminase. the first domain-swapped structure in the cytidine deaminase superfamily
1wkr crystal structure of aspartic proteinase from irpex lacteus
1wku high resolution structure of the human alpha-actinin isoform 3
1wkv crystal structure of o-phosphoserine sulfhydrylase
1wkw crystal structure of the ternary complex of eif4e-m7gpppa- 4ebp1 peptide
1wkz crystal structure of octaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase from hyperthermophilic thermotoga maritima k41a mutant
1wl0 crystal structure of octaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase from hyperthermophilic thermotoga maritima r44a mutant
1wl1 crystal structure of octaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase from hyperthermophilic thermotoga maritima h74a mutant
1wl3 crystal structure of octaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase from hyperthermophilic thermotoga maritima r91a mutant
1wle crystal structure of mammalian mitochondrial seryl-trna synthetase complexed with seryl-adenylate
1wlg crystal structure of flge31, a major fragment of the hook protein
1wlh molecular structure of the rod domain of dictyostelium filamin
1wli l122y mutant of fmn-binding protein from desulfovibrio vulgaris (miyazaki f)
1wlp solution structure of the p22phox-p47phox complex
1wls crystal structure of l-asparaginase i homologue protein from pyrococcus horikoshii
1wlt crystal structure of dtdp-4-dehydrorhamnose 3,5-epimerase homologue from sulfolobus tokodaii
1wm0 ppargamma in complex with a 2-baba compound
1wmb crystal structure of nad dependent d-3-hydroxybutylate dehydrogenase
1wmh crystal structure of a pb1 domain complex of protein kinase c iota and par6 alpha
1wmn crystal structure of topaquinone-containing amine oxidase activated by cobalt ion
1wmo crystal structure of topaquinone-containing amine oxidase activated by nickel ion
1wmp crystal structure of amine oxidase complexed with cobalt ion
1wmr crystal structure of isopullulanase from aspergillus niger atcc 9642
1wms high resolution crystal structure of human rab9 gtpase: a novel antiviral drug target
1wmu crystal structure of hemoglobin d from the aldabra giant tortoise, geochelone gigantea, at 1.65 a resolution
1wmx crystal structure of family 30 carbohydrate binding module
1wmy crystal structure of c-type lectin cel-i from cucumaria echinata
1wn1 crystal structure of dipeptiase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
1wn6 crystal structure of blasticidin s deaminase (bsd) complexed with tetrahedral intermediate of blasticidin s
1wnf crystal structure of ph0066 from pyrococcus horikoshii
1wng structural study of project id ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
1wnl crystal structure of biotin-(acetyl-coa-carboxylase) ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 in complex with adp
1wno crystal structure of a native chitinase from aspergillus fumigatus yj- 407
1wnu structure of archaeal trans-editing protein alax in complex with l- serine
1wnx d136e mutant of heme oxygenase from corynebacterium diphtheriae (hmuo)
1wof crystal structure of sars-cov mpro in complex with an inhibitor n1
1wom crystal structure of rsbq
1woq crystal structure of inorganic polyphosphate/atp-glucomannokinase from arthrobacter sp. strain km at 1.8 a resolution
1wov crystal strucure of heme oxygenase-2 from synechocystis sp. pcc 6803 in complex with heme
1wow crystal structure of heme oxygenase-2 from synechocystis sp. pcc 6803 complexed with heme in ferrous form
1wox crystal structure of heme oxygenase-2 from synechocystis sp. pcc 6803 in complex with heme and no
1wpm structure of bacillus subtilis inorganic pyrophosphatase
1wpn crystal structure of the n-terminal core of bacillus subtilis inorganic pyrophosphatase
1wpo hydrolytic enzyme human cytomegalovirus protease
1wpp structure of streptococcus gordonii inorganic pyrophosphatase
1wpq ternary complex of glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1 with nad and dihydroxyactone
1wpr crystal structure of rsbq inhibited by pmsf
1wps crystal structure of hutp, an rna binding anti-termination protein
1wpt crystal structure of hutp, an rna binding anti-termination protein
1wpw crystal structure of ipmdh from sulfolobus tokodaii
1wpx crystal structure of carboxypeptidase y inhibitor complexed with the cognate proteinase
1wpy crystal structure of biotin-(acetyl-coa-carboxylase) ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 in complex with biotin
1wq1 ras-rasgap complex
1wq2 neutron crystal structure of dissimilatory sulfite reductase d (dsrd)
1wq5 crystal structure of tryptophan synthase alpha-subunit from escherichia coli
1wq6 the tetramer structure of the nervy homolgy two (nhr2) domain of aml1- eto is critical for aml1-eto's activity
1wq7 crystal structure of biotin-(acetyl-coa-carboxylase) ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
1wq9 crystal structure of vr-1, a vegf-f from a snake venom
1wqj structural basis for the regulation of insulin-like growth factors (igfs) by igf binding proteins (igfbps)
1wql cumene dioxygenase (cuma1a2) from pseudomonas fluorescens ip01
1wqw crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 in complex with biotinyl-5-amp
1wr1 the complex sturcture of dsk2p uba with ubiquitin
1wr8 crystal structure of hypothetical protein ph1421 from pyrococcus horikoshii.
1wra crystal structure of phosphorylcholine esterase domain of the virulence factor choline binding protein e from streptococcus pneumoniae
1wrd crystal structure of tom1 gat domain in complex with ubiquitin
1wrk crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of human cardiac troponin c in complex with trifluoperazine (orthrombic crystal form)
1wrs nmr study of holo trp repressor
1wrt nmr study of apo trp repressor
1wrz calmodulin complexed with a peptide from a human death-associated protein kinase
1ws9 crystal structure of project id tt0172 from thermus thermophilus hb8
1wsa structure of l-asparaginase ii precursor
1wsc crystal structure of st0229, function unknown protein from sulfolobus tokodaii
1wsr crystal structure of human t-protein of glycine cleavage system
1wsv crystal structure of human t-protein of glycine cleavage system
1wt9 crystal structure of aa-x-bp-i, a snake venom protein with the activity of binding to coagulation factor x from agkistrodon acutus
1wtd crystal structure of type ii restrcition endonuclease, ecoo109i dna- free form
1wth crystal structure of gp5-s351l mutant and gp27 complex
1wtj crystal structure of delta1-piperideine-2-carboxylate reductase from pseudomonas syringae pvar.tomato
1wtl comparison of crystal structures of two homologous proteins: structural origin of altered domain interactions in immunoglobulin light chain dimers
1wtu transcription factor 1, nmr, minimized average structure
1wu1 factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 4-[(5-chloroindol-2- yl)sulfonyl]-2-(2-methylpropyl)-1-[[5-(pyridin-4-yl) pyrimidin-2-yl]carbonyl]piperazine
1wu2 crystal structure of molybdopterin biosynthesis moea protein from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
1wu7 crystal structure of histidyl-trna synthetase from thermoplasma acidophilum
1wu9 crystal structure of the c-terminal domain of the end- binding protein 1 (eb1)
1wue crystal structure of protein gi:29375081, unknown member of enolase superfamily from enterococcus faecalis v583
1wuf crystal structure of protein gi:16801725, member of enolase superfamily from listeria innocua clip11262
1wuh three-dimensional structure of the ni-a state of [nife]hydrogenase from desulufovibrio vulgaris miyazaki f
1wui ultra-high resolution structure of the ni-a state of [nife]hydrogenase from desulufovibrio vulgaris miyazaki f
1wuj three-dimensional structure of the ni-b state of [nife]hydrogenase from desulufovibrio vulgaris miyazaki f
1wuk high resolution structure of the oxidized state of [nife]hydrogenase from desulufovibrio vulgaris miyazaki f
1wul high resolution structure of the reduced state of [nife]hydrogenase from desulufovibrio vulgaris miyazaki f
1wuw crystal structure of beta hordothionin
1wv2 crystal structure of thiamine biosynthesis protein from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1wv4 x-ray structure of escherichia coli pyridoxine 5'-phosphate oxidase in tetragonal crystal form
1wv9 crystal structure of rhodanese homolog tt1651 from an extremely thermophilic bacterium thermus thermophilus hb8
1wvg structure of cdp-d-glucose 4,6-dehydratase from salmonella typhi
1wvu crystal structure of chitinase c from streptomyces griseus hut6037
1wvv crystal structure of chitinase c mutant e147q
1ww1 crystal structure of trnase z from thermotoga maritima
1ww8 crystal structure of malic enzyme from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
1wwa ngf binding domain of human trka receptor
1wwk crystal structure of phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
1wwl crystal structure of cd14
1wwm crystal structure of conserved hypothetical protein tt2028 from an extremely thermophilic bacterium thermus thermophilus hb8
1wwp crystal structure of ttk003001694 from thermus thermophilus hb8
1wwz crystal structure of ph1933 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
1wx1 crystal structure of nictinate-nucleotide-dimethylbenzimidazole phosphoribosyltransferase from thermus thermophilus hb8
1wx2 crystal structure of the oxy-form of the copper-bound streptomyces castaneoglobisporus tyrosinase complexed with a caddie protein prepared by the addition of hydrogenperoxide
1wx4 crystal structure of the oxy-form of the copper-bound streptomyces castaneoglobisporus tyrosinase complexed with a caddie protein prepared by the addition of dithiothreitol
1wxc crystal structure of the copper-free streptomyces castaneoglobisporus tyrosinase complexed with a caddie protein
1wxd crystal structure of shikimate 5-dehydrogenase (aroe) from thermus thermophilus hb8
1wy2 crystal structure of the prolidase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
1wy5 crystal structure of isoluecyl-trna lysidine synthetase
1wyd crystal structure of aspartyl-trna synthetase from sulfolobus tokodaii
1wyi human triosephosphate isomerase of new crystal form
1wyw crystal structure of sumo1-conjugated thymine dna glycosylase
1wyx the crystal structure of the p130cas sh3 domain at 1.1 a resolution
1wyy post-fusion hairpin conformation of the sars coronavirus spike glycoprotein
1wz1 crystal structure of the fv fragment complexed with dansyl- lysine
1wz3 the crystal structure of plant atg12
1wz9 the 2.1 a structure of a tumour suppressing serpin
1wzc crystal structure of pyrococcus horikoshii mannosyl-3- phosphoglycerate phosphatase complexed with mg2+ and phosphate
1wzd crystal structure of an artificial metalloprotein: fe(10-ch2ch2cooh- salophen)/wild type heme oxygenase
1wze structural basis for alteration of cofactor specificity of malate dehydrogenase from thermus flavus
1wzf crystal structure of an artificial metalloprotein: fe(10-cooh- salophen)/wild type heme oxygenase
1wzg crystal structure of an artificial metalloprotein: fe(salophen)/wild type heme oxygenase
1wzi structural basis for alteration of cofactor specificity of malate dehydrogenase from thermus flavus
1wzk thermoactinomyces vulgaris r-47 alpha-amylase ii (tva ii) mutatnt d465n
1wzl thermoactinomyces vulgaris r-47 alpha-amylase ii (tva ii) mutatnt r469l
1wzm thermoactinomyces vulgaris r-47 alpha-amylase ii (tva ii) mutatnt r469k
1wzv crystal structure of ubch8
1x01 crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 in complex with atp
1x0c improved crystal structure of isopullulanase from aspergillus niger atcc 9642
1x0l crystal structure of tetrameric homoisocitrate dehydrogenase from an extreme thermophile, thermus thermophilus
1x0v crystal structure of homo sapien glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1
1x13 crystal structure of e. coli transhydrogenase domain i
1x14 crystal structure of e. coli transhydrogenase domain i with bound nad
1x15 crystal structure of e. coli transhydrogenase domain i with bound nadh
1x1q crystal structure of tryptophan synthase beta chain from thermus thermophilus hb8
1x1v structure of banana lectin- methyl-alpha-mannose complex
1x1z orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase (odcase) complexed with bmp (produced from 6-cyanoump)
1x24 prl-1 (ptp4a)
1x25 crystal structure of a member of yjgf family from sulfolobus tokodaii (st0811)
1x28 crystal structure of e.coli aspat complexed with n- phosphopyridoxyl-l-glutamic acid
1x29 crystal structure of e.coli aspat complexed with n- phosphopyridoxyl-2-methyl-l-glutamic acid
1x2a crystal structure of e.coli aspat complexed with n- phosphopyridoxyl-d-glutamic acid
1x2i crystal structure of archaeal xpf/mus81 homolog, hef from pyrococcus furiosus, helix-hairpin-helix domain
1x2r structural basis for the defects of human lung cancer somatic mutations in the repression activity of keap1 on nrf2
1x2w crystal structure of apo-habu ix-bp at ph 4.6
1x3e crystal structure of the single-stranded dna-binding protein from mycobacterium smegmatis
1x3f crystal structure of the single-stranded dna-binding protein from mycobacterium smegmatis
1x3g crystal structure of the single-stranded dna-binding protein from mycobacterium smegmatis
1x3w structure of a peptide:n-glycanase-rad23 complex
1x3x crystal structure of cytochrome b5 from ascaris suum
1x6i crystal structure of ygfy from escherichia coli
1x6v the crystal structure of human 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'- phosphosulfate synthetase 1
1x70 human dipeptidyl peptidase iv in complex with a beta amino acid inhibitor
1x77 crystal struture of a nad(p)h-dependent fmn reductase complexed with fmn
1x7a porcine factor ixa complexed to 1-{3-[amino(imino) methyl]phenyl}-n-[4-(1h-benzimidazol-1-yl)-2-fluorophenyl]- 3-(trifluoromethyl)-1h-pyrazole-5-carboxamide
1x7d crystal structure analysis of ornithine cyclodeaminase complexed with nad and ornithine to 1.6 angstroms
1x7g actinorhodin polyketide ketoreductase, act kr, with nadp bound
1x7h actinorhodin polyketide ketoreductase, with nadph bound
1x7i crystal structure of the native copper homeostasis protein (cutcm) with calcium binding from shigella flexneri 2a str. 301
1x7o crystal structure of the spou methyltransferase avirb from streptomyces viridochromogenes
1x7p crystal structure of the spou methyltransferase avirb from streptomyces viridochromogenes in complex with the cofactor adomet
1x7r crystal structure of estrogen receptor alpha complexed with genistein
1x7s the x-ray crystallographic structure of the amyloidogenic variant ttr tyr78phe
1x7t structure of ttr r104h: a non-amyloidogenic variant with protective clinical effects
1x7u crystal structure of the s324t of catalase-peroxidase katg
1x7w crystal structure of the human mitochondrial branched-chain alpha- ketoacid dehydrogenase
1x7x crystal structure of the human mitochondrial branched-chain alpha- ketoacid dehydrogenase
1x7y crystal structure of the human mitochondrial branched-chain alpha- ketoacid dehydrogenase
1x7z crystal structure of the human mitochondrial branched-chain alpha- ketoacid dehydrogenase
1x80 crystal structure of the human mitochondrial branched-chain alpha- ketoacid dehydrogenase
1x81 farnesyl transferase structure of jansen compound
1x83 y104f ipp isomerase reacted with (s)-bromohydrine of ipp
1x84 ipp isomerase (wt) reacted with (s)-bromohydrine of ipp
1x87 2.4a x-ray structure of urocanase protein complexed with nad
1x88 human eg5 motor domain bound to mg-adp and monastrol
1x8c crystal structure of the semet-derivative copper homeostasis protein (cutcm) with calcium binding from shigella flexneri 2a str. 301
1x8e crystal structure of pyrococcus furiosus phosphoglucose isomerase free enzyme
1x8j crystal structure of retinol dehydratase in complex with androsterone and inactive cofactor pap
1x8k crystal structure of retinol dehydratase in complex with anhydroretinol and inactive cofactor pap
1x8l crystal structure of retinol dehydratase in complex with all-trans-4-oxoretinol and inactive cofactor pap
1x8s structure of the par-6 pdz domain with a pals1 internal ligand
1x90 crystal structure of mutant form b of a pectin methylesterase inhibitor from arabidopsis
1x92 crystal structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa phosphoheptose isomerase in complex with reaction product d-glycero-d- mannopyranose-7-phosphate
1x93 nmr structure of helicobacter pylori hp0222
1x94 crystal structure of a hypothetical protein
1x99 x-ray crystal structure of xerocomus chrysenteron lectin xcl at 1.4 angstroms resolution, mutated at q46m, v54m, l58m
1x9a solution nmr structure of protein tm0979 from thermotoga maritima. ontario center for structural proteomics target tm0979_1_87; northeast structural genomics consortium target vt98.
1x9e crystal structure of hmg-coa synthase from enterococcus faecalis
1x9h crystal structure of phosphoglucose/phosphomannose isomerase from pyrobaculum aerophilum in complex with fructose 6-phosphate
1x9i crystal structure of crystal structure of phosphoglucose/phosphomannose phosphoglucose/phosphomannoseisomerase from pyrobaculum aerophilum in complex with glucose 6-phosphate
1x9r umecyanin from horse raddish- crystal structure of the oxidised form
1x9t the crystal structure of human adenovirus 2 penton base in complex with an ad2 n-terminal fibre peptide
1x9u umecyanin from horse raddish- crystal structure of the reduced form
1x9v dimeric structure of the c-terminal domain of vpr
1x9x solution structure of dimeric sam domain from mapkkk ste11
1x9z crystal structure of the mutl c-terminal domain
1xa0 crystal structure of mcsg target apc35536 from bacillus stearothermophilus
1xa3 crystal structure of caib, a type iii coa transferase in carnitine metabolism
1xa4 crystal structure of caib, a type iii coa transferase in carnitine metabolism
1xae crystal structure of wild type yellow fluorescent protein zfp538 from zoanthus
1xaf crystal structure of protein of unknown function yfih from shigella flexneri 2a str. 2457t
1xah crystal structure of staphlyococcus aureus 3-dehydroquinate synthase (dhqs) in complex with zn2+ and nad+
1xai crystal structure of staphlyococcus aureus 3-dehydroquinate synthase (dhqs) in complex with zn2+, nad+ and carbaphosphonate
1xaj crystal structure of staphlyococcus aureus 3-dehydroquinate synthase (dhqs) in complex with zn2+, nad+ and carbaphosphonate
1xal crystal structure of staphlyococcus aureus 3-dehydroquinate synthase (dhqs) in complex with zn2+, nad+ and carbaphosphonate (soak)
1xao hsp40-ydj1 dimerization domain
1xar crystal structure of a fragment of dc-signr (containing the carbohydrate recognition domain and two repeats of the neck).
1xb2 crystal structure of bos taurus mitochondrial elongation factor tu/ts complex
1xb3 the d62c/k74c double mutant of pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin
1xb6 the k24r mutant of pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin
1xb7 x-ray structure of erralpha lbd in complex with a pgc- 1alpha peptide at 2.5a resolution
1xb8 zn substituted form of d62c/k74c double mutant of pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin
1xbv crystal structure of 3-keto-l-gulonate 6-phosphate decarboxylase with bound d-ribulose 5-phosphate
1xbx structure of 3-keto-l-gulonate 6-phosphate decarboxylase e112d/r139v/t169a mutant with bound d-ribulose 5-phosphate
1xby structure of 3-keto-l-gulonate 6-phosphate decarboxylase e112d/t169a mutant with bound d-ribulose 5-phosphate
1xbz crystal structure of 3-keto-l-gulonate 6-phosphate decarboxylase e112d/r139v/t169a mutant with bound l- xylulose 5-phosphate
1xc4 crystal structure of wild-type tryptophan synthase alpha-subunits from escherichia coli
1xca apo-cellular retinoic acid binding protein ii
1xcf crystal structure of p28l/y173f tryptophan synthase alpha- subunits from escherichia coli
1xcr crystal structure of longer splice variant of ptd012 from homo sapiens reveals a novel zinc-containing fold
1xd4 crystal structure of the dh-ph-cat module of son of sevenless (sos)
1xd8 crystal structure of the nitrogenase fe protein asp39asn
1xd9 crystal structure of the nitrogenase fe protein asp39asn with mgadp bound
1xdb crystal structure of the nitrogenase fe protein asp129glu
1xdc hydrogen bonding in human manganese superoxide dismutase containing 3- fluorotyrosine
1xdd x-ray structure of lfa-1 i-domain in complex with lfa703 at 2.2a resolution
1xdf crystal structure of pathogenesis-related protein llpr-10.2a from yellow lupine
1xdg x-ray structure of lfa-1 i-domain in complex with lfa878 at 2.1a resolution
1xdi crystal structure of lpda (rv3303c) from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1xdj crystal structure of t. maritima cobalamin-independent methionine synthase complexed with zn2+ and homocysteine
1xdo crystal structure of escherichia coli polyphosphate kinase
1xdp crystal structure of the e.coli polyphosphate kinase in complex with amppnp
1xds crystal structure of aclacinomycin-10-hydroxylase (rdmb) in complex with s-adenosyl-l-methionine (sam) and 11-deoxy- beta-rhodomycin (dbra)
1xdt complex of diphtheria toxin and heparin-binding epidermal growth factor
1xdv experimentally phased structure of human the son of sevenless protein at 4.1 ang.
1xdx solution structure of the tctex1 light chain from chlamydomonas inner dynein arm i1
1xe5 structure of plasmepsin ii in complex of an pepstatin analogue
1xe6 structure of plasmepsin ii in complex of an pepstatin analogue
1xec dimeric bovine tissue-extracted decorin, crystal form 2
1xeq crystal tructure of rna binding domain of influenza b virus non-structural protein
1xew structural biochemistry of atp-driven dimerization and dna stimulated activation of smc atpases.
1xex structural biochemistry of atp-driven dimerization and dna stimulated activation of smc atpases.
1xey crystal structure of the complex of escherichia coli gada with glutarate at 2.05 a resolution
1xf1 structure of c5a peptidase- a key virulence factor from streptococcus
1xfa structure of nbd1 from murine cftr- f508r mutant
1xfc the 1.9 a crystal structure of alanine racemase from mycobacterium tuberculosis contains a conserved entryway into the active site
1xff glutaminase domain of glucosamine 6-phosphate synthase complexed with glutamate
1xfg glutaminase domain of glucosamine 6-phosphate synthase complexed with l-glu hydroxamate
1xfp crystal structure of the cdr2 germline reversion mutant of cab-lys3 in complex with hen egg white lysozyme
1xfs x-ray crystal structure of protein ne0264 from nitrosomonas europaea. northeast structural genomics consortium target ner5.
1xg2 crystal structure of the complex between pectin methylesterase and its inhibitor protein
1xg7 conserved hypothetical protein pfu-877259-001 from pyrococcus furiosus
1xge dihydroorotase from escherichia coli: loop movement and cooperativity between subunits
1xgf backbone structure of cocosin, an 11s storage protein from cocos nucifera
1xgi ampc beta-lactamase in complex with 3-(3-nitro- phenylsulfamoyl)-thiophene-2-carboxylic acid
1xgj ampc beta-lactamase in complex with 3-(4-carboxy-2-hydroxy- phenylsulfamoyl)-thiophene-2-carboxylic acid
1xgl human insulin disulfide isomer, nmr, 10 structures
1xgm methionine aminopeptidase from hyperthermophile pyrococcus furiosus
1xgn methionine aminopeptidase from hyperthermophile pyrococcus furiosus
1xgs methionine aminopeptidase from hyperthermophile pyrococcus furiosus
1xgv isocitrate dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophile aeropyrum pernix
1xh4 crystal structures of protein kinase b selective inhibitors in complex with protein kinase a and mutants
1xh5 crystal structures of protein kinase b selective inhibitors in complex with protein kinase a and mutants
1xh6 crystal structures of protein kinase b selective inhibitors in complex with protein kinase a and mutants
1xh7 crystal structures of protein kinase b selective inhibitors in complex with protein kinase a and mutants
1xh8 crystal structures of protein kinase b selective inhibitors in complex with protein kinase a and mutants
1xh9 crystal structures of protein kinase b selective inhibitors in complex with protein kinase a and mutants
1xha crystal structures of protein kinase b selective inhibitors in complex with protein kinase a and mutants
1xhe crystal structure of the receiver domain of redox response regulator arca
1xhf crystal structure of the bef3-activated receiver domain of redox response regulator arca
1xhk crystal structure of m. jannaschii lon proteolytic domain
1xhl crystal structure of putative tropinone reductase-ii from caenorhabditis elegans with cofactor and substrate
1xi0 x-ray crystal structure of wild-type xerocomus chrysenteron lectin xcl
1xi2 quinone reductase 2 in complex with cancer prodrug cb1954
1xi3 thiamine phosphate pyrophosphorylase from pyrococcus furiosus pfu-1255191-001
1xi8 molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein from pyrococcus furiosus pfu-1657500-001
1xia comparison of backbone structures of glucose isomerase from streptomyces and arthrobacter
1xik ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase 1 beta chain
1xil hydrogen bonding in human manganese superoxide dismutase containing 3- fluorotyrosine
1xiy crystal structure of plasmodium falciparum antioxidant protein (1-cys peroxiredoxin)
1xj4 co-bound structure of bjfixlh
1xj6 structure of bjfixlh in the unliganded ferrous form
1xj7 complex androgen receptor lbd and rac3 peptide
1xjb crystal structure of human type 3 3alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in complex with nadp(h), citrate and acetate molecules
1xje structural mechanism of allosteric substrate specificity in a ribonucleotide reductase: dttp-gdp complex
1xjf structural mechanism of allosteric substrate specificity in a ribonucleotide reductase: datp complex
1xjg structural mechanism of allosteric substrate specificity in a ribonucleotide reductase: datp-udp complex
1xjj structural mechanism of allosteric substrate specificity in a ribonucleotide reductase: dgtp complex
1xjk structural mechanism of allosteric substrate specificity in a ribonucleotide reductase: dgtp-adp complex
1xjl structure of human annexin a2 in the presence of calcium ions
1xjm structural mechanism of allosteric substrate specificity in a ribonucleotide reductase: dttp complex
1xjq adp complex of human paps synthetase 1
1xju crystal structure of secreted inactive form of p1 phage endolysin lyz
1xk2 nadph- and ascorbate-supported heme oxygenase reactions are distinct. regiospecificity of heme cleavage by the r183e mutant
1xk3 nadph- and ascorbate-supported heme oxygenase reactions are distinct. regiospecificity of heme cleavage by the r183e mutant
1xk9 pseudomanas exotoxin a in complex with the pj34 inhibitor
1xka factor xa complexed with a synthetic inhibitor fx-2212a, (2s)-(3'-amidino-3-biphenylyl)-5-(4-pyridylamino)pentanoic acid
1xkd ternary complex of isocitrate dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophile aeropyrum pernix
1xkf crystal structure of hypoxic response protein i (hrpi) with two coordinated zinc ions
1xkj bacterial luciferase beta2 homodimer
1xko structure of thermotoga maritima chex
1xkt human fatty acid synthase: structure and substrate selectivity of the thioesterase domain
1xkv crystal structure of atp-dependent phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase from thermus thermophilus hb8
1xl2 hiv-1 protease in complex with pyrrolidinmethanamine
1xl4 intermediate gating structure 1 of the inwardly rectifying k+ channel kirbac3.1
1xl5 hiv-1 protease in complex with amidhyroxysulfone
1xl6 intermediate gating structure 2 of the inwardly rectifying k+ channel kirbac3.1
1xla mechanism for aldose-ketose interconversion by d-xylose isomerase involving ring opening followed by a 1,2-hydride shift
1xlb mechanism for aldose-ketose interconversion by d-xylose isomerase involving ring opening followed by a 1,2-hydride shift
1xlc mechanism for aldose-ketose interconversion by d-xylose isomerase involving ring opening followed by a 1,2-hydride shift
1xld mechanism for aldose-ketose interconversion by d-xylose isomerase involving ring opening followed by a 1,2-hydride shift
1xle mechanism for aldose-ketose interconversion by d-xylose isomerase involving ring opening followed by a 1,2-hydride shift
1xlf mechanism for aldose-ketose interconversion by d-xylose isomerase involving ring opening followed by a 1,2-hydride shift
1xlg mechanism for aldose-ketose interconversion by d-xylose isomerase involving ring opening followed by a 1,2-hydride shift
1xlh mechanism for aldose-ketose interconversion by d-xylose isomerase involving ring opening followed by a 1,2-hydride shift
1xli mechanism for aldose-ketose interconversion by d-xylose isomerase involving ring opening followed by a 1,2-hydride shift
1xlj mechanism for aldose-ketose interconversion by d-xylose isomerase involving ring opening followed by a 1,2-hydride shift
1xlk mechanism for aldose-ketose interconversion by d-xylose isomerase involving ring opening followed by a 1,2-hydride shift
1xll mechanism for aldose-ketose interconversion by d-xylose isomerase involving ring opening followed by a 1,2-hydride shift
1xlm d254e, d256e mutant of d-xylose isomerase complexed with al3 and xylitol
1xln crystal structure of oxidized c73s/c85s putidaredoxin, a [2fe-2s] ferredoxin from pseudomonas putida
1xlo structure of reduced c73s/c85s putidaredoxin, a [2fe-2s] ferredoxin from pseudomonas putida
1xlx catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4b in complex with cilomilast
1xly x-ray structure of the rna-binding protein she2p
1xlz catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4b in complex with filaminast
1xm1 nonbasic thrombin inhibitor complex
1xm4 catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4b in complex with piclamilast
1xm6 catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4b in complex with (r)- mesopram
1xm7 the crystal structure of the protein of unknown function aq665 from aquifex aeolicus
1xm8 x-ray structure of glyoxalase ii from arabidopsis thaliana gene at2g31350
1xma structure of a transcriptional regulator from clostridium thermocellum cth-833
1xml structure of human dcps
1xmu catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4b in complex with roflumilast
1xmy catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4b in complex with (r)- rolipram
1xmz crystal structure of the dark state of kindling fluorescent protein kfp from anemonia sulcata
1xn0 catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4b in complex with (r,s)- rolipram
1xnf crystal structure of e.coli tpr-protein nlpi
1xng crystal structure of nh3-dependent nad+ synthetase from helicobacter pylori
1xnj aps complex of human paps synthetase 1
1xnk beta-1,4-xylanase from chaetomium thermophilum complexed with methyl thioxylopentoside
1xnv acyl-coa carboxylase beta subunit from s. coelicolor (pccb), apo form #1
1xnx crystal structure of constitutive androstane receptor
1xny biotin and propionyl-coa bound to acyl-coa carboxylase beta subunit from s. coelicolor (pccb)
1xo1 t5 5'-exonuclease mutant k83a
1xo2 crystal structure of a human cyclin-dependent kinase 6 complex with a flavonol inhibitor, fisetin
1xo5 crystal structure of cib1, an ef-hand, integrin and kinase- binding protein
1xoc the structure of the oligopeptide-binding protein, appa, from bacillus subtilis in complex with a nonapeptide.
1xod crystal structure of x. tropicalis spred1 evh-1 domain
1xof heterooligomeric beta beta alpha miniprotein
1xoi human liver glycogen phosphorylase a complexed with chloroindoloyl glycine amide
1xom catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4d in complex with cilomilast
1xon catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4d in complex with piclamilast
1xoq catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4d in complex with roflumilast
1xor catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4d in complex with zardaverine
1xot catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4b in complex with vardenafil
1xou crystal structure of the cesa-espa complex
1xow crystal structure of the human androgen receptor ligand binding domain bound with an androgen receptor nh2- terminal peptide, ar20-30, and r1881
1xox solution structure of human survivin
1xpg crystal structure of t. maritima cobalamin-independent methionine synthase complexed with zn2+ and methyltetrahydrofolate
1xpi crystal structure of the catalytic domain of e. coli pseudouridine synthase rluc
1xps bovine ribonuclease a (phosphate-free) (93 % humidity)
1xpt bovine ribonuclease a (phosphate-free)
1xq6 x-ray structure of gene product from arabidopsis thaliana at5g02240
1xq9 structure of phosphoglycerate mutase from plasmodium falciparum at 2.6 resolution
1xqa structure of a possible glyoxalase from bacillus cereus
1xqb x-ray structure of yaeb from haemophilus influenzae. northeast structural genomics research consortium (nesgc) target ir47.
1xqg 3.10 a crystal structure of maspin, space group p 4 21 2
1xqk effect of a y265f mutant on the transamination based cycloserine inactivation of alanine racemase
1xql effect of a y265f mutant on the transamination based cycloserine inactivation of alanine racemase
1xqr crystal structure of the hspbp1 core domain
1xqu hit family hydrolase from clostridium thermocellum cth-393
1xqy crystal structure of f1-mutant s105a complex with pro-leu- gly-gly
1xr0 structural basis of snt ptb domain interactions with distinct neurotrophic receptors
1xr2 crystal structure of oxidized t. maritima cobalamin- independent methionine synthase complexed with methyltetrahydrofolate
1xr3 actinorhodin polyketide ketoreductase with nadp and the inhibitor isoniazid bound
1xr4 x-ray crystal structure of putative citrate lyase alpha chain/citrate- acp transferase [salmonella typhimurium]
1xr7 crystal structure of rna-dependent rna polymerase 3d from human rhinovirus serotype 16
1xre crystal structure of soda-2 (ba5696) from bacillus anthracis at 1.8a resolution.
1xri x-ray structure of a putative phosphoprotein phosphatase from arabidopsis thaliana gene at1g05000
1xrj rapid structure determination of human uridine-cytidine kinase 2 using a conventional laboratory x-ray source and a single samarium derivative
1xrk crystal structure of a mutant bleomycin binding protein from streptoalloteichus hindustanus displaying increased thermostability
1xrp crystal structure of active site f1-mutant e213q soaked with peptide pro-leu-gly-gly
1xrs crystal structure of lysine 5,6-aminomutase in complex with plp, cobalamin, and 5'-deoxyadenosine
1xrt the crystal structure of a novel, latent dihydroorotase from aquifex aeolicus at 1.7 a resolution
1xru crystal structure of 5-keto-4-deoxyuronate isomerase from eschericia coli
1xse crystal structure of guinea pig 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1
1xso three-dimensional structure of xenopus laevis cu,zn superoxide dismutase b determined by x-ray crystallography at 1.5 angstroms resolution
1xsq crystal structure of ureidoglycolate hydrolase from e.coli. northeast structural genomics consortium target et81.
1xsr x-ray structure of northeast structural genomics consortium target sfr7
1xss semi-rational engineering of a green-emitting coral fluorescent protein into an efficient highlighter.
1xsv x-ray crystal structure of conserved hypothetical upf0122 protein sav1236 from staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus mu50
1xsx nmr structure of sso10a, a hyperthermophile dna-binding protein with an extended anti-parallel coiled coil
1xsz the structure of ralf
1xt3 structure basis of venom citrate-dependent heparin sulfate-mediated cell surface retention of cobra cardiotoxin a3
1xt8 crystal structure of cysteine-binding protein from campylobacter jejuni at 2.0 a resolution
1xt9 crystal structure of den1 in complex with nedd8
1xta crystal structure of natrin, a snake venom crisp from taiwan cobra (naja atra)
1xtb crystal structure of rabbit phosphoglucose isomerase complexed with sorbitol-6-phosphate
1xtf neurotoxin bont/a e224q y366f mutant
1xtg crystal structure of neurotoxin bont/a complexed with synaptosomal-associated protein 25
1xtn crystal structure of cisk-px domain with sulfates
1xu8 the 2.8 a structure of a tumour suppressing serpin
1xua structure and function of the phenazine biosynthetic protein phzf from pseudomonas fluorescens
1xuc matrix metalloproteinase-13 complexed with non-zinc binding inhibitor
1xud matrix metalloproteinase-13 complexed with non-zinc binding inhibitor
1xuo x-ray structure of lfa-1 i-domain bound to a 1,4-diazepane- 2,5-dione inhibitor at 1.8a resolution
1xup enterococcus casseliflavus glycerol kinase complexed with glycerol
1xuq crystal structure of soda-1 (ba4499) from bacillus anthracis at 1.8a resolution.
1xur matrix metalloproteinase-13 complexed with non-zinc binding inhibitor
1xv8 crystal structure of human salivary alpha-amylase dimer
1xva methyltransferase
1xvh crystal structure of the staphylococcus aureus protein (np_646141.1, domain 3912-4037) similar to streptococcal adhesins emb and ebha/ebhb.
1xvi crystal structure of yedp, phosphatase-like domain protein from escherichia coli k12
1xvj crystal structure of rat alpha-parvalbumin d94s/g98e mutant
1xvm trypsin from fusarium oxysporum- room temperature to atomic resolution
1xvs crystal structure of apag protein from vibrio cholerae
1xvw crystal structure of ahpe from mycobacterium tuberculosis, a 1-cys peroxiredoxin
1xw5 human glutathione s-transferase m2-2 (e.c. complexed with glutathione, monoclinic crystal form
1xwg human gst a1-1 t68e mutant
1xwj vinculin head (1-258) in complex with the talin vinculin binding site 3 (1945-1969)
1xwv structure of the house dust mite allergen der f 2: implications for function and molecular basis of ige cross- reactivity
1xx2 refinement of p99 beta-lactamase from enterobacter cloacae
1xx6 x-ray structure of clostridium acetobutylicum thymidine kinase with adp. northeast structural genomics target car26.
1xxl the crystal structure of ycgj protein from bacillus subitilis at 2.1 a resolution
1xxo x-ray crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis pyridoxine 5'-phosphate oxidase at 1.8 a resolution
1xxs structural insights for fatty acid binding in a lys49 phospholipase a2: crystal structure of myotoxin ii from bothrops moojeni complexed with stearic acid
1xxw structure of zinc induced heterodimer of two calcium free isoforms of phospholipase a2 from naja naja sagittifera at 2.7a resolution
1xy1 crystal structure analysis of deamino-oxytocin. conformational flexibility and receptor binding
1xy7 x-ray structure of gene product from arabidopsis thaliana at5g48480
1xya x-ray crystallographic structures of d-xylose isomerase-substrate complexes position the substrate and provide evidence for metal movement during catalysis
1xyb x-ray crystallographic structures of d-xylose isomerase-substrate complexes position the substrate and provide evidence for metal movement during catalysis
1xyc x-ray crystallographic structures of d-xylose isomerase-substrate complexes position the substrate and provide evidence for metal movement during catalysis
1xyd nmr solution structure of rat zinc-calcium-s100b, 20 structures
1xyf endo-1,4-beta-xylanase from streptomyces olivaceoviridis
1xyl the role of the divalent metal ion in sugar binding, ring opening, and isomerization by d-xylose isomerase: replacement of a catalytic metal by an amino-acid
1xym the role of the divalent metal ion in sugar binding, ring opening, and isomerization by d-xylose isomerase: replacement of a catalytic metal by an amino-acid
1xyo structural comparison of two major endo-1,4-beta-xylanases from trichodrema reesei
1xyp structural comparison of two major endo-1,4-beta-xylanases from trichodrema reesei
1xys catalytic core of xylanase a e246c mutant
1xyz a common protein fold and similar active site in two distinct families of beta-glycanases
1xz8 pyrr, the regulator of the pyrimidine biosynthetic operon in bacillus caldolyticus, nucleotide-bound form
1xzk fusarium solani cutinase complex with di(isopropyl)phosphate
1xzn pyrr, the regulator of the pyrimidine biosynthetic operon in bacillus caldolyticus, sulfate-bound form
1xzo identification of a disulfide switch in bssco, a member of the sco family of cytochrome c oxidase assembly proteins
1xzp structure of the gtp-binding protein trme from thermotoga maritima
1xzq structure of the gtp-binding protein trme from thermotoga maritima complexed with 5-formyl-thf
1xzw sweet potato purple acid phosphatase/phosphate complex
1y00 solution structure of the carbon storage regulator protein csra
1y01 crystal structure of ahsp bound to fe(ii) alpha-hemoglobin
1y0e crystal structure of putative mannac-6-p epimerase from staphylococcus aureus (strain n315)
1y0h structure of rv0793 from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1y0j zinc fingers as protein recognition motifs: structural basis for the gata-1/friend of gata interaction
1y0s crystal structure of ppar delta complexed with gw2331
1y0u crystal structure of the putative arsenical resistance operon repressor from archaeoglobus fulgidus
1y0z x-ray structure of gene product from arabidopsis thaliana at3g21360
1y17 crystal structure of aa-x-bp-ii, a snake venom protein with the activity of binding to coagulation factor x from agkistrodon acutus
1y1a crystal structure of calcium and integrin binding protein
1y1d crystal structure of transthyretin in complex with iododiflunisal
1y1k crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 t58a mutant
1y1m crystal structure of the nr1 ligand binding core in complex with cycloleucine
1y1p x-ray structure of aldehyde reductase with nadph
1y1t crystal structure of the uridine phosphorylase from salmonella typhimurium at 1.77a resolution
1y1x structural analysis of a homolog of programmed cell death 6 protein from leishmania major friedlin
1y25 structure of mycobacterial thiol peroxidase tpx
1y2a structure of mammalian importin bound to the non-classical plscr1-nls
1y2b catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4d in complex with 3,5- dimethyl-1h-pyrazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester
1y2c catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4d in complex with 3,5- dimethyl-1-phenyl-1h-pyrazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester
1y2d catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4d in complex with 1-(4- methoxy-phenyl)-3,5-dimethyl-1h-pyrazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester
1y2e catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4d in complex with 1-(4- amino-phenyl)-3,5-dimethyl-1h-pyrazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester
1y2g crystal structure of zipa in complex with an inhibitor
1y2h catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4b in complex with 1-(2- chloro-phenyl)-3,5-dimethyl-1h-pyrazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester
1y2j catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4b in complex with 3,5- dimethyl-1-(3-nitro-phenyl)-1h-pyrazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester
1y2k catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4d in complex with 3,5- dimethyl-1-(3-nitro-phenyl)-1h-pyrazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester
1y2o structure of n-terminal domain irsp53/baiap2
1y2t crystal structure of the common edible mushroom (agaricus bisporus) lectin
1y2u crystal structure of the common edible mushroom (agaricus bisporus) lectin in complex with lacto-n-biose
1y2v crystal structure of the common edible mushroom (agaricus bisporus) lectin in complex with t-antigen
1y2w crystal structure of the orthorhombic form of the common edible mushroom (agaricus bisporus) lectin in complex with t-antigen and n- acetylglucosamine
1y30 x-ray crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis pyridoxine 5'-phosphate oxidase complexed with flavin mononucleotide at 2.2 a resolution
1y33 crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 t58p mutant
1y34 crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 e60a mutant
1y37 structure of fluoroacetate dehalogenase from burkholderia sp. fa1
1y38 crystal structure of the complex formed between phospholipase a2 dimer and glycerophosphate at 2.4 a resolution
1y3b crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 e60s mutant
1y3c crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 r62a mutant
1y3d crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 r67a mutant
1y3f crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 f69a mutant
1y3h crystal structure of inorganic polyphosphate/atp-nad kinase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1y3i crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis nad kinase-nad complex
1y3t crystal structure of yxag, a dioxygenase from bacillus subtilis
1y43 crystal structure of aspergilloglutamic peptidase from aspergillus niger
1y44 crystal structure of rnase z
1y48 crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 r65a mutant
1y4a crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 m59r/e60s mutant
1y4d crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 m59r/e60s mutant
1y4j crystal structure of the paralogue of the human formylglycine generating enzyme
1y4l crystal structure of bothrops asper myotoxin ii complexed with the anti-trypanosomal drug suramin
1y4o solution structure of a mouse cytoplasmic roadblock/lc7 dynein light chain
1y4s conformation rearrangement of heat shock protein 90 upon adp binding
1y4t ferric binding protein from campylobacter jejuni
1y4u conformation rearrangement of heat shock protein 90 upon adp binding
1y52 structure of insect cell (baculovirus) expressed avr4 (c122s)-biotin complex
1y53 crystal structure of bacterial expressed avidin related protein 4 (avr4) c122s
1y55 crystal structure of the c122s mutant of e. coli expressed avidin related protein 4 (avr4)-biotin complex
1y56 crystal structure of l-proline dehydrogenase from p.horikoshii
1y5h crystal structure of truncated se-met hypoxic response protein i (hrpi)
1y5m the crystal structure of murine 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase: an important therapeutic target for diabetes
1y5r the crystal structure of murine 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase complexed with corticosterone
1y64 bni1p formin homology 2 domain complexed with atp-actin
1y6e orthorhombic glutathione s-transferase of schistosoma japonicum
1y6h crystal structure of lipdf
1y6k crystal structure of human il-10 complexed with the soluble il-10r1 chain
1y6m crystal structure of epstein-barr virus il-10 complexed with the soluble il-10r1 chain
1y6n crystal structure of epstein-barr virus il-10 mutant (a87i) complexed with the soluble il-10r1 chain
1y6o crystal structure of disulfide engineered porcine pancreatic phospholipase a2 to group-x isozyme in complex with inhibitor mj33 and phosphate ions
1y6p crystal structure of disulfide engineered porcine pancratic phospholipase a2 to group-x isozyme
1y6q cyrstal structure of mta/adohcy nucleosidase complexed with mt-dadme-imma
1y6r crystal structure of mta/adohcy nucleosidase complexed with mt-imma.
1y6v structure of e. coli alkaline phosphatase in presence of cobalt at 1.60 a resolution
1y6z middle domain of plasmodium falciparum putative heat shock protein pf14_0417
1y71 x-ray crystal structure of kinase-associated protein b from bacillus cereus
1y75 a new form of catalytically inactive phospholipase a2 with an unusual disulphide bridge cys 32- cys 49 reveals recognition for n- acetylglucosmine
1y7a structure of d153h/k328w e. coli alkaline phosphatase in presence of cobalt at 1.77 a resolution
1y7i structural and biochemical studies identify tobacco sabp2 as a methylsalicylate esterase and further implicate it in plant innate immunity, northeast structural genomics target ar2241
1y7l o-acetylserine sulfhydrylase complex
1y7m crystal structure of the b. subtilis ykud protein at 2 a resolution
1y7q mammalian scan domain dimer is a domain-swapped homologue of the hiv capsid c-terminal domain
1y7r 1.7 a crystal structure of protein of unknown function sa2161 from meticillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, probable acetyltransferase
1y7t crystal structure of nad(h)-depenent malate dehydrogenase complexed with nadph
1y7v x-ray structure of human acid-beta-glucosidase covalently bound to conduritol b epoxide
1y7w crystal structure of a halotolerant carbonic anhydrase from dunaliella salina
1y7y high-resolution crystal structure of the restriction- modification controller protein c.ahdi from aeromonas hydrophila
1y89 crystal structure of devb protein
1y8e vcp:suramin complex
1y8g catalytic and ubiqutin-associated domains of mark2/par-1: inactive double mutant with selenomethionine
1y8n crystal structure of the pdk3-l2 complex
1y8o crystal structure of the pdk3-l2 complex
1y8p crystal structure of the pdk3-l2 complex
1y8x structural basis for recruitment of ubc12 by an e2-binding domain in nedd8's e1
1y92 crystal structure of the p19a/n67d variant of bovine seminal ribonuclease
1y94 crystal structure of the g16s/n17t/p19a/s20a/n67d variant of bovine seminal ribonuclease
1y97 the human trex2 3' exonuclease structure suggests a mechanism for efficient non-processive dna catalysis
1y98 structure of the brct repeats of brca1 bound to a ctip phosphopeptide.
1y9a alcohol dehydrogenase from entamoeba histolotica in complex with cacodylate
1y9b structure of conserved putative transcriptional factor from vibrio cholerae o1 biovar eltor str. n16961
1y9w structural genomics, 1.9a crystal structure of an acetyltransferase from bacillus cereus atcc 14579
1y9x solution structure of archaeon dna-binding protein ssh10b
1y9z crystal structure of psychrophilic subtilisin-like serine protease from antarctic psychrotroph pseudoalteromonas sp. as-11 at 0.14 nm resolution
1ya0 crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of human smg7
1yab structure of t. maritima flin flagellar rotor protein
1yac the 1.8 angstrom crystal structure of the ycac gene product from escherichia coli reveals an octameric hydrolase of unknown specificity
1yag structure of the yeast actin-human gelsolin segment 1 complex
1yav crystal structure of cbs domain-containing protein ykul from bacillus subtilis
1yb1 crystal structure of human 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type xi
1yb4 crystal structure of the tartronic semialdehyde reductase from salmonella typhimurium lt2
1yb5 crystal structure of human zeta-crystallin with bound nadp
1ybe crystal structure of a nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase
1ybi crystal structure of ha33a, a neurotoxin-associated protein from clostridium botulinum type a
1ybm x-ray structure of selenomethionyl gene product from arabidopsis thaliana at5g02240 in space group p21212
1ybq crystal structure of escherichia coli isoaspartyl dipeptidase mutant d285n complexed with beta-aspartylhistidine
1ybv structure of trihydroxynaphthalene reductase in complex with nadph and an active site inhibitor
1ybw protease domain of hgfa with no inhibitor
1ybx conserved hypothetical protein cth-383 from clostridium thermocellum
1yby conserved hypothetical protein cth-95 from clostridium thermocellum
1yc0 short form hgfa with first kunitz domain from hai-1
1yc5 sir2-p53 peptide-nicotinamide
1yc7 caban33 vhh fragment against vsg
1yc8 caban33- y37v/e44g/r45l triple mutant
1yca distal pocket polarity in ligand binding to myoglobin: deoxy and carbonmonoxy forms of a threonine68 (e11) mutant investigated by x-ray crystallography and infrared spectroscopy
1ycb distal pocket polarity in ligand binding to myoglobin: deoxy and carbonmonoxy forms of a threonine68 (e11) mutant investigated by x-ray crystallography and infrared spectroscopy
1ycd crystal structure of yeast fsh1/yhr049w, a member of the serine hydrolase family
1ycj crystal structure of the kainate receptor glur5 ligand- binding core in complex with (s)-glutamate
1ycn x-ray structure of annexin from arabidopsis thaliana gene at1g35720
1yco crystal structure of a branched-chain phosphotransacylase from enterococcus faecalis v583
1ycq xenopus laevis mdm2 bound to the transactivation domain of human p53
1ycr mdm2 bound to the transactivation domain of p53
1ycs p53-53bp2 complex
1ydh x-ray structure of a lysine decarboxylase-like protein from arabidopsis thaliana gene at5g11950
1ydi human vinculin head domain (vh1, 1-258) in complex with human alpha-actinin's vinculin-binding site (residues 731- 760)
1ydk crystal structure of the i219a mutant of human glutathione transferase a1-1 with s-hexylglutathione
1ydr structure of camp-dependent protein kinase, alpha-catalytic subunit in complex with h7 protein kinase inhibitor 1-(5- isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine
1yds structure of camp-dependent protein kinase, alpha-catalytic subunit in complex with h8 protein kinase inhibitor [n-(2- methylamino)ethyl]-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide
1ydt structure of camp-dependent protein kinase, alpha-catalytic subunit in complex with h89 protein kinase inhibitor n-[2- (4-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl]-5-isoquinoline
1ydv triosephosphate isomerase (tim)
1ydw x-ray structure of gene product from arabidopsis thaliana at4g09670
1ydy crystal structure of periplasmic glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase from escherichia coli
1ye5 crystal structure of hypothetical protein of unknown function from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
1yec structure of a catalytic antibody igg2a fab fragment (d2.3)
1yee structure of a catalytic antibody, igg2a fab fragment (d2.5)
1yef structure of igg2a fab fragment (d2.3) complexed with substrate analogue
1yeg structure of igg2a fab fragment (d2.3) complexed with reaction product
1yeh structure of igg2a fab fragment
1yei catalytic antibody d2.3 complex
1yej catalytic antibody complex
1yek catalytic antibody d2.3 complex
1yem conserved hypothetical protein pfu-838710-001 from pyrococcus furiosus
1yf2 three-dimensional structure of dna sequence specificity (s) subunit of a type i restriction-modification enzyme and its functional implications
1yf4 crystal structure of trypsin-vasopressin complex
1yf8 crystal structure of himalayan mistletoe rip reveals the presence of a natural inhibitor and a new functionally active sugar-binding site
1yfb the solution structure of the n-domain of the transcription factor abrb
1yfd crystal structure of the y122h mutant of ribonucleotide reductase r2 protein from e. coli
1yfk crystal structure of human b type phosphoglycerate mutase
1yfo receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase alpha, domain 1 from mouse
1yfr crystal structure of alanyl-trna synthetase in complex with atp and magnesium
1yfs the crystal structure of alanyl-trna synthetase in complex with l-alanine
1yfz novel imp binding in feedback inhibition of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase from thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis
1yga crystal structure of saccharomyces cerevisiae yn9a protein, new york structural genomics consortium
1ygc short factor viia with a small molecule inhibitor
1ygh hat domain of gcn5 from saccharomyces cerevisiae
1ygp phosphorylated form of yeast glycogen phosphorylase with phosphate bound in the active site.
1ygy crystal structure of d-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1yh3 crystal structure of human cd38 extracellular domain
1yh8 crystal structure of aquifex aeolicus lpxc deacetylase complexed with palmitate
1yha crystal structures of y41h and y41f mutants of gene v protein from ff phage suggest possible protein-protein interactions in gvp-ssdna complex
1yhc crystal structure of aquifex aeolicus lpxc deacetylase complexed with cacodylate
1yhg uncyclized precursor structure of s65g y66s v68g gfp variant
1yhn structure basis of rilp recruitment by rab7
1yi6 c-term tail segment of human tyrosine kinase (258-533)
1yig crystal structure of the human eb1 c-terminal dimerization domain
1yix crystal structure of ycfh, tatd homolog from escherichia coli k12, at 1.9 a resolution
1yiy aedes aegypti kynurenine aminotransferase
1yiz aedes aegypti kynurenine aminotrasferase
1yj4 y305f trichodiene synthase
1ykc human glutathione s-transferase m2-2 (e.c. complexed with glutathione-disulfide
1ykd crystal structure of the tandem gaf domains from a cyanobacterial adenylyl cyclase: novel modes of ligand-binding and dimerization
1ykh structure of the mediator med7/med21 (med7/srb7) subcomplex
1ykj a45g p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase with p-hydroxybenzoate bound
1ykt trypsin/bpti complex mutant
1ykw crystal structure of a novel rubisco-like protein from the green sulfur bacterium chlorobium tepidum
1yl5 crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis dihydrodipicolinate reductase (rv2773c) (crystal form a)
1yl6 crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis dihydrodipicolinate reductase (rv2773c) (crystal form b)
1yla ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2-25 kda (huntington interacting protein 2)
1ylc trypsin/bpti complex mutant
1yld trypsin/bpti complex mutant
1yli crystal structure of hi0827, a hexameric broad specificity acyl- coenzyme a thioesterase
1ylm structure of cytosolic protein of unknown function yute from bacillus subtilis
1ylq crystal structure of putative nucleotidyltransferase
1ylr the structure of e.coli nitroreductase with bound acetate, crystal form 1
1ylu the structure of e. coli nitroreductase with bound acetate, crystal form 2
1ylx crystal structure of a protein of unknown function from bacillus stearothermophilus
1yly x-ray crystallographic structure of ctx-m-9 beta-lactamase complexed with ceftazidime-like boronic acid
1ylz x-ray crystallographic structure of ctx-m-14 beta-lactamase complexed with ceftazidime-like boronic acid
1ym0 crystal structure of earthworm fibrinolytic enzyme component b: a novel, glycosylated two-chained trypsin
1ym1 x-ray crystallographic structure of ctx-m-9 beta-lactamase complexed with a boronic acid inhibitor (sm2)
1ymp the crystal structure of a partial mouse notch-1 ankyrin domain: repeats 4 through 7 preserve an ankyrin fold
1yms x-ray crystallographic structure of ctx-m-9 beta-lactamase complexed with nafcinin-like boronic acid inhibitor
1ymt mouse sf-1 lbd
1ymu signal transduction protein chey mutant with met 17 replaced by gly (m17g)
1ymx x-ray crystallographic structure of ctx-m-9 beta-lactamase covalently linked to cefoxitin
1ymy crystal structure of the n-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase from escherichia coli k12
1yn5 crystal structures of eap domains from staphylococcus aureus reveal an unexpected homology to bacterial superantigens
1ynd structure of human cyclophilin a in complex with the novel immunosuppressant sanglifehrin a at 1.6a resolution
1ynk identification of key residues of the nc6.8 fab antibody fragment binding to synthetic sweeteners: crystal structure of nc6.8 co-crystalized with high potency sweetener compound sc45647
1ynl identification of key residues of the nc6.8 fab antibody fragment binding to synthetic sweeterners: crystal structure of nc6.8 co-crystalized with high potency sweetener compound sc45647
1ynp aldo-keto reductase akr11c1 from bacillus halodurans (apo form)
1ynq aldo-keto reductase akr11c1 from bacillus halodurans (holo form)
1yo7 re-engineering topology of the homodimeric rop protein into a single-chain 4-helix bundle
1yoc crystal structure of genomics apc5556
1yod crystal structure of a water soluble analog of phospholamban
1yoj crystal structure of src kinase domain
1yol crystal structure of src kinase domain in complex with cgp77675
1yom crystal structure of src kinase domain in complex with purvalanol a
1you crystal structure of the catalytic domain of mmp-13 complexed with a potent pyrimidinetrione inhibitor
1yow human steroidogenic factor 1 lbd with bound co-factor peptide
1yoz predicted coding region af0941 from archaeoglobus fulgidus
1yp0 structure of the steroidogenic factor-1 ligand binding domain bound to phospholipid and a shp peptide motif
1yp1 crystal structure of a non-hemorrhagic fibrin(ogen)olytic metalloproteinase from venom of agkistrodon acutus
1ypf crystal structure of guac (ba5705) from bacillus anthracis at 1.8 a resolution
1ypi structure of yeast triosephosphate isomerase at 1.9- angstroms resolution
1ypp acid anhydride hydrolase
1ypq human oxidized low density lipoprotein receptor lox-1 dioxane complex
1ypt crystal structure of yersinia protein tyrosine phosphatase at 2.5 angstroms and the complex with tungstate
1ypu human oxidized low density lipoprotein receptor lox-1 c2 space group
1ypy crystal structure of vaccinia virus l1 protein
1yq1 structural genomics of caenorhabditis elegans: glutathione s-transferase
1yq5 prd1 vertex protein p5
1yqc crystal structure of ureidoglycolate hydrolase (alla) from escherichia coli o157:h7
1yqd sinapyl alcohol dehydrogenase complexed with nadp+
1yqh stucture of domain of unknown function duf77 from bacillus cereus
1yqo t268a mutant heme domain of flavocytochrome p450 bm3
1yqp t268n mutant cytochrome domain of flavocytochrome p450 bm3
1yqx sinapyl alcohol dehydrogenase at 2.5 angstrom resolution
1yqz structure of coenzyme a-disulfide reductase from staphylococcus aureus refined at 1.54 angstrom resolution
1yr5 1.7-a structure of calmodulin bound to a peptide from dap kinase
1yra pab0955 crystal structure : a gtpase in gdp bound form from pyrococcus abyssi
1yrb pab0955 crystal structure : a gtpase in gdp and mg bound form from pyrococcus abyssi
1yrg the crystal structure of rna1p: a new fold for a gtpase- activating protein
1yrk the c2 domain of pkc is a new phospho-tyrosine binding domain
1yrp catalytic domain of human zip kinase phosphorylated at thr265
1yrr crystal structure of the n-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase from escherichia coli k12 at 2.0 a resolution
1yrs crystal structure of ksp in complex with inhibitor 1
1yrt crystal structure analysis of the adenylyl cyclaes catalytic domain of adenylyl cyclase toxin of bordetella pertussis in presence of c-terminal calmodulin
1yru crystal structure analysis of the adenylyl cyclaes catalytic domain of adenylyl cyclase toxin of bordetella pertussis in presence of c-terminal calmodulin and 1mm calcium chloride
1yrz crystal structure of xylan beta-1,4-xylosidase from bacillus halodurans c-125
1ys4 structure of aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase from methanococcus jannaschii
1ys6 crystal structure of the response regulatory protein prra from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1ys7 crystal structure of the response regulator protein prra comlexed with mg2+
1ysb yeast cytosine deaminase triple mutant
1ysd yeast cytosine deaminase double mutant
1ysf the solution structure of the n-domain of the transcription factor abrb
1ysj crystal structure of bacillus subtilis yxep protein (apc1829), a dinuclear metal binding peptidase from m20 family
1ysl crystal structure of hmg-coa synthase from enterococcus faecalis with acetoacetyl-coa ligand.
1yt1 crystal structure of the unliganded form of grp94, the er hsp90: basis for nucleotide-induced conformational change, grp94n(delta)41 apo crystal
1yt9 hiv protease with oximinoarylsulfonamide bound
1yti siv protease crystallized with peptide product
1ytj siv protease crystallized with peptide product
1ytm crystal structure of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase of anaerobiospirillum succiniciproducens complexed with atp, oxalate, magnesium and manganese ions
1ytt yb substituted subtilisin fragment of mannose binding protein-a (sub-mbp-a), mad structure at 110k
1yuk the crystal structure of the psi/hybrid domain/ i-egf1 segment from the human integrin beta2 at 1.8 resolution
1yun crystal structure of nicotinic acid mononucleotide adenylyltransferase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1yur solution structure of apo-s100a13 (minimized mean structure)
1yus solution structure of apo-s100a13
1yut solution structure of calcium-s100a13 (minimized mean structure)
1yuu solution structure of calcium-s100a13
1yux mixed valant state of nigerythrin
1yuz partially reduced state of nigerythrin
1yv1 fully reduced state of nigerythrin (all ferrous)
1yv9 crystal structure of a had-like phosphatase from enterococcus faecalis v583
1yvb the plasmodium falciparum cysteine protease falcipain-2
1yvh crystal structure of the c-cbl tkb domain in complex with the aps ptyr-618 phosphopeptide
1yvi x-ray structure of putative histidine-containing phosphotransfer protein from rice, ak104879
1yvn the yeast actin val 159 asn mutant complex with human gelsolin segment 1.
1yvo hypothetical acetyltransferase from p.aeruginosa pa01
1yvt the high salt (phosphate) crystal structure of co hemoglobin e (glu26lys) at physiological ph (ph 7.35)
1yw4 crystal structure of the succinylglutamate desuccinylase from chromobacterium violaceum, northeast structural genomics target cvr22.
1yw6 crystal structure of succinylglutamate desuccinylase from escherichia coli, northeast structural genomics target et72.
1ywi structure of the fbp11ww1 domain complexed to the peptide apptppplpp
1ywo phospholipase cgamma1 sh3 in complex with a slp-76 motif
1yx2 crystal structure of the probable aminomethyltransferase from bacillus subtilis
1yx5 solution structure of s5a uim-1/ubiquitin complex
1yx6 solution structure of s5a uim-2/ubiquitin complex
1yxa serpina3n, a murine orthologue of human antichymotrypsin
1yxc structure of e. coli dihydrodipicolinate synthase to 1.9 a
1yxd structure of e. coli dihydrodipicolinate synthase bound with allosteric inhibitor (s)-lysine to 2.0 a
1yxj crystal structure of human lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor 1 (lox-1) at low ph
1yxk crystal structure of human lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor 1 (lox-1) disulfide-linked dimer
1yxo crystal structure of pyridoxal phosphate biosynthetic protein pdxa pa0593
1yxq crystal structure of actin in complex with swinholide a
1yxy crystal structure of putative n-acetylmannosamine-6-p epimerase from streptococcus pyogenes (apc29713) structural genomics, mcsg
1yy3 structure of s-adenosylmethionine:trna ribosyltransferase- isomerase (quea)
1yy5 crystal structure of fms1, a polyamine oxidase from yeast
1yy6 the crystal strucure of the n-terminal domain of hausp/usp7 complexed with an ebna1 peptide
1yy7 crystal structure of stringent starvation protein a (sspa), an rna polymerase-associated transcription factor
1yya crystal structure of tt0473, putative triosephosphate isomerase from thermus thermophilus hb8
1yyh crystal structure of the human notch 1 ankyrin domain
1yyp crystal structure of cytomegalovirus ul44 bound to c-terminal peptide from cmv ul54
1yyq y305f trichodiene synthase complexed with pyrophosphate
1yyr y305f trichodiene synthase: complex with mg, pyrophosphate, and (4r)-7-azabisabolene
1yys y305f trichodiene synthase: complex with mg, pyrophosphate, and (4s)-7-azabisabolene
1yyt d100e trichodiene synthase: complex with mg, pyrophosphate, and (4r)-7-azabisabolene
1yyu d100e trichodiene synthase: complex with mg, pyrophosphate, and (4s)-7-azabisabolene
1yyv putative transcriptional regulator ytfh from salmonella typhimurium
1yz0 r-state amp complex reveals initial steps of the quaternary transition of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
1yz3 structure of human pnmt complexed with cofactor product adohcy and inhibitor sk&f 64139
1yz4 crystal structure of dusp15
1yz5 the crystal structure of 14-3-3-sigma at 2.8 angstrom resolution
1yzh crystal structure of the conserved hypothetical protein, methyltransferase from streptococcus pneumoniae tigr4
1yzi a novel quaternary structure of human carbonmonoxy hemoglobin
1yzx crystal structure of human kappa class glutathione transferase
1yzy crystal structure of haemophilus influenzae protein hi1011, pfam duf1537
1yzz humanized caban33 at room temperature
1z00 solution structure of the c-terminal domain of ercc1 complexed with the c-terminal domain of xpf
1z09 solution structure of km23
1z0d gdp-bound rab5c gtpase
1z0j structure of gtp-bound rab22q64l gtpase in complex with the minimal rab binding domain of rabenosyn-5
1z0r solution structure of the n-terminal dna recognition domain of the bacillus subtilis transcription-state regulator abrb
1z0u crystal structure of a nad kinase from archaeoglobus fulgidus bound by nadp
1z0x crystal structure of transcriptional regulator, tetr family from enterococcus faecalis v583
1z1a s. cerevisiae sir1 orc-interaction domain
1z1d structural model for the interaction between rpa32 c- terminal domain and sv40 t antigen origin binding domain.
1z1h hiv-1 protease complexed with macrocyclic peptidomimetic inhibitor 3
1z1j crystal structure of sars 3clpro c145a mutant
1z1r hiv-1 protease complexed with macrocyclic peptidomimetic inhibitor 2
1z1y crystal structure of methylated pvs25, an ookinete protein from plasmodium vivax
1z2l crystal structure of allantoate-amidohydrolase from e.coli k12 in complex with substrate allantoate
1z2v crystal structure of glu60 deletion mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
1z2w crystal structure of mouse vps29 complexed with mn2+
1z2x crystal structure of mouse vps29
1z2z crystal structure of the putative trna pseudouridine synthase d (trud) from methanosarcina mazei, northeast structural genomics target mar1
1z3a crystal structure of trna adenosine deaminase tada from escherichia coli
1z3e crystal structure of spx in complex with the c-terminal domain of the rna polymerase alpha subunit
1z3h the exportin cse1 in its cargo-free, cytoplasmic state
1z3l x-ray crystal structure of a mutant ribonuclease s (f8anb)
1z3m crystal structure of mutant ribonuclease s (f8nva)
1z3p x-ray crystal structure of a mutant ribonuclease s (m13nva)
1z40 ama1 from plasmodium falciparum
1z41 crystal structure of oxidized yqjm from bacillus subtilis
1z42 crystal structure of oxidized yqjm from bacillus subtilis complexed with p-hydroxybenzaldehyde
1z44 crystal structure of oxidized yqjm from bacillus subtilis complexed with p-nitrophenol
1z47 structure of the atpase subunit cysa of the putative sulfate atp-binding cassette (abc) transporter from alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius
1z48 crystal structure of reduced yqjm from bacillus subtilis
1z4e crystal structure of transcriptional regulator from bacillus halodurans c-125
1z4n structure of beta-phosphoglucomutase with inhibitor bound alpha-galactose 1-phosphate cocrystallized with fluoride
1z4o structure of beta-phosphoglucomutase with inhibitor bound alpha-galactose 1-phosphate
1z52 proaerolysin mutant w373l
1z5a topoisomerase vi-b, adp-bound dimer form
1z5b topoisomerase vi-b, adp alf4- bound dimer form
1z5c topoisomerase vi-b, adp pi bound dimer form
1z5n crystal structure of mta/adohcy nucleosidase glu12gln mutant complexed with 5-methylthioribose and adenine
1z5o crystal structure of mta/adohcy nucleosidase asp197asn mutant complexed with 5'-methylthioadenosine
1z5x hemipteran ecdysone receptor ligand-binding domain complexed with ponasterone a
1z5y crystal structure of the disulfide-linked complex between the n-terminal domain of the electron transfer catalyst dsbd and the cytochrome c biogenesis protein ccmg
1z5z sulfolobus solfataricus swi2/snf2 atpase c-terminal domain
1z68 crystal structure of human fibroblast activation protein alpha
1z6d ribonuclease a- imp complex
1z6e factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 1-(3'-amino-1,2-benzisoxazol- 5'-yl)-n-(4-(2'-((dimethylamino)methyl)-1h-imidazol-1-yl)-2- fluorophenyl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1h-pyrazole-5-carboxamide (razaxaban; dpc906; bms-561389)
1z6l crystal structure of fms1 in complex with its substrate
1z6s ribonuclease a- amp complex
1z6u np95-like ring finger protein isoform b [homo sapiens]
1z6x structure of human adp-ribosylation factor 4
1z6y structure of human adp-ribosylation factor-like 5
1z71 thrombin and p2 pyridine n-oxide inhibitor complex structure
1z72 structure of a putative transcriptional regulator from streptococcus pneumoniae
1z76 crystal structure of an acidic phospholipase a2 (btha-i) from bothrops jararacussu venom complexed with p- bromophenacyl bromide
1z7j human transthyretin (also called prealbumin) complex with 3, 3',5,5'- tetraiodothyroacetic acid (t4ac)
1z7u crystal structure of the putitive transcriptional regulator of marr family from enterococcus faecalis v583
1z82 crystal structure of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (tm0378) from thermotoga maritima at 2.00 a resolution
1z84 x-ray structure of galt-like protein from arabidopsis thaliana at5g18200
1z85 crystal structure of a predicted rna methyltransferase (tm1380) from thermotoga maritima msb8 at 2.12 a resolution
1z8c crystal structure of the complex of mutant hiv-1 protease (l63p, a71v, v82t, i84v) with a hydroxyethylamine peptidomimetic inhibitor boc- phe-psi[r-ch(oh)ch2nh]-phe-glu-phe-nh2
1z8g crystal structure of the extracellular region of the transmembrane serine protease hepsin with covalently bound preferred substrate.
1z8i crystal structure of the thrombin mutant g193a bound to ppack
1z90 x-ray structure of gene product from arabidopsis thaliana at3g03250, a putative udp-glucose pyrophosphorylase
1z92 structure of interleukin-2 with its alpha receptor
1z96 crystal structure of the mud1 uba domain
1z98 crystal structure of the spinach aquaporin sopip2;1 in a closed conformation
1z9m crystal structure of nectin-like molecule-1 protein domain 1
1z9p x-ray structure of a cu-zn superoxide dismutase from haemophilus ducreyi
1z9u structural genomics, the crystal structure of the acetyl transferase, modifies n-terminal serine of 50s ribosomal subunit protein l7/l12 from salmonella typhimurium
1z9z crystal structure of yeast sla1 sh3 domain 3
1za5 q69h-fesod
1zae solution structure of the functional domain of phi29 replication organizer p16.7c
1zak adenylate kinase from maize in complex with the inhibitor p1,p5-bis(adenosine-5'-)pentaphosphate (ap5a)
1zan crystal structure of anti-ngf ad11 fab
1zb1 structure basis for endosomal targeting by the bro1 domain
1zb8 crystal structure of xylella fastidiosa organic peroxide resistance protein
1zb9 crystal structure of xylella fastidiosa organic peroxide resistance protein
1zbc crystal structure of the porcine signalling protein liganded with the peptide trp-pro-trp (wpw) at 2.3 a resolution
1zbd structural basis of rab effector specificity: crystal structure of the small g protein rab3a complexed with the effector domain of rabphilin-3a
1zbg crystal structure of a complex of mutant hiv-1 protease (a71v, v82t, i84v) with a hydroxyethylamine peptidomimetic inhibitor boc-phe- psi[r-ch(oh)ch2nh]-phe-glu-phe-nh2
1zbk recognition of specific peptide sequences by signalling protein from sheep mammary gland (sps-40): crystal structure of the complex of sps-40 with a peptide trp-pro-trp at 2.9a resolution
1zbo x-ray crystal structure of protein bpp1347 from bordetella parapertussis. northeast structural genomics consortium target bor27.
1zbr crystal structure of the putative arginine deiminase from porphyromonas gingivalis, northeast structural genomics target pgr3
1zbv crystal structure of the goat signalling protein (spg-40) complexed with a designed peptide trp-pro-trp at 3.2a resolution
1zbw crystal structure of the complex formed between signalling protein from goat mammary gland (spg-40) and a tripeptide trp-pro-trp at 2.8a resolution
1zbx crystal structure of a orc1p-sir1p complex
1zc2 crystal structure of plasmid-encoded class c beta-lactamase cmy-2 complexed with citrate molecule
1zc6 crystal structure of putative n-acetylglucosamine kinase from chromobacterium violaceum. northeast structural genomics target cvr23.
1zca crystal structure of g alpha 12 in complex with gdp, mg2+ and alf4-
1zcd crystal structure of the na+/h+ antiporter nhaa
1zcl prl-1 c104s mutant in complex with sulfate
1zco crystal structure of pyrococcus furiosus 3-deoxy-d-arabino- heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase
1zcr crystal structure of human transthyretin with bound iodide
1zct structure of glycogenin truncated at residue 270 in a complex with udp
1zcz crystal structure of phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamide formyltransferase / imp cyclohydrolase (tm1249) from thermotoga maritima at 1.88 a resolution
1zd1 human sulfortransferase sult4a1
1zd6 crystal structure of human transthyretin with bound chloride
1zd7 1.7 angstrom crystal structure of post-splicing form of a dnae intein from synechocystis sp. pcc 6803
1zdm crystal structure of activated chey bound to xe
1zdn ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2s
1zee x-ray crystal structure of protein so4414 from shewanella oneidensis. northeast structural genomics consortium target sor52.
1zel crystal structure of rv2827c protein from mycobacterium tuberculosis
1zeo crystal structure of human ppar-gamma ligand binding domain complexed with an alpha-aryloxyphenylacetic acid agonist
1zfp growth factor receptor binding protein sh2 domain complexed with a phosphotyrosyl pentapeptide
1zfs solution structure of s100a1 bound to calcium
1zgc crystal structure of torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase in complex with an (rs)-tacrine(10)-hupyridone inhibitor.
1zgi thrombin in complex with an oxazolopyridine inhibitor 21
1zgn crystal structure of the glutathione transferase pi in complex with dinitrosyl-diglutathionyl iron complex
1zgr crystal structure of the parkia platycephala seed lectin
1zgs parkia platycephala seed lectin in complex with 5-bromo-4- chloro-3-indolyl-a-d-mannose
1zgu solution structure of the human mms2-ubiquitin complex
1zgv thrombin in complex with an oxazolopyridine inhibitor 2
1zgx crystal structure of ribonuclease mutant
1zgy structural and biochemical basis for selective repression of the orphan nuclear receptor lrh-1 by shp
1zh1 structure of the zinc-binding domain of hcv ns5a
1zh2 crystal structure of the calcium-bound receiver domain of kdp potassium transport system response regulator kdpe
1zh4 crystal structure of the mg+2/bef3-bound receiver domain of kdp potassium transport system response regulator kdpe
1zh8 crystal structure of oxidoreductase (tm0312) from thermotoga maritima at 2.50 a resolution
1zha a. aeolicus kdo8ps r106g mutant in complex with pep and r5p
1zhg crystal structure of beta-hydroxyacyl-acyl carrier protein dehydratase (fabz) from plasmodium falciparum
1zhh crystal structure of the apo form of vibrio harveyi luxp complexed with the periplasmic domain of luxq
1zhi complex of the s. cerevisiae orc1 and sir1 interacting domains
1zhn crystal structure of mouse cd1d bound to the self ligand phosphatidylcholine
1zi0 a superhelical spiral in escherichia coli dna gyrase a c- terminal domain imparts unidirectional supercoiling bias
1zii gcn4-leucine zipper core mutant asn16aba in the dimeric state
1zik gcn4-leucine zipper core mutant asn16lys in the dimeric state
1zil gcn4-leucine zipper core mutant asn16gln in the dimeric state
1zj8 structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis nira protein
1zj9 structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis nira protein
1zja crystal structure of the trehalulose synthase mutb from pseudomonas mesoacidophila mx-45 (triclinic form)
1zjb crystal structure of the trehalulose synthase mutb from pseudomonas mesoacidophila mx-45 (monoclinic form)
1zjd crystal structure of the catalytic domain of coagulation factor xi in complex with kunitz protease inhibitor domain of protease nexin ii
1zji aquifex aeolicus kdo8ps r106g mutant in complex with 2pga and r5p
1zjj crystal structure of hypothetical protein ph1952 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
1zk8 crystal structure of transcriptional regulator from bacillus cereus atcc 14579
1zkc crystal structure of the cyclophiln_ring domain of human peptidylprolyl isomerase (cyclophilin)-like 2 isoform b
1zkd x-ray structure of the putative protein q6n1p6 from rhodopseudomonas palustris at the resolution 2.1 a , northeast structural genomics consortium target rpr58
1zkg crystal structure of transcriptional regulator, tetr family (tm1030) from thermotoga maritima at 2.30 a resolution
1zki structure of conserved protein pa5202 from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1zko crystal structure of glycine cleavage system h protein (tm0212) from thermotoga maritima at 1.65 a resolution
1zkr crystal structure of the major cat allergen fel d 1 (1+2)
1zkw crystal structure of arg347ala mutant of botulinum neurotoxin e catalytic domain
1zkx crystal structure of glu158ala/thr159ala/asn160ala- a triple mutant of clostridium botulinum neurotoxin e catalytic domain
1zl0 structure of protein of unknown function pa5198 from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1zl1 crystal structure of the complex of signalling protein from sheep (sps-40) with a designed peptide trp-his-trp reveals significance of asn79 and trp191 in the complex formation
1zl5 crystal structure of glu335gln mutant of clostridium botulinum neurotoxin e catalytic domain
1zl6 crystal structure of tyr350ala mutant of clostridium botulinum neurotoxin e catalytic domain
1zl8 nmr structure of l27 heterodimer from c. elegans lin-7 and h. sapiens lin-2 scaffold proteins
1zl9 crystal structure of a major nematode c.elegans specific gst (ce01613)
1zlf crystal structure of a complex of mutant hiv-1 protease (a71v, v82t, i84v) with a hydroxyethylamine peptidomimetic inhibitor
1zlh crystal structure of the tick carboxypeptidase inhibitor in complex with bovine carboxypeptidase a
1zli crystal structure of the tick carboxypeptidase inhibitor in complex with human carboxypeptidase b
1zlp petal death protein psr132 with cysteine-linked glutaraldehyde forming a thiohemiacetal adduct
1zlq crystallographic and spectroscopic evidence for high affinity binding of fe edta (h2o)- to the periplasmic nickel transporter nika
1zls fab 2g12 + man4
1zlz re-evaluation of the low-temperature azide in mn-dependent superoxide dismutase
1zm0 crystal structure of the carboxyl terminal ph domain of pleckstrin to 2.1 angstroms
1zm1 crystal structures of complex f. succinogenes 1,3-1,4-beta- d-glucanase and beta-1,3-1,4-cellotriose
1zm6 crystal structure of the complex formed beween a group i phospholipase a2 and designed penta peptide leu-ala-ile- tyr-ser at 2.6a resolution
1zmk crystal structure of human alpha-defensin-2 (variant gly16-> d-ala), p 42 21 2 space group
1zms lmp1 protein binds to traf3 as a structural cd40
1zmu catalytic and ubiqutin-associated domains of mark2/par-1: wild type
1zmv catalytic and ubiqutin-associated domains of mark2/par-1: k82r mutant
1zmw catalytic and ubiqutin-associated domains of mark2/par-1: t208a/s212a inactive double mutant
1zn3 crystal structure of glu335ala mutant of clostridium botulinum neurotoxin type e
1zn7 human adenine phosphoribosyltransferase complexed with prpp, ade and r5p
1zn8 human adenine phosphoribosyltransferase complexed with amp, in space group p1 at 1.76 a resolution
1zn9 human adenine phosphoribosyltransferase in apo and amp complexed forms
1znb metallo-beta-lactamase
1znc human carbonic anhydrase iv
1zno crystal structure of vc702 from vibrio cholerae, northeast structural genomics consortium target: vcp1
1zo2 structure of nuclear transport factor 2 (ntf2) from cryptosporidium parvum
1zo4 crystal structure of a328s mutant of the heme domain of p450bm-3
1zo9 crystal structure of the wild type heme domain of p450bm-3 with n- palmitoylmethionine
1zoa crystal structure of a328v mutant of the heme domain of p450bm-3 with n-palmitoylglycine
1zoo cd11a i-domain with bound magnesium ion
1zop cd11a i-domain with bound magnesium ion
1zor isocitrate dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophile thermotoga maritima
1zot crystal structure analysis of the cyaa/c-cam with pmeapp
1zov crystal structure of monomeric sarcosine oxidase from bacillus sp. ns- 129
1zp7 the structure of bacillus subtilis recu holliday junction resolvase and its role in substrate selection and sequence specific cleavage.
1zpk crystal structure of the complex of mutant hiv-1 protease (a71v, v82t, i84v) with a hydroxyethylamine peptidomimetic inhibitor boc-phe- psi[r-ch(oh)ch2nh]-phe-glu-phe-nh2
1zpl e. coli f17a-g lectin domain complex with glcnac(beta1-o)me
1zpr e. coli thymidylate synthase mutant e58q in complex with cb3717 and 2'-deoxyuridine 5'-monophosphate (dump)
1zps crystal structure of methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum phosphoribosyl-amp cyclohydrolase hisi
1zq9 crystal structure of human dimethyladenosine transferase
1zr5 crystal structure of the macro-domain of human core histone variant macroh2a1.2
1zrb thrombin in complex with an azafluorenyl inhibitor 23b
1zro crystal structure of eba-175 region ii (rii) crystallized in the presence of (alpha)2,3-sialyllactose
1zrs wild-type ld-carboxypeptidase
1zsf crystal structure of complex of a hydroxyethylamine inhibitor with hiv-1 protease at 2.0a resolution
1zsg beta pix-sh3 complexed with an atypical peptide from alpha- pak
1zsn synthesis, biological activity, and x-ray crystal structural analysis of diaryl ether inhibitors of malarial enoyl acp reductase. part 1:4'-substituted triclosan derivatives
1zso hypothetical protein from plasmodium falciparum
1zsp contribution to structure and catalysis of tyrosine 34 in human manganese superoxide dismutase
1zsr crystal structure of wild type hiv-1 protease (bru isolate) with a hydroxyethylamine peptidomimetic inhibitor boc-phe-psi[s-ch(oh) ch2nh]-phe-glu-phe-nh2
1ztd hypothetical protein pfu-631545-001 from pyrococcus furiosus
1ztv crystal structure of a duf72 family protein (ef0366) from enterococcus faecalis v583 at 3.10 a resolution
1zu5 crystal structure of ftsy from mycoplasma mycoides- space group h32
1zub solution structure of the rim1alpha pdz domain in complex with an elks1b c-terminal peptide
1zuc progesterone receptor ligand binding domain in complex with the nonsteroidal agonist tanaproget
1zun crystal structure of a gtp-regulated atp sulfurylase heterodimer from pseudomonas syringae
1zuo structure of human ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (ubci) involved in embryo attachment and implantation
1zup crystal structure of a putative nuclease with a ribonuclease h-like motif fold (tm1739) from thermotoga maritima at 2.20 a resolution
1zuq contribution to structure and catalysis of tyrosine 34 in human manganese superoxide dismutase
1zuy high-resolution structure of yeast myo5 sh3 domain
1zuz calmodulin in complex with a mutant peptide from human drp-1 kinase
1zv1 crystal structure of the dimerization domain of doublesex protein from d. melanogaster
1zv5 crystal structure of the variable domain of the camelid heavy-chain antibody d2-l29 in complex with hen egg white lysozyme
1zv7 a structure-based mechanism of sars virus membrane fusion
1zvf the crystal structure of 3-hydroxyanthranilate 3,4- dioxygenase from saccharomyces cerevisiae
1zvh crystal stucture of the vhh domain d2-l24 in complex with hen egg white lysozyme
1zvk structure of double mutant, d164n, e78h of kumamolisin-as
1zvl rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase oxygenase domain complexed with natural substrate l-arg.
1zvn crystal structure of chick mn-cadherin ec1
1zvt structure of the e. coli parc c-terminal domain
1zvy crystal structure of the vhh d3-l11 in complex with hen egg white lysozyme
1zvz vinculin head (0-258) in complex with the talin rod residue 820-844
1zw1 synthesis, biological activity, and x-ray crystal structural analysis of diaryl ether inhibitors of malarial enoyl acp reductase. part 1:4'-substituted triclosan derivatives
1zw2 vinculin head (0-258) in complex with the talin rod residues 2345-2369
1zw3 vinculin head (0-258) in complex with the talin rod residues 1630-1652
1zwj x-ray structure of galt-like protein from arabidopsis thaliana at5g18200
1zwk structure of wrba from pseudomonas aeruginosa
1zww crystal structure of endophilin-a1 bar domain
1zwz structural comparison of yeast snornp and splicesomal protein snu13p with its homologs
1zx1 human quinone oxidoreductase 2 (nqo2) in complex with the cytostatic prodrug cb1954
1zx2 crystal structure of yeast ubp3-associated protein bre5
1zxa solution structure of the coiled-coil domain of cgmp- dependent protein kinase ia
1zxb synthesis, biological activity, and x-ray crystal structural analysis of diaryl ether inhibitors of malarial enoyl acp reductase. part 1:4'-substituted triclosan derivatives
1zxc crystal structure of catalytic domain of tnf-alpha converting enzyme (tace) with inhibitor
1zxk crystal structure of cadherin8 ec1 domain
1zxl synthesis, biological activity, and x-ray crystal structural analysis of diaryl ether inhibitors of malarial enoyl acp reductase. part 1:4'-substituted triclosan derivatives
1zxm human topo iia atpase/amp-pnp
1zxv x-ray crystal structure of the anthrax lethal factor bound to a small molecule inhibitor, bi-mfm3, 3-{5-[5-(4-chloro- phenyl)-furan-2-ylmethylene]-4-oxo-2-thioxo-thiazolidin-3- yl}-propionic acid.
1zxz x-ray structure of peptide deformylase from arabidopsis thaliana (atpdf1a); crystals grown in peg-5000 mme as precipitant
1zy0 x-ray structure of peptide deformylase from arabidopsis thaliana (atpdf1a); crystals grown in peg-6000
1zy2 crystal structure of the phosphorylated receiver domain of the transcription regulator ntrc1 from aquifex aeolicus
1zy3 structural model of complex of bcl-w protein with bid bh3- peptide
1zy4 crystal structure of eif2alpha protein kinase gcn2: r794g hyperactivating mutant in apo form.
1zy5 crystal structure of eif2alpha protein kinase gcn2: r794g hyperactivating mutant complexed with amppnp.
1zy6 membrane-bound dimer structure of protegrin-1 (pg-1), a beta-hairpin antimicrobial peptide in lipid bilayers from rotational-echo double-resonance solid-state nmr
1zy7 crystal structure of the catalytic domain of an adenosine deaminase that acts on rna (hadar2) bound to inositol hexakisphosphate (ihp)
1zyd crystal structure of eif2alpha protein kinase gcn2: wild- type complexed with atp.
1zym amino terminal domain of enzyme i from escherichia coli
1zyn oxidized structure of the n-terminal domain of salmonella typhimurium ahpf
1zyp synchrotron reduced form of the n-terminal domain of salmonella typhimurium ahpf
1zys co-crystal structure of checkpoint kinase chk1 with a pyrrolo-pyridine inhibitor
1zyz structures of yeast ribonucloetide reductase i
1zz6 crystal structure of apo-hppe
1zz7 crystal structure of feii hppe in complex with substrate form 1
1zzb crystal structure of coii hppe in complex with substrate
1zzc crystal structure of coii hppe in complex with tris buffer
1zzd structures of yeast ribonucleotide reductase i
1zze x-ray structure of nadph-dependent carbonyl reductase from sporobolomyces salmonicolor
1zzf the dna-bound solution structure of hpv-16 e2 dna-binding domain
1zzg crystal structure of hypothetical protein tt0462 from thermus thermophilus hb8
1zzq rat nnos d597n mutant with l-n(omega)-nitroarginine-(4r)- amino-l-proline amide bound
1zzr rat nnos d597n/m336v double mutant with l-n(omega)-nitroarginine-(4r)- amino-l-proline amide bound
1zzs bovine enos n368d single mutant with l-n(omega)-nitroarginine-(4r)- amino-l-proline amide bound
1zzt bovine enos n368d/v106m double mutant with l-n(omega)- nitroarginine-(4r)-amino-l-proline amide bound
1zzu rat nnos d597n/m336v double mutant with l-n(omega)-nitroarginine-2,4- l-diaminobutyric amide bound
1zzw crystal structure of catalytic domain of human map kinase phosphatase 5
1zzy crystal structure of thioredoxin mutant l7v
201l how amino-acid insertions are allowed in an alpha-helix of t4 lysozyme
20gs glutathione s-transferase p1-1 complexed with cibacron blue
216l structural basis of alpha-helix propensity at two sites in t4 lysozyme
22gs human glutathione s-transferase p1-1 y49f mutant
256b improvement of the 2.5 angstroms resolution model of cytochrome b562 by redetermining the primary structure and using molecular graphics
25c8 catalytic antibody 5c8, fab-hapten complex
2a03 superoxide dismutase protein from plasmodium berghei
2a08 structure of the yeast yhh6 sh3 domain
2a0k crystal structure of nucleoside 2-deoxyribosyltransferase from trypanosoma brucei at 1.8 a resolution
2a0s crystal structure of 6-pyruvoyl tetrahydropterin synthase (ptps) from plasmodium vivax at 2.2 a resolution
2a0t nmr structure of the fha1 domain of rad53 in complex with a biological relevant phosphopeptide derived from madt1
2a0u crystal structure of the eukaryotic initiation factor 2b from leishmania major at 2.1 a resolution
2a1a pkr kinase domain-eif2alpha complex
2a1e high resolution structure of hiv-1 pr with ts-126
2a1h x-ray crystal structure of human mitochondrial branched chain aminotransferase (bcatm) complexed with gabapentin
2a1j crystal structure of the complex between the c-terminal domains of human xpf and ercc1
2a1k rb69 single-stranded dna binding protein core domain
2a1m crystal structure of ferrous dioxygen complex of wild-type cytochrome p450cam
2a1n crystal structure of ferrous dioxygen complex of d251n cytochrome p450cam
2a1o crystal structure of ferrous dioxygen complex of t252a cytochrome p450cam
2a1u crystal structure of the human etf e165betaa mutant
2a21 aquifex aeolicus kdo8ps in complex with pep, po4, and zn2+
2a22 structure of vacuolar protein sorting 29 from cryptosporidium parvum
2a24 haddock structure of hif-2a/arnt pas-b heterodimer
2a25 crystal structure of siah1 sbd bound to the peptide ekpaavvapittg from sip
2a2i aquifex aeolicus kdo8ps in complex with pep, a5p, zn2+
2a2j crystal structure of a putative pyridoxine 5'-phosphate oxidase (rv2607) from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2a2m crystal structure of a putativetena family transcriptional regulator (bt_3146) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 1.88 a resolution
2a2r crystal structure of glutathione transferase pi in complex with s-nitrosoglutathione
2a2s crystal structure of human glutathione transferase in complex with s-nitrosoglutathione in the absence of reducing agent
2a2y nmr structue of sso10b2 from sulfolobus solfataricus
2a33 x-ray structure of a lysine decarboxylase-like protein from arabidopsis thaliana gene at2g37210
2a35 1.5 a crystal structure of a protein of unknown function pa4017 from pseudomonas aeruginosa pao1, possible epimerase
2a39 humicola insolens endocellulase egi native structure
2a3a crystal structure of aspergillus fumigatus chitinase b1 in complex with theophylline
2a3b crystal structure of aspergillus fumigatus chitinase b1 in complex with caffeine
2a3c crystal structure of aspergillus fumigatus chitinase b1 in complex with pentoxifylline
2a3e crystal structure of aspergillus fumigatus chitinase b1 in complex with allosamidin
2a3i structural and biochemical mechanisms for the specificity of hormone binding and coactivator assembly by mineralocorticoid receptor
2a3q x-ray structure of protein from mus musculus mm.29898
2a3r crystal structure of human sulfotransferase sult1a3 in complex with dopamine and 3-phosphoadenosine 5-phosphate
2a42 actin-dnase i complex
2a4a deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase from p. yoelii
2a4c crystal structure of mouse cadherin-11 ec1
2a4f synthesis and activity of n-axyl azacyclic urea hiv-1 protease inhibitors with high potency against multiple drug resistant viral strains.
2a4j solution structure of the c-terminal domain (t94-y172) of the human centrin 2 in complex with a 17 residues peptide (p1-xpc) from xeroderma pigmentosum group c protein
2a4k 3-oxoacyl-[acyl carrier protein] reductase from thermus thermophilus tt0137
2a4n crystal structure of aminoglycoside 6'-n-acetyltransferase complexed with coenzyme a
2a4w crystal structure of mitomycin c-binding protein complexed with copper(ii)-bleomycin a2
2a4x crystal structure of mitomycin c-binding protein complexed with metal-free bleomycin a2
2a5b avidin complexed with 8-oxodeoxyguanosine
2a5c structure of avidin in complex with the ligand 8-oxodeoxyadenosine
2a5d structural basis for the activation of cholera toxin by human arf6-gtp
2a5f cholera toxin a1 subunit bound to its substrate, nad+, and its human protein activator, arf6
2a5g cholera toxin a1 subunit bound to arf6(q67l)
2a5k crystal structures of sars coronavirus main peptidase inhibited by an aza-peptide epoxide in space group p212121
2a5l the crystal structure of the trp repressor binding protein wrba from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2a5t crystal structure of the nr1/nr2a ligand-binding cores complex
2a6a crystal structure of glycoprotein endopeptidase (tm0874) from thermotoga maritima at 2.50 a resolution
2a6c crystal structure of a putative transcriptional regulator (ne_1354) from nitrosomonas europaea at 1.90 a resolution
2a6l dihydrodipicolinate synthase (e. coli)- mutant r138h
2a6m crystal structure of the ishp608 transposase
2a6n dihydrodipicolinate synthase (e. coli)- mutant r138a
2a6p structure solution to 2.2 angstrom and functional characterisation of the open reading frame rv3214 from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2a6t crystal structure of s.pombe mrna decapping enzyme dcp2p
2a6v crystal structure of emp46p carbohydrate recognition domain (crd), potassium-bound form
2a6w crystal structure of emp46p carbohydrate recognition domain (crd), metal-free form
2a6x crystal structure of emp46p carbohydrate recognition domain (crd), y131f mutant
2a70 crystal structure of emp47p carbohydrate recognition domain (crd), monoclinic crystal form 2
2a72 structure of the regulator of g-protein signaling domain of rgs7
2a73 human complement component c3
2a77 anti-cocaine antibody 7.5.21, crystal form ii
2a78 crystal structure of the c3bot-rala complex reveals a novel type of action of a bacterial exoenzyme
2a7l structure of the human hypothetical ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, loc55284
2a7t crystal structure of a novel neurotoxin from buthus tamalus at 2.2a resolution.
2a7u nmr solution structure of the e.coli f-atpase delta subunit n-terminal domain in complex with alpha subunit n-terminal 22 residues
2a86 crystal structure of a pantothenate synthetase complexed with amp and beta-alanine
2a87 crystal structure of m. tuberculosis thioredoxin reductase
2a89 monomeric sarcosine oxidase: structure of a covalently flavinylated amine oxidizing enzyme
2a8f beta-cinnamomin after sterol removal
2a8g structure of avidin in complex with the ligand deoxyguanosine
2a8h crystal structure of catalytic domain of tace with thiomorpholine sulfonamide hydroxamate inhibitor
2a8i crystal structure of human taspase1
2a8j crystal structure of human taspase1 (acivated form)
2a8l crystal structure of human taspase1 (t234a mutant)
2a8m crystal structure of human taspase1 (t234s mutant)
2a8n biochemical and structural studies of a-to-i editing by trna:a34 deaminases at the wobble position of transfer rna
2a8p 2.7 angstrom crystal structure of the complex between the nuclear snorna decapping nudix hydrolase x29 and manganese
2a8q 2.6 angstrom crystal structure of the complex between the nuclear snorna decapping nudix hydrolase x29 and manganese in the presence of 7-methyl-gdp
2a8r 2.45 angstrom crystal structure of the complex between the nuclear snorna decapping nudix hydrolase x29 and manganese in the presence of 7-methyl-gtp
2a8s 2.45 angstrom crystal structure of the complex between the nuclear snorna decapping nudix hydrolase x29, manganese and gtp
2a8t 2.1 angstrom crystal structure of the complex between the nuclear u8 snorna decapping nudix hydrolase x29, manganese and m7g-ppp-a
2a8x crystal structure of lipoamide dehydrogenase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2a93 nmr solution structure of the c-myc-max heterodimeric leucine zipper, 40 structures
2a97 crystal structure of catalytic domain of clostridium botulinum neurotoxin serotype f
2a9a crystal structure of recombinant chicken sulfite oxidase with the bound product, sulfate, at the active site
2a9c crystal structure of r138q mutant of recombinant chicken sulfite oxidase with the bound product, sulfate, at the active site
2a9d crystal structure of recombinant chicken sulfite oxidase with arg at residue 161
2a9e helicobacter pylori catalase compound i
2a9f crystal structure of a putative malic enzyme ((s)- malate:nad+ oxidoreductase (decarboxylating))
2a9j human bisphosphoglycerate mutase complexed with 3- phosphoglycerate (17 days)
2a9k crystal structure of the c3bot-nad-rala complex reveals a novel type of action of a bacterial exoenzyme
2a9s the crystal structure of competence/damage inducible protein ciha from agrobacterium tumefaciens
2a9u structure of the n-terminal domain of human ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 8 (usp8)
2aa4 crystal structure of escherichia coli putative n- acetylmannosamine kinase, new york structural genomics consortium
2aa5 mineralocorticoid receptor with bound progesterone
2aa6 mineralocorticoid receptor s810l mutant with bound progesterone
2aab structural basis of antigen mimicry in a clinically relevant melanoma antigen system
2aac escherchia coli gene regulatory protein arac complexed with d-fucose
2aad the role of histidine-40 in ribonuclease t1 catalysis: three-dimensional structures of the partially active his40lys mutant
2aai crystallographic refinement of ricin to 2.5 angstroms
2aaj crystal structures of the wild-type, mutant-p1a and inactivated malonate semialdehyde decarboxylase: a structural basis for the decarboxylase and hydratase activities
2aao regulatory apparatus of calcium dependent protein kinase from arabidopsis thaliana
2aaw studies on ligand binding and enzyme inhibition of plasmodium falciparum glutathione s-transferase
2aax mineralocorticoid receptor double mutant with bound cortisone
2ab0 crystal structure of e. coli protein yajl (thij)
2ab1 x-ray structure of gene product from homo sapiens hs.95870
2ab2 mineralocorticoid receptor double mutant with bound spironolactone
2ab5 bi3 laglidadg maturase
2abq crystal structure of fructose-1-phosphate kinase from bacillus halodurans
2abw glutaminase subunit of the plasmodial plp synthase (vitamin b6 biosynthesis)
2abx the crystal structure of alpha-bungarotoxin at 2.5 angstroms resolution. relation to solution structure and binding to acetylcholine receptor
2ac7 crystal structure of adenosine phosphorylase from bacillus cereus with adenosine bound in the active site
2aca x-ray structure of a putative adenylate cyclase q87nv8 from vibrio parahaemolyticus at the 2.25 a resolution. northeast structural genomics target vpr19.
2ach crystal structure of cleaved human alpha1-antichymotrypsin at 2.7 angstroms resolution and its comparison with other serpins
2acm solution structure of the sea domain of human mucin 1 (muc1)
2aco xray structure of blc dimer in complex with vaccenic acid
2acv crystal structure of medicago truncatula ugt71g1
2acw crystal structure of medicago truncatula ugt71g1 complexed with udp-glucose
2acx crystal structure of g protein coupled receptor kinase 6 bound to amppnp
2ad5 mechanisms of feedback regulation and drug resistance of ctp synthetases: structure of the e. coli ctps/ctp complex at 2.8- angstrom resolution.
2adg crystal structure of monoclonal anti-cd4 antibody q425
2adi crystal structure of monoclonal anti-cd4 antibody q425 in complex with barium
2adj crystal structure of monoclonal anti-cd4 antibody q425 in complex with calcium
2adl solution structure of the bacterial antitoxin ccda: implications for dna and toxin binding
2adm adenine-n6-dna-methyltransferase taqi
2adn solution structure of the bacterial antitoxin ccda: implications for dna and toxin binding
2ado crystal structure of the brct repeat region from the mediator of dna damage checkpoint protein 1, mdc1
2ae2 tropinone reductase-ii complexed with nadp+ and pseudotropine
2ae3 glutaryl 7-aminocephalosporanic acid acylase: mutational study of activation mechanism
2ae4 glutaryl 7-aminocephalosporanic acid acylase: mutational study of activation mechanism
2ae5 glutaryl 7-aminocephalosporanic acid acylase: mutational study of activation mechanism
2aee crystal structure of orotate phosphoribosyltransferase from streptococcus pyogenes
2aef crystal structures of the mthk rck domain in ca2+ bound form
2aeh focal adhesion kinase 1
2aej crystal structures of the mthk rck domain in no ca2+ bound form
2ael r304k trichodiene synthase: complex with mg, pyrophosphate, and (4r)- 7-azabisabolene
2aeo crystal structure of cisplatinated bovine cu,zn superoxide dismutase
2aet r304k trichodiene synthase: complex with mg, pyrophosphate, and (4s)- 7-azabisabolene
2aew a model for growth hormone receptor activation based on subunit rotation within a receptor dimer
2af2 solution structure of disulfide reduced and copper depleted human superoxide dismutase
2af3 phosphotransacetylase from methanosarcina thermophila soaked with coenzyme a
2af4 phosphotransacetylase from methanosarcina thermophila co- crystallized with coenzyme a
2afb crystal structure of 2-dehydro-3- deoxygluconokinase (ec (tm0067) from thermotoga maritima at 2.05 a resolution
2afc x-ray crystal structure of protein q8a8b0 from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. northeast structural genomics consortium target btr9.
2aff the solution structure of the ki67fha/hnifk(226-269)3p complex
2afm crystal structure of human glutaminyl cyclase at ph 6.5
2afo crystal structure of human glutaminyl cyclase at ph 8.0
2afs crystal structure of the genetic mutant r54w of human glutaminyl cyclase
2afu crystal structure of human glutaminyl cyclase in complex with glutamine t-butyl ester
2afv the crystal structure of putative precorrin isomerase cbic in cobalamin biosynthesis
2afw crystal structure of human glutaminyl cyclase in complex with n- acetylhistamine
2afx crystal structure of human glutaminyl cyclase in complex with 1- benzylimidazole
2afz crystal structure of human glutaminyl cyclase in complex with 1- vinylimidazole
2ag4 crystal structure analysis of gm2-activator protein complexed with phosphatidylcholine
2ag9 crystal structure of the y137s mutant of gm2-activator protein
2age succinyl-aapr-trypsin acyl-enzyme at 1.15 a resolution
2agg succinyl-aapk-trypsin acyl-enzyme at 1.28 a resolution
2agi the leupeptin-trypsin covalent complex at 1.14 a resolution
2agj crystal structure of a glycosylated fab from an igm cryoglobulin with properties of a natural proteolytic antibody
2agv crystal structure of the sr ca2+-atpase with bhq and tg
2ah8 rogfp1-r7. cystal structure analysis of a rate-enhanced variant of redox-sensitive green fluorescent protein in the oxidized form.
2aha crystal structure analysis of a rate-enhanced variant of redox-sensitive green fluorescent protein in the reduced form, rogfp1-r8.
2ahb x-ray crystal structure of r46a,r161a mutant of mycobacterium tuberculosis fabh
2ahf unsaturated glucuronyl hydrolase mutant d88n
2ahg unsaturated glucuronyl hydrolase mutant d88n with dglca-galnac
2ahk crystal structure of the met-form of the copper-bound streptomyces castaneoglobisporus tyrosinase in complex with a caddie protein obtained by soking in cupric sulfate for 6 months
2ahl crystal structure of the hydroxylamine-induced deoxy-form of the copper-bound streptomyces castaneoglobisporus tyrosinase in complex with a caddie protein
2aho structure of the archaeal initiation factor eif2 alpha- gamma heterodimer from sulfolobus solfataricus complexed with gdpnp
2ahp gcn4 leucine zipper, mutation of lys15 to epsilon-azido-lys
2ahs crystal structure of the catalytic domain of human tyrosine receptor phosphatase beta
2ahx crystal structure of erbb4/her4 extracellular domain
2ahy na+ complex of the nak channel
2ahz k+ complex of the nak channel
2ai9 s.aureus polypeptide deformylase
2aib beta-cinnamomin in complex with ergosterol
2aid structure of a non-peptide inhibitor complexed with hiv-1 protease: developing a cycle of structure-based drug design
2aij formylglycine generating enzyme c336s mutant covalently bound to substrate peptide ctpsr
2aik formylglycine generating enzyme c336s mutant covalently bound to substrate peptide lctpsra
2ain solution structure of the af-6 pdz domain complexed with the c-terminal peptide from the bcr protein
2aiz solution structure of peptidoglycan associated lipoprotein from haemophilus influenza bound to udp-n-acetylmuramoyl-l- alanyl-d-glutamyl-meso-2,6-diaminopimeloyl-d-alanyl-d- alanine
2aj4 crystal structure of saccharomyces cerevisiae galactokinase in complex with galactose and mg:amppnp
2aj7 crystal structure of a putative contractile protein (bh3618) from bacillus halodurans at 1.67 a resolution
2aj9 x-ray crystal structure of w42a,r161a double mutant of mycobacterium tuberculosis beta-ketoacyl-acp synthase iii
2aja x-ray structure of an ankyrin repeat family protein q5zsv0 from legionella pneumophila. northeast structural genomics consortium target lgr21.
2ajg crystal structure of the editing domain of e. coli leucyl- trna synthetase
2ajh crystal structure of the editing domain of e. coli leucyl- trna synthetase complexes with methionine
2aji crystal structure of the editing domain of e. coli leucyl- trna synthetase complexes with isoleucine
2ajl x-ray structure of novel biaryl-based dipeptidyl peptidase iv inhibitor
2ajp crystal structure of a human pyridoxal kinase
2ajr crystal structure of possible 1-phosphofructokinase (ec (tm0828) from thermotoga maritima at 2.46 a resolution
2ajs crystal structure of cocaine catalytic antibody 7a1 fab' in complex with heptaethylene glycol
2aju cyrstal structure of cocaine catalytic antibody 7a1 fab'
2ajv crystal structure of cocaine catalytic antibody 7a1 fab' in complex with cocaine
2ajx crystal structure of cocaine catalytic antibody 7a1 fab' in complex with transition state analog
2ajy crystal structure of cocaine catalytic antibody 7a1 fab' in complex with ecgonine methyl ester and benzoic acid
2ak1 crystal structure of cocaine catalytic antibody 7a1 fab' in complex with benzoic acid
2ak3 the three-dimensional structure of the complex between mitochondrial matrix adenylate kinase and its substrate amp at 1.85 angstroms resolution
2ak7 structure of a dimeric p-ser-crh
2akm fluoride inhibition of enolase: crystal structure of the inhibitory complex
2akw crystal structure of t.thermophilus phenylalanyl-trna synthetase complexed with p-cl-phenylalanine
2akz fluoride inhibition of enolase: crystal structure of the inhibitory complex
2al1 crystal structure analysis of enolase mg subunit complex at ph 8.0
2al2 crystal structure analysis of enolase mg subunit complex at ph 8.0
2al5 crystal structure of the glur2 ligand binding core (s1s2j) in complex with fluoro-willardiine and aniracetam
2al6 ferm domain of focal adhesion kinase
2alg crystal structure of peach pru p3, the prototypic member of the family of plant non-specific lipid transfer protein pan-allergens
2aly crystal structure of t.thermophilus phenylalanyl-trna synthetase complexed with 5'-o-[n-(l-tyrosyl)sulphamoyl]adenosine
2amc crystal structure of phenylalanyl-trna synthetase complexed with l- tyrosine
2amd crystal structure of sars_cov mpro in complex with an inhibitor n9
2aml crystal structure of lmo0035 protein (46906266) from listeria monocytogenes 4b f2365 at 1.50 a resolution
2amo loose dimer of a bacillus subtilis nitric oxide synthase
2amp crystal structure of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus mpro in complex with an inhibitor n1
2amq crystal structure of sars_cov mpro in complex with an inhibitor n3
2amx crystal structure of plasmodium yoelii adenosine deaminase (py02076)
2an3 structure of pnmt with s-adenosyl-l-homocysteine and the semi-rigid analogue acceptor substrate cis-(1r,2s)-2-amino-1-tetralol.
2an4 structure of pnmt complexed with s-adenosyl-l-homocysteine and the acceptor substrate octopamine
2an5 structure of human pnmt complexed with s-adenosyl- homocysteine and an inhibitor, trans-(1s,2s)-2-amino-1- tetralol
2an7 solution structure of the bacterial antidote pard
2an9 crystal structure of oligomeric e.coli guanylate kinase in complex with gdp
2anh alkaline phosphatase (d153h)
2anl x-ray crystal structure of the aspartic protease plasmepsin 4 from the malarial parasite plasmodium malariae bound to an allophenylnorstatine based inhibitor
2anm ternary complex of an orally active thrombin inhibitor with human thrombin and a c-terminal hirudin derived exo-sit inhibitor
2ans adipocyte lipid binding protein complexed with 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate
2ant the 2.6 a structure of antithrombin indicates a conformational change at the heparin binding site
2anv crystal structure of p22 lysozyme mutant l86m
2anx crystal structure of bacteriophage p22 lysozyme mutant l87m
2ao6 crystal structure of the human androgen receptor ligand binding domain bound with tif2(iii) 740-753 peptide and r1881
2aoa crystal structures of a high-affinity macrocyclic peptide mimetic in complex with the grb2 sh2 domain
2aoc crystal structure analysis of hiv-1 protease mutant i84v with a substrate analog p2-nc
2aod crystal structure analysis of hiv-1 protease with a substrate analog p2-nc
2aoe crystal structure analysis of hiv-1 protease mutant v82a with a substrate analog ca-p2
2aog crystal structure analysis of hiv-1 protease mutant v82a with a substrate analog p2-nc
2aos protein-protein interactions of protective signalling factor: crystal structure of ternary complex involving signalling protein from goat (spg-40), tetrasaccharide and a tripeptide trp-pro-trp at 2.9 a resolution
2aot histamine methyltransferase complexed with the antihistamine drug diphenhydramine
2aou histamine methyltransferase complexed with the antimalarial drug amodiaquine
2aov histamine methyltransferase complexed with the antifolate drug metoprine
2aow histamine methyltransferase (natural variant i105) complexed with the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and altzheimer's disease drug tacrine
2aox histamine methyltransferase (primary variant t105) complexed with the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and altzheimer's disease drug tacrine
2apo crystal structure of the methanococcus jannaschii cbf5 nop10 complex
2aps cu/zn superoxide dismutase from actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
2apt crystal structure of the g17e/s54n/k66e/q72h/e80v/l81s/t87s/g96v variant of the murine t cell receptor v beta 8.2 domain
2aq0 solution structure of the human homodimeric dna repair protein xpf
2aq2 crystal structure of t-cell receptor v beta domain variant complexed with superantigen sec3 mutant
2aq6 x-ray crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis pyridoxine 5'- phosphate oxidase complexed with pyridoxal 5'-phosphate at 1.7 a resolution
2aq9 structure of e. coli lpxa with a bound peptide that is competitive with acyl-acp
2aql crystal structure of the mrg15 mrg domain
2aqo crystal structure of e. coli isoaspartyl dipeptidase mutant e77q
2aqp cu/zn superoxide dismutase from neisseria meningitidis e73a mutant
2aqs cu/zn superoxide dismutase from neisseria meningitidis k91e, k94e double mutant
2aqu structure of hiv-1 protease bound to atazanavir
2aqv crystal structure of e. coli isoaspartyl dipeptidase mutant y137f
2aqx crystal structure of the catalytic and cam-binding domains of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate 3-kinase b
2aqz crystal structure of fgf-1, s17t/n18t/g19 deletion mutant
2ar0 crystal structure of type i restriction enzyme ecoki m protein (ec (m.ecoki)
2ar6 pterocarpus angolensis lectin (pal) in complex with the pentasaccharide m592
2ar7 crystal structure of human adenylate kinase 4, ak4
2arb pterocarpus angolensis lectin (pal) in complex with the glcnac(beta1- 2)man disaccharide
2arc escherichia coli regulatory protein arac complexed with l- arabinose
2are pterocarpus angolensis lectin (pal) in complex with d- mannose (anomeric mixture)
2arp activin a in complex with fs12 fragment of follistatin
2arq human plasminogen activator inhibitor-2.[loop (66-98) deletion mutant] complexed with peptide n-acetyl-teaaagdggvmtgr-oh
2arr human plasminogen activator inhibitor-2.[loop (66-98) deletion mutant] complexed with peptide n-acetyl-teaaagmggvmtgr-oh
2arv structure of human activin a
2arx pterocarpus angolensis seed lectin in complex with the decasaccharide na2f
2ary catalytic domain of human calpain-1
2arz crystal structure of protein of unknown function from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2as0 crystal structure of ph1915 (apc 5817): a hypothetical rna methyltransferase
2as8 crystal structure of mature and fully active der p 1 allergen
2as9 functional and structural characterization of spl proteases from staphylococcus aureus
2ask structure of human artemin
2asq solution structure of sumo-1 in complex with a sumo-binding motif (sbm)
2asu crystal structure of the beta-chain of hgfl/msp
2asv x-ray studies on protein complexes: enzymatic catalysis in crystals of e. coli maltodextrin phosphorylase (malp)
2asy solution structure of ydhr protein from escherichia coli
2atb triple mutant 8d9d10v of scorpion toxin lqh-alpha-it
2atc crystal and molecular structures of native and ctp-liganded aspartate carbamoyltransferase from escherichia coli
2ath crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of human ppar-gamma im complex with an agonist
2ati glycogen phosphorylase inhibitors
2atj recombinant horseradish peroxidase complex with benzhydroxamic acid
2atq rb69 single-stranded dna binding protein-dna polymerase fusion
2ats dihydrodipicolinate synthase co-crystallised with (s)-lysine
2atx crystal structure of the tc10 gppnhp complex
2aty complement receptor chimaeric conjugate cr2-ig
2aua structure of bc2332: a protein of unknown function from bacillus cereus
2aug crystal structure of the grb14 sh2 domain
2auh crystal structure of the grb14 bps region in complex with the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase
2aum active site ser115ala mutant of ld-carboxypeptidase
2aun active site his285ala mutant of ld-carboxypeptidase
2auo residue f4 plays a key role in modulating the oxygen affinity and cooperatrivity in scapharca dimeric hemoglobin
2aup residue f4 plays a key role in modulating oxygen affinity and cooperativity in scapharca dimeric hemoglobin
2auq hbi (f97v) co bound
2aur f97v (no ligand bound)
2auw crystal structure of putative dna binding protein ne0471 from nitrosomonas europaea atcc 19718
2auy pterocarpus angolensis lectin in complex with the trisaccharide glcnac(b1-2)man(a1-3)man
2av0 f97l with co bound
2av3 f97l- no ligand
2av6 x-ray studies on maltodextrin phosphorylase complexes: recognition of substrates and cathalitic mechanism of phosphorylase family
2av8 y122f mutant of ribonucleotide reductase from escherichia coli
2avd crystal structure of human catechol-o-methyltransferase domain containing 1
2avi three-dimensional structures of avidin and the avidin-biotin complex
2avm kinetics, stability, and structural changes in high resolution crystal structures of hiv-1 protease with drug resistant mutations l24i, i50v, and g73s
2avn crystal structure of a ubiquinone/menaquinone biosynthesis methyltransferase-related protein (tm1389) from thermotoga maritima msb8 at 2.35 a resolution
2avo kinetics, stability, and structural changes in high resolution crystal structures of hiv-1 protease with drug resistant mutations l24i, i50v, and g73s
2avq kinetics, stability, and structural changes in high resolution crystal structures of hiv-1 protease with drug resistant mutations l24i, i50v, and g73s
2avs kinetics, stability, and structural changes in high resolution crystal structures of hiv-1 protease with drug resistant mutations l24i, i50v, and g73s
2avt crystal structure of the beta subunit from dna polymerase of streptococcus pyogenes
2aw3 x-ray studies on maltodextrin phosphorylase complexes: recognition of substrates and cathalitic mechanism of phosphorylase family
2aw9 superoxide dismutase with manganese from deinococcus radiodurans
2awd crystal structure of lacc from enterococcus faecalis
2awh human nuclear receptor-ligand complex 1
2awp crystal structure of plasmodium knowlesi structure of iron super-oxide dismutase
2awx synapse associated protein 97 pdz2 domain variant c378s
2awy met-dcrh-hr
2awz hepatitis c virus ns5b rna polymerase in complex with a covalent inhibitor (5h)
2ax0 hepatitis c virus ns5b rna polymerase in complex with a covalent inhibitor (5x)
2ax1 hepatitis c virus ns5b rna polymerase in complex with a covalent inhibitor (5ee)
2ax3 crystal structure of a putative carbohydrate kinase (tm0922) from thermotoga maritima msb8 at 2.25 a resolution
2axh crystal structures of t cell receptor beta chains related to rheumatoid arthritis
2axi hdm2 in complex with a beta-hairpin
2axj crystal structures of t cell receptor beta chains related to rheumatoid arthritis
2axm heparin-linked biologically-active dimer of fibroblast growth factor
2axp x-ray crystal structure of protein bsu20280 from bacillus subtilis. northeast structural genomics consortium target sr256.
2axw structure of drad invasin from uropathogenic escherichia coli
2ay1 aromatic amino acid aminotransferase with 4-aminohydrocinnamic acid
2ay2 aromatic amino acid aminotransferase with cyclohexane propionic acid
2ay3 aromatic amino acid aminotransferase with 3-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl) propionic acid
2ay4 aromatic amino acid aminotransferase with 3-(p-tolyl)propionic acid
2ay5 aromatic amino acid aminotransferase with 3-indolepropionic acid
2ay6 aromatic amino acid aminotransferase with 3-indolebutyric acid
2ay7 aromatic amino acid aminotransferase with 4-phenylbutyric acid
2ay8 aromatic amino acid aminotransferase with 4-(2-thienyl)butyric acid
2ay9 aromatic amino acid aminotransferase with 5-phenylvaleric acid
2ayl 2.0 angstrom crystal structure of manganese protoporphyrin ix- reconstituted ovine prostaglandin h2 synthase-1 complexed with flurbiprofen
2ayo structure of usp14 bound to ubquitin aldehyde
2ayq 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase from the moderate facultative thermophile, bacillus coagulans
2ayt the crystal structure of a protein disulfide oxidoreductase from aquifex aeolicus
2az4 crystal structure of a protein of unknown function from enterococcus faecalis v583
2aza structure of azurin from alcaligenes denitrificans. refinement at 1.8 angstroms resolution and comparison of the two crystallographically independent molecules
2azc hiv-1 protease nl4-3 6x mutant
2azd x-ray studies on maltodextrin phosphorylase (malp) complexes: recognition of substrates and catalytic mechanism of phosphorylase family
2azj crystal structure for the mutant d81c of sulfolobus solfataricus hexaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase
2azk crystal structure for the mutant w136e of sulfolobus solfataricus hexaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase
2azo dna mismatch repair protein muth from e. coli
2azt crystal structure of h176n mutant of human glycine n-methyltransferase
2b0f nmr structure of the human rhinovirus 3c protease (serotype 14) with covalently bound ace-lealfq-ethylpropionate inhibitor
2b0p truncated s. aureus lytm, p212121 crystal form
2b0r crystal structure of cyclase-associated protein from cryptosporidium parvum
2b0z crystal structure of the protein-protein complex between f82i cytochrome c and cytochrome c peroxidase
2b12 crystal structure of the protein-protein complex between f82y cytochrome c and cytochrome c peroxidase
2b13 truncated s. aureus lytm, p41 crystal form
2b14 the crystal structure of 2,4-dinitrophenol in complex with the amyloidogenic variant transthyretin leu 55 pro
2b15 the crystal structure of 2,4-dinitrophenol in complex with human transthyretin
2b16 the crystal structure of 2,4-dinitrophenol in complex with the amyloidogenic variant transthyretin tyr78phe
2b1i crystal structures of transition state analogue inhibitors of inosine monophosphate cyclohydrolase
2b1l crystal structure of n-terminal 57 residue deletion mutant of e. coli ccmg protein(residues 58-185)
2b1n crystal structure of a papain-fold protein without the catalytic cysteine from seeds of pachyrhizus erosus
2b25 human putative trna(1-methyladenosine)methyltransferase
2b2c cloning, expression, characterisation and three- dimensional structure determination of the caenorhabditis elegans spermidine synthase
2b2k structure of y104f idi-1 mutant in complex with eipp
2b2n structure of transcription-repair coupling factor
2b2o crystal structure of native catalase-peroxidase katg at ph8.0
2b2q crystal structure of native catalase-peroxidase katg at ph7.5
2b2r crystal structure of an oxoferryl species of catalase- peroxidase katg at ph5.6
2b2s crystal structure of an oxoferryl species of catalase- peroxidase katg at ph7.5
2b33 crystal structure of a putative endoribonuclease (tm0215) from thermotoga maritima msb8 at 2.30 a resolution
2b39 structure of mammalian c3 with an intact thioester at 3a resolution
2b3d crystal structure of modulator of drug activity b in complex with flavin adenine dinucleotide
2b3g p53n (fragment 33-60) bound to rpa70n
2b3r crystal structure of the c2 domain of class ii phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase c2
2b3s structure of the dsba mutant (p31g-c33a)
2b3t molecular basis for bacterial class 1 release factor methylation by prmc
2b3u human spermine spermidine acetyltransferase k26r mutant
2b3y structure of a monoclinic crystal form of human cytosolic aconitase (irp1)
2b42 crystal structure of the triticum xylanse inhibitor-i in complex with bacillus subtilis xylanase
2b44 truncated s. aureus lytm, p 32 2 1 crystal form
2b4b ssat+coa+be-3-3-3, k6r mutant
2b4d ssat+coa+sp- sp disordered
2b4h crystal structure of the rhesus rotavirus vp5 antigen domain dimer
2b4m crystal structure of the binding protein opuac in complex with proline betaine
2b4o structure of the r258k mutant of selenomonas ruminantium ptp-like phytase
2b4p structure of the d223n mutant of selenomonas ruminantium ptp-like phytase
2b4q pseudomonas aeruginosa rhlg/nadp active-site complex
2b4u structure of the c252s mutant of selenomonas ruminantium ptp-like phytase
2b4x crystal structure of antithrombin-iii
2b50 human nuclear receptor-ligand complex 2
2b59 the type ii cohesin dockerin complex
2b5g wild type ssat- 1.7a structure
2b5j crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with janssen-r165481
2b5o ferredoxin-nadp reductase
2b5s crystal structure of peach pru p3, the prototypic member of the family of plant non-specific lipid transfer protein pan-allergens
2b60 structure of hiv-1 protease mutant bound to ritonavir
2b6a crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with thr-50
2b6c predicted dna alkylation repair enzyme from enterococcus faecalis.
2b6m structure of the dsba mutant (p31a-c33a)
2b6n the 1.8 a crystal structure of a proteinase k like enzyme from a psychrotroph serratia species
2b77 human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with diflunisal analogues- ttr.2', 4'-dichloro-4-hydroxy-1,1'-biphenyl-3-carboxylic acid
2b7a the structural basis of janus kinase 2 inhibition by a potent and specific pan-janus kinase inhibitor
2b7b yeast guanine nucleotide exchange factor eef1balpha k205a mutant in complex with eef1a and gdp
2b7c yeast guanine nucleotide exchange factor eef1balpha k205a mutant in complex with eef1a
2b7o the structure of 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2b7z structure of hiv-1 protease mutant bound to indinavir
2b82 crystal structure of apha class b acid phosphatase/phosphotransferase ternary complex with adenosine and phosphate bound to the catalytic metal at 1.2 a resolution
2b87 structural basis for molecular recognition in an affibody:affibody complex
2b8j crystal structure of apha class b acid phosphatase/phosphotransferase ternary complex with adenosine and phosphate at 2 a resolution
2b8n crystal structure of glycerate kinase (ec (tm1585) from thermotoga maritima at 2.70 a resolution
2b8p crystal structure of acanthamoeba polyphaga mimivirus ndk, the first viral nucleoside diphosphate kinase
2b8w crystal-structure of the n-terminal large gtpase domain of human guanylate binding protein 1 (hgbp1) in complex with gmp/alf4
2b92 crystal-structure of the n-terminal large gtpase domain of human guanylate binding protein 1 (hgbp1) in complex with gdp/alf3
2b95 solution nmr structure of protein dynein light chain 2a, cytoplasmic; northeast structural genomics consortium target hr2106
2b97 ultra-high resolution structure of hydrophobin hfbii
2b9a human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with diflunisal analogues- ttr.3',5'-difluorobiphenyl-4-carboxylic acid
2b9c structure of tropomyosin's mid-region: bending and binding sites for actin
2b9d crystal structure of hpv e7 cr3 domain
2b9h crystal structure of fus3 with a docking motif from ste7
2b9i crystal structure of fus3 with a docking motif from msg5
2b9j crystal structure of fus3 with a docking motif from far1
2b9r crystal structure of human cyclin b1
2b9z solution structure of fhv b2, a viral suppressor of rnai
2ba3 nmr structure of nika n-terminal fragment
2ban crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with janssen-r157208
2bas crystal structure of the bacillus subtilis ykui protein, with an eal domain.
2baw human nuclear receptor-ligand complex 1
2bb0 structure of imidazolonepropionase from bacillus subtilis
2bb3 crystal structure of cobalamin biosynthesis precorrin-6y methylase (cbie) from archaeoglobus fulgidus
2bb4 porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with beta-casomorphin-7 and asp- phe at ph 5.0
2bb5 structure of human transcobalamin in complex with cobalamin
2bb9 structure of hiv1 protease and akc4p_133a complex.
2bba crystal structure and thermodynamic characterization of the ephb4 receptor in complex with an ephrin-b2 antagonist peptide reveals the determinants for receptor specificity.
2bbb structure of hiv1 protease and hh1_173_3a complex.
2bbm solution structure of a calmodulin-target peptide complex by multidimensional nmr
2bbn solution structure of a calmodulin-target peptide complex by multidimensional nmr
2bbq structural basis for recognition of polyglutamyl folates by thymidylate synthase
2bbs human deltaf508 nbd1 with three solubilizing mutations
2bbt human deltaf508 nbd1 with two solublizing mutations.
2bbu solution structure of mouse socs3 in complex with a phosphopeptide from the gp130 receptor
2bbw crystal structure of human adenylate kinase 4 (ak4) in complex with diguanosine pentaphosphate
2bc0 structural analysis of streptococcus pyogenes nadh oxidase: wild-type nox
2bc1 structural analysis of streptococcus pyogenes nadh oxidase: c44s nox
2bc2 metallo beta-lactamase ii from bacillus cereus 569/h/9 at ph 6.0, trigonal crystal form
2bc3 t7-tagged full-length streptavidin
2bcd x-ray crystal structure of protein phosphatase-1 with the marine toxin motuporin bound
2bcg structure of doubly prenylated ypt1:gdi complex
2bco x-ray structure of succinylglutamate desuccinalase from vibrio parahaemolyticus (rimd 2210633) at the resolution 2.3 a, northeast structural genomics target vpr14
2bcp structural analysis of streptococcus pyogenes nadh oxidase: c44s nox with azide
2bcx crystal structure of calmodulin in complex with a ryanodine receptor peptide
2bd1 a possible role of the second calcium ion in interfacial binding: atomic and medium resolution crystal structures of the quadruple mutant of phospholipase a2
2bd2 porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with beta-casomorphin-7 and arg- phe at ph 5.0
2bd3 porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with beta-casomorphin-7 and lys- ala-nh2 at ph 5.0
2bd4 porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with beta-casomorphin- 7 and lys-ser at ph 5.0
2bd5 porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with beta-casomorphin-7 and lys- ser at ph 5 and immersed in ph 9 buffer for 30 seconds
2bd7 porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with beta-casomorphin-7 and arg- phe at ph 5.0 (50 min soak)
2bd8 porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with beta-casomorphin-7 and arg- phe at ph 5.0 (50 min soak) and immersed in ph 9 buffer for 30 seconds
2bda porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with n-acetyl-npi and ala-ala at ph 5.0
2bdf src kinase in complex with inhibitor ap23451
2bdg human kallikrein 4 complex with nickel and p-aminobenzamidine
2bdq crystal structure of the putative copper homeostasis protein cutc from streptococcus agalactiae, northeast strucural genomics target sar15.
2bdr crystal structure of the putative ureidoglycolate hydrolase pp4288 from pseudomonas putida, northeast structural genomics target ppr49
2bdu x-ray structure of a cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase iii from mus musculus mm.158936
2bdw crystal structure of the auto-inhibited kinase domain of calcium/calmodulin activated kinase ii
2bdx x-ray crystal structure of dihydromicrocystin-la bound to protein phosphatase-1
2bdy thrombin in complex with inhibitor
2be2 crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with r221239
2be3 structure of a gtp pyrophosphokinase family protein from streptococcus pneumoniae
2be9 crystal structure of the ctp-liganded (t-state) aspartate transcarbamoylase from the extremely thermophilic archaeon sulfolobus acidocaldarius
2beb x-ray structure of asn to thr mutant of winged bean chymotrypsin inhibitor
2bec crystal structure of chp2 in complex with its binding region in nhe1 and insights into the mechanism of ph regulation
2bed structure of fpt bound to inhibitor sch207736
2beh crystal structure of antithrombin variant s137a/v317c/t401c with plasma latent antithrombin
2bei x-ray structure of thialysine n-acetyltransferase (ssat2) from homo sapiens
2ben crystal structure of the serratia marcescens chitin-binding protein cbp21 y54a mutant.
2beo prfa, transcriptional regulator in listeria monocytogenes
2bez structure of a proteolitically resistant core from the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus s2 fusion protein
2bf2 crystal structure of native toluene-4-monooxygenase catalytic effector protein, t4mod
2bf3 crystal structure of a toluene 4-monooxygenase catalytic effector protein variant missing ten n-terminal residues (delta-n10 t4mod)
2bf4 a second fmn-binding site in yeast nadph-cytochrome p450 reductase suggests a novel mechanism of electron transfer by diflavin reductases.
2bf5 crystal structure of a toluene 4-monooxygenase catalytic effector protein variant missing four n-terminal residues (delta-n4 t4mod)
2bf8 crystal structure of sumo modified ubiquitin conjugating enzyme e2-25k
2bfb reactivity modulation of human branched-chain alpha- ketoacid dehydrogenase by an internal molecular switch
2bfc reactivity modulation of human branched-chain alpha- ketoacid dehydrogenase by an internal molecular switch
2bfd reactivity modulation of human branched-chain alpha- ketoacid dehydrogenase by an internal molecular switch
2bfe reactivity modulation of human branched-chain alpha- ketoacid dehydrogenase by an internal molecular switch
2bff reactivity modulation of human branched-chain alpha- ketoacid dehydrogenase by an internal molecular switch
2bfk bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase (bcii) arg (121) cys mutant. solved at ph7 using 20mm znso4 in buffer. 1mm dtt was used as a reducing agent
2bfl bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase (bcii) arg (121) cys mutant. solved at ph5 using 20mm znso4 in buffer. 1mm dtt was used as a reducing agent.
2bfu x-ray structure of cpmv top component
2bfv monoclonal antibody fragment fv4155 from e. coli
2bfz bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase (bcii) arg (121) cys mutant. solved at ph4.5 using 20mm znso4 in buffer. 1mm dtt was used as a reducing agent. cys221 is oxidized.
2bg2 bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase (bcii) arg (121) cys mutant. solved at ph4.5 using 20mm znso4 in the buffer. 1mm dtt and 1mm tcep-hcl were used as reducing agents. cys221 is reduced.
2bg6 bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase (bcii) arg (121) cys mutant. solved at ph5 using 20 micromolar znso4 in the buffer. 1mm dtt was used as a reducing agent. cys221 is oxidized.
2bg7 bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase (bcii) arg (121) cys mutant. solved at ph4.5 using 20 micromolar znso4 in the buffer. 1mm dtt was used as a reducing agent. cys221 is oxidized.
2bg8 bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase (bcii) arg (121) cys mutant. solved at ph4.5 using 20 micromolar znso4 in the buffer. 1mm dtt and 1mm tcep-hcl were used as reducing agents.
2bga bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase (bcii) arg (121) cys mutant. solved at ph7 using 20 micromolar znso4 in the buffer. 1mm dtt was used as a reducing agent. cys221 is oxidized.
2bgf nmr structure of lys48-linked di-ubiquitin using chemical shift perturbation data together with rdcs and 15n- relaxation data
2bgh crystal structure of vinorine synthase
2bgk x-ray structure of apo-secoisolariciresinol dehydrogenase
2bh8 combinatorial protein 1b11
2bha e. coli aminopeptidase p in complex with substrate
2bhd mg substituted e. coli aminopeptidase p in complex with product
2bhg 3c protease from type a10(61) foot-and-mouth disease virus
2bhi crystal structure of taiwan cobra cardiotoxin a3 complexed with sulfogalactoceramide
2bhl x-ray structure of human glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (deletion variant) complexed with glucose-6-phosphate
2bhp crystal analysis of 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase from thermus with bound nad.
2bhq crystal analysis of 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase from thermus with bound product glutamate.
2bhr dengue virus rna helicase
2bhx radiation damage of the schiff base in phosphoserine aminotransferase (structure a)
2bi1 radiation damage of the schiff base in phosphoserine aminotransferase (structure b)
2bi2 radiation damage of the schiff base in phosphoserine aminotransferase (structure c)
2bi3 radiation damage of the schiff base in phosphoserine aminotransferase (structure d)
2bi4 lactaldehyde:1,2-propanediol oxidoreductase of escherichia coli
2bi5 radiation damage of the schiff base in phosphoserine aminotransferase (structure e)
2bi6 nmr study of bromelain inhibitor vi from pineapple stem
2bi9 radiation damage of the schiff base in phosphoserine aminotransferase (structure f)
2bia radiation damage of the schiff base in phosphoserine aminotransferase (structure g)
2bie radiation damage of the schiff base in phosphoserine aminotransferase (structure h)
2bif 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase h256a mutant with f6p in phosphatase active site
2big radiation damage of the schiff base in phosphoserine aminotransferase (structure i)
2bil the human protein kinase pim1 in complex with its consensus peptide pimtide
2bim human p53 core domain mutant m133l-v203a-n239y-n268d-r273h
2bj1 nikr in open conformation and nickel bound to high-affinity sites
2bj7 nikr in closed conformation and nickel bound to high- affinity sites
2bj8 nikr in closed conformation and nickel bound to high and low-affinity sites
2bj9 nikr with bound nickel and phosphate
2bja crystal analysis of 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase from thermus with bound nadh
2bjd sulfolobus solfataricus acylphosphatase. triclinic space group
2bjg crystal structure of conjugated bile acid hydrolase from clostridium perfringens in complex with reaction products taurine and deoxycholate
2bji high resolution structure of myo-inositol monophosphatase, the target of lithium therapy
2bjk crystal analysis of 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase from thermus with bound nad and citrate.
2bjm spe7:anthrone complex
2bjn x-ray structure of human tpc6
2bjo crystal structure of the organic hydroperoxide resistance protein ohrb of bacillus subtilis
2bjr crystal structure of the nematode sperm cell motility protein mfp2b
2bk0 crystal structure of the major celery allergen api g 1
2bk3 human monoamine oxidase b in complex with farnesol
2bk4 human monoamine oxidase b: i199f mutant in complex with rasagiline
2bk5 human monoamine oxidase b: i199f mutant in complex with isatin
2bkg crystal structure of e3_19 an designed ankyrin repeat protein
2bkh myosin vi nucleotide-free (mdinsert2) crystal structure
2bkj nadph:fmn oxidoreductase from vibrio harveyi complexed with nad+
2bkl structural and mechanistic analysis of two prolyl endopeptidases: role of inter-domain dynamics in catalysis and specificity
2bkm crystal structure of the truncated hemoglobin from geobacillus stearothermophilus
2bkr nedd8 nedp1 complex
2bks crystal structure of renin-pf00074777 complex
2bkt crystal structure of renin-pf00257567 complex
2bkv structure and kinetics of a monomeric glucosamine-6- phosphate deaminase: missing link of the nagb superfamily
2bkx structure and kinetics of a monomeric glucosamine-6- phosphate deaminase: missing link of the nagb superfamily
2bl4 lactaldehyde:1,2-propanediol oxidoreductase of escherichia coli
2blf sulfite dehydrogenase from starkeya novella
2bln n-terminal formyltransferase domain of arna in complex with n-5-formyltetrahydrofolate and ump
2bls ampc beta-lactamase from escherichia coli
2bm4 the structure of mfpa (rv3361c, c2 crystal form). the pentapeptide repeat protein from mycobacterium tuberculosis folds as a right-handed quadrilateral beta- helix.
2bm5 the structure of mfpa (rv3361c, p21 crystal form). the pentapeptide repeat protein from mycobacterium tuberculosis folds as a right-handed quadrilateral beta- helix.
2bmg crystal structure of factor xa in complex with 50
2bmh modeling protein-substrate interactions in the heme domain of cytochrome p450bm-3
2bmi metallo-beta-lactamase
2bml ofloxacin-like antibiotics inhibit pneumococcal cell wall degrading virulence factors
2bmo the crystal structure of nitrobenzene dioxygenase
2bmq the crystal structure of nitrobenzene dioxygenase in complex with nitrobenzene
2bmr the crystal structure of nitrobenzene dioxygenase in complex with 3-nitrotoluene
2bmu ump kinase from pyrococcus furiosus complexed with its substrate ump and its substrate analog amppnp
2bmy banana lectin
2bmz banana lectin bound to xyl-b1,3 man-a-o-methyl (xm)
2bn0 banana lectin bound to laminaribiose
2bn1 insulin after a high dose x-ray burn
2bn3 insulin before a high dose x-ray burn
2bn4 a second fmn-binding site in yeast nadph-cytochrome p450 reductase suggests a novel mechanism of electron transfer by diflavin reductase
2bn5 p-element somatic inhibitor protein complex with u1-70k proline-rich peptide
2bnd the structure of e.coli ump kinase in complex with udp
2bne the structure of e. coli ump kinase in complex with ump
2bnf the structure of e. coli ump kinase in complex with utp
2bnk the structure of phage phi29 replication organizer protein p16.7
2bnm the structure of hydroxypropylphosphonic acid epoxidase from s. wedmorenis.
2bnn the structure of hydroxypropylphosphonic acid epoxidase from s. wedmorenis in complex with fosfomycin
2bno the structure of hydroxypropylphosphonic acid epoxidase from s. wedmorenis.
2bnu structural and kinetic basis for heightened immunogenicity of t cell vaccines
2bnx crystal structure of the dimeric regulatory domain of mouse diaphaneous-related formin (drf), mdia1
2bo2 egf domains 1,2,5 of human emr2, a 7-tm immune system molecule, in complex with calcium.
2bo6 dissection of mannosylglycerate synthase: an archetypal mannosyltransferase
2boa human procarboxypeptidase a4.
2boi 1.1a structure of chromobacterium violaceum lectin cv2l in complex with alpha-methyl-fucoside
2bok factor xa - cation
2bol crystal structure and assembly of tsp36, a metazoan small heat shock protein
2bon structure of an escherichia coli lipid kinase (yegs)
2bov molecular recognition of an adp-ribosylating clostridium botulinum c3 exoenzyme by rala gtpase
2bp0 m144l mutant of nitrite reductase from alcaligenes xylosoxidans
2bp5 mu2 adaptin subunit (ap50) of ap2 adaptor (second domain), complexed with non-canonical internalization peptide vedyeqglsg
2bp8 m144q structure of nitrite reductase from alcaligenes xylosoxidans
2bpb sulfite dehydrogenase from starkeya novella
2bpd structure of murine dectin-1
2bpe structure of murine dectin-1
2bph structure of murine dectin-1
2bpi stucture of iron dependent superoxide dismutase from p. falciparum.
2bpo crystal structure of the yeast cpr triple mutant: d74g, y75f, k78a.
2bpq anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase (trpd) from mycobacterium tuberculosis (apo structure)
2bps ubiquitin-like protein yukd of bacillus subtilis
2bpt structure of the nup1p:kap95p complex
2bpv hiv-1 protease-inhibitor complex
2bpw hiv-1 protease-inhibitor complex
2bpx hiv-1 protease-inhibitor complex
2bpy hiv-1 protease-inhibitor complex
2bpz hiv-1 protease-inhibitor complex
2bq0 14-3-3 protein beta (human)
2bq4 crystal structure of type i cytochrome c3 from desulfovibrio africanus
2bq6 crystal structure of factor xa in complex with 21
2bq7 crystal structure of factor xa in complex with 43
2bqp the structure of the pea lectin-d-glucopyranose complex
2bqv hiv-1 protease in complex with inhibitor aha455
2bqw crystal structure of factor xa in complex with compound 45
2br9 14-3-3 protein epsilon (human) complexed to peptide
2bra structure of n-terminal fad binding motif of mouse mical
2bre structure of a hsp90 inhibitor bound to the n-terminus of yeast hsp90.
2bri ump kinase from pyrococcus furiosus complexed with its substrate analog amppnp
2brs embp heparin complex
2brw crystal structure of streptococcus pneumoniae hyaluronate lyase from 30percent pegmme.
2brx ump kinase from pyrococcus furiosus without ligands
2bry crystal structure of the native monooxygenase domain of mical at 1.45 a resolution
2bsh crystal structure of the type iii secretion chaperone syct from yersinia enterocolitica (crystal form 2)
2bsi crystal structure of the type iii secretion chaperone syct from yersinia enterocolitica (crystal form 1)
2bsj native crystal structure of the type iii secretion chaperone syct from yersinia enterocolitica
2bsl crystal structure of l. lactis dihydroorotate dehydrogense a in complex with 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate
2bsz structure of mesorhizobium loti arylamine n- acetyltransferase 1
2bt0 novel, potent small molecule inhibitors of the molecular chaperone hsp90 discovered through structure-based design
2bt6 ru(bpy)2(mbpy)-modified bovine adrenodoxin
2btc bovine trypsin in complex with squash seed inhibitor (cucurbita pepo trypsin inhibitor ii)
2btf the structure of crystalline profilin-beta-actin
2bti structure-function studies of the rmsa csra post- transcriptional global regulator protein family reveals a class of rna-binding structure
2btl crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of ibv coronavirus nucleocapsid
2btm does the his12-lys13 pair play a role in the adaptation of thermophilic tims to high temperatures?
2btq structure of btubab heterodimer from prosthecobacter dejongeii
2btu crystal structure of phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine cyclo-ligase from bacillus anthracis at 2.3a resolution.
2btw crystal structure of alr0975
2btx solution nmr structure of the complex of alpha-bungarotoxin with a library derived peptide, nmr, minimized average structure
2bu3 acyl-enzyme intermediate between alr0975 and glutathione at ph 3.4
2bub crystal structure of human dipeptidyl peptidase iv (cd26) in complex with a reversed amide inhibitor
2bug solution structure of the tpr domain from protein phosphatase 5 in complex with hsp90 derived peptide
2buj crystal structure of the human serine-threonine kinase 16 in complex with staurosporine
2bum crystal structure of wild-type protocatechuate 3,4- dioxygenase from acinetobacter sp. adp1
2buo hiv-1 capsid c-terminal domain in complex with an inhibitor of particle assembly
2buq crystal structure of wild-type protocatechuate 3,4- dioxygenase from acinetobacter sp. adp1 in complex with catechol
2bur crystal structure of wild-type protocatechuate 3,4- dioxygenase from acinetobacter sp. adp1 in complex with 4- hydroxybenzoate
2but crystal structure of protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase from acinetobacter sp. adp1 mutant r457s - apo
2buu crystal structure of protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase from acinetobacter sp. adp1 mutant r457s in complex with 4- nitrocatechol
2buv crystal structure of protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase from acinetobacter sp. adp1 mutant r457s in complex with protocatechuate
2buw crystal structure of protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase from acinetobacter sp. adp1 mutant r457s in complex with 4- hydroxybenzoate
2bux crystal structure of protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase from acinetobacter sp. adp1 mutant r133h
2buy crystal structure of protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase from acinetobacter sp. adp1 mutant r133h in complex with catechol
2buz crystal structure of protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase from acinetobacter sp. adp1 mutant r133h in complex with 4- nitrocatechol
2bv0 crystal structure of protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase from acinetobacter sp. adp1 mutant r133h in complex with protocatechuate.
2bv1 regulator of g-protein signalling 1 (human)
2bv2 beta gamma crystallin from ciona intestinalis
2bv4 1.0a structure of chromobacterium violaceum lectin in complex with alpha-methyl-mannoside
2bva crystal structure of the human p21-activated kinase 4
2bve structure of the n-terminal of sialoadhesin in complex with 2-phenyl-prop5ac
2bvf crystal structure of 6-hydoxy-d-nicotine oxidase from arthrobacter nicotinovorans. crystal form 3 (p1)
2bvj ligand-free structure of cytochrome p450 pikc (cyp107l1)
2bvn e. coli ef-tu:gdpnp in complex with the antibiotic enacyloxin iia
2bw3 three-dimensional structure of the hermes dna transposase
2bw8 native structure of endoglucanase 12a (cel12a) from rhodothermus marinus
2bwa structure of endoglucanase 12a (cel12a) from rhodothermus marinus in complex with cellopentaose, 20 minute soak.
2bwc structure of endoglucanase 12a (cel12a) from rhodothermus marinus in complex with cellopentaose (5 minute soak)
2bwf crystal sturcture of the ubl domain of dsk2 from s. cerevisiae
2bwr crystal structure of psathyrella velutina lectin at 1.5a resolution
2bx7 crystal structure of l. lactis dihydroorotate dehydrogense a in complex with 3,5-dihydroxybenzoate
2bx8 human serum albumin complexed with azapropazone
2bxb human serum albumin complexed with oxyphenbutazone
2bxj double mutant of the ribosomal protein s6
2bxr human monoamine oxidase a in complex with clorgyline, crystal form a
2bxw crystal structure of rhogdi lys(135,138,141)tyr mutant
2bxx crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of ibv coronavirus nucleocapsid. native crystal form
2byb human monoamine oxidase b in complex with deprenyl
2byc blrb - a bluf protein, dark state structure
2bz0 crystal structure of e. coli gtp cyclohydrolase ii in complex with gtp analogue, gmpcpp, and zinc
2bz5 structure-based discovery of a new class of hsp90 inhibitors
2bz6 orally available factor7a inhibitor
2bz9 ligand-free structure of sterol 14alpha-demethylase from mycobacterium tuberculosis in p2(1) space group
2bzb nmr solution structure of a protein aspartic acid phosphate phosphatase from bacillus anthracis
2bzk crystal structure of the human pim1 in complex with amppnp and pimtide
2bzs binding of anti-cancer prodrug cb1954 to the activating enzyme nqo2 revealed by the crystal structure of their complex.
2bzw the crystal structure of bcl-xl in complex with full-length bad
2bzy dimeric of crkl-sh3c domain
2c00 crystal structure of biotin carboxylase from pseudomonas aeruginosa in apo form
2c03 gdp complex of srp gtpase ffh ng domain
2c04 gmppcp complex of srp gtpase ffh ng domain at ultra-high resolution
2c0c structure of the mgc45594 gene product
2c0d structure of the mitochondrial 2-cys peroxiredoxin from plasmodium falciparum
2c0e structure of pdi-related chaperone, wind with his-tag on c- terminus.
2c0f structure of wind y53f mutant
2c0g structure of pdi-related chaperone, wind mutant-y53s
2c0i src family kinase hck with bound inhibitor a-420983
2c0j crystal structure of the bet3-trs33 heterodimer
2c0k the structure of hemoglobin from the botfly gasterophilus intestinalis
2c0l tpr domain of human pex5p in complex with human mscp2
2c0o src family kinase hck with bound inhibitor a-770041
2c0p aged form of mouse acetylcholinesterase inhibited by tabun
2c0q non-aged form of mouse acetylcholinesterase inhibited by tabun
2c0r crystal structure of phosphoserine aminotransferase from bacillus circulans var. alkalophilus at ph 8.5
2c0t src family kinase hck with bound inhibitor a-641359
2c13 5-hydroxy-levulinic acid bound to porphobilinogen synthase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2c14 5-(4-carboxy-2-oxo-butylamino)-4-oxo-pentanoic acid acid bound to porphobilinogen synthase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2c15 5-(4-carboxy-2-oxo-butoxy)-4-oxo-pentanoic acid acid bound to porphobilinogen synthase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2c16 5-(4-carboxy-2-oxo-butane-1-sulfinyl)-4-oxo-pentanoic acid acid bound to porphobilinogen synthase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2c18 5-(4-carboxy-2-oxo-butane-1-sulfonyl)-4-oxo-pentanoic acid bound to porphobilinogen synthase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2c19 5-(4-carboxy-2-oxo-butylsulfanyl)-4-oxo-pentanoic acid acid bound to porphobilinogen synthase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2c1a structure of camp-dependent protein kinase complexed with isoquinoline-5-sulfonic acid (2-(2-(4-chlorobenzyloxy) ethylamino)ethyl)amide
2c1b structure of camp-dependent protein kinase complexed with ( 4r,2s)-5'-(4-(4-chlorobenzyloxy)pyrrolidin-2- ylmethanesulfonyl)isoquinoline
2c1h the x-ray structure of chlorobium vibrioforme 5- aminolaevulinic acid dehydratase complexed with a diacid inhibitor
2c1l structure of the bfii restriction endonuclease
2c1m nup50:importin-alpha complex
2c1s x-ray structure of biotin binding protein from chicken
2c1v crystal structure of the di-haem cytochrome c peroxidase from paracoccus pantotrophus - mixed valence form
2c1y structure of pdi-related chaperone, wind mutant-y55k
2c23 14-3-3 protein beta (human) in complex with exoenzyme s peptide
2c24 family 30 carbohydrate-binding module of cellulosomal cellulase cel9d-cel44b of clostridium thermocellum
2c25 1.8a crystal structure of psathyrella velutina lectin in complex with n-acetylneuraminic acid
2c29 structure of dihydroflavonol reductase from vitis vinifera at 1.8 a.
2c2g crystal structure of threonine synthase from arabidopsis thaliana in complex with its cofactor pyridoxal phosphate
2c2h crystal structure of the human rac3 in complex with gdp
2c2i structure and function of rv0130, a conserved hypothetical protein from m.tuberculosis
2c2n structure of human mitochondrial malonyltransferase
2c2s human dihydrofolate reductase complexed with nadph and 2,4- diamino-5-(1-o-carboranylmethyl)-6-methylpyrimidine, a novel boron containing, nonclassical antifolate
2c2t human dihydrofolate reductase complexed with nadph and 2,4- diamino-5-((7,8-dicarbaundecaboran-7-yl)methyl)-6- methylpyrimidine, a novel boron containing, nonclassical antifolate
2c2x three dimensional structure of bifunctional methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase-cyclohydrolase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2c31 crystal structure of oxalyl-coa decarboxylase in complex with the cofactor derivative thiamin-2-thiazolone diphosphate and adenosine diphosphate
2c36 structure of unliganded hsv gd reveals a mechanism for receptor-mediated activation of virus entry
2c3a structure of unliganded hsv gd reveals a mechanism for receptor-mediated activation of virus entry
2c3b the crystal structure of aspergillus fumigatus cyclophilin reveals 3d domain swapping of a central element
2c3c 2.01 angstrom x-ray crystal structure of a mixed disulfide between coenzyme m and nadph-dependent oxidoreductase 2- ketopropyl coenzyme m carboxylase
2c3d 2.15 angstrom crystal structure of 2-ketopropyl coenzyme m oxidoreductase carboxylase with a coenzyme m disulfide bound at the active site
2c3i crystal structure of human pim1 in complex with imidazopyridazin i
2c3m crystal structure of pyruvate-ferredoxin oxidoreductase from desulfovibrio africanus
2c3o crystal structure of the free radical intermediate of pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase from desulfovibrio africanus
2c3p crystal structure of the free radical intermediate of pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase from desulfovibrio africanus
2c3u crystal structure of pyruvate-ferredoxin oxidoreductase from desulfovibrio africanus, oxygen inhibited form
2c3v structure of iodinated cbm25 from bacillus halodurans amylase
2c3x structure of iodinated cbm25 from bacillus halodurans amylase in complex with maltotetraose
2c3y crystal structure of the radical form of pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase from desulfovibrio africanus
2c40 crystal structure of inosine-uridine preferring nucleoside hydrolase from bacillus anthracis at 2.2a resolution
2c42 crystal structure of pyruvate-ferredoxin oxidoreductase from desulfovibrio africanus
2c49 crystal structure of methanocaldococcus jannaschii nucleoside kinase - an archaeal member of the ribokinase family
2c4b inhibitor cystine knot protein mcoeeti fused to the catalytically inactive barnase mutant h102a
2c4c crystal structure of the nadph-treated monooxygenase domain of mical
2c4p crystal structure of human ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme ubch5a
2c52 structural diversity in cbp p160 complexes
2c54 gdp-mannose-3', 5' -epimerase (arabidopsis thaliana), k178r, with gdp-beta-l-gulose and gdp-4-keto-beta-l-gulose bound in active site.
2c59 gdp-mannose-3', 5' -epimerase (arabidopsis thaliana), with gdp-alpha-d-mannose and gdp-beta-l-galactose bound in the active site.
2c5a gdp-mannose-3', 5' -epimerase (arabidopsis thaliana), y174f, with gdp-beta-l-galactose bound in the active site
2c5e gdp-mannose-3', 5' -epimerase (arabidopsis thaliana), k217a, with gdp-alpha-d-mannose bound in the active site.
2c5i n-terminal domain of tlg1 complexed with n-terminus of vps51 in distorted conformation
2c5j n-terminal domain of tlg1, domain-swapped dimer
2c5k n-terminal domain of tlg1 complexed with n-terminus of vps51
2c5u t4 rna ligase (rnl1) crystal structure
2c5w penicillin-binding protein 1a (pbp-1a) acyl-enzyme complex (cefotaxime) from streptococcus pneumoniae
2c61 crystal structure of the non-catalytic b subunit of a-type atpase from m. mazei go1
2c64 mao inhibition by rasagiline analogues
2c65 mao inhibition by rasagiline analogues
2c66 mao inhibition by rasagiline analogues
2c67 mao inhibition by rasagiline analogues
2c6f structure of human somatic angiontensin-i converting enzyme n domain
2c6n structure of human somatic angiontensin-i converting enzyme n domain with lisinopril
2c6w penicillin-binding protein 1a (pbp-1a) from streptococcus pneumoniae
2c70 functional role of the aromatic cage in human monoamine oxidase b: structures and catalytic properties of tyr435 mutant proteins
2c72 functional role of the aromatic cage in human monoamine oxidase b: structures and catalytic properties of tyr435 mutant proteins
2c73 functional role of the aromatic cage in human monoamine oxidase b: structures and catalytic properties of tyr435 mutant proteins
2c75 functional role of the aromatic cage in human monoamine oxidase b: structures and catalytic properties of tyr435 mutant proteins
2c76 functional role of the aromatic cage in human monoamine oxidase b: structures and catalytic properties of tyr435 mutant proteins
2c77 ef-tu complexed with a gtp analog and the antibiotic ge2270 a
2c7b the crystal structure of este1, a new thermophilic and thermostable carboxylesterase cloned from a metagenomic library
2c7j phycoerythrocyanin from mastigocladus laminosus, 295 k, 3.0 a
2c7k laue structure of phycoerythrocyanin from mastigocladus laminosus
2c7l low temperature structure of phycoerythrocyanin from mastigocladus laminosus
2c7m human rabex-5 residues 1-74 in complex with ubiquitin
2c7w crystal structure of human vascular endothelial growth factor-b: identification of amino acids important for angiogeninc activity
2c7y plant enzyme
2c80 stucture of sh28gst in complex with s-hexyl glutathione
2c82 x-ray structure of 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase, dxr, rv2870c, from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2c86 x-ray structure of the n and c-terminal domain of coronavirus nucleocapsid protein.
2c8j crystal structure of ferrochelatase hemh-1 from bacillus anthracis, str. ames
2c8q insuline(1sec) and uv laser excited fluorescence
2c8r insuline(60sec) and uv laser excited fluorescence
2c8u structure of r21q mutant of sh28gst
2c95 structure of adenylate kinase 1 in complex with p1,p4-di (adenosine)tetraphosphate
2c9m structure of (sr) calcium-atpase in the ca2e1 state solved in a p1 crystal form.
2c9s 1.24 angstroms resolution structure of zn-zn human superoxide dismutase
2c9u 1.24 angstroms resolution structure of as-isolated cu-zn human superoxide dismutase
2c9v atomic resolution structure of cu-zn human superoxide dismutase
2c9x sulfite dehydrogenase from starkeya novella y236f mutant
2ca0 crystal structure of yc-17-bound cytochrome p450 pikc ( cyp107l1)
2ca1 crystal structure of the ibv coronavirus nucleocapsid
2ca3 sulfite dehydrogenase from starkeya novella r55m mutant
2ca4 sulfite dehydrogenase from starkeya novella mutant
2ca5 mxih needle protein of shigella flexneri (monomeric form, residues 1-78)
2ca6 miras structure determination from hemihedrally twinned crystals
2ca9 apo-nikr from helicobacter pylori in closed trans- conformation
2cad nikr from helicobacter pylori in closed trans-conformation and nickel bound to 2f, 2x and 2i sites.
2cai structure of glutathione-s-transferase mutant, r21l, from schistosoma haematobium
2caj nikr from helicobacter pylori in closed trans-conformation and nickel bound to 4 intermediary sites
2cam avidin mutant (k3e,k9e,r26d,r124l)
2car crystal structure of human inosine triphosphatase
2cay vps36 n-terminal ph domain
2cb0 crystal structure of glucosamine 6-phosphate deaminase from pyrococcus furiosus
2cb5 human bleomycin hydrolase, c73s/dele455 mutant
2cb8 high resolution crystal structure of liganded human l-acbp
2cbi structure of the clostridium perfringens nagj family 84 glycoside hydrolase, a homologue of human o-glcnacase
2cbj structure of the clostridium perfringens nagj family 84 glycoside hydrolase, a homologue of human o-glcnacase in complex with pugnac
2cbl n-terminal domain of cbl in complex with its binding site on zap-70
2cbt crystal structure of the neocarzinostatin 4tes1 mutant bound testosterone hemisuccinate.
2cbu beta-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima in complex with castanospermine
2cbv beta-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima in complex with calystegine b2
2cc0 family 4 carbohydrate esterase from streptomyces lividans in complex with acetate
2cc3 structure of agrobacterium tumefaciens virb8 protein
2cca crystal structure of the catalase-peroxidase (katg) and s315t mutant from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2ccd crystal structure of the catalase-peroxidase (katg) and s315t mutant from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2cce parallel configuration of pli e20s
2ccf antiparallel configuration of pli e20s
2ccg crystal structure of his-tagged s. aureus thymidylate kinase complexed with thymidine monophosphate (tmp)
2ccj crystal structure of s. aureus thymidylate kinase complexed with thymidine monophosphate
2cck crystal structure of unliganded s. aureus thymidylate kinase
2ccm x-ray structure of calexcitin from loligo pealeii at 1.8a
2ccn pli e20c is antiparallel
2ccr structure of beta-1,4-galactanase
2ccy structure of ferricytochrome c(prime) from rhodospirillum molischianum at 1.67 angstroms resolution
2cd0 structure of human lambda-6 light chain dimer wil
2cd8 crystal structure of yc-17-bound cytochrome p450 pikc (cyp107l1)
2cd9 sulfolobus solfataricus glucose dehydrogenase 1 - apo form
2cda sulfolobus solfataricus glucose dehydrogenase 1 in complex with nadp
2cdf structure and binding kinetics of three different human cd1d-alpha-galactosylceramide-specific t cell receptors (tcr 5e)
2cdg structure and binding kinetics of three different human cd1d-alpha-galactosylceramide-specific t cell receptors (tcr 5b)
2cdq crystal structure of arabidopsis thaliana aspartate kinase complexed with lysine and s-adenosylmethionine
2cdu the crystal structure of water-forming nad(p)h oxidase from lactobacillus sanfranciscensis
2ce4 manganese superoxide dismutase (mn-sod) from deinococcus radiodurans
2cej p1' extended hiv-1 protease inhibitors encompassing a tertiary alcohol in the transition-state mimicking scaffold
2cem p1' extended hiv-1 protease inhibitors encompassing a tertiary alcohol in the transition-state mimicking scaffold
2cen p1' extended hiv-1 protease inhibitors encompassing a tertiary alcohol in the transition-state mimicking scaffold
2ceo thyroxine-binding globulin complex with thyroxine
2ceq beta-glycosidase from sulfolobus solfataricus in complex with glucoimidazole
2cer beta-glycosidase from sulfolobus solfataricus in complex with phenethyl-substituted glucoimidazole
2ces beta-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima in complex with glucoimidazole
2cet beta-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima in complex with phenethyl-substituted glucoimidazole
2cfa structure of viral flavin-dependant thymidylate synthase thyx
2cfd agao in complex with wc4l3 (ru-wire inhibitor, 4-carbon linker, lambda enantiomer, data set 3)
2cff crystal structure of n-((5'-phosphoribosyl)-formimino)-5- aminoimidazol-4-carboxamid ribonucleotid isomerase mutant d127v (ec, hisa)
2cfg agao in complex with wc4d3 (ru-wire inhibitor, 4-carbon linker, delta enantiomer, data set 3)
2cfo non-discriminating glutamyl-trna synthetase from thermosynechococcus elongatus in complex with glu
2cg4 structure of e.coli asnc
2cg5 structure of aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase- phosphopantetheinyl transferase in complex with cytosolic acyl carrier protein and coenzyme a
2cga bovine chymotrypsinogen a. x-ray crystal structure analysis and refinement of a new crystal form at 1.8 angstroms resolution
2cgh crystal structure of biotin ligase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2cgk crystal structure of l-rhamnulose kinase from escherichia coli in an open uncomplexed conformation.
2cgr local and transmitted conformational changes on complexation of an anti-sweetener fab
2ch7 crystal structure of the cytoplasmic domain of a bacterial chemoreceptor from thermotoga maritima
2chu ceue in complex with mecam
2ci5 crystal structure of dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase i in complex with l-homocysteine
2cia human nck2 sh2-domain in complex with a decaphosphopeptide from translocated intimin receptor (tir) of epec
2cim crystal structure of methanosarcina barkeri seryl-trna synthetase
2cio the high resolution x-ray structure of papain complexed with fragments of the trypanosoma brucei cysteine protease inhibitor icp.
2cj4 crystal structure of a cell wall invertase inhibitor from tobacco at ph 4.6
2cj8 crystal structure of a cell wall invertase inhibitor from tobacco (ph 9.5)
2cj9 crystal structure of methanosarcina barkeri seryl-trna synthetase complexed with an analog of seryladenylate
2cja crystal structure of methanosarcina barkeri seryl-trna synthetase complexed with atp
2cjb crystal structure of methanosarcina barkeri seryl-trna synthetase complexed with serine
2cji crystal structure of a human factor xa inhibitor complex
2cjp structure of potato (solanum tuberosum) epoxide hydrolase i (steh1)
2cju crystal structure of the tepc15-vk45.1 anti-2-phenyl-5- oxazolone nq16-113.8 scfv in complex with phoxgaba
2cjw crystal structure of the small gtpase gem (gemdndcam) in complex to mg.gdp
2ck2 structure of core-swapped mutant of fibronectin
2ckd crystal structure of ml2640 from mycobacterium leprae
2ckg the structure of senp1 sumo-2 co-complex suggests a structural basis for discrimination between sumo paralogues during processing
2ckh senp1-sumo2 complex
2cki structure of ulilysin, a member of the pappalysin family of metzincin metalloendopeptidases.
2ckl ring1b-bmi1 e3 catalytic domain structure
2cko crystal structure of human choline kinase alpha 2
2ckp crystal structure of human choline kinase alpha-2 in complex with adp
2ckq crystal structure of human choline kinase alpha 2 in complex with phosphocholine
2ckr x-ray crystal structure of the catalytic domain of thermobifida fusca endoglucanase cel5a (e5) e355q in complex with cellotetraose
2cks x-ray crystal structure of the catalytic domain of thermobifida fusca endoglucanase cel5a (e5)
2cl5 catechol-o-methyltransferase in complex with an inhibitor
2cl8 dectin-1 in complex with beta-glucan
2cle tryptophan synthase in complex with n-(4'- trifluoromethoxybenzoyl)-2-amino-1-ethylphosphate (f6) - lowf6 complex
2clf tryptophan synthase in complex with n-(4'- trifluoromethoxybenzoyl)-2-amino-1-ethylphosphate (f6) - highf6 complex
2clh tryptophan synthase in complex with (naphthalene-2'- sulfonyl)-2-amino-1-ethylphosphate (f19)
2cli tryptophan synthase in complex with n-(4'- trifluoromethoxybenzenesulfonyl)-2-amino-1-ethylphosphate (f9)
2clk tryptophan synthase in complex with d-glyceraldehyde 3- phosphate (g3p)
2cll tryptophan synthase (external aldimine state) in complex with n-(4'-trifluoromethoxybenzenesulfonyl)-2-amino-1- ethylphosphate (f9)
2clm tryptophan synthase (external aldimine state) in complex with n-(4'-trifluoromethoxybenzoyl)-2-amino-1- ethylphosphate (f6f)
2clo tryptophan synthase (external aldimine state) in complex with (naphthalene-2'-sulfonyl)-2-amino-1-ethylphosphate (f19)
2clq structure of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 5
2cls the crystal structure of the human rnd1 gtpase in the active gtp bound state
2clt crystal structure of the active form (full-length) of human fibroblast collagenase.
2cm3 structure of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b (c2)
2cm6 crystal structure of the c2b domain of rabphilin3a
2cmg crystal structure of spermidine synthase from helicobacter pylori
2cmj crystal structure of mouse cytosolic isocitrate dehydrogenase
2cmo the structure of a mixed glur2 ligand-binding core dimer in complex with (s)-glutamate and the antagonist (s)-ns1209
2cmv crystal structure of mouse cytosolic isocitrate dehydrogenase complexed with cadmium and citrate
2cmy crystal complex between bovine trypsin and veronica hederifolia trypsin inhibitor
2cn3 crystal structures of clostridium thermocellum xyloglucanase
2cn4 the crystal structure of the secreted dimeric form of the hemophore hasa reveals a domain swapping with an exchanged heme ligand
2cno crystal structures of caspase-3 in complex with aza-peptide epoxide inhibitors.
2cnp high resolution solution structure of apo rabbit calcyclin, nmr, 22 structures
2cnx wdr5 and histone h3 lysine 4 dimethyl complex at 2.1 angstrom
2cny salmonella enterica safa pilin in complex with a 19-residue safa nte peptide (i15a mutant)
2cnz salmonella enterica safa pilin in complex with a 19-residue safa nte peptide (v13a mutant)
2co1 salmonella enterica safa pilin in complex with a 19-residue safa nte peptide (f17a mutant)
2co2 salmonella enterica safa pilin in complex with a 19-residue safa nte peptide (f3a mutant)
2co3 salmonella enterica safa pilin, head-to-tail swapped dimer of ntd1 mutant
2co4 salmonella enterica safa pilin in complex with a 19-residue safa nte peptide
2co5 f93 from stiv, a winged-helix dna-binding protein
2co6 salmonella enterica safa pilin in complex with the safb chaperone (type i)
2co7 salmonella enterica safa pilin in complex with the safb chaperone (type ii)
2cog crystal structure of oxidized human cytosolic branched-chain aminotransferase complexed with 4-methylvalerate
2coi crystal structure of oxidized human cytosolic branched-chain aminotransferase complexed with gabapentin
2coj crystal structure of reduced human cytosolic branched-chain aminotransferase complexed with gabapentin
2col crystal structure analysis of cyaa/c-cam with pyrophosphate
2cpk crystal structure of the catalytic subunit of cyclic adenosine monophosphate-dependent protein kinase
2cqs crystal structure of cellvibrio gilvus cellobiose phosphorylase crystallized from ammonium sulfate
2cqt crystal structure of cellvibrio gilvus cellobiose phosphorylase crystallized from sodium/potassium phosphate
2csb crystal structure of topoisomerase v from methanopyrus kandleri (61 kda fragment)
2csd crystal structure of topoisomerase v (61 kda fragment)
2cst crystal structure of the closed form of chicken cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase at 1.9 angstroms resolution
2csu crystal structure of ph0766 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2ct9 the crystal structure of calcineurin b homologous proein 1 (chp1)
2cth cytochrome c3 from desulfovibrio vulgaris hildenborough
2ctz crystal structure of o-acetyl homoserine sulfhydrylase from thermus thermophilus hb8
2cu0 crystal structure of inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2cu3 crystal structure of tt1568 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2cu6 crystal structure of the dtdp-4-keto-l-rhamnose reductase-related protein from thermus thermophilus hb8
2cua the cua domain of cytochrome ba3 from thermus thermophilus
2cun crystal structure of phosphoglycerate kinase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2cuy crystal structure of malonyl coa-acyl carrier protein transacylase from thermus thermophilus hb8
2cv3 crystal structure of porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with a macroclyclic peptide inhibitor
2cv8 crystal structure of trna-intron endonuclease from sulfolobus tokodaii
2cvf crystal structure of the radb recombinase
2cvh crystal structure of the radb recombinase
2cvi crystal structure of hypothetical protein phs023 from pyrococcus horikoshii
2cvp crystal structure of mouse amf
2cvq crystal structure of nad(h)-dependent malate dehydrogenase complexed with nadph
2cvy structures of yeast ribonucleotide reductase i
2cw2 crystal structure of superoxide dismutase from p. marinus
2cw3 x-ray structure of pmsod2, superoxide dismutase from perkinsus marinus
2cwf crystal structure of delta1-piperideine-2-carboxylate reductase from pseudomonas syringae complexed with nadph
2cwh crystal structure of delta1-piperideine-2-carboxylate reductase from pseudomonas syringae complexed with nadph and pyrrole-2-carboxylate
2cwi x-ray crystal structure analysis of recombinant wild-type canine milk lysozyme (apo-type)
2cwk crystal structure of nucleotide diphosphate kinase from pyrococcus horikoshii
2cwl crystal structure of manganese-free form of pseudocatalase from thermus thermophilus hb8
2cwm native crystal structure of no releasing inductive lectin from seeds of the canavalia maritima (conm)
2cwn crystal structure of mouse transaldolase
2cwt catalytic base deletion in copper amine oxidase from arthrobacter globiformis
2cwu substrate schiff-base intermediate of copper amine oxidase from arthrobacter globiformis
2cwv product schiff-base intermediate of copper amine oxidase from arthrobacter globiformis
2cww crystal structure of thermus thermophilus ttha1280, a putative sam- dependent rna methyltransferase, in complex with s-adenosyl-l- homocysteine
2cwx crystal structure of octameric ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco) from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 (form- 1 crystal)
2cx6 crystal structure of ribonuclease inhibitor barstar
2cx7 crystal structure of sterol carrier protein 2
2cx8 crystal structure of methyltransferase with ligand(sah)
2cxb crystallization and x-ray structure determination of cytochrome c2 from rhodobacter sphaeroides in three crystal forms
2cxd crystal structure of conserved hypothetical protein, ttha0068 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2cxj 3d solution structure of s100a13
2cxn crystal structure of mouse amf / phosphate complex
2cxo crystal structure of mouse amf / e4p complex
2cxp crystal structure of mouse amf / a5p complex
2cxq crystal structure of mouse amf / s6p complex
2cxr crystal structure of mouse amf / 6pg complex
2cxs crystal structure of mouse amf / f6p complex
2cxt crystal structure of mouse amf / f6p complex
2cxu crystal structure of mouse amf / m6p complex
2cy0 crystal structure of shikimate 5-dehydrogenase (aroe) from thermus thermophilus hb8 in complex with nadp
2cy6 crystal structure of conm in complex with trehalose and maltose
2cy9 crystal structure of thioesterase superfamily member2 from mus musculus
2cyb crystal structure of tyrosyl-trna synthetase complexed with l-tyrosine from archaeoglobus fulgidus
2cyc crystal structure of tyrosyl-trna synthetase complexed with l-tyrosine from pyrococcus horikoshii
2cyf the crystal structure of canavalia maritima lectin (conm) in complex with trehalose and maltose
2cyz photo-activation state of fe-type nhase in anaerobic condition
2cz0 photo-activation state of fe-type nhase in aerobic condition
2cz1 photo-activation state of fe-type nhase with n-ba in anaerobic condition
2cz3 crystal structure of glutathione transferase zeta 1-1 (maleylacetoacetate isomerase) from mus musculus (form-2 crystal)
2cz5 crystal structure of orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2cz6 complex of inactive fe-type nhase with cyclohexyl isocyanide
2cz7 fe-type nhase photo-activated for 75min at 105k
2czd crystal structure of orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 at 1.6 a resolution
2cze crystal structure of orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 complexed with ump
2czf crystal structure of orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 complexed with xmp
2czg crystal structure of probable phosphoribosylglycinamide formyl transferase (ph0318) from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2czh crystal structure of human myo-inositol monophosphatase 2 (impa2) with phosphate ion (orthorhombic form)
2czq a novel cutinase-like protein from cryptococcus sp.
2czs crystal structure analysis of the diheme c-type cytochrome dhc2
2czu lipocalin-type prostaglandin d synthase
2czy solution structure of the nrsf/rest-msin3b pah1 complex
2d03 crystal structure of the g91s mutant of the nna7 fab
2d06 human sult1a1 complexed with pap and estradiol
2d07 crystal structure of sumo-3-modified thymine-dna glycosylase
2d0k methionine-free mutant of escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase
2d0q complex of fe-type nhase with cyclohexyl isocyanide, photo- activated for 1hr at 277k
2d0t crystal structure of 4-phenylimidazole bound form of human indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase
2d0u crystal structure of cyanide bound form of human indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase
2d0w crystal structure of cytochrome cl from hyphomicrobium denitrificans
2d1c crystal structure of tt0538 protein from thermus thermophilus hb8
2d1f structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis threonine synthase
2d1g structure of francisella tularensis acid phosphatase a (acpa) bound to orthovanadate
2d1h crystal structure of st1889 protein from thermoacidophilic archaeon sulfolobus tokodaii
2d1i structure of human atg4b
2d1j factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 2-[[4-[(5- chloroindol-2-yl)sulfonyl]piperazin-1-yl] carbonyl]thieno[3,2-b]pyridine n-oxide
2d1l structure of f-actin binding domain imd of mim (missing in metastasis)
2d1n collagenase-3 (mmp-13) complexed to a hydroxamic acid inhibitor
2d1o stromelysin-1 (mmp-3) complexed to a hydroxamic acid inhibitor
2d1w substrate schiff-base intermediate with tyramine in copper amine oxidase from arthrobacter globiformis
2d1z crystal structure of catalytic-site mutant xylanase from streptomyces olivaceoviridis e-86
2d20 crystal structure of michaelis complex of catalytic-site mutant xylanase from streptomyces olivaceoviridis e-86
2d22 crystal structure of covalent glycosyl-enzyme intermediate of catalytic-site mutant xylanase from streptomyces olivaceoviridis e-86
2d23 crystal structure of ep complex of catalytic-site mutant xylanase from streptomyces olivaceoviridis e-86
2d24 crystal structure of es complex of catalytic-site mutant xylanase from streptomyces olivaceoviridis e-86
2d29 structural study on project id tt0172 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2d2a crystal structure of escherichia coli sufa involved in biosynthesis of iron-sulfur clusters
2d2d crystal structure of sars-cov mpro in complex with an inhibitor i2
2d2o structure of a complex of thermoactinomyces vulgaris r-47 alpha-amylase 2 with maltohexaose demonstrates the important role of aromatic residues at the reducing end of the substrate binding cleft
2d2q crystal structure of the dimerized radixin ferm domain
2d2r crystal structure of helicobacter pylori undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase
2d2x crystal structure of 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosose synthase
2d30 crystal structure of cytidine deaminase cdd-2 (ba4525) from bacillus anthracis at 2.40a resolution
2d3k structural study on project id ph1539 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2d3m pentaketide chromone synthase complexed with coenzyme a
2d3q crystal structure of a decolorizing peroxidase (dyp) that catalyses the biological oxidation of anthraquinone derivatives
2d3u x-ray crystal structure of hepatitis c virus rna dependent rna polymerase in complex with non-nucleoside analogue inhibitor
2d3z x-ray crystal structure of hepatitis c virus rna-dependent rna polymerase in complex with non-nucleoside analogue inhibitor
2d41 x-ray crystal structure of hepatitis c virus rna-dependent rna polymerase in complex with non-nucleoside inhibitor
2d42 crystal structure analysis of a non-toxic crystal protein from bacillus thuringiensis
2d4g structure of yjcg protein, a putative 2'-5' rna ligase from bacillus subtilis
2d4h crystal-structure of the n-terminal large gtpase domain of human guanylate binding protein 1 (hgbp1) in complex with gmp
2d4i monoclinic hen egg-white lysozyme crystallized at ph4.5 form heavy water solution
2d4k monoclinic hen egg-white lysozyme crystallized at 313k
2d4q crystal structure of the sec-ph domain of the human neurofibromatosis type 1 protein
2d4u crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of the bacterial serine chemoreceptor tsr
2d4w crystal structure of glycerol kinase from cellulomonas sp. nt3060
2d4y crystal structure of a 49k fragment of hap1 (flgk)
2d4z crystal structure of the cytoplasmic domain of the chloride channel clc-0
2d51 pentaketide chromone synthase (m207g mutant)
2d52 pentaketide chromone synthase (m207g mutant complexed with coa)
2d5c crystal structure of shikimate 5-dehydrogenase (aroe) from thermus thermophilus hb8 in complex with shikimate
2d5d structure of biotin carboxyl carrier protein (74val start) from pyrococcus horikoshi ot3 ligand free form ii
2d5f crystal structure of recombinant soybean proglycinin a3b4 subunit, its comparison with mature glycinin a3b4 subunit, responsible for hexamer assembly
2d5j unsaturated glucuronyl hydrolase triggers hydration of vinyl ether group but not of glycosidic bond
2d5r crystal structure of a tob-hcaf1 complex
2d5x crystal structure of carbonmonoxy horse hemoglobin complexed with l35
2d68 structure of the n-terminal domain of fop (fgfr1op) protein
2d6c crystal structure of myoglobin reconstituted with iron porphycene
2d6k crystal structure of mouse galectin-9 n-terminal crd (crystal form 1)
2d6m crystal structure of mouse galectin-9 n-terminal crd in complex with lactose
2d6n crystal structure of mouse galectin-9 n-terminal crd in complex with n-acetyllactosamine
2d6p crystal structure of mouse galectin-9 n-terminal crd in complex with t-antigen
2d6y crystal structure of transcriptional factor sco4008 from streptomyces coelicolor a3(2)
2d73 crystal structure analysis of susb
2d74 crystal structure of translation initiation factor aif2betagamma heterodimer
2d7s foot and mouth disease virus rna-dependent rna polymerase in complex with vpg protein
2d7t crystal structure of human anti polyhydroxybutyrate antibody fv
2d7v structure of osmc-like protein of unknown function vca0330 from vibrio cholerae o1 biovar eltor str. n16961
2d8d structure of chorismate mutase (form i) from thermus thermophilus hb8
2d9q crystal structure of the human gcsf-receptor signaling complex
2d9s solution structure of rsgi ruh-049, a uba domain from mouse cdna
2daa crystallographic structure of d-amino acid aminotransferase inactivated by d-cycloserine
2dab l201a mutant of d-amino acid aminotransferase complexed with pyridoxal-5'-phosphate
2db0 crystal structure of ph0542
2db7 crystal structure of hypothetical protein ms0332
2dbb crystal structure of ph0061
2dbl molecular basis of cross-reactivity and the limits of antibody-antigen complementarity
2dbs crystal structure of a hypothetical protein tthc002 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2dbz crystal structure of glyoxylate reductase (ph0597) from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3, complexed with nadp (p61)
2dc0 crystal structure of amidase
2dc1 crystal structure of l-aspartate dehydrogenase from hyperthermophilic archaeon archaeoglobus fulgidus
2dc3 crystal structure of human cytoglobin at 1.68 angstroms resolution
2dc4 structure of ph1012 protein from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2dc5 crystal structure of mouse glutathione s-transferase, mu7 (gstm7) at 1.6 a resolution
2dcj a two-domain structure of alkaliphilic xynj from bacillus sp. 41m-1
2dct crystal structure of the tt1209 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2dcu crystal structure of translation initiation factor aif2betagamma heterodimer with gdp
2dcz thermal stabilization of bacillus subtilis family-11 xylanase by directed evolution
2dd7 a gfp-like protein from marine copepod, chiridius poppei
2ddc unique behavior of a histidine responsible for an engineered green-to-red photoconversion process
2ddd unique behavior of a histidine responsible for an engineered green-to- red photoconversion process
2ddf crystal structure of tace in complex with tapi-2
2ddk crystal structure of human myo-inositol monophosphatase 2 (impa2) (orthorhombic form)
2ddm crystal structure of pyridoxal kinase from the escherichia coli pdxk gene at 2.1 a resolution
2ddo crystal structure of pyridoxal kinase from the escherichia coli pdxk gene at 2.6 a resolution
2ddq crystal structure of the fab fragment of a r310 antibody complexed with (r)-hne-histidine adduct
2ddt crystal structure of sphingomyelinase from bacillus cereus with magnesium ion
2ddw crystal structure of pyridoxal kinase from the escherichia coli pdxk gene complexed with pyridoxal at 3.2 a resolution
2de3 crystal structure of dszb c27s mutant in complex with 2'- hydroxybiphenyl-2-sulfinic acid
2de4 crystal structure of dszb c27s mutant in complex with biphenyl-2- sulfinic acid
2deb crystal structure of rat carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2 in space group c2221
2dec crystal structure of the ph0510 protein from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2dek crystal structure of project id ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 at 1.65 a resolution
2den solution structure of the ubiquitin-associated domain of human bmsc-ubp and its complex with ubiquitin
2deo 1510-n membrane protease specific for a stomatin homolog from pyrococcus horikoshii
2dep crystal structure of xylanase b from clostridium stercorarium f9
2deq crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 in complex with biotinyl-5'-amp, k111g mutation
2dew crystal structure of human peptidylarginine deiminase 4 in complex with histone h3 n-terminal tail including arg8
2dex crystal structure of human peptidylarginine deiminase 4 in complex with histone h3 n-terminal peptide including arg17
2dey crystal structure of human peptidylarginine deiminase 4 in complex with histone h4 n-terminal tail including arg3
2df8 crystal structure of the ph0510 protein from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 in complex with beta-d-fructopyranose-1-phosphate
2dfi crystal structure of pf-map(1-292)-c
2dfj crystal structure of the diadenosine tetraphosphate hydrolase from shigella flexneri 2a
2dfx crystal structure of the carboxy terminal domain of colicin e5 complexed with its inhibitor
2dfy crystal structure of a cyclized protein fusion of lmo4 lim domains 1 and 2 with the lim interacting domain of ldb1
2dgj crystal structure of ebha (756-1003 domain) from staphylococcus aureus
2dh3 crystal structure of human ed-4f2hc
2dh4 geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase
2dhb three dimensional fourier synthesis of horse deoxyhaemoglobin at 2.8 angstroms resolution
2dhf crystal structures of recombinant human dihydrofolate reductase complexed with folate and 5-deazofolate
2dht crystal structure of isocitrate dehydrogenase from sulfolobus tokodaii strain7
2di3 crystal structure of the transcriptional factor cgl2915 from corynebacterium glutamicum
2di4 crystal structure of the ftsh protease domain
2dj5 crystal structure of the vitamin b12 biosynthetic cobaltochelatase, cbixs, from archaeoglobus fulgidus
2djl crystal structure of trypanosoma cruzi dihydroorotate dehydrogenase in complex with succinate
2djx crystal structure of native trypanosoma cruzi dihydroorotate dehydrogenase
2djy solution structure of smurf2 ww3 domain-smad7 py peptide complex
2djz crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 in complex with biotinyl-5'-amp, k111a mutation
2dka crystal structure of n-acetylglucosamine-phosphate mutase, a member of the alpha-d-phosphohexomutase superfamily, in the apo-form
2dkc crystal structure of n-acetylglucosamine-phosphate mutase, a member of the alpha-d-phosphohexomutase superfamily, in the substrate complex
2dkd crystal structure of n-acetylglucosamine-phosphate mutase, a member of the alpha-d-phosphohexomutase superfamily, in the product complex
2dkg crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 in complex with biotinyl-5'-amp, pyrophosphate and mg(2+)
2dkj crystal structure of serine hydroxymethyltransferase
2dkn crystal structure of the 3-alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase from pseudomonas sp. b-0831 complexed with nadh
2dlb x-ray crystal structure of protein yopt from bacillus subtilis. northeast structural genomics consortium target sr412
2dld d-lactate dehydrogenase complexed with nadh and oxamate
2dlf high resolution crystal structure of the fv fragment from an anti-dansyl switch variant antibody igg2a(s) crystallized at ph 6.75
2dm6 crystal structure of anti-configuration of indomethacin and leukotriene b4 12-hydroxydehydrogenase/15-oxo- prostaglandin 13-reductase complex
2dm9 crystal structure of ph1978 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2dn1 1.25a resolution crystal structure of human hemoglobin in the oxy form
2dn3 1.25a resolution crystal structure of human hemoglobin in the carbonmonoxy form
2do2 design of specific inhibitors of phospholipase a2: crystal structure of the complex formed between a group ii cys 49 phospholipase a2 and a designed pentapeptide ala-leu-ala- ser-lys at 2.6a resolution
2do6 solution structure of rsgi ruh-065, a uba domain from human cdna
2doh the x-ray crystallographic structure of the angiogenesis inhibitor, angiostatin, bound a to a peptide from the group a streptococcal surface protein pam
2dok crystal structure of the pin domain of human est1a
2doo the structure of imp-1 complexed with the detecting reagent (dansylc4sh) by a fluorescent probe
2dor dihydroorotate dehydrogenase a from lactococcus lactis complexed with orotate
2dou probable n-succinyldiaminopimelate aminotransferase (ttha0342) from thermus thermophilus hb8
2dp4 crystal structure of the complex formed between proteinase k and a human lactoferrin fragment at 2.9 a resolution
2dph crystal structure of formaldehyde dismutase
2dpl crystal structure of the gmp synthase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2dpn crystal structure of the glycerol kinase from thermus thermophilus hb8
2dpp crystal structure of thermostable bacillus sp. rapc8 nitrile hydratase
2dpr the crystal structures of the calcium-bound con-g and con-t(k7gla) dimeric peptides demonstrate a novel metal-dependent helix-forming motif
2dps structure of leucyl/phenylalanyl-trna-protein transferase
2dpt leucyl/phenylalanyl-trna-protein transferase complexed with puromycin
2dpx crystal structure of human rad gtpase
2dpy crystal structure of the flagellar type iii atpase flii
2dq0 crystal structure of seryl-trna synthetase from pyrococcus horikoshii complexed with a seryl-adenylate analog
2dq3 crystal structure of aq_298
2dq4 crystal structure of threonine 3-dehydrogenase
2dqa crystal structure of tapes japonica lysozyme
2dqk crystal structure of the complex of proteinase k with a specific lactoferrin peptide val-leu-leu-his at 1.93 a resolution
2dql crytal structure of the circadian clock associated protein pex from anabaena
2dqt high resolution crystal structure of the complex of the hydrolytic antibody fab 6d9 and a transition-state analog
2dqu crystal form ii: high resolution crystal structure of the complex of the hydrolytic antibody fab 6d9 and a transition-state analog
2dqw crystal structure of dihydropteroate synthase (folp) from thermus thermophilus hb8
2dr1 crystal structure of the ph1308 protein from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2drc investigation of the functional role of tryptophan-22 in escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase by site-directed mutagenesis
2drk acanthamoeba myosin i sh3 domain bound to acan125
2drv structure of ph1069 protein from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2dry crystal structure of the earthworm lectin c-terminal domain mutant
2drz crystal structure of the earthworm lectin c-terminal domain mutant in complex with lactose
2ds0 crystal structure of the earthworm lectin c-terminal domain mutant in complex with 6'-sialyllactose
2ds5 structure of the zbd in the orthorhomibic crystal from
2ds6 structure of the zbd in the tetragonal crystal form
2dsc crystal structure of human adp-ribose pyrophosphatase nudt5 in complex with magnesium and adp-ribose
2dsd crystal structure of human adp-ribose pyrophosphatase nudt5 in complex with magnesium and amp
2dsg crystal structure of lys26 to arg mutant of diphthine synthase
2dsh crystal structure of lys26 to tyr mutant of diphthine synthase
2dsi crystal structure of glu171 to arg mutant of diphthine synthase
2dsj crystal structure of project id tt0128 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2dsk crystal structure of catalytic domain of hyperthermophilic chitinase from pyrococcus furiosus
2dsl mutant n33d structure of phenylacetic acid degradation protein paai from thermus thermophilus hb8
2dsm nmr structure of bacillus subtilis protein yqai, northeast structural genomics target sr450
2dsn crystal structure of t1 lipase
2dsp structural basis for the inhibition of insulin-like growth factors by igf binding proteins
2dst crystal structure analysis of tt1977
2dt5 crystal structure of ttha1657 (at-rich dna-binding protein) from thermus thermophilus hb8
2dt7 solution structure of the second surp domain of human splicing factor sf3a120 in complex with a fragment of human splicing factor sf3a60
2dt9 crystal structure of the regulatory subunit of aspartate kinase from thermus flavus
2dtc crystal structure of ms0666
2dtd structure of thermoplasma acidophilum aldohexose dehydrogenase (aldt) in ligand-free form
2dte structure of thermoplasma acidophilum aldohexose dehydrogenase (aldt) in complex with nadh
2dth the crystal structure of the orthorhombic form of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 in complex with biotin and adp
2dti crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 in complex with biotinyl-5'-amp, pyrophosphate and mn(2+)
2dtj crystal structure of regulatory subunit of aspartate kinase from corynebacterium glutamicum
2dtm thermodynamic and structural analyses of hydrolytic mechanism by catalytic antibodies
2dtn crystal structure of helicobacter pylori undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase complexed with pyrophosphate
2dto crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 complexed with atp and biotin
2dts crystal structure of the defucosylated fc fragment from human immunoglobulin g1
2dtx structure of thermoplasma acidophilum aldohexose dehydrogenase (aldt) in complex with d-mannose
2duc crystal structure of sars coronavirus main proteinase(3clpro)
2dud crystal structure of human mitochondrial single-stranded dna-binding protein(hmtssb)
2duj crystal structure of the complex formed between proteinase k and a synthetic peptide leu-leu-phe-asn-asp at 1.67 a resolution
2duk crystal structure of ms0616
2duo crystal structure of vip36 exoplasmic/lumenal domain, ca2+- bound form
2dup crystal structure of vip36 exoplasmic/lumenal domain, metal-free form
2duq crystal structure of vip36 exoplasmic/lumenal domain, ca2+/man-bound form
2dur crystal structure of vip36 exoplasmic/lumenal domain, ca2+/man2-bound form
2dv1 crystal structure of d141e mutant of bpkatg
2dv2 crystal structure of d141e mutant of bpkatg at ph 8.0
2dv3 crystal structure of leu65 to arg mutant of diphthine synthase
2dv4 crystal structure of leu65 to gln mutant of diphthine synthase
2dv5 crystal structure of leu65 to ala mutant of diphthine synthase
2dv7 crystal structure of lys187 to arg mutant of diphthine synthase
2dve crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 in complex with biotinyl-5'-amp, mutation arg51ala
2dvl crystal structure of project tt0160 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2dvn structure of ph1917 protein with the complex of imp from pyrococcus horikoshii
2dvw structure of the oncoprotein gankyrin in complex with s6 atpase of the 26s proteasome
2dw0 crystal structure of vap2 from crotalus atrox venom (form 2-1 crystal)
2dw1 crystal structure of vap2 from crotalus atrox venom (form 2-2 crystal)
2dw2 crystal structure of vap2 from crotalus atrox venom (form 2-5 crystal)
2dwc crystal structure of probable phosphoribosylglycinamide formyl transferase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 complexed with adp
2dwg run domain of rap2 interacting protein x, crystallized in p2(1)2(1)2(1) space group
2dwq thermus thermophilus ychf gtp-binding protein
2dwv solution structure of the second ww domain from mouse salvador homolog 1 protein (mww45)
2dx0 crystal structure of the n-terminal sh2 domain of mouse phospholipase c-gamma 2
2dx5 the complex structure between the mouse eap45-glue domain and ubiquitin
2dx6 crystal structure of conserved hypothetical protein, ttha0132 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2dx7 crystal structure of pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 aspartate racemase complex with citric acid
2dx8 crystal structure analysis of the phd domain of the transcription coactivator pygophus
2dxd crystal structure of nucleoside diphosphate kinase in complex with atp analog
2dxe crystal structure of nucleoside diphosphate kinase in complex with gdp
2dxf crystal structure of nucleoside diphosphate kinase in complex with gtp analog
2dxl glycerophosphodiesterase from enterobacter aerogenes
2dxn glycerophosphodiesterase from enterobacter aerogenes
2dxp crystal structure of the complex of the archaeal sulfolobus ptp-fold phosphatase with phosphopeptides a-(p)y-r
2dxq putative acetyltransferase from agrobacterium tumefaciens str. c58
2dxs crystal structure of hcv ns5b rna polymerase complexed with a tetracyclic inhibitor
2dxt crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii complexed with atp and biotin, mutation d104a
2dxu crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii complexed with biotinyl-5'-amp, mutation r48a
2dxv crystal structure of glu54 to his mutant of diphthine synthase
2dxw crystal structure of glu54 to lys mutant of diphthine synthase
2dxx crystal structure of asn142 to glu mutant of diphthine synthase
2dy0 crystal structure of project jw0458 from escherichia coli
2dy9 crystal structure of nucleoside diphosphate kinase in complex with adp
2dya crystal structure of complex between adenine nucleotide and nucleoside diphosphate kinase
2dyb the crystal structure of human p40(phox)
2dyf solution structure of the first ww domain of fbp11 / hypa (fbp11 ww1) complexed with a pl (pplp) motif peptide ligand
2dyh crystal structure of the keap1 protein in complexed with the n-terminal region of the nrf2 transcription factor
2dyj crystal structure of ribosome-binding factor a from thermus thermophilus hb8
2dyk crystal structure of n-terminal gtp-binding domain of enga from thermus thermophilus hb8
2dyn dynamin (pleckstrin homology domain) (dynph)
2dyo the crystal structure of saccharomyces cerevisiae atg5- atg16(1-57) complex
2dyu helicobacter pylori formamidase amif contains a fine-tuned cysteine- glutamate-lysine catalytic triad
2dyv helicobacter pylori formamidase amif contains a fine-tuned cysteine- glutamate-lysine catalytic triad
2dz9 crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii complexed with biotinyl-5'-amp, mutation d104a
2dza crystal structure of dihydropteroate synthase from thermus thermophilus hb8 in complex with 4-aminobenzoate
2dzb crystal structure of dihydropteroate synthase from thermus thermophilus hb8 in complex with 6hmppp
2dzc crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii, mutation r48a
2dzd crystal structure of the biotin carboxylase domain of pyruvate carboxylase
2dzp structure of mutant tryptophan synthase alpha-subunit (d17n) from a hyperthermophile, pyrococcus furiosus
2dzs structure of mutant tryptophan synthase alpha-subunit (e103a) from a hyperthermophile, pyrococcus furiosus
2dzt structure of mutant tryptophan synthase alpha-subunit (d110a) from a hyperthermophile, pyrococcus furiosus
2dzu structure of mutant tryptophan synthase alpha-subunit (d110n) from a hyperthermophile, pyrococcus furiosus
2dzv structure of mutant tryptophan synthase alpha-subunit (d146a) from a hyperthermophile, pyrococcus furiosus
2dzw structure of mutant tryptophan synthase alpha-subunit (e244a) from a hyperthermophile, pyrococcus furiosus
2dzx structure of mutant tryptophan synthase alpha-subunit (e131- 132a) from a hyperthermophile, pyrococcus furiosus
2e07 crystal structure of asp79 to glu mutant of diphthine synthase
2e08 crystal structure of glu140 to lys mutant of diphthine synthase
2e09 structure of mutant tryptophan synthase alpha-subunit (e74a) from a hyperthermophile, pyrococcus furiosus
2e0a crystal structure of human pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 in complex with amppnp
2e0c crystal structure of isocitrate dehydrogenase from sulfolobus tokodaii strain7 at 2.0 a resolution
2e0j mutant human ribonuclease 1 (r31l, r32l)
2e0k crystal structure of cbil, a methyltransferase involved in anaerobic vitamin b12 biosynthesis
2e0l mutant human ribonuclease 1 (q28l, r31l, r32l)
2e0m mutant human ribonuclease 1 (t24l, q28l, r31l, r32l)
2e0n crystal structure of cbil in complex with s-adenosylhomocysteine, a methyltransferase involved in anaerobic vitamin b12 biosynthesis
2e0o mutant human ribonuclease 1 (v52l, d53l, n56l, f59l)
2e0w t391a precursor mutant protein of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase from escherichia coli
2e10 crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii, mutation r51a
2e12 the crystal structure of xc5848 from xanthomonas campestris adopting a novel variant of sm-like motif
2e15 crystal structure of arg173 to asn mutant of diphthine synthase
2e16 crystal structure of glu140 to arg mutant of diphthine synthase
2e17 crystal structure of arg173 to ala mutant of diphthine synthase
2e18 crystal structure of project ph0182 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2e1d crystal structure of mouse transaldolase
2e1h crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3, k111g mutation
2e1n crystal structure of the cyanobacterium circadian clock modifier pex
2e1t crystal structure of dendranthema morifolium dmat complexed with malonyl-coa
2e1u crystal structure of dendranthema morifolium dmat
2e1v crystal structure of dendranthema morifolium dmat, seleno- methionine derivative
2e27 crystal structure of fv fragment of anti-ciguatoxin antibody complexed with abc-ring of ciguatoxin
2e2b crystal structure of the c-abl kinase domain in complex with inno-406
2e2d flexibility and variability of timp binding: x-ray structure of the complex between collagenase-3/mmp-13 and timp-2
2e2e tpr domain of nrfg mediates the complex formation between heme lyase and formate-dependent nitrite reductase in escherichia coli o157:h7
2e2n crystal structure of sulfolobus tokodaii hexokinase in the apo form
2e2p crystal structure of sulfolobus tokodaii hexokinase in complex with adp
2e2q crystal structure of sulfolobus tokodaii hexokinase in complex with xylose, mg2+, and adp
2e2u substrate schiff-base analogue of copper amine oxidase from arthrobacter globiformis formed with 4-hydroxybenzylhydrazine
2e2v substrate schiff-base analogue of copper amine oxidase from arthrobacter globiformis formed with benzylhydrazine
2e2x sec14 homology module of neurofibromin in complex with phosphatitylethanolamine
2e30 solution structure of the cytoplasmic region of na+/h+ exchanger 1 complexed with essential cofactor calcineurin b homologous protein 1
2e31 structural basis for selection of glycosylated substrate by scffbs1 ubiquitin ligase
2e33 structural basis for selection of glycosylated substrate by scffbs1 ubiquitin ligase
2e3p crystal structure of cert start domain in complex with c16- cearmide (p1)
2e3r crystal structure of cert start domain in complex with c18- ceramide (p1)
2e3t crystal structure of rat xanthine oxidoreductase mutant (w335a and f336l)
2e3z crystal structure of intracellular family 1 beta- glucosidase bgl1a from the basidiomycete phanerochaete chrysosporium in substrate-free form
2e40 crystal structure of intracellular family 1 beta- glucosidase bgl1a from the basidiomycete phanerochaete chrysosporium in complex with gluconolactone
2e41 crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii complexed with the reaction product analog biotinol-5'-amp, mutations r48a and k111a
2e47 crystal structure analysis of the clock protein ea4 (glycosylation form)
2e4g rebh with bound l-trp
2e4h solution structure of cytoskeletal protein in complex with tubulin tail
2e4n mutant v251m structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2e4p crystal structure of bpha3 (oxidized form)
2e4q crystal structure of bpha3 (reduced form)
2e4r mutant i253m structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2e4u crystal structure of the extracellular region of the group ii metabotropic glutamate receptor complexed with l-glutamate
2e4v crystal structure of the extracellular region of the group ii metabotropic glutamate receptor complexed with dcg-iv
2e4w crystal structure of the extracellular region of the group ii metabotropic glutamate receptor complexed with 1s,3s-acpd
2e4x crystal structure of the extracellular region of the group ii metabotropic glutamate receptor complexed with 1s,3r-acpd
2e4y crystal structure of the extracellular region of the group ii metabotropic glutamate receptor complexed with 2r,4r-apdc
2e5b crystal structure of human nmprtase as free-form
2e5c crystal structure of human nmprtase complexed with 5'-phosphoribosyl- 1'-pyrophosphate
2e5d crystal structure of human nmprtase complexed with nicotinamide
2e5f crystal structure of the ph0510 protein from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 in complex with phosphate ion
2e5m crystal structure of isocitrate dehydrogenase from sulfolobus tokodaii strain 7
2e5v crystal structure of l-aspartate oxidase from hyperthermophilic archaeon sulfolobus tokodaii
2e5y epsilon subunit and atp complex of f1f0-atp synthase from the thermophilic bacillus ps3
2e64 crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii, mutations r48a and k111a
2e65 crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3, mutation d104a
2e68 crystal structure of trypanosoma cruzi dihydroorotate dehydrogenase in complex with dihydroorotate
2e6a crystal structure of trypanosoma cruzi dihydroorotate dehydrogenase in complex with orotate
2e6d crystal structure of trypanosoma cruzi dihydroorotate dehydrogenase in complex with fumarate
2e6f crystal structure of trypanosoma cruzi dihydroorotate dehydrogenase in complex with oxonate
2e6y covalent complex of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase (odcase) with 6-iodo-ump
2e7d crystal structure of a neat domain from staphylococcus aureus
2e7f 5-methyltetrahydrofolate corrinoid/iron sulfur protein methyltransferase complexed with methyltetrahydrofolate to 2.2 angsrom resolution
2e7i crystal structure of sep-trna:cys-trna synthase from archaeoglobus fulgidus
2e7j crystal structure of sep-trna:cys-trna synthase from archaeoglobus fulgidus
2e7r crystal structure of glu54 to arg mutant of diphthine synthase
2e7y high resolution structure of t. maritima trnase z
2e83 t31v mutant of fmn-binding protein from desulfovibrio vulgaris (miyazaki f)
2e85 crystal structure of the hydrogenase 3 maturation protease
2e8g the structure of protein from p. horikoshii at 1.7 angstrom resolution
2e8h crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2e8j solution structure of dynein light chain 2a
2e8q structural study of project id ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 (k19m)
2e8r structural study of project id ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2e8s structural study of project id ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2e8t s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium, fspp and ipp
2e8u s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and ipp (p21)
2e8v s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with product ggpp (p21)
2e8w s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and ipp
2e8x s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and gpp
2e8y crystal structure of pullulanase type i from bacillus subtilis str. 168
2e8z crystal structure of pullulanase type i from bacillus subtilis str. 168 complexed with alpha-cyclodextrin
2e90 s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium, pyrophosphate and fpp
2e91 s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and bph-91
2e92 s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and bph-261
2e93 s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with bph-629
2e94 s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and bph-364
2e95 s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and bph-675
2e98 e. coli undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with bph-629
2e99 e. coli undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with bph-608
2e9a e. coli undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with bph-628
2e9b crystal structure of pullulanase type i from bacillus subtilis str. 168 complexed with maltose
2e9c e. coli undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with bph-675
2e9d e. coli undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with bph-676
2e9e crystal structure of the complex of goat lactoperoxidase with nitrate at 3.25 a resolution
2e9v structure of h-chk1 complexed with a859017
2e9y crystal structure of project ape1968 from aeropyrum pernix k1
2eab crystal structure of 1,2-a-l-fucosidase from bifidobacterium bifidum (apo form)
2eac crystal structure of 1,2-a-l-fucosidase from bifidobacterium bifidum in complex with deoxyfuconojirimycin
2ead crystal structure of 1,2-a-l-fucosidase from bifidobacterium bifidum in complex with substrate
2eal crystal structure of human galectin-9 n-terminal crd in complex with forssman pentasaccharide
2eav crystal structure of the c-terminal peptidoglycan-binding domain of human peptidoglycan recognition protein ibeta
2eaw human ump synthase (c-terminal domain- orotidine 5'- monophosphate decarboxylase)
2eay crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from aquifex aeolicus
2eb0 crystal structure of methanococcus jannaschii putative family ii inorganic pyrophosphatase
2ebd crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase iii from aquifex aeolicus vf5
2ebe crystal structure of lys11 to met mutant of hypothetical protein from thermus thermophilus
2ebg crystal structure of a hypothetical protein from thermus thermophilus
2ebj crystal structure of pyrrolidone carboxyl peptidase from thermus thermophilus
2ebs crystal structure anaalysis of oligoxyloglucan reducing-end- specific cellobiohydrolase (oxg-rcbh) d465n mutant complexed with a xyloglucan heptasaccharide
2eby crystal structure of a hypothetical protein from e. coli
2ec5 crystal structures reveal a thiol-protease like catalytic triad in the c-terminal region of pasteurella multocida toxin
2eck structure of phosphotransferase
2ecp the crystal structure of the e. coli maltodextrin phosphorylase complex
2ecr crystal structure of the ligand-free form of the flavin reductase component (hpac) of 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase
2ecs lambda cro mutant q27p/a29s/k32q at 1.4 a in space group c2
2ecu crystal structure of flavin reductase component (hpac) of 4- hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase
2ed3 mutant i127m structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2ed4 crystal structure of flavin reductase hpac complexed with fad and nad
2ed5 mutant s147m structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2een structure of ph1819 protein from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2eeo crystal structure of hb8 l-aspartate-alpha-decarboxylase complexed with fumarate
2eeq mutant y29m structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2eer structural study of project id st2577 from sulfolobus tokodaii strain7
2ef1 crystal structure of the extracellular domain of human cd38
2ef7 crystal structure of st2348, a hypothetical protein with cbs domains from sulfolobus tokodaii strain7
2ef8 crystal structure of c.ecot38is
2ef9 structural and mechanistic changes along an engineered path from metallo to non-metallo kdo8p synthase
2efa neutron crystal structure of cubic insulin at pd6.6
2efb crystal structure of the complex of goat lactoperoxidase with phosphate at 2.94 a resolution
2efg translational elongation factor g complexed with gdp
2eft methanethiol-cys 112 inhibition complex of e. coli ketoacyl synthase iii (fabh) and coenzyme a (high concentration (1.7mm) soak)
2efy crystal structure of hb8 o-acetylserine sulfhydrylase complexed with 4-acetylbutyric acid
2eg3 crystal structure of probable thiosulfate sulfurtransferase
2eg4 crystal structure of probable thiosulfate sulfurtransferase
2eg6 the crystal structure of the ligand-free dihydroorotase from e. coli
2eg7 the crystal structure of e. coli dihydroorotase complexed with hddp
2eg8 the crystal structure of e. coli dihydroorotase complexed with 5- fluoroorotic acid
2eg9 crystal structure of the truncated extracellular domain of mouse cd38
2egb crystal structure of glu140 to asn mutant of diphthine synthase
2egd crystal structure of human s100a13 in the ca2+-bound state
2egg crystal structure of shikimate 5-dehydrogenase (aroe) from geobacillus kaustophilus
2egh crystal structure of 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase complexed with a magnesium ion, nadph and fosmidomycin
2egj crystal structure of hypothetical protein(aq1494) from aquifex aeolicus
2egl crystal structure of glu171 to lys mutant of diphthine synthase
2egn crystal structure of tamalin pdz domain in complex with mglur5 c-terminal peptide
2ego crystal structure of tamalin pdz domain
2egr crystal structure of hypothetical protein(aq1494) from aquifex aeolicus
2egs crystal structure of leu261 to met mutant of diphthine synthase
2egv crystal structure of rrna methyltransferase with sam ligand
2egw crystal structure of rrna methyltransferase with sah ligand
2egz crystal structure of the 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase from aquifex aeolicus vf5
2eh1 stage v sporolation protein s (spovs) from thermus thermophilus
2eh2 mutant v18m structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2eh4 mutant t146m structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2eh5 mutant l184m structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2eh6 crystal structure of acetylornithine aminotransferase from aquifex aeolicus vf5
2eh7 crystal structure of humanized kr127 fab
2eha crystal structure of goat lactoperoxidase complexed with formate anion at 3.3 a resolution
2ehb the structure of the c-terminal domain of the protein kinase atsos2 bound to the calcium sensor atsos3
2ehc crystal structure of asn69 to lys mutant of diphthine synthase
2ehd crystal structure analysis of oxidoreductase
2ehl crystal structure of thr146 to arg mutant of diphthine synthase
2ehp crystal structure of a putative protein (aq1627) from aquifex aeolicus
2ehq crystal analysis of 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase from thermus with bound nadp
2ehu crystal analysis of 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase from thermus with bound nad and inhibitor l-serine
2ei5 crystal structure of hypothetical protein(ttha0061) from thermus thermophilus
2ei6 factor xa in complex with the inhibitor (-)-cis-n1-[(5- chloroindol-2-yl)carbonyl]-n2-[(5-methyl-4,5,6,7- tetrahydrothiazolo[5,4-c]pyridin-2-yl)carbonyl]-1,2- cyclohexanediamine
2ei7 factor xa in complex with the inhibitor trans-n1-[(5- chloroindol-2-yl)carbonyl]-n2-[(5-methyl-4,5,6,7- tetrahydrothiazolo[5,4-c]pyridin-2-yl)carbonyl]-1,2- cyclohexanediamine
2ei8 factor xa in complex with the inhibitor (1s,2r,4s)-n1-[(5- chloroindol-2-yl)carbonyl]-4-(n,n-dimethylcarbamoyl)-n2- [(5-methyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrothiazolo[5,4-c]pyridin-2-yl) carbonyl]-1,2-cyclohexanediamine
2eia x-ray crystal structure of equine infectious anemia virus (eiav) capsid protein p26
2eih crystal structure of nad-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase
2eii crystal analysis of delta1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase from thermus thermophilus with bound l-valine and nad.
2eip inorganic pyrophosphatase
2eiq design of disulfide-linked thioredoxin dimers and multimers through analysis of crystal contacts
2eis x-ray structure of acyl-coa hydrolase-like protein, tt1379, from thermus thermophilus hb8
2eit crystal analysis of delta1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase from thermus thermophilus with bound l-alanine and nad
2eiw crystal analysis of delta1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase from thermus thermophilus with bound l-proline
2eix the structure of physarum polycephalum cytochrome b5 reductase
2ej5 crystal structure of gk2038 protein (enoyl-coa hydratase subunit ii) from geobacillus kaustophilus
2ej6 crystal analysis of delta1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase from thermus thermophilus with bound d-proline
2ej8 crystal structure of appl1 ptb domain at 1.8a
2eja crystal structure of uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase from aquifex aeolicus
2ejd crystal analysis of delta1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase from thermus thermophilus with bound l-alanine
2ejj mutant k129m structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2ejk mutant l38m structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2ejl crystal analysis of delta1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase from thermus thermophilus with bound l-serine
2ejn structural characterization of the tetrameric form of the major cat allergen fel d 1
2ejq conserved hypothetical protein (ttha0227) from thermo thermophilus hb8
2ejv crystal structure of threonine 3-dehydrogenase complexed with nad+
2ejy solution structure of the p55 pdz t85c domain complexed with the glycophorin c f127c peptide
2ejz structural study of project id ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 (y11m)
2ek0 stage v sporolation protein s (spovs) from thermus thermophilus zinc form
2ek2 structural study of project id ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 (e140m)
2ek3 structural study of project id ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 (l3m)
2ek4 structural study of project id ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 (l8m)
2ek7 structural study of project id ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 (l163m)
2eka structural study of project id ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 (l202m)
2ekb structural study of project id tthb049 from thermus thermophilus hb8 (l19m)
2ekc structural study of project id aq_1548 from aquifex aeolicus vf5
2ekg structure of thermus thermophilus proline dehydrogenase inactivated by n-propargylglycine
2ekz structural study of project id tthb049 from thermus thermophilus hb8 (l52m)
2el0 structural study of project id ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 (l21m)
2el1 structural study of project id ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 (l44m)
2el2 structural study of project id ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 (l185m)
2el3 structural study of project id ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 (l242m)
2el7 crystal structure of tryptophanyl-trna synthetase from thermus thermophilus
2ela crystal structure of the ptb domain of human appl1
2eld mutant l160m structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2ele mutant v18c structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2emq hypothetical conserved protein (gk1048) from geobacillus kaustophilus
2emr mutant l65m structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2ems crystal structure analysis of the radixin ferm domain complexed with adhesion molecule cd43
2emu mutant l21h structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2en5 mutant r262h structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2eni mutant f197m structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2enu mutant l121m structure of tthb049 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2enw mutant y92h structure of tthb049 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2enx structure of the family ii inorganic pyrophosphatase from streptococcus agalactiae at 2.8 resolution
2eo0 crystal structure of holliday junction resolvase st1444
2eoa structural study of project id tthb049 from thermus thermophilus hb8 (w85h)
2ep7 structural study of project id aq_1065 from aquifex aeolicus vf5
2epg crystal structure of ttha1785
2epn n-acetyl-b-d-glucosaminidase (gcna) from streptococcus gordonii
2epo n-acetyl-b-d-glucosaminidase (gcna) from streptococcus gordonii
2eq6 crystal structure of lipoamide dehydrogenase from thermus thermophilus hb8
2er0 x-ray studies of aspartic proteinase-statine inhibitor complexes
2er6 the structure of a synthetic pepsin inhibitor complexed with endothiapepsin.
2er7 x-ray analyses of aspartic proteinases.iii. three-dimensional structure of endothiapepsin complexed with a transition-state isostere inhibitor of renin at 1.6 angstroms resolution
2er9 x-ray studies of aspartic proteinase-statine inhibitor complexes.
2erb agamobp1, and odorant binding protein from anopheles gambiae complexed with peg
2erh crystal structure of the e7_g/im7_g complex; a designed interface between the colicin e7 dnase and the im7 immunity protein
2ero crystal structure of vascular apoptosis-inducing protein- 1(orthorhombic crystal form)
2erp crystal structure of vascular apoptosis-inducing protein-1(inhibitor- bound form)
2erq crystal structure of vascular apoptosis-inducing protein-1(tetragonal crystal form)
2erv crystal structure of the outer membrane enzyme pagl
2erx crystal structure of diras2 in complex with gdp and inorganic phosphate
2ery the crystal structure of the ras related protein rras2 (rras2) in the gdp bound state
2erz crystal structure of c-amp dependent kinase (pka) bound to hydroxyfasudil
2es3 crystal structure of thrombospondin-1 n-terminal domain in p1 form at 1.85a resolution
2esf identification of a novel non-catalytic bicarbonate binding site in eubacterial beta-carbonic anhydrase
2esm crystal structure of rock 1 bound to fasudil
2esr conserved hypothetical protein- streptococcus pyogenes
2esw atomic structure of the n-terminal sh3 domain of mouse beta pix,p21-activated kinase (pak)-interacting exchange factor
2eta crystal structure of the ankyrin repeat domain of the trpv2
2etc crystal structure of the ankyrin repeat domain of trpv2
2ete recombinant oxalate oxidase in complex with glycolate
2etf crystal structure of full length botulinum neurotoxin (type b) light chain
2eth crystal structure of a marr-like transcriptional regulator (tm0816) from thermotoga maritima at 2.50 a resolution
2etk crystal structure of rock 1 bound to hydroxyfasudil
2etl crystal structure of ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase l1 (uch-l1)
2etm crystal structure of focal adhesion kinase domain complexed with 7h-pyrrolo [2,3-d] pyrimidine derivative
2etr crystal structure of rock i bound to y-27632
2etv crystal structure of a putative fe(iii) abc transporter (tm0189) from thermotoga maritima msb8 at 1.70 a resolution
2etx crystal structure of mdc1 tandem brct domains
2etz the nmr minimized average structure of the itk sh2 domain bound to a phosphopeptide
2eu0 the nmr ensemble structure of the itk sh2 domain bound to a phosphopeptide
2eu8 crystal structure of a thermostable mutant of bacillus subtilis adenylate kinase (q199r)
2eua structure and mechanism of menf, the menaquinone-specific isochorismate synthase from escherichia coli
2euc crystal structure of yfmb from bacillus subtilis. nesg target sr324
2euf x-ray structure of human cdk6-vcyclin in complex with the inhibitor pd0332991
2ev0 bacillus subtilis manganese transport regulator (mntr) bound to cadmium
2ev1 structure of rv1264n, the regulatory domain of the mycobacterial adenylyl cylcase rv1264, at ph 6.0
2ev2 structure of rv1264n, the regulatory domain of the mycobacterial adenylyl cylcase rv1264, at ph 8.5
2ev3 structure of rv1264n, the regulatory domain of the mycobacterial adenylyl cylcase rv1264, at ph 5.3
2ev4 structure of rv1264n, the regulatory domain of the mycobacterial adenylyl cylcase rv1264, with a salt precipitant
2ev5 bacillus subtilis manganese transport regulator (mntr) bound to calcium
2ev6 bacillus subtilis manganese transport regulator (mntr) bound to zinc
2ev9 crystal structure of shikimate 5-dehydrogenase (aroe) from thermus thermophilus hb8 in complex with nadp(h) and shikimate
2evo crystal structure of methionine amino peptidase in complex with n-cyclopentyl-n-(thiazol-2-yl)oxalamide
2evs crystal structure of human glycolipid transfer protein complexed with n-hexyl-beta-d-glucoside
2ew2 crystal structure of the putative 2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase from enterococcus faecalis
2ewd crystal structure of the lactate dehydrogenase from cryptosporidium parvum complexed with substrate (pyruvic acid) and cofactor analog (3-acetylpyridine adenine dinucleotide).
2ewg t. brucei farnesyl diphosphate synthase complexed with minodronate
2ewm crystal structure of the (s)-specific 1-phenylethanol dehydrogenase of the denitrifying bacterium strain ebn1
2ewn ecoli biotin repressor with co-repressor analog
2ews crystal structure of s.aureus pantothenate kinase
2ex0 crystal structure of multifunctional sialyltransferase from pasteurella multocida
2ex4 crystal structure of human methyltransferase ad-003 in complex with s-adenosyl-l-homocysteine
2exl grp94 n-terminal domain bound to geldanamycin
2exv crystal structure of the f7a mutant of the cytochrome c551 from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2exx crystal structure of hscarg from homo sapiens in complex with nadp
2eyq crystal structure of escherichia coli transcription-repair coupling factor
2eyr a structural basis for selection and cross-species reactivity of the semi-invariant nkt cell receptor in cd1d/glycolipid recognition
2eys a structural basis for selection and cross-species reactivity of the semi-invariant nkt cell receptor in cd1d/glycolipid recognition
2eyu the crystal structure of the c-terminal domain of aquifex aeolicus pilt
2ez1 holo tyrosine phenol-lyase from citrobacter freundii at ph 8.0
2ez2 apo tyrosine phenol-lyase from citrobacter freundii at ph 8.0
2ez4 pyruvate oxidase variant f479w
2ez5 solution structure of the dnedd4 ww3* domain- comm lpsy peptide complex
2ez8 pyruvate oxidase variant f479w in complex with reaction intermediate 2-lactyl-thiamin diphosphate
2ez9 pyruvate oxidase variant f479w in complex with reaction intermediate analogue 2-phosphonolactyl-thiamin diphosphate
2ezt pyruvate oxidase variant f479w in complex with reaction intermediate 2-hydroxyethyl-thiamin diphosphate
2ezu pyruvate oxidase variant f479w in complex with reaction intermediate 2-acetyl-thiamin diphosphate
2ezw solution structure of the docking and dimerization domain of the type i alpha regulatory subunit of protein kinase a (rialpha d/d)
2ezx solution structure of human barrier-to-autointegration factor baf, nmr, regularized mean structure
2ezy solution structure of human barrier-to-autointegration factor baf, nmr, ensemble of 20 simulated annealing structures
2ezz solution structure of human barrier-to-autointegration factor baf nmr, ensemble of 20 simulated annealing structures
2f00 escherichia coli murc
2f01 epi-biotin complex with core streptavidin
2f02 crystal structure of lacc from enterococcus faecalis in complex with atp
2f06 crystal structure of protein bt0572 from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
2f07 crystal structure of yvdt from bacillus subtilis
2f0r crystallographic structure of human tsg101 uev domain
2f0y crystal structure of human protein farnesyltransferase complexed with farnesyl diphosphate and hydantoin derivative
2f17 mouse thiamin pyrophosphokinase in a ternary complex with pyrithiamin pyrophosphate and amp at 2.5 angstrom
2f19 three-dimensional structure of two crystal forms of fab r19.9, from a monoclonal anti-arsonate antibody
2f1f crystal structure of the regulatory subunit of acetohydroxyacid synthase isozyme iii from e. coli
2f1g cathepsin s in complex with non-covalent 2-(benzoxazol-2-ylamino)- acetamide
2f1r crystal structure of molybdopterin-guanine biosynthesis protein b (mobb)
2f1x crystal structure of the traf-like domain of hausp/usp7 bound to a p53 peptide
2f1z crystal structure of hausp
2f20 x-ray crystal structure of protein bt_1218 from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. northeast structural genomics consortium target btr8.
2f22 crystal structure of a putative dna damage-inducable (dinb) protein (bh3987) from bacillus halodurans at 1.42 a resolution
2f23 crystal structure of grea factor homolog 1 (gfh1) protein of thermus thermophilus
2f25 crystal structure of the human sialidase neu2 e111q mutant in complex with dana inhibitor
2f27 crystal structure of the human sialidase neu2 e111q-q112e double mutant in complex with dana inhibitor
2f29 crystal structure of the human sialidase neu2 q116e mutant in complex with dana inhibitor
2f2c x-ray structure of human cdk6-vcyclinwith the inhibitor aminopurvalanol
2f2e crystal structure of pa1607, a putative transcription factor
2f2g x-ray structure of gene product from arabidopsis thaliana at3g16990
2f2l crystal structure of tracheal cytotoxin (tct) bound to the ectodomain complex of peptidoglycan recognition proteins lca (pgrp-lca) and lcx (pgrp-lcx)
2f2o structure of calmodulin bound to a calcineurin peptide: a new way of making an old binding mode
2f2p structure of calmodulin bound to a calcineurin peptide: a new way of making an old binding mode
2f2t crystal structure of nucleoside 2-deoxyribosyltransferase from trypanosoma brucei at 1.7 a resolution with 5-aminoisoquinoline bound
2f2u crystal structure of the rho-kinase kinase domain
2f31 crystal structure of the autoinhibitory switch in formin mdia1; the did/dad complex
2f34 crystal structure of the glur5 ligand binding core dimer with ubp310 at 1.74 angstroms resolution
2f35 crystal structure of the glur5 ligand binding core with ubp302 at 1.87 angstroms resolution
2f37 crystal structure of the ankyrin repeat domain of human trpv2
2f3c crystal structure of infestin 1, a kazal-type serineprotease inhibitor, in complex with trypsin
2f3g iiaglc crystal form iii
2f3h mechanism of displacement of a catalytically essential loop from the active site of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
2f3k substrate envelope and drug resistance: crystal structure of r01 in complex with wild-type hiv-1 protease
2f3o crystal structure of a glycyl radical enzyme from archaeoglobus fulgidus
2f3r crystal structure of e.coli guanylate kinase in complex with ap5g
2f3x crystal structure of fapr (in complex with effector)- a global regulator of fatty acid biosynthesis in b. subtilis
2f3y calmodulin/iq domain complex
2f3z calmodulin/iq-aa domain complex
2f46 crystal structure of a putative phosphatase (nma1982) from neisseria meningitidis z2491 at 1.41 a resolution
2f48 crystal structure of a novel fructose 1,6-bisphosphate and alf3 containing pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructo-1-kinase complex from borrelia burgdorferi
2f4b crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of human ppar-gamma in complex with an agonist
2f4e n-terminal domain of fkbp42 from arabidopsis thaliana
2f4f crystal structure of is200 transposase
2f4m the mouse pngase-hr23 complex reveals a complete remodulation of the protein-protein interface compared to its yeast orthologs
2f4w human ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2 j2
2f4z toxoplasma gondii ubiquitin conjugating enzyme tgtwinscan_2721- e2 domain
2f51 structure of trichomonas vaginalis thioredoxin
2f57 crystal structure of the human p21-activated kinase 5
2f5a crystal structure of fab' from the hiv-1 neutralizing antibody 2f5
2f5d bacillus subtilis manganese transport regulator (mntr) bound to manganese, ac conformation, ph 6.5
2f5e bacillus subtilis manganese transport regulator (mntr) bound to manganese, ab conformation, ph 6.5
2f5f bacillus subtilis manganese transport regulator (mntr) bound to manganese, ac conformation, ph 8.5
2f5g crystal structure of is200 transposase
2f5i x-ray structure of spermidine/spermine n1-acetyltransferase (sat) from homo sapiens
2f5j crystal structure of mrg domain from human mrg15
2f5y crystal structure of the pdz domain from human rgs-3
2f61 crystal structure of partially deglycosylated acid beta-glucosidase
2f62 crystal structure of nucleoside 2-deoxyribosyltransferase from trypanosoma brucei at 1.5 a resolution with (2-ethylphenyl)methanol bound
2f64 crystal structure of nucleoside 2-deoxyribosyltransferase from trypanosoma brucei at 1.6 a resolution with 1-methylquinolin-2(1h)- one bound
2f67 crystal structure of nucleoside 2-deoxyribosyltransferase from trypanosoma brucei at 1.6 a resolution with benzo[cd]indol-2(1h)-one bound
2f69 ternary complex of set7/9 bound to adohcy and a taf10 peptide
2f6b structural and active site modification studies implicate glu, trp and arg in the activity of xylanase from alkalophilic bacillus sp. (ncl 87-6-10).
2f6g benm effector binding domain
2f6k crystal structure of amidohydrorolase ii; northeast structural genomics target lpr24
2f6l x-ray structure of chorismate mutase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2f6n crystal structure of phd finger-linker-bromodomain fragment of human bptf in the free form
2f6p benm effector binding domain- semet derivative
2f6s structure of cell filamentation protein (fic) from helicobacter pylori
2f6u crystal structure of (s)-3-o-geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate synthase complexed with citrate
2f6x crystal structure of (s)-3-o-geranylgeranylglyceryl phosphate synthase complexed with sn-g1p and mpd
2f78 benm effector binding domain with its effector benzoate
2f7a benm effector binding domain with its effector, cis,cis-muconate
2f7e pka complexed with (s)-2-(1h-indol-3-yl)-1-(5-isoquinolin-6- yl-pyridin-3-yloxymethyl-etylamine
2f7i human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with diflunisal analogues- ttr. 2',6'-difluorobiphenyl-4-carboxylic acid
2f7k crystal structure of human pyridoxal kinase
2f7l crystal structure of sulfolobus tokodaii phosphomannomutase/phosphoglucomutase
2f7s the crystal structure of human rab27b bound to gdp
2f7x protein kinase a bound to (s)-2-(1h-indol-3-yl)-1-[5-((e)-2- pyridin-4-yl-vinyl)-pyridin-3-yloxymethyl]-ethylamine
2f7z protein kinase a bound to (r)-1-(1h-indol-3-ylmethyl)-2-(2- pyridin-4-yl-[1,7]naphtyridin-5-yloxy)-ehylamine
2f80 hiv-1 protease mutant d30n complexed with inhibitor tmc114
2f81 hiv-1 protease mutant l90m complexed with inhibitor tmc114
2f8a crystal structure of the selenocysteine to glycine mutant of human glutathione peroxidase 1
2f8b nmr structure of the c-terminal domain (dimer) of hpv45 oncoprotein e7
2f8d benm effector-binding domain crystallized from high ph conditions
2f8e foot and mouth disease virus rna-dependent rna polymerase in complex with uridylylated vpg protein
2f8f crystal structure of the y10f mutant of the gluathione s- transferase from schistosoma haematobium
2f8g hiv-1 protease mutant i50v complexed with inhibitor tmc114
2f8i human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with benzoxazole
2f8m ribose 5-phosphate isomerase from plasmodium falciparum
2f8o a native to amyloidogenic transition regulated by a backbone trigger
2f8q an alkali thermostable f/10 xylanase from alkalophilic bacillus sp. ng-27
2f8y crystal structure of human notch1 ankyrin repeats to 1.55a resolution.
2f90 crystal structure of bisphosphoglycerate mutase in complex with 3-phosphoglycerate and alf4-
2f91 1.2a resolution structure of a crayfish trypsin complexed with a peptide inhibitor, sgti
2f93 k intermediate structure of sensory rhodopsin ii/transducer complex in combination with the ground state structure
2f95 m intermediate structure of sensory rhodopsin ii/transducer complex in combination with the ground state structure
2f96 2.1 a crystal structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa rnase t (ribonuclease t)
2f9c crystal structure of ydck from salmonella cholerae. nesg target scr6
2f9h the crystal structure of pts system iia component from enterococcus faecalis v583
2f9s 2nd crystal structure of a soluble domain of resa in the oxidised form
2f9t structure of the type iii coaa from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2f9w structure of the type iii coaa from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2f9y the crystal structure of the carboxyltransferase subunit of acc from escherichia coli
2fa1 crystal structure of phnf c-terminal domain
2fa2 crystal structure of fus3 without a peptide from ste5
2fa4 crystal structure of oxidized form from saccharomyces cerevisiae
2fa5 the crystal structure of an unliganded multiple antibiotic- resistance repressor (marr) from xanthomonas campestris
2fa9 the crystal structure of sar1[h79g]-gdp provides insight into the coat-controlled gtp hydrolysis in the disassembly of cop ii
2fac crystal structure of e. coli hexanoyl-acp
2fad crystal structure of e. coli heptanoyl-acp
2fae crystal structure of e. coli decanoyl-acp
2faf the structure of chicken mitochondrial pepck.
2fao crystal structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa ligd polymerase domain
2fap the structure of the immunophilin-immunosuppressant fkbp12- (c16)-ethoxy rapamycin complex interacting with huma
2faq crystal structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa ligd polymerase domain with atp and manganese
2far crystal structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa ligd polymerase domain with datp and manganese
2fat an anti-urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (upar) antibody: crystal structure and binding epitope
2faw crystal structure of papaya glutaminyl cyclase
2faz ubiquitin-like domain of human nuclear zinc finger protein np95
2fb2 structure of the moaa arg17/266/268/ala triple mutant
2fb3 structure of moaa in complex with 5'-gtp
2fb4 dir primaerstruktur des kristallisierbaren monoklonalen immunoglobulins igg1 kol. ii. aminosaeuresequenz der l- kette, lambda-typ, subgruppe i (german)
2fb8 structure of the b-raf kinase domain bound to sb-590885
2fbd the crystallographic structure of the digestive lysozyme 1 from musca domestica at 1.90 ang.
2fbj refined crystal structure of the galactan-binding immunoglobulin fab j539 at 1.95-angstroms resolution
2fbk the crystal structure of hucr from deinococcus radiodurans
2fbl the crystal structure of the hypothetical protein ne1496
2fbn plasmodium falciparum putative fk506-binding protein pfl2275c, c-terminal tpr-containing domain
2fbp structure refinement of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase and its fructose 2,6-bisphosphate complex at 2.8 angstroms resolution
2fbr human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with bivalant amyloid inhibitor (4 carbon linker)
2fc2 no-heme complex in a bacterial nitric oxide synthase. an fe(iii)-no may cause nitrosation.
2fca the structure of bstrmb
2fci structural basis for the requirement of two phosphotyrosines in signaling mediated by syk tyrosine kinase
2fcm x-ray crystal structure of a chemically synthesized [d-gln35]ubiquitin with a cubic space group
2fcn x-ray crystal structure of a chemically synthesized [d-val35]ubiquitin with a cubic space group
2fco crystal structure of bacillus stearothermophilus prfa-holliday junction resolvase
2fcq x-ray crystal structure of a chemically synthesized ubiquitin with a cubic space group
2fcs x-ray crystal structure of a chemically synthesized [l-gln35]ubiquitin with a cubic space group
2fct syrb2 with fe(ii), chloride, and alpha-ketoglutarate
2fcu syrb2 with alpha-ketoglutarate
2fcv syrb2 with fe(ii), bromide, and alpha-ketoglutarate
2fcw structure of a complex between the pair of the ldl receptor ligand-binding modules 3-4 and the receptor associated protein (rap).
2fd3 crystal structure of thioredoxin mutant p34h
2fdd crystal structure of hiv protease d545701 bound with gw0385
2fde wild type hiv protease bound with gw0385
2fdm crystal structure of the ternary complex of signalling glycoprotein frm sheep (sps-40)with hexasaccharide (nag6) and peptide trp-pro-trp at 3.0a resolution
2fdo crystal structure of the conserved protein of unknown function af2331 from archaeoglobus fulgidus dsm 4304 reveals a new type of alpha/beta fold
2fds crystal structure of plasmodium berghei orotidine 5'- monophosphate decarboxylase (ortholog of plasmodium falciparum pf10_0225)
2fe3 the crystal structure of bacillus subtilis perr-zn reveals a novel zn(cys)4 structural redox switch
2fe7 the crystal structure of a probable n-acetyltransferase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2fea crystal structure of mtnx phosphatase from bacillus subtilis at 2.00 a resolution
2fep structure of truncated ccpa in complex with p-ser-hpr and sulfate ions
2feu p450cam from pseudomonas putida reconstituted with manganic protoporphyrin ix
2few complex of enzyme iiamtl and phosphorylated enzyme iibmtl from escherichia coli nmr, restrained regularized mean structure
2ff1 crystal structure of trypanosoma vivax nucleoside hydrolase soaked with immucillinh
2ff2 crystal structure of trypanosoma vivax nucleoside hydrolase co-crystallized with immucillinh
2fff open form of a class a transpeptidase domain
2ffg novel x-ray structure of the ykuj protein from bacillus subtilis. northeast structural genomics target sr360.
2ffi crystal structure of putative 2-pyrone-4,6-dicarboxylic acid hydrolase from pseudomonas putida, northeast structural genomics target ppr23.
2ffj crystal structure of a duf89 family protein (af1104) from archaeoglobus fulgidus dsm 4304 at 2.45 a resolution
2ffk solution structure of the complex between poxvirus-encoded cc chemokine inhibitor vcci and human mip-1beta, minimized average structure
2ffs structure of pr10-allergen-like protein pa1206 from pseudomonas aeruginosa pao1
2ffu crystal structure of human ppgalnact-2 complexed with udp and ea2
2ffv human ppgalnact-2 complexed with manganese and udp
2ffy ampc beta-lactamase n289a mutant in complex with a boronic acid deacylation transition state analog compound sm3
2fg0 crystal structure of a putative gamma-d-glutamyl-l-diamino acid endopeptidase (npun_r0659) from nostoc punctiforme pcc 73102 at 1.79 a resolution
2fgh atp bound gelsolin
2fgi crystal structure of the tyrosine kinase domain of fgf receptor 1 in complex with inhibitor pd173074
2fgl an alkali thermostable f/10 xylanase from alkalophilic bacillus sp. ng-27
2fgr high resolution xray structure of omp32
2fgu x-ray crystal structure of hiv-1 protease t80s variant in complex with the inhibitor saquinavir used to explore the role of invariant thr80 in hiv-1 protease structure, function, and viral infectivity.
2fgv x-ray crystal structure of hiv-1 protease t80n variant in complex with the inhibitor saquinavir used to explore the role of invariant thr80 in hiv-1 protease structure, function, and viral infectivity.
2fgw x-ray structures of fragments from binding and nonbinding versions of a humanized anti-cd18 antibody: structural indications of the key role of vh residues 59 to 65
2fgy beta carbonic anhydrase from the carboxysomal shell of halothiobacillus neapolitanus (csosca)
2fh5 the structure of the mammalian srp receptor
2fhe fasciola hepatica glutathione s-transferase isoform 1 in complex with glutathione
2fhl avidin related protein (avr4)-bna complex
2fhn avidin related protein avr4 (c122s, k109i mutant) in complex with bna
2fho nmr solution structure of the human spliceosomal protein complex p14-sf3b155
2fhp crystal structure of putative methylase from enterococcus faecalis
2fhq crystal structure of general stress protein from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
2fhw solution structure of human relaxin-3
2fhx pseudomonas aeruginosa spm-1 metallo-beta-lactamase
2fhz molecular basis of inhibition of the ribonuclease activity in colicin e5 by its cognate immunity protein
2fi2 solution structure of the scan homodimer from mzf-1/znf42
2fi3 crystal structure of a bpti variant (cys14->ser, cys38->ser) in complex with trypsin
2fi4 crystal structure of a bpti variant (cys14->ser) in complex with trypsin
2fi5 crystal structure of a bpti variant (cys38->ser) in complex with trypsin
2fi7 crystal structure of pilf : functional implication in the type 4 pilus biogenesis in pseudomonas aeruginosa
2fia the crystal structure of the acetyltransferase from enterococcus faecalis
2fib recombinant human gamma-fibrinogen carboxyl terminal fragment (residues 143-411) complexed to the peptide gly- pro-arg-pro at ph 6.0
2fic the crystal structure of the bar domain from human bin1/amphiphysin ii and its implications for molecular recognition
2fid crystal structure of a bovine rabex-5 fragment complexed with ubiquitin
2fik structure of a microbial glycosphingolipid bound to mouse cd1d
2fim structure of the c-terminal domain of human tubby-like protein 1
2fin solution structure of the complex between poxvirus-encoded cc chemokine inhibitor vcci and human mip-1beta, ensemble structure
2fiu crystal structure of the conserved protein of unknown function atu0297 from agrobacterium tumefaciens
2fiy the crystal structure of the fdhe protein from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2fjm the structure of phosphotyrosine phosphatase 1b in complex with compound 2
2fjn the structure of phosphotyrosine phosphatase 1b in complex with compound 2
2fjp human dipeptidyl peptidase iv/cd26 in complex with an inhibitor
2fjr crystal structure of bacteriophage 186
2fjt adenylyl cyclase class iv from yersinia pestis
2fju activated rac1 bound to its effector phospholipase c beta 2
2fjy crystal structure of b-form bombyx mori pheromone binding protein
2fk5 crystal structure of l-fuculose-1-phosphate aldolase from thermus thermophilus hb8
2fka crystal structure of mg(2+) and bef(3)(-)-bound chey in complex with chez(200-214) solved from a f432 crystal grown in caps (ph 10.5)
2fkl structure of the alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein (app) copper binding domain (residues 126- 189 of app)
2fky crystal structure of ksp in complex with inhibitor 13
2fl2 crystal structure of ksp in complex with inhibitor 19
2fl6 crystal structure of ksp in complex with inhibitor 6
2fle structural analysis of asymmetric inhibitor bound to the hiv-1 protease v82a mutant
2flk crystal structure of chey in complex with chez(200-214) solved from a f432 crystal grown in caps (ph 10.5)
2flm human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with bivalant amyloid inhibitor (6 carbon linker)
2flq crystal structure of nitric oxide synthase from geobacillus stearothermophilus (atcc 12980) complexed with l-arginine
2flu crystal structure of the kelch-neh2 complex
2flw crystal structure of mg2+ and bef3- ound chey in complex with chez 200-214 solved from a f432 crystal grown in hepes (ph 7.5)
2fm3 crystal structure of the lactate dehydrogenase from cryptosporidium parvum complexed with substrate (pyruvic acid) and cofactor (b- nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)
2fm6 zinc-beta-lactamase l1 from stenotrophomonas maltophilia (native form)
2fme crystal structure of the mitotic kinesin eg5 (ksp) in complex with mg-adp and (r)-4-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-n,n,7,8- tetramethyl-3,4-dihydroisoquinoline-2(1h)-carboxamide
2fmf crystal structure of chey in complex with chez 200-214 solved from a f432 crystal grown in hepes (ph 7.5)
2fmh crystal structure of mg2+ and bef3- bound chey in complex with chez 200-214 solved from a f432 crystal grown in tris (ph 8.4)
2fmi crystal structure of chey in complex with chez 200-214 solved from a f432 crystal grown in tris (ph 8.4)
2fmk crystal structure of mg2+ and bef3- bound chey in complex with chez 200-214 solved from a p2(1)2(1)2 crystal grown in mes (ph 6.0)
2fml crystal structure of mutt/nudix family protein from enterococcus faecalis
2fmx an open conformation of switch i revealed by sar1-gdp crystal structure at low mg(2+)
2fn0 crystal structure of yersinia enterocolitica salicylate synthase (irp9)
2fn1 crystal structures of yersinia enterocolitica salicylate synthase (irp9) in complex with the reaction products salicylate and pyruvate
2fn6 helicobacter pylori psec, aminotransferase involved in the biosynthesis of pseudoaminic acid
2fn7 crystal structure of the lactate dehydrogenase from cryptosporidium parvum complexed with substrate (lactic acid) and cofactor (b- nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)
2fn9 thermotoga maritima ribose binding protein unliganded form
2fna crystal structure of an archaeal aaa+ atpase (sso1545) from sulfolobus solfataricus p2 at 2.00 a resolution
2fni psec aminotransferase involved in pseudoaminic acid biosynthesis
2fno crystal structure of a glutathione s-transferase (atu5508) from agrobacterium tumefaciens str. c58 at 2.00 a resolution
2fnp crystal structure of sara
2fnu psec aminotransferase with external aldimine
2fnw pseudomonas aeruginosa e2q/h83q/m109h-azurin re(phen)(co)3
2fnx design of specific peptide inhibitors of phospholipase a2 (pla2): crystal structure of the complex of pla2 with a highly potent peptide val-ile-ala-lys at 2.7a resolution
2fnz crystal structure of the lactate dehydrogenase from cryptosporidium parvum complexed with cofactor (b-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and inhibitor (oxamic acid)
2foj the crystal strucure of the n-terminal domain of hausp/usp7 complexed with p53 peptide 364-367
2fok structure of restriction endonuclease foki
2fom dengue virus ns2b/ns3 protease
2foo the crystal strucure of the n-terminal domain of hausp/usp7 complexed with p53 peptide 359-362
2fop the crystal strucure of the n-terminal domain of hausp/usp7 complexed with mdm2 peptide 147-150
2for crystal structure of the shigella flexneri farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase complex with an isopentenyl pyrophosphate
2fot crystal structure of the complex between calmodulin and alphaii-spectrin
2foy human carbonic anhydrase i complexed with a two-prong inhibitor
2fp0 human adp-ribosylhydrolase 3
2fp1 secreted chorismate mutase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2fp2 secreted chorismate mutase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2fp4 crystal structure of pig gtp-specific succinyl-coa synthetase in complex with gtp
2fp8 structure of strictosidine synthase, the biosynthetic entry to the monoterpenoid indole alkaloid family
2fp9 crystal structure of native strictosidine synthase
2fpb structure of strictosidine synthase, the biosynthetic entry to the monoterpenoid indole alkaloid family
2fpc structure of strictosidine synthase, the biosynthetic entry to the monoterpenoid indole alkaloid family
2fpg crystal structure of pig gtp-specific succinyl-coa synthetase in complex with gdp
2fpi crystal structure of pig gtp-specific succinyl-coa synthetase from polyethylene glycol
2fpp crystal structure of pig gtp-specific succinyl-coa synthetase from polyethylene glycol with chloride ions
2fpr crystal structure the n-terminal domain of e. coli hisb. apo mg model.
2fps crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of e.coli hisb- apo ca model.
2fpu crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of e.coli hisb- complex with histidinol
2fpw crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of e.coli hisb- phosphoaspartate intermediate.
2fpx crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of e.coli hisb- sulfate complex.
2fq1 crystal structure of the two-domain non-ribosomal peptide synthetase entb containing isochorismate lyase and aryl-carrier protein domains
2fq6 cystathionine beta-lyase (cbl) from escherichia coli in complex with n-hydrazinocarbonylmethyl-2-trifluoromethyl-benzamide
2fq9 cathepsin s with nitrile inhibitor
2fqq crystal structure of human caspase-1 (cys285->ala, cys362->ala, cys364->ala, cys397->ala) in complex with 1-methyl-3-trifluoromethyl- 1h-thieno[2,3-c]pyrazole-5-carboxylic acid (2-mercapto-ethyl)-amide
2fra human cathepsin s with cra-27934, a nitrile inhibitor
2fre the crystal structure of the oxidoreductase containing fmn
2frh crystal structure of sara, a transcription regulator from staphylococcus aureus
2frs crystal structure of the f15w mutant of apo-cellular retinoic acid binding protein type ii at 1.51 angstroms resolution
2frz crystal structure of cytochrome p450cam mutant (f87w/y96f/v247l/c334a)
2fs2 structure of the e. coli paai protein from the phyenylacetic acid degradation operon
2fs4 ketopiperazine-based renin inhibitors: optimization of the c ring
2fs5 crystal structure of tdp-fucosamine acetyltransferase (wecd)- apo form
2fs6 crystal structure of apo-cellular retinoic acid binding protein type ii at 1.35 angstroms resolution
2fs7 crystal structure of apo-cellular retinoic acid binding protein type ii at 1.55 angstroms resolution
2fsd a common fold for the receptor binding domains of lactococcal phages? the crystal structure of the head domain of phage bil170
2fsf escherichia coli seca, the preprotein translocase dimeric atpase
2fsg complex seca:atp from escherichia coli
2fsh complex seca:amp-pnp from escherichia coli
2fsi complex seca:adp from escherichia coli
2fsk crystal structure of ta0583, an archaeal actin homolog, semet data
2fsn crystal structure of ta0583, an archaeal actin homolog, complex with adp
2fsw crystal structure of the putative transcriptional regualator, marr family from porphyromonas gingivalis w83
2fsz a second binding site for hydroxytamoxifen within the coactivator-binding groove of estrogen receptor beta
2ft0 crystal structure of tdp-fucosamine acetyltransferase (wecd)- complex with acetyl-coa
2ft2 human cathepsin s with inhibitor cra-29728
2ftd crystal structure of cathepsin k complexed with 7-methyl- substituted azepan-3-one compound
2ftl crystal structure of trypsin complexed with bpti at 100k
2ftm crystal structure of trypsin complexed with the bpti variant (tyr35- >gly)
2ftr crystal structure of an ethyl tert-butyl ether d (ethd) family protein (bh0200) from bacillus halodurans c-125 at 1.40 a resolution
2fts crystal structure of the glycine receptor-gephyrin complex
2ftx crystal structure of the yeast kinetochore spc24/spc25 globular domain
2fu3 crystal structure of gephyrin e-domain
2fu4 crystal structure of the dna binding domain of e.coli fur (ferric uptake regulator)
2fu6 zinc-beta-lactamase l1 from stenotrophomonas maltophilia (apo form)
2fu7 zinc-beta-lactamase l1 from stenotrophomonas maltophilia (cu- substituted form)
2fu8 zinc-beta-lactamase l1 from stenotrophomonas maltophilia (d-captopril complex)
2fu9 zinc-beta-lactamase l1 from stenotrophomonas maltophilia (mp2 inhibitor complex)
2fud human cathepsin s with inhibitor cra-27566
2fuh solution structure of the ubch5c/ub non-covalent complex
2fuq crystal structure of heparinase ii
2fur crystal structure of a putative fmn-binding protein (ta1372) from thermoplasma acidophilum at 1.80 a resolution
2fus mutations of fumarase that distinguish between the active site and a nearby dicarboxylic acid binding site
2fut crystal structure of heparinase ii complexed with a disaccharide product
2fuu nmr solution structure of the phd domain from the human bptf in complex with h3(1-15)k4me3 peptide
2fuv phosphoglucomutase from salmonella typhimurium.
2fv0 ugl_d88n/dglca-glc-rha-glc
2fv1 ugl_d88n/dglca-glcnac
2fv4 nmr solution structure of the yeast kinetochore spc24/spc25 globular domain
2fv5 crystal structure of tace in complex with ik682
2fv7 crystal structure of human ribokinase
2fv9 crystal stucture of tace in complex with jmv 390-1
2fvc crystal structure of ns5b bk strain (delta 24) in complex with a 3-(1, 1-dioxo-2h-(1,2,4)-benzothiadiazin-3-yl)-4-hydroxy-2(1h)-quinolinone
2fvj a novel anti-adipogenic partial agonist of peroxisome proliferator- activated receptor-gamma (pparg) recruits pparg-coactivator-1 alpha (pgc1a) but potentiates insulin signaling in vitro
2fvu structure of the yeast sir3 bah domain
2fw1 structure of pure (n5-carboxyaminoimidazole ribonucleotide mutase) from the acidophilic bacterium acetobacter aceti, at ph 8.5
2fw4 carbonic anhydrase activators. the first x-ray crystallographic study of an activator of isoform i, structure with l-histidine.
2fw6 structure of pure (n5-carboxyaminoimidazole ribonucleotide mutase) mutant h59n from the acidophilic bacterium acetobacter aceti, at ph 5.4
2fw7 structure of pure (n5-carboxyaminoimidazole ribonucleotide mutase) h59n from the acidophilic bacterium acetobacter aceti, at ph 8
2fw8 structure of pure (n5-carboxyaminoimidazole ribonucleotide mutase) h89g from the acidophilic bacterium acetobacter aceti, at ph 8
2fw9 structure of pure (n5-carboxyaminoimidazole ribonucleotide mutase) h59f from the acidophilic bacterium acetobacter aceti, at ph 8
2fwa structure of pure (n5-carboxyaminoimidazole ribonucleotide mutase) h89n from the acidophilic bacterium acetobacter aceti, at ph 7
2fwb structure of pure (n5-carboxyaminoimidazole ribonucleotide mutase) h89f from the acidophilic bacterium acetobacter aceti, at ph 8
2fwi structure of pure (n5-carboxyaminoimidazole ribonucleotide mutase) h59d, from the acidophilic bacterium acetobacter aceti, complexed with 5-aminoimidazole ribonucleotide (air)
2fwj structure of pure (n5-carboxyaminoimidazole ribonucleotide mutase) from the acidophilic bacterium acetobacter aceti, complexed with air (5-aminoimidazole ribonucleotide)
2fwl the cytochrome c552/cua complex from thermus thermophilus
2fwp structure of pure (n5-carboxyaminoimidazole ribonucleotide mutase) h59n from the acidophilic bacterium acetobacter aceti, bound to isocair
2fxd x-ray crystal structure of hiv-1 protease irm mutant complexed with atazanavir (bms-232632)
2fxe x-ray crystal structure of hiv-1 protease crm mutant complexed with atazanavir (bms-232632)
2fxf human spermidine/spermine n1-acetyltransferase
2fxg crystal structure of katg at ph 4.5
2fxh crystal structure of katg at ph 6.5
2fxj crystal structure of katg at ph 8.5
2fxk crystal structure of the macro-domain of human core histone variant macroh2a1.1 (form a)
2fxm structure of the human beta-myosin s2 fragment
2fxv bacillus subtilis xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase in complex with guanosine 5'-monophosphate (gmp)
2fy9 solution structure of the n-terminal dna recognition domain of the bacillus subtilis transcription-state regulator abh
2fyf structure of a putative phosphoserine aminotransferase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2fyk crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 in complex with adp and biotin
2fyl haddock model of the complex between double module of lrp, cr56, and first domain of receptor associated protein, rap- d1.
2fyp grp94 in complex with the novel hsp90 inhibitor radester amine
2fyx crystal structure of a putative transposase (dr_0177) from deinococcus radiodurans r1 at 1.90 a resolution
2fze crystal structure of the binary complex of human glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase with adp- ribose
2fzf hypothetical protein pfu-1136390-001 from pyrococcus furiosus
2fzt crystal structure of a putative nucleic acid binding protein (tm0693) from thermotoga maritima msb8 at 2.05 a resolution
2fzw structure of the binary complex of the e67l mutant of human glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase with nad(h)
2fzz factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 1-(3-amino-1,2- benzisoxazol-5-yl)-6-(2'-(((3r)-3-hydroxy-1-pyrrolidinyl) methyl)-4-biphenylyl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1,4,5,6- tetrahydro-7h-pyrazolo[3,4-c]pyridin-7-one
2g00 factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 3-(6-(2'- ((dimethylamino)methyl)-4-biphenylyl)-7-oxo-3- (trifluoromethyl)-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1h-pyrazolo[3,4- c]pyridin-1-yl)benzamide
2g06 x-ray structure of mouse pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidase type 1, with bound magnesium(ii)
2g07 x-ray structure of mouse pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidase type 1, phospho- enzyme intermediate analog with beryllium fluoride
2g08 x-ray structure of mouse pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidase type 1, product- transition complex analog with aluminum fluoride
2g09 x-ray structure of mouse pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidase type 1, product complex
2g0a x-ray structure of mouse pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidase type 1 with lead(ii) bound in active site
2g0g structure-based drug design of a novel family of ppar partial agonists: virtual screening, x-ray crystallography and in vitro/in vivo biological activities
2g0h structure-based drug design of a novel family of ppar partial agonists: virtual screening, x-ray crystallography and in vitro/in vivo biological activities
2g0i crystal structure of smu.848 from streptococcus mutans
2g0n the crystal structure of the human rac3 in complex with gdp and chloride
2g0t crystal structure of a putative nucleotide binding protein (tm0796) from thermotoga maritima at 2.67 a resolution
2g0w crystal structure of a putative sugar isomerase (lmo2234) from listeria monocytogenes at 1.70 a resolution
2g16 structure of s65a y66s gfp variant after backbone fragmentation
2g1a crystal structure of the complex between apha class b acid phosphatase/phosphotransferase
2g1j crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis shikimate kinase at 2.0 angstrom resolution
2g1q crystal structure of ksp in complex with inhibitor 9h
2g1r ketopiperazine-based renin inhibitors: optimization of the c ring
2g1s ketopiperazine-based renin inhibitors: optimization of the c ring
2g20 ketopiperazine-based renin inhibitors: optimization of the c ring
2g25 e. coli pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphonolactylthiamin diphosphate complex
2g28 e. coli pyruvate dehydrogenase h407a variant phosphonolactylthiamin diphosphate complex
2g2h a src-like inactive conformation in the abl tyrosine kinase domain
2g2s structure of s65g y66s gfp variant after spontaneous peptide hydrolysis
2g2u crystal structure of the shv-1 beta-lactamase/beta-lactamase inhibitor protein (blip) complex
2g2w crystal structure of the shv d104k beta-lactamase/beta-lactamase inhibitor protein (blip) complex
2g35 nmr structure of talin-ptb in complex with pipki
2g37 structure of thermus thermophilus l-proline dehydrogenase
2g39 crystal structure of coenzyme a transferase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2g3b crystal structure of putative tetr-family transcriptional regulator from rhodococcus sp.
2g3d structure of s65g y66a gfp variant after spontaneous peptide hydrolysis
2g3f crystal structure of imidazolonepropionase complexed with imidazole-4- acetic acid sodium salt, a substrate homologue
2g3p structure of the n-terminal two domains of the infectivity protein g3p of filamentous phage fd
2g3q solution structure of ede1 uba-ubiquitin complex
2g3t crsytal structure of human spermidine/spermine n1- acetyltransferase (hssat)
2g3w the crystal structure of yaeq protein from xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri
2g3x crystal structure of transthyretin mutant i84s at acidic ph
2g3z crystal structure of transthyretin mutant i84a at low ph
2g42 crystal structure of a putative nucleic acid binding protein (tm0693) from thermotoga maritima at 2.28 a resolution
2g43 structure of the znf ubp domain from deubiquitinating enzyme isopeptidase t (isot)
2g4e crystal structure of transthyretin mutant i84a at neutral ph
2g4g crystal structure of human transthyretin at ph 4.6
2g4m insulin collected at 2.0 a wavelength
2g4w anomalous substructure of ribonuclease a (c2)
2g58 crystal structure of a complex of phospholipase a2 with a designed peptide inhibitor dehydro-ile-ala-arg-ser at 0.98 a resolution
2g59 crystal structure of the catalytic domain of protein tyrosine phosphatase from homo sapiens
2g5p crystal structure of human dipeptidyl peptidase iv (dppiv) complexed with cyanopyrrolidine (c5-pro-pro) inhibitor 21ac
2g5t crystal structure of human dipeptidyl peptidase iv (dppiv) complexed with cyanopyrrolidine (c5-pro-pro) inhibitor 21ag
2g5u human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyl-4,4'-dihydroxy-3,3',5,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl
2g5w x-ray crystal structure of arabidopsis thaliana 12- oxophytodienoate reductase isoform 3 (atopr3) in complex with 8-iso prostaglandin a1 and its cofactor, flavin mononucleotide.
2g5z structure of s65g y66s gfp variant after spontaneous peptide hydrolysis and decarboxylation
2g60 structure of anti-flag m2 fab domain
2g67 e. coli pyruvate dehydrogenase e1 component (apoenzyme)
2g6h structure of rat nnos heme domain (bh4 bound) in the reduced form
2g6i structure of rat nnos heme domain (bh2-bound) in the reduced form
2g6j structure of rat nnos (l337n) heme domain (4-aminobiopterin bound) complexed with no
2g6k structure of rat nnos heme domain (bh4 bound) complexed with no
2g6l structure of rat nnos heme domain (bh2 bound) complexed with no
2g6m structure of rat nnos heme domain (bh4 bound) complexed with co
2g6n strcture of rat nnos heme domain (bh2 bound) complexed with co
2g6o structure of bovine enos heme domain (bh4-free) complexed with co
2g6q crystal structure of ing2 phd domain in complex with h3k4me3 peptide
2g6t crystal structure of an uncharacterized protein from clostridium acetobutylicum
2g6v the crystal structure of ribd from escherichia coli
2g70 structure of human pnmt in complex with inhibitor 3-hydroxymethyl-7- nitro-thiq and adomet (sam)
2g71 structure of hpnmt with inhibitor 3-fluoromethyl-7-trifluoropropyl- thiq and adohcy
2g72 structure of hpnmt with inhibitor 3-fluoromethyl-7- thiomorpholinosulfonamide-thiq and adomet
2g73 y104f mutant type 1 ipp isomerase complex with eipp
2g74 y104f mutant of type 1 isopentenylpyrophosphate- dimethylallylpyrophosphate isomerase
2g76 crystal structure of human 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase
2g77 crystal structure of gyp1 tbc domain in complex with rab33 gtpase bound to gdp and alf3
2g7c clostridium difficile toxin a fragment bound to agal(1,3)bgal(1,4) bglcnac
2g7k structure of the light chain of botulinum neurotoxin, serotype a bound to small molecule inhibitors
2g7p structure of the light chain of botulinum neurotoxin serotype a bound to small molecule inhibitors
2g7q structure of the light chain of botulinum neurotoxin serotype a bound to small molecule inhibitors
2g7r x-ray structure of the death domain of the human mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma translocation protein 1
2g7y human cathepsin s with inhibitor cra-16981
2g7z conserved degv-like protein of unknown function from streptococcus pyogenes m1 gas binds long-chain fatty acids
2g81 crystal structure of the bowman-birk inhibitor from vigna unguiculata seeds in complex with beta-trypsin at 1.55 angstrons resolution
2g84 cytidine and deoxycytidylate deaminase zinc-binding region from nitrosomonas europaea.
2g87 crystallographic model of bathorhodopsin
2g8l crystal structure of a duf89 family protein (ph1575) from pyrococcus horikoshii at 2.04 a resolution
2g8n structure of hpnmt with inhibitor 3-hydroxymethyl-7-(n-4- chlorophenylaminosulfonyl)-thiq and adohcy
2g8q the crystal structure of rnase a from monoclinic crystals at 100 k
2g8r the crystal structure of the rnase a- 3-n-piperidine-4- carboxyl-3-deoxy-ara-uridine complex
2g8s crystal structure of the soluble aldose sugar dehydrogenase (asd) from escherichia coli in the apo-form
2g8x escherichia coli y209w apoprotein
2g8y the structure of a putative malate/lactate dehydrogenase from e. coli.
2g8z crystal structure of the ternary complex of signalling protein from sheep (sps-40) with trimer and designed peptide at 2.5a resolution
2g95 crystal structure of visfatin/pre-b cell colony enhancing factor 1/nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase
2g96 crystal structure of visfatin/pre-b cell colony enhancing factor 1/nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase in complex with niconamide mononucleotide
2g97 crystal structure of visfatin/pre-b cell colony enhancing factor 1/nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase in complex with the specific inhibitor fk-866
2g98 human gamma-d-crystallin
2g9a structural basis for the specific recognition of methylated histone h3 lysine 4 by the wd-40 protein wdr5
2g9i crystal structure of homolog of f420-0:gamma-glutamyl ligase from archaeoglobus fulgidus reveals a novel fold.
2g9k human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyl-4-hydroxy-2',3,3',4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl
2g9n structure of the dead domain of human eukaryotic initiation factor 4a, eif4a
2g9w crystal structure of rv1846c, a putative transcriptional regulatory protein of mycobacterium tuberculosis
2g9y structure of s102t e. coli alkaline phosphatase in presence of phosphate at 2.00 a resolution
2g9z thiamin pyrophosphokinase from candida albicans
2ga1 crystal structure of a duf433 member protein (ava_0674) from anabaena variabilis atcc 29413 at 2.00 a resolution
2ga3 structure of s102t e. coli alkaline phosphatase-phosphate intermediate at 2.20a resolution
2ga9 crystal structure of the heterodimeric vaccinia virus polyadenylate polymerase with bound atp-gamma-s
2gab human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyl-4-hydroxy-3,3',5,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl
2gaf crystal structure of the vaccinia polyadenylate polymerase heterodimer (apo form)
2gai structure of full length topoisomerase i from thermotoga maritima in triclinic crystal form
2gaj structure of full length topoisomerase i from thermotoga maritima in monoclinic crystal form
2gak x-ray crystal structure of murine leukocyte-type core 2 b1,6-n- acetylglucosaminyltransferase (c2gnt-l)
2gal crystal structure of human galectin-7 in complex with galactose
2gan crystal structure of a putative acetyltransferase from pyrococcus horikoshii, northeast structural genomics target jr32.
2gao crystal structure of human sar1a in complex with gdp
2gas crystal structure of isoflavone reductase
2gax structure of protein of unknown function atu0240 from agrobacteriium tumerfaciencs str. c58
2gaz mycobacterial lipoglycan presentation by cd1d
2gb0 monomeric sarcosine oxidase: structure of a covalently flavinylated amine oxidizing enzyme
2gb4 crystal structure of thiopurine methyltransferase (18204406) from mus musculus at 1.35 a resolution
2gb5 crystal structure of nadh pyrophosphatase (ec (1790429) from escherichia coli k12 at 2.30 a resolution
2gb8 solution structure of the complex between yeast iso-1- cytochrome c and yeast cytochrome c peroxidase
2gbc native dpp-iv (cd26) from rat
2gbf rat dpp-iv with alkynyl cyanopyrrolidine #1
2gbg rat dpp-iv with alkynyl cyanopyrrolidine #2
2gbi rat dpp-iv with xanthine inhibitor 4
2gbj crystal structure of the 9-10 8 glycine insertion mutant of ubiquitin.
2gbo protein of unknown function ef2458 from enterococcus faecalis
2gbq solution nmr structure of the grb2 n-terminal sh3 domain complexed with a ten-residue peptide derived from sos direct refinement against noes, j-couplings, and 1h and 13c chemical shifts, 15 structures
2gc0 the crystal structure of phosphoglucose isomerase from pyrococcus furiosus in complex with 5-phospho-d- arabinonohydroxamate and zinc
2gc1 the crystal structure of phosphoglucose isomerase from pyrococcus furiosus in complex with sorbitol 6-phosphate and zinc
2gc2 the crystal structure of phosphoglucose isomerase from pyrococcus furiosus in complex with fructose 6-phosphate and zinc
2gc3 the crystal structure of phosphoglucose isomerase from pyrococcus furiosus in complex with mannose 6-phosphate and zinc
2gc8 structure of a proline sulfonamide inhibitor bound to hcv ns5b polymerase
2gc9 crystal structure of p-coumaric acid decarboxylase (np_786857.1) from lactobacillus plantarum at 1.70 a resolution
2gcd tao2 kinase domain-staurosporine structure
2gcl structure of the pob3 middle domain
2gco crystal structure of the human rhoc-gppnhp complex
2gcy humanized antibody c25 fab fragment
2gd7 the structure of the cyclin t-binding domain of hexim1 reveals the molecular basis for regulation of transcription elongation
2gd9 crystal structure of a putative dihydrofolate reductase (bsu40760, yyap) from bacillus subtilis at 2.30 a resolution
2gdc structure of vinculin vd1 / ipaa560-633 complex
2gdq crystal structure of mandelate racemase/muconate lactonizing enzyme from bacillus subtilis at 1.8 a resolution
2gdu e232q mutant of sucrose phosphorylase from bifidobacterium adolescentis in complex with sucrose
2gdv sucrose phosphorylase from bifidobacterium adolescentis reacted with sucrose
2ge7 structure of the c-terminal dimerization domain of infectious bronchitis virus nucleocapsid protein
2gec structure of the n-terminal domain of avian infectious bronchitis virus nucleocapsid protein (strain gray) in a novel dimeric arrangement
2ged signal recognition particle receptor beta-subunit in nucleotide-free dimerized form
2gef crystal structure of a novel viral protease with a serine/lysine catalytic dyad mechanism
2gem 2.1a crystal structure of salmonella tyhpimurium yeaz, a putative gram-negative rpf, form-a
2gex crystal structure of snoal2 a putative hydroxylase from streptomyces nogalater
2gf3 structure of the complex of monomeric sarcosine with its substrate analogue inhibitor 2-fuoric acid at 1.3 a resolution.
2gf4 crystal structure of vng1086c from halobacterium salinarium (halobacterium halobium). northeast structural genomics target hsr14
2gfc camp-dependent protein kinase pka catalytic subunit with pki-5-24
2gfd grp94 in complex with the novel hsp90 inhibitor radamide
2gff crystal structure of yersinia pestis lsrg
2gfi crystal structure of the phytase from d. castellii at 2.3 a
2gfj crystal structure of the zinc-beta-lactamase l1 from stenotrophomonas maltophilia (inhibitor 1)
2gfk crystal structure of the zinc-beta-lactamase l1 from stenotrophomonas maltophilia (inhibitor 2)
2gfn crystal structure of hth-type transcriptional regulator pksa related protein from rhodococcus sp. rha1
2gfp structure of the multidrug transporter emrd from escherichia coli
2gft crystal structure of the e263a nucleophile mutant of bacillus licheniformis endo-beta-1,4-galactanase in complex with galactotriose
2ggp solution structure of the atx1-cu(i)-ccc2a complex
2ggs crystal structure of hypothetical dtdp-4-dehydrorhamnose reductase from sulfolobus tokodaii
2ggt crystal structure of human sco1 complexed with nickel.
2ggv crystal structure of the west nile virus ns2b-ns3 protease, his51ala mutant
2ggz crystal structure of human guanylate cyclase activating protein-3
2gh1 crystal structure of the putative sam-dependent methyltransferase bc2162 from bacillus cereus, northeast structural genomics target bcr20.
2gh5 crystal structure of human glutathione reductase complexed with a fluoro-analogue of the menadione derivative m5
2gh7 epi-biotin complex with core streptavidin
2gha thermotoga maritima maltotriose binding protein bound with maltotriose
2ghv crystal structure of sars spike protein receptor binding domain
2ghy novel crystal form of the cole1 rom protein
2ghz crystal structure of azurin phe114pro mutant
2gi0 crystal structure of cu(i) phe114pro azurin mutant
2gi7 crystal structure of human platelet glycoprotein vi (gpvi)
2gib crystal structure of the sars coronavirus nucleocapsid protein dimerization domain
2gim 1.6 angstrom structure of plastocyanin from anabaena variabilis
2giq hepatitis c virus rna-dependent rna polymerase ns5b with nni-2 inhibitor
2gir hepatitis c virus rna-dependent rna polymerase ns5b with nni-1 inhibitor
2giy crystal structure of the c-terminal domain of the hsv-1 ge ectodomain
2giz structural and functional analysis of natrin, a member of crisp-3 family blocks a variety of ion channels
2gj3 crystal structure of the fad-containing pas domain of the protein nifl from azotobacter vinelandii.
2gja structure of the mnme g-domain in complex with gdp*alf4-, mg2+ and nh4+
2gjf nmr structure of the computationally designed procarboxypeptidase-a (1aye) domain
2gjh nmr structure of cfr (c-terminal fragment of computationally designed novel-topology protein top7)
2gjj crystal structure of a single chain antibody sca21 against her2/erbb2
2gjs the crystal structure of human rrad in complex with gdp
2gjt crystal structure of the human receptor phosphatase ptpro
2gk2 crystal structure of the n terminal domain of human ceacam1
2gk4 the crystal structure of the dna/pantothenate metabolism flavoprotein from streptococcus pneumoniae
2gk6 structural and functional insights into the human upf1 helicase core
2gki heavy and light chain variable single domains of an anti-dna binding antibody hydrolyze both double- and single-stranded dnas without sequence specificity
2gkm crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis trhbn tyrb10phe mutant
2gkn crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis trhbn, glne11val mutant
2gks crystal structure of the bi-functional atp sulfurylase-aps kinase from aquifex aeolicus, a chemolithotrophic thermophile
2gkw key contacts promote recongnito of baff-r by traf3
2gl2 crystal structure of the tetra muntant (t66g,r67g,f68g, y69g) of bacterial adhesin fada
2gl3 crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis trhbn, tyrb10phe glne11val mutant
2gl5 crystal structure of putative dehydratase from salmonella thyphimurium
2gln crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis trhbn, glne11ala mutant
2glr molecular structure at 1.8 angstroms of mouse liver class pi glutathione s-transferase complexed with s-(p- nitrobenzyl)glutathione and other inhibitors
2glu the crystal structure of ycgj protein from bacillus subitilis
2glz crystal structure of a formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase subunit e-like protein (dhaf_2992) from desulfitobacterium hafniense dcb-2 at 1.45 a resolution
2gme metal-free (apo) p. angolensis seed lectin
2gmf human granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor
2gmh structure of porcine electron transfer flavoprotein- ubiquinone oxidoreductase in complexed with ubiquinone
2gmj structure of porcine electron transfer flavoprotein- ubiquinone oxidoreductase
2gml crystal structure of catalytic domain of e.coli rluf
2gmm metal-free (apo) p. angolensis seed lectin in complex with man-alpha(1-2)man
2gmn crystal structure of bjp-1, a subclass b3 metallo-beta-lactamase of bradyrhizobium japonicum
2gmp metal-free (apo) p. angolensis seed lectin in complex with glcnac- beta(1-2)man
2gmq crystal structure of protein ef0006 from enterococcus faecalis
2gms e coli gdp-4-keto-6-deoxy-d-mannose-3-dehydratase with bound hydrated plp
2gmu crystal structure of e coli gdp-4-keto-6-deoxy-d-mannose-3- dehydratase complexed with plp-glutamate ketimine intermediate
2gmv pepck complex with a gtp-competitive inhibitor
2gn1 crystal structure of dimeric biodegradative threonine deaminase (tdcb) from salmonella typhimurium at 2.2a resolution (triclinic form with one dimer of tdcb in the asymmetric unit)
2gn3 metal-free (apo-pal) in complex with alpha-d-met-man
2gn4 crystal structure of udp-glcnac inverting 4,6-dehydratase in complex with nadph and udp-glcnac
2gn6 crystal structure of udp-glcnac inverting 4,6-dehydratase in complex with nadp and udp-glcnac
2gn7 metal-free (apo) p. angolensis seed lectin in complex with man-alpha(1-3)man-alpha(1-6)man
2gn8 crystal structure of udp-glcnac inverting 4,6-dehydratase in complex with nadp and udp
2gn9 crystal structure of udp-glcnac inverting 4,6-dehydratase in complex with nadp and udp-glc
2gna crystal structure of udp-glcnac inverting 4,6-dehydratase in complex with nadp and udp-gal
2gnb edta-treated (2 weeks) p. angolensis lectin
2gnc crystal structure of srgap1 sh3 domain in the slit-robo signaling pathway
2gnd one hour edta treatment, p. angolensis lectin
2gnf protein kinase a fivefold mutant model of rho-kinase with y- 27632
2gng protein kinase a fivefold mutant model of rho-kinase
2gnh pka five fold mutant model of rho-kinase with h1152p
2gni pka fivefold mutant model of rho-kinase with inhibitor fasudil (ha1077)
2gnj pka three fold mutant model of rho-kinase with y-27632
2gnl pka threefold mutant model of rho-kinase with inhibitor h- 1152p
2gnm p. angolensis lectin (pal) treated with edta for 39 hours
2gns design of specific peptide inhibitors of phospholipase a2: crystal structure of the complex formed between a group ii phospholipase a2 and a designed pentapeptide ala- leu- val- tyr- lys at 2.3 a resolution
2gnt edta treated p. angolensis lectin (pal) remetallized with calcium (1 hour treatment)
2gnv crystal structure of non-symbiotic plant hemoglobin from rice, b10 mutant f40l
2gnw crystal structure of non-symbiotic plant hemoglobin from rice, b10 mutant f40w
2go3 crystal structure of aquifex aeolicus lpxc complexed with imidazole.
2go4 crystal structure of aquifex aeolicus lpxc complexed with tu-514
2goj the crystal structure of the enzyme fe-superoxide dismutase from plasmodium falciparum
2gok crystal structure of the imidazolonepropionase from agrobacterium tumefaciens at 1.87 a resolution
2gom crystal structure of efb-c from staphylococcus aureus
2gop the beta-propeller domain of the trilobed protease from pyrococcus furiosus reveals an open velcro topology
2gp3 crystal structure of the catalytic core domain of jmjd2a
2gp4 structure of [fes]cluster-free apo form of 6-phosphogluconate dehydratase from shewanella oneidensis
2gp5 crystal structure of catalytic core domain of jmjd2a complexed with alpha-ketoglutarate
2gp6 x-ray crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis beta- ketoacyl acyl carrier protein synthase ii (mtkasb)
2gp9 crystal structure of the slow form of thrombin in a self- inhibited conformation
2gpc the crystal structure of the enzyme fe-superoxide dismutase from trypanosoma cruzi
2gph docking motif interactions in the map kinase erk2
2gpo estrogen related receptor-gamma ligand binding domain complexed with a synthetic peptide from rip140
2gps crystal structure of the biotin carboxylase subunit, e23r mutant, of acetyl-coa carboxylase from escherichia coli.
2gpy crystal structure of putative o-methyltransferase from bacillus halodurans
2gpz transthyretin-like protein from salmonella dublin
2gq0 crystal structure of the middle domain of htpg, the e. coli hsp90
2gq3 mycobacterium tuberculosis malate synthase in complex with magnesium, malate, and coenzyme a
2gqd the crystal structure of b-ketoacyl-acp synthase ii (fabf) from staphylococcus aureus
2gqg x-ray crystal structure of dasatinib (bms-354825) bound to activated abl kinase domain
2gqn cystathionine beta-lyase (cbl) from escherichia coli in complex with n-hydrazinocarbonylmethyl-2-nitro-benzamide
2gqp n-domain of grp94 in complex with the novel ligand n-propyl carboxyamido adenosine
2gqr saicar synthetase complexed with adp-mg2+
2gqs saicar synthetase complexed with cair-mg2+ and adp
2gqx crystal structure of cytochrome p450cam mutant (f87w/y96f/l244a/v247l/c334a) with pentachlorobenzene
2gr6 crystal structure of cytochrome p450cam mutant (f87w/y96f/l244a/v247l/c334a)
2grf crystal structure of scapharca inaequivalvis hbi, m37v mutant in the absence of ligand
2grh m37v mutant of scapharca dimeric hemoglobin, with co bound
2grk crystal structure of ectromelia virus evm1 chemokine binding protein
2grn crystal structure of human rangap1-ubc9
2gro crystal structure of human rangap1-ubc9-n85q
2grp crystal structure of human rangap1-ubc9-y87a
2grq crystal structure of human rangap1-ubc9-d127a
2grr crystal structure of human rangap1-ubc9-d127s
2gru crystal structure of 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosose synthase complexed with carbaglucose-6-phosphate, nad+ and co2+
2grz 5ns photoproduct of the m37v mutant of scapharca hbi
2gs0 nmr structure of the complex between the ph domain of the tfb1 subunit from tfiih and the activation domain of p53
2gs4 the crystal structure of the e.coli stress protein ycif.
2gs6 crystal structure of the active egfr kinase domain in complex with an atp analog-peptide conjugate
2gs7 crystal structure of the inactive egfr kinase domain in complex with amp-pnp
2gs9 crystal structure of tt1324 from thermus thermophilis hb8
2gsa crystal structure of glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminomutase (aminotransferase, wild-type form)
2gsh crystal structure of l-rhamnonate dehydratase from salmonella typhimurium
2gsk structure of the btub:tonb complex
2gsn structure of xac nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase
2gso structure of xac nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase in complex with vanadate
2gsr structure of porcine class pi glutathione s-transferase
2gss human glutathione s-transferase p1-1 in complex with ethacrynic acid
2gst structure of the xenobiotic substrate binding site of a glutathione s- transferase as revealed by x-ray crystallographic analysis of product complexes with the diastereomers of 9-(s-glutathionyl)-10-hydroxy-9, 10-dihydrophenanthrene
2gsu structure of xac nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase in complex with amp
2gsv x-ray crystal structure of protein yvfg from bacillus subtilis. northeast structural genomics consortium target sr478.
2gt1 e. coli heptosyltransferase waac.
2gt7 crystal structure of sars coronavirus main peptidase at ph 6.0 in the space group p21
2gte drosophila obp lush bound to attractant pheromone 11-cis- vaccenyl acetate
2gtk structure-based design of indole propionic acids as novel pparag co-agonists
2gtu ligand-free human glutathione s-transferase m2-2 (e.c., monoclinic crystal form
2gtx structural basis of catalysis by mononuclear methionine aminopeptidase
2gty crystal structure of unliganded griffithsin
2gu0 crystal structure of human rotavirus nsp2 (group c / bristol strain)
2gu2 crystal structure of an aspartoacylase from rattus norvegicus
2gu4 e. coli methionine aminopeptidase in complex with nlep, 1: 0.5, di-metalated
2gu5 e. coli methionine aminopeptidase in complex with nlep, 1: 1, di-metalated
2gu6 e. coli methionine aminopeptidase in complex with nlep, 1: 2, di-metalated
2gu7 e. coli methionine aminopeptidase unliganded, 1:0.5
2gu8 discovery of 2-pyrimidyl-5-amidothiophenes as novel and potent inhibitors for akt: synthesis and sar studies
2gu9 crystal structure of xc5357 from xanthomonas campestris: a putative tetracenomycin polyketide synthesis protein adopting a novel cupin subfamily structure
2guc crystal structure of a complex of griffithsin with mannose at 1.78 a resolution.
2gud crystal structure of a complex of griffithsin with mannose at 0.94 a resolution
2gue crystal structure of a complex of griffithsin with n-acetylglucosamine
2guh crystal structure of the putative tetr-family transcriptional regulator from rhodococcus sp. rha1
2guj three dimensional structure of the protein p54332 from bacillus subtilis. northeast structural genomics consortium target sr353.
2guk crystal structure of the conserved protein of unknown function from porphyromonas gingivalis
2gv2 mdm2 in complex with an 8-mer p53 peptide analogue
2gv8 crystal structure of flavin-containing monooxygenase (fmo) from s.pombe and nadph cofactor complex
2gv9 crystal structure of the herpes simplex virus type 1 dna polymerase
2gva refined solution structure of the tyr 41--> his mutant of the m13 gene v protein. a comparison with the crystal structure
2gvb refined solution structure of the tyr 41--> his mutant of the m13 gene v protein. a comparison with the crystal structure
2gvj crystal structure of human nmprtase in complex with fk866
2gvl crystal structure of murine nmprtase
2gvy monoclinic crystal form of aspergillus niger alpha-amylase in complex with maltose at 1.8 a resolution
2gw1 crystal structure of the yeast tom70
2gw3 crystal structure of stony coral fluorescent protein kaede, green form
2gw6 nmr structure of the human trna endonuclease sen15 subunit
2gwg crystal structure of 4-oxalomesaconate hydratase, ligj, from rhodopseudomonas palustris, northeast structural genomics target rpr66.
2gwh human sulfotranferase sult1c2 in complex with pap and pentachlorophenol
2gwk spvb adp-ribosylated actin: orthorhombic crystal form
2gww human vinculin (head domain, vh1, residues 1-258) in complex with shigella's ipaa vinculin binding site (residues 602-633)
2gwx molecular recognition of fatty acids by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors
2gx9 x-ray strucutre of influenza virus ns1 effector domain
2gxs hera n-terminal domain in complex with amp, crystal form 2
2gy7 angiopoietin-2/tie2 complex crystal structure
2gyi design, synthesis, and characterization of a potent xylose isomerase inhibitor, d-threonohydroxamic acid, and high-resolution x-ray crystallographic structure of the enzyme-inhibitor complex
2gyo methanethiol-cys 112 inhibition complex of e. coli ketoacyl synthase iii (fabh) and coenzyme a
2gyp diabetes mellitus due to a frustrated schellman motif in hnf-1a
2gyq ycfi, a putative structural protein from rhodopseudomonas palustris.
2gys 2.7 a structure of the extracellular domains of the human beta common receptor involved in il-3, il-5, and gm-csf signalling
2gyu crystal structure of mus musculus acetylcholinesterase in complex with hi-6
2gyv crystal structure of mus musculus acetylcholinesterase in complex with ortho-7
2gyw crystal structure of mus musculus acetylcholinesterase in complex with obidoxime
2gz1 structure of aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (asadh) from streptococcus pneumoniae complexed with nadp
2gz2 structure of aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (asadh) from streptococcus pneumoniae complexed with 2',5'-adp
2gz6 crystal structure of anabaena sp. ch1 n-acetyl-d-glucosamine 2- epimerase at 2.0 a
2gzb bauhinia bauhinioides cruzipain inhibitor (bbci)
2gze crystal structure of the e9 dnase domain with a mutant immunity protein im9 (y55a)
2gzf crystal structure of the e9 dnase domain with a mutant immunity protein im9 (y54f)
2gzg crystal structure of the e9 dnase domain with a mutant immunity protein im9 (y55f)
2gzh crystal structure of rab11 in complex with rab11-family interacting protein 2
2gzi crystal structure of the e9 dnase domain with a mutant immunity protein im9 (v34a)
2gzu high-resolution structure determination of the cylr2 homodimer using intermonomer distances from paramagnetic relaxation enhancement and nmr dipolar couplings
2gzx crystal structure of the tatd deoxyribonuclease mw0446 from staphylococcus aureus. northeast structural genomics consortium target zr237.
2h02 structural studies of protein tyrosine phosphatase beta catalytic domain in complex with inhibitors
2h06 crystal structure of human phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase 1
2h07 crystal structure of human phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase 1 mutant s132a
2h08 crystal structure of human phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase 1 mutant y146m
2h0d structure of a bmi-1-ring1b polycomb group ubiquitin ligase complex
2h0e crystal structure of pucm in the absence of substrate
2h0f crystal structure of pucm in the presence of 8-azaxanthine
2h0g crystal structure of dsbg t200m mutant
2h0h crystal structure of dsbg k113e mutant
2h0i crystal structure of dsbg v216m mutant
2h0j crystal structure of pucm in the presence of 5,6- diaminouracil
2h0k crystal structure of a mutant of rat annexin a5
2h0v crystal structure of a putative quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase (yxag, bsu39980) from bacillus subtilis at 2.60 a resolution
2h11 amino-terminal truncated thiopurine s-methyltransferase complexed with s-adenosyl-l-homocysteine
2h13 crystal structure of wdr5/histone h3 complex
2h19 crystal structure of resa cys77ala variant
2h1a resa c74a variant
2h1c crystal structure of fitacb from neisseria gonorrhoeae
2h1d resa ph 9.25
2h1e tandem chromodomains of budding yeast chd1
2h1f e. coli heptosyltransferase waac with adp
2h1g resa c74a/c77a
2h1h e. coli heptosyltransferase waac with adp-2-deoxy-2-fluoro heptose
2h1r crystal structure of a dimethyladenosine transferase from plasmodium falciparum
2h1t crystal structure of a duf1089 family protein (pa1994) from pseudomonas aeruginosa at 1.80 a resolution
2h1u porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with metpheleuglu at ph 5.0
2h1y crystal structure of malonyl-coa:acyl carrier protein transacylase (mcat) from helicobacter pylori
2h26 human cd1b in complex with endogenous phosphatidylcholine and spacer
2h28 crystal structure of yeeu from e. coli. northeast structural genomics target er304
2h29 crystal structure of nicotinic acid mononucleotide adenylyltransferase from staphylococcus aureus: product bound form 1
2h2a crystal structure of nicotinic acid mononucleotide adenylyltransferase from staphylococcus aureus: product bound form 2
2h2d the structural basis for sirtuin substrate affinity
2h2f the structural basis for sirtuin substrate affinity
2h2g the structural basis of sirtuin substrate affinity
2h2h the structural basis of sirtuin substrate specificity
2h2k crystal structure analysis of human s100a13
2h2n crystal structure of human soluble calcium-activated nucleotidase (scan) with calcium ion
2h2q crystal structure of trypanosoma cruzi dihydrofolate reductase- thymidylate synthase
2h2r crystal structure of the human cd23 lectin domain, apo form
2h2u crystal structure of the e130y mutant of human soluble calcium-activated nucleotidase (scan) with calcium ion
2h34 apoenzyme crystal structure of the tuberculosis serine/threonine kinase, pkne
2h39 crystal structure of an adp-glucose phosphorylase from arabidopsis thaliana with bound adp-glucose
2h3b crystal structure of mouse nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase/visfatin/pre-b cell colony enhancing factor 1
2h3d crystal structure of mouse nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase/visfatin/pre-b cell colony enhancing factor in complex with nicotinamide mononuleotide
2h3h crystal structure of the liganded form of thermotoga maritima glucose binding protein
2h3l crystal structure of erbin pdz
2h3s cis-azobenzene-avian pancreatic polypeptide bound to dpc micelles
2h3t trans-(4-aminomethyl)phenylazobenzoic acid-app bound to dpc micelles
2h4e crystal structure of cys10 sulfonated transthyretin
2h4f sir2-p53 peptide-nad+
2h4h sir2 h116y mutant-p53 peptide-nad
2h4j sir2-deacetylated peptide (from enzymatic turnover in crystal)
2h4p crystal structure of wildtype ment in the cleaved conformation
2h4q crystal structure of a m-loop deletion variant of ment in the cleaved conformation
2h4t crystal structure of rat carnitine palmitoyltransferase ii
2h4v crystal structure of the human tyrosine receptor phosphatase gamma
2h4x human bisphosphoglycerate mutase complex with 3- phosphoglycerate with crystal growth 90 days
2h4z human bisphosphoglycerate mutase complexed with 2,3- bisphosphoglycerate
2h52 crystal structure of human bisphosphoglycerate mutase complex with 3-phosphoglycerate (18 days)
2h5d 0.9a resolution crystal structure of alpha-lytic protease complexed with a transition state analogue, meosuc-ala-ala-pro-val boronic acid
2h5e crystal structure of e.coli polypeptide release factor rf3
2h5f denmotoxin: a the three-finger toxin from colubrid snake boiga dendrophila with bird-specific activity
2h5g crystal structure of human pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase
2h5o crystal structure of morange
2h5z crystallographic structure of digestive lysozyme 1 from musca domestica bound to chitotetraose at 1.92 a resolution
2h67 nmr structure of human insulin mutant his-b5-ala, his-b10- asp pro-b28-lys, lys-b29-pro, 20 structures
2h68 histone h3 recognition and presentation by the wdr5 module of the mll1 complex
2h6a crystal structure of the zinc-beta-lactamase l1 from stenotrophomonas maltophilia (mono zinc form)
2h6b crystal structure of oxidized cprk in complex with o- chlorophenolacetic acid
2h6c crystal structure of reduced cprk in absence of any ligand
2h6m an episulfide cation (thiiranium ring) trapped in the active site of hav 3c proteinase inactivated by peptide-based ketone inhibitors
2h6t secreted aspartic proteinase (sap) 3 from candida albicans complexed with pepstatin a
2h6x crystal structure of thioredoxin wild type in hexagonal (p61) space group
2h6y crystal structure of thioredoxin mutant e48d in hexagonal (p61) space group
2h6z crystal structure of thioredoxin mutant e44d in hexagonal (p61) space group
2h70 crystal structure of thioredoxin mutant d9e in hexagonal (p61) space group
2h71 crystal structure of thioredoxin mutant d47e in hexagonal (p61) space group
2h72 crystal structure of thioredoxin mutant e85d in hexagonal (p61) space group
2h73 crystal structure of thioredoxin mutant d43e in hexagonal (p61) space group
2h74 crystal structure of thioredoxin mutant d2e in hexagonal (p61) space group
2h75 crystal structure of thioredoxin mutant d13e in hexagonal (p61) space group
2h76 crystal structure of thioredoxin mutant d10e in hexagonal (p61) space group
2h7d solution structure of the talin f3 domain in complex with a chimeric beta3 integrin-pip kinase peptide
2h7e solution structure of the talin f3 domain in complex with a chimeric beta3 integrin-pip kinase peptide- minimized average structure
2h7j crystal structure of cathepsin s in complex with a nonpeptidic inhibitor.
2h7s l244a mutant of cytochrome p450cam
2h7w crystal structure of chagasin, the endogenous cysteine- protease inhibitor from trypanosoma cruzi
2h7x pikromycin thioesterase adduct with reduced triketide affinity label
2h7y pikromycin thioesterase with covalent affinity label
2h7z crystal structure of irditoxin
2h84 crystal structure of the c-terminal type iii polyketide synthase (pks iii) domain of 'steely1' (a type i/iii pks hybrid from dictyostelium)
2h8b solution structure of insl3
2h8g 5'-methylthioadenosine nucleosidase from arabidopsis thaliana
2h8i crystal structure of the bothropstoxin-i complexed with polyethylene glycol
2h8k human sulfotranferase sult1c3 in complex with pap
2h8m n-domain of grp94 in complex with the 2-iodo-neca
2h8u bucain, a cardiotoxin from the malayan krait bungarus candidus
2h98 crystal structure of the effector binding domain of a catm variant, catm(v158m)
2h99 crystal structure of the effector binding domain of a benm variant (r156h,t157s)
2h9a corrinoid iron-sulfur protein
2h9b crystal structure of the effector binding domain of a benm variant (benm r156h/t157s)
2h9c native crystal structure of the isochorismate-pyruvate lyase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2h9h an episulfide cation (thiiranium ring) trapped in the active site of hav 3c proteinase inactivated by peptide-based ketone inhibitors
2h9p wdr5 in complex with trimethylated h3k4 peptide
2h9y crystal structure of mouse acetylcholinesterase complexed with m-(n,n, n-trimethylammonio)trifluoroacetophenone
2ha0 crystal structure of mouse acetylcholinesterase complexed with 4- ketoamyltrimethylammonium
2ha2 crystal structure of mouse acetylcholinesterase complexed with succinylcholine
2ha3 crystal structure of mouse acetylcholinesterase complexed with choline
2ha4 crystal structure of mutant s203a of mouse acetylcholinesterase complexed with acetylcholine
2ha5 crystal structure of mutant s203a of acetylcholinesterase complexed with acetylthiocholine
2ha6 crystal structure of mutant s203a of mouse acetylcholinesterase complexed with succinylcholine
2ha7 crystal structure of mutant s203a of mouse acetylcholinesterase complexed with butyrylthiocholine
2ha8 methyltransferase domain of human tar (hiv-1) rna binding protein 1
2ha9 crystal structure of protein sp0239 from streptococcus pneumoniae
2hac structure of zeta-zeta transmembrane dimer
2hal an episulfide cation (thiiranium ring) trapped in the active site of hav 3c proteinase inactivated by peptide-based ketone inhibitors
2hau apo-human serum transferrin (non-glycosylated)
2hav apo-human serum transferrin (glycosylated)
2haw crystal structure of family ii inorganic pyrophosphatase in complex with pnp
2hb0 crystal structure of cfae, the adhesive subunit of cfa/i fimbria of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli
2hb3 wild-type hiv-1 protease in complex with potent inhibitor grl06579
2hb6 structure of caenorhabditis elegans leucine aminopeptidase (lap1)
2hba crystal structure of n-terminal domain of ribosomal protein l9 (ntl9) k12m
2hbc high resolution x-ray structures of myoglobin-and hemoglobin-alkyl isocyanide complexes
2hbd high resolution x-ray structures of myoglobin-and hemoglobin-alkyl isocyanide complexes
2hbe high resolution x-ray structures of myoglobin-and hemoglobin-alkyl isocyanide complexes
2hbf high resolution x-ray structures of myoglobin-and hemoglobin-alkyl isocyanide complexes
2hbh crystal structure of vitamin d nuclear receptor ligand binding domain bound to a locked side-chain analog of calcitriol and src-1 peptide
2hbv crystal structure of alpha-amino-beta-carboxymuconate-epsilon- semialdehyde-decarboxylase (acmsd)
2hbx crystal structure of alpha-amino-beta-carboxymuconate-epsilon- semialdehyde-decarboxylase (acmsd)
2hc0 structure of hiv protease 6x mutant in complex with ab-2.
2hc4 crystal structure of the lbd of vdr of danio rerio in complex with calcitriol
2hcd crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of the vitamin d nuclear receptor in complex with gemini and a coactivator peptide
2hch n-domain of grp94 in complex with the novel ligand n-(2- amino)ethyl carboxyamido adenosine
2hci structure of human mip-3a chemokine
2hck src family kinase hck-quercetin complex
2hco the structure of human carbonmonoxy haemoglobin at 2.7 angstroms resolution
2hcr crystal structure of human phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase 1 in complex with amp(atp), cadmium and sulfate ion
2hct acidic residues at the active sites of cd38 and adp-ribosyl cyclase determine naapd synthesis and hydrolysis activities
2hd1 crystal structure of pde9 in complex with ibmx
2hd4 crystal structure of proteinase k inhibited by a lactoferrin octapeptide gly-asp-glu-gln-gly-glu-asn-lys at 2.15 a resolution
2hd5 usp2 in complex with ubiquitin
2hdb hmg-coa synthase from enterococcus faecalis. mutation alanine 110 to glycine
2hdh biochemical characterization and structure determination of human heart short chain l-3-hydroxyacyl coa dehydrogenase provide insight into catalytic mechanism
2hdi crystal structure of the colicin i receptor cir from e.coli in complex with receptor binding domain of colicin ia.
2hdj crystal structure of human type 3 3alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in complex with nadp(h)
2hdk crystal structure of cys315ala-cys318ala mutant of human mitochondrial branched chain aminotransferase
2hdp solution structure of hdm2 ring finger domain
2hdq ampc beta-lactamase in complex with 2-carboxythiophene
2hdr ampc beta-lactamase in complex with 4-amino-3- hydroxybenzoic acid
2hds ampc beta-lactamase in complex with 4-methanesulfonylamino benzoic acid
2hdu ampc beta-lactamase in complex with 2-acetamidothiophene-3- carboxylic acid
2hdv crystal structure of the src homology-2 domain of the adapter protein sh2-b
2hdw crystal structure of hypothetical protein pa2218 from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2he0 crystal structure of a human notch1 ankyrin domain mutant
2he2 crystal structure of the 3rd pdz domain of human discs large homologue 2, dlg2
2he8 crystal structure of 17alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in its apo- form
2he9 structure of the peptidylprolyl isomerase domain of the human nk-tumour recognition protein
2heg phospho-aspartyl intermediate analogue of apha class b acid phosphatase/phosphotransferase
2hei crystal structure of human rab5b in complex with gdp
2hej crystal structure of 17alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in complex with nadp(h) in a closed conformation
2hek crystal structure of o67745, a hypothetical protein from aquifex aeolicus at 2.0 a resolution.
2hev crystal structure of the complex between ox40l and ox40
2hez bifidobacterium longum bile salt hydrolase
2hf0 bifidobacterium longum bile salt hydrolase
2hf1 crystal structure of the putative tetraacyldisaccharide-1-p 4-kinase from chromobacterium violaceum. nesg target cvr39.
2hf2 domain shifting confirms monomeric structure of escherichia sugar phosphatase suph
2hf7 transition state analogue of apha class b acid phosphatase/phosphotransferase (aluminium fluoride complex)
2hf8 crystal structure of hypb from methanocaldococcus jannaschii in the triphosphate form, in complex with zinc
2hf9 crystal structure of hypb from methanocaldococcus jannaschii in the triphosphate form
2hfb crystal structure of selenomethionine-labelled rafe from streptococcus pneumoniae
2hfj pikromycin thioesterase with covalent pentaketide affinity label
2hfk pikromycin thioesterase in complex with product 10- deoxymethynolide
2hfp crystal structure of ppar gamma with n-sulfonyl-2-indole carboxamide ligands
2hfs crystal structure of l. major mevalonate kinase
2hfu crystal structure of l. major mevalonate kinase in complex with r-mevalonate
2hg1 n-domain of grp94 in complex with the novel ligand n-(2- hydroxyl)ethyl carboxyamido adenosine
2hg8 crystal structure of cys315ala mutant of human mitochondrial branched chain aminotransferase complexed with its substrate mimic, n-methyl leucine.
2hgw crystal structure of cys318ala mutant of human mitochondrial branched chain aminotransferase
2hgx crystal structure of cys315ala mutant of human mitochondrial branched chain aminotransferase
2hh4 nmr structure of human insulin mutant gly-b8-d-ser, his-b10- asp pro-b28-lys, lys-b29-pro, 20 structures
2hh5 crystal structure of cathepsin s in complex with a zinc mediated non-covalent arylaminoethyl amide
2hh9 thiamin pyrophosphokinase from candida albicans
2hha the structure of dpp4 in complex with an oxadiazole inhibitor
2hhf x-ray crystal structure of oxidized human mitochondrial branched chain aminotransferase (hbcatm)
2hhj human bisphosphoglycerate mutase complexed with 2,3- bisphosphoglycerate (15 days)
2hhm structure of inositol monophosphatase, the putative target of lithium therapy
2hhn cathepsin s in complex with non covalent arylaminoethyl amide.
2hho nmr structure of human insulin mutant gly-b8-ser, his-b10- asp pro-b28-lys, lys-b29-pro, 20 structures
2hi0 crystal structure of putative phosphoglycolate phosphatase (yp_619066.1) from lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus atcc baa-365 at 1.51 a resolution
2hi1 the structure of a putative 4-hydroxythreonine-4-phosphate dehydrogenase from salmonella typhimurium.
2hi7 crystal structure of dsba-dsbb-ubiquinone complex
2hi8 human formylglycine generating enzyme, c336s mutant, bromide co- crystallization
2hig crystal structure of phosphofructokinase apoenzyme from trypanosoma brucei.
2hih crystal structure of staphylococcus hyicus lipase
2hij crystal structure of p14 alanine variant of antithrombin
2hin structure of n15 cro at 1.05 a: an ortholog of lambda cro with a completely different but equally effective dimerization mechanism
2hip the molecular structure of the high potential iron-sulfur protein isolated from ectothiorhodospira halophila determined at 2.5-angstroms resolution
2hiq crystal structure of jw1657 from escherichia coli
2hiu nmr structure of human insulin in 20% acetic acid, zinc- free, 10 structures
2hiw crystal structure of inactive conformation abl kinase catalytic domain complexed with type ii inhibitor
2hj0 crystal structure of the putative alfa subunit of citrate lyase in complex with citrate from streptococcus mutans, northeast structural genomics target smr12 (casp target).
2hj1 crystal structure of a 3d domain-swapped dimer of protein hi0395 from haemophilus influenzae
2hj3 structure of the arabidopsis thaliana erv1 thiol oxidase
2hjh crystal structure of the sir2 deacetylase
2hjv structure of the second domain (residues 207-368) of the bacillus subtilis yxin protein
2hk2 crystal structure of mevalonate diphosphate decarboxylase from staphylococcus aureus (monoclinic form)
2hk3 crystal structure of mevalonate diphosphate decarboxylase from staphylococcus aureus (orthorhombic form)
2hk7 crystal structure of shikimate dehydrogenase from aquifex aeolicus in complex with mercury at 2.5 angstrom resolution
2hke mevalonate diphosphate decarboxylase from trypanosoma brucei
2hkh crystal structure of the fab m75
2hkn crystal structure of the cap-gly domain of human dynactin-1 (p150- glued)
2hkq crystal structure of the c-terminal domain of human eb1 in complex with the cap-gly domain of human dynactin-1 (p150-glued)
2hku structural genomics, the crystal structure of a putative transcriptional regulator from rhodococcus sp. rha1
2hkx structure of cooa mutant (n127l/s128l) from carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans
2hl1 crystal structure of the editing domain of threonyl-trna synthetase from pyrococcus abyssi in complex with seryl-3'- aminoadenosine
2hl2 crystal structure of the editing domain of threonyl-trna synthetase from pyrococcus abyssi in complex with an analog of seryladenylate
2hl6 structure of homologously expressed ferrulate esterase of aspergillus niger in complex with caps
2hla specificity pockets for the side chains of peptide antigens in hla-aw68
2hlc hl collagenase structure at 1.7a resolution
2hle structural and biophysical characterization of the ephb4-ephrinb2 protein protein interaction and receptor specificity.
2hlp crystal structure of the e267r mutant of a halophilic malate dehydrogenase in the apo form
2hls the crystal structure of a protein disulfide oxidoreductase from aeropyrum pernix k1
2hmh crystal structure of socs3 in complex with gp130(ptyr757) phosphopeptide.
2hmj crystal structure of the naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase phe-352-val mutant.
2hmk crystal structure of naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase bound to phenanthrene
2hml crystal structure of the naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase f352v mutant bound to phenanthrene.
2hmm crystal structure of naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase bound to anthracene
2hmn crystal structure of the naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase f352v mutant bound to anthracene.
2hmo crystal structure of naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase bound to 3- nitrotoluene.
2hmp uncomplexed actin cleaved with protease ecp32
2hmt diamond-shaped octameric ring structure of an rck domain with nadh bound
2hmu diamond-shaped octameric ring structure of an rck domain with atp bound
2hmv diamond-shaped octameric ring structure of an rck domain with adp bound
2hmw square-shaped octameric ring structure of an rck domain with atp bound
2hnd crystal structure of k101e mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with nevirapine
2hni crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3, k111a mutation
2hnl structure of the prostaglandin d synthase from the parasitic nematode onchocerca volvulus
2hny crystal structure of e138k mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with nevirapine
2hnz crystal structure of e138k mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with pett-2
2ho1 functional characterization of pseudomonas aeruginosa pilf
2ho2 structure of human fe65-ww domain in complex with hmena peptide.
2ho4 crystal structure of protein from mouse mm.236127
2ho5 crystal structure of oxidoreductase, gfo/idh/moca family from streptococcus pneumoniae
2how dipeptidase (ph0974) from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2hoy inter-subunit signaling in gsam
2hoz inter-subunit signaling in gsam
2hp0 crystal structure of iminodisuccinate epimerase
2hp1 inter-subunit signaling in gsam
2hp2 inter-subunit signaling in gsam
2hp3 crystal structure of iminodisuccinate epimerase
2hp4 computational design and crystal structure of an enhanced affinity mutant human cd8-alpha-alpha co-receptor
2hp6 crystal structure of the oxa-10 w154a mutant at ph 7.5
2hp9 crystal structure of the oxa-10 w154a mutant at ph 6.0
2hpb crystal structure of the oxa-10 w154a mutant at ph 9.0
2hpd crystal structure of hemoprotein domain of p450bm-3, a prototype for microsomal p450's
2hpl crystal structure of the mouse p97/pngase complex
2hpy crystallographic model of lumirhodopsin
2hpz crystal structure of proteinase k complex with a synthetic peptide klkllvvirlk at 1.69 a resolution
2hq4 crystal structure of orf 1580 a hypothetical protein from pyrococcus horikoshii
2hq7 crystal structure of protein related to general stress protein 26(gs26) of b.subtilis (pyridoxinephosphate oxidase family) (np_350077.1) from clostridium acetobutylicum at 2.00 a resolution
2hq8 crystal structure of coelenterazine-binding protein from renilla muelleri in the ca loaded apo form
2hq9 crystal structure of a fad-binding protein (mll6688) from mesorhizobium loti at 1.95 a resolution
2hqe crystal structure of human p100 tudor domain: large fragment
2hqm crystal structure of glutathione reductase glr1 from the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae
2hqo structure of a atypical orphan response regulator protein revealed a new phosphorylation-independent regulatory mechanism
2hqr structure of a atypical orphan response regulator protein revealed a new phosphorylation-independent regulatory mechanism
2hqw crystal structure of ca2+/calmodulin bound to nmda receptor nr1c1 peptide
2hqx crystal structure of human p100 tudor domain conserved region
2hqy crystal structure of conserved protein of unknown function from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482
2hr0 structure of complement c3b: insights into complement activation and regulation
2hr5 pf1283- rubrerythrin from pyrococcus furiosus iron bound form
2hr7 insulin receptor (domains 1-3)
2hr8 crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2hra crystal structures of the interacting domains from yeast glutamyl-trna synthetase and trna aminoacylation and nuclear export cofactor arc1p reveal a novel function for an old fold
2hrc 1.7 angstrom structure of human ferrochelatase variant r115l
2hrk structural basis of yeast aminoacyl-trna synthetase complex formation revealed by crystal structures of two binary sub- complexes
2hrv 2a cysteine proteinase from human rhinovirus 2
2hs1 ultra-high resolution x-ray crystal structure of hiv-1 protease v32i mutant with tmc114 (darunavir) inhibitor
2hs2 crystal structure of m46l mutant of hiv-1 protease complexed with tmc114 (darunavir)
2hs6 crystal structure of the e291k mutant of 12- oxophytodienoate reductase 3 (opr3) from tomato
2hs8 crystal structure of the y364f mutant of 12- oxophytodienoate reductase 3 from tomato
2hsa crystal structure of 12-oxophytodienoate reductase 3 (opr3) from tomato
2hsi crystal structure of putative peptidase m23 from pseudomonas aeruginosa, new york structural genomics consortium
2hsm structural basis of yeast aminoacyl-trna synthetase complex formation revealed by crystal structures of two binary sub- complexes
2hsn structural basis of yeast aminoacyl-trna synthetase complex formation revealed by crystal structures of two binary sub- complexes
2hsq human vinculin (head domain, vh1, residues 1-258) in complex with shigella's ipaa vinculin binding site 2 (residues 565-587)
2hsw crystal structure of the uridine phosphorylase from salmonella typhimurium in unliganded state at 1.99a resolution
2hsz crystal structure of a predicted phosphoglycolate phosphatase (hs_0176) from haemophilus somnus 129pt at 1.90 a resolution
2ht6 crystal structure of human gem g-domain bound to gdp
2hta crystal structure of a putative mutarotase (yead) from salmonella typhimurium in orthorhombic form
2htd crystal structure of a putative pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase (ldb0262) from lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. at 1.60 a resolution
2hth structural basis for ubiquitin recognition by the human eap45/escrt-ii glue domain
2hu2 ctbp/bars in ternary complex with nad(h) and rrtgappal peptide
2hu5 binding of inhibitors by acylaminoacyl-peptidase
2hu7 binding of inhibitors by acylaminoacyl peptidase
2hu8 binding of inhibitors by acylaminoacyl peptidase
2hu9 x-ray structure of the archaeoglobus fulgidus copz n- terminal domain
2huf crystal structure of aedes aegypti alanine glyoxylate aminotransferase
2hug 3d solution structure of the chromo-2 domain of cpsrp43 complexed with cpsrp54 peptide
2hui crystal structure of aedes aegypti alanine glyoxylate aminotransferase in complex with glyoxylic acid
2hum crystal structure of t4 lysozyme d72c synthetic dimer
2hun crystal structure of hypothetical protein ph0414 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2hup crystal structure of human rab43 in complex with gdp
2huq crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2hut crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2huu crystal structure of aedes aegypti alanine glyoxylate aminotransferase in complex with alanine
2huv crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2huw x-ray crystal structure of the grb2 sh2 domain complexed to a constrained and cyclopropane-derived ligand
2hux crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2huz crystal structure of gnpnat1
2hv1 haddock structure of arnt pas-b homodimer
2hv6 crystal structure of the phosphotyrosyl phosphatase activator
2hvg crystal structure of adenylosuccinate lyase from plasmodium vivax
2hvv crystal structure of dcmp deaminase from streptococcus mutans
2hw6 crystal structure of mnk1 catalytic domain
2hw9 crystal structure of lys12cys/cys117val mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor at 1.60 angstrom resolution.
2hwa crystal structure of lys12thr/cys117val mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor at 1.65 angstrom resolution.
2hwg structure of phosphorylated enzyme i of the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system
2hwh hcv ns5b allosteric inhibitor complex
2hwi hcv ns5b allosteric inhibitor complex
2hwm crystal structure of lys12val/cys117val mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor at 1.60 angstrom resolution
2hwo crystal structure of src kinase domain in complex with covalent inhibitor
2hwp crystal structure of src kinase domain in complex with covalent inhibitor pd168393
2hwq structural basis for the structure-activity relationships of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor agonists
2hwr structural basis for the structure-activity relationships of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor agonists
2hwy structure of pin domain of human smg5.
2hwz fab fragment of humanized anti-viral antibody medi-493 (synagis tm)
2hx2 bovine enos heme domain complexed with (4s)-n-{4-amino-5-[(2- aminoethyl)-hydroxyamino]-pentyl}-n'-nitroguanidine
2hx3 rat nnos heme domain complexed with (4s)-n-{4-amino-5-[(2-aminoethyl)- hydroxyamino]-pentyl}-n'-nitroguanidine
2hx4 rat nnos heme domain complexed with 4-n-(nw-nitro-l-argininyl)-trans- 4-hydroxyamino-l-proline amide
2hxi structural genomics, the crystal structure of a putative transcriptional regulator from streptomyces coelicolor a3(2)
2hxo structure of the transcriptional regulator sco7222, a tetr from streptomyces coelicolor
2hxr structure of the ligand binding domain of e. coli cynr, a transcriptional regulator controlling cyanate metabolism
2hxw crystal structure of peb3 from campylobacter jejuni
2hxx aminotryptophan barstar
2hy3 crystal structure of the human tyrosine receptor phosphate gamma in complex with vanadate
2hyd multidrug abc transporter sav1866
2hym nmr based docking model of the complex between the human type i interferon receptor and human interferon alpha-2
2hyq crystal structure of a complex of griffithsin with 6alpha-mannobiose
2hyr crystal structure of a complex of griffithsin with maltose
2hz0 abl kinase domain in complex with nvp-aeg082
2hz5 crystal structure of human dynein light chain dnlc2a
2hz9 crystal structure of lys12val/asn95val/cys117val mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor at 1.70 angstrom resolution.
2hza nickel-bound full-length escherichia coli nikr
2hze crystal structures of a poxviral glutaredoxin in the oxidized and reduced states show redox-correlated structural changes
2hzf crystal structures of a poxviral glutaredoxin in the oxidized and reduced states show redox-correlated structural changes
2hzg crystal stucture of predicted mandelate racemase from rhodobacter sphaeroides
2hzi abl kinase domain in complex with pd180970
2hzl crystal structures of a sodium-alpha-keto acid binding subunit from a trap transporter in its closed forms
2hzy mouse fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase complexes with a transition-state mimic of the complete substrate
2i02 crystal structure of a pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase-like family protein (npun_r6570) from nostoc punctiforme pcc 73102 at 1.80 a resolution
2i07 human complement component c3b
2i0a crystal structure of kb-19 complexed with wild type hiv-1 protease
2i0c crystal structure of the glur6 ligand binding core dimer crosslinked by disulfide bonds between y490c and l752c at 2.25 angstroms resolution
2i0d crystal structure of ad-81 complexed with wild type hiv-1 protease
2i0e structure of catalytic domain of human protein kinase c beta ii complexed with a bisindolylmaleimide inhibitor
2i0g benzopyrans are selective estrogen receptor beta agonists (serbas) with novel activity in models of benign prostatic hyperplasia
2i0u crystal structures of phospholipases a2 from vipera nikolskii venom revealing triton x-100 bound in hydrophobic channel
2i10 putative tetr transcriptional regulator from rhodococcus sp. rha1
2i19 t. brucei farnesyl diphosphate synthase complexed with bisphosphonate
2i1l crystal structure of the c2 form of fad synthetase from thermotoga maritima
2i1n crystal structure of the 1st pdz domain of human dlg3
2i1r novel thiazolones as hcv ns5b polymerase inhibitors: further designs, synthesis, sar and x-ray complex structure
2i1s crystal structure of protein of unknown function mm3350 from methanosarcina mazei go1
2i1y crystal structure of the phosphatase domain of human ptp ia-2
2i27 crystal structure analysis of the nurse shark new antigen receptor ancestral variable domain
2i2o crystal structure of an eif4g-like protein from danio rerio
2i2s crystal structure of the porcine crw-8 rotavirus vp8* carbohydrate- recognising domain
2i33 the structure of the class c acid phosphatase from bacillus anthracis
2i34 the crystal structure of class c acid phosphatase from bacillus anthracis with tungstate bound
2i3c crystal structure of an aspartoacylase from homo sapiens
2i3d crystal structure of protein of unknown function atu1826, a putative alpha/beta hydrolase from agrobacterium tumefaciens
2i3f crystal structure of a glycolipid transfer-like protein from galdieria sulphuraria
2i3g crystal structure of n-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate reductase (rv1652) from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with nadp+.
2i3i structure of an ml-iap/xiap chimera bound to a peptidomimetic
2i3r engineered catalytic domain of protein tyrosine phosphatase hptpbeta
2i3w measurement of conformational changes accompanying desensitization in an ionotropic glutamate receptor: structure of s729c mutant
2i3z rat dpp-iv with xanthine mimetic inhibitor #7
2i46 crystal structure of human tpp1
2i4d crystal structure of wt hiv-1 protease with gs-8373
2i4e structural studies of protein tyrosine phosphatase beta catalytic domain in complex with inhibitors
2i4j crystal structure of the complex between ppargamma and the agonist lt160 (ureidofibrate derivative)
2i4p crystal structure of the complex between ppargamma and the partial agonist lt127 (ureidofibrate derivative). structure obtained from crystals of the apo-form soaked for 30 days.
2i4q human renin/pf02342674 complex
2i4r crystal structure of the v-type atp synthase subunit f from archaeoglobus fulgidus. nesg target gr52a.
2i4s pdz domain of epsc from vibrio cholerae, residues 204-305
2i4u hiv-1 protease with tmc-126
2i4v hiv-1 protease i84v, l90m with tmc126
2i4w hiv-1 protease wt with gs-8374
2i4x hiv-1 protease i84v, l90m with gs-8374
2i4z crystal structure of the complex between ppargamma and the partial agonist lt127 (ureidofibrate derivative). this structure has been obtained from crystals soaked for 6 hours.
2i51 crystal structure of a pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase-related, fmn binding protein (npun_f5749) from nostoc punctiforme pcc 73102 at 1.40 a resolution
2i58 crystal structure of rafe from streptococcus pneumoniae complexed with raffinose
2i5e crystal structure of a protein of unknown function mm2497 from methanosarcina mazei go1, probable nucleotidyltransferase
2i5g crystal strcuture of amidohydrolase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2i5i crystal structure of a putative cellobiose-phosphate cleavage protein (ef3048) from enterococcus faecalis v583 at 1.70 a resolution
2i5j crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with dhbnh, an rnase h inhibitor
2i5k crystal structure of ugp1p
2i5p crystal structure of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase isoform 1 from k. marxianus
2i5q crystal structure of apo l-rhamnonate dehydratase from escherichia coli
2i5t crystal structure of hypothetical protein loc79017 from homo sapiens
2i5x engineering the ptpbeta catalytic domain with improved crystallization properties
2i65 structural basis for the mechanistic understanding human cd38 controlled multiple catalysis
2i66 structural basis for the mechanistic understanding human cd38 controlled multiple catalysis
2i67 structural basis for the mechanistic understanding human cd38 controlled multiple catalysis
2i68 cryo-em based theoretical model structure of transmembrane domain of the multidrug-resistance antiporter from e. coli emre
2i6g crystal structure of a putative methyltransferase (tehb, stm1608) from salmonella typhimurium lt2 at 1.90 a resolution
2i6h structure of protein of unknown function atu0120 from agrobacterium tumefaciens
2i6k crystal structure of human type i ipp isomerase complexed with a substrate analog
2i6l crystal structure of human mitogen activated protein kinase 6 (mapk6)
2i6o crystal structure of the complex of the archaeal sulfolobus ptp-fold phosphatase with phosphopeptides n-g-(p)y-k-n
2i6t orthorhombic structure of the ldh domain of human ubiquitin- conjugating enzyme e2-like isoform a
2i71 crystal structure of a conserved protein of unknown function from sulfolobus solfataricus p2
2i72 ampc beta-lactamase in complex with 5-diformylaminomethyl- benzo[b]thiophen-2-boronic acid
2i74 crystal structure of mouse peptide n-glycanase c-terminal domain in complex with mannopentaose
2i76 crystal structure of protein tm1727 from thermotoga maritima
2i7d structure of human cytosolic deoxyribonucleotidase in complex with deoxyuridine, alf4 and mg2+
2i7f sphingomonas yanoikuyae b1 ferredoxin
2i7g crystal structure of monooxygenase from agrobacterium tumefaciens
2i7n crystal structure of human pank1 alpha: the catalytic core domain in complex with accoa
2i7r conserved domain protein
2i7u structural and dynamical analysis of a four-alpha-helix bundle with designed anesthetic binding pockets
2i80 allosteric inhibition of staphylococcus aureus d-alanine:d-alanine ligase revealed by crystallographic studies
2i87 allosteric inhibition of staphylococcus aureus d-alanine:d-alanine ligase revealed by crystallographic studies
2i8b crystal structure of the c-terminal domain of ebola virus vp30
2i8c allosteric inhibition of staphylococcus aureus d-alanine:d-alanine ligase revealed by crystallographic studies
2i8d crystal structure of an uncharacterized conserved protein of cog5646 (zp_00384875.1) from lactobacillus casei atcc 334 at 1.69 a resolution
2i8t gdp-mannose mannosyl hydrolase-calcium-gdp-mannose complex
2i8u gdp-mannose mannosyl hydrolase-calcium-gdp product complex
2i94 nmr structure of recoverin bound to rhodopsin kinase
2i99 crystal structure of human mu_crystallin at 2.6 angstrom
2i9u crystal structure of guanine deaminase from c. acetobutylicum with bound guanine in the active site
2i9x structural genomics, the crystal structure of spovg conserved domain from staphylococcus epidermidis atcc 12228
2i9z structural genomics, the crystal structure of full-length spovg from staphylococcus epidermidis atcc 12228
2ia0 transcriptional regulatory protein pf0864 from pyrococcus furiosus a member of the asnc family (pf0864)
2ia1 crystal structure of protein bh3703 from bacillus halodurans, pfam duf600
2ia4 crystal structure of novel amino acid binding protein from shigella flexneri
2iab crystal structure of a protein with fmn-binding split barrel fold (np_828636.1) from streptomyces avermitilis at 2.00 a resolution
2iad class ii mhc i-ad in complex with an influenza hemagglutinin peptide 126-138
2iag crystal structure of human prostacyclin synthase
2iah crystal structure of the ferripyoverdine receptor of the outer membrane of pseudomonas aeruginosa bound to ferripyoverdine.
2iaj crystal structure of k103n/y181c mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with atp
2ib0 crystal structure of a conserved hypothetical protein, rv2844, from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2ibd crystal structure of probable transcriptional regulatory protein rha5900
2ibi covalent ubiquitin-usp2 complex
2ibm a novel dimer interface and conformational changes revealed by an x- ray structure of b. subtilis seca
2ibn crystal structure of human myo-inositol oxygenase (miox)
2ibp crystal structure of citrate synthase from pyrobaculum aerophilum
2ic2 crystal structure of the first fniii domain of ihog
2ic3 crystal structure of k103n/y181c mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with nonnucleoside inhibitor hby 097
2ic5 crystal structure of human rac3 grown in the presence of gpp(nh)p.
2ic6 the coiled-coil domain (residues 1-75) structure of the sin nombre virus nucleocapsid protein
2ic9 the coiled-coil domain (residues 1-93) structure of the sin nombre virus nucleocapsid protein
2ich crystal structure of a putative atth (ne1406) from nitrosomonas europaea at 2.00 a resolution
2icu crystal structure of hypothetical protein yedk from escherichia coli
2icx crystal structure of a putative udp-glucose pyrophosphorylase from arabidopsis thaliana with bound utp
2icy crystal structure of a putative udp-glucose pyrophosphorylase from arabidopsis thaliana with bound udp- glucose
2id1 x-ray crystal structure of protein cv0518 from chromobacterium violaceum, northeast structural genomics consortium target cvr5.
2id3 crystal structure of transcriptional regulator sco5951 from streptomyces coelicolor a3(2)
2idf p. aeruginosa azurin n42c/m64e double mutant, bmme-linked dimer
2idl crystal structure of conserved protein of unknown function from streptococcus pneumoniae
2idr crystal structure of translation initiation factor eif4e from wheat
2idw crystal structure analysis of hiv-1 protease mutant v82a with a potent non-peptide inhibitor (uic-94017)
2ie4 structure of the protein phosphatase 2a core enzyme bound to okadaic acid
2iea e. coli pyruvate dehydrogenase
2iee crystal structure of yckb_bacsu from bacillus subtilis. northeast structural genomics consortium target sr574.
2ieg crystal structure of rabbit muscle glycogen phosphorylase in complex with 3,4-dihydro-2-quinolone
2ieh crystal structure of human kinesin eg5 in complex with (r)- mon97, a new monastrol-based inhibitor that binds as (r)- enantiomer
2iei crystal structure of rabbit muscle glycogen phosphorylase in complex with 3,4-dihydro-2-quinolone
2iej human protein farnesyltransferase complexed with inhibitor compound stn-48 and fpp analog at 1.8a resolution
2iel crystal structure of tt0030 from thermus thermophilus
2ien crystal structure analysis of hiv-1 protease with a potent non-peptide inhibitor (uic-94017)
2ieo crystal structure analysis of hiv-1 protease mutant i84v with a potent non-peptide inhibitor (uic-94017)
2iep crystal structure of immunoglobulin-like domains 1 and 2 of the receptor tyrosine kinase musk
2ier crystal structure of aquifex aeolicus lpxc complexed with uridine 5'- diphosphate
2ies crystal structure of aquifex aeolicus lpxc complexed with pyrophosphate
2iew crystal structure of inositol phosphate multikinase ipk2 from s. cerevisiae
2iey crystal structure of mouse rab27b bound to gdp in hexagonal space group
2if0 crystal structure of mouse rab27b bound to gdp in monoclinic space group
2if6 crystal structure of metalloprotein yiix from escherichia coli o157:h7, duf1105
2if8 crystal structure of inositol phosphate multikinase ipk2 in complex with adp and mn2+ from s. cerevisiae
2if9 crystal structure of sv40 t-antigen origin binding domain disulfide-linked dimer
2ifr crystal structure of scytalido-glutamic peptidase with a peptide based transition state analog
2ift crystal structure of putative methylase hi0767 from haemophilus influenzae. nesg target ir102.
2ifx crystal structure of a putative 4-methylmuconolactone methylisomerase (yp_295714.1) from ralstonia eutropha jmp134 at 2.00 a resolution
2ig0 structure of 53bp1/methylated histone peptide complex
2ig2 dir primaerstruktur des kristallisierbaren monoklonalen immunoglobulins igg1 kol. ii. aminosaeuresequenz der l- kette, lambda-typ, subgruppe i (german)
2ig3 crystal structure of group iii truncated hemoglobin from campylobacter jejuni
2ig6 crystal structure of a nimc/nima family protein (ca_c2569) from clostridium acetobutylicum at 1.80 a resolution
2ig7 crystal structure of human choline kinase b
2igb crystal structure of pyrr, the regulator of the pyrimidine biosynthetic operon in bacillus caldolyticus, ump-bound form
2igi crystal structure of e. coli oligoribonuclease
2igq human euchromatic histone methyltransferase 1
2igy achiral, cheap and potent inhibitors of plasmepsins ii
2ih8 a low-dose crystal structure of a recombinant melanocarpus albomyces laccase
2ih9 a high-dose crystal structure of a recombinant melanocarbus albomyces laccase
2ihb crystal structure of the heterodimeric complex of human rgs10 and activated gi alpha 3
2ihp yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase with magnesium and phosphate
2ihy structure of the staphylococcus aureus putative atpase subunit of an atp-binding cassette (abc) transporter
2iij structure of human asf1a in complex with histone h3
2iik crystal structure of human peroxisomal acetyl-coa acyl transferase 1 (acaa1)
2iiq crystal structure of pasteurella multocida sialyltransferase in an open conformation with cmp bound
2iit human dipeptidyl peptidase 4 in complex with a diazepan-2-one inhibitor
2iiv human dipeptidyl peptidase 4 in complex with a diazepan-2-one inhibitor
2ij2 atomic structure of the heme domain of flavocytochrome p450- bm3
2ij3 structure of the a264h mutant of cytochrome p450 bm3
2ij4 structure of the a264k mutant of cytochrome p450 bm3
2ij9 crystal structure of uridylate kinase from archaeoglobus fulgidus
2ijd crystal structure of the poliovirus precursor protein 3cd
2ijk structure of a rom protein dimer at 1.55 angstrom resolution
2ijl the structure of a putative mode from agrobacterium tumefaciens.
2ijm crystal structure of focal adhesion kinase domain with 2 molecules in the asymmetric unit complexed with adp and atp
2ijn isothiazoles as active-site inhibitors of hcv ns5b polymerase
2ijq crystal structure of protein rrnac1037 from haloarcula marismortui, pfam duf309
2ik0 yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase variant e48d with magnesium and phosphate
2ik1 yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase variant y93f with magnesium and phosphate
2ik2 yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase variant d115e with magnesium and phosphate
2ik4 yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase variant d117e with magnesium and phosphate
2ik6 yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase variant d120e with magnesium and phosphate
2ik7 yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase variant d120n with magnesium and phosphate
2ik9 yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase variant d152e with magnesium and phosphate
2ikc crystal structure of sheep lactoperoxidase at 3.25 a resolution reveals the binding sites for formate
2ikf terminal uridylyl transferase 4 from trypanosoma brucei with bound utp
2ikk structural genomics, the crystal structure of the c- terminal domain of yurk from bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168
2iko crystal structure of human renin complexed with inhibitor
2iks crystal structure of n-terminal truncated dna-binding transcriptional dual regulator from escherichia coli k12
2iku crystal structure of human renin complexed with inhibitors
2il2 crystal structure of human renin complexed with inhibitor
2il3 structures of an insect epsilon-class glutathione s- transferase from the malaria vector anopheles gambiae: evidence for high ddt-detoxifying activity
2il8 three-dimensional structure of interleukin 8 in solution
2ilm factor inhibiting hif-1 alpha d201a mutant in complex with fe(ii), alpha-ketoglutarate and hif-1 alpha 35mer
2ilp clostridium botulinum serotype a light chain inhibited by 4- chlorocinnamic hydroxamate
2im8 x-ray crystal structure of protein yppe from bacillus subtilis. northeast structural genomics consortium target sr213.
2ima clostridium botulinum neurotoxin serotype a light chain inhibited by 2,4-dichlorocinnamic hydroxamate
2imb clostridium botulinum neurotoxin serotype a light chain inhibited by l-arginine hydroxamate
2imc clostridium botulinum neurotoxin serotype a light chain, residues 1-424
2imh crystal structure of protein spo2555 from silicibacter pomeroyi, pfam duf1028
2imi structures of an insect epsilon-class glutathione s- transferase from the malaria vector anopheles gambiae: evidence for high ddt-detoxifying activity
2imk structures of an insect epsilon-class glutathione s- transferase from the malaria vector anopheles gambiae: evidence for high ddt-detoxifying activity
2imo crystal structure of allantoate amidohydrolase from escherichia coli at ph 4.6
2imz crystal structure of mtu reca intein splicing domain
2in5 crystal structure of the hypothetical lipoprotein ymcc from escherichia coli (k12), northeast structural genomics target er552.
2inq neutron crystal structure of escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase bound to the anti-cancer drug, methotrexate
2inw crystal structure of q83jn9 from shigella flexneri at high resolution. northeast structural genomics consortium target sfr137.
2io0 crystal structure of human senp2 in complex with presumo-2
2io7 e. coli bifunctional glutathionylspermidine synthetase/amidase incomplex with mg2+ and amppnp
2io8 e. coli bifunctional glutathionylspermidine synthetase/amidase incomplex with mg2+ and adp
2io9 e. coli bifunctional glutathionylspermidine synthetase/amidase incomplex with mg2+ ,gsh and adp
2ioa e. coli bifunctional glutathionylspermidine synthetase/amidase incomplex with mg2+ and adp and phosphinate inhibitor
2iob e. coli bifunctional glutathionylspermidine synthetase/amidase apo protein
2ioc the crystal structure of trex1 explains the 3' nucleotide specificity and reveals a polyproline ii helix for protein partenring
2iof crystal structure of phosphonoacetaldehyde hydrolase with sodium borohydride-reduced substrate intermediate
2ioj crystal structure of protein af1212 from archaeoglobus fulgidus, pfam drtgg
2iok human estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain in complex with compound 1d
2iol crystal structure of the c-terminal ma3 domain of pdcd4 (mouse); form 1
2ioq crystal structure of full-length htpg, the escherichia coli hsp90
2ioy crystal structure of thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis ribose binding protein
2ip2 structure of the pyocyanin biosynthetic protein phzm
2ip4 crystal structure of glycinamide ribonucleotide synthetase from thermus thermophilus hb8
2ipa solution structure of trx-arsc complex
2ipf crystal structure of 17alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in complex with nadp+ and epi-testosterone
2ipg crystal structure of 17alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase mutant k31a in complex with nadp+ and epi-testosterone
2iph x-ray structure at 1.75 a resolution of a norovirus protease linked to an active site directed peptide inhibitor
2ipj crystal structure of h3alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 3 mutant y24a in complex with nadp+ and epi-testosterone
2ipp crystal structure of the tetragonal form of human liver cathepsin b
2ipr origin binding domain of the sv40 large t antigen (residues 131-259). p21 crystal form
2ipt pfa1 fab fragment
2iq5 unliganded crystal structure of the uridine phosphorylase from salmonella typhimurium at 1.90 a resolution
2iq6 crystal structure of the aminopeptidase from vibrio proteolyticus in complexation with leucyl-leucyl-leucine.
2iq9 pfa2 fab fragment, triclinic apo form
2iqf crystal structure of helicobacter pylori catalase compound i
2iqj crystal structure of the gap domain of smap1l (loc64744) stromal membrane-associated protein 1-like
2iqq the crystal structure of iron, sulfur-dependent l-serine dehydratase from legionella pneumophila subsp. pneumophila
2irp crystal structure of the l-fuculose-1-phosphate aldolase (aq_1979) from aquifex aeolicus vf5
2irt initial crystallographic analyses of a recombinant interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein
2iru crystal structure of the polymerase domain from mycobacterium tuberculosis ligase d
2irv crystal structure of glpg, a rhomboid intramembrane serine protease
2iry crystal structure of the polymerase domain from mycobacterium tuberculosis ligase d with dgtp and manganese.
2isd phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase c-delta1 from rat
2ise botulinum neurotoxin a light chain wt crystal form a
2isg botulinum neurotoxin a light chain wt crystal form b
2ish botulinum neurotoxin a light chain wt crystal form c
2ism crystal structure of the putative oxidoreductase (glucose dehydrogenase) (ttha0570) from thermus theromophilus hb8
2isn crystal structure of a phosphatase from a pathogenic strain toxoplasma gondii
2isq crystal structure of o-acetylserine sulfhydrylase from arabidopsis thaliana in complex with c-terminal peptide from arabidopsis serine acetyltransferase
2isv structure of giardia fructose-1,6-biphosphate aldolase in complex with phosphoglycolohydroxamate
2isw structure of giardia fructose-1,6-biphosphate aldolase in complex with phosphoglycolohydroxamate
2isy crystal structure of the nickel-activated two-domain iron- dependent regulator (ider)
2it1 structure of ph0203 protein from pyrococcus horikoshii
2it2 structure of ph1069 protein from pyrococcus horikoshii
2it3 structure of ph1069 protein from pyrococcus horikoshii
2it4 x ray structure of the complex between carbonic anhydrase i and the phosphonate antiviral drug foscarnet
2itb crystal structure of a putative trna-(ms(2)io(6)a)-hydroxylase (pp_2188) from pseudomonas putida kt2440 at 2.05 a resolution
2ite crystal structure of the isda neat domain from staphylococcus aureus
2itj origin binding domain of the sv40 large t antigen (residues 131-259). p212121 crystal form
2itk human pin1 bound to d-peptide
2itm crystal structure of the e. coli xylulose kinase complexed with xylulose
2iu0 crystal structures of transition state analogue inhibitors of inosine monophosphate cyclohydrolase
2iu3 crystal structures of transition state analogue inhibitors of inosine monophosphate cyclohydrolase
2iu4 dihydroxyacetone kinase operon co-activator dha-dhaq
2iu5 dihydroxyacetone kinase operon activator dhas
2iu6 regulation of the dha operon of lactococcus lactis
2iuc structure of alkaline phosphatase from the antarctic bacterium tab5
2iuf the structures of penicillium vitale catalase: resting state, oxidised state (compound i) and complex with aminotriazole
2iuh crystal structure of the pi3-kinase p85 n-terminal sh2 domain in complex with c-kit phosphotyrosyl peptide
2iuk crystal structure of soybean lipoxygenase-d
2iut p. aeruginosa ftsk motor domain, dimeric
2iuy crystal structure of avigt4, a glycosyltransferase involved in avilamycin a biosynthesis
2iuz crystal structure of aspergillus fumigatus chitinase b1 in complex with c2-dicaffeine
2iv0 thermal stability of isocitrate dehydrogenase from archaeoglobus fulgidus studied by crystal structure analysis and engineering of chimers
2ivd structure of protoporphyrinogen oxidase from myxococcus xanthus with acifluorfen
2ive structure of protoporphyrinogen oxidase from myxococcus xanthus
2ivm crystal structure of a transcriptional regulator
2ivs crystal structure of non-phosphorylated ret tyrosine kinase domain
2ivx crystal structure of human cyclin t2 at 1.8 a resolution (casp target)
2iw2 crystal structure of human prolidase
2iw3 elongation factor 3 in complex with adp
2iw4 crystal structure of basillus subtilis family ii inorganic pyrophosphatase mutant, h98q, in complex with pnp
2iw5 structural basis for corest-dependent demethylation of nucleosomes by the human lsd1 histone demethylase
2iwb mecr1 unbound extracellular antibiotic-sensor domain.
2iwf resting form of pink nitrous oxide reductase from achromobacter cycloclastes
2iwh structure of yeast elongation factor 3 in complex with adpnp
2iwi crystal structure of the human pim2 in complex with a ruthenium organometallic ligand ru1
2iwk inhibitor-bound form of nitrous oxide reductase from achromobacter cycloclastes at 1.7 angstrom resolution
2iwo 12th pdz domain of multiple pdz domain protein mpdz (casp target)
2iwp 12th pdz domain of multiple pdz domain protein mpdz (casp target)
2iwt thioredoxin h2 (hvtrxh2) in a mixed disulfide complex with the target protein basi
2iww structure of the monomeric outer membrane porin ompg in the open and closed conformation
2iwy human mitochondrial beta-ketoacyl acp synthase
2ix3 structure of yeast elongation factor 3
2ix4 arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrial beta-ketoacyl acp synthase hexanoic acid complex
2ix9 respective role of protein folding and glycosylation in the thermal stability of recombinant feruloyl esterase a
2ixd crystal structure of the putative deacetylase bc1534 from bacilus cereus
2ixe crystal structure of the atpase domain of tap1 with atp (d645n mutant)
2ixi rmlc p aeruginosa with dtdp-xylose
2ixk rmlc p aeruginosa with dtdp-4-keto rhamnnose (the product of the reaction)
2ixn crystal structure of the pp2a phosphatase activator ypa2 ptpa2
2ixo crystal structure of the pp2a phosphatase activator ypa1 ptpa1
2ixq the solution structure of the invasive tip complex from afa-dr fibrils
2ixs structure of sdai restriction endonuclease
2ixt sphericase
2iy2 crystal structure of the n-terminal dimer domain of e.coli dsbg
2iy6 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase from thermus with bound citrate
2iya the crystal structure of macrolide glycosyltransferases: a blueprint for antibiotic engineering
2iyc senp1 native structure
2iyd senp1 covalent complex with sumo-2
2iye structure of catalytic cpx-atpase domain copb-b
2iyf the crystal structure of macrolide glycosyltransferases: a blueprint for antibiotic engineering
2iyg dark state structure of the bluf domain of the rhodobacterial protein appa
2iyi structure of a light-induced intermediate of the bluf domain of the rhodobacterial protein appa
2iyj crystal structure of the n-terminal dimer domain of e.coli dsbc
2iyk crystal structure of the upf2-interacting domain of nonsense mediated mrna decay factor upf1
2iyr shikimate kinase from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with shikimate
2iz6 structure of the chlamydomonas rheinhardtii moco carrier protein
2iz7 structure of moco carrier protein from chlamydomonas reinhardtii
2izc apostreptavidin ph 2.0 i222 complex
2izd apostreptavidin ph 3.0 i222 complex
2ize apostreptavidin ph 3.08 i222 complex
2izf streptavidin-biotin ph 4.0 i222 complex
2izg streptavidin-biotin ph 2.0 i222 complex
2izh streptavidin-biotin ph 10.44 i222 complex
2izl streptavidin-2-iminobiotin ph 7.3 i222 complex
2izp bipd - an invasion prtein associated with the type-iii secretion system of burkholderia pseudomallei.
2j05 crystal structure of the rasgap sh3 domain at 1.5 angstrom resolution
2j06 crystal structure of the rasgap sh3 domain at 1.8 angstrom resolution
2j0d crystal structure of human p450 3a4 in complex with erythromycin
2j0e three dimensional structure and catalytic mechanism of 6- phosphogluconolactonase from trypanosoma brucei
2j0k crystal structure of a fragment of focal adhesion kinase containing the ferm and kinase domains.
2j0m crystal structure a two-chain complex between the ferm and kinase domains of focal adhesion kinase.
2j0n a proteolytically truncated form of shigella flexneri ipad
2j0o shigella flexneri ipad
2j0x crystal structure of e. coli aspartokinase iii in complex with lysine and aspartate (t-state)
2j12 ad37 fibre head in complex with car d1
2j14 3,4,5-trisubstituted isoxazoles as novel ppardelta agonists: part2
2j16 apo & sulphate bound forms of sdp-1
2j17 ptyr bound form of sdp-1
2j1m p450 bm3 heme domain in complex with dmso
2j1p geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase from sinapis alba in complex with ggpp
2j1r structure of a streptococcus pneumoniae fucose binding module
2j1s structure of a streptococcus pneumoniae fucose binding module in complex with fucose
2j1t structure of a streptococcus pneumoniae fucose binding module in complex with the lewis y antigen
2j1u structure of a streptococcus pneumoniae fucose binding module in complex with the blood group a-tetrasaccharide
2j1v structure of a streptococcus pneumoniae fucose binding module in complex with the blood group h-trisaccharide
2j1w human p53 core domain mutant m133l-v143a-v203a-n239y-n268d
2j1x human p53 core domain mutant m133l-v203a-y220c-n239y-n268d
2j1z human p53 core domain mutant m133l-v203a-n239y-n268d-f270l
2j20 human p53 core domain mutant m133l-v203a-n239y-n268d-r273c
2j21 human p53 core domain mutant m133l-v203a-n239y-n268d-r282w
2j23 cross-reactivity and crystal structure of malassezia sympodialis thioredoxin (mala s 13), a member of a new pan- allergen family
2j24 the functional role of the conserved active site proline of triosephosphate isomerase
2j25 partially deglycosylated glucoceramidase
2j27 the functional role of the conserved active site proline of triosephosphate isomerase
2j2u crystal structure of a human factor xa inhibitor complex
2j2z x-ray structure of the chaperone papd in complex with the pilus terminator subunit paph at 2.3 angstrom resolution
2j30 the role of loop bundle hydrogen bonds in the maturation and activity of (pro)caspase-3
2j31 the role of loop bundle hydrogen bonds in the maturation and activity of(pro)caspase-3
2j32 the role of loop bundle hydrogen bonds in the maturation and activity of(pro)caspase-3
2j33 the role of loop bundle hydrogen bonds in the maturation and activity of (pro)caspase-3
2j34 crystal structure of a human factor xa inhibitor complex
2j38 crystal structure of a human factor xa inhibitor complex
2j3h crystal structure of arabidopsis thaliana double bond reductase (at5g16970)-apo form
2j3i crystal structure of arabidopsis thaliana double bond reductase (at5g16970)-binary complex
2j3j crystal structure of arabidopsis thaliana double bond reductase (at5g16970)-ternary complex i
2j3k crystal structure of arabidopsis thaliana double bond reductase (at5g16970)-ternary complex ii
2j3l prolyl-trna synthetase from enterococcus faecalis complexed with a prolyl-adenylate analogue ('5'-o-(n-(l-prolyl)- sulfamoyl)adenosine)
2j3m prolyl-trna synthetase from enterococcus faecalis complexed with atp, manganese and prolinol
2j3p crystal structure of rat fgf1 at 1.4 a
2j3r the crystal structure of the bet3-trs31 heterodimer.
2j3s crystal structure of the human filamin a ig domains 19 to 21
2j40 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase from thermus thermophilus with bound inhibitor l-proline and nad.
2j43 alpha-glucan recognition by family 41 carbohydrate-binding modules from streptococcal virulence factors
2j45 water structure of t. aquaticus ffh ng domain at 1.1a resolution
2j46 water structure of t. aquaticus ffh ng domain at 1.1a resolution
2j4d cryptochrome 3 from arabidopsis thaliana
2j4h crystal structure of a h121a escherichia coli dctp deaminase mutant enzyme
2j4i crystal structure of a human factor xa inhibitor complex
2j4q crystal structure of a e138a escherichia coli dctp deaminase mutant enzyme in complex with dttp
2j4r structural study of the aquifex aeolicus ppx-gppa enzyme
2j4s p450 bm3 heme domain in complex with dmso
2j4t biological and structural features of murine angiogenin-4, an angiogenic protein
2j4y crystal structure of a rhodopsin stabilizing mutant expressed in mammalian cells
2j4z structure of aurora-2 in complex with pha-680626
2j50 structure of aurora-2 in complex with pha-739358
2j5b structure of the tyrosyl trna synthetase from acanthamoeba polyphaga mimivirus complexed with tyrosynol
2j5c rational conversion of substrate and product specificity in a monoterpene synthase. structural insights into the molecular basis of rapid evolution.
2j5d nmr structure of bnip3 transmembrane domain in lipid bicelles
2j5n 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase from thermus thermophirus with bound inhibitor glysine and nad.
2j5s structural of abdh, a beta-diketone hydrolase from the cyanobacterium anabaena sp. pcc 7120 bound to (s)-3- oxocyclohexyl acetic acid
2j5u mrec lysteria monocytogenes
2j5v glutamate 5-kinase from escherichia coli complexed with glutamyl-5-phosphate and pyroglutamic acid
2j5x structure of the small g protein arf6 in complex with gtpgammas
2j5y crystal structure of the ga module from f.magna
2j62 structure of a bacterial o-glcnacase in complex with glcnacstatin
2j65 structure of lpxc from aquifex aeolicus in complex with udp
2j67 the tir domain of human toll-like receptor 10 (tlr10)
2j6f n-terminal sh3 domain of cms (cd2ap human homolog) bound to cbl-b peptide
2j6h e. coli glucosamine-6-p synthase in complex with glucose-6p and 5-oxo-l-norleucine
2j6o atypical polyproline recognition by the cms n-terminal sh3 domain. cms:cd2 heterotrimer
2j6r faeg from f4ac etec strain gis26, produced in tobacco plant chloroplast
2j6v crystal structure of the dna repair enzyme uv damage endonuclease
2j6w r164n mutant of the runx1 runt domain
2j72 alpha-glucan recognition by a family 41 carbohydrate- binding module from thermotoga maritima pullulanase pula
2j73 alpha-glucan rcognition by a family 41 carbohydrate-binding module from thermotoga maritima pullulanase pula
2j74 structure of beta-1,4-galactanase
2j75 beta-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima in complex with noeuromycin
2j77 beta-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima in complex with deoxynojirimycin
2j78 beta-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima in complex with gluco-hydroximolactam
2j79 beta-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima in complex with galacto-hydroximolactam
2j7b beta-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima in complex with gluco-tetrazole
2j7c beta-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima in complex with phenylaminomethyl-derived glucoimidazole
2j7d beta-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima in complex with methoxycarbonyl-substituted glucoimidazole
2j7e beta-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima in complex with methyl acetate-substituted glucoimidazole
2j7f beta-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima in complex with carboxylate-substituted glucoimidazole
2j7g beta-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima in complex with methyl acetic acid-substituted glucoimidazole
2j7h beta-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima in complex with azafagomine
2j7n structure of the rnai polymerase from neurospora crassa
2j7x structure of estradiol-bound estrogen receptor beta lbd in complex with lxxll motif from ncoa5
2j7y structure of 17-epiestriol-bound estrogen receptor beta lbd in complex with lxxll motif from ncoa5
2j7z crystal structure of recombinant human stromal cell-derived factor-1alpha
2j80 structure of citrate-bound periplasmic domain of sensor histidine kinase cita
2j83 ulilysin metalloprotease in complex with batimastat.
2j85 b116 of sulfolobus turreted icosahedral virus (stiv)
2j86 structural analysis of the pp2c family phosphatase tppha of thermosynechococcus elongatus
2j8i structure of np275, a pentapeptide repeat protein from nostoc punctiforme
2j8j solution structure of the a4 domain of blood coagulation factor xi
2j8l fxi apple 4 domain loop-out conformation
2j8m structure of p. aeruginosa acetyltransferase pa4866
2j8n structure of p. aeruginosa acetyltransferase pa4866 solved at room temperature
2j8o structure of the immunoglobulin tandem repeat of titin a168- a169
2j8q crystal structure of human cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor 5 (cpsf5) in complex with a sulphate ion.
2j8r structure of p. aeruginosa acetyltransferase pa4866 solved in complex with l-methionine sulfoximine
2j8w the crystal structure of cytochrome c' from rubrivivax gelatinosus at 1.3 a resolution and ph 8.0
2j90 crystal structure of human zip kinase in complex with a tetracyclic pyridone inhibitor (pyridone 6)
2j92 3c protease from type a10(61) foot-and-mouth disease virus- crystal packing mutant (k51q)
2j94 crystal structure of a human factor xa inhibitor complex
2j95 crystal structure of a human factor xa inhibitor complex
2j96 the e-configuration of alfa-phycoerythrocyanin
2j98 human coronavirus 229e non structural protein 9 cys69ala mutant (nsp9)
2j9a bllap in complex with microginin fr1
2j9b the crystal structure of cytochrome c' from rubrivivax gelatinosus at 1.5 a resolution and ph 6.3
2j9g crystal structure of biotin carboxylase from e. coli in complex with amppnp and adp
2j9h crystal structure of human glutathione-s-transferase p1-1 cys-free mutant in complex with s-hexylglutathione at 2.4 a resolution
2j9k atomic-resolution crystal structure of chemically-synthesized hiv-1 protease complexed with inhibitor mvt-101
2j9q a novel conformation for the tpr domain of pex5p
2j9t bipd of burkholderia pseudomallei
2j9w structural insight into the escrt-i-ii link and its role in mvb trafficking
2j9x tryptophan synthase in complex with gp, alpha-d,l-glycerol- phosphate, cs, ph6.5 - alpha aminoacrylate form - (gp)e(a- a)
2j9y tryptophan synthase q114n mutant in complex with compound ii
2j9z tryptophan synthase t110 mutant complex
2jaa semet substituted shigella flexneri ipad
2jae the structure of l-amino acid oxidase from rhodococcus opacus in the unbound state
2jai ddah1 complexed with citrulline
2jaj ddah1 complexed with l-257
2jal beta-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima in complex with cyclophellitol
2jaq structure of deoxyadenosine kinase from m. mycoides with bound dctp
2jat structure of deoxyadenosine kinase from m.mycoides with products dcmp and a flexible dcdp bound
2jb0 crystal structure of the mutant h573a of the nuclease domain of cole7 in complex with im7
2jb1 the l-amino acid oxidase from rhodococcus opacus in complex with l-alanine
2jb2 the structure of l-amino acid oxidase from rhodococcus opacus in complex with l-phenylalanine.
2jb3 the structure of l-amino acid oxidase from rhodococcus opacus in complex with o-aminobenzoate
2jb5 fab fragment in complex with small molecule hapten, crystal form-1
2jb9 phob response regulator receiver domain constitutively- active double mutant d10a and d53e.
2jba phob response regulator receiver domain constitutively- active double mutant d53a and y102c.
2jbh human phosphoribosyl transferase domain containing 1
2jbv crystal structure of choline oxidase reveals insights into the catalytic mechanism
2jbx crystal structure of the myxoma virus anti-apoptotic protein m11l
2jby a viral protein unexpectedly mimics the structure and function of pro-survival bcl-2
2jc0 crystal structure of hepatitis c virus polymerase in complex with inhibitor sb655264
2jc1 crystal structure of hepatitis c virus polymerase in complex with inhibitor sb698223
2jc6 crystal structure of human calmodulin-dependent protein kinase 1d
2jcb the crystal structure of 5-formyl-tetrahydrofolate cycloligase from bacillus anthracis (ba4489)
2jcd structure of the n-oxygenase aurf from streptomyces thioluteus
2jcl crystal structure of alpha-1,3 galactosyltransferase (r365k) in the absence of ligands
2jcs active site mutant of dnk from d. melanogaster with dttp bound
2jcv x-ray structure of 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase, dxr, rv2870c, from mycobacterium tuberculosis, in complex with fosmidomycin and nadph
2jcx x-ray structure of mutant 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase, dxr, rv2870c, from mycobacterium tuberculosis, in complex with fosmidomycin and nadph
2jcy x-ray structure of mutant 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase, dxr, rv2870c, from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2jd0 x-ray structure of mutant 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase, dxr, rv2870c, from mycobacterium tuberculosis, in complex with nadph
2jd1 x-ray structure of 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase, dxr, rv2870c, from mycobacterium tuberculosis, in complex with manganese and nadph
2jd2 x-ray structure of 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase, dxr, rv2870c, from mycobacterium tuberculosis, in complex with manganese
2jd3 parr from plasmid pb171
2jd4 mouse laminin alpha1 chain, domains lg4-5
2jda structure of a pectin binding carbohydrate binding module determined in an monoclinic crystal form.
2jdj crystal structure of hapk from hahella chejuensis
2jdo structure of pkb-beta (akt2) complexed with isoquinoline-5- sulfonic acid (2-(2-(4-chlorobenzyloxy) ethylamino)ethyl) amide
2jdr structure of pkb-beta (akt2) complexed with the inhibitor a- 443654
2jds structure of camp-dependent protein kinase complexed with a- 443654
2jdt structure of pka-pkb chimera complexed with isoquinoline-5- sulfonic acid (2-(2-(4-chlorobenzyloxy) ethylamino)ethyl) amide
2jdv structure of pka-pkb chimera complexed with a-443654
2je5 structural and mechanistic basis of penicillin binding protein inhibition by lactivicins
2je8 structure of a beta-mannosidase from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
2jed the crystal structure of the kinase domain of the protein kinase c theta in complex with nvp-xaa228 at 2.32a resolution.
2jem native family 12 xyloglucanase from bacillus licheniformis
2jep native family 5 xyloglucanase from paenibacillus pabuli
2jev crystal structure of human spermine,spermidine acetyltransferase in complex with a bisubstrate analog (n1- acetylspermine-s-coa).
2jey mus musculus acetylcholinesterase in complex with hlo-7
2jez mus musculus acetylcholinesterase in complex with tabun and hlo-7
2jf0 mus musculus acetylcholinesterase in complex with tabun and ortho-7
2jf1 crystal structure of the filamin a repeat 21 complexed with the integrin beta2 cytoplasmic tail peptide
2jf5 crystal structure of lys63-linked di-ubiquitin
2jf6 structure of inactive mutant of strictosidine glucosidase in complex with strictosidine
2jf7 structure of strictosidine glucosidase
2jfo crystal structure of enterococcus faecalis glutamate racemase in complex with d- and l-glutamate
2jfp crystal structure of enterococcus faecalis glutamate racemase in complex with d-glutamate
2jfq crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus glutamate racemase in complex with d-glutamate
2jfx crystal structure of helicobacter pylori glutamate racemase in complex with d-glutamate
2jfy crystal structure of helicobacter pylori glutamate racemase in complex with d-glutamate
2jfz crystal structure of helicobacter pylori glutamate racemase in complex with d-glutamate and an inhibitor
2jg4 substrate-free ide structure in its closed conformation
2jg5 crystal structure of a putative phosphofructokinase from staphylococcus aureus
2jgb structure of human eif4e homologous protein 4ehp with m7gtp
2jgc structure of the human eif4e homologous protein, 4ehp without ligand bound
2jgd e. coli 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (e1o)
2jge crystal structure of mouse acetylcholinesterase inhibited by non-aged methamidophos
2jgf crystal structure of mouse acetylcholinesterase inhibited by non-aged fenamiphos
2jgi crystal structure of mouse acetylcholinesterase inhibited by non-aged diisopropyl fluorophosphate (dfp)
2jgj crystal structure of mouse acetylcholinesterase inhibited by aged methamidophos
2jgk crystal structure of mouse acetylcholinesterase inhibited by aged fenamiphos
2jgl crystal structure of mouse acetylcholinesterase inhibited by aged vx and sarin
2jgm crystal structure of mouse acetylcholinesterase inhibited by aged diisopropyl fluorophosphate (dfp)
2jgq kinetics and structural properties of triosephosphate isomerase from helicobacter pylori
2jgt low resolution structure of spt
2jgy the crystal structure of human orotidine-5'-decarboxylase domain of human uridine monophosphate synthetase (umps)
2jgz crystal structure of phospho-cdk2 in complex with cyclin b
2jhf structural evidence for a ligand coordination switch in liver alcohol dehydrogenase
2jhg structural evidence for a ligand coordination switch in liver alcohol dehydrogenase
2jhh structure of globular heads of m-ficolin at acidic ph
2jhj 3-methyladenine dna-glycosylase from archaeoglobus fulgidus
2jhn 3-methyladenine dna-glycosylase from archaeoglobus fulgidus
2jhu crystal structure of rhogdi e154a,e155a mutant
2jhw crystal structure of rhogdi e155a, e157a mutant
2jhx crystal structure of rhogdi e155h, e157h mutant
2jhz crystal structure of rhogdi e155s, e157s mutant
2ji5 structure of ump kinase from pyrococcus furiosus complexed with utp
2ji6 x-ray structure of oxalyl-coa decarboxylase in complex with 3-deaza-thdp and oxalyl-coa
2ji7 x-ray structure of oxalyl-coa decarboxylase with covalent reaction intermediate
2ji8 x-ray structure of oxalyl-coa decarboxylase in complex with formyl-coa
2ji9 x-ray structure of oxalyl-coa decarboxylase in complex with 3-deaza-thdp
2jib x-ray structure of oxalyl-coa decarboxylase in complex with coenzyme-a
2jid human dipeptidyl peptidase iv in complex with 1-(3,4- dimethoxy-phenyl)-3-m-tolyl-piperidine-4-ylamine
2jig crystal structure of chlamydomonas reinhardtii prolyl-4 hydroxylase type i complexed with zinc and pyridine-2,4- dicarboxylate
2jih crystal structure of human adamts-1 catalytic domain and cysteine-rich domain (complex-form)
2jii structure of vaccinia related kinase 3
2jik crystal structure of pdz domain of synaptojanin-2 binding protein
2jil crystal structure of 2nd pdz domain of glutamate receptor interacting protein-1 (grip1)
2jis human cysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylase (csad) in complex with plp.
2jit crystal structure of egfr kinase domain t790m mutation
2jiu crystal structure of egfr kinase domain t790m mutation in complex with aee788
2jiv crystal structure of egfr kinase domain t790m mutation in compex with hki-272
2jiw bacteroides thetaiotaomicron gh84 o-glcnacase in complex with 2-acetylamino-2-deoxy-1-epivalienamine
2jj3 estrogen receptor beta ligand binding domain in complex with a benzopyran agonist
2jj6 crystal structure of the putative carbohydrate recognition domain of the human galectin-related protein
2jj7 crystal structure of the hlyiir mutant protein with residues 170-185 substituted by alanine
2jju structure of human signal regulatory protein (sirp) beta
2jjv structure of human signal regulatory protein (sirp) beta(2)
2jk2 structural basis of human triosephosphate isomerase deficiency. crystal structure of the wild type enzyme.
2jk3 crystal structure of the hlyiir mutant protein with residues 169-186 substituted by gssgssg linker
2jk6 structure of trypanothione reductase from leishmania infantum
2jk8 type iv secretion system effector protein bepa complexed with a pyrophosphate moiety
2jk9 the structure of spla-ryanodine receptor domain and socs box containing 1 in complex with a par-4 peptide
2jka native structure of a family 97 alpha-glucosidase from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
2jkd structure of the yeast pml1 splicing factor and its integration into the res complex
2jke structure of a family 97 alpha-glucosidase from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron in complex with deoxynojirimycin
2jkg plasmodium falciparum profilin
2jkh factor xa - cation inhibitor complex
2jkp structure of a family 97 alpha-glucosidase from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron in complex with castanospermine
2jkw pseudoazurin m16f
2jky saccharomyces cerevisiae hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase in complex with gmp (guanosine 5' -monophosphate) (tetragonal crystal form)
2jl4 holo structure of maleyl pyruvate isomerase, a bacterial glutathione-s-transferase in zeta class
2jlb xanthomonas campestris putative ogt (xcc0866), complex with udp-glcnac phosphonate analogue
2jlc crystal structure of e.coli mend, 2-succinyl-5-enolpyruvyl- 6-hydroxy-3-cyclohexadiene-1-carboxylate synthase - native protein
2jle novel indazole nnrtis created using molecular template hybridization based on crystallographic overlays
2jm6 solution structure of mcl-1 complexed with noxab
2jma r21a spc-sh3:p41 complex
2jmf solution structure of the su(dx) ww4- notch py peptide complex
2jmj nmr solution structure of the phd domain from the yeast yng1 protein in complex with h3(1-9)k4me3 peptide
2jmn nmr structure of human insulin mutant his-b10-asp, pro-b28- lys, lys-b29-pro, 20 structures
2jmx oscp-nt (1-120) in complex with n-terminal (1-25) alpha subunit from f1-atpase
2jna solution nmr structure of salmonella typhimurium lt2 secreted protein stm0082: northeast structural genomics consortium target str109
2jnd 3d nmr structure of ecd1 of mcrf-r2b in complex with astressin
2jnj solution structure of the p8 tfiih subunit
2jnr discovery and optimization of a natural hiv-1 entry inhibitor targeting the gp41 fusion peptide
2jnw solution structure of a ercc1-xpa heterodimer
2jo8 solution structure of c-terminal domain of human mammalian sterile 20-like kinase 1 (mst1)
2jo9 mouse itch 3rd ww domain complex with the epstein-barr virus latent membrane protein 2a derived peptide eeppppyed
2joa htra1 bound to an optimized peptide: nmr assignment of pdz domain and ligand resonances
2jod pac1-rshort n-terminal ec domain pacap(6-38) complex
2jog structure of the calcineurin-nfat complex
2jp1 solution structure of the alternative conformation of xcl1/lymphotactin
2jpq solution nmr structure of homodimer vp2129 from vibrio parahaemolyticus. northeast structural genomics consortium target vpr61.
2jpt structural changes induced in apo-s100a1 protein by the disulphide formation between its cys85 residue and b- mercaptoethanol
2jq9 vps4a mit-chmp1a complex
2jqf full length leader protease of foot and mouth disease virus c51a mutant
2jqi nmr structure of the rad53 fha1 domain in complex with a phosphothreonien peptide derived from rad53 scd1
2jqk vps4b mit-chmp2b complex
2jql nmr structure of the yeast dun1 fha domain in complex with a doubly phosphorylated (pt) peptide derived from rad53 scd1
2jqr solution model of crosslinked complex of cytochrome c and adrenodoxin
2jr2 solution nmr structure of homodimer cps_2611 from colwellia psychrerythraea. northeast structural genomics consortium target csr4.
2jra a novel domain-swapped solution nmr structure of protein rpa2121 from rhodopseudomonas palustris. northeast structural genomics target rpt6
2jrl solution structure of the beryllofluoride-activated ntrc4 receiver domain dimer
2jrx solution nmr structure of protein yejl from e. coli. northeast structural genomics target er309
2js1 solution nmr structure of the homodimer protein yvfg from bacillus subtilis, northeast structural genomics consortium target sr478
2js3 nmr structure of protein q6n9a4_rhopa. northeast structural genomics consortium target rpt8
2js5 nmr structure of protein q60c73_metca. northeast structural genomics consortium target mcr1
2jsc nmr structure of the cadmium metal-sensor cmtr from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2jss nmr structure of chaperone chz1 complexed with histone h2a.z-h2b
2jst four-alpha-helix bundle with designed anesthetic binding pockets ii: halothane effects on structure and dynamics
2jt4 solution structure of the sla1 sh3-3-ubiquitin complex
2jt9 nmr structure of immunosuppressory peptide containing cyclolinopeptide x and antennapedia(43-58) sequences
2jti solution structure of the yeast iso-1-cytochrome c (t12a) : yeast cytochrome c peroxidase complex
2ju0 structure of yeast frequenin bound to pdtins 4-kinase
2jug multienzyme docking in hybrid megasynthetases
2jum thra3-dkp-insulin
2jup fbp28ww2 domain in complex with the pplipppp peptide
2juu allo-thra3 dkp-insulin
2juv abaa3-dkp-insulin
2juw nmr solution structure of homodimer protein so_2176 from shewanella oneidensis. northeast structural genomics consortium target sor77
2juz solution nmr structure of hi0947 from haemophilus influenzae, northeast structural genomics consortium target ir123
2jv1 nmr structure of human insulin monomer in 35% cd3cn zinc free, 50 structures
2jv7 nmr solution structure of histoplasma capsulatum cbp homodimer
2jw1 structural characterization of the type iii pilotin- secretin interaction in shigella flexneri by nmr spectroscopy
2jw8 solution structure of stereo-array isotope labelled (sail) c-terminal dimerization domain of sars coronavirus nucleocapsid protein
2jwa erbb2 transmembrane segment dimer spatial structure
2jwe solution structure of the second pdz domain from human zonula occludens-1: a dimeric form with 3d domain swapping
2jwk solution structure of the periplasmic domain of tolr from haemophilus influenzae
2jwl solution structure of periplasmic domain of tolr from h. influenzae with saxs data
2jwn solution nmr structure of the protease-resistent domain of xenopus laevis epabp2
2jxc structure of the eps15-eh2 stonin2 complex
2jxg solution structure of the dna binding domain of proline utilization a (puta)
2jxh solution structure of dna binding domain of proline utilization a (puta) for psuedomonas putida
2jxm ensemble of twenty structures of the prochlorothrix hollandica plastocyanin- cytochrome f complex
2jy6 solution structure of the complex of ubiquitin and ubiquilin 1 uba domain
2jz0 dsx_short
2jz1 dsx_long
2jzb solution structure of the complex between e.coli nusa-ar2 and rnap-actd
2jzi structure of calmodulin complexed with the calmodulin binding domain of calcineurin
2k00 solution structure of the talin f3 in complex with layilin cytodomain
2k01 structure of a locked sdf1 dimer
2k0f calmodulin complexed with calmodulin-binding peptide from smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase
2k17 solution structure of the taf3 phd domain in complex with a h3k4me3 peptide
2k1k nmr structures of dimeric transmembrane domain of the receptor tyrosine kinase epha1 in lipid bicelles at ph 4.3
2k1l nmr structures of dimeric transmembrane domain of the receptor tyrosine kinase epha1 in lipid bicelles at ph 6.3
2k1o nmr structure of helicobacter pylori jhp0511 (hp0564).
2k1q nmr structure of hepatitis c virus ns3 serine protease complexed with the non-covalently bound phenethylamide inhibitor
2k1r the solution nmr structure of the complex between mnk1 and hah1 mediated by cu(i)
2k1v r3/i5 relaxin chimera
2k20 solution structure of par-3 pdz3 in complex with pten peptide
2k29 structure of the dbd domain of e. coli antitoxin relb
2k2i nmr solution structure of the c-terminal domain (t94-y172) of the human centrin 2 in complex with a repeat sequence of human sfi1 (r641-t660)
2k2q complex structure of the external thioesterase of the surfactin-synthetase with a carrier domain
2k2r the nmr structure of alpha-parvin ch2/paxillin ld1 complex
2k2s structure of the mic1-gld/mic6-egf complex from toxoplasma gondii
2k2u nmr structure of the complex between tfb1 subunit of tfiih and the activation domain of vp16
2k3s haddock-derived structure of the ch-domain of the smoothelin-like 1 complexed with the c-domain of apocalmodulin
2k3u structure of the tyrosine-sulfated c5a receptor n-terminus in complex with the immune evasion protein chips.
2k3w nmr structure of vps4a-mit-chmp6
2k42 solution structure of the gtpase binding domain of wasp in complex with espfu, an ehec effector
2k4a fgf-1-c2a binary complex structure: a key component in the fibroblast growthfactor non-classical pathway
2k5b human cdc37-hsp90 docking model based on nmr
2k5j solution structure of protein yiif from shigella flexneri serotype 5b (strain 8401) . northeast structural genomics consortium target sft1
2k5x chemical shift structure of colicin e9 dnase domain with its cognate immunity protein im9
2k6d cin85 sh3-c domain in complex with ubiquitin
2k6l the solution structure of xacb0070 from xanthonomas axonopodis pv citri reveals this new protein is a member of the rhh family of transcriptional repressors
2k6q lc3 p62 complex structure
2k6s structure of rab11-fip2 c-terminal coiled-coil domain
2k6t solution structure of the relaxin-like factor
2k6u the solution structure of a conformationally restricted fully active derivative of the human relaxin-like factor (rlf)
2k79 solution structure of the binary complex between the sh3 and sh2 domain of interleukin-2 tyrosine kinase
2k7a ensemble structures of the binary complex between the sh3 and sh2 domain of interleukin-2 tyrosine kinase.
2k7i solution nmr structure of protein atu0232 from agrobacterium tumefaciens. northeast structural genomics consortium (nesg) target att3. ontario center for structural proteomics target atc0223.
2k7l nmr structure of a complex formed by the c-terminal domain of human rap74 and a phosphorylated peptide from the central domain of the fcp1
2k7o ca2+-s100b, refined with rdcs
2k7v deletions in a surface loop divert the folding of a protein domain into a metastable dimeric form
2k7w bax activation is initiated at a novel interaction site
2k8b solution structure of plaa family ubiquitin binding domain (pfuc) cis isomer in complex with ubiquitin
2k8c solution structure of plaa family ubiquitin binding domain (pfuc) trans isomer in complex with ubiquitin
2k8f structural basis for the regulation of p53 function by p300
2k8s solution nmr structure of dimeric thioredoxin-like protein ne0084 from nitrosomonas europea: northeast structural genomics target net6
2k8x glytm1b(1-19)zip: a chimeric peptide model of the n-terminus of a rat short alpha-tropomyosin with the n-terminus encoded by exon 1b in complex with tm9d(252-284), a peptide model containing the c terminus of alpha-tropomyosin encoded by exon 9d
2k91 enhancing the activity of insulin by stereospecific unfolding
2k9f structural features of the complex between the dsbd n- terminal and the pilb n-terminal domains from neisseria meningitidis
2k9i nmr structure of plasmid copy control protein orf56 from sulfolobus islandicus
2k9j integrin alphaiib-beta3 transmembrane complex
2k9q solution nmr structure of hth_xre family transcriptional regulator bt_p548217 from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. northeast structural genomics consortium target btr244.
2k9r enhancing the activity of insulin by stereospecific unfolding
2k9u solution nmr structure of the filamin-migfilin complex
2k9y epha2 dimeric structure in the lipidic bicelle at ph 5.0
2ka1 solution nmr structure of bnip3 transmembrane peptide dimer in detergent micelles
2ka2 solution nmr structure of bnip3 transmembrane peptide dimer in detergent micelles with his173-ser172 intermonomer hydrogen bond restraints
2ka4 nmr structure of the cbp-taz1/stat2-tad complex
2ka6 nmr structure of the cbp-taz2/stat1-tad complex
2kax solution structure and dynamics of s100a5 in the apo and ca2+ -bound states
2kay solution structure and dynamics of s100a5 in the ca2+ -bound states
2kbc solution structure of human insulin-like peptide 5 (insl5)
2kbr solution structure of harmonin n terminal domain in complex with a internal peptide of cadherin23
2kbs solution structure of harmonin pdz2 in complex with the carboxyl tail peptide of cadherin23
2kbw solution structure of human mcl-1 complexed with human bid_bh3 peptide
2kbx solution structure of ilk-pinch complex
2kc8 structure of e. coli toxin rele (r81a/r83a) mutant in complex with antitoxin relbc (k47-l79) peptide
2kce binding of the anticancer drug zd1694 to e. coli thymidylate synthase: assessing specificity and affinity
2kdd solution structure of the conserved c-terminal dimerization domain of borealin
2kdu structural basis of the munc13-1/ca2+-calmodulin interaction: a novel 1-26 calmodulin binding motif with a bipartite binding mode
2ke1 molecular basis of non-modified histone h3 tail recognition by the first phd finger of autoimmune regulator
2kel structure of the transcription regulator svtr from the hyperthermophilic archaeal virus sirv1
2kff structure of the c-terminal domain of ehd1 with fnyestnpftak
2kfg structure of the c-terminal domain of ehd1 in complex with fnyestdpftak
2kfh structure of the c-terminal domain of ehd1 with fnyestgpftak
2kfk solution structure of bem1p pb1 domain complexed with cdc24p pb1 domain
2kft nmr solution structure of the first phd finger domain of human autoimmune regulator (aire) in complex with histone h3(1-20cys) peptide
2kg7 structure and features of the complex formed by the tuberculosis virulence factors rv0287 and rv0288
2kgb nmr solution of the regulatory domain cardiac f77w-troponin c in complex with the cardiac troponin i 144-163 switch peptide
2kgi solution structure of jarid1a c-terminal phd finger in complex with h3(1-9)k4me3
2kgx haddock structure of the talin f3 domain in complex with talin 1655-1822
2kh2 solution structure of a scfv-il-1b complex
2khh structural requirements for the uba domain of the mrna export factor mex67 to bind its specific targets, the transcription elongation tho complex component hpr1 and nucleoporin fxfg repeats
2khm structure of the c-terminal non-repetitive domain of the spider dragline silk protein adf-3
2khs solution structure of snase121:snase(111-143) complex
2khw solution structure of the human polymerase iota ubm2- ubiquitin complex
2khz solution structure of rcl
2ki5 herpes simplex type-1 thymidine kinase in complex with the drug aciclovir at 1.9a resolution
2ki7 the solution structure of rpp29-rpp21 complex from pyrococcus furiosus
2kid solution structure of the s. aureus sortase a-substrate complex
2kik an artificial di-iron oxo-protein with phenol oxidase activity
2kin kinesin (monomeric) from rattus norvegicus
2kj4 solution structure of the complex of vek-30 and plasminogen kringle 2
2kjb solution structure of czra in the dna bound state
2kjc solution structure of czra in the zn(ii) state
2kje nmr structure of cbp taz2 and adenoviral e1a complex
2kjh nmr based structural model of the ubch8-ubiquitin complex
2kjj dynamics of insulin probed by 1h-nmr amide proton exchange anomalous flexibility of the receptor-binding surface
2kju nmr structure of human insulin mutant glu-b21-d-glu, his-b10 asp pro- b28-lys, lys-b29-pro, 20 structures
2kjz solution nmr structure of protein atc0852 from agrobacterium tumefaciens. northeast structural genomics consortium (nesg) target att2.
2kke solution nmr structure of a dimeric protein of unknown function from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, northeast structural genomics consortium target tr5
2kko solution nmr structure of the homodimeric winged helix-turn- helix dna-binding domain (fragment 1-100) mb0332 from mycobacterium bovis, a possible arsr-family transcriptional regulator. northeast structural genomics consortium target mbr242e.
2klh nmr structure of rcl in complex with gmp
2klk solution structure of gb1 a34f mutant with rdc and saxs
2klr solid-state nmr structure of the alpha-crystallin domain in alphab- crystallin oligomers
2km2 galectin-1 dimer
2kmt nmr solution structure of vibrio fischeri ccdb
2knb solution nmr structure of the parkin ubl domain in complex with the endophilin-a1 sh3 domain
2knc platelet integrin alfaiib-beta3 transmembrane-cytoplasmic heterocomplex
2kne calmodulin wraps around its binding domain in the plasma membrane ca2+ pump anchored by a novel 18-1 motif
2knh the solution structure of the etafh domain of aml1-eto complexed with heb peptide
2knv nmr dimer structure of the uba domain of p62 (sqstm1)
2ko1 solution nmr structure of the act domain from gtp pyrophosphokinase of chlorobium tepidum. northeast structural genomics consortium target ctr148a
2kod a high-resolution nmr structure of the dimeric c-terminal domain of hiv-1 ca
2koh nmr structure of mouse par3-pdz3 in complex with ve-cadherin c-terminus
2kot solution structure of s100a13 with a drug amlexanox
2kpe refined structure of glycophorin a transmembrane segment dimer in dpc micelles
2kpf spatial structure of the dimeric transmembrane domain of glycophorin a in bicelles soluton
2kpl magi-1 pdz1 / e6ct
2kpz human nedd4 3rd ww domain complex with the human t-cell leukemia virus 1 gag-pro poliprotein derived peptide sdpqipppyvep
2kq0 human nedd4 3rd ww domain complex with ebola zaire virus matrix protein vp40 derived peptide ilptappeymea
2kqf solution structure of mast205-pdz complexed with the c-terminus of a rabies virus g protein
2kqm solution structure of the ki o18/o8 y87h immunoglobulin light chain variable domain
2kqn solution structure of the al-09 h87y immunoglobulin light chain variable domain
2kqq nmr structure of human insulin mutant gly-b8-d-ala, his-b10-asp, pro- b28-lys, lys-b29-pro, 20 structures
2kqs phosphorylation of sumo-interacting motif by ck2 enhances daxx sumo binding activity
2krb solution structure of eif3b-rrm bound to eif3j peptide
2krd solution structure of the regulatory domain of human cardiac troponin c in complex with the switch region of cardiac troponin i and w7
2krf nmr solution structure of the dna binding domain of competence protein a
2kri structure of a complex between domain v of beta2- glycoprotein i and the fourth ligand-binding module from ldlr determined with haddock
2ks0 solution nmr structure of the q251q8_deshy(21-82) protein from desulfitobacterium hafniense, northeast structural genomics consortium target dhr8c
2ks1 heterodimeric association of transmembrane domains of erbb1 and erbb2 receptors enabling kinase activation
2ks9 solution conformation of substance p in water complexed with nk1r
2ksa substance p in dmpc/chaps isotropic q=0.25 bicelles as a ligand for nk1r
2ksb substance p in isotropic q=0.25 dmpc/chaps/gm1 bicelles as a ligand for nk1r
2kso epha2:ship2 sam:sam complex
2ksp mechanism for the selective interaction of c-terminal eh-domain proteins with specific npf-containing partners
2kt5 rrm domain of mrna export adaptor ref2-i bound to hsv-1 icp27 peptide
2ktb solution structure of the second bromodomain of human polybromo in complex with an acetylated peptide from histone 3
2ktf solution nmr structure of human polymerase iota ubm2 in complex with ubiquitin
2ktr nmr structure of p62 pb1 dimer determined based on pcs
2kup solution structure of the complex of the ptb domain of snt-2 and 19- residue peptide (aa 1571-1589) of halk
2kvm solution structure of the cbx7 chromodomain in complex with a h3k27me2 peptide
2kvq solution structure of nuse:nusg-ctd complex
2kw6 solution nmr structure of cyclin-dependent kinase 2-associated protein 1 (cdk2-associated protein 1; oral cancer suppressor deleted in oral cancer 1, doc-1) from h.sapiens, northeast structural genomics consortium target target hr3057h
2kwf the structure of e-protein activation domain 1 bound to the kix domain of cbp/p300 elucidates leukemia induction by e2a-pbx1
2kwi ralb-rlip76 (ralbp1) complex
2kwj solution structures of the double phd fingers of human transcriptional protein dpf3 bound to a histone peptide containing acetylation at lysine 14
2kwk solution structures of the double phd fingers of human transcriptional protein dpf3b bound to a h3 peptide wild type
2kwn solution structure of the double phd (plant homeodomain) fingers of human transcriptional protein dpf3b bound to a histone h4 peptide containing acetylation at lysine 16
2kwo solution structure of the double phd (plant homeodomain) fingers of human transcriptional protein dpf3b bound to a histone h4 peptide containing n-terminal acetylation at serine 1
2kwu solution structure of ubm2 of murine polymerase iota in complex with ubiquitin
2kwv solution structure of ubm1 of murine polymerase iota in complex with ubiquitin
2kx9 solution structure of the enzyme i dimer using residual dipolar couplings and small angle x-ray scattering
2kxc 1h, 13c, and 15n chemical shift assignments for irtks-sh3 and espfu- r47 complex
2kxh solution structure of the first two rrm domains of fir in the complex with fbp nbox peptide
2kxk human insulin mutant a22gly-b31lys-b32arg
2kxo solution nmr structure of the cell division regulator mine protein from neisseria gonorrhoeae
2kxq solution structure of smurf2 ww2 and ww3 bound to smad7 py motif containing peptide
2kxw structure of the c-domain fragment of apo calmodulin bound to the iq motif of nav1.2
2kyi solution nmr structure of dsy0195(21-82) protein from desulfitobacterium hafniense. northeast structural genomics consortium target dhr8c
2kyl solution structure of mast2-pdz complexed with the c-terminus of pten
2kym solution structure of the bem1p sh3-ci domain from l.elongisporus in complex with ste20p peptide
2kz1 inter-molecular interactions in a 44 kda interferon-receptor complex detected by asymmetric back-protonation and 2d noesy
2kzt structure of the tandem ma-3 region of pdcd4
2kzu daxx helical bundle (dhb) domain / rassf1c complex
2l00 solution structure of the non-covalent complex of the znf216 a20 domain with ubiquitin
2l01 solution nmr structure of protein bvu3908 from bacteroides vulgatus, northeast structural genomics consortium target bvr153
2l02 solution nmr structure of protein bt2368 from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, northeast structural genomics consortium target btr375
2l0f solution nmr structure of human polymerase iota ubm2 (p692a mutant) in complex with ubiquitin
2l0i solution structure of rtt103 ctd-interacting domain bound to a ser2 phosphorylated ctd peptide
2l0p solution structure of human apo-s100a1 protein by nmr spectroscopy
2l0t solution structure of the complex of ubiquitin and the vhs domain of stam2
2l0y complex hmia40-hcox17
2l11 solution nmr structure of the cbx3 in complex with h3k9me3 peptide
2l12 solution nmr structure of the chromobox protein 7 with h3k9me3
2l14 structure of cbp nuclear coactivator binding domain in complex with p53 tad
2l1b solution nmr structure of the chromobox protein cbx7 with h3k27me3
2l1c shc-ptb:biphosphorylated integrin beta3 cytoplasmic tail complex (1:1)
2l1l nmr solution structure of the phi0 pki nes peptide in complex with crm1-rangtp
2l1r the structure of the calcium-sensitizer, dfbp-o, in complex with the n-domain of troponin c and the switch region of troponin i
2l1w the solution structure of soybean calmodulin isoform 4 complexed with the vacuolar calcium atpase bca1 peptide
2l1y nmr structure of human insulin mutant gly-b20-d-ala, gly-b23-d-ala pro-b28-lys, lys-b29-pro, 20 structures
2l1z nmr structure of human insulin mutant gly-b20-d-ala, gly-b23-d-ala pro-b28-lys, lys-b29-pro, 20 structures
2l27 nmr structure of the ecd1 of crf-r1 in complex with a peptide agonist
2l2i nmr structure of the complex between the tfb1 subunit of tfiih and the activation domain of eklf
2l2l solution structure of the coiled-coil complex between mbd2 and p66alpha
2l2t solution nmr structure of the erbb4 dimeric membrane domain
2l34 structure of the dap12 transmembrane homodimer
2l35 structure of the dap12-nkg2c transmembrane heterotrimer
2l3a solution nmr structure of homodimer protein sp_0782 (7-79) from streptococcus pneumoniae northeast structural genomics consortium target spr104 .
2l3r nmr structure of uhrf1 tandem tudor domains in a complex with histone h3 peptide
2l48 solution structure of the plyg cell wall binding domain
2l49 the solution structure of the p2 c,the immunity repressor of the p2 bacteriophage
2l4k water refined solution structure of the human grb7-sh2 domain in complex with the 10 amino acid peptide py1139
2l4t gip/glutaminase l peptide complex
2l50 solution structure of apo s100a16
2l51 solution structure of calcium bound s100a16
2l53 solution nmr structure of apo-calmodulin in complex with the iq motif of human cardiac sodium channel nav1.5
2l5e complex between bd1 of brd3 and gata-1 c-tail
2l5g co-ordinates and 1h, 13c and 15n chemical shift assignments for the complex of gps2 53-90 and smrt 167-207
2l5h solution structure of the h189q mutant of the enzyme i dimer using residual dipolar couplings and small angle x-ray scattering
2l66 the dna-recognition fold of sso7c4 suggests a new member of spovt-abrb superfamily from archaea.
2l6e nmr structure of the monomeric mutant c-terminal domain of hiv-1 capsid in complex with stapled peptide inhibitor
2l6j tah1 complexed by meevd
2l6y haddock model of gata1nf:lmo2lim2-ldb1lid
2l75 solution structure of chd4-phd2 in complex with h3k9me3
2l7h the solution structure of the hamp domain of the hypothetical transmembrane receptor af1503
2l7i the solution structure of the hamp domain of the hypothetical transmembrane receptor af1503 (a291f variant)
2l7l solution structure of ca2+/calmodulin complexed with a peptide representing the calmodulin-binding domain of calmodulin kinase i
2l7u structure of cel-pep-rage v domain complex
2l8j gabarapl-1 nbr1-lir complex structure
2l8t staphylococcus aureus pathogenicity island 1 protein gp6, an internal scaffold in size determination
2l8x spatial structure of antimicrobial peptide arenicin-2 dimer in dpc micelles
2l9b heterodimer between rna14p monkeytail domain and rna15p hinge domain of the yeast cf ia complex
2l9s solution structure of pf1 sid1-msin3a pah2 complex
2l9u spatial structure of dimeric erbb3 transmembrane domain
2lag structure of the 44 kda complex of interferon-alpha2 with the extracellular part of ifnar2 obtained by 2d-double difference noesy
2laj third ww domain of human nedd4l in complex with doubly phosphorylated human smad3 derived peptide
2las molecular determinants of paralogue-specific sumo-sim recognition
2law structure of the second ww domain from human yap in complex with a human smad1 derived peptide
2lax structure of first ww domain of human yap in complex with a human smad1 doubly-phosphorilated derived peptide.
2lay structure of the first ww domain of human yap in complex with a phosphorylated human smad1 derived peptide
2laz structure of the first ww domain of human smurf1 in complex with a mono-phosphorylated human smad1 derived peptide
2lb0 structure of the first ww domain of human smurf1 in complex with a di- phosphorylated human smad1 derived peptide
2lb1 structure of the second domain of human smurf1 in complex with a human smad1 derived peptide
2lb2 structure of the second domain of human nedd4l in complex with a phosphorylated ptpy motif derived from human smad3
2lb3 structure of the ww domain of pin1 in complex with a human phosphorylated smad3 derived peptide
2lbf solution structure of the dimerization domain of human ribosomal protein p1/p2 heterodimer
2lbm solution structure of the add domain of atrx complexed with histone tail h3 1-15 k9me3
2lct solution structure of the vav1 sh2 domain complexed with a syk-derived doubly phosphorylated peptide
2ld7 solution structure of the msin3a pah3-sap30 sid complex
2le2 novel dimeric structure of phage phi29-encoded protein p56: insights into uracil-dna glycosylase inhibition
2leg membrane protein complex dsbb-dsba structure by joint calculations with solid-state nmr and x-ray experimental data
2lfh solution nmr structure of the helix-loop-helix domain of human id3 protein, northeast structural genomics consortium target hr3111a
2lfr solution structure of the chimeric af1503 hamp- envz dhp homodimer
2lfs solution structure of the chimeric af1503 hamp- envz dhp homodimer; a219f variant
2lgg structure of phd domain of uhrf1 in complex with h3 peptide
2lgk nmr structure of uhrf1 phd domains in a complex with histone h3 peptide
2lhk structural analysis of a chaperone in type iii secretion system
2li5 nmr structure of atg8-atg7c30 complex
2li9 metal binding domain of rat beta-amyloid
2lig three-dimensional structures of the ligand-binding domain of the bacterial aspartate receptor with and without a ligand
2ljr glutathione transferase apo-form from human
2lk5 solution structure of the zn(ii) form of desulforedoxin
2lk6 nmr determination of the global structure of the cd-113 derivative of desulforedoxin
2lkm structural basis for molecular interactions involving mrg domains: implications in chromatin biology
2lnz solution structure of the get5 carboxyl domain from s. cerevisiae
2lo0 solution structure of the get5 carboxyl domain from a. fumigatus
2lpr structural basis for broad specificity in alpha-lytic protease mutants
2mad the active site structure of methylamine dehydrogenase: hydrazines identify c6 as the reactive site of the tryptophan derived quinone cofactor
2mcg three-dimensional structure of a light chain dimer crystallized in water. conformational flexibility of a molecule in two crystal forms
2mcp refined crystal structure of the mc/pc603 fab-phosphocholine complex at 3.1 angstroms resolution
2mea changes in conformational stability of a series of mutant human lysozymes at constant positions
2mec changes in conformational stability of a series of mutant human lysozymes at constant positions
2mhb the structure of horse methaemoglobin at 2.0 angstroms resolution
2mjp structure-based identification of the biochemical function of a hypothetical protein from methanococcus jannaschii:mj0226
2mll mistletoe lectin i from viscum album
2mlt melittin
2msb structure of a c-type mannose-binding protein complexed with an oligosaccharide
2muc muconate cycloisomerase variant f329i
2nac high resolution structures of holo and apo formate dehydrogenase
2nad high resolution structures of holo and apo formate dehydrogenase
2nbt neuronal bungarotoxin, nmr, 10 structures
2nck crystal structure of myxococcus xanthus nucleoside diphosphate kinase and its interaction with a nucleotide substrate at 2.0 angstroms resolution
2ngr transition state complex for gtp hydrolysis by cdc42: comparisons of the high resolution structures for cdc42 bound to the active and catalytically compromised forms of the cdc42-gap.
2nip nitrogenase iron protein from azotobacter vinelandii
2nl9 crystal structure of the mcl-1:bim bh3 complex
2nla crystal structure of the mcl-1:mnoxab bh3 complex
2nld human beta-defensin-1 (mutant gln11ala)
2nle human beta-defensin-1 (mutant gln11ala)
2nlf human beta-defensin-1 (mutant leu13glu)
2nli crystal structure of the complex between l-lactate oxidase and a substrate analogue at 1.59 angstrom resolution
2nlu domain-swapped dimer of the pwwp module of human hepatoma- derived growth factor
2nlv crystal structure of a xisi-like protein (ava_3825) from anabaena variabilis atcc 29413 at 1.30 a resolution
2nlx crystal structure of the apo e. coli xylulose kinase
2nm0 crystal structure of sco1815: a beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein reductase from streptomyces coelicolor a3(2)
2nm1 structure of bont/b in complex with its protein receptor
2nmb dnumb ptb domain complexed with a phosphotyrosine peptide, nmr, ensemble of structures.
2nmx structure of inhibitor binding to carbonic anhydrase i
2nmy crystal structure analysis of hiv-1 protease mutant v82a with a inhibitor saquinavir
2nmz crystal structure analysis of hiv-1 protease mutant v82a with a inhibitor saquinavir
2nn1 structure of inhibitor binding to carbonic anhydrase i
2nn2 crystal structure of the btb domain from the lrf/zbtb7 transcriptional regulator
2nn3 structure of pro-sf-caspase-1
2nn7 structure of inhibitor binding to carbonic anhydrase i
2nnb the q403k mutnat heme domain of flavocytochrome p450 bm3
2nnc structure of the sulfur carrier protein soxy from chlorobium limicola f thiosulfatophilum
2nnf structure of the sulfur carrier protein soxy from chlorobium limicola f thiosulfatophilum
2nnh cyp2c8dh complexed with 2 molecules of 9-cis retinoic acid
2nnk crystal structure analysis of hiv-1 protease mutant i84v with a inhibitor saquinavir
2nnl binding of two substrate analogue molecules to dihydroflavonol-4-reductase alters the functional geometry of the catalytic site
2nnp crystal structure analysis of hiv-1 protease mutant i84v with a inhibitor saquinavir
2nnr crystal structure of chagasin, cysteine protease inhibitor from trypanosoma cruzi
2nnu crystal structure of the papillomavirus dna tethering complex e2:brd4
2no0 c4s dck variant of dck in complex with gemcitabine+adp
2no1 c4s dck variant of dck in complex with d-dc+adp
2no4 crystal structure analysis of a dehalogenase
2no5 crystal structure analysis of a dehalogenase with intermediate complex
2no6 c4s dck variant of dck in complex with ftc+adp
2no7 c4s dck variant of dck in complex with l-dc+adp
2no9 the structure of deoxycytidine kinase complexed with troxacitabine and adp.
2noa the structure of deoxycytidine kinase complexed with lamivudine and adp.
2nod murine inducible nitric oxide synthase oxygenase dimer (delta 65) with tetrahydrobiopterin and water bound in active center
2nog sant domain structure of xenopus remodeling factor iswi
2nom terminal uridylyl transferase 4 from trypanosoma brucei with bound dutp
2not notechis ii-5, neurotoxic phospholipase a2 from notechis scutatus scutatus
2noy crystal structure of transthyretin mutant i84s at ph 7.5
2np0 crystal structure of the botulinum neurotoxin type b complexed with synaptotagamin-ii ectodomain
2np1 crystal structure of nitrophorin 1 from rhodnius prolixus
2np3 crystal structure of tetr-family regulator (sco0857) from streptomyces coelicolor a3.
2npf structure of eef2 in complex with moriniafungin
2nqd crystal structure of cysteine protease inhibitor, chagasin, in complex with human cathepsin l
2nqk moea d59n mutant
2nql crystal structure of a member of the enolase superfamily from agrobacterium tumefaciens
2nqm moea t100a mutant
2nqn moea t100w
2nqr moea d142n
2nqs moea e188a
2nqt crystal structure of n-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate reductase (rv1652) from mycobacterium tuberculosis at 1.58 a resolution
2nqu moea e188q
2nqv moea d228a
2nqy crystal structure of alkaline thermophlic xylanase from bacillus sp. (ncl 86-6-10) with complex xylotriose: xylotriose cleaved to xylobiose and xylose
2nr4 crystal structure of fmn-bound protein mm1853 from methanosarcina mazei, pfam duf447
2nrf crystal structure of glpg, a rhomboid family intramembrane protease
2nrh crystal structure of conserved putative baf family transcriptional activator from campylobacter jejuni
2nro moea k279q
2nrp moea r350a
2nrs moea s371w
2nrv crystal structure of the c-terminal half of uvrc
2nrx crystal structure of the c-terminal half of uvrc, in the presence of sulfate molecules
2nrz crystal structure of the c-terminal half of uvrc bound to its catalytic divalent cation
2ns1 crystal structure of the e. coli ammonia channel amtb complexed with the signal transduction protein glnk
2ns2 crystal structure of spindlin1
2ns9 crystal structure of protein ape2225 from aeropyrum pernix k1, pfam coxg
2nsd enoyl acyl carrier protein reductase inha in complex with n- (4-methylbenzoyl)-4-benzylpiperidine
2nse bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase substrate complex
2nsp crystal structure of pectin methylesterase d178a mutant in complex with hexasaccharide i
2nst crystal structure of pectin methylesterase d178a mutant in complex with hexasaccharide ii
2nsu crystal structure of the ectodomain of human transferrin receptor fitted into a cryo-em reconstruction of canine parvovirus and feline transferrin receptor complex
2nsy crystal structure of nh3-dependent nad+ synthetase from bacillus subtilis in complex with nad-adenylate
2nt6 crystal structure of pectin methylesterase d178a mutant in complex with hexasaccharide iii
2nt9 crystal structure of pectin methylesterase d178a mutant in complex with hexasaccharide iv
2ntb crystal structure of pectin methylesterase in complex with hexasaccharide v
2nte crystal structure of the bard1 brct domains
2ntj mycobacterium tuberculosis inha bound with pth-nad adduct
2ntn crystal structure of maba-c60v/g139a/s144l
2ntp crystal structure of pectin methylesterase in complex with hexasaccharide vi
2ntq crystal structure of pectin methylesterase in complex with hexasaccharide vii
2nts crystal structure of sek-hvb5.1
2ntt crystal structure of sek
2ntv mycobacterium leprae inha bound with pth-nad adduct
2ntx prone8
2nu0 molecular structures of the complexes of sgpb with omtky3 aromatic p1 variants trp18i, his18i, phe18i, and tyr18i
2nu1 molecular structures of the complexes of sgpb with omtky3 aromatic p1 variants trp18i, his18i, phe18i and tyr18i
2nu2 accommodation of positively-charged residues in a hydrophobic specificity pocket: crystal structures of sgpb in complex with omtky3 variants lys18i and arg18i
2nu3 accommodation of positively-charged residues in a hydrophobic specificity pocket: crystal structures of sgpb in complex with omtky3 variants lys18i and arg18i
2nu4 accommodation of positively-charged residues in a hydrophobic specificity pocket: crystal structures of sgpb in complex with omtky3 variants lys18i and arg18i
2nu5 crystal structure of a complex of griffithsin cocrystallized with n- acetylglucosamine
2nuj crystal structure of thioesterase superfamily (yp_509914.1) from jannaschia sp. ccs1 at 2.00 a resolution
2nuo crystal structure of a complex of griffithsin with glucose
2nuw 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate aldolase from sulfolobus acidocaldarius, native structure at 1.8 a resolution
2nux 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate aldolase from sulfolobus acidocaldarius, native structure in p6522 at 2.5 a resolution
2nuy 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate aldolase from sulfolobus acidocaldarius in complex with pyruvate
2nv0 structure of the glutaminase subunit pdx2 (yaae) of plp synthase from bacillus subtilis
2nv4 crystal structure of upf0066 protein af0241 in complex with s-adenosylmethionine. northeast structural genomics consortium target gr27
2nvm crystal structure of fdxn element excision controlling factor xisi (yp_321976.1) from anabaena variabilis atcc 29413 at 2.19 a resolution
2nvw crystal sctucture of transcriptional regulator gal80p from kluyveromymes lactis
2nw0 crystal structure of a lysin
2nw2 crystal structure of els4 tcr at 1.4a
2nw8 crystal structure of tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (tdo) from xanthomonas campestris in complex with ferrous heme and tryptophan. northeast structural genomics target xcr13.
2nw9 crystal structure of tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (tdo) from xanthomonas campestris in complex with ferrous heme and 6-fluoro-tryptophan. northeast structural genomics target xcr13
2nwb crystal structure of a putative 2,3-dioxygenase (so4414) from shewanella oneidensis in complex with ferric heme. northeast structural genomics target sor52.
2nwg structure of cxcl12:heparin disaccharide complex
2nwn new pharmacophore for serine protease inhibition revealed by crystal structure of human urokinase-type plasminogen activator complexed with a cyclic peptidyl inhibitor, upain-1
2nwr crystal structure of c11n mutant of kdo8p synthase in complex with pep
2nws structural and mechanistic changes along an engineered path from metallo to non-metallo kdo8p synthase
2nwt nmr structure of protein upf0165 protein af_2212 from archaeoglobus fulgidus; northeast structural genomics consortium target gr83
2nwu crystal structure of protein sso1042 from sulfolobus solfataricus, pfam duf54
2nx1 structural and mechanistic changes along an engineered path from metallo to non-metallo kdo8p synthase
2nx9 crystal structure of the carboxyltransferase domain of the oxaloacetate decarboxylase na+ pump from vibrio cholerae
2nxb crystal structure of human bromodomain containing protein 3 (brd3)
2nxe t. thermophilus ribosomal protein l11 methyltransferase (prma) in complex with s-adenosyl-l-methionine
2nxg structural and mechanistic changes along an engineered path from metallo to non-metallo kdo8p synthase.
2nxj t.thermophilus ribosomal protein l11 methyltransferase (prma) in space group p 21 21 2
2nxn t. thermophilus ribosomal protein l11 methyltransferase (prma) in complex with ribosomal protein l11
2nxq crystal structure of calcium binding protein 1 from entamoeba histolytica: a novel arrangement of ef hand motifs
2nxv structure of the 6th orf of the rhodobacter blastica atpase operon; majastridin
2nxw crystal structure of phenylpyruvate decarboxylase of azospirillum brasilense
2nya crystal structure of the periplasmic nitrate reductase (nap) from escherichia coli
2nyd crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus hypothetical protein sa1388
2nye crystal structure of the bateman2 domain of yeast snf4
2nyh crystal structure of putative dioxygenase (yp_555069.1) from burkholderia xenovorans lb400 at 1.70 a resolution
2nyi crystal structure of an unknown protein from galdieria sulphuraria
2nyq structure of vibrio proteolyticus aminopeptidase with a bound trp fragment of dlwcf
2nyr crystal structure of human sirtuin homolog 5 in complex with suramin
2nys x-ray crystal structure of protein agr_c_3712 from agrobacterium tumefaciens. northeast structural genomics consortium target atr88.
2nyu crystal structure of human ftsj homolog 2 (e.coli) protein in complex with s-adenosylmethionine
2nz5 structure and function studies of cytochrome p450 158a1 from streptomyces coelicolor a3(2)
2nz7 crystal structure analysis of caspase-recruitment domain (card) of nod1
2nz8 n-terminal dhph cassette of trio in complex with nucleotide- free rac1
2nza structure and function studies of cytochrome p450 158a1 from streptomyces coelicolor a3(2)
2nze structure of beta-lactamase ii from bacillus cereus. r121h, c221s double mutant. space group p3121.
2nzh crystal structure of a secretion chaperone csaa from bacillus subtilis in the space group p 4 21 2
2nzi crystal structure of domains a168-a170 from titin
2nzt crystal structure of human hexokinase ii
2nzu structural mechanism for the fine-tuning of ccpa function by the small molecule effectors g6p and fbp
2nzv structural mechanism for the fine-tuning of ccpa function by the small molecule effectors g6p and fbp
2o05 human spermidine synthase
2o06 human spermidine synthase
2o07 human spermidine synthase
2o08 crystal structure of a putative hd superfamily hydrolase (bh1327) from bacillus halodurans at 1.90 a resolution
2o09 crystal structure of the h-nox domain from nostoc sp. pcc 7120
2o0c crystal structure of the h-nox domain from nostoc sp. pcc 7120 complexed to no
2o0g crystal structure of the h-nox domain from nostoc sp. pcc 7120 complexed to co
2o0l human spermidine synthase
2o0r the three-dimensional structure of n-succinyldiaminopimelate aminotransferase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2o16 crystal structure of a putative acetoin utilization protein (acub) from vibrio cholerae
2o1e crystal structure of the metal-dependent lipoprotein ycdh from bacillus subtilis, northeast structural genomics target sr583
2o1k structure of the extended diarrhea-inducing domain of rotavirus enterotoxigenic protein nsp4
2o1m crystal structure of the probable amino-acid abc transporter extracellular-binding protein ytmk from bacillus subtilis. northeast structural genomics consortium target sr572
2o1n crystal structure of a complex of phospholipase a2 with a peptide ala-ile-ala-ser at 2.8 a resolution
2o1o cryptosporidium parvum putative polyprenyl pyrophosphate synthase (cgd4_2550) in complex with risedronate.
2o1p structure of yeast poly(a) polymerase in a somewhat closed state
2o1q crystal structure of a putative acetylacetone dioxygenase (mpe_a3659) from methylibium petroleiphilum pm1 at 1.50 a resolution
2o1u structure of full length grp94 with amp-pnp bound
2o1v structure of full length grp94 with adp bound
2o1z plasmodium vivax ribonucleotide reductase subunit r2 (pv086155)
2o23 the structure of wild-type human hadh2 (17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 10) bound to nad+ at 1.2 a
2o27 structure of a class iii rtk signaling assembly
2o28 crystal structure of gnpnat1
2o2e mycobacterium tuberculosis tryptophan synthase beta subunit dimer (apoform)
2o2j mycobacterium tuberculosis tryptophan synthase beta chain dimer (apoform)
2o2k crystal structure of the activation domain of human methionine synthase isoform/mutant d963e/k1071n
2o2s the structure of t. gondii enoyl acyl carrier protein reductase in complex with nad and triclosan
2o2t the crystal structure of the 1st pdz domain of mpdz
2o2v crystal structure of the complex of human mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 5 phox domain (map2k5-phox) with human mitogen activated protein kinase kinase kinase 3 (map3k3b-phox)
2o30 nuclear movement protein from e. cuniculi gb-m1
2o34 crystal structure of protein dvu1097 from desulfovibrio vulgaris hildenborough, pfam duf375
2o35 protein of unknown function (duf1244) from sinorhizobium meliloti
2o38 putative xre family transcriptional regulator
2o3a crystal structure of a protein af_0751 from archaeoglobus fulgidus
2o3b crystal structure complex of nuclease a (nuca) with intra-cellular inhibitor nuia
2o3i x-ray crystal structure of protein cv_3147 from chromobacterium violaceum. northeast structural genomics consortium target cvr68.
2o3k yeast cytosine deaminase d92e triple mutant bound to transition state analogue hpy
2o3l crystal structure of a duf1048 protein with a left-handed superhelix fold (bce_3448) from bacillus cereus atcc 10987 at 2.05 a resolution
2o3q structural basis for formation and hydrolysis of calcium messenger cyclic adp-ribose by human cd38
2o3r structural basis for formation and hydrolysis of calcium messenger cyclic adp-ribose by human cd38
2o3s structural basis for formation and hydrolysis of calcium messenger cyclic adp-ribose by human cd38
2o3t structural basis for formation and hydrolysis of calcium messenger cyclic adp-ribose by human cd38
2o3u structural basis for formation and hydrolysis of calcium messenger cyclic adp-ribose by human cd38
2o3z x-ray crystal structure of lpxc complexed with 3-heptyloxybenzoate
2o42 crystal structure of m11l, bcl-2 homolog from myxoma virus
2o4c crystal structure of d-erythronate-4-phosphate dehydrogenase complexed with nad
2o4h human brain aspartoacylase complex with intermediate analog (n- phosphonomethyl-l-aspartate)
2o4j crystal structure of rat vitamin d receptor ligand binding domain complexed with vitiii 17-20z and the nr2 box of drip 205
2o4k crystal structure of hiv-1 protease (q7k) in complex with atazanavir
2o4l crystal structure of hiv-1 protease (q7k, i50v) in complex with tipranavir
2o4n crystal structure of hiv-1 protease (trm mutant) in complex with tipranavir
2o4p crystal structure of hiv-1 protease (q7k) in complex with tipranavir
2o4r crystal structure of rat vitamin d receptor ligand binding domain complexed with vitiii 17-20e and the nr2 box of drip 205
2o4s crystal structure of hiv-1 protease (q7k) in complex with lopinavir
2o4x crystal structure of human p100 tudor domain
2o50 the crystal structure of toxoplasma gondii enoyl acyl carrier protein reductase
2o52 crystal structure of human rab4b in complex with gdp
2o53 crystal structure of apo-aspartoacylase from human brain
2o5a crystal structure of q9kd89 from bacillus halodurans. northeast structural genomics target bhr21
2o5d thiazolone-acylsulfonamides as novel hcv ns5b polymerase allosteric inhibitors: convergence of structure-based drug design and x-ray crystallographic study
2o5f crystal structure of dr0079 from deinococcus radiodurans at 1.9 angstrom resolution
2o5g calmodulin-smooth muscle light chain kinase peptide complex
2o5h uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria, cog3792 from neisseria meningitidis
2o5n crystal structure of a viral glycoprotein
2o5p crystal structure of the full length ferric pyoverdine outer membrane receptor fpva of pseudomonas aeruginosa in its apo form
2o5y crystal structure of the 1e9 leuh47trp/argh100trp fab progesterone complex
2o5z crystal structure of the 1e9 leuh47trp/argh100trp fab 5-beta- androstane-3,17-dione complex
2o60 calmodulin bound to peptide from neuronal nitric oxide synthase
2o62 crystal structure of a protein with unknown function from duf3598 family (npun_r4044) from nostoc punctiforme pcc 73102 at 1.75 a resolution
2o6b crystal structure of the pa5185 protein from pseudomonas aeruginosa strain pao1- new crystal form.
2o6c structure of selenomethionyl rtp34 from treponema pallidum
2o6d structure of native rtp34 from treponema pallidum
2o6e structure of native rtp34 from treponema pallidum from zinc-soaked crystals
2o6f structure of metal- free rtp34 from treponema pallidum
2o6i structure of an enterococcus faecalis hd domain phosphohydrolase
2o6k crystal structure of upf0346 from staphylococcus aureus. northeast structural genomics target zr218.
2o6l crystal structure of the udp-glucuronic acid binding domain of the human drug metabolizing udp-glucuronosyltransferase 2b7
2o6p crystal structure of the heme-isdc complex
2o6s structural diversity of the hagfish variable lymphocyte receptors b59
2o6u crystal structure of the pa5185 protein from pseudomonas aeruginosa strain pao1- new crystal form.
2o7g crystal structure of the pribnow box recognition region of sigc from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2o7m the c-terminal loop of the homing endonuclease i-crei is essential for dna binding and cleavage. identification of a novel site for specificity engineering in the i-crei scaffold
2o7p the crystal structure of ribd from escherichia coli in complex with the oxidised nadp+ cofactor in the active site of the reductase domain
2o8o crystal structure of clostridium histolyticum colg collagenase collagen-binding domain 3b at 1.35 angstrom resolution in presence of calcium
2o8q crystal structure of a protein with a cupin-like fold and unknown function (bxe_c0505) from burkholderia xenovorans lb400 at 1.55 a resolution
2o8r crystal structure of polyphosphate kinase from porphyromonas gingivalis
2o8s x-ray crystal structure of protein agr_c_984 from agrobacterium tumefaciens. northeast structural genomics consortium target atr120.
2o8v paps reductase in a covalent complex with thioredoxin c35a
2o8y apo irak4 kinase domain
2o95 crystal structure of the metal-free dimeric human mov34 mpn domain (residues 1-186)
2o96 crystal structure of the metal-free dimeric human mov34 mpn domain (residues 1-177)
2o97 crystal structure of e. coli hu heterodimer
2o9d crystal structure of aqpz mutant t183c.
2o9f crystal structure of aqpz mutant l170c
2o9q the crystal structure of bovine trypsin complexed with a small inhibition peptide orb2k
2o9v the second sh3 domain from ponsin in complex with the paxillin proline rich region
2o9z crystal structure of rebh, a fad-dependent halogenase from lechevalieria aerocolonigenes, the apo form
2oa1 crystal structure of rebh, a fad-dependent halogenase from lechevalieria aerocolonigenes, the l-tryptophan with fad complex
2oa5 crystal structure of orf52 from murid herpesvirus (muhv-4) (murine gammaherpesvirus 68) at 2.1 a resolution. northeast structural genomics consortium target mhr28b.
2oa7 mouse c14a glutathione-s-transferase mutant in complex with s-hexyl glutathione
2oa9 restriction endonuclease mvai in the absence of dna
2oac mouse c14a glutathione-s-transferase mutant in complex with s-(p-nitrobenzyl) glutathione
2oad structure of glutathione-s-transferase c169a mutant
2oae crystal structure of rat dipeptidyl peptidase (dppiv) with thiazole-based peptide mimetic #31
2oaf crystal structure of thioesterase superfamily (yp_508616.1) from jannaschia sp. ccs1 at 2.00 a resolution
2oal rebh with bound fad
2oam apo rebh from lechevalieria aerocolonigenes
2oap crystal structure of the archaeal secretion atpase gspe in complex with amp-pnp
2oaq crystal structure of the archaeal secretion atpase gspe in complex with phosphate
2oas crystal structure of 4-hydroxybutyrate coenzyme a transferase (atoa) in complex with coa from shewanella oneidensis, northeast structural genomics target sor119.
2ob3 structure of phosphotriesterase mutant h257y/l303t
2ob9 structure of bacteriophage hk97 tail assembly chaperone
2obc the crystal structure of ribd from escherichia coli in complex with a substrate analogue, ribose 5-phosphate (beta form), bound to the active site of the reductase domain
2obf structure of k57a hpnmt with inhibitor 3-hydroxymethyl-7-(n-4- chlorophenylaminosulfonyl)-thiq and adohcy (sah)
2obp crystal structure of a putative dna-binding protein (reut_b4095) from ralstonia eutropha jmp134 at 1.70 a resolution
2oc6 crystal structure of a protein from the duf1801 family (ydhg, bsu05750) from bacillus subtilis at 1.75 a resolution
2ocf human estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain in complex with estradiol and the e2#23 fn3 monobody
2oct stefin b (cystatin b) tetramer
2ocv structural basis of na+ activation mimicry in murine thrombin
2od0 the crystal structure of gene product vp1028 from vibrio parahaemolyticus
2od2 crystal structure of yhst2 i117f mutant bound to carba-nad+ and an acetylated h4 peptide
2od3 human thrombin chimera with human residues 184a, 186, 186a, 186b, 186c and 222 replaced by murine thrombin equivalents.
2od4 crystal structure of a dimeric ferredoxin-like protein (jcvi_pep_1096665735785) from uncultured marine organism at 1.70 a resolution
2od7 crystal structure of yhst2 bound to the intermediate analogue adp-hpd, and and aceylated h4 peptide
2od8 structure of a peptide derived from cdc9 bound to pcna
2od9 structural basis for nicotinamide inhibition and base exchange in sir2 enzymes
2oda crystal structure of pspto_2114
2odb the crystal structure of human cdc42 in complex with the crib domain of human p21-activated kinase 6 (pak6)
2odd solution structure of the mynd domain from aml1-eto complexed with smrt, a corepressor
2odj crystal structure of the outer membrane protein oprd from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2odm crystal structure of s. aureus ylan, an essential leucine rich protein involved in the control of cell shape
2oe0 crystal structure of mitochondrial thioredoxin 3 from saccharomyces cerevisiae
2oe1 crystal structure of mitochondrial thioredoxin 3 from saccharomyces cerevisiae (reduced form)
2oe3 crystal structure of mitochondrial thioredoxin 3 from saccharomyces cerevisiae (oxidized form)
2oee yhea from bacillus subtilis
2oei crystal structure of human fe65-ww domain in complex with human mena peptide
2oej crystal structure of a rubisco-like protein from geobacillus kaustophilus (tetramutant form), liganded with phosphate ions
2oek crystal structure of a rubisco-like protein from geobacillus kaustophilus liganded with mg2+ ions
2oel crystal structure of a rubisco-like protein from geobacillus kaustophilus liganded with mg2+ and hco3- ions
2oem crystal structure of a rubisco-like protein from geobacillus kaustophilus liganded with mg2+ and 2,3-diketohexane 1-phosphate
2oen structural mechanism for the fine-tuning of ccpa function by the small molecule effectors glucose-6-phosphate and fructose-1,6-bisphosphate
2oer probable transcriptional regulator from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2oex structure of alix/aip1 v domain
2oez protein of unknown function (duf1342) from vibrio parahaemolyticus
2of8 crystal structure of avr4 (d39a/c122s)-bna complex
2of9 crystal structure of apo avr4 (d39a/c122s)
2ofa crystal structure of apo avr4 (r112l,c122s)
2ofb crystal structure of avr4 (r112l/c122s)-bna complex
2ofc the crystal structure of sclerotium rolfsii lectin
2ofd the crystal structure of sclerotium rolfsii lectin in complex with n-acetyl-d-galactosamine
2ofe the crystal structure of sclerotium rolfsii lectin in complex with n- acetyl-d-glucosamine
2ofk crystal structure of 3-methyladenine dna glycosylase i (tag)
2ofp crystal structure of escherichia coli ketopantoate reductase in a ternary complex with nadp+ and pantoate
2ofq nmr solution structure of a complex between the virb9/virb7 interaction domains of the pkm101 type iv secretion system
2ofv crystal structure of aminoquinazoline 1 bound to lck
2ofx crystal structure of the apsk domain of human papss1 in complex with adpmg and paps
2ofy crystal structure of putative xre-family transcriptional regulator from rhodococcus sp.
2og1 crystal structure of bphd, a c-c hydrolase from burkholderia xenovorans lb400
2og8 crystal structure of aminoquinazoline 36 bound to lck
2og9 crystal structure of mandelate racemase/muconate lactonizing enzyme from polaromonas sp. js666
2ogb crystal structure of the c-terminal domain of mouse nrdp1
2ogd t. brucei farnesyl diphosphate synthase complexed with bisphosphonate bph-527
2ogi crystal structure of a putative metal dependent phosphohydrolase (sag1661) from streptococcus agalactiae serogroup v at 1.85 a resolution
2ogw structure of abc type zinc transporter from e. coli
2ogx the crystal structure of the molybdenum storage protein from azotobacter vinelandii loaded with polyoxotungstates (wsto)
2ogy asn199ala mutant of the 5-methyltetrahydrofolate corrinoid/iron sulfur protein methyltransferase complexed with methyltetrahydrofolate to 2.3 angstrom resolution
2ogz crystal structure of dpp-iv complexed with lilly aryl ketone inhibitor
2oh0 crystal structure of protein kinase a in complex with pyridine-pyrazolopyridine based inhibitors
2ohc structural and mutational analysis of trna-intron splicing endonuclease from thermoplasma acidophilum dsm1728
2oho structural basis for glutamate racemase inhibitor
2ohw crystal structure of the yuei protein from bacillus subtilis
2ohx refined crystal structure of liver alcohol dehydrogenase- nadh complex at 1.8 angstroms resolution
2ohy x-ray crystal structure of tyrosine aminomutase from streptomyces globisporus
2oi3 nmr structure analysis of the hematopoetic cell kinase sh3 domain complexed with an artificial high affinity ligand (pd1)
2oi5 e. coli glmu- complex with udp-glcnac and acetyl-coa
2oi6 e. coli glmu- complex with udp-glcnac, coa and glcn-1-po4
2oi7 e. coli glmu- complex with udp-glcnac, desulpho-coa and glcnac-1-po4
2oiq crystal structure of chicken c-src kinase domain in complex with the cancer drug imatinib.
2oj1 disulfide-linked dimer of azurin n42c/m64e double mutant
2oj2 nmr structure analysis of the hematopoetic cell kinase sh3 domain complexed with an artificial high affinity ligand (pd1)
2ojf crystal structure of protein kinase a in complex with pyridine-pyrazolopyridine based inhibitors
2ojk crystal structure of green fluorescent protein from zoanthus sp at 2.2 a resolution
2ojl crystal structure of q7waf1_borpa from bordetella parapertussis. northeast structural genomics target bpr68.
2ojp the crystal structure of a dimeric mutant of dihydrodipicolinate synthase from e.coli- dhdps-l197y
2ojt structure and mechanism of kainate receptor modulation by anions
2ojx molecular and structural basis of polo-like kinase 1 substrate recognition: implications in centrosomal localization
2ok2 muts c-terminal domain fused to maltose binding protein
2ok9 prtx-i-bpb
2okc crystal structure of type i restriction enzyme stysji m protein (np_813429.1) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 2.20 a resolution
2okf crystal structure of a fdxn element excision controlling factor protein (ava_3312) from anabaena variabilis at 1.60 a resolution
2okg structure of effector binding domain of central glycolytic gene regulator (cggr) from b. subtilis
2okh crystal structure of dimeric form of pffabz in crystal form3
2oki crystal structure of dimeric form of pffabz in crystal form2
2okj the x-ray crystal structure of the 67kda isoform of glutamic acid decarboxylase (gad67)
2okl crystal structure of peptide deformylase 2 with actinonin from bacillus cereus
2okn crystal strcture of human prolidase
2okq crystal structure of unknown conserved ybaa protein from shigella flexneri
2oku the crystal structure of the acyl-coa dehydrogenase family protein from porphyromonas gingivalis
2okx crystal structure of gh78 family rhamnosidase of bacillus sp. gl1 at 1.9 a
2oky a non-invasive gfp-based biosensor for mercury ions
2okz mvggvv peptide derived from alzheimer's a-beta
2ol2 high resolution structure of native pci in space group p21
2ol4 crystal structure of plasmodium falciparum enoyl acp reductase with triclosan reductase
2ol5 crystal structure of a protease synthase and sporulation negative regulatory protein pai 2 from bacillus stearothermophilus
2ol7 the crystal structure of ospa mutant
2olb oligopeptide binding protein (oppa) complexed with tri- lysine
2olc crystal structure of 5-methylthioribose kinase in complex with adp-2ho
2old bence jones kwr protein- immunoglobulin light chain dimer, p3(2)21 crystal form
2ole crystal structure of human dipeptidyl peptidase iv (dppiv) complex with cyclic hydrazine derivatives
2olj abc protein artp in complex with adp/mg2+
2olp structure and ligand selection of hemoglobin ii from lucina pectinata
2olv structural insight into the transglycosylation step of bacterial cell wall biosynthesis : donor ligand complex
2olw crystal structure of e. coli pseudouridine synthase rlue
2om6 hypothetical protein (probable phosphoserine phosph (ph0253) from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2oma crystallographic analysis of a chemically modified triosephosphate isomerase from trypanosoma cruzi with dithiobenzylamine (dtba)
2omd crystal structure of molybdopterin converting factor subunit 2 (aq_2181) from aquifex aeolicus vf5
2omk structure of the bacteroides thetaiotaomicron thiamin pyrophosphokinase
2omn bence jones kwr protein- immunoglobulin light chain dimer, p4(3)2(1)2 crystal form
2omp lyqlen peptide derived from human insulin chain a, residues 13-18
2omt crystal structure of inla g194s+s/hec1 complex
2omu crystal structure of inla g194s+s y369s/hec1 complex
2omv crystal structure of inla s192n y369s/hec1 complex
2omw crystal structure of inla s192n y369s/mec1 complex
2omx crystal structure of inla s192n g194s+s/hec1 complex
2omy crystal structure of inla s192n/hec1 complex
2omz crystal structure of inla y369a/hec1 complex
2on3 a structural insight into the inhibition of human and leishmania donovani ornithine decarboxylases by 3-aminooxy- 1-aminopropane
2on9 structure of an amyloid forming peptide vqivyk from the repeat region of tau
2ond crystal structure of the hat-c domain of murine cstf-77
2one asymmetric yeast enolase dimer complexed with resolved 2'- phosphoglycerate and phosphoenolpyruvate
2onf crystal structure of a putative osmotically inducible protein c (ta0195) from thermoplasma acidophilum at 1.70 a resolution
2ong crystal structure of of limonene synthase with 2- fluorogeranyl diphosphate (fgpp).
2onh crystal structure of of limonene synthase with 2- fluorolinalyl diphosphate(flpp)
2onj structure of the multidrug abc transporter sav1866 from s. aureus in complex with amp-pnp
2ony structure of hpnmt with inhibitor 7-(n-4-chlorophenylaminosulfonyl)- thiq and adohcy
2onz structure of k57a hpnmt with inhibitor 7-(n-4- chlorophenylaminosulfonyl)-thiq and adohcy
2oo0 a structural insight into the inhibition of human and leishmania donovani ornithine decarboxylases by 3-aminooxy-1-aminopropane
2oo4 structure of lnr-hd (negative regulatory region) from human notch 2
2oo7 crystal structure of a thermostable mutant of bacillus subtilis adenylate kinase (t179i/q199r)
2ooa crystal structure of the uba domain from cbl-b ubiquitin ligase
2oob crystal structure of the uba domain from cbl-b ubiquitin ligase in complex with ubiquitin
2ooc crystal structure of histidine phosphotransferase shpa (np_419930.1) from caulobacter crescentus at 1.52 a resolution
2ooi the crystal structure of gene product sa0254 from staphylocococcus aureus subsp. aureus n315
2ooj crystal structure of a protein with unknown function from duf3224 family (so_1590) from shewanella oneidensis mr-1 at 1.84 a resolution
2ook crystal structure of a protein with unknown function (yp_749275.1) from shewanella frigidimarina ncimb 400 at 1.80 a resolution
2ool crystal structure of the chromophore-binding domain of an unusual bacteriophytochrome rpbphp3 from r. palustris
2ooq crystal structure of the human receptor phosphatase ptprt
2oos crystal structure of plasmodium falciparum enoyl acp reductase with triclosan reductase
2op0 crystal structure of plasmodium falciparum enoyl acp reductase with triclosan reductase
2op1 crystal structure of plasmodium falciparum enoyl acp reductase with triclosan reductase
2op3 the structure of cathepsin s with a novel 2- arylphenoxyacetaldehyde inhibitor derived by the substrate activity screening (sas) method
2op4 crystal structure of quorum-quenching antibody 1g9
2op8 crystal structure of ywhb- homologue of 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase
2op9 substrate specificity profiling and identification of a new class of inhibitor for the major protease of the sars coronavirus
2opa ywhb binary complex with 2-fluoro-p-hydroxycinnamate
2opb structure of k57a hpnmt with inhibitor 3-fluoromethyl-7- thiomorpholinosulfonamide-thiq and adohcy
2opd structure of the neisseria meningitidis minor type iv pilin, pilx
2opg the crystal structure of the 10th pdz domain of mpdz
2oph human dipeptidyl peptidase iv in complex with an alpha amino acid inhibitor
2opi crystal structure of l-fuculose-1-phosphate aldolase from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
2opl crystal structure of an osmc-like protein (gsu2788) from geobacter sulfurreducens at 1.50 a resolution
2opp crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with gw420867x.
2opq crystal structure of l100i mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with gw420867x.
2opr crystal structure of k101e mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with gw420867x.
2ops crystal structure of y188c mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with gw420867x.
2opt crystal structure of apo actr from streptomyces coelicolor.
2oq1 tandem sh2 domains of zap-70 with 19-mer zeta1 peptide
2oq7 the crystal structure of jmjd2a complexed with ni and n-oxalylglycine
2oqa x-ray sequence and crystal structure of luffaculin 1, a novel type 1 ribosome-inactivating protein
2oqb crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of coactivator-associated methyltransferase 1 (carm1)
2oqc crystal structure of penicillin v acylase from bacillus subtilis
2oqd crystal structure of bthtx-ii
2oql structure of phosphotriesterase mutant h254q/h257f
2oqq crystal structure of hy5 leucine zipper homodimer from arabidopsis thaliana
2oqs structure of the hdlg/sap97 pdz2 in complex with hpv-18 papillomavirus e6 peptide
2oqv human dipeptidyl peptidase iv (dpp4) with piperidine- constrained phenethylamine
2or0 structural genomics, the crystal structure of a putative hydroxylase from rhodococcus sp. rha1
2or2 structure of the w47a/w242a mutant of bacterial phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase c
2or3 pre-oxidation complex of human dj-1
2or7 tim-2
2or8 tim-1
2ord crystal structure of acetylornithine aminotransferase (ec (acoat) (tm1785) from thermotoga maritima at 1.40 a resolution
2ori crystal structure of a thermostable mutant of bacillus subtilis adenylate kinase (a193v/q199r/)
2orv human thymidine kinase 1 in complex with tp4a
2orw thermotoga maritima thymidine kinase 1 like enzyme in complex with tp4a
2ory crystal structure of m37 lipase
2orz structural basis for ligand binding and heparin mediated activation of neuropilin
2os6 solution structure of larg pdz domain in complex with c- terminal octa-peptide of plexin b1
2osb crystal structure of a thermostable mutant of bacillus subtilis adenylate kinase (q16l/q199r/)
2osg solution structure and binding property of the domain- swapped dimer of zo2pdz2
2osu probable glutaminase from bacillus subtilis complexed with 6-diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine
2osv crystal structure of znua from e. coli
2osw endo-glycoceramidase ii from rhodococcus sp.
2osy endo-glycoceramidase ii from rhodococcus sp.: lactosyl- enzyme intermediate
2ot3 crystal structure of rabex-5 vps9 domain in complex with nucleotide free rab21
2ot4 structure of a hexameric multiheme c nitrite reductase from the extremophile bacterium thiolkalivibrio nitratireducens
2ota crystal structure of the upf0352 protein cps_2611 from colwellia psychrerythraea. nesg target csr4.
2otb crystal structure of a monomeric cyan fluorescent protein in the fluorescent state
2ote crystal structure of a monomeric cyan fluorescent protein in the photobleached state
2otn crystal structure of the catalytically active form of diaminopimelate epimerase from bacillus anthracis
2otp crystal structure of immunoglobulin-like transcript 1 (ilt1/lir7/lilra2)
2ott crystal structure of cd5_diii
2otx crystal structure of a n-terminal fragment of skap-hom containing both the helical dimerization domain and the ph domain
2ou3 crystal structure of a tellurite resistance protein of cog3793 (npun_f6341) from nostoc punctiforme pcc 73102 at 1.85 a resolution
2ou5 crystal structure of a pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase-related fmn- binding protein (jann_0254) from jannaschia sp. ccs1 at 1.60 a resolution
2oua crystal structure of nocardiopsis protease (napase)
2ouc crystal structure of the map kinase binding domain of mkp5
2ouh crystal structure of the thrombospondin-1 n-terminal domain in complex with fractionated heparin dp10
2oul the structure of chagasin in complex with a cysteine protease clarifies the binding mode and evolution of a new inhibitor family
2oun crystal structure of pde10a2 in complex with amp
2oup crystal structure of pde10a
2ouq crystal structure of pde10a2 in complex with gmp
2our crystal structure of pde10a2 mutant d674a in complex with camp
2ous crystal structure of pde10a2 mutant d674a
2ouu crystal structure of pde10a2 mutant d674a in complex with cgmp
2ouv crystal structure of pde10a2 mutant of d564n
2ouw crystal structure of alkylhydroperoxidase ahpd core (yp_425393.1) from rhodospirillum rubrum atcc 11170 at 1.95 a resolution
2oux crystal structure of the soluble part of a magnesium transporter
2ouy crystal structure of pde10a2 mutant d564a in complex with camp.
2ovh progesterone receptor with bound asoprisnil and a peptide from the co-repressor smrt
2ovm progesterone receptor with bound asoprisnil and a peptide from the co-repressor ncor
2ovp structure of the skp1-fbw7 complex
2ovs crystal strcuture of a type three secretion system protein
2ovx mmp-9 active site mutant with barbiturate inhibitor
2ovz mmp-9 active site mutant with phosphinate inhibitor
2ow0 mmp-9 active site mutant with iodine-labeled carboxylate inhibitor
2ow1 mmp-9 active site mutant with trifluoromethyl hydroxamate inhibitor
2ow2 mmp-9 active site mutant with difluoro butanoic acid inhibitor
2ow9 crystal structure analysis of the mmp13 catalytic domain in complex with specific inhibitor
2owa crystal structure of putative gtpase activating protein for adp ribosylation factor from cryptosporidium parvum (cgd5_1040)
2owd crystal structure of tthb049 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2owg crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2owk crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2owl crystal structure of e. coli rdgc
2own crystal structure of oleoyl thioesterase (putative) (np_784467.1) from lactobacillus plantarum at 2.00 a resolution
2owp crystal structure of a cystatin-like fold protein (bxe_b1374) from burkholderia xenovorans lb400 at 2.00 a resolution
2owq crystal structure of vaccinia virus uracil-dna glycosylase
2owu crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2owv crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2owy the recombination-associated protein rdgc adopts a novel toroidal architecture for dna binding
2oxc human dead-box rna helicase ddx20, dead domain in complex with adp
2oxe structure of the human pancreatic lipase-related protein 2
2oxf x-ray structure of the unliganded uridine phosphorylase from salmonella typhimurium in homodimeric form at 1.76a resolution
2oxi refined crystal structure of cu-substituted alcohol dehydrogenase at 2.1 angstroms resolution
2oxl structure and function of the e. coli protein ymgb: a protein critical for biofilm formation and acid resistance
2oxw human mmp-12 complexed with the peptide iag
2oxy protein kinase ck2 in complex with tetrabromobenzoimidazole derivatives k17, k22 and k32
2oy0 crystal structure of the west nile virus methyltransferase
2oy4 uninhibited human mmp-8
2oy9 crystal structure of an unknown conserved protein- pfam: upf0223
2oya crystal structure analysis of the dimeric form of the srcr domain of mouse marco
2oyk endo-glycoceramidase ii from rhodococcus sp.: cellobiose-like isofagomine complex
2oyl endo-glycoceramidase ii from rhodococcus sp.: cellobiose-like imidazole complex
2oym endo-glycoceramidase ii from rhodococcus sp.: five-membered iminocyclitol complex
2oyo crystal structure of uncharacterized peroxidase-related protein (yp_604910.1) from deinococcus geothermalis dsm 11300 at 1.51 a resolution
2oys crystal structure of sp1951 protein from streptococcus pneumoniae in complex with fmn, northeast structural genomics target spr27
2oz0 mechanistic and structural studies of h373q flavocytochrome b2: effects of mutating the active site base
2oz2 crystal structure analysis of cruzain bound to vinyl sulfone derived inhibitor (k11777)
2oz5 crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis protein tyrosine phosphatase ptpb in complex with the specific inhibitor omts
2oz8 crystal structure of putative mandelate racemase from mesorhizobium loti
2oza structure of p38alpha complex
2ozj crystal structure of a cupin superfamily protein (dsy2733) from desulfitobacterium hafniense dcb-2 at 1.60 a resolution
2ozn the cohesin-dockerin complex of nagj and nagh from clostridium perfringens
2ozv crystal structure of a predicted o-methyltransferase, protein atu636 from agrobacterium tumefaciens.
2ozz crystal structure of yhfz from shigella flexneri
2p04 2.1 ang structure of the dimerized pas domain of signal transduction histidine kinase from nostoc punctiforme pcc 73102 with homology to the h-noxa/h-noba domain of the soluble guanylyl cyclase
2p06 crystal structure of a predicted coding region af_0060 from archaeoglobus fulgidus dsm 4304
2p08 structure of the n-terminally truncated pas domain of signal transduction histidine kinase from nostoc punctiforme pcc 73102 with homology to the h-noxa/h-noba domain of the soluble guanylyl cyclase
2p0a the crystal structure of human synapsin iii (syn3) in complex with amppnp
2p0c catalytic domain of the proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase mer
2p0m revised structure of rabbit reticulocyte 15s-lipoxygenase
2p0n nmb1532 protein from neisseria meningitidis, unknown function
2p0s structural genomics, the crystal structure of a putative abc transporter domain from porphyromonas gingivalis w83
2p0u crystal structure of marchantia polymorpha stilbenecarboxylate synthase 2 (stcs2)
2p0v crystal structure of bt3781 protein from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, northeast structural genomics target btr58
2p11 crystal structure of a putative haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (bxe_b1342) from burkholderia xenovorans lb400 at 2.20 a resolution
2p12 crystal structure of protein of unknown function duf402 from rhodococcus sp. rha1
2p13 transporter associated domain corc_hlyc from nitrosomonas europaea
2p16 factor xa in complex with the inhibitor apixaban (bms- 562247) aka 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-7-oxo-6-(4-(2-oxo-1- piperidinyl)phenyl)-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1h-pyrazolo[3, 4- c]pyridine-3-carboxamide
2p1a crystal structure of a putative metal-binding protein (bce_2162) from bacillus cereus atcc 10987 at 2.10 a resolution
2p1c t. brucei farnesyl diphosphate synthase complexed with bisphosphonate bph-210
2p1g crystal structure of a putative xylanase from bacteroides fragilis
2p1j crystal structure of a polc-type dna polymerase iii exonuclease domain from thermotoga maritima
2p1m tir1-ask1 complex structure
2p1p mechanism of auxin perception by the tir1 ubiquitin ligase
2p1t crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of the retinoid x receptor alpha in complex with 3-(2'-methoxy)- tetrahydronaphtyl cinnamic acid and a fragment of the coactivator tif-2
2p1u crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of the retinoid x receptor alpha in complex with 3-(2'-ethoxy)- tetrahydronaphtyl cinnamic acid and a fragment of the coactivator tif-2
2p1v crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of the retinoid x receptor alpha in complex with 3-(2'-propoxy)- tetrahydronaphtyl cinnamic acid and a fragment of the coactivator tif-2
2p1z crystal structure of phosphoribosyltransferase from corynebacterium diphtheriae
2p20 acetyl-coa synthetase, r584a mutation
2p23 crystal structure of human fgf19
2p24 i-au/mbp125-135
2p28 structure of the phe2 and phe3 fragments of the integrin beta2 subunit
2p2a x-ray structure of the glur2 ligand binding core (s1s2j) in complex with 2-bn-tet-ampa at 2.26a resolution
2p2b acetyl-coa synthetase, v386a mutation
2p2f acetyl-coa synthetase, wild-type with acetate, amp, and coa bound
2p2i crystal structure of the vegfr2 kinase domain in complex with a nicotinamide inhibitor
2p2j acetyl-coa synthetase, k609a mutation
2p2m acetyl-coa synthetase, r194a mutation
2p2q acetyl-coa synthetase, r584e mutation
2p2s crystal structure of putative oxidoreductase (yp_050235.1) from erwinia carotovora atroseptica scri1043 at 1.25 a resolution
2p2t crystal structure of dynein light chain lc8 bound to residues 123-138 of intermediate chain ic74
2p2x crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2p2z crystal structure of tthb049 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2p31 crystal structure of human glutathione peroxidase 7
2p35 crystal structure of trans-aconitate methyltransferase from agrobacterium tumefaciens
2p38 crystal structure of pyrococcus abyssi protein homologue of saccharomyces cerevisiae nip7p
2p3a crystal structure of the multi-drug resistant mutant subtype b hiv protease complexed with tl-3 inhibitor
2p3b crystal structure of the subtype b wild type hiv protease complexed with tl-3 inhibitor
2p3c crystal structure of the subtype f wild type hiv protease complexed with tl-3 inhibitor
2p3d crystal structure of the multi-drug resistant mutant subtype f hiv protease complexed with tl-3 inhibitor
2p3e crystal structure of aq1208 from aquifex aeolicus
2p3p structure of a domain of an uncharacterized protein pg_1388 from porphyromonas gingivalis w83
2p3t crystal structure of human factor xa complexed with 3- chloro-4-(2-methylamino-imidazol-1-ylmethyl)-thiophene-2- carboxylic acid [4-chloro-2-(5-chloro-pyridin-2- ylcarbamoyl)-6-methoxy-phenyl]-amide
2p3u crystal structure of human factor xa complexed with 3- chloro-n-(4-chloro-2-{[(5-chloropyridin-2-yl) amino]carbonyl}-6-methoxyphenyl)-4-[(1-methyl-1h-imidazol- 2-yl)methyl]thiophene-2-carboxamide {pfizer 320663}
2p3w crystal structure of the htra3 pdz domain bound to a phage-derived ligand (fgrwv)
2p3y crystal structure of vpa0735 from vibrio parahaemolyticus. northeast structural genomics target vpr109
2p3z crystal structure of l-rhamnonate dehydratase from salmonella typhimurium
2p43 complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with rnase a at 1.65a resolution: se3-mono-1 crystal form with three se-met sites (m34, m51, m83) in vhh scaffold
2p44 complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with rnase a at 1.8a resolution: se5a-mono-1 crystal form with five se-met sites (m34, m51, f68m, m83, l86m) in vhh scaffold
2p45 complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with rnase a at 1.1a resolution: se5b-ortho-1 crystal form with five se-met sites (l4m, m34, m51, f68m, m83) in vhh scaffold.
2p47 complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with rnase a at 2.5a resolution: se5b-tri crystal form with five se-met sites (l4m, m34, m51, f68m, m83) in vhh scaffold.
2p48 complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with rnase a at 2.3a resolution: se5b-tetra crystal form with five se-met sites (l4m, m34, m51, f68m, m83) in vhh scaffold.
2p49 complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with rnase a at 1.4a resolution: native mono_1 crystal form
2p4e crystal structure of pcsk9
2p4p crystal structure of a corc_hlyc domain from haemophilus ducreyi
2p4r structural basis for a novel interaction between aip4 and beta-pix
2p4w crystal structure of heat shock regulator from pyrococcus furiosus
2p4x crystal structure of atp12 from paracoccus denitrificans
2p4y crystal structure of human ppar-gamma-ligand binding domain complexed with an indole-based modulator
2p4z a ferredoxin-like metallo-beta-lactamase superfamily protein from thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis
2p53 crystal structure of n-acetyl-d-glucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase d273n mutant complexed with n-acetyl phosphonamidate-d-glucosamine-6- phosphate
2p54 a crystal structure of ppar alpha bound with src1 peptide and gw735
2p5c crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2p5f crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2p5n crystal structure of mouse 17-alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in complex with coenzyme nadph
2p5r crystal structure of the poplar glutathione peroxidase 5 in the oxidized form
2p5s rab domain of human rasef in complex with gdp
2p5x crystal structure of maf domain of human n-acetylserotonin o- methyltransferase-like protein
2p62 crystal structure of hypothetical protein ph0156 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2p64 d domain of b-trcp
2p68 crystal structure of aq_1716 from aquifex aeolicus vf5
2p6c crystal structure of hypothetical protein aq_2013 from aquifex aeolicus vf5.
2p6d crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2p6h crystal structure of hypothetical protein ape1520 from aeropyrum pernix k1
2p6i crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2p6k crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2p6l crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2p6m crystal structure of tthb049 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2p6n human dead-box rna helicase ddx41, helicase domain
2p6o crystal structure of tthb049 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2p6p x-ray crystal structure of c-c bond-forming dtdp-d-olivose-transferase urdgt2
2p6x crystal structure of human tyrosine phosphatase ptpn22
2p6z enzymatic and structural characterisation of amphinase, a novel cytotoxic ribonuclease from rana pipiens oocytes
2p72 crystal structure of a glycosyltransferase involved in the glycosylation of the major capsid of pbcv-1
2p74 ctx-m-9 class a beta-lactamase apo crystal structure at 0.88 angstrom resolution
2p75 crystal structure of tthb049 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2p77 crystal structure of tthb049 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2p78 crystal structure of tthb049 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2p79 crystal structure of tthb049 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2p7i crystal structure of a sam dependent methyl-transferase type 12 family protein (eca1738) from pectobacterium atrosepticum scri1043 at 1.74 a resolution
2p7j crystal structure of the domain of putative sensory box/ggdef family protein from vibrio parahaemolyticus
2p7k crystal structure of genomically encoded fosfomycin resistance protein, fosx, from listeria monocytogenes (hexagonal form)
2p7o crystal structure of genomically encoded fosfomycin resistance protein, fosx, from listeria monocytogenes (tetragonal form)
2p7v crystal structure of the escherichia coli regulator of sigma 70, rsd, in complex with sigma 70 domain 4
2p8e crystal structure of the serine/threonine phosphatase domain of human ppm1b
2p8j crystal structure of s-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase (np_349143.1) from clostridium acetobutylicum at 2.00 a resolution
2p8q crystal structure of human importin beta bound to the snurportin1 ibb- domain
2p8s human dipeptidyl peptidase iv/cd26 in complex with a cyclohexalamine inhibitor
2p8u crystal structure of human 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coa synthase i
2p8w fitted structure of eef2 in the 80s:eef2:gdpnp cryo-em reconstruction
2p8x fitted structure of adpr-eef2 in the 80s:adpr-eef2:gdpnp cryo-em reconstruction
2p8z fitted structure of adpr-eef2 in the 80s:adpr- eef2:gdpnp:sordarin cryo-em reconstruction
2p92 crystal structure of a hypothetical protein from staphylococcus aureus
2p93 factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 5-chloro-n-(2-(4-(2- oxopyridin-1(2h)-yl)benzamido)ethyl)thiophene-2-carboxamide
2p94 factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 3-chloro-n-((1r,2s)- 2-(4-(2-oxopyridin-1(2h)-yl)benzamido)cyclohexyl)-1h- indole-6-carboxamide
2p95 factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 5-chloro-n-((1r,2s)- 2-(4-(2-oxopyridin-1(2h)-yl)benzamido) cyclopentyl) thiophene-2-carboxamide
2p97 crystal structure of a putative metal-dependent hydrolase (ava_3068) from anabaena variabilis atcc 29413 at 1.65 a resolution
2p9c crystal structure of serine bound g336v mutant of e.coli phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase
2p9d crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2p9f crystal structure of tthb049 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2p9g crystal structure of serine bound g336v,g337v double mutant of e.coli phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase
2p9h high resolution structure of the lactose repressor bound to iptg
2p9q crystal structure of phosphoglycerate kinase-2
2p9r human alpha2-macroglogulin is composed of multiple domains, as predicted by homology with complement component c3
2p9v structure of ampc beta-lactamase with cross-linked active site after exposure to small molecule inhibitor
2p9y crystal structure of tthb049 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2p9z crystal structure of tthb049 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2pa0 crystal structure of tthb049 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2pa2 crystal structure of human ribosomal protein l10 core domain
2pa5 crystal structure of human protein tyrosine phosphatase ptpn9
2pa6 crystal structure of mj0232 from methanococcus jannaschii
2pa7 structure of wild-type dtdp-4-keto-6-deoxy-d-glucose-3,4- ketoisomerase from aneurinibacillus thermoaerophilus in complex with tdp
2pa8 x-ray crystal structure of the d/l subcomplex of the sulfolobus solfataricus rna polymerase
2paa crystal structure of phosphoglycerate kinase-2 bound to atp and 3pg
2pab structure of prealbumin, secondary, tertiary and quaternary interactions determined by fourier refinement at 1.8 angstroms
2pae structure of a h49n mutant dtdp-4-keto-6-deoxy-d-glucose-3, 4-ketoisomerase from aneurinibacillus thermoaerophilus in complex with tdp
2paf crystal structure of the lactose repressor bound to anti- inducer onpf in induced state
2pah tetrameric human phenylalanine hydroxylase
2pak structure of a h51n mutant dtdp-4-keto-6-deoxy-d-glucose-3, 4-ketoisomerase from aneurinibacillus thermoaerophilus complexed with tdp
2pam structure of a h49n, h51n double mutant dtdp-4-keto-6-deoxy- d-glucose-3,4-ketoisomerase from aneurinibacillus thermoaerophilus complexed with tdp
2paq crystal structure of the 5'-deoxynucleotidase yfbr
2par crystal structure of the 5'-deoxynucleotidase yfbr mutant e72a complexed with co(2+) and tmp
2pau crystal structure of the 5'-deoxynucleotidase yfbr mutant e72a complexed with co(2+) and damp
2pb0 structure of biosynthetic n-acetylornithine aminotransferase from salmonella typhimurium: studies on substrate specificity and inhibitor binding
2pb2 structure of biosynthetic n-acetylornithine aminotransferase from salmonella typhimurium: studies on substrate specificity and inhibitor binding
2pb4 crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2pb5 crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2pb6 crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2pb8 crystal structure of the complex formed between phospholipase a2 and peptide ala-val-tyr-ser at 2.0 a resolution
2pb9 crystal structure of c-terminal domain of phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase
2pbf crystal structure of a putative protein-l-isoaspartate o- methyltransferase beta-aspartate methyltransferase (pcmt) from plasmodium falciparum in complex with s-adenosyl-l-homocysteine
2pbr crystal structure of thymidylate kinase (aq_969) from aquifex aeolicus vf5
2pbw crystal structure of the ligand-binding core of iglur5 in complex with the partial agonist domoic acid at 2.5 a resolution
2pbx vibrio cholerae hapr
2pca crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2pcf the complex of cytochrome f and plastocyanin determined with paramagnetic nmr. based on the structures of cytochrome f and plastocyanin, 10 structures
2pcg crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2pch crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2pci crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2pcj crystal structure of abc transporter (aq_297) from aquifex aeolicus vf5
2pck crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2pcm crystal structure of ph0725 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2pcu human carboxypeptidase a4 in complex with a cleaved hexapeptide.
2pd2 crystal structure of (st0148) conserved hypothetical from sulfolobus tokodaii strain7
2pd7 2.0 angstrom crystal structure of the fungal blue-light photoreceptor vivid
2pd8 1.8 angstrom crystal structure of the cys71ser mutant of vivid
2pda crystal structure of the complex between pyruvate-ferredoxin oxidoreductase from desulfovibrio africanus and pyruvate.
2pdz solution structure of the syntrophin pdz domain in complex with the peptide gvkeslv, nmr, 15 structures
2pe6 non-covalent complex between human sumo-1 and human ubc9
2pe9 nmr based structure of the open conformation of lys48- linked di-ubiquitin using experimental global rotational diffusion tensor from nmr relaxation measurements
2pea nmr based structure of the closed conformation of lys48- linked di-ubiquitin using experimental global rotational diffusion tensor from nmr relaxation measurements
2peb crystal structure of a putative dioxygenase (npun_f1925) from nostoc punctiforme pcc 73102 at 1.46 a resolution
2ped crystallographic model of 9-cis-rhodopsin
2pee crystal structure of a thermophilic serpin, tengpin, in the native state
2peg crystal structure of trematomus bernacchii hemoglobin in a partial hemichrome state
2peo crystal structure of rbcx from anabaena ca
2peq crystal structure of rbcx, crystal form ii
2pex structure of reduced c22s ohrr from xanthamonas campestris
2pey crystal strucutre of deletion mutant of aps-kinase domain of human paps-synthetase 1
2pez crystal structrue of deletion mutant of aps-kinase domain of human paps-synthetase 1 in complex with cyclic paps and dadp
2pf6 lutheran glycoprotein, n-terminal domains 1 and 2
2pfb structure of oxidized ohrr from xanthamonas campestris
2pfe crystal structure of thermobifida fusca protease a (tfpa)
2pfi crystal structure of the cytoplasmic domain of the human chloride channel clc-ka
2pfl crystal structure of pfl from e.coli
2pfm crystal structure of adenylosuccinate lyase (purb) from bacillus anthracis
2pfr human n-acetyltransferase 2
2pfw crystal structure of a rmlc-like cupin (sfri_3105) from shewanella frigidimarina ncimb 400 at 1.90 a resolution
2pfx crystal structure of uncharacterized peroxidase-related protein (yp_614459.1) from silicibacter sp. tm1040 at 1.70 a resolution
2pg0 crystal structure of acyl-coa dehydrogenase from geobacillus kaustophilus
2pg2 crystal structure of ksp in complex with adp and thiophene containing inhibitor 15
2pg4 crystal structure of a putative dna binding protein (ape_0880a) from aeropyrum pernix k1 at 2.21 a resolution
2pgb inhibitor-free human thrombin mutant c191a-c220a
2pgj catalysis associated conformational changes revealed by human cd38 complexed with a non-hydrolyzable substrate analog
2pgl catalysis associated conformational changes revealed by human cd38 complexed with a non-hydrolyzable substrate analog
2pgn the crystal structure of fad and thdp-dependent cyclohexane-1,2-dione hydrolase in complex with cyclohexane-1,2-dione
2pgo the crystal structure of fad and thdp dependent cyclohexane-1,2-dione hydrolase (cdh) from azoarcus sp. strain 22lin
2pgq human thrombin mutant c191a-c220a in complex with the inhibitor ppack
2pgt crystal structure of human glutathione s-transferase p1- 1[v104] complexed with (9r,10r)-9-(s-glutathionyl)-10- hydroxy-9,10-dihydrophenanthrene
2ph0 crystal structure of the q6d2t7_erwct protein from erwinia carotovora. nesg target ewr41.
2ph3 crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-[acyl carrier protein] reductase ttha0415 from thermus thermophilus
2ph4 crystal structure of a novel arg49 phospholipase a2 homologue from zhaoermia mangshanensis venom
2ph7 crystal structure of af2093 from archaeoglobus fulgidus
2pha crystal structure of native, unliganded human arginase at 1.90 resolution
2phb an orally efficacious factor xa inhibitor
2phf pterocarpus angolensis lectin complexed with man-6
2phg model for vp16 binding to tfiib
2phi a large conformational change is found in the crystal structure of the porcine pancreatic phospholipase a2 point mutant f63v
2phk the crystal structure of a phosphorylase kinase peptide substrate complex: kinase substrate recognition
2phn crystal structure of an amide bond forming f420-gamma glutamyl ligase from archaeoglobus fulgidus
2pho crystal structure of human arginase i complexed with thiosemicarbazide at 1.95 resolution
2phr pterocarpus angolensis lectin (pal) in complex with man-7d1
2pht pterocarpus angolensis lectin (p l) in complex with man-7d3
2phu pterocarpus angolensis lectin in complex with man-8d1d3
2phw pterocarpus angolensis lectin (pal) in complex with man-9
2phx pterocarpus angolensis lectin (pal) in complex with man-5
2pi7 structure of the catalytic domain of the chick retinal neurite inhibitor-receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase cryp-2/cptpro
2pid crystal structure of human mitochondrial tyrosyl-trna synthetase in complex with an adenylate analog
2pie crystal structure of the fha domain of rnf8 in complex with its optimal phosphopeptide
2pif crystal structure of upf0317 protein pspto_5379 from pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. northeast structural genomics target psr181
2pig crystal structure of ydck from salmonella cholerae at 2.38 a resolution. northeast structural genomics target scr6
2pih crystal structure of protein ymca from bacillus subtilis, northeast structural genomics target sr375
2pij structure of the cro protein from prophage pfl 6 in pseudomonas fluorescens pf-5
2pin thyroid receptor beta in complex with inhibitor
2pj4 crystal structure of activated porcine pancreatic carboxypeptidase b [((r)-benzyloxycarbonylamino-cyclohexyl- methyl)-hydroxy-phosphinoyloxy]-(3-guanidino-phenyl)- acetic acid complex
2pjh strctural model of the p97 n domain- npl4 ubd complex
2pjl crystal structure of human estrogen-related receptor alpha in complex with a synthetic inverse agonist reveals its novel molecular mechanism
2pjs crystal structure of atu1953, protein of unknown function
2pjw the vps27/hse1 complex is a gat domain-based scaffold for ubiquitin-dependent sorting
2pk3 crystal structure of a gdp-4-keto-6-deoxy-d-mannose reductase
2pk5 crystal structure of hiv-1 protease (q7k, l33i, l63i ) in complex with kni-10075
2pk6 crystal structure of hiv-1 protease (q7k, l33i, l63i) in complex with kni-10033
2pk7 crystal structure of the q4kft4_psef5 protein from pseudomonas fluorescens. nesg target plr1
2pke crystal structure of haloacid delahogenase-like family hydrolase (np_639141.1) from xanthomonas campestris at 1.81 a resolution
2pkf crystal structure of m tuberculosis adenosine kinase (apo)
2pkl androgen receptor lbd with small molecule
2pku solution structure of pick1 pdz in complex with the carboxyl tail peptide of glur2
2pkx e.coli response regulator phop receiver domain
2pl2 crystal structure of ttc0263: a thermophilic tpr protein in thermus thermophilus hb27
2pl7 orhorhombic crystal structure of hydrophobin hfbii in the presence of a detergent
2pla crystal structure of human glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1-like protein
2pld nuclear magnetic resonance structure of an sh2 domain of phospholipase c-gamma1 complexed with a high affinity binding peptide
2ple nuclear magnetic resonance structure of an sh2 domain of phospholipase c-gamma1 complexed with a high affinity binding peptide
2plg crystal structure of t110839 protein from synechococcus elongatus
2plj crystal structure of lysine/ornithine decarboxylase complexed with putrescine from vibrio vulnificus
2plk crystal structure of lysine/ornithine decarboxylase complexed with cadaverine from vibrio vulnificus
2pll crystal structure of perdeuterated human arginase i
2plr crystal structure of dtmp kinase (st1543) from sulfolobus tokodaii strain7
2plx trypsin complexed to a synthetic peptide from veronica hederifolia
2pm4 human alpha-defensin 1 (multiple arg->lys mutant)
2pm5 human alpha-defensin 1 derivative (hnp1)
2pm8 crystal structure of recombinant full length human butyrylcholinesterase
2pm9 crystal structure of yeast sec13/31 vertex element of the copii vesicular coat
2pma structural genomics, the crystal structure of a protein lpg0085 with unknown function (duf785) from legionella pneumophila subsp. pneumophila str. philadelphia 1.
2pmd the structures of aif2gamma subunit from the archaeon sulfolobus solfataricus in the gdp-bound form.
2pmq crystal structure of a mandelate racemase/muconate lactonizing enzyme from roseovarius sp. htcc2601
2pmw the crystal structure of proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin type 9 (pcsk9)
2pmy ef-hand domain of human rasef
2pn7 human gamma-glutamyl cyclotransferase
2pnc crystal structure of bovine plasma copper-containing amine oxidase in complex with clonidine
2pnf structure of aquifex aeolicus fabg 3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier protein) reductase
2pnh escherichia coli prib e39a variant
2pnj crystal structure of human ferrochelatase mutant with phe 337 replaced by ala
2pns 1.9 angstrom resolution crystal structure of a plant cysteine protease ervatamin-c refinement with cdna derived amino acid sequence
2pnt crystal structure of the pdz domain of human grasp (grp1) in complex with the c-terminal peptide of the metabotropic glutamate receptor type 1
2pnv crystal structure of the leucine zipper domain of small- conductance ca2+-activated k+ (skca) channel from rattus norvegicus
2pnz crystal structure of the p. abyssi exosome rnase ph ring complexed with udp and gmp
2po0 crystal structure of the p. abyssi exosome rnase ph ring complexed with adp in double conformation
2po2 crystal structure of the p. abyssi exosome rnase ph ring complexed with cdp
2po3 crystal structure analysis of desi in the presence of its tdp-sugar product
2po5 crystal structure of human ferrochelatase mutant with his 263 replaced by cys
2po7 crystal structure of human ferrochelatase mutant with his 341 replaced by cys
2pob ppargamma ligand binding domain complexed with a farglitazar analogue gw4709
2pod crystal structure of a member of enolase superfamily from burkholderia pseudomallei k96243
2pof crystal structure of cdp-diacylglycerol pyrophosphatase
2pog benzopyrans as selective estrogen receptor b agonists (serbas). part 2: structure activity relationship studies on the benzopyran scaffold.
2pok crystal structure of a m20 family metallo peptidase from streptococcus pneumoniae
2pol three-dimensional structure of the beta subunit of escherichia coli dna polymerase iii holoenzyme: a sliding dna clamp
2pon solution structure of the bcl-xl/beclin-1 complex
2ppt crystal structure of thioredoxin-2
2ppw the crystal structure of uncharacterized ribose 5-phosphate isomerase rpib from streptococcus pneumoniae
2pq0 crystal structure of hyopthetical protein (gk_1056) from geobacillus kaustophilus hta426
2pq2 structure of serine proteinase k complex with a highly flexible hydrophobic peptide at 1.8a resolution
2pq4 nmr solution structure of napd in complex with napa1-35 signal peptide
2pqg crystal structure of inactive ribosome inactivating protein from maize (b-32)
2pqk x-ray crystal structure of human mcl-1 in complex with bim bh3
2pqm crystal structure of cysteine synthase (oass) from entamoeba histolytica at 1.86 a resolution
2pqn crystal structure of yeast fis1 complexed with a fragment of yeast mdv1
2pqv crystal structure of mutt/nudix family protein from streptococcus pneumoniae
2pqw crystal structure of l3mbtl1 in complex with h4k20me2 (residues 17- 25), trigonal form
2pqz hiv-1 protease in complex with a pyrrolidine-based inhibitor
2pr0 crystal structure of sylvaticin, a new secreted protein from pythium sylvaticum
2pr1 crystal structure of the bacillus subtilis n-acetyltransferase ylbp protein in complex with coenzyme-a
2pr3 factor xa inhibitor
2pr4 crystal structure of fab' from the hiv-1 neutralizing antibody 2f5
2pr5 structural basis for light-dependent signaling in the dimeric lov photosensor ytva (dark structure)
2pr6 structural basis for light-dependent signaling in the dimeric lov photosensor ytva (light structure)
2pr7 crystal structure of uncharacterized protein (np_599989.1) from corynebacterium glutamicum atcc 13032 kitasato at 1.44 a resolution
2pr8 crystal structure of aminoglycoside n-acetyltransferase aac(6')-ib11
2pr9 mu2 adaptin subunit (ap50) of ap2 adaptor (second domain), complexed with gabaa receptor-gamma2 subunit-derived internalization peptide deeygyecl
2pre crystal structure of plant cysteine protease ervatamin-c complexed with irreversible inhibitor e-64 at 2.7 a resolution
2prs structure and metal binding properties of znua, a periplasmic zinc transporter from escherichia coli
2pru nmr structure of human apos100b at 10c
2prv crystal structure of an uncharacterized protein (yobk, bsu18990) from bacillus subtilis at 1.30 a resolution
2prx crystal structure of thioesterase superfamily protein (zp_00837258.1) from shewanella loihica pv-4 at 1.65 a resolution
2ps0 structure and metal binding properties of znua, a periplasmic zinc transporter from escherichia coli
2ps1 s. cerevisiae orotate phosphoribosyltransferase complexed with orotic acid and prpp
2ps3 structure and metal binding properties of znua, a periplasmic zinc transporter from escherichia coli
2ps4 n225d trichodiene synthase
2ps5 n225d trichodiene synthase: complex with mg and pyrophosphate
2ps6 n225d/s229t trichodiene synthase
2ps7 y295f trichodiene synthase
2ps8 y295f trichodiene synthase: complex with mg and pyrophosphate
2ps9 structure and metal binding properties of znua, a periplasmic zinc transporter from escherichia coli
2psf crystal structures of the luciferase and green fluorescent protein from renilla reniformis
2psh crystal structures of the luciferase and green fluorescent protein from renilla reniformis
2psj crystal structures of the luciferase and green fluorescent protein from renilla reniformis
2psp porcine pancreatic spasmolytic polypeptide
2psq crystal structure of unphosphorylated unactivated wild type fgf receptor 2 (fgfr2) kinase domain
2psu crystal structure of wild type hiv-1 protease in complex with carb- ad37
2psv crystal structure of wild type hiv-1 protease in complex with carb- kb45
2psx crystal structure of human kallikrein 5 in complex with leupeptin
2psy crystal structure of human kallikrein 5 in complex with leupeptin and zinc
2psz structure of the ptp-like phytase expressed by selenomonas ruminantium at low ionic strength
2pt0 structure of selenomonas ruminantium ptp-like phytase with the active site cysteine oxidized to cysteine-sulfonic acid
2ptc the geometry of the reactive site and of the peptide groups in trypsin, trypsinogen and its complexes with inhibitors
2ptf crystal structure of protein mth_863 from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum bound to fmn
2ptg crystal structure of eimeria tenella enoyl reductase
2ptq crystal structure of escherichia coli adenylosuccinate lyase mutant h171n with bound amp and fumarate
2ptr crystal structure of escherichia coli adenylosuccinate lyase mutant h171a with bound adenylosuccinate substrate
2ptt structure of nk cell receptor 2b4 (cd244) bound to its ligand cd48
2pu2 ampc beta-lactamase with bound phthalamide inhibitor
2pu4 ampc beta-lacamase with bound covalent oxadiazole inhibitor
2pu5 crystal structure of a c-c bond hydrolase, bphd, from burkholderia xenovorans lb400
2pu8 structures of 5-methylthioribose kinase reveal substrate specificity and unusual mode of nucleotide binding
2pui structures of 5-methylthioribose kinase reveal substrate specificity and unusual mode of nucleotide binding
2pul structures of 5-methylthioribose kinase reveal substrate specificity and unusual mode of nucleotide binding
2pun structures of 5-methylthioribose kinase reveal substrate specificity and unusual mode of nucleotide binding
2puo crystal srtucture of the nem modified ferredoxin:thioredoxin reductase
2pup structures of 5-methylthioribose kinase reveal substrate specificity and unusual mode of nucleotide binding
2pur structure of dihydrodipicolinate synthase mutant thr44ser at 1.7 a.
2puw the crystal structure of isomerase domain of glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase from candida albicans
2puz crystal structure of imidazolonepropionase from agrobacterium tumefaciens with bound product n-formimino-l-glutamate
2pv1 crystallographic structure of sura first peptidyl-prolyl isomerase domain complexed with peptide weyipnv
2pv7 crystal structure of chorismate mutase / prephenate dehydrogenase (tyra) (1574749) from haemophilus influenzae rd at 2.00 a resolution
2pvd crystal srtucture of the reduced ferredoxin:thioredoxin reductase
2pvf crystal structure of tyrosine phosphorylated activated fgf receptor 2 (fgfr2) kinase domain in complex with atp analog and substrate peptide
2pvp crystal structure of d-alanine-d-alanine ligase from helicobacter pylori
2pvs structure of human pancreatic lipase related protein 2 mutant n336q
2pvz crystal structure of methylaconitate isomerase prpf from shewanella oneidensis
2pw0 crystal structure of trans-aconitate bound to methylaconitate isomerase prpf from shewanella oneidensis
2pw3 structure of the pde4d-camp complex
2pwc hiv-1 protease in complex with a amino decorated pyrrolidine-based inhibitor
2pwd crystal structure of the trehalulose synthase mutb from pseudomonas mesoacidophila mx-45 complexed to the inhibitor deoxynojirmycin
2pwe crystal structure of the mutb e254q mutant in complex with the substrate sucrose
2pwg crystal structure of the trehalulose synthase mutb from pseudomonas mesoacidophila mx-45 complexed to the inhibitor castanospermine
2pwh crystal structure of the trehalulose synthase mutb from pseudomonas mesoacidophila mx-45
2pwl crystal strucure of fgf receptor 2 (fgfr2) kinase domain harboring the pathogenic n549h mutation responsible for crouzon syndrome.
2pwr hiv-1 protease in complex with a carbamoyl decorated pyrrolidine-based inhibitor
2pwy crystal structure of a m1a58 trna methyltransferase
2px2 crystal structure of the murray valley encephalitis virus ns5 2'-o methyltransferase domain in complex with sah (monoclinic form 1)
2px5 crystal structure of the murray valley encephalitis virus ns5 2'-o methyltransferase domain in complex with sah (orthorhombic crystal form)
2px6 crystal structure of the thioesterase domain of human fatty acid synthase inhibited by orlistat
2px7 crystal structure of 2-c-methyl-d-erythritol 4-phosphate cytidylyltransferase from thermus thermophilus hb8
2px8 crystal structure of the murray valley encephalitis virus ns5 2'-o methyltransferase domain in complex with sah and 7m-gtp
2px9 the intrinsic affinity between e2 and the cys domain of e1 in ubiquitin-like modifications
2pxa crystal structure of the murray valley encephalitis virus ns5 2'-o methyltransferase domain in complex with sah and gtpg
2pxs crystal structure of n66d mutant of green fluorescent protein from zoanthus sp. at 2.2 a resolution (mature state)
2pxw crystal structure of n66d mutant of green fluorescent protein from zoanthus sp. at 2.4 a resolution (transition state)
2py3 crystal strucure of fgf receptor 2 (fgfr2) kinase domain harboring the pathogenic e565g mutation responsible for pfeiffer syndrome
2pyf crystal structures of high affinity human t-cell receptors bound to pmhc revealnative diagonal binding geometry unbound tcr clone 5-1
2pyg azotobacter vinelandii mannuronan c-5 epimerase alge4 a-module
2pyh azotobacter vinelandii mannuronan c-5 epimerase alge4 a-module complexed with mannuronan trisaccharide
2pym hiv-1 pr mutant in complex with nelfinavir
2pyn hiv-1 pr mutant in complex with nelfinavir
2pys crystal structure of a five site mutated cyanovirin-n with a mannose dimer bound at 1.8 a resolution
2pyt crystal structure of a putative ethanolamine utilization protein q (eutq, stm2468) from salmonella typhimurium lt2 at 1.90 a resolution
2pyw structure of a. thaliana 5-methylthioribose kinase in complex with adp and mtr
2pyx crystal structure of tryptophan halogenase (yp_750003.1) from shewanella frigidimarina ncimb 400 at 1.50 a resolution
2pz0 crystal structure of glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase (gdpd) from t. tengcongensis
2pz5 crystal strucure of fgf receptor 2 (fgfr2) kinase domain harboring the pathogenic n549t mutation responsible for pfeiffer syndrome
2pz8 nad+ synthetase from bacillus anthracis with amp-cpp and mg2+
2pza nad+ synthetase from bacillus anthracis with amp + ppi and mg2+
2pzd crystal structure of the htra2/omi pdz domain bound to a phage-derived ligand (wtmfwv)
2pze minimal human cftr first nucleotide binding domain as a head-to-tail dimer
2pzf minimal human cftr first nucleotide binding domain as a head-to-tail dimer with delta f508
2pzg minimal human cftr first nucleotide binding domain as a monomer
2pzi crystal structure of protein kinase pkng from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with tetrahydrobenzothiophene ax20017
2pzk crystal structure of the bordetella bronchiseptica enzyme wbmg in complex with nad
2pzl crystal structure of the bordetella bronchiseptica enzyme wbmg in complex with nad and udp
2pzm crystal structure of the bordetella bronchiseptica enzyme wbmg in complex with nad and udp
2pzp crystal strucure of fgf receptor 2 (fgfr2) kinase domain harboring the pathogenic k526e mutation responsible for crouzon syndrome
2pzr crystal strucure of fgf receptor 2 (fgfr2) kinase domain harboring the pathogenic k641r mutation responsible for pfeiffer syndrome
2q00 crystal structure of the p95883_sulso protein from sulfolobus solfataricus. nesg target ssr10.
2q03 crystal structure of uncharacterized protein (yp_563039.1) from shewanella denitrificans os217 at 1.80 a resolution
2q06 crystal structure of influenza a virus h5n1 nucleoprotein
2q0a structure and rearrangements in the carboxy-terminal region of spih channels
2q0b crystal strucure of fgf receptor 2 (fgfr2) kinase domain harboring the pathogenic e565a mutation responsible for pfeiffer syndrome
2q0c terminal uridylyl transferase 4 from trypanosoma brucei with bound ctp
2q0d terminal uridylyl transferase 4 from trypanosoma brucei with bound atp
2q0e terminal uridylyl transferase 4 from trypanosoma brucei with bound gtp
2q0f terminal uridylyl transferase 4 from trypanosoma brucei with bound utp and ump
2q0g terminal uridylyl transferase 4 from trypanosoma brucei with bound upu
2q0h abc protein artp in complex with adp/mg2+, atp-gamma-s hydrolyzed
2q0j structure of pseudomonas quinolone signal response protein pqse
2q0k oxidized thioredoxin reductase from helicobacter pylori in complex with nadp+
2q0l helicobacter pylori thioredoxin reductase reduced by sodium dithionite in complex with nadp+
2q0n structure of human p21 activating kinase 4 (pak4) in complex with a consensus peptide
2q0x alpha/beta hydrolase fold protein of unknown function
2q16 structure of the e. coli inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase rgdb in complex with itp
2q1f crystal structure of chondroitin sulfate lyase abc from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron wal2926
2q1j the discovery of glycine and related amino acid-based factor xa inhibitors
2q1n actin dimer cross-linked between residues 41 and 374
2q1u crystal structure of the bordetella bronchiseptica enzyme wbmf in complex with nad+ and udp
2q1x crystal structure of cell division protein ftsz from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with citrate.
2q1y crystal structure of cell division protein ftsz from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with gtp-gamma-s
2q20 structure of the germline vk1 o18/o8 light chain variable domain homodimer
2q24 crystal structure of tetr transcriptional regulator sco0520 from streptomyces coelicolor
2q27 crystal structure of oxalyl-coa decarboxylase from escherichia coli
2q28 crystal structure of oxalyl-coa decarboxylase from escherichia coli in complex with adenosine-5`-diphosphate
2q29 crystal structure of oxalyl-coa decarboxylase from escherichia coli in complex with acetyl coenzyme a
2q2b crystal structure of the c-terminal domain of mouse acyl-coa thioesterase 7
2q2e crystal structure of the topoisomerase vi holoenzyme from methanosarcina mazei
2q2g crystal structure of dimerization domain of hsp40 from cryptosporidium parvum, cgd2_1800
2q2h crystal structure of the protein secretion chaperone csaa from agrobacterium tumefaciens with a genetically fused phage-display derived peptide substrate at the n-terminus.
2q2i crystal structure of the protein secretion chaperone csaa from agrobacterium tumefaciens.
2q2j crystal structure of prtx-i, a pla2 homolog from bothrops pirajai
2q2l crystal structure of superoxide dismutase from p. atrosanguina
2q2r trypanosoma cruzi glucokinase in complex with beta-d-glucose and adp
2q2y crystal structure of ksp in complex with inhibitor 1
2q2z crystal structure of ksp in complex with inhibitor 22
2q31 actin dimer cross-linked between residues 41 and 374 and proteolytically cleaved by subtilisin between residues 47 and 48.
2q32 crystal structure of human heme oxygenase-2 c127a (ho-2)
2q33 crystal structure of all-d monellin at 1.8 a resolution
2q39 beta-lactoglobulin (low humidity)
2q3a crystal structure of rhesus macaque cd8 alpha-alpha homodimer
2q3c 2.1 a resolution crystal structure of o-acetylserine sulfhydrylase (oass) holoenzyme from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with the inhibitory peptide dfsi
2q3f x-ray crystal structure of putative human ras-related gtp binding d in complex with gmppnp
2q3i crystal structure of the d10-p3/iqn17 complex: a d-peptide inhibitor of hiv-1 entry bound to the gp41 coiled-coil pocket
2q3k crystal structure of lysine sulfonamide inhibitor reveals the displacement of the conserved flap water molecule in hiv-1 protease
2q3l crystal structure of an uncharacterized protein from duf3478 family with a spoiiaa-like fold (shew_3102) from shewanella loihica pv-4 at 2.25 a resolution
2q3n agglutinin from abrus precatorius (apa-i)
2q3o ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of 12-oxo- phytodienoate reductase isoform 3
2q3q ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of at1g24000 from arabidopsis thaliana
2q3u ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of gene product from arabidopsis thaliana at5g08170, agmatine iminohydrolase
2q3v ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of gene product from arabidopsis thaliana at2g34160
2q3x the rim1alpha c2b domain
2q3y ancestral corticiod receptor in complex with doc
2q3z transglutaminase 2 undergoes large conformational change upon activation
2q42 ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of glyoxalase ii from arabidopsis thaliana gene at2g31350
2q46 ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of gene product from arabidopsis thaliana at5g02240
2q47 ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of a putative phosphoprotein phosphatase from arabidopsis thaliana gene at1g05000
2q48 ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of gene product from arabidopsis thaliana at5g48480
2q4a ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of gene product from arabidopsis thaliana at3g21360
2q4b ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of selenomethionyl gene product from arabidopsis thaliana at5g02240 in space group p21212
2q4c ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of annexin from arabidopsis thaliana gene at1g35720
2q4d ensemble refinement of the crystal structure of a lysine decarboxylase-like protein from arabidopsis thaliana gene at5g11950
2q4e ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of gene product from arabidopsis thaliana at4g09670
2q4f ensemble refinement of the crystal structure of putative histidine- containing phosphotransfer protein from rice, ak104879
2q4h ensemble refinement of the crystal structure of galt-like protein from arabidopsis thaliana at5g18200
2q4j ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of gene product from arabidopsis thaliana at3g03250, a putative udp-glucose pyrophosphorylase
2q4l ensemble refinement of the crystal structure of galt-like protein from arabidopsis thaliana at5g18200
2q4o ensemble refinement of the crystal structure of a lysine decarboxylase-like protein from arabidopsis thaliana gene at2g37210
2q4p ensemble refinement of the crystal structure of protein from mus musculus mm.29898
2q4q ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of gene product from homo sapiens hs.95870
2q4t ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of a cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase iii from mus musculus mm.158936
2q4v ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of thialysine n- acetyltransferase (ssat2) from homo sapiens
2q4x ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of gene product from arabidopsis thaliana at3g16990
2q4z ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of an aspartoacylase from rattus norvegicus
2q51 ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of an aspartoacylase from homo sapiens
2q52 ensemble refinement of the crystal structure of a glycolipid transfer- like protein from galdieria sulphuraria
2q53 ensemble refinement of the crystal structure of uncharacterized protein loc79017 from homo sapiens
2q54 crystal structure of kb73 bound to hiv-1 protease
2q55 crystal structure of kk44 bound to hiv-1 protease
2q58 cryptosporidium parvum putative polyprenyl pyrophosphate synthase (cgd4_2550) in complex with zoledronate
2q59 crystal structure of ppargamma lbd bound to full agonist mrl20
2q5a human pin1 bound to l-peptide
2q5c crystal structure of ntrc family transcriptional regulator from clostridium acetobutylicum
2q5g ligand binding domain of ppar delta receptor in complex with a partial agonist
2q5j x-ray structure of phenylpyruvate decarboxylase in complex with 3- deaza-thdp
2q5k crystal structure of lopinavir bound to wild type hiv-1 protease
2q5l x-ray structure of phenylpyruvate decarboxylase in complex with 2-(1- hydroxyethyl)-3-deaza-thdp
2q5o x-ray structure of phenylpyruvate decarboxylase in complex with 3- deaza-thdp and phenylpyruvate
2q5p crystal structure of ppargamma bound to partial agonist mrl24
2q5q x-ray structure of phenylpyruvate decarboxylase in complex with 3- deaza-thdp and 5-phenyl-2-oxo-valeric acid
2q5s crystal structure of ppargamma bound to partial agonist ntzdpa
2q5w the x-ray crystal structure of molybdopterin synthase from staphylococcus aureus
2q5z crystal structure of imazg from vibrio dat 722: ntag-imazg (p43212)
2q61 crystal structure of ppargamma ligand binding domain bound to partial agonist sr145
2q63 hiv-1 pr mutant in complex with nelfinavir
2q64 hiv-1 pr mutant in complex with nelfinavir
2q67 crystal structure of nak channel d66a mutant
2q68 crystal structure of nak channel d66a, s70e double mutants
2q69 crystal structure of nak channel d66n mutant
2q6a crystal structure of nak channel d66e mutant
2q6f crystal structure of infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) main protease in complex with a michael acceptor inhibitor n3
2q6o sall-y70t with sam and cl
2q6q crystal structure of spc42p, a critical component of spindle pole body in budding yeast
2q6r crystal structure of ppar gamma complexed with partial agonist sf147
2q6s 2.4 angstrom crystal structure of ppar gamma complexed to bvt.13 without co-activator peptides
2q70 estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain complxed to a benzopyran ligand
2q7a crystal structure of the cell surface heme transfer protein shp
2q7d crystal structure of human inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate 5/6-kinase (itpk1) in complex with amppnp and mn2+
2q7f crystal structure of yrrb: a tpr protein with an unusual peptide- binding site
2q7i the wild type androgen receptor ligand binding domain bound with testosterone and an ar 20-30 peptide
2q7j the wild type androgen receptor ligand binding domain bound with testosterone and a tif2 box 3 coactivator peptide 740-753
2q7k the androgen receptor prostate cancer mutant h874y ligand binding domain bound with testosterone and an ar 20-30 peptide
2q7l the androgen receptor prostate cancer mutant h874y ligand binding domain bound with testosterone and a tif2 box3 coactivator peptide 740-753
2q7s crystal structure of n-formylglutamate amidohydrolase (yp_297560.1) from ralstonia eutropha jmp134 at 2.00 a resolution
2q7t crystal structure of the f plasmid trai relaxase domain with the scissile thymidine base
2q7u crystal structure of the f plasmid trai relaxase domain with the scissile thymidine base and imidodiphosphate
2q7v crystal structure of deinococcus radiodurans thioredoxin reductase
2q7x crystal structure of a putative phospho transferase (sp_1565) from streptococcus pneumoniae tigr4 at 2.00 a resolution
2q83 crystal structure of ytaa (2635576) from bacillus subtilis at 2.50 a resolution
2q8i pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoform 3 in complex with antitumor drug radicicol
2q8m t-like fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase from escherichia coli with amp, glucose 6-phosphate, and fructose 1,6-bisphosphate bound
2q8o crystal structure of mouse gitr ligand dimer
2q8s x-ray crystal structure of the nuclear hormone receptor ppar-gamma in a complex with a ppar gamma/alpha dual agonist
2q8u crystal structure of mre11 from thermotoga maritima msb8 (tm1635) at 2.20 a resolution
2q8v nbla protein from t. vulcanus crystallized with urea
2q8x the high-resolution crystal structure of ixt6, a thermophilic, intracellular xylanase from g. stearothermophilus
2q8y structural insight into the enzymatic mechanism of the phophothreonine lyase
2q8z crystal structure of plasmodium falciparum orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase complexed with 6-amino-ump
2q91 structure of the ca2+-bound activated form of the s100a4 metastasis factor
2q97 complex of mammalian actin with toxofilin from toxoplasma gondii
2q9a structure of apo ftsy
2q9b structure of ftsy:gmppnp complex
2q9c structure of ftsy:gmppnp with mgcl complex
2q9o near-atomic resolution structure of a melanocarpus albomyces laccase
2q9u crystal structure of the flavodiiron protein from giardia intestinalis
2q9y trichodiene synthase: complex with mg, inorganic pyrophosphate, and benzyl triethyl ammonium cation
2q9z trichodiene synthase: complex with inorganic pyrophosphate resulting from the reaction with 2-fluorofarnesyl diphosphate
2qa5 crystal structure of sept2 g-domain
2qa9 crystal structure of the second tetrahedral intermediates of sgpb at ph 4.2
2qaa crystal structure of the second tetrahedral intermediates of sgpb at ph 7.3
2qac the closed mtip-myosina-tail complex from the malaria parasite invasion machinery
2qae crystal structure analysis of trypanosoma cruzi lipoamide dehydrogenase
2qaf crystal structure of plasmodium falciparum orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase covalently modified by 6-iodo-ump
2qai crystal structure of the v-type atp synthase subunit f from pyrococcus furiosus. nesg target pfr7.
2qaj crystal structure of a thermostable mutant of bacillus subtilis adenylate kinase (q199r/g213e)
2qak hiv-1 pr mutant in complex with nelfinavir
2qas crystal structure of caulobacter crescentus sspb ortholog
2qb1 2tel crystallization module
2qb5 crystal structure of human inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate 5/6-kinase (itpk1) in complex with adp and mn2+
2qb6 saccharomyces cerevisiae cytosolic exopolyphosphatase, sulfate complex
2qb7 saccharomyces cerevisiae cytosolic exopolyphosphatase, phosphate complex
2qb8 saccharomyces cerevisiae cytosolic exopolyphosphatase, atp complex
2qbu crystal structure of methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus cbil
2qbw the crystal structure of pdz-fibronectin fusion protein
2qc1 crystal structure of the extracellular domain of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor 1 subunit bound to alpha-bungarotoxin at 1.9 a resolution
2qc2 crystal structure of severe acute respiratory syndrome (sars) 3c-like protease asn214ala mutant
2qc7 crystal structure of the protein-disulfide isomerase related chaperone erp29
2qc9 mouse notch 1 ankyrin repeat intracellular domain
2qcc crystal structure of the orotidine-5'-monophosphate decarboxylase domain of human ump synthase, apo form
2qcd crystal structure of the orotidine-5'-monophosphate decarboxylase domain of human ump synthase bound to ump
2qcg crystal structure of the orotidine-5'-monophosphate decarboxylase domain of human ump synthase bound to 5-bromo-ump
2qch crystal structure of the orotidine-5'-monophosphate decarboxylase domain of human ump synthase bound to 5-iodo-ump
2qci hiv-1 protease mutant d30n with potent antiviral inhibitor grl-98065
2qcj native structure of lyp
2qcl crystal structure of the orotidine-5'-monophosphate decarboxylase domain (asp312asn mutant) of human ump synthase bound to omp
2qcn covalent complex of the orotidine-5'-monophosphate decarboxylase domain of human ump synthase with 6-iodo-ump
2qcq crystal structure of bone morphogenetic protein-3 (bmp-3)
2qcs a complex structure between the catalytic and regulatory subunit of protein kinase a that represents the inhibited state
2qct structure of lyp with inhibitor i-c11
2qcu crystal structure of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from escherichia coli
2qcw crystal structure of bone morphogenetic protein-6 (bmp-6)
2qcx crystal structure of bacillus subtilis tena y112f mutant complexed with formyl aminomethyl pyrimidine
2qcz structure of n-terminal domain of e. coli yaet
2qd0 crystal structure of mitoneet
2qd2 f110a variant of human ferrochelatase with protoheme bound
2qd3 wild type human ferrochelatase crystallized with ammonium sulfate
2qd4 wild type human ferrochelatase crystallized with mncl2
2qd5 structure of wild type human ferrochelatase in complex with a lead- porphyrin compound
2qd6 hiv-1 protease mutant i50v with potent antiviral inhibitor grl-98065
2qd7 hiv-1 protease mutant v82a with potent antiviral inhibitor grl-98065
2qd8 hiv-1 protease mutant i84v with potent antiviral inhibitor grl-98065
2qdd crystal structure of a member of enolase superfamily from roseovarius nubinhibens ism
2qdi drosophila obp lush d118a mutation
2qdl crystal structure of scaffolding protein ttchew from thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis
2qdn crystal structure of mouse gitrl
2qdq crystal structure of the talin dimerisation domain
2qdr crystal structure of a putative dioxygenase (npun_f5605) from nostoc punctiforme pcc 73102 at 2.60 a resolution
2qdy crystal structure of fe-type nhase from rhodococcus erythropolis aj270
2qe2 structure of hcv ns5b bound to an anthranilic acid inhibitor
2qe4 estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain in complex with a benzopyran agonist
2qe6 crystal structure of a putative methyltransferase (tfu_2867) from thermobifida fusca yx at 1.95 a resolution
2qe8 crystal structure of a putative hydrolase (ava_4197) from anabaena variabilis atcc 29413 at 1.35 a resolution
2qe9 crystal structure of a putative metal-dependent hydrolase (yiza, bsu10800) from bacillus subtilis at 1.90 a resolution
2qeb crystal structure of anopheles gambiae d7r4-histamine complex
2qeo crystal structure of anopheles gambiae d7r4-norepinephrine complex
2qep crystal structure of the d1 domain of ptprn2 (ia2beta)
2qeq crystal structure of kunjin virus ns3 helicase
2qf2 rat cytosolic pepck in complex with oxaloacetic acid and gdp.
2qf4 high resolution structure of the major periplasmic domain from the cell shape-determining filament mrec (orthorhombic form)
2qf7 crystal structure of a complete multifunctional pyruvate carboxylase from rhizobium etli
2qf9 crystal structure of putative secreted protein duf305 from streptomyces coelicolor
2qfi structure of the zinc transporter yiip
2qfk x-ray crystal structure analysis of the binding site in the ferric and oxyferrous forms of the recombinant heme dehaloperoxidase cloned from amphitrite ornata
2qfn x-ray crystal structure analysis of the binding site in the ferric and oxyferrous forms of the recombinant heme dehaloperoxidase cloned from amphitrite ornata
2qfr crystal structure of red kidney bean purple acid phosphatase with bound sulfate
2qfz crystal structure of human tbc1 domain family member 22a
2qg0 hsp90 complexed with a943037
2qg3 crystal structure of a tyw3 methyltransferase-like protein (af_2059) from archaeoglobus fulgidus dsm 4304 at 1.95 a resolution
2qga plasmodium vivax adenylosuccinate lyase pv003765 with amp bound
2qgb human transthyretin (ttr) in apo-form
2qgc human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with 2-(3,5-dimethyl-4- hydroxyphenyl)benzoxazole
2qgd human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with 2-(3,5-dibromo-4- hydroxyphenyl)benzoxazole
2qge human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with 2-(3,5-dimethylphenyl) benzoxazole
2qgi the udp complex structure of the sixth gene product of the f1-atpase operon of rhodobacter blasticus
2qgs crystal structure of se1688 protein from staphylococcus epidermidis. northeast structural genomics consortium target ser89
2qgy crystal structure of an enolase from the environmental genome shotgun sequencing of the sargasso sea
2qh1 structure of ta289, a cbs-rubredoxin-like protein, in its fe+2-bound state
2qh5 crystal structure of mannose-6-phosphate isomerase from helicobacter pylori
2qh7 mitoneet is a uniquely folded 2fe-2s outer mitochondrial membrane protein stabilized by pioglitazone
2qh9 the crystal structure of a protein of unknown function from archaeoglobus fulgidus dsm 4304
2qha from structure to function: insights into the catalytic substrate specificity and thermostability displayed by bacillus subtilis mannanase bcman
2qhc the influence of i47a mutation on reduced susceptibility to the protease inhibitor lopinavir
2qhd crystal structure of ecarpholin s (ser49-pla2) complexed with fatty acid
2qhq crystal structure of unknown function protein vpa0580
2qhy crystal structure of protease inhibitor, mit-1-ac86 in complex with wild type hiv-1 protease
2qhz crystal structure of protease inhibitor, mit-1-ac87 in complex with wild type hiv-1 protease
2qi0 crystal structure of protease inhibitor, mit-1-kk80 in complex with wild type hiv-1 protease
2qi1 crystal structure of protease inhibitor, mit-1-kk81 in complex with wild type hiv-1 protease
2qi3 crystal structure of protease inhibitor, mit-2-ad94 in complex with wild type hiv-1 protease
2qi4 crystal structure of protease inhibitor, mit-2-ad93 in complex with wild type hiv-1 protease
2qi5 crystal structure of protease inhibitor, mit-2-kc08 in complex with wild type hiv-1 protease
2qi6 crystal structure of protease inhibitor, mit-2-kb98 in complex with wild type hiv-1 protease
2qi7 crystal structure of protease inhibitor, mit-2-ad86 in complex with wild type hiv-1 protease
2qi8 crystal structure of drug resistant src kinase domain
2qib crystal structure of tetr-family transcriptional regulator from streptomyces coelicolor
2qic crystal structure of the ing1 phd finger in complex with a histone h3k4me3 peptide
2qif crystal structure of a metallochaperone with a tetranuclear cu(i) cluster
2qih crystal structure of 527-665 fragment of uspa1 protein from moraxella catarrhalis
2qiw crystal structure of a putative phosphoenolpyruvate phosphonomutase (ncgl1015, cgl1060) from corynebacterium glutamicum atcc 13032 at 1.80 a resolution
2qj2 a mechanistic basis for converting a receptor tyrosine kinase agonist to an antagonist
2qj3 mycobacterium tuberculosis fabd
2qj4 a mechanistic basis for converting a receptor tyrosine kinase agonist to an antagonist
2qj6 crystal structure analysis of a 14 repeat c-terminal fragment of toxin tcda in clostridium difficile
2qj8 crystal structure of an aspartoacylase family protein (mlr6093) from mesorhizobium loti maff303099 at 2.00 a resolution
2qjd crystal structure of novel immune-type receptor 10 extracellular fragment mutant n30d
2qjf crystal structure of atp-sulfurylase domain of human paps synthetase 1
2qjr dipepdyl peptidase iv in complex with inhibitor pzf
2qjt crystal structure of a bifunctional nmn adenylyltransferase/adp ribose pyrophosphatase complexed with amp and mn ion from francisella tularensis
2qjv crystal structure of an iolb-like protein (stm4420) from salmonella typhimurium lt2 at 1.90 a resolution
2qjz structural basis of microtubule plus end tracking by xmap215, clip-170 and eb1
2qk4 human glycinamide ribonucleotide synthetase
2qk5 structure of bace1 bound to sch626485
2qk7 a covalent s-f heterodimer of staphylococcal gamma-hemolysin
2qka structural and kinetic study of the differences between human and e.coli manganese superoxide dismutases
2qkc structural and kinetic study of the differences between human and e.coli manganese superoxide dismutases
2qkh crystal structure of the extracellular domain of human gip receptor in complex with the hormone gip
2qkl the crystal structure of fission yeast mrna decapping enzyme dcp1-dcp2 complex
2qkq structure of the sam domain of human ephrin type-b receptor 4
2qks crystal structure of a kir3.1-prokaryotic kir channel chimera
2qkt crystal structure of the 5th pdz domain of inad
2qkw structural basis for activation of plant immunity by bacterial effector protein avrpto
2ql8 crystal structure of a putative redox protein (lsei_0423) from lactobacillus casei atcc 334 at 1.50 a resolution
2qll human liver glycogen phosphorylase- gl complex
2qlq crystal structure of src kinase domain with covalent inhibitor rl3
2qlw crystal structure of rhamnose mutarotase rhau of rhizobium leguminosarum
2qlx crystal structure of rhamnose mutarotase rhau of rhizobium leguminosarum in complex with l-rhamnose
2qm0 crystal structure of bes protein from bacillus cereus
2qm2 putative hopj type iii effector protein from vibrio parahaemolyticus
2qm7 meab, a bacterial homolog of mmaa, bound to gdp
2qm8 meab, a bacterial homolog of mmaa, in the nucleotide free form
2qm9 troglitazone bound to fatty acid binding protein 4
2qma crystal structure of glutamate decarboxylase domain of diaminobutyrate-pyruvate transaminase and l-2,4-diaminobutyrate decarboxylase from vibrio parahaemolyticus
2qmd structure of bace bound to sch722924
2qme crystal structure of human rac3 in complex with crib domain of human p21-activated kinase 1 (pak1)
2qmf structure of bace bound to sch735310
2qmg structure of bace bound to sch745966
2qmm crystal structure of apc86534.1 (c-terminal domain of ncbi aab90184.1; pfam big 123.1)
2qmp crystal structure of hiv-1 protease complexed with pl-100
2qmw the crystal structure of the prephenate dehydratase (pdt) from staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus mu50
2qmx the crystal structure of l-phe inhibited prephenate dehydratase from chlorobium tepidum tls
2qmy quinone reductase 2 in complex with adrenochrome
2qmz quinone reductase 2 in complex with dopamine
2qn4 structure and function study of rice bifunctional alpha- amylase/subtilisin inhibitor from oryza sativa
2qn5 crystal structure and functional study of the bowman-birk inhibitor from rice bran in complex with bovine trypsin
2qna crystal structure of human importin-beta (127-876) in complex with the ibb-domain of snurportin1 (1-65)
2qnd crystal structure of the kh1-kh2 domains from human fragile x mental retardation protein
2qne crystal structure of putative methyltransferase (zp_00558420.1) from desulfitobacterium hafniense y51 at 2.30 a resolution
2qnj kinase and ubiquitin-associated domains of mark3/par-1
2qnn hiv-1 protease in complex with a multiple decorated pyrrolidine-based inhibitor
2qnp hiv-1 protease in complex with a iodo decorated pyrrolidine- based inhibitor
2qnq hiv-1 protease in complex with a chloro decorated pyrrolidine-based inhibitor
2qnr human septin 2 in complex with gdp
2qnu crystal structure of pa0076 from pseudomonas aeruginosa pao1 at 2.05 a resolution
2qnx crystal structure of the complex between the mycobacterium beta- ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase iii (fabh) and 11- [(decyloxycarbonyl)dithio]-undecanoic acid
2qny crystal structure of the complex between the a246f mutant of mycobacterium beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase iii (fabh) and ss-(2-hydroxyethyl) o-decyl ester carbono(dithioperoxoic) acid
2qnz crystal structure of the complex between the mycobacterium beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase iii (fabh) and ss-(2-hydroxyethyl)-o-decyl ester carbono(dithioperoxoic) acid
2qo0 crystal structure of the complex between the a246f mutant of mycobacterium beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase iii (fabh) and 11-(decyldithiocarbonyloxy)- undecanoic acid
2qo1 2.6 angstrom crystal structure of the complex between 11- (decyldithiocarbonyloxy)-undecanoic acid and mycobacterium tuberculosis fabh.
2qo3 crystal structure of [ks3][at3] didomain from module 3 of 6- deoxyerthronolide b synthase
2qoe human dipeptidyl peptidase iv in complex with a triazolopiperazine- based beta amino acid inhibitor
2qoh crystal structure of abl kinase bound with ppy-a
2qom the crystal structure of the e.coli espp autotransporter beta-domain.
2qos crystal structure of complement protein c8 in complex with a peptide containing the c8 binding site on c8
2qp8 structure of bace bound to sch734723
2qpn ges-1 beta-lactamase
2qpp crystal structure of human heme oxygenase-2 c127a (ho-2) with bound heme
2qpv crystal structure of uncharacterized protein atu1531
2qpy ar lbd with small molecule
2qq0 thymidine kinase from thermotoga maritima in complex with thymidine + appnhp
2qq6 crystal structure of mandelate racemase/muconate lactonizing enzyme-like protein from rubrobacter xylanophilus dsm 9941
2qq7 crystal structure of drug resistant src kinase domain with irreversible inhibitor
2qqe thymidine kinase from thermotoga maritima in complex with thymidine
2qqf hst2 bound to adp-hpd and acetylated histone h4
2qqg hst2 bound to adp-hpd, acetyllated histone h4 and nicotinamide
2qqo crystal structure of the a2b1b2 domains from human neuropilin-2
2qqr jmjd2a hybrid tudor domains
2qqz crystal structure of putative glyoxalase family protein from bacillus anthracis
2qr2 human quinone reductase type 2, complex with menadione
2qr4 crystal structure of oligoendopeptidase-f from enterococcus faecium
2qr5 aeropyrum pernix acylaminoacyl peptidase, h367a mutant
2qri crystal structure of a single chain trimer composed of the mhc i heavy chain h-2kb wt, beta-2microglobulin, and ovalbumin-derived peptide.
2qrr crystal structure of the soluble domain of the abc transporter, atp- binding protein from vibrio parahaemolyticus
2qrs crystal structure of a single chain trimer composed of the mhc i heavy chain h-2kb y84a, beta-2microglobulin, and ovalbumin-derived peptide.
2qrt crystal structure of a disulfide trapped single chain trimer composed of the mhc i heavy chain h-2kb y84c, beta- 2microglobulin, and ovalbumin-derived peptide.
2qrz cdc42 bound to gmp-pcp: induced fit by effector is required
2qs1 crystal structure of the glur5 ligand binding core dimer in complex with ubp315 at 1.80 angstroms resolution
2qs2 crystal structure of the glur5 ligand binding core dimer in complex with ubp318 at 1.80 angstroms resolution
2qs3 crystal structure of the glur5 ligand binding core dimer in complex with ubp316 at 1.76 angstroms resolution
2qs8 crystal structure of a xaa-pro dipeptidase with bound methionine in the active site
2qs9 crystal structure of the human retinoblastoma-binding protein 9 (rbbp-9). nesg target hr2978
2qsf crystal structure of the rad4-rad23 complex
2qsi crystal structure of putative hydrogenase expression/formation protein hupg from rhodopseudomonas palustris cga009
2qsj crystal structure of a luxr family dna-binding response regulator from silicibacter pomeroyi
2qsq crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of carcinoembryonic antigen (cea)
2qst crystal structure of the v39c mutant of the n-terminal domain of carcinoembryonic antigen (cea)
2qsu structure of arabidopsis thaliana 5'-methylthioadenosine nucleosidase in apo form
2qsx crystal structure of putative transcriptional regulator lysr from vibrio parahaemolyticus
2qt3 crystal structure of n-isopropylammelide isopropylaminohydrolase atzc from pseudomonas sp. strain adp complexed with zn
2qt7 crystallographic structure of the mature ectodomain of the human receptor-type protein-tyrosine phosphatase ia-2 at 1.30 angstroms
2qt8 coproporphyrinogen iii oxidase from leishmania major
2qt9 human dipeptidyl peptidase iv/cd26 in complex with a 4-aryl cyclohexylalanine inhibitor
2qta e. coli pyruvate dehydrogenase e1 component e401k mutant with thiamin diphosphate
2qtb human dipeptidyl peptidase iv/cd26 in complex with a 4-aryl cyclohexylalanine inhibitor
2qtc e. coli pyruvate dehydrogenase e1 component e401k mutant with phosphonolactylthiamin diphosphate
2qtg crystal structure of arabidopsis thaliana 5'- methylthioadenosine nucleosidase in complex with 5'- methylthiotubercidin
2qtk crystal structure of the outer membrane protein opdk from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2qtm crystal structure of nicotinate mononucleotide adenylyltransferase
2qtn crystal structure of nicotinate mononucleotide adenylyltransferase
2qtt crystal structure of arabidopsis thaliana 5'- methylthioadenosine nucleosidase in complex with formycin a
2qtu estrogen receptor beta ligand-binding domain complexed to a benzopyran ligand
2qtw the crystal structure of pcsk9 at 1.9 angstroms resolution reveals structural homology to resistin within the c-terminal domain
2qty crystal structure of mouse adp-ribosylhydrolase 3 (marh3)
2qu6 crystal structure of the vegfr2 kinase domain in complex with a benzoxazole inhibitor
2qu7 crystal structure of a putative transcription regulator from staphylococcus saprophyticus subsp. saprophyticus
2qud pp7 coat protein dimer
2quf crystal structure of transcription factor axxa-pf0095 from pyrococcus furiosus
2quh crystal structures of human tryptophanyl-trna synthetase in complex with trp
2qui crystal structures of human tryptophanyl-trna synthetase in complex with tryptophanamide and atp
2quj crystal structures of human tryptophanyl-trna synthetase in complex with trpamp
2qur crystal structure of f327a/k285p mutant of camp-dependent protein kinase
2qv0 crystal structure of the response regulatory domain of protein mrke from klebsiella pneumoniae
2qv5 crystal structure of uncharacterized protein atu2773 from agrobacterium tumefaciens c58
2qv8 structure of the minor pseudopilin epsh from the type 2 secretion system of vibrio cholerae
2qvb crystal structure of haloalkane dehalogenase rv2579 from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2qve crystal structure of sgtam bound to mechanism based inhibitor
2qvh crystal structure of o-succinylbenzoate synthase complexed with o- succinyl benzoate (osb)
2qvs crystal structure of type iia holoenzyme of camp-dependent protein kinase
2qvu porcine liver fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase cocrystallized with fru-2,6- p2 and mg2+, i(t)-state
2qvv porcine liver fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase cocrystallized with fru-2,6- p2 and zn2+, i(t)-state
2qw8 structure of eugenol synthase from ocimum basilicum
2qw9 crystal structure of bovine hsc70 (1-394aa)in the apo state
2qwl crystal structure of bovine hsc70 (1-394aa)in the adp state
2qwm crystal structure of bovine hsc70 (1-394aa)in the adp*vi state
2qwn crystal structure of disulfide-bond-crosslinked complex of bovine hsc70 (1-386aa)r171c and bovine auxilin (810-910aa)d876c in the adp*pi state
2qwo crystal structure of disulfide-bond-crosslinked complex of bovine hsc70 (1-394aa)r171c and bovine auxilin (810-910aa)d876c in the adp*pi form #1
2qwp crystal structure of disulfide-bond-crosslinked complex of bovine hsc70 (1-394aa)r171c and bovine auxilin (810-910aa)d876c in the adp*pi form #2
2qwq crystal structure of disulfide-bond-crosslinked complex of bovine hsc70 (1-394aa)r171c and bovine auxilin (810-910aa)d876c in the amppnp hydrolyzed form
2qwr crystal structure of disulfide-bond-crosslinked complex of bovine hsc70 (1-394aa)r171c and bovine auxilin (810-910aa)d876c in the amppnp intact form
2qwu crystal structure of f. tularensis pathogenicity island protein c
2qwv crystal structure of unknown function protein vca1059
2qwx crystal structure of quinone reductase ii
2qx0 crystal structure of yersinia pestis hppk (ternary complex)
2qx1 crystal structure of the complex between mycobacterium tuberculosis beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase iii (fabh) and decyl-coa disulfide
2qx3 structure of pectate lyase ii from xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris str. atcc 33913
2qx4 crystal structure of quinone reductase ii
2qx5 structure of nucleoporin nic96
2qx6 crystal structure of quinone reductase ii
2qx7 structure of eugenol synthase from ocimum basilicum
2qx8 crystal structure of quinone reductase ii
2qx9 crystal structure of quinone reductase ii
2qxg crystal structure of human kallikrein 7 in complex with ala- ala-phe-chloromethylketone
2qxl crystal structure analysis of sse1, a yeast hsp110
2qxs crystal structure of antagonizing mutant 536s of the estrogen receptor alpha ligand binding domain complexed to raloxifene
2qxv structural basis of ezh2 recognition by eed
2qxx bifunctional dctp deaminase: dutpase from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with dttp
2qxy crystal structure of a response regulator from thermotoga maritima
2qxz pectate lyase r236f from xanthomonas campestris
2qy1 pectate lyase a31g/r236f from xanthomonas campestris
2qy2 characterization of a trifunctional mimivirus mrna capping enzyme and crystal structure of the rna triphosphatase domainm.
2qy6 crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of upf0209 protein yfck from escherichia coli o157:h7
2qyc crystal structure of a dimeric ferredoxin-like protein (bb1511) from bordetella bronchiseptica rb50 at 1.90 a resolution
2qyk crystal structure of pde4a10 in complex with inhibitor npv
2qyn crystal structure of pde4d2 in complex with inhibitor npv
2qyo crystal structure of isoflavone o-methyltransferase homolog in complex with biochanin a and sah
2qyp orthorhombic crystal structure of human saposin c dimer in open conformation
2qys structure of eugenol synthase from ocimum basilicum
2qyv crystal structure of putative xaa-his dipeptidase (yp_718209.1) from haemophilus somnus 129pt at 2.11 a resolution
2qz3 crystal structure of a glycoside hydrolase family 11 xylanase from bacillus subtilis in complex with xylotetraose
2qz5 crystal structure of the c-terminal domain of aida
2qz7 the crystal structure of a homologue of telluride resistance protein (terd), sco6318 from streptomyces coelicolor a3(2)
2qza crystal structure of salmonella effector protein sopa
2qzb crystal structure of the uncharacterized protein yfey from escherichia coli
2qzc crystal structure of a putative tena-like thiaminase (tena-1, sso2206) from sulfolobus solfataricus p2 at 1.50 a resolution
2qze monoclinic mimivirus capping enzyme triphosphatase.
2qzp crystal structure of mutation of an acylptide hydrolase/esterase from aeropyrum pernix k1
2qzt crystal structure of sterol carrier protein 2 like 2 (scp2- l2) from aedes aegypti
2qzv draft crystal structure of the vault shell at 9 angstroms resolution
2qzw secreted aspartic proteinase (sap) 1 from candida albicans
2qzy the structure of chicken mitochondrial pepck in complex with pep
2qzz structure of eugenol synthase from ocimum basilicum
2r02 crystal structure of alix/aip1 in complex with the hiv-1 ypltsl late domain
2r03 crystal structure of alix/aip1 in complex with the ypdl late domain
2r05 crystal structure of alix/aip1 in complex with the hiv-1 yplasl late domain
2r0f ligand free structure of fungal lectin cgl3
2r0g chromopyrrolic acid-soaked rebc with bound 7-carboxy-k252c
2r0i crystal structure of a kinase mark2/par-1 mutant
2r0o crystal structure of the actin-binding domain of human alpha-actinin-4 mutant(k255e)
2r0r crystal structure of human saposin d variant sapd k9e
2r0t crystal sructure of gdp-4-keto-6-deoxymannose-3-dehydratase with a trapped plp-glutamate geminal diamine
2r10 structure of an acetylated rsc4 tandem bromodomain histone chimera
2r15 crystal structure of the myomesin domains 12 and 13
2r19 crystal structure of the periplasmic lipopolysaccharide transport protein lpta (yhbn), orthorhombic form
2r1f crystal structure of predicted aminodeoxychorismate lyase from escherichia coli
2r1i crystal structure of putative acetyltransferase (yp_831484.1) from arthrobacter sp. fb24 at 1.65 a resolution
2r1t dopamine quinone conjugation to dj-1
2r1u dj-1 activation by catechol quinone modification
2r1v norepinephrine quinone conjugation to dj-1
2r1w crystal structure of s25-2 fab in complex with kdo analogues
2r1x crystal structure of s25-2 fab in complex with kdo analogues
2r1y crystal structure of s25-2 fab in complex with kdo analogues
2r1z crystal structure of the bard1 brct repeat
2r23 crystal structure of s25-2 fab in complex with kdo analogues
2r25 complex of ypd1 and sln1-r1 with bound mg2+ and bef3-
2r27 constitutively zinc-deficient mutant of human superoxide dismutase (sod), c6a, h80s, h83s, c111s
2r2a crystal structure of n-terminal domain of zonular occludens toxin from neisseria meningitidis
2r2b crystal structure of s25-2 fab in complex with kdo analogues
2r2c crystal structure of a domain of the outer membrane lipoprotein omp28 from porphyromonas gingivalis
2r2e crystal structure of s25-2 fab in complex with kdo analogues
2r2f ribonucleotide reductase r2f protein from salmonella typhimurium (oxidized)
2r2g structure of eugenol synthase from ocimum basilicum complexed with emdf
2r2h structure of s25-2 in complex with ko
2r2l structure of farnesyl protein transferase bound to pb-93
2r2o crystal structure of the effector domain of human plexin b1
2r2q crystal structure of human gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor- associated protein-like 1 (gabarap1), isoform cra_a
2r33 crystal structure of a bowman-birk inhibitor from vigna unguiculata seeds
2r37 crystal structure of human glutathione peroxidase 3 (selenocysteine to glycine mutant)
2r38 i84v hiv-1 protease mutant in complex with a carbamoyl decorated pyrrolidine-based inhibitor
2r3b crystal structure of a ribokinase-like superfamily protein (ef1790) from enterococcus faecalis v583 at 1.80 a resolution
2r3s crystal structure of a putative o-methyltransferase (npun_r0239) from nostoc punctiforme pcc 73102 at 2.15 a resolution
2r3t i50v hiv-1 protease mutant in complex with a carbamoyl decorated pyrrolidine-based inhibitor
2r3w i84v hiv-1 protease in complex with a amino decorated pyrrolidine-based inhibitor
2r3x crystal structure of an r15l hgsta1-1 mutant complexed with s-hexyl- glutathione
2r40 crystal structure of 20e bound ecr/usp
2r43 i50v hiv-1 protease in complex with an amino decorated pyrrolidine- based inhibitor
2r45 crystal structure of escherichia coli glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in complex with 2-phospho-d-glyceric acid
2r46 crystal structure of escherichia coli glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in complex with 2-phosphopyruvic acid.
2r4b erbb4 kinase domain complexed with a thienopyrimidine inhibitor
2r4e crystal structure of escherichia coli glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in complex with dhap
2r4j crystal structure of escherichia coli semet substituted glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in complex with dhap
2r4n crystal structure of the long-chain fatty acid transporter fadl mutant n33a
2r4o crystal structure of the long-chain fatty acid transporter fadl mutant delta npa
2r4p crystal structure of the long-chain fatty acid transporter fadl mutant g212e
2r4w ligand migration and binding in the dimeric hemoglobin of scapharca inaequivalvis: m37f with co bound
2r4x ligand migration and binding in the dimeric hemoglobin of scapharca inaequivalvis: h69v/i114m co complex
2r4y ligand migration and binding in the dimeric hemoglobin of scapharca inaequivalvis: h69v/i114m unliganded
2r4z ligand migration and binding in the dimeric hemoglobin of scapharca inaequivalvis: structure of i25w with co
2r52 crystal structure analysis of bone morphogenetic protein-6 (bmp-6)
2r53 crystal structure analysis of bone morphogenetic protein-6 variant b2 (b2-bmp-6)
2r55 human star-related lipid transfer protein 5
2r5c aedes kynurenine aminotransferase in complex with cysteine
2r5e aedes kynurenine aminotransferase in complex with glutamine
2r5m crystal structure of the two mbt repeats from sex-comb on midleg (scm) in complex with peptide r-(me)k-s
2r5n crystal structure of transketolase from escherichia coli in noncovalent complex with acceptor aldose ribose 5-phosphate
2r5o crystal structure of the c-terminal domain of wzt
2r5s the crystal structure of a domain of protein vp0806 (unknown function) from vibrio parahaemolyticus rimd 2210633
2r5v hydroxymandelate synthase crystal structure
2r5w crystal structure of a bifunctional nmn adenylyltransferase/adp ribose pyrophosphatase from francisella tularensis
2r5x crystal structure of uncharacterized conserved protein yugn from geobacillus kaustophilus hta426
2r62 crystal structure of helicobacter pylori atp dependent protease, ftsh
2r6e crystal form b2
2r6f crystal structure of bacillus stearothermophilus uvra
2r6i crystal structure of atu1473 protein, a putative chaperone from agrobacterium tumefaciens
2r6j structure of eugenol synthase from ocimum basilicum
2r6k crystal structure of an i71v hgsta1-1 mutant in complex with s- hexylglutathione
2r6m crystal structure of rat ck2-beta subunit
2r6o crystal structure of putative diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase from thiobacillus denitrificans
2r6t structure of a r132k variant pduo-type atp:co(i)rrinoid adenosyltransferase from lactobacillus reuteri complexed with atp
2r6w estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain complexed to a serm
2r6x structure of a d35n variant pduo-type atp:co(i)rrinoid adenosyltransferase from lactobacillus reuteri complexed with atp
2r6y estrogen receptor alpha ligand-binding domain in complex with a serm
2r6z crystal structure of the sam-dependent methyltransferase ngo1261 from neisseria gonorrhoeae, northeast structural genomics consortium target ngr48
2r74 crystal structure of the possum milk whey lipocalin trichosurin at ph 4.6
2r76 crystal structure of the rare lipoprotein b (so_1173) from shewanella oneidensis, northeast structural genomics consortium target sor91a
2r7e crystal structure analysis of coagulation factor viii
2r7h crystal structure of a putative acetyltransferase of the gnat family (dde_3044) from desulfovibrio desulfuricans subsp. at 1.85 a resolution
2r83 crystal structure analysis of human synaptotagmin 1 c2a-c2b
2r84 crystal structure of purp from pyrococcus furiosus complexed with amp and aicar
2r85 crystal structure of purp from pyrococcus furiosus complexed with amp
2r86 crystal structure of purp from pyrococcus furiosus complexed with atp
2r88 crystal structure of the long-chain fatty acid transporter fadl mutant delta s3 kink
2r89 crystal structure of the long-chain fatty acid transporter fadl mutant delta n3
2r8a crystal structure of the long-chain fatty acid transporter fadl mutant delta n8
2r8b the crystal structure of the protein atu2452 of unknown function from agrobacterium tumefaciens str. c58
2r8o transketolase from e. coli in complex with substrate d- xylulose-5-phosphate
2r8p transketolase from e. coli in complex with substrate d- fructose-6-phosphate
2r8q structure of lmjpdeb1 in complex with ibmx
2r8r crystal structure of the n-terminal region (19..243) of sensor protein kdpd from pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato str. dc3000
2r8u structure of fragment of human end-binding protein 1 (eb1) containing the n-terminal domain at 1.35 a resolution
2r8w the crystal structure of dihydrodipicolinate synthase (atu0899) from agrobacterium tumefaciens str. c58
2r96 crystal structure of e. coli wrba in complex with fmn
2r97 crystal structure of e. coli wrba in complex with fmn
2r9a crystal structure of human xlf
2r9k crystal structure of misteltoe lectin i in complex with phloretamide
2r9m cathepsin s complexed with compound 15
2r9n cathepsin s complexed with compound 26
2r9o cathepsin s complexed with compound 8
2r9s c-jun n-terminal kinase 3 with 3,5-disubstituted quinoline inhibitor
2r9w ampc beta-lactamase with bound phthalamide inhibitor
2r9x ampc beta-lactamase with bound phthalamide inhibitor
2r9z glutathione amide reductase from chromatium gracile
2ra0 x-ray structure of fxa in complex with 7-fluoroindazole
2ra4 crystal structure of human monocyte chemoattractant protein 4 (mcp- 4/ccl13)
2rab structure of glutathione amide reductase from chromatium gracile in complex with nad
2rad crystal structure of the succinoglycan biosynthesis protein. northeast structural genomics consortium target bcr135
2rai the px-bar membrane remodeling unit of sorting nexin 9
2ral crystal structure analysis of double cysteine mutant of s.epidermidis adhesin sdrg: evidence for the dock,lock and latch ligand binding mechanism
2ras crystal structure of a putative tetr/acrr family transcriptional regulator (saro_0558) from novosphingobium aromaticivorans dsm at 1.80 a resolution
2raw crystal structure of the borealin-survivin complex
2rb4 crystal structure of the helicase domain of human ddx25 rna helicase
2rb6 x-ray structure of the protein q8ei81. northeast structural genomics consortium target sor78a
2rb7 crystal structure of co-catalytic metallopeptidase (yp_387682.1) from desulfovibrio desulfuricans g20 at 1.60 a resolution
2rbb crystal structure of a glyoxalase/bleomycin resistance protein/dioxygenase family enzyme from burkholderia phytofirmans psjn
2rbd crystal structure of a putative spore coat protein (bh2358) from bacillus halodurans c-125 at 1.54 a resolution
2rbg crystal structure of hypothetical protein(st0493) from sulfolobus tokodaii
2rbh gamma-glutamyl cyclotransferase
2rbi structure of binase mutant his 101 asn
2rc7 crystal structure of the nr3a ligand binding core complex with glycine at 1.58 angstrom resolution
2rc8 crystal structure of the nr3a ligand binding core complex with d- serine at 1.45 angstrom resolution
2rc9 crystal structure of the nr3a ligand binding core complex with acpc at 1.96 angstrom resolution
2rca crystal structure of the nr3b ligand binding core complex with glycine at 1.58 angstrom resolution
2rcb crystal structure of the nr3b ligand binding core complex with d- serine at 1.62 angstrom resolution
2rch crystal structure of arabidopsis thaliana allene oxide synthase (aos, cytochrome p450 74a, cyp74a) complexed with 13(s)-hod at 1.85 a resolution
2rck crystal structure of juvenile hormone binding protein from galleria mellonella hemolymph
2rcl crystal structure of arabidopsis thaliana allene oxide synthase (aos, cytochrome p450 74a, cyp74a) complexed with 12r,13s-vernolic acid at 2.4 a resolution
2rcm crystal structure of arabidopsis thaliana allene oxide synthase variant (f137l) (at-aos(f137l), cytochrome p450 74a) at 1.73 a resolution
2rcs immunoglobulin 48g7 germline fab-affinity maturation of an esterolytic antibody
2rcu crystal structure of rat carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2 in complex with r-3-(hexadecanoylamino)-4- (trimethylazaniumyl)butanoate
2rcx ampc beta-lactamase in complex with (1r)-1-(2-thiophen-2-yl- acetylamino)-1-(3-(2-carboxyvinyl)-phenyl) methylboronic acid
2rcz structure of the second pdz domain of zo-1
2rd0 structure of a human p110alpha/p85alpha complex
2rd3 crystal structure of tena homologue (hp1287) from helicobacter pylori
2rd7 human complement membrane attack proteins share a common fold with bacterial cytolysins
2rd8 human thymidylate synthase stabilized in active conformation by r163k mutation: asymmetry and reactivity of cys195
2rdc crystal structure of a putative lipid binding protein (gsu0061) from geobacter sulfurreducens pca at 1.80 a resolution
2rdd x-ray crystal structure of acrb in complex with a novel transmembrane helix.
2rde crystal structure of vca0042 complexed with c-di-gmp
2rdk five site mutated cyanovirin-n with mannose dimer bound
2rdy crystal structure of a putative glycoside hydrolase family protein from bacillus halodurans
2re1 crystal structure of aspartokinase alpha and beta subunits
2re2 crystal structure of a putative iron-molybdenum cofactor (femo-co) dinitrogenase (ta1041m) from thermoplasma acidophilum dsm 1728 at 1.30 a resolution
2re3 crystal structure of a duf1285 family protein (spo_0140) from silicibacter pomeroyi dss-3 at 2.50 a resolution
2ree crystal structure of the loading gnatl domain of cura from lyngbya majuscula
2ref crystal structure of the loading gnatl domain of cura from lyngbya majuscula soaked with malonyl-coa
2reg abc-transporter choline binding protein in complex with choline
2rej abc-transporter choline binding protein in unliganded semi- closed conformation
2rek crystal structure of tetr-family transcriptional regulator
2rf1 crystal structure of chox in an unliganded closed conformation
2rf2 hiv reverse transcriptase in complex with inhibitor 7e (nnrti)
2rf8 crystal structure of the mutant c2a conjugated bile acid hydrolase from clostridium perfringens
2rfm structure of a thermophilic ankyrin repeat protein
2rfn x-ray structure of c-met with inhibitor.
2rfo crystral structure of the nucleoporin nic96
2rft crystal structure of influenza b virus hemagglutinin in complex with lsta receptor analog
2rfu crystal structure of influenza b virus hemagglutinin in complex with lstc receptor analog
2rg1 crystal structure of e. coli wrba apoprotein
2rg4 crystal structure of the uncharacterized protein q2cbj1_9rhob from oceanicola granulosus htcc2516
2rg8 crystal structure of programmed for cell death 4 middle ma3 domain
2rg9 crystal structure of viscum album mistletoe lectin i in native state at 1.95 a resolution, comparison of structure active site conformation in ricin and in viscumin
2rgi crystal structure of ca2+-free s100a2 at 1.6 a resolution
2rgl rice bglu1 beta-glucosidase, a plant exoglucanase/beta-glucosidase
2rgm rice bglu1 beta-glucosidase, a plant exoglucanase/beta-glucosidase
2rgo structure of alpha-glycerophosphate oxidase from streptococcus sp.: a template for the mitochondrial alpha- glycerophosphate dehydrogenase
2rgs fc-fragment of monoclonal antibody igg2b from mus musculus
2rgt crystal structure of lhx3 lim domains 1 and 2 with the binding domain of isl1
2rgu crystal structure of complex of human dpp4 and inhibitor
2rgv the crystal structure of perr-ox highlights 2-oxo-histidine formation
2rgz ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of human heme oxygenase-2 c127a (ho-2) with bound heme
2rh4 actinorhodin ketoreductase, actkr, with nadph and inhibitor emodin
2rh6 structure of xac npp for evaluation of refinement methodology
2rh9 tryptophan synthase complexed with igp, internal aldimine, ph 9.0
2rhc actinorhodin ketordeuctase, actkr, with nadp+ and inhibitor emodin
2rhg tryptophan synthase complexed with igp, ph 7.0, internal aldimine
2rhi crystal structure of the 3-mbt domain from human l3mbtl1 in complex with h1.5k27me2 at 1.66 angstrom
2rhl synthetic gene encoded bacillus subtilis ftsz ncs dimer with bound gdp
2rho synthetic gene encoded bacillus subtilis ftsz ncs dimer with bound gdp and gtp-gamma-s
2rhq phers from staphylococcus haemolyticus- rational protein engineering and inhibitor studies
2rhr p94l actinorhodin ketordeuctase mutant, with nadph and inhibitor emodin
2ri0 crystal structure of glucosamine 6-phosphate deaminase (nagb) from s. mutans
2ri1 crystal structure of glucosamine 6-phosphate deaminase (nagb) with glcn6p from s. mutans
2ri7 crystal structure of phd finger-linker-bromodomain y17e mutant from human bptf in the h3(1-9)k4me2 bound state
2ri8 penicillium citrinum alpha-1,2-mannosidase complex with glycerol
2ri9 penicillium citrinum alpha-1,2-mannosidase in complex with a substrate analog
2rih cbs domain protein pae2072 from pyrobaculum aerophilum
2rin abc-transporter choline binding protein in complex with acetylcholine
2rio structure of the dual enzyme ire1 reveals the basis for catalysis and regulation of non-conventional splicing
2riv crystal structure of the reactive loop cleaved human thyroxine binding globulin
2riw the reactive loop cleaved human thyroxine binding globulin complexed with thyroxine
2rji malarial eba-175 region vi crystallographic structure reveals a kix-like binding interface
2rjr substrate mimic bound to sgtam
2rjs sgtam bound to substrate mimic
2rjw the crystal structure of the h41y mutant of villin headpiece, p61 space group.
2rjx crystal structure of the headpiece domain of chicken villin, p61 space group
2rjz crystal structure of the type 4 fimbrial biogenesis protein pilo from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2rk0 crystal structure of glyoxylase/bleomycin resistance protein/dioxygenase domain from frankia sp. ean1pec
2rk7 the structure of rat cytosolic pepck in complex with oxalate
2rk8 the structure of rat cytosolic pepck in complex with phosphonoformate
2rk9 the crystal structure of a glyoxalase/bleomycin resistance protein/dioxygenase superfamily member from vibrio splendidus 12b01
2rka the structure of rat cytosolic pepck in complex with phosphoglycolate
2rkf hiv-1 pr resistant mutant + lpv
2rkg hiv-1 pr resistant mutant + lpv
2rki crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with a triazole derived nnrti
2rkk crystal structure of s.cerevisiae vta1 n-terminal domain
2rkw intermediate position of atp on its trail to the binding pocket inside the subunit b mutant r416w of the energy converter a1ao atp synthase
2rl3 crystal structure of the oxa-10 w154h mutant at ph 7
2rl8 crystal structure cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate receptor at ph 6.5 bound to m6p
2rl9 crystal structure cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate receptor at ph 6.5 bound to trimannoside
2rlb crystal structure cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate receptor at ph 6.5 bound to m6p in absence of mn
2rln thermodynamic and structural consequences of changing a sulphur atom to a methylene group in the m13nle mutation in ribonuclease s
2rly fbp28ww2 domain in complex with ptppplpp peptide
2rlz solid-state mas nmr structure of the dimer crh
2rm0 fbp28ww2 domain in complex with a ppplipppp peptide
2rmk rac1/prk1 complex
2rmm solution structure of gb1 a34f mutant
2rmp rmp-pepstatin a complex
2rms solution structure of the msin3a pah1-sap25 sid complex
2rmx solution structure of the shp-1 c-terminal sh2 domain complexed with a tyrosine-phosphorylated peptide from nkg2a
2rn5 humal insulin mutant b31lys-b32arg
2rnf x-ray crystal structure of human ribonuclease 4 in complex with d(up)
2rnr solution structure of the complex between tfiie alpha c- terminal acidic domain and tfiih p62 ph domain
2rnw the structural basis for site-specific lysine-acetylated histone recognition by the bromodomains of the human transcriptional co-activators pcaf and cbp
2rnx the structural basis for site-specific lysine-acetylated histone recognition by the bromodomains of the human transcriptional co-activators pcaf and cbp
2rny complex structures of cbp bromodomain with h4 ack20 peptide
2ro3 rdc-refined solution structure of the n-terminal dna recognition domain of the bacillus subtilis transition- state regulator abh
2ro4 rdc-refined solution structure of the n-terminal dna recognition domain of the bacillus subtilis transition- state regulator abrb
2ro5 rdc-refined solution structure of the n-terminal dna recognition domain of the bacillus subtilis transition- state regulator spovt
2roc solution structure of mcl-1 complexed with puma
2rod solution structure of mcl-1 complexed with noxaa
2rol structural basis of pxxdy motif recognition in sh3 binding
2ror solution structure of the vav1 sh2 domain complexed with a tyrosine-phosphorylated peptide from slp76
2rox transthyretin (also called prealbumin) complex with thyroxine (t4)
2roy transthyretin (also called prealbumin) complex with 3',5'-dinitro-n- acetyl-l-thyronine
2roz structure of the c-terminal pid domain of fe65l1 complexed with the cytoplasmic tail of app reveals a novel peptide binding mode
2rp5 solution structure of the oligomerization domain in cep-1
2rpn a crucial role for high intrinsic specificity in the function of yeast sh3 domains
2rpq solution structure of a sumo-interacting motif of mbd1- containing chromatin-associated factor 1 bound to sumo-3
2rqg structure of gspt1/erf3a-pabc
2rqh structure of gspt1/erf3a-pabc
2rqu solution structure of the complex between the ddef1 sh3 domain and the apc samp1 motif
2rqw solution structure of bem1p sh3ci domain complexed with ste20p-prr peptide
2rr3 solution structure of the complex between human vap-a msp domain and human osbp ffat motif
2rr4 complex structure of the zf-cw domain and the h3k4me3 peptide
2rsp structure of the aspartic protease from rous sarcoma retrovirus refined at 2 angstroms resolution
2rtb apostreptavidin, ph 3.32, space group i222
2rtc apostreptavidin, ph 3.60, space group i222
2rtd streptavidin-biotin complex, ph 1.39, space group i222
2rte streptavidin-biotin complex, ph 1.90, space group i222
2rtf streptavidin-biotin complex, ph 2.00, space group i222
2rtg streptavidin-biotin complex, ph 2.40, space group i222
2rth streptavidin-glycoluril complex, ph 2.50, space group i222
2rti streptavidin-glycoluril complex, ph 2.50, space group i222
2rtn streptavidin-2-iminobiotin complex, ph 2.0, space group i222
2rto streptavidin-2-iminobiotin complex, ph 2.6, space group i222
2rtp streptavidin-2-iminobiotin complex, ph 3.25, space group i222
2rtq streptavidin-2-iminobiotin complex, ph 3.25, space group i222, crystallized from 4.3 m ammonium sulfate
2rtr streptavidin-2-iminobiotin complex, ph 4.0, space group i222
2rus crystal structure of the ternary complex of ribulose-1,5- bisphosphate carboxylase, mg(ii), and activator co2 at 2.3- angstroms resolution
2sar determination and restrained least-squares refinement of the crystal structures of ribonuclease sa and its complex with 3'-guanylic acid at 1.8 angstroms resolution
2sbl the three-dimensional structure of an arachidonic acid 15- lipoxygenase
2scp structure of a sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein from nereis diversicolor refined at 2.0 angstroms resolution
2sec structural comparison of two serine proteinase-protein inhibitor complexes. eglin-c-subtilisin carlsberg and ci-2- subtilisin novo
2sfp alanine racemase with bound propionate inhibitor
2sgd asp 18 variant of turkey ovomucoid inhibitor third domain complexed with streptomyces griseus proteinase b at ph 10.7
2sge glu 18 variant of turkey ovomucoid inhibitor third domain complexed with streptomyces griseus proteinase b at ph 10.7
2sgf phe 18 variant of turkey ovomucoid inhibitor third domain complexed with streptomyces griseus proteinase b
2sgp pro 18 variant of turkey ovomucoid inhibitor third domain complexed with streptomyces griseus proteinase b at ph 6.5
2sgq gln 18 variant of turkey ovomucoid inhibitor third domain complexed with streptomyces griseus proteinase b at ph 6.5
2shk the three-dimensional structure of shikimate kinase from erwinia chrysanthemi complexed with adp
2shp tyrosine phosphatase shp-2
2sic refined crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' and streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor at 1.8 angstroms resolution
2sni structural comparison of two serine proteinase-protein inhibitor complexes. eglin-c-subtilisin carlsberg and ci-2- subtilisin novo
2snw sindbis virus capsid protein, type3 crystal form
2spc crystal structure of the repetitive segments of spectrin
2sqc squalene-hopene cyclase from alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius
2sta anionic salmon trypsin in complex with squash seed inhibitor (cucurbita maxima trypsin inhibitor i)
2stb anionic salmon trypsin in complex with squash seed inhibitor (cucurbita pepo trypsin inhibitor ii)
2tec molecular dynamics refinement of a thermitase-eglin-c complex at 1.98 angstroms resolution and comparison of two crystal forms that differ in calcium content
2tgp the geometry of the reactive site and of the peptide groups in trypsin, trypsinogen and its complexes with inhibitors
2thf structure of human alpha-thrombin y225f mutant bound to d-phe-pro-arg- chloromethylketone
2thi thiaminase i from bacillus thiaminolyticus
2tld crystal structure of an engineered subtilisin inhibitor complexed with bovine trypsin
2tma tropomyosin crystal structure and muscle regulation. appendix. construction of an atomic model for tropomyosin and implications for interactions with actin
2tmd correlation of x-ray deduced and experimental amino acid sequences of trimethylamine dehydrogenase
2tmk yeast thymidylate kinase complexed with 3'-azido-3'- deoxythymidine monophosphate (azt-mp)
2tpi on the disordered activation domain in trypsinogen. chemical labelling and low-temperature crystallography
2tpl tyrosine phenol-lyase from citrobacter intermedius complex with 3-(4'- hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid, pyridoxal-5'-phosphate and cs+ ion
2tpr x-ray structure of trypanothione reductase from crithidia fasciculata at 2.4 angstroms resolution
2tps thiamin phosphate synthase
2trh tertiary structures of three amyloidogenic transthyretin variants and implications for amyloid fibril formation
2trs crystal structures of mutant (betak87t) tryptophan synthase alpha2 beta2 complex with ligands bound to the active sites of the alpha and beta subunits reveal ligand-induced conformational changes
2trx crystal structure of thioredoxin from escherichia coli at 1.68 angstroms resolution
2try tertiary structures of three amyloidogenic transthyretin variants and implications for amyloid fibril formation
2tsc structure, multiple site binding, and segmental accomodation in thymidylate synthase on binding d/ump and an anti-folate
2tsy crystal structures of mutant (betak87t) tryptophan synthase alpha2 beta2 complex with ligands bound to the active sites of the alpha and beta subunits reveal ligand-induced conformational changes
2tys crystal structures of mutant (betak87t) tryptophan synthase alpha2 beta2 complex with ligands bound to the active sites of the alpha and beta subunits reveal ligand-induced conformational changes
2udp udp-galactose 4-epimerase complexed with udp-phenol
2ugi protein mimicry of dna from crystal structures of the uracil glycosylase inhibitor protein and its complex with escherichia coli uracil-dna glycosylase
2upj hiv-1 protease complex with u100313 ([3-[[3-[cyclopropyl [4- hydroxy-2oxo-6-[1-(phenylmethyl)propyl]-2h-pyran-3-yl] methyl]phenyl]amino]-3-oxo-propyl]carbamic acid tert-butyl ester)
2ush 5'-nucleotidase from e. coli
2utg structure and refinement of the oxidized p21 form of uteroglobin at 1.64 angstroms resolution
2uus crystal structure of the rat fgf1-sucrose octasulfate (sos) complex.
2uuy structure of a tick tryptase inhibitor in complex with bovine trypsin
2uuz orthorhombic crystal form of gams from bacteriophage lambda.
2uv1 hexagonal crystal form of gams from bacteriophage lambda.
2uv3 structure of the signal-regulatory protein (sirp) alpha domain that binds cd47.
2uve structure of yersinia enterocolitica family 28 exopolygalacturonase
2uvf structure of yersinia enterocolitica family 28 exopolygalacturonase in complex with digalaturonic acid
2uvk structure of yjht
2uvl human bir3 domain of baculoviral inhibitor of apoptosis repeat-containing 3 (birc3)
2uvn crystal structure of econazole-bound cyp130 from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2uvx structure of pka-pkb chimera complexed with 7-azaindole
2uvy structure of pka-pkb chimera complexed with methyl-(4-(9h- purin-6-yl)-benzyl)-amine
2uvz structure of pka-pkb chimera complexed with c-phenyl-c-(4-( 9h-purin-6-yl)-phenyl)-methylamine
2uw0 structure of pka-pkb chimera complexed with 6-(4-(4-(4- chloro-phenyl)-piperidin-4-yl)-phenyl)-9h-purine
2uw1 ivy desaturase structure
2uw3 structure of pka-pkb chimera complexed with 5-methyl-4- phenyl-1h-pyrazole
2uw4 structure of pka-pkb chimera complexed with 2-(4-(5-methyl- 1h-pyrazol-4-yl)-phenyl)-ethylamine
2uw5 structure of pka-pkb chimera complexed with (r)-2-(4- chloro-phenyl)-2-(4-1h-pyrazol-4-yl)-phenyl)-ethylamine
2uw6 structure of pka-pkb chimera complexed with (s)-2-(4- chloro-phenyl)-2-(4-1h-pyrazol-4-yl)-phenyl)-ethylamine
2uw7 structure of pka-pkb chimera complexed with 4-(4-chloro- phenyl)-4-(4-(1h-pyrazol-4-yl)-phenyl)-piperidine
2uw8 structure of pka-pkb chimera complexed with 2-(4-chloro- phenyl)-2-phenyl-ethylamine
2uw9 structure of pkb-beta (akt2) complexed with 4-(4-chloro- phenyl)-4-(4-(1h-pyrazol-4-yl)-phenyl)-piperidine
2uwb crystal structure of the nasturtium seedling mutant xyloglucanase isoform nxg1-delta-yniig
2uwc crystal structure of nasturtium xyloglucan hydrolase isoform nxg2
2uwi structure of crme, a poxvirus tnf receptor
2uwl selective and dual action orally active inhibitors of thrombin and factor xa
2uwo selective and dual action orally active inhibitors of thrombin and factor xa
2uwp factor xa inhibitor complex
2uxh ttgr in complex with quercetin
2uxi phloretin in complex with ttgr
2uxo ttgr in complex with tetracycline
2uxp ttgr in complex chloramphenicol
2uxr complex with isocitrate and the protein isocitrate dehydrogenase from the psychrophilic bacterium desulfotalea psychrophila
2uxt sufi protein from escherichia coli
2uxu ttgr in complex with naringenin
2uxv sufi protein from escherichia coli
2uxx human lsd1 histone demethylase-corest in complex with an fad-tranylcypromine adduct
2uxz two-carbon-elongated hiv-1 protease inhibitors with a tertiary-alcohol-containing transition-state mimic
2uy0 two-carbon-elongated hiv-1 protease inhibitors with a tertiary-alcohol-containing transition-state mimic
2uy1 crystal structure of cstf-77
2uye double mutant y110s,f111v dntr from burkholderia sp. strain dnt in complex with thiocyanate
2uyf single mutant f111l dntr from burkholderia sp. strain dnt in complex with thiocyanate
2uyi crystal structure of ksp in complex with adp and thiophene containing inhibitor 33
2uym crystal structure of ksp in complex with adp and thiophene containing inhibitor 37
2uyu l-rhamnulose-1-phosphate aldolase from escherichia coli ( mutant a88f-e192a)
2uyw crystal structure of xenavidin
2uyz non-covalent complex between ubc9 and sumo1
2uz2 crystal structure of xenavidin
2uz8 the crystal structure of p18, human translation elongation factor 1 epsilon 1
2uza crystal structure of the free radical intermediate of pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase from desulfovibrio africanus
2uzf crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus 1,4-dihydroxy-2- naphthoyl coa synthase (menb) in complex with acetoacetyl coa
2uzj crystal structure of the mature streptococcal cysteine protease, mspeb
2uzt pka structures of akt, indazole-pyridine inhibitors
2uzu pka structures of indazole-pyridine series of akt inhibitors
2uzv pka structures of indazole-pyridine series of akt inhibitors
2uzw pka structures of indazole-pyridine series of akt inhibitors
2v08 structure of wild-type phormidium laminosum cytochrome c6
2v0a atomic resolution crystal structure of human superoxide dismutase
2v0n activated response regulator pled in complex with c-digmp and gtp-alpha-s
2v0p the structure of tap42 alpha4 subunit
2v0r crystal structure of a hairpin exchange variant (ltx) of the targeting line-1 retrotransposon endonuclease
2v0x the dimerization domain of lap2alpha
2v0z crystal structure of renin with inhibitor 10 (aliskiren)
2v10 crystal structure of renin with inhibitor 9
2v11 crystal structure of renin with inhibitor 6
2v12 crystal structure of renin with inhibitor 8
2v16 crystal structure of renin with inhibitor 3
2v1q atomic-resolution structure of the yeast sla1 sh3 domain 3
2v1w crystal structure of human lim protein ril (pdlim4) pdz domain bound to the c-terminal peptide of human alpha- actinin-1
2v1x crystal structure of human recq-like dna helicase
2v1y structure of a phosphoinositide 3-kinase alpha adaptor- binding domain (abd) in a complex with the ish2 domain from p85 alpha
2v25 structure of the campylobacter jejuni antigen peb1a, an aspartate and glutamate receptor with bound aspartate
2v27 structure of the cold active phenylalanine hydroxylase from colwellia psychrerythraea 34h
2v28 apo structure of the cold active phenylalanine hydroxylase from colwellia psychrerythraea 34h
2v29 l-rhamnulose-1-phosphate aldolase from escherichia coli (mutant k15w)
2v2f crystal structure of pbp1a from drug-resistant strain 5204 from streptococcus pneumoniae
2v2k the crystal structure of fdxa, a 7fe ferredoxin from mycobacterium smegmatis
2v2q ispe in complex with ligand
2v2u structure of mouse gammac-crystallin
2v2v ispe in complex with ligand
2v2z ispe in complex with adp and cdpme
2v30 human orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase domain of uridine monophospate synthetase (umps) in complex with its product ump.
2v33 high resolution crystal structure of domain iii of e1 fusion glycoprotein of semliki forest virus
2v34 ispe in complex with cytidine and ligand
2v3b crystal structure of the electron transfer complex rubredoxin - rubredoxin reductase from pseudomonas aeruginosa.
2v3d acid-beta-glucosidase with n-butyl-deoxynojirimycin
2v3e acid-beta-glucosidase with n-nonyl-deoxynojirimycin
2v3f acid-beta-glucosidase produced in carrot
2v3t structure of the ligand-binding core of the ionotropic glutamate receptor-like glurdelta2 in the apo form
2v3x his243ala escherichia coli aminopeptidase p in complex with substrate
2v3y his361ala escherichia coli aminopeptidase p in complex with product
2v3z glu383ala escherichia coli aminopeptidase p in complex with substrate
2v42 crystal structure of rseb: a sensor for periplasmic stress response in e. coli
2v4b crystal structure of human adamts-1 catalytic domain and cysteine-rich domain (apo-form)
2v4z the crystal structure of the human g-protein subunit alpha ( gnai3) in complex with an engineered regulator of g- protein signaling type 2 domain (rgs2)
2v52 structure of mal-rpel2 complexed to g-actin
2v54 crystal structure of vaccinia virus thymidylate kinase bound to tdp
2v58 crystal structure of biotin carboxylase from e.coli in complex with potent inhibitor 1
2v59 crystal structure of biotin carboxylase from e.coli in complex with potent inhibitor 2
2v5a crystal structure of biotin carboxylase from e.coli in complex with potent inhibitor 3
2v5c family 84 glycoside hydrolase from clostridium perfringens, 2.1 angstrom structure
2v5e the structure of the gdnf:coreceptor complex: insights into ret signalling and heparin binding.
2v5f crystal structure of wild type peptide-binding domain of human type i collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase.
2v5j apo class ii aldolase hpch
2v5k class ii aldolase hpch - magnesium - oxamate complex
2v5l structures of the open and closed state of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase: as observed in a new crystal form: implications for the reaction mechanism
2v5r structural basis for dscam isoform specificity
2v5s structural basis for dscam isoform specificity
2v5u i92a flavodoxin from anabaena
2v5v w57e flavodoxin from anabaena
2v5x crystal structure of hdac8-inhibitor complex
2v5z structure of human mao b in complex with the selective inhibitor safinamide
2v60 structure of human mao b in complex with the selective inhibitor 7-(3-chlorobenzyloxy)-4-carboxaldehyde-coumarin
2v61 structure of human mao b in complex with the selective inhibitor 7-(3-chlorobenzyloxy)-4-(methylamino)methyl- coumarin
2v62 structure of vaccinia-related kinase 2
2v65 apo ldh from the psychrophile c. gunnari
2v6k structure of maleyl pyruvate isomerase, a bacterial glutathione-s-transferase in zeta class, in complex with substrate analogue dicarboxyethyl glutathione
2v6q crystal structure of a bhrf-1 : bim bh3 complex
2v6s medium resolution crystal structure of pterin-4a- carbinolamine dehydratase from toxoplasma gondii
2v6t crystal structure of a complex of pterin-4a-carbinolamine dehydratase from toxoplasma gondii with 7,8- dihydrobiopterin
2v6u high resolution crystal structure of pterin-4a- carbinolamine dehydratase from toxoplasma gondii
2v6v the structure of the bem1p px domain
2v6x stractural insight into the interaction between escrt-iii and vps4
2v71 coiled-coil region of nudel
2v73 the structure of the family 40 cbm from c. perfringens nanj in complex with a sialic acid containing molecule
2v77 crystal structure of human carboxypeptidase a1
2v79 crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of dnad from bacillus subtilis
2v7b crystal structures of a benzoate coa ligase from burkholderia xenovorans lb400
2v7c crystal structure of rev-erb beta
2v7e crystal structure of coactivator-associated arginine methyltransferase 1 (carm1), unliganded
2v7z crystal structure of the 70-kda heat shock cognate protein from rattus norvegicus in post-atp hydrolysis state
2v8a the structure of thermosynechococcus elongatus allophycocyanin at 3.5 angstroems.
2v8c mouse profilin iia in complex with the proline-rich domain of vasp
2v8d crystal structure of mutant e159a of beta-alanine synthase from saccharomyces kluyveri
2v8n wild-type structure of lactose permease
2v8p ispe in complex with adp and cdp
2v8s vti1b habc domain - epsinr enth domain complex
2v8t crystal structure of mn catalase from thermus thermophilus complexed with chloride
2v8u atomic resolution structure of mn catalase from thermus thermophilus
2v91 structure of strictosidine synthase in complex with strictosidine
2v94 crystal structure of p. abyssi rps24
2v96 structure of the unphotolysed complex of tcache with 1-(2- nitrophenyl)-2,2,2-trifluoroethyl-arsenocholine at 100k
2v97 structure of the unphotolysed complex of tcache with 1-(2- nitrophenyl)-2,2,2-trifluoroethyl-arsenocholine after a 9 seconds annealing to room temperature
2v98 structure of the complex of tcache with 1-(2-nitrophenyl)-2, 2,2-trifluoroethyl-arsenocholine after a 9 seconds annealing to room temperature, during the first 5 seconds of which laser irradiation at 266nm took place
2v9a structure of citrate-free periplasmic domain of sensor histidine kinase cita
2v9b x-ray structure of viscotoxin b2 from viscum album
2v9c x-ray crystallographic structure of a pseudomonas aeruginosa azoreductase in complex with methyl red.
2v9e l-rhamnulose-1-phosphate aldolase from escherichia coli ( mutant e192a-k248w-a273s)
2v9i l-rhamnulose-1-phosphate aldolase from escherichia coli ( mutant e192a-k248w-l274stop)
2v9m l-rhamnulose-1-phosphate aldolase from escherichia coli ( mutant a87m-t109f-e192a)
2v9o l-rhamnulose-1-phosphate aldolase from escherichia coli ( mutant a87m-t109f-e192a)
2v9t complex between the second lrr domain of slit2 and the first ig domain from robo1
2v9y human aminoimidazole ribonucleotide synthetase
2va8 dna repair helicase hel308
2va9 structure of native tcache after a 9 seconds annealing to room temperature during the first 5 seconds of which laser irradiation at 266nm took place
2vao structure of the octameric flavoenzyme vanillyl-alcohol oxidase in complex with isoeugenol
2vaq structure of strictosidine synthase in complex with inhibitor
2vas myosin vi (md-insert2-cam, delta-insert1) post-rigor state
2vay calmodulin complexed with cav1.1 iq peptide
2vb6 myosin vi (md-insert2-cam, delta insert1) post-rigor state ( crystal form 2)
2vbc crystal structure of the ns3 protease-helicase from dengue virus
2vbf the holostructure of the branched-chain keto acid decarboxylase (kdca) from lactococcus lactis
2vbg the complex structure of the branched-chain keto acid decarboxylase (kdca) from lactococcus lactis with 2r-1- hydroxyethyl-deazathdp
2vbq structure of aac(6')-iy in complex with bisubstrate analog coa-s-monomethyl-acetylneamine.
2vbv riboflavin kinase mj0056 from methanocaldococcus jannaschii in complex with cdp and fmn
2vbw feast or famine regulatory protein (rv3291c)from m. tuberculosis complexed with l-phenylalanine
2vbx feast or famine regulatory protein (rv3291c)from m. tuberculosis complexed with l-phenylalanine
2vby feast or famine regulatory protein (rv3291c)from m. tuberculosis complexed with l-tyrosine
2vbz feast or famine regulatory protein (rv3291c)from m. tuberculosis complexed with l-tryptophan
2vc0 feast or famine regulatory protein (rv3291c)from m. tuberculosis complexed with l-leucine
2vc1 feast or famine regulatory protein (rv3291c)from m. tuberculosis complexed with l-methionine
2vc6 structure of mosa from s. meliloti with pyruvate bound
2vco crystal structure of the fimbrial adhesin fimh in complex with its high-mannose epitope
2vcy crystal structure of 2-enoyl thioester reductase of human fas ii
2vd3 the structure of histidine inhibited hisg from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
2vd5 structure of human myotonic dystrophy protein kinase in complex with the bisindoylmaleide inhibitor bim viii
2vd7 crystal structure of jmjd2a complexed with inhibitor pyridine-2,4-dicarboxylic acid
2vd8 the crystal structure of alanine racemase from bacillus anthracis (ba0252)
2vd9 the crystal structure of alanine racemase from bacillus anthracis (ba0252) with bound l-ala-p
2vda solution structure of the seca-signal peptide complex
2vdb structure of human serum albumin with s-naproxen and the ga module
2vdv structure of trm8, m7g methylation enzyme
2vdx crystal structure of the reactive loop cleaved corticosteroid binding globulin
2vdy crystal structure of the reactive loop cleaved corticosteroid binding globulin complexed with cortisol
2ve3 retinoic acid bound cyanobacterial cyp120a1
2ve4 substrate free cyanobacterial cyp120a1
2ved crystal structure of the chimerical mutant capabk55m protein
2vef dihydropteroate synthase from streptococcus pneumoniae
2veg dihydropteroate synthase from streptococcus pneumoniae: complex with 6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropterin monophosphate
2vek structure-based enzyme engineering efforts with an inactive monomeric tim variant: the importance of a single point mutation for generating an active site with suitable binding properties
2vel structure-based enzyme engineering efforts with an inactive monomeric tim variant: the importance of a single point mutation for generating an active site with suitable binding properties
2vem structure-based enzyme engineering efforts with an inactive monomeric tim variant: the importance of a single point mutation for generating an active site with suitable binding properties
2ven structure-based enzyme engineering efforts with an inactive monomeric tim variant: the importance of a single point mutation for generating an active site with suitable binding properties
2veo x-ray structure of candida antarctica lipase a in its closed state.
2ver structural model for the complex between the dr adhesins and carcinoembryonic antigen (cea)
2vf0 crystal structure of the thymidylate synthase k48q complexed with 5no2dump and bw1843u89
2vf1 x-ray crystallographic structure of the picobirnavirus capsid
2vf2 x-ray crystal structure of hsad from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2vf3 aquifex aeolicus ispe in complex with ligand
2vf8 crystal structure of uvra2 from deinococcus radiodurans
2vfa crystal structure of a chimera of plasmodium falciparum and human hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferases
2vfc the structure of mycobacterium marinum arylamine n- acetyltransferase in complex with coa
2vfd crystal structure of the f96s mutant of plasmodium falciparum triosephosphate isomerase
2vfe crystal structure of f96s mutant of plasmodium falciparum triosephosphate isomerase with 3-phosphoglycerate bound at the dimer interface
2vff crystal structure of the f96h mutant of plasmodium falciparum triosephosphate isomerase
2vfh crystal structure of the f96w mutant of plasmodium falciparum triosephosphate isomerase complexed with 3- phosphoglycerate
2vfi crystal structure of the plasmodium falciparum triosephosphate isomerase in the loop closed state with 3- phosphoglycerate bound at the active site and interface
2vfw rv1086 native
2vfz crystal structure of alpha-1,3 galactosyltransferase (r365k) in complex with udp-2f-galactose
2vg0 rv1086 citronelly pyrophosphate complex
2vg1 rv1086 e,e-farnesyl diphosphate complex
2vg5 crystal structures of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase complexes with thiocarbamate non-nucleoside inhibitors
2vg6 crystal structures of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase complexes with thiocarbamate non-nucleoside inhibitors
2vg7 crystal structures of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase complexes with thiocarbamate non-nucleoside inhibitors
2vgn structure of yeast dom34 : a protein related to translation termination factor erf1 and involved in no-go decay.
2vgx structure of the yersinia enterocolitica type iii secretion translocator chaperone sycd
2vgz crystal structure of human kynurenine aminotransferase ii
2vh0 structure and property based design of factor xa inhibitors: biaryl pyrrolidin-2-ones incorporating basic heterocyclic motifs
2vh1 crystal structure of bacterial cell division protein ftsq from e.coli
2vh2 crystal structure of cell divison protein ftsq from yersinia enterecolitica
2vh3 ranasmurfin
2vh4 structure of a loop c-sheet serpin polymer
2vh6 structure and property based design of factor xa inhibitors: pyrrolidin-2-ones with biaryl p4 motifs
2vh9 crystal structure of nxg1-deltayniig in complex with xllg, a xyloglucan derived oligosaccharide
2vha debp
2vhb azide adduct of the bacterial hemoglobin from vitreoscilla stercoraria
2vhd crystal structure of the di-haem cytochrome c peroxidase from pseudomonas aeruginosa - mixed valence form
2vhf structure of the cyld usp domain
2vhl the three-dimensional structure of the n-acetylglucosamine- 6-phosphate deacetylase from bacillus subtilis
2vhv crystal structure of the d270a mutant of l-alanine dehydrogenase from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with nadh.
2vhy crystal structure of apo l-alanine dehydrogenase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2vhz crystal structure of holo l-alanine dehydrogenase from mycobacterium tuberculosis in the closed conformation
2vid serine protease splb from staphylococcus aureus at 1.8a resolution
2vif crystal structure of socs6 sh2 domain in complex with a c-kit phosphopeptide
2viu influenza virus hemagglutinin
2vj1 a structural view of the inactivation of the sars- coronavirus main proteinase by benzotriazole esters
2vj2 human jagged-1, domains dsl and egfs1-3
2vj4 methylated shigella flexneri mxic
2vj5 shigella flexneri mxic
2vja torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase in complex with a non hydrolysable substrate analogue, 4-oxo-n,n,n- trimethylpentanaminium - orthorhombic space group - dataset a at 100k
2vjb torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase in complex with a non hydrolysable substrate analogue, 4-oxo-n,n,n- trimethylpentanaminium - orthorhombic space group - dataset d at 100k
2vjc torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase in complex with a non hydrolysable substrate analogue, 4-oxo-n,n,n- trimethylpentanaminium - orthorhombic space group - dataset a at 150k
2vjd torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase in complex with a non hydrolysable substrate analogue, 4-oxo-n,n,n- trimethylpentanaminium - orthorhombic space group - dataset c at 150k
2vjk formyl-coa transferase with aspartyl-coa thioester intermediate derived from oxalyl-coa
2vjl formyl-coa transferase with aspartyl-coa thioester intermediate derived from formyl-coa
2vjm formyl-coa transferase with aspartyl-formyl anhydide intermediate
2vjn formyl-coa transferase mutant variant g260a
2vjo formyl-coa transferase mutant variant q17a with aspartyl- coa thioester intermediates and oxalate
2vjp formyl-coa transferase mutant variant w48f
2vjr the structure of phycocyanin from gloeobacter violaceus
2vjt the structure of allophycocyanin from gloeobacter violaceus
2vjx structural and biochemical evidence for a boat-like transition state in beta-mannosidases
2vk7 the structure of clostridium perfringens nani sialidase and its catalytic intermediates
2vkj structure of the soluble domain of the membrane protein tm1634 from thermotoga maritima
2vkn yeast sho1 sh3 domain complexed with a peptide from pbs2
2vkp crystal structure of btb domain from btbd6
2vkw human ncam, fn3 domains 1 and 2
2vl4 structural and biochemical evidence for a boat-like transition state in beta-mannosidases
2vlc crystal structure of natural cinnamomin (isoform iii)
2vld crystal structure of a repair endonuclease from pyrococcus abyssi
2vlf quinonoid intermediate of citrobacter freundii tyrosine phenol-lyase formed with alanine
2vlh quinonoid intermediate of citrobacter freundii tyrosine phenol-lyase formed with methionine
2vli structure of deinococcus radiodurans tunicamycin resistance protein
2vlm the structural dynamics and energetics of an immunodominant t-cell receptor are programmed by its vbeta domain
2vln n75a mutant of e9 dnase domain in complex with im9
2vlo k97a mutant of e9 dnase domain in complex with im9
2vlp r54a mutant of e9 dnase domain in complex with im9
2vlq f86a mutant of e9 dnase domain in complex with im9
2vlt crystal structure of barley thioredoxin h isoform 2 in the oxidized state
2vlu crystal structure of barley thioredoxin h isoform 2 in partially radiation-reduced state
2vlv crystal structure of barley thioredoxin h isoform 2 in partially radiation-reduced state
2vlw crystal structure of the muscarinic toxin mt7 diiodotyr51 derivative.
2vm6 human bcl2-a1 in complex with bim-bh3 peptide
2vma the three-dimensional structure of the cytoplasmic domains of epsf from the type 2 secretion system of vibrio cholerae
2vmb the three-dimensional structure of the cytoplasmic domains of epsf from the type 2 secretion system of vibrio cholerae
2vmf structural and biochemical evidence for a boat-like transition state in beta-mannosidases
2vmy crystal structure of f351gbsshmt in complex with gly and fthf
2vn1 crystal structure of the fk506-binding domain of plasmodium falciparum fkbp35 in complex with fk506
2vn6 the clostridium cellulolyticum dockerin displays a dual binding mode for its cohesin partner
2vn8 crystal structure of human reticulon 4 interacting protein 1 in complex with nadph
2vn9 crystal structure of human calcium calmodulin dependent protein kinase ii delta isoform 1, camkd
2vnc crystal structure of glycogen debranching enzyme trex from sulfolobus solfataricus
2vne the x-ray structure of norcoclaurine synthase from thalictrum flavum
2vng family 51 carbohydrate binding module from a family 98 glycoside hydrolase produced by clostridium perfringens in complex with blood group a-trisaccharide ligand.
2vno family 51 carbohydrate binding module from a family 98 glycoside hydrolase produced by clostridium perfringens in complex with blood group b-trisaccharide ligand.
2vnp monoclinic form of idi-1
2vnq monoclinic form of idi-1
2vns crystal structure of the membrane proximal oxidoreductase domain of human steap3, the dominant ferric reductase of the erythroid transferrin cycle
2vnw structure of pka-pkb chimera complexed with (1-(9h-purin-6- yl)piperidin-4-yl)methanamine
2vny structure of pka-pkb chimera complexed with (1-(9h-purin-6- yl)piperidin-4-yl)amine
2vo0 structure of pka-pkb chimera complexed with c-(4-(4- chlorophenyl)-1-(7h-pyrrolo(2,3-d)pyrimidin-4-yl)piperidin- 4-yl)methylamine
2vo1 crystal structure of the synthetase domain of human ctp synthetase
2vo3 structure of pka-pkb chimera complexed with c-(4-(4- chlorophenyl)-1-(7h-pyrrolo(2,3-d)pyrimidin-4-yl)piperidin- 4-yl)methylamine
2vo4 glutathione transferase from glycine max
2vo5 structural and biochemical evidence for a boat-like transition state in beta-mannosidases
2vo6 structure of pka-pkb chimera complexed with 4-(4- chlorobenzyl)-1-(7h-pyrrolo(2,3-d)pyrimidin-4-yl)piperidin- 4-ylamine
2vo7 structure of pka complexed with 4-(4-chlorobenzyl)-1-(7h- pyrrolo(2,3-d)pyrimidin-4-yl)piperidin-4-ylamine
2vob trypanothione synthetase
2voc thioredoxin a active site mutants form mixed disulfide dimers that resemble enzyme-substrate reaction intermediate
2vog structure of mouse a1 bound to the bmf bh3-domain
2voh structure of mouse a1 bound to the bak bh3-domain
2voi structure of mouse a1 bound to the bid bh3-domain
2vok murine trim21
2vol murine trim21 in complex with murine igg fc
2vot structural and biochemical evidence for a boat-like transition state in beta-mannosidases
2voz apo futa2 from synechocystis pcc6803
2vp0 structural studies of nucleoside analog and feedback inhibitor binding to drosophila melanogaster multisubstrate deoxyribonucleoside kinase
2vp1 fe-futa2 from synechocystis pcc6803
2vp2 structural studies of nucleoside analog and feedback inhibitor binding to drosophila melanogaster multisubstrate deoxyribonucleoside kinase
2vp5 structural studies of nucleoside analog and feedback inhibitor binding to drosophila melanogaster multisubstrate deoxyribonucleoside kinase
2vp7 decoding of methylated histone h3 tail by the pygo-bcl9 wnt signaling complex
2vp8 structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis rv1207
2vpb decoding of methylated histone h3 tail by the pygo-bcl9 wnt signaling complex
2vph crystal structure of the human protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 4, pdz domain
2vpi human gmp synthetase - glutaminase domain
2vpm trypanothione synthetase
2vpn high-resolution structure of the periplasmic ectoine- binding protein from teaabc trap-transporter of halomonas elongata
2vpo high resolution structure of the periplasmic binding protein teaa from teaabc trap transporter of halomonas elongata in complex with hydroxyectoine
2vpp drosophila melanogaster deoxyribonucleoside kinase successfully activates gemcitabine in transduced cancer cell lines
2vpq crystal structure of biotin carboxylase from s. aureus complexed with amppnp
2vpv dimerization domain of mif2p
2vq3 crystal structure of the membrane proximal oxidoreductase domain of human steap3, the dominant ferric reductase of the erythroid transferrin cycle
2vq5 x-ray structure of norcoclaurine synthase from thalictrum flavum in complex with dopamine and hydroxybenzaldehyde
2vqh crystal structure of porb from corynebacterium glutamicum ( crystal form ii)
2vqi structure of the p pilus usher (papc) translocation pore
2vqo structure of hdac4 catalytic domain with a gain-of-function muation bound to a trifluoromethylketone inhbitor
2vqq structure of hdac4 catalytic domain (a double cysteine-to- alanine mutant) bound to a trifluoromethylketone inhbitor
2vqt structural and biochemical evidence for a boat-like transition state in beta-mannosidases
2vqu structural and biochemical evidence for a boat-like transition state in beta-mannosidases
2vqv structure of hdac4 catalytic domain with a gain-of-function mutation bound to a hydroxamic acid inhibitor
2vr1 crystal structure of biotin carboxylase from e. coli in complex with atp analog, adpcf2p.
2vr4 transition-state mimicry in mannoside hydrolysis: characterisation of twenty six inhibitors and insight into binding from linear free energy relationships and 3-d structure
2vr5 crystal structure of trex from sulfolobus solfataricus in complex with acarbose intermediate and glucose
2vr6 crystal structure of g85r als mutant of human cu,zn superoxide dismutase (cuznsod) at 1.3 a resolution
2vr7 crystal structure of g85r als mutant of human cu,zn superoxide dismutase (cuznsod) at 1.58 a resolution
2vr8 crystal structure of g85r als mutant of human cu,zn superoxide dismutase (cuznsod) at 1.36 a resolution
2vrj beta-glucosidase from thermotoga maritima in complex with n- octyl-5-deoxy-6-oxa-n-(thio)carbamoylcalystegine
2vrl structure of human mao b in complex with benzylhydrazine
2vrm structure of human mao b in complex with phenyethylhydrazine
2vrn the structure of the stress response protein dr1199 from deinococcus radiodurans: a member of the dj-1 superfamily
2vro crystal structure of aldehyde dehydrogenase from burkholderia xenovorans lb400
2vrp structure of rhodocytin
2vrr structure of sumo modified ubc9
2vrw critical structural role for the ph and c1 domains of the vav1 exchange factor
2vrz structural analysis of homodimeric staphylococcal aureus esxa
2vs0 structural analysis of homodimeric staphylococcal aureus virulence factor esxa
2vs3 the binding of udp-galactose by an active site mutant of alpha-1,3 galactosyltransferase (alpha3gt)
2vs4 the binding of udp-galactose by an active site mutant of alpha-1,3 galactosyltransferase (alpha3gt)
2vs5 the binding of udp-galactose by an active site mutant of alpha-1,3 galactosyltransferase (alpha3gt)
2vs6 k173a, r174a, k177a-trichosanthin
2vse structure and mode of action of a mosquitocidal holotoxin
2vsg a structural motif in the variant surface glycoproteins of trypanosoma brucei
2vsh synthesis of cdp-activated ribitol for teichoic acid precursors in streptococcus pneumoniae
2vsi synthesis of cdp-activated ribitol for teichoic acid precursors in streptococcus pneumoniae
2vsl crystal structure of xiap bir3 with a bivalent smac mimetic
2vsm nipah virus attachment glycoprotein in complex with human cell surface receptor ephrinb2
2vsn structure and topological arrangement of an o-glcnac transferase homolog: insight into molecular control of intracellular glycosylation
2vsr hppargamma ligand binding domain in complex with 9-(s)-hode
2vst hppargamma ligand binding domain in complex with 13-(s)- hode
2vsv crystal structure of the pdz domain of human rhophilin-2
2vsw the structure of the rhodanese domain of the human dual specificity phosphatase 16
2vsy xanthomonas campestris putative ogt (xcc0866), apostructure
2vsz crystal structure of the elmo1 ph domain
2vt0 x-ray structure of a conjugate with conduritol-beta-epoxide of acid-beta-glucosidase overexpressed in cultured plant cells
2vt1 crystal structure of the cytoplasmic domain of spa40, the specificity switch for the shigella flexneri type iii secretion system
2vt2 structure and functional properties of the bacillus subtilis transcriptional repressor rex
2vt3 structure and functional properties of the bacillus subtilis transcriptional repressor rex
2vt6 native torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase collected with a cumulated dose of 9400000 gy
2vt7 native torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase collected with a cumulated dose of 800000 gy
2vt8 structure of a conserved dimerisation domain within fbox7 and pi31
2vtc the structure of a glycoside hydrolase family 61 member, cel61b from the hypocrea jecorina.
2vtf x-ray crystal structure of the endo-beta-n- acetylglucosaminidase from arthrobacter protophormiae e173q mutant reveals a tim barrel catalytic domain and two ancillary domains
2vtu crystal structure of bacteriophage ms2 covalent coat protein dimer
2vtv phaz7 depolymerase from paucimonas lemoignei
2vu8 crystal structure of an insect inhibitor with a fungal trypsin
2vug the structure of an archaeal homodimeric rna ligase
2vuk structure of the p53 core domain mutant y220c bound to the stabilizing small-molecule drug phikan083
2vuo crystal structure of the rabbit igg fc fragment
2vur chemical dissection of the link between streptozotocin, o- glcnac and pancreatic cell death
2xs0 linear binding motifs for jnk and for calcineurin antagonistically control the nuclear shuttling of nfat4
2xs1 crystal structure of alix in complex with the sivmac239 pykevtedl late domain
2xs4 structure of karilysin catalytic mmp domain in complex with magnesium
2xs8 crystal structure of alix in complex with the sivagmtan-1 aydparkll late domain
2xsg structure of the gh92 family glycosyl hydrolase ccman5
2xss crystal structure of gafb from the human phosphodiesterase 5
2xsw crystal structure of human inpp5e
2xsx crystal structure of human beta enolase enob
2xt1 crystal structure of the hiv-1 capsid protein c-terminal domain (146-231) in complex with a camelid vhh.
2xt2 structure of the pentapeptide repeat protein albg, a resistance factor for the topoisomerase poison albicidin.
2xt4 structure of the pentapeptide repeat protein albg, a resistance factor for the topoisomerase poison albicidin.
2xt6 crystal structure of mycobacterium smegmatis alpha-ketoglutarate decarboxylase homodimer (orthorhombic form)
2xt9 crystal structure of mycobacterium smegmatis alpha- ketoglutarate decarboxylase in complex with gara
2xtc structure of the tbl1 tetramerisation domain
2xtd structure of the tbl1 tetramerisation domain
2xti asparaginyl-trna synthetase from brugia malayi complexed with atp:mg and l-asp-beta-noh adenylate:ppi:mg
2xtk chia1 from aspergillus fumigatus in complex with acetazolamide
2xtl structure of the major pilus backbone protein from streptococcus agalactiae
2xtm crystal structure of gdp-bound human gimap2, amino acid residues 1-234
2xto crystal structure of gdp-bound human gimap2, amino acid residues 21-260
2xtr structure of the p176a colicin m mutant from e. coli
2xtt bovine trypsin in complex with evolutionary enhanced schistocerca gregaria protease inhibitor 1 (sgpi-1-p02)
2xtx structure of qnrb1 (m102r-trypsin treated), a plasmid- mediated fluoroquinolone resistance protein
2xty structure of qnrb1 (r167e-trypsin treated), a plasmid- mediated fluoroquinolone resistance protein
2xu6 mdv1 coiled coil domain
2xua crystal structure of the enol-lactonase from burkholderia xenovorans lb400
2xud crystal structure of the y337a mutant of mouse acetylcholinesterase
2xue crystal structure of jmjd3
2xuf crystal structure of mache-y337a-tz2pa6 anti complex (1 mth)
2xug crystal structure of mache-y337a-tz2pa6 anti complex (1 wk)
2xuh crystal structure of mache-y337a-tz2pa6 anti complex (10 mth)
2xui crystal structure of mache-y337a-tz2pa6 syn complex (1 wk)
2xuj crystal structure of mache-y337a-tz2pa6 syn complex (1 mth)
2xuk crystal structure of mache-y337a-tz2pa6 syn complex (10 mth)
2xum factor inhibiting hif (fih) q239h mutant in complex with zn(ii), nog and asp-substrate peptide (20-mer)
2xuo crystal structure of mache-y337a mutant in complex with soaked tz2pa6 anti inhibitor
2xup crystal structure of the mache-y337a mutant in complex with soaked tz2pa6 syn inhibitor
2xuq crystal structure of the mache-y337a mutant in complex with soaked tz2pa6 anti-syn inhibitors
2xur the g157c mutation in the escherichia coli sliding clamp specifically affects initiation of replication
2xus crystal structure of the brms1 n-terminal region
2xv3 pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin with mutated metal-binding loop sequence (caaaahaaaam), chemically reduced, ph5.3
2xv5 human lamin a coil 2b fragment
2xvc molecular and structural basis of escrt-iii recruitment to membranes during archaeal cell division
2xvm crystal structure of the tellurite detoxification protein tehb from e. coli in complex with sah
2xvp chia1 from aspergillus fumigatus, apostructure
2xw7 structure of mycobacterium smegmatis putative reductase ms0308
2xwa crystal structure of complement factor d mutant r202a
2xwd x-ray structure of acid-beta-glucosidase with 5n,6o-(n'-(n- octyl)imino)nojirimycin in the active site
2xwe x-ray structure of acid-beta-glucosidase with 5n,6s-(n'-(n- octyl)imino)-6-thionojirimycin in the active site
2xwl crystal structure of ispd from mycobacterium smegmatis in complex with ctp and mg
2xwm crystal structure of ispd from mycobacterium smegmatis in complex with cmp
2xwn crystal structure of ispd from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with ctp and mg
2xwr crystal structure of the dna-binding domain of human p53 with extended n terminus
2xwu crystal structure of importin 13 - ubc9 complex
2xwx vibrio cholerae colonization factor gbpa crystal structure
2xx0 structure of the n90s-h254f mutant of nitrite reductase from alcaligenes xylosoxidans
2xxb penta-mutant of thermus thermophilus lactate dehydrogenase, complex with amp
2xxf cu metallated h254f mutant of nitrite reductase
2xxg structure of the n90s mutant of nitrite reductase from alcaligenes xylosoxidans
2xxl crystal structure of drosophila grass clip serine protease of toll pathway
2xxn structure of the virf4-hausp traf domain complex
2xxr crystal structure of the gluk2 (glur6) wild-type lbd dimer in complex with glutamate
2xxt crystal structure of the gluk2 (glur6) wild-type lbd dimer in complex with kainate
2xxu crystal structure of the gluk2 (glur6) m770k lbd dimer in complex with glutamate
2xxv crystal structure of the gluk2 (glur6) m770k lbd dimer in complex with kainate
2xxw crystal structure of the gluk2 (glur6) d776k lbd dimer in complex with glutamate
2xxz crystal structure of the human jmjd3 jumonji domain
2xy8 paramagnetic-based nmr structure of the complex between the n-terminal epsilon domain and the theta domain of the dna polymerase iii
2xyd human angiotenisn converting enzyme n-domain in complex with phosphinic tripeptide
2xye hiv-1 inhibitors with a tertiary-alcohol-containing transition-state mimic and various p2 and p1 prime substituents
2xyf hiv-1 inhibitors with a tertiary-alcohol-containing transition-state mimic and various p2 and p1 prime substituents
2xyg caspase-3:cas329306
2xyh caspase-3:cas60254719
2xyi crystal structure of nurf55 in complex with a h4 peptide
2xyj novel sulfonylthiadiazoles with an unusual binding mode as partial dual peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (ppar) gamma-delta agonists with high potency and in-vivo efficacy
2xyk group ii 2-on-2 hemoglobin from the plant pathogen agrobacterium tumefaciens
2xyp caspase-3:cas26049945
2xyq crystal structure of the nsp16 nsp10 sars coronavirus complex
2xyr crystal structure of the nsp16 nsp10 sars coronavirus complex
2xyv crystal structure of the nsp16 nsp10 sars coronavirus complex
2xyw novel sulfonylthiadiazoles with an unusual binding mode as partial dual peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (ppar) gamma-delta agonists with high potency and in-vivo efficacy
2xyx novel sulfonylthiadiazoles with an unusual binding mode as partial dual peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (ppar) gamma-delta agonists with high potency and in-vivo efficacy
2xz4 crystal structure of the lfz ectodomain of the peptidoglycan recognition protein lf
2xz8 crystal structure of the lfw ectodomain of the peptidoglycan recognition protein lf
2xz9 crystal structure from the phosphoenolpyruvate-binding domain of enzyme i in complex with pyruvate from the thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis pep-sugar phosphotransferase system (pts)
2xza crystal structure of recombinant a.17 antibody fab fragment
2xzb pig gastric h,k-atpase with bound bef and sch28080
2xzc crystal structure of phosphonate-modified recombinant a.17 antibody fab fragment
2xzi the aspergillus fumigatus sialidase is a kdnase: structural and mechanistic insights
2xzj the aspergillus fumigatus sialidase is a kdnase: structural and mechanistic insights
2xzk the aspergillus fumigatus sialidase is a kdnase: structural and mechanistic insights
2xzs death associated protein kinase 1 residues 1-312
2y00 turkey beta1 adrenergic receptor with stabilising mutations and bound partial agonist dobutamine (crystal dob92)
2y01 turkey beta1 adrenergic receptor with stabilising mutations and bound partial agonist dobutamine (crystal dob102)
2y02 turkey beta1 adrenergic receptor with stabilising mutations and bound agonist carmoterol
2y03 turkey beta1 adrenergic receptor with stabilising mutations and bound agonist isoprenaline
2y04 turkey beta1 adrenergic receptor with stabilising mutations and bound partial agonist salbutamol
2y08 structure of the substrate-free fad-dependent tirandamycin oxidase taml
2y0i factor inhibiting hif-1 alpha in complex with tankyrase-2 (tnks2) fragment peptide (21-mer)
2y0j triazoloquinazolines as a novel class of phosphodiesterase 10a (pde10a) inhibitors, part 2, lead-optimisation.
2y0m crystal structure of the complex between dosage compensation factors msl1 and mof
2y0t the mechanisms of hamp-mediated signaling in transmembrane receptors - the a291f mutant
2y1c x-ray structure of 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase, dxr, rv2870c, from mycobacterium tuberculosis, in complex with manganese.
2y1d x-ray structure of 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase, dxr, rv2870c, from mycobacterium tuberculosis, in complex with a 3,4-dichlorophenyl- substituted fosmidomycin analogue and manganese.
2y1e x-ray structure of 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase, dxr, rv2870c, from mycobacterium tuberculosis, in complex with manganese.
2y1f x-ray structure of 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase, dxr, rv2870c, from mycobacterium tuberculosis, in complex with a 3,4-dichlorophenyl- substituted fosmidomycin analogue, manganese and nadph.
2y1g x-ray structure of 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase, dxr, rv2870c, from mycobacterium tuberculosis, in complex with a 3,4-dichlorophenyl- substituted fr900098 analogue and manganese.
2y1h crystal structure of the human tatd-domain protein 3 (tatdn3)
2y1z human alphab crystallin acd r120g
2y27 crystal structure of paak1 in complex with atp from burkholderia cenocepacia
2y2g penicillin-binding protein 1b (pbp-1b) in complex with an alkyl boronate (a01)
2y2h penicillin-binding protein 1b (pbp-1b) in complex with an alkyl boronate (za2)
2y2l penicillin-binding protein 1b (pbp-1b) in complex with an alkyl boronate (e06)
2y2q penicillin-binding protein 1b (pbp-1b) in complex with an alkyl boronate (z06)
2y2u nonaged form of mouse acetylcholinesterase inhibited by vx-update
2y2v nonaged form of mouse acetylcholinesterase inhibited by sarin-update
2y2x crystal structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa opdk with vanillate
2y30 simocyclinone d8 bound form of tetr-like repressor simr
2y31 simocyclinone c4 bound form of tetr-like repressor simr
2y37 the discovery of novel, potent and highly selective inhibitors of inducible nitric oxide synthase (inos)
2y3a crystal structure of p110beta in complex with icsh2 of p85beta and the drug gdc-0941
2y3d zn-bound form of cupriavidus metallidurans ch34 cnrxs
2y3e traptavidin, apo-form
2y3i the structure of the fully closed conformation of human pgk in complex with l-adp, 3pg and the tsa aluminium tetrafluoride
2y3m structure of the extra-membranous domain of the secretin hofq from actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans
2y3p crystal structure of n-terminal domain of gyra with the antibiotic simocyclinone d8
2y3s structure of the tirandamycine-bound fad-dependent tirandamycin oxidase taml in c2 space group
2y40 structure of isopropylmalate dehydrogenase from thermus thermophilus - complex with mn
2y41 structure of isopropylmalate dehydrogenase from thermus thermophilus - complex with ipm and mn
2y43 rad18 ubiquitin ligase ring domain structure
2y4d x-ray crystallographic structure of e. coli apo-efeb
2y4e x-ray crystallographic structure of e. coli ppix-efeb
2y4f x-ray crystallographic structure of e. coli heme-efeb
2y4g structure of the tirandamycin-bound fad-dependent tirandamycin oxidase taml in p212121 space group
2y4i ksr2-mek1 heterodimer
2y4j mannosylglycerate synthase in complex with lactate
2y4k mannosylglycerate synthase in complex with mg-gdp
2y4l mannosylglycerate synthase in complex with manganese and gdp
2y4m mannosylglycerate synthase in complex with gdp-mannose
2y4n paak1 in complex with phenylacetyl adenylate
2y4o crystal structure of paak2 in complex with phenylacetyl adenylate
2y4r crystal structure of 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
2y4v crystal structure of human calmodulin in complex with a dap kinase-1 mutant (w305y) peptide
2y4x structure of a domain from the type iv pilus biogenesis lipoprotein pilp, from pseudomonas aeruginosa pa01
2y51 crystal structure of e167a mutant of the box pathway encoded aldh from burkholderia xenovorans lb400
2y52 crystal structure of e496a mutant of the box pathway encoded aldh from burkholderia xenovorans lb400
2y53 crystal structure of e257q mutant of the box pathway encoded aldh from burkholderia xenovorans lb400
2y5d crystal structure of c296a mutant of the box pathway encoded aldh from burkholderia xenovorans lb400
2y5f factor xa - cation inhibitor complex
2y5g factor xa - cation inhibitor complex
2y5h factor xa - cation inhibitor complex
2y5s crystal structure of burkholderia cenocepacia dihydropteroate synthase complexed with 7,8-dihydropteroate.
2y5w crystal structure of drosophila melanogaster kinesin-1 motor domain dimer
2y5y crystal structure of lacy in complex with an affinity inactivator
2y6i crystal structure of collagenase g from clostridium histolyticum in complex with isoamylphosphonyl-gly-pro-ala at 3.25 angstrom resolution
2y6w structure of a bcl-w dimer
2y72 crystal structure of the pkd domain of collagenase g from clostridium histolyticum at 1.18 angstrom resolution.
2y73 the native structures of soluble human primary amine oxidase aoc3
2y74 the crystal structure of human soluble primary amine oxidase aoc3 in the off-copper conformation
2y79 structure of the first gaf domain e87a mutant of mycobacterium tuberculosis doss
2y7e crystal structure of the 3-keto-5-aminohexanoate cleavage enzyme (kce) from candidatus cloacamonas acidaminovorans (tetragonal form)
2y7g crystal structure of the 3-keto-5-aminohexanoate cleavage enzyme (kce) from c. cloacamonas acidaminovorans in complex with the product acetoacetate
2y7i structural basis for high arginine specificity in salmonella typhimurium periplasmic binding protein stm4351.
2y7l structure of n-terminal domain of candida albicans als9-2 in complex with human fibrinogen gamma peptide
2y7s structure of a designed meningococcal antigen (factor h binding protein, mutant g1) inducing broad protective immunity
2y7x the discovery of potent and long-acting oral factor xa inhibitors with tetrahydroisoquinoline and benzazepine p4 motifs
2y7z structure and property based design of factor xa inhibitors: pyrrolidin-2-ones with aminoindane and phenylpyrrolidine p4 motifs
2y80 structure and property based design of factor xa inhibitors: pyrrolidin-2-ones with aminoindane and phenylpyrrolidine p4 motifs
2y81 structure and property based design of factor xa inhibitors: pyrrolidin-2-ones with aminoindane and phenylpyrrolidine p4 motifs
2y82 structure and property based design of factor xa inhibitors: pyrrolidin-2-ones with aminoindane and phenylpyrrolidine p4 motifs
2y8e crystal structure of d. melanogaster rab6 gtpase bound to gmppnp
2y8g structure of the ran-binding domain from human ranbp3 (e352a-r353v double mutant)
2y8h structure of the first gaf domain e87g mutant of mycobacterium tuberculosis doss
2y8p crystal structure of an outer membrane-anchored endolytic peptidoglycan lytic transglycosylase (mlte) from escherichia coli
2y93 crystal structure of cis-biphenyl-2,3-dihydrodiol-2,3- dehydrogenase (bphb)from pandoraea pnomenusa strain b-356.
2y96 structure of human dual-specificity phosphatase 27
2y99 crystal structure of cis-biphenyl-2,3-dihydrodiol-2,3-dehydrogenase (bphb)from pandoraea pnomenusa strain b-356 complex with co-enzyme nad
2y9m pex4p-pex22p structure
2y9y chromatin remodeling factor isw1a(del_atpase)
2ya4 crystal structure of streptococcus pneumoniae nana (tigr4)
2ya5 crystal structure of streptococcus pneumoniae nana (tigr4) in complex with sialic acid
2ya6 crystal structure of streptococcus pneumoniae nana (tigr4) in complex with dana
2ya8 crystal structure of streptococcus pneumoniae nana (tigr4) in complex with oseltamivir carboxylate
2ya9 crystal structure of the autoinhibited form of mouse dapk2
2yaa crystal structure of the autoinhibited form of mouse dapk2 in complex with atp
2yab crystal structure of the autoinhibited form of mouse dapk2 in complex with amp
2yal sinr, master regulator of biofilm formation in bacillus subtilis
2yan crystal structure of the second glutaredoxin domain of human txnl2
2yau x-ray structure of the leishmania infantum tryopanothione reductase in complex with auranofin
2yb5 structure of the fusidic acid resistance protein fusc
2yb7 cbm62 in complex with 6-alpha-d-galactosyl-mannotriose
2yb8 crystal structure of nurf55 in complex with su(z)12
2ybf complex of rad18 (rad6 binding domain) with rad6b
2ybk jmjd2a complexed with r-2-hydroxyglutarate
2ybx crystal structure of human phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase type-2 alpha
2ycb structure of the archaeal beta-casp protein with n-terminal kh domains from methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus
2ych pilm-piln type iv pilus biogenesis complex
2ycl complete structure of the corrinoid,iron-sulfur protein including the n-terminal domain with a 4fe-4s cluster
2ycn y71f mutant of tyrosine phenol-lyase from citrobacter freundii in complex with quinonoid intermediate formed with 3-fluoro-l-tyrosine
2yct tyrosine phenol-lyase from citrobacter freundii in complex with pyridine n-oxide and the quinonoid intermediate formed with l-alanine
2ycw turkey beta1 adrenergic receptor with stabilising mutations and bound antagonist carazolol
2ycx turkey beta1 adrenergic receptor with stabilising mutations and bound antagonist cyanopindolol
2ycy turkey beta1 adrenergic receptor with stabilising mutations and bound antagonist cyanopindolol
2ycz turkey beta1 adrenergic receptor with stabilising mutations and bound antagonist iodocyanopindolol
2yd7 crystal structure of the n-terminal ig1-2 module of human receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase delta
2ydj discovery of checkpoint kinase inhibitor azd7762 by structure based design and optimization of thiophene carboxamide ureas
2yem crystal structure of the second bromodomain of human brd4 with the inhibitor gw841819x
2yes crystal structure of rv0371c complex with manganese from mycobacterium tuberculosis h37rv
2yet thermoascus gh61 isozyme a
2yfq crystal structure of glutamate dehydrogenase from peptoniphilus asaccharolyticus
2yg2 structure of apolioprotein m in complex with sphingosine 1-phosphate
2yg3 structure-based redesign of cofactor binding in putrescine oxidase: wild type enzyme
2yg4 structure-based redesign of cofactor binding in putrescine oxidase: wild type bound to putrescine
2yg6 structure-based redesign of cofactor binding in putrescine oxidase: p15i-a394c double mutant
2yg7 structure-based redesign of cofactor binding in putrescine oxidase: a394c-a396t-q431g triple mutant
2yg8 structure of an unusual 3-methyladenine dna glycosylase ii ( alka) from deinococcus radiodurans
2yg9 structure of an unusual 3-methyladenine dna glycosylase ii ( alka) from deinococcus radiodurans
2ygg complex of cambr and cam
2ygk crystal structure of the nura nuclease from sulfolobus solfataricus
2ygl the x-ray crystal structure of tandem cbm51 modules of sp3gh98, the family 98 glycoside hydrolase from streptococcus pneumoniae sp3-bs71
2ygm the x-ray crystal structure of tandem cbm51 modules of sp3gh98, the family 98 glycoside hydrolase from streptococcus pneumoniae sp3-bs71, in complex with the blood group b antigen
2yhj clostridium perfringens enterotoxin at 4.0 angstrom resolution
2yhn the idol-ube2d complex mediates sterol-dependent degradation of the ldl receptor
2yig mmp13 in complex with a novel selective non zinc binding inhibitor
2yio crystal structure of parasite sarcocystis muris microneme protein sml-2 in complex with 1-thio-beta-d-galactose ( spacegroup c2221).
2yja stapled peptides binding to estrogen receptor alpha.
2yjn structure of the glycosyltransferase eryciii from the erythromycin biosynthetic pathway, in complex with its activating partner, erycii
2yjq structure of a paenibacillus polymyxa xyloglucanase from glycoside hydrolase family 44
2yk1 structure of human anti-nicotine fab fragment in complex with nicotine
2ykl structure of human anti-nicotine fab fragment in complex with nicotine-11-yl-methyl-(4-ethylamino-4-oxo)-butanoate
2ykm crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with a difluoromethylbenzoxazole (dfmb) pyrimidine thioether derivative, a non-nucleoside rt inhibitor (nnrti)
2ykn crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with a difluoromethylbenzoxazole (dfmb) pyrimidine thioether derivative, a non-nucleoside rt inhibitor (nnrti)
2ykt crystal structure of the i-bar domain of irsp53 (baiap2) in complex with an ehec derived tir peptide
2yl2 crystal structure of human acetyl-coa carboxylase 1, biotin carboxylase (bc) domain
2yle crystal structure of the human spir-1 kind fsi domain in complex with the fsi peptide
2ym0 truncated sipd from salmonella typhimurium
2yma x-ray structure of the yos9 dimerization domain
2ypi crystallographic analysis of the complex between triosephosphate isomerase and 2-phosphoglycolate at 2.5- angstroms resolution. implications for catalysis
2yqh crystal structure of uridine-diphospho-n-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase from candida albicans, in the substrate-binding form
2yqj crystal structure of uridine-diphospho-n-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase from candida albicans, in the reaction-completed form
2yqu crystal structures and evolutionary relationship of two different lipoamide dehydrogenase(e3s) from thermus thermophilus
2yqy crystal structure of tt2238, a four-helix bundle protein
2yqz crystal structure of hypothetical methyltransferase ttha0223 from thermus thermophilus hb8 complexed with s-adenosylmethionine
2yr0 crystal structure of hypothetical methyltransferase ttha0223 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2yr1 crystal structure of 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase from geobacillus kaustophilus hta426
2yr2 crystal structure of the hypothetical regulator from sulfolobus tokodaii
2yr4 crystal structure of l-phenylalanine oxiase from psuedomonas sp. p-501
2yr5 crystal structure of l-phenylalanine oxidase from psuedomonas sp.p501
2yr6 crystal structure of l-phenylalanine oxidase from psuedomonas sp.p501
2yrf crystal structure of 5-methylthioribose 1-phosphate isomerase from bacillus subtilis complexed with sulfate ion
2yri crystal structure of alanine-pyruvate aminotransferase with 2- methylserine
2yrr hypothetical alanine aminotransferase (tth0173) from thermus thermophilus hb8
2ys5 solution structure of the complex of the ptb domain of snt-2 and 19- residue peptide (aa 1571-1589) of halk
2ysu structure of the complex between btub and colicin e2 receptor binding domain
2ytz complex structure of trm1 from pyrococcus horikoshii with s- adenosyl-l-homocystein in the orthorhombic crystal-lattice
2yu7 solution structure of the shp-1 c-terminal sh2 domain complexed with a tyrosine-phosphorylated peptide from nkg2a
2yv3 crystal structure of aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase from thermus thermophilus hb8
2yv9 crystal structure of the clic homologue exc-4 from c. elegans
2yva crystal structure of escherichia coli diaa
2yve crystal structure of the methylene blue-bound form of the multi-drug binding transcriptional repressor cgmr
2yvr crystal structure of ms1043
2yvs crystal structure of glycolate oxidase subunit glce from thermus thermophilus hb8
2yvu crystal structure of ape1195
2yvz crystal structure of magnesium transporter mgte cytosolic domain, mg2+-free form
2yw2 crystal structure of gar synthetase from aquifex aeolicus in complex with atp
2ywi crystal structure of uncharacterized conserved protein from geobacillus kaustophilus
2ywl crystal structure of thioredoxin reductase-related protein ttha0370 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2ywv crystal structure of saicar synthetase from geobacillus kaustophilus
2yww crystal structure of aspartate carbamoyltransferase regulatory chain from methanocaldococcus jannaschii
2yx1 crystal structure of m.jannaschii trna m1g37 methyltransferase
2yx9 crystal structure of d298k copper amine oxidase from arthrobacter globiformis
2yxd crystal structure of cobalamin biosynthesis precorrin 8w decarboxylase (cbit)
2yxe crystal structure of l-isoaspartyl protein carboxyl methyltranferase
2yxh crystal structure of mazg-related protein from thermotoga maritima
2yxj crystal structure of bcl-xl in complex with abt-737
2yxo histidinol phosphate phosphatase complexed with sulfate
2yxt human pyridoxal kinase
2yxu human pyridoxal kinase
2yxv the deletion mutant of multicopper oxidase cueo
2yxw the deletion mutant of multicopper oxidase cueo
2yy2 crystal structure of the human phosphodiesterase 9a catalytic domain complexed with ibmx
2yy4 crystal structure of ms8104
2yy6 crystal structure of the phosphoglycolate phosphatase from aquifex aeolicus vf5
2yy7 crystal structure of thermolabile l-threonine dehydrogenase from flavobacterium frigidimaris kuc-1
2yy8 crystal structure of archaeal trna-methylase for position 56 (atrm56) from pyrococcus horikoshii, complexed with s- adenosyl-l-methionine
2yy9 crystal structure of btb domain from mouse hkr3
2yya crystal structure of gar synthetase from aquifex aeolicus
2yyb crystal structure of ttha1606 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2yye crystal structure of selenophosphate synthetase from aquifex aeolicus complexed with ampcpp
2yys crystal structure of the proline iminopeptidase-related protein ttha1809 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2yyu crystal structure of uncharacterized conserved protein from geobacillus kaustophilus
2yyv crystal structure of uncharacterized conserved protein from thermotoga maritima
2yyy crystal structure of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
2yz1 crystal structure of the ligand-binding domain of murine shps-1/sirp alpha
2yz2 crystal structure of the abc transporter in the cobalt transport system
2yz3 crystallographic investigation of inhibition mode of the vim-2 metallo-beta-lactamase from pseudomonas aeruginosa with mercaptocarboxylate inhibitor
2yz5 histidinol phosphate phosphatase complexed with phosphate
2yzi crystal structure of uncharacterized conserved protein from pyrococcus horikoshii
2yzo crystal structure of uncharacterized conserved protein from thermotoga maritima
2yzs crystal structure of uncharacterized conserved protein from aquifex aeolicus
2z02 crystal structure of phosphoribosylaminoimidazolesuccinocarboxamide synthase wit atp from methanocaldococcus jannaschii
2z04 crystal structure of phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase atpase subunit from aquifex aeolicus
2z07 crystal structure of uncharacterized conserved protein from thermus thermophilus hb8
2z0d the crystal structure of human atg4b- lc3(1-120) complex
2z0e the crystal structure of human atg4b- lc3(1-124) complex
2z0f crystal structure of putative phosphoglucomutase from thermus thermophilus hb8
2z0i crystal structure of 5-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (alad) from mus musculus
2z0u crystal structure of c2 domain of kibra protein
2z0v crystal structure of bar domain of endophilin-iii
2z0y crystal structure of ttha0657-sam complex
2z1d crystal structure of [nife] hydrogenase maturation protein, hypd from thermococcus kodakaraensis
2z1i crystal structure of e.coli rnase hi surface charged mutant(q4r/t40e/q72h/q76k/q80e/t92k/q105k/q113r/q115k)
2z1n crystal structure of ape0912 from aeropyrum pernix k1
2z1q crystal structure of acyl coa dehydrogenase
2z1y crystal structure of lysn, alpha-aminoadipate aminotransferase (complexed with n-(5'-phosphopyridoxyl)-l-leucine), from thermus thermophilus hb27
2z1z crystal structure of ll-diaminopimelate aminotransferase from arabidopsis thaliana complexed with l-malate ion
2z20 crystal structure of ll-diaminopimelate aminotransferase from arabidopsis thaliana
2z21 crystal structure of a five site mutated cyanovirin-n
2z22 crystal structure of phosphate preplasmic binding protein psts from yersinia pestis
2z23 crystal structure of y.pestis oligo peptide binding protein oppa with tri-lysine ligand
2z24 thr110ser dihydroorotase from e. coli
2z25 thr110val dihydroorotase from e. coli
2z26 thr110ala dihydroorotase from e. coli
2z27 thr109ser dihydroorotase from e. coli
2z28 thr109val dihydroorotase from e. coli
2z29 thr109ala dihydroorotase from e. coli
2z2a thr109gly dihydroorotase from e. coli
2z2e crystal structure of canine milk lysozyme stabilized against non-enzymatic deamidation
2z2j crystal structure of peptidyl-trna hydrolase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
2z2r nucleosome assembly proteins i (nap-1, 74-365)
2z30 crystal structure of complex form between mat-tk-subtilisin and tk- propeptide
2z32 crystal structure of keap1 complexed with prothymosin alpha
2z35 crystal structure of immune receptor
2z36 crystal structure of cytochrome p450 moxa from nonomuraea recticatena (cyp105)
2z39 crystal structure of brassica juncea chitinase catalytic module glu234ala mutant (bjchi3-e234a)
2z3c a mechanistic view of enzyme inhibition and peptide hydrolysis in the active site of the sars-cov 3c-like peptidase
2z3d a mechanistic view of enzyme inhibition and peptide hydrolysis in the active site of the sars-cov 3c-like peptidase
2z3e a mechanistic view of enzyme inhibition and peptide hydrolysis in the active site of the sars-cov 3c-like peptidase
2z3k complex structure of lf-transferase and raf
2z3m complex structure of lf-transferase and daf
2z3o complex structure of lf-transferase and phenylalanine
2z3p complex structure of lf-transferase and leucine
2z45 crystal structure of zn-bound orf134
2z47 the y66l mutant of tetraheme cytochrome c3 from desulfovibrio vulgaris miyazaki f
2z48 crystal structure of hemolytic lectin cel-iii complexed with galnac
2z49 crystal structure of hemolytic lectin cel-iii complexed with methyl-alpha-d-galactopylanoside
2z4b estrogen receptor beta ligand-binding domain complexed to a benzopyran ligand
2z4g histidinol phosphate phosphatase from thermus thermophilus hb8
2z4h crystal structure of the cpx pathway activator nlpe from escherichia coli
2z4i crystal structure of the cpx pathway activator nlpe from escherichia coli
2z4j crystal structure of ar lbd with shp peptide nr box 2
2z4o wild type hiv-1 protease with potent antiviral inhibitor grl-98065
2z4q crystal structure of a murine antibody fab 528
2z4v s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and ggpp (inhibitory site)
2z4w s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and bph-749
2z4x s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and bph-252 (p21)
2z4y s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and bph-252
2z4z s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and bph-sc01
2z50 s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with bph-28
2z52 s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium and bph-23
2z54 the influence of i47a mutation on reduced susceptibility to the protease inhibitor lopinavir
2z56 crystal structure of g56s-propeptide:s324a-subtilisin complex
2z57 crystal structure of g56e-propeptide:s324a-subtilisin complex
2z58 crystal structure of g56w-propeptide:s324a-subtilisin complex
2z59 complex structures of mouse rpn13 (22-130aa) and ubiquitin
2z5b crystal structure of a novel chaperone complex for yeast 20s proteasome assembly
2z5d human ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2 h
2z5e crystal structure of proteasome assembling chaperone 3
2z5f human sulfotransferase sult1b1 in complex with pap
2z5g crystal structure of t1 lipase f16l mutant
2z5k complex of transportin 1 with tap nls
2z5m complex of transportin 1 with tap nls, crystal form 2
2z5n complex of transportin 1 with hnrnp d nls
2z5o complex of transportin 1 with jktbp nls
2z64 crystal structure of mouse tlr4 and mouse md-2 complex
2z68 crystal structure of an artificial metalloprotein: cr[n- salicylidene-4-amino-3-hydroxyhydrocinnamic acid]/wild type heme oxygenase
2z6b crystal structure analysis of (gp27-gp5)3 conjugated with fe(iii) protoporphyrin
2z6c crystal structure of lov1 domain of phototropin1 from arabidopsis thaliana
2z6d crystal structure of lov1 domain of phototropin2 from arabidopsis thaliana
2z6i crystal structure of s. pneumoniae enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase (fabk)
2z6j crystal structure of s. pneumoniae enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase (fabk) in complex with an inhibitor
2z6n crystal structure of carbonmonoxy hemoglobin d from the aldabra giant tortoise, geochelone gigantea
2z6r crystal structure of lys49 to arg mutant of diphthine synthase
2z71 structure of truncated mutant cys1gly of penicillin v acylase from bacillus sphaericus co-crystallized with penicillin v
2z73 crystal structure of squid rhodopsin
2z76 x-ray crystal structure of rv0760c from mycobacterium tuberculosis at 1.82 angstrom resolution
2z78 s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with bph-806
2z79 high resolution crystal structure of a glycoside hydrolase family 11 xylanase of bacillus subtilis
2z7f crystal structure of the complex of human neutrophil elastase with 1/2slpi
2z7h s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with inhibitor bph-210
2z7i s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with inhibitor bph-742
2z7u crystal structure of h2o2 treated cu,zn-sod
2z7w crystal structure of h2o2 treated cu,zn-sod
2z7y crystal structure of h2o2 treated cu,zn-sod
2z7z crystal structure of h2o2 treated cu,zn-sod
2z80 crystal structure of the tlr1-tlr2 heterodimer induced by binding of a tri-acylated lipopeptide
2z85 ligand migration and binding in the dimeric hemoglobin of scapharca inaequivalvis: m37f unliganded
2z87 crystal structure of chondroitin polymerase from escherichia coli strain k4 (k4cp) complexed with udp- galnac and udp
2z8a ligand migration and binding in the dimeric hemoglobin of scapharca inaequivalvis: i25w with co bound to heme and in the presence of 3 atoms of xe
2z8c phosphorylated insulin receptor tyrosine kinase in complex with (4-{[5-carbamoyl-4-(3-methylanilino)pyrimidin-2- yl]amino}phenyl)acetic acid
2z8d the galacto-n-biose-/lacto-n-biose i-binding protein (gl-bp) of the abc transporter from bifidobacterium longum in complex with lacto-n- biose
2z8e the galacto-n-biose-/lacto-n-biose i-binding protein (gl-bp) of the abc transporter from bifidobacterium longum in complex with galacto- n-biose
2z8f the galacto-n-biose-/lacto-n-biose i-binding protein (gl-bp) of the abc transporter from bifidobacterium longum in complex with lacto-n- tetraose
2z8g aspergillus niger atcc9642 isopullulanase complexed with isopanose
2z8m structural basis for the catalytic mechanism of phosphothreonine lyase
2z8n structural basis for the catalytic mechanism of phosphothreonine lyase
2z8o structural basis for the catalytic mechanism of phosphothreonine lyase
2z8p structural basis for the catalytic mechanism of phosphothreonine lyase
2z8q ferredoxin from pyrococcus furiosus, d14c variant
2z8r crystal structure of rhamnogalacturonan lyase yesw at 1.40 a resolution
2z8s crystal structure of rhamnogalacturonan lyase yesw complexed with digalacturonic acid
2z92 crystal structure of the fab fragment of anti-ciguatoxin antibody 10c9 in complex with ctx3c_abcde
2z9a crystal structure of human saposin c dimer in open conformation
2z9d the crystal structure of azor (azoreductase) from escherichia coli: oxidized azor in orthorhombic crystals
2z9j complex structure of sars-cov 3c-like protease with epdtc
2z9k complex structure of sars-cov 3c-like protease with jmf1600
2z9l complex structure of sars-cov 3c-like protease with jmf1586
2z9u crystal structure of pyridoxamine-pyruvate aminotransferase from mesorhizobium loti at 2.0 a resolution
2z9v crystal structure of pyridoxamine-pyruvate aminotransferase complexed with pyridoxamine
2z9w crystal structure of pyridoxamine-pyruvate aminotransferase complexed with pyridoxal
2z9x crystal structure of pyridoxamine-pyruvate aminotransferase complexed with pyridoxyl-l-alanine
2za0 crystal structure of mouse glyoxalase i complexed with methyl-gerfelin
2za1 crystal structure of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase complexed with orotidine 5'-monophosphate from p.falciparum
2za2 crystal structure of the apo-form of orotidine-5'- monophosphate decarboxylase from p.falciparum
2za3 crystal structure of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase complexed with uridine 5'-monophosphate from p.falciparum
2zak orthorhombic crystal structure of precursor e. coli isoaspartyl peptidase/l-asparaginase (ecaiii) with active-site t179a mutation
2zav arginase i (homo sapiens): native and unliganded structure at 1.70 a resolution
2zay crystal structure of response regulator from desulfuromonas acetoxidans
2zb2 human liver glycogen phosphorylase a complexed with glcose and 5- chloro-n-[4-(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)phenyl]-1h-indole-2-carboxamide
2zb9 crystal structure of tetr family transcription regulator sco0332
2zbe calcium pump crystal structure with bound bef3 in the absence of calcium and tg
2zbi crysatl structure of a bacterial cell-surface flagellin
2zbw crystal structure of thioredoxin reductase-like protein from thermus thermophilus hb8
2zc2 crystal structure of dnad-like replication protein from streptococcus mutans ua159, gi 24377835, residues 127-199
2zc8 crystal structure of n-acylamino acid racemase from thermus thermophilus hb8
2zca crystal structure of tthb189, a crispr-associated protein, cse2 family from thermus thermophilus hb8
2zcf mutational study on alpha-gln90 of fe-type nitrile hydratase from rhodococcus sp. n771
2zcg structure and inhibition of orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase from plasmodium falciparum
2zcm crystal structure of icar, a repressor of the tetr family
2zd1 crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with tmc278 (rilpivirine), a non-nucleoside rt inhibitor
2zd2 d202k mutant of p. denitrificans atp12p
2zdp crystal structure of isdi in complex with cobalt protoporphyrin ix
2zdq crystal structure of d-alanine:d-alanine ligase with atp and d-alanine:d-alanine from thermus thermophius hb8
2zdx inhibitor-bound structures of human pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4
2zdy inhibitor-bound structures of human pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4
2ze2 crystal structure of l100i/k103n mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with tmc278 (rilpivirine), a non-nucleoside rt inhibitor
2zed crystal structure of the human glutaminyl cyclase mutant s160a at 1.7 angstrom resolution
2zee crystal structure of the human glutaminyl cyclase mutant s160g at 1.99 angstrom resolution
2zef crystal structure of the human glutaminyl cyclase mutant e201d at 1.67 angstrom resolution
2zeg crystal structure of the human glutaminyl cyclase mutant e201l at 2.08 angstrom resolution
2zeh crystal structure of the human glutaminyl cyclase mutant e201q at 1.8 angstrom resolution
2zej structure of the roc domain from the parkinson's disease-associated leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 reveals a dimeric gtpase
2zel crystal structure of the human glutaminyl cyclase mutant d248a at 1.97 angstrom resolution
2zem crystal structure of the human glutaminyl cyclase mutant d248q at 2.18 angstrom resolution
2zen crystal structure of the human glutaminyl cyclase mutant d305a at 1.78 angstrom resolution
2zeo crystal structure of the human glutaminyl cyclase mutant d305e at 1.66 angstrom resolution
2zep crystal structure of the human glutaminyl cyclase mutant h319l at 2.1 angstrom resolution
2zeu s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with bph-715
2zev s. cerevisiae geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase in complex with magnesium, ipp and bph-715
2zew family 16 cabohydrate binding domain module 1
2zex family 16 carbohydrate binding module
2zey family 16 carbohydrate binding module
2zf5 crystal structure of highly thermostable glycerol kinase from a hyperthermophilic archaeon
2zfa structure of lactate oxidase at ph4.5 from aerococcus viridans
2zfb crystal structure of parrot hemoglobin (psittacula krameri) at ph 7.5
2zfd the crystal structure of plant specific calcium binding protein atcbl2 in complex with the regulatory domain of atcipk14
2zfu structure of the methyltransferase-like domain of nucleomethylin
2zfx crystal structure of the rat vitamin d receptor ligand binding domain complexed with yr301 and a synthetic peptide containing the nr2 box of drip 205
2zg6 crystal structure of hypothetical protein; probable 2- haloalkanoic acid dehalogenase from sulfolobus tokodaii
2zgh crystal structure of active granzyme m bound to its product
2zgj crystal structure of d86n-gzmm complexed with its optimal synthesized substrate
2zgl crystal structure of recombinant agrocybe aegerita (raal)
2zgm crystal structure of recombinant agrocybe aegerita lectin,raal, complex with lactose
2zgn crystal structure of recombinant agrocybe aegerita lectin, raal, complex with galactose
2zgo crystal structure of aal mutant h59q complex with lactose
2zgp crystal structure of agrocybe aegerita lectin aal mutant i25g
2zgq crystal structure of aal mutant l33a in p1 spacegroup
2zgs crystal structure of agrocybe aegerita lectin aal mutant l47a
2zgt crystal structure of agrocybe aegerita lectin aal mutant f93g
2zgu crystal structure agrocybe aegerita lectin aal mutant i144g
2zgw crystal structure of biotin protein ligase from pyrococcus horikoshii complexed with adenosine and biotin, mutations r48a and k111a
2zgy parm with gdp
2zgz parm with gmppnp
2zhk crystal structure of human galectin-9 n-terminal crd in complex with n-acetyllactosamine dimer (crystal 1)
2zhp crystal structure of bleomycin-binding protein from streptoalloteichus hindustanus complexed with bleomycin derivative
2zi3 c4s-e247a dck variant of dck in complex with d-da+adp
2zi7 c4s dck variant of dck in complex with d-dg+udp
2zi8 crystal structure of the hsac extradiol dioxygenase from m. tuberculosis in complex with 3,4-dihydroxy-9,10- seconandrost-1,3,5(10)-triene-9,17-dione (dhsa)
2zi9 c4s-e247a dck variant of dck in complex with cladribine+adp
2zia c4s dck variant of dck in complex with cladribine+udp
2zie crystal structure of ttha0409, putatative dna modification methylase from thermus thermophilus hb8- selenomethionine derivative
2zif crystal structure of ttha0409, putative dna modification methylase from thermus thermophilus hb8- complexed with s- adenosyl-l-methionine
2zig crystal structure of ttha0409, putative dna modification methylase from thermus thermophilus hb8
2zir crystal structure of rat protein farnesyltransferase complexed with a benzofuran inhibitor and fpp
2zis crystal structure of rat protein farnesyltransferase complexed with a bezoruran inhibitor and fpp
2ziu crystal structure of the mus81-eme1 complex
2ziv crystal structure of the mus81-eme1 complex
2ziw crystal structure of the mus81-eme1 complex
2zix crystal structure of the mus81-eme1 complex
2zj9 x-ray crystal structure of ampc beta-lactamase (ampc(d)) from an escherichia coli with a tripeptide deletion (gly286 ser287 asp288) on the h10 helix
2zjb crystal structure of the human dmc1-m200v polymorphic variant
2zjg crystal structural of mouse kynurenine aminotransferase iii
2zjt crystal structure of dna gyrase b' domain sheds lights on the mechanism for t-segment navigation
2zjx bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (bpti) containing only the [5,55] disulfide bond
2zjz structure of the k349p mutant of gi alpha 1 subunit bound to gdp
2zk0 human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ligand binding domain
2zk1 human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ligand binding domain complexed with 15-deoxy-delta12,14- prostaglandin j2
2zk2 human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ligand binding domain complexed with glutathion conjugated 15-deoxy-delta12,14-prostaglandin j2
2zk3 human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ligand binding domain complexed with 8-oxo- eicosatetraenoic acid
2zk4 human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ligand binding domain complexed with 15-oxo- eicosatetraenoic acid
2zk5 human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ligand binding domain complexed with nitro-233
2zk6 human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ligand binding domain complexed with c8-bodipy
2zk7 structure of a c-terminal deletion mutant of thermoplasma acidophilum aldohexose dehydrogenase (aldt)
2zkh human thrombopoietin neutralizing antibody tn1 fab
2zkj crystal structure of human pdk4-adp complex
2zkn x-ray structure of mutant galectin-1/lactose complex
2zks structural insights into the proteolytic machinery of apoptosis- inducing granzyme m
2zkt structure of ph0037 protein from pyrococcus horikoshii
2zkw crystal structure of human cu-zn superoxide dismutase mutant g85r in space group p21
2zl1 mp1-p14 scaffolding complex
2zl5 atomic resolution structural characterization of recognition of histo-blood group antigen by norwalk virus
2zl6 atomic resolution structural characterization of recognition of histo- blood group antigens by norwalk virus
2zl7 atomic resolution structural characterization of recognition of histo-blood group antigens by norwalk virus
2zl8 crystal structure of copper amine oxidase from arthrobacter globiformis: substrate schiff-base intermediate formed with ethylamine
2zl9 2-substituted-16-ene-22-thia-1alpha,25-dihydroxy-26,27- dimethyl-19-norvitamin d3 analogs: synthesis, biological evaluation and crystal structure
2zla 2-substituted-16-ene-22-thia-1alpha,25-dihydroxy-26,27- dimethyl-19-norvitamin d3 analogs: synthesis, biological evaluation and crystal structure
2zlc 2-substituted-16-ene-22-thia-1alpha,25-dihydroxy-26,27- dimethyl-19-norvitamin d3 analogs: synthesis, biological evaluation and crystal structure
2zlf the structural basis for peptidomimetic inhibition of eukaryotic ribonucleotide reductase
2zlt horse methemoglobin high salt, ph 7.0
2zlu horse methemoglobin high salt, ph 7.0 (88% relative humidity)
2zlv horse methemoglobin high salt, ph 7.0 (79% relative humidity)
2zmf crystal structure of the c-terminal gaf domain of human phosphodiesterase 10a
2zmh crystal structure of rat vitamin d receptor bound to adamantyl vitamin d analogs: structural basis for vitamin d receptor antagonism and/or partial agonism
2zmi crystal structure of rat vitamin d receptor bound to adamantyl vitamin d analogs: structural basis for vitamin d receptor antagonism and/or partial agonism
2zmj crystal structure of rat vitamin d receptor bound to adamantyl vitamin d analogs: structural basis for vitamin d receptor antagonism and/or partial agonism
2zmv crystal structure of synbindin
2zmx crystal structure of the met1-form of the copper-bound tyrosinase in complex with a caddie protein from streptomyces castaneoglobisporus obtained by soaking in cupric sulfate solution for 36 hours
2zmy crystal structure of the met2-form of the copper-bound tyrosinase in complex with a caddie protein from streptomyces castaneoglobisporus obtained by soaking in cupric sulfate solution for 80 hours
2zmz the 1.37-a crystal structure of the hydroxylamine-induced deoxy-form of the copper-bound tyrosinase in complex with a caddie protein from streptomyces castaneoglobisporus
2zn9 crystal structure of ca2+-bound form of des3-20alg-2
2znb metallo-beta-lactamase (cadmium-bound form)
2znh crystal structure of a domain-swapped serpin dimer
2znl crystal structure of pa-pb1 complex form influenza virus rna polymerase
2zno human pprr gamma ligand binding domain in complex with a synthetic agonist tipp703
2znp human pprr delta ligand binding domain in complex with a synthetic agonist tipp204
2znq human pprr delta ligand binding domain in complex with a synthetic agonist tipp401
2zo5 structure of the thioalkalivibrio nitratireducens cytochrome c nitrite reductase in a complex with azide
2zo9 malonate-bound structure of the glycerophosphodiesterase from enterobacter aerogenes (gpdq) and characterization of the native fe2+ metal ion preference
2zoa malonate-bound structure of the glycerophosphodiesterase from enterobacter aerogenes (gpdq) collected at 1.280 angstrom
2zod crystal structure of selenophosphate synthetase from aquifex aeolicus
2zoe ha3 subcomponent of clostridium botulinum type c progenitor toxin, complex with n-acetylneuramic acid
2zof crystal structure of mouse carnosinase cn2 complexed with mn and bestatin
2zog crystal structure of mouse carnosinase cn2 complexed with zn and bestatin
2zoq structural dissection of human mitogen-activated kinase erk1
2zos crystal structure of mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate phosphatase from pyrococcus horikoshii
2zou crystal struture of human f-spondin reeler domain (fragment 2)
2zow crystal structure of h2o2 treated cu,zn-sod
2zoy the multi-drug binding transcriptional repressor cgmr (cgl2612 protein) from c.glutamicum
2zoz crystal structure of the ethidium-bound form of the multi-drug binding transcriptional repressor cgmr
2zp2 c-terminal domain of kipi from bacillus subtilis
2zpa crystal structure of trna(met) cytidine acetyltransferase
2zpb nitrosylated fe-type nitrile hydratase
2zpe nitrosylated fe-type nitrile hydratase with tert- butylisonitrile
2zpf complex of fe-type nitrile hydratase with tert- butylisonitrile, photo-activated for 18min at 293k
2zpg complex of fe-type nitrile hydratase with tert- butylisonitrile, photo-activated for 120min at 293k
2zph complex of fe-type nitrile hydratase with tert- butylisonitrile, photo-activated for 340min at 293k
2zpi complex of fe-type nitrile hydratase with tert- butylisonitrile, photo-activated for 440min at 293k
2zpp neutron crystal structure of cubic insulin at pd9
2zpq crystal structure of anionic trypsin isoform 1 from chum salmon
2zpr crystal structure of anionic trypsin isoform 2 from chum salmon
2zpy crystal structure of the mouse radxin ferm domain complexed with the mouse cd44 cytoplasmic peptide
2zq0 crystal structure of susb complexed with acarbose
2zqn crystal structure of the earthworm r-type lectin c-half in complex with lactose
2zqo crystal structure of the earthworm r-type lectin c-half in complex with galnac
2zqp crystal structure of secye translocon from thermus thermophilus
2zr2 crystal structure of seryl-trna synthetase from pyrococcus horikoshii complexed with atp
2zr3 crystal structure of seryl-trna synthetase from pyrococcus horikoshii
2zs6 ha3 subcomponent of botulinum type c progenitor toxin
2zsc tamavidin2, novel avidin-like biotin-binding proteins from an edible mushroom
2zsg crystal structure of x-pro aminopeptidase from thermotoga maritima msb8
2zsh structural basis of gibberellin(ga3)-induced della recognition by the gibberellin receptor
2zsi structural basis of gibberellin(ga4)-induced della recognition by the gibberellin receptor
2zsk crystal structure of ph1733, an aspartate racemase homologue, from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
2zta x-ray structure of the gcn4 leucine zipper, a two-stranded, parallel coiled coil
2ztb crystal structure of the parasporin-2 bacillus thuringiensis toxin that recognizes cancer cells
2ztd mtruva form iii
2ztz crystal structure of 3c protease from cvb3 in space group p21
2zu1 crystal structure of cvb3 3c protease mutant c147a
2zu2 complex structure of cov 229e 3cl protease with epdtc
2zu7 crystal structure of mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase from pyrococcus horikoshii
2zu8 crystal structure of mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase from pyrococcus horikoshii
2zu9 crystal structure of mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase from pyrococcus horikoshii
2zub left handed rada
2zuc crystal structure of left-handed rada filament
2zud crystal structure of left-handed rada filament
2zug crystal structure of wssv icp11
2zuk the crystal structure of alpha-amino-epsilon-caprolactam racemase from achromobacter obae complexed with epsilon caprolactam (different binding mode)
2zup updated crystal structure of dsbb-dsba complex from e. coli
2zuv crystal structure of galacto-n-biose/lacto-n-biose i phosphorylase in complex with glcnac, ethylene glycol, and nitrate
2zux crystal structure of rhamnogalacturonan lyase yesw complexed with rhamnose
2zvd crystal structure of pseudomonas sp. mis38 lipase in an open conformation
2zvr crystal structure of a d-tagatose 3-epimerase-related protein from thermotoga maritima
2zvt cys285ser mutant ppargamma ligand-binding domain complexed with 15-deoxy-delta12,14-prostaglandin j2
2zvx structure of a bpti-[5,55] variant containing gly/val at the 14/38th positions
2zvy structure of the periplasmic domain of motb from salmonella (crystal form ii)
2zvz structure of the periplasmic domain of motb from salmonella (crystal form iii)
2zw2 crystal structure of formylglycinamide ribonucleotide amidotransferase iii from sulfolobus tokodaii (stpurs)
2zw5 crystal structure of bleomycin n-acetyltransferase complexed with coenzyme a in the trigonal crystal
2zw6 crystal structure of bleomycin n-acetyltransferase from bleomycin-producing streptomyces verticillus atcc15003
2zw7 crystal structure of bleomycin n-acetyltransferase complexed with bleomycin a2 and coenzyme a
2zw9 crystal structure of trna wybutosine synthesizing enzyme tyw4
2zwa crystal structure of trna wybutosine synthesizing enzyme tyw4
2zwd crystal structure of the copper-bound tyrosinase in complex with a caddie protein from streptomyces castaneoglobisporus obtained by soaking the deoxy-form crystal in dioxygen- saturated solution for 5 minutes
2zwe crystal structure of the copper-bound tyrosinase in complex with a caddie protein from streptomyces castaneoglobisporus obtained by soaking the deoxy-form crystal in dioxygen-saturated solution for 40 minutes
2zwf crystal structure of the copper-bound tyrosinase in complex with a caddie protein from streptomyces castaneoglobisporus obtained by soaking the deoxy-form crystal in dioxygen-saturated solution for 80 minutes
2zwg crystal structure of the copper-bound tyrosinase in complex with a caddie protein from streptomyces castaneoglobisporus obtained by soaking the deoxy-form crystal in dioxygen-saturated solution for 12 hours
2zwi crystal structure of alpha/beta-galactoside alpha-2,3- sialyltransferase from a luminous marine bacterium, photobacterium phosphoreum
2zwm crystal structure of yycf receiver domain from bacillus subtilis
2zwp crystal structure of ca3 site mutant of pro-s324a
2zwr crystal structure of ttha1623 from thermus thermophilus hb8
2zwy alpha-l-fucosidase
2zwz alpha-l-fucosidase complexed with inhibitor, core1
2zx0 rhamnose-binding lectin csl3
2zx1 rhamnose-binding lectin csl3
2zx2 rhamnose-binding lectin csl3
2zx3 rhamnose-binding lectin csl3
2zx4 rhamnose-binding lectin csl3
2zx5 alpha-l-fucosidase complexed with inhibitor, f10
2zx6 alpha-l-fucosidase complexed with inhibitor, f10-1c
2zx7 alpha-l-fucosidase complexed with inhibitor, f10-2c
2zx8 alpha-l-fucosidase complexed with inhibitor, f10-2c-o
2zx9 alpha-l-fucosidase complexed with inhibitor, b4
2zxa alpha-l-fucosidase complexed with inhibitor, fnj-acetyl
2zxb alpha-l-fucosidase complexed with inhibitor, ph-6fnj
2zxc seramidase complexed with c2
2zxd alpha-l-fucosidase complexed with inhibitor, iso-6fnj
2zxh structure of aquifex aeolicus gida in the form i crystal
2zxj crystal structure of yycf dna-binding domain from staphylococcus aureus
2zxk crystal structure of semet-red chlorophyll catabolite reductase
2zxl crystal structure of red chlorophyll catabolite reductase from arabidopsis thaliana
2zxm a new class of vitamin d receptor ligands that induce structural rearrangement of the ligand-binding pocket
2zxn a new class of vitamin d receptor ligands that induce structural rearrangement of the ligand-binding pocket
2zxz crystal structure of the human rxr alpha ligand binding domain bound to a synthetic agonist compound and a coactivator peptide
2zy9 improved crystal structure of magnesium transporter mgte
2zya dimeric 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase complexed with 6- phosphogluconate
2zyd dimeric 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase complexed with glucose
2zye structure of hiv-1 protease in complex with potent inhibitor kni-272 determined by neutron crystallography
2zyg apo-form of dimeric 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase
2zyh mutant a. fulgidus lipase s136a complexed with fatty acid fragment
2zyi a. fulgidus lipase with fatty acid fragment and calcium
2zyj crystal structure of lysn, alpha-aminoadipate aminotransferase (complexed with n-(5'-phosphopyridoxyl)-l-glutamate), from thermus thermophilus hb27
2zyq crystal structure of the hsac extradiol dioxygenase from m. tuberculosis
2zyr a. fulgidus lipase with fatty acid fragment and magnesium
2zz1 snapshot of the reaction from 6-cn-ump to bmp catalyzed by orotidine monophosphate deacarboxylase from m. thermoautotrophicum
2zz2 orotidine monophosphate decarboxylase k72a mutant from m. thermoautotrophicum complexed with 6-cyano-ump
2zz3 covalent complex of orotidine monophosphate decarboxylase d70a mutant from m. thermoautotrophicus with 6-cyano-ump
2zz4 covalent complex of orotidine monophosphate decarboxylase d75n mutant from m. thermoautotrophicum with 6-cyano-ump
2zz5 orotidine monophosphate deacarboxylase d70a/k72a double mutant from m. thermoautotrophicum complexed with 6- cyano-ump
2zz6 covalent complex of orotidine monophosphate decarboxylase from m. thermoautotrophicum with 6-azido-ump
2zz8 crystal structure of lipl32, the most abundant surface protein of pathogenic leptospira spp
2zza moritella profunda dihydrofolate reductase complex with nadp+ and folate
2zze crystal structure of alanyl-trna synthetase without oligomerization domain in lysine-methylated form
2zzg crystal structure of alanyl-trna synthetase in complex with 5''-o-(n-(l-alanyl)-sulfamyoxyl) adenine without oligomerization domain
2zzi crystal structure of ttha1623 in a di-iron-bound form
2zzk crystal structure of trna wybutosine synthesizing enzyme tyw4
2zzo crystal structure of the complex between gp41 fragment n36 and fusion inhibitor c34/s138a
2zzp the crystal structure of human atg4b(c74s)- lc3(1-124) complex
2zzv crystal structure of a periplasmic substrate binding protein in complex with calcium and lactate
2zzw crystal structure of a periplasmic substrate binding protein in complex with zinc and lactate
32c2 structure of an activity suppressing fab fragment to cytochrome p450 aromatase
35c8 catalytic antibody 5c8, fab-inhibitor complex
3a06 crystal structure of dxr from thermooga maritia, in complex with fosmidomycin and nadph
3a07 crystal structure of actinohivin; potent anti-hiv protein
3a0g crystal structure analysis of guinea pig oxyhemoglobin at 2.5 angstroms resolution
3a0j crystal structure of cold shock protein 1 from thermus thermophilus hb8
3a0o crystal structure of alginate lyase from agrobacterium tumefaciens c58
3a0r crystal structure of histidine kinase thka (tm1359) in complex with response regulator protein trra (tm1360)
3a0w catalytic domain of histidine kinase thka (tm1359) for mad phasing (nucleotide free form 2, orthorombic)
3a0y catalytic domain of histidine kinase thka (tm1359) (nucleotide free form 3: 1,2-propanediol, orthorombic)
3a0z catalytic domain of histidine kinase thka (tm1359) (nucleotide free form 4: isopropanol, orthorombic)
3a14 crystal structure of dxr from thermotoga maritima, in complex with nadph
3a1c crystal structure of the p- and n-domains of copa, a copper- transporting p-type atpase, bound with amppcp-mg
3a1d crystal structure of the p- and n-domains of copa, a copper- transporting p-type atpase, bound with adp-mg
3a1e crystal structure of the p- and n-domains of his462gln mutant copa, a copper-transporting p-type atpase, bound with amppcp-mg
3a1n crystal structure of l-threonine dehydrogenase from hyperthermophilic archaeon thermoplasma volcanium
3a1s crystal structue of the cytosolic domain of t. maritima feob iron iransporter in gdp form i
3a1u crystal structue of the cytosolic domain of t. maritima feob iron iransporter in gmppnp form
3a1v crystal structue of the cytosolic domain of t. maritima feob iron iransporter in apo form
3a20 l122k mutant of fmn-binding protein from desulfovibrio vulgaris (miyazaki f)
3a21 crystal structure of streptomyces avermitilis beta-l- arabinopyranosidase
3a22 crystal structure of beta-l-arabinopyranosidase complexed with l- arabinose
3a23 crystal structure of beta-l-arabinopyranosidase complexed with d- galactose
3a24 crystal structure of bt1871 retaining glycosidase
3a2f crystal structure of pyrococcus furiosus dna polymerase/pcna monomer mutant complex
3a2h crystal structure of the rat vitamin d receptor ligand binding domain complexed with tei-9647 and a synthetic peptide containing the nr2 box of drip 205
3a2l crystal structure of dbja (mutant dbja delta)
3a2m crystal structure of dbja (wild type type i)
3a2o crystal structure of hiv-1 protease complexed with kni-1689
3a33 ubch5b~ubiquitin conjugate
3a35 crystal structure of lump complexed with riboflavin
3a36 structural insight into the membrane insertion of tail- anchored proteins by get3
3a37 structural insight into the membrane insertion of tail- anchored proteins by get3
3a3b crystal structure of lump complexed with flavin mononucleotide
3a3d crystal structure of penicillin binding protein 4 (dacb) from haemophilus influenzae
3a3e crystal structure of penicillin binding protein 4 (dacb) from haemophilus influenzae, complexed with novel beta- lactam (cmv)
3a3f crystal structure of penicillin binding protein 4 (dacb) from haemophilus influenzae,complexed with novel beta- lactam (fmz)
3a3g crystal structure of lump complexed with 6,7-dimethyl-8-(1'- d-ribityl) lumazine
3a3i crystal structure of penicillin binding protein 4 (dacb) from haemophilus influenzae, complexed with ampicillin (aix)
3a3k reversibly bound chloride in the atrial natriuretic peptide receptor hormone-binding domain
3a3n crystal structure of complex between sa-subtilisin and tk- propeptide with deletion of the two c-terminal residues
3a3o crystal structure of complex between sa-subtilisin and tk- propeptide with deletion of the five c-terminal residues
3a3p crystal structure of complex between e201a/sa-subtilisin and tk-propeptide
3a43 crystal sructure of hypa
3a45 crystal structure of mvnei1_2
3a4d crystal structure of human transthyretin (wild-type)
3a4e crystal structure of human transthyretin (e54g)
3a4f crystal structure of human transthyretin (e54k)
3a4i crystal structure of gmp synthetase ph1347 from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
3a4l crystal structure of archaeal o-phosphoseryl-trna(sec) kinase
3a4m crystal structure of archaeal o-phosphoseryl-trna(sec) kinase
3a4n crystal structure of archaeal o-phosphoseryl-trna(sec) kinase
3a4r the crystal structure of sumo-like domain 2 in nip45
3a4t crystal structure of atrm4 from m.jannaschii with sinefungin
3a4u crystal structure of mcfd2 in complex with carbohydrate recognition domain of ergic-53
3a4v crystal structure of pyruvate bound l-threonine dehydrogenase from hyperthermophilic archaeon thermoplasma volcanium
3a4w crystal structures of catalytic site mutants of active domain 2 of thermostable chitinase from pyrococcus furiosus complexed with chito- oligosaccharides
3a4x crystal structures of catalytic site mutants of active domain 2 of thermostable chitinase from pyrococcus furiosus complexed with chito- oligosaccharides
3a52 crystal structure of cold-active alkailne phosphatase from psychrophile shewanella sp.
3a54 crystal structure of the a47q1 mutant of pro-protein-glutaminase
3a55 crystal structure of the a47q2 mutant of pro- protein-glutaminase
3a56 crystal structure of pro- protein-glutaminase
3a5f high-resolution structure of dhdps from clostridium botulinum
3a5i structure of the cytoplasmic domain of flha
3a5l crystal structure of a dictyostelium p109a mg2+-actin in complex with human gelsolin segment 1
3a5m crystal structure of a dictyostelium p109i mg2+-actin in complex with human gelsolin segment 1
3a5n crystal structure of a dictyostelium p109a ca2+-actin in complex with human gelsolin segment 1
3a5o crystal structure of a dictyostelium p109i ca2+-actin in complex with human gelsolin segment 1
3a5q benzalacetone synthase from rheum palmatum
3a5r benzalacetone synthase from rheum palmatum complexed with 4- coumaroyl-primed monoketide intermediate
3a5s benzalacetone synthase (i207l/l208f)
3a60 crystal structure of unphosphorylated p70s6k1 (form i)
3a6m crystal structure of grpe from thermus thermophilus hb8
3a6o crystal structure of thermoactinomyces vulgaris r-47 alpha- amylase 2/acarbose complex
3a6q e13t mutant of fmn-binding protein from desulfovibrio vulgaris (miyazaki f)
3a6s crystal structure of the mutt protein
3a6v crystal structure of the mutt protein in mn(ii) bound holo form
3a6z crystal structure of pseudomonas sp. mis38 lipase (pml) in the open conformation following dialysis against ca-free buffer
3a70 crystal structure of pseudomonas sp. mis38 lipase in complex with diethyl phosphate
3a73 crystal structure analysis of human serum albumin complexed with delta 12-prostaglandin j2
3a7g human mst3 kinase
3a7h human mst3 kinase in complex with atp
3a7m structure of flit, the flagellar type iii chaperone for flid
3a7p the crystal structure of saccharomyces cerevisiae atg16
3a7q structural basis for specific recognition of reelin by its receptors
3a8g crystal structure of nitrile hydratase mutant s113a complexed with trimethylacetonitrile
3a8h crystal structure of nitrile hydratase mutant s113a complexed with trimethylacetamide
3a8l crystal structure of photo-activation state of nitrile hydratase mutant s113a
3a8m crystal structure of nitrile hydratase mutant y72f complexed with trimethylacetonitrile
3a8o crystal structure of nitrile hydratase complexed with trimethylacetamide
3a8r the structure of the n-terminal regulatory domain of a plant nadph oxidase
3a8s crystal structure analysis of the fluorescent protein killerred
3a8w crystal structure of pkciota kinase domain
3a8x crystal structure of pkciota kinase domain
3a9f crystal structure of the c-terminal domain of cytochrome cz from chlorobium tepidum
3a9l structure of bacteriophage poly-gamma-glutamate hydrolase
3a9w crystal structure of l-threonine bound l-threonine dehydrogenase (y137f) from hyperthermophilic archaeon thermoplasma volcanium
3a9x crystal structure of rat selenocysteine lyase
3a9y crystal structure of rat selenocysteine lyase in complex with l-cysteine
3a9z crystal structure of ras selenocysteine lyase in complex with selenopropionate
3aa7 crystal structure of actin capping protein
3aab small heat shock protein hsp14.0 with the mutations of i120f and i122f in the form i crystal
3aac small heat shock protein hsp14.0 with the mutations of i120f and i122f in the form ii crystal
3aag crystal structure of c. jejuni pglb c-terminal domain
3aaj crystal structure of ca2+-bound form of des3-23alg-2deltagf122
3aax crystal structure of probable thiosulfate sulfurtransferase cysa3 (rv3117) from mycobacterium tuberculosis: monoclinic form
3aay crystal structure of probable thiosulfate sulfurtransferase cysa3 (rv3117) from mycobacterium tuberculosis: orthorhombic form
3ab1 crystal structure of ferredoxin nadp+ oxidoreductase
3ab5 crystal structure of the 2fe 2s ferredoxin from cyanidioschyzon merolae
3ab7 crystal structure of the hypothetical tandem-type universal stress protein ttha0350 from thermus thermophilus hb8
3ab8 crystal structure of the hypothetical tandem-type universal stress protein ttha0350 complexed with atps.
3abe structure of human rev7 in complex with a human rev3 fragment in a tetragonal crystal
3abg x-ray crystal analysis of bilirubin oxidase from myrothecium verrucaria at 2.3 angstrom resolution using a twin crystal
3abh crystal structure of the efc/f-bar domain of human pacsin2/syndapin ii (2.0 a)
3abi crystal structure of l-lysine dehydrogenase from hyperthermophilic archaeon pyrococcus horikoshii
3ac9 crystal structure of human nudt5 complexed with 8-oxo-dgdp and manganese
3aca crystal structure of human nudt5 complexed with 8-oxo-dadp and manganese
3aco crystal structure of the efc/f-bar domain of human pacsin2/syndapin ii (2.7 a)
3acs crystal structure of cellvibrio gilvus cellobiose phosphorylase w488f mutant
3act crystal structure of cellvibrio gilvus cellobiose phosphorylase histidine mutant
3ade crystal structure of keap1 in complex with sequestosome- 1/p62
3adf crystal structure of a monomeric green fluorescent protein, azami- green (mag)
3adr the first crystal structure of an archaeal metallo-beta-lactamase superfamily protein; st1585 from sulfolobus tokodaii
3ads human ppargamma ligand-binding domain in complex with indomethacin
3adt human ppargamma ligand-binding domain in complex with 5-hydroxy-indole acetate
3adu human ppargamma ligand-binding domain in complex with 5-methoxy-indole acetate
3adv human ppargamma ligand-binding domain in complex with serotonin
3adw human ppargamma ligand-binding domain in complex with 5-methoxy-indole acetate and 15-oxo-eicosatetraenoic acid
3adx human ppargamma ligand-binding domain in complex with indomethacin and nitro-233
3ae0 crystal structure of the c(30) carotenoid dehydrosqualene synthase from staphylococcus aureus complexed with geranylgeranyl thiopyrophosphate
3aeh integral membrane domain of autotransporter hbp
3aei crystal structure of the prefoldin beta2 subunit from thermococcus strain ks-1
3aex catalytic intermediate analogue of threonine synthase from thermus thermophilus hb8
3aey apo form of threonine synthase from thermus thermophilus hb8
3afb crystal structures of catalytic site mutants of active domain 2 of chitinase from pyrococcus furiosus
3afc mouse semaphorin 6a extracellular domain
3aff crystal structure of the hsaa monooxygenase from m. tuberculosis
3afg crystal structure of pron-tk-sp from thermococcus kodakaraensis
3afj crystal structure of cellvibrio gilvus cellobiose phosphorylase triple mutant
3afk crystal structure of agrocybe aegerita lectin aal complexed with thomsen-friedenreich antigen
3afm crystal structure of aldose reductase a1-r responsible for alginate metabolism
3afo crystal structure of yeast nadh kinase complexed with nadh
3afp crystal structure of the single-stranded dna binding protein from mycobacterium leprae (form i)
3afr crystal structure of vdr-lbd/22s-butyl-1a,24r-dihydroxyvitamin d3 complex
3ag5 crystal structure of pantothenate synthetase from staphylococcus aureus
3ag6 crystal structure of pantothenate synthetase from staphylococcus aureus in complex with pantoyl adenylate
3ag9 complex of pka with the bisubstrate protein kinase inhibitor arc-1012
3aga crystal structure of rcc-bound red chlorophyll catabolite reductase from arabidopsis thaliana
3agb f218v mutant of the substrate-free form of red chlorophyll catabolite reductase from arabidopsis thaliana
3agc f218v mutant of the substrate-bound red chlorophyll catabolite reductase from arabidopsis thaliana
3agd crystal structure of mglu in its native form in the presence of 4.3m nacl
3age crystal structure of mglu in its l-glutamate binding form in the presence of 4.3m nacl
3agf crystal structure of bacillus glutaminase in the presence of 4.3m nacl
3agl complex of pka with the bisubstrate protein kinase inhibitor arc-1039
3agr crystal structure of nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases from neospora caninum
3agt hemerythrin-like domain of dcrh (met)
3agu hemerythrin-like domain of dcrh (semimet-r)
3agx crystal structure of human hsp40 hdj1 peptide-binding domain
3ah1 ha1 subcomponent of botulinum type c progenitor toxin complexed with n-acetylneuramic acid
3ah2 ha1 subcomponent of botulinum type c progenitor toxin complexed with n-acetylgalactosamine
3ah4 ha1 subcomponent of botulinum type c progenitor toxin complexed with galactose
3ahm pz peptidase a
3ahn pz peptidase a with inhibitor 1
3aho pz peptidase a with inhibitor 2
3aht crystal structure of rice bglu1 e176q mutant in complex with laminaribiose
3ahv semi-active e176q mutant of rice bglu1 covalent complex with 2-deoxy- 2-fluoroglucoside
3ai1 the crystal structure of l-sorbose reductase from gluconobacter frateurii complexed with nadph and l-sorbose reveals the structure bases of its catalytic mechanism and high substrate selectivity
3ai8 cathepsin b in complex with the nitroxoline
3aia crystal structure of duf358 reveals a putative spout-class methltransferase
3aid a new class of hiv-1 protease inhibitor: the crystallographic structure, inhibition and chemical synthesis of an aminimide peptide isostere
3aih human os-9 mrh domain complexed with alpha3,alpha6-man5
3aix crystal structure of pcna2-pcna3 complex from sulfolobus tokodaii (i222)
3aj4 crystal structure of the ph domain of evectin-2 from human complexed with o-phospho-l-serine
3aj5 ha1 (ha33) subcomponent of botulinum type c progenitor toxin complexed with n-acetylgalactosamine, bound at site ii
3aj6 ha1 (ha33) mutant f179i of botulinum type c progenitor toxin complexed with n-acetylgalactosamine, bound at site ii
3aja crystal structure of msmeg_6394
3ajb crystal structure of human pex3p in complex with n-terminal pex19p peptide
3ajg crystal structure of pcya v225d-biliverdin ix alpha complex
3ajh crystal structure of pcya v225d-biliverdin xiii alpha complex
3ajm crystal structure of programmed cell death 10 in complex with inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate
3ajr crystal structure of l-3-hydroxynorvaline bound l-threonine dehydrogenase (y137f) from hyperthermophilic archaeon thermoplasma volcanium
3ajy crystal structure of ancestral congerin con-anc
3ak0 crystal structure of ancestral congerin con-anc'-n28k
3akj crystal structure of a helicobacter pylori proinflammatory kinase ctka
3akp crystal structure of xylanase from trichoderma longibrachiatum
3akt crystal structure of xylanase from trichoderma longibrachiatum
3al1 designed peptide alpha-1, racemic p1bar form
3al3 crystal structure of topbp1 brct7/8-bach1 peptide complex
3al8 plexin a2 / semaphorin 6a complex
3al9 mouse plexin a2 extracellular domain
3alh higher resolution and native structure of 2-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine- 5-carboxylic acid oxygenase
3ali crystal structure of 2-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine-5-carboxylic acid oxygenase, 5-pyridoxic acid bound form
3all crystal structure of 2-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine-5-carboxylic acid oxygenase, mutant y270a
3alm crystal structure of 2-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine-5-carboxylic acid oxygenase, mutant c294a
3alo crystal structure of human non-phosphorylated mkk4 kinase domain ternary complex with amp-pnp and p38 peptide
3alp cell adhesion protein
3aly crystal structure of rnase hi from sulfolobus tokodaii with c-terminal deletion
3alz crystal structure of the measles virus hemagglutinin bound to its cellular receptor slam (form i)
3am3 a372m mutant of enoyl-acp reductase from plasmodium falciparum (pfenr) in complex with triclosan
3am4 a372m mutant of enoyl-acp reductase from plasmodium falciparum (pfenr) in complex with triclosan variant t1
3am5 k316a mutant of enoyl-acp reductase from plasmodium falciparum (pfenr) in complex with triclosan
3am7 crystal structure of the ternary complex of eif4e-m7gtp-4ebp2 peptide
3am9 complex of bovine xanthine dehydrogenase and trihydroxy fyx-051
3ama protein kinase a sixfold mutant model of aurora b with inhibitor jnj- 7706621
3amb protein kinase a sixfold mutant model of aurora b with inhibitor vx- 680
3amc crystal structures of thermotoga maritima cel5a, apo form and dimer/au
3amf e13r mutant of fmn-binding protein from desulfovibrio vulgaris (miyazaki f)
3amg crystal structures of thermotoga maritima cel5a in complex with cellobiose substrate, mutant form
3amh crystal structure of cellulase 12a from thermotoga maritima
3ami the crystal structure of the m16b metallopeptidase subunit from sphingomonas sp. a1
3amm cellotetraose complex of cellulase 12a from thermotoga maritima
3amn e134c-cellobiose complex of cellulase 12a from thermotoga maritima
3amo time-resolved x-ray crystal structure analysis of enzymatic reaction of copper amine oxidase from arthrobacter globiformis
3amp e134c-cellotetraose complex of cellulase 12a from thermotoga maritima
3amz bovine xanthine oxidoreductase urate bound form
3an1 crystal structure of rat d428a mutant, urate bound form
3an3 human ppar gamma ligand binding domain in complex with a gamma selective agonist mo3s
3an4 human ppar gamma ligand binding domain in complex with a gamma selective agonist mo4r
3anl crystal structure of 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase (dxr) complexed with pyridin-2-ylmethylphosphonic acid
3anm crystal structure of 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase (dxr) complexed with 5-phenylpyridin-2-ylmethylphosphonic acid
3ann crystal structure of 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase (dxr) complexed with quinolin-2-ylmethylphosphonic acid
3ano crystal structure of a novel diadenosine 5',5'''-p1,p4-tetraphosphate phosphorylase from mycobacterium tuberculosis h37rv
3ans human soluble epoxide hydrolase in complex with a synthetic inhibitor
3ant human soluble epoxide hydrolase in complex with a synthetic inhibitor
3anw a protein complex essential initiation of dna replication
3anx crystal structure of triamine/agmatine aminopropyltransferase (spee) from thermus thermophilus, complexed with mta
3ao1 fragment-based approach to the design of ligands targeting a novel site in hiv-1 integrase
3ao2 fragment-based approach to the design of ligands targeting a novel site on hiv-1 integrase
3ao3 fragment-based approach to the design of ligands targeting a novel site on hiv-1 integrase
3ao4 fragment-based approach to the design of ligands targeting a novel site on hiv-1 integrase
3ao5 fragment-based approach to the design of ligands targeting a novel site on hiv-1 integrase
3ao9 crsytal structure of the c-terminal domain of sequence-specific ribonuclease
3aof crystal structures of thermotoga maritima cel5a in complex with mannotriose substrate
3aon crystal structure of the central axis (ntpd-ntpg) in the catalytic portion of enterococcus hirae v-type sodium atpase
3aos crystal structure of juvenile hormone binding protein from silkworm in complex with jh ii
3aov crystal structure of pyrococcus horikoshii kynurenine aminotransferase in complex with plp
3aow crystal structure of pyrococcus horikoshii kynurenine aminotransferase in complex with akg
3apb crystal structure of the galectin-8 n-terminal carbohydrate recognition domain in complex with iodide
3apq crystal structure of j-trx1 fragment of erdj5
3apr binding of a reduced peptide inhibitor to the aspartic proteinase from rhizopus chinensis. implications for a mechanism of action
3aps crystal structure of trx4 domain of erdj5
3apt properties and crystal structure of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase from thermus thermophilus hb8
3apu crystal structure of the a variant of human alpha1-acid glycoprotein
3apv crystal structure of the a variant of human alpha1-acid glycoprotein and amitriptyline complex
3apw crystal structure of the a variant of human alpha1-acid glycoprotein and disopyramide complex
3apz apo form of arabidopsis medium/long-chain length prenyl pyrophosphate synthase
3aq2 molecular insights into plant cell proliferation disturbance by agrobacterium protein 6b
3aq4 molecular insights into plant cell proliferation disturbance by agrobacterium protein 6b
3aq5 crystal structure of truncated hemoglobin from tetrahymena pyriformis, fe(ii)-o2 form
3aq6 crystal structure of truncated hemoglobin from tetrahymena pyriformis, fe(iii) form
3aq7 crystal structure of truncated hemoglobin from tetrahymena pyriformis, y25f mutant, fe(iii) form
3aq8 crystal structure of truncated hemoglobin from tetrahymena pyriformis, q46e mutant, fe(iii) form
3aq9 crystal structure of truncated hemoglobin from tetrahymena pyriformis, q50e mutant, fe(iii) form
3aqf crystal structure of the human crlr/ramp2 extracellular complex
3aqg crystal structure of human pancreatic secretory protein zg16b
3aqi h240a variant of human ferrochelatase
3aql structure of bacterial protein (apo form ii)
3aqm structure of bacterial protein (form ii)
3aqn complex structure of bacterial protein (apo form ii)
3aqp crystal structure of secdf, a translocon-associated membrane protein, from thermus thrmophilus
3aqt crystal structure of rolr (ncgl1110) complex with ligand resorcinol
3aqx crystal structure of bombyx mori beta-grp/gnbp3 n-terminal domain with laminarihexaoses
3aqy crystal structure of plodia interpunctella beta-grp/gnbp3 n-terminal domain
3aqz crystal structure of plodia interpunctella beta-grp/gnbp3 n-terminal domain with laminarihexaoses
3as5 mama amb-1 p212121
3asf mama msr-1 c2
3asg mama d159k mutant 2
3ash mama d159k mutant 1
3asl structure of uhrf1 in complex with histone tail
3asp crystal structure of p domain from norovirus funabashi258 stain in the complex with a-antigen
3asq crystal structure of p domain from norovirus funabashi258 stain in the complex with h-antigen
3asr crystal structure of p domain from norovirus funabashi258 stain in the complex with lewis-a
3ass crystal structure of p domain from norovirus funabashi258 stain in the complex with lewis-b
3ast crystal structure of p domain q389n mutant from norovirus funabashi258 stain in the complex with lewis-b
3asu crystal structure of serine dehydrogenase from escherichia coli
3asw structural and biochemical characterization of clfb:ligand interactions
3asy ligand-free structure of uridine kinase from thermus thermophilus hb8
3asz cmp-complex structure of uridine kinase from thermus thermophilus hb8
3at0 structural and biochemical characterization of clfb:ligand interactions
3at5 side-necked turtle (pleurodira, chelonia, reptilia) hemoglobin: cdna- derived primary structures and x-ray crystal structures of hb a
3at6 side-necked turtle (pleurodira, chelonia, reptilia) hemoglobin: cdna- derived primary structures and x-ray crystal structures of hb a
3at7 crystal structure of bacterial cell-surface alginate-binding protein algp7
3ath crystal structure of pyrococcus horikoshii kynurenine aminotransferase in complex with four akgs as substrates and allosteric effectors
3atj heme ligand mutant of recombinant horseradish peroxidase in complex with benzhydroxamic acid
3atp structure of the ligand binding domain of the bacterial serine chemoreceptor tsr with ligand
3aty crystal structure of tcoye
3au1 crystal structure of mouse cd1d in complex with ganglioside gd3
3au4 structure of the human myosin-x myth4-ferm cassette bound to its specific cargo, dcc
3au5 structure of the human myosin-x myth4-ferm cassette
3au8 crystal structure of the ternary complex of an isomerase
3au9 crystal structure of the quaternary complex-1 of an isomerase
3aua crystal structure of the quaternary complex-2 of an isomerase
3aul crystal structure of wild-type lys48-linked diubiquitin in an open conformation
3auy crystal structure of rad50 bound to adp
3av0 crystal structure of mre11-rad50 bound to atp s
3ave crystal structure of the fucosylated fc fragment from human immunoglobulin g1
3avr catalytic fragment of utx/kdm6a bound with histone h3k27me3 peptide, n-oxyalylglycine, and ni(ii)
3avz structure of sars 3cl protease with peptidic aldehyde inhibitor containing cyclohexyl side chain
3aw0 structure of sars 3cl protease with peptidic aldehyde inhibitor
3aw1 structure of sars 3cl protease auto-proteolysis resistant mutant in the absent of inhibitor
3awj crystal structure of the huperzia serrata polyketide synthase 1 complexed with coa-sh
3aws crystal structure of streptomyces tyrosinase in a complex with caddie soaked in a cu(ii)-containing solution for 20 hr: occupancy of cu(ii) is low
3awt crystal structure of streptomyces tyrosinase in a complex with caddie soaked in a cu(ii)-containing solution for 20 hr: occupancy of cu(ii) is high
3awu crystal structure of streptomyces tyrosinase in a complex with caddie soaked in a cu(ii)-containing solution for 40 h
3awv crystal structure of streptomyces tyrosinase in a complex with caddie soaked in a cu(ii)-containing solution for 80 hr: occupancy of cua is low
3aww crystal structure of streptomyces tyrosinase in a complex with caddie soaked in a cu(ii)-containing solution for 80 hr: occupancy of cua is high
3awx crystal structure of streptomyces tyrosinase in a complex with caddie h82q mutant soaked in a cu(ii)-containing solution for 80 hr
3awy crystal structure of streptomyces tyrosinase in a complex with caddie m84l mutant soaked in a cu(ii)-containing solution for 80 hr
3awz crystal structure of streptomyces tyrosinase in a complex with caddie h97q mutant soaked in a cu(ii)-containing solution for 80 hr
3ax0 crystal structure of streptomyces tyrosinase in a complex with caddie y98f mutant soaked in a cu(ii)-containing solution for 80 hr
3axj high resolution crystal structure of c3po
3ay0 crystal structure of methanocaldococcus jannaschii trm5 in complex with adenosine
3aya crystal structure of galectin-3 crd domian complexed with thomsen- friedenreich antigen
3ayc crystal structure of galectin-3 crd domian complexed with gm1 pentasaccharide
3aye crystal structure of galectin-3 crd domian complexed with lactose
3ayh crystal structure of the c17/25 subcomplex from s. pombe rna polymerase iii
3ayi x-ray crystal structures of l-phenylalanine oxidase (deaminating and decaboxylating) from pseudomonas sp. p501. structures of the enzyme- ligand complex and catalytic mechanism
3ayj x-ray crystal structures of l-phenylalanine oxidase (deaminating and decaboxylating) from pseudomonas sp. p501. structures of the enzyme- ligand complex and catalytic mechanism
3ayl x-ray crystal structures of l-phenylalanine oxidase (deaminating and decaboxylating) from pseudomonas sp. p501. structures of the enzyme- ligand complex and catalytic mechanism
3aym crystal structure of the batho intermediate of squid rhodopsin
3ayn crystal structure of squid isorhodopsin
3ayu crystal structure of mmp-2 active site mutant in complex with app- drived decapeptide inhibitor
3azd crystal structure of tropomyosin n-terminal fragment at 0.98a resolution
3azo crystal structure of puromycin hydrolase
3azp crystal structure of puromycin hydrolase s511a mutant
3azr diverse substrates recognition mechanism revealed by thermotoga maritima cel5a structures in complex with cellobiose
3azs diverse substrates recognition mechanism revealed by thermotoga maritima cel5a structures in complex with mannotriose
3azv crystal structure of the receptor binding domain
3azw crystal structure of the receptor binding domain
3azx crystal structure of the laminarinase catalytic domain from thermotoga maritima msb8
3b0f crystal structure of the uba domain of p62 and its interaction with ubiquitin
3b0p trna-dihydrouridine synthase from thermus thermophilus
3b0q human ppar gamma ligand binding domain in complex with mcc555
3b0r human ppar gamma ligand binding dmain complexed with gw9662 in a covalent bonded form
3b0w crystal structure of the orphan nuclear receptor ror(gamma)t ligand- binding domain in complex with digoxin
3b1b the unique structure of wild type carbonic anhydrase alpha-ca1 from chlamydomonas reinhardtii
3b1m crystal structure of the ppargamma-lbd complexed with a cercosporamide derivative modulator cerco-a
3b1n structure of burkholderia thailandensis nucleoside kinase (bthnk) in complex with adp-mizoribine
3b1o structure of burkholderia thailandensis nucleoside kinase (bthnk) in ligand-free form
3b1x crystal structure of an s. thermophilus nfeob e66a mutant bound to gmppnp
3b24 hsp90 alpha n-terminal domain in complex with an aminotriazine fragment molecule
3b26 hsp90 alpha n-terminal domain in complex with an inhibitor ro1127850
3b28 hsp90 alpha n-terminal domain in complex with an inhibitor ch5015765
3b2a crystal structure of the archaeal heat-like repeats protein ton_1937 from thermococcus onnurineus na1
3b2q intermediate position of atp on its trail to the binding pocket inside the subunit b mutant r416w of the energy converter a1ao atp synthase
3b2r crystal structure of pde5a1 catalytic domain in complex with vardenafil
3b2t structure of phosphotransferase
3b2y crystal structure of a putative metallopeptidase (sden_2526) from shewanella denitrificans os217 at 1.74 a resolution
3b3g the 2.4 a crystal structure of the apo catalytic domain of coactivator-associated arginine methyl transferase i(carm1,140-480).
3b3k crystal structure of the complex between ppargamma and the full agonist lt175
3b3x crystal structure of class a beta-lactamase of bacillus licheniformis bs3 with aminocitrate
3b42 periplasmic sensor domain of chemotaxis protein gsu0935
3b46 crystal structure of bna3p, a putative kynurenine aminotransferase from saccharomyces cerevisiae
3b4n crystal structure analysis of pectate lyase peli from erwinia chrysanthemi
3b4o crystal structure of phenazine biosynthesis protein phza/b from burkholderia cepacia r18194, apo form
3b4p crystal structure of phenazine biosynthesis protein phza/b from burkholderia cepacia r18194, complex with 2- (cyclohexylamino)benzoic acid
3b4q crystal structure of a conserved protein domain (unknown function) from corynebacterium diphtheriae
3b4r site-2 protease from methanocaldococcus jannaschii
3b4u crystal structure of dihydrodipicolinate synthase from agrobacterium tumefaciens str. c58
3b4y fgd1 (rv0407) from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3b54 saccharomyces cerevisiae nucleoside diphosphate kinase
3b56 crystal structure of transthyretin in complex with 3,5- diiodosalicylic acid
3b5b crystal structure of the thymidylate synthase k48q
3b5d emre multidrug transporter in complex with tpp, c2 crystal form
3b5e crystal structure of carboxylesterase (np_108484.1) from mesorhizobium loti at 1.75 a resolution
3b5g crystal structure of the unstable and highly fibrillogenic pro7ser mutant of the recombinant variable domain 6ajl2
3b5i crystal structure of indole-3-acetic acid methyltransferase
3b5k crystal structure of murine interleukin-5
3b5q crystal structure of a putative sulfatase (np_810509.1) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 2.40 a resolution
3b5x crystal structure of msba from vibrio cholerae
3b6c crystal structure of the streptomyces coelicolor tetr family protein actr in complex with (s)-dnpa
3b6h crystal structure of human prostacyclin synthase in complex with inhibitor minoxidil
3b6i wrba from escherichia coli, native structure
3b6j wrba from escherichia coli, nadh complex
3b6k wrba from escherichia coli, benzoquinone complex
3b6m wrba from escherichia coli, second crystal form
3b6r crystal structure of human brain-type creatine kinase
3b6u crystal structure of the motor domain of human kinesin family member 3b in complex with adp
3b6v crystal structure of the motor domain of human kinesin family member 3c in complex with adp
3b6x complex of s52a substituted drosophila lush protein with butanol
3b6y crystal structure of the second hin-200 domain of interferon-inducible protein 16
3b73 crystal structure of the phih1 repressor-like protein from haloarcula marismortui
3b76 crystal structure of the third pdz domain of human ligand-of-numb protein-x (lnx1) in complex with the c-terminal peptide from the coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor
3b7a complex of s52a substituted droposphila lush protein with ethanol
3b7b euhmt1 (glp) ankyrin repeat domain (structure 1)
3b7e neuraminidase of a/brevig mission/1/1918 h1n1 strain in complex with zanamivir
3b7g human dead-box rna helicase ddx20, conserved domain i (dead) in complex with amppnp (adenosine-(beta,gamma)-imidotriphosphate)
3b7q crystal structure of yeast sec14 homolog sfh1 in complex with phosphatidylcholine
3b7s [e296q]lta4h in complex with rsr substrate
3b7t [e296q]lta4h in complex with arg-ala-arg substrate
3b7y crystal structure of the c2 domain of the e3 ubiquitin- protein ligase nedd4
3b85 crystal structure of predicted phosphate starvation-induced atpase phoh2 from corynebacterium glutamicum
3b86 crystal structure of t57s substituted lush protein complexed with ethanol
3b87 complex of t57a substituted droposphila lush protein with butanol
3b88 complex of t57a substituted drosophila lush protein with ethanol
3b8c crystal structure of a plasma membrane proton pump
3b8q crystal structure of the vegfr2 kinase domain in complex with a naphthamide inhibitor
3b8r crystal structure of the vegfr2 kinase domain in complex with a naphthamide inhibitor
3b8s crystal structure of wild-type chitinase a from vibrio harveyi
3b8x crystal structure of gdp-4-keto-6-deoxymannose-3-dehydratase (cold) h188n mutant with bound gdp-perosamine
3b8y crystal structure of pectate lyase peli from erwinia chrysanthemi in complex with tetragalacturonic acid
3b8z high resolution crystal structure of the catalytic domain of adamts-5 (aggrecanase-2)
3b90 crystal structure of the catalytic domain of pectate lyase peli from erwinia chrysanthemi
3b98 crystal structure of zebrafish prostacyclin synthase (cytochrome p450 8a1)
3b99 crystal structure of zebrafish prostacyclin synthase (cytochrome p450 8a1) in complex with substrate analog u51605
3b9g crystal structure of loop deletion mutant of trypanosoma vivax nucleoside hydrolase (3gtvnh) in complex with immh
3b9i crystal structure of mouse gitrl at 2.5 a.
3b9n crystal structure of long-chain alkane monooxygenase (lada)
3b9o long-chain alkane monooxygenase (lada) in complex with coenzyme fmn
3b9r serca ca2+-atpase e2 aluminium fluoride complex without thapsigargin
3ba3 crystal structure of pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase-like protein (np_783940.1) from lactobacillus plantarum at 1.55 a resolution
3ba4 crystal structure of l26d mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3ba5 crystal structure of d28a mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3ba7 crystal structure of l26n/d28a mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3bad crystal structure of d70a/h93g mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3bag crystal structure of k112n/n114a mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3bah crystal structure of k112n mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3ban the crystal structure of mannonate dehydratase from streptococcus suis serotype2
3bao crystal structure of l26n mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3baq crystal structure of l26a mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3bar crystal structure of plasmodium falciparum orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase covalently modified by 6-azido-ump
3bas crystal structure of the n-terminal region of the scallop myosin rod, monoclinic (c2) form
3bau crystal structure of k12v/l26d/d28a mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3bav crystal structure of l26a/d28n mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3bb2 crystal structure of l26d/d28n mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3bb8 e1 dehydrase h220k mutant
3bba structure of active wild-type prevotella intermedia interpain a cysteine protease
3bbd m. jannaschii nep1 complexed with s-adenosyl-homocysteine
3bbe m. jannaschii nep1
3bbh m. jannaschii nep1 complexed with sinefungin
3bbj crystal structure of a putative thioesterase ii (tfu_2367) from thermobifida fusca yx at 2.45 a resolution
3bbr crystal structure of the iglur2 ligand binding core (s1s2j-n775s) in complex with a dimeric positive modulator as well as glutamate at 2.25 a resolution
3bbt crystal structure of the erbb4 kinase in complex with lapatinib
3bbw crystal structure of the erbb4 kinase in its inactive conformation
3bbz structure of the nucleocapsid-binding domain from the mumps virus phosphoprotein
3bc3 exploring inhibitor binding at the s subsites of cathepsin l
3bcg conformational changes of the acrr regulator reveal a mechanism of induction
3bcm crystal structure of the unswapped form of p19a/l28q/n67d bs-rnase
3bcn crystal structure of a papain-like cysteine protease ervatamin-a complexed with irreversible inhibitor e-64
3bco crystal structure of the swapped form of p19a/l28q/n67d bs- rnase
3bcv crystal structure of a putative glycosyltransferase from bacteroides fragilis
3bcw crystal structure of a duf861 family protein with a rmlc-like cupin fold (bb1179) from bordetella bronchiseptica rb50 at 1.60 a resolution
3bcx e1 dehydrase
3bd3 crystal structure of single domain vl of an anti-dna binding antibody 3d8 scfv and its active site revealed by complex structures of a small molecule and metals
3bd4 crystal structure of single domain vl of an anti-dna binding antibody 3d8 scfv and its active site revealed by complex structures of a small molecule and metals
3bd5 crystal structure of single domain vl of an anti-dna binding antibody 3d8 scfv and its active site revealed by complex structures of a small molecule and metals
3bde crystal structure of a dabb family protein with a ferredoxin-like fold (mll5499) from mesorhizobium loti maff303099 at 1.79 a resolution
3bdf crystal structure of metal-free e. coli alkaline phosphatase (t155v)
3bdg crystal structure of wild-type/t155v mixed dimer of e. coli alkaline phosphatase
3bdh crystal structure of zinc-deficient wild-type e. coli alkaline phosphatase
3bdj crystal structure of bovine milk xanthine dehydrogenase with a covalently bound oxipurinol inhibitor
3bdk crystal structure of streptococcus suis mannonate dehydratase complexed with substrate analogue
3bdq room tempreture crystal structure of sterol carrier protein- 2 like-2
3bdv crystal structure of a putative yden-like hydrolase (eca3091) from pectobacterium atrosepticum scri1043 at 1.66 a resolution
3bdz the role of asn 242 in p450cin
3be0 the role of asn 242 in p450cin
3be3 crystal structure of a protein belonging to pfam duf1653 from bordetella bronchiseptica
3be8 crystal structure of the synaptic protein neuroligin 4
3bed mannose/sorbose specific iia subunit of phosphotransferase system from enterococcus faecalis
3bee crystal structure of putative yfre protein from vibrio parahaemolyticus
3beg crystal structure of sr protein kinase 1 complexed to its substrate asf/sf2
3bei crystal structure of the slow form of thrombin in a self_inhibited conformation
3bem crystal structure of putative nitroreductase ydfn (2632848) from bacillus subtilis at 1.65 a resolution
3ben structure of n-(12-imidazolyl-dodecanoyl)-l-leucine inhibitor bound to the heme domain of cytochrome p450-bm3
3beo a structural basis for the allosteric regulation of non- hydrolyzing udp-glcnac 2-epimerases
3beq neuraminidase of a/brevig mission/1/1918 h1n1 strain
3bes structure of a poxvirus ifngbp/ifng complex
3beu na+-dependent allostery mediates coagulation factor protease active site selectivity
3bf4 crystal structure of an ethd-like protein (reut_b5694) from ralstonia eutropha jmp134 at 2.10 a resolution
3bf5 crystal structure of putative ribokinase (10640157) from thermoplasma acidophilum at 1.91 a resolution
3bf7 1.1 resolution structure of ybff, a new esterase from escherichia coli: a unique substrate-binding crevice generated by domain arrangement
3bf8 1.1 resolution structure of ybff, a new esterase from escherichia coli: a unique substrate-binding crevice generated by domain arrangement
3bfq crystal structure of truncated fimg (fimgt) in complex with the donor strand peptide of fimf (dsf)
3bfv crystal structure of the chimerical protein capab
3bfx crystal structure of human sulfotransferase sult1c1 in complex with pap
3bg2 crystal structure of deoxyguanosinetriphosphate triphosphohydrolase from flavobacterium sp. med217
3bga crystal structure of beta-galactosidase from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482
3bgb hiv-1 protease in complex with a isobutyl decorated oligoamine
3bgc hiv-1 protease in complex with a benzyl decorated oligoamine
3bgd thiopurine s-methyltransferase
3bge crystal structure of the c-terminal fragment of aaa+atpase from haemophilus influenzae
3bgh crystal structure of putative neuraminyllactose-binding hemagglutinin homolog from helicobacter pylori
3bgi thiopurine s-methyltransferase
3bgj crystal structure of human orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase covalently modified by 6-iodo-ump
3bgo azide complex of engineered subtilisin subt_bacam
3bgr crystal structure of k103n/y181c mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with tmc278 (rilpivirine), a non-nucleoside rt inhibitor
3bgu crystal structure of a dimeric ferredoxin-like protein of unknown function (tfu_0763) from thermobifida fusca yx at 1.50 a resolution
3bgy triclinic structure of mimivirus capping enzyme triphosphatase at 1.65 a
3bh4 high resolution crystal structure of bacillus amyloliquefaciens alpha-amylase
3bh6 crystal structure of the rp2-arl3 complex bound to gppnhp
3bh7 crystal structure of the rp2-arl3 complex bound to gdp-alf4
3bhd crystal structure of human thiamine triphosphatase (thtpa)
3bhe hiv-1 protease in complex with a three armed pyrrolidine derivative
3bhf crystal structure of r49k mutant of monomeric sarcosine oxidase crystallized in peg as precipitant
3bhk crystal structure of r49k mutant of monomeric sarcosine oxidase crystallized in phosphate as precipitant
3bhl e.coli thymidylate synthase complexes with 5-no2dump and tetrahydrofolate at 1.4 a resolution
3bhq crystal structure of a putative tetr-family transcriptional regulator (mlr_4833) from mesorhizobium loti maff303099 at 1.54 a resolution
3bhw crystal structure of an uncharacterized protein from magnetospirillum magneticum
3bi2 crystal structures of fms1 in complex with its inhibitors
3bi4 crystal structures of fms1 in complex with its inhibitors
3bi5 crystal structures of fms1 in complex with its inhibitors
3bic crystal structure of human methylmalonyl-coa mutase
3bii crystal structure of activated mpt synthase
3bil crystal structure of a probable laci family transcriptional regulator from corynebacterium glutamicum
3bin structure of the dal-1 and tslc1 (372-383) complex
3bio crystal structure of oxidoreductase (gfo/idh/moca family member) from porphyromonas gingivalis w83
3bip crystal structure of yeast spt16 n-terminal domain
3bis crystal structure of the pd-l1
3bit crystal structure of yeast spt16 n-terminal domain
3bj4 the kcnq1 (kv7.1) c-terminus, a multi-tiered scaffold for subunit assembly and protein interaction
3bj6 crystal structure of marr family transcription regulator sp03579
3bje crystal structure of trypanosoma brucei nucleoside phosphorylase shows uridine phosphorylase activity
3bjl loc, a lambda 1 type light-chain dimer (bence-jones protein) crystallized in ammonium sulfate
3bjm crystal structure of human dpp-iv in complex with (1s,3s, 5s)-2-[(2s)- 2-amino-2-(3-hydroxytricyclo[,7]dec-1- yl)acetyl]-2- azabicyclo[3.1.0]hexane-3-carbonitrile (cas), (1s,3s,5s)-2-((2s)-2- amino-2-(3-hydroxyadamantan-1- yl)acetyl)-2-azabicyclo[3.1.0]hexane- 3-carbonitrile (iupac), or bms-477118
3bjs crystal structure of a member of enolase superfamily from polaromonas sp. js666
3bk0 crystal structure of human orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase complexed with 5-cn-ump
3bkc crystal structure of anti-amyloid beta fab wo2 (p21, formb)
3bkm structure of anti-amyloid-beta fab wo2 (form a, p212121)
3bkw crystal structure of s-adenosylmethionine dependent methyltransferase (np_104914.1) from mesorhizobium loti at 1.60 a resolution
3bkx crystal structure of cyclopropane-fatty-acyl-phospholipid synthase- like protein (yp_807781.1) from lactobacillus casei atcc 334 at 1.85 a resolution
3bl4 crystal structure of a protein with unknown function (arth_0117) from arthrobacter sp. fb24 at 2.20 a resolution
3bl7 synthetic gene encoded dcps bound to inhibitor dg156844
3bl9 synthetic gene encoded dcps bound to inhibitor dg157493
3bla synthetic gene encoded dcps bound to inhibitor dg153249
3blc crystal structure of the periplasmic domain of the escherichia coli yidc
3blh crystal structure of human cdk9/cyclint1
3blj crystal structure of human poly(adp-ribose) polymerase 15, catalytic fragment
3blq crystal structure of human cdk9/cyclint1 in complex with atp
3blr crystal structure of human cdk9/cyclint1 in complex with flavopiridol
3bls ampc beta-lactamase from escherichia coli
3bm1 crystal structure of a minimal nitroreductase ydja from escherichia coli k12 with and without fmn cofactor
3bm2 crystal structure of a minimal nitroreductase ydja from escherichia coli k12 with and without fmn cofactor
3bm4 crystal structure of human adp-ribose pyrophosphatase nudt5 in complex with magnesium and ampcpr
3bm5 crystal structure of o-acetyl-serine sulfhydrylase from entamoeba histolytica in complex with cysteine
3bm6 ampc beta-lactamase in complex with a p.carboxyphenylboronic acid
3bmb crystal structure of a new rna polymerase interacting protein
3bmx beta-n-hexosaminidase (ybbd) from bacillus subtilis
3bmz violacein biosynthetic enzyme vioe
3bn3 crystal structure of icam-5 in complex with al i domain
3bn8 crystal structure of a putative sterol carrier protein type 2 (af1534) from archaeoglobus fulgidus dsm 4304 at 2.11 a resolution
3bni crystal structure of tetr-family transcriptional regulator from streptomyces coelicolor
3bnk x-ray crystal structure of flavoredoxin from methanosarcina acetivorans
3bnm crystal structure of polyamine oxidase fms1 from saccharomyces cerevisiae in complex with bis-(3r,3'r)- methylated spermine
3bnu crystal structure of polyamine oxidase fms1 from saccharomyces cerevisiae in complex with bis-(3s,3's)- methylated spermine
3bnw crystal structure of riboflavin kinase from trypanosoma brucei
3bo6 structure of the chromobacterium violaceum vira (spvc) phosphothreonine lyase effector protein
3bo9 crystal structure of putative nitroalkan dioxygenase (tm0800) from thermotoga maritima at 2.71 a resolution
3bof cobalamin-dependent methionine synthase (1-566) from thermotoga maritima complexed with zn2+ and homocysteine
3boh carbonic anhydrase from marine diatom thalassiosira weissflogii- cadmium bound domain 1 with acetate (cdca1-r1)
3bol cobalamin-dependent methionine synthase (1-566) from thermotoga maritima complexed with zn2+
3boo structure of the c. botulinum neurotoxin serotype a with an inhibitory peptide bound
3boq crystal structure of marr family transcriptional regulator from silicibacter pomeroyi
3bos crystal structure of a putative dna replication regulator hda (sama_1916) from shewanella amazonensis at 1.75 a resolution
3box crystal structure of l-rhamnonate dehydratase from salmonella typhimurium complexed with mg
3bp3 crystal structure of eiib
3bp5 crystal structure of the mouse pd-1 and pd-l2 complex
3bp6 crystal structure of the mouse pd-1 mutant and pd-l2 complex
3bpb crystal structure of the dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase h162g adduct with s-methyl-l- thiocitrulline
3bpc co-crystal structure of s25-2 fab in complex with 5-deoxy-4- epi-2,3-dehydro kdo (4.8) kdo
3bpk crystal structure of nitrilotriacetate monooxygenase component b from bacillus cereus
3bpw crystal structure of p. falciparum orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase complexed with xmp
3bpx crystal structure of marr
3bq5 crystal structure of t. maritima cobalamin-independent methionine synthase complexed with zn2+ and homocysteine (monoclinic)
3bq6 crystal structure of t. maritima cobalamin-independent methionine synthase complexed with zn2+ (monoclinic)
3bq8 crystal structure of the e.coli phoq sensor domain
3bq9 crystal structure of predicted nucleotide-binding protein from idiomarina baltica os145
3bqa crystal structure of an e.coli phoq sensor domain mutant
3bqd doubling the size of the glucocorticoid receptor ligand binding pocket by deacylcortivazol
3bqm lfa-1 i domain bound to inhibitors
3bqn lfa-1 i domain bound to inhibitors
3bqo crystal structure of trf1 trfh domain and tin2 peptide complex
3bqp crystal structure of human saposin d (orthorhombic)
3bqt crystal structure of a protein of unknown function from listeria monocytogenes, tetragonal form
3bqz crystal structure of the complex of malachite green bound to qacr(e90q), a mutant of a multidrug binding transcriptional repressor
3br0 crystal structure of the complex of malachite green bound to qacr(e120q), a mutant of a multidrug binding transcriptional repressor
3br3 crystal structure of the complex of ethidium bound to qacr(e90q), a mutant of a multidrug binding transcriptional repressor
3br9 crystal structure of hcv ns5b polymerase with a novel pyridazinone inhibitor
3brb crystal structure of catalytic domain of the proto-oncogene tyrosine- protein kinase mer in complex with adp
3brc crystal structure of a conserved protein of unknown function from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
3bre crystal structure of p.aeruginosa pa3702
3brl crystal structure of lc8 s88e / swa
3brm crystal structure of the covalent complex between the bacillus subtilis glutaminase ybgj and 5-oxo-l-norleucine formed by reaction of the protein with 6-diazo-5-oxo-l- norleucine
3brn crystal structure of am182 serotonin complex
3brp crystal structure of c-phycocyanin from galdieria sulphuraria
3brq crystal structure of the escherichia coli transcriptional repressor ascg
3brs crystal structure of sugar transporter from clostridium phytofermentans
3bru crystal structure of regulatory protein tetr from rhodobacter sphaeroides
3bry crystal structure of the ralstonia pickettii toluene transporter tbux
3bs0 crystal structure of the p. putida toluene transporter todx
3bs4 crystal structure of uncharacterized protein ph0321 from pyrococcus horikoshii in complex with an unknown peptide
3bs5 crystal structure of hcnk2-sam/dhyp-sam complex
3bs6 1.8 angstrom crystal structure of the periplasmic domain of the membrane insertase yidc
3bs7 crystal structure of the sterile alpha motif (sam) domain of hyphen/aveugle
3bs9 x-ray structure of human tia-1 rrm2
3bsa crystal structure of hcv ns5b polymerase with a novel pyridazinone inhibitor
3bsc crystal structure of hcv ns5b polymerase with a novel pyridazinone inhibitor
3bsf crystal structure of the mta/sah nucleosidase
3bt0 crystal structure of transthyretin variant v20s
3bt3 crystal structure of a glyoxalase-related enzyme from clostridium phytofermentans
3bt6 crystal structure of influenza b virus hemagglutinin
3btd the crystal structures of the complexes between the bovine beta- trypsin and ten p1 variants of bpti.
3bte the crystal structures of the complexes between bovine beta-trypsin and ten p1 variants of bpti.
3btf the crystal structures of the complexes between bovine beta- trypsin and ten p1 variants of bpti.
3btg the crystal structures of the complexes between bovine beta- trypsin and ten p1 variants of bpti
3bth the crystal structures of the complexes between bovine beta- trypsin and ten p1 variants of bpti
3btk the crystal structures of the complexes between bovine beta- trypsin and ten p1 variants of bpti
3btm the crystal structures of the complexes between bovine beta- trypsin and ten p1 variants of bpti
3btn crystal structure of antizyme inhibitor, an ornithine decarboxylase homologous protein
3btp crystal structure of agrobacterium tumefaciens vire2 in complex with its chaperone vire1: a novel fold and implications for dna binding
3btq the crystal structures of the complexes between bovine beta- trypsin and ten p1 variants of bpti
3btr ar-nls:importin-alpha complex
3btt the crystal structures of the complexes between bovine beta- trypsin and ten p1 variants of bpti
3btv crystal structure of the super-repressor mutant of gal80p from saccharomyces cerevisiae; gal80(s0)-[g301r]
3btw the crystal structures of the complexes between bovine beta- trypsin and ten p1 variants of bpti
3bu3 crystal structure of the insulin receptor kinase in complex with irs2 krlb peptide
3bu5 crystal structure of the insulin receptor kinase in complex with irs2 krlb peptide and atp
3bu6 crystal structure of the insulin receptor kinase in complex with irs2 krlb phosphopeptide
3bu7 crystal structure and biochemical characterization of gdosp, a gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase from silicibacter pomeroyi
3bum crystal structure of c-cbl-tkb domain complexed with its binding motif in sprouty2
3bun crystal structure of c-cbl-tkb domain complexed with its binding motif in sprouty4
3bur crystal structure of delta(4)-3-ketosteroid 5-beta-reductase in complex with nadp and testosterone. resolution: 1.62 a.
3bus crystal structure of rebm
3buu crystal structure of lola superfamily protein ne2245 from nitrosomonas europaea
3buv crystal structure of human delta(4)-3-ketosteroid 5-beta-reductase in complex with nadp and hepes. resolution: 1.35 a.
3buz crystal structure of ia-btad-actin complex
3bv0 crystal structure of plp bound 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid synthase in mycobacterium tuberculosis
3bv7 crystal structure of delta(4)-3-ketosteroid 5-beta-reductase in complex with nadp and glycerol. resolution: 1.79 a.
3bva cystal structure of hiv-1 active site mutant d25n and p2-nc analog inhibitor
3bvb cystal structure of hiv-1 active site mutant d25n and inhibitor darunavir
3bvc crystal structure of uncharacterized protein ism_01780 from roseovarius nubinhibens ism
3bvj crystal structure of human orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase complexed with xmp
3bvo crystal structure of human co-chaperone protein hscb
3bvp crystal structure of the n-terminal catalytic domain of tp901-1 integrase
3bvq crystal structure of apo noti restriction endonuclease
3bw1 crystal structure of homomeric yeast lsm3 exhibiting novel octameric ring organisation
3bw8 crystal structure of the clostridium limosum c3 exoenzyme
3bwb crystal structure of the apo form of spermidine synthase from trypanosoma cruzi at 2.5 a resolution
3bwc crystal structure of spermidine synthase from trypanosoma cruzi in complex with sam at 2.3 a resolution
3bws crystal structure of the leptospiral antigen lp49
3bwv crystal structure of deoxyribonucleotidase-like protein (np_764060.1) from staphylococcus epidermidis atcc 12228 at 1.55 a resolution
3bx7 engineered human lipocalin 2 (lcn2) in complex with the extracellular domain of human ctla-4
3bx9 monomeric far-red fluorescent protein mkate crystallized at ph 2.0
3bxa monomeric far-red fluorescent protein mkate crystallized at ph 4.2
3bxe crystal structure of effector binding domain of central glycolytic gene regulator (cggr) from bacillus subtilis in complex with dihydroxyacetone phosphate
3bxf crystal structure of effector binding domain of central glycolytic gene regulator (cggr) from bacillus subtilis in complex with effector fructose-1,6-bisphosphate
3bxg crystal structure of effector binding domain of central glycolytic gene regulator (cggr) from bacillus subtilis in complex with glucose- 6-phosphate
3bxh crystal structure of effector binding domain of central glycolytic gene regulator (cggr) from bacillus subtilis in complex with fructose-6-phosphate
3bxj crystal structure of the c2-gap fragment of syngap
3bxl crystal structure of the r-type calcium channel (cav2.3) iq domain and ca2+calmodulin complex
3bxm structure of an inactive mutant of human glutamate carboxypeptidase ii [gcpii(e424a)] in complex with n-acetyl-asp-glu (naag)
3bxo crystal structure of streptomyces venezuelae desvi
3bxp crystal structure of a putative carboxylesterase (lp_2923) from lactobacillus plantarum wcfs1 at 1.70 a resolution
3bxr crystal structures of highly constrained substrate and hydrolysis products bound to hiv-1 protease. implications for catalytic mechanism
3bxs crystal structures of highly constrained substrate and hydrolysis products bound to hiv-1 protease. implications for catalytic mechanism
3bxu ppcb, a cytochrome c7 from geobacter sulfurreducens
3bxw crystal structure of stabilin-1 interacting chitinase-like protein, si-clp
3bxz crystal structure of the isolated dead motor domains from escherichia coli seca
3by4 structure of ovarian tumor (otu) domain in complex with ubiquitin
3by9 crystal structure of the v. cholerae histidine kinase dctb sensor domain
3bya structure of a calmodulin complex
3byh model of actin-fimbrin abd2 complex
3byp mode of action of a putative zinc transporter czrb
3byy manipulating the coupled folding and binding process drives affinity maturation in a protein-protein complex
3bzb crystal structure of uncharacterized protein cmq451c from the primitive red alga cyanidioschyzon merolae
3bzd manipulating the coupled folding and binding process drives affinity maturation in a protein-protein complex
3bzi molecular and structural basis of polo-like kinase 1 substrate recognition: implications in centrosomal localization
3bzo crystal structural of native escu c-terminal domain
3bzv crystal structural of the mutated t264a escu c-terminal domain
3bzx crystal structure of the mutated h265a escu c-terminal domain
3bzy crystal structure of the mutated y316d escu c-terminal domain
3bzz crystal structural of the mutated r313t escu/spas c-terminal domain
3c00 crystal structural of the mutated g247t escu/spas c-terminal domain
3c07 crystal structure of a tetr family transcriptional regulator from streptomyces coelicolor a3(2)
3c08 crystal structure the fab fragment of matuzumab/emd72000 (fab72000)
3c0g cask cam-kinase domain- 3'-amp complex, p1 form
3c0h cask cam-kinase domain- amppnp complex, p1 form
3c0j structure of e. coli dihydrodipicolinate synthase complexed with hydroxypyruvate
3c0k crystal structure of a ribosomal rna methyltranferase
3c0m crystal structure of the proaerolysin mutant y221g
3c0n crystal structure of the proaerolysin mutant y221g at 2.2 a
3c0o crystal structure of the proaerolysin mutant y221g complexed with mannose-6-phosphate
3c0t structure of the schizosaccharomyces pombe mediator subcomplex med8c/18
3c0u crystal structure of e.coli yaeq protein
3c17 hexagonal crystal structure of precursor e. coli isoaspartyl peptidase/l-asparaginase (ecaiii) with active-site t179a mutation
3c1a crystal structure of a putative oxidoreductase (zp_00056571.1) from magnetospirillum magnetotacticum ms-1 at 1.85 a resolution
3c1d x-ray crystal structure of recx
3c1k crystal structure of thrombin in complex with inhibitor 15
3c1q the three-dimensional structure of the cytoplasmic domains of epsf from the type 2 secretion system of vibrio cholerae
3c1y structure of bacterial dna damage sensor protein with co- purified and co-crystallized ligand
3c1z structure of the ligand-free form of a bacterial dna damage sensor protein
3c20 crystal structure of threonine-sensitive aspartokinase from methanococcus jannaschii with l-aspartate
3c21 structure of a bacterial dna damage sensor protein with reaction product
3c23 structure of a bacterial dna damage sensor protein with non- reactive ligand
3c24 crystal structure of a putative oxidoreductase (yp_511008.1) from jannaschia sp. ccs1 at 1.62 a resolution
3c2b crystal structure of tetr transcriptional regulator from agrobacterium tumefaciens
3c2h crystal structure of sys-1 at 2.6a resolution
3c2q crystal structure of conserved putative lor/sdh protein from methanococcus maripaludis s2
3c2r crystal structure of the quinolinate phosphoribosyl transferase (bna6) from sachharomyces cerevisiae complexed with the inhibitor phthalate
3c2t evolution of chlorella virus dutpase
3c31 crystal structure of glur5 ligand-binding core in complex with lithium at 1.49 angstrom resolution
3c32 crystal structure of glur5 ligand-binding core in complex with sodium at 1.72 angstrom resolution
3c33 crystal structure of glur5 ligand-binding core in complex with potassium at 1.78 angstrom resolution
3c34 crystal structure of glur5 ligand-binding core in complex with rubidium at 1.82 angstrom resolution
3c35 crystal structure of glur5 ligand-binding core in complex with cesium at 1.97 angstrom resolution
3c36 crystal structure of glur5 ligand-binding core in complex with ammonium ions at 1.68 angstrom resolution
3c39 crystal structure of human phosphoglycerate kinase bound to 3-phosphoglycerate
3c3a crystal structure of human phosphoglycerate kinase bound to 3-phosphoglycerate and l-adp
3c3b crystal structure of human phosphoglycerate kinase bound to d-cdp
3c3c crystal structure of human phosphoglycerate kinase bound to 3-phosphoglycerate and l-cdp
3c3k crystal structure of an uncharacterized protein from actinobacillus succinogenes
3c3o alix bro1-domain:chmip4a co-crystal structure
3c3q alix bro1-domain:chmip4b co-crystal structure
3c3r alix bro1 chmp4c complex
3c3s role of a glutamate bridge spanning the dimeric interface of human manganese superoxide dismutase
3c3t role of a glutamate bridge spanning the dimeric interface of human manganese superoxide dismutase
3c3w crystal structure of the mycobacterium tuberculosis hypoxic response regulator dosr
3c3x the multiple phenylpropene synthases in both clarkia breweri and petunia hybrida represent two distinct lineages
3c3y crystal structure of pfomt, phenylpropanoid and flavonoid o- methyltransferase from m. crystallinum
3c41 abc protein artp in complex with amp-pnp/mg2+
3c43 human dipeptidyl peptidase iv/cd26 in complex with a flouroolefin inhibitor
3c45 human dipeptidyl peptidase iv/cd26 in complex with a fluoroolefin inhibitor
3c48 structure of the retaining glycosyltransferase msha: the first step in mycothiol biosynthesis. organism: corynebacterium glutamicum- apo (open) structure.
3c4c b-raf kinase in complex with plx4720
3c4f fgfr tyrosine kinase domain in complex with 3-(3- methoxybenzyl)-7-azaindole
3c4i crystal structure analysis of n terminal region containing the dimerization domain and dna binding domain of hu protein(histone like protein-dna binding) from mycobacterium tuberculosis [h37rv]
3c4j abc protein artp in complex with atp-gamma-s
3c4n crystal structure of dr_0571 protein from deinococcus radiodurans in complex with adp. northeast structural genomics consortium target drr125
3c4o crystal structure of the shv-1 beta-lactamase/beta- lactamase inhibitor protein (blip) e73m/s130k/s146m complex
3c4p crystal structure of the shv-1 beta-lactamase/beta- lactamase inhibitor protein (blip) e73m complex
3c4q structure of the retaining glycosyltransferase msha : the first step in mycothiol biosynthesis. organism : corynebacterium glutamicum- complex with udp
3c4s crystal structure of the ssl0352 protein from synechocystis sp. northeast structural genomics consortium target sgr42
3c4u structure of class ii fructose-biphosphate aldolase from helicobacter pylori
3c4v structure of the retaining glycosyltransferase msha:the first step in mycothiol biosynthesis. organism: corynebacterium glutamicum : complex with udp and 1l-ins-1- p.
3c4w crystal structure of g protein coupled receptor kinase 1 bound to atp and magnesium chloride at 2.7a
3c4x crystal structure of g protein coupled receptor kinase 1 bound to atp and magnesium chloride at 2.9a
3c4y crystal structure of apo form of g protein coupled receptor kinase 1 at 7.51a
3c50 crystal structure of g protein coupled receptor kinase 1 bound to adp and magnesium chloride at 2.6a
3c51 crystal structure of g protein coupled receptor kinase 1 bound to adp and magnesium chloride at 3.55a
3c52 class ii fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase from helicobacter pylori in complex with phosphoglycolohydroxamic acid, a competitive inhibitor
3c56 class ii fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase from helicobacter pylori in complex with n-(3-hydroxypropyl)- glycolohydroxamic acid bisphosphate, a competitive inhibitor
3c57 crystal structure of the mycobacterium tuberculosis hypoxic response regulator dosr c-terminal domain crystal form ii
3c59 crystal structure of the ligand-bound glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor extracellular domain
3c5l polo-like kinase 1 polo box domain in complex with pphspt peptide
3c5n structure of human tulp1 in complex with ip3
3c5r crystal structure of the bard1 ankyrin repeat domain and its functional consequences
3c5t crystal structure of the ligand-bound glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor extracellular domain
3c5x crystal structure of the precursor membrane protein- envelope protein heterodimer from the dengue 2 virus at low ph
3c6e crystal structure of the precursor membrane protein- envelope protein heterodimer from the dengue 2 virus at neutral ph
3c6g crystal structure of cyp2r1 in complex with vitamin d3
3c6h crystal structure of the rb49 gp17 nuclease domain
3c6n small molecule agonists and antagonists of f-box protein- substrate interactions in auxin perception and signaling
3c6o small molecule agonists and antagonists of f-box protein-substrate interactions in auxin perception and signaling
3c6p small molecule agonists and antagonists of f-box protein- substrate interactions in auxin perception and signaling
3c6t crystal structure of hiv reverse transcriptase in complex with inhibitor 14
3c6u crystal structure of hiv reverse transcriptase in complex with inhibitor 22
3c72 engineered rabggtase in complex with a peptidomimetic inhibitor
3c73 structure of cehc variant resa
3c7j crystal structure of transcriptional regulator (gntr family member) from pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato str. dc3000
3c7m crystal structure of reduced dsbl
3c7n structure of the hsp110:hsc70 nucleotide exchange complex
3c87 crystal structure of the enterobactin esterase fes from shigella flexneri in the presence of enterobactin
3c88 crystal structure of the catalytic domain of botulinum neurotoxin serotype a with inhibitory peptide rrgc
3c89 crystal structure of the catalytic domain of botulinum neurotoxin serotype a with inhibitory peptide rrgm
3c8a crystal structure of the catalytic domain of botulinum neurotoxin serotype a with inhibitory peptide rrgl
3c8b crystal structure of the catalytic domain of botulinum neurotoxin serotype a with inhibitory peptide rrgi
3c8c crystal structure of mcp_n and cache domains of methyl- accepting chemotaxis protein from vibrio cholerae
3c8e crystal structure analysis of yghu from e. coli
3c8i crystal structure of a putative membrane protein from corynebacterium diphtheriae
3c8l crystal structure of a ftsz-like protein of unknown function (npun_r1471) from nostoc punctiforme pcc 73102 at 1.22 a resolution
3c8o the crystal structure of rraa from pao1
3c8p x-ray structure of viscotoxin a1 from viscum album l.
3c8z the 1.6 a crystal structure of mshc: the rate limiting enzyme in the mycothiol biosynthetic pathway
3c98 revised structure of the munc18a-syntaxin1 complex
3c9b crystal structure of semet vps75
3c9c structural basis of histone h4 recognition by p55
3c9d crystal structure of vps75
3c9f crystal structure of 5'-nucleotidase from candida albicans sc5314
3c9g crystal structure of uncharacterized upf0201 protein af_135
3c9h crystal structure of the substrate binding protein of the abc transporter from agrobacterium tumefaciens
3c9q crystal structure of the uncharacterized human protein c8orf32 with bound peptide
3c9r aathil complexed with atp
3c9s aathil complexed with amppcp
3c9t aathil complexed with amppcp and tmp
3c9u aathil complexed with adp and tpp
3ca8 crystal structure of escherichia coli ydcf, an s-adenosyl-l-methionine utilizing enzyme
3ca9 evolution of chlorella virus dutpase
3caa cleaved antichymotrypsin a347r
3cad crystal structure of natural killer cell receptor, ly49g
3cai crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis rv3778c protein
3cak x-ray structure of wt pte with ethyl phosphate
3cam crystal structure of the cold shock domain protein from neisseria meningitidis
3cap crystal structure of native opsin: the g protein-coupled receptor rhodopsin in its ligand-free state
3caq crystal structure of 5beta-reductase (akr1d1) in complex with nadph
3cas crystal structure of 5beta-reductase (akr1d1) in complex with nadp+ and 4-androstenedione
3cav crystal structure of 5beta-reductase (akr1d1) in complex with nadp+ and 5beta-pregnan-3,20-dione
3caw crystal structure of o-succinylbenzoate synthase from bdellovibrio bacteriovorus liganded with mg
3caz crystal structure of a bar protein from galdieria sulphuraria
3cb2 crystal structure of human gamma-tubulin bound to gdp
3cb5 crystal structure of the s. pombe peptidase homology domain of fact complex subunit spt16 (form a)
3cb7 the crystallographic structure of the digestive lysozyme 2 from musca domestica at 1.9 ang.
3cb8 4fe-4s-pyruvate formate-lyase activating enzyme in complex with adomet and a peptide substrate
3cbf crystal structure of lysn, alpha-aminoadipate aminotransferase, from thermus thermophilus hb27
3cbj chagasin-cathepsin b complex
3cbk chagasin-cathepsin b
3cbl crystal structure of human feline sarcoma viral oncogene homologue (v- fes) in complex with staurosporine and a consensus peptide
3cbm set7/9-er-adomet complex
3cbo set7/9-er-adohcy complex
3cbp set7/9-er-sinefungin complex
3cbr crystal structure of human transthyretin (ttr) at ph3.5
3cbu crystal structure of a putative glutathione s-transferase (reut_a1011) from ralstonia eutropha jmp134 at 2.05 a resolution
3cbw crystal structure of the ydht protein from bacillus subtilis
3cbx the dvl2 pdz domain in complex with the c1 inhibitory peptide
3cby the dvl2 pdz domain in complex with the n1 inhibitory peptide
3cc1 crystal structure of a putative alpha-n-acetylgalactosaminidase (bh1870) from bacillus halodurans c-125 at 2.00 a resolution
3ccd 1.0 a structure of post-succinimide his15asp hpr
3ccf crystal structure of putative methyltransferase (yp_321342.1) from anabaena variabilis atcc 29413 at 1.90 a resolution
3cck human cd69
3cd3 crystal structure of phosphorylated human feline sarcoma viral oncogene homologue (v-fes) in complex with staurosporine and a consensus peptide
3cdc ki o18/o8 n34i/y87h immunoglobulin light chain variable domain
3cde crystal structure of hcv ns5b polymerase with a novel pyridazinone inhibitor
3cdh crystal structure of the marr family transcriptional regulator spo1453 from silicibacter pomeroyi dss-3
3cdl crystal structure of a tetr family transcriptional regulator from pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato str. dc3000
3cdp crystal structure of ppar-gamma lbd complexed with a partial agonist, analogue of clofibric acid
3cds crystal structure of the complex between ppar-gamma and the agonist lt248 (clofibric acid analogue)
3cdw crystal structure of coxsackievirus b3 rna-dependent rna polymerase (3dpol) in complex with protein primer vpg and a pyrophosphate
3cdy al-09 h87y, immunoglobulin light chain variable domain
3cdz crystal structure of human factor viii
3ceg crystal structure of the ubc domain of baculoviral iap repeat-containing protein 6
3ceh human liver glycogen phosphorylase (tense state) in complex with the allosteric inhibitor ave5688
3cei crystal structure of superoxide dismutase from helicobacter pylori
3cej human glycogen phosphorylase (tense state) in complex with the allosteric inhibitor ave2865
3cem human glycogen phosphorylase (tense state) in complex with the allosteric inhibitor ave9423
3cen factor xa in complex with the inhibitor n-(2-(((5-chloro-2- pyridinyl) amino)sulfonyl)phenyl)-4-(2-oxo-1(2h)- pyridinyl)benzamide
3cep structure of a tryptophan synthase quinonoid intermediate
3ceq the tpr domain of human kinesin light chain 2 (hklc2)
3cet crystal structure of the pantheonate kinase-like protein q6m145 at the resolution 1.8 a. northeast structural genomics consortium target mrr63
3ceu crystal structure of thiamine phosphate pyrophosphorylase (bt_0647) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. northeast structural genomics consortium target btr268
3cex crystal structure of the conserved protein of locus ef_3021 from enterococcus faecalis
3cey crystal structure of l3mbtl2
3cez crystal structure of methionine-r-sulfoxide reductase from burkholderia pseudomallei
3cf4 structure of the codh component of the m. barkeri acds complex
3cf6 structure of epac2 in complex with cyclic-amp and rap
3cfc high-resolution structure of blue fluorescent antibody ep2-19g2
3cfm crystal structure of the apo form of human wild-type transthyretin
3cfn crystal structure of human transthyretin in complex with 1-anilino-8- naphthalene sulfonate
3cfq crystal structure of human wild-type transthyretin in complex with diclofenac
3cfs structural basis of the interaction of rbap46/rbap48 with histone h4
3cft crystal structure of human transthyretin in complex with 1- amino-5-naphthalene sulfonate
3cfu crystal structure of the yjha protein from bacillus subtilis. northeast structural genomics consortium target sr562
3cfx crystal structure of m. acetivorans periplasmic binding protein moda/wtpa with bound tungstate
3cg1 crystal structure of p. furiosus periplasmic binding protein moda/wtpa with bound tungstate
3cg6 crystal structure of gadd45 gamma
3cg7 crystal structure of cell-death related nuclease 4 (crn-4)
3cga crystal structure of metastasis-associated protein s100a4 in the active, calcium-bound form
3cgb pyridine nucleotide complexes with bacillus anthracis coenzyme a- disulfide reductase: a structural analysis of dual nad(p)h specificity
3cgc pyridine nucleotide complexes with bacillus anthracis coenzyme a- disulfide reductase: a structural analysis of dual nad(p)h specificity
3cgd pyridine nucleotide complexes with bacillus anthracis coenzyme a- disulfide reductase: a structural analysis of dual nad(p)h specificity
3cge pyridine nucleotide complexes with bacillus anthracis coenzyme a- disulfide reductase: a structural analysis of dual nad(p)h specificity
3cgg crystal structure of tehb-like sam-dependent methyltransferase (np_600671.1) from corynebacterium glutamicum atcc 13032 kitasato at 2.00 a resolution
3cgu crystal structure of unliganded argos
3ch5 the crystal structure of the rangdp-nup153znf2 complex
3ch8 the crystal structure of pdz-fibronectin fusion protein
3ch9 crystal structure of aspergillus fumigatus chitinase b1 in complex with dimethylguanylurea
3chc crystal structure of aspergillus fumigatus chitinase b1 in complex with monopeptide
3chd crystal structure of aspergillus fumigatus chitinase b1 in complex with dipeptide
3chh crystal structure of di-iron aurf
3chi crystal structure of di-iron aurf (monoclinic form)
3cht crystal structure of di-iron aurf with partially bound ligand
3chu crystal structure of di-iron aurf
3ci5 complex of phosphorylated dictyostelium discoideum actin with gelsolin
3ci6 crystal structure of the gaf domain from acinetobacter phosphoenolpyruvate-protein phosphotransferase
3ci9 crystal structure of the human hsbp1
3cib structure of bace bound to sch727596
3cic structure of bace bound to sch709583
3cid structure of bace bound to sch726222
3cij crystal structure of a. fulgidus periplasmic binding protein moda/wtpa with bound tungstate
3cio the kinase domain of escherichia coli tyrosine kinase etk
3cip complex of dictyostelium discoideum actin with gelsolin
3cit crystal structure of the gaf domain of a putative sensor histidine kinase from pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato
3ciz crystal structure of hepatitis c virus rna-dependent rna polymerase ns5b in complex with small molecule fragments
3cj0 crystal structure of hepatitis c virus rna-dependent rna polymerase ns5b in complex with small molecule fragments
3cj2 crystal structure of hepatitis c virus rna-dependent rna polymerase ns5b in complex with optimized small molecule fragments
3cj3 crystal structure of hepatitis c virus rna-dependent rna polymerase ns5b in complex with optimized small molecule fragments
3cj4 crystal structure of hepatitis c virus rna-dependent rna polymerase ns5b in complex with optimized small molecule fragments
3cj5 crystal structure of hepatitis c virus rna-dependent rna polymerase ns5b in complex with optimized small molecule fragments
3cjb actin dimer cross-linked by v. cholerae martx toxin and complexed with gelsolin-segment 1
3cjd crystal structure of putative tetr transcriptional regulator (yp_510936.1) from jannaschia sp. ccs1 at 1.79 a resolution
3cjk crystal structure of the adduct hah1-cd(ii)-mnk1.
3cjl crystal structure of a protein of unknown function (eca1910) from pectobacterium atrosepticum scri1043 at 2.20 a resolution
3cjo crystal structure of ksp in complex with inhibitor 30
3cjp crystal structure of an uncharacterized amidohydrolase cac3332 from clostridium acetobutylicum
3cjr ribosomal protein l11 methyltransferase (prma) in complex with ribosomal protein l11 (k39a) and inhibitor sinefungin.
3ck1 crystal structure of a putative thioesterase (reut_a2179) from ralstonia eutropha jmp134 at 1.74 a resolution
3ck8 b. thetaiotaomicron susd with beta-cyclodextrin
3ck9 b. thetaiotaomicron susd with maltoheptaose
3cka the crystal structure of ospa mutant
3ckb b. thetaiotaomicron susd with maltotriose
3ckc b. thetaiotaomicron susd
3ckh crystal structure of eph a4 receptor
3cki crystal structure of the tace-n-timp-3 complex
3ckl crystal structure of human cytosolic sulfotransferase sult1b1 in complex with pap and resveratrol
3ckt hiv-1 protease in complex with a dimethylallyl decorated pyrrolidine based inhibitor (orthorombic space group)
3cl1 m. loti cyclic-nucleotide binding domain, cyclic-gmp bound
3cl6 crystal structure of puue allantoinase
3cl7 crystal structure of puue allantoinase in complex with hydantoin
3cl8 crystal structure of puue allantoinase complexed with aca
3cle hiv neutralizing monoclonal antibody yz23
3clf hiv neutralizing monoclonal antibody yz23
3clh crystal structure of 3-dehydroquinate synthase (dhqs)from helicobacter pylori
3cli crystal structure of arabidopsis thaliana allene oxide synthase (aos, cytochrome p450 74a, cyp74a) at 1.80 a resolution
3clk crystal structure of a transcription regulator from lactobacillus plantarum
3clp m. loti cyclic-nucleotide binding domain mutant 2
3clr crystal structure of the r236a etf mutant from m. methylotrophus
3cls crystal structure of the r236c mutant of etf from methylophilus methylotrophus
3clt crystal structure of the r236e mutant of methylophilus methylotrophus etf
3clu crystal structure of the r236k mutant from methylophilus methylotrophus etf
3cm5 crystal structure of cell-death related nuclease 4 (crn-4) bound with mn
3cm6 crystal structure of cell-death related nuclease 4 (crn-4) bound with er
3cm8 a rna polymerase subunit structure from virus
3cmd crystal structure of peptide deformylase from vre-e.faecium
3cmf crystal structure of human liver 5beta-reductase (akr1d1) in complex with nadp and cortisone. resolution 1.90 a.
3cmr e. coli alkaline phosphatase mutant r166s in complex with phosphate
3cn0 human transthyretin (ttr) in complex with 3,5-dimethyl-4- hydroxystilbene
3cn1 human transthyretin (ttr) in complex with 3,5-dibromo-4- hydroxystilbene
3cn2 human transthyretin (ttr) in complex with 3,5-dibromo-4- hydroxybiphenyl
3cn3 human transthyretin (ttr) in complex with 1,3-dibromo-2- hydroxy-5-phenoxybenzene
3cn4 human transthyretin (ttr) in complex with n-(3,5-dibromo-4- hydroxyphenyl)benzamide
3cn6 crystal structure of the spinach aquaporin sopip2;1 s274e mutant
3cn8 crystal structure of fms1 in complex with spermidine
3cn9 crystal structure analysis of the carboxylesterase pa3859 from pseudomonas aeruginosa pao1- orthorhombic crystal form
3cnd crystal structure of fms1 in complex with n1-acspermine
3cnh crystal structure of predicted hydrolase of haloacid dehalogenase-like superfamily (np_295428.1) from deinococcus radiodurans at 1.66 a resolution
3cnk crystal structure of the dimerization domain of human filamin a
3cnm crystal structure of phenazine biosynthesis protein phza/b from burkholderia cepacia r18194, dhha complex
3cnp crystal structure of fms1 in complex with s-n1-acmespermidine
3cnq prosubtilisin substrate complex of subtilisin subt_bacam
3cnr crystal structure of pilz (xac1133) from xanthomonas axonopodis pv citri
3cns crystal structure of fms1 in complex with s-bz-mespermidine
3cnt crystal structure of fms1 in complex with r-bz-mespermidine
3cnw three-dimensional structure of the protein xoxi (q81ay6) from bacillus cereus. northeast structural genomics consortium target bcr196.
3cny crystal structure of a putative inositol catabolism protein iole (iole, lp_3607) from lactobacillus plantarum wcfs1 at 1.85 a resolution
3cnz structural dynamics of the microtubule binding and regulatory elements in the kinesin-like calmodulin binding protein
3co0 substrate complex of fluoride-sensitive engineered subtilisin subt_bacam
3co5 crystal structure of sigma-54 interaction domain of putative transcriptional response regulator from neisseria gonorrhoeae
3co8 crystal structure of alanine racemase from oenococcus oeni
3co9 crystal structure of hcv ns5b polymerase with a novel pyridazinone inhibitor
3cob structural dynamics of the microtubule binding and regulatory elements in the kinesin-like calmodulin binding protein
3coc crystal structure of d115a mutant of bacteriorhodopsin
3cod crystal structure of t90a/d115a mutant of bacteriorhodopsin
3coh crystal structure of aurora-a in complex with a pentacyclic inhibitor
3cok crystal structure of plk4 kinase
3col crystal structure of putative transcription regulator from lactobacillus plantarum
3com crystal structure of mst1 kinase
3coo the crystal structure of reelin-n domain of f-spondin
3cot crystal structure of human liver delta(4)-3-ketosteroid 5beta-reductase (akr1d1) in complex with progesterone and nadp. resolution: 2.03 a.
3cov crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis pantothenate synthetase at 1.5 ang resolution- apo form
3cow crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis pantothenate synthetase at 1.8 ang resolution- in complex with sulphonamide inhibitor 2
3coy crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis pantothenate synthetase at 2.05 ang resolution- in complex with sulphonamide inhibitor 3
3coz crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis pantothenate synthetase at 2.0 ang resolution- in complex with sulphonamide inhibitor 4
3cp7 crystal structure of a thermostable serine protease al20 from extremophilic microoganism
3cp9 crystal structure of the vegfr2 kinase domain in complex with a pyridone inhibitor
3cpb crystal structure of the vegfr2 kinase domain in complex with a bisamide inhibitor
3cpc crystal structure of the vegfr2 kinase domain in complex with a pyridone inhibitor
3cpf crystal structure of human eukaryotic translation initiation factor eif5a
3cpi crystal structure of yeast rab-gdi
3cpj crystal structure of ypt31 in complex with yeast rab-gdi
3cpq crystal structure of l30e a ribosomal protein from methanocaldococcus jannaschii dsm2661 (mj1044)
3cpr the crystal structure of corynebacterium glutamicum dihydrodipicolinate synthase to 2.2 a resolution
3cps crystal structure of cryptosporidium parvum glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
3cpt mp1-p14 scaffolding complex
3cq0 crystal structure of tal2_yeast
3cq4 histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase from corynebacterium glutamicum
3cqa crystal structure of human fibroblast growth factor-1 with mutations glu81ala and lys101ala
3cqb crystal structure of heat shock protein htpx domain from vibrio parahaemolyticus rimd 2210633
3cqc nucleoporin nup107/nup133 interaction complex
3cqd structure of the tetrameric inhibited form of phosphofructokinase-2 from escherichia coli
3cqf crystal structure of anthrolysin o (alo)
3cqg nucleoporin nup107/nup133 interaction complex, delta finger mutant
3cqh crystal structure of l-xylulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase ulae from the anaerobic l-ascorbate utilization pathway of escherichia coli
3cqi crystal structure of l-xylulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase ulae (form b) complex with sulfate
3cqj crystal structure of l-xylulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase ulae (form b) complex with zn2+
3cqk crystal structure of l-xylulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase ulae (form b) complex with zn2+ and sulfate
3cql crystal structure of gh family 19 chitinase from carica papaya
3cqn crystal structure of the lipocalin domain of violaxanthin de-epoxidase (vde) at ph7
3cqq human sod1 g85r variant, structure ii
3cqr crystal structure of the lipocalin domain of violaxanthin de-epoxidase (vde) at ph5
3cqu crystal structure of akt-1 complexed with substrate peptide and inhibitor
3cqw crystal structure of akt-1 complexed with substrate peptide and inhibitor
3cqy crystal structure of a functionally unknown protein (so_1313) from shewanella oneidensis mr-1
3cra crystal structure of escherichia coli mazg, the regulator of nutritional stress response
3crc crystal structure of escherichia coli mazg, the regulator of nutritional stress response
3crg crystal structure of human fibroblast growth factor-1 with mutations glu81ala, glu82asn and lys101ala
3crh crystal structure of human fibroblast growth factor-1 with mutations glu81ser and lys101ala
3cri crystal structure of human fibroblast growth factor-1 with mutations glu81ser, glu82asn and lys101ala
3crn crystal structure of response regulator receiver domain protein (chey- like) from methanospirillum hungatei jf-1
3cry gamma-glutamyl cyclotransferase
3cs0 crystal structure of degp24
3cs7 factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)- 6-(4-(1-(pyrrolidin-1-ylmethyl)cyclopropyl)phenyl)-3- (trifluoromethyl)-5,6-dihydro-1h-pyrazolo[3,4-c]pyridin- 7(4h)-one
3cs8 structural and biochemical basis for the binding selectivity of pparg to pgc-1a
3csd actinorhodin polyketide ketoreductase mutant p94l bound to nadph and the inhibitor emodin
3cse candida glabrata dihydrofolate reductase complexed with nadph and 2,4-diamino-5-(3-(2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)prop-1- ynyl)-6-ethylpyrimidine (ucp120b)
3csh crystal structure of glutathione transferase pi in complex with the chlorambucil-glutathione conjugate
3csj human glutathione s-transferase p1-1 in complex with chlorambucil
3csm structure of yeast chorismate mutase with bound trp and an endooxabicyclic inhibitor
3cso hcv polymerase in complex with a 1,5 benzodiazepine inhibitor
3csx structural characterization of a protein in the duf683 family- crystal structure of cce_0567 from the cyanobacterium cyanothece 51142.
3ct2 crystal structure of muconate cycloisomerase from pseudomonas fluorescens
3ct6 crystal structure of dham of l. lactis
3ct9 crystal structure of a putative zinc peptidase (np_812461.1) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 2.31 a resolution
3ctb tethered pxr-lbd/src-1p apoprotein
3ctd crystal structure of a putative aaa family atpase from prochlorococcus marinus subsp. pastoris
3ctp crystal structure of periplasmic binding protein/laci transcriptional regulator from alkaliphilus metalliredigens qymf complexed with d- xylulofuranose
3ctw crystal structure of rcda from caulobacter crescentus cb15
3cty crystal structure of t. acidophilum thioredoxin reductase
3cu0 human beta 1,3-glucuronyltransferase i (glcat-i) in complex with udp and gal-gal(6-so4)-xyl(2-po4)-o-ser
3cu2 crystal structure of ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase (yp_718263.1) from haemophilus somnus 129pt at 1.91 a resolution
3cu5 crystal structure of a two component transcriptional regulator arac from clostridium phytofermentans isdg
3cu7 human complement component 5
3cuc crystal structure of a fic domain containing signaling protein (bt_2513) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 2.71 a resolution
3cup crystal structure of the mhc class ii molecule i-ag7 in complex with the peptide gad221-235
3cv0 structure of peroxisomal targeting signal 1 (pts1) binding domain of trypanosoma brucei peroxin 5 (tbpex5)complexed to t. brucei phosphoglucoisomerase (pgi) pts1 peptide
3cv2 atomic resolution structures of escherichia coli and bacillis anthracis malate synthase a: comparison with isoform g and implications for structure based drug design
3cv6 the crystal structure of mouse 17-alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase gg225.226pp mutant in complex with inhibitor and cofactor nadp+.
3cvb regulation of protein function: crystal packing interfaces and conformational dimerization
3cvi how tcr-like antibody recognizes mhc-bound peptide
3cvk crystal structure of hcv ns5b polymerase with a novel pyridazinone inhibitor
3cvl structure of peroxisomal targeting signal 1 (pts1) binding domain of trypanosoma brucei peroxin 5 (tbpex5)complexed to t. brucei phosphofructokinase (pfk) pts1 peptide
3cvm high resolution structure of a stable plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 in its protease cleaved form
3cvn structure of peroxisomal targeting signal 1 (pts1) binding domain of trypanosoma brucei peroxin 5 (tbpex5)complexed to t. brucei glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapdh) pts1 peptide
3cvp structure of peroxisomal targeting signal 1 (pts1) binding domain of trypanosoma brucei peroxin 5 (tbpex5)complexed to pts1 peptide (10-skl)
3cvq structure of peroxisomal targeting signal 1 (pts1) binding domain of trypanosoma brucei peroxin 5 (tbpex5)complexed to pts1 peptide (7- skl)
3cw9 4-chlorobenzoyl-coa ligase/synthetase in the thioester-forming conformation, bound to 4-chlorophenacyl-coa
3cwc crystal structure of putative glycerate kinase 2 from salmonella typhimurium lt2
3cwf crystal structure of pas domain of two-component sensor histidine kinase
3cwg unphosphorylated mouse stat3 core fragment
3cwj crystal structure of hcv ns5b polymerase with a novel pyridazinone inhibitor
3cwn escherichia coli transaldolase b mutant f178y
3cwq crystal structure of chromosome partitioning protein (para) in complex with adp from synechocystis sp. northeast structural genomics consortium target sgr89
3cwr crystal structure of transcriptional regulator of tetr family (yp_425770.1) from rhodospirillum rubrum atcc 11170 at 1.50 a resolution
3cwv crystal structure of b-subunit of the dna gyrase from myxococcus xanthus
3cwz strucure of rab6(gtp)-r6ip1 complex
3cx3 crystal structure analysis of the streptococcus pneumoniae adcaii protein
3cx6 crystal structure of pdzrhogef rgrgs domain in a complex with galpha-13 bound to gdp
3cx7 crystal structure of pdzrhogef rgrgs domain in a complex with galpha-13 bound to gdp-alf4
3cx8 crystal structure of pdzrhogef rgrgs domain in a complex with galpha-13 bound to gtp-gamma-s
3cxb crystal structure of sifa and skip
3cxf crystal structure of transthyretin variant y114h
3cxg crystal structure of plasmodium falciparum thioredoxin, pfi0790w
3cxi structure of bthtx-i complexed with alpha-tocopherol
3cxk 1.7 a crystal structure of methionine-r-sulfoxide reductase from burkholderia pseudomallei: crystallization in a microfluidic crystal card.
3cxo crystal structure of l-rhamnonate dehydratase from salmonella typhimurium complexed with mg and 3-deoxy-l- rhamnonate
3cxu structure of a y149f mutant of epoxide hydrolase from solanum tuberosum
3cxw crystal structure of human proto-oncogene serine threonine kinase (pim1) in complex with a consensus peptide and a beta carboline ligand i
3cy2 crystal structure of human proto-oncogene serine threonine kinase (pim1) in complex with a consensus peptide and a beta carboline ligand ii
3cy3 crystal structure of human proto-oncogene serine threonine kinase (pim1) in complex with a consensus peptide and the jnk inhibitor v
3cy4 crystal structure cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate receptor at ph 7.4
3cye cyrstal structure of the native 1918 h1n1 neuraminidase from a crystal with lattice-translocation defects
3cyg crystal structure of an uncharacterized protein from fervidobacterium nodosum rt17-b1
3cyl crystal structure of piratoxin i (a myotoxic lys49-pla2) complexed with alpha-tocopherol
3cys determination of the nmr solution structure of the cyclophilin a- cyclosporin a complex
3cyt redox conformation changes in refined tuna cytochrome c
3cyw effect of flap mutations on structure of hiv-1 protease and inhibition by saquinavir and darunavir
3cyx crystal structure of hiv-1 mutant i50v and inhibitor saquinavira
3cyz dimeric crystal structure of a pheromone binding protein from apis mellifera in complex with 9-keto-2(e)-decenoic acid at ph 7.0
3cz0 dimeric crystal structure of a pheromone binding protein from apis mellifera in complex with the n-butyl benzene sulfonamide at ph 7.0
3cz1 dimeric crystal structure of a pheromone binding protein from apis mellifera in complex with the n-butyl benzene sulfonamide at ph 7.0
3cz2 dimeric crystal structure of a pheromone binding protein from apis mellifera at ph 7.0
3cz6 crystal structure of the rap1 c-terminus
3cz8 crystal structure of putative sporulation-specific glycosylase ydhd from bacillus subtilis
3czb crystal structure of putative transglycosylase from caulobacter crescentus
3czh crystal structure of cyp2r1 in complex with vitamin d2
3czm t. gondii bradyzoite-specific ldh (ldh2) in complex with nad and oxq
3czp crystal structure of putative polyphosphate kinase 2 from pseudomonas aeruginosa pa01
3czr crystal structure of human 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (hsd1) in complex with arylsulfonylpiperazine inhibitor
3czu crystal structure of the human ephrin a2- ephrin a1 complex
3czv crystal structure of the human carbonic anhydrase xiii in complex with acetazolamide
3czy crystal structure of human heme oxygenase-1 in complex with 1-(adamantan-1-yl)-2-(1h-imidazol-1-yl)ethanone
3czz crystal structure of cyanovirin-n domain b mutant
3d07 human p53 core domain with hot spot mutation r249s (iii)
3d0c crystal structure of dihydrodipicolinate synthase from oceanobacillus iheyensis at 1.9 a resolution
3d0e crystal structure of human akt2 in complex with gsk690693
3d0f structure of the big_1156.2 domain of putative penicillin-binding protein mrca from nitrosomonas europaea atcc 19718
3d0k crystal structure of the lpqc, poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) depolymerase from bordetella parapertussis
3d0n crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase xiii
3d0o crystal structure of lactate dehydrogenase from staphylococcus aureus
3d0q crystal structure of calg3 from micromonospora echinospora determined in space group i222
3d0r crystal structure of calg3 from micromonospora echinospora determined in space group p2(1)
3d0s camp receptor protein from m.tuberculosis, camp-free form
3d0y crystal structure of s100b in the calcium and zinc loaded state at ph 6.5
3d10 crystal structure of s100b in the calcium and zinc loaded state at ph 10.0
3d1g structure of a small molecule inhibitor bound to a dna sliding clamp
3d1h structure of the ptp-like phytase expressed by selenomonas ruminantium at an ionic strength of 500 mm
3d1i structure of the thioalkalivibrio nitratireducens cytochrome c nitrite reductase in a complex with nitrite
3d1k r/t intermediate quaternary structure of an antarctic fish hemoglobin in an alpha(co)-beta(pentacoordinate) state
3d1l crystal structure of putative nadp oxidoreductase bf3122 from bacteroides fragilis
3d1o structure of the ptp-like phytase expressed by selenomonas ruminantium at an ionic strength of 300 mm
3d1q structure of the ptp-like phytase expressed by selenomonas ruminantium at an ionic strength of 400 mm
3d1t crystal structure of gcyh-ib
3d1x crystal structure of hiv-1 mutant i54m and inhibitor saquinavir
3d1y crystal structure of hiv-1 mutant i54v and inhibitor saquina
3d1z crystal structure of hiv-1 mutant i54m and inhibitor darunavir
3d20 crystal structure of hiv-1 mutant i54v and inhibitor darunavia
3d21 crystal structure of a poplar wild-type thioredoxin h, pttrxh4
3d26 norwalk p domain a-trisaccharide complex
3d28 crystal structure of hcv ns5b polymerase with a novel benzisothiazole inhibitor
3d2b structure of 2d9, a thermostable mutant of bacillus subtilis lipase obtained through directed evolution
3d2o crystal structure of manganese-metallated gtp cyclohydrolase type ib
3d2p crystal structure of n-acetylglutamate synthase from neisseria gonorrhoeae complexed with coenzyme a and l-arginine
3d2r crystal structure of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoform 4 in complex with adp
3d2t human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with diflunisal
3d2y complex of the n-acetylmuramyl-l-alanine amidase amid from e.coli with the substrate anhydro-n-acetylmuramic acid-l-ala-d-gamma-glu-l-lys
3d2z complex of the n-acetylmuramyl-l-alanine amidase amid from e.coli with the product l-ala-d-gamma-glu-l-lys
3d33 crystal structure of a duf3244 family protein with an immunoglobulin- like beta-sandwich fold (bvu_0276) from bacteroides vulgatus atcc 8482 at 1.70 a resolution
3d34 structure of the f-spondin domain of mindin
3d37 the crystal structure of the tail protein from neisseria meningitidis mc58
3d3b structural and functional analysis of the e. coli nusb-s10 transcription antitermination complex.
3d3d bacteriophage lambda lysozyme complexed with a chitohexasaccharide
3d3f crystal structure of yvgn and cofactor nadph from bacillus subtilis
3d3i crystal structural of escherichia coli k12 ygjk, a glucosidase belonging to glycoside hydrolase family 63
3d3l the 2.6 a crystal structure of the lipoxygenase domain of human arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase, 12s-type (casp target)
3d3m the crystal structure of the c-terminal region of death associated protein 5(dap5)
3d3n crystal structure of lipase/esterase (lp_2923) from lactobacillus plantarum. northeast structural genomics consortium target lpr108
3d3o crystal structure of the effector domain of the putative transcriptional regulator iclr from acinetobacter sp. adp1
3d3q crystal structure of trna delta(2)-isopentenylpyrophosphate transferase (se0981) from staphylococcus epidermidis. northeast structural genomics consortium target ser100
3d3r crystal structure of the hydrogenase assembly chaperone hypc/hupf family protein from shewanella oneidensis mr-1
3d3w structure of l-xylulose reductase with bound coenzyme, phosphate and hydroxide.
3d42 crystal structure of heptp in complex with a monophosphorylated erk2 peptide
3d43 the crystal structure of sph at 0.8a
3d44 crystal structure of heptp in complex with a dually phosphorylated erk2 peptide mimetic
3d45 crystal structure of mouse parn in complex with m7gpppg
3d48 crystal structure of a prolactin receptor antagonist bound to the extracellular domain of the prolactin receptor
3d4b crystal structure of sir2tm in complex with acetyl p53 peptide and dadme-nad+
3d4d crystal structure of staphylococcal nuclease variant delta+phs y91e at cryogenic temperature
3d4j crystal structure of human mevalonate diphosphate decarboxylase
3d4l human dipeptidyl peptidase iv/cd26 in complex with a novel inhibitor
3d4p crystal structure of lactate dehydrogenase from staphylococcus aureus complexed with nad and pyruvate
3d4q pyrazole-based inhibitors of b-raf kinase
3d4u bovine thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (tafia) in complex with tick-derived carboxypeptidase inhibitor.
3d57 tr variant d355r
3d59 crystal structure of human plasma platelet activating factor acetylhydrolase
3d5e crystal structure of human plasma platelet activating factor acetylhydrolase covalently inhibited by paraoxon
3d5f crystal structure of ppar-delta complex
3d5j structure of yeast grx2-c30s mutant with glutathionyl mixed disulfide
3d5l crystal structure of regulatory protein recx
3d5m crystal structure of hcv ns5b polymerase with a novel pyridazinone inhibitor
3d5p crystal structure of a putative glucan synthesis regulator of smi1/knr4 family (bf1740) from bacteroides fragilis nctc 9343 at 1.45 a resolution
3d64 crystal structure of s-adenosyl-l-homocysteine hydrolase from burkholderia pseudomallei
3d65 crystal structure of textilinin-1, a kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor from the australian common brown snake venom, in complex with trypsin
3d6d crystal structure of the complex between ppargamma lbd and the lt175(r-enantiomer)
3d6g fc fragment of igg1 (herceptin) with protein-a mimetic peptide dendrimer ligand.
3d6i structure of the thioredoxin-like domain of yeast glutaredoxin 3
3d6n crystal structure of aquifex dihydroorotase activated by aspartate transcarbamoylase
3d6o the rnase a- 5'-deoxy-5'-n-(ethyl isonipecotatyl)uridine complex
3d6p rnase a- 5'-deoxy-5'-n-morpholinouridine complex
3d6q the rnase a- 5'-deoxy-5'-n-piperidinouridine complex
3d6r structure of an avian influenza a virus ns1 protein effector domain
3d6w lyttr dna-binding domain of putative methyl-accepting/dna response regulator from bacillus cereus.
3d72 1.65 angstrom crystal structure of the cys71val variant in the fungal photoreceptor vvd
3d73 crystal structure of a pheromone binding protein mutant d35a, from apis mellifera, at ph 7.0
3d74 crystal structure of a pheromone binding protein mutant d35a, from apis mellifera, soaked at ph 5.5
3d78 dimeric crystal structure of a pheromone binding protein mutant d35n, from apis mellifera, at ph 7.0
3d7a crystal structure of duf54 family protein ph1010 from hyperthermophilic archaea pyrococcus horikoshii ot3
3d7b the ribonuclease a- 5'-deoxy-5'-n-pyrrolidinouridine complex
3d7c crystal structure of the bromodomain of human gcn5, the general control of amino-acid synthesis protein 5-like 2
3d7e enterococcus casseliflavus glycerol kinase mutant his232ala complexed with glycerol
3d7k crystal structure of benzaldehyde lyase in complex with the inhibitor mbp
3d7o human hemoglobin, nitrogen dioxide anion modified
3d7p crystal structure of human transthyretin (ttr) at ph 4.0
3d7q crystal structure of a xisi-like protein (npun_ar114) from nostoc punctiforme pcc 73102 at 2.30 a resolution
3d7r crystal structure of a putative esterase from staphylococcus aureus
3d7t structural basis for the recognition of c-src by its inactivator csk
3d7v crystal structure of mcl-1 in complex with an mcl-1 selective bh3 ligand
3d7w mistletoe lectin i in complex with zeatin
3d81 sir2-s-alkylamidate complex crystal structure
3d8b crystal structure of human fidgetin-like protein 1 in complex with adp
3d8c factor inhibiting hif-1 alpha d201g mutant in complex with zn(ii), alpha-ketoglutarate and hif-1 alpha 19mer
3d8d crystal structure of the human fe65-ptb1 domain
3d8h crystal structure of phosphoglycerate mutase from cryptosporidium parvum, cgd7_4270
3d8p crystal structure of acetyltransferase of gnat family (np_373092.1) from staphylococcus aureus mu50 at 2.20 a resolution
3d8t thermus thermophilus uroporphyrinogen iii synthase
3d8u the crystal structure of a purr family transcriptional regulator from vibrio parahaemolyticus rimd 2210633
3d8x crystal structure of saccharomyces cerevisiae nadph dependent thioredoxin reductase 1
3d8y rnase a- 5'-deoxy-5'-n-piperidinothymidine complex
3d8z rnase a- 5'-deoxy-5'-n-pyrrolidinothymidine complex
3d90 crystal structure of the human progesterone receptor ligand- binding domain bound to levonorgestrel
3d91 human renin in complex with remikiren
3d95 crystal structure of the r132k:y134f:r111l:l121e:t54v mutant of apo-cellular retinoic acid binding protein type ii at 1.20 angstroms resolution
3d96 crystal structure of the r132k:y134f mutant of apo-cellular retinoic acid binding protein type ii at 1.71 angstroms resolution
3d97 crystal structure of the r132k:r111l:l121e mutant of apo- cellular retinoic acid binding protein type ii at 1.50 angstroms resolution
3d9i snapshots of the rna processing factor scaf8 bound to different phosphorylated forms of the carboxy-terminal domain of rna-polymerase ii
3d9j snapshots of the rna processing factor scaf8 bound to different phosphorylated forms of the carboxy-terminal domain of rna-polymerase ii
3d9u the bir3 domain of ciap1 in complex with the n terminal peptide from smac/diablo (avpiaq).
3d9v crystal structure of rock i bound to h-1152p a di- methylated variant of fasudil
3d9y crystal structure of profilin from schizosaccharomyces pombe
3da2 x-ray structure of human carbonic anhydrase 13 in complex with inhibitor
3da3 crystal structure of colicin m, a novel phosphatase specifically imported by escherichia coli
3da4 crystal structure of colicin m, a novel phosphatase specifically imported by escherichia coli
3da5 crystal structure of piwi/argonaute/zwille(paz) domain from thermococcus thioreducens
3da8 crystal structure of purn from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3daa crystallographic structure of d-amino acid aminotransferase inactivated by pyridoxyl-d-alanine
3dad crystal structure of the n-terminal regulatory domains of the formin fhod1
3dae crystal structure of phosphorylated snf1 kinase domain
3dal methyltransferase domain of human pr domain-containing protein 1
3dao crystal structure of a putative phosphatse (eubrec_1417) from eubacterium rectale at 1.80 a resolution
3dap c. glutamicum dap dehydrogenase in complex with nadp+ and the inhibitor 5s-isoxazoline
3dar crystal structure of d2 domain from human fgfr2
3dav schizosaccharomyces pombe profilin crystallized from sodium formate
3daw structure of the actin-depolymerizing factor homology domain in complex with actin
3dax crystal structure of human cyp7a1
3db0 crystal structure of putative pyridoxamine 5'-phosphate oxidase (np_472219.1) from listeria innocua at 2.00 a resolution
3db3 crystal structure of the tandem tudor domains of the e3 ubiquitin- protein ligase uhrf1 in complex with trimethylated histone h3-k9 peptide
3db5 crystal structure of methyltransferase domain of human pr domain- containing protein 4
3dba crystal structure of the cgmp-bound gaf a domain from the photoreceptor phosphodiesterase 6c
3dbg crystal structure of cytochrome p450 170a1 (cyp170a1) from streptomyces coelicolor
3dbn crystal structure of the streptoccocus suis serotype2 d- mannonate dehydratase in complex with its substrate
3dbo crystal structure of a member of the vapbc family of toxin-antitoxin systems, vapbc-5, from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3dbp crystal structure of human orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase complexed with 6-nh2-ump
3dbx structure of chicken cd1-2 with bound fatty acid
3dc2 crystal structure of serine bound d-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3dc5 crystal structure of a manganese superoxide dismutases from caenorhabditis elegans
3dc6 crystal structure of a manganese superoxide dismutases from caenorhabditis elegans
3dc8 crystal structure of dihydropyrimidinase from sinorhizobium meliloti
3dcd x-ray structure of the galactose mutarotase related enzyme q5fkd7 from lactobacillus acidophilus at the resolution 1.9a. northeast structural genomics consortium target lar33.
3dcf crystal structure of transcriptional regulator of the tetr/acrr family (yp_290855.1) from thermobifida fusca yx- er1 at 2.50 a resolution
3dcj crystal structure of glycinamide formyltransferase (purn) from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with 5-methyl-5, 6,7,8-tetrahydrofolic acid derivative
3dct fxr with src1 and gw4064
3dcu fxr with src1 and gsk8062
3dd1 crystal structure of glycogen phophorylase complexed with an anthranilimide based inhibitor gsk254
3dd3 crystal structure of the glutathione transferase pi enzyme in complex with the bifunctional inhibitor, etharapta
3dda crystal structure of the catalytic domain of botulinum neurotoxin serotype a with a snap-25 peptide
3ddb crystal structure of the catalytic domain of botulinum neurotoxin serotype a with a substrate analog peptide
3ddc crystal structure of nore1a in complex with ras
3dde crystal structure of a domain of unknown function with a heme oxygenase-like fold (sden_3740) from shewanella denitrificans os217 at 2.30 a resolution
3ddh the structure of a putative haloacid dehalogenase-like family hydrolase from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482
3ddi crystal structure of the mimivirus ndk +kpn-n62l-r107g triple mutant complexed with tdp
3ddl crystallographic structure of xanthorhodopsin, a light- driven ion pump with dual chromophore
3ddn crystal structure of hydroxypyruvic acid phosphate bound d-3- phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase in mycobacterium tuberculosis
3dds crystal structure of glycogen phosphorylase complexed with an anthranilimide based inhibitor gsk261
3ddw crystal structure of glycogen phosphorylase complexed with an anthranilimide based inhibitor gsk055
3dea glomerella cingulata petfp-cutinase complex
3dem cub1-egf-cub2 domain of human masp-1/3
3den structure of e. coli dhdps mutant y107w
3dep structural basis for specific substrate recognition by the chloroplast signal recognition particle protein cpsrp43
3deu crystal structure of transcription regulatory protein slya from salmonella typhimurium in complex with salicylate ligands
3dev crystal structure of sh1221 protein from staphylococcus haemolyticus, northeast structural genomics consortium target shr87
3dez crystal structure of orotate phosphoribosyltransferase from streptococcus mutans
3df9 crystal structure of e. coli mta/sah nucleosidase in complex with bnt-dadmeimma
3dfu crystal structure of a putative rossmann-like dehydrogenase (cgl2689) from corynebacterium glutamicum at 2.07 a resolution
3dfz sirc, precorrin-2 dehydrogenase
3dgh crystal structure of drosophila thioredoxin reductase, c-terminal 8- residue truncation
3dgi crystal structure of f87a/t268a mutant of cyp bm3
3dgp crystal structure of the complex between tfb5 and the c-terminal domain of tfb2
3dgq crystal structure of the glutathione transferase pi enzyme in complex with the bifunctional inhibitor, etharapta
3dgr crystal structure of human nampt complexed with adp analogue
3dh0 crystal structure of a sam dependent methyltransferase from aquifex aeolicus
3dh9 crystal structure of drosophila thioredoxin reductase, wild-type
3dhd crystal structure of human nampt complexed with nicotinamide mononucleotide and pyrophosphate
3dhf crystal structure of phosphorylated mimic form of human nampt complexed with nicotinamide mononucleotide and pyrophosphate
3dht the crystal structure determination of rat (rattus norvegicus) hemoglobin
3dhx crystal structure of isolated c2 domain of the methionine uptake transporter
3dhz apo (iron free) structure of c. ammoniagenes r2 protein
3di0 crystal structure of dihydrodipicolinate synthase from staphylococcus aureus
3di1 crystal structure of the staphylococcus aureus dihydrodipicolinate synthase-pyruvate complex
3di3 crystal structure of the complex of human interleukin-7 with glycosylated human interleukin-7 receptor alpha ectodomain
3di4 crystal structure of a duf1989 family protein (spo0365) from silicibacter pomeroyi dss-3 at 1.60 a resolution
3di6 hiv-1 rt with pyridazinone non-nucleoside inhibitor
3die domain swapping of staphylococcus aureus thioredoxin w28a mutant
3dip crystal structure of an enolase protein from the environmental genome shotgun sequencing of the sargasso sea
3dj1 crystal structure of tip-1 wild type
3dj8 synthesis of (2s)-2-amino-7,8-epoxyoctanoic acid and structure of its metal-bridging complex with human arginase i
3dja crystal structure of cpaf solved with mad
3djb crystal structure of a hd-superfamily hydrolase (bt9727_1981) from bacillus thuringiensis, northeast structural genomics consortium target bur114
3djd crystal structure of the deglycating enzyme fructosamine oxidase from aspergillus fumigatus (amadoriase ii)
3dje crystal structure of the deglycating enzyme fructosamine oxidase from aspergillus fumigatus (amadoriase ii) in complex with fsa
3djk wild type hiv-1 protease with potent antiviral inhibitor grl-0255a
3djo bovine seminal ribonuclease uridine 2' phosphate complex
3djp bovine seminal ribonuclease- uridine 3' phosphate complex
3djq bovine seminal ribonuclease- uridine 5' diphosphate complex
3djr crystal structure of transthyretin variant l58h at neutral ph
3djs crystal structure of transthyretin variant l58h at acidic ph
3djt crystal structure of transthyretin variant v30m at acidic ph
3djv bovine seminal ribonuclease- cytidine 3' phosphate complex
3djw the thermo- and acido-stable orf-99 from the archaeal virus afv1
3djx bovine seminal ribonuclease- cytidine 5' phosphate complex
3djz crystal structure of transthyretin variant l55p at neutral ph
3dk0 crystal structure of transthyretin variant l55p at acidic ph
3dk1 wild type hiv-1 protease with potent antiviral inhibitor grl-0105a
3dk2 crystal structure of transthyretin variant y114h at acidic ph
3dk3 crystal structure of mutant abl kinase domain in complex with small molecule fragment
3dk6 crystal structure of mutant abl kinase domain in complex with small molecule fragment
3dk7 crystal structure of mutant abl kinase domain in complex with small molecule fragment
3dka crystal structure of a dinb-like protein (yjoa, bsu12410) from bacillus subtilis at 2.30 a resolution
3dkd crystal structure of the mimivirus ndk +kpn-n62l-r107g triple mutant complexed with gdp
3dkh l559a mutant of melanocarpus albomyces laccase
3dki 2.1 a x-ray structure of cysm (rv1336) from mycobacterium tuberculosis an o-phosphoserine dependent cysteine synthase
3dkj crystal structure of human nampt complexed with benzamide and phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate
3dkl crystal structure of phosphorylated mimic form of human nampt complexed with benzamide and phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate
3dkz crystal structure of the q7w9w5_borpa protein from bordetella parapertussis. northeast structural genomics consortium target bpr208c.
3dl0 crystal structure of adenylate kinase variant aklse3
3dl2 hexagonal structure of the ldh domain of human ubiquitin- conjugating enzyme e2-like isoform a
3dl4 non-aged form of mouse acetylcholinesterase inhibited by tabun- update
3dl7 aged form of mouse acetylcholinesterase inhibited by tabun- update
3dl9 crystal structure of cyp2r1 in complex with 1-alpha-hydroxy- vitamin d2
3dle crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with gf128590.
3dlg crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with gw564511.
3dlj crystal structure of human carnosine dipeptidase 1
3dlk crystal structure of an engineered form of the hiv-1 reverse transcriptase, rt69a
3dlq crystal structure of the il-22/il-22r1 complex
3dlv structures of srp54 and srp19, the two proteins assembling the ribonucleic core of the signal recognition particle from the archaeon pyrococcus furiosus.
3dm2 crystal structure of hiv-1 k103n mutant reverse transcriptase in complex with gw564511.
3dm5 structures of srp54 and srp19, the two proteins assembling the ribonucleic core of the signal recognition particle from the archaeon pyrococcus furiosus.
3dm7 crystal structure of the vps75 histone chaperone
3dmc crystal structure of a ntf2-like protein (ava_2261) from anabaena variabilis atcc 29413 at 1.65 a resolution
3dme crystal structure of conserved exported protein from bordetella pertussis. northeast structural genomics target ber141
3dmj crystal structure of hiv-1 v106a and y181c mutant reverse transcriptase in complex with gw564511.
3dmq crystal structure of rapa, a swi2/snf2 protein that recycles rna polymerase during transcription
3dmy crystal structure of a predicated acyl-coa synthetase from e.coli
3dn7 cyclic nucleotide binding regulatory protein from cytophaga hutchinsonii.
3dnd camp-dependent protein kinase pka catalytic subunit with pki-5-24
3dne camp-dependent protein kinase pka catalytic subunit with pki-5-24
3dnf structure of (e)-4-hydroxy-3-methyl-but-2-enyl diphosphate reductase, the terminal enzyme of the non-mevalonate pathway
3dng crystal structure of the complex between mmp-8 and a non- zinc chelating inhibitor
3dnh the crystal structure of the protein atu2129 (unknown function) from agrobacterium tumefaciens str. c58
3dnk enzyme deglycosylated human igg1 fc fragment
3dns the n-terminal domain of ribosomal-protein-alanine acetyltransferase from clostridium acetobutylicum atcc 824
3dnt structures of mdt proteins
3do3 human 1gg1 fc fragment, 2.5 angstrom structure
3do6 crystal structure of putative formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (tm1766) from thermotoga maritima at 1.85 a resolution
3do8 the crystal structure of the protein with unknown function from archaeoglobus fulgidus
3dob peptide-binding domain of heat shock 70 kda protein f44e5.5 from c.elegans.
3dod crystal structure of plp bound 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid synthase in bacillus subtilis
3doe complex of arl2 and bart, crystal form 1
3dof complex of arl2 and bart, crystal form 2
3doh crystal structure of a thermostable esterase
3doi crystal structure of a thermostable esterase complex with paraoxon
3dok crystal structure of k103n mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with gw678248.
3dol crystal structure of l100i mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with gw695634.
3dop crystal structure of 5beta-reductase (akr1d1) in complex with nadp+ and 5beta-dihydrotestosterone, resolution 2.00a
3dor crystal structure of mature cpaf
3dow complex structure of gaba type a receptor associated protein and its binding epitope on calreticulin
3dp7 crystal structure of sam-dependent methyltransferase from bacteroides vulgatus atcc 8482
3dp9 crystal structure of vibrio cholerae 5'-methylthioadenosine/s-adenosyl homocysteine nucleosidase (mtan) complexed with butylthio-dadme- immucillin a
3dpf crystal structure of the complex between mmp-8 and a non- zinc chelating inhibitor
3dph hiv-1 capsid c-terminal domain mutant (l211s)
3dpi crystal structure of nad+ synthetase from burkholderia pseudomallei
3dpl structural insights into nedd8 activation of cullin-ring ligases: conformational control of conjugation.
3dpm structure of mature cpaf complexed with lactacystin
3dpn crystal structure of cpaf s499a mutant
3dps x-ray structure of the unliganded uridine phosphorylase from salmonella typhimurium in homodimeric form at 1.8a
3dpt cor domain of rab family protein (roco)
3dpu roccor domain tandem of rab family protein (roco)
3dqb crystal structure of the active g-protein-coupled receptor opsin in complex with a c-terminal peptide derived from the galpha subunit of transducin
3dqq the crystal structure of the putative trna synthase from salmonella typhimurium lt2
3dqx chicken c-src kinase domain in complex with atpgs
3dr1 side-chain fluorine atoms of non-steroidal vitamin d3 analogs stabilize helix 12 of vitamin d receptor
3dr2 structural and functional analyses of xc5397 from xanthomonas campestris: a gluconolactonase important in glucose secondary metabolic pathways
3dr8 structure of ynca, a putative acetyltransferase from salmonella typhimurium with its cofactor acetyl-coa
3dr9 increased distal histidine conformational flexibility in the deoxy form of dehaloperoxidase from amphitrite ornata
3dra candida albicans protein geranylgeranyltransferase-i complexed with ggpp
3drb crystal structure of human brain-type creatine kinase
3drc investigation of the functional role of tryptophan-22 in escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase by site-directed mutagenesis
3drd crystal structure of 7,8 diaminopelargonic acid synthase apoenzyme in bacillus subtilis
3dre crystal structure of human brain-type creatine kinase
3drf lactococcal oppa complexed with an endogenous peptide in the closed conformation
3drg lactococcal oppa complexed with bradykinin in the closed conformation
3drh crystal structure of lactococcal oppa co-crystallized with leu- enkephalin in an open conformation
3dri crystal structure of lactococcal oppa co-crystallized with an octamer peptide in an open conformation
3drj crystal structure of lactococcal oppa co-crystallized with pth-related peptide in an open conformation
3drk crystal structure of lactococcal oppa co-crystallized with neuropeptide s in an open conformation
3drn the crystal structure of bcp1 from sulfolobus sulfataricus
3drp hiv reverse transcriptase in complex with inhibitor r8e
3drr hiv reverse transcriptase y181c mutant in complex with inhibitor r8e
3drs hiv reverse transcriptase k103n mutant in complex with inhibitor r8d
3drw crystal structure of a phosphofructokinase from pyrococcus horikoshii ot3 with amp
3ds0 hiv-1 capsid c-terminal domain mutant (n183a) in complex with an inhibitor of particle assembly (cai)
3ds1 hiv-1 capsid c-terminal domain mutant (e187a) in complex with an inhibitor of particle assembly (cai)
3ds2 hiv-1 capsid c-terminal domain mutant (y169a)
3ds9 a potent peptidomimetic inhibitor of botulinum neurotoxin serotype a has a very different conformation than snap-25 substrate
3dsb the crystal structure of a possible acetyltransferase from clostridium difficile 630
3dsi crystal structure of arabidopsis thaliana allene oxide synthase (aos, cytochrome p450 74a, cyp74a) complexed with 13(s)-hot at 1.60 a resolution
3dsj crystal structure of arabidopsis thaliana allene oxide synthase variant (f137l) (at-aos(f137l), cytochrome p450 74a, cyp74a) complexed with 13(s)-hod at 1.60 a resolution
3dsk crystal structure of arabidopsis thaliana allene oxide synthase variant (f137l) (at-aos(f137l), cytochrome p450 74a, cyp74a) complexed with 12r,13s-vernolic acid at 1.55 a resolution
3dsl the three-dimensional structure of bothropasin, the main hemorrhagic factor from bothrops jararaca venom.
3dsq structure of desulfitobacterium hafniense pylsc, a pyrrolysyl trna synthetase
3dsr adp in transition binding site in the subunit b of the energy converter a1ao atp synthase
3dss crystal structure of rabggtase(delta lrr; delta ig)
3dst crystal structure of rabggtase(delta lrr; delta ig)in complex with geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate
3dsu crystal structure of rabggtase(delta lrr; delta ig)in complex with farnesyl pyrophosphate
3dsv crystal structure of rabggtase(delta lrr; delta ig)in complex with mono-prenylated peptide ser-cys-ser-cys(gg) derivated from rab7
3dsw crystal structure of rabggtase(delta lrr; delta ig)in complex with mono-prenylated peptide ser-cys(gg)-ser-cys derivated from rab7
3dsx crystal structure of rabggtase(delta lrr; delta ig)in complex with di-prenylated peptide ser-cys(gg)-ser-cys(gg) derivated from rab7
3dsz engineered human lipocalin 2 in complex with y-dtpa
3dt3 human estrogen receptor alpha lbd with gw368
3dt4 the structure of rat cytosolic pepck in complex with oxalate and gtp
3dt7 the structure of rat cytosolic pepck in complex with beta- sulfopyruvate and gtp
3dtb the structure of rat cytosolic pepck in complex with phosphoglycolate and gdp
3dtf structural analysis of mycobacterial branched chain aminotransferase- implications for inhibitor design
3dtg structural analysis of mycobacterial branched chain aminotransferase- implications for inhibitor design
3dtn crystal structure of putative methyltransferase-mm_2633 from methanosarcina mazei .
3dtt crystal structure of a putative f420 dependent nadp-reductase (arth_0613) from arthrobacter sp. fb24 at 1.70 a resolution
3dtw crystal structure of the vegfr2 kinase domain in complex with a benzisoxazole inhibitor
3du0 e. coli dihydrodipicolinate synthase with first substrate, pyruvate, bound in active site
3du4 crystal structure of 7-keto-8-aminopelargonic acid bound 7,8- diaminopelargonic acid synthase in bacillus subtilis
3du5 structure of the catalytic subunit of telomerase, tert
3du6 structure of the catalytic subunit of telomerase, tert
3du8 crystal structure of gsk-3 beta in complex with nms-869553a
3dui crystal structure of the oxidized cg-1b: an adhesion/growth- regulatory lectin from chicken
3dul crystal structure analysis of the o-methyltransferase from bacillus cereus
3dup crystal structure of mutt/nudix family hydrolase from rhodospirillum rubrum atcc 11170
3duv crystal structure of 3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate cytidylyltransferase from haemophilus influenzae complexed with the substrate 3-deoxy-manno-octulosonate in the- configuration
3duw crystal structural analysis of the o-methyltransferase from bacillus cereus in complex sah
3dv4 crystal structure of sag506-01, tetragonal, crystal 1
3dv6 crystal structure of sag506-01, tetragonal, crystal 2
3dve crystal structure of ca2+/cam-cav2.2 iq domain complex
3dvj crystal structure of ca2+/cam-cav2.2 iq domain (without cloning artifact, hm to tv) complex
3dvk crystal structure of ca2+/cam-cav2.3 iq domain complex
3dvm crystal structure of ca2+/cam-cav2.1 iq domain complex
3dvx crystal structure of reduced dsba3 from neisseria meningitidis
3dw0 crystal structure of the class a carbapenemase kpc-2 at 1.6 angstrom resolution
3dwd crystal structure of the arfgap domain of human arfgap1
3dwi crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis cysm, the cysteine synthase b
3dwj heme-proximal w188h mutant of inducible nitric oxide synthase
3dwm crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis cyso, an antigen
3dwn crystal structure of the long-chain fatty acid transporter fadl mutant a77e/s100r
3dwr leishmania major coproporphyrinogen iii oxidase with bound ligand
3dws leishmania major coproporphyrinogen iii oxidase with bound ligand
3dwv glutathione peroxidase-type tryparedoxin peroxidase, oxidized form
3dwy crystal structure of the bromodomain of human crebbp
3dxg ribonuclease a- uridine 5' phosphate complex
3dxh ribonuclease a uridine 5' diphosphate complex
3dxi crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of a putative aldolase (bvu_2661) from bacteroides vulgatus
3dxo crystal structure of a putative isomerase of the snoal-like family (atu_0744) from agrobacterium tumefaciens str. c58 at 2.70 a resolution
3dxq crystal structure of choline/ethanolamine kinase family protein (np_106042.1) from mesorhizobium loti at 2.55 a resolution
3dxr crystal structure of the yeast inter-membrane space chaperone assembly tim9.10
3dxv the crystal structure of alpha-amino-epsilon-caprolactam racemase from achromobacter obae
3dxw the crystal structure of alpha-amino-epsilon-caprolactam racemase from achromobacter obae complexed with epsilon caprolactam
3dy0 crystal structure of cleaved pci bound to heparin
3dy5 allene oxide synthase 8r-lipoxygenase from plexaura homomalla
3dy6 ppardelta complexed with an anthranilic acid partial agonist
3dy8 human phosphodiesterase 9 in complex with product 5'-gmp (e+p complex)
3dya hiv-1 rt with non-nucleoside inhibitor annulated pyrazole 1
3dyc structure of e322y alkaline phosphatase in complex with inorganic phosphate
3dyd human tyrosine aminotransferase
3dyf t. brucei farnesyl diphosphate synthase complexed with bisphosphonate bph-461 and isopentyl diphosphate
3dyg t. brucei farnesyl diphosphate synthase complexed with bisphosphonate bph-461
3dyh t. brucei farnesyl diphosphate synthase complexed with bisphosphonate bph-721
3dyj crystal structure a talin rod fragment
3dyl human phosphdiesterase 9 substrate complex (es complex)
3dyn human phosphodiestrase 9 in complex with cgmp (zn inhibited)
3dyq human phosphodiestrase 9 (inhibited by omitting divalent cation) in complex with cgmp
3dyr crystal structure of e. coli thioredoxin mutant i76t in its oxidized form
3dys human phosphodiestrase-5'gmp complex (ep), produced by soaking with 20mm cgmp+20 mm mncl2+20 mm mgcl2 for 2 hours, and flash-cooled to liquid nitrogen temperature when substrate was still abudant.
3dz2 human adometdc with 5'-[(3-aminopropyl)methylamino]-5'deoxy- 8-methyladenosine
3dz3 human adometdc f223a mutant with covalently bound s- adenosylmethionine methyl ester
3dz4 human adometdc with 5'-[(2-carboxamidoethyl)methylamino]-5'- deoxy-8-methyladenosine
3dz5 human adometdc with covalently bound 5'-[(2-aminooxyethyl) methylamino]-5'-deoxy-8-methyladenosine
3dz6 human adometdc with 5'-[(4-aminooxybutyl)methylamino]- 5'deoxy-8-ethyladenosine
3dz7 human adometdc with 5'-[(carboxamidomethyl)methylamino]-5'- deoxy-8-methyladenosine
3dzb crystal structure of prephenate dehydrogenase from streptococcus thermophilus
3dzc 2.35 angstrom resolution structure of wecb (vc0917), a udp-n- acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase from vibrio cholerae.
3dzd crystal structure of sigma54 activator ntrc4 in the inactive state
3dzg crystal structure of human cd38 extracellular domain, ara-f- ribose-5'-phosphate/nicotinamide complex
3dzh crystal structure of human cd38 extracellular domain, gtp complex
3dzi crystal structure of human cd38 extracellular domain, ribose-5'-phosphate intermediate/gtp complex
3dzj crystal structure of human cd38 extracellular domain e226q mutant, nmn complex
3dzk crystal structure of human cd38 extracellular domain, nmn complex
3dzl crystal structure of phza/b from burkholderia cepacia r18194 in complex with (r)-3-oxocyclohexanecarboxylic acid
3dzv crystal structure of 4-methyl-5-(beta-hydroxyethyl)thiazole kinase (np_816404.1) from enterococcus faecalis v583 at 2.57 a resolution
3dzw structure of narcissus pseudonarcissus lectin complex with mannobiose at 1.7 a resolution, form ii
3dzz crystal structure of a putative plp-dependent aminotransferase (lbul_1103) from lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. at 1.61 a resolution
3e01 hiv-rt with non-nucleoside inhibitor annulated pyrazole 2
3e07 crystal structure of spatzle cystine knot
3e0b bacillus anthracis dihydrofolate reductase complexed with nadph and 2,4-diamino-5-(3-(2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)prop-1- ynyl)-6-ethylpyrimidine (ucp120b)
3e0i cu2+ substituted aquifex aeolicus kdo8ps in complex with pep
3e0l computationally designed ammelide deaminase
3e0s crystal structure of an uncharacterized protein from chlorobium tepidum
3e0x the crystal structure of a lipase-esterase related protein from clostridium acetobutylicum atcc 824
3e0y the crystal structure of a conserved domain from a protein of geobacter sulfurreducens pca
3e10 crystal structure of putative nadh oxidase (np_348178.1) from clostridium acetobutylicum at 1.40 a resolution
3e11 crystal structure of a predicted zincin-like metalloprotease (acel_2062) from acidothermus cellulolyticus 11b at 1.80 a resolution
3e12 cu2+ substituted aquifex aeolicus kdo8ps in complex with kdo8p
3e17 crystal structure of the second pdz domain from human zona occludens-2
3e18 crystal structure of nad-binding protein from listeria innocua
3e1h crystal structure of a type iii polyketide synthase pksiiinc from neurospora crassa
3e1v h. influenzae beta-carbonic anhydrase, variant d44n
3e1w h. influenzae beta-carbonic anhydrase, variant d44n in 100 mm sodium bicarbonate
3e1z crystal structure of the parasite protesase inhibitor chagasin in complex with papain
3e24 h. influenzae beta-carbonic anhydrase, variant w39f
3e2b crystal structure of dynein light chain lc8 in complex with a peptide derived from swallow
3e2c escherichia coli bacterioferritin mutant e128r/e135r
3e2d the 1.4 a crystal structure of the large and cold-active vibrio sp. alkaline phosphatase
3e2f crystal structure of mouse kynurenine aminotransferase iii, plp-bound form
3e2m lfa-1 i domain bound to inhibitors
3e2v crystal structure of an uncharacterized amidohydrolase from saccharomyces cerevisiae
3e2x h. influenzae beta-carbonic anhydrase, variant v47a
3e2y crystal structure of mouse kynurenine aminotransferase iii in complex with glutamine
3e2z crystal structure of mouse kynurenine aminotransferase iii in complex with kynurenine
3e30 protein farnesyltransferase complexed with fpp and ethylene diamine inhibitor 4
3e31 h. influenzae beta-carbonic anhydrase, variant v47a
3e32 protein farnesyltransferase complexed with fpp and ethylenediamine scaffold inhibitor 2
3e33 protein farnesyltransferase complexed with fpp and ethylenediamine scaffold inhibitor 7
3e34 protein farnesyltransferase complexed with fpp and ethylenediamine-scaffold inhibitor 10
3e37 protein farnesyltransferase complexed with bisubstrate ethylenediamine scaffold inhibitor 5
3e38 crystal structure of a two-domain protein containing predicted php- like metal-dependent phosphoesterase (bvu_3505) from bacteroides vulgatus atcc 8482 at 2.20 a resolution
3e39 crystal structure of a putative nitroreductase in complex with fmn (dde_0787) from desulfovibrio desulfuricans subsp. at 1.70 a resolution
3e3a the structure of rv0554 from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3e3c structure of grlr-lipid complex
3e3e human thioredoxin double mutant c35s,c73r
3e3f h. influenzae beta-carbonic anhydrase, variant v47a with 100 mm bicarbonate
3e3h crystal structure of the op hydrolase mutant from brevundimonas diminuta
3e3p glycogen synthase kinase from leishmania major
3e3r crystal structure and biochemical characterization of recombinant human calcyphosine delineates a novel ef-hand-containing protein family
3e48 crystal structure of a nucleoside-diphosphate-sugar epimerase (sav0421) from staphylococcus aureus, northeast structural genomics consortium target zr319
3e4c procaspase-1 zymogen domain crystal strucutre
3e4e human cytochrome p450 2e1 in complex with the inhibitor 4- methylpyrazole
3e4f crystal structure of ba2930- a putative aminoglycoside n3- acetyltransferase from bacillus anthracis
3e4o crystal structure of succinate bound state dctb
3e4p crystal structure of malonate occupied dctb
3e4q crystal structure of apo dctb
3e4v crystal structure of nadh:fmn oxidoreductase like protein in complex with fmn (yp_544701.1) from methylobacillus flagellatus kt at 1.40 a resolution
3e4w crystal structure of a 33kda catalase-related protein from mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. p2(1)2(1)2(1) crystal form.
3e51 crystal structure of hcv ns5b polymerase with a novel pyridazinone inhibitor
3e57 crystal structure of tm1382, a putative nudix hydrolase
3e58 crystal structure of putative beta-phosphoglucomutase from streptococcus thermophilus
3e5a crystal structure of aurora a in complex with vx-680 and tpx2
3e5m crystal structure of the hscarg y81a mutant
3e5s crystal structure of staphylococcal nuclease variant delta+phs l103k at cryogenic temperature
3e5y crystal structure of trmh family rna methyltransferase from burkholderia pseudomallei
3e60 crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-(acyl carrier protein) synthase ii from bartonella henselae
3e61 crystal structure of a putative transcriptional repressor of ribose operon from staphylococcus saprophyticus subsp. saprophyticus
3e65 murine inos dimer with heme, pterin and inhibitor ar-c120011
3e66 crystal structure of the beta-finger domain of yeast prp8
3e67 murine inos dimer with inhibitor 4-map bound
3e68 structure of murine inos oxygenase domain with inhibitor ar- c130232
3e6b ocpa complexed cprk (c200s)
3e6d crystal structure of cprk c200s
3e6i human cytochrome p450 2e1 in complex with the inhibitor indazole
3e6k x-ray structure of human arginase i: the mutant d183a in complex with abh
3e6l structure of murine inos oxygenase domain with inhibitor ar- c132283
3e6n structure of murine inos oxygenase domain with inhibitor ar- c125813
3e6o structure of murine inos oxygenase domain with inhibitor ar- c124355
3e6p crystal structure of human meizothrombin desf1
3e6t structure of murine inos oxygenase domain with inhibitor ar- c118901
3e6v x-ray structure of human arginase i-d183n mutant: the complex with abh
3f1l the 0.95 a structure of an oxidoreductase, ycik from e.coli
3f1n crystal structure of a high affinity heterodimer of hif2 alpha and arnt c-terminal pas domains, with internally bound ethylene glycol.
3f1o crystal structure of the high affinity heterodimer of hif2 alpha and arnt c-terminal pas domains, with an internally- bound artificial ligand
3f1p crystal structure of a high affinity heterodimer of hif2 alpha and arnt c-terminal pas domains
3f1r crystal structure of fgf20 dimer
3f1s crystal structure of protein z complexed with protein z-dependent inhibitor
3f1v e. coli beta sliding clamp, 148-153 ala mutant
3f1y mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase from rubrobacter xylanophilus
3f29 structure of the thioalkalivibrio nitratireducens cytochrome c nitrite reductase in complex with sulfite
3f2f crystal structure of the mercury-bound form of merb, the organomercurial lyase involved in a bacterial mercury resistance system
3f2g crystal structure of merb mutant c160s, the organomercurial lyase involved in a bacterial mercury resistance system
3f2h crystal structure of the mercury-bound form of merb mutant c160s, the organomercurial lyase involved in a bacterial mercury resistance system
3f2r crystal structure of human choline kinase alpha in complex with hemicholinium-3
3f31 crystal structure of the n-terminal region of alphaii-spectrin tetramerization domain
3f3h crystal structure and anti-tumor activity of lz-8 from the fungus ganoderma lucidium
3f3k the structure of uncharacterized protein ykr043c from saccharomyces cerevisiae.
3f3r crystal structure of yeast thioredoxin1-glutathione mixed disulfide complex
3f3s the crystal structure of human lambda-crystallin, cryl1
3f3t kinase domain of csrc in complex with inhibitor rl38 (type iii)
3f3u kinase domain of csrc in complex with inhibitor rl37 (type iii)
3f3v kinase domain of csrc in complex with inhibitor rl45 (type ii)
3f3w drug resistant csrc kinase domain in complex with inhibitor rl45 (type ii)
3f41 structure of the tandemly repeated protein tyrosine phosphatase like phytase from mitsuokella multacida
3f42 crystal structure of uncharacterized protein hp0035 from helicobacter pylori
3f4a structure of ygr203w, a yeast protein tyrosine phosphatase of the rhodanese family
3f4c crystal structure of organophosphorus hydrolase from geobacillus stearothermophilus strain 10, with glycerol bound
3f4d crystal structure of organophosphorus hydrolase from geobacillus stearothermophilus strain 10
3f4v semi-active e176q mutant of rice bglu1, a plant exoglucanase/beta- glucosidase
3f4w the 1.65a crystal structure of 3-hexulose-6-phosphate synthase from salmonella typhimurium
3f50 hiv gp41 six-helix bundle composed of an alpha/beta-peptide analogue of the chr domain in complex with an nhr domain alpha-peptide
3f52 crystal structure of the clp gene regulator clgr from c. glutamicum
3f57 crystal structure of human erythroid beta spectrin repeats 14 and 15 (ankyrin binding domain)
3f5h crystal structure of fused docking domains from pikaiii and pikaiv of the pikromycin polyketide synthase
3f5j semi-active e176q mutant of rice bglu1, a plant exoglucanase/beta- glucosidase
3f5k semi-active e176q mutant of rice bglu1, a plant exoglucanase/beta- glucosidase
3f5l semi-active e176q mutant of rice bglu1, a plant exoglucanase/beta- glucosidase
3f5q crystal structure of putative short chain dehydrogenase from escherichia coli cft073
3f5s crystal structure of putatitve short chain dehydrogenase from shigella flexneri 2a str. 301
3f5v c2 crystal form of mite allergen der p 1
3f62 crystal structure of human il-18 in complex with ectromelia virus il- 18 binding protein
3f63 crystal structure of a delta class gst (adgstd4-4) from anopheles dirus, in complex with s-hexyl glutathione
3f66 human c-met kinase in complex with quinoxaline inhibitor
3f69 crystal structure of the mycobacterium tuberculosis pknb mutant kinase domain in complex with kt5720
3f6a crystal structure of a hydrolase, nudix family from clostridium perfringens
3f6c crystal structure of n-terminal domain of positive transcription regulator evga from escherichia coli
3f6d crystal structure of a genetically modified delta class gst (adgstd4- 4) from anopheles dirus, f123a, in complex with s-hexyl glutathione
3f6g crystal structure of the regulatory domain of licms in complexed with isoleucine - type ii
3f6h crystal structure of the regulatory domain of licms in complexed with isoleucine - type iii
3f6i structure of the semet labeled f4 fibrial chaperone faee
3f6k crystal structure of the vps10p domain of human sortilin/nts3 in complex with neurotensin
3f6l structure of the f4 fimbrial chaperone faee
3f6o crystal structure of arsr family transcriptional regulator, rha00566
3f6q crystal structure of integrin-linked kinase ankyrin repeat domain in complex with pinch1 lim1 domain
3f6t crystal structure of aspartate aminotransferase (e.c. (yp_194538.1) from lactobacillus acidophilus ncfm at 2.15 a resolution
3f6u crystal structure of human activated protein c (apc) complexed with ppack
3f70 crystal structure of l3mbtl2-h4k20me1 complex
3f75 activated toxoplasma gondii cathepsin l (tgcpl) in complex with its propeptide
3f7a structure of orthorhombic crystal form of pseudomonas aeruginosa rssb
3f7b crystal structure of soluble domain of ca4 in complex with small molecule.
3f7d sf-1 lbd bound by phosphatidylcholine
3f7e msmeg_3380 f420 reductase
3f7h structure of an ml-iap/xiap chimera bound to a peptidomimetic
3f7i structure of an ml-iap/xiap chimera bound to a peptidomimetic
3f7j b.subtilis yvgn
3f7n crystal structure of chey triple mutant f14e, n59m, e89l complexed with bef3- and mn2+
3f7q first pair of fibronectin type iii domains and part of the connecting segment of the integrin beta4
3f7t structure of active isph shows a novel fold with a [3fe-4s] cluster in the catalytic centre
3f7z x-ray co-crystal structure of glycogen synthase kinase 3beta in complex with an inhibitor
3f80 (s)-2-amino-6-nitrohexanoic acid binds to human arginase i through multiple nitro-metal coordination interactions in the binuclear manganese cluster. resolution 1.60 a.
3f81 interaction of vhr with sa3
3f84 structure of fusion complex of major pilin cfab and major pilin cfab of cfa/i pilus from etec e. coli
3f89 nemo cozi domain
3f8b crystal structure of the multidrug binding transcriptional regulator lmrr in drug free state
3f8f crystal structure of multidrug binding transcriptional regulator lmrr complexed with daunomycin
3f8g the x-ray structure of a dimeric variant of human pancreatic ribonuclease with high cytotoxic and antitumor activities
3f8h crystal structure of a putative polyketide cyclase (tm1040_3560) from silicibacter sp. tm1040 at 2.00 a resolution
3f8m crystal structure of phnf from mycobacterium smegmatis
3f8n crystal structure of perr-zn-mn
3f8s crystal structure of dipeptidyl peptidase iv in complex with inhibitor
3f95 crystal structure of extra c-terminal domain (x) of exo-1,3/1,4-beta- glucanase (exop) from pseudoalteromonas sp. bb1
3f96 crystal structure of human plasma platelet activating factor acetylhydrolase covalently inhibited by sarin
3f97 crystal structure of human plasma platelet activating factor acetylhydrolase covalently inhibited by soman
3f9c crystal structure of human plasma platelet activating factor acetylhydrolase covalently inhibited by diisopropylfluorophosphate
3f9d crystal structure of the r132k:r111l:t54e mutant of cellular retinoic acid-binding protein ii complexed with c15- aldehyde (a retinal analog) at 2.00 angstrom resolution
3f9f crystal structure of the f140a mutant of sars-coronovirus 3c-like protease at ph 6.0
3f9g crystal structure of the f140a mutant of sars-coronovirus 3c-like protease at ph 6.5
3f9h crystal structure of the f140a mutant of sars-coronovirus 3c-like protease at ph 7.6
3f9i crystal structure of 3-ketoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase rickettsia prowazekii
3f9r crystal structure of trypanosoma brucei phosphomannosemutase, tb.10.700.370
3f9s crystal structure of a putative polyketide cyclase (lferr_0659) from acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans atcc at 1.76 a resolution
3f9t crystal structure of l-tyrosine decarboxylase mfna (ec (np_247014.1) from methanococcus jannaschii at 2.11 a resolution
3f9u crystal structure of c-terminal domain of putative exported cytochrome c biogenesis-related protein from bacteroides fragilis
3fa2 crystal structure of the brca1 associated ring domain (bard1) tandem brct domains
3fa5 crystal structure of a duf849 family protein (pden_3495) from paracoccus denitrificans pd1222 at 1.90 a resolution
3fa6 crystal structure of the r132k:y134f:r111l:l121d:t54v mutant of cellular retinoic acid-binding protein ii complexed with c15-aldehyde (a retinal analog) at 1.54 angstrom resolution
3fa7 crystal structure of the apo r132k:r111l:l121e:r59e mutant of cellular retinoic acid-binding protein ii at 1.90 angstrom resolution
3fa8 crystal structure of the apo r132k:y134f:r111l:l121e mutant of cellular retinoic acid-binding protein ii at 1.78 anstrom resolution
3fa9 crystal structure of the apo r132k:y134f:r111l:l121d mutant of cellular retinoic acid-binding protein ii at 1.94 angstrom resolution
3fap atomic structures of the rapamycin analogs in complex with both human fkbp12 and frb domain of frap
3fas x-ray structure of iglur4 flip ligand-binding core (s1s2) in complex with (s)-glutamate at 1.40a resolution
3fb2 crystal structure of the human brain alpha spectrin repeats 15 and 16. northeast structural genomics consortium target hr5563a.
3fb3 crystal structure of trypanosoma brucei acetyltransferase, tb11.01.2886
3fb9 the crystal structure of the protein with unknown function from streptococcus pneumoniae tigr4
3fbg crystal structure of a putative arginate lyase from staphylococcus haemolyticus
3fbk crystal structure of the c2 domain of the human regulator of g-protein signaling 3 isoform 6 (rgp3), northeast structural genomics consortium target hr5550a
3fbp structure refinement of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase and its fructose 2,6-bisphosphate complex at 2.8 angstroms resolution
3fbr structure of hipa-amppnp-peptide
3fbs the crystal structure of the oxidoreductase from agrobacterium tumefaciens
3fbu the crystal structure of the acetyltransferase (gnat family) from bacillus anthracis
3fc0 1.8 a crystal structure of murine gitr ligand dimer expressed in drosophila melanogaster s2 cells
3fc5 g586s mutant nnosoxy
3fc7 the crystal structure of a domain of htr-like protein from haloarcula marismortui atcc 43049
3fc8 crystal structure of transthyretin in complex with iododiflunisal-betaalaome
3fca genetic incorporation of a metal-ion chelating amino acid into proteins as biophysical probe
3fcb crystal structure of transthyretin in complex with iododiflunisal-betaalaoh
3fcd crystal structure of a putative glyoxalase from an environmental bacteria
3fcg crystal structure analysis of the middle domain of the caf1a usher
3fch the structure of a previously undetected carboxysome shell protein: csos1d from prochlorococcus marinus med4
3fcl complex of ung2 and a fragment-based designed inhibitor
3fcm crystal structure of a nudix hydrolase from clostridium perfringens
3fco crystal structure of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 (11b-hsd1) in complex with benzamide inhibitor
3fcv crystal structure of the mimivirus ndk +kpn-n62l-r107g triple mutant complexed with dudp
3fcx crystal structure of human esterase d
3fcz adaptive protein evolution grants organismal fitness by improving catalysis and flexibility
3fd0 crystal structure of putative cystathionine beta-lyase involved in aluminum resistance (np_470671.1) from listeria innocua at 2.12 a resolution
3fd4 crystal structure of epstein-barr virus gp42 protein
3fd5 crystal structure of human selenophosphate synthetase 1 complex with ampcp
3fd6 crystal structure of human selenophosphate synthetase 1 complex with adp and phosphate
3fd7 crystal structure of onconase c87a/c104a-onc
3fdc crystal structure of avidin
3fdg the crystal structure of the dipeptidase ac, metallo peptidase. merops family m19
3fdi crystal structure of uncharacterized protein from eubacterium ventriosum atcc 27560.
3fdl bim bh3 peptide in complex with bcl-xl
3fdo structure of human mdmx in complex with high affinity peptide
3fdt crystal structure of the complex of human chromobox homolog 5 (cbx5) with h3k9(me)3 peptide
3fdw crystal structure of a c2 domain from human synaptotagmin- like protein 4
3fdx putative filament protein / universal stress protein f from klebsiella pneumoniae.
3fdz crystal structure of phosphoglyceromutase from burkholderia pseudomallei 1710b with bound 2,3-diphosphoglyceric acid and 3- phosphoglyceric acid
3fe2 human dead-box rna helicase ddx5 (p68), conserved domain i in complex with adp
3fe3 crystal structure of the kinase mark3/par-1: t211a-s215a double mutant
3fe4 crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase vi
3fe7 crystal structure of hdmx bound to the p53-peptidomimetic ac-phe-met-aib-pmp-trp-glu-ac3c-leu-nh2 at 1.35a
3fei design and biological evaluation of novel, balanced dual ppara/g agonists
3fej design and biological evaluation of novel, balanced dual ppara/g agonists
3fek crystal structure of the r132k:y134f:r111l:l121d:t54v mutant of cellular retinoic acid-binding protein ii at 1.51 anstrom resolution
3fel crystal structure of the r132k:r111l:t54e mutant of cellular retinoic acid-binding protein ii at 1.85 anstrom resolution
3fen crystal structure of the r132k:r111l:a32e mutant of cellular retinoic acid-binding protein ii at 1.56 anstrom resolution
3feo the crystal structure of mbtd1
3ff0 crystal structure of a phenazine biosynthesis-related protein (phzb2) from pseudomonas aeruginosa at 1.90 a resolution
3ff1 structure of glucose 6-phosphate isomerase from staphylococcus aureus
3ff5 crystal structure of the conserved n-terminal domain of the peroxisomal matrix-protein-import receptor, pex14p
3ff9 structure of nk cell receptor klrg1
3ffe structure of achromobactin synthetase protein d, (acsd)
3ffg factor xa in complex with the inhibitor (r)-6-(2'-((3- hydroxypyrrolidin-1-yl)methyl)biphenyl-4-yl)-1-(3-(5-oxo-4, 5-dihydro-1h-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl)phenyl)-3- (trifluoromethyl)-5,6-dihydro-1h-pyrazolo[3,4-c]pyridin- 7(4h)-one
3ffh the crystal structure of histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase from listeria innocua clip11262.
3ffi hiv-1 rt with pyridone non-nucleoside inhibitor
3ffn crystal structure of calcium-free human gelsolin
3ffq hcn2i 443-640 apo-state
3fft crystal structure of chey double mutant f14e, e89r complexed with bef3- and mn2+
3ffu structure of the rna pyrophosphohydrolase bdrpph in complex with gtp and magnesium
3ffv crystal structure analysis of syd
3ffw crystal structure of chey triple mutant f14q, n59k, e89y complexed with bef3- and mn2+
3ffx crystal structure of chey triple mutant f14e, n59r, e89h complexed with bef3- and mn2+
3ffz domain organization in clostridium butulinum neurotoxin type e is unique: its implication in faster translocation
3fg5 crystal structure determination of a ternary complex of phospholipase a2 with a pentapetide flsyk and ajmaline at 2.5 a resolution
3fg7 the crystal structure of villin domain 6
3fgb crystal structure of the q89zh8_bactn protein from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. northeast structural genomics consortium target btr289b.
3fgg crystal structure of putative ecf-type sigma factor negative effector from bacillus cereus
3fgm crystal structure of l44f/c83t/c117v/f132w mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3fgo crystal structure of the e2 magnesium fluoride complex of the (sr) ca2+-atpase with bound cpa and amppcp
3fgp 2.05 a crystal structure of cysm from mycobacterium tuberculosis - open and closed conformations
3fgq crystal structure of native human neuroserpin
3fgr two chain form of the 66.3 kda protein at 1.8 angstroem
3fgt two chain form of the 66.3 kda protein from mouse lacking the linker peptide
3fgv crystal structure of a putative antibiotic biosynthesis monooxygenase (spo2313) from silicibacter pomeroyi dss-3 at 1.30 a resolution
3fgx structure of uncharacterised protein rbstp2171 from bacillus stearothermophilus
3fgy crystal structure of a ntf2-like protein (bxe_b1094) from burkholderia xenovorans lb400 at 1.59 a resolution
3fgz crystal structure of chey triple mutant f14e, n59m, e89r complexed with bef3- and mn2+
3fh0 crystal structure of putative universal stress protein kpn_01444 - atpase
3fh3 crystal structure of a putative ecf-type sigma factor negative effector from bacillus anthracis str. sterne
3fh9 crystal structure determination of indian flying fox (pteropus giganteus) at 1.62 a resolution
3fhc crystal structure of human dbp5 in complex with nup214
3fhi crystal structure of a complex between the catalytic and regulatory (ri{alpha}) subunits of pka
3fho structure of s. pombe dbp5
3fhs glutathione transferase from glycine max at 2.7 resolution
3fhu crystal strcuture of type iv b pilin from salmonella typhi
3fhw crystal structure of the protein prib from bordetella parapertussis. northeast structural genomics consortium target bpr162.
3fhx crystal structure of d235a mutant of human pyridoxal kinase
3fhy crystal structure of d235n mutant of human pyridoxal kinase
3fi9 crystal structure of malate dehydrogenase from porphyromonas gingivalis
3fid lpxr from salmonella typhimurium
3fig crystal structure of leucine-bound leua from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3fii crystal structure of clostridium botulinum neurotoxin serotype f catalytic domain with an inhibitor (inh2)
3fil structural and energetic determinants for hyperstable variants of gb1 obtained from in-vitro evolution
3fip crystal structure of usher papc translocation pore
3fiq odorant binding protein obp1
3fir crystal structure of glycosylated k135e peb3
3fis the molecular structure of wild-type and a mutant fis protein: relationship between mutational changes and recombinational enhancer function or dna binding
3fj4 crystal structure of muconate lactonizing enzyme from pseudomonas fluorescens complexed with muconolactone
3fj5 crystal structure of the c-src-sh3 domain
3fj7 crystal structure of l-phospholactate bound peb3
3fj8 crystal structure of c117i mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3fj9 crystal structure of f85w mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3fja crystal structure of f132w mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3fjb crystal structure of v31i mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3fjc crystal structure of l44w mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3fjd crystal structure of l44f/f132w mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3fje crystal structure of c83s mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3fjf crystal structure of c83t mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3fjh crystal structure of c83a mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3fjj crystal structure of c83v mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3fjm crystal structure of phosphate bound peb3
3fjn the crystal structure of 17-alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase y224d mutant.
3fjp apo structure of biotin protein ligase from aquifex aeolicus
3fjq crystal structure of camp-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha in complex with peptide inhibitor pki alpha (6-25)
3fjt crystal structure of a human fc fragment engineered for extended serum half-life
3fju ascaris suum carboxypeptidase inhibitor in complex with human carboxypeptidase a1
3fjv crystal structure of novel protein of unknown function (yp_111841.1) from burkholderia pseudomallei k96243 at 1.90 a resolution
3fjw crystal structure analysis of fungal versatile peroxidase from pleurotus eryngii
3fjy crystal structure of a probable mutt1 protein from bifidobacterium adolescentis
3fk4 crystal structure of rubisco-like protein from bacillus cereus atcc 14579
3fk6 crystal structure of tetr triple mutant (h64k, s135l, s138i)
3fk7 crystal structure of tetr triple mutant (h64k, s135l, s138i) in complex with 4-ddma-atc
3fk9 crystal structure of mmutator mutt protein from bacillus halodurans
3fke structure of the ebola vp35 interferon inhibitory domain
3fkj crystal structure of a putative phosphosugar isomerase (stm_0572) from salmonella typhimurium lt2 at 2.12 a resolution
3fkk structure of l-2-keto-3-deoxyarabonate dehydratase
3fkr structure of l-2-keto-3-deoxyarabonate dehydratase complex with pyruvate
3fkv ampc k67r mutant complexed with benzo(b)thiophene-2-boronic acid (bzb)
3fkw ampc k67r mutant apo structure
3fkz x-ray structure of the non covalent swapped form of the s16g/t17n/a19p/a20s/k31c/s32c mutant of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease
3fl0 x-ray structure of the non covalent swapped form of the q28l/k31c/s32c mutant of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease in complex with 2'-deoxycytidine-2'-deoxyguanosine-3',5'- monophosphate
3fl1 x-ray structure of the non covalent swapped form of the a19p/q28l/k31c/s32c mutant of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease in complex with 2'-deoxycytidine-2'- deoxyguanosine-3',5'-monophosphate
3fl3 x-ray structure of the ligand free non covalent swapped form of the a19p/q28l/k31c/s32c mutant of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease
3fla rifr - type ii thioesterase from rifamycin nrps/pks biosynthetic pathway - form 1
3flc crystal structure of the his-tagged h232r mutant of glycerol kinase from enterococcus casseliflavus with glycerol
3fld crystal structure of the trai c-terminal domain
3fle se_1780 protein of unknown function from staphylococcus epidermidis.
3flm crystal structure of mend from e.coli
3flr crystal structure of native octameric sap-like pentraxin from limulus polyphemus
3flt crystal structure of pe-bound octameric sap-like pentraxin from limulus polyphemus
3flv the crystal structure of human acyl-coenzymea binding domain containing 5
3fm2 crystal structure of a putative heme-binding protein (ava_4353) from anabaena variabilis atcc 29413 at 1.80 a resolution
3fm3 crystal structure of an encephalitozoon cuniculi methionine aminopeptidase type 2
3fmb crystal structure of dimeric protein of unknown function and ferredoxin-like fold (yp_212648.1) from bacteroides fragilis nctc 9343 at 1.85 a resolution
3fmo crystal structure of the nucleoporin nup214 in complex with the dead- box helicase ddx19
3fmq crystal structure of an encephalitozoon cuniculi methionine aminopeptidase type 2 with angiogenesis inhibitor fumagillin bound
3fmr crystal structure of an encephalitozoon cuniculi methionine aminopeptidase type 2 with angiogenesis inhibitor tnp470 bound
3fmz crystal structure of retinol-binding protein 4 (rbp4) in complex with non-retinoid ligand
3fn1 e2-ring expansion of the nedd8 cascade confers specificity to cullin modification.
3fn2 crystal structure of a putative sensor histidine kinase domain from clostridium symbiosum atcc 14940
3fn3 dimeric structure of pd-l1
3fn5 crystal structure of sortase a (spy1154) from streptococcus pyogenes serotype m1 strain sf370
3fn8 crystal structure of merb complexed with mercury
3fna crystal structure of the cbs pair of possible d-arabinose 5-phosphate isomerase yrbh from escherichia coli cft073
3fnb crystal structure of acylaminoacyl peptidase smu_737 from streptococcus mutans ua159
3fnc crystal structure of a putative acetyltransferase from listeria innocua
3fns crystal structure of histo-aspartic protease (hap) from plasmodium falciparum
3fnt crystal structure of pepstatin a bound histo-aspartic protease (hap) from plasmodium falciparum
3fnv crystal structure of miner1: the redox-active 2fe-2s protein causative in wolfram syndrome 2
3fo0 crystal structure of hapten complex of catalytic elimination antibody 13g5 (wild-type)
3fo3 structure of the thioalkalivibrio nitratireducens cytochrome c nitrite reductase reduced by sodium dithionite (sulfite complex)
3fo5 human start domain of acyl-coenzyme a thioesterase 11 (acot11)
3foc tryptophanyl-trna synthetase from giardia lamblia
3fop a triangular cytochrome b562 superstructure mediated by ni coordination - hexagonal form
3fou low ph structure of the rieske protein from thermus thermophilus at 2.1 a
3fow plasmodium purine nucleoside phosphorylase v66i-v73i-y160f mutant
3fp2 crystal structure of tom71 complexed with hsp82 c-terminal fragment
3fp4 crystal structure of tom71 complexed with ssa1 c-terminal fragment
3fp6 anionic trypsin in complex with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (bpti) determined to the 1.49 a resolution limit
3fp8 anionic trypsin variant s195a in complex with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (bpti) determined to the 1.46 a resolution limit
3fpd g9a-like protein lysine methyltransferase inhibition by bix- 01294
3fpe crystal structure of mtnas in complex with thermonicotianamine
3fpf crystal structure of mtnas in complex with mta and tna
3fpg crystal structure of e81q mutant of mtnas
3fph crystal structure of e81q mutant of mtnas in complex with l-glutamate
3fpj crystal structure of e81q mutant of mtnas in complex with s- adenosylmethionine
3fpk crystal structure of ferredoxin-nadp reductase from salmonella typhimurium
3fpn crystal structure of uvra-uvrb interaction domains
3fpp crystal structure of e.coli maca
3fpq crystal structure of the kinase domain of wnk1
3fpr crystal structure of evasin-1
3fpu the crystallographic structure of the complex between evasin-1 and ccl3
3fpz saccharomyces cerevisiae thi4p is a suicide thiamin thiazole synthase
3fq4 crystal structure of the calx-beta domain of integrin beta4
3fq6 the crystal structure of a methyltransferase domain from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi
3fq7 gabaculine complex of gsam
3fq8 m248i mutant of gsam
3fqa gabaculien complex of gabaculine resistant gsam version
3fqc staphylococcus aureus dihydrofolate reductase complexed with nadph and 2,4-diamino-5-[3-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl) pent-1-ynyl]-6-methylpyrimidine (ucp115a)
3fqd crystal structure of the s. pombe rat1-rai1 complex
3fqh crystal structure of spleen tyrosine kinase complexed with a 2-substituted 7-azaindole
3fqk hepatitis c virus polymerase ns5b (bk 1-570) with hcv-796 inhibitor
3fqm crystal structure of a novel dimeric form of hcv ns5a domain i protein
3fqq crystal structure of a novel dimeric form of hcv ns5a domain i protein
3fr3 tetramerization and cooperativity in plasmodium falciparum glutathione transferase are mediated by the atypic loop 113-118
3fr6 tetramerization and cooperativity in plasmodium falciparum glutathione transferase are mediated by the atypic loop 113-118
3fr7 ketol-acid reductoisomerase (kari) in complex with mg2+
3fr8 rice ketolacid reductoisomerase in complex with mg2+-nadph
3fr9 tetramerization and cooperativity in plasmodium falciparum glutathione transferase are mediated by the atypic loop 113-118
3frc tetramerization and cooperativity in plasmodium falciparum glutathione transferase are mediated by the atypic loop 113-118
3frj crystal structure of 11b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1 (11b-hsd1) in complex with piperidyl benzamide inhibitor
3frk x-ray structure of qdtb from t. thermosaccharolyticum in complex with a plp:tdp-3-aminoquinovose aldimine
3frl the 2.25 a crystal structure of lipl32, the major surface antigen of leptospira interrogans serovar copenhageni
3frq structure of the macrolide biosensor protein, mphr(a), with erythromcyin
3frt the structure of human chmp3 (residues 8 - 222).
3fry crystal structure of the copa c-terminal metal binding domain
3fs1 crystal structure of hnf4a lbd in complex with the ligand and the coactivator pgc-1a fragment
3fs2 crystal structure of 2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphooctonate aldolase from bruciella melitensis at 1.85a resolution
3fs8 crystal structure of qdtc, the dtdp-3-amino-3,6-dideoxy-d- glucose n-acetyl transferase from thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum in complex with acetyl-coa
3fsb crystal structure of qdtc, the dtdp-3-amino-3,6-dideoxy-d- glucose n-acetyl transferase from thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum in complex with coa and dtdp-3-amino- quinovose
3fsc crystal structure of qdtc, the dtdp-3-amino-3,6-dideoxy-d- glucose n-acetyl transferase from thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum in complex with coa and dtdp-3-amino- fucose
3fse crystal structure of a two-domain protein containing dj-1/thij/pfpi- like and ferritin-like domains (ava_4496) from anabaena variabilis atcc 29413 at 1.90 a resolution
3fsn crystal structure of rpe65 at 2.14 angstrom resolution
3fso crystal structure of the calx-beta domain of integrin beta4, calcium soak
3fsz pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin with mutated metal-binding loop sequence (caaaahaaaam)
3ft0 pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin with mutated metal-binding loop sequence (caaaahaaaam), chemically reduced
3ft7 crystal structure of an extremely stable dimeric protein from sulfolobus islandicus
3fth nflvhss segment from islet amyloid polypeptide (iapp or amylin)
3ftl nvgsnty segment from islet amyloid polypeptide (iapp or amylin), dehydrated crystal form
3fu1 crystal structure of the major pseudopilin from the type 2 secretion system of vibrio cholerae
3fu7 melanocarpus albomyces laccase crystal soaked (4 sec) with 2,6- dimethoxyphenol
3fu8 melanocarpus albomyces laccase crystal soaked (10 sec) with 2,6- dimethoxyphenol
3fu9 melanocarpus albomyces laccase crystal soaked (20 min) with 2,6- dimethoxyphenol
3fug crystal structure of the retinoid x receptor ligand binding domain bound to the synthetic agonist 3-[4-hydroxy-3-(3,5, 5,8,8-pentamethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydronaphthalen-2-yl)- phenyl]acrylic acid
3fup crystal structures of jak1 and jak2 inhibitor complexes
3fur crystal structure of pparg in complex with int131
3fut apo-form of t. thermophilus 16s rrna a1518 and a1519 methyltransferase (ksga) in space group p21212
3fuz crystal structure of the human glutamate receptor, glur5, ligand- binding core in complex with l-glutamate in space group p1
3fv1 crystal structure of the human glutamate receptor, glur5, ligand- binding core in complex with dysiherbaine in space group p1
3fv2 crystal structure of the human glutamate receptor, glur5, ligand- binding core in complex with neodysiherbaine a in space group p1
3fv5 crystal structure of e. coli topoisomerase iv co-complexed with inhibitor
3fv6 crystal structure of the cbs domains from the bacillus subtilis ccpn repressor
3fvb crystal structure of ferritin (bacterioferritin) from brucella melitensis
3fvd crystal structure of a member of enolase superfamily from roseovarius nubinhibens ism complexed with magnesium
3fvg crystal structure of the human glutamate receptor, glur5, ligand- binding core in complex with msviii-19 in space group p1
3fvh polo-like kinase 1 polo box domain in complex with ac-lhspta-nh2 peptide
3fvk crystal structure of the human glutamate receptor, glur5, ligand- binding core in complex with 8-deoxy-neodysiherbaine a in space group p1
3fvm crystal structure of steptococcus suis mannonate dehydratase with metal mn++
3fvn crystal structure of the human glutamate receptor, glur5, ligand- binding core in complex with 9-deoxy-neodysiherbaine a in space group p1
3fvo crystal structure of the human glutamate receptor, glur5, ligand-binding core in complex with 8-epi-neodysiherbaine a in space group p1
3fvq crystal structure of the nucleotide binding domain fbpc complexed with atp
3fvs human kynurenine aminotransferase i in complex with glycerol
3fvu crystal structure of human kynurenine aminotransferase i in complex with indole-3-acetic acid
3fvv the crystal structure of the protein with unknown function from bordetella pertussis tohama i
3fvw crystal structure of the q8dwd8_strmu protein from streptococcus mutans. northeast structural genomics consortium target smr99.
3fvx human kynurenine aminotransferase i in complex with tris
3fw3 crystal structure of soluble domain of ca4 in complex with dorzolamide
3fwe crystal structure of the apo d138l cap mutant
3fwf ferric camphor bound cytochrome p450cam containing a selenocysteine as the 5th heme ligand, monoclinic crystal form
3fwg ferric camphor bound cytochrome p450cam, arg365leu, glu366gln, monoclinic crystal form
3fwn dimeric 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase complexed with 6- phosphogluconate and 2'-monophosphoadenosine-5'-diphosphate
3fwq inactive conformation of human protein kinase ck2 catalytic subunit
3fwr crystal structure of the cbs domains from the bacillus subtilis ccpn repressor complexed with adp
3fws crystal structure of the cbs domains from the bacillus subtilis ccpn repressor complexed with appnp, phosphate and magnesium ions
3fwx the crystal structure of the peptide deformylase from vibrio cholerae o1 biovar el tor str. n16961
3fwy crystal structure of the l protein of rhodobacter sphaeroides light- independent protochlorophyllide reductase (bchl) with mgadp bound: a homologue of the nitrogenase fe protein
3fwz crystal structure of trka-n domain of inner membrane protein ybal from escherichia coli
3fx0 crystal structure of human nemo cc2_lz domain
3fx3 structure of a putative camp-binding regulatory protein from silicibacter pomeroyi dss-3
3fx5 structure of hiv-1 protease in complex with potent inhibitor kni-272 determined by high resolution x-ray crystallography
3fx7 crystal structure of hypothetical protein of hp0062 from helicobacter pylori
3fxb crystal structure of the ectoine-binding protein ueha
3fxe crystal structure of interacting domains of icmr and icmq (seleno- derivative)
3fxq crystal structure of the lysr-type transcriptional regulator tsar
3fxr crystal structure of tsar in complex with sulfate
3fxu crystal structure of tsar in complex with its effector p- toluenesulfonate
3fxv identification of an n-oxide pyridine gw4064 analogue as a potent fxr agonist
3fxx human epha3 kinase and juxtamembrane region bound to substrate kqwdnye[ptyr]iw
3fy1 the acidic mammalian chitinase catalytic domain in complex with methylallosamidin
3fy2 human epha3 kinase and juxtamembrane region bound to substrate kqwdnyefiw
3fy5 dishevelled pdz domain homodimer
3fy7 crystal structure of homo sapiens clic3
3fya crystal structure of an r35a mutant of the restriction-modification controller protein c.esp1396i
3fyb crystal structure of a protein of unknown function (duf1244) from alcanivorax borkumensis
3fyc crystal structure of dim1 from the thermophilic archeon, methanocaldococcus jannaschi
3fyf crystal structure of uncharacterized protein bvu_3222 from bacteroides vulgatus
3fyg crystal structure of tetradeca-(3-fluorotyrosyl)- glutathione s-transferase
3fyy crystal structure of divergent enolase from oceanobacillus iheyensis complexed with mg
3fzf crystal structure of hsc70/bag1 in complex with atp
3fzh crystal structures of hsc70/bag1 in complex with small molecule inhibitors
3fzk crystal structures of hsc70/bag1 in complex with small molecule inhibitors
3fzl crystal structures of hsc70/bag1 in complex with small molecule inhibitors
3fzm crystal structures of hsc70/bag1 in complex with small molecule inhibitors
3fzq crystal structure of putative haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase (yp_001086940.1) from clostridium difficile 630 at 2.10 a resolution
3fzw crystal structure of ketosteroid isomerase d40n-d103n from pseudomonas putida (pksi) with bound equilenin
3fzy crystal structure of pre-cleavage form of cysteine protease domain from vibrio cholerae rtxa toxin
3fzz structure of grc
3g01 structure of grc mutant e192r/e193g
3g02 structure of enantioselective mutant of epoxide hydrolase from aspergillus niger generated by directed evolution
3g05 crystal structure of n-terminal domain (2-550) of e.coli mnmg
3g08 crystal structure of the alpha-galactosylceramide analog och in complex with mouse cd1d
3g0f kit kinase domain mutant d816h in complex with sunitinib
3g0i complex of aspergillus niger epoxide hydrolase with valpromide (2-propylpentanamide)
3g0j crystal structure of the fifth bromodomain of human poly-bromodomain containing protein 1 (pb1)
3g0s dihydrodipicolinate synthase from salmonella typhimurium lt2
3g0t crystal structure of putative aspartate aminotransferase (np_905498.1) from porphyromonas gingivalis w83 at 1.75 a resolution
3g12 crystal structure of a putative lactoylglutathione lyase from bdellovibrio bacteriovorus
3g13 crystal structure of putative conjugative transposon recombinase from clostridium difficile
3g14 crystal structure of nitroreductase family protein (yp_877874.1) from clostridium novyi nt at 1.75 a resolution
3g15 crystal structure of human choline kinase alpha in complex with hemicholinium-3 and adp
3g16 crystal structure of protein of unknown function with cystatin-like fold (yp_001022489.1) from methylobium petroleophilum pm1 at 1.45 a resolution
3g18 crystal structure of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
3g19 the structure of the caulobacter crescentus clps protease adaptor protein in complex with lll tripeptide
3g1a crystal structure of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with 6-azauridine 5'-monophosphate
3g1d crystal structure of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with uridine 5'-monophosphate
3g1e x-ray crystal structure of coil 1a of human vimentin
3g1g crystal structure of the c-terminal domain from the rous sarcoma virus capsid protein: high ph
3g1i crystal structure of the c-terminal domain of the rous sarcoma virus capsid protein: intermediate ph
3g1j structure from the mobile metagenome of vibrio cholerae. integron cassette protein vch_cass4.
3g1k mth0212 (wt) crystallized in a monoclinic space group
3g1n catalytic domain of the human e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase huwe1
3g1p crystals structure of phnp from e.coli k-12
3g1r crystal structure of human liver 5beta-reductase (akr1d1) in complex with nadp and finasteride. resolution 1.70 a
3g1s crystal structure of the mutant d70g of orotidine 5'- monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
3g1v crystal structure of the mutant d70g of orotidine 5'- monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with 5-fluorouridine 5'- monophosphate
3g1w crystal structure of sugar abc transporter (sugar-binding protein) from bacillus halodurans
3g1x crystal structure of the mutant d70g of orotidine 5'- monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with uridine 5'-monophosphate
3g1y crystal structure of the mutant d70n of orotidine 5'- monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with sulfate
3g1z structure of idp01693/yjea, a potential t-rna synthetase from salmonella typhimurium
3g20 crystal structure of the major pseudopilin from the type 2 secretion system of enterohaemorrhagic escherichia coli
3g22 crystal structure of the mutant d70n of orotidine 5'- monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with uridine 5'-monophosphate
3g23 crystal structure of a ld-carboxypeptidase a (saro_1426) from novosphingobium aromaticivorans dsm at 1.89 a resolution
3g24 crystal structure of the mutant d70n of orotidine 5'- monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with 6-azauridine 5'- monophosphate
3g29 crystal structure of the c-terminal domain of the rous sarcoma virus capsid protein: d179n mutant, neutral ph
3g2f crystal structure of the kinase domain of bone morphogenetic protein receptor type ii (bmpr2) at 2.35 a resolution
3g2m crystal structure of the glycopeptide n-methyltransferase mtfa
3g2o crystal structure of the glycopeptide n-methyltransferase mtfa complexed with (s)-adenosyl-l-methionine (sam)
3g2p crystal structure of the glycopeptide n-methyltransferase mtfa complexed with (s)-adenosyl-l-homocysteine (sah)
3g2q crystal structure of the glycopeptide n-methyltransferase mtfa complexed with sinefungin
3g2y ctx-m-9 class a beta-lactamase complexed with compound 1 (gf4)
3g2z ctx-m-9 class a beta-lactamase complexed with compound 2 (gz2)
3g31 ctx-m-9 class a beta-lactamase complexed with compound 4 (gf1)
3g32 ctx-m-9 class a beta-lactamase complexed with compound 6 (3g3)
3g34 ctx-m-9 class a beta-lactamase complexed with compound 11 (1ce)
3g35 ctx-m-9 class a beta-lactamase complexed with compound 12 (f13)
3g3d crystal structure of human orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase covalently modified by 5-fluoro-6-azido-ump
3g3f crystal structure of the glur6 ligand binding domain dimer with glutamate and nacl at 1.38 angstrom resolution
3g3g crystal structure of the glur6 ligand binding domain dimer k665r mutant with glutamate and nacl at 1.3 angstrom resolution
3g3h crystal structure of the glur6 ligand binding domain dimer k665r i749l q753k mutant with glutamate and nacl at 1.5 angstrom resolution
3g3i crystal structure of the glur6 ligand binding domain dimer i442h k494e i749l q753k mutant with glutamate and nacl at 1.37 angstrom resolution
3g3j crystal structure of the glur6 ligand binding domain dimer i442h k494e k665r i749l q753k mutant with glutamate and nacl at 1.32 angstrom resolution
3g3k crystal structure of the glur6 ligand binding domain dimer i442h k494e k665r i749l q753k e757q mutant with glutamate and nacl at 1.24 angstrom resolution
3g3q crystal structure of a eukaryotic polyphosphate polymerase in complex with a phosphate polymer
3g3r crystal structure of a eukaryotic polyphosphate polymerase in complex with appnhp-mn2+
3g3s crystal structure of gcn5-related n-acetyltransferase-like protein (zp_00874857) (zp_00874857.1) from streptococcus suis 89/1591 at 1.80 a resolution
3g3u crystal structure of a eukaryotic polyphosphate polymerase in complex with pyrophosphate
3g3z the structure of nmb1585, a marr family regulator from neisseria meningitidis
3g45 crystal structure of human phosphodiesterase 4b with regulatory domain and d155988
3g46 ligand migration and cavities within scapharca dimeric hemoglobin: wild type with co bound to heme and chloroform bound to the xe4 cavity
3g48 crystal structure of chaperone csaa form bacillus anthracis str. ames
3g4d crystal structure of (+)-delta-cadinene synthase from gossypium arboreum and evolutionary divergence of metal binding motifs for catalysis
3g4e crystal structure of human senescence marker protein-30(smp30)(calcium bound)
3g4f crystal structure of (+)- -cadinene synthase from gossypium arboreum in complex with 2-fluorofarnesyl diphosphate
3g4h crystal structure of human senescence marker protein-30 (zinc bound)
3g4n crystal structure of the activated aerolysin mutant h132d
3g4o crystal structure of the activated aerolysin mutant h132n
3g4q ligand migration and cavities within scapharca dimeric hemoglobin: wild type with co bound to heme and chloroform bound to the xe4 cavity
3g4r ligand migration and cavities within scapharca dimeric hemoglobin: wild type with co bound to heme and dichloroethane bound to the xe4 cavity
3g4u ligand migration and cavities within scapharca dimeric hemoglobin: wild type with co bound to heme and dichloropropane bound to the xe4 cavity
3g4v ligand migration and cavities within scapharca dimeric hemoglobin: wild type with co bound to heme and chloropentane bound to the xe4 cavity
3g4w ligand migration and cavities within scapharca dimeric hemoglobin: wild type with co bound to heme and chlorobenzene bound to the xe4 cavity
3g4y ligand migration and cavities within scapharca dimeric hemoglobin: wild type with co bound to heme and chloromethyl benzene bound to the xe4 cavity
3g52 ligand migration and cavities within scapharca dimeric hemoglobin: wild type with co bound to heme and chloroethyl benzene bound to the xe4 cavity
3g53 ligand migration and cavities within scapharca dimeric hemoglobin: wild type with co bound to heme and chloropropyl benzene bound to the xe4 cavity
3g56 structure of the macrolide biosensor protein, mphr(a)
3g5c structural and biochemical studies on the ectodomain of human adam22
3g5d kinase domain of csrc in complex with dasatinib
3g5j crystal structure of n-terminal domain of putative atp/gtp binding protein from clostridium difficile 630
3g5l crystal structure of putative s-adenosylmethionine dependent methyltransferase from listeria monocytogenes
3g5m synthesis of casimiroin and optimization of its quinone reductase 2 and aromatase inhibitory activity
3g5u structure of p-glycoprotein reveals a molecular basis for poly-specific drug binding
3g5z antibodies specifically targeting a locally misfolded region of tumor associated egfr
3g60 structure of p-glycoprotein reveals a molecular basis for poly-specific drug binding
3g61 structure of p-glycoprotein reveals a molecular basis for poly-specific drug binding
3g66 the crystal structure of streptococcus pneumoniae sortase c provides novel insights into catalysis as well as pilin substrate specificity
3g67 crystal structure of a soluble chemoreceptor from thermotoga maritima
3g68 crystal structure of a putative phosphosugar isomerase (cd3275) from clostridium difficile 630 at 1.80 a resolution
3g69 the crystal structure of streptococcus pneumoniae sortase c provides novel insights into catalysis as well as pilin substrate specificity
3g6b crystal structure of a soluble chemoreceptor from thermotoga maritima asn217ile mutant
3g6g equally potent inhibition of c-src and abl by compounds that recognize inactive kinase conformations
3g6h src thr338ile inhibited in the dfg-asp-out conformation
3g6o crystal structure of p. aeruginosa bacteriophytochrome pabphp photosensory core domain mutant q188l
3g6z design and preparation of potent, non-peptidic, bioavailable renin inhibitors
3g72 design and preparation of potent, non-peptidic, bioavailable renin inhibitors
3g75 crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus gyrase b co- complexed with inhibitor
3g79 crystal structure of ndp-n-acetyl-d-galactosaminuronic acid dehydrogenase from methanosarcina mazei go1
3g7a hiv gp41 six-helix bundle composed of a chimeric alpha+alpha/beta- peptide analogue of the chr domain in complex with an nhr domain alpha-peptide
3g7b staphylococcus aureus gyrase b co-complex with inhibitor
3g7i crystal structure of a delta class gst (adgstd4-4) from anopheles dirus, with glutathione complexed in one subunit
3g7j crystal structure of a genetically modified delta class gst (adgstd4- 4) from anopheles dirus, y119e, in complex with s-hexyl glutathione
3g7l chromodomain of chp1 in complex with histone h3k9me3 peptide
3g7n crystal structure of a triacylglycerol lipase from penicillium expansum at 1.3
3g7r crystal structure of sco4454, a tetr-family transcriptional regulator from streptomyces coelicolor
3g7s crystal structure of a long-chain-fatty-acid-coa ligase (fadd1) from archaeoglobus fulgidus
3g7x female-specific histamine-binding protein 2, d24r mutant
3g80 nodamura virus protein b2, rna-binding domain
3g86 hepatitis c virus polymerase ns5b (bk 1-570) with thiazine inhibitor
3g88 t. thermophilus 16s rrna g527 methyltransferase in complex with adomet in space group p61
3g89 t. thermophilus 16s rrna g527 methyltransferase in complex with adomet and amp in space group p61
3g8b t. thermophilus 16s rrna g527 methyltransferase in complex with adomet in space group i222
3g8c crystal stucture of biotin carboxylase in complex with biotin, bicarbonate, adp and mg ion
3g8d crystal structure of the biotin carboxylase subunit, e296a mutant, of acetyl-coa carboxylase from escherichia coli
3g8e crystal structure of rattus norvegicus visfatin/pbef/nampt in complex with an fk866-based inhibitor
3g8f crystal structure of the complex formed between a group ii phospholipase a2 and designed peptide inhibitor carbobenzoxy-dehydro- val-ala-arg-ser at 1.2 a resolution
3g8i aleglitazar, a new, potent, and balanced ppar alpha/gamma agonist for the treatment of type ii diabetes
3g8k crystal structure of murine natural killer cell receptor, ly49l4
3g8o progesterone receptor with bound pyrrolidine 22
3g8r crystal structure of putative spore coat polysaccharide biosynthesis protein e from chromobacterium violaceum atcc 12472
3g98 crystal structure of the c-ala domain from aquifex aeolicus alanyl-trna synthetase
3g9a green fluorescent protein bound to minimizer nanobody
3g9d crystal structure glycohydrolase
3g9e aleglitaar. a new. potent, and balanced dual ppara/g agonist for the treatment of type ii diabetes
3ga1 crystal structure of the human nac1 poz domain
3ga5 x-ray structure of glucose/galactose receptor from salmonella typhimurium in complex with (2r)-glyceryl-beta- d-galactopyranoside
3ga9 crystal structure of bacillus anthracis transpeptidase enzyme capd, crystal form ii
3gae crystal structure of pul
3gak structure of giardia fructose-1,6-biphosphate aldolase
3gal crystal structure of human galectin-7 in complex with galactosamine
3gam synthesis of casimiroin and optimization of its quinone reductase 2 and aromatase inhibitory activity
3gaq female-specific histamine-binding protein, d24r mutant
3gax crystal structure of monomeric human cystatin c stabilized against aggregation
3gay structure of giardia fructose-1,6-biphosphate aldolase in complex with tagatose-1,6-biphosphate
3gaz crystal structure of an alcohol dehydrogenase superfamily protein from novosphingobium aromaticivorans
3gb3 x-ray structure of genetically encoded photosensitizer killerred in native form
3gb6 structure of giardia fructose-1,6-biphosphate aldolase d83a mutant in complex with fructose-1,6-bisphosphate
3gb8 crystal structure of crm1/snurportin-1 complex
3gbb x-ray strucutre of iglur5 ligand-binding core (s1s2) in complex with msviii-19 at 2.10a resolution
3gbk crystal structure of human ppar-gamma ligand binding domain complexed with a potent and selective agonist
3gbq solution nmr structure of the grb2 n-terminal sh3 domain complexed with a ten-residue peptide derived from sos direct refinement against noes, j-couplings, and 1h and 13c chemical shifts, minimized average structure
3gbr anthranilate phosphoribosyl-transferase (trpd) double mutant d83g f149s from s. solfataricus
3gbv crystal structure of a putative laci transcriptional regulator from bacteroides fragilis
3gbx serine hydroxymethyltransferase from salmonella typhimurium
3gby crystal structure of a protein with unknown function ct1051 from chlorobium tepidum
3gc3 crystal structure of arrestin2s and clathrin
3gc6 structural insights into the catalytic mechanism of cd38: evidence for a conformationally flexible covalent enzyme- substrate complex.
3gc8 the structure of p38beta c162s in complex with a dihydroquinazolinone
3gc9 the structure of p38beta c119s, c162s in complex with a dihydroquinazolinone inhibitor
3gcg crystal structure of map and cdc42 complex
3gci crystal structure of the complex formed between a new isoform of phospholipase a2 with c-terminal amyloid beta heptapeptide at 2 a resolution
3gcn crystal structure of degs h198p/d320a mutant modified by dfp in complex with omp peptide (yqf)
3gco crystal structure of degs h198p/d320a mutant modified by dfp in complex with dnrdgnvyqf omp peptide
3gcu human p38 map kinase in complex with rl48
3gd2 isoxazole ligand bound to farnesoid x receptor (fxr)
3gd4 crystal structure of the reduced, nad-bound form of murine apoptosis inducing factor
3gdi mammalian clock protein mper2 - crystal struture of a pas domain fragment
3gdl crystal structure of the orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from saccharomyces cerevisiae complexed with 6-azauridine 5'-monophosphate
3gdm crystal structure of the k93r mutant of the orotidine 5'- monophosphate decarboxylase from saccharomyces cerevisiae
3gdn almond hydroxynitrile lyase in complex with benzaldehyde
3gdo crystal structure of putative oxidoreductase yvaa from bacillus subtilis
3gdp hydroxynitrile lyase from almond, monoclinic crystal form
3gds crystal structure of degs h198p/d320a mutant modified by dfp in complex with dnrdgnvyyf peptide
3gdw crystal structure of sigma-54 interaction domain protein from enterococcus faecalis
3ge5 crystal structure of a putative nad(p)h:fmn oxidoreductase (pg0310) from porphyromonas gingivalis w83 at 1.70 a resolution
3ge6 crystal structure of a putative nitroreductase in complex with fmn (exig_2970) from exiguobacterium sibiricum 255-15 at 1.85 a resolution
3gea donor strand complemented faeg monomer of f4 variant ad
3ged fingerprint and structural analysis of a apo scor enzyme from clostridium thermocellum
3geg fingerprint and structural analysis of a scor enzyme with its bound cofactor from clostridium thermocellum
3gep human hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltranserfase in complex with (s)-9-(3-hydroxy-2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl) guanine
3geq structural basis for the chemical rescue of src kinase activity
3get crystal structure of putative histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase (np_281508.1) from campylobacter jejuni at 2.01 a resolution
3gf4 structure of udp-galactopyranose mutase bound to udp-glucose
3gf5 crystal structure of the p21 r1-r7 n-terminal domain of murine mvp
3gf6 crystal structure of a bacterial lipoprotein (bt_1233) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 1.69 a resolution
3gfa crystal structure of a putative nitroreductase in complex with fmn (cd3205) from clostridium difficile 630 at 1.35 a resolution
3gfd crystal structure of mus musculus iodotyrosine deiodinase (iyd) bound to fmn and mono-iodotyrosine (mit)
3gff crystal structure of iroe-like serine hydrolase (np_718593.1) from shewanella oneidensis at 2.12 a resolution
3gfh crystal structure of eutl shell protein of the bacterial ethanolamine micrompartment
3gfk crystal structure of bacillus subtilis spx/rna polymerase alpha subunit c-terminal domain complex
3gfv crystal structure of petrobactin-binding protein yclq from bacillu subtilis
3gfx klebsiella pneumoniae blrp1 ph 4.5 calcium/cy-digmp complex
3gfy klebsiella pneumoniae blrp1 with fmn and cyclic digmp, no metal ions
3gfz klebsiella pneumoniae blrp1 ph 6 manganese/cy-digmp complex
3gg0 klebsiella pneumoniae blrp1 ph 9.0 manganese/cy-digmp complex
3gg1 klebsiella pneumoniae blrp1 ph 8.0 calcium/cy-digmp complex
3gg3 crystal structure of the bromodomain of human pcaf
3gg4 the crystal structure of glycerol kinase from yersinia pseudotuberculosis
3ggc human hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase in complex with 9-(2-phosphonoethoxyethyl)hypoxanthine
3ggf crystal structure of human serine/threonine-protein kinase mst4 in complex with an quinazolin
3ggh donor strand complemented faeg of f4ad fimbriae
3ggj human hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase in complex with 9-(2-phosphonoethoxyethyl)guanine
3ggn crystal structure of dr_a0006 from deinococcus radiodurans. northeast structural genomics consortium target drr147d
3ggu hiv pr drug resistant patient's variant in complex with darunavir
3ggy crystal structure of s.cerevisiae ist1 n-terminal domain
3gh3 structural insights into the catalytic mechanism of cd38: evidence for a conformationally flexible covalent enzyme- substrate complex.
3ghd crystal structure of a cystathionine beta-synthase domain protein fused to a zn-ribbon-like domain
3ghh structural insights into the catalytic mechanism of cd38: evidence for a conformationally flexible covalent enzyme- substrate complex.
3ghp structure of the second type ii cohesin module from the adaptor scaa scaffoldin of acetivibrio cellulolyticus (including long c-terminal linker)
3ghy crystal structure of a putative ketopantoate reductase from ralstonia solanacearum molk2
3gi1 crystal structure of the laminin-binding protein lbp of streptococcus pyogenes
3gi4 crystal structure of protease inhibitor, kb60 in complex with wild type hiv-1 protease
3gi5 crystal structure of protease inhibitor, kb62 in complex with wild type hiv-1 protease
3gi6 crystal structure of protease inhibitor, ad78 in complex with wild type hiv-1 protease
3gi7 crystal structure of a duf1311 family protein (pp0307) from pseudomonas putida kt2440 at 1.85 a resolution
3gic structure of thrombin mutant delta(146-149e) in the free form
3gid the biotin carboxylase (bc) domain of human acetyl-coa carboxylase 2 (acc2) in complex with soraphen a
3gie crystal structure of deskc_h188e in complex with amp-pcp
3gif crystal structure of deskc_h188e in complex with adp
3gig crystal structure of phosphorylated deskc in complex with amp-pcp
3gin crystal structure of e454k-cbd1
3gio crystal structure of the tnf-alpha inducing protein (tip alpha) from helicobacter pylori
3gip crystal structure of n-acyl-d-glutamate deacylase from bordetella bronchiseptica complexed with zinc, acetate and formate ions.
3giq crystal structure of n-acyl-d-glutamate deacylase from bordetella bronchiseptica complexed with zinc and phosphonate inhibitor, a mimic of the reaction tetrahedral intermediate.
3giu 1.25 angstrom crystal structure of pyrrolidone-carboxylate peptidase (pcp) from staphylococcus aureus
3gix crystal structure of human splicing factor dim2
3giz crystal structure of the fab fragment of anti-cd20 antibody ofatumumab
3gj0 crystal structure of human rangdp
3gj3 crystal structure of human rangdp-nup153znf2 complex
3gj6 crystal structure of human rangdp-nup153znf1 complex
3gja cytc3
3gjb cytc3 with fe(ii) and alpha-ketoglutarate
3gjc crystal structure of the e290s mutant of leut with bound og
3gjz crystal structure of microcin immunity protein mccf from bacillus anthracis str. ames
3gk7 crystal structure of 4-hydroxybutyrate coa-transferase from clostridium aminobutyricum
3gk8 x-ray crystal structure of the fab from mab 14, mouse antibody against canine parvovirus
3gka crystal structure of n-ethylmaleimidine reductase from burkholderia pseudomallei
3gkn insights into the alkyl peroxide reduction activity of xanthomonas campestris bacterioferritin comigratory protein from the trapped intermediate/ligand complex structures
3gkv x-ray structure of an intermediate along the oxidation pathway of trematomus bernacchii hemoglobin
3gkw crystal structure of the fab fragment of nimotuzumab. an anti- epidermal growth factor receptor antibody
3gkx crystal structure of putative arsc family related protein from bacteroides fragilis
3gl1 crystal structure of atpase domain of ssb1 chaperone, a member of the hsp70 family, from saccharomyces cerevisiae
3gl4 x-ray structure of photobleached killerred
3gl6 crystal structure of jarid1a-phd3 complexed with h3(1-9) k4me3 peptide
3gla crystal structure of the hspa from xanthomonas axonopodis
3glq crystal structure of s-adenosyl-l-homocysteine hydrolase from burkholderia pseudomallei in complex with 9-beta-d- arabino-furansyl-adenine
3glr crystal structure of human sirt3 with acetyl-lysine acecs2 peptide
3glt crystal structure of human sirt3 with adpr bound to the acecs2 peptide containing a thioacetyl lysine
3glu crystal structure of human sirt3 with acecs2 peptide
3glv crystal structure of the lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis protein from thermoplasma volcanium gss1
3glw quaternary structure of drosophila melanogaster ic/tctex-1/lc8; allosteric interactions of dynein light chains with dynein intermediate chain
3glz human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with(e)-3-(2- (trifluoromethyl)benzylideneaminooxy)propanoic acid (inhibitor 11)
3gm6 structure of the thioalkalivibrio nitratireducens cytochrome c nitrite reductase in complex with phosphate
3gma glutaconyl-coa decarboxylase a subunit from clostridium symbiosum co-crystallized with glutaryl-coa
3gmb crystal structure of 2-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine-5-carboxylic acid oxygenase
3gmc crystal structure of 2-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine-5-carboxylic acid oxygenase with substrate bound
3gme crystal structure of polynucleotide phosphorylase in complex with rnase e and manganese
3gmg crystal structure of an uncharacterized conserved protein from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3gml structure of mouse cd1d in complex with c6ph
3gmm structure of mouse cd1d in complex with c8ph
3gmn structure of mouse cd1d in complex with c10ph
3gmo structure of mouse cd1d in complex with c8phf
3gmp structure of mouse cd1d in complex with pbs-25
3gmq structure of mouse cd1d expressed in sf9 cells, no ligand added
3gmr structure of mouse cd1d in complex with c8ph, different space group
3gmt crystal structure of adenylate kinase from burkholderia pseudomallei
3gmx crystal structure of beta-lactamse inhibitory protein-like protein (blp) at 1.05 angstrom resolution
3gmy crystal structure of beta-lactamse inhibitory protein-like protein (blp), selenomethionine derivative
3gmz crystal of human arginase in complex with l-ornithine. resolution 1.43 a.
3gn0 crystal structure of human arginase i in complex with difluoromethylornithine (dfmo)
3gn3 crystal structure of a putative protein-disulfide isomerase from pseudomonas syringae to 2.5a resolution.
3gn5 structure of the e. coli protein mqsa (ygit/b3021)
3gne crystal structure of alginate lyase val-1 from chlorella virus
3gni structure of strad and mo25
3gnl structure of uncharacterized protein (lmof2365_1472) from listeria monocytogenes serotype 4b
3gnm the crystal structure of the jaa-f11 monoclonal antibody fab fragment
3gnt crystal structure of the staphylococcus aureus enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase (fabi) in apo form (two molecules in au)
3gnv hcv ns5b polymerase in complex with 1,5 benzodiazepine inhibitor 1b
3gnw hcv ns5b polymerase in complex with 1,5 benzodiazepine inhibitor 4c
3gnx structure of dehydrated d-xylose isomerase from streptomyces rubiginosus
3gny crystal structure of human alpha-defensin 1 (hnp1)
3go0 crystal structure of d-enantiomer of human alpha-defensin 1 (d-hnp1)
3go6 crystal structure of m. tuberculosis ribokinase (rv2436) in complex with ribose and amp-pnp
3go7 crystal structure of m. tuberculosis ribokinase (rv2436) in complex with ribose
3goa crystal structure of the salmonella typhimurium fada 3- ketoacyl-coa thiolase
3goc crystal structure of the endonuclease v (sav1684) from streptomyces avermitilis. northeast structural genomics consortium target svr196
3gol hcv ns5b polymerase in complex with 1,5 benzodiazepine inhibitor (r)- 11d
3gov crystal structure of the catalytic region of human masp-1
3gp2 calmodulin bound to peptide from calmodulin kinase ii (camkii)
3gp4 crystal structure of putative merr family transcriptional regulator from listeria monocytogenes
3gp5 crystal structure of phosphoglyceromutase from burkholderia pseudomallei with 3-phosphoglyceric acid and vanadate
3gp7 staphylococcal enterotoxin b mutant n23yk97sk98s
3gpc crystal structure of human acyl-coa synthetase medium-chain family member 2a (l64p mutation) in a complex with coa
3gpd twinning in crystals of human skeletal muscle d-glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate dehydrogenase
3gph human cytochrome p450 2e1 in complex with omega-imidazolyl-decanoic acid
3gpk crystal structure of ppic-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase domain at 1.55a resolution.
3gpv crystal structure of a transcriptional regulator, merr family from bacillus thuringiensis
3gq0 the structure of the caulobacter crescentus clps protease adaptor protein - apo structure with no peptide
3gq2 crystal structure of the dimer of the p115 tether globular head domain
3gqe crystal structure of macro domain of venezuelan equine encephalitis virus
3gqi crystal structure of activated receptor tyrosine kinase in complex with substrates
3gqm crystal structure of cell inhibiting factor (cif) from burkholderia pseudomallei (cifbp)
3gqs crystal structure of the fha domain of ct664 protein from chlamydia trachomatis
3gqx pyrococcus horikoshii nop5 rna binding domain from a twinned crystal form
3gqz ampc beta-lactamase in complex with fragment-based inhibitor
3gr2 ampc beta-lactamase in complex with fragment-based inhibitor
3gr3 crystal structure of a nitroreductase-like family protein (pnba, bh06130) from bartonella henselae str. houston-1 at 1.45 a resolution
3gr7 structure of oye from geobacillus kaustophilus, hexagonal crystal form
3gr8 structure of oye from geobacillus kaustophilus, orthorhombic crystal form
3gra crystal structure of arac family transcriptional regulator from pseudomonas putida
3grd crystal structure of ntf2-superfamily protein with unknown function (np_977240.1) from bacillus cereus atcc 10987 at 1.25 a resolution
3gri the crystal structure of a dihydroorotase from staphylococcus aureus
3grj ampc beta-lactamase in complex with fragment-based inhibitor
3grn crystal structure of mutt protein from methanosarcina mazei go1
3gro human palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1
3grz crystal structure of ribosomal protein l11 methylase from lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus
3gs0 human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with (s)-3-(9h-fluoren- 9-ylideneaminooxy)-2-methylpropanoic acid (inhibitor 16)
3gs4 human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with 3-(9h-fluoren-9- ylideneaminooxy)propanoic acid (inhibitor 15)
3gs7 human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with (e)-3-(2- methoxybenzylideneaminooxy)propanoic acid (inhibitor 13)
3gsb crystal structure of glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminomutase in complex with gabaculine
3gsg ampc beta-lactamase in complex with fragment-based inhibitor
3gsh three-dimensional structure of a post translational modified barley ltp1
3gsl crystal structure of psd-95 tandem pdz domains 1 and 2
3gss human glutathione s-transferase p1-1 in complex with ethacrynic acid- glutathione conjugate
3gst structure of the xenobiotic substrate binding site of a glutathione s-transferase as revealed by x-ray crystallographic analysis of product complexes with the diastereomers of 9-(s-glutathionyl)-10-hydroxy-9, 10- dihydrophenanthrene
3gsz structure of the genotype 2b hcv polymerase
3gt6 crystal structure of the hspa from xanthomonas axonopodis
3gt9 structure of an ml-iap/xiap chimera bound to a peptidomimetic
3gta structure of an ml-iap/xiap chimera bound to a peptidomimetic
3gtc ampc beta-lactamase in complex with fragment-based inhibitor
3gtd 2.4 angstrom crystal structure of fumarate hydratase from rickettsia prowazekii
3gtn crystal structure of xync from bacillus subtilis 168
3gty promiscuous substrate recognition in folding and assembly activities of the trigger factor chaperone
3gu3 crystal structure of the methyltransferase bc_2162 in complex with s- adenosyl-l-homocysteine from bacillus cereus, northeast structural genomics consortium target bcr20
3guc human ubiquitin-activating enzyme 5 in complex with amppnp
3gud crystal structure of a novel intramolecular chaperon
3gue crystal structure of udp-glucose phosphorylase from trypanosoma brucei, (tb10.389.0330)
3guf crystal structure of the hspa from xanthomonas axonopodis
3guk t4 lysozyme m102e/l99a mutant with buried charge in apolar cavity-- toluene binding
3gul t4 lysozyme m102e/l99a mutant with buried charge in apolar cavity-- ethylbenzene binding
3gum t4 lysozyme m102e/l99a mutant with buried charge in apolar cavity--p- xylene binding
3gun t4 lysozyme m102e/l99a mutant with buried charge in apolar cavity-- aniline binding
3guo t4 lysozyme m102e/l99a mutant with buried charge in apolar cavity-- phenol binding
3gup t4 lysozyme m102e/l99a mutant with buried charge in apolar cavity-- pyridine binding
3gus crystal strcture of human pi class glutathione s-transferase gstp1-1 in complex with 6-(7-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-ylthio)hexanol (nbdhex)
3guu x-ray structure of candida antarctica lipase a
3gux crystal structure of a putative zn-dependent exopeptidase (bvu_1317) from bacteroides vulgatus atcc 8482 at 1.80 a resolution
3guz structural and substrate-binding studies of pantothenate synthenate (ps)provide insights into homotropic inhibition by pantoate in ps's
3gv4 crystal structure of human hdac6 zinc finger domain and ubiquitin c-terminal peptide rlrgg
3gv6 crystal structure of human chromobox homolog 6 (cbx6) with h3k9 peptide
3gv9 ampc beta-lactamase in complex with fragment-based inhibitor
3gva crystal structure analysis of s. pombe atl
3gvb ampc beta-lactamase in complex with fragment-based inhibitor
3gve crystal structure of calcineurin-like phosphoesterase yfkn from bacillus subtilis
3gvg crystal structure of triosephosphate isomerase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3gvt structure and rna binding of the mouse pumilio-2 puf domain
3gvx crystal structure of glycerate dehydrogenase related protein from thermoplasma acidophilum
3gvz crystal structure of the protein cv2077 from chromobacterium violaceum. northeast structural genomics consortium target cvr62
3gw4 crystal structure of uncharacterized protein from deinococcus radiodurans. northeast structural genomics consortium target drr162b.
3gw5 crystal structure of human renin complexed with a novel inhibitor
3gw7 crystal structure of a metal-dependent phosphohydrolase with conserved hd domain (yedj) from escherichia coli in complex with nickel ions. northeast structural genomics consortium target er63
3gw8 crystal structure of phosphoglyceromutase from burkholderia pseudomallei with vanadate and glycerol
3gwa 1.6 angstrom crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) synthase iii
3gwb crystal structure of peptidase m16 inactive domain from pseudomonas fluorescens. northeast structural genomics target plr293l
3gwe 2.1 angstrom crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) synthase iii
3gwh crystallographic ab initio protein solution far below atomic resolution
3gwk structure of the homodimeric wxg-100 family protein from streptococcus agalactiae
3gwl crystal structure of asfv pb119l, a viral sulfhydryl oxidase
3gwn crystal structure of the fad binding domain from mimivirus sulfhydryl oxidase r596
3gwo structure of the c-terminal domain of a putative hiv-1 gp41 fusion intermediate
3gwq crystal structure of a putative d-serine deaminase (bxe_a4060) from burkholderia xenovorans lb400 at 2.00 a resolution
3gwr crystal structure of putative calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type ii association domain (yp_315894.1) from thiobacillus denitrificans atcc 25259 at 2.00 a resolution
3gwx molecular recognition of fatty acids by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors
3gwy crystal structure of putative ctp pyrophosphohydrolase from bacteroides fragilis
3gx1 crystal structure of a domain of lin1832 from listeria innocua
3gxb crystal structure of vwf a2 domain
3gxh crystal structure of putative phosphatase (duf442) (yp_001181608.1) from shewanella putrefaciens cn-32 at 1.40 a resolution
3gxn crystal structure of apo alpha-galactosidase a at ph 4.5
3gxp crystal structure of acid-alpha-galactosidase a complexed with galactose at ph 4.5
3gxt crystal structure of alpha-galactosidase a at ph 4.5 complexed with 1- deoxygalactonijirimycin
3gxu crystal structure of eph receptor and ephrin complex
3gxy crystal structure of cyanovirin-n complexed to a synthetic hexamannoside
3gxz crystal structure of cyanovirin-n complexed to oligomannose-9 (man-9)
3gy1 crystal structure of putative mandelate racemase/muconate lactonizing protein from clostridium beijerinckii ncimb 8052
3gyb crystal structure of a laci-family transcriptional regulatory protein from corynebacterium glutamicum
3gyc crystal structure of putative glycoside hydrolase (yp_001304622.1) from parabacteroides distasonis atcc 8503 at 1.85 a resolution
3gyd crystal structure of a cyclic nucleotide-binding domain (mfla_1926) from methylobacillus flagellatus kt at 1.79 a resolution
3gye didydroorotate dehydrogenase from leishmania major
3gyn crystal structure of hcv ns5b polymerase with a novel monocyclic dihydropyridinone inhibitor
3gyq structure of the thiostrepton-resistance methyltransferase s-adenosyl-l-methionine complex
3gyt nuclear receptor daf-12 from parasitic nematode strongyloides stercoralis in complex with its physiological ligand dafachronic acid delta 4
3gyu nuclear receptor daf-12 from parasitic nematode strongyloides stercoralis in complex with its physiological ligand dafachronic acid delta 7
3gyz crystal structure of ipgc from shigella flexneri
3gz3 leishmania major dihydroorotate dehydrogenase in complex with orotate
3gz4 crystal structure of putative short chain dehydrogenase from escherichia coli cft073 complexed with nadph
3gz5 crystal structure of shewanella oneidensis nrtr
3gz7 crystal structure of putative antibiotic biosynthesis monooxygenase (np_888398.1) from bordetella bronchiseptica at 2.15 a resolution
3gza crystal structure of putative alpha-l-fucosidase (np_812709.1) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 1.60 a resolution
3gzc structure of human selenocysteine lyase
3gzm crystal structure of holo pfacp reduced monomer
3gzq human sod1 a4v metal-free variant
3gzr crystal structure of an uncharacterized protein with a cystatin-like fold (cc_2572) from caulobacter vibrioides at 1.40 a resolution
3gzs crystal structure of a susd superfamily protein (bf3413) from bacteroides fragilis nctc 9343 at 2.10 a resolution
3gzx crystal structure of the biphenyl dioxygenase in complex with biphenyl from comamonas testosteroni sp. strain b-356
3gzy crystal structure of the biphenyl dioxygenase from comamonas testosteroni sp. strain b-356
3h01 structure of the c-terminal domain of a putative hiv-1 gp41 fusion intermediate
3h05 the crystal structure of a putative nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase from vibrio parahaemolyticus
3h07 crystal structure of 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase from yersinia pestis co92
3h08 crystal structure of the ribonuclease h1 from chlorobium tepidum
3h09 the structure of haemophilus influenzae iga1 protease
3h0c crystal structure of human dipeptidyl peptidase iv (cd26) in complex with a reversed amide inhibitor
3h0e 3,4-dihydropyrimido(1,2-a)indol-10(2h)-ones as potent non- peptidic inhibitors of caspase-3
3h0i human fyn sh3 domain r96i mutant, crystal form ii
3h0k crystal structure of an adenylated kinase related protein from sulfolobus solfataricus to 3.25a
3h0v human adometdc with 5'-deoxy-5'-(dimethylsulfonio) adenosine
3h0w human adometdc with 5'-deoxy-5'-[(n-dimethyl)amino]-8- methyl-adenosine
3h12 crystal structure of putative mandelate racemase from bordetella bronchiseptica rb50
3h1n crystal structure of probable glutathione s-transferase from bordetella bronchiseptica rb50
3h1o the structure of fluorescent protein fp480
3h1q crystal structure of ethanolamine utilization protein eutj from carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans
3h1s crystal structure of superoxide dismutase from francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis schu s4
3h1u structure of ubiquitin in complex with cd ions
3h1z molecular basis for the association of pipkigamma -p90 with the clathrin adaptor ap-2
3h21 structural studies of pterin-based inhibitors of dihydropteroate synthase
3h22 structural studies of pterin-based inhibitors of dihydropteroate synthase
3h23 structural studies of pterin-based inhibitors of dihydropteroate synthase
3h24 structural studies of pterin-based inhibitors of dihydropteroate synthase
3h26 structural studies of pterin-based inhibitors of dihydropteroate synthase
3h2a structural studies of pterin-based inhibitors of dihydropteroate synthase
3h2b crystal structure of the sam-dependent methyltransferase cg3271 from corynebacterium glutamicum in complex with s- adenosyl-l-homocysteine and pyrophosphate. northeast structural genomics consortium target cgr113a
3h2c structural studies of pterin-based inhibitors of dihydropteroate synthase
3h2d crystal structure of a chemotactic chec-like protein (so_3915) from shewanella oneidensis mr-1 at 1.86 a resolution
3h2e structural studies of pterin-based inhibitors of dihydropteroate synthase
3h2f structural studies of pterin-based inhibitors of dihydropteroate synthase
3h2l crystal structure of hcv ns5b polymerase in complex with a novel bicyclic dihydro-pyridinone inhibitor
3h2m structural studies of pterin-based inhibitors of dihydropteroate synthase
3h2n structural studies of pterin-based inhibitors of dihydropteroate synthase
3h2o structural studies of pterin-based inhibitors of dihydropteroate synthase
3h2p human sod1 d124v variant
3h2s crystal structure of the q03b84 protein from lactobacillus casei. northeast structural genomics consortium target lcr19.
3h2t crystal structure of gene product 6, baseplate protein of bacteriophage t4
3h30 crystal structure of the catalytic subunit of human protein kinase ck2 with 5,6-dichloro-1-beta-d- ribofuranosylbenzimidazole
3h37 the structure of cca-adding enzyme apo form i
3h39 the complex structure of cca-adding enzyme with atp
3h3a the complex structure of cca-adding enzyme with ctp
3h3d drosophila pumilio rna binding domain (puf domain)
3h3g crystal structure of the extracellular domain of the human parathyroid hormone receptor (pth1r) in complex with parathyroid hormone-related protein (pthrp)
3h3h crystal structure of a snoal-like protein of unknown function (bth_ii0226) from burkholderia thailandensis e264 at 1.60 a resolution
3h3j crystal structure of lactate dehydrogenase mutant (a85r) from staphylococcus aureus complexed with nad and pyruvate
3h3m crystal structure of flagellar protein flit from bordetella bronchiseptica
3h3n glycerol kinase h232r with glycerol
3h3q crystal structure of the cert start domain in complex with hpa-13
3h3r crystal structure of the cert start domain in complex with hpa-14
3h3s crystal structure of the cert start domain in complex with hpa-15
3h3t crystal structure of the cert start domain in complex with hpa-16
3h3u crystal structure of crp (camp receptor protein) from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3h3z crystal structure of a putative cyclic nucleotide binding protein (spoa0323) from ruegeria pomeroyi dss-3 at 2.35 a resolution
3h46 glycerol kinase h232e with glycerol
3h49 crystal structure of a putative ribokinase (apo form) from e.coli at 1.8a resolution
3h4j crystal structure of pombe ampk kdaid fragment
3h4l crystal structure of n terminal domain of a dna repair protein
3h4n ppcd, a cytochrome c7 from geobacter sulfurreducens
3h4s structure of the complex of a mitotic kinesin with its calcium binding regulator
3h51 crystal structure of putative calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase ii association domain (np_636218.1) from xanthomonas campestris at 1.70 a resolution
3h53 crystal structure of human alpha-n-acetylgalactosaminidase
3h54 crystal structure of human alpha-n-acetylgalactosaminidase,complex with galnac
3h55 crystal structure of human alpha-n-acetylgalactosaminidase, complex with galactose
3h59 hepatitis c virus polymerase ns5b with thiazine inhibitor 2
3h5b crystal structure of wild type hiv-1 protease with novel p1'-ligand grl-02031
3h5c x-ray structure of protein z-protein z inhibitor complex
3h5e leud_1-156 small subunit of isopropylmalate isomerase (rv2987c) from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3h5h leud_1-186 small subunit of isopropylmalate isomerase (rv2987c) from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3h5j leud_1-168 small subunit of isopropylmalate isomerase (rv2987c) from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3h5k crystal structure of the ribosome inactivating protein pdl1
3h5l crystal structure of a putative branched-chain amino acid abc transporter from silicibacter pomeroyi
3h5o the crystal structure of transcription regulator gntr from chromobacterium violaceum
3h5s hepatitis c virus polymerase ns5b with saccharin inhibitor
3h5u hepatitis c virus polymerase ns5b with saccharin inhibitor 1
3h5w crystal structure of the glur2-atd in space group p212121 without solvent
3h60 catalytic domain of human serine/threonine phosphatase 5 (pp5c)with two mn2+ atoms
3h61 catalytic domain of human serine/threonine phosphatase 5 (pp5c) with two mn2+ atoms originally soaked with norcantharidin (which is present in the structure in the hydrolyzed form)
3h63 catalytic domain of human serine/threonine phosphatase 5 (pp5c) with two mn2+ atoms originally soaked with cantharidin (which is present in the structure in the hydrolyzed form)
3h64 catalytic domain of human serine/threonine phosphatase 5 (pp5c) with two mn2+ atoms complexed with endothall
3h66 catalytic domain of human serine/threonine phosphatase 5 (pp5c) with two zn2+ atoms
3h67 catalytic domain of human serine/threonine phosphatase 5 (pp5c)with two zn2+ atoms complexed with cantharidic acid
3h68 catalytic domain of human serine/threonine phosphatase 5 (pp5c)with two zn2+ atoms originally soaked with cantharidin (which is present in the structure in the hydrolyzed form)
3h69 catalytic domain of human serine/threonine phosphatase 5 (pp5c) with two zn2+ atoms complexed with endothall
3h6a structure of the calx-beta domain of integrin beta4 crystallized in the presence of calcium
3h6c crystal structure of human alpha-defensin 1 (mutant gln22ala)
3h6e the crystal structure of a carbohydrate kinase from novosphingobium aromaticivorans
3h6g crystal structure of the glur6 amino terminal domain dimer assembly
3h6h crystal structure of the glur6 amino terminal domain dimer assembly mpd form
3h6r clitocypin, a beta-trefoil cysteine protease inhibitor
3h6v crystal structure of the iglur2 ligand-binding core (s1s2j-n754s) in complex with glutamate and ns5206 at 2.10 a resolution
3h6w crystal structure of the iglur2 ligand-binding core (s1s2j-n754s) in complex with glutamate and ns5217 at 1.50 a resolution
3h71 crystal structure of streptococcus pneumoniae d39 neuraminidase a precursor (nana)
3h72 crystal structure of streptococcus pneumoniae d39 neuraminidase a precursor (nana) in complex with nana
3h73 crystal structure of streptococcus pneumoniae d39 neuraminidase a precursor (nana) in complex with dana
3h76 crystal structure of pqsd, a key enzyme in pseudomonas aeruginosa quinolone signal biosynthesis pathway
3h77 crystal structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa pqsd in a covalent complex with anthranilate
3h78 crystal structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa pqsd c112a mutant in complex with anthranilic acid
3h7d the crystal structure of the cathepsin k variant m5 in complex with chondroitin-4-sulfate
3h7f crystal structure of serine hydroxymethyltransferase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3h7h crystal structure of the human transcription elongation factor dsif, hspt4/hspt5 (176-273)
3h7j crystal structure of bacb, an enzyme involved in bacilysin synthesis, in monoclinic form
3h7o crystal structure of scabies mite inactivated protease paralogue s-i1 (smipp-s-i1)
3h7p crystal structure of k63-linked di-ubiquitin
3h7s crystal structures of k63-linked di- and tri-ubiquitin reveal a highly extended chain architecture
3h7t crystal structure of scabies mite inactivated protease paralogue s-d1 (smipp-s-d1)
3h7w crystal structure of the high affinity heterodimer of hif2 alpha and arnt c-terminal pas domains with the artificial ligand ths017
3h7y crystal structure of bacb, an enzyme involved in bacilysin synthesis, in tetragonal form
3h82 crystal structure of the high affinity heterodimer of hif2 alpha and arnt c-terminal pas domains with the artificial ligand ths020
3h84 crystal structure of get3
3h85 molecular basis for the association of pipki gamma-p90 with the clathrin adaptor ap-2
3h8c a combined crystallographic and molecular dynamics study of cathepsin-l retro-binding inhibitors (compound 14)
3h8e low ph native structure of leucine aminopeptidase from pseudomonas putida
3h8i the first x-ray structure of a sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase: insights into sulfide oxidation mechanism
3h8k crystal structure of ube2g2 complxed with the g2br domain of gp78 at 1.8-a resolution
3h8l the first x-ray structure of a sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase: insights into sulfide oxidation mechanism
3h8m sam domain of human ephrin type-a receptor 7 (epha7)
3h8q crystal structure of glutaredoxin domain of human thioredoxin reductase 3
3h8t structure of porphyromonas gingivalis heme-binding protein hmuy in complex with heme
3h8u crystal structure of uncharacterized conserved protein with double- stranded beta-helix domain (yp_001338853.1) from klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae mgh 78578 at 1.80 a resolution
3h8v human ubiquitin-activating enzyme 5 in complex with atp
3h94 crystal structure of the membrane fusion protein cusb from escherichia coli
3h98 crystal structure of hcv ns5b 1b with (1,1-dioxo-2h-[1,2, 4]benzothiadiazin-3-yl) azolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine derivative
3h9a crystal structure of bacb, an enzyme involved in bacilysin synthesis, in triclinic form
3h9d crystal structure of trypanosoma brucei atg8
3h9e crystal structure of human sperm-specific glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapds) complex with nad and phosphate
3h9r crystal structure of the kinase domain of type i activin receptor (acvr1) in complex with fkbp12 and dorsomorphin
3ha1 alanine racemase from bacillus anthracis (ames)
3ha2 crystal structure of protein (nadph-quinone reductase) from p.pentosaceus, northeast structural genomics consortium target ptr24a
3ha6 crystal structure of aurora a in complex with tpx2 and compound 10
3hab the structure of dpp4 in complex with piperidine fused benzimidazole 25
3hac the structure of dpp-4 in complex with piperidine fused imidazopyridine 34
3had biochemical characterization and structure determination of human heart short chain l-3-hydroxyacyl coa dehydrogenase provide insight into catalytic mechanism
3hah crystal structure of human pacsin1 f-bar domain (c2 lattice)
3haj crystal structure of human pacsin2 f-bar domain (p212121 lattice)
3hal crystal structure of rabbit acidic fibroblast growth factor
3hao crystal structure of bacteriorhodopsin mutant l94a crystallized from bicelles
3hau crystal structure of chemically synthesized hiv-1 protease with reduced isostere mvt-101 inhibitor
3haw crystal structure of [l-ala51/51']hiv-1 protease with reduced isostere mvt-101 inhibitor
3haz crystal structure of bifunctional proline utilization a (puta) protein
3hba crystal structure of a putative phosphosugar isomerase (sden_2705) from shewanella denitrificans os217 at 2.00 a resolution
3hbo crystal structure of chemically synthesized [d-ala51/51']hiv-1 protease
3hbu prtc methionine mutants: m226h desy
3hbv prtc methionine mutants: m226a in-house
3hbw crystal structure of human fibroblast growth factor homologous factor 2a (fhf2a), also referred to as fibroblast growth factor 13a (fgf13a)
3hc3 bha10 igg1 fab double mutant variant - antibody directed at human ltbr
3hc4 bha10 igg1 fab quadruple mutant variant - antibody directed at human ltbr
3hc5 fxr with src1 and gsk826
3hc6 fxr with src1 and gsk088
3hca crystal structure of e185q hpnmt in complex with octopamine and adohcy
3hcb crystal structure of hpnmt in complex with noradrenochrome and adohcy
3hcc crystal structure of hpnmt in complex with anti-9-amino-5- (trifluromethyl) benzonorbornene and adohcy
3hcd crystal structure of hpnmt in complex with noradrenaline and adohcy
3hce crystal structure of e185d hpnmt in complex with octopamine and adohcy
3hcf crystal structure of hpnmt in complex with 3-trifluoromethyl phenylethanolamine and adohcy
3hch structure of the c-terminal domain (msrb) of neisseria meningitidis pilb (complex with substrate)
3hci structure of msrb from xanthomonas campestris (complex-like form)
3hcj structure of msrb from xanthomonas campestris (oxidized form)
3hcm crystal structure of human s100b in complex with s45
3hcn hg and protoporphyrin bound human ferrochelatase
3hco human ferrochelatase with cd and protoporphyrin ix bound
3hcp human ferrochelatase with mn and deuteroporphyrin bound
3hcq structural analysis of the choline binding protein chox in a semi- closed and ligand-free conformation
3hcr human ferrochelatase with deuteroporphyrin and ni bound
3hcs crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of traf6
3hct crystal structure of traf6 in complex with ubc13 in the p1 space group
3hcw crystal structure of probable maltose operon transcriptional repressor malr from staphylococcus areus
3hcy the crystal structure of the domain of putative two-component sensor histidine kinase protein from sinorhizobium meliloti 1021
3hd3 high resolution crystal structure of cruzain bound to the vinyl sulfone inhibitor smdc-256047
3hda prtc methionine mutants: m226a_desy
3hdb crystal structure of aahiv, a metalloproteinase from venom of agkistrodon acutus
3hdf crystal structure of truncated endolysin r21 from phage 21
3hdj the crystal structure of probable ornithine cyclodeaminase from bordetella pertussis tohama i
3hdk crystal structure of chemically synthesized [aib51/51']hiv-1 protease
3hdo crystal structure of a histidinol-phosphate aminotransferase from geobacter metallireducens
3hdt crystal structure of putative kinase from clostridium symbiosum atcc 14940
3he8 structural study of clostridium thermocellum ribose-5-phosphate isomerase b
3heb crystal structure of response regulator receiver domain from rhodospirillum rubrum
3hee structural study of clostridium thermocellum ribose-5-phosphate isomerase b and ribose-5-phosphate
3hef crystal structure of the bacteriophage sf6 terminase small subunit
3hek hsp90 n-terminal domain in complex with 1-{4-[(2r)-1-(5- chloro-2,4-dihydroxybenzoyl)pyrrolidin-2-yl]benzyl}-3,3- difluoropyrrolidinium
3heq human prion protein variant d178n with m129
3her human prion protein variant f198s with v129
3hes human prion protein variant f198s with m129
3het cyclic residues in alpha/beta-peptide helix bundles: gcn4-pli side chain sequence on an (alpha-alpha-beta) backbone with a cyclic beta- residue at position 10
3hf1 crystal structure of human p53r2
3hf2 crystal structure of the i401p mutant of cytochrome p450 bm3
3hfh crystal structure of tandem ff domains
3hfj bacillus anthracis nicotinate mononucleotide adenylytransferase (nadd) in complex with inhibitor cid 3289443
3hfn crystal structure of an hfq protein from anabaena sp.
3hfq crystal structure of the lp_2219 protein from lactobacillus plantarum. northeast structural genomics consortium target lpr118.
3hfr crystal structure of glutamate racemase from listeria monocytogenes
3hfs structure of apo anthocyanidin reductase from vitis vinifera
3hfz crystal structure of thermus thermophilus phenylalanyl-trna synthetase comlexed with m-tyrosine
3hg2 human alpha-galactosidase catalytic mechanism 1. empty active site
3hg3 human alpha-galactosidase catalytic mechanism 2. substrate bound
3hg4 human alpha-galactosidase catalytic mechanism 3. covalent intermediate
3hg5 human alpha-galactosidase catalytic mechanism 4. product bound
3hg9 crystal structure of putative pilm protein from pseudomonas aeruginosa 2192
3hgo crystal structure of the f74y/h244y opr3 double mutant from tomato
3hgt structural and functional studies of the yeast class ii hda1 hdac complex
3hgu structure of phenazine antibiotic biosynthesis protein
3hgv structure of phenazine antibiotic biosynthesis protein
3hgx crystal structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa isochorismate- pyruvate lyase k42a mutant in complex with salicylate and pyruvate
3hh7 structural and functional characterization of a novel homodimeric three-finger neurotoxin from the venom of ophiophagus hannah (king cobra)
3hhe crystal structure of ribose-5-phosphate isomerase a from bartonella henselae
3hhf structure of crga regulatory domain, a lysr-type transcriptional regulator from neisseria meningitidis.
3hhh crystal structure of transcriptional regulator, a member of padr family, from enterococcus faecalis v583
3hhi crystal structure of cathepsin b from t. brucei in complex with ca074
3hhj crystal structure of mutator mutt from bartonella henselae
3hhk hcv ns5b polymerase complex with a substituted benzothiadizine
3hhm crystal structure of p110alpha h1047r mutant in complex with nish2 of p85alpha and the drug wortmannin
3hhs crystal structure of manduca sexta prophenoloxidase
3hht a mutant of the nitrile hydratase from geobacillus pallidus having enhanced thermostability
3hhu human heat-shock protein 90 (hsp90) in complex with {4-[3- (2,4-dihydroxy-5-isopropyl-phenyl)-5-thioxo- 1,5-dihydro- [1,2,4]triazol-4-yl]-benzyl}-carbamic acid ethyl ester {zk 2819}
3hi0 crystal structure of putative exopolyphosphatase (17739545) from agrobacterium tumefaciens str. c58 (dupont) at 2.30 a resolution
3hi5 crystal structure of fab fragment of al-57
3hi7 crystal structure of human diamine oxidase
3hig crystal structure of human diamine oxidase in complex with the inhibitor berenil
3hih structure of human plk1-pbd with glycerol and sulfate in the phophopeptide binding site
3hii crystal structure of human diamine oxidase in complex with the inhibitor pentamidine
3hik structure of human plk1-pbd in complex with plhspt
3hil sam domain of human ephrin type-a receptor 1 (epha1)
3him the crystal structure of a bacterial regulatory protein in the tetr family from rhodococcus rha1 to 2.2a
3hin crystal structure of putative enoyl-coa hydratase from rhodopseudomonas palustris cga009
3hiq crystal structure of saporin-l1 mutant (y73a) from saponaria officinalis
3his crystal structure of saporin-l1 from saponaria officinalis
3hit crystal structure of saporin-l1 in complex with the dinucleotide inhibitor, a transition state analogue
3hiv crystal structure of saporin-l1 in complex with the trinucleotide inhibitor, a transition state analogue
3hiw crystal structure of saporin-l1 in complex with the cyclic tetranucleotide inhibitor, a transition state analogue
3hiy minor editosome-associated tutase 1 with bound utp and mg
3hiz crystal structure of p110alpha h1047r mutant in complex with nish2 of p85alpha
3hj0 transthyretin in complex with a covalent small molecule kinetic stabilizer
3hj1 minor editosome-associated tutase 1 with bound utp
3hj2 crystal structure of covalent dimer of hnp1
3hj4 minor editosome-associated tutase 1
3hj5 human prion protein variant v129 domain swapped dimer
3hj6 structure of halothermothrix orenii fructokinase (frk)
3hj9 crystal structure of a putative nitroreductase (reut_a1228) from ralstonia eutropha jmp134 at 2.00 a resolution
3hjd x-ray structure of monomeric variant of hnp1
3hjg crystal structure of putative alpha-ribazole-5'-phosphate phosphatase cobc from vibrio parahaemolyticus
3hji 1.8 angstrom crystal structure of the i74v:i85v variant of vivid (vvd).
3hjk 2.0 angstrom structure of the ile74val variant of vivid (vvd).
3hjn crystal structure of thymidylate kinase in complex with dtdp and adp from thermotoga maritima
3hjo crystal structure of glutathione transferase pi y108v mutant in complex with the glutathione conjugate of ethacrynic acid
3hjt structure of laminin binding protein (lmb) of streptococcus agalactiae a bifunctional protein with adhesin and metal transporting activity
3hju crystal structure of human monoglyceride lipase
3hjv 1.7 angstrom resolution crystal structure of an acyl carrier protein s-malonyltransferase from vibrio cholerae o1 biovar eltor str. n16961
3hk0 crystal structure of the ra and ph domains of grb10
3hk3 crystal structure of murine thrombin mutant w215a/e217a (one molecule in the asymmetric unit)
3hk5 crystal structure of uronate isomerase from bacillus halodurans complexed with zinc and d-arabinarate
3hk8 crystal structure of uronate isomerase from bacillus halodurans complexed with zinc and d-arabinohydroxamate
3hkl crystal structure of the frizzled-like cysteine-rich domain of musk
3hkr crystal structure of glutathione transferase pi y108v mutant
3hks crystal structure of eukaryotic translation initiation factor eif-5a2 from arabidopsis thaliana
3hkv human poly(adp-ribose) polymerase 10, catalytic fragment in complex with an inhibitor 3-aminobenzamide
3hky hcv ns5b polymerase genotype 1b in complex with 1,5 benzodiazepine 6
3hl0 crystal structure of maleylacetate reductase from agrobacterium tumefaciens
3hl1 crystal structure of a ferritin like protein (cc_0557) from caulobacter vibrioides at 1.95 a resolution
3hl4 crystal structure of a mammalian ctp:phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase with cdp-choline
3hl5 crystal structure of xiap bir3 with cs3
3hl6 staphylococcus aureus pathogenicity island 3 orf9 protein
3hla human class i histocompatibility antigen a2.1
3hlk crystal structure of human mitochondrial acyl-coa thioesterase (acot2)
3hlp carboxypeptidase a liganded to an organic small-molecule: conformational changes
3hlt the crystal structure of human haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase domain containing 2 (hdhd2)
3hlu crystal structure of uncharacterized protein conserved in bacteria duf2179 from eubacterium ventriosum
3hlw ctx-m-9 s70g in complex with cefotaxime
3hlx crystal structure of pqqc active site mutant y175f in complex with pqq
3hlz crystal structure of bt_1490 (np_810393.1) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 1.50 a resolution
3hm4 crystal structure of a chemotaxis protein chex (dde_0281) from desulfovibrio desulfuricans subsp. at 1.30 a resolution
3hm6 crystal structure of the cytoplasmic domain of human plexin b1
3hme crystal structure of human bromodomain containing 9 isoform 1 (brd9)
3hmk crystal structure of serine racemase
3hml crystal structure of pqqc active site mutant h154s in complex with pqq
3hmt crystal structure of the n-terminal fragment (28-126) of the human hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor, trigonal crystal form
3hmu crystal structure of a class iii aminotransferase from silicibacter pomeroyi
3hmv catalytic domain of human phosphodiesterase 4b2b in complex with a tetrahydrobenzothiophene inhibitor
3hmw crystal structure of ustekinumab fab
3hn0 crystal structure of an abc transporter (bdi_1369) from parabacteroides distasonis at 1.75 a resolution
3hn5 crystal structure of bf0290 (yp_210027.1) from bacteroides fragilis nctc 9343 at 1.70 a resolution
3hnc crystal structure of human ribonucleotide reductase 1 bound to the effector ttp
3hnd crystal structure of human ribonucleotide reductase 1 bound to the effector ttp and substrate gdp
3hne crystal structure of human ribonucleotide reductase 1 bound to the effectors ttp and atp
3hnf crystal structure of human ribonucleotide reductase 1 bound to the effectors ttp and datp
3hnk crystal structure of the dimeric assembly of the cyt cb562 variant ridc-1
3hnl crystal structure of the cu-induced dimer of the engineered cyt cb562 variant ridc-1
3hns cs-35 fab complex with oligoarabinofuranosyl hexasaccharide
3hnt cs-35 fab complex with a linear, terminal oligoarabinofuranosyl tetrasaccharide from lipoarabinomannan
3hnv cs-35 fab complex with oligoarabinofuranosyl tetrasaccharide (branch part of hexasaccharide)
3hnw crystal structure of a basic coiled-coil protein of unknown function from eubacterium eligens atcc 27750
3ho0 crystal structure of the ppargamma-lbd complexed with a new aryloxy-3phenylpropanoic acid
3ho4 crystal structure of hedgehog-interacting protein (hhip)
3ho6 structure-function analysis of inositol hexakisphosphate- induced autoprocessing in clostridium difficile toxin a
3ho7 crystal structure of oxyr from porphyromonas gingivalis
3hoa crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus m32 carboxypeptidase
3hob factor viii trp2313-his2315 segment is involved in membrane binding as shown by crystal structure of complex between factor viii c2 domain and an inhibitor
3hoc structure of the actin-binding domain of human filamin a mutant e254k
3hod crystal structure of the ppargamma-lbd complexed with a new aryloxy-3phenylpropanoic acid
3hoe crystal structure of surface lipoprotein
3hok x-ray crystal structure of human heme oxygenase-1 with (2r, 4s)-2-[2-(4-chlorophenyl)ethyl]-2-[(1h-imidazol-1-yl) methyl]-4[((5-trifluoromethylpyridin-2-yl)thio)methyl]-1,3- dioxolane: a novel, inducible binding mode
3hom crystal structure of oxidized a66c mutant of human acidic fibroblast growth factor
3hop structure of the actin-binding domain of human filamin a
3hor structure of the actin-binding domain of human filamin a (reduced)
3hp8 crystal structure of a designed cyanovirin-n homolog lectin; lkamg, bound to sucrose
3hpa crystal structure of an amidohydrolase gi:44264246 from an evironmental sample of sargasso sea
3hpe crystal structure of ycei (hp1286) from helicobacter pylori
3hpf crystal structure of the mutant y90f of divergent galactarate dehydratase from oceanobacillus iheyensis complexed with mg and galactarate
3hpi crystal structure of maltose-binding protein mutant with bound sucrose
3hpk oxidized dimeric pick1 pdz in complex with the carboxyl tail peptide of glur2
3hpm oxidized dimeric pick1 pdz c46g mutant in complex with the carboxyl tail peptide of glur2
3hpq crystal structure of wild-type adenylate kinase from e. coli, in complex with ap5a
3hpr crystal structure of v148g adenylate kinase from e. coli, in complex with ap5a
3hps crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis leua complexed with ketoisocaproate (kic)
3hpx crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis leua active site domain 1-425 (truncation mutant delta:426-644)
3hpz crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis leua complexed with bromopyruvate
3hq1 crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis leua complexed with citrate and mn2+
3hq2 bsucp crystal structure
3hq5 progesterone receptor bound to an alkylpyrrolidine ligand.
3hq6 cytochrome c peroxidase from g. sulfurreducens, wild type
3hq8 ccpa from g. sulfurreducens s134p/v135k variant
3hq9 ccpa from g. sulfurreducens, s134p variant
3hqa crystal structure of human desarg-c5a
3hqb crystal structure of human desarg-c5a
3hqd human kinesin eg5 motor domain in complex with amppnp and mg2+
3hqh structures of spop-substrate complexes: insights into molecular architectures of btb-cul3 ubiquitin ligases: spopmathx-macroh2asbcpep1
3hqn apo crystal structure of leishmania mexicana(lmpyk)pyruvate kinase
3hqr phd2:mn:nog:hif1-alpha substrate complex
3hqt plp-dependent acyl-coa transferase cqsa
3hqu phd2:fe:un9:partial hif1-alpha substrate complex
3hr0 crystal structure of homo sapiens conserved oligomeric golgi subunit 4
3hr7 crystal structure of the shikimate kinase-sulfate complex from helicobacter pylori
3hre x-ray crystallographic structure of ctx-m-9 s70g
3hrh crystal structure of antigen 85c and glycerol
3hrk histidyl-trna synthetase from trypanosoma cruzi (histidyl-adenylate complex)
3hrm crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus protein sarz in sulfenic acid form
3hrq the product template domain from pksa with palmitate bound
3hrr the product template domain from pksa with harris compound bound
3hrs crystal structure of the manganese-activated repressor scar: apo form
3hrt crystal structure of scar with bound cd2+
3hru crystal structure of scar with bound zn2+
3hs3 crystal structure of periplasmic binding ribose operon repressor protein from lactobacillus acidophilus
3hs5 x-ray crystal structure of arachidonic acid bound to the cyclooxygenase channel of cyclooxygenase-2
3hs6 x-ray crystal structure of eicosapentaenoic acid bound to the cyclooxygenase channel of cyclooxygenase-2
3hs7 x-ray crystal structure of docosahexaenoic acid bound to the cyclooxygenase channel of cyclooxygenase-2
3hs8 intersectin 1-peptide-ap2 alpha ear complex
3hs9 intersectin 1-peptide-ap2 beta ear complex
3hsd crystal structure of e. coli hppk(y53a)
3hse crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus protein sarz in reduced form
3hsk crystal structure of aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase with nadp from candida albicans
3hsm crystal structure of distal n-terminal beta-trefoil domain of ryanodine receptor type 1
3hsn ternary structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase with nha and co bound
3hso ternary structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase with nha and no bound(1)
3hsp ternary structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase with nha and no bound(2)
3hss a higher resolution structure of rv0554 from mycobacterium tuberculosis complexed with malonic acid
3hsy high resolution structure of a dimeric glur2 n-terminal domain (ntd)
3ht2 zink containing polyketide cyclase remf from streptomyces resistomycificus
3htj crystal structure of multidrug binding protein ebrr complexed with ethidium
3hto the hemagglutinin structure of an avian h1n1 influenza a virus
3htp the hemagglutinin structure of an avian h1n1 influenza a virus in complex with lsta
3htq the hemagglutinin structure of an avian h1n1 influenza a virus in complex with lstc
3htr crystal structure of prc-barrel domain protein from rhodopseudomonas palustris
3htt the hemagglutinin structure of an avian h1n1 influenza a virus in complex with 2,3-sialyllactose
3hu3 structure of p97 n-d1 r155h mutant in complex with atpgs
3hu5 crystal structure of isochorismatase family protein from desulfovibrio vulgaris subsp. vulgaris str. hildenborough
3hud the structure of human beta 1 beta 1 alcohol dehydrogenase: catalytic effects of non-active-site substitutions
3hul structure of putative homoserine kinase thrb from listeria monocytogenes
3hum crystal structure of penicillin binding protein 4 from staphylococcus aureus col in complex with cefotaxime
3hun crystal structure of penicillin binding protein 4 from staphylococcus aureus col in complex with ampicillin
3huo x-ray crystallographic structure of ctx-m-9 s70g in complex with benzylpenicillin
3hup high-resolution structure of the extracellular domain of human cd69
3hv0 tryptophanyl-trna synthetase from cryptosporidium parvum
3hv1 crystal structure of a polar amino acid abc uptake transporter substrate binding protein from streptococcus thermophilus
3hv2 crystal structure of signal receiver domain of hd domain- containing protein from pseudomonas fluorescens pf-5
3hv4 human p38 map kinase in complex with rl51
3hv5 human p38 map kinase in complex with rl24
3hva crystal structure of fimx ggdef domain from pseudomonas aeruginosa
3hve structures of spop-substrate complexes: insights into molecular architectures of btb-cul3 ubiquitin ligases: gigaxoninbtb/3-box
3hvf x-ray crystallographic structure of ctx-m-9 s70g in complex with hydrolyzed benzylpenicillin
3hvj rat catechol o-methyltransferase in complex with a bisubstrate inhibitor
3hvl tethered pxr-lbd/src-1p complexed with sr-12813
3hvo structure of the genotype 2b hcv polymerase bound to a nni
3hvs escherichia coli thiol peroxidase (tpx) wild type disulfide form
3hvt structural basis of asymmetry in the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase heterodimer
3hw2 crystal structure of the sifa-skip(ph) complex
3hw7 high pressure (0.57 gpa) crystal structure of bovine copper, zinc superoxide dismutase at 2.0 angstroms
3hw9 cation selective pathway of ompf porin revealed by anomalous x-ray diffraction
3hwb cation selective pathway of ompf porin revealed by anomalous diffraction
3hwi crystal structure of probable thiosulfate sulfurtransferase cysa2 (rhodanese-like protein) from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3hwj crystal structure of the second phr domain of mouse myc- binding protein 2 (mycbp-2)
3hwo crystal structure of escherichia coli enterobactin-specific isochorismate synthase entc in complex with isochorismate
3hwp crystal structure and computational analyses provide insights into the catalytic mechanism of 2, 4-diacetylphloroglucinol hydrolase phlg from pseudomonas fluorescens
3hwr crystal structure of pane/apba family ketopantoate reductase (yp_299159.1) from ralstonia eutropha jmp134 at 2.15 a resolution
3hww crystal structure of menaquinone synthesis protein mend from e. coli in complex with oxoglutarate
3hx1 crystal structure of the slr1951 protein from synechocystis sp. northeast structural genomics consortium target sgr167a
3hx6 crystal structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa pily1 c-terminal domain
3hx9 structure of heme-degrader, mhud (rv3592), from mycobacterium tuberculosis with two hemes bound in its active site
3hxb engineered rabggtase in complex with a peptidomimetic inhibitor (compound 6)
3hxc engineered rabggtase in complex with a peptidomimetic inhibitor (compound 8)
3hxd engineered rabggtase in complex with a peptidomimetic inhibitor (compound 9)
3hxe engineered rabggtase in complex with a peptidomimetic inhibitor (compound 37)
3hxf engineered rabggtase in complex with a peptidomimetic inhibitor (compound 32)
3hxg crystal structure of schistsome eif4e complexed with m7gpppa and 4e-bp
3hxi crystal structure of schistosome eif4e complexed with m7gpppg and 4e-bp
3hxs crystal structure of bacteroides fragilis trxp
3hy0 crystal structure of catalytic fragment of e. coli alars g237a in complex with glysa
3hy1 crystal structure of catalytic fragment of e. coli alars g237a in complex with sersa
3hy7 crystal structure of the catalytic domain of adamts-5 in complex with marimastat
3hy9 crystal structure of the catalytic domain of adamts-5 in complex with an amino-2-indanol compound
3hyb crystal structure of rbcx from anabaena, crystal form ii
3hyg crystal structure of the catalytic domain of adamts-5 in complex with an amino-2-indanol compound
3hyh crystal structure of the protein kinase domain of yeast amp-activated protein kinase snf1
3hyj crystal structure of the n-terminal laglidadg domain of duf199/whia
3hyl crystal structure of transketolase from bacillus anthracis
3hyp crystal structure of bacteroides fragilis trxp_s105g mutant
3hys structure of rv0554 from mycobacterium tuberculosis complexed with malonic acid
3hyu crystal structure of the altitude adapted hemoglobin of guinea pig.
3hyz crystal structure of hsp90 with fragment 42-c03
3hz4 crystal structure of thioredoxin from methanosarcina mazei
3hzd crystal structure of bothropstoxin-i (bthtx-i), a pla2 homologue from bothrops jararacussu venom
3hzh crystal structure of the chex-chey-bef3-mg+2 complex from borrelia burgdorferi
3hzk crystal structure of s73-2 antibody in complex with antigen kdo(2.4)kdo
3hzm crystal structure of s73-2 antibody in complex with antigen kdo
3hzo rv0554 from mycobacterium tuberculosis - the structure solved from the tetragonal crystal form
3hzv crystal structure of s73-2 antibody in complex with antigen kdo(2.8) kdo(2.4)kdo
3hzw crystal structure of bothropstoxin-i chemically modified by p- bromophenacyl bromide (bpb)
3hzy crystal structure of s73-2 antibody in complex with antigen kdo(2.4)kdo(2.4)kdo
3i00 crystal structure of the huntingtin interacting protein 1 coiled coil domain
3i05 tryptophanyl-trna synthetase from trypanosoma brucei
3i07 crystal structure of a putative organic hydroperoxide resistance protein from vibrio cholerae o1 biovar eltor str. n16961
3i09 crystal structure of a periplasmic binding protein (bma2936) from burkholderia mallei at 1.80 a resolution
3i0n structure of the s. pombe nbs1 fha/brct-repeat domain
3i0r crystal structure of hiv reverse transcriptase in complex with inhibitor 3
3i0s crystal structure of hiv reverse transcriptase in complex with inhibitor 7
3i0t sulfur-sad at long wavelength: structure of bh3703 from bacillus halodurans
3i0u structure of the type iii effector/phosphothreonine lyase ospf from shigella flexneri
3i0z crystal structure of putative putative tagatose-6-phosphate ketose/aldose isomerase (np_344614.1) from streptococcus pneumoniae tigr4 at 1.70 a resolution
3i17 crystal structure of the apo r132k:l121e mutant of cellular retinoic acid-binding protein ii at 1.68 anstrom resolution
3i1a crystal structure of apo spectinomycin phosphotransferase, aph(9)-ia
3i1e crystal structure of the pdz domain of the sdrc-like protein (lin2157) from listeria innocua, northeast structural genomics consortium target lkr136c
3i1f gamma-subunit of the translation initiation factor 2 from s. solfataricus in complex with gpp(ch2)p
3i1h crystal structure of human bfl-1 in complex with bak bh3 peptide
3i1i x-ray crystal structure of homoserine o-acetyltransferase from bacillus anthracis
3i1j structure of a putative short chain dehydrogenase from pseudomonas syringae
3i23 crystal structure of an oxidoreductase (gfo/idh/moca family) from enterococcus faecalis. northeast structural genomics consortium target id efr167
3i24 crystal structure of a hit family hydrolase protein from vibrio fischeri. northeast structural genomics consortium target id vfr176
3i29 crystal structure of a binary complex between an mutant trypsin inhibitor with bovine trypsin
3i2a crystal structure of a chimeric trypsin inhibitor protein sti(l)- wci(s)
3i2c crystal structure of anti-il-23 antibody cnto4088
3i2e crystal structure of human dimethylarginine dymethylaminohydrolase-1 (ddah-1)
3i2l crystal structure of a chemically synthesized [allo-ile50/50']hiv-1 protease molecule complexed with mvt-101 reduced isostere inhibitor
3i2w crystal structure of efc/f-bar domain of drosophila syndapin/pacsin
3i2z structure of cold shock protein e from salmonella typhimurium
3i3g crystal structure of trypanosoma brucei n-acetyltransferase (tb11.01.2886) at 1.86a
3i3h crystal structure of bothropstoxin-i crystallized at 291k
3i3n crystal structure of the btb-back domains of human klhl11
3i3q crystal structure of alkb in complex with mn(ii) and 2-oxoglutarate
3i3r x-ray structure dihydrofolate reductase/thymidylate synthase from babesia bovis at 2.35a resolution
3i3w structure of a phosphoglucosamine mutase from francisella tularensis
3i3z human insulin
3i40 human insulin
3i41 crystal structure of beta toxin from staphylococcus aureus f277a, p278a mutant
3i43 escherichia coli thiol peroxidase (tpx) wild type disulfide form
3i46 crystal structure of beta toxin from staphylococcus aureus f277a, p278a mutant with bound calcium ions
3i48 crystal structure of beta toxin from staphylococcus aureus f277a, p278a mutant with bound magnesium ions
3i4a crystal structure of dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase-1 (ddah-1) in complex with n5-(1- iminopropyl)-l-ornithine
3i4b crystal structure of gsk3b in complex with a pyrimidylpyrrole inhibitor
3i4i crystal structure of a prokaryotic beta-1,3-1,4-glucanase (lichenase) derived from a mouse hindgut metagenome
3i4o crystal structure of translation initiation factor 1 from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3i4r nup107(aa658-925)/nup133(aa517-1156) complex, h.sapiens
3i4s crystal structure of histidine triad protein blr8122 from bradyrhizobium japonicum
3i4x crystal structure of the dimethylallyl tryptophan synthase fgapt2 from aspergillus fumigatus in complex with trp and dmspp
3i4z crystal structure of the dimethylallyl tryptophan synthase fgapt2 from aspergillus fumigatus
3i53 crystal structure of an o-methyltransferase (ncsb1) from neocarzinostatin biosynthesis in complex with s-adenosyl-l- homocysteine (sah)
3i57 type 2 repeat of the mucus binding protein mub from lactobacillus reuteri
3i58 crystal structure of an o-methyltransferase (ncsb1) from neocarzinostatin biosynthesis in complex with s-adenosyl-l- homocysteine (sah) and 2-hydroxy-7-methoxy-5-methyl naphthoic acid (na)
3i59 crystal structure of mtbcrp in complex with n6-camp
3i5b crystal structure of the isolated ggdef domain of wpsr from pseudomonas aeruginosa
3i5c crystal structure of a fusion protein containing the leucine zipper of gcn4 and the ggdef domain of wspr from pseudomonas aeruginosa
3i5o the x-ray crystal structure of a thermophilic cellobiose binding protein bound with cellopentaose
3i5q nup170(aa1253-1502) at 2.2 a, s.cerevisiae
3i5r pi3k sh3 domain in complex with a peptide ligand
3i5t crystal structure of aminotransferase prk07036 from rhodobacter sphaeroides kd131
3i5u crystal structure of an o-methyltransferase (ncsb1) from neocarzinostatin biosynthesis in complex with s-adenosylmethionine (sam) and 2-hydroxy-5-methyl naphthoic acid (mna)
3i5w crystal structure of human alpha-defensin 5 (mutant r13h)
3i64 crystal structure of an o-methyltransferase (ncsb1) from neocarzinostatin biosynthesis in complex with s-adenosyl-l- homocysteine (sah) and 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoic acid (dhn)
3i6c structure-based design of novel pin1 inhibitors (ii)
3i6d crystal structure of ppo from bacillus subtilis with af
3i6o crystal structure of wild type hiv-1 protease with macrocyclic inhibitor grl-0216a
3i6s crystal structure of the plant subtilisin-like protease sbt3
3i6u structure and activation mechanism of the chk2 dna-damage checkpoint kinase
3i6y structure of an esterase from the oil-degrading bacterium oleispira antarctica
3i71 ethanolamine utilization microcompartment shell subunit, eutk c- terminal domain
3i75 antibody structure
3i7d crystal structure of sugar phosphate isomerase from a cupin superfamily spo2919 from silicibacter pomeroyi (yp_168127.1) from silicibacter pomeroyi dss-3 at 2.30 a resolution
3i7e co-crystal structure of hiv-1 protease bound to a mutant resistant inhibitor uic-98038
3i7f aspartyl trna synthetase from entamoeba histolytica
3i7g mmp-13 in complex with a non zinc-chelating inhibitor
3i7h crystal structure of ddb1 in complex with the h-box motif of hbx
3i7i mmp-13 in complex with a non zinc-chelating inhibitor
3i7j crystal structure of a beta-lactamase (mb2281c) from mycobacterium bovis, northeast structural genomics consortium target mbr246
3i7k crystal structure of ddb1 in complex with the h-box motif of whx
3i7l crystal structure of ddb1 in complex with the h-box motif of ddb2
3i7n crystal structure of ddb1 in complex with the h-box motif of wdtc1
3i7o crystal structure of ddb1 in complex with the h-box motif of iqwd1
3i7p crystal structure of ddb1 in complex with the h-box motif of wdr40a
3i7q dihydrodipicolinate synthase mutant - k161a
3i7r dihydrodipicolinate synthase - k161r
3i7s dihydrodipicolinate synthase mutant - k161a - with the substrate pyruvate bound in the active site.
3i7v crystal structure of ap4a hydrolase complexed with ap4a (atp) (aq_158) from aquifex aeolicus vf5
3i7z protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b - transition state analog for the first catalytic step
3i83 crystal structure of 2-dehydropantoate 2-reductase from methylococcus capsulatus
3i84 the crystal structure of human emmprin n-terminal domain 1 in p6(1)22 space group
3i85 the crystal structure of human emmprin n-terminal domain 1
3i86 crystal structure of the p60 domain from m. avium subspecies paratuberculosis antigen map1204
3i89 crystal structure of ddb1 in complex with the h-box motif of wdr22
3i8c crystal structure of ddb1 in complex with the h-box motif of wdr21a
3i8n a domain of a conserved functionally known protein from vibrio parahaemolyticus rimd 2210633.
3i8v crystal structure of human pde4a with 4-(3-butoxy-4-methoxyphenyl) methyl-2-imidazolidone
3i97 b1 domain of human neuropilin-1 bound with small molecule eg00229
3i9a crystal structure of human transthyretin variant a25t - #1
3i9f crystal structure of a putative type 11 methyltransferase from sulfolobus solfataricus
3i9g crystal structure of the lt1009 (sonepcizumab) antibody fab fragment in complex with sphingosine-1-phosphate
3i9i crystal structure of human transthyretin variant a25t - #2
3i9j crystal structure of adp ribosyl cyclase complexed with a substrate analog and a product nicotinamide
3i9k crystal structure of adp ribosyl cyclase complexed with substrate nad
3i9l crystal structure of adp ribosyl cyclase complexed with n1-cidpr
3i9m crystal structure of human cd38 complexed with an analog ara-2'f-adpr
3i9n crystal structure of human cd38 complexed with an analog ribo-2'f-adp ribose
3i9o crystal structure of adp ribosyl cyclase complexed with ribo-2'f-adp ribose
3i9p crystal structure of human transthyretin - wild type
3ia1 crystal structure of thio-disulfide isomerase from thermus thermophilus
3ia5 moritella profunda dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr)
3ia6 x-ray crystal structure of the nuclear hormone receptor ppar-gamma in a complex with a ppar gamma/alpha dual agonist
3ia7 crystal structure of calg4, the calicheamicin glycosyltransferase
3ia8 the structure of the c-terminal heme nitrobindin domain of thap domain-containing protein 4 from homo sapiens
3ia9 crystal structure of a chemically synthesized [d25n]hiv-1 protease molecule complexed with mvt-101 reduced isostere inhibitor
3iaa crystal structure of calg2, calicheamicin glycosyltransferase, tdp bound form
3iae structure of benzaldehyde lyase a28s mutant with benzoylphosphonate
3iah crystal structure of short chain dehydrogenase (ycik) from salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar typhimurium str. lt2 in complex with nadp and acetate.
3ial giardia lamblia prolyl-trna synthetase in complex with prolyl- adenylate
3iau the structure of the processed form of threonine deaminase isoform 2 from solanum lycopersicum
3iav propionyl-coa carboxylase beta subunit, d422v
3iax the crystal structure of the tolb box of colicin a in complex with tolb reveals important differences in the recruitment of the common tolb translocation portal used by group a colicins
3ib3 crystal structure of sacol2612 - coce/nond family hydrolase from staphylococcus aureus
3ib9 propionyl-coa carboxylase beta subunit, d422l
3ibj x-ray structure of pde2a
3ibm crystal structure of cupin 2 domain-containing protein hhal_0468 from halorhodospira halophila
3ibr crystal structure of p. aeruginosa bacteriophytochrome photosensory core module mutant q188l in the mixed pr/pfr state
3ibs crystal structure of conserved hypothetical protein batb from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
3ibv karyopherin cytosolic state
3ibw crystal structure of the act domain from gtp pyrophosphokinase of chlorobium tepidum. northeast structural genomics consortium target ctr148a
3ibx crystal structure of f47y variant of tena (hp1287) from helicobacter pylori
3ic1 crystal structure of zinc-bound succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase from haemophilus influenzae
3ic5 n-terminal domain of putative saccharopine dehydrogenase from ruegeria pomeroyi.
3ic7 crystal structure of putative transcriptional regulator of gntr family from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
3ica the crystal structure of the beta subunit of a phenylalanyl-trna synthetase from porphyromonas gingivalis w83
3icc crystal structure of a putative 3-oxoacyl-(acyl carrier protein) reductase from bacillus anthracis at 1.87 a resolution
3icf structure of protein serine/threonine phosphatase from saccharomyces cerevisiae with similarity to human phosphatase pp5
3icl x-ray structure of protein (eal/ggdef domain protein) from m.capsulatus, northeast structural genomics consortium target mcr174c
3icr crystal structure of oxidized bacillus anthracis coadr-rhd
3ics crystal structure of partially reduced bacillus anthracis coadr-rhd
3ict crystal structure of reduced bacillus anthracis coadr-rhd
3icy the crystal structure of sensory box histidine kinase/response regulator domain from chlorobium tepidum tls
3id2 crystal structure of rsep pdz2 domain
3id3 crystal structure of rsep pdz2 i304a domain
3id6 crystal structure of sulfolobus solfataricus nop5 (1-262) and fibrillarin complex
3id9 crystal structure of a mutt/nudix family protein from bacillus thuringiensis
3idb crystal structure of (108-268)riib:c holoenzyme of camp- dependent protein kinase
3idc crystal structure of (102-265)riib:c holoenzyme of camp- dependent protein kinase
3idd cofactor-independent phosphoglycerate mutase from thermoplasma acidophilum dsm 1728
3idf the crystal structure of a usp-like protein from wolinella succinogenes to 2.0a
3ido crystal structure of protein tyrosine phosphatase from entamoeba histolytica with a phosphotyrosine crude mimic hepes molecule in the active site
3idp b-raf v600e kinase domain in complex with an aminoisoquinoline inhibitor
3idu crystal structure of the cardb domain of the pf1109 protein in complex with di-metal ions from pyrococcus furiosus, northeast structural genomics consortium target pfr193a
3ie3 structural basis for the binding of the anti-cancer compound 6-(7- nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-ylthio)hexanol (nbdhex) to human glutathione s-transferases
3ie4 b-glucan binding domain of drosophila gnbp3 defines a novel family of pattern recognition receptor
3ie5 crystal structure of hyp-1 protein from hypericum perforatum (st john's wort) involved in hypericin biosynthesis
3ief crystal structure of trna guanine-n1-methyltransferase from bartonella henselae using mpcs.
3ieg crystal structure of p58(ipk) tpr domain at 2.5 a
3iej pyrazole-based cathepsin s inhibitors with arylalkynes as p1 binding elements
3ieu crystal structure of era in complex with gdp
3iey crystal structure of the functional nanoarchaeum equitans trna splicing endonuclease
3iez crystal structure of the rasgap c-terminal (rgc) domain of iqgap2
3if2 crystal structure of putative amino-acid aminotransferase (yp_265399.1) from psychrobacter arcticum 273-4 at 2.50 a resolution
3if8 crystal structure of zwilch, a member of the rzz kinetochore complex
3ifj crystal structure of mtu reca intein, splicing domain
3ifk crystal structure of calcium-saturated calmodulin n-terminal domain fragment, residues 1-90
3ifr the crystal structure of xylulose kinase from rhodospirillum rubrum
3ifw crystal structure of the s18y variant of ubiquitin carboxy terminal hydrolase l1 bound to ubiquitin vinylmethylester.
3ifz crystal structure of the first part of the mycobacterium tuberculosis dna gyrase reaction core: the breakage and reunion domain at 2.7 a resolution
3ig1 hiv-1 reverse transcriptase with the inhibitor beta- thujaplicinol bound at the rnase h active site
3ige small outer capsid protein (soc) from bacteriophage rb69
3igf crystal structure of the all4481 protein from nostoc sp. pcc 7120, northeast structural genomics consortium target nsr300
3igr the crystal structure of ribosomal-protein-s5-alanine acetyltransferase from vibrio fischeri to 2.0a
3igs structure of the salmonella enterica n-acetylmannosamine-6-phosphate 2-epimerase
3igu crystal structure of human alpha-n-acetylgalactosaminidase, covalent intermediate
3igv crystal structure of hcv ns5b polymerase with a novel monocyclic dihydro-pyridinone inhibitor
3igx 1.85 angstrom resolution crystal structure of transaldolase b (tala) from francisella tularensis.
3ih0 crystal structure of an uncharacterized sugar kinase ph1459 from pyrococcus horikoshii in complex with amp-pnp
3ih8 crystal structure analysis of mglu in its native form
3ih9 crystal structure analysis of mglu in its tris form
3iha crystal structure analysis of mglu in its glutamate form
3ihb crystal structure analysis of mglu in its tris and glutamate form
3ihi crystal structure of mouse thymidylate synthase
3ihl human ctps2 crystal structure
3ihm structure of the oxygenase component of a pseudomonas styrene monooxygenase
3ihq crystal structure of reduced c10s spx in complex with the alpha c-terminal domain of rna polymeras
3ihs crystal structure of a phosphocarrier protein hpr from bacillus anthracis str. ames
3iht crystal structure of s-adenosyl-l-methionine methyl transferase (yp_165822.1) from silicibacter pomeroyi dss-3 at 1.80 a resolution
3ihu crystal structure of dna binding protein (yp_298823.1) from ralstonia eutropha jmp134 at 1.92 a resolution
3ihv crystal structure of susd homolog (np_813570.1) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 1.70 a resolution
3ihz crystal structure of the fk506 binding domain of plasmodium vivax fkbp35 in complex with fk506
3ii4 structure of mycobacterial lipoamide dehydrogenase bound to a triazaspirodimethoxybenzoyl inhibitor
3ii5 the complex of wild-type b-raf with pyrazolo pyrimidine inhibitor
3iic crystal structure of chec-like superfamily protein (yp_001095400.1) from shewanella sp. pv-4 at 2.13 a resolution
3iie 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase from yersinia pestis.
3iir crystal structure of miraculin like protein from seeds of murraya koenigii
3iit factor xa in complex with a cis-1,2-diaminocyclohexane derivative
3iiv evolutionary optimization of computationally designed enzymes: kemp eliminases of the ke07 series
3iiw crystal structure of eed in complex with a trimethylated histone h3k27 peptide
3iiy crystal structure of eed in complex with a trimethylated histone h1k26 peptide
3ij0 crystal structure of eed in complex with a trimethylated histone h3k9 peptide
3ij1 crystal structure of eed in complex with a trimethylated histone h4k20 peptide
3ijd uncharacterized protein cthe_2304 from clostridium thermocellum binds two copies of 5-methyl-5,6,7,8- tetrahydrofolic acid
3ije crystal structure of the complete integrin alhavbeta3 ectodomain plus an alpha/beta transmembrane fragment
3iji structure of dipeptide epimerase from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron complexed with l-ala-d-glu; nonproductive substrate binding.
3ijl structure of dipeptide epimerase from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron complexed with l-pro-d-glu; nonproductive substrate binding.
3ijm the structure of a restriction endonuclease-like fold superfamily protein from spirosoma linguale.
3ijp crystal structure of dihydrodipicolinate reductase from bartonella henselae at 2.0a resolution
3ijq structure of dipeptide epimerase from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron complexed with l-ala-d-glu; productive substrate binding.
3ijt structural characterization of smu.440, a hypothetical protein from streptococcus mutans
3ijw crystal structure of ba2930 in complex with coa
3ik3 ap24534, a pan-bcr-abl inhibitor for chronic myeloid leukemia, potently inhibits the t315i mutant and overcomes mutation-based resistance
3ik8 structure-based design of novel pin1 inhibitors (i)
3ika crystal structure of egfr 696-1022 t790m mutant covalently binding to wz4002
3ikb the structure of a conserved protein from streptococcus mutans ua159.
3ikd structure-based design of novel pin1 inhibitors (i)
3ikg structure-based design of novel pin1 inhibitors (i)
3ikk crystal structure analysis of msp domain
3ikl crystal structure of pol gb delta-i4.
3ikv crystal structure of a rex-family repressor r90d mutant from thermus aquaticus
3il0 the crystal structure of the aminopeptidase p,xaa-pro aminopeptidase from streptococcus thermophilus
3il7 crystal structure of s. aureus fabh
3il9 structure of e. coli fabh
3ilb crystal structure of mouse bcl-xl mutant (r139a) at ph 6.0
3ilk the structure of a probable methylase family protein from haemophilus influenzae rd kw20
3iln x-ray structure of the laminarinase from rhodothermus marinus
3ilp structure of mcd1d with bound glycolipid bbgl-2f from borrelia burgdorferi
3ilq structure of mcd1d with bound glycolipid bbgl-2c from borrelia burgdorferi
3ilw structure of dna gyrase subunit a n-terminal domain
3ilx crystal structure of first orf in transposon isc1904 from sulfolobus solfataricus p2
3ily apo crystal structure of protein tyrosine phosphatase from entamoeba histolytica featuring a disordered active site
3im5 crystal structure of mouse ryanodine receptor 2 (residues 1-217)
3imc crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis pantothenate synthetase at 1.6 ang resolution in complex with fragment compound 5- methoxyindole, sulfate and glycerol
3imd crystal structure of the grb2 sh2 domain in complex with a flexible ac-py-q-n-nh2 tripeptide mimic
3ime crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis pantothenate synthetase at 2.40 ang resolution in complex with fragment compound 1-benzofuran-2-carboxylic acid
3img crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis pantothenate synthetase at 1.8 ang resolution in a ternary complex with fragment compounds 5-methoxyindole and 1-benzofuran-2-carboxylic acid
3imh crystal structure of galactose 1-epimerase from lactobacillus acidophilus ncfm
3imj crystal structure of the grb2 sh2 domain in complex with a cyclopropyl-constrained ac-ptyr-ile-asn-nh2 tripeptide mimic
3imr transthyretin in complex with (e)-2,6-dibromo-4-(2,6- dichlorostyryl)phenol
3ims transthyretin in complex with 2,6-dibromo-4-(2,6- dichlorophenethyl)phenol
3imt transthyretin in complex with (e)-4-(4-aminostyryl)-2,6- dibromophenol
3imu transthyretin in complex with (e)-4-(3-aminostyryl)-2,6- dibromoaniline
3imv transthyretin in complex with (e)-4-(4-aminostyryl)-2,6- dibromoaniline
3imw transthyretin in complex with (e)-2,6-dibromo-4-(2,6- dimethoxystyryl)aniline
3in1 crystal structure of a putative ribokinase in complex with adp from e.coli
3in6 crystal structure of a fmn-binding protein (swol_0183) from syntrophomonas wolfei subsp. wolfei at 2.12 a resolution
3in7 crystal structure of the grb2 sh2 domain in complex with a cyclopropyl-constrained ac-py-q-n-nh2 tripeptide mimic
3ink unraveling the structure of interleukin-2: reply
3ino 1.95a resolution structure of protective antigen domain 4
3inq crystal structure of bcl-xl in complex with w1191542
3inr structure of udp-galactopyranose mutase bound to udp- galactose (oxidized)
3int structure of udp-galactopyranose mutase bound to udp- galactose (reduced)
3inv trypanosoma cruzi dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase complexed with nadph, dump and c-448 antifolate
3io1 crystal structure of aminobenzoyl-glutamate utilization protein from klebsiella pneumoniae
3io5 crystal structure of a dimeric form of the uvsx recombinase core domain from enterobacteria phage t4
3io9 biml12y in complex with mcl-1
3iob crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis pantothenate synthetase at 1.80 ang resolution in complex with 5'-deoxy-5'- thioadenosine
3ioc crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis pantothenate synthetase at 2.50 ang resolution in complex with 5'-deoxy-5'- (benzyldisulfanyl)-adenosine
3iod crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis pantothenate synthetase at 1.75 ang resolution in complex with 5'-deoxy-5'-((3- nitrobenzyl)disulfanyl)-adenosine
3ioe crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis pantothenate synthetase at 1.95 ang resolution in complex with 5'-deoxy-5'-((r)-3, 4-dihydroxybutylthio)-adenosine
3ioj crystal structure of the fucosylgalactoside alpha n- acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (gta, cisab mutant l266g, g268a) in complex with udp
3iol crystal structure of glucagon-like peptide-1 in complex with the extracellular domain of the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor
3iom crystal structure of purine nucleoside phosphorylase from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with 2'-deoxyguanosine
3ioy structure of putative short-chain dehydrogenase (saro_0793) from novosphingobium aromaticivorans
3ioz sivmac239 nef in complex with a tcr zeta polypeptide dp1 (l51-d93)
3ipb human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with a palindromic bivalent amyloid inhibitor (11 carbon linker).
3ipe human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with a palindromic bivalent amyloid inhibitor (7 carbon linker).
3ipf crystal structure of the q251q8_deshy protein from desulfitobacterium hafniense. northeast structural genomics consortium target dhr8c.
3ipj the crystal structure of one domain of the pts system, iiabc component from clostridium difficile
3ipk crystal structure of a3vp1 of agi/ii of streptococcus mutans
3ipo crystal structure of ynje
3ipp crystal structure of sulfur-free ynje
3ipq x-ray structure of gw3965 synthetic agonist bound to the lxr-alpha
3ipy x-ray structure of human deoxycytidine kinase in complex with an inhibitor
3iq0 crystal structure of a putative ribokinase ii in complex with atp and mg+2 from e.coli
3iq2 human sorting nexin 7, phox homology (px) domain
3iq3 crystal structure of bothropstoxin-i complexed with polietilene glicol 4000 - crystallized at 283 k
3iqc crystal structure of flis from h. pylori
3iqg structure of o-acetylserine sulfhydrylase in complex with peptide mnwni
3iqh structure of o-acetylserine sulfhydrylase in complex with peptide mnydi
3iqi structure of o-acetylserine sulfhydrylase in complex with peptide mneni
3iqj crystal structure of human 14-3-3 sigma in complex with raf1 peptide (10mer)
3iql crystal structure of the rat endophilin-a1 sh3 domain
3iqo 1.5 angstrom x-ray structure of bovine ca(2+)-s100b
3iqq x-ray structure of bovine trtk12-ca(2+)-s100b
3iqu crystal structure of human 14-3-3 sigma in complex with raf1 peptide (6mer)
3iqv crystal structure of human 14-3-3 sigma in complex with raf1 peptide (6mer) and stabilisator fusicoccin
3iqw amppnp complex of c. therm. get3
3iqx adp complex of c.therm. get3 in closed form
3ir2 crystal structure of the apobec3g catalytic domain
3ir3 crystal structure of human 3-hydroxyacyl-thioester dehydratase 2 (htd2)
3ir8 red fluorescent protein mkeima at ph 7.0
3ir9 c-terminal domain of peptide chain release factor from methanosarcina mazei.
3irb crystal structure of protein with unknown function from duf35 family (13815350) from sulfolobus solfataricus at 1.80 a resolution
3irt crystal structure of the i93m mutant of ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase l1
3iru crystal structure of phoshonoacetaldehyde hydrolase like protein from oleispira antarctica
3irx crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with the non-nucleoside rt inhibitor (e)-s-methyl 5-(1-(3,7-dimethyl-2-oxo-2,3-dihydrobenzo[d]oxazol-5-yl)-5- (5-methyl-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)pent-1-enyl)-2-methoxy-3- methylbenzothioate.
3is2 2.3 angstrom crystal structure of a cys71 sulfenic acid form of vivid
3is4 crystal structure of leishmania mexicana pyruvate kinase (lmpyk)in complex with 1,3,6,8-pyrenetetrasulfonic acid
3is6 the crystal structure of a domain of a putative permease protein from porphyromonas gingivalis to 2a
3is9 crystal structure of the hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with the alkenyldiarylmethane (adam) non-nucleoside rt inhibitor dimethyl 3,3'-(6-methoxy-6-oxohex-1-ene-1,1- diyl)bis(5-cyano-6-methoxybenzoate).
3isg structure of the class d beta-lactamase oxa-1 in complex with doripenem
3isj crystal structure of pantothenate synthetase from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with 5-methoxy-n-(methylsulfonyl)-1h-indole- 2-carboxamide
3isl crystal structure of ureidoglycine-glyoxylate aminotransferase (pucg) from bacillus subtilis
3isn crystal structure of hiv-1 rt bound to a 6-vinylpyrimidine inhibitor
3iso crystal structure of 26 kda gst of clonorchis sinensis in p3221 symmetry
3isp crystal structure of argp from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3ist crystal structure of glutamate racemase from listeria monocytogenes in complex with succinic acid
3isv crystal structure of glutamate racemase from listeria monocytogenes in complex with acetate ion
3isz crystal structure of mono-zinc form of succinyl-diaminopimelate desuccinylase from haemophilus influenzae
3it0 crystal structure francisella tularensis histidine acid phosphatase complexed with phosphate
3it1 crystal structure francisella tularensis histidine acid phosphatase complexed with l(+)-tartrate
3it2 crystal structure of ligand-free francisella tularensis histidine acid phosphatase
3it3 crystal structure francisella tularensis histidine acid phosphatase d261a mutant complexed with substrate 3'-amp
3it7 crystal structure of the lasa virulence factor from pseudomonas aeruginosa
3ite the third adenylation domain of the fungal sidn non- ribosomal peptide synthetase
3itf structural basis for the inhibitory function of the cpxp adaptor protein
3itg structure the proline utilization a proline dehydrogenase domain (puta86-630) inactivated with n-propargylglycine
3itn crystal structure of pseudo-activated procaspase-3
3itq crystal structure of a prolyl 4-hydroxylase from bacillus anthracis
3itw crystal structure of tiox from micromonospora sp. ml1
3iu1 crystal structure of human type-i n-myristoyltransferase with bound myristoyl-coa
3iu2 crystal structure of human type-i n-myristoyltransferase with bound myristoyl-coa and inhibitor ddd90096
3iu4 anti neugcgm3 ganglioside chimeric antibody chp3
3iub crystal structure of pantothenate synthetase from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with 5-methoxy-n-(5- methylpyridin-2-ylsulfonyl)-1h-indole-2-carboxamide
3iuc crystal structure of the human 70kda heat shock protein 5 (bip/grp78) atpase domain in complex with adp
3iue crystal structure of pantothenate synthetase in complex with 2-(5- methoxy-2-(5-methylpyridin-2-ylsulfonylcarbamoyl)-1h-indol-1-yl) acetic acid
3iug crystal structure of the rhogap domain of rics
3iuk crystal structure of putative bacterial protein of unknown function (duf885, pf05960.1, ) from arthrobacter aurescens tc1, reveals fold similar to that of m32 carboxypeptidases
3iuo the crystal structure of the c-terminal domain of the atp-dependent dna helicase recq from porphyromonas gingivalis to 1.6a
3iup crystal structure of putative nadph:quinone oxidoreductase (yp_296108.1) from ralstonia eutropha jmp134 at 1.70 a resolution
3ius the structure of a functionally unknown conserved protein from silicibacter pomeroyi dss
3iuw crystal structure of activating signal cointegrator (np_814290.1) from enterococcus faecalis v583 at 1.58 a resolution
3iuy crystal structure of ddx53 dead-box domain
3iv2 crystal structure of mature apo-cathepsin l c25a mutant
3iv7 crystal structure of iron-containing alcohol dehydrogenase (np_602249.1) from corynebacterium glutamicum atcc 13032 kitasato at 2.07 a resolution
3ivb structures of spop-substrate complexes: insights into architectures of btb-cul3 ubiquitin ligases: spopmath- macroh2asbcpep1
3ivc crystal structure of pantothenate synthetase in complex with 2-(2- ((benzofuran-2-ylmethoxy)carbonyl)-5-methoxy-1h-indol-1-yl)acetic acid
3ivd putative 5'-nucleotidase (c4898) from escherichia coli in complex with uridine
3ivg crystal structure of pantothenate synthetase in complex with 2-(2- ((benzofuran-2-sulfonamido)methyl)-5-methoxy-1h-indol-1-yl)acetic acid
3ivl the crystal structure of the inactive peptidase domain of a putative zinc protease from bordetella parapertussis to 2.2a
3ivr crystal structure of putative long-chain-fatty-acid coa ligase from rhodopseudomonas palustris cga009
3ivs homocitrate synthase lys4
3ivt homocitrate synthase lys4 bound to 2-og
3ivu homocitrate synthase lys4 bound to 2-og
3ivv structures of spop-substrate complexes: insights into molecular architectures of btb-cul3 ubiquitin ligases: spopmath-pucsbc1_pep1
3ivx crystal structure of pantothenate synthetase in complex with 2-(2- (benzofuran-2-ylsulfonylcarbamoyl)-5-methoxy-1h-indol-1-yl)acetic acid
3ivz crystal structure of hyperthermophilic nitrilase
3iw3 crystal structure of hyperthermophilic nitrilase
3iwe crystal structure of human type-i n-myristoyltransferase with bound myristoyl-coa and inhibitor ddd85646
3iwf the crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of a rpir transcriptional regulator from staphylococcus epidermidis to 1.4a
3iwg acetyltransferase from gnat family from colwellia psychrerythraea.
3iwi x-ray crystal structure of the extended-spectrum ampc omega loop insertion (h210aaa) mutant beta-lactamase at 1.64 angstrom resolution
3iwj crystal structure of aminoaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 from pisum sativum (psamadh2)
3iwo x-ray crystal structure of the extended-spectrum ampc y221g mutant beta-lactamase at 1.90 angstrom resolution
3iwq x-ray crystal structure of the extended-spectrum ampc e219k mutant beta-lactamase at 1.84 angstrom resolution
3iwr crystal structure of class i chitinase from oryza sativa l. japonica
3iwx crystal structure of cisplatin bound to a human copper chaperone (dimer)
3ix1 periplasmic n-formyl-4-amino-5-aminomethyl-2-methylpyrimidine binding protein from bacillus halodurans
3ix3 lasr-oc12 hsl complex
3ix6 crystal structure of thymidylate synthase thya from brucella melitensis
3ix7 crystal structure of a domain of functionally unknown protein from thermus thermophilus hb8
3ix9 crystal structure of streptococcus pneumoniae dihydrofolate reductase - sp9 mutant
3ixb x-ray crystal structure of the extended-spectrum ampc e219k mutant beta-lactamase complexed with benzo(b)thiophene-2- boronic acid (bzb) at 1.63 angstrom resolution
3ixd x-ray crystal structure of the extended-spectrum ampc v298e mutant beta-lactamase at 2.64 angstrom resolution
3ixe structural basis of competition between pinch1 and pinch2 for binding to the ankyrin repeat domain of integrin-linked kinase
3ixf crystal structure of dehaloperoxidase b at 1.58 and structural characterization of the ab dimer from amphitrite ornata
3ixg x-ray crystal structure of the extended-spectrum ampc t70i mutant beta-lactamase with and without benzo(b)thiophene-2- boronic acid bound at 2.14 angstrom resolution
3ixh x-ray crystal structure of the extended-spectrum ampc y221g mutant beta-lactamase in complex with cefotaxime at 2.3 angstrom resolution
3ixo crystal structure of uncomplexed hiv_1 protease subtype a
3ixp crystal structure of the ecdysone receptor bound to byi08346
3ixz pig gastric h+/k+-atpase complexed with aluminium fluoride
3iy0 variable domains of the x-ray structure of fab 14 fitted into the cryoem reconstruction of the virus-fab 14 complex
3iy1 variable domains of the wam of fab b fitted into the cryoem reconstruction of the virus-fab b complex
3iy2 variable domains of the computer generated model (wam) of fab 6 fitted into the cryoem reconstruction of the virus- fab 6 complex
3iy3 variable domains of the computer generated model (wam) of fab 8 fitted into the cryoem reconstruction of the virus- fab 8 complex
3iy4 variable domains of the computer generated model (wam) of fab 15 fitted into the cryoem reconstruction of the virus- fab 15 complex
3iy5 variable domains of the mouse fab (1aif) fitted into the cryoem reconstruction of the virus-fab 16 complex
3iy6 variable domains of the computer generated model (wam) of fab e fitted into the cryoem reconstruction of the virus- fab e complex
3iy7 variable domains of the computer generated model (wam) of fab f fitted into the cryoem reconstruction of the virus- fab f complex
3iym backbone trace of the capsid protein dimer of a fungal partitivirus from electron cryomicroscopy and homology modeling
3izq structure of the dom34-hbs1-gdpnp complex bound to a translating ribosome
3j08 high resolution helical reconstruction of the bacterial p-type atpase copper transporter copa
3j09 high resolution helical reconstruction of the bacterial p-type atpase copper transporter copa
3j0a homology model of human toll-like receptor 5 fitted into an electron microscopy single particle reconstruction
3jpv crystal structure of human proto-oncogene serine threonine kinase (pim1) in complex with a consensus peptide and a pyrrolo[2,3- a]carbazole ligand
3jpx eed: a novel histone trimethyllysine binder within the eed-ezh2 polycomb complex
3jpz crystal structure of lombricine kinase
3jq1 crystal structure of susd superfamily protein (yp_001297730.1) from bacteroides vulgatus atcc 8482 at 1.55 a resolution
3jq5 phospholipase a2 prevents the aggregation of amyloid beta peptides: crystal structure of the complex of phospholipase a2 with octapeptide fragment of amyloid beta peptide, asp- ala-glu-phe-arg-his-asp-ser at 2 a resolution
3jql crystal structure of the complex formed between phospholipase a2 and a hexapeptide fragment of amyloid beta peptide, lys-leu-val-phe-phe-ala at 1.2 a resolution
3jqu crystal structure of clostridium histolyticum colg collagenase polycystic kidney disease domain at 1.4 angstrom resolution
3jqz crystal structure of human serum albumin complexed with lidocaine
3jr1 crystal structure of putative fructosamine-3-kinase (yp_719053.1) from haemophilus somnus 129pt at 2.32 a resolution
3jr3 sir2 bound to acetylated peptide
3jr7 the crystal structure of the protein of degv family cog1307 with unknown function from ruminococcus gnavus atcc 29149
3jr8 crystal structure of bthtx-ii (asp49-pla2 from bothrops jararacussu snake venom) with calcium ions
3jro nup84-nup145c-sec13 edge element of the npc lattice
3jrq crystal structure of (+)-aba-bound pyl1 in complex with abi1
3jrr crystal structure of the ligand binding suppressor domain of type 3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor
3jru crystal structure of leucyl aminopeptidase (pepa) from xoo0834, xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae kacc10331
3jry human serum albumin with bound sulfate
3js1 crystal structure of adipocyte fatty acid binding protein covalently modified with 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal
3js2 crystal structure of minimal kinase domain of fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 in complex with 5-(2-thienyl) nicotinic acid
3js7 crystal structure of clostridium histolyticum colg collagenase pkd domain 2 at 1.6 angstrom resolution
3jsb crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus l protein
3jsi human phosphodiesterase 9 in complex with inhibitor
3jsl crystal structure of the adenylation domain of nad+- dependent dna ligase from staphylococcus aureus
3jst crystal structure of transcriptional coactivator/pterin dehydratase from brucella melitensis
3jsu quadruple mutant(n51i+c59r+s108n+i164l) plasmodium falciparum dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase(pfdhfr-ts) complexed with qn254, nadph, and dump
3jsw human pde9 in complex with selective inhibitor
3jsy n-terminal fragment of ribosomal protein l10 from methanococcus jannaschii
3jt0 crystal structure of the c-terminal fragment (426-558) lamin-b1 from homo sapiens, northeast structural genomics consortium target hr5546a
3jt2 cu(ii) n47s/m121l variant of pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin
3jt3 structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with n~5~-[2-(methylsulfanyl)ethanimidoyl]-l- ornithine
3jt4 structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with n~5~-[(3-(ethylsulfanyl)propanimidoyl]-l- ornithine
3jt5 structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with n~5~-[2-(ethylsulfanyl)ethanimidoyl]-l- ornithine
3jt6 structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with n~5~-[4-(methylsulfanyl)butanimidoyl]-l- ornithine
3jt7 structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with n~5~-[2-(propylsulfanyl)ethanimidoyl]-l- ornithine
3jt8 structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with n~5~-{3-[(1-methylethyl) sulfanyl]propanimidoyl}-l-ornithine
3jt9 structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain in the ferrous state complexed with n~5~-[2-(ethylsulfanyl) ethanimidoyl]-l-ornithine
3jta structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain in the ferrous state complexed with n~5~-[4-(methylsulfanyl) butanimidoyl]-l-ornithine
3jtf the cbs domain pair structure of a magnesium and cobalt efflux protein from bordetella parapertussis in complex with amp
3jth crystal structure of a transcriptional regulator hlyu from vibrio vulnificus cmcp6
3jti crystal structure of the complex formed between phospholipase a2 with beta-amyloid fragment, lys-gly-ala-ile-ile-gly-leu-met at 1.8 a resolution
3jtk crystal structure of human type-i n-myristoyltransferase with bound myristoyl-coa and inhibitor ddd90055
3jtn crystal structure of the c-terminal domain of ypbh
3jtq mutations in cephalosporin acylase affecting stability and autoproteolysis
3jtr mutations in cephalosporin acylase affecting stability and autoproteolysis
3jtw crystal structure of putative dihydrofolate reductase (yp_805003.1) from pediococcus pentosaceus atcc 25745 at 1.90 a resolution
3jtx crystal structure of aminotransferase (np_283882.1) from neisseria meningitidis z2491 at 1.91 a resolution
3ju1 crystal structure of enoyl-coa hydratase/isomerase family protein
3ju7 crystal structure of putative plp-dependent aminotransferase (np_978343.1) from bacillus cereus atcc 10987 at 2.19 a resolution
3ju8 crystal structure of succinylglutamic semialdehyde dehydrogenase from pseudomonas aeruginosa.
3jue crystal structure of arfgap and ank repeat domain of acap1
3juh crystal structure of a mutant of human protein kinase ck2alpha with altered cosubstrate specificity
3jum crystal structure of phza/b from burkholderia cepacia r18194 in complex with 5-bromo-2-((1s,3r)-3-carboxycyclohexylamino)benzoic acid
3jun crystal structure of phza/b from burkholderia cepacia r18194 in simultaneous complex with racemic 5-bromo-2-(piperidin-3-ylamino) benzoic acid
3juo crystal structure of phza/b from burkholderia cepacia r18194 in complex with (r)-5-bromo-2-(piperidin-3-ylamino)benzoic acid
3jup crystal structure of phza/b from burkholderia cepacia r18194 in complex with (s)-5-bromo-2-(piperidin-3-ylamino)benzoic acid
3juq crystal structure of phza/b from burkholderia cepacia r18194 cocrystallized with 2 mm racemic 5-bromo-2-(piperidin-3-ylamino) benzoic acid
3jus crystal structure of human lanosterol 14alpha-demethylase (cyp51) in complex with econazole
3juu crystal structure of porphyranase b (porb) from zobellia galactanivorans
3jv3 structure of sh3e-dh unit of murine intersectin-1l
3jv9 the structure of a reduced form of oxyr from n. meningitidis
3jvd crystal structure of putative transcription regulation repressor (laci family) from corynebacterium glutamicum
3jvk crystal structure of bromodomain 1 of mouse brd4 in complex with histone h3-k(ac)14
3jvw hiv-1 protease mutant g86a with symmetric inhibitor dmp323
3jvx crystal structure of bacillus anthracis dihydrofolate reductase complexed with nadph and 2,4-diamino-5-(3-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl) prop-1-ynyl)-6-ethylpyrimidine (ucp120a)
3jvy hiv-1 protease mutant g86a with darunavir
3jw1 crystal structure of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease complexed with uridine-5'-monophosphate at 1.60 a resolution
3jw2 hiv-1 protease mutant g86s with darunavir
3jw3 crystal structure of bacillus anthracis (f96i) dihydrofolate reductase complexed with nadph and trimethoprim
3jw5 crystal structure of bacillus anthracis (y102f) dihydrofolate reductase complexed with nadph and trimethoprim
3jw8 crystal structure of human mono-glyceride lipase
3jwc crystal structure of bacillus anthracis (y102f) dihydrofolate reductase complexed with nadph and 2,4-diamino-5-(3-(3,4,5- trimethoxyphenyl)prop-1-ynyl)-6-ethylpyrimidine (ucp120a)
3jwe crystal structure of human mono-glyceride lipase in complex with sar629
3jwf crystal structure of bacillus anthracis (y102f) dihydrofolate reductase complexed with nadph and (r)-2,4-diamino-5-(3-hydroxy-3-(3, 4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)prop-1-ynyl)-6-methylpyrimidine (ucp113a)
3jwh crystal structure analysis of the methyltransferase domain of bacterial-avhen1-c
3jwi crystal structure analysis of the methyltransferase domain of bacterial-cthen1-cn
3jwj crystal structure analysis of the methyltransferase domain of bacterial-avhen1-cn
3jwk crystal structure of bacillus anthracis (y102f) dihydrofolate reductase complexed with nadph and (s)-2,4-diamino-5-(3-methoxy-3-(3, 4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)prop-1-ynyl)-6-methylpyrimidine (ucp114a)
3jwm crystal structure of bacillus anthracis dihydrofolate reductase complexed with nadph and (s)-2,4-diamino-5-(3-methoxy-3-(3,4,5- trimethoxyphenyl)prop-1-ynyl)-6-methylpyrimidine (ucp114a)
3jx9 crystal structure of putative phosphoheptose isomerase (yp_001815198.1) from exiguobacterium sp. 255-15 at 1.95 a resolution
3jxa immunoglobulin domains 1-4 of mouse cntn4
3jxe crystal structure of pyrococcus horikoshii tryptophanyl-trna synthetase in complex with trpamp
3jxf ca-like domain of human ptprz
3jxj crystal structure of the chicken trpv4 ankyrin repeat domain
3jxo crystal structure of an octomeric two-subunit trka k+ channel ring gating assembly, tm1088a:tm1088b, from thermotoga maritima
3jyb crystal structure of the rets periplasmic domain
3jyf the crystal structure of a 2,3-cyclic nucleotide 2- phosphodiesterase/3-nucleotidase bifunctional periplasmic precursor protein from klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae mgh 78578
3jyj structure-based design of novel pin1 inhibitors (ii)
3jym crystal structure of the 3 fkbp domains of wheat fkbp73
3jyu crystal structure of the n-terminal domains of the ubiquitin specific peptidase 4 (usp4)
3jyy semet linb complexed with ppi
3jz0 linb complexed with clindamycin and ampcpp
3jz1 crystal structure of human thrombin mutant n143p in e:na+ form
3jz2 crystal structure of human thrombin mutant n143p in e* form
3jz3 structure of the cytoplasmic segment of histidine kinase qsec
3jz6 crystal structure of mycobacterium smegmatis branched chain aminotransferase in complex with pyridoxal-5'-phosphate at 1.9 angstrom.
3jza crystal structure of human rab1b in complex with the gef domain of drra/sidm from legionella pneumophila
3jzf crystal structure of biotin carboxylase from e. coli in complex with benzimidazoles series
3jzg structure of eed in complex with h3k27me3
3jzh eed-h3k79me3
3jzi crystal structure of biotin carboxylase from e. coli in complex with benzimidazole series
3jzl crystal structure of a putative cystathionine beta-lyase involved in aluminum resistance (lmof2365_1314) from listeria monocytogenes str. 4b f2365 at 1.91 a resolution
3jzo human mdmx liganded with a 12mer peptide (pdi)
3jzp human mdmx liganded with a 12mer peptide inhibitor (pdi6w)
3jzr human mdm2 liganded with a 12mer peptide inhibitor (pdi6w)
3jzs human mdm2 liganded with a 12mer peptide inhibitor (pdiq)
3k03 crystal structure of cng mimicking nak mutant, nak-dtpp, k+ complex
3k04 crystal structure of cng mimicking nak mutant, nak-dtpp, na+ complex
3k0h the crystal structure of brca1 brct in complex with a minimal recognition tetrapeptide with an amidated c-terminus
3k0k crystal structure of brca1 brct in complex with a minimal recognition tetrapeptide with a free carboxy c-terminus.
3k0l crystal structure of putative marr family transcriptional regulator from acinetobacter sp. adp
3k0z crystal structure of putative polyketide cyclase (np_977253.1) from bacillus cereus atcc 10987 at 1.91 a resolution
3k15 crystal structure of brca1 brct d1840t in complex with a minimal recognition tetrapeptide with an amidated c-terminus
3k16 crystal structure of brca1 brct d1840t in complex with a minimal recognition tetrapeptide with a free carboxy c-terminus
3k1e crystal structure of odorant binding protein 1 (aaegobp1) from aedes aegypti
3k1j crystal structure of lon protease from thermococcus onnurineus na1
3k1l crystal structure of fancl
3k1m crystal structure of full-length benm, r156h mutant
3k1n crystal structure of full-length benm
3k1p crystal structure of full-length benm e226k mutant
3k1r structure of harmonin npdz1 in complex with the sam-pbm of sans
3k1w new classes of potent and bioavailable human renin inhibitors
3k25 crystal structure of slr1438 protein from synechocystis sp. pcc 6803, northeast structural genomics consortium target sgr112
3k26 complex structure of eed and trimethylated h3k4
3k27 complex structure of eed and trimethylated h3k9
3k2a crystal structure of the homeobox domain of human homeobox protein meis2
3k2d crystal structure of immunogenic lipoprotein a from vibrio vulnificus
3k2e crystal structure of enoyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase from anaplasma phagocytophilum at 1.9a resolution
3k2h co-crystal structure of dihydrofolate reductase/thymidylate synthase from babesia bovis with dump, pemetrexed and nadp
3k2i human acyl-coenzyme a thioesterase 4
3k2j crystal structure of the 3rd bromodomain of human poly-bromodomain containing protein 1 (pb1)
3k2n the crystal structure of sigma-54-dependent transcriptional regulator domain from chlorobium tepidum tls
3k2o structure of an oxygenase
3k2p hiv-1 reverse transcriptase isolated rnaseh domain with the inhibitor beta-thujaplicinol bound at the active site
3k2s solution structure of double super helix model
3k2v structure of the cbs pair of a putative d-arabinose 5-phosphate isomerase from klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae.
3k2z crystal structure of a lexa protein from thermotoga maritima
3k30 histamine dehydrogenase from nocardiodes simplex
3k31 crystal structure of eonyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase from anaplasma phagocytophilum in complex with nad at 1.9a resolution
3k36 crystal structure of b/perth neuraminidase
3k37 crystal structure of b/perth neuraminidase in complex with peramivir
3k3b co-crystal structure of the human kinesin eg5 with a novel tetrahydro-beta-carboline
3k3e crystal structure of the pde9a catalytic domain in complex with (r)-bay73-6691
3k3h crystal structure of the pde9a catalytic domain in complex with (s)-bay73-6691
3k3k crystal structure of dimeric abscisic acid (aba) receptor pyrabactin resistance 1 (pyr1) with aba-bound closed-lid and aba-free open-lid subunits
3k3p crystal structure of the apo form of d-alanine:d-alanine ligase (ddl) from streptococcus mutans
3k3u the v59w mutation blocks the distal pocket of the hemoglobin dehaloperoxidase from amphitrite ornata
3k3w thermostable penicillin g acylase from alcaligence faecalis in orthorhombic form
3k40 crystal structure of drosophila 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine decarboxylase
3k41 crystal structure of scd-mpr mutant e19q/k137m bound to man-6-p
3k42 crystal structure of scd-mpr mutant e19q/k137m ph 7.0
3k43 crystal structure of scd-mpr mutant e19q/k137m ph 6.5
3k46 crystal structure of full-length e. coli beta-glucuronidase
3k4a crystal structure of selenomethionine substituted e. coli beta- glucuronidase
3k4d crystal structure of e. coli beta-glucuronidase with the glucaro-d- lactam inhibitor bound
3k4f x-ray crystal structure of human heme oxygenase-1 in complex with 4-phenyl-1-(1h-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-2-butanone
3k4h crystal structure of putative transcriptional regulator laci from bacillus cereus subsp. cytotoxis nvh 391-98
3k4l pyranose 2-oxidase f454n mutant in complex with 2fg
3k4n pyranose 2-oxidase f454a/s455a/y456a mutant
3k4o crystal structure of isopentenyl phosphate kinase from methanocaldococcus jannaschii
3k4p aspergillus niger phytase
3k4q aspergillus niger phytase in complex with myo-inositol hexakis sulfate
3k4y crystal structure of isopentenyl phosphate kinase from m. jannaschii in complex with ipp
3k51 crystal structure of dcr3-tl1a complex
3k52 crystal structure of isopentenyl phosphate kinase from m. jannaschii in complex with ip
3k56 crystal structure of isopentenyl phosphate kinase from m. jannaschii in complex with ipp beta-s
3k5e the structure of human kinesin-like motor protein kif11/ksp/eg5 in complex with adp and enastrol.
3k5k discovery of a 2,4-diamino-7-aminoalkoxy-quinazoline as a potent inhibitor of histone lysine methyltransferase, g9a
3k5o crystal structure of e.coli pol ii
3k5s crystal structure of chicken t-cadherin ec1 ec2
3k5v structure of abl kinase in complex with imatinib and gnf-2
3k60 crystal structure of n-terminal domain of plasmodium falciparum hsp90 (pf07_0029) bound to adp
3k65 crystal structure of prethombin-2/fragment-2 complex
3k67 crystal structure of protein af1124 from archaeoglobus fulgidus
3k6e crystal structure of cbs domain protein from streptococcus pneumoniae tigr4
3k6f crystal structure of mouse t-cadherin ec1
3k6h crystal structure of a nitroreductase family protein from agrobacterium tumefaciens str. c58
3k6o crystal structure of protein of unknown function duf1344 (yp_001299214.1) from bacteroides vulgatus atcc 8482 at 2.00 a resolution
3k6x m. acetivorans molybdate-binding protein (moda) in molybdate-bound close form with 2 molecules in asymmetric unit forming beta barrel
3k6z crystal structure of rv3671c protease, inactive form
3k74 disruption of protein dynamics by an allosteric effector antibody
3k7b the structure of the poxvirus a33 protein reveals a dimer of unique c- type lectin-like domains.
3k7d c-terminal (adenylylation) domain of e.coli glutamine synthetase adenylyltransferase
3k7f crystal structure analysis of a phenhexyl/oxazole/carboxypyridine alpha-ketoheterocycle inhibitor bound to a humanized variant of fatty acid amide hydrolase'
3k7o structure of type b ribose 5-phosphate isomerase from trypanosoma cruzi
3k7p structure of mutant of ribose 5-phosphate isomerase type b from trypanosoma cruzi.
3k7t crystal structure of apo-form 6-hydroxy-l-nicotine oxidase, crystal form p3121
3k7u structure of essential protein from trypanosoma brucei
3k7v protein phosphatase 2a core complex bound to dinophysistoxin-1
3k7w protein phosphatase 2a core complex bound to dinophysistoxin-2
3k83 crystal structure analysis of a biphenyl/oxazole/carboxypyridine alpha-ketoheterocycle inhibitor bound to a humanized variant of fatty acid amide hydrolase
3k84 crystal structure analysis of a oleyl/oxadiazole/pyridine inhibitor bound to a humanized variant of fatty acid amide hydrolase
3k85 crystal structure of a d-glycero-d-manno-heptose 1-phosphate kinase from bacteriodes thetaiotaomicron
3k86 crystal structure of nadh:fad oxidoreductase (tftc) - apo form
3k87 crystal structure of nadh:fad oxidoreductase (tftc) - fad complex
3k88 crystal structure of nadh:fad oxidoreductase (tftc) - fad, nadh complex
3k8a neisseria gonorrhoeae prib
3k8c complex of trypanosoma cruzi ribose 5-phosphate isomerase type b with 4-deoxy-4-phospho-d-erythronohydroxamic acid
3k8g structure of crystal form i of tp0453
3k8h structure of crystal form i of tp0453
3k8k crystal structure of susg
3k8l crystal structure of susg-d498n mutant with maltoheptaose
3k8m crystal structure of susg with acarbose
3k8p structural basis for vesicle tethering by the dsl1 complex
3k8r crystal structure of protein of unknown function (yp_427503.1) from rhodospirillum rubrum atcc 11170 at 2.75 a resolution
3k8s crystal structure of pparg in complex with t2384
3k8v crysatl structure of a bacterial cell-surface flagellin n20c20
3k91 polysulfane bridge in cu-zn superoxide dismutase
3k96 2.1 angstrom resolution crystal structure of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gpsa) from coxiella burnetii
3k98 hsp90 n-terminal domain in complex with (1r)-2-(5-chloro-2, 4-dihydroxybenzoyl)-n-ethylisoindoline-1-carboxamide
3k9c crystal structure of laci transcriptional regulator from rhodococcus species.
3k9e crystal structure of a putative ribokinase ii (apo form) from e.coli
3k9h crystal structure of a plasmid partition protein from borrelia burgdorferi at 2.25a resolution
3k9j transposase domain of metnase
3k9k transposase domain of metnase
3k9o the crystal structure of e2-25k and ubb+1 complex
3k9p the crystal structure of e2-25k and ubiquitin complex
3k9u crystal structure of paia acetyltransferase (ta0374) from thermoplasma acidophilum
3k9v crystal structure of rat mitochondrial p450 24a1 s57d in complex with chaps
3k9y crystal structure of rat mitochondrial p450 24a1 s57d in complex with cymal-5
3ka5 crystal structure of ribosome-associated protein y (psrp-1) from clostridium acetobutylicum. northeast structural genomics consortium target id car123a
3kaa structure of tim-3 in complex with phosphatidylserine
3kac structure-guided design of alpha-amino acid-derived pin1 inhibitors
3kaj apoenzyme structure of homoglutathione synthetase from glycine max in open conformation
3kak structure of homoglutathione synthetase from glycine max in open conformation with gamma-glutamyl-cysteine bound.
3kal structure of homoglutathione synthetase from glycine max in closed conformation with homoglutathione, adp, a sulfate ion, and three magnesium ions bound
3kas machupo virus gp1 bound to human transferrin receptor 1
3kay crystal structure of abscisic acid receptor pyl1
3kb1 crystal structure of the nucleotide-binding protein af_226 in complex with adp from archaeoglobus fulgidus, northeast structural genomics consortium target gr157
3kb2 crystal structure of yorr protein in complex with phosphorylated gdp from bacillus subtilis, northeast structural genomics consortium target sr256
3kb3 crystal structure of abscisic acid-bound pyl2 in complex with hab1
3kba progesterone receptor bound to sulfonamide pyrrolidine partial agonist
3kbq the crystal structure of the protein cina with unknown function from thermoplasma acidophilum
3kby crystal structure of hypothetical protein from staphylococcus aureus
3kc2 crystal structure of mitochondrial had-like phosphatase from saccharomyces cerevisiae
3kcc crystal structure of d138l mutant of catabolite gene activator protein
3kcn the crystal structure of adenylate cyclase from rhodopirellula baltica
3kcp crystal structure of interacting clostridium thermocellum multimodular components
3kcz human poly(adp-ribose) polymerase 2, catalytic fragment in complex with an inhibitor 3-aminobenzamide
3kd3 crystal structure of a phosphoserine phosphohydrolase-like protein from francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis schu s4
3kd4 crystal structure of a putative protease (bdi_1141) from parabacteroides distasonis atcc 8503 at 2.00 a resolution
3kd6 crystal structure of nucleoside kinase from chlorobium tepidum in complex with amp
3kd8 cofactor-independent phosphoglycerate mutase from thermoplasma acidophilum dsm 1728
3kdb crystal structure of hiv-1 protease (q7k, l33i, l63i) in complex with kni-10006
3kdc crystal structure of hiv-1 protease (q7k, l33i, l63i) in complex with kni-10074
3kdd crystal structure of hiv-1 protease (q7k, l33i, l63i) in complex with kni-10265
3kdg c-terminal domain of bacillus subtilis mutl crystal form ii
3kdj complex structure of (+)-aba-bound pyl1 and abi1
3kdk structure of the c-terminal domain of bacillus subtilis mutl bound to zn2+
3kdt crystal structure of peroxisome proliferator-activatedeceptor alpha (pparalpha) complex with n-3-((2-(4-chlorophenyl)-5-methyl-1,3- oxazol-4-yl)methoxy)benzyl)-n-(methoxycarbonyl)glycine
3kdu crystal structure of peroxisome proliferator-activatedeceptor alpha (pparalpha) complex with n-3-((2-(4-chlorophenyl)-5-methyl-1,3- oxazol-4-yl)methoxy)benzyl)-n-((4-methylphenoxy)carbonyl)glycine
3kdy x-ray crystal structure of tyrosine aminomutase mutant construct
3kdz x-ray crystal structure of a tyrosine aminomutase mutant construct with bound ligand
3ke0 crystal structure of n370s glucocerebrosidase at acidic ph.
3ke6 the crystal structure of the rsbu and rsbw domains of rv1364c from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3ke7 crystal structure of putative ketosteroid isomerase (yp_001303366.1) from parabacteroides distasonis atcc 8503 at 1.45 a resolution
3ke8 crystal structure of isph:hmbpp-complex
3ke9 crystal structure of isph:intermediate-complex
3kea structure function studies of vaccinia virus host-range protein k1 reveal a novel ankyrin repeat interaction surface for k1s function
3kec crystal structure of human mmp-13 complexed with a phenyl-2h-tetrazole compound
3kef crystal structure of isph:dmapp-complex
3keg x-ray crystallographic structure of a y131f mutant of pseudomonas aeruginosa azoreductase in complex with methyl red
3keh crystal structure of n370s glucocerebrosidase mutant at ph 7.4
3kej crystal structure of human mmp-13 complexed with a (pyridin-4-yl)-2h- tetrazole compound
3kek crystal structure of human mmp-13 complexed with a (pyridin-4-yl)-2h- tetrazole compound
3kel crystal structure of isph:pp complex
3kem crystal structure of isph:ipp complex
3keo crystal structure of a rex-family transcriptional regulatory protein from streptococcus agalactiae complexed with nad+
3kep crystal structure of the autoproteolytic domain from the nuclear pore complex component nup145 from saccharomyces cerevisiae
3keq crystal structure of a rex-family transcriptional regulatory protein from streptococcus agalactiae complexed with nad+
3kes crystal structure of the autoproteolytic domain from the nuclear pore complex component nup145 from saccharomyces cerevisiae in the hexagonal, p61 space group
3keu crystal structure of human pl kinase with bound plp and atp
3kew crystal structure of probable alanyl-trna-synthase from clostridium perfringens
3kex crystal structure of the catalytically inactive kinase domain of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 3 (her3)
3kez crystal structure of putative sugar binding protein (yp_001299726.1) from bacteroides vulgatus atcc 8482 at 1.90 a resolution
3kf0 hiv protease with fragment 4d9 bound
3kf3 structure of fructofuranosidase from schwanniomyces occidentalis complexed with fructose
3kf4 structural analysis of dfg-in and dfg-out dual src-abl inhibitors sharing a common vinyl purine template
3kf5 structure of invertase from schwanniomyces occidentalis
3kf6 crystal structure of s. pombe stn1-ten1 complex
3kfa structural analysis of dfg-in and dfg-out dual src-abl inhibitors sharing a common vinyl purine template
3kfn hiv protease (pr) with inhibitor tl-3 and fragment hit 4d9 by soaking
3kfr hiv protease (pr) dimer with inhibitor tl-3 bound and fragment 1f1 in the outside/top of flap
3kfs hiv protease (pr) dimer with inhibitor tl-3 bound and fragment 2f4 in the outside/top of flap
3kft crystal structure of pentaerythritol tetranitrate reductase complex with 1,4,5,6-tetrahydro nadh
3kfx human dck complex with 5-me dc and adp
3kg5 crystal structure of human ig-beta homodimer
3kg8 dehydratase domain from curj module of curacin polyketide synthase
3kg9 dehydratase domain from curk module of curacin polyketide synthase
3kgc isolated ligand binding domain dimer of glua2 ionotropic glutamate receptor in complex with glutamate, ly 404187 and zk 200775
3kgf the structure of 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase from mycobacterium tuberculosis complexed with phenylalanine and tryptophan
3kgk crystal structure of arsd
3kgs v30m mutant human transthyretin (ttr) (apov30m) ph 7.5
3kgt v30m mutant human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with genistein (v30m:gen) ph 7.5
3kgu wild type human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with genistein (ttrwt:gen) ph 7.5
3kgw crystal structure of putative aminotransferase (aah25799.1) from mus musculus at 1.65 a resolution
3kgx crystal structure of putative aminotransferase (aah25799.1) from mus musculus at 1.80 a resolution
3kgy crystal structure of putative dihydrofolate reductase (yp_001636057.1) from chloroflexus aurantiacus j-10-fl at 1.50 a resolution
3kgz crystal structure of a cupin 2 conserved barrel domain protein from rhodopseudomonas palustris
3kh0 crystal structure of the ras-association (ra) domain of ralgds
3kh1 crystal structure of predicted metal-dependent phosphohydrolase (zp_00055740.2) from magnetospirillum magnetotacticum ms-1 at 1.37 a resolution
3kh8 crystal structure of maoc-like dehydratase from phytophthora capsici
3khe crystal structure of the calcium-loaded calmodulin-like domain of the cdpk, 541.m00134 from toxoplasma gondii
3khf the crystal structure of the pdz domain of human microtubule associated serine/threonine kinase 3 (mast3)
3khk crystal structure of type-i restriction-modification system methylation subunit (mm_0429) from methanosarchina mazei.
3khn crystal structure of putative motb like protein dvu_2228 from desulfovibrio vulgaris.
3kho crystal structure of murine ig-beta (cd79b) homodimer
3khw crystal structure of the large c-terminal domain of polymerase basic protein 2 from influenza virus a/mexico/indre4487/2009(h1n1)
3khx crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus metallopeptidase (sapep/dape) in the apo-form
3khy crystal structure of a propionate kinase from francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis schu s4
3khz crystal structure of r350a mutant of staphylococcus aureus metallopeptidase (sapep/dape) in the apo-form
3ki8 crystal structure of hyperthermophilic nitrilase
3kia crystal structure of mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate synthase from rubrobacter xylanophilus
3kii agao 5-phenoxy-2,3-pentadienylamine complex
3kiz crystal structure of putative phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine cyclo- ligase (yp_676759.1) from cytophaga hutchinsonii atcc 33406 at 1.50 a resolution
3kj0 mcl-1 in complex with bim bh3 mutant i2dy
3kj1 mcl-1 in complex with bim bh3 mutant i2da
3kj2 mcl-1 in complex with bim bh3 mutant f4ae
3kjd human poly(adp-ribose) polymerase 2, catalytic fragment in complex with an inhibitor abt-888
3kjf caspase 3 bound to a covalent inhibitor
3kjg adp-bound state of cooc1
3kji zn and adp bound state of cooc1
3kjn caspase 8 bound to a covalent inhibitor
3kjq caspase 8 with covalent inhibitor
3kjr crystal structure of dihydrofolate reductase/thymidylate synthase from babesia bovis determined using slipchip based microfluidics
3kjy crystal structure of reduced homo sapiens clic3
3kk6 crystal structure of cyclooxygenase-1 in complex with celecoxib
3kk7 crystal structure of putative cell invasion protein with mac/perforin domain (np_812351.1) from bacteriodes thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 2.46 a resolution
3kkb the crystal structure of a two-component sensor domain from pseudomonas aeruginosa pa01
3kki plp-dependent acyl-coa transferase cqsa
3kkj x-ray structure of p. syringae q888a4 oxidoreductase at resolution 2.5a, northeast structural genomics consortium target psr10
3kkl crystal structure of functionally unknown hsp33 from saccharomyces cerevisiae
3kks crystal structure of catalytic core domain of biv integrase in crystal form ii
3kkt crystal structure of human pde4b with 5-[3-[(1s,2s,4r)- bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-yloxy]-4-methoxyp henyl]tetrahydro-2(1h)- pyrimidinone reveals ordering of the c-terminal helix residues 502- 509.
3kkv structure of pka with a protein kinase b-selective inhibitor.
3kky structure of manganese superoxide dismutase from deinococcus radiodurans in the orthorhombic space group p212121: a case study of mistaken identity
3kkz crystal structure of the q5les9_bacfn protein from bacteroides fragilis. northeast structural genomics consortium target bfr250.
3kl1 crystal structure of abscisic acid receptor pyl2 at 1.55 a
3kl4 recognition of a signal peptide by the signal recognition particle
3kl6 discovery of tetrahydropyrimidin-2(1h)-one derivative tak-442: a potent, selective and orally active factor xa inhibitor
3klc crystal structure of hyperthermophilic nitrilase
3kld ptprg cntn4 complex
3kli crystal structure of unliganded azt-resistant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase
3klq crystal structure of the minor pilin fctb from streptococcus pyogenes 90/306s
3klw crystal structure of primosomal replication protein n from bordetella pertussis. northeast structural genomics consortium target ber132.
3klx crystal structure of native abscisic acid receptor pyl3
3km0 17betahsd1 in complex with 3beta-diol
3km1 zinc-reconstituted tomato chloroplast superoxide dismutase
3km3 crystal structure of eoxycytidine triphosphate deaminase from anaplasma phagocytophilum at 2.1a resolution
3km4 optimization of orally bioavailable alkyl amine renin inhibitors
3km5 crystal structure analysis of the k2 cleaved adhesin domain of lys- gingipain (kgp)
3km6 crystal structure of the human gst pi c47s/y108v double mutant in complex with the ethacrynic acid-glutathione conjugate
3km8 crystal structuore of adenosine deaminase from mus musculus complexed with 9-deazainosine
3kma crystal structure of vset under condition a
3kmc crystal structure of catalytic domain of tace with tartrate-based inhibitor
3kme crystal structure of catalytic domain of tace with phenyl- pyrrolidinyl-tartrate inhibitor
3kmh crystal structure of a novel sugar isomerase from e. coli o157:h7
3kmi crystal structure of putative membrane protein from clostridium difficile 630
3kmn crystal structure of the human apo gst pi c47s/y108v double mutant
3kmo crystal structure of the human gst pi c47s/y108v double mutant in complex with the ethacrynic acid-glutathione conjugate (grown in the absence of the reducing agent dtt)
3kmr crystal structure of raralpha ligand binding domain in complex with an agonist ligand (am580) and a coactivator fragment
3kmu crystal structure of the ilk/alpha-parvin core complex (apo)
3kmw crystal structure of the ilk/alpha-parvin core complex (mgatp)
3kmx structure of bace bound to sch346572
3kmy structure of bace bound to sch12472
3kn0 structure of bace bound to sch708236
3kn5 crystal structure of the c-terminal kinase domain of msk1 in complex with amp-pnp
3kn6 crystal structure of the c-terminal kinase domain of msk1
3knb crystal structure of the titin c-terminus in complex with obscurin- like 1
3knd tpx2:importin-alpha complex
3kng crystal structure of snoab, a cofactor-independent oxygenase from streptomyces nogalater, determined to 1.9 resolution
3knq beta turn optimization of the gene-3-protein of filamentous phage fd
3knw crystal structure of a putative transcriptional regulator (tetr/acrr family member) from putative transcriptional regulator (tetr/acrr family)
3ko6 crystal structure of yeast free methionine-r-sulfoxide reductase ykg9 in complex with the substrate
3kof crystal structure of the double mutant f178y/r181e of e.coli transaldolase b
3koh cytochrome p450 2e1 with omega-imidazolyl octanoic acid
3koj crystal structure of the ssb domain of q5n255_synp6 protein from synechococcus sp. northeast structural genomics consortium target snr59a.
3kom crystal structure of apo transketolase from francisella tularensis
3kou structural insights into the catalytic mechanism of cd38: evidence for a conformationally flexible covalent enzyme-substrate complex.
3kp2 staphylococcus epidermidis tcar in complex with penicillin g
3kp3 staphylococcus epidermidis in complex with ampicillin
3kp4 staphylococcus epidermidis tcar in complex with methicillin
3kp5 staphylococcus epidermidis tcar in complex with kanamycin
3kp6 staphylococcus epidermidis tcar in complex with salicylate
3kp7 staphylococcus epidermidis tcar (apo form)
3kpe solution structure of the respiratory syncytial virus (rsv)six-helix bundle complexed with tmc353121, a small-moleucule inhibitor of rsv
3kpf x-ray structure of the mutant lys300met of polyamine oxidase from zea mays
3kph crystal structure of mycoplasma arthritidis-derived mitogen
3kpj crystal structure of hpnmt in complex adohcy and bound phosphate
3kpt crystal structure of bcpa, the major pilin subunit of bacillus cereus
3kpu crystal structure of hpnmt in complex adohcy and 4-quinolinol
3kpv crystal structure of hpnmt in complex adohcy and adenine
3kpw crystal structure of hpnmt in complex adohcy and 1-aminoisoquinoline
3kpy crystal structure of hpnmt in complex adohcy and 6-chlorooxindole
3kqb factor xa in complex with the inhibitor n-(3-fluoro-2'- (methylsulfonyl)biphenyl-4-yl)-1-(3-(5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-1h- 1,2,4- triazol-3-yl)phenyl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1h- pyrazole-5-carboxamide
3kqc factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 6-(2'- (methylsulfonyl) biphenyl-4-yl)-1-(3-(5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-1h- 1,2,4-triazol-3-yl) phenyl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)-5,6- dihydro-1h-pyrazolo[3,4-c]pyridin- 7(4h)-one
3kqd factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 1-(3-(5-oxo-4,5- dihydro-1h-1, 2,4-triazol-3-yl)phenyl)-6-(2'-(pyrrolidin-1- ylmethyl)biphenyl-4- yl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)-5,6-dihydro- 1h-pyrazolo[3,4-c]pyridin-7(4h)- one
3kqe factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 3-methyl-1-(3-(5- oxo-4,5- dihydro-1h-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl)phenyl)-6-(2'- (pyrrolidin-1-ylmethyl) biphenyl-4-yl)-5,6-dihydro-1h- pyrazolo[3,4-c]pyridin-7(4h)-one
3kqi crystal structure of phf2 phd domain complexed with h3k4me3 peptide
3kqm crystal structure of hpnmt in complex adohcy and 4-bromo-1h-imidazole
3kqo crystal structure of hpnmt in complex adohcy and 6-chloropurine
3kqp crystal structure of hpnmt in complex adohcy and 6-aminoquinoline
3kqq crystal structure of hpnmt in complex adohcy and 2-hydroxynicotinic acid
3kqs crystal structure of hpnmt in complex adohcy and 2-aminobenzimidazole
3kqt crystal structure of hpnmt in complex adohcy and 2-amino-1- methylbenzimidazole
3kqv crystal structure of hpnmt in complex adohcy and formanilide
3kqw crystal structure of hpnmt in complex adohcy and 5-chlorobenzimidazole
3kqy crystal structure of hpnmt in complex adohcy and 2-amino-1h- benzo[d]imidazol-7-ol
3kr0 crystal structure of hpnmt in complex adohcy and 2-amino-1h- benzo[d]imidazol-6-ol
3kr1 crystal structure of hpnmt in complex adohcy and 5-chloro-1h- benzo[d]imidazol-2-amine
3kr2 crystal structure of hpnmt in complex adohcy and 5-fluoro-1h- benzo[d]imidazol-2-amine
3kr8 human tankyrase 2 - catalytic parp domain in complex with an inhibitor xav939
3krb structure of aldose reductase from giardia lamblia at 1.75a resolution
3krk x-ray crystal structure of arachidonic acid bound in the cyclooxygenase channel of l531f murine cox-2
3krn crystal structure of c. elegans cell-death-related nuclease 5(crn-5)
3krs structure of triosephosphate isomerase from cryptosporidium parvum at 1.55a resolution
3krv the structure of potential metal-dependent hydrolase with cyclase activity
3ks4 crystal structure of reston ebolavirus vp35 rna binding domain
3ks9 metabotropic glutamate receptor mglur1 complexed with ly341495 antagonist
3ksg structure of frmsr of staphylococcus aureus (complex with substrate)
3ksk crystal structure of single chain pvuii
3ksl structure of fpt bound to datfp-dh-gpp
3ksm crystal structure of abc-type sugar transport system, periplasmic component from hahella chejuensis
3ksq discovery of c-imidazole azaheptapyridine fpt inhibitors
3kst crystal structure of endo-1,4-beta-xylanase (np_811807.1) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 1.70 a resolution
3ksu crystal structure of short-chain dehydrogenase from oenococcus oeni psu-1
3ktc crystal structure of putative sugar isomerase (yp_050048.1) from erwinia carotovora atroseptica scri1043 at 1.54 a resolution
3ktl crystal structure of an i71a human gsta1-1 mutant in complex with s- hexylglutathione
3ktp structural basis of gw182 recognition by poly(a)-binding protein
3ktr structural basis of ataxin-2 recognition by poly(a)-binding protein
3ktx crystal structure of leishmania mexicana pyruvate kinase (lmpyk)in complex with 1,3,6,8-pyrenetetrasulfonic acid
3ktz structure of gap31
3ku0 structure of gap31 with adenine at its binding pocket
3ku3 crystal structure of a h2n2 influenza virus hemagglutinin, avian like
3ku5 crystal structure of a h2n2 influenza virus hemagglutinin, human like
3ku6 crystal structure of a h2n2 influenza virus hemagglutinin, 226l/228g
3ku7 crystal structure of helicobacter pylori mine, a cell division topological specificity factor
3ku9 x-ray structure of the mutant lys300met of polyamine oxidase from zea mays in complex with spermine
3kuc complex of rap1a(e30d/k31e)gdp with rafrbd(a85k/n71r)
3kud complex of ras-gdp with rafrbd(a85k)
3kui crystal structure of c-terminal domain of pabpc1 in complex with binding region of erf3a
3kuj crystal structure of c-terminal domain of pabpc1 in complex with binding region of erf3a
3kuk trapping of an oxocarbenium ion intermediate in up crystals
3kul kinase domain of human ephrin type-a receptor 8 (epha8)
3kun x-ray structure of the metcyano form of dehaloperoxidase from amphitrite ornata: evidence for photoreductive lysis of iron-cyanide bond
3kuo x-ray structure of the metcyano form of dehaloperoxidase from amphitrite ornata: evidence for photoreductive lysis of iron-cyanide bond
3kuv structural basis of the activity and substrate specificity of the fluoroacetyl-coa thioesterase flk - t42s mutant in complex with acetate.
3kuw structural basis of the activity ans substrate specificity of the fluoroacetyl-coa thioesterase flk - t42s mutant in complex with fluoro-acetate
3kuz crystal structure of the ubiquitin like domain of plxnc1
3kv2 high resolution structure of human arginase i in complex with the strong inhibitor n(omega)-hydroxy-nor-l-arginine (nor-noha)
3kv4 structure of phf8 in complex with histone h3
3kv5 structure of kiaa1718, human jumonji demethylase, in complex with n-oxalylglycine
3kv6 structure of kiaa1718, human jumonji demethylase, in complex with alpha-ketoglutarate
3kv7 structural basis of the activity and substrate specificity of the fluoroacetyl-coa thioesterase flk - wild type flk in complex with acetate
3kv8 structural basis of the activity and substrate specificity of the fluoroacetyl-coa thioesterase flk - wild type flk in complex with fluoro-acetate
3kvc crystal structure of bovine rpe65 at 1.9 angstrom resolution
3kvf crystal structure of the i93m mutant of ubiquitin carboxy terminal hydrolase l1 bound to ubiquitin vinylmethylester
3kvg crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of hsp70 (cgd2_20) from cryptosporidium parvum in complex with amppnp
3kvi structural basis of the activity and substrate specificity of the fluoroacetyl-coa thioesterase flk - t42a mutant in complex with fluoro-acetate
3kvn crystal structure of the full-length autotransporter esta from pseudomonas aeruginosa
3kvo crystal structure of the catalytic domain of human hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase like 2 (hsdl2)
3kvr trapping of an oxocarbenium ion intermediate in up crystals
3kvs the high resolution structure of c-phycocyanin from galdieria sulphuraria
3kvy trapping of an oxocarbenium ion intermediate in up crystals
3kw2 crystal structure of probable rrna-methyltransferase from porphyromonas gingivalis
3kw3 crystal structure of alanine racemase from bartonella henselae with covalently bound pyridoxal phosphate
3kw5 crystal structure of ubiquitin carboxy terminal hydrolase l1 bound to ubiquitin vinylmethylester
3kw7 crystal structure of lacb from trametes sp. ah28-2
3kwb structure of catk covalently bound to a dioxo-triazine inhibitor
3kwf human dpp-iv with carmegliptin (s)-1-((2s,3s,11bs)-2-amino- 9,10-dimethoxy-1,3,4,6,7,11b-hexahydro-2h-pyrido[2,1- a]isoquinolin-3-yl)-4-fluoromethyl-pyrrolidin-2-one
3kwg x-ray structure of ns1 effector domain w187a mutant
3kwi x-ray structure of ns1 effector domain w187y mutant
3kwj strucutre of human dpp-iv with (2s,3s,11bs)-3-(3-fluoromethyl-phenyl)- 9,10-dimethoxy-1,3,4,6,7,11b-hexahydro-2h-pyrido[2,1-a]isoquinolin-2- ylamine
3kwn cathepsin s in complex with thioether acetamide p3 inhibitor
3kwr crystal structure of putative rna-binding protein (np_785364.1) from lactobacillus plantarum at 1.45 a resolution
3kws crystal structure of putative sugar isomerase (yp_001305149.1) from parabacteroides distasonis atcc 8503 at 1.68 a resolution
3kwy crystal structure of rxralpha ligand binding domain in complex with triphenyltin and a coactivator fragment
3kx2 crystal structure of prp43p in complex with adp
3kx3 crystal structure of bacillus megaterium bm3 heme domain mutant l86e
3kx4 crystal structure of bacillus megaterium bm3 heme domain mutant i401e
3kx5 crystal structure of bacillus megaterium bm3 heme domain mutant f261e
3kx7 structural basis of the activity and substrate specificity of the fluoroacetyl-coa flk - apo wild type flk
3kxc mutant transport protein
3kxd crystal structure of the mthk rck in complex with cadmium
3kxk crystal structure of ssgbp mutation variant g235p
3kxl crystal structure of ssgbp mutation variant g235s
3kxo an orally active inhibitor bound at the active site of hpgds
3kxq crystal structure of triosephosphate isomerase from bartonella henselae at 1.6a resolution
3ky2 crystal structure of fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 kinase domain
3ky8 crystal structure of putative riboflavin biosynthesis protein (yp_001092907.1) from shewanella sp. pv-4 at 2.12 a resolution
3ky9 autoinhibited vav1
3kyb structure of udp-galactopyranose mutase bound to flavin mononucleotide
3kyg crystal structure of vca0042 (l135r) complexed with c-di-gmp
3kyi crystal structure of the phosphorylated p1 domain of chea3 in complex with chey6 from r. sphaeroides
3kyj crystal structure of the p1 domain of chea3 in complex with chey6 from r. sphaeroides
3kyk crystal structure of li33 igg1 fab
3kyt crystal structure of orphan nuclear receptor rorgamma in complex with natural ligand
3kz3 a structure of a lambda repressor fragment mutant
3kza crystal structure of gyuba, a patched chimera of b-lactglobulin
3kzh crystal structure of a putative sugar kinase from clostridium perfringens
3kzp crystal structure of putative diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase from listaria monocytigenes
3kzt crystal structure of protein of unknown function (np_812423.1) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 2.10 a resolution
3kzy crystal structure of snap-tag
3l01 crystal structure of monomeric glycogen synthase from pyrococcus abyssi
3l07 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase/methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase, putative bifunctional protein fold from francisella tularensis.
3l0b crystal structure of scp1 phosphatase d206a mutant phosphoryl- intermediate
3l0c crystal structure of scp1 phosphatase d206a mutant with trapped inorganic phosphate
3l0d crystal structure of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from bartonella henselae with bound nad
3l0e x-ray crystal structure of a potent liver x receptor modulator
3l0f high resolution structure of c-phycocyanin from thermosynechococcus elongatus
3l0h crystal structure analysis of w21a mutant of human gsta1-1 in complex with s-hexylglutathione
3l0j crystal structure of orphan nuclear receptor rorgamma in complex with natural ligand
3l0k human orotidyl-5'-monophosphate decarboxylase in complex with 6-acetyl-ump
3l0m crystal structure of rab1-activation domain and p4m domain of sidm/drra from legionella
3l0n human orotidyl-5'-monophosphate decarboxylase in complex with 6-mercapto-ump
3l0o structure of rna-free rho transcription termination factor from thermotoga maritima
3l0q the crystal structure of xlylulose kinase from yersinia pseudotuberculosis
3l0r crystal structure of salivary cystatin from the soft tick ornithodoros moubata
3l0s crystal structures of zinc, cobalt and iron containing adenylate kinase from gram-negative bacteria desulfovibrio gigas
3l0t crystal structure of catalytic domain of tace with hydantoin inhibitor
3l0v crystal structure of catalytic domain of tace with the first hydantoin inhibitor occupying the s1' pocket
3l0w structure of split monoubiquitinated pcna with ubiquitin in position two
3l0x structure of split yeast pcna
3l0y crystal structure of scp1 phosphatase d98a mutant
3l10 structure of split monoubiquitinated pcna with ubiquitin in position one
3l12 crystal structure of putative glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase (yp_165505.1) from silicibacter pomeroyi dss-3 at 1.60 a resolution
3l15 human tead2 transcriptional factor
3l18 ton1285, an intracellular protease from thermococcus onnurineus na1
3l19 crystal structure of calcium binding domain of cpcdpk3, cgd5_820
3l1a structural ordering of disordered ligand binding loops of biotin protein ligase into active conformations as a consequence of dehydration
3l1c kinesin-14 protein ncd, t436s mutant
3l1o crystal structure of monoclonal antibody mn423 fab fragment with free combining site, crystallized in the presence of zinc
3l1r x-ray structure of the mutant lys300met of polyamine oxidase from zea mays in complex with spermidine
3l1s 3-aryl-4-(arylhydrazono)-1h-pyrazol-5-ones: highly ligand efficient and potent inhibitors of gsk3
3l1z crystal structure of the u-box domain of human e4b ubiquitin ligase in complex with ubch5c e2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme
3l20 crystal structure of a hypothetical protein from staphylococcus aureus
3l29 crystal structure of zaire ebola vp35 interferon inhibitory domain k319a/r322a mutant
3l2b crystal structure of the cbs and drtgg domains of the regulatory region of clostridium perfringens pyrophosphatase complexed with activator, diadenosine tetraphosphate
3l2i 1.85 angstrom crystal structure of the 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase (arod) from salmonella typhimurium lt2.
3l2j dimeric structure of the ligand-free extracellular domain of the human parathyroid hormone receptor (pth1r)
3l2k structure of phenazine antibiotic biosynthesis protein with substrate
3l2n crystal structure of putative carboxypeptidase a (yp_562911.1) from shewanella denitrificans os-217 at 2.39 a resolution
3l2o structure-based mechanism of dimerization-dependent ubiquitination by the scffbx4 ubiquitin ligase
3l2z crystal structure of hydrated biotin protein ligase from m. tuberculosis
3l31 crystal structure of the cbs and drtgg domains of the regulatory region of clostridium perfringens pyrophosphatase complexed with the inhibitor, amp
3l32 structure of the dimerisation domain of the rabies virus phosphoprotein
3l37 pie12 d-peptide against hiv entry
3l3b crystal structure of isoprenoid biosynthesis protein with amidotransferase-like domain from ehrlichia chaffeensis at 1.90a resolution
3l3u crystal structure of the hiv-1 integrase core domain to 1.4a
3l3v structure of hiv-1 integrase core domain in complex with sucrose
3l3x crystal structure of dht-bound androgen receptor in complex with the first motif of steroid receptor coactivator 3
3l3z crystal structure of dht-bound androgen receptor in complex with the third motif of steroid receptor coactivator 3
3l40 crystal structure of s. pombe brc1 brct5-brct6 domains
3l41 crystal structure of s. pombe brc1 brct5-brct6 domains in complex with phosphorylated h2a
3l44 crystal structure of bacillus anthracis heml-1, glutamate semialdehyde aminotransferase
3l46 crystal structure of the second brct domain of epithelial cell transforming 2 (ect2)
3l4c structural basis of membrane-targeting by dock180
3l4i crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of hsp70 (cgd2_20) from cryptosporidium parvum in complex with adp and inorganic phosphate
3l50 the crystal structure of human glia maturation factor, gamma (gmfg)
3l51 crystal structure of the mouse condensin hinge domain
3l56 crystal structure of the large c-terminal domain of polymerase basic protein 2 from influenza virus a/viet nam/1203/2004 (h5n1)
3l57 crystal structure of the plasmid pcu1 trai relaxase domain
3l58 structure of bace bound to sch589432
3l59 structure of bace bound to sch710413
3l5b structure of bace bound to sch713601
3l5c structure of bace bound to sch723871
3l5d structure of bace bound to sch723873
3l5e structure of bace bound to sch736062
3l5f structure of bace bound to sch736201
3l5j crystal structure of fniii domains of human gp130 (domains 4-6)
3l5o crystal structure of protein with unknown function from duf364 family (zp_00559375.1) from desulfitobacterium hafniense dcb-2 at 2.01 a resolution
3l5z crystal structure of transcriptional regulator, gntr family from bacillus cereus
3l6c x-ray crystal structure of rat serine racemase in complex with malonate a potent inhibitor
3l6d crystal structure of putative oxidoreductase from pseudomonas putida kt2440
3l6e crystal structure of putative short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family oxidoreductase from aeromonas hydrophila subsp. hydrophila atcc 7966
3l6i crystal structure of the uncharacterized lipoprotein yceb from e. coli at the resolution 2.0a. northeast structural genomics consortium target er542
3l6j structure of cinaciguat (bay 58-2667) bound to nostoc h-nox domain
3l6q crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of hsp70 from cryptosporidium parvum (cgd2_20)
3l6t crystal structure of an n-terminal mutant of the plasmid pcu1 trai relaxase domain
3l6u crystal structure of abc-type sugar transport system, periplasmic component from exiguobacterium sibiricum
3l6v crystal structure of the xanthomonas campestris gyrase a c- terminal domain
3l6w structure of the collar functional unit (klh1-h) of keyhole limpet hemocyanin
3l6x crystal structure of p120 catenin in complex with e-cadherin
3l76 crystal structure of aspartate kinase from synechocystis
3l7o crystal structure of ribose-5-phosphate isomerase a from streptococcus mutans ua159
3l80 crystal structure of smu.1393c from streptococcus mutans ua159
3l81 crystal structure of adaptor protein complex 4 (ap-4) mu4 subunit c- terminal domain, in complex with a sorting peptide from the amyloid precursor protein (app)
3l82 x-ray crystal structure of trf1 and fbx4 complex
3l85 crystal structure of human nudt5 complexed with 8-oxo-dgmp
3l8a crystal structure of metc from streptococcus mutans
3l8c structure of probable d-alanine--poly(phosphoribitol) ligase subunit-1 from streptococcus pyogenes
3l8e crystal structure of apo form of d,d-heptose 1.7- bisphosphate phosphatase from e. coli
3l8k crystal structure of a dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase from sulfolobus solfataricus
3l8m crystal structure of a probable thiamine pyrophosphokinase from staphylococcus saprophyticus subsp. saprophyticus. northeast structural genomics consortium target id syr86
3l8u crystal structure of smu.1707c, a putative rrna methyltransferase from streptococcus mutans ua159
3l91 structure of pseudomonas aerugionsa pvdq bound to octanoate
3l94 structure of pvdq covalently acylated with myristate
3l96 structural determination of the a50t:s279g:s280k:v281k:k282e:h283n variant of citrate synthase from e. coli
3l97 structural determination of the a50t:s279g:s280k:v281k:k282e:h283n variant of citrate synthase from e. coli complexed with s- carboxymethyl-coa
3l98 structural determination of the a50t:s279g:s280k:v281k:k282e:h283n variant of citrate synthase from e. coli complexed with nadh
3l99 structural determination of the a50t:s279g:s280k:v281k:k282e:h283n variant of citrate synthase from e. coli complexed with oxaloacetate
3l9c the crystal structure of smu.777 from streptococcus mutans ua159
3l9d the crystal structure of smu.1046c from streptococcus mutans ua159
3l9h x-ray structure of mitotic kinesin-5 (ksp, kif11, eg5)in complex with the hexahydro-2h-pyrano[3,2-c]quinoline emd 534085
3l9i myosin vi nucleotide-free (mdinsert2) l310g mutant crystal structure
3l9j selection of a novel highly specific tnfalpha antagonist: insight from the crystal structure of the antagonist- tnfalpha complex
3l9n crystal structure of pkab3 (pka triple mutant v123a, l173m, q181k) with compound 27
3l9o crystal structure of mtr4, a co-factor of the nuclear exosome
3l9q crystal structure of human polymerase alpha-primase p58 iron-sulfur cluster domain
3l9w kefc c-terminal domain in complex with keff and gsh
3l9x kefc c-terminal domain in complex with keff and esg
3l9y crystal structures of holo and cu-deficient cu/znsod from the silkworm bombyx mori and the implications in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
3la2 crystal structure of ntca in complex with 2-oxoglutarate
3la3 crystal structure of ntca in complex with 2,2-difluoropentanedioic acid
3la7 crystal structure of ntca in apo-form
3lac crystal structure of bacillus anthracis pyrrolidone-carboxylate peptidase, pcp
3lad refined crystal structure of lipoamide dehydrogenase from azotobacter vinelandii at 2.2 angstroms resolution. a comparison with the structure of glutathione reductase
3lae the crystal structure of a functionally unknown conserved protein from haemophilus influenzae rd kw20
3lag the crystal structure of a functionally unknown protein rpa4178 from rhodopseudomonas palustris cga009
3lah structural insights into the molecular mechanism of h-nox activation
3lak crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with n1-heterocycle pyrimidinedione non-nucleoside inhibitor
3lal crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with n1-ethyl pyrimidinedione non-nucleoside inhibitor
3lam crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with n1-propyl pyrimidinedione non-nucleoside inhibitor
3lan crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with n1-butyl pyrimidinedione non-nucleoside inhibitor
3las crystal structure of carbonic anhydrase from streptococcus mutans to 1.4 angstrom resolution
3laz the crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of d- galactarate dehydratase from escherichia coli cft073
3lb0 crystal structure of the 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase (arod) from salmonella typhimurium lt2 with citrate bound to the active site.
3lb1 two-site competitive inhibition in dehaloperoxidase-hemoglobin
3lb2 two-site competitive inhibition in dehaloperoxidase-hemoglobin
3lb3 two-site competitive inhibition in dehaloperoxidase-hemoglobin
3lb4 two-site competitive inhibition in dehaloperoxidase-hemoglobin
3lbb the crystal structure of smu.793 from streptococcus mutans ua159
3lbs crystal structure of the cytoplasmic tail of (pro)renin receptor as a mbp fusion (maltose-bound form)
3lbx crystal structure of the erythrocyte spectrin tetramerization domain complex
3lby crystal structure of smu.1697c, a putative methyltransferase from streptococcus mutans in complex with sah
3lbz crystal structure of the bcl6 btb domain complexed with the small molecule inhibitor 79-6
3lc4 human cytochrome p450 2e1 in complex with omega-imidazolyl-dodecanoic acid
3lc5 selective benzothiophine inhibitors of factor ixa
3lc6 the alternative conformation structure of isocitrate dehydrogenase kinase/phosphatase from e. coli
3lc8 crystal structure of the cytoplasmic tail of (pro)renin receptor as a mbp fusion (maltose-free form)
3lca structure of tom71 complexed with hsp70 ssa1 c terminal tail indicating conformational plasticity
3lcr thioesterase from tautomycetin biosynthhetic pathway
3ld3 crystal structure of inorganic phosphatase from anaplasma phagocytophilum at 1.75a resolution
3ld6 crystal structure of human lanosterol 14alpha-demethylase (cyp51) in complex with ketoconazole
3ldl crystal structure of human grp78 (70kda heat shock protein 5 / bip) atpase domain in complex with atp
3ldn crystal structure of human grp78 (70kda heat shock protein 5 / bip) atpase domain in apo form
3ldo crystal structure of human grp78 (70kda heat shock protein 5 / bip) atpase domain in complex with amppnp
3ldp crystal structure of human grp78 (70kda heat shock protein 5 / bip) atpase domain in complex with small molecule inhibitor
3ldq crystal structure of hsc70/bag1 in complex with small molecule inhibitor
3ldv 1.77 angstrom resolution crystal structure of orotidine 5'- phosphate decarboxylase from vibrio cholerae o1 biovar eltor str. n16961
3le1 crystal structure of apohpr monomer from thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis
3le5 crystal structure of hpr dimer from thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis
3le7 crystal structure of pd-l1 from p. dioica in complex with adenine
3le8 crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis pantothenate synthetase at 1.70 angstrom resolution in complex with 2- (2-((benzofuran-2-carboxamido)methyl)-5-methoxy-1h-indol-1- yl)acetic acid
3le9 crystal structure of the catalytic domain of tace with indazolinone- phenyl-hydantoin inhibitor
3lea crystal structure of the catalytic domain of tace with isoindolinone- biphenyl-hydantoin inhibitor
3led crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-(acyl carrier protein) synthase iii from rhodopseudomonas palustris cga009
3les 2f5 epitope scaffold es2
3let crystal structure of fic domain containing ampylator, vops
3lf1 apo structure of the short chain oxidoreductase q9hya2 from pseudomonas aeruginosa pao1 containing an atypical catalytic center
3lf4 crystal structure of fluorescent timer precursor blue102
3lf5 structure of human nadh cytochrome b5 oxidoreductase (ncb5or) b5 domain to 1.25a resolution
3lf6 crystal structure of hiv epitope-scaffold 4e10_1xiza_s0_001_n
3lfi crystal structure of fructosyltransferase (wild-type) from a. japonicus in complex with glucose
3lfj crystal structure of manxb from thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis
3lfr the crystal structure of a cbs domain from a putative metal ion transporter bound to amp from pseudomonas syringae to 1.55a
3lft the crystal structure of the abc domain in complex with l-trp from streptococcus pneumonia to 1.35a
3lfv crystal structure of unliganded pde5a gaf domain
3lfy ctd of tarocystatin in complex with papain
3lg1 structure of the thioalkalivibrio nitratireducens cytochrome c nitrite reductase reduced by sodium borohydride (in complex with sulfite)
3lg3 1.4a crystal structure of isocitrate lyase from yersinia pestis co92
3lg4 staphylococcus aureus v31y, f92i mutant dihydrofolate reductase complexed with nadph and 5-[(3s)-3-(5-methoxy-2',6'-dimethylbiphenyl- 3-yl)but-1-yn-1-yl]-6-methylpyrimidine-2,4-diamine
3lgb crystal structure of the fe-s domain of the yeast dna primase
3lgd crystal structure of human adenosine deaminase growth factor, adenosine deaminase type 2 (ada2)
3lgg crystal structure of human adenosine deaminase growth factor, adenosine deaminase type 2 (ada2) complexed with transition state analogue, coformycin
3lgj crystal structure of single-stranded binding protein (ssb) from bartonella henselae
3lgm crystal structure of reduced isdi in complex with heme
3lgn crystal structure of isdi in complex with heme
3lgp crystal structure of catalytic domain of tace with benzimidazolyl- thienyl-tartrate based inhibitor
3lgq structure of the thioalkalivibrio nitratireducens cytochrome c nitrite reductase in complex with sulfite (modified tyr-303)
3lh8 crystal structure of mouse vps26b in spacegroup p41 21 2
3lh9 crystal structure of mouse vps26b(l197s/r199e) in spacegroup p41 21 2
3lha crystal structure of mouse vps26b(r240s/g241a/e242s) in spacegroup p41 21 2
3lhn crystal structure of putative lipoprotein (np_718719.1) from shewanella oneidensis at 1.42 a resolution
3lhq dna-binding transcriptional repressor acrr from salmonella typhimurium.
3lhr crystal structure of the scan domain from human znf24
3lht crystal structure of the mutant v201f of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3lhu crystal structure of the mutant i199f of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3lhw crystal structure of the mutant v182a of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3lhx crystal structure of a ketodeoxygluconokinase (kdgk) from shigella flexneri
3lhy crystal structure of the mutant i199a of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3lhz crystal structure of the mutant v201a of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3li0 crystal structure of the mutant r203a of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3li1 crystal structure of the mutant i218a of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3li2 closed conformation of htsa complexed with staphyloferrin a
3lia crystal structure of the extracellular domain of the putative histidine kinase mmhk1s-z2
3lid crystal structure of the extracellular domain of the putative histidine kinase vphk1s-z8
3lie crystal structure of the extracellular domain of the putative histidine kinase vphk1s-z8
3lif crystal structure of the extracellular domain of the putative histidine kinase rphk1s-z16
3lii recombinant human acetylcholinesterase
3lio x-ray structure of the iron superoxide dismutase from pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis (crystal form i)
3liq crystal structure of htlv protease complexed with the inhibitor, kni- 10673
3lis crystal structure of the restriction-modification controller protein c.csp231i (monoclinic form)
3lit the crystal structure of htlv protease complexed with the inhibitor kni-10681
3liu crystal structure of putative cell adhesion protein (yp_001304840.1) from parabacteroides distasonis atcc 8503 at 2.05 a resolution
3liv crystal structure of htlv protease complexed with the inhibitor kni- 10683
3liw factor xa in complex with (r)-2-(1-adamantylcarbamoylamino)- 3-(3-carbamidoyl-phenyl)-n-phenethyl-propionic acid amide
3lix crystal structure of htlv protease complexed with the inhibitor kni- 10729
3lj0 ire1 complexed with adp and quercetin
3lj1 ire1 complexed with cdk1/2 inhibitor iii
3lj2 ire1 complexed with jak inhibitor i
3lj6 3d-crystal structure of humanized-rat fatty acid amide hydrolase (faah) conjugated with the drug-like urea inhibitor pf-3845 at 2.42a resolution
3lj7 3d-crystal structure of humanized-rat fatty acid amide hydrolase (faah) conjugated with carbamate inhibitor urb597
3lj9 x-ray structure of the iron superoxide dismutase from pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis in complex with sodium azide
3ljb structural basis of oligomerisation in the mxa stalk
3ljd the x-ray structure of zebrafish rnase1 from a new crystal form at ph 4.5
3ljl the crystal structure of the full-length transcriptional regulator luxt from vibrio parahaemolyticus rimd 2210633.
3ljp crystal structure of choline oxidase v464a mutant
3ljq crystal structure of the glycosylasparaginase t152c apo-precursor
3ljr glutathione transferase (theta class) from human in complex with the glutathione conjugate of 1-menaphthyl sulfate
3ljs crystal structure of fructokinase from xylella fastidiosa
3ljw crystal structure of the second bromodomain of human polybromo
3lkb crystal structure of a branched chain amino acid abc transporter from thermus thermophilus with bound valine
3lkd crystal structure of the type i restriction-modification system methyltransferase subunit from streptococcus thermophilus, northeast structural genomics consortium target sur80
3lkh inhibitors of hepatitis c virus polymerase: synthesis and characterization of novel 6-fluoro-n-[2-hydroxy-1(s)-benzamides
3lki crystal structure of fructokinase with bound atp from xylella fastidiosa
3lkk crystal structure of the isopentenyl phosphate kinase substrate complex
3lkl crystal structure of the c-terminal domain of anti-sigma factor antagonist stas from rhodobacter sphaeroides
3lkx human nac dimerization domain
3lkz structural and functional analyses of a conserved hydrophobic pocket of flavivirus methyltransferase
3ll3 the crystal structure of ligand bound xylulose kinase from lactobacillus acidophilus
3ll4 structure of the h13a mutant of ykr043c in complex with fructose-1,6- bisphosphate
3ll6 crystal structure of the human cyclin g associated kinase (gak)
3ll9 x-ray structures of isopentenyl phosphate kinase
3lla crystal structure of the alpha-kinase domain of myosin heavy chain kinase a complex with amppcp
3lld crystal structure of the mutant s127g of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with 6-azauridine 5'-monophosphate
3lle x-ray structure of bovine sc0322,ca(2+)-s100b
3llf crystal structure of the mutant s127p of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with 6-azauridine 5'-monophosphate
3llh crystal structure of the first dsrbd of tar rna-binding protein 2
3lll crystal structure of mouse pacsin2 f-bar domain
3llm crystal structure analysis of a rna helicase
3llp 1.8 angstrom human fascin 1 crystal structure
3llq aquaporin structure from plant pathogen agrobacterium tumerfaciens
3lls crystal structure of 3-ketoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3lly crystal structure analysis of maclura pomifera agglutinin
3llz crystal structure analysis of maclura pomifera agglutinin complex with gal-beta-1,3-galnac
3lm2 crystal structure of putative kinase. (17743352) from agrobacterium tumefaciens str. c58 (dupont) at 1.70 a resolution
3lm6 crystal structure of stage v sporulation protein ad (spovad) from bacillus subtilis, northeast structural genomics consortium target sr525
3lm7 crystal structure of duf1341 representative, from yersinia enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica 8081
3lmb the crystal structure of the protein olei01261 with unknown function from chlorobaculum tepidum tls
3lmg crystal structure of the erbb3 kinase domain in complex with amp-pnp
3lmh crystal structure of the alpha-kinase domain of myosin heavy chain kinase a complex with adp
3lmj structure of human anti hiv 21c fab
3lmk ligand binding domain of metabotropoc glutamate receptor mglur5 complexed with glutamate
3lmn oligomeric structure of the dusp domain of human usp15
3lmp crystal structure of the ppargamma-lbd complexed with a cercosporamide derivative modulator
3lms structure of human activated thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor, tafia, in complex with tick-derived funnelin inhibitor, tci.
3lmw crystal structure of iota-carrageenase family gh82 from a. fortis in absence of chloride ions
3lmy the crystal structure of beta-hexosaminidase b in complex with pyrimethamine
3ln2 crystal structure of a charge engineered human lysozyme variant
3ln7 crystal structure of a bifunctional glutathione synthetase from pasteurella multocida
3ln8 the x-ray structure of zf-rnase-1 from a new crystal form at ph 7.3
3lnc crystal structure of guanylate kinase from anaplasma phagocytophilum
3lnf crystal structure of e-cadherin ec12 k14ew2a
3lng crystal structure of e-cadherin ec12 aa extension
3lnh crystal structure of e-cadherin ec12 w2a
3lni crystal structure of e-cadherin ec12 e89a
3lnk structure of bace bound to sch743813
3lnl crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus protein sa1388
3lnn crystal structure of zneb from cupriavidus metallidurans
3lnt crystal structure of phosphoglyceromutase from burkholderia pseudomallei 1710b with bound malonic acid
3lny second pdz domain from human ptp1e in complex with ra-gef2 peptide
3lo2 crystal structure of human alpha-defensin 1 (y21a mutant)
3lo4 crystal structure of human alpha-defensin 1 (r24a mutant)
3lo6 crystal structure of human alpha-defensin 1 (w26aba mutant)
3lo7 crystal structure of pbpa from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3lo9 crystal structure of human alpha-defensin 1 (w26ahp mutant)
3lok drug resistant csrc kinase domain in complex with covalent inhibitor pd168393
3lom crystal structure of geranyltransferase from legionella pneumophila
3loq the crystal structure of a universal stress protein from archaeoglobus fulgidus dsm 4304
3low crystal structure of beta 2 microglobulin domain-swapped dimer
3lp0 hiv-1 reverse transcriptase with inhibitor
3lp1 hiv-1 reverse transcriptase with inhibitor
3lp2 hiv-1 reverse transcriptase with inhibitor
3lp3 p15 hiv rnaseh domain with inhibitor mk3
3lp4 crystal structure of human arginase i in complex with l-lysine, 1.90a resolution.
3lp7 crystal structure of human arginase i in complex with inhibitor n(omega)-hydroxy-l-arginine (noha), 2.04a resolution
3lpb crystal structure of jak2 complexed with a potent 2,8-diaryl- quinoxaline inhibitor
3lpf structure of e. coli beta-glucuronidase bound with a novel, potent inhibitor 1-((6,7-dimethyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydroquinolin-3-yl)methyl)-1- (2-hydroxyethyl)-3-(3-methoxyphenyl)thiourea
3lpg structure of e. coli beta-glucuronidase bound with a novel, potent inhibitor 3-(2-fluorophenyl)-1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-((6-methyl-2-oxo-1, 2-dihydroquinolin-3-yl)methyl)urea
3lpi structure of bace bound to sch745132
3lpj structure of bace bound to sch743641
3lpk structure of bace bound to sch747123
3lpl e. coli pyruvate dehydrogenase complex e1 component e571a mutant
3lpm crystal structure of putative methyltransferase small domain protein from listeria monocytogenes
3lpn crystal structure of the phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (prpp) synthetase from thermoplasma volcanium in complex with an atp analog (ampcpp).
3lpq human mitoneet with 2fe-2s coordinating ligand his 87 replaced with cys
3lpr structural basis for broad specificity in alpha-lytic protease mutants
3lpx crystal structure of gyra
3lpy crystal structure of the rrm domain of cyp33
3lq1 crystal structure of 2-succinyl-6-hydroxy-2,4-cyclohexadiene 1-carboxylic acid synthase/2-oxoglutarate decarboxylase from listeria monocytogenes str. 4b f2365
3lq2 e. coli pyruvate dehydrogenase complex e1 e235a mutant with low tdp concentration
3lq4 e. coli pyruvate dehydrogenase complex e1 e235a mutant with high tdp concentration
3lq5 structure of cdk9/cyclint in complex with s-cr8
3lq6 crystal structure of murine norovirus protruding (p) domain
3lq9 crystal strucure of human redd1, a hypoxia-induced regulator of mtor
3lqc x-ray crystal structure of oxidized xrcc1 bound to dna pol beta palm thumb domain
3lqm structure of the il-10r2 common chain
3lqq structure of the ced-4 apoptosome
3lqr structure of ced-4:ced-3 complex
3lqs complex structure of d-amino acid aminotransferase and 4-amino-4,5- dihydro-thiophenecarboxylic acid (adta)
3lqu crystal structure of 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase complexed with ribulose-5 phosphate
3lqz crystal structure of hla-dp2
3lr2 self-assembly of spider silk proteins is controlled by a ph-sensitive relay
3lr5 periplasmic domain of the riss sensor protein from burkholderia pseudomallei, iodide phased at neutral ph
3lr6 self-assembly of spider silk proteins is controlled by a ph-sensitive relay
3lr8 self-assembly of spider silk proteins is controlled by a ph-sensitive relay
3lrb structure of e. coli adic
3lrd self-assembly of spider silk proteins is controlled by a ph-sensitive relay
3lre crystal structure analysis of human kinesin-8 motor domain
3lrg structure of anti-huntingtin vl domain
3lrt crystal structure of the phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate (prpp) synthetase from thermoplasma volcanium in complex with adp.
3lru hprp8 non-native subdomain
3lry crystal structure of synthetic hiv-1 capsid c-terminal domain (cca)
3ls1 crystal structure of cyanobacterial psbq from synechocystis sp. pcc 6803 complexed with zn2+
3ls4 crystal structure of anti-tetrahydrocannabinol fab fragment in complex with thc
3ls5 anti-tetrahydrocannabinol fab fragment, free form
3ls6 crystal structure of 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase in complex with sulfate and zinc
3ls8 crystal structure of human pik3c3 in complex with 3-[4-(4- morpholinyl)thieno[3,2-d]pyrimidin-2-yl]-phenol
3ls9 crystal structure of atrazine chlorohydrolase trzn from arthrobacter aurescens tc1 complexed with zinc
3lsb crystal structure of the mutant e241q of atrazine chlorohydrolase trzn from arthrobacter aurescens tc1 complexed with zinc and ametrin
3lsc crystal structure of the mutant e241q of atrazine chlorohydrolase trzn from arthrobacter aurescens tc1 complexed with zinc and atraton
3lsi pyranose 2-oxidase t169a, tetragonal
3lsj crystal structure of dest in complex with palmitoyl-coa
3lsm pyranose 2-oxidase h167a mutant with flavin n(5) sulfite adduct
3lso crystal structure of putative membrane anchored protein from corynebacterium diphtheriae
3lsq trypanosoma brucei seryl-trna synthetase
3lss trypanosoma brucei seryl-trna synthetase in complex with atp
3lst crystal structure of calo1, methyltransferase in calicheamicin biosynthesis, sah bound form
3lsy enoyl-acp reductase from plasmodium falciparum (pfenr) in complex with triclosan variant t0
3lt0 enoyl-acp reductase from plasmodium falciparum (pfenr) in complex with triclosan variant t1
3lt1 enoyl-acp reductase from plasmodium falciparum (pfenr) in complex with triclosan variant t2
3lt2 enoyl-acp reductase from plasmodium falciparum (pfenr) in complex with triclosan variant t3
3lt3 crystal structure of rv3671c from m. tuberculosis h37rv, ser343ala mutant, inactive form
3lt4 enoyl-acp reductase from plasmodium falciparum (pfenr) in complex with triclosan variant pb4
3lt5 x-ray crystallographic structure of a pseudomonas aeruginosa azoreductase in complex with balsalazide
3ltl crystal structure of human big1 sec7 domain
3ltm structure of a new family of artificial alpha helicoidal repeat proteins (alpha-rep) based on thermostable heat-like repeats
3lto crystal structure of a mevalonate diphosphate decarboxylase from legionella pneumophila
3ltp crystal structure of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3lts crystal structure of the mutant v182a,i199a of orotidine 5'- monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3lty crystal structure of the mutant v182a,i218a of orotidine 5'- monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3lu2 structure of lmo2462, a listeria monocytogenes amidohydrolase family putative dipeptidase
3lu6 human serum albumin in complex with compound 1
3lu7 human serum albumin in complex with compound 2
3lu8 human serum albumin in complex with compound 3
3luf structure of probable two-component system response regulator/ggdef domain protein
3lul crystal structure of putative 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase. (yp_094631.1) from legionella pneumophila subsp. pneumophila str. philadelphia 1 at 1.78 a resolution
3lun structure of ulilysin mutant m290c
3luo crystal structure and functional characterization of the thermophilic prolyl isomerase and chaperone slyd
3lus crystal structure of a putative organic hydroperoxide resistance protein with molecule of captopril bound in one of the active sites from vibrio cholerae o1 biovar eltor str. n16961
3lut a structural model for the full-length shaker potassium channel kv1.2
3luz crystal structure of extragenic suppressor protein suhb from bartonella henselae, via combined iodide sad molecular replacement
3lv0 crystal structure of extragenic suppressor protein suhb from bartonella henselae, native
3lv2 crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid synthase in complex with substrate analog sinefungin
3lv4 crystal structure of the glycoside hydrolase, family 43 yxia protein from bacillus licheniformis. northeast structural genomics consortium target bir14.
3lv5 crystal structure of the mutant i199e of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3lv6 crystal structure of the mutant i218f of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3lva crystal structure of colorless gfp-like protein from aequorea coerulescens
3lvc crystal structure of gfp-like protein acegfp_g222e (a. coerulescens). colorless form.
3lvd crystal structure of gfp-like protein acegfp_g222e (a. coerulescens). uv-photoconverted green form.
3lvk crystal structure of e.coli iscs-tusa complex (form 2)
3lvl crystal structure of e.coli iscs-iscu complex
3lvm crystal structure of e.coli iscs
3lvs crystal structure of farnesyl diphosphate synthase from rhodobacter capsulatus sb1003
3lvx crystal structure of human alpha-defensin 1 (i6a mutant)
3lvz new refinement of the crystal structure of bjp-1, a subclass b3 metallo-beta-lactamase of bradyrhizobium japonicum
3lw1 binary complex of 14-3-3 sigma and p53 pt387-peptide
3lw3 crystal structure of hp0420-homologue from helicobacter felis
3lw7 the crystal structure of an adenylate kinase-related protein bound to amp from sulfolobus solfataricus to 2.3a
3lw9 structure of a cytoplasmic domain of salmonella inva
3lwb crystal structure of apo d-alanine:d-alanine ligase (ddl) from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3lwe the crystal structure of mpp8
3lwg crystal structure of hp0420-homologue c46a from helicobacter felis
3lx4 stepwise [fefe]-hydrogenase h-cluster assembly revealed in the structure of hyda(deltaefg)
3lx6 structure of probable cytosine-specific methyltransferase from shigella flexneri
3lx9 interconversion of human lysosomal enzyme specificities
3lxa interconversion of human lysosomal enzyme specificities
3lxb interconversion of human lysosomal enzyme specificities
3lxc interconversion of human lysosomal enzyme specificities
3lxe human carbonic anhydrase i in complex with topiramate
3lxh crystal structure of cytochrome p450 cyp101d1
3lxi crystal structure of camphor-bound cyp101d1
3lxq the crystal structure of a protein in the alkaline phosphatase superfamily from vibrio parahaemolyticus to 1.95a
3lxr shigella ipgb2 in complex with human rhoa and gdp (complex c)
3lxs crystal structure analysis of cruzain bound to vinyl sulfone derived inhibitor (wrr483)
3ly0 crystal structure of metallo peptidase from rhodobacter sphaeroides liganded with phosphinate mimic of dipeptide l- ala-d-ala
3ly5 ddx18 dead-domain
3lyd crystal structure of putative uncharacterized protein from jonesia denitrificans
3lyh crystal structure of putative cobalamin (vitamin b12) biosynthesis cbix protein (yp_958415.1) from marinobacter aquaeolei vt8 at 1.60 a resolution
3lyi pwwp domain of human bromodomain-containing protein 1
3lyk structure of stringent starvation protein a homolog from haemophilus influenzae
3lyn structure of green abalone lysin dimer
3lyp structure of stringent starvation protein a homolog from pseudomonas fluorescens
3lyq crystal structure of ipgb2 from shigella flexneri
3lyt comparison of radiation-induced decay and structure refinement from x-ray data collected from lysozyme crystals at low and ambient temperatures
3lyx crystal structure of the pas domain of the protein cps_1291 from colwellia psychrerythraea. northeast structural genomics consortium target id csr222b
3lyy crystal structure of the mucbp domain of the adhesion protein pepe_0118 from pediococcus pentosaceus. northeast structural genomics consortium target id ptr41a
3lz8 structure of a putative chaperone dnaj from klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae mgh 78578 at 2.9 a resolution.
3lzc crystal structure of dph2 from pyrococcus horikoshii
3lzd crystal structure of dph2 from pyrococcus horikoshii with 4fe-4s cluster
3lzl crystal structure analysis of the as-solated p19 protein from campylobacter jejuni at 1.45 a at ph 9.0
3lzn crystal structure analysis of the apo p19 protein from campylobacter jejuni at 1.59 a at ph 9
3lzo crystal structure analysis of the copper-reconstituted p19 protein from campylobacter jejuni at 1.65 a at ph 10.0
3lzp crystal structure analysis of the 'as-isolated' p19 protein from campylobacter jejuni at 1.65 a at ph 9.0
3lzq crystal structure analysis of manganese treated p19 protein from campylobacter jejuni at 1.41 a at ph 9
3lzr crystal structure analysis of manganese treated p19 protein from campylobacter jejuni at 2.73 a at ph 9 and manganese peak wavelength (1.893 a)
3lzs crystal structure of hiv-1 crf01_ae protease in complex with darunavir
3lzu crystal structure of a nelfinavir resistant hiv-1 crf01_ae protease variant (n88s) in complex with the protease inhibitor darunavir.
3lzv structure of nelfinavir-resistant hiv-1 protease (d30n/n88d) in complex with darunavir.
3lzx crystal structure of ferredoxin-nadp+ oxidoreductase from bacillus subtilis (form ii)
3lzz crystal structures of cupin superfamily bbduf985 from branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense in apo and gdp-bound forms
3m0g crystal structure of putative farnesyl diphosphate synthase from rhodobacter capsulatus
3m0o crystal structure of the lys265met mutant of monomeric sarcosine oxidase
3m10 substrate-free form of arginine kinase
3m12 crystal structure of the lys265arg phosphate-crytsallized mutant of monomeric sarcosine oxidase
3m18 crystal structure of variable lymphocyte receptor vlra.r2.1 in complex with hen egg lysozyme
3m19 crystal structure of variable lymphocyte receptor vlra.r5.1
3m1c crystal structure of the conserved herpesvirus fusion regulator complex gh-gl
3m1d structure of bir1 from ciap1
3m1f crosslinked complex of actin with first w domain of vibrio parahaemolyticus vopl
3m1l crystal strucutre of a c-terminal trunacted mutant of a putative ketoacyl reductase (fabg4) from mycobacterium tuberculosis h37rv at 2.5 angstrom resolution
3m1n crystal structure of human sonic hedgehog n-terminal domain
3m1o human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with 2-((3,5-dichloro-4- hydroxyphenyl)amino)benzoic acid
3m1p structure of ribose 5-phosphate isomerase type b from trypanosoma cruzi, soaked with allose-6-phosphate
3m1s structure of ruthenium half-sandwich complex bound to glycogen synthase kinase 3
3m1u crystal structure of a putative gamma-d-glutamyl-l-diamino acid endopeptidase (dvu_0896) from desulfovibrio vulgaris hildenborough at 1.75 a resolution
3m1z crystal structure of the mutant v182a.v201a of orotidine 5'- monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3m2j crystal structure of fluorescein-labeled class a -lactamase penp
3m2k crystal structure of fluorescein-labeled class a -beta lactamase penp in complex with cefotaxime
3m2t the crystal structure of dehydrogenase from chromobacterium violaceum
3m33 the crystal structure of a functionally unknown protein from deinococcus radiodurans r1
3m36 factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 1-[3-(aminomethyl) phenyl]-n-[3-fluoro-2'-(methylsulfonyl)biphenyl-4-yl]-3- (trifluoromethyl)-1h-pyrazole-5-carboxamide (dpc423)
3m37 factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 1-[2-(aminomethyl) phenyl]-n-(3-fluoro-2'-sulfamoylbiphenyl-4-yl)-3- (trifluoromethyl)-1h-pyrazole-5-carboxamide (dpc602)
3m3c crystal structure of agrocybe aegerita lectin aal complexed with p- nitrophenyl tf disaccharide
3m3q crystal structure of agrocybe aegerita lectin aal complexed with ganglosides gm1 pentasaccharide
3m3s crystal structure of sars-cov main protease asn214ala mutant with authorize n-terminus
3m3v sars-cov main protease triple mutant sti/a with two n-terminal additional residue (gly-ser)
3m3w crystal strcuture of mouse pacsin3 bar domain mutant
3m3z crystal structure of hsc70/bag1 in complex with small molecule inhibitor
3m41 crystal structure of the mutant v182a of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
3m43 crystal structure of the mutant i199a of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
3m44 crystal structure of the mutant v201a of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
3m46 the crystal structure of the d73a mutant of glycoside hydrolase (family 31) from ruminococcus obeum atcc 29174
3m47 crystal structure of the mutant i218a of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
3m49 crystal structure of transketolase complexed with thiamine diphosphate from bacillus anthracis
3m4q entamoeba histolytica asparaginyl-trna synthetase (asnrs)
3m4u crystal structure of trypanosoma brucei protein tyrosine phosphatase tbptp1
3m4v crystal structure of the a330p mutant of cytochrome p450 bm3
3m50 structure of the 14-3-3/pma2 complex stabilized by epibestatin
3m51 structure of the 14-3-3/pma2 complex stabilized by pyrrolidone1
3m52 crystal structure of the btb domain from the miz-1/zbtb17 transcription regulator
3m53 set7/9 in complex with taf10 peptide and adohcy
3m54 set7/9 y305f in complex with taf10 peptide and adohcy
3m55 set7/9 y305f in complex with taf10-k189me1 peptide and adohcy
3m56 set7/9 y305f in complex with taf10-k189me2 peptide and adohcy
3m57 set7/9 y245a in complex with taf10 peptide and adohcy
3m58 set7/9 y245a in complex with taf10-k189me1 peptide and adohcy
3m59 set7/9 y245a in complex with taf10-k189me2 peptide and adohcy
3m5a set7/9 y245a in complex with taf10-k189me3 peptide and adohcy
3m5k crystal structure of putative nadh dehydrogenase/nad(p)h nitroreductase (bdi_1728) from parabacteroides distasonis atcc 8503 at 1.86 a resolution
3m5u crystal structure of phosphoserine aminotransferase from campylobacter jejuni
3m5w crystal structure of tryptophanyl-trna synthetase from campylobacter jejuni
3m5x crystal structure of the mutant v182a,i199a of orotidine 5'- monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
3m5y crystal structure of the mutant v182a,v201a of orotidine 5'- monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
3m5z crystal structure of the mutant v182a,i218a of orotidine 5'- monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
3m61 crystal structure of complex of urokinase and a upain-1 variant(w3a) in ph4.6 condition
3m62 crystal structure of ufd2 in complex with the ubiquitin-like (ubl) domain of rad23
3m63 crystal structure of ufd2 in complex with the ubiquitin-like (ubl) domain of dsk2
3m65 crystal structure of bacillus subtilis lon n-terminal domain
3m6d the crystal structure of the d307a mutant of glycoside hydrolase (family 31) from ruminococcus obeum atcc 29174
3m6g crystal structure of actin in complex with lobophorolide
3m6i l-arabinitol 4-dehydrogenase
3m6k crystal structure of n-terminal 44 kda fragment of topoisomerase v in the presence of guanidium hydrochloride
3m6o crystal structure of arabidopsis thaliana peptide deformylase 1b (atpdf1b)
3m6p crystal structure of arabidopsis thaliana peptide deformylase 1b (atpdf1b) in complex with actinonin
3m6u multi-site-specific 16s rrna methyltransferase rsmf from thermus thermophilus in space group 43
3m6v multi-site-specific 16s rrna methyltransferase rsmf from thermus thermophilus in space group p2 in complex with s-adenosyl-l- methionine
3m6z crystal structure of an n-terminal 44 kda fragment of topoisomerase v in the presence of guanidium hydrochloride
3m7a crystal structure of saro_0823 (yp_496102.1) a protein of unknown function from novosphingobium aromaticivorans dsm 12444 at 1.22 a resolution
3m7f crystal structure of the nedd4 c2/grb10 sh2 complex
3m7h crystal structure of the bacteriocin llpa from pseudomonas sp.
3m7j crystal structure of the bacteriocin llpa from pseudomonas sp. in complex with met-mannose
3m7q crystal structure of recombinant kunitz type serine protease inhibitor-1 from the caribbean sea anemone stichodactyla helianthus in complex with bovine pancreatic trypsin
3m7u crystal structure of alpha-lytic protease sb1+2 r64a/e182q mutant
3m7v crystal structure of phosphopentomutase from streptococcus mutans
3m84 crystal structure of phosphoribosylaminoimidazole synthetase from francisella tularensis
3m86 crystal structure of the cysteine protease inhibitor, ehicp2, from entamoeba histolytica
3m88 crystal structure of the cysteine protease inhibitor, ehicp2, from entamoeba histolytica
3m8e protein structure of type iii plasmid segregation tubr
3m8f protein structure of type iii plasmid segregation tubr mutant
3m8j crystal structure of e.coli focb at 1.4 a resolution
3m8o human iga1 fab fragment
3m8p hiv-1 rt with nnrti tmc-125
3m8q hiv-1 rt with aminopyrimidine nnrti
3m8t crystal structure of the complex between class b3 beta-lactamase bjp-1 and 4-nitrobenzene-sulfonamide
3m92 the structure of ycin, an unchracterized protein from shigella flexneri.
3m93 complex crystal structure of ascaris suum eif4e-3 with m7g cap
3m94 complex crystal structure of ascaris suum eif4e-3 with m2,2,7g cap
3m95 crystal structure of autophagy-related protein atg8 from the silkworm bombyx mori
3m9f hiv protease complexed with compound 10b
3m9j crystal structure of human thioredoxin c69/73s double mutant, reduced form
3m9k crystal structure of human thioredoxin c69/73s double-mutant, oxidized form
3m9q drosophila msl3 chromodomain
3m9y crystal structure of triosephosphate isomerase from methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus at 1.9 angstrom resolution
3ma3 crystal structure of human proto-oncogene serine threonine kinase (pim1) in complex with a consensus peptide and a naphtho-difuran ligand
3ma6 crystal structure of kinase domain of tgcdpk1 in presence of 3brb-pp1
3ma8 crystal structure of cgd1_2040, a pyruvate kinase from cryptosporidium parvum
3mab crystal structure of an uncharacterized protein from listeria monocytogenes, triclinic form
3mad crystal structure of stspl (symmetric form)
3maf crystal structure of stspl (asymmetric form)
3mal crystal structure of the sdf2-like protein from arabidopsis thaliana
3map crystal structure of homodimeric r132h mutant of human cytosolic nadp(+)-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase in complex with nadp and isocitrate
3mar crystal structure of homodimeric r132h mutant of human cytosolic nadp(+)-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase in complex with nadp
3mas crystal structure of heterodimeric r132h mutant of human cytosolic nadp(+)-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase in complex with nadp and isocitrate
3mat e.coli methionine aminopeptidase transition-state inhibitor complex
3maz crystal structure of the human brdg1/stap-1 sh2 domain in complex with the ntal ptyr136 peptide
3mb4 crystal structure of the fifth bromodomain of human poly- bromodomain containing protein 1 (pb1) with nmp
3mb8 crystal structure of purine nucleoside phosphorylase from toxoplasma gondii in complex with immucillin-h
3mbb crystal structure of stspl - apo form, after treatment with semicarbazide
3mbc crystal structure of monomeric isocitrate dehydrogenase from corynebacterium glutamicum in complex with nadp
3mbk the 1.35 a structure of the phosphatase domain of the suppressor of t cell receptor signalling protein in complex with sulphate
3mbw crystal structure of the human ephrin a2 lbd and crd domains in complex with ephrin a1
3mbx crystal structure of chimeric antibody x836
3mc1 crystal structure of a predicted phosphatase from clostridium acetobutylicum
3mc4 crystal structure of ww/rsp5/wwp domain: bacterial transferase hexapeptide repeat: serine o-acetyltransferase from brucella melitensis
3mc6 crystal structure of scdpl1
3mc9 potra1-2 of the periplasmic domain of omp85 from anabaena
3mca structure of the dom34-hbs1 complex and implications for its role in no-go decay
3mcb crystal structure of nac domains of human nascent polypeptide- associated complex (nac)
3mcd crystal structure of helicobacter pylori mine, a cell division topological specificity factor
3mcf crystal structure of human diphosphoinositol polyphosphate phosphohydrolase 3-alpha
3mcg three-dimensional structure of a light chain dimer crystallized in water. conformational flexibility of a molecule in two crystal forms
3mcl anti-beta-amyloid antibody c706 fab in space group p21
3mcm crystal structure of the 6-hyroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropterin pyrophosphokinase dihydropteroate synthase bifunctional enzyme from francisella tularensis
3mcn crystal structure of the 6-hyroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropterin pyrophosphokinase dihydropteroate synthase bifunctional enzyme from francisella tularensis
3mco crystal structure of the 6-hyroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropterin pyrophosphokinase dihydropteroate synthase bifunctional enzyme from francisella tularensis
3mcs crystal structure of putative monooxygenase (fn1347) from fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. nucleatum atcc 25586 at 2.55 a resolution
3mcw crystal structure of an a putative hydrolase of the isochorismatase family (cv_1320) from chromobacterium violaceum atcc 12472 at 1.06 a resolution
3mcz the structure of an o-methyltransferase family protein from burkholderia thailandensis.
3md1 crystal structure of the second rrm domain of yeast poly(u)-binding protein (pub1)
3md4 prion peptide
3md5 prion peptide
3md9 structure of apo form of a periplasmic heme binding protein
3mdd crystal structures of medium chain acyl-coa dehydrogenase from pig liver mitochondria with and without substrate
3mde crystal structures of medium chain acyl-coa dehydrogenase from pig liver mitochondria with and without substrate
3mdf crystal structure of the rrm domain of cyclophilin 33
3mdk structure of stringent starvation protein a (sspa) from pseudomonas putida
3mdl x-ray crystal structure of 1-arachidonoyl glycerol bound to the cyclooxygenase channel of cyclooxygenase-2
3mdo crystal structure of a putative phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine cyclo-ligase (bdi_2101) from parabacteroides distasonis atcc 8503 at 1.91 a resolution
3mdr tranylcypromine complex of cytochrome p450 46a1
3mds maganese superoxide dismutase from thermus thermophilus
3mdt voriconazole complex of cytochrome p450 46a1
3mdv clotrimazole complex of cytochrome p450 46a1
3me0 structure of the e. coli chaperone papd in complex with the pilin domain of the papgii adhesin
3me2 crystal structure of mouse rankl-rank complex
3me4 crystal structure of mouse rank
3me7 crystal structure of putative electron transport protein aq_2194 from aquifex aeolicus vf5
3me8 crystal structure of putative electron transfer protein aq_2194 from aquifex aeolicus vf5
3mea crystal structure of the sgf29 in complex with h3k4me3
3meb structure of cytoplasmic aspartate aminotransferase from giardia lamblia
3mec hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with tmc125
3med hiv-1 k103n reverse transcriptase in complex with tmc125
3mee hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with tmc278
3meg hiv-1 k103n reverse transcriptase in complex with tmc278
3mer crystal structure of the methyltransferase slr1183 from synechocystis sp. pcc 6803, northeast structural genomics consortium target sgr145
3mes crystal structure of choline kinase from cryptosporidium parvum iowa ii, cgd3_2030
3mex crystal structure of mexr in oxidized state
3mey crystal structure of class ii aars homologue (bll0957) complexed with atp
3mf0 crystal structure of pde5a gaf domain (89-518)
3mf1 crystal structure of class ii aars homologue (bll0957) complexed with an analogue of glycyl adenylate
3mf2 crystal structure of class ii aars homologue (bll0957) complexed with amp
3mf4 crystal structure of putative two-component system response regulator/ggdef domain protein
3mf5 hepatitis c virus polymerase ns5b (bk) with amide bioisostere thumb site inhibitor
3mfd the structure of the beta-lactamase superfamily domain of d-alanyl-d- alanine carboxypeptidase from bacillus subtilis
3mfg crystal structure of toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (tsst-1) in complex with the human t cell receptor beta chain vbeta2.1 (ep-8)
3mfv crystal structure of human arginase i in complex with 2- aminohomohistidine
3mfw crystal structure of human arginase i in complex with l-2- aminohistidine and sulphate
3mg1 crystal structure of the orange carotenoid protein from cyanobacteria synechocystis sp. pcc 6803
3mg2 crystal structure of the orange carotenoid protein y44s mutant from cyanobacteria synechocystis sp. pcc 6803
3mg3 crystal structure of the orange carotenoid protein r155l mutant from cyanobacteria synechocystis sp. pcc 6803
3mga 2.4 angstrom crystal structure of ferric enterobactin esterase (fes) from salmonella typhimurium
3mgc teg12 apo
3mgd crystal structure of predicted acetyltransferase with acetyl-coa from clostridium acetobutylicum at the resolution 1.9a, northeast structural genomics consortium target car165
3mgg crystal structure of methyl transferase from methanosarcina mazei
3mgj crystal structure of the saccharop_dh_n domain of mj1480 protein from methanococcus jannaschii. northeast structural genomics consortium target mjr83a.
3mgk crystal structure of probable protease/amidase from clostridium acetobutylicum atcc 824
3mgl crystal structure of permease family protein from vibrio cholerae
3mgm crystal structure of human nudt16
3mgx crystal structure of p450 oxyd that is involved in the biosynthesis of vancomycin-type antibiotics
3mh4 htra proteases are activated by a conserved mechanism that can be triggered by distinct molecular cues
3mh5 htra proteases are activated by a conserved mechanism that can be triggered by distinct molecular cues
3mh8 crystal structure of lprg from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3mh9 crystal structure of lprg mutant v91w from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3mha crystal structure of lprg from mycobacterium tuberculosis bound to pim
3mhe crystal structure of ketosteroid isomerase p39a from pseudomonas testosteroni (tksi)
3mhj human tankyrase 2 - catalytic parp domain in complex with 1-methyl-3- (trifluoromethyl)-5h-benzo[c][1,8]naphtyridine-6-one
3mhr 14-3-3 sigma in complex with yap ps127-peptide
3mhu crystal structure of dihydroorotate dehydrogenase from leishmania major in complex with 5-nitroorotic acid
3mhv crystal structure of vps4 and vta1
3mhx crystal structure of stenotrophomonas maltophilia feoa complexed with zinc: a unique procaryotic sh3 domain protein possibly acting as a bacterial ferrous iron transport activating factor
3mi2 crystal structure of human orotidine-5'-monophosphate decarboxylase complexed with pyrazofurin monophosphate
3mi3 homocitrate synthase lys4 bound to lysine
3mi8 the structure of tl1a-dcr3 complex
3mii crystal structure of y0r391cp/hsp33 from saccharomyces cerevisiae
3mil crystal structure of isoamyl acetate-hydrolyzing esterase from saccharomyces cerevisiae
3mio crystal structure of 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate synthase domain from mycobacterium tuberculosis at ph 6.00
3mit structure of banana lectin-alpha-d-mannose complex
3miu structure of banana lectin-pentamannose complex
3miv structure of banana lectin - glc-alpha(1,2)-glc complex
3miy x-ray crystal structure of itk complexed with sunitinib
3miz crystal structure of a putative transcriptional regulator protein, lacl family from rhizobium etli
3mj5 severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus papain-like protease inhibitors: design, synthesis, protein-ligand x-ray structure and biological evaluation
3mj7 crystal structure of the complex of jaml and coxsackie and adenovirus receptor, car
3mjc structure of a-type ketoreductases from modular polyketide synthase
3mje structure of a-type ketoreductases from modular polyketide synthase
3mjl crystal structure of human arginase i in complex with 2- aminoimidazole. resolution 1.90 a.
3mjm his257ala mutant of dihydroorotase from e. coli
3mjo small subunit (r2f) of native ribonucleotide reductase from corynebacterium ammoniagenes
3mjq crystal structure of the pas domain of q24qt8_deshy protein from desulfitobacterium hafniense. northeast structural genomics consortium target dhr85c.
3mjs structure of a-type ketoreductases from modular polyketide synthase
3mjt structure of a-type ketoreductases from modular polyketide synthase
3mju crystal structure determination of pigeon (columba livia) haemoglobin at 3.5 angstrom resolution
3mjv structure of a-type ketoreductases from modular polyketide synthase
3mjy crystal structure of dihydroorotate dehydrogenase from leishmania major in complex with 5-aminoorotic acid
3mk4 x-ray structure of human pex3 in complex with a pex19 derived peptide
3mk8 the mcl-1 bh3 helix is an exclusive mcl-1 inhibitor and apoptosis sensitizer
3mkg low ph as-isolated tomato chloroplast superoxide dismutase
3mkk the crystal structure of the d307a mutant of glycoside hydrolase (family 31) from ruminococcus obeum atcc 29174 in complex with isomaltose
3mkl crystal structure of dna-binding transcriptional dual regulator from escherichia coli k-12
3mkr crystal structure of yeast alpha/epsilon-cop subcomplex of the copi vesicular coat
3mkt structure of a cation-bound multidrug and toxin compound extrusion (mate) transporter
3mku structure of a cation-bound multidrug and toxin compound extrusion (mate) transporter
3ml0 thermostable penicillin g acylase from alcaligence faecalis in tetragonal form
3ml1 crystal structure of the periplasmic nitrate reductase from cupriavidus necator
3mla banadd in complex with inhibitor 1_02
3mlb banadd in complex with inhibitor 1_02_1
3mlg 2ouf-2x, a designed knotted protein
3mlh crystal structure of the 2009 h1n1 influenza virus hemagglutinin receptor-binding domain
3mlm crystal structure of bn iv in complex with myristic acid: a lys49 myotoxic phospholipase a2 from bothrops neuwiedi venom
3mmh x-ray structure of free methionine-r-sulfoxide reductase from neisseria meningitidis in complex with its substrate
3mmi crystal structure of the globular tail of myo4p
3mmj structure of the ptp-like phytase from selenomonas ruminantium in complex with myo-inositol hexakisphosphate
3mmk the structural basis for partial redundancy in a class of transcription factors, the lim-homeodomain proteins, in neural cell type specification
3mmo structure of the thioalkalivibrio nitratireducens cytochrome c nitrite reductase in complex with cyanide
3mmv structures of actin-bound wh2 domains of spire and the implication for filament nucleation
3mn2 the crystal structure of a probable arac family transcriptional regulator from rhodopseudomonas palustris cga009
3mn5 structures of actin-bound wh2 domains of spire and the implication for filament nucleation
3mn7 structures of actin-bound wh2 domains of spire and the implication for filament nucleation
3mn9 structures of actin-bound wh2 domains of spire and the implication for filament nucleation
3mnd crystallographic analysis of the cystosolic cu/zn superoxide dismutase from taenia solium
3mne crystal structure of the agonist form of mouse glucocorticoid receptor stabilized by f608s mutation at 1.96a
3mnl the crystal structure of kstr (rv3574) from mycobacterium tuberculosis h37rv
3mno crystal structure of the agonist form of mouse glucocorticoid receptor stabilized by (a611v, f608s) mutations at 1.55a
3mnp crystal structure of the agonist form of mouse glucocorticoid receptor stabilized by (a611v, v708a, e711g) mutations at 1.50a
3mo0 human g9a-like (glp, also known as ehmt1) in complex with inhibitor e11
3mo1 crystal structure of the non-neutralizing hiv antibody 13h11 fab fragment
3mo4 the crystal structure of an alpha-(1-3,4)-fucosidase from bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis atcc 15697
3mo8 pwwp domain of human bromodomain and phd finger-containing protein 1 in complex with trimethylated h3k36 peptide
3mof the structure of rat cytosolic pepck mutant a467g in complex with oxalate and gtp
3moh the structure of rat cytosolic pepck mutant a467g in complex with phosphoglycolate and gdp
3mol structure of dimeric holo hasap h32a mutant from pseudomonas aeruginosa to 1.20a resolution
3mom structure of holo hasap h32a mutant complexed with imidazole from pseudomonas aeruginosa to 2.25a resolution
3moo crystal structure of the hmuo, heme oxygenase from corynebacterium diphtheriae, in complex with azide-bound verdoheme
3mor crystal structure of cathepsin b from trypanosoma brucei
3mou characterization of the inhibitor binding site of the dehaloperoxidase-hemoglobin from amphitrite ornata using high- pressure xenon derivatization
3moz structure of the ptp-like phytase from selenomonas ruminantium in complex with myo-inositol (1,2,3,5,6)pentakisphosphate
3mp1 complex structure of sgf29 and trimethylated h3k4
3mp6 complex structure of sgf29 and dimethylated h3k4
3mp7 lateral opening of a translocon upon entry of protein suggests the mechanism of insertion into membranes
3mp9 structure of streptococcal protein g b1 domain at ph 3.0
3mpb z5688 from e. coli o157:h7 bound to fructose
3mpc the crystal structure of a fn3-like protein from clostridium thermocellum
3mpd crystal structure of nucleoside diphosphate kinase from encephalitozoon cuniculi, cubic form, apo
3mpe crystal structure of human cathepsin-s c25s mutant with bound drug
3mpf crystal structure of human cathepsin-s c25s mutant with bound drug
3mpg dihydroorotase from bacillus anthracis
3mph the structure of human diamine oxidase complexed with an inhibitor aminoguanidine
3mpv structure of eutl in the zinc-induced open form
3mq0 crystal structure of agobacterium tumefaciens repressor blcr
3mq2 crystal structure of 16s rrna methyltranferase kamb
3mqm crystal structure of the bromodomain of human ash1l
3mqo the crystal structure of the pas domain in complex with isopropanol of a transcriptional regulator in the luxr family from burkholderia thailandensis to 1.7a
3mqp crystal structure of human bfl-1 in complex with noxa bh3 peptide, northeast structural genomics consortium target hr2930
3mqq the crystal structure of the pas domain in complex with ethanol of a transcriptional regulator in the luxr family from burkholderia thailandensis to 1.65a
3mqr crystal structure of the usp7:hdmx(ahss) complex
3mqs crystal structure of the usp7:hdm2(psts) complex
3mr0 crystal structure of sensory box histidine kinase/response regulator from burkholderia thailandensis e264
3mru crystal structure of aminoacylhistidine dipeptidase from vibrio alginolyticus
3ms8 enzyme-substrate interactions of ixt6, the intracellular xylanase of g. stearothermophilus.
3ms9 abl kinase in complex with imatinib and a fragment (frag1) in the myristate pocket
3msd enzyme-substrate interactions of ixt6, the intracellular xylanase of g. stearothermophilus.
3msg enzyme-substrate interactions of ixt6, the intracellular xylanase of g. stearothermophilus.
3mso crystal structure of a steroid delta-isomerase (np_250810.1) from pseudomonas aeruginosa at 2.57 a resolution
3msp motile major sperm protein (msp) of ascaris suum, nmr, 20 structures
3msu crystal structure of citrate synthase from francisella tularensis
3msv the hypoxic regulator of sterol synthesis nro1 is a nuclear import adaptor
3msx crystal structure of rhoa.gdp.mgf3 in complex with gap domain of arhgap20
3msz crystal structure of glutaredoxin 1 from francisella tularensis complexed with cacodylate
3mt1 crystal structure of putative carboxynorspermidine decarboxylase protein from sinorhizobium meliloti
3mte crystal structure of 16s rrna methyltranferase
3mtf crystal structure of the acvr1 kinase in complex with a 2- aminopyridine inhibitor
3mtg crystal structure of human s-adenosyl homocysteine hydrolase-like 1 protein
3mti the crystal structure of a rrna methylase from streptococcus thermophilus to 1.95a
3mtk x-ray structure of diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase from caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus, northeast structural genomics consortium target clr27c
3mtq crystal structure of a putative phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase system (pts) permease (kpn_04802) from klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae mgh 78578 at 1.70 a resolution
3mtr crystal structure of the ig5-fn1 tandem of human ncam
3mtx crystal structure of chicken md-1
3mu3 crystal structure of chicken md-1 complexed with lipid iva
3mua enzyme-substrate interactions of ixt6, the intracellular xylanase of g. stearothermophilus.
3muc muconate cycloisomerase variant i54v
3mui enzyme-substrate interactions of ixt6, the intracellular xylanase of g. stearothermophilus.
3muj early b-cell factor 3 (ebf3) ipt/tig and dimerization helices
3muk crystal structure of brd4 bromodomain 1 with propionylated histone h3- k(prop)23
3mul crystal structure of brd4 bromodomain 1 with butyrylated histone h3- k(buty)14
3muq the crystal structure of a conserved functionally unknown protein from vibrio parahaemolyticus rimd 2210633
3mus 2a resolution structure of rat type b cytochrome b5
3mux the crystal structure of a putative 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase from bacillus anthracis to 1.45a
3mv5 crystal structure of akt-1-inhibitor complexes
3mvc high resolution crystal structure of the heme domain of glb-6 from c. elegans
3mve crystal structure of a novel pyruvate decarboxylase
3mvg native structure of irip, a type i ribosome inactivating protein from iris hollandica var. at 1.25 a
3mvh crystal structure of akt-1-inhibitor complexes
3mvi crystal structure of holo mada at 1.6 a resolution
3mvl p38 alpha map kinase complexed with pyrrolotriazine inhibitor 7k
3mvm p38 alpha map kinase complexed with pyrrolotriazine inhibitor 7v
3mvp the crystal structure of a tetr/acrr transcriptional regulator from streptococcus mutans to 1.85a
3mvr crystal structure of cytochrome p450 2b4-h226y in a closed conformation
3mvt crystal structure of apo mada at 2.2a resolution
3mvx x-ray structure of the reduced nika/1 hybrid, nika/1-red
3mvy x-ray structure of the diatomic oxo-intermediate nika/1-int', prior hydroxylation
3mw0 x-ray structure of the doubly hydroxylated iron complex-nika species, nika1/o2
3mw2 crystal structure of beta-neurexin 1 with the splice insert 4
3mw7 crystal structure of human orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase complexed with 5-fluoro-ump(produced from 5-fluoro-6-amino-ump)
3mwa crystal structure of plasmodium falciparum orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase covalently modified by 2-prime-fluoro-6-iodo-ump
3mwb the crystal structure of prephenate dehydratase in complex with l-phe from arthrobacter aurescens to 2.0a
3mwd truncated human atp-citrate lyase with citrate bound
3mwe truncated human atp-citrate lyase with tartrate bound
3mwg crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus sira
3mwh the 1.4 ang crystal structure of the arsd arsenic metallochaperone provides insights into its interactions with the arsa atpase
3mwj q28e mutant of hera n-terminal reca-like domain, apo form
3mwk q28e mutant of hera n-terminal reca-like domain, complex with 8-oxo- amp
3mwl q28e mutant of hera n-terminal reca-like domain in complex with 8- oxoadenosine
3mwm graded expression of zinc-responsive genes through two regulatory zinc-binding sites in zur
3mwn structure of the novel 14 kda fragment of alpha-subunit of phycoerythrin from the starving cyanobacterium phormidium tenue
3mwo human carbonic anhydrase ii in a doubled monoclinic cell: a re- determination
3mws crystal structure of group n hiv-1 protease
3mwv crystal structure of hcv ns5b polymerase
3mww crystal structure of hcv ns5b polymerase
3mwx crystal structure of a putative galactose mutarotase (bsu18360) from bacillus subtilis at 1.45 a resolution
3mx3 crystal structure of a susd homolog (bf0972) from bacteroides fragilis nctc 9343 at 2.00 a resolution
3mx6 crystal structure of methionine aminopeptidase from rickettsia prowazekii bound to methionine
3mxc structures of grb2-sh2 domain and aicd peptide complexes reveal a conformational switch and their functional implications.
3mxd crystal structure of hiv-1 protease inhibitor kc53 in complex with wild-type protease
3mxe crystal structure of hiv-1 protease inhibitor, kc32 complexed with wild-type protease
3mxj crystal structure of the mtrex1 apoprotein
3mxn crystal structure of the rmi core complex
3mxo crystal structure oh human phosphoglycerate mutase family member 5 (pgam5)
3mxv crystal structure of fab fragment of anti-shh 5e1 chimera
3mxy structures of grb2-sh2 domain and aicd peptide complexes reveal a conformational switch and their functional implications.
3my1 structure of cdk9/cyclint1 in complex with drb
3mya crystal structure of hp67 h41f - p61
3mym mutation of methionine-86 in dehaloperoxidase-hemoglobin: effects of the asp-his-fe triad in a 3/3 globin
3myn mutation of methionine-86 in dehaloperoxidase-hemoglobin: effects of the asp-his-fe triad in a 3/3 globin
3myo crystal structure of tagatose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase from streptococcus pyogenes
3myu mycoplasma genitalium mg289
3myv crystal structure of a susd superfamily protein (bvu_0732) from bacteroides vulgatus atcc 8482 at 1.80 a resolution
3myx crystal structure of a pspto_0244 (protein with unknown function which belongs to pfam duf861 family) from pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato str. dc3000 at 1.30 a resolution
3myy structure of e. coli chey mutant a113p bound to beryllium fluoride
3myz protein induced photophysical changes to the amyloid indicator dye, thioflavin t
3mz2 crystal structure of a glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase (bdi_3922) from parabacteroides distasonis atcc 8503 at 1.55 a resolution
3mz3 crystal structure of co2+ hdac8 complexed with m344
3mz4 crystal structure of d101l mn2+ hdac8 complexed with m344
3mz8 crystal structure of zinc-bound natrin from naja atra
3mz9 x-ray structure of nika in complex with hbed
3mzb x-ray structure of nika in complex with the doubly hydroxylated iron complex, 1-o2
3mzg crystal structure of a human prolactin receptor antagonist in complex with the extracellular domain of the human prolactin receptor
3mzn crystal structure of probable glucarate dehydratase from chromohalobacter salexigens dsm 3043
3mzv crystal structure of a decaprenyl diphosphate synthase from rhodobacter capsulatus
3mzw her2 extracelluar region with affinity matured 3-helix affibody zher2:342
3n00 crystal structure of a deletion mutant of human reverba ligand binding domain bound with an ncor id1 peptide determined to 2.60a
3n01 crystal structure of an abridged form of the mature ectodomain of the human receptor-type protein tyrosine phosphatase ica512/ia-2 at ph 8.5
3n04 the crystal structure of the alpha-glucosidase (family 31) from ruminococcus obeum atcc 29174
3n05 crystal structure of nh3-dependent nad+ synthetase from streptomyces avermitilis
3n06 a mutant human prolactin receptor antagonist h27a in complex with the extracellular domain of the human prolactin receptor
3n08 crystal structure of a putative phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein (pebp) homolog ct736 from chlamydia trachomatis d/uw-3/cx
3n0f crystal structure of isoprene synthase from grey poplar leaves (populus x canescens)
3n0g crystal structure of isoprene synthase from grey poplar leaves (populus x canescens) in complex with three mg2+ ions and dimethylallyl-s-thiolodiphosphate
3n0l crystal structure of serine hydroxymethyltransferase from campylobacter jejuni
3n0m crystal structure of ba2930 mutant (h183g) in complex with accoa
3n0p a mutant human prolactin receptor antagonist h30a in complex with the extracellular domain of the human prolactin receptor
3n0w crystal structure of a branched chain amino acid abc transporter periplasmic ligand-binding protein (bxe_c0949) from burkholderia xenovorans lb400 at 1.88 a resolution
3n0y adenylate cyclase class iv with active site ligand apc
3n0z adenylate cyclase class iv with active site ligand 3at
3n10 product complex of adenylate cyclase class iv
3n19 xena - reduced
3n1b c-terminal domain of vps54 subunit of the garp complex
3n1e vps54 c-terminal domain
3n1m crystal structure of ihhn bound to bocfn3
3n1p crystal structure of ihhn bound to bocfn3
3n29 crystal structure of carboxynorspermidine decarboxylase complexed with norspermidine from campylobacter jejuni
3n2d crystal structure of the complex of type i ribosome inactivating protein with hexapeptide ser-asp-asp-asp-met-gly at 2.2 a resolution
3n2i 2.25 angstrom resolution crystal structure of a thymidylate kinase (tmk) from vibrio cholerae o1 biovar eltor str. n16961 in complex with thymidine
3n2m crystal structure of plasmodium falciparum orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase complexed with 5-fluoro-6-amino-ump
3n2r structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain in complex with 6-(((3r,4r/3s,4s)-4-(3-phenoxyphenoxy)pyrrolidin-3-yl)methyl) pyridin-2-amine
3n2y crystal structure of tyrosyl-trna synthetase complexed with p-(2- tetrazolyl)-phenylalanine
3n34 crystal structure of plasmodium falciparum orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase complexed with 5-fluoro-6-amino-ump, produced from 5- fluoro-6-azido-ump
3n3d crystal structure of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase from lactobacillus brevis atcc 367
3n3e zebrafish alphaa crystallin
3n3f crystal structure of the human collagen xv trimerization domain: a potent trimerizing unit common to multiplexin collagens
3n3g 4-(3-trifluoromethylphenyl)-pyrimidine-2-carbonitrile as cathepsin s inhibitors: n3, not n1 is critically important
3n3k the catalytic domain of usp8 in complex with a usp8 specific inhibitor
3n3m crystal structure of plasmodium falciparum orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase complexed with 6-amino-ump
3n3n crystal structure of b. pseudomallei katg with isonicotinic acid hydrazide bound
3n3o crystal structure of burkholderia pseudomallei katg with nad bound
3n3p crystal structure of catalase-peroxidase katg with isonicotinic acid hydrazide and amp bound
3n3q crystal structure of the s324t variant of burkholderia pseudomallei katg with isonicotinic acid hydrazide bound
3n3r crystal structure of the e198a variant of catalase-peroxidase katg of burkholderia pseudomallei
3n3s crystal structure of the e198a variant of burkholderia pseudomallei catalase-peroxidase katg with inh
3n3t crystal structure of putative diguanylate cyclase/phosphodiesterase complex with cyclic di-gmp
3n3w 2.2 angstrom resolution crystal structure of nuclease domain of ribonuclase iii (rnc) from campylobacter jejuni
3n3x crystal structure of the complex formed between type i ribosome inactivating protein and hexapeptide ser-asp-asp-asp-met-gly at 1.7 a resolution
3n3z crystal structure of pde9a (e406a) mutant in complex with ibmx
3n40 crystal structure of the immature envelope glycoprotein complex of chikungunya virus.
3n4c 6-phenyl-1h-imidazo[4,5-c]pyridine-4-carbonitrile as cathepsin s inhibitors
3n4e crystal structure of mandelate racemase/muconate lactonizing protein from paracoccus denitrificans pd1222
3n4i crystal structure of the shv-1 d104e beta-lactamase/beta-lactamase inhibitor protein (blip) complex
3n4k putative rna methyltransferase from yersinia pestis in complex with s- adenosyl-l-homocysteine.
3n4w crystal structure of an abridged ser to ala mutant of the mature ectodomain of the human receptor-type protein-tyrosine phosphatase ica512/ia-2 at ph 7.5
3n4z crystal structure of quintuple arg-to-lys variant of t. celer l30e
3n53 crystal structure of a response regulator receiver modulated diguanylate cyclase from pelobacter carbinolicus
3n55 so1698 protein, an aspartic peptidase from shewanella oneidensis.
3n5b the complex of pii and pipx from anabaena
3n5c crystal structure of arf6delta13 complexed with gdp
3n5f crystal structure of l-n-carbamoylase from geobacillus stearothermophilus cect43
3n5k structure of the (sr)ca2+-atpase e2-alf4- form
3n5l crystal structure of a binding protein component of abc phosphonate transporter (pa3383) from pseudomonas aeruginosa at 1.97 a resolution
3n5n crystal structure analysis of the catalytic domain and interdomain connector of human muty homologue
3n5o crystal structure of putative glutathione transferase from coccidioides immitis bound to glutathione
3n5p structure of endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with 4-(2-(6-(2-(6-amino-4-methylpyridin-2-yl)ethyl)pyridin-2-yl) ethyl)-6-methylpyridin-2-amine
3n5q structure of endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with 6,6'-(2,2'-(5-amino-1,3-phenylene)bis(ethane-2,1-diyl))bis(4- methylpyridin-2-amine)
3n5r structure of endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with 4-(3-(2-(6-amino-4-methylpyridin-2-yl)ethyl)phenethyl)-6- methylpyridin-2-amine
3n5s structure of endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with 4-(2-(5-(2-(6-amino-4-methylpyridin-2-yl)ethyl)pyridin-3-yl) ethyl)-6-methylpyridin-2-amine
3n5t structure of endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with 6,6'-(2,2'-(pyridine-3,5-diyl)bis(ethane-2,1-diyl))bis(4- methylpyridin-2-amine)
3n5v structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain in complex with 4-(3-(2-(6-amino-4-methylpyridin-2-yl)ethyl)phenethyl)-6- methylpyridin-2-amine
3n5w structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain in complex with 6,6'-(2,2'-(pyridine-3,5-diyl)bis(ethane-2,1-diyl))bis(4- methylpyridin-2-amine)
3n5x structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain in complex with 4-(2-(5-(2-(6-amino-4-methylpyridin-2-yl)ethyl)pyridin-3-yl) ethyl)-6-methylpyridin-2-amine
3n5y structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain in complex with 6,6'-(2,2'-(pyridine-2,6-diyl)bis(ethane-2,1-diyl))bis(4- methylpyridin-2-amine)
3n5z structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain in complex with 4-(2-(6-(2-(6-amino-4-methylpyridin-2-yl)ethyl)pyridin-2-yl) ethyl)-6-methylpyridin-2-amine
3n60 structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain in complex with 6,6'-(2,2'-(5-amino-1,3-phenylene)bis(ethane-2,1-diyl))bis(4- methylpyridin-2-amine)
3n61 structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase d597n/m336v mutant heme domain in complex with 6,6'-(2,2'-(pyridine-3,5-diyl)bis(ethane-2,1- diyl))bis(4-methylpyridin-2-amine)
3n62 structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase d597n mutant heme domain in complex with 6,6'-(2,2'-(pyridine-3,5-diyl)bis(ethane-2,1-diyl)) bis(4-methylpyridin-2-amine)
3n63 structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase d597n/m336v mutant heme domain in complex with 6,6'-(2,2'-(5-amino-1,3-phenylene)bis(ethane- 2,1-diyl))bis(4-methylpyridin-2-amine)
3n64 structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase d597n mutant heme domain in complex with 6,6'-(2,2'-(5-amino-1,3-phenylene)bis(ethane-2,1- diyl))bis(4-methylpyridin-2-amine)
3n65 structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase s602h mutant heme domain in complex with 6,6'-(2,2'-(pyridine-3,5-diyl)bis(ethane-2,1-diyl)) bis(4-methylpyridin-2-amine)
3n66 structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase s602h mutant heme domain in complex with 6,6'-(2,2'-(5-amino-1,3-phenylene)bis(ethane-2,1- diyl))bis(4-methylpyridin-2-amine)
3n67 structure of endothelial nitric oxide synthase n368d/v106m double mutant heme domain complexed with 6,6'-(2,2'-(5-amino-1,3-phenylene) bis(ethane-2,1-diyl))bis(4-methylpyridin-2-amine)
3n68 structure of endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain n368d/v106m double mutant complexed with 4-(3-(2-(6-amino-4-methylpyridin-2-yl) ethyl)phenethyl)-6-methylpyridin-2-amine
3n69 structure of endothelial nitric oxide synthase n368d/v106m double mutant heme domain complexed with 6,6'-(2,2'-(pyridine-3,5-diyl) bis(ethane-2,1-diyl))bis(4-methylpyridin-2-amine)
3n6a structure of endothelial nitric oxide synthase n368d/v106m double mutant heme domain complexed with 4-(2-(5-(2-(6-amino-4- methylpyridin-2-yl)ethyl)pyridin-3-yl)ethyl)-6-methylpyridin-2-amine
3n6b structure of endothelial nitric oxide synthase h373s single mutant heme domain complexed with 6,6'-(2,2'-(pyridine-3,5-diyl)bis(ethane- 2,1-diyl))bis(4-methylpyridin-2-amine)
3n6c structure of endothelial nitric oxide synthase h373s single mutant heme domain complexed with 4-(2-(6-(2-(6-amino-4-methylpyridin-2-yl) ethyl)pyridin-2-yl)ethyl)-6-methylpyridin-2-amine
3n6d structure of endothelial nitric oxide synthase h373s single mutant heme domain complexed with 6,6'-(2,2'-(5-amino-1,3-phenylene) bis(ethane-2,1-diyl))bis(4-methylpyridin-2-amine)
3n6e structure of endothelial nitric oxide synthase n368d mutant heme domain complexed with 6,6'-(2,2'-(5-amino-1,3-phenylene)bis(ethane-2, 1-diyl))bis(4-methylpyridin-2-amine)
3n6f structure of endothelial nitric oxide synthase n368d single mutant heme domain complexed with 6,6'-(2,2'-(pyridine-3,5-diyl)bis(ethane- 2,1-diyl))bis(4-methylpyridin-2-amine)
3n6g structure of endothelial nitric oxide synthase n368d single mutant heme domain complexed with 4-(2-(5-(2-(6-amino-4-methylpyridin-2-yl) ethyl)pyridin-3-yl)ethyl)-6-methylpyridin-2-amine
3n6o crystal structure of the gef and p4m domain of drra/sidm from legionella pneumophila
3n6y crystal structure of an immunoglobulin-like protein (pa1606) from pseudomonas aeruginosa at 1.50 a resolution
3n72 crystal structure of aha-1 from plasmodium falciparum, pfc0270w
3n77 crystal structure of idp01880, putative ntp pyrophosphohydrolase of salmonella typhimurium lt2
3n7c crystal structure of the ran binding domain from the nuclear pore complex component nup2 from ashbya gossypii
3n7d crystal structure of copk bound to cu(i) and cu(ii)
3n7e crystal structure of copk bound to cu(ii)
3n7h crystal structure of odorant binding protein 1 from anopheles gambiae (agamobp1) with deet (n,n-diethyl-meta-toluamide) and peg
3n7k crystal structure of botulinum neurotoxin serotype c1 binding domain
3n89 kh domains
3n8b crystal structure of borrelia burgdorferi pur-alpha
3n8d crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus vrsa-9 d-ala:d-ala ligase
3n8e substrate binding domain of the human heat shock 70kda protein 9 (mortalin)
3n8f crystal structure of the complex of goat lactoperoxidase with thiocyanate at 3.2 a resolution
3n8h crystal structure of pantoate-beta-alanine ligase from francisella tularensis
3n8m crystal structure of the grb2 sh2 domain in complex with an acyclic ligand having the sequence pyvnvp
3n8u crystal structure of an imelysin peptidase (bacova_03801) from bacteroides ovatus at 1.44 a resolution
3n8v crystal structure of unoccupied cyclooxygenase-1
3n8w crystal structure of r120q/native cyclooxygenase-1 heterodimer mutant in complex with flurbiprofen
3n8x crystal structure of cyclooxygenase-1 in complex with nimesulide
3n8y structure of aspirin acetylated cyclooxygenase-1 in complex with diclofenac
3n8z crystal structure of cyclooxygenase-1 in complex with flurbiprofen
3n9b crystal structure of the p. aeruginosa ligd phosphoesterase domain
3n9g crystal structure of the fab fragment of the human neutralizing anti- west nile virus mab cr4354
3n9i crystal structure of tryptophanyl-trna synthetase from yersinia pestis co92
3n9j structure of human glutathione transferase pi class in complex with ethacraplatin
3n9l cekdm7a from c.elegans, complex with h3k4me3 peptide and nog
3n9m cekdm7a from c.elegans, alone
3n9s class ii fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase from helicobacter pylori in complex with n-(4-hydroxybutyl)- glycolohydroxamic acid bis- phosphate, a competitive inhibitor
3n9v crystal structure of inpp5b
3n9w crystal structure of 2-c-methyl-d-erythritol 4-phosphate cytidylyltransferase (ispd) in complex with 1,2-propanediol
3n9x crystal structure of map kinase from plasmodium berghei, pb000659.00.0
3na5 crystal structure of a bacterial phosphoglucomutase, an enzyme important in the virulence of several human pathogens.
3na9 crystal structure of fab15
3naa crystal structure of fab15 mut5
3nab crystal structure of fab15 mut6
3nac crystal structure of fab15 mut7
3nad crystal structure of phenolic acid decarboxylase from bacillus pumilus ui-670
3nag crystal structure of the phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (prpp) synthetase from thermoplasma volcanium in complex with adp
3nak crystal structure of the complex of goat lactoperoxidase with hypothiocyanite at 3.3 a resolution
3naq apo-form of nad-dependent formate dehydrogenase from higher-plant arabidopsis thaliana
3nar crystal structure of zhx1 hd4 (zinc-fingers and homeoboxes protein 1, homeodomain 4)
3nas the crystal structure of beta-phosphoglucomutase from bacillus subtilis
3nat crystal structure of conserved protein of unknown function ef_1977 from enterococcus faecalis
3nau crystal structure of zhx2 hd2 (zinc-fingers and homeoboxes protein 2, homeodomain 2)
3nav crystal structure of an alpha subunit of tryptophan synthase from vibrio cholerae o1 biovar el tor str. n16961
3naw crystal structure of e. coli o157:h7 effector protein nlel
3nay pdk1 in complex with inhibitor mp6
3nbc clitocybe nebularis ricin b-like lectin (cnl) in complex with lactose, crystallized at ph 4.4
3nbd clitocybe nebularis ricin b-like lectin (cnl) in complex with lactose, crystallized at ph 7.1
3nbe clitocybe nebularis ricin b-like lectin (cnl) in complex with n,n'- diacetyllactosediamine
3nbh crystal structure of human rmi1c-rmi2 complex
3nbp hiv-1 reverse transcriptase with aminopyrimidine inhibitor 2
3nbv x-ray structure of ketohexokinase in complex with amp-pnp and fructose
3nbw x-ray structure of ketohexokinase in complex with a pyrazole compound
3nc1 crystal structure of the crm1-rangtp complex
3nc2 x-ray structure of ketohexokinase with a quinazoline
3nc3 cyp134a1 structure with a closed substrate binding loop
3nc5 cyp134a1 structure with an open substrate binding loop
3nc6 cyp134a1 1-phenylimidazole bound structure
3nc7 cyp134a1 2-phenylimidazole bound structure
3nc9 x-ray structure of ketohexokinase complexed with an indazole compound
3nca x-ray structure of ketohexokinase in complex with a thieno pyridinol compound
3ncb a mutant human prolactin receptor antagonist h180a in complex with the extracellular domain of the human prolactin receptor
3ncc a human prolactin receptor antagonist in complex with the mutant extracellular domain h188a of the human prolactin receptor
3nce a mutant human prolactin receptor antagonist h27a in complex with the mutant extracellular domain h188a of the human prolactin receptor
3ncf a mutant human prolactin receptor antagonist h30a in complex with the mutant extracellular domain h188a of the human prolactin receptor
3ncj crystal structure of fab15 mut8
3ncv ngol
3ncx crystal structure of ehec o157:h7 intimin mutant
3nd0 x-ray crystal structure of a slow cyanobacterial cl-/h+ antiporter
3nd1 crystal structure of precorrin-6a synthase from rhodobacter capsulatus
3nda crystal structure of serpin from tick ixodes ricinus
3ndc crystal structure of precorrin-4 c11-methyltransferase from rhodobacter capsulatus
3ndd cleaved antitrypsin with p10 pro, and p9-p6 asp
3ndf cleaved antitrypsin with p8-p6 asp
3ndo crystal structure of deoxyribose phosphate aldolase from mycobacterium smegmatis
3ndp crystal structure of human ak4(l171p)
3ndw hiv-1 protease saquinavir:ritonavir 1:15 complex structure
3ndx hiv-1 protease saquinavir:ritonavir 1:50 complex structure
3nee wild type human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with gc-1 (ttrwt:gc-1)
3nef high-resolution pyrabactin-bound pyl1 structure
3neg pyrabactin-bound pyl1 structure in the open and close forms
3neh crystal structure of the protein lmo2462 from listeria monocytogenes complexed with zn and phosphonate mimic of dipeptide l-leu-d-ala
3nei crystal structure of precorrin-4 c11-methyltransferase from rhodobacter capsulatus (no sah bound)
3nej q28e mutant of hera rna helicase n-terminal domain - perfectly twinned hexagonal form
3nek crystal structure of a nitrogen repressor-like protein mj0159 from methanococcus jannaschii
3nel aspartyl-trna synthetase complexed with aspartic acid
3nem aspartyl-trna synthetase complexed with aspartyl adenylate
3nen unliganded aspartyl-trna synthetase from thermococcus kodakarensis
3neo wild type human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with gc-24 (ttrwt:gc-24)
3neq crystal structure of the chimeric muscarinic toxin mt7 with loop 3 from mt1
3ner structure of human type b cytochrome b5
3nes v30m mutant human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with gc-1 (v30m:gc-1)
3net crystal structure of histidyl-trna synthetase from nostoc sp. pcc 7120
3nex v30m mutant human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with gc-24 (v30m:gc- 24)
3nf3 crystal structure of bont/a lc with jth-nb-7239 peptide
3nf4 crystal structure of acyl-coa dehydrogenase from mycobacterium thermoresistibile bound to flavin adenine dinucleotide
3nf5 crystal structure of the c-terminal domain of nuclear pore complex component nup116 from candida glabrata
3nf6 structural basis for a new mechanism of inhibition of hiv integrase identified by fragment screening and structure based design
3nf7 structural basis for a new mechanism of inhibition of hiv integrase identified by fragment screening and structure based design
3nf8 structural basis for a new mechanism of inhibition of hiv integrase identified by fragment screening and structure based design
3nf9 structural basis for a new mechanism of inhibition of hiv integrase identified by fragment screening and structure based design
3nfa structural basis for a new mechanism of inhibition of hiv integrase identified by fragment screening and structure based design
3nfh crystal structure of tandem winged helix domain of rna polymerase i subunit a49 (p4)
3nfq crystal structure of the conserved central domain of yeast spn1/iws1
3nfr casimiroin analog inhibitor of quinone reductase 2
3nfs crystal structure the fab fragment of therapeutic antibody daclizumab
3nfu crystal structure of probable glucarate dehydratase from chromohalobacter salexigens dsm 3043 complexed with magnesium
3nfy the structure of human bisphosphoglycerate mutase to 1.94a
3ng1 n and gtpase domains of the signal sequence recognition protein ffh from thermus aquaticus
3ng2 crystal structure of the rnf4 ring domain dimer
3ng5 crystal structure of v30m transthyretin complexed with (-)- epigallocatechin gallate (egcg)
3ng8 crystal structure of an abridged ser to ala mutant of the mature ectodomain of the human receptor-type protein-tyrosine phosphatase ica512/ia-2 at ph 8.5
3ngf crystal structure of ap endonuclease, family 2 from brucella melitensis
3ngg x-ray structure of omwaprin
3ngh molecular analysis of the interaction of the hdl receptor sr-bi with the adaptor protein pdzk1
3ngl crystal structure of bifunctional 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase / cyclohydrolase from thermoplasma acidophilum
3ngu structure of leishmania ndkb complexed with adp.
3ngx crystal structure of bifunctional 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase / cyclohydrolase from thermoplasma acidophilum
3nhc gymlgs segment 127-132 from human prion with m129
3nhd gyvlgs segment 127-132 from human prion with v129
3nhe high resolution structure (1.26a) of usp2a in complex with ubiquitin
3nhf x-ray crystallographic structure activity relationship (sar) of casimiroin and its analogs bound to human quinone reductase 2
3nhj x-ray crystallographic structure activity relationship (sar) of casimiroin and its analogs bound to human quinone reductase 2
3nhk x-ray crystallographic structure activity relationship (sar) of casimiroin and its analogs bound to human quinone reductase 2
3nhl x-ray crystallographic structure activity relationship (sar) of casimiroin and its analogs bound to human quinone reductase 2
3nhm crystal structure of a response regulator from myxococcus xanthus
3nhp x-ray crystallographic structure activity relationship (sar) of casimiroin and its analogs bound to human quinone reductase 2
3nhr x-ray crystallographic structure activity relationship (sar) of casimiroin and its analogs bound to human quinone reductase 2
3nhs x-ray crystallographic structure activity relationship (sar) of casimiroin and its analogs bound to human quinone reductase 2
3nhu x-ray crystallographic structure activity relationship (sar) of casimiroin and its analogs bound to human quinone reductase 2
3nhw x-ray crystallographic structure activity relationship (sar) of casimiroin and its analogs bound to human quinone reductase 2
3nhy x-ray crystallographic structure activity relationship (sar) of casimiroin and its analogs bound to human quinone reductase 2
3ni0 crystal structure of mouse bst-2/tetherin ectodomain
3ni6 crystal structure of the fk506 binding domain of plasmodium vivax fkbp35
3ni7 crystal structure of the tetr transcriptional regulator from nitrosomonas europaea atcc 19718
3ni9 ges-2 carbapenemase apo form
3nie crystal structure of pf11_0147
3nih the structure of ubr box (riaaa)
3nii the structure of ubr box (kiaa)
3nij the structure of ubr box (hiaa)
3niq crystal structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa guanidinopropionase
3niu crystal structure of the complex of dimeric goat lactoperoxidase with diethylene glycol at 2.9 a resolution
3niy crystal structure of native xylanase 10b from thermotoga petrophila rku-1
3nj2 crystal structure of cce_0566 from the cyanobacterium cyanothece 51142, a protein associated with nitrogen fixation from the duf269 family
3nj3 crystal structure of xylanase 10b from thermotoga petrophila rku-1 in complex with xylobiose
3nj8 crystal structure of t. gondii enoyl acyl carrier protein reductase with bound triclosan like inhibitor
3njb crystal structure of enoyl-coa hydratase from mycobacterium smegmatis, iodide soak
3njc crystal structure of the yslb protein from bacillus subtilis. northeast structural genomics consortium target sr460.
3njd crystal structure of enoyl-coa hydratase from mycobacterium smegmatis
3nje structure of the minor pseudopilin xcpw from the pseudomonas aeruginosa type ii secretion system
3njg k98a mutant of so1698 protein, an aspartic peptidase from shewanella oneidensis.
3nji s114a mutant of so1698 protein, an aspartic peptidase from shewanella oneidensis.
3njj p115a mutant of so1698 protein, an aspartic peptidase from shewanella oneidensis
3njq crystal structure of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus protease in complex with dimer disruptor
3njr crystal structure of c-terminal domain of precorrin-6y c5,15- methyltransferase from rhodobacter capsulatus
3njy crystal structure of jmjd2a complexed with 5-carboxy-8- hydroxyquinoline
3nk5 crystal structure of aqpz mutant f43w
3nk6 structure of the nosiheptide-resistance methyltransferase
3nk7 structure of the nosiheptide-resistance methyltransferase s-adenosyl- l-methionine complex
3nka crystal structure of aqpz h174g,t183f
3nkc crystal structure of aqpz f43w,h174g,t183f
3nkd structure of crisp-associated protein cas1 from escherichia coli str. k-12
3nkg crystal structure of geba250068378 from sulfurospirillum deleyianum
3nkh crystal structure of integrase from mrsa strain staphylococcus aureus
3nkl crystal structure of udp-d-quinovosamine 4-dehydrogenase from vibrio fischeri
3nku crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of drra/sidm from legionella pneumophila
3nkv crystal structure of rab1b covalently modified with amp at y77
3nl7 human hemoglobin a mutant beta h63w carbonmonoxy-form
3nls crystal structure of hiv-1 protease in complex with kni-10772
3nlv structure of rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain in complex with 6-(((3s,4s)-4-(2-(2,2-difluoro-2-(3-fluorophenyl)ethylamino) ethoxy)pyrrolidin-3-yl)methyl)-4-methylpyridin-2-amine
3nlw structure of rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain in complex with 6-(((3s,4s)-4-(2-(2,2-difluoro-2-(piperidin-2-yl)ethylamino) ethoxy)pyrrolidin-3-yl)methyl)-4-methylpyridin-2-amine
3nlx structure of rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain in complex with 6-(((3r,4r)-4-(2- (2,2-difluoro-2-(3-fluorophenyl)ethylamino) ethoxy)pyrrolidin-3-yl)methyl)-4-methylpyridin-2-amine
3nly structure of rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain in complex with 6-(((3r,4r)-4-(2- (2,2-difluoro-2-(4-fluorophenyl)ethylamino) ethoxy)pyrrolidin-3-yl)methyl)-4-methylpyridin-2-amine
3nlz structure of rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain in complex with 6-(((3r,4r)-4-(2-(2,2-difluoro-2-phenylethylamino)ethoxy) pyrrolidin-3-yl)methyl)-4-methylpyridin-2-amine
3nm0 structure of rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain in complex with 6-(((3r,4r)-4-(2-(2,2-difluoro-2-phenylethylamino)ethoxy) pyrrolidin-3-yl)methyl)-4-methyl-3,4,5,6-tetrahydropyridin-2-amine
3nm4 helicobacter pylori mtan
3nm5 helicobacter pylori mtan complexed with formycin a
3nm8 crystal structure of tyrosinase from bacillus megaterium
3nme structure of a plant phosphatase
3nmt crystal structure of pyrabactin bound abscisic acid receptor pyl2 mutant a93f in complex with type 2c protein phosphatase hab1
3nmv crystal structure of pyrabactin-bound abscisic acid receptor pyl2 mutant a93f in complex with type 2c protein phosphatase abi2
3nmw crytal structure of armadillo repeats domain of apc
3nng crystal structure of the f5/8 type c domain of q5lfr2_bacfn protein from bacteroides fragilis. northeast structural genomics consortium target bfr258e
3nnj halogenase domain from cura module (apo hal)
3nnl halogenase domain from cura module (crystal form iii)
3nnm halogenase domain from cura module (crystal form iv)
3nnn bef3 activated drrd receiver domain
3nnp native structure of xometc, a cystathionine c-lyase protein from xanthomonas oryzae pv.oryzae, at ph 5.2
3nnq crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of moloney murine leukemia virus integrase, northeast structural genomics consortium target or3
3nns bef3 activated drrb receiver domain
3nnt crystal structure of k170m mutant of type i 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase (arod) from salmonella typhimurium lt2 in non-covalent complex with dehydroquinate.
3nny structure of rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with 6-(((3r,4r)-4-(2-(3-fluorophenethylamino)ethoxy)pyrrolidin-3- yl)methyl)pyridin-2-amine
3nnz structure of rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain complexed with 6-(((3s,4s)-4-(2-(3-fluorophenethylamino)ethoxy)pyrrolidin-3- yl)methyl)pyridin-2-amine
3no7 crystal structure of the centromere-binding protein parb from plasmid pcxc100
3no8 crystal structure of the phr domain from human btbd2 protein
3noa crystal structure of human ppar-gamma ligand binding domain complex with a potency improved agonist
3nod murine inducible nitric oxide synthase oxygenase dimer (delta 65) with tetrahydrobiopterin and product analogue l-thiocitrulline
3noe crystal structure of dihydrodipicolinate synthase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
3nof mycobacterium tuberculosis thioredoxin c c40s mutant
3noi crystal structure of natural killer cell cytotoxicity receptor nkp30 (ncr3)
3nok crystal structure of myxococcus xanthus glutaminyl cyclase
3nom crystal structure of zymomonas mobilis glutaminyl cyclase (monoclinic form)
3non crystal structure of isocyanide hydratase from pseudomonas fluorescens
3noo crystal structure of c101a isocyanide hydratase from pseudomonas fluorescens
3noq crystal structure of c101s isocyanide hydratase from pseudomonas fluorescens
3nos human endothelial nitric oxide synthase with arginine substrate
3nox crystal structure of human dpp-iv in complex with sa-(+)-(6- (aminomethyl)-5-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-7-methylimidazo[1,2-a]pyrimidin- 2-yl)(morpholino)methanone
3np1 crystal structure of the complex of nitrophorin 1 from rhodnius prolixus with cyanide
3npc crystal structure of jnk2 complexed with birb796
3npf crystal structure of a putative dipeptidyl-peptidase vi (bacova_00612) from bacteroides ovatus at 1.72 a resolution
3npi crystal structure of a tetr family regulatory protein (dip1788) from corynebacterium diphtheriae at 2.96 a resolution
3npk the crystal structure of geranyltranstransferase from campylobacter jejuni
3npl structure of ru(bpy)2(a-phen)(k97c) p450 bm3 heme domain, a ruthenium modified p450 bm3 mutant
3npp crystal structure of a pfam duf1093 family protein (bsu39620) from bacillus subtilis at 2.15 a resolution
3npu optimization of the in silico designed kemp eliminase ke70 by computational design and directed evolution
3npv optimization of the in silico designed kemp eliminase ke70 by computational design and directed evolution
3npw in silico designed of an improved kemp eliminase ke70 mutant by computational design and directed evolution
3npx optimization of the in silico designed kemp eliminase ke70 by computational design and directed evolution
3npy crystal structure of tyrosinase from bacillus megaterium soaked in cuso4
3nq0 crystal structure of tyrosinase from bacillus megaterium crystallized in the absence of zinc
3nq1 crystal structure of tyrosinase from bacillus megaterium in complex with inhibitor kojic acid
3nq2 optimization of the in silico designed kemp eliminase ke70 by computational design and directed evolution r2 3/5g
3nq5 crystal structure of tyrosinase from bacillus megaterium r209h mutant
3nq6 crystal structure of the mutant p180a of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor 6-azaump
3nq7 crystal structure of the mutant f71a of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3nqa crystal structure of the mutant f100a of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3nqb crystal structure of adenine deaminase from agrobacterium tumefaciens (str. c 58)
3nqc crystal structure of the mutant i96s of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3nqd crystal structure of the mutant i96t of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3nqe crystal structure of the mutant l123n of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3nqf crystal structure of the mutant l123s of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3nqg crystal structure of the mutant v155d of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3nqj crystal structure of (cenp-a/h4)2 heterotetramer
3nqm crystal structure of the mutant v155s of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3nqn crystal structure of a protein with unknown function. (dr_2006) from deinococcus radiodurans at 1.88 a resolution
3nqo crystal structure of a marr family transcriptional regulator (cd1569) from clostridium difficile 630 at 2.20 a resolution
3nqp crystal structure of a susd superfamily protein (bf1802) from bacteroides fragilis nctc 9343 at 1.90 a resolution
3nqs crystal structure of inducible nitric oxide synthase with n- nitrosated-pterin
3nqu crystal structure of partially trypsinized (cenp-a/h4)2 heterotetramer
3nqw a metazoan ortholog of spot hydrolyzes ppgpp and plays a role in starvation responses
3nqy crystal structure of the autoprocessed complex of vibriolysin mcp-02 with a single point mutation e346a
3nqz crystal structure of the autoprocessed vibriolysin mcp-02 with e369a mutation
3nr0 optimization of the in silico designed kemp eliminase ke70 by computational design and directed evolution r6 6/10a
3nr1 a metazoan ortholog of spot hydrolyzes ppgpp and plays a role in starvation responses
3nr2 crystal structure of caspase-6 zymogen
3nr6 crystal structure of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) protease
3nr7 crystal structure of s. typhimurium h-ns 1-83
3nr8 crystal structure of human ship2
3nra crystal structure of an aspartate aminotransferase (yp_354942.1) from rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 at 2.15 a resolution
3nrc crystal stucture of the francisella tularensis enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase (fabi) in complex with nad+ and triclosan
3nrf crystal structure of an apag protein (pa1934) from pseudomonas aeruginosa pao1 at 1.50 a resolution
3nrh crystal structure of protein bf1032 from bacteroides fragilis, northeast structural genomics consortium target bfr309
3nrl crystal structure of protein rumgna_01417 from ruminococcus gnavus, northeast structural genomics consortium target ugr76
3nro crystal structure of putative transcriptional factor lmo1026 from listeria monocytogenes (fragment 52-321), northeast structural genomics consortium target lmr194
3nrq crystal structure of copper-reconstituted fetp from uropathogenic escherichia coli strain f11
3nrr co-crystal structure of dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase from babesia bovis with dump, raltitrexed and nadp
3nrx insights into anti-parallel microtubule crosslinking by prc1, a conserved non-motor microtubule binding protein
3ns5 crystal structure of the rna recognition motif of yeast eif3b residues 76-161
3ns6 crystal structure of hte rna recognition motif of yeast eif3b residues 76-170
3ns7 succinic acid amides as p2-p3 replacements for inhibitors of interleukin-1beta converting enzyme (ice or caspase 1)
3ns8 crystal structure of an open conformation of lys48-linked diubiquitin at ph 7.5
3nse bovine enos, h4b-free, seitu complex
3nsi crystal structure of the post-refolded s100a3 protein expressed in insect cell
3nsk crystal structure of the post-refolded s100a3 r51a mutant expressed in insect cell
3nso crystal structure of s100a3 protein expressed in insect cell
3nsp crystal structure of tetrameric rxralpha-lbd
3nsq crystal structure of tetrameric rxralpha-lbd complexed with antagonist danthron
3nss the 2009 pandemic h1n1 neuraminidase n1 lacks the 150-cavity in its active sites
3nsu a systematic screen for protein-lipid interactions in saccharomyces cerevisiae
3nsx the crystal structure of the the crystal structure of the d420a mutant of the alpha-glucosidase (family 31) from ruminococcus obeum atcc 29174
3nt1 high resolution structure of naproxen:cox-2 complex.
3nt2 crystal structure of myo-inositol dehydrogenase from bacillus subtilis with bound cofactor
3nt4 crystal structure of myo-inositol dehydrogenase from bacillus subtilis with bound cofactor nadh and inositol
3nt5 crystal structure of myo-inositol dehydrogenase from bacillus subtilis with bound cofactor and product inosose
3nt6 structure of the shewanella loihica pv-4 nadh-dependent persulfide reductase c43s/c531s double mutant
3nt7 crystal structure of vaccinia virus uracil dna glycosylase r187v mutant
3nt8 crystal structure of na-asp-1
3nta structure of the shewanella loihica pv-4 nadh-dependent persulfide reductase
3ntc crystal structure of kd-247 fab, an anti-v3 antibody that inhibits hiv-1 entry
3ntd structure of the shewanella loihica pv-4 nadh-dependent persulfide reductase c531s mutant
3nte crystal structure of the wild-type full-length hiv-1 capsid protein
3nth crystal structure of tudor and aubergine [r13(me2s)] complex
3nti crystal structure of tudor and aubergine [r15(me2s)] complex
3ntk crystal structure of tudor
3ntl crystal structure of glucose-1-phosphatase (agpe) from enterobacter cloacae
3ntm crystal structure of tyrosinase from bacillus megaterium crystallized in the absence of zinc, partial occupancy of cub
3ntq crystal structure of k97v mutant myo-inositol dehydrogenase from bacillus subtilis with bound cofactor nad
3ntr crystal structure of k97v mutant of myo-inositol dehydrogenase from bacillus subtilis with bound cofactor nad and inositol
3nts catalytic domain of vsdc from aeromonas hydrophila
3ntv crystal structure of a putative caffeoyl-coa o-methyltransferase from staphylococcus aureus
3ntx crystal structure of l-asparaginase i from yersinia pestis
3nu1 structure of holo form of a periplasmic heme binding protein
3nu3 wild type hiv-1 protease with antiviral drug amprenavir
3nu4 crystal structure of hiv-1 protease mutant v32i with antiviral drug amprenavir
3nu5 crystal structure of hiv-1 protease mutant i50v with antiviral drug amprenavir
3nu6 crystal structure of hiv-1 protease mutant i54m with antiviral drug amprenavir
3nu7 wbpe, an aminotransferase from pseudomonas aeruginosa involved in o- antigen assembly in complex with the cofactor pmp
3nu8 wbpe, an aminotransferase from pseudomonas aeruginosa involved in o- antigen assembly in complex with the internal aldimine
3nu9 crystal structure of hiv-1 protease mutant i84v with antiviral drug amprenavir
3nua crystal structure of phosphoribosylaminoimidazole-succinocarboxamide synthase from clostridium perfringens
3nub wbpe, an aminotransferase from pseudomonas aeruginosa involved in o- antigen assembly in complex with product as the external aldimine
3nue the structure of 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase from mycobacterium tuberculosis complexed with tryptophan
3nuf crystal structure of a prd-containing transcription regulator (lsei_2718) from lactobacillus casei atcc 334 at 1.38 a resolution
3nuh a domain insertion in e. coli gyrb adopts a novel fold that plays a critical role in gyrase function
3nui crystal structure of omega-transferase from vibrio fluvialis js17
3nuj crystal structure of hiv-1 protease mutant i54v with antiviral drug amprenavir
3nuk the crystal structure of the w169y mutant of alpha-glucosidase (family 31) from ruminococcus obeum atcc 29174
3nuo crystal structure of hiv-1 protease mutant l90m with antiviral drug amprenavir
3nuv crystal structure of ketosteroid isomerase d38nd99n from pseudomonas testosteroni (tksi) with 4-androstene-3,17-dione bound
3nv0 crystal structure and mutational analysis of the nxf2/nxt1 heterodimeric complex from caenorhabditis elegans at 1.84 a resolution
3nv8 the structure of 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase in complex with phosphoenol pyruvate and manganese (thesit-free)
3nv9 crystal structure of entamoeba histolytica malic enzyme
3nva dimeric form of ctp synthase from sulfolobus solfataricus
3nvd structure of ybbd in complex with pugnac
3nve mmhfgn segment 138-143 from syrian hamster prion
3nvl crystal structure of phosphoglycerate mutase from trypanosoma brucei
3nvm structural basis for substrate placement by an archaeal box c/d ribonucleoprotein particle
3nvn molecular mechanism of guidance cue recognition
3nvo the soluble domain structure of the zntb zn2+ efflux system
3nvr modulating heme redox potential through protein-induced porphyrin distortion
3nvt 1.95 angstrom crystal structure of a bifunctional 3-deoxy-7- phosphoheptulonate synthase/chorismate mutase (aroa) from listeria monocytogenes egd-e
3nvu modulating heme redox potential through protein-induced porphyrin distortion
3nvx molecular mechanism of guidance cue recognition
3nw0 crystal structure of mageg1 and nse1 complex
3nw2 novel nanomolar imidazopyridines as selective nitric oxide synthase (inos) inhibitors: sar and structural insights
3nwc crystal structure of the pyrococcus furiosus smc protein hinge domain
3nwj crystal structure of shikimate kinase from arabidopsis thaliana (atsk2)
3nwp crystal structure of a 6-phosphogluconolactonase (sbal_2240) from shewanella baltica os155 at 1.40 a resolution
3nwq x-ray structure of ester chemical analogue [o-ile50,o-ile50']hiv-1 protease complexed with mvt-101
3nwx x-ray structure of ester chemical analogue [o-ile50,o-ile50']hiv-1 protease complexed with kvs-1 inhibitor
3nx0 hinge-loop mutation can be used to control 3d domain swapping and amyloidogenesis of human cystatin c
3nx1 crystal structure of enterobacter sp. px6-4 ferulic acid decarboxylase
3nx2 enterobacter sp. px6-4 ferulic acid decarboxylase in complex with substrate analogues
3nx3 crystal structure of acetylornithine aminotransferase (argd) from campylobacter jejuni
3nx4 crystal structure of the yhdh oxidoreductase from salmonella enterica in complex with nadp
3nx8 human camp dependent protein kinase in complex with phenol
3nxb crystal structure of the bromodomain of human cecr2
3nxj crystal structure of ketosteroid isomerase d99n from pseudomonas testosteroni (tksi)
3nxq angiotensin converting enzyme n domain glycsoylation mutant (ndom389) in complex with rxp407
3nxu crystal structure of human cytochrome p4503a4 bound to an inhibitor ritonavir
3ny1 structure of the ubr-box of the ubr1 ubiquitin ligase
3ny3 structure of the ubr-box of ubr2 in complex with n-degron
3ny7 stas domain of ychm bound to acp
3nyb structure and function of the polymerase core of tramp, a rna surveillance complex
3nyd crystal structure of kemp eliminase hg-2 complexed with transition state analog 5-nitro benzotriazole
3nyg x-ray structure of ester chemical analogue [o-gly51,o-gly51']hiv-1 protease complexed with mvt-101 inhibitor
3nyi the crystal structure of a fat acid (stearic acid)-binding protein from eubacterium ventriosum atcc 27560.
3nym the crystal structure of functionally unknown protein from neisseria meningitidis mc58
3nyn crystal structure of g protein-coupled receptor kinase 6 in complex with sangivamycin
3nyo crystal structure of g protein-coupled receptor kinase 6 in complex with amp
3nyz crystal structure of kemp elimination catalyst 1a53-2
3nz4 crystal structure of a taxus phenylalanine aminomutase
3nze the crystal structure of a domain of a possible sugar-binding transcriptional regulator from arthrobacter aurescens tc1.
3nzh crystal structure of anti-emmprin antibody 5f6 fab
3nzi substrate induced remodeling of the active site regulates htra1 activity
3nzk structure of lpxc from yersinia enterocolitica complexed with chir090 inhibitor
3nzn the crystal structure of the glutaredoxin from methanosarcina mazei go1
3nzp crystal structure of the biosynthetic arginine decarboxylase spea from campylobacter jejuni, northeast structural genomics consortium target br53
3nzq crystal structure of biosynthetic arginine decarboxylase adc (spea) from escherichia coli, northeast structural genomics consortium target er600
3nzz crystal structure of the salmonella type iii secretion system tip protein sipd
3o00 crystal structure of the salmonella type iii secretion system tip protein sipd-c244s
3o01 the crystal structure of the salmonella type iii secretion system tip protein sipd in complex with deoxycholate
3o02 the crystal structure of the salmonella type iii secretion system tip protein sipd in complex with chenodeoxycholate
3o08 crystal structure of dimeric klhxk1 in crystal form i
3o0a crystal structure of the wild type cp1 hydrolitic domain from aquifex aeolicus leucyl-trna
3o0h crystal structure of glutathione reductase from bartonella henselae
3o0l crystal structure of a pfam duf1425 family member (shew_1734) from shewanella sp. pv-4 at 1.81 a resolution
3o0m crystal structure of a zn-bound histidine triad family protein from mycobacterium smegmatis
3o0n thermotoga maritima ribonucleotide reductase, nrdj, in complex with dttp and adenosylcobalamin
3o0o thermotoga maritima ribonucleotide reductase, nrdj, in complex with dttp, gdp and adenosylcobalamin
3o0q thermotoga maritima ribonucleotide reductase, nrdj, in complex with dttp, gdp and adenosine
3o0t crystal structure of human phosphoglycerate mutase family member 5 (pgam5) in complex with phosphate
3o0x structural basis of carbohydrate recognition by calreticulin
3o14 crystal structure of an anti-ecfsigma factor, chrr (maqu_0586) from marinobacter aquaeolei vt8 at 1.70 a resolution
3o18 crystal structure of c-phycocyanin from themosynechococcus vulcanus at 1.35 angstroms resolution
3o1d structure-function study of gemini derivatives with two different side chains at c-20, gemini-0072 and gemini-0097.
3o1e structure-function of gemini derivatives with two different side chains at c-20, gemini-0072 and gemini-0097.
3o1f p1 crystal form of e. coli clps at 1.4 a resolution
3o1h crystal structure of the tors sensor domain - tort complex in the presence of tmao
3o1l crystal structure of a formyltetrahydrofolate deformylase (pspto_4314) from pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato str. dc3000 at 2.20 a resolution
3o1n 1.03 angstrom crystal structure of q236a mutant type i dehydroquinate dehydratase (arod) from salmonella typhimurium
3o1w crystal structure of dimeric klhxk1 in crystal form iii
3o27 the crystal structure of c68 from the hybrid virus-plasmid pssvx
3o2c crystal structure of a rod form of c-phycocyanin from themosynechococcus vulcanus at 1.5 angstroms
3o2f structure of the n-domain of grp94 bound to the hsp90 inhibitor pu-h54
3o2h e. coli clps in complex with a leu n-end rule peptide
3o2j structure of the glua2 ntd-dimer interface mutant, n54a
3o2n x-ray crystallographic structure activity relationship (sar) of casimiroin and its analogs bound to human quinone reductase 2
3o2p a dual e3 mechanism for rub1 ligation to cdc53: dcn1(p)-cdc53(whb)
3o2s crystal structure of the human symplekin-ssu72 complex
3o2u s. cerevisiae ubc12
3o2v crystal structure of 1e9 phel89ser/leuh47trp/meth100bphe, an engineered diels-alderase fab with modified specificity and catalytic activity
3o2w crystal structure of the 1e9 phel89ser/leuh47trp/meth100bphe fab in complex with a 39a11 transition state analog
3o2y structure-function analysis of human l-prostaglandin d synthase bound with fatty acid
3o31 e81q mutant of mtnas in complex with a reaction intermediate
3o32 crystal structure of 4-chlorocatechol dioxygenase from rhodococcus opacus 1cp in complex with 3,5-dichlorocatechol
3o34 crystal structure of trim24 phd-bromo complexed with h3(13-32)k23ac peptide
3o39 crystal structure of spy
3o3l structure of the ptp-like phytase from selenomonas ruminantium in complex with myo-inositol (1,3,4,5)tetrakisphosphate
3o3o (r)-2-hydroxyisocaproyl-coa dehydratase in complex with (r)-2- hydroxyisocaproate
3o3p crystal structure of r. xylanophilus mpgs in complex with gdp-mannose
3o3r crystal structure of akr1b14 in complex with nadp
3o3z complex of a chimeric alpha/beta-peptide based on the gp41 chr domain bound to a gp41 nhr domain peptide
3o40 complex of a chimeric alpha/beta-peptide based on the gp41 chr domain bound to gp41-5
3o42 complex of an alpha/beta-peptide based on the gp41 chr domain bound to gp41-5
3o43 complex of an alpha/beta-peptide based on the gp41 chr domain bound to gp41-5
3o47 crystal structure of arfgap1-arf1 fusion protein
3o4i structure and catalysis of acylaminoacyl peptidase
3o4n crystal structure of the rous associated virus integrase catalytic domain in mes buffer ph 6.0
3o4v crystal structure of e. coli mta/sah nucleosidase in complex with (4- chlorophenyl)thio-dadme-imma
3o4w crystal structure of dimeric klhxk1 in crystal form iv
3o50 crystal structure of benzamide 9 bound to auroraa
3o53 crystal structure of lrim1 leucine-rich repeat domain
3o5a crystal structure of partially reduced periplasmic nitrate reductase from cupriavidus necator using ionic liquids
3o5b crystal structure of dimeric klhxk1 in crystal form vii with glucose bound (open state)
3o5d crystal structure of a fragment of fkbp51 comprising the fk1 and fk2 domains
3o5t structure of drag-glnz complex with adp
3o5u crystal structure of 4-chlorocatechol dioxygenase from rhodococcus opacus 1cp in complex with protocatechuate
3o5v the crystal structure of the creatinase/prolidase n-terminal domain of an x-pro dipeptidase from streptococcus pyogenes to 1.85a
3o5w binding of kinetin in the active site of mistletoe lectin i
3o5y the crystal structure of the gaf domain of a two-component sensor histidine kinase from bacillus halodurans to 2.45a
3o5z crystal structure of the sh3 domain from p85beta subunit of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (pi3k)
3o60 the crystal structure of lin0861 from listeria innocua to 2.8a
3o63 crystal structure of thiamin phosphate synthase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3o64 crystal structure of catalytic domain of tace with 2-(2-aminothiazol- 4-yl)pyrrolidine-based tartrate diamides
3o66 crystal structure of glycine betaine/carnitine/choline abc transporter
3o69 structure of the e100a e.coli gdp-mannose hydrolase (yffh) in complex with mg++
3o6j crystal structure of 4-chlorocatechol dioxygenase from rhodococcus opacus 1cp in complex with hydroxyquinol
3o6k crystal structure of anti-tat hiv fab'11h6h1
3o6o crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of an hsp90 from trypanosoma brucei, tb10.26.1080 in the presence of an the inhibitor biib021
3o6r crystal structure of 4-chlorocatechol dioxygenase from rhodococcus opacus 1cp in complex with pyrogallol
3o6v crystal structure of uridine phosphorylase from vibrio cholerae o1 biovar el tor
3o6w crystal structure of monomeric klhxk1 in crystal form viii (open state)
3o6z structure of the d152a e.coli gdp-mannose hydrolase (yffh) in complex with mg++
3o71 crystal structure of erk2/dcc peptide complex
3o73 crystal structure of quinone reductase 2 in complex with the indolequinone mac627
3o74 crystal structure of cra transcriptional dual regulator from pseudomonas putida
3o75 crystal structure of cra transcriptional dual regulator from pseudomonas putida in complex with fructose 1-phosphate'
3o76 1.8 angstroms molecular structure of mouse liver glutathione s- transferase mutant c47a complexed with s-(p-nitrobenzyl)glutathione
3o78 the structure of ca2+ sensor (case-12)
3o79 crystal structure of wild-type rabbit prp 126-230
3o7a crystal structure of phf13 in complex with h3k4me3
3o7h crystal structure of 2-oxo-4-hydroxy-4-carboxy-5-ureidoimidazoline decarboxylase from klebsiella pneumoniae
3o7i crystal structure of 2-oxo-4-hydroxy-4-carboxy-5-ureidoimidazoline decarboxylase from klebsiella pneumoniae
3o7n the v59w mutation blocks the distal pocket of the hemoglobin - dehaloperoxidase from amphitrite ornata
3o7o use of synthetic symmetrization in the crystallization and structure determination of cela from thermotoga maritima
3o81 beta2-microglobulin from gallus gallus
3o82 structure of base n-terminal domain from acinetobacter baumannii bound to 5'-o-[n-(2,3-dihydroxybenzoyl)sulfamoyl] adenosine
3o83 structure of base n-terminal domain from acinetobacter baumannii bound to 2-(4-n-dodecyl-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)-5'-o-[n-(2-hydroxybenzoyl) sulfamoyl]adenosine
3o84 structure of base n-terminal domain from acinetobacter baumannii bound to 6-phenyl-1-(pyridin-4-ylmethyl)-1h-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridine-4- carboxylic acid.
3o85 giardia lamblia 15.5kd rna binding protein
3o86 crystal structure of ampc beta-lactamase in complex with a sulfonamide boronic acid inhibitor
3o87 crystal structure of ampc beta-lactamase in complex with a sulfonamide boronic acid inhibitor
3o88 crystal structure of ampc beta-lactamase in complex with a sulfonamide boronic acid inhibitor
3o8b visualizing atp-dependent rna translocation by the ns3 helicase from hcv
3o8d visualizing atp-dependent rna translocation by the ns3 helicase from hcv
3o8i structure of 14-3-3 isoform sigma in complex with a c-raf1 peptide and a stabilizing small molecule fragment
3o8l structure of phosphofructokinase from rabbit skeletal muscle
3o8n structure of phosphofructokinase from rabbit skeletal muscle
3o8q 1.45 angstrom resolution crystal structure of shikimate 5- dehydrogenase (aroe) from vibrio cholerae
3o8y stable-5-lipoxygenase
3o98 glutathionylspermidine synthetase/amidase c59a complex with adp and gsp
3o99 crystal structure of wild-type hiv-1 protease in complex with kd13
3o9a crystal structure of wild-type hiv-1 protease in complex with kd14
3o9b crystal structure of wild-type hiv-1 protease in complex with kd25
3o9c crystal structure of wild-type hiv-1 protease in complex with kd20
3o9d crystal structure of wild-type hiv-1 protease in complex with kd19
3o9e crystal structure of wild-type hiv-1 protease in complex with af60
3o9f crystal structure of wild-type hiv-1 protease in complex with kd27
3o9g crystal structure of wild-type hiv-1 protease in complex with af53
3o9h crystal structure of wild-type hiv-1 protease in complex with kd26
3o9i crystal structure of wild-type hiv-1 protease in complex with af61
3o9m co-crystallization studies of full length recombinant bche with cocaine offers insights into cocaine detoxification
3o9o crystal structure of gbs1074, an esat-6 homologue from group b streptococcus
3o9q effector domain of ns1 from a/pr/8/34 containing a w187a mutation
3o9r effector domain of ns1 from influenza a/pr/8/34 containing a w187a mutation
3o9s effector domain of influenza a/pr/8/34 ns1
3o9t effector domain from influenza a/pr/8/34 ns1
3oa1 crystal structure of phosphoprotein/protein p/protein m1 residues 69- 297 from rabies virus reveals degradation to c-terminal domain only
3oa3 crystal structure of a putative deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase from coccidioides immitis
3oa5 the structure of chi1, a chitinase from yersinia entomophaga
3oa9 effector domain of influenza a/duck/albany/76 ns1
3oai crystal structure of the extra-cellular domain of human myelin protein zero
3oaj crystal structure of putative dioxygenase from bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168
3oap crystal structure of human retinoid x receptor alpha-ligand binding domain complex with 9-cis retinoic acid and the coactivator peptide grip-1
3oau antibody 2g12 recognizes di-mannose equivalently in domain- and non- domain-exchanged forms, but only binds the hiv-1 glycan shield if domain-exchanged
3oax crystal structure of bovine rhodopsin with beta-ionone
3ob1 crystal structure of c-cbl tkb domain in complex with double phosphorylated spry2 peptide
3ob2 crystal structure of c-cbl tkb domain in complex with double phosphorylated egfr peptide
3ob6 structure of adic(n101a) in the open-to-out arg+ bound conformation
3obc crystal structure of a pyrophosphatase (af1178) from archaeoglobus fulgidus at 1.80 a resolution
3obe crystal structure of a sugar phosphate isomerase/epimerase (bdi_3400) from parabacteroides distasonis atcc 8503 at 1.70 a resolution
3obf crystal structure of putative transcriptional regulator, iclr family; targeted domain 129...302
3obh x-ray crystal structure of protein sp_0782 (7-79) from streptococcus pneumoniae. northeast structural genomics consortium target spr104
3obl crystal structure of the potent anti-hiv cyanobacterial lectin from oscillatoria agardhii
3obq crystal structure of the tsg101 uev domain in complex with a human hrs psap peptide
3obu crystal structure of the tsg101 uev domain in complex with a hiv-1 ptap peptide
3obx crystal structure of the tsg101 uev domain in complex with a hiv-1 gag p7a mutant peptide
3oby crystal structure of archaeoglobus fulgidus pelota reveals inter- domain structural plasticity
3oc0 structure of human dpp-iv with hts hit (2s,3s,11bs)-3-butyl-9,10- dimethoxy-1,3,4,6,7,11b-hexahydro-2h-pyrido[2,1-a]isoquinolin-2- ylamine
3oc4 crystal structure of a pyridine nucleotide-disulfide family oxidoreductase from the enterococcus faecalis v583
3oca crystal structure of peptide deformylase from ehrlichia chaffeensis
3och chemically self-assembled antibody nanorings (csans): design and characterization of an anti-cd3 igm biomimetic
3oci crystal structure of tbp (tata box binding protein)
3ocm the crystal structure of a domain from a possible membrane protein of bordetella parapertussis
3oco the crystal structure of a hemolysin-like protein containing cbs domain of oenococcus oeni psu
3ocp crystal structure of camp bound cgmp-dependent protein kinase(92-227)
3ocr crystal structure of aldolase ii superfamily protein from pseudomonas syringae
3od0 crystal structure of cgmp bound cgmp-dependent protein kinase(92-227)
3od1 the crystal structure of an atp phosphoribosyltransferase regulatory subunit/histidyl-trna synthetase from bacillus halodurans c
3od2 e. coli nikr soaked with excess nickel ions
3odo crystal structure of the dh/ph domains of p115-rhogef
3odt crystal structure of wd40 beta propeller domain of doa1
3odu the 2.5 a structure of the cxcr4 chemokine receptor in complex with small molecule antagonist it1t
3odv x-ray structure of kaliotoxin by racemic protein crystallography
3odw crystal structure of the linker-dh/ph domains of p115-rhogef
3odx crystal structure of an n-terminally truncated linker-dh/ph domains of p115-rhogef
3oe0 crystal structure of the cxcr4 chemokine receptor in complex with a cyclic peptide antagonist cvx15
3oe9 crystal structure of the chemokine cxcr4 receptor in complex with a small molecule antagonist it1t in p1 spacegroup
3oea crystal structure of the q121e mutants of c.polysaccharolyticus cbm16- 1 bound to cellopentaose
3oez crystal structure of the l317i mutant of the chicken c-src tyrosine kinase domain complexed with imatinib
3of0 crystal structure of the l317i mutant of the chicken c-src tyrosine kinase domain
3of5 crystal structure of a dethiobiotin synthetase from francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis schu s4
3ofe structured domain of drosophila melanogaster boca p41 2 2 crystal form
3ofg structured domain of caenorhabditis elegans bmy-1
3ofh structured domain of mus musculus mesd
3og4 the crystal structure of human interferon lambda 1 complexed with its high affinity receptor in space group p21212
3og5 crystal structure of bama potra45 tandem
3og6 the crystal structure of human interferon lambda 1 complexed with its high affinity receptor in space group p212121
3og7 b-raf kinase v600e oncogenic mutant in complex with plx4032
3og9 structure of yahd with malic acid
3oga 1.75 angstrom resolution crystal structure of a putative ntp pyrophosphohydrolase (yfao) from salmonella typhimurium lt2
3ogh crystal structure of ycie protein from e. coli cft073, a member of ferritine-like superfamily of diiron-containing four-helix-bundle proteins
3ogn crystal structure of an odorant-binding protein from the southern house mosquito complexed with an oviposition pheromone
3ogp crystal structure of 6s-98s fiv protease with darunavir bound
3ogq crystal structure of 6s-98s fiv protease with lopinavir bound
3ohe crystal structure of a histidine triad protein (maqu_1709) from marinobacter aquaeolei vt8 at 1.20 a resolution
3ohf crystal structure of beta-site app-cleaving enzyme 1 (bace-wt) complex with bms-655295 aka n~3~-((1s,2r)-1- benzyl-2-hydroxy-3-((3- methoxybenzyl)amino)propyl)-n~1~, n~1~-dibutyl-1h-indole-1,3- dicarboxamide
3ohh crystal structure of beta-site app-cleaving enzyme 1 (bace-wt) complex with bms-681889 aka n~1~-butyl-5-cyano- n~3~-((1s,2r)-1-(3,5- difluorobenzyl)-2-hydroxy-3-((3- methoxybenzyl)amino)propyl)-n~1~- methyl-1h-indole-1,3- dicarboxamide
3ohi structure of giardia fructose-1,6-biphosphate aldolase in complex with 3-hydroxy-2-pyridone
3ohm crystal structure of activated g alpha q bound to its effector phospholipase c beta 3
3ohn crystal structure of the fimd translocation domain
3oht crystal structure of salmo salar p38alpha
3ohw x-ray structure of phycobilisome lcm core-membrane linker polypeptide (fragment 721-860) from synechocystis sp. pcc 6803, northeast structural genomics consortium target sgr209e
3oi8 the crystal structure of functionally unknown conserved protein domain from neisseria meningitidis mc58
3oib crystal structure of a putative acyl-coa dehydrogenase from mycobacterium smegmatis, iodide soak
3oic crystal structure of enoyl-acp reductases iii (fabl) from b. subtilis (apo form)
3oii crystal structure of saccharomyces cerevisiae nep1/emg1 bound to s- adenosylhomocysteine
3oiq crystal structure of yeast telomere protein cdc13 ob1 and the catalytic subunit of dna polymerase alpha pol1
3oir crystal structure of sulfate transporter family protein from wolinella succinogenes
3oit crystal structure of curcuminoid synthase cus from oryza sativa
3oiy helicase domain of reverse gyrase from thermotoga maritima
3oj1 structure of the h55d mutant of dehaloperoxidase-hemoglobin a from amphitrite ornata
3oj8 alpha-ketoheterocycle inhibitors of fatty acid amide hydrolase containing additional conformational contraints in the acyl side chain
3oja crystal structure of lrim1/apl1c complex
3ojd anti-indolicidin monoclonal antibody v2d2 (fab fragment)
3oji x-ray crystal structure of the py13 -pyrabactin complex
3ojl native structure of the udp-n-acetyl-mannosamine dehydrogenase cap5o from staphylococcus aureus
3ojm crystal structure of fgf1 complexed with the ectodomain of fgfr2b harboring p253r apert mutation
3ojo derivative structure of the udp-n-acetyl-mannosamine dehydrogenase cap5o from s. aureus
3ok5 structure of the h55d mutant of dehaloperoxidase-hemoglobin a from amphitriti ornata with 4-bromophenol inhibitor
3ok8 i-bar of pinkbar
3ok9 crystal structure of wild-type hiv-1 protease with new oxatricyclic designed inhibitor grl-0519a
3okd crystal structure of s25-39 in complex with kdo
3oke crystal structure of s25-39 in complex with ko
3okf 2.5 angstrom resolution crystal structure of 3-dehydroquinate synthase (arob) from vibrio cholerae
3okg crystal structure of hsds subunit from thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis
3okh crystal structure of human fxr in complex with 2-(4-chlorophenyl)-1- [(1s)-1-cyclohexyl-2-(cyclohexylamino)-2-oxoethyl]-1h-benzimidazole- 6-carboxylic acid
3okk crystal structure of s25-39 in complex with kdo(2.4)kdo
3okl crystal structure of s25-39 in complex with kdo(2.8)kdo
3okm crystal structure of unliganded s25-39
3okn crystal structure of s25-39 in complex with kdo(2.4)kdo(2.4)kdo
3oko crystal structure of s25-39 in complex with kdo(2.8)kdo(2.4)kdo
3okw mouse semaphorin 6a, extracellular domains 1-2
3okx crystal structure of yaeb-like protein from rhodopseudomonas palustris
3oky plexin a2 in complex with semaphorin 6a
3okz crystal structure of protein gbs0355 from streptococcus agalactiae, northeast structural genomics consortium target sar127
3ol2 receptor-ligand structure of human semaphorin 4d with plexin b1.
3ol3 crystal structure of a putative uncharacterized protein from mycobacterium smegamtis, an ortholog of rv0543c, iodide phased
3ol4 crystal structure of a putative uncharacterized protein from mycobacterium smegmatis, an ortholog of rv0543c
3olm structure and function of a ubiquitin binding site within the catalytic domain of a hect ubiquitin ligase
3oln crystal structure of the sra domain of e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase uhrf2
3olo crystal structure of a pas domain from two-component sensor histidine kinase
3olp crystal structure of a bacterial phosphoglucomutase, an enzyme important in the virulence of multiple human pathogens
3olt x-ray crystal structure of arachidonic acid bound to the cyclooxygenase channel of r513h murine cox-2
3olu x-ray crystal structure of 1-arachidonoyl glycerol bound to the cyclooxygenase channel of r513h murine cox-2
3olv structural and functional effects of substitution at position t+1 in chey: cheya88v-bef3-mg complex
3olw structural and functional effects of substitution at position t+1 in chey: cheya88t-bef3-mn complex
3olx structural and functional effects of substitution at position t+1 in chey: cheya88s-bef3-mn complex
3oly structural and functional effects of substitution at position t+1 in chey: cheya88m-bef3-mn complex
3olz crystal structure of the gluk3 (glur7) atd dimer at 2.75 angstrom resolution
3om1 crystal structure of the gluk5 (ka2) atd dimer at 1.7 angstrom resolution
3om8 the crystal structure of a hydrolase from pseudomonas aeruginosa pa01
3omd crystal structure of unknown function protein from leptospirillum rubarum
3omt putative antitoxin component, chu_2935 protein, from xre family from prevotella buccae.
3omu crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of an hsp90 from trypanosoma brucei, tb10.26.1080 in the presence of a thienopyrimidine derivative
3omv crystal structure of c-raf (raf-1)
3omy crystal structure of the ped208 tram n-terminal domain
3on3 the crystal structure of keto/oxoacid ferredoxin oxidoreductase, gamma subunit from geobacter sulfurreducens pca
3on5 crystal structure of a xanthine dehydrogenase (bh1974) from bacillus halodurans at 2.80 a resolution
3on6 crystal structure of an exo-alpha-1,6-mannosidase (bacova_03626) from bacteroides ovatus at 1.70 a resolution
3on9 the secret domain from ectromelia virus
3ona the secret domain in complex with cx3cl1
3ond crystal structure of lupinus luteus s-adenosyl-l-homocysteine hydrolase in complex with adenosine
3one crystal structure of lupinus luteus s-adenosyl-l-homocysteine hydrolase in complex with adenine
3onf crystal structure of lupinus luteus s-adenosyl-l-homocysteine hydrolase in complex with cordycepin
3onm effector binding domain of lysr-type transcription factor rovm from y. pseudotuberculosis
3onu crystal structure of p domain from norwalk virus strain vietnam 026
3onx crystal structure of a domain of a protein involved in formation of actin cytoskeleton
3onz human tetrameric hemoglobin: proximal nitrite ligand at beta
3oo0 structure of apo chey a113p
3oo1 structure of e. coli chey mutant a113p in the absence of sulfate
3oo2 2.37 angstrom resolution crystal structure of an alanine racemase (alr) from staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus col
3oo4 r-state human hemoglobin: nitriheme modified at alpha
3oo5 r-state human hemoglobin: nitriheme modified
3oo6 crystal structures and biochemical characterization of the bacterial solute receptor acbh reveal an unprecedented exclusive substrate preference for b-d-galactopyranose
3oo9 crystal structures and biochemical characterization of the bacterial solute receptor acbh reveal an unprecedented exclusive substrate preference for b-d-galactopyranose
3ooa crystal structures and biochemical characterization of the bacterial solute receptor acbh reveal an unprecedented exclusive substrate preference for b-d-galactopyranose
3ooc crystal structure of the membrane fusion protein cusb from escherichia coli
3oog human camp-dependent protein kinase in complex with a small fragment
3ooo the structure of a proline dipeptidase from streptococcus agalactiae 2603v
3oot crystal structure analysis of renin-indole-piperazin inhibitor complexes
3oov crystal structure of a methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein, residues 122 to 287
3oox crystal structure of a putative 2og-fe(ii) oxygenase family protein (cc_0200) from caulobacter crescentus at 1.44 a resolution
3ooy crystal structure of human transketolase (tkt)
3op2 crystal structure of putative mandelate racemase from bordetella bronchiseptica rb50 complexed with 2-oxoglutarate/phosphate
3op4 crystal structure of putative 3-ketoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase from vibrio cholerae o1 biovar eltor str. n16961 in complex with nadp+
3op6 crystal structure of an oligo-nucleotide binding protein (lpg1207) from legionella pneumophila subsp. pneumophila str. philadelphia 1 at 2.00 a resolution
3op8 crystal structure of the domain v from beta2-glycoprotein i
3opb crystal structure of she4p
3opc crystal structure of flgn chaperone from bordetella pertussis
3ope structural basis of auto-inhibitory mechanism of histone methyltransferase
3opo crystal structure of the membrane fusion protein cusb from escherichia coli
3oq2 structure of a crispr associated protein cas2 from desulfovibrio vulgaris
3oq3 structural basis of type-i interferon sequestration by a poxvirus decoy receptor
3oq6 horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase a317c mutant complexed with nad+ and 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzyl alcohol
3oqc ubiquitin-fold modifier 1 specific protease, ufsp2
3oqf crystal structure analysis of renin-indole-piperazine inhibitor complexes
3oqh crystal structure of b. licheniformis cdps yvmc-blic
3oqi crystal structure of b. licheniformis cdps yvmc-blic in complex with ches
3oqj crystal structure of b. licheniformis cdps yvmc-blic in complex with capso
3oqk crystal structure analysis of renin-indole-piperazin inhibitor complexes
3oqp crystal structure of a putative isochorismatase (bxe_a0706) from burkholderia xenovorans lb400 at 1.22 a resolution
3oqs crystal structure of importin-alpha bound to a clic4 nls peptide
3oqu crystal structure of native abscisic acid receptor pyl9 with aba
3ord structural evidence for stabilization of inhibitor binding by a protein cavity in the dehaloperoxidase-hemoglobin from amphitrite ornata
3ore crystal structure of ttha0988 in space group p6522
3orq crystal structure of n5-carboxyaminoimidazole synthetase from staphylococcus aureus complexed with adp
3orr crystal structure of n5-carboxyaminoimidazole synthetase from staphylococcus aureus
3orw crystal structure of thermophilic phosphotriesterase from geobacillus kaustophilus hta426
3os4 the crystal structure of nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase from yersinia pestis
3os5 set7/9-dnmt1 k142me1 complex
3osi crystal structure of ppargamma ligand binding domain in complex with tetrachloro-bisphenol a (tcbpa)
3osk crystal structure of human ctla-4 apo homodimer
3osr maltose-bound maltose sensor engineered by insertion of circularly permuted green fluorescent protein into e. coli maltose binding protein at position 311
3oss the crystal structure of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli gspc-gspd complex from the type ii secretion system
3osu crystal structure of the 3-oxoacyl-acyl carrier protein reductase, fabg, from staphylococcus aureus
3osw crystal structure of ppargamma ligand binding domain in complex with tetrabromo-bisphenol a (tbbpa)
3osz crystal structure of the complex of proteinase k with an antimicrobial nonapeptide, at 2.26 a resolution
3ot1 crystal structure of vc2308 protein
3ot2 crystal structure of a putative nuclease belonging to duf820 (ava_3926) from anabaena variabilis atcc 29413 at 1.96 a resolution
3otb crystal structure of human trnahis guanylyltransferase (thg1) - dgtp complex
3otc crystal structure of human trnahis guanylyltransferase (thg1)- native ii
3otd crystal structure of human trnahis guanylyltransferase (thg1)- nai derivative
3ote crystal structure of human trnahis guanylyltransferase (thg1)- native i
3oth crystal structure of calg1, calicheamicin glycostyltransferase, tdp and calicheamicin alpha3i bound form
3oti crystal structure of calg3, calicheamicin glycostyltransferase, tdp and calicheamicin t0 bound form
3otj a crystal structure of trypsin complexed with bpti (bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor) by x-ray/neutron joint refinement
3otl three-dimensional structure of the putative uncharacterized protein from rhizobium leguminosarum at the resolution 1.9a, northeast structural genomics consortium target rlr261
3otn crystal structure of a susd superfamily protein (bdi_3964) from parabacteroides distasonis atcc 8503 at 1.95 a resolution
3ott crystal structure of the extracellular domain of the putative one component system bt4673 from b. thetaiotaomicron
3otx crystal structure of trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense adenosine kinase complexed with inhibitor ap5a
3ou8 the crystal structure of adenosine deaminase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
3ouu crystal structure of biotin carboxylase-beta-gamma-atp complex from campylobacter jejuni
3ouw structure of beta-catenin with lef-1
3oux structure of beta-catenin with phosphorylated lef-1
3ouz crystal structure of biotin carboxylase-adp complex from campylobacter jejuni
3ov1 crystal structure of the grb2 sh2 domain in complex with a pyxn- derived tripeptide
3ove crystal structure of the grb2 sh2 domain in complex with a pyxn- derived tripeptide
3ovm x-ray structural study of quinone reductase ii inhibition by compounds with micromolar to nanomolar range ic50 values
3ovn fragment-based approach to the design of ligands targeting a novel site on hiv-1 integrase
3ovp crystal structure of hrpe
3ovq crytal structure of hrpe and d-ribulose-5-phospate complex
3ovr crystal structure of hrpe and d-xylulose 5-phosphate complex
3ovv human camp-dependent protein kinase in complex with an inhibitor
3ovw endoglucanase i native structure
3ovx cathepsin s in complex with a covalent inhibitor with an aldehyde warhead
3ow3 discovery of dihydrothieno- and dihydrofuropyrimidines as potent pan akt inhibitors
3ow7 crystal structure of the membrane fusion protein cusb from escherichia coli.
3ow9 structure of an amyloid forming peptide klvffa from amyloid beta, alternate polymorph ii
3owc crystal structure of gnat superfamily protein pa2578 from pseudomonas aeruginosa
3owg crystal structure of vaccinia virus polyadenylate polymerase(vp55)
3owh x-ray structural study of quinone reductase ii inhibition by compounds with micromolar to nanomolar range ic50 values
3owm structure of the thioalkalivibrio nitratireducens cytochrome c nitrite reductase in a complex with hydroxylamine
3own potent macrocyclic renin inhibitors
3owp human camp-dependent protein kinase in complex with an inhibitor
3owv structural insights into catalytic and substrate binding mechanisms of the strategic enda nuclease from streptococcus pneumoniae
3owx x-ray structural study of quinone reductase ii inhibition by compounds with micromolar to nanomolar range ic50 values
3ox1 x-ray structural study of quinone reductase ii inhibition by compounds with micromolar to nanomolar range ic50 values
3ox2 x-ray structural study of quinone reductase ii inhibition by compounds with micromolar to nanomolar range ic50 values
3ox3 x-ray structural study of quinone reductase ii inhibition by compounds with micromolar to nanomolar range ic50 values
3ox7 the crystal structure of upa complex with peptide inhibitor mh027 at ph4.6
3oxc wild type hiv-1 protease with antiviral drug saquinavir
3oxf human lysine methyltransferase smyd3 in complex with adohcy (form i)
3oxi design and synthesis of disubstituted thiophene and thiazole based inhibitors of jnk for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases
3oxp structure of phosphotransferase enzyme ii, a component from yersinia pestis co92 at 1.2 a resolution
3oxt human camp-dependent protein kinase in complex with an inhibitor
3oy2 crystal structure of a putative glycosyltransferase from paramecium bursaria chlorella virus ny2a
3oy3 crystal structure of abl t315i mutant kinase domain bound with a dfg- out inhibitor ap24589
3oy4 crystal structure of hiv-1 l76v protease in complex with the protease inhibitor darunavir.
3oy5 the crystal structure of upa complex with peptide inhibitor mh027 at ph7.4
3oy6 the crystal structure of upa complex with peptide inhibitor mh036 at ph4.6
3oy7 crystal structure of a virus encoded glycosyltransferase in complex with gdp-mannose
3oy8 crystal structure of human galectin-1 in complex with lactobionic acid
3oyo crystal structure of hemopexin fold protein cp4 from cow pea
3oyr crystal structure of polyprenyl synthase from caulobacter crescentus cb15 complexed with calcium and isoprenyl diphosphate
3oyt 1.84 angstrom resolution crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-(acyl carrier protein) synthase i (fabb) from yersinia pestis co92
3oyw crystal structure of human galectin-1 in complex with thiodigalactoside
3oyy structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa elongation factor p
3oz6 crystal structure of mapk from cryptosporidium parvum, cgd2_1960
3oz7 crystal structure of 3-phosphopglycerate kinase of plasmodium falciparum
3oz9 crystal structure of anti-gp41 fab nc-1
3ozd crystal structure of human 5'-deoxy-5'-methyladenosine phosphorylase in complex with pcl-phenylthiodadmeimma
3ozi crystal structure of the tir domain from the flax disease resistance protein l6
3ozk crystal structure of human transthyretin variant a25t in complex with thyroxine (t4)
3ozl crystal structure of human transthyretin variant a25t in complex with flufenamic acid.
3ozv the crystal structure of flavohemoglobin from r. eutrophus in complex with econazole
3ozw the crystal structure of flavohemoglobin from r. eutrophus in complex with ketoconazole
3ozx crystal structure of abce1 of sulfolubus solfataricus (-fes domain)
3ozy crystal structure of enolase superfamily member from bordetella bronchiseptica complexed with mg and m-xylarate
3p04 crystal structure of the bcr protein from corynebacterium glutamicum. northeast structural genomics consortium target cgr8
3p08 crystal structure of the human btk kinase domain
3p09 crystal structure of beta-lactamase from francisella tularensis
3p0c nischarin px-domain
3p0g structure of a nanobody-stabilized active state of the beta2 adrenoceptor
3p0h leishmania major tyrosyl-trna synthetase in complex with fisetin, cubic crystal form
3p0i leishmania major tyrosyl-trna synthetase in complex with tyrosinol, cubic crystal form
3p0m human camp-dependent protein kinase in complex with an inhibitor
3p0n human tankyrase 2 - catalytic parp domain in complex with an inhibitor
3p0p human tankyrase 2 - catalytic parp domain in complex with an inhibitor
3p0q human tankyrase 2 - catalytic parp domain in complex with an inhibitor
3p0t crystal structure of an hit-like protein from mycobacterium paratuberculosis
3p0u crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of human testicular receptor 4
3p1c crystal structure of the bromodomain of human crebbp in complex with acetylated lysine
3p1d crystal structure of the bromodomain of human crebbp in complex with n-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (nmp)
3p1e crystal structure of the bromodomain of human crebbp in complex with dimethyl sulfoxide (dmso)
3p1f crystal structure of the bromodomain of human crebbp in complex with a hydroquinazolin ligand
3p1n crystal structure of human 14-3-3 sigma in complex with task-3 peptide
3p1o crystal structure of human 14-3-3 sigma in complex with task-3 peptide and stabilisator fusicoccin a
3p1p crystal structure of human 14-3-3 sigma c38n/n166h in complex with task-3 peptide
3p1q crystal structure of human 14-3-3 sigma c38n/n166h in complex with task-3 peptide and stabilizer fusicoccin a
3p1r crystal structure of human 14-3-3 sigma c38v/n166h in complex with task-3 peptide
3p1s crystal structure of human 14-3-3 sigma c38n/n166h in complex with task-3 peptide and stabilizer fusicoccin a
3p1u crystal structure of a susd homolog (bdi_0600) from parabacteroides distasonis atcc 8503 at 2.05 a resolution
3p1v crystal structure of a metallo-endopeptidases (bacova_00663) from bacteroides ovatus at 1.93 a resolution
3p1x crystal structure of drbm 2 domain of interleukin enhancer-binding factor 3 from homo sapiens, northeast structural genomics consortium target hr4527e
3p26 crystal structure of a translational gtpase (apo form)
3p27 crystal structure of a translational gtpase (gdp form)
3p2c crystal structure of an exo-alpha-1,6-mannosidase (bacova_03347) from bacteroides ovatus at 1.60 a resolution
3p2d crystal structure of arrestin-3 reveals the basis of the difference in receptor binding between two non-visual subtypes
3p2e structure of an antibiotic related methyltransferase
3p2i structure of an antibiotic related methyltransferase
3p2n discovery and structural characterization of a new glycoside hydrolase family abundant in coastal waters that was annotated as 'hypothetical protein'
3p2o crystal structure of fold bifunctional protein from campylobacter jejuni
3p2p enhanced activity and altered specificity of phospholipase a2 by deletion of a surface loop
3p2q crystal structure of the fluoroacetyl-coa-specific thioesterase, flk
3p2r crystal structure of the fluoroacetyl-coa-specific thioesterase flk in complex with fluoroacetate
3p2s crystal structure of the fluoroacetyl-coa-specific thioesterase flk in an open conformation
3p2u crystal structure of phnp in complex with orthovanadate
3p2z polo-like kinase i polo-box domain in complex with plhspta phosphopeptide from pbip1
3p34 polo-like kinase i polo-box domain in complex with mqsptpl phosphopeptide
3p36 polo-like kinase i polo-box domain in complex with dpplhspta phosphopeptide from pbip1
3p3a crystal structure of a putative thiosulfate sulfurtransferase from mycobacterium thermoresistible
3p3b crystal structure of galacturonate dehydratase from geobacillus sp. complexed with d-tartrate
3p3l crystal structure of the cytochrome p450 monooxygenase aurh (wildtype) from streptomyces thioluteus
3p3n factor inhibiting hif-1 alpha in complex with notch 1 fragment mouse notch (1930-1949) peptide
3p3p factor inhibiting hif-1 alpha in complex with notch 1 fragment mouse notch (1997-2016) peptide
3p3q crystal structure of mmoq response regulator from methylococcus capsulatus str. bath at the resolution 2.4a, northeast structural genomics consortium target mcr175m
3p3r transthyretin in complex with (3,4-dihydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)(2- fluorophenyl)methanone
3p3s human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with (z)-5-(3,5-dibromo-4- hydroxybenzylidene)-imino-1-methylimidazolidin-4-one
3p3t human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with 4-(3-(2-flourophenoxy) propyl)-3,5-dimethyl-1h-pyrazole
3p3u human transthyretin (ttr) complexed with 5-(2-ethoxyphenyl)-3- (pyridin-4-yl)-1,2,4-oxadiazole
3p3v crystal structure of a pts dependent n-acetyl-galactosamine-iib component (agav, spy_0631) from streptococcus pyogenes at 1.65 a resolution
3p3x crystal structure of the cytochrome p450 monooxygenase aurh (nterm- aurh-i) from streptomyces thioluteus
3p4i crystal structure of acetate kinase from mycobacterium avium
3p4k the third conformation of p38a map kinase observed in phosphorylated p38a and in solution
3p4t crystal structure of a putative acyl-coa dehydrogenase from mycobacterium smegmatis
3p4x helicase domain of reverse gyrase from thermotoga maritima
3p52 nh3-dependent nad synthetase from campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni nctc 11168 in complex with the nitrate ion
3p53 structure of fascin
3p5n structure and mechanism of the s component of a bacterial ecf transporter
3p5q ferric r-state human aquomethemoglobin
3p5r crystal structure of taxadiene synthase from pacific yew (taxus brevifolia) in complex with mg2+ and 2-fluorogeranylgeranyl diphosphate
3p5s structural insights into the catalytic mechanism of cd38: evidence for a conformationally flexible covalent enzyme-substrate complex
3p5y crystal structure of the mutant t159a of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3p5z crystal structure of the mutant t159s of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3p60 crystal structure of the mutant t159v of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3p61 crystal structure of the mutant r160a of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with inhibitor bmp
3p63 structure of m. laminosus ferredoxin with a shorter l1,2 loop
3p69 crystal structure of a hypothetical protein (bf4250) from bacteroides fragilis nctc 9343 at 2.05 a resolution
3p6a crystal structure of the dh/ph domains of p115-rhogef (r399e mutant)
3p6b the crystal structure of celk cbm4 from clostridium thermocellum
3p6k crystal structure of a plp-dependent aminotransferase (zp_03625122.1) from streptococcus suis 89-1591 at 2.07 a resolution
3p71 crystal structure of the complex of lcmt-1 and pp2a
3p72 structure of platelet glycoprotein 1b alpha with a bound peptide inhibitor
3p73 crystal structures of the chicken yf1*7.1 molecule
3p77 crystal structures of the chicken yf1*7.1 molecule
3p7j drosophila hp1a chromo shadow domain
3p7n crystal structure of light activated transcription factor el222 from erythrobacter litoralis
3p7z crystal structure of the neurofibromin sec14-ph module containing the patient derived mutation i1584v
3p86 crystal structure of ctr1 kinase domain mutant d676n in complex with staurosporine
3p88 fxr bound to isoquinolinecarboxylic acid
3p89 fxr bound to a quinolinecarboxylic acid
3p8a crystal structure of a hypothetical protein from staphylococcus aureus
3p8d crystal structure of the second tudor domain of human phf20 (homodimer form)
3p8e crystal structure of human dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase-1 (ddah-1) covalently bound with n5-(1-iminopentyl)-l-ornithine
3p8f crystal structure of mt-sp1 in complex with sfti-1
3p8k crystal structure of a putative carbon-nitrogen family hydrolase from staphylococcus aureus
3p8l crystal structure of polyprenyl synthase from enterococcus faecalis v583
3p8p crystal structure of human dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase-1 (ddah-1) variant c274s bound with n5-(1-iminopentyl)-l-ornithine
3p8s crystal structure of single chain recombinant jacalin showing highly dynamic posttranslational excission loop that reduces binding affinity
3p8t crystal structure of the archaeal asparagine synthetase a
3p8v crystal structure of the archaeal asparagine synthetase a complexed with l-aspartic acid
3p8y crystal structure of the archaeal asparagine synthetase a complexed with l-asparagine
3p8z dengue methyltransferase bound to a sam-based inhibitor
3p92 human mesotrypsin complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor variant (bpti-k15r/r17g)
3p95 human mesotrypsin complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor variant (bpti-k15r/r17d)
3p97 dengue 3 ns5 methyltransferase bound to the substrate s-adenosyl methionine
3p98 the crystal structure of the extended spectrum beta-lactamase tem-72 reveals inhibition by citrate
3p9g crystal structure of the tsg101 uev domain in complex with fa459 peptide
3p9h crystal structure of the tsg101 uev domain in complex with fa258 peptide
3p9t smet-triclosan complex
3p9v high resolution crystal structure of protein maqu_3174 from marinobacter aquaeolei, northeast structural genomics consortium target mqr197
3p9x crystal structure of phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase from bacillus halodurans
3pa1 crystal structure of p domain from norwalk virus strain vietnam 026 in complex with hbga type a
3pa2 crystal structure of p domain from norwalk virus strain vietnam 026 in complex with hbga type ley
3pa8 structure of the c. difficile tcdb cysteine protease domain in complex with a peptide inhibitor
3pae crystal structure of the k84d mutant of oxa-24/40 in complex with doripenem
3paf m. jannaschii l7ae mutant
3pag crystal structure of the v130d mutant of oxa-24/40 in complex with doripenem
3paj 2.00 angstrom resolution crystal structure of a quinolinate phosphoribosyltransferase from vibrio cholerae o1 biovar eltor str. n16961
3pam crystal structure of a domain of transmembrane protein of abc-type oligopeptide transport system from bartonella henselae str. houston-1
3pan the crystal structure of adenosine deaminase with hypoxanthine bound from pseudomonas aeruginosa
3pao the crystal structure of adenosine deaminase with adenine bound from pseudomonas aeruginosa
3pb1 crystal structure of a michaelis complex between plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and urokinase-type plasminogen activator
3pb3 structure of an antibiotic related methyltransferase
3pba crystal structure of ppargamma ligand binding domain in complex with monosulfate tetrabromo-bisphenol a (monotbbpa)
3pbb crystal structure of human secretory glutaminyl cyclase in complex with pbd150
3pbe crystal structure of the mutant w207f of human secretory glutaminyl cyclase
3pbg 6-phospho-beta-galactosidase form-c
3pbk structural and functional studies of fatty acyl-adenylate ligases from e. coli and l. pneumophila
3pbl structure of the human dopamine d3 receptor in complex with eticlopride
3pbm the crystal structure of adenosine deaminase in complex with chloropurine from pseudomonas aeruginosa
3pbu crystal structure of the mutant i96s of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with 6-azauridine 5'-monophosphate
3pbv crystal structure of the mutant i96t of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with 6-azauridine 5'-monophosphate
3pbw crystal structure of the mutant l123n of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with 6-azauridine 5'-monophosphate
3pby crystal structure of the mutant l123s of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with 6-azauridine 5'-monophosphate
3pc0 crystal structure of the mutant v155s of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with 6-azauridine 5'-monophosphate
3pc6 x-ray crystal structure of the second xrcc1 brct domain.
3pc7 x-ray crystal structure of the dna ligase iii-alpha brct domain.
3pcr structure of espg-arf6 complex
3pcu crystal structure of human retinoic x receptor alpha ligand-binding domain complexed with lx0278 and src1 peptide
3pcx caspase-3 e246a, k242a double mutant
3pd0 caspase-3 e246a
3pd1 caspase-3 k242a
3pd2 crystal structure of the editing domain of threonyl-trna synthetase from pyrococcus abyssi in complex with seryl-3'-aminoadenosine
3pd3 crystal structure of the editing domain of threonyl-trna synthetase from pyrococcus abyssi in complex with threonyl-3'-aminoadenosine
3pd4 crystal structure of the editing domain of threonyl-trna synthetase from pyrococcus abyssi in complex with glycyl-3'-aminoadenosine
3pd5 crystal structure of the editing domain of threonyl-trna synthetase from pyrococcus abyssi in complex with an analog of threonyl- adenylate
3pd7 crystal structure of the sixth brct domain of human topbp1
3pd9 x-ray structure of the ligand-binding core of glua2 in complex with (r)-5-hpca at 2.1 a resolution
3pdc crystal structure of hydrolase domain of human soluble epoxide hydrolase complexed with a benzoxazole inhibitor
3pdh structure of sir2tm bound to a propionylated peptide
3pdj crystal structure of human 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 (11b-hsd1) in complex with 4,4-disubstituted cyclohexylbenzamide inhibitor
3pdk crystal structure of phosphoglucosamine mutase from b. anthracis
3pdq crystal structure of jmjd2a complexed with bipyridyl inhibitor
3pdy structure of the third and fourth spectrin repeats of the plakin domain of plectin
3pe0 structure of the central region of the plakin domain of plectin
3pe5 three-dimensional structure of protein a7vv38_9clot from clostridium leptum dsm 753, northeast structural genomics consortium target qlr103
3pee structure of the c. difficile tcdb cysteine protease domain
3peh crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of an hsp90 from plasmodium falciparum, pfl1070c in the presence of a thienopyrimidine derivative
3pej crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of an hsp90 from plasmodium falciparum, pfl1070c in the presence of macbecin
3pel structure of greyhound hemoglobin: origin of high oxygen affinity
3peq ppard complexed with a phenoxyacetic acid partial agonist
3per crystal structure of boxb with phosphate bound to the diiron center
3pes crystal structure of uncharacterized protein from pseudomonas phage yua
3pet crystal structure of a putative adhesin (bf0245) from bacteroides fragilis nctc 9343 at 2.07 a resolution
3peu s. cerevisiae dbp5 l327v c-terminal domain bound to gle1 h337r and ip6
3pev s. cerevisiae dbp5 l327v c-terminal domain bound to gle1 and ip6
3pf1 e. coli fadl asp348ala mutant
3pf7 crystal structure of boxb with malonate bound to the diiron center
3pf8 crystal structure of the lactobacillus johnsonii cinnamoyl esterase lj0536
3pfb crystal structure of the lactobacillus johnsonii cinnamoyl esterase lj0536 s106a mutant in complex with ethylferulate
3pfh x-ray crystal structure the n,n-dimethyltransferase tylm1 from streptomyces fradiae in complex with sah and dtdp-quip3n
3pfi 2.7 angstrom resolution crystal structure of a probable holliday junction dna helicase (ruvb) from campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni nctc 11168 in complex with adenosine-5'-diphosphate
3pfl crystal structure of pfl from e.coli in complex with substrate analogue oxamate
3pfo crystal structure of a putative acetylornithine deacetylase (rpa2325) from rhodopseudomonas palustris cga009 at 1.90 a resolution
3pfp structure of 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with an active site inhibitor
3pfs pwwp domain of human bromodomain and phd finger-containing protein 3
3pft crystal structure of untagged c54a mutant flavin reductase (dszd) in complex with fmn from mycobacterium goodii
3pfw crystal structure of human sperm-specific glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapds) complex with nad, a binary form
3pg2 the crystal structure of the major pilin gbs80 of streptococcus agalactiae 35 kda c-terminal fragment
3pg7 crystal structure of the h. sapiens nf1 sec-ph domain (del1750 mutant)
3pg8 truncated form of 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase from thermotoga maritima
3pge structure of sumoylated pcna
3pgg crystal structure of cryptosporidium parvum u6 snrna-associated sm- like protein lsm5
3pgl crystal structure of human small c-terminal domain phosphatase 1 (scp1) bound to rabeprazole
3pgm the structure of yeast phosphoglycerate mutase at 0.28 nm resolution
3pgs phe3gly mutant of ecfadl
3pgt crystal structure of hgstp1-1[i104] complexed with the gsh conjugate of (+)-anti-bpde
3pgz crystal structure of a single strand binding protein (ssb) from bartonella henselae
3ph3 clostridium thermocellum ribose-5-phosphate isomerase b with d-ribose
3ph4 clostridium thermocellum ribose-5-phosphate isomerase b with d-allose
3ph5 bovine beta lactoglobulin crystallized through ligandation of yttrium cations
3ph6 bovine beta lactoglobulin crytsallized through ligandation of yttrium
3ph9 crystal structure of the human anterior gradient protein 3
3phg crystal structure of the shikimate 5-dehydrogenase (aroe) from helicobacter pylori
3phi shikimate 5-dehydrogenase (aroe) from helicobacter pylori in complex with shikimate and nadph
3phj shikimate 5-dehydrogenase (aroe) from helicobacter pylori in complex with 3-dehydroshikimate
3pho crystal structure of s64-4 in complex with psbp
3phq crystal structure of s64-4 in complex with kdo
3pht crystal structure of h74a mutant of helicobacter pylori nikr
3phu otu domain of crimean congo hemorrhagic fever virus
3phx otu domain of crimean congo hemorrhagic fever virus in complex with isg15
3phz crystal structure analysis of polyporus squamosus lectin bound to human-type influenza-binding epitope neu5aca2-6galb1-4glcnac
3pi1 crystallographic structure of hbii-oxy from lucina pectinata at ph 9.0
3pi2 crystallographic structure of hbii-oxy from lucina pectinata at ph 8.0
3pi3 crystallographic structure of hbii-oxy from lucina pectinata at ph 5.0
3pi4 crystallographic structure of hbii-oxy from lucina pectinata at ph 4.0
3pig beta-fructofuranosidase from bifidobacterium longum
3pij beta-fructofuranosidase from bifidobacterium longum - complex with fructose
3pil crystal structure of mxr1 from saccharomyces cerevisiae in reduced form
3pin crystal structure of mxr1 from saccharomyces cerevisiae in complex with trx2
3pis crystal structure of carcinoscorpius rotundicauda serine protease inhibitor domain 1
3piv zebrafish interferon 1
3pj5 crystal structure of far-red fluorescent protein katushka crystallized at ph 5.0
3pjb crystal structure of red fluorescent protein eqfp578 crystallized at ph 4.0
3pjd structure of enr g93a mutant-nad+-triclosan complex
3pje structure of enr g93s mutant-nad+-triclosan complex
3pjf structure of enr g93v mutant-nad+-triclosan complex
3pjl the crystal structure of tp34 bound to co (ii) ion at ph 7.5
3pjn the crystal structure of tp34 bound to zn(ii) ion at ph 7.5
3pjp a tandem sh2 domain in transcription elongation factor spt6 binds the phosphorylated rna polymerase ii c-terminal repeat domain(ctd)
3pjt structure of pseudomonas fluorescence lapd eal domain complexed with c-di-gmp, c2221
3pjv structure of pseudomonas fluorescence lapd periplasmic domain
3pjy crystal structure of a putative transcription regulator (r01717) from sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 at 1.55 a resolution
3pjz crystal structure of the potassium transporter trkh from vibrio parahaemolyticus
3pkn crystal structure of mlle domain of poly(a) binding protein in complex with pam2 motif of la-related protein 4 (larp4)
3pko crystal structure of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase from lactobacillus brevis atcc 367 complexed with citrate
3pl0 crystal structure of a bsma homolog (mpe_a2762) from methylobium petroleophilum pm1 at 1.91 a resolution
3plv structure of hub-1 protein in complex with snu66 peptide (hindii)
3plx the crystal structure of aspartate alpha-decarboxylase from campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni nctc 11168
3pm1 structure of qacr e90q bound to ethidium
3pm6 crystal structure of a putative fructose-1,6-biphosphate aldolase from coccidioides immitis solved by combined sad mr
3pm7 crystal structure of ef_3132 protein from enterococcus faecalis at the resolution 2a, northeast structural genomics consortium target efr184
3pm8 cad domain of pff0520w, calcium dependent protein kinase
3pmc crystal structure of the sporulation inhibitor pxo2-61 from bacillus anthracis
3pmg structure of rabbit muscle phosphoglucomutase at 2.4 angstroms resolution. use of freezing point depressant and reduced temperature to enhance diffractivity
3pmr crystal structure of e2 domain of human amyloid precursor-like protein 1
3pn3 crystal structure of arabidopsis thaliana petide deformylase 1b (atpdf1b) in complex with inhibitor 21
3pn6 crystal structure of arabidopsis thaliana petide deformylase 1b (atpdf1b) g41m mutant
3pn8 the crystal structure of 6-phospho-beta-glucosidase from streptococcus mutans ua159
3pna crystal structure of camp bound (91-244)ria subunit of camp-dependent protein kinase
3pne structure of rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain in complex with 6-(((3r,4r)-4-(2-((2,2-difluoro-2-(3-chlorophenyl)ethyl)amino) ethoxy)pyrrolidin-3-yl)methyl)-4-methylpyridin-2-amine
3pnf structure of rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain in complex with 6-(((3r,4r)-4-(2-((2,2-difluoro-2-(2-chlorophenyl)ethyl)amino) ethoxy)pyrrolidin-3-yl)methyl)-4-methylpyridin-2-amine
3png structure of rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain in complex with 6-(((3r,4r)-4-(2-((2-fluoro-2-(3-fluorophenyl)ethyl)amino) ethoxy)pyrrolidin-3-yl)methyl)-4-methylpyridin-2-amine
3pnh structure of bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase heme domain in complex with 6-(((3r,4r)-4-(2-((2-fluoro-2-(3-fluorophenyl) ethyl) amino)ethoxy)pyrrolidin-3-yl)methyl)-4-methylpyridin-2-amine
3pni crystal structure of d14c [3fe-4s] pyrococcus furiosus ferredoxin
3pnk crystal structure of e.coli dha kinase dhak
3pnl crystal structure of e.coli dha kinase dhak-dhal complex
3pnr structure of pbicp-c in complex with falcipain-2
3pnu 2.4 angstrom crystal structure of dihydroorotase (pyrc) from campylobacter jejuni.
3pnv v369m mutant of glutamyl-trna synthetase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3pny structure of glutamyl-trna synthetase from mycobacterium tuberculosis in space group p21
3po7 human monoamine oxidase b in complex with zonisamide
3po9 crystal structure of ppargamma ligand binding domain in complex with tripropyltin
3poa structural and functional analysis of phosphothreonine-dependent fha domain interactions
3poc the crystal structure of the d307a mutant of alpha-glucosidase (family 31) from ruminococcus obeum atcc 29174 in complex with acarbose
3pof crystal structure of masp-1 cub2 domain bound to ca2+
3poi crystal structure of masp-1 cub2 domain bound to methylamine
3poj crystal structure of masp-1 cub2 domain bound to ethylamine
3pom crystal structure of the unliganded retinoblastoma protein pocket domain
3poo human camp-dependent protein kinase in complex with an inhibitor
3pp0 crystal structure of the kinase domain of human her2 (erbb2).
3pp2 crystal structure of the pleckstrin homology domain of arhgap27
3pp7 crystal structure of leishmania mexicana pyruvate kinase in complex with the drug suramin, an inhibitor of glycolysis.
3ppb crystal structure of a putative tetr family transcription regulator (shew_3104) from shewanella sp. pv-4 at 2.10 a resolution
3ppc crystal structure of the candida albicans methionine synthase by surface entropy reduction, tyrosine variant with zinc
3ppe crystal structure of chicken ve-cadherin ec1-2
3pph crystal structure of the candida albicans methionine synthase by surface entropy reduction, threonine variant
3ppj human b-raf kinase in complex with a furopyridine inhibitor
3ppk human b-raf kinase in complex with a non-oxime furopyridine inhibitor
3ppl crystal structure of an aspartate transaminase (ncgl0237, cgl0240) from corynebacterium glutamicum atcc 13032 kitasato at 1.25 a resolution
3ppm crystal structure of a noncovalently bound alpha-ketoheterocycle inhibitor (phenhexyl/oxadiazole/pyridine) to a humanized variant of fatty acid amide hydrolase
3ppn structures of the substrate-binding protein provide insights into the multiple compatible solutes binding specificities of bacillus subtilis abc transporter opuc
3ppo structures of the substrate-binding protein provide insights into the multiple compatible solutes binding specificities of bacillus subtilis abc transporter opuc
3ppp structures of the substrate-binding protein provide insights into the multiple compatible solutes binding specificities of bacillus subtilis abc transporter opuc
3ppq structures of the substrate-binding protein provide insights into the multiple compatible solutes binding specificities of bacillus subtilis abc transporter opuc
3ppr structures of the substrate-binding protein provide insights into the multiple compatible solutes binding specificities of bacillus subtilis abc transporter opuc
3ppu crystal structure of the glutathione-s-transferase xi from phanerochaete chrysosporium
3ppz crystal structure of ctr1 kinase domain in complex with staurosporine
3pq1 crystal structure of human mitochondrial poly(a) polymerase (papd1)
3pqc crystal structure of thermotoga maritima ribosome biogenesis gtp- binding protein engb (ysxc/yiha) in complex with gdp
3pqr crystal structure of metarhodopsin ii in complex with a c-terminal peptide derived from the galpha subunit of transducin
3pqu the crystal structures of porcine pathogen ash57_tbpb
3pr0 crystal structure of a covalently bound alpha-ketoheterocycle inhibitor (phenhexyl/oxadiazole/pyridine) to a humanized variant of fatty acid amide hydrolase
3pr2 tryptophan synthase indoline quinonoid structure with f9 inhibitor in alpha site
3pr3 crystal structure of plasmodium falciparum glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (pf14_0341) in complex with fructose-6-phosphate
3pra structural analysis of protein folding by the methanococcus jannaschii chaperone fkbp26
3prb structural analysis of protein folding by the methanococcus jannaschii chaperone fkbp26
3prf crystal structure of human b-raf kinase domain in complex with a non- oxime furopyridine inhibitor
3prh tryptophanyl-trna synthetase val144pro mutant from b. subtilis
3pri crystal structure of human b-raf kinase in complex with a non-oxime furopyridine inhibitor
3prk inhibition of proteinase k by methoxysuccinyl-ala-ala-pro-ala- chloromethyl ketone. an x-ray study at 2.2-angstroms resolution
3ps7 biochemical studies and crystal structure determination of dihydrodipicolinate synthase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
3psb furo[2,3-c]pyridine-based indanone oximes as potent and selective b- raf inhibitors
3psd non-oxime pyrazole based inhibitors of b-raf kinase
3pse structure of a viral otu domain protease bound to interferon- stimulated gene 15 (isg15)
3psm .98a crystal structure of a dimeric plant defensin spe10
3psn crystal structure of mouse vps29 complexed with mn2+
3pso crystal structure of mouse vps29 complexed with zn2+
3psq crystal structure of spy0129, a streptococcus pyogenes class b sortase involved in pilus biogenesis
3psr human psoriasin (s100a7) ca2+ bound form (crystal form i)
3pss crystal structure of ahqnr, the qnr protein from aeromonas hydrophila (p21 crystal form)
3psv structure of e97d mutant of tim from plasmodium falciparum
3psw structure of e97q mutant of tim from plasmodium falciparum
3psx crystal structure of the kt2 mutant of cytochrome p450 bm3
3psz crystal structure of ahqnr, the qnr protein from aeromonas hydrophila (p21212 crystal form)
3pt2 structure of a viral otu domain protease bound to ubiquitin
3pt3 crystal structure of the c-terminal lobe of the human ubr5 hect domain
3pt7 structure of hbii-iii-oxy from lucina pectinata at ph 5.0
3pt8 structure of hbii-iii-cn from lucina pectinata at ph 5.0
3ptg design and synthesis of a novel, orally efficacious tri-substituted thiophene based jnk inhibitor
3pth the pabc1 mlle domain bound to the variant pam2 motif of larp4b
3ptk the crystal structure of rice (oryza sativa l.) os4bglu12
3ptl crystal structure of proteinase k inhibited by a lactoferrin nonapeptide, lys-gly-glu-ala-asp-ala-leu-ser-leu-asp at 1.3 a resolution.
3ptm the crystal structure of rice (oryza sativa l.) os4bglu12 with 2- fluoroglucopyranoside
3ptq the crystal structure of rice (oryza sativa l.) os4bglu12 with dinitrophenyl 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-beta-d-glucopyranoside
3pu3 phf2 jumonji domain-nog complex
3pu7 cu-zn tomato chloroplast superoxide dismutase
3pu8 phf2 jumonji-nog-fe(ii) complex
3pu9 crystal structure of serine/threonine phosphatase sphaerobacter thermophilus dsm 20745
3pub crystal structure of the bombyx mori low molecular weight lipoprotein 7 (bmlp7)
3pud crystal structure of dhydrodipicolinate synthase from acinetobacter baumannii at 2.8a resolution
3pue crystal structure of the complex of dhydrodipicolinate synthase from acinetobacter baumannii with lysine at 2.6a resolution
3puh cocaine esterase, wild-type biologically active dimer
3pul crystal structure of the complex of dhydrodipicolinate synthase from acinetobacter baumannii with lysine at 2.3a resolution
3pum crystal structure of p domain dimer of norovirus va207
3pun crystal structure of p domain dimer of norovirus va207 with lewis y tetrasaccharide
3puo crystal structure of dihydrodipicolinate synthase from pseudomonas aeruginosa(psdhdps)complexed with l-lysine at 2.65a resolution
3pup structure of glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (gsk3b) in complex with a ruthenium octasporine ligand (os1)
3puq cekdm7a from c.elegans, complex with alpha-kg
3pur cekdm7a from c.elegans, complex with d-2-hg
3pus phf2 jumonji-nog-ni(ii)
3put crystal structure of the cert start domain (mutant v151e) from rhizobium etli at the resolution 1.8a, northeast structural genomics consortium target rer239.
3pv1 crystal structure of the usp15 dusp-ubl domains
3pv6 crystal structure of nkp30 bound to its ligand b7-h6
3pv9 structure of ph1245, a cas1 from pyrococcus horikoshii
3pvb crystal structure of (73-244)ria:c holoenzyme of camp-dependent protein kinase
3pvd crystal structure of p domain dimer of norovirus va207 complexed with 3'-sialyl-lewis x tetrasaccharide
3pve crystal structure of the g2 domain of agrin from mus musculus
3pvl structure of myosin viia myth4-ferm-sh3 in complex with the cen1 of sans
3pvq crystal structure of a putative dipeptidyl-peptidase vi (bt_1314) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 2.10 a resolution
3pwa structure of c126a mutant of plasmodium falciparum triosephosphate isomerase
3pwe crystal structure of the e. coli beta clamp mutant r103c, i305c, c260s, c333s at 2.2a resolution
3pwf high resolution structure of the fully reduced form of rubrerythrin from p. furiosus
3pwi crystal structure of the mutant p34a of d-glucarate dehydratase from escherichia coli complexed with product 5-keto-4-deoxy-d-glucarate
3pwk crystal structure of aspartate beta-semialdehide dehydrogenase from streptococcus pneumoniae with 2',5'-adenosine diphosphate and d-2- aminoadipate
3pwm hiv-1 protease mutant l76v with darunavir
3pwr hiv-1 protease mutant l76v complexed with saquinavir
3pws crystal structure of aspartate beta-semialdehide dehydrogenase from streptococcus pneumoniae with 2',5'-adenosine diphosphate and d-2- aminoadipate
3pwx structure of putative flagellar hook-associated protein from vibrio parahaemolyticus
3px1 structure of calcium binding protein-1 from entamoeba histolytica in complex with strontium
3px2 structure of tylm1 from streptomyces fradiae h123n mutant in complex with sah and dtdp-quip3n
3px3 structure of tylm1 from streptomyces fradiae h123a mutant in complex with sah and dtdp-quip3n
3pxk focal adhesion kinase catalytic domain in complex with pyrrolo[2,3- d]thiazole
3pxm reduced sweetness of a monellin (mnei) mutant results from increased protein flexibility and disruption of a distant poly-(l-proline) ii helix
3py2 structure of c126s mutant of plasmodium falciparum triosephosphate isomerase
3pyi structure of the n-terminal domain of c. elegans sas-6
3pym structure of gapdh 3 from s.cerevisiae at 2.0 a resolution
3pyx crystals structure of aspartate beta-semialdehyde dehydrogenase complex with nadp and 2-aminoterephthalate
3pyy discovery and characterization of a cell-permeable, small-molecule c- abl kinase activator that binds to the myristoyl binding site
3pz1 crystal structure of rabggtase(delta lrr; delta ig) in complex with bms3
3pz2 crystal structure of rabggtase(delta lrr; delta ig) in complex with bms3 and lipid substrate ggpp
3pz3 crystal structure of rabggtase(delta lrr; delta ig) in complex with bms-analogue 14
3pz4 crystal structure of ftase(alpha-subunit; beta-subunit delta c10) in complex with bms3 and lipid substrate fpp
3pz5 the crystal structure of aaleurs-cp1-d20
3pza fully reduced (all-ferrous) pyrococcus rubrerythrin after a 10 second exposure to peroxide.
3pzb crystals structure of aspartate beta-semialdehyde dehydrogenase complex with nadp and d-2,3-diaminopropionate
3pzc crystal structure of class ii aars homologue (bll0957) complexed with coenzyme a
3pzd structure of the myosin x myth4-ferm/dcc complex
3pzj crystal structure of a probable acetyltransferases (gnat family) from chromobacterium violaceum atcc 12472
3pzr crystals structure of aspartate beta-semialdehyde dehydrogenase from vibrio cholerae with nadp and product of s-carbamoyl-l-cysteine
3pzs crystal structure of a pyridoxamine kinase from yersinia pestis co92
3pzt structure of the endo-1,4-beta-glucanase from bacillus subtilis 168 with manganese(ii) ion
3pzu p212121 crystal form of the endo-1,4-beta-glucanase from bacillus subtilis 168
3pzz structure of an amyloid forming peptide gaiigl (29-34) from amyloid beta
3q01 an induced fit mechanism regulates p53 dna binding kinetics to confer sequence specificity
3q02 crystal structure of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in a metastable active conformation.
3q03 crystal structure of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in a metastable active conformation.
3q07 ctx-m-9 s70g in complex with piperacillin
3q0h structure of t-cell immunoreceptor with immunoglobulin and itim domains (tigit)
3q0v ethr from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with compound bdm31369
3q0x n-terminal coiled-coil dimer domain of c. reinhardtii sas-6 homolog bld12p
3q0z crystal structure of the hepatitis c virus ns5b rna-dependent rna polymerase complex with (2e)-3-(4-{[(1-{[(13-cyclohexyl-6-oxo-6,7- dihydro-5h-indolo[1,2-d][1,4]benzodiazepin-10-yl) carbonyl]amino}cyclopentyl)carbonyl]amino}phenyl)prop-2-enoic acid
3q11 crystals structure of aspartate beta-semialdehyde dehydrogenase from streptococcus pneumoniae with nadp and aspartyl beta- difluorophosphonate
3q17 structure of a slow clc cl-/h+ antiporter from a cyanobacterium in bromide
3q18 human glutathione transferase o2
3q19 human glutathione transferase o2
3q1f ctx-m-9 s70g in complex with hydrolyzed piperacillin
3q1i polo-like kinase i polo-box domain in complex with fmpppmspsm phosphopeptide from tcerg1
3q1p crystal structure of cdp-chase
3q20 crystal structure of rbcx c103a mutant from thermosynechococcus elongatus
3q29 cyrstal structure of human alpha-synuclein (1-19) fused to maltose binding protein (mbp)
3q2d optimization of the in silico designed kemp eliminase ke70 by computational design and directed evolution
3q2g adamts1 in complex with a novel n-hydroxyformamide inhibitors
3q2h adamts1 in complex with n-hydroxyformamide inhibitors of adam-ts4
3q2l mouse e-cadherin ec1-2 v81d mutant
3q2n mouse e-cadherin ec1-2 l175d mutant
3q2o crystal structure of purk: n5-carboxyaminoimidazole ribonucleotide synthetase
3q2v crystal structure of mouse e-cadherin ectodomain
3q31 structure of fungal alpha carbonic anhydrase from aspergillus oryzae
3q32 structure of janus kinase 2 with a pyrrolotriazine inhibitor
3q35 structure of the rtt109-accoa/vps75 complex and implications for chaperone-mediated histone acetylation
3q36 crystal structure of the 4fe-4s cluster domain of human dna primase large subunit
3q38 crystal structure of p domain from norwalk virus strain vietnam 026 in complex with hbga type b (triglycan)
3q39 crystal structure of p domain from norwalk virus strain vietnam 026 in complex with hbga type h2 (diglycan)
3q3a crystal structure of p domain from norwalk virus strain vietnam 026 in complex with hbga type h2 (triglycan)
3q3b 6-amino-4-(pyrimidin-4-yl)pyridones: novel glycogen synthase kinase-3 inhibitors
3q3e crystal structure of the actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae hmw1c glycosyltransferase
3q3h crystal structure of the actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae hmw1c glycosyltransferase in complex with udp-glc
3q3i crystal structure of the actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae hmw1c glycosyltransferase in the presence of peptide n1131
3q3j crystal structure of plexin a2 rbd in complex with rnd1
3q3k factor xa in complex with a phenylenediamine derivative
3q3t alkyl amine renin inhibitors: filling s1 from s3
3q3v crystal structure of phosphoglycerate kinase from campylobacter jejuni.
3q3w isopropylmalate isomerase small subunit from campylobacter jejuni.
3q3x crystal structure of the main protease (3c) from human enterovirus b ev93
3q3y complex structure of hevb ev93 main protease 3c with compound 1 (ag7404)
3q47 crystal structure of tpr domain of chip complexed with pseudophosphorylated smad1 peptide
3q48 crystal structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa cupb2 chaperone
3q49 crystal structure of the tpr domain of chip complexed with hsp70-c peptide
3q4a crystal structure of the tpr domain of chip complexed with phosphorylated smad1 peptide
3q4b clinically useful alkyl amine renin inhibitors
3q4c crystal structure of wild type braf kinase domain in complex with organometallic inhibitor cns292
3q4g structure of nad synthetase from vibrio cholerae
3q4i crystal structure of cdp-chase in complex with gd3+
3q4n crystal structure of hypothetical protein mj0754 from methanococcus jannaschii dsm 2661
3q4t crystal structure of activin receptor type-iia (acvr2a) kinase domain in complex with dorsomorphin
3q4z structure of unphosphorylated pak1 kinase domain
3q58 structure of n-acetylmannosamine-6-phosphate epimerase from salmonella enterica
3q5h clinically useful alkyl amine renin inhibitors
3q5u a minimal nls from human scramblase 4 complexed with importin alpha
3q5v the structure of inorganic pyrophosphatase from thermococcus thioreducens in complex with magnesium and sulfate
3q5w structure of proteasome tether
3q62 crystal structure of 3-hydroxydecanoyl-(acyl carrier protein) dehydratase from yersinia pestis
3q65 human aldose reductase in complex with nadp+ in space group p212121
3q67 human aldose reductase c298s mutant in complex with nadp+ in space group p212121
3q6j structural basis for carbon dioxide binding by 2-ketopropyl coenzyme m oxidoreductase/carboxylase
3q6k salivary protein from lutzomyia longipalpis
3q6p salivary protein from lutzomyia longipalpis. selenomethionine derivative
3q6q crystal structure of p domain from norwalk virus strain vietnam 026 in complex with disordered hbga type lea
3q6r crystal structure of p domain from norwalk virus strain vietnam 026 in complex with disordered hbga type lex
3q6t salivary protein from lutzomyia longipalpis, ligand free
3q6v crystal structure of serratia fonticola sfh-i: glycerol complex
3q6x crystal structure of ndm-1 in complex with hydrolyzed ampicillin
3q72 crystal structure of rad g-domain-gtp analog complex
3q73 cryptococcus neoformans protein farnesyltransferase, apo enzyme
3q74 crystal structure analysis of the l7a mutant of the apo form of human alpha class glutathione transferase
3q76 structure of human neutrophil elastase (uncomplexed)
3q7a cryptococcus neoformans protein farnesyltransferase in complex with fpp and l-778,123
3q7d structure of (r)-naproxen bound to mcox-2.
3q7f cryptococcus neoformans protein farnesyltransferase in complex with fpp and ethylenediamine inhibitor 1
3q7g crystal structure of e2 domain of human amyloid precursor-like protein 1 in complex with sos (sucrose octasulfate)
3q7j engineered thermoplasma acidophilum f3 factor mimics human aminopeptidase n (apn) as a target for anticancer drug development
3q7l crystal structure of the e2 domain of amyloid precursor-like protein 1
3q7p crystal structure of rad g-domain-gtp analog complex
3q7q crystal structure of rad g-domain q148a-gtp analog complex
3q7r 1.6a resolution structure of the chxr receiver domain from chlamydia trachomatis
3q7s 2.1a resolution structure of the chxr receiver domain containing i3c from chlamydia trachomatis
3q7t 2.15a resolution structure (i41 form) of the chxr receiver domain from chlamydia trachomatis
3q7u structure of mtb 2-c-methyl-d-erythritol 4-phosphate cytidyltransferase (ispd) complexed with ctp
3q7v beta-lactam-sensor domain of blar1 (apo) from staphylococcus aureus with carboxylated lys392
3q7z cbap-acylated blar1 sensor domain from staphylococcus aureus
3q80 structure of mtb 2-c-methyl-d-erythritol 4-phosphate cytidyltransferase (ispd) complexed with cdp-me
3q81 imipenem acylated blar1 sensor domain from staphylococcus aureus
3q82 meropenem acylated blar1 sensor domain from staphylococcus aureus
3q85 crystal structure of rem2 g-domain -gtp analog complex
3q86 crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus nucleoside diphosphate kinase complexed with gtp
3q87 structure of eukaryotic translation termination complex methyltransferase mtq2-trm112
3q8t crystal structure of the coiled coil domain of beclin 1, an essential autophagy protein
3q8w a b-aminoacyl containing thiazolidine derivative and dppiv complex
3q90 crystal structure of the ntf2 domain of ras gtpase-activating protein- binding protein 1
3q92 x-ray structure of ketohexokinase in complex with a pyrimidopyrimidine analog 1
3q93 crystal structure of human 8-oxo-dgtpase (mth1)
3q94 the crystal structure of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase from bacillus anthracis str. 'ames ancestor'
3q96 b-raf kinase domain in complex with a tetrahydronaphthalene inhibitor
3q99 structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the ferric state in complex with n~5~-[(3-(ethylsulfanyl)propanimidoyl]-l-ornithine
3q9a structure of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the ferric state in complex with n-5-[2-(ethylsulfanyl)ethanimidoyl]-l-ornithine
3q9d crystal structure of cpn0803 from c. pneumoniae.
3q9l the structure of the dimeric e.coli mind-atp complex
3q9q hspb1 fragment second crystal form
3q9v crystal structure of rra c-terminal domain(123-221) from deinococcus radiodurans
3q9x crystal structure of human ck2 alpha in complex with emodin at ph 6.5
3q9z crystal structure of human ck2 alpha in complex with quinalizarin at ph 6.5
3qa0 crystal structure of the apo-form of human ck2 alpha at ph 6.5
3qa2 x-ray structure of ketohexokinase in complex with a pyrimidopyrimidine analog 2
3qaa hiv-1 wild type protease with a substituted bis-tetrahydrofuran inhibitor, grl-044-10a
3qai x-ray structure of ketohexokinase in complex with a pyrimidopyrimidine analog 3
3qal crystal structure of arg280ala mutant of catalytic subunit of camp- dependent protein kinase
3qam crystal structure of glu208ala mutant of catalytic subunit of camp- dependent protein kinase
3qas structure of undecaprenyl diphosphate synthase
3qat crystal structure of acyl-carrier-protein-s-malonyltransferase from bartonella henselae
3qax crystal structure anlysis of the cpb0502
3qb8 paramecium chlorella bursaria virus1 putative orf a654l is a polyamine acetyltransferase
3qbc structure and design of a new pterin site inhibitor of s. aureus hppk
3qbd 3-dehydroquinate synthase (arob) from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with nad
3qbf hiv-1 protease (mutant q7k l33i l63i) in complex with a three-armed pyrrolidine-based inhibitor
3qbj crystal structure of dipeptidyl peptidase iv in complex with inhibitor
3qbm crystal structure of a tetr transcriptional regulator (caur_2221) from chloroflexus aurantiacus j-10-fl at 1.80 a resolution
3qbo crystal structure of phosphoserine aminotransferase from yersinia pestis co92
3qbw crystal structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa 1,6-anhydro-n- actetylmuramic acid kinase (anmk) bound to adenosine diphosphate
3qbx crystal structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa 1,6-anhydro-n- actetylmuramic acid kinase (anmk) bound to 1,6-anhydro-n- actetylmuramic acid
3qc2 crystal structure of a glycosyl hydrolase (bacova_03624) from bacteroides ovatus at 2.30 a resolution
3qc3 crystal structure of a d-ribulose-5-phosphate-3-epimerase (np_954699) from homo sapiens at 2.20 a resolution
3qc4 pdk1 in complex with dfg-out inhibitor xxx
3qc8 crystal structure of faf1 ubx domain in complex with p97/vcp n domain reveals the conserved fcisp touch-turn motif of ubx domain suffering conformational change
3qcb human receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase gamma, domain 1, apo
3qcc human receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase gamma, domain 1, in complex with vanadate, orthorhombic crystal form
3qce human receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase gamma, domain 1, in complex with 3-[(3,4-dichlorobenzyl)sulfanyl]thiophene-2-carboxylic acid via soaking
3qcf human receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase gamma, domain 1, in complex with 3-[(3,4-dichlorobenzyl)sulfanyl]thiophene-2-carboxylic acid via co-crystallization
3qcm human receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase gamma, domain 1, in complex with 2-[(3,4-dichlorobenzyl)sulfanyl]-4-{[3-({n-[2- (methylamino)ethyl]glycyl}amino)phenyl]ethynyl}benzoic acid
3qct crystal structure of the humanized apo lt3015 anti-lysophosphatidic acid antibody fab fragment
3qd5 crystal structure of a putative ribose-5-phosphate isomerase from coccidioides immitis solved by combined iodide ion sad and mr
3qde the structure of cellobiose phosphorylase from clostridium thermocellum in complex with phosphate
3qdn putative thioredoxin protein from salmonella typhimurium
3qdr structural characterization of the interaction of colicin a, colicin n, and tolb with the tolaiii translocon
3qds structure of apo boletus edulis lectin
3qdt structure of boletus edulis lectin in complex with t-antigen disaccharide
3qdv structure of the orthorhombic form of the boletus edulis lectin in complex with n-acetyl glucosamine and n-acetyl galactosamine
3qdw structure of the hexagonal form of the boletus edulis lectin in complex with n-acetyl glucosamine and n-acetyl galactosamine
3qdx structure of the orthorhombic form of the boletus edulis lectin in complex with t-antigen disaccharide and n,n-diacetyl chitobiose
3qdy structure of the hexagonal form of the boletus edulis lectin in complex with t-antigen disaccharide and n,n-diacetyl chitobiose
3qe2 crystal structure of human nadph-cytochrome p450 reductase
3qe4 an evolved aminoacyl-trna synthetase with atypical polysubstrate specificity
3qe5 complete structure of streptococcus mutans antigen i/ii carboxy- terminus
3qe6 mouse pacsin 3 f-bar domain structure
3qe8 crystal structure analysis of lysozyme-bound fac-[re(co)3(h2o)(im)]+
3qee the structure and function of an arabinan-specific alpha-1,2- arabinofuranosidase identified from screening the activities of bacterial gh43 glycoside hydrolases
3qef the structure and function of an arabinan-specific alpha-1,2- arabinofuranosidase identified from screening the activities of bacterial gh43 glycoside hydrolases
3qeg crystal structure of human n12-i2 fab, an adcc and neutralizing anti- hiv-1 env antibody
3qej s74e-dck mutant in complex with udp
3qek crystal structure of amino terminal domain of the nmda receptor subunit glun1
3qen s74e dck in complex with 5-bromodeoxycytidine and udp
3qeo s74e-r104m-d133a dck variant in complex with l-deoxythymidine and udp
3qez crystal structure of the mutant t159v,v182a of orotidine 5'- monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with the inhibitor bmp
3qf0 crystal structure of the mutant t159v,y206f of orotidine 5'- monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with the inhibitor bmp
3qf2 crystal structure of nalp3 pyd
3qf9 crystal structure of human proto-oncogene serine threonine kinase (pim1) in complex with a consensus peptide and a furan- thiazolidinedione ligand
3qfc crystal structure of human nadph-cytochrome p450 (v492e mutant)
3qfe crystal structures of a putative dihydrodipicolinate synthase family protein from coccidioides immitis
3qff crystal structure of adp complex of purk: n5-carboxyaminoimidazole ribonucleotide synthetase
3qfg structure of a putative lipoprotein from staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus nctc 8325
3qfm crystal structure of streptococcal asymmetric ap4a hydrolase and phosphodiesterase spr1479/saph
3qfn crystal structure of streptococcal asymmetric ap4a hydrolase and phosphodiesterase spr1479/saph in complex with inorganic phosphate
3qfo crystal structure of streptococcal asymmetric ap4a hydrolase and phosphodiesterase spr1479/saph im complex with amp
3qfr crystal structure of human nadph-cytochrome p450 reductase (r457h mutant)
3qfv mrck beta in complex with tpca-1
3qfw crystal structure of rubisco-like protein from rhodopseudomonas palustris
3qfx trypanosoma brucei dihydrofolate reductase pyrimethamine complex
3qfy crystal structure of cellvibrio gilvus cellobiose phosphorylase complexed with sulfate and isofagomine
3qfz crystal structure of cellvibrio gilvus cellobiose phosphorylase complexed with sulfate and 1-deoxynojirimycin
3qg0 crystal structure of cellvibrio gilvus cellobiose phosphorylase complexed with phosphate and 1-deoxynojirimycin
3qg2 plasmodium falciparum dhfr-ts qradruple mutant (n51i+c59r+s108n+i164l, v1/s) pyrimethamine complex
3qg7 structural basis for ligand recognition and discrimination of a quorum quenching antibody
3qgd crystal structure of the hepatitis c virus ns5b rna-dependent rna polymerase complex with (2e)-3-(4-{[(1-{[(13-cyclohexyl-6-oxo-6,7- dihydro-5h-indolo[1,2-d][1,4]benzodiazepin-10-yl) carbonyl]amino}cyclopentyl)carbonyl]amino}phenyl)prop-2-enoic acid and (2r)-4-(2,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-4-yl)-1-[(4-ethylphenyl)sulfonyl]- n-(4-methoxybenzyl)piperazine-2-carboxamide
3qge crystal structure of the hepatitis c virus ns5b rna-dependent rna polymerase complex with (2e)-3-(4-{[(1-{[(13-cyclohexyl-6-oxo-6,7- dihydro-5h-indolo[1,2-d][1,4]benzodiazepin-10-yl) carbonyl]amino}cyclopentyl)carbonyl]amino}phenyl)prop-2-enoic acid and (2r)-4-(2,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-4-yl)-n-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1-{[4- (trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]sulfonyl}piperazine-2-carboxamide
3qgf crystal structure of the hepatitis c virus ns5b rna-dependent rna polymerase complex with (2e)-3-(4-{[(1-{[(13-cyclohexyl-6-oxo-6,7- dihydro-5h-indolo[1,2-d][1,4]benzodiazepin-10-yl) carbonyl]amino}cyclopentyl)carbonyl]amino}phenyl)prop-2-enoic acid and (2r)-4-(6-chloropyridazin-3-yl)-n-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1-{[4- (trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]sulfonyl}piperazine-2-carboxamide
3qgg crystal structure of the hepatitis c virus ns5b rna-dependent rna polymerase complex with (2e)-3-(4-{[(1-{[(13-cyclohexyl-6-oxo-6,7- dihydro-5h-indolo[1,2-d][1,4]benzodiazepin-10-yl) carbonyl]amino}cyclopentyl)carbonyl]amino}phenyl)prop-2-enoic acid and n-cyclopropyl-6-[(3r)-3-{[4-(trifluoromethoxy)benzyl]carbamoyl}- 4-{[4-(trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]sulfonyl}piperazin-1-yl]pyridazine-3- carboxamide
3qgn the allosteric e*-e equilibrium is a key property of the trypsin fold
3qgp crystal structure of isdi in complex with heme and cyanide
3qgt crystal structure of wild-type pfdhfr-ts complexed with nadph, dump and pyrimethamine
3qgu l,l-diaminopimelate aminotransferase from chalmydomonas reinhardtii
3qgw crystal structure of itk kinase bound to an inhibitor
3qgy crystal structure of itk inhibitor complex
3qh0 x-ray crystal structure of palmitic acid bound to the cyclooxygenase channel of cyclooxygenase-2
3qha crystal structure of a putative oxidoreductase from mycobacterium avium 104
3qhb crystal structure of oxidized symerythrin from cyanophora paradoxa
3qhc crystal structure of symerythrin from cyanophora paradoxa, reduced with dithionite
3qhf crystal structure of fab del2d1, a deletion variant of anti-influenza antibody 2d1
3qhp crystal structure of the catalytic domain of cholesterol-alpha- glucosyltransferase from helicobacter pylori
3qhy structural, thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of the picomolar binding affinity interaction of the beta-lactamase inhibitor protein- ii (blip-ii) with class a beta-lactamases
3qi3 crystal structure of pde9a(q453e) in complex with inhibitor bay73-6691
3qi4 crystal structure of pde9a(q453e) in complex with ibmx
3qi7 crystal structure of a putative transcriptional regulator (yp_001089212.1) from clostridium difficile 630 at 1.86 a resolution
3qi8 evolved variant of cytochrome p450 (bm3, cyp102a1)
3qij primitive-monoclinic crystal structure of the ferm domain of protein 4.1r
3qim histidine 416 of the periplamsic binding protein nika is essential for nickel uptake in escherichia coli
3qip structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with an rnase h inhibitor and nevirapine
3qis recognition of the f&h motif by the lowe syndrome protein ocrl
3qiv crystal structure of a putative short-chain dehydrogenase or 3- oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase from mycobacterium paratuberculosis atcc baa-968 / k-10
3qix crystal structure of bont/a lc with zinc bound
3qj4 crystal structure of human renalase (isoform 1)
3qj5 s-nitrosoglutathione reductase (gsnor) in complex with n6022
3qj6 the crystal structure of pwwp domain of human hepatoma-derived growth factor 2 in complex with h3k79me3 peptide
3qj8 crystal structure of fatty acid amide hydrolase
3qj9 crystal structure of fatty acid amide hydrolase with small molecule inhibitor
3qjb human hemoglobin a mutant alpha h58l carbonmonoxy-form
3qjc human hemoglobin a mutant beta h63l carbonmonoxy-form
3qjo refined structure of the functional unit (klh1-h) of keyhole limpet hemocyanin
3qk5 crystal structure of fatty acid amide hydrolase with small molecule inhibitor
3qk6 crystal structure of escherichia coli phnd
3qk9 yeast tim44 c-terminal domain complexed with cymal-3
3qkc crystal structure of geranyl diphosphate synthase small subunit from antirrhinum majus
3qkd crystal structure of bcl-xl in complex with a quinazoline sulfonamide inhibitor
3qkk spirochromane akt inhibitors
3qkl spirochromane akt inhibitors
3qkv crystal structure of fatty acid amide hydrolase with small molecule compound
3qkx crystal structure of a tetr-family transcriptional regulator (hi0893) from haemophilus influenzae rd at 2.35 a resolution
3ql9 monoclinic complex structure of atrx add bound to histone h3k9me3 peptide
3qlb enantiopyochelin outer membrane tonb-dependent transporter from pseudomonas fluorescens bound to the ferri-enantiopyochelin
3qld structure of probable mandelate racemase (aalaa1draft_2112) from alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius
3qlh hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with manicol at the rnase h active site and tmc278 (rilpivirine) at the nnrti binding pocket
3qli crystal structure of ripa from yersinia pestis
3qlk crystal structure of ripa from yersinia pestis
3qln crystal structure of atrx add domain in free state
3qlr candida albicans dihydrofolate reductase complexed with nadph and 6- methyl-5-[(3r)-3-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)pent-1-yn-1-yl]pyrimidine-2, 4-diamine (ucp112a)
3qls candida albicans dihydrofolate reductase complexed with nadph and 6- methyl-5-[3-methyl-3-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)but-1-yn-1- yl]pyrimidine-2,4-diamine (ucp115a)
3qlt crystal structure of a gluk2 (glur6) glycan wedge homodimer assembly
3qlw candida albicans dihydrofolate reductase complexed with nadph and 5- [3-(2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)prop-1-yn-1-yl]-6-ethylpyrimidine-2,4-diamine (ucp120b)
3qlx candida glabrata dihydrofolate reductase complexed with nadph and 6- methyl-5-[(3r)-3-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)pent-1-yn-1-yl]pyrimidine-2, 4-diamine (ucp112a)
3qly candida glabrata dihydrofolate reductase complexed with nadph and 6- methyl-5-[3-methyl-3-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)but-1-yn-1- yl]pyrimidine-2,4-diamine (ucp115a)
3qlz candida glabrata dihydrofolate reductase complexed with nadph and 5- [3-(2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)prop-1-yn-1-yl]-6-propylpyrimidine-2,4- diamine (ucp130b)
3qm2 2.25 angstrom crystal structure of phosphoserine aminotransferase (serc) from salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar typhimurium
3qmf crystal strucuture of an inositol monophosphatase family protein (sas2203) from staphylococcus aureus mssa476
3qmk crystal structure of the e2 domain of aplp1 in complex with heparin hexasaccharide
3qmm structure of 6b, a thermostable mutant of bacillus subtilis lipase obtained through directed evolution
3qmo x-ray crystal structure of ns-398 bound to the cyclooxygenase channel of cyclooxygenase-2
3qn1 crystal structure of the pyr1 abscisic acid receptor in complex with the hab1 type 2c phosphatase catalytic domain
3qn9 crystal structure of a 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase homologue from esherichia coli
3qnc crystal structure of a rationally designed oxa-10 variant showing carbapenemase activity, oxa-10loop48
3qni crystal structure of human pacsin 1 f-bar domain
3qo9 crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (rt) in complex with tsao-t, a non-nucleoside rt inhibitor (nnrti)
3qod crystal structure of heterocyst differentiation protein, hetr from fischerella mv11
3qoe crystal structure of heterocyst differentiation protein, hetr from fischerella mv11
3qot crystal structure of human germline antibody 1-69/b3
3qoz structure of wild-type hiv protease in complex with darunavir
3qpf analysis of a new family of widely distributed metal-independent alpha-mannosidases provides unique insight into the processing of n- linked glycans, streptococcus pneumoniae sp_2144 apo-structure
3qpi crystal structure of dimeric chlorite dismutases from nitrobacter winogradskyi
3qpk probing oxygen channels in melanocarpus albomyces laccase
3qpx crystal structure of fab c2507
3qq6 the n-terminal dna binding domain of sinr from bacillus subtilis
3qq8 crystal structure of p97-n in complex with faf1-ubx
3qqb crystal structure of ha2 r106h mutant of h2 hemagglutinin, neutral ph form
3qqd human sod1 h80r variant, p212121 crystal form
3qqe crystal structure of ha2 r106h mutant of h2 hemagglutinin, re- neutralized form
3qqi crystal structure of the ha1 receptor binding domain of h2 hemagglutinin
3qqn the retinal specific cd147 ig0 domain: from molecular structure to biological activity
3qqq crystal structure of non-symbiotic plant hemoglobin from trema tomentosa
3qqr crystal structure of parasponia hemoglobin; differential heme coordination is linked to quaternary structure
3qqt amphiphilic nanotubes in the crystal structure of a biosurfactant protein hydrophobin hfbii
3qr1 crystal structure of l. pealei plc21
3qr2 wild type cd147 ig0 domain
3qr3 crystal structure of cel5a (eg2) from hypocrea jecorina (trichoderma reesei)
3qr5 structure of the first domain of a cardiac ryanodine receptor mutant with exon 3 deleted
3qr9 anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase (trpd) from mycobacterium tuberculosis (apo structure)
3qrb crystal structure of e-cadherin ec1-2 p5a p6a
3qrc the crystal structure of ail, the attachment invasion locus protein of yersinia pestis, in complex with the heparin analogue sucrose octasulfate
3qrg crystal structure of antirsvf fab b21m
3qri the crystal structure of human abl1 kinase domain in complex with dcc- 2036
3qrj the crystal structure of human abl1 kinase domain t315i mutant in complex with dcc-2036
3qrv crystal structure of plasmepsin i (pmi) from plasmodium falciparum
3qrw actinorhodin polyketide ketoreductase mutant p94l bound to nadph
3qrx chlamydomonas reinhardtii centrin bound to melittin
3qry analysis of a new family of widely distributed metal-independent alpha mannosidases provides unique insight into the processing of n-linked glycans, streptococcus pneumoniae sp_2144 1-deoxymannojirimycin complex
3qsb structure of e. coli poliiibeta with (z)-5-(1-((4'-fluorobiphenyl-4- yl)methoxyimino)butyl)-2,2-dimethyl-4,6-dioxocyclohexanecarbonitrile
3qse crystal structure for the complex of substrate-reduced msox with sarcosine
3qsk 5 histidine variant of the anti-rnase a vhh in complex with rnase a
3qsl structure of cae31940 from bordetella bronchiseptica rb50
3qsm crystal structure for the msox.chloride binary complex
3qsp analysis of a new family of widely distributed metal-independent alpha mannosidases provides unique insight into the processing of n-linked glycans, streptococcus pneumoniae sp_2144 non-productive substrate complex with alpha-1,6-mannobiose
3qss crystal structure for the msox.chloride.mta ternary complex
3qsz crystal structure of the star-related lipid transfer protein (fragment 25-204) from xanthomonas axonopodis at the resolution 2.4a, northeast structural genomics consortium target xar342
3qt5 crystal structure of staphylococcus epidermidis mevalonate diphosphate decarboxylase
3qt6 crystal structure of staphylococcus epidermidis mevalonate diphosphate decarboxylase complexed with inhibitor dpgp
3qt7 crystal structure of staphylococcus epidermidis mevalonate diphosphate decarboxylase complexed with inhibitor 6-fmvapp
3qt8 crystal structure of mutant s192a staphylococcus epidermidis mevalonate diphosphate decarboxylase complexed with inhibitor 6- fmvapp
3qta crystal structure of a hypothetical chec-like protein (rrnac0528) from haloarcula marismortui atcc 43049 at 2.00 a resolution
3qtb structure of the universal stress protein from archaeoglobus fulgidus in complex with damp
3qth crystal structure of a hypothetical dinb-like protein (cps_3021) from colwellia psychrerythraea 34h at 2.20 a resolution
3qti c-met kinase in complex with nvp-bvu972
3qtm structure of a yeast protein
3qtp crystal structure analysis of entamoeba histolytica enolase
3qtt crystal structure of pantoate-beta-alanine ligase from francisella tularensis complexed with beta-gamma atp and beta-alanine
3qty crystal structure of phosphoribosylaminoimidazole synthetase from francisella tularensis complexed with pyrophosphate
3qu1 peptide deformylase from vibrio cholerae
3qu5 crystal structure of pyrophosphatase from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, asp11asn mutant
3qu7 crystal structure of pyrophosphatase from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, asp13asn mutant complexed with calcium and phosphate
3qua crystal structure of a putative uncharacterized protein and possible molybdenum cofactor protein from mycobacterium smegmatis
3quf the structure of a family 1 extracellular solute-binding protein from bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis
3qug structure of heme transport protein isdh-neat3 from s. aureus in complex with gallium-porphyrin
3quh structure of heme transport protein isdh-neat3 from s. aureus in complex with manganese(iii)-porphyrin
3qus crystal strucutre of n10-formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase with atpgs
3quv crystal structure of a trna-guanine-n1-methyltransferase from mycobacterium abscessus
3qv6 crystal structure of leishmania mexicana pyruvate kinase(lmpyk)in complex with acid blue 80.
3qv8 crystal structure of leishmania mexicana pyruvate kinase(lmpyk)in complex with benzothiazole-2,5-disulfonic acid.
3qv9 crystal structure of trypanosoma cruzi pyruvate kinase(tcpyk)in complex with ponceau s.
3qvj allantoin racemase from klebsiella pneumoniae
3qvk allantoin racemase from klebsiella pneumoniae
3qvl allantoin racemase from klebsiella pneumoniae
3qvm the structure of olei00960, a hydrolase from oleispira antarctica
3qvu crystal structure of ancestral variant b9 of sult 1a1 in complex with pap and p-nitrophenol
3qvv crystal structure of ancestral variant b9 of sult 1a1 in complex with pap and 3-cyc
3qw3 structure of leishmania donovani omp decarboxylase
3qw4 structure of leishmania donovani ump synthase
3qw9 crystal structure of betaglycan zp-c domain
3qwg crystal structure of esprdelta10, c-terminal 10 amino acids deletion mutant of espr transcription factor from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3qwu putative atp-dependent dna ligase from aquifex aeolicus.
3qwy ced-2
3qxg crystal structure of pyrophosphatase from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron complexed with calcium, a closed cap conformation
3qxl crystal structure of the cdc25 domain from ral-specific guanine- nucleotide exchange factor ralgps1a
3qxm crystal structure of human gluk2 ligand-binding core in complex with novel marine-derived toxins, neodysiherbaine a
3qxt structure of an anti-methotrexate cdr1-3 graft vhh antibody in complex with methotrexate
3qy1 1.54a resolution crystal structure of a beta-carbonic anhydrase from salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar typhimurium str. lt2
3qy2 crystal structure of the p93a monomer mutant of s. cerevisiae cks1
3qye crystal structure of human tbc1d1 rabgap domain
3qyf crystal structure of the crispr-associated protein sso1393 from sulfolobus solfataricus
3qyj crystal structure of alr0039, a putative alpha/beta hydrolase from nostoc sp pcc 7120.
3qyp crystal structure of pyrophosphatase from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, glu47asn mutant complexed with calcium and phosphate
3qyy a novel interaction mode between a microbial ggdef domain and the bis- (3, 5 )-cyclic di-gmp
3qz2 the structure of cysteine-free human insulin degrading enzyme
3qz4 crystal structure of an endo-1,4-beta-xylanase d (bt_3675) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 1.74 a resolution
3qzc structure of the periplasmic stress response protein cpxp
3qzm staphylococcus aureus isda neat domain h83a variant in complex with heme
3qzp staphylococcus aureus isda neat domain in complex with cobalt- protoporphyrin ix
3qzr human enterovirus 71 3c protease mutant e71a in complex with rupintrivir
3qzt crystal structure of bptf bromo in complex with histone h4k16ac - form ii
3qzv crystal structure of bptf phd-linker-bromo in complex with histone h4k12ac peptide
3r03 the crystal structure of nudix hydrolase from rhodospirillum rubrum
3r05 structure of neurexin 1 alpha (domains lns1-lns6), with splice insert ss3
3r0a possible transcriptional regulator from methanosarcina mazei go1 (gi 21227196)
3r0f human enterovirus 71 3c protease mutant h133g in complex with rupintrivir
3r0g 3d structure of ferric methanosarcina acetivorans protoglobin i149f mutant in aquomet form
3r0i ispc in complex with an n-methyl-substituted hydroxamic acid
3r0j structure of phop from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3r0k crystal structure of nysgrc enolase target 200555, a putative dipeptide epimerase from francisella philomiragia : tartrate bound, no mg
3r0u crystal structure of nysgrc enolase target 200555, a putative dipeptide epimerase from francisella philomiragia : tartrate and mg complex
3r10 crystal structure of nysgrc enolase target 200555, a putative dipeptide epimerase from francisella philomiragia : mg complex
3r11 crystal structure of nysgrc enolase target 200555, a putative dipeptide epimerase from francisella philomiragia : mg and fumarate complex
3r12 crystal structure of a deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase (tm_1559) from thermotoga maritima at 1.75 a resolution
3r13 crystal structure of a deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase (tm_1559) from thermotoga maritima at 1.83 a resolution
3r1i crystal structure of a short-chain type dehydrogenase/reductase from mycobacterium marinum
3r1j crystal structure of alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent taurine dioxygenase from mycobacterium avium, native form
3r1o odorant binding protein 7 from anopheles gambiae with four disulfide bridges
3r1v odorant binding protein 7 from anopheles gambiae with four disulfide bridges, in complex with an azo compound
3r1z crystal structure of nysgrc enolase target 200555, a putative dipeptide epimerase from francisella philomiragia : complex with l- ala-l-glu and l-ala-d-glu
3r23 crystal structure of d-alanine--d-alanine ligase from bacillus anthracis
3r27 crystal structure of the first rrm domain of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein l (hnrnp l)
3r2t 2.2 angstrom resolution crystal structure of superantigen-like protein from staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus nctc 8325.
3r31 crystal structure of betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase from agrobacterium tumefaciens
3r3g structure of human thrombin with residues 145-150 of murine thrombin.
3r3h crystal structure of o-methyltransferase from legionella pneumophila
3r3p homing endonuclease i-bth0305i catalytic domain
3r3t crystal structure of 30s ribosomal protein s from bacillus anthracis
3r3v crystal structure of the fluoroacetate dehalogenase rpa1163 - asp110asn/fluoroacetate
3r3w crystal structure of the fluoroacetate dehalogenase rpa1163 - asp110asn/chloroacetate
3r3x crystal structure of the fluoroacetate dehalogenase rpa1163 - asp110asn/bromoacetate
3r3y crystal structure of the fluoroacetate dehalogenase rpa1163 - his280asn/fluoroacetate
3r40 crystal structure of the fluoroacetate dehalogenase rpa1163 - asp110asn/apo
3r41 crystal structure of the fluoroacetate dehalogenase rpa1163 - his280asn/apo
3r42 crystal structure of the yeast vps23 uev domain in complex with a vps27 psdp peptide
3r4b crystal structure of wild-type hiv-1 protease in complex with tmc310911
3r4n optimization of potent, selective, and orally bioavailable pyrrolodinopyrimidine-containing inhibitors of heat shock protein 90. identification of development candidate 2-amino-4-{4-chloro-2-[2-(4- fluoro-1h-pyrazol-1-yl)ethoxy]-6-methylphenyl}-n-(2,2- difluoropropyl)-5,7-dihydro-6h-pyrrolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine-6-carboxamide
3r4o optimization of potent, selective, and orally bioavailable pyrrolodinopyrimidine-containing inhibitors of heat shock protein 90. identification of development candidate 2-amino-4-{4-chloro-2-[2-(4- fluoro-1h-pyrazol-1-yl)ethoxy]-6-methylphenyl}-n-(2,2- difluoropropyl)-5,7-dihydro-6h-pyrrolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine-6-carboxamide
3r4p optimization of potent, selective, and orally bioavailable pyrrolodinopyrimidine-containing inhibitors of heat shock protein 90. identification of development candidate 2-amino-4-{4-chloro-2-[2-(4- fluoro-1h-pyrazol-1-yl)ethoxy]-6-methylphenyl}-n-(2,2- difluoropropyl)-5,7-dihydro-6h-pyrrolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine-6-carboxamide
3r4r crystal structure of a hypothetical fimbrial assembly protein (bdi_3522) from parabacteroides distasonis atcc 8503 at 2.38 a resolution
3r4s cell entry of botulinum neurotoxin type c is dependent upon interaction with two ganglioside molecules
3r4u cell entry of botulinum neurotoxin type c is dependent upon interaction with two ganglioside molecules
3r5g crystal structure of the adenylyl cyclase cyab from p. aeruginosa
3r5k a designed redox-controlled caspase-7
3r5z structure of a deazaflavin-dependent reductase from nocardia farcinica, with co-factor f420
3r62 structure of complement regulator factor h mutant, t1184r.
3r69 molecular analysis of the interaction of the hdl-receptor sr-bi with the pdz3 domain of its adaptor protein pdzk1
3r6a crystal structure of an uncharacterized protein (hypothetical protein mm_3218) from methanosarcina mazei.
3r6n crystal structure of a rigid four spectrin repeat fragment of the human desmoplakin plakin domain
3r6w paazor1 binding to nitrofurazone
3r74 crystal structure of 2-amino-2-desoxyisochorismate synthase (adic) synthase phze from burkholderia lata 383
3r75 crystal structure of 2-amino-2-desoxyisochorismate synthase (adic) synthase phze from burkholderia lata 383 in complex with benzoate, pyruvate, glutamine and contaminating zn2+
3r76 crystal structure of 2-amino-2-desoxyisochorismate synthase (adic) synthase phze from burkholderia lata 383 in complex with benzoate, pyruvate and glutamine
3r77 crystal structure of the d38a mutant of isochorismatase phzd from pseudomonas fluorescens 2-79 in complex with 2-amino-2- desoxyisochorismate adic
3r79 crystal structure of an uncharactertized protein from agrobacterium tumefaciens
3r7a crystal structure of phosphoglycerate mutase from bacillus anthracis str. sterne
3r7g crystal structure of spire kind domain in complex with the tail of fmn2
3r7x crystal structure analysis of a quinazolinedione sulfonamide bound to human glur2: a novel class of competitive ampa receptor antagonists with oral activity
3r89 crystal structure of orotidine 5-phosphate decarboxylase from anaerococcus prevotii dsm 20548
3r8c crystal structure of cytidylate kinase (cmk) from mycobacterium abscessus
3r8i crystal structure of ppargamma with an achiral ureidofibrate derivative (rt86)
3r8j crystal structure of human soul protein (orthorhombic form)
3r95 crystal structure of microcin c7 self immunity acetyltransferase mcce in complex with acetyl-coa
3r96 crystal structure of microcin c7 self immunity acetyltransferase mcce in complex with acetyl-coa and amp
3r9e crystal structure of microcin c7 self immunity acetyltransferase mcce in complex with coenzyme a and aspartyl sulfamoyl adenosine (dsa)
3r9f crystal structure of microcin c7 self immunity acetyltransferase mcce in complex with coenzyme a and glutamyl sulfamoyl adenosine (esa)
3r9g crystal structure of microcin c7 self immunity acetyltransferase mcce in complex with coenzyme a and processed microcin c7 antibiotic
3r9p crystal structure of acka from mycobacterium paratuberculosis atcc baa-968 / k-10
3r9u thioredoxin-disulfide reductase from campylobacter jejuni.
3r9v cocrystal structure of proteolytically truncated form of ipad from shigella flexneri bound to deoxycholate
3ra5 crystal structure of t. celer l30e e6a/r92a variant
3rag crystal structure of uncharacterized protein aaci_0196 from alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius subsp. acidocaldarius dsm 446
3rao crystal structure of the luciferase-like monooxygenase from bacillus cereus atcc 10987.
3rap the small g protein rap2 in a non catalytic complex with gtp
3ras crystal structure of 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase (dxr) complexed with a lipophilic phosphonate inhibitor
3rau crystal structure of the hd-ptp bro1 domain
3raw crystal structure of human cdc-like kinase 3 isoform in complex with leucettine l41
3rb5 crystal structure of calcium binding domain cbd12 of calx1.1
3rbf crystal structure of human aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase (aadc) in the apo form
3rbi the type iii crystal structure of streptococcus agalactiae sortase c1
3rbj crystal structure of the lid-mutant of streptococcus agalactiae sortase c1
3rbk the type ii crystal structure of streptococcus agalactiae sortase c1
3rbl crystal structure of human aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase (aadc) in the apo form
3rbn crystal structure of mutl protein homolog 1 isoform 1 [homo sapiens]
3rc4 molecular mechanisms of viral and host-cell substrate recognition by hcv ns3/4a protease
3rc5 molecular mechanisms of viral and host-cell substrate recognition by hcv ns3/4a protease
3rce bacterial oligosaccharyltransferase pglb
3rch crystal structure of human aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase (aadc) in the open conformation with llp and plp bound to chain-a and chain- b respectively
3rcz rad60 sld2 ubc9 complex
3rd1 structure of an adp ribosylation factor from entamoeba histolytica hm- 1:imss bound to mg-gdp
3rd6 crystal structure of mll3558 protein from rhizobium loti. northeast structural genomics consortium target id mlr403
3rd7 crystal structure of acyl-coa thioesterase from mycobacterium avium
3rdp crystal structure of thymidine kinase from herpes simplex virus type 1 in complex with n-methyl-fhbt
3rdw putative arsenate reductase from yersinia pestis
3rdx crystal structure of ligand-free r7-2 streptavidin
3re1 crystal structure of uroporphyrinogen iii synthase from pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato dc3000
3ref crystal structure of ehrho1 bound to gdp and magnesium
3reg crystal structure of ehrho1 bound to a gtp analog and magnesium
3rem structure of the isochorismate-pyruvate lyase from pseudomonas aerugionsa with bound salicylate and pyruvate
3ren cpf_2247, a novel alpha-amylase from clostridium perfringens
3rep crystal structure of the ilk/alpha-parvin core complex (mnatp)
3req methylmalonyl-coa mutase, substrate-free state (poor quality structure)
3ret salicylate and pyruvate bound structure of the isochorismate-pyruvate lyase k42e mutant from pseudomonas aerugionsa
3reu crystal structure of the archaeal asparagine synthetase a complexed with l-aspartic acid and adenosine triphosphate
3rev crystal structure of human alloreactive tcr nb20
3rex crystal structure of the archaeal asparagine synthetase a complexed with adenosine monophosphate
3rf0 crystal structure of exopolyphosphatase from yersinia pestis
3rf1 the crystal structure of glycyl-trna synthetase subunit alpha from campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni nctc 11168
3rf6 crystal structure of glycerol-3 phosphate bound had-like phosphatase from saccharomyces cerevisiae
3rf9 x-ray structure of rlmn from escherichia coli
3rfa x-ray structure of rlmn from escherichia coli in complex with s- adenosylmethionine
3rfe crystal structure of glycoprotein gpib ectodomain
3rfg crystal structure of the yeast rack1 dimer in space group p63
3rg9 trypanosoma brucei dihydrofolate reductase (tbdhfr) in complex with wr99210
3rgc the virulence factor peb4 and the periplasmic protein cj1289 are two structurally related sura-like chaperones in the human pathogen campylobacter jejuni
3rgf crystal structure of human cdk8/cycc
3rgh structure of filamin a immunoglobulin-like repeat 10 from homo sapiens
3rgl the crystal structure of glycyl-trna synthetase subunit alpha from campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni nctc in complex with atp and glycine
3rgw crystal structure at 1.5 a resolution of an h2-reduced, o2-tolerant hydrogenase from ralstonia eutropha unmasks a novel iron-sulfur cluster
3rh0 corynebacterium glutamicum mycothiol/mycoredoxin1-dependent arsenate reductase cg_arsc2
3rh3 crystal structure of an uncharacterized duf3829-like protein (bt_1908) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 2.10 a resolution
3rh8 crystal structure of the light-state dimer of fungal blue-light photoreceptor vivid
3rh9 the crystal structure of oxidoreductase from marinobacter aquaeolei
3rha the crystal structure of oxidoreductase from arthrobacter aurescens
3rhc crystal structure of the holo form of glutaredoxin c5 from arabidopsis thaliana
3rhk crystal structure of the catalytic domain of c-met kinase in complex with arq 197
3rhu epitope backbone grafting by computational design for improved presentation of linear epitopes on scaffold proteins
3rhx crystal structure of the catalytic domain of fgfr1 kinase in complex with arq 069
3rhy crystal structure of the dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase adduct with 4-chloro-2-hydroxymethylpyridine
3rhz structure and functional analysis of a new subfamily of glycosyltransferases required for glycosylation of serine-rich streptococcal adhesions
3ri0 epitope backbone grafting by computational design for improved presentation of linear epitopes on scaffold proteins
3ri1 crystal structure of the catalytic domain of fgfr2 kinase in complex with arq 069
3ri3 actinorhodin polyketide ketoreductase mutant p94l bound to nadph and the inhibitor emodin
3ri6 a novel mechanism of sulfur transfer catalyzed by o-acetylhomoserine sulfhydrylase in methionine biosynthetic pathway of wolinella succinogenes
3rib human lysine methyltransferase smyd2 in complex with adohcy
3rii crystal structure of the catalytic domain of uchl5, a proteasome- associated human deubiquitinating enzyme, reveals an unproductive form of the enzyme
3riv the crystal structure of leishmania major peroxidase
3riw the crystal structure of leishmania major peroxidase mutant c197t
3rj4 crystal structure of 7-cyano-7-deazaguanine reductase, quef from vibrio cholerae
3rjt crystal structure of lipolytic protein g-d-s-l family from alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius subsp. acidocaldarius dsm 446
3rjw crystal structure of histone lysine methyltransferase g9a with an inhibitor
3rk1 'x-ray crystal structure of the putative n-type atp pyrophosphatase (pf0828) in complex with atp from pyrococcus furiosus, northeast structural genomics consortium target pfr23
3rk8 crystal structure of the chloride inhibited dihydrodipicolinate synthase from acinetobacter baumannii complexed with pyruvate at 1.8 a resolution
3rkc hepatitis e virus capsid protein e2s domain (genotype iv)
3rkh structure of the thioalkalivibrio nitratireducens cytochrome c nitrite reductase in a complex with nitrite (full occupancy)
3rkj crystal structure of new delhi metallo-beta-lactamase-1 from klebsiella pnueumoniae
3rkk crystal structure of new delhi metallo-beta-lactamase-1 from klebsiella pneumoniae
3rl6 crystal structure of the archaeal asparagine synthetase a complexed with l-asparagine and adenosine monophosphate
3rlb crystal structure at 2.0 a of the s-component for thiamin from an ecf- type abc transporter
3rlp co-crystal structure of the hsp90 atp binding domain in complex with 4-(2,4-dichloro-5-methoxyphenyl)-6-methylpyrimidin-2-amine
3rlq co-crystal structure of the hsp90 atp binding domain in complex with 4-(2,4-dichloro-5-methoxyphenyl)-2-methyl-7h-pyrrolo[2,3- d]pyrimidine-5- carbonitrile
3rlr co-crystal structure of the hsp90 atp binding domain in complex with 4-(2,4-dichloro-5-methoxyphenyl)-2,6-dimethyl-7h-pyrrolo[2,3- d]pyrimidine-5-carbonitrile
3rls crystal structure of yeast af-9 homolog protein yaf9
3rm4 amcase in complex with compound 1
3rm5 structure of trifunctional thi20 from yeast
3rm8 amcase in complex with compound 2
3rm9 amcase in complex with compound 3
3rme amcase in complex with compound 5
3rmg crystal structure of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
3rmh crystal structure of yeast telomere protein cdc13 ob4
3rnk crystal structure of the complex between mouse pd-1 mutant and pd-l2 igv domain
3rnq crystal structure of the complex between the extracellular domains of mouse pd-1 mutant and pd-l2
3rnr crystal structure of stage ii sporulation e family protein from thermanaerovibrio acidaminovorans
3ro4 x-ray structure of ketohexokinase in complex with an indazole compound derivative
3ro5 crystal structure of influenza a virus nucleoprotein with ligand
3rof crystal structure of the s. aureus protein tyrosine phosphatase ptpa
3roi 2.20 angstrom resolution structure of 3-phosphoshikimate 1- carboxyvinyltransferase (aroa) from coxiella burnetii
3rok crystal structure of human cd38 in complex with compound cz-27
3rom crystal structure of human cd38 in complex with compound cz-48
3ron crystal structure and hemolytic activity of the cyt1aa toxin from bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis
3rop crystal structure of human cd38 in complex with compound cz-50b
3roq crystal structure of human cd38 in complex with compound cz-46
3rot crystal structure of abc sugar transporter (periplasmic sugar binding protein) from legionella pneumophila
3rp2 the structure of rat mast cell protease ii at 1.9-angstroms resolution
3rpd the structure of a b12-independent methionine synthase from shewanella sp. w3-18-1 in complex with selenomethionine.
3rpe 1.1 angstrom crystal structure of putative modulator of drug activity (mdab) from yersinia pestis co92.
3rpj structure of a curlin genes transcriptional regulator protein from proteus mirabilis hi4320.
3rpk structure of the full-length major pilin rrgb from streptococcus pneumoniae
3rpm crystal structure of the first gh20 domain of a novel beta-n-acetyl- hexosaminidase strh from streptococcus pneumoniae r6
3rps structure of human ck2alpha in complex with the atp-competitive inhibitor 3-(4,5,6,7-tetrabromo-1h-benzotriazol-1-yl)propan-1-ol
3rpt crystal structure of the anti-hiv b12 scaffold protein
3rq3 structure of t-cell immunoreceptor with immunoglobulin and itim domains (tigit) in hexagonal crystal form
3rq7 polo-like kinase 1 polo box domain in complex with a c6h5(ch2)8- derivatized peptide inhibitor
3rqb crystal structure of conserved protein of unknown function with hot dog fold from alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius
3rqr crystal structure of the ryr domain of the rabbit ryanodine receptor
3rqs crystal structure of human l-3- hydroxyacyl-coa dehydrogenase (ec1.1.1.35) from mitochondria at the resolution 2.0 a, northeast structural genomics consortium target hr487, mitochondrial protein partnership
3rr1 crystal structure of enolase prk14017 (target efi-500653) from ralstonia pickettii 12j
3rra crystal structure of enolase prk14017 (target efi-500653) from ralstonia pickettii 12j with magnesium bound
3rrb crystal structure of tm0922, a fusion of a domain of unknown function and adp/atp-dependent nad(p)h-hydrate dehydratase from thermotoga maritima in complex with amp
3rrc crystal structure of region ii from plasmodium vivax duffy binding protein
3rre crystal structure of tm0922, a fusion of a domain of unknown function and adp/atp-dependent nad(p)h-hydrate dehydratase from thermotoga maritima in complex with adp
3rrf crystal structure of tm0922, a fusion of a domain of unknown function and adp/atp-dependent nad(p)h-hydrate dehydratase from thermotoga maritima in complex with atp
3rri crystal structure of glyoxalase/bleomycin resistance protein/dioxygenase from alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius
3rrj crystal structure of tm0922, a fusion of a domain of unknown function and adp/atp-dependent nad(p)h-hydrate dehydratase from thermotoga maritima in complex with p1,p5-di(adenosine-5') pentaphosphate
3rrn s. cerevisiae dbp5 l327v bound to gle1 h337r and ip6
3rro crystal structure of 3-ketoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase (fabg) from vibrio cholerae
3rrp crystal structure of fumarate hydratase fum from mycobacterium abscessus with malate bound
3rru x-ray crystal structure of the vhs domain of human tom1-like protein, northeast structural genomics consortium target hr3050e
3rrw crystal structure of the tl29 protein from arabidopsis thaliana
3rs8 crystal structure of tm0922, a fusion of a domain of unknown function and adp/atp-dependent nad(p)h-hydrate dehydratase from thermotoga maritima in complex with adp-ribose
3rs9 crystal structure of tm0922, a fusion of a domain of unknown function and adp/atp-dependent nad(p)h-hydrate dehydratase from thermotoga maritima in complex with p1,p3-di(adenosine-5') triphosphate
3rsc crystal structure of calg2, calicheamicin glycosyltransferase, tdp and calicheamicin t0 bound form
3rsf crystal structure of tm0922, a fusion of a domain of unknown function and adp/atp-dependent nad(p)h-hydrate dehydratase from thermotoga maritima in complex with p1,p4-di(adenosine-5') tetraphosphate
3rsg crystal structure of tm0922, a fusion of a domain of unknown function and adp/atp-dependent nad(p)h-hydrate dehydratase from thermotoga maritima soaked with nad.
3rsh structure of 3-ketoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein)reductase (fabg) from vibrio cholerae o1 complexed with nadp+ (space group p62)
3rsq crystal structure of tm0922, a fusion of a domain of unknown function and adp/atp-dependent nad(p)h-hydrate dehydratase from thermotoga maritima soaked with nadh
3rss crystal structure of tm0922, a fusion of a domain of unknown function and adp/atp-dependent nad(p)h-hydrate dehydratase from thermotoga maritima soaked with nadp
3rt3 complex of influenza virus protein with host anti-viral factor
3rt7 crystal structure of tm0922, a fusion of a domain of unknown function and adp/atp-dependent nad(p)h-hydrate dehydratase from thermotoga maritima in complex with adp-glucose
3rt9 crystal structure of tm0922, a fusion of a domain of unknown function and adp/atp-dependent nad(p)h-hydrate dehydratase from thermotoga maritima soaked with coenzyme a
3rta crystal structure of tm0922, a fusion of a domain of unknown function and adp/atp-dependent nad(p)h-hydrate dehydratase from thermotoga maritima soaked with acetyl coenzyme a
3rtb crystal structure of tm0922, a fusion of a domain of unknown function and adp/atp-dependent nad(p)h-hydrate dehydratase from thermotoga maritima soaked with adenosine-3'-5'-diphosphate
3rtc crystal structure of tm0922, a fusion of a domain of unknown function and adp/atp-dependent nad(p)h-hydrate dehydratase from thermotoga maritima soaked with nad and atp.
3rtd crystal structure of tm0922, a fusion of a domain of unknown function and adp/atp-dependent nad(p)h-hydrate dehydratase from thermotoga maritima soaked with nadh and adp.
3rte crystal structure of tm0922, a fusion of a domain of unknown function and adp/atp-dependent nad(p)h-hydrate dehydratase from thermotoga maritima soaked with nadp and atp.
3rtg crystal structure of tm0922, a fusion of a domain of unknown function and adp/atp-dependent nad(p)h-hydrate dehydratase from thermotoga maritima soaked with coenzyme a and atp
3rti crystal structure of ricin bound with formycin monophosphate
3rtk crystal structure of cpn60.2 from mycobacterium tuberculosis at 2.8a
3ru0 cocrystal structure of human smyd3 with inhibitor sinefungin bound
3ru2 crystal structure of tm0922, a fusion of a domain of unknown function and adp/atp-dependent nad(p)h-hydrate dehydratase from thermotoga maritima soaked with nadph.
3ru3 crystal structure of tm0922, a fusion of a domain of unknown function and adp/atp-dependent nad(p)h-hydrate dehydratase from thermotoga maritima soaked with nadph and atp.
3rub crystal structure of the unactivated form of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase(slash)oxygenase from tobacco refined at 2.0-angstroms resolution
3rui crystal structure of atg7c-atg8 complex
3ruo complex structure of hevb ev93 main protease 3c with rupintrivir (ag7088)
3rup crystal structure of e.coli biotin carboxylase in complex with two adp and two ca ions
3rut fxr with src1 and gsk359
3ruu fxr with src1 and gsk237
3rux crystal structure of biotin-protein ligase bira from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with an acylsulfamide bisubstrate inhibitor
3ruy crystal structure of the ornithine-oxo acid transaminase rocd from bacillus anthracis
3rv1 crystal structure of the n-terminal and rnase iii domains of k. polysporus dcr1 e224q mutant
3rv2 crystal structure of s-adenosylmethionine synthetase from mycobacterium marinum
3rv3 crystal structure of e.coli biotin carboxylase in complex with two adp and one mg ion
3rvf fxr with src1 and gsk2034
3rvt structure of 4c1 fab in p212121 space group
3rvu structure of 4c1 fab in c2221 space group
3rvy crystal structure of the navab voltage-gated sodium channel (ile217cys, 2.7 a)
3rvz crystal structure of the navab voltage-gated sodium channel (ile217cys, 2.8 a)
3rw0 crystal structure of the navab voltage-gated sodium channel (met221cys, 2.95 a)
3rw9 crystal structure of human spermidine synthase in complex with decarboxylated s-adenosylhomocysteine
3rwo crystal structure of ypt32 in complex with gdp
3ry0 crystal structure of tomn, a 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase homologue in tomaymycin biosynthetic pathway
3ry2 wild-type core streptavidin-biotin complex at atomic resolution
3ry3 putative solute-binding protein from yersinia pestis.
3ry8 structural basis for norovirus inhibition and fucose mimicry by citrate
3ry9 crystal structure of the resurrected ancestral glucocorticoid receptor 1 in complex with doc
3rya lactococcal oppa complexed with slsqlssqs
3ryb lactococcal oppa complexed with slsqslsqs
3ryd crystal strucutre of ca bound impase family protein from staphylococcus aureus
3ryk 1.63 angstrom resolution crystal structure of dtdp-4-dehydrorhamnose 3,5-epimerase (rfbc) from bacillus anthracis str. ames with tdp and ppi bound
3ryl dimerization domain of vibrio parahemolyticus vopl
3rys the crystal structure of adenine deaminase (aaur1117) from arthrobacter aurescens
3rz9 mouse importin alpha-ku80 nls peptide complex
3rza crystal structure of a tripeptidase (sav1512) from staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus mu50 at 2.10 a resolution
3rzi the structure of 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase from mycobacterium tuberculosis cocrystallized and complexed with phenylalanine and tryptophan
3rzx mouse importin alpha-ku70 nls peptide complex
3s0f apis mellifera obp14 native apo, crystal form 2
3s0g apis mellifera obp 14 double mutant gln44cys, his97cys
3s0r crystal structure of de novo designed helical assembly protein
3s0x the crystal structure of gxgd membrane protease flak
3s0z crystal structure of new delhi metallo-beta-lactamase (ndm-1)
3s12 crystal structure of h5n1 influenza virus hemagglutinin, strain yu562 crystal form 1
3s13 crystal structure of h5n1 influenza virus hemagglutinin, strain yu562 crystal form 2
3s18 crystal structure of a plant albumin from cicer arietinum showing hemagglutination
3s1b the development of peptide-based tools for the analysis of angiogenesis
3s2v crystal structure of the ligand binding domain of gluk1 in complex with an antagonist (s)-1-(2'-amino-2'-carboxyethyl)-3-[(2- carboxythien-3-yl)methyl]thieno[3,4-d]pyrimidin-2,4-dione at 2.5 a resolution
3s2x structure of acetyl-coenzyme a synthase alpha subunit c-terminal domain
3s2z crystal structure of the lactobacillus johnsonii cinnamoyl esterase lj0536 s106a mutant in complex with caffeic acid
3s30 crystal structure of a hypothetical glycoside hydrolase (bvu_0247) from bacteroides vulgatus atcc 8482 at 2.46 a resolution
3s34 structure of the 1121b fab fragment
3s3e crystal structure of the catalytic domain of ptp10d from drosophila melanogaster
3s3f crystal structure of the catalytic domain of ptp10d from drosophila melanogaster with a small molecule inhibitor vanadate
3s3k crystal structure of the catalytic domain of ptp10d from drosophila melanogaster with a small molecular inhibitor para-nitrocatechol sulphate
3s3l crystal structure of cerj from streptomyces tendae
3s42 crystal structure of the 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase (arod) from salmonella enterica typhimurium lt2 with malonate and boric acid at the active site
3s46 the crystal structure of alanine racemase from streptococcus pneumoniae
3s4k structure of a putative esterase rv1847/mt1895 from mycobacterium tuberculosis
3s4o protein tyrosine phosphatase (putative) from leishmania major
3s4w structure of the fanci-fancd2 complex
3s4y crystal structure of human thiamin pyrophosphokinase 1
3s5b crystal structure of ced-3 protease suppressor-6 (cps-6) from caenorhabditis elegans
3s5f crystal structure of human frataxin variant w155f
3s5p crystal structure of ribose-5-phosphate isomerase b rpib from giardia lamblia
3s5r crystal structure of a putative transcriptional regulator of the tetr family (syn_02108) from syntrophus aciditrophicus at 2.60 a resolution
3s5s crystal structure of putative mandelate racemase/muconate lactonizing enzyme (psi/com target 200551) from sorangium cellulosum
3s5w ornithine hydroxylase (pvda) from pseudomonas aeruginosa
3s5y pharmacological chaperoning in human alpha-galactosidase
3s5z pharmacological chaperoning in human alpha-galactosidase
3s61 reduced form of ornithine hydroxylase (pvda) from pseudomonas aeruginosa
3s63 saposin-like protein na-slp-1
3s66 structures and oxygen affinities of crystalline human hemoglobin c (beta6 lys) in the r quaternary structures
3s6e crystal structure of a rna binding motif protein 39 (rbm39) from mus musculus at 0.95 a resolution
3s7d structural basis of substrate methylation and inhibition of smyd2
3s7e crystal structure of ara h 1
3s7f structural basis of substrate methylation and inhibition of smyd2
3s7h structure of thrombin mutant y225p in the e* form
3s7i crystal structure of ara h 1
3s7r crystal structure of a heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein a/b (hnrpab) from homo sapiens at 2.15 a resolution
3s7t crystal structure of semet b. licheniformis cdps yvmc-blic
3s7w structure of the tvnirb form of thioalkalivibrio nitratireducens cytochrome c nitrite reductase with an oxidized gln360 in a complex with hydroxylamine
3s7z crystal structure of putative aspartate racemase from salmonella typhimurium complexed with succinate
3s82 structure of a s-adenosylmethionine synthetase from mycobacterium avium
3s8d crystal structure of ripa from yersinia pestis
3s8h structure of dihydrodipicolinate synthase complexed with 3- hydroxypropanoic acid(hpa)at 2.70 a resolution
3s8i the retroviral-like protease (rvp) domain of human ddi1
3s8j crystal structure of a papaya latex serine protease inhibitor (ppi) at 2.6a resolution
3s8k crystal structure of a papaya latex serine protease inhibitor (ppi) at 1.7a resolution
3s8l protein-ligand interactions: thermodynamic effects associated with increasing hydrophobic surface area
3s8n crystal structure of the grb2 sh2 domain in complex with a pyxn- derived tripeptide
3s8o crystal structure of the grb2 sh2 domain in complex with a pyxn- derived tripeptide
3s8p crystal structure of the set domain of human histone-lysine n- methyltransferase suv420h1 in complex with s-adenosyl-l-methionine
3s8r crystal structures of glutaryl 7-aminocephalosporanic acid acylase: insight into autoproteolytic activation
3s93 crystal structure of conserved motif in tdrd5
3s94 crystal structure of lrp6-e1e2
3s95 crystal structure of the human limk1 kinase domain in complex with staurosporine
3s9c russell's viper venom serine proteinase, rvv-v in complex with the fragment (residues 1533-1546) of human factor v
3s9e crystal structure of the kainate receptor gluk3 ligand binding domain in complex with (s)-glutamate
3s9g structure of human hexim1 (delta stammer) coiled coil domain
3saf crystal structure of the human rrp6 catalytic domain with d313n mutation in the active site
3sag crystal structure of the human rrp6 catalytic domain with d313n mutation in the active site
3sah crystal structure of the human rrp6 catalytic domain with y436a mutation in the catalytic site
3sal crystal structure of influenza a virus neuraminidase n5
3san crystal structure of influenza a virus neuraminidase n5 complexed with zanamivir
3sao the siderocalin ex-fabp functions through dual ligand specificities
3saq structure of d13, the scaffolding protein of vaccinia virus
3sb1 hydrogenase expression protein huph from thiobacillus denitrificans atcc 25259
3sb4 crystal structure of a hypothetical leucine rich repeat protein (bt_1240) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron at 1.99 a resolution
3sb6 cu-mediated dimer of t4 lysozyme d61h/k65h/r76h/r80h by synthetic symmetrization
3sb7 cu-mediated trimer of t4 lysozyme d61h/k65h/r76h/r80h by synthetic symmetrization
3sb9 cu-mediated dimer of t4 lysozyme r76h/r80h by synthetic symmetrization
3sbn trichovirin i-4a in polar environment at 0.9 angstroem
3sbq pseudomonas stutzeri nitrous oxide reductase, p65 crystal form
3sbt crystal structure of a aar2-prp8 complex
3sbu crystal structure of a hypothetical ntf2-like protein (bf2862) from bacteroides fragilis nctc 9343 at 2.15 a resolution
3sby crystal structure of semet-substituted apo-mmachc (1-244), a human b12 processing enzyme
3sc2 refined atomic model of wheat serine carboxypeptidase ii at 2.2- angstroms resolution
3sc3 crystal structure of a putative dna replication regulator hda (sama_1916) from shewanella amazonensis sb2b at 3.00 a resolution
3sc4 crystal structure of a short chain dehydrogenase (a0qtm2 homolog) mycobacterium thermoresistibile
3sce structure of the thioalkalivibrio nitratireducens cytochrome c nitrite reductase with a covalent bond between the ce1 atom of tyr303 and the cg atom of gln360 (tvnirb)
3sch co(ii)-hppe with r-hpp
3sd0 identification of a glycogen synthase kinase-3b inhibitor that attenuates hyperactivity in clock mutant mice
3sd4 crystal structure of the first tudor domain of human phf20
3sd9 crystal structure of serratia fonticola sfh-i: source of the nucleophile in the catalytic mechanism of mono-zinc metallo-beta- lactamases
3sdh high resolution crystallographic analysis of a cooperative dimeric hemoglobin
3sdo structure of a nitrilotriacetate monooxygenase from burkholderia pseudomallei
3sdp the 2.1 angstroms resolution structure of iron superoxide dismutase from pseudomonas ovalis
3se6 crystal structure of the human endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 2
3sei crystal structure of caskin1 tandem sams
3sek crystal structure of the myostatin:follistatin-like 3 complex
3seo crystal structure of vopl c terminal domain
3ser zn-mediated polymer of maltose-binding protein k26h/k30h by synthetic symmetrization
3ses cu-mediated dimer of maltose-binding protein a216h/k220h by synthetic symmetrization
3set ni-mediated dimer of maltose-binding protein a216h/k220h by synthetic symmetrization (form i)
3sex ni-mediated dimer of maltose-binding protein a216h/k220h by synthetic symmetrization (form ii)
3sf8 structural insights into thiol stabilization of dj-1
3sfc structure-based optimization of potent 4- and 6-azaindole-3- carboxamides as renin inhibitors
3sfx cryptococcus neoformans protein farnesyltransferase in complex with fpt-ii and tipifarnib
3sfy cryptococcus neoformans protein farnesyltransferase in complex with fpt-ii and ethylenediamine inhibitor 2
3sg8 crystal structure of aminoglycoside-2''-phosphotransferase type iva tobramycin complex
3sg9 crystal structure of aminoglycoside-2''-phosphotransferase type iva kanamycin a complex
3sga structures of product and inhibitor complexes of streptomyces griseus protease a at 1.8 angstroms resolution. a model for serine protease catalysis
3sgb structure of the complex of streptomyces griseus protease b and the third domain of the turkey ovomucoid inhibitor at 1.8 angstroms resolution
3sgh crystal structure of a hypothetical susd-like protein (bt_3752) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 1.70 a resolution
3sgq gln 18 variant of turkey ovomucoid inhibitor third domain complexed with streptomyces griseus proteinase b at ph 10.7
3sh7 crystal structure of fluorophore-labeled beta-lactamase penp
3sh8 crystal structure of fluorophore-labeled beta-lactamase penp in complex with cephaloridine
3sh9 crystal structure of fluorophore-labeled beta-lactamase penp in complex with cefotaxime
3shb crystal structure of phd domain of uhrf1
3shg vbht fic protein from bartonella schoenbuchensis in complex with vbha antitoxin
3shp crystal structure of putative acetyltransferase from sphaerobacter thermophilus dsm 20745
3shr crystal structure of cgmp-dependent protein kinase reveals novel site of interchain communication
3shu crystal structure of zo-1 pdz3
3shw crystal structure of zo-1 pdz3-sh3-guk supramodule complex with connexin-45 peptide
3sic molecular recognition at the active site of subtilisin bpn': crystallographic studies using genetically engineered proteinaceous inhibitor ssi (streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor)
3sid crystal structure of oxidized symerythrin from cyanophora paradoxa, azide adduct at 50% occupancy
3sie crystal structure of the pde5a1 catalytic domain in complex with novel inhibitors
3sim crystallographic structure analysis of family 18 chitinase from crocus vernus
3sis crystal structure of porcine crw-8 rotavirus vp8* in complex with aceramido-gm3_gc
3sit crystal structure of porcine crw-8 rotavirus vp8* in complex with aceramido-gm3
3siz crystal structure of the mutant s127a of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with the inhibitor bmp
3sj3 crystal structure of the mutant r160a.y206f of orotidine 5'- monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with the inhibitor bmp
3sj5 i5f mutant structure of t. tengcongensis h-nox
3sj7 structure of beta-ketoacetyl-coa reductase (fabg) from staphylococcus aureus complex with nadph
3sj9 crystal structure of the c147a mutant 3c of cva16 in complex with faglrqavtq peptide
3sjh crystal structure of a chimera containing the n-terminal domain (residues 8-29) of drosophila ciboulot and the c-terminal domain (residues 18-44) of bovine thymosin-beta4, bound to g-actin-atp- latrunculin a
3sjk crystal structure of the c147a mutant 3c from enterovirus 71
3sjn crystal structure of enolase spea_3858 (target efi-500646) from shewanella pealeana with magnesium bound
3sjt crystal structure of human arginase i in complex with the inhibitor me-abh, resolution 1.60 a, twinned structure
3sju hedamycin polyketide ketoreductase bound to nadph
3sk2 crystal structure of phenazine resistance protein ehpr from enterobacter agglomerans (erwinia herbicola, pantoea agglomerans) eh1087 in complex with griseoluteic acid
3ska i. novel hcv ns5b polymerase inhibitors: discovery of indole 2- carboxylic acids with c3-heterocycles
3skc human b-raf kinase in complex with an amide linked pyrazolopyridine inhibitor
3ske i. novel hcv ns5b polymerase inhibitors: discovery of indole 2- carboxylic acids with c3-heterocycles
3skf crystal structure of beta-site app-cleaving enzyme 1 (bace-wt) complex with (2s)-2-((3s)-3-(acetylamino)-3-(butan-2-yl)-2-oxopyrrolidin-1- yl)-n-((2s,3r)-3-hydroxy-4-((3-methoxybenzyl)amino)-1-phenylbutan-2- yl)-4-phenylbutanamide
3skh i. novel hcv ns5b polymerase inhibitors: discovery of indole 2- carboxylic acids with c3-heterocycles
3skk crystal structure of human arginase i in complex with the inhibitor fabh, resolution 1.70 a, twinned structure
3skv salicylyl-acyltransferase ssfx3 from a tetracycline biosynthetic pathway
3sl7 crystal structure of cbs-pair protein, cbsx2 from arabidopsis thaliana
3slf crystal structure of ba2930 in complex with accoa and uracil
3slz the crystal structure of xmrv protease complexed with tl-3
3sm2 the crystal structure of xmrv protease complexed with amprenavir
3smi human poly(adp-ribose) polymerase 14 (parp14/artd8) - catalytic domain in complex with a quinazoline inhibitor
3smj human poly(adp-ribose) polymerase 14 (parp14/artd8) - catalytic domain in complex with a pyrimidine-like inhibitor
3smp monoclinic crystal structure of human pantothenate kinase 1 alpha
3sn5 crystal structure of human cyp7a1 in complex with cholest-4-en-3-one
3sn7 highly potent, selective, and orally active phosphodiestarase 10a inhibitors
3sna crystal structure of sars coronavirus main protease complexed with ac- nsfsq-h (soaking)
3snb crystal structure of sars coronavirus main protease complexed with ac- dsfdq-h (soaking)
3snc crystal structure of sars coronavirus main protease complexed with ac- nstsq-h (soaking)
3sne crystal structure of sars coronavirus main protease complexed with ac- estlq-h (soaking)
3sni highly potent, selective, and orally active phosphodiestarase 10a inhibitors
3snl highly potent, selective, and orally active phosphodiestarase 10a inhibitors
3snx crystal structure of a putative susd-like carbohydrate binding protein (bt_1439) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 1.88 a resolution
3so5 crystal structure of an immunoglobulin i-set domain of lrig3 protein (lrig3) from mus musculus at 1.70 a resolution
3so9 darunavir in complex with a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease variant
3soc crystal structure of activin receptor type-iia (acvr2a) kinase domain in complex with a quinazolin
3soi crystallographic structure of bacillus licheniformis beta-lactamase w210f/w229f/w251f at 1.73 angstrom resolution
3soj francisella tularensis pilin pile
3sok dichelobacter nodosus pilin fima
3son crystal structure of a hypothetical nudix hydrolase (lmof2365_2679) from listeria monocytogenes (atcc 19115) at 1.70 a resolution
3soq the structure of the first ywtd beta propeller domain of lrp6 in complex with a dkk1 peptide
3sov the structure of a beta propeller domain in complex with peptide s
3sox structure of uhrf1 phd finger in the free form
3sp1 crystal structure of cysteinyl-trna synthetase (cyss) from borrelia burgdorferi
3sp4 crystal structure of aprataxin ortholog hnt3 from schizosaccharomyces pombe
3sp6 structural basis for iloprost as a dual pparalpha/delta agonist
3sp9 structural basis for iloprost as a dual pparalpha/delta agonist
3spa crystal structure of human mitochondrial rna polymerase
3spe crystal structure of the tail sheath protein protease resistant fragment from bacteriophage phikz
3spk tipranavir in complex with a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease variant
3spw structure of osh4p/kes1p in complex with phosphatidylinositol 4- phosphate
3sqf crystal structure of monomeric m-pmv retroviral protease
3sqj recombinant human serum albumin from transgenic plant
3sql crystal structure of glycoside hydrolase from synechococcus
3sqn putative mga family transcriptional regulator from enterococcus faecalis
3sqp structure of human glutathione reductase complexed with pyocyanin, an agent with antimalarial activity
3sr3 crystal structure of the w180a mutant of microcin immunity protein mccf from bacillus anthracis shows the active site loop in the open conformation.
3sra structure of pseudomonas aerugionsa pvdq covalently acylated with myristic acid from pvdiq
3srb structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa pvdq bound to smer28
3src structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa pvdq bound to ns2028
3srn structural changes that accompany the reduced catalytic efficiency of two semisynthetic ribonuclease analogs
3srt the crystal structure of a maltose o-acetyltransferase from clostridium difficile 630
3srv crystal structure of spleen tyrosine kinase (syk) in complex with a diaminopyrimidine carboxamide inhibitor
3srx new delhi metallo-beta-lactamase-1 complexed with cd
3ss6 crystal structure of the bacillus anthracis acetyl-coa acetyltransferase
3ss8 crystal structure of nfeob from s. thermophilus bound to gdp.alf4- and k+
3ssw e. coli trp aporepressor
3ssx e. coli trp aporeporessor l75f mutant
3st5 crystal structure of wild-type hiv-1 protease with c3-substituted hexahydrocyclopentafuranyl urethane as p2-ligand, grl-0489a
3su8 crystal structure of a truncated intracellular domain of plexin-b1 in complex with rac1
3sub crystal structure of the catalytic domain of plasmodium falciparum arf gtpase activating protein
3svh crystal structure of the bromdomain of human crebbp in complex with a 3,5-dimethylisoxazol ligand
3svk crystal structure of acetyl-coa acetyltransferase from mycobacterium avium
3svm human mpp8 - human dnmt3ak47me2 peptide
3svp structure of rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain in complex with 6-(((3r,4r)-4-(2-((2,2-difluoro-2-(3-chloro-5-fluorophenyl) ethyl)amino)ethoxy)pyrrolidin-3-yl)methyl)-4-methylpyridin-2-amine
3svq structure of rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase heme domain in complex with 6-(((3r,4r)-4-(2-((2,2-difluoro-2-(2,3-difluorophenyl)ethyl) amino)ethoxy)pyrrolidin-3-yl)methyl)-4-methylpyridin-2-amine
3svt structure of a short-chain type dehydrogenase/reductase from mycobacterium ulcerans
3svv crystal structure of t338c c-src covalently bound to vinylsulfonamide- pyrazolopyrimidine 9
3svz crystal structure of apo bt_2972, a methyltransferase from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
3sw2 x-ray crystal structure of human fxa in complex with 6-chloro-n-((3s)- 2-oxo-1-(2-oxo-2-((5s)-8-oxo-5,6-dihydro-1h-1,5-methanopyrido[1,2- a][1,5]diazocin-3(2h,4h,8h)-yl)ethyl)piperidin-3-yl)naphthalene-2- sulfonamide
3swh munc13-1, mun domain, c-terminal module
3swt crystal structure of the taurine catabolism dioxygenase, taud from mycobacterium marinum
3sww crystal structure of human dpp-iv in complex with sa-(+)-3- (aminomethyl)-4-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-6-(2-methoxyphenyl)- 2-methyl- 5h-pyrrolo[3,4-b]pyridin-7(6h)-one
3sx4 crystal structure of human dpp-iv in complex with sa-(+)-3- (aminomethyl)-4-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-6-(2-methoxyphenyl)- 2-methyl- 5h-pyrrolo[3,4-b]pyridin-7(6h)-one
3sxj crystal structure of complex of bt_2972 and adomet, a methyltransferase from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
3sxk zn2+-bound fcd domain of tm0439, a putative transcriptional regulator
3sxm metal-free fcd domain of tm0439 a putative transcriptional regulator
3sxr crystal structure of bmx non-receptor tyrosine kinase complex with dasatinib
3sxy metal-free full-length structure of tm0439, a metal-binding fcd family transcriptional regulator
3sxz metal-free fcd domain of tm0439 a putative transcriptional regulator
3sy0 s25-2- a(2-8)-a(2-4)kdo trisaccharide complex
3sy5 crystal structure of the mutant s127a of orotidine 5'-monophosphate decarboxylase from methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum complexed with the inhibitor 6azaump
3sy6 crystal structure of a fimbrial protein bf1861 [bacteroides fragilis nctc 9343] (bf1861) from bacteroides fragilis nctc 9343 at 1.90 a resolution
3syk crystal structure of the aaa+ protein cbbx, selenomethionine structure
3syl crystal structure of the aaa+ protein cbbx, native structure
3syq crystal structure of the g protein-gated inward rectifier k+ channel girk2 (kir3.2) r201a mutant in complex with pip2
3sza crystal structure of human aldh3a1 - apo form
3szb crystal structure of human aldh3a1 modified with the beta-elimination product of aldi-1; 1-phenyl- 2-propen-1-one
3szl isph:ligand mutants - wt 70sec
3szo isph:hmbpp complex after 3 minutes x-ray pre-exposure
3szp full-length structure of the vibrio cholerae virulence activator, aphb, a member of the lttr protein family
3szt quorum sensing control repressor, qscr, bound to n-3-oxo-dodecanoyl-l- homoserine lactone
3szu isph:hmbpp complex structure of e126q mutant
3t04 crystal structure of monobody 7c12/abl1 sh2 domain complex
3t0f isph:hmbpp (substrate) structure of the e126d mutant
3t0g isph:hmbpp (substrate) structure of the t167c mutant
3t0i crystal structure of complex of bt_2972 and adohcy, a methyltransferase from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
3t0p crystal structure of a putative dna polymerase iii beta subunit (eubrec_0002; ere_29750) from eubacterium rectale atcc 33656 at 2.26 a resolution
3t13 crystal structure of staphylococcal nuclease variant delta+phs a69g at cryogenic temperature
3t19 crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (wild type) in complex with inhibitor m05
3t1a crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (k103n mutant) in complex with inhibitor m05
3t1f crystal structure of the mouse cd1d-glc-dag-s2 complex
3t1k hsp90 n-terminal domain bound to anp
3t1o mgla bound to gdp
3t2a tmao-grown cubic insulin (porcine)
3t2s hsp90 n-terminal domain bound to ags
3t2t crystal structure of human galectin-1 in complex with methyl 2-o- acetyl-3-o-toluoyl-beta-d-talopyranoside
3t2z crystal structure of sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase from acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
3t32 crystal structure of a putative c-s lyase from bacillus anthracis
3t38 corynebacterium glutamicum thioredoxin-dependent arsenate reductase cg_arsc1'
3t3a crystal structure of h107r mutant of extracellular domain of mouse receptor nkr-p1a
3t3x 1.57 a structure of friedreich's ataxia frataxin variant r165c
3t41 1.95 angstrom resolution crystal structure of epidermin leader peptide processing serine protease (epip) s393a mutant from staphylococcus aureus
3t43 crystal structure of hiv epitope-scaffold 4e10_1xiza_s0_006_c
3t47 crystal structure of truncated form of staphylococcal complement inhibitor d (scin-d) at 1.3 angstrom
3t48 crystal structure of truncated form of staphylococcal complement inhibitor d (scin-d) at 1.5 angstrom
3t4d crystal structure of nak2k channel y55f mutant
3t4e 1.95 angstrom crystal structure of shikimate 5-dehydrogenase (aroe) from salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar typhimurium in complex with nad
3t4j arabidopsis histidine kinase 4 sensor domain in complex with n- isopentenyl adenine
3t4k arabidopsis histidine kinase 4 sensor domain in complex with n- benzyladenine
3t4l arabidopsis histidine kinase 4 sensor domain in complex with trans- zeatin
3t4o arabidopsis histidine kinase 4 sensor domain in complex with dihydrozeatin
3t4q arabidopsis histidine kinase 4 sensor domain in complex with trans- zeatin riboside (hydrolysed)
3t4s arabidopsis histidine kinase 4 sensor domain in complex with kinetin
3t4t arabidopsis histidine kinase 4 sensor domain in complex with thiadiazuron
3t4x short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family oxidoreductase from bacillus anthracis str. ames ancestor
3t4y s25-2- kdo monosaccharide complex
3t4z crystal structure of nak2k channel y55w mutant
3t5c crystal structure of n-terminal domain of facl13 from mycobacterium tuberculosis in different space group c2
3t5d crystal structure of septin 7 in complex with gdp
3t5g structure of fully modified farnesylated rheb in complex with pde6d
3t5m crystal structure of the s112a mutant of mycrocine immunity protein (mccf) with amp
3t5y crystal structure of cerj from streptomyces tendae - malonic acid covalently linked to the catalytic cystein c116
3t61 crystal structure of a gluconokinase from sinorhizobium meliloti 1021
3t65 s25-2- a(2-8)kdo disaccharide complex
3t69 crystal structure of a putative 2-dehydro-3-deoxygalactonokinase protein from sinorhizobium meliloti
3t6c crystal structure of an enolase from pantoea ananatis (efi target efi- 501676) with bound d-gluconate and mg
3t6f biotin complex of y54f core streptavidin
3t6k crystal structure of a hypothetical response regulator (caur_3799) from chloroflexus aurantiacus j-10-fl at 1.86 a resolution
3t6s crystal structure of cerj from streptomyces tendae in complex with coa
3t77 s25-2- a(2-4)kdo disaccharide complex
3t7b crystal structure of n-acetyl-l-glutamate kinase from yersinia pestis
3t7h atg8 transfer from atg7 to atg3: a distinctive e1-e2 architecture and mechanism in the autophagy pathway
3t7m crystal structure of human glycogenin-1 (gyg1) complexed with manganese and udp, in a triclinic closed form
3t7n crystal structure of human glycogenin-1 (gyg1) complexed with manganese and udp, in a monoclinic closed form
3t7o crystal structure of human glycogenin-1 (gyg1) complexed with manganese, udp-glucose and glucose
3t7r crystal structure of apo bvu_3255, a methyltransferase from bacteroides vulgatus atcc 8482
3t7u a new crytal structure of apc-arm
3t7y structure of an autocleavage-inactive mutant of the cytoplasmic domain of ct091, the yscu homologue of chlamydia trachomatis
3t81 crystal structure of diiron adenine deaminase
3t8b crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis menb with altered hexameric assembly
3t8e crystal structure of cerj from streptomyces tendae soaked with cervik
3t8k the crystal structure of a functionally unknown protein lebu_0176 from leptotrichia buccalis c-1013-b
3t8l crystal structure of adenine deaminase with mn/fe
3t8q crystal structure of mandelate racemase/muconate lactonizing enzyme family protein from hoeflea phototrophica
3t8s apo and insp3-bound crystal structures of the ligand-binding domain of an insp3 receptor
3t8y crystal structure of the response regulator domain of thermotoga maritima cheb
3t91 structure of the phosphatase domain of the cell fate determinant spoiie from bacillus subtilis
3t9p crystal structure of a putative mandelate racemase/muconate lactonizing enzyme family protein from roseovarius
3t9q structure of the phosphatase domain of the cell fate determinant spoiie from bacillus subtilis (mn presoaked)
3t9v cnqx bound to a reduced double cysteine mutant (a452c/s652c) of the ligand binding domain of glua2
3ta6 structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis triosephosphate isomerase
3tac crystal structure of the liprin-alpha/cask complex
3tah crystal structure of an s. thermophilus nfeob n11a mutant bound to mgdp
3tai crystal structure of nura
3tak crystal structure of the complex of dhdps from acinetobacter baumannii with pyruvate at 1.4 a resolution
3tal crystal structure of nura with manganese
3tam crystal structure of hiv-1 reverse transcriptase (k103n mutant) in complex with inhibitor m06
3tao structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis triosephosphate isomerase bound to phosphoglycolohydroxamate
3tau crystal structure of a putative guanylate monophosphaste kinase from listeria monocytogenes egd-e
3tav crystal structure of a methionine aminopeptidase from mycobacterium abscessus
3taz crystal structure of nura bound to damp and manganese
3tb6 structure of the effector-binding domain of arabinose repressor arar from bacillus subtilis
3tbi crystal structure of t4 gp33 bound to e. coli rnap beta-flap domain
3tbm crystal structure of a type 4 cdgsh iron-sulfur protein.
3tc1 crystal structure of octaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase from helicobacter pylori
3tc8 crystal structure of a hypothetical zn-dependent exopeptidase (bdi_3547) from parabacteroides distasonis atcc 8503 at 1.06 a resolution
3tc9 crystal structure of a hypothetical hydrolase (bt_3476) from bacteroides thetaiotaomicron vpi-5482 at 2.23 a resolution
3tce crystal structure of the complex of dihydrodipicolinate synthase from acinetobacter baumannii with 5-hydroxylysine at 2.6 a resolution
3tcr crystal structure of a molybdopterin biosynthesis protein from mycobacterium abscessus
3tcs crystal structure of a putative racemase from roseobacter denitrificans
3tcu crystal structure of nak2k channel d68e mutant
3tcv crystal structure of a gcn5-related n-acetyltransferase from brucella melitensis
3tdf crystal structure of the complex of dihydrodipicolinate synthase from acinetobacter baumannii with 2-ketobutanoic acid at 1.99 a resolution
3tdj crystal structure of the glua2 ligand-binding domain (s1s2j-l483y- n754s) in complex with glutamate and bpam-97 at 1.95 a resolution
3tdn computationally designed two-fold symmetric tim-barrel protein, flr
3tdq crystal structure of a fimbrial biogenesis protein pily2 (pily2_pa4555) from pseudomonas aeruginosa pao1 at 2.10 a resolution
3te7 quinone oxidoreductase (nq02) bound to the imidazoacridin-6-one 5a1
3te8 crystal structure of riss periplasmic domain at low ph dimer with n- termini ordered
3te9 1.8 angstrom resolution crystal structure of k135m mutant of transaldolase b (tala) from francisella tularensis in complex with fructose 6-phosphate
3teb endonuclease/exonuclease/phosphatase family protein from leptotrichia buccalis c-1013-b
3tec calcium binding to thermitase. crystallographic studies of thermitase at 0, 5 and 100 mm calcium
3teh crystal structure of thermus thermophilus phenylalanyl-trna synthetase comlexed with l-dopa
3tej crystal structure of a domain fragment involved in peptide natural product biosynthesis
3tek thermodbp: a non-canonical single-stranded dna binding protein with a novel structure and mechanism
3tem quinone oxidoreductase (nq02) bound to the imidazoacridin-6-one 6a1
3tev the crystal structure of glycosyl hydrolase from deinococcus radiodurans r1
3tf0 crystal structure of an h-nox protein from t. tengcongensis
3tf1 crystal structure of an h-nox protein from t. tengcongensis under 6 atm of xenon
3tf3 crystal structure of metal-free human arginase i
3tf4 endo/exocellulase:cellotriose from thermomonospora
3tf8 crystal structure of an h-nox protein from nostoc sp. pcc 7120
3tf9 crystal structure of an h-nox protein from nostoc sp. pcc 7120 under 1 atm of xenon
3tfa crystal structure of an h-nox protein from nostoc sp. pcc 7120 under 6 atm of xenon
3tfb transthyretin natural mutant a25t
3tfc 1.95 angstrom crystal structure of a bifunctional 3-deoxy-7- phosphoheptulonate synthase/chorismate mutase (aroa) from listeria monocytogenes egd-e in complex with phosphoenolpyruvate
3tfd crystal structure of an h-nox protein from nostoc sp. pcc 7120, l66w mutant
3tfe crystal structure of an h-nox protein from nostoc sp. pcc 7120, l66w mutant under 6 atm of xenon
3tff crystal structure of an h-nox protein from nostoc sp. pcc 7120, l67w mutant
3tfg crystal structure of an h-nox protein from nostoc sp. pcc 7120, l66w/l67w double mutant
3tfh dmsp-dependent demethylase from p. ubique - apo
3tfi dmsp-dependent demethylase from p. ubique - with substrate dmsp
3tfj dmsp-dependent demethylase from p. ubique - with cofactor thf
3tft crystal structure of 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid synthase (bioa) from mycobacterium tuberculosis, pre-reaction complex with a 3,6- dihydropyrid-2-one heterocycle inhibitor
3tfu crystal structure of 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid synthase (bioa) from mycobacterium tuberculosis, post-reaction complex with a 3,6- dihydropyrid-2-one heterocycle inhibitor
3tfw crystal structure of a putative o-methyltransferase from klebsiella pneumoniae
3tfx crystal structure of orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase from lactobacillus acidophilus
3tg5 structure of smyd2 in complex with p53 and sah
3tg9 the crystal structure of penicillin binding protein from bacillus halodurans
3tgi wild-type rat anionic trypsin complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (bpti)
3tgj s195a trypsinogen complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (bpti)
3tgk trypsinogen mutant d194n and deletion of ile 16-val 17 complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (bpti)
3tgn crystal structure of the zinc-dependent marr family transcriptional regulator adcr in the zn(ii)-bound state
3tgz crystal structure analysis of w35f/h207w mutant of human clic1
3th6 crystal structure of triosephosphate isomerase from rhipicephalus (boophilus) microplus.
3th7 crystal structure of unliganded co2+2-hai (ph 7.0)
3th9 crystal structure of hiv-1 protease mutant q7k v32i l63i with a cyclic sulfonamide inhibitor
3tha tryptophan synthase subunit alpha from campylobacter jejuni.
3the crystal structure of co2+2-hai (ph 8.5)
3thh crystal structure of the co2+2-hai-abh complex
3thj crystal structure of the co2+2-hai-l-orn complex
3tho crystal structure of mre11:rad50 in its atp/adp bound state
3ti3 crystal structure of 2009 pandemic h1n1 neuraminidase complexed with laninamivir
3ti4 crystal structure of 2009 pandemic h1n1 neuraminidase complexed with laninamivir octanoate
3ti5 crystal structure of 2009 pandemic h1n1 neuraminidase complexed with zanamivir
3ti6 crystal structure of 2009 pandemic h1n1 neuraminidase complexed with oseltamivir
3ti8 crystal structure of influenza a virus neuraminidase n5 complexed with laninamivir
3tii tubulin tyrosine ligase
3tj1 crystal structure of rna polymerase i transcription initiation factor rrn3
3tj4 crystal structure of an enolase from agrobacterium tumefaciens (efi target efi-502087) no mg
3tj5 human vinculin head domain (vh1, residues 1-258) in complex with the vinculin binding site of the surface cell antigen 4 (sca4-vbs-n; residues 412-434) from rickettsia rickettsii
3tj6 human vinculin head domain (vh1, residues 1-258) in complex with the vinculin binding site of the surface cell antigen 4 (sca4-vbs-c; residues 812-835) from rickettsia rickettsii
3tj8 crystal structure of helicobacter pylori uree bound to ni2+
3tjc co-crystal structure of jak2 with thienopyridine 8
3tjd co-crystal structure of jak2 with thienopyridine 19
3tjr crystal structure of a rv0851c ortholog short chain dehydrogenase from mycobacterium paratuberculosis
3tju crystal structure of human granzyme h with an inhibitor
3tjv crystal structure of human granzyme h with a peptidyl substrate
3tk1 crystal structure of a meab and rv1496 ortholog from mycobacterium thermoresistible bound to gdp
3tk7 2.0 angstrom resolution crystal structure of transaldolase b (tala) from francisella tularensis in covalent complex with fructose 6- phosphate
3tkd crystal structure of the glua2 ligand-binding domain (s1s2j-l483y- n754s) in complex with glutamate and cyclothiazide at 1.45 a resolution
3tkf 1.5 angstrom resolution crystal structure of k135m mutant of transaldolase b (tala) from francisella tularensis in complex with sedoheptulose 7-phosphate.
3tku mrck beta in complex with fasudil
3tl0 structure of shp2 n-sh2 domain in complex with rlnpyaqlwhr peptide
3tl3 structure of a short-chain type dehydrogenase/reductase from mycobacterium ulcerans
3tlp crystal structure of the fourth bromodomain of human poly-bromodomain containing protein 1 (pb1)
3tmy chey from thermotoga maritima (mn-iii)
3tnf lida from legionella in complex with active rab8a
3tno 1.65 angstrom resolution crystal structure of transaldolase b (tala) from francisella tularensis in covalent complex with sedoheptulose-7- phosphate
3to1 two surfaces on rtt106 mediate histone binding and chaperone activity
3to3 crystal structure of petrobactin biosynthesis protein asbb from bacillus anthracis str. sterne
3to6 crystal structure of yeast esa1 hat domain complexed with h4k16coa bisubstrate inhibitor
3tod crystal structure of c-lobe of bovine lactoferrin complexed with 1- butyl-1h-pyrazole-5-carboxylic acid at 1.38 a resolution
3toj structure of the spry domain of human ash2l
3ton crystral structure of the c-terminal subunit of human maltase- glucoamylase
3top crystral structure of the c-terminal subunit of human maltase- glucoamylase in complex with acarbose
3tot crystal structure of glutathione transferase (target efi-501058) from ralstonia solanacearum gmi1000
3tou crystal structure of glutathione transferase (target efi-501058) from ralstonia solanacearum gmi1000 with gsh bound
3tov the crystal structure of the glycosyl transferase family 9 from veillonella parvula dsm 2008
3tp4 crystal structure of engineered protein at the resolution 1.98a, northeast structural genomics consortium target or128
3tp9 crystal structure of alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius protein with beta-lactamase and rhodanese domains
3tpi the geometry of the reactive site and of the peptide groups in trypsin, trypsinogen and its complexes with inhibitors
3tpm crystal structure of mal rpel domain in complex with importin-alpha
3tqc structure of the pantothenate kinase (coaa) from coxiella burnetii
3tqf structure of the hpr(ser) kinase/phosphatase from coxiella burnetii
3tqg structure of the 2-methylcitrate synthase (prpc) from coxiella burnetii
3tqj structure of the superoxide dismutase (fe) (sodb) from coxiella burnetii
3tqp structure of an enolase (eno) from coxiella burnetii
3tqt structure of the d-alanine-d-alanine ligase from coxiella burnetii
3tqv structure of the nicotinate-nucleotide pyrophosphorylase from francisella tularensis.
3tqw structure of a abc transporter, periplasmic substrate-binding protein from coxiella burnetii
3tqx structure of the 2-amino-3-ketobutyrate coenzyme a ligase (kbl) from coxiella burnetii
3tr2 structure of a orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase (pyrf) from coxiella burnetii
3tr3 structure of a bola protein homologue from coxiella burnetii
3tr8 structure of an oligoribonuclease (orn) from coxiella burnetii
3trb structure of an addiction module antidote protein of a higa (higa) family from coxiella burnetii
3trf structure of a shikimate kinase (arok) from coxiella burnetii
3tri structure of a pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase (proc) from coxiella burnetii
3trv crystal structure of quasiracemic villin headpiece subdomain containing (f5phe17) substitution
3trw crystal structure of racemic villin headpiece subdomain crystallized in space group p-1
3ts7 crystal structure of farnesyl diphosphate synthase (target efi-501951) from methylococcus capsulatus
3tsb crystal structure of inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase from bacillus anthracis str. ames
3tsd crystal structure of inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase from bacillus anthracis str. ames complexed with xmp
3tsm crystal structure of indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase from brucella melitensis
3tsz crystal structure of pdz3-sh3-guk core module from human zo-1 in complex with 12mer peptide from human jam-a cytoplasmic tail
3ttb structure of the thioalkalivibrio paradoxus cytochrome c nitrite reductase in complex with sulfite
3tte crystal structure of enolase brado_4202 (target efi-501651) from bradyrhizobium complexed with magnesium and mandelic acid
3ttz crystal structure of a topoisomerase atpase inhibitor
3tuv crystal structure of insulysin with bound atp
3tv1 crystal structure of rtca.amp product complex
3tv3 crystal structure of broad and potent hiv-1 neutralizing antibody pgt128 in complex with man9
3tv4 human b-raf kinase domain in complex with an bromopyridine benzamide inhibitor
3tv6 human b-raf kinase domain in complex with a methoxypyrazolopyridinyl benzamide inhibitor
3tv8 pharmacological chaperoning in human alpha-galactosidase
3tva crystal structure of xylose isomerase domain protein from planctomyces limnophilus
3tvx the structure of pde4a with pentoxifylline at 2.84a resolution
3tw2 high resolution structure of human histidine triad nucleotide-binding protein 1 (hhint1)/amp complex in a monoclinic space group
3tw4 crystal structure of human septin 7 gtpase domain
3tw5 crystal structure of the gp42 transglutaminase from phytophthora sojae
3tw7 structure of rhizobium etli pyruvate carboxylase t882a crystallized without acetyl coenzyme-a
3twc crystal structure of broad and potent hiv-1 neutralizing antibody pgt127 in complex with man9
3twd glmuc1 in complex with an antibacterial inhibitor
3two the crystal structure of cad from helicobacter pylori complexed with nadp(h)
3twq crystal structure of arc4 from human tankyrase 2 (apo form)
3twu crystal structure of arc4 from human tankyrase 2 in complex with peptide from human mcl1
3tx3 cysz, a putative sulfate permease
3tx7 crystal structure of lrh-1/beta-catenin complex
3ty0 structure of ppargamma ligand binding domain in complex with (r)-5-(3- ((3-(6-methoxybenzo[d]isoxazol-3-yl)-2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1h- benzo[d]imidazol-1-yl)methyl)phenyl)-5-methyloxazolidine-2,4-dione
3ty2 structure of a 5'-nucleotidase (sure) from coxiella burnetii
3ty3 crystal structure of homoisocitrate dehydrogenase from schizosaccharomyces pombe bound to glycyl-glycyl-glycine
3ty4 crystal structure of homoisocitrate dehydrogenase from schizosaccharomyces pombe
3ty5 crystal structure of c. thermocellum pnkp ligase domain in complex with atp
3ty7 crystal structure of aldehyde dehydrogenase family protein from staphylococcus aureus
3ty8 crystal structure of c. thermocellum pnkp ligase domain apo form
3tyr crystal structure of transcriptional regulator vanug, form i
3tyx crystal structure of the f177s mutant of mycrocine immunity protein (mccf) with amp
3tyy crystal structure of human lamin-b1 coil 2 segment
3tza crystal structure of the glua2 ligand-binding domain (s1s2j) in complex with the antagonist (s)-2-amino-3-(2-(2-carboxyethyl)-5- chloro-4-nitrophenyl)propionic acid at 1.9a resolution
3tze crystal structure of a tryptophanyl-trna synthetase from encephalitozoon cuniculi bound to tryptophan
3tzg crystal structure of a hypothetical protein bvu_2266 (bvu_2266) from bacteroides vulgatus atcc 8482 at 2.80 a resolution
3tzk crystal structure of 3-ketoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase (fabg)(g92a) from vibrio cholerae
3tzl crystal structure of tryptophanyl-trna synthetase from campylobacter jejuni complexed with adp and tryptophane
3tzo the role of i87 of cyp158a2 in oxidative coupling reaction
3tzt the structure of a protein in glycosyl transferase family 8 from anaerococcus prevotii.
3u03 the structure of human siderocalin bound to the bacterial siderophore pyochelin
3u09 crystal structure of 3-ketoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase (fabg)(g92d) from vibrio cholerae
3u0a crystal structure of an acyl-coa thioesterase ii tesb2 from mycobacterium marinum
3u0h the structure of a xylose isomerase domain protein from alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius subsp. acidocaldarius.
3u0j crystal structure of adp-ribosyltransferase hopu1 of pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato dc3000
3u0z tetramerization dynamics of the c-terminus underlies isoform-specific camp-gating in hcn channels
3u11 tetramerization dynamics of the c-terminus underlies isoform-specific camp-gating in hcn channels
3u12 the pleckstrin homology (ph) domain of usp37
3u1b crystal structure of the s238r mutant of mycrocine immunity protein (mccf) with amp
3u1c anti-parallel dimer of n-terminal 98-aa fragment of smooth muscle tropomyosin alpha
3u1d the structure of a protein with a gntr superfamily winged-helix-turn- helix domain from halomicrobium mukohataei.
3u1h crystal structure of ipmdh from the last common ancestor of bacillus
3u1o three dimensional structure of de novo designed cysteine esterase ech19, northeast structural genomics consortium target or49
3u1s crystal structure of human fab pgt145, a broadly reactive and potent hiv-1 neutralizing antibody
3u1t haloalkane dehalogenase, dmma, of marine microbial origin
3u1x crystal structure of a putative glycosyl hydrolase (bdi_1869) from parabacteroides distasonis atcc 8503 at 1.70 a resolution
3u1y potent inhibitors of lpxc for the treatment of gram-negative infections
3u21 crystal structure of a fragment of nuclear factor related to kappa-b- binding protein (residues 370-495) (nfrkb) from homo sapiens at 2.18 a resolution
3u22 crystal structure of a putative hmuy_like heme binding protein (bvu_2192) from bacteroides vulgatus atcc 8482 at 2.12 a resolution
3u23 atomic resolution crystal structure of the 2nd sh3 domain from human cd2ap (cms) in complex with a proline-rich peptide from human rin3
3u25 crystal structure of p. aeruginoas azurin containing a tyr-his hydrogen bonded pair
3u2d s. aureus gyrb atpase domain in complex with small molecule inhibitor
3u2k s. aureus gyrb atpase domain in complex with a small molecule inhibitor
3u2u crystal structure of human glycogenin-1 (gyg1) complexed with manganese, udp and maltotetraose
3u2v crystal structure of human glycogenin-1 (gyg1) complexed with manganese, udp and maltohexaose
3u2w crystal structure of human glycogenin-1 (gyg1) complexed with manganese and glucose or a glucal species
3u2x crystal structure of human glycogenin-1 (gyg1) complexed with manganese, udp and 1'-deoxyglucose
3u31 plasmodium falciparum sir2a preferentially hydrolyzes medium and long chain fatty acyl lysine
3u3d plasmodium falciparum sir2a preferentially hydrolyzes medium and long chain fatty acyl lysine
3u3j crystal structure of hsult1a1 bound to pap
3u3k crystal structure of hsult1a1 bound to pap and 2-naphtol
3u4b ch04h/ch02l fab p4
3u4o novel hcv ns5b polymerase inhibitors: discovery of indole c2 acyl sulfonamides
3u4r novel hcv ns5b polymerase inhibitors: discovery of indole c2 acyl sulfonamides
3u4t crystal structure of the c-terminal part of the tpr repeat-containing protein q11ti6_cyth3 from cytophaga hutchinsonii. northeast structural genomics consortium target chr11b.
3u4v crystal structure of the tetrahymena telomerase processivity factor teb1 ob-a
3u4y the crystal structure of a functionally unknown protein (dtox_1751) from desulfotomaculum acetoxidans dsm 771.
3u4z crystal structure of the tetrahymena telomerase processivity factor teb1 ob-b
3u57 structures of alkaloid biosynthetic glucosidases decode substrate specificity
3u5u structures of alkaloid biosynthetic glucosidases decode substrate specificity
3u5y structures of alkaloid biosynthetic glucosidases decode substrate specificity
3u6g crystal structure of a domain of unknown function, duf4425 (bvu_3708) from bacteroides vulgatus atcc 8482 at 1.35 a resolution
3u6u crystal structure of the putative acetylglutamate kinase from thermus thermophilus
3u6v crystal structure analysis of l23a mutant of human gst a1-1
3u72 crystal structure of c-lobe of bovine lactoferrin complexed with isoniazid at 2.2 a resolution
3u7s hiv pr drug resistant patient's variant in complex with darunavir
3u7w crystal structure of nih45-46 fab
3u7z crystal structure of a putative metal binding protein rumgna_00854 (zp_02040092.1) from ruminococcus gnavus atcc 29149 at 1.30 a resolution
3u80 1.60 angstrom resolution crystal structure of a 3-dehydroquinate dehydratase-like protein from bifidobacterium longum
3u8g crystal structure of the complex of dihydrodipicolinate synthase from acinetobacter baumannii with oxalic acid at 1.80 a resolution
3u8q crystal structure of c-lobe of bovine lactoferrin complexed with phenyl-propanolamine at 1.97 a resolution
3u8v three dimensional structure of the small metal binding protein, smbp
3u9e the crystal structure of a possible phosphate acetyl/butaryl transferase (from listeria monocytogenes egd-e) in complex with coa.
3u9h complex structure of human tankyrase 2 with nicotinamide
3u9i the crystal structure of mandelate racemase/muconate lactonizing enzyme from roseiflexus sp.
3u9q ligand binding domain of ppargamma complexed with decanoic acid and pgc-1a peptide
3u9t crystal structure of p. aeruginosa 3-methylcrotonyl-coa carboxylase (mcc) 750 kd holoenzyme, free enzyme
3u9z crystal structure between actin and a protein construct containing the first beta-thymosin domain of drosophila ciboulot (residues 2-58) with the three mutations n26d/q27k/d28s
3ua3 crystal structure of protein arginine methyltransferase prmt5 in complex with sah
3ua4 crystal structure of protein arginine methyltransferase prmt5
3ua9 crystal structure of human tankyrase 2 in complex with a selective inhibitor
3uak crystal structure of de novo designed cysteine esterase ech14, northeast structural genomics consortium target or54
3ual crystal structure of 14-3-3 epsilon with mlf1 peptide
3uat guanylate kinase domains of the maguk family scaffold proteins as specific phospho-protein binding modules
3ubg crystal structure of drosophila n-cadherin ec1-3, ii
3ubk crystal structure of glutathione transferase (target efi-501770) from leptospira interrogans
3ubl crystal structure of glutathione transferase (target efi-501770) from leptospira interrogans with gsh bound
3ubo the crystal structure of adenosine kinase from sinorhizobium meliloti
3ubw complex of 14-3-3 isoform epsilon, a mlf1 phosphopeptide and a small fragment hit from a fbdd screen
3uc4 the crystal structure of snf1-related kinase 2.6
3uca crystal structure of isoprenoid synthase (target efi-501974) from clostridium perfringens
3ucj coccomyxa beta-carbonic anhydrase in complex with acetazolamide
3uck coccomyxa beta-carbonic anhydrase in complex with phosphate
3ucm coccomyxa beta-carbonic anhydrase in complex with thiocyanate
3ucn coccomyxa beta-carbonic anhydrase in complex with azide
3uco coccomyxa beta-carbonic anhydrase in complex with iodide
3udf crystal structure of apo pbp1a from acinetobacter baumannii
3udi crystal structure of acinetobacter baumannii pbp1a in complex with penicillin g
3udx crystal structure of acinetobacter baumannii pbp1a in complex with imipenem
3ue0 crystal structure of acinetobacter baumannii pbp1a in complex with aztreonam
3ue1 crystal strucuture of acinetobacter baumanni pbp1a in complex with mc- 1
3uf0 crystal structure of a putative nad(p) dependent gluconate 5- dehydrogenase from beutenbergia cavernae(efi target efi-502044) with bound nadp (low occupancy)
3uf6 the crystal structure of a possible phosphate acetyl/butaryl transferase (from listeria monocytogenes egd-e) in complex with cod (3'-dephosphocoenzyme a)
3ufg the crystal structure of glycyl-trna synthetase subunit alpha from campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni nctc in complex with atp
3ugf crystal structure of a 6-sst/6-sft from pachysandra terminalis
3ugg crystal structure of a 6-sst/6-sft from pachysandra terminalis in complex with 1-kestose
3ugh crystal structure of a 6-sst/6-sft from pachysandra terminalis in complex with 6-kestose
3ugs crystal structure of a probable undecaprenyl diphosphate synthase (upps) from campylobacter jejuni
3ugw crystal structure of c-lobe of bovine lactoferrin complexed with deoxycytidine at 1.87 a resolution
3ugy hbi (f80y) co bound
3ugz hbi (l36a) co bound
3uh3 hbi (l36v) co bound
3uh5 hbi (l36f) co bound
3uh6 hbi (t72a) co bound
3uh7 hbi (t72g) co bound
3uhb hbi (r104k) co bound
3uhc hbi (n79a) co bound
3uhd hbi (n100a) co bound
3uhe hbi (m37v,l73i) co bound
3uhg hbi (l36m) co bound
3uhh hbi (m37a) co bound
3uhn hbi (f80y) deoxy
3uhq hbi (l36a) deoxy
3uhr hbi (l36f) deoxy
3uhs hbi (l36m) deoxy
3uht hbi (l36v) deoxy
3uhu hbi (m37a) deoxy
3uhv hbi (m37v,l73i) deoxy
3uhw hbi (n79a) deoxy
3uhx hbi (n100a) deoxy
3uhy hbi (r104k) deoxy
3uhz hbi (t72a) deoxy
3ui0 hbi (t72g) deoxy
3ui2 crystal structure of the cpsrp54 tail bound to cpsrp43
3ui7 discovery of orally active pyrazoloquinoline as a potent pde10 inhibitor for the management of schizophrenia
3uid crystal structure of protein ms6760 from mycobacterium smegmatis
3uj7 phosphoethanolamine methyltransferase from plasmodium falciparum in complex with sam and po4
3ujh crystal structure of substrate-bound glucose-6-phosphate isomerase from toxoplasma gondii
3uk1 crystal structure of a transketolase from burkholderia thailandensis with an oxidized cysteinesulfonic acid in the active site
3uk2 the structure of pantothenate synthetase from burkholderia thailandensis
3uk4 crystal structure of c-lobe of bovine lactoferrin complexed with 1,2, 5-pentanetriol at 1.98 a resolution
3ul3 structural insights into thioredoxin-2: a component of malaria parasite protein secretion machinery
3ull human mitochondrial single-stranded dna binding protein
3ulq crystal structure of the anti-activator rapf complexed with the response regulator coma dna binding domain
3umz crystal structure of the human mdc1 fha domain
3un0 crystal structure of mdc1 fha domain
3unm crystal structure of the human mdc1 fha domain
3unn monomeric structure of the human mdc1 fha domain in complex with an mdc1 phospho-t4 peptide
3unz aurora a in complex with rpm1679
3uo2 jac1 co-chaperone from saccharomyces cerevisiae
3uo3 jac1 co-chaperone from saccharomyces cerevisiae, 5-182 clone
3uo6 aurora a in complex with yl5-083
3uoe the crystal structure of dehydrogenase from sinorhizobium meliloti
3uog crystal structure of putative alcohol dehydrogenase from sinorhizobium meliloti 1021
3uoh aurora a in complex with rpm1722
3uoj aurora a in complex with rpm1715
3uok aurora a in complex with yl5-81-1
3uol aurora a in complex with so2-162
3uor the structure of the sugar-binding protein male from the phytopathogen xanthomonas citri
3uow crystal structure of pf10_0123, a gmp synthetase from plasmodium falciparum
3up3 nuclear receptor daf-12 from hookworm ancylostoma ceylanicum in complex with (25s)-cholestenoic acid
3up6 crystal structure of a hypothetical protein bacova_04078 [bacteroides ovatus atcc 8483] (zp_02067074.1, sp17169a, jcsg 417104) from bacteroides ovatus atcc 8483 at 2.80 a resolution
3up8 crystal structure of a putative 2,5-diketo-d-gluconic acid reductase b
3upb 1.5 angstrom resolution crystal structure of transaldolase from francisella tularensis in covalent complex with arabinose-5-phosphate
3uph synthesis of novel 4,5-dihydrofurano indoles and their evaluation as hcv ns5b polymerase inhibitors
3upi synthesis of novel 4,5-dihydrofurano indoles and their evaluation as hcv ns5b polymerase inhibitors
3upj human immunodeficiency virus type 2 protease mutant with lys 57 replaced by leu (k57l) complex with u096333 [4- hydroxy-3-[1-(phenyl)propyl]-7-methoxycoumarin]
3upt crystal structure of a transketolase from burkholderia pseudomallei bound to tpp, calcium and ribose-5-phosphate
3upv tpr2b-domain:phsp70-complex of yeast sti1
3uqh crystal strcuture of aba receptor pyl10 (apo)
3uqn crystal structure of dihydrodipicolinate synthase from acinetobacter baumannii complexed with oxamic acid at 1.9 angstrom resolution
3ur4 crystal structure of human wd repeat domain 5 with compound
3urh crystal structure of a dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase from sinorhizobium meliloti 1021
3urr structure of pts iia-like nitrogen-regulatory protein ptsn (bth_i0484) (ptsn)
3ury crystal structure of superantigen-like protein, exotoxin from staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus nctc 8325
3urz crystal structure of a hypothetical protein (bacova_03105) from bacteroides ovatus atcc 8483 at 2.19 a resolution
3us8 crystal structure of an isocitrate dehydrogenase from sinorhizobium meliloti 1021
3usb crystal structure of bacillus anthracis inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase in the complex with imp
3usd crystal structure of c-lobe of bovine lactoferrin complexed with imidazol (1,2 a) pyridine3-yl-acitic acid at 2.4 a resolution
3ush crystal structure of the q2s0r5 protein from salinibacter ruber, northeast structural genomics consortium target srr207
3usi crystal structure of leut bound to l-leucine in space group p2 from lipid bicelles
3usj crystal structure of leut bound to l-leucine in space group p21 from lipid bicelles
3uso crystal structure of leut bound to l-selenomethionine in space group p21212 from lipid bicelles
3uss crystal structure of cysteine dioxygenase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
3usy crystal structure of flig (residue 116-343) from h. pylori
3utk structure of the pilotin of the type ii secretion system
3uu9 structure of the free tvnirb form of thioalkalivibrio nitratireducens cytochrome c nitrite reductase
3uuo the discovery of potent, selectivity, and orally bioavailable pyrozoloquinolines as pde10 inhibitors for the treatment of schizophrenia
3uv0 crystal structure of the drosophila mu2 fha domain
3uvh crystal structure analysis of e81m mutant of human clic1
3uvk crystal structure of wdr5 in complex with the wdr5-interacting motif of mll2
3uvl crystal structure of wdr5 in complex with the wdr5-interacting motif of mll3
3uvm crystal structure of wdr5 in complex with the wdr5-interacting motif of mll4
3uvo crystal structure of wdr5 in complex with the wdr5-interacting motif of set1b
3uvw crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human brd4 in complex with a diacetylated histone 4 peptide (h4k5ack8ac)
3uvx crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human brd4 in complex with a diacetylated histone 4 peptide (h4k12ack16ac)
3uvy crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human brd4 in complex with a diacetylated histone 4 peptide (h4k16ack20ac)
3uw3 crystal structure of an aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase from burkholderia thailandensis
3uwq 1.80 angstrom resolution crystal structure of orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase from vibrio cholerae o1 biovar eltor str. n16961 in complex with uridine-5'-monophosphate (ump)
3uxe design, synthesis and biological evaluation of potent quinoline and pyrroloquinoline ammosamide analogues as inhibitors for quinone reductase 2
3uxh design, synthesis and biological evaluation of potetent quinoline and pyrroloquinoline ammosamide analogues as inhibitors of quinone reductase 2
3uyj crystal structure of jmjd5 catalytic core domain in complex with nickle and alpha-kg
3uyo crystal structure of monobody sh13/abl1 sh2 domain complex
3uzp crystal structure of ck1d with pf670462 from p21 crystal form
3v03 crystal structure of bovine serum albumin
3v1b crystal structure of de novo designed mid1-apo2
3v1c crystal structure of de novo designed mid1-zinc
3v1e crystal structure of de novo designed mid1-zinc h12e mutant
3v1f crystal structure of de novo designed mid1-zinc h35e mutant
3v2a vegfr-2/vegf-a complex structure
3v2h the crystal structure of d-beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase from sinorhizobium meliloti
3v48 crystal structure of the putative alpha/beta hydrolase rutd from e.coli
3v4c crystal structure of a semialdehyde dehydrogenase from sinorhizobium meliloti 1021
3v4h crystal structure of a type vi secretion system effector from yersinia pestis
3v4k first-in-class small molecule inhibitors of the single-strand dna cytosine deaminase apobec3g
3v4z d-alanine--d-alanine ligase from yersinia pestis
3v5a crystal structure of c-lobe of bovine lactoferrin complexed with gamma amino butyric acid at 1.44 a resolution
3v5x structure of fbxl5 hemerythrin domain, c2 cell
3v5z structure of fbxl5 hemerythrin domain, c2 cell, grown anaerobically
3v6b vegfr-2/vegf-e complex structure
3v6n crystal structure of a plant albumin from cicer arietinum showing hemagglutination
3v70 crystal structure of human gtpase imap family member 1
3v7b dip2269 protein from corynebacterium diphtheriae
3v9p crystal structure of thymidylate kinase from burkholderia thailandensis
3vab crystal structure of diaminopimelate decarboxylase from brucella melitensis bound to plp
3vc7 crystal structure of a putative oxidoreductase from sinorhizobium meliloti 1021
3vc8 crystal structure of the c-terminal cytoplasmic domain of non- structural protein 4 from mouse hepatitis virus a59
3vcb c425s mutant of the c-terminal cytoplasmic domain of non-structural protein 4 from mouse hepatitis virus a59
3vcn crystal structure of mannonate dehydratase (target efi-502209) from caulobacter crescentus cb15
3vcr crystal structure of a putative kdpg (2-keto-3-deoxy-6- phosphogluconate) aldolase from oleispira antarctica
3vcx crystal structure of a putative glyoxalase/bleomycin resistance protein from rhodopseudomonas palustris cga009
3vdf crystal structure of c-lobe of bovine lactoferrin complexed with diaminopimelic acid at 1.46 a resolution
3vdh crystal structure of a putative beta-1,4-endoglucanase / cellulase from prevotella bryantii
3ve6 crystal structure analysis of venezuelan equine encephalitis virus capsid protein nls and importin alpha
3vej crystal structure of the get5 carboxyl domain from s. cerevisiae
3vh3 crystal structure of atg7ctd-atg8 complex
3vh4 crystal structure of atg7ctd-atg8-mgatp complex
3vhb imidazole adduct of the bacterial hemoglobin from vitreoscilla sp.
3via crystal structure of the ph domain of evectin-2 from human
3vjj crystal structure analysis of the p9-1
3vlw crystal structure of sphingomonas sp. a1 alginate-binding protein algq1 in complex with mannuronate-guluronate disaccharide
3ygs apaf-1 card in complex with prodomain of procaspase-9
3ypi electrophilic catalysis in triosephosphase isomerase: the role of histidine-95
3zqb prgi-sipd from salmonella typhimurium
3zqe prgi-sipd from salmonella typhimurium in complex with deoxycholate
3zqf structure of tetracycline repressor in complex with antiinducer peptide-tap1
3zqg structure of tetracycline repressor in complex with antiinducer peptide-tap2
3zqh structure of tetracycline repressor in complex with inducer peptide-tip3
3zqs human fancl central domain
3zr0 crystal structure of human mth1 in complex with 8-oxo-dgmp
3zr1 crystal structure of human mth1
3zr7 structural basis for agonism and antagonism for a set of chemically related progesterone receptor modulators
3zra structural basis for agonism and antagonism for a set of chemically related progesterone receptor modulators
3zrb structural basis for agonism and antagonism for a set of chemically related progesterone receptor modulators
3zrg crystal structure of rxlr effector pexrd2 from phytophthora infestans
3zrv the high resolution structure of a dimeric hamp-dhp fusion displays asymmetry - a291f mutant
3zrx the high resolution structure of a dimeric hamp-dhp fusion displays strong asymmetry
3ztg solution structure of the ring finger-like domain of retinoblastoma binding protein-6 (rbbp6)
3ztw the 3-dimensional structure of apo-mpgp, the mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate phosphatase from thermus thermophilus hb27 in its apo-form
3zty the 3-dimensional structure of the gadolinium derivative of mpgp, the mannosyl-3-phosphoglycerate phosphatase from thermus thermophilus hb27
3zu0 structure of haemophilus influenzae nad nucleotidase (nadn)
3zu6 the 3-dimensional structure of mpgp from thermus thermophilus hb27, in complex with the alpha-mannosylglycerate and orthophosphate reaction products.
3zuk crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis zinc metalloprotease zmp1 in complex with inhibitor
3zup the 3-dimensional structure of mpgp from thermus thermophilus hb27, in complex with the alpha- mannosylglycerate and orthophosphate reaction products.
3zur crystal structure of an engineered botulinum neurotoxin type a-snare23 derivative, lc0-a-snap25-hn-a
3zut the structure of ost1 (d160a) kinase
3zuu the structure of ost1 (d160a, s175d) kinase in complex with gold
3zv3 crystal structure of cis-biphenyl-2,3-dihydrodiol-2,3- dehydrogenase (bphb)from pandoraea pnomenusa strain b- 356 in intermediate state of substrate binding loop
3zv4 crystal structure of cis-biphenyl-2,3-dihydrodiol-2,3- dehydrogenase (bphb) from pandoraea pnomenusa strain b- 356 in apo form at 1.8 angstrom
3zv5 crystal structure of cis-biphenyl-2,3-dihydrodiol-2,3- dehydrogenase (bphb) from pandoraea pnomenusa strain b- 356 complex with co-enzyme nad and product 2,3- dihydroxybiphenyl
3zv6 crystal structure of cis-biphenyl-2,3-dihydrodiol-2,3- dehydrogenase (bphb) from pandoraea pnomenusa strain b- 356 complex with co-enzyme nad and product analog 4,4'- dihydroxybiphenyl
3zvq crystal structure of proteolyzed lysozyme
3zvx structure of the lectin from platypodium elegans in complex with a trimannoside
3zw1 structure of bambl lectine in complex with lewix x antigen
3zw5 crystal structure of the human glyoxalase domain-containing protein 5
3zw7 the 3-dimensional structure of mpgp from thermus thermophilus hb27, in complex with the alpha-mannosylglycerate and metaphosphate.
3zwd the 3-dimensional structure of mpgp from thermus thermophilus hb27, in complex with the alpha-mannosylglycerate.
3zwf crystal structure of human trnase z, short form (elac1).
3zwk the 3-dimensional structure of mpgp from thermus thermophilus hb27, in complex with the metavanadate
3zwn crystal structure of aplysia cyclase complexed with substrate ngd and product cgdpr
3zwq hyperthermophilic esterase from the archeon pyrobaculum calidifontis
3zx4 the 3-dimensional structure of mpgp from thermus thermophilus hb27, in complex with the alpha- mannosylglycerate,orthophosphate and magnesium
3zx5 the 3-dimensional structure of mpgp from thermus thermophilus hb27, covalently bound to vanadate and in complex with alpha-mannosylglycerate and magnesium
3zxe crystal structure of human galectin-7 in complex with a galactose-benzylphosphate inhibitor
3zxf high resolution structure of human galectin-7
3zxh mmp-13 complexed with 2-napthylsulfonamide hydroxamic acid inhibitor
3zxi crystal structure of human mitochondrial tyrosyl-trna synthetase in complex with a tyrosyl-adenylate analog
3zxo crystal structure of the mutant atp-binding domain of mycobacterium tuberculosis doss
3zxq crystal structure of the atp-binding domain of mycobacterium tuberculosis dost
3zy3 crystal structure of pofut1 in complex with gdp (crystal-form-iii)
3zy7 crystal structure of computationally redesigned gamma- adaptin appendage domain forming a symmetric homodimer
3zyc dynamin 1 gtpase ged fusion dimer complexed with gmppcp
3zyg netring2 lam and egf1 domains
3zyi netring2 in complex with ngl2
3zyk structure of calm (picalm) anth domain
3zyl structure of a truncated calm (picalm) anth domain
3zyn crystal structure of the n-terminal leucine rich repeats of netrin-g ligand-3
3zyr structure of the lectin from platypodium elegans in complex with heptasaccharide
3zyu crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human brd4 in complex with i-bet151(gsk1210151a)
3zyx crystal structure of human monoamine oxidase b in complex with methylene blue and bearing the double mutation i199a- y326a
3zzm crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis purh with a novel bound nucleotide cfair, at 2.2 a resolution.
3zzw crystal structure of the kinase domain of ror2
456c crystal structure of collagenase-3 (mmp-13) complexed to a diphenyl-ether sulphone based hydroxamic acid
4a03 crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis dxr in complex with the antibiotic fr900098 and cofactor nadph
4a0n crystal structure of survivin bound to the phosphorylated n- terminal tail of histone h3
4a0q activated conformation of integrin alpha1 i-domain mutant
4a11 structure of the hsddb1-hscsa complex
4a1o crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis purh complexed with aicar and a novel nucleotide cfair, at 2.48 a resolution.
4a1u crystal structure of alpha-beta-foldamer 2c in complex with bcl-xl
4a23 mus musculus acetylcholinesterase in complex with racemic c5685
4a26 the crystal structure of leishmania major n5,n10- methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase/cyclohydrolase
4a27 crystal structure of human synaptic vesicle membrane protein vat-1 homolog-like protein
4a2w structure of full-length duck rig-i
4a3o crystal structure of the usp15 dusp-ubl monomer
4a3q the 2.15 angstrom resolution crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus alanine racemase
4a49 structure of phosphotyr371-c-cbl-ubch5b complex
4a4m crystal structure of the light-activated constitutively active n2c,m257y,d282c rhodopsin mutant in complex with a peptide resembling the c-terminus of the galpha-protein subunit (gact)
4a55 crystal structure of p110alpha in complex with ish2 of p85alpha and the inhibitor pik-108
4a5b crystal structure of the c258s/c268s variant of toxoplasma gondii nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 1 (ntpdase1)
4a6r crystal structure of the omega transaminase from chromobacterium violaceum in the apo form, crystallised from polyacrylic acid
4a6u crystal structure of the omega transaminase from chromobacterium violaceum in the apo form, crystallised from peg 3350
4a7b mmp13 in complex with a novel selective non zinc binding inhibitor cmpd22
4a7e x-ray crystal structure of porcine insulin flash-cooled at high pressure
4a7j symmetric dimethylation of h3 arginine 2 is a novel histone mark that supports euchromatin maintenance
4a92 full-length hcv ns3-4a protease-helicase in complex with a macrocyclic protease inhibitor.
4a9k bromodomain of human crebbp with n-(4-hydroxyphenyl) acetamide
4aai thermostable protein from hyperthermophilic virus ssv-rh
4abn crystal structure of full length mouse strap (ttc5)
4adt crystal structure of plasmodial plp synthase
4adu crystal structure of plasmodial plp synthase with bound r5p intermediate
4aea dimeric alpha-cobratoxin x-ray structure: localization of intermolecular disulfides and possible mode of binding to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
4aee crystal structure of maltogenic amylase from s.marinus
4ael pde10a in complex with the inhibitor az5
4ake adenylate kinase
4apr structures of complexes of rhizopuspepsin with pepstatin and other statine-containing inhibitors
4atj distal heme pocket mutant (h42e) of recombinant horseradish peroxidase in complex with benzhydroxamic acid
4bjl locw, a lambda 1 type light-chain dimer (bence-jones protein) crystallized in distilled water
4caa cleaved antichymotrypsin t345r
4cat three-dimensional structure of catalase from penicillium vitale at 2.0 angstroms resolution
4csm yeast chorismate mutase + tyr + endooxabicyclic inhibitor
4cts crystal structure analysis and molecular model of a complex of citrate synthase with oxaloacetate and s-acetonyl- coenzyme a
4daa crystallographic structure of d-amino acid aminotransferase in pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (plp) form
4db1 cardiac human myosin s1dc, beta isoform complexed with mn-amppnp
4dfr crystal structures of escherichia coli and lactobacillus casei dihydrofolate reductase refined at 1.7 angstroms resolution. i. general features and binding of methotrexate
4er2 the active site of aspartic proteinases
4er4 high-resolution x-ray analyses of renin inhibitor-aspartic proteinase complexes
4est crystal structure of the covalent complex formed by a peptidyl alpha, alpha-difluoro-beta-keto amide with porcine pancreatic elastase at 1.78-angstroms resolution
4fab three-dimensional structure of a fluorescein-fab complex crystallized in 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol
4fap atomic structures of the rapamycin analogs in complex with both human fkbp12 and frb domain of frap
4fis the molecular structure of wild-type and a mutant fis protein: relationship between mutational changes and recombinational enhancer function or dna binding
4gal crystal structure of human galectin-7 in complex with lactose
4gbq solution nmr structure of the grb2 n-terminal sh3 domain complexed with a ten-residue peptide derived from sos direct refinement against noes, j-couplings, and 1h and 13c chemical shifts, 15 structures
4gsa crystal structure of glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminomutase (aminotransferase) reduced with cyanoborohydrate
4gss human glutathione s-transferase p1-1 y108f mutant
4gst reaction coordinate motion in an snar reaction catalyzed by glutathione transferase
4hbi scapharca dimeric hemoglobin, mutant t72i, deoxy form
4hvp structure of complex of synthetic hiv-1 protease with a stubtrate- based inhibitor at 2.3 angstroms resolution
4lip pseudomonas lipase complexed with rc-(rp, sp)- dibutylcarbamoylglycero-3-o-butylphosphonate
4lve len k30t mutant: a domain flip as a result of a single amino acid substitution
4lyt comparison of radiation-induced decay and structure refinement from x-ray data collected from lysozyme crystals at low and ambient temperatures
4mdh refined crystal structure of cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase at 2.5-angstroms resolution
4np1 nitrophorin 1 complex with nitric oxide
4nse bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase, h4b-free, l-arg complex
4ovw endoglucanase i complexed with epoxybutyl cellobiose
4pbg 6-phospho-beta-galactosidase form-cst
4pga glutaminase-asparaginase from pseudomonas 7a
4pgt crystal structure of hgstp1-1[v104] complexed with the gsh conjugate of (+)-anti-bpde
4phv x-ray crystal structure of the hiv protease complex with l- 700,417, an inhibitor with pseudo c2 symmetry
4sga structures of product and inhibitor complexes of streptomyces griseus protease a at 1.8 angstroms resolution. a model for serine protease catalysis
4sgb structure of the complex of streptomyces griseus proteinase b and polypeptide chymotrypsin inhibitor-1 from russet burbank potato tubers at 2.1 angstroms resolution
4srn structural changes that accompany the reduced catalytic efficiency of two semisynthetic ribonuclease analogs
4tf4 endo/exocellulase:cellopentaose from thermomonospora
4tim crystallographic and molecular modeling studies on trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase: a critical assessment of the predicted and observed structures of the complex with 2-phosphoglycerate
4tpi the refined 2.2-angstroms (0.22-nm) x-ray crystal structure of the ternary complex formed by bovine trypsinogen, valine-valine and the arg15 analogue of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor
4ts1 crystal structure of a deletion mutant of a tyrosyl-t/rna synthetase complexed with tyrosine
4upj human immunodeficiency virus type 2 protease mutant with lys 57 replaced by leu (k57l) complex with u097410 [4- hydroxy-3-[1-[3-[[[[(tert-butyloxycarbonyl) aminomethyl]carbonyl]amino]phenyl]propyl]coumarin
4vhb thiocyanate adduct of the bacterial hemoglobin from vitreoscilla sp.
4xia structures of d-xylose isomerase from arthrobacter strain b3728 containing the inhibitors xylitol and d-sorbitol at 2.5 angstroms and 2.3 angstroms resolution, respectively
5apr structures of complexes of rhizopuspepsin with pepstatin and other statine-containing inhibitors
5bir disecting histidine interactions in ribonuclease t1 using asn and gln mutations
5bj4 thermus thermophilus aspartate aminotransferase tetra mutant 2
5csc structure of an open form of chicken heart citrate synthase at 2.8 angstroms resolution
5daa e177k mutant of d-amino acid aminotransferase complexed with pyridoxamine-5'-phosphate
5fbp crystal structure of the neutral form of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase complexed with the product fructose 6-phosphate at 2.1-angstroms resolution
5fwg tetra-(5-fluorotryptophanyl)-glutathione transferase
5gal crystal structure of human galectin-7 in complex with n- acetyllactosamine
5gss human glutathione s-transferase p1-1, complex with glutathione
5gst reaction coordinate motion in an snar reaction catalyzed by glutathione transferase
5hbi scapharca dimeric hemoglobin, mutant t72i, co-liganded form
5hpg structure and ligand determinants of the recombinant kringle 5 domain of human plasminogen
5ldh structure of the active ternary complex of pig heart lactate dehydrogenase with s-lac-nad at 2.7 angstroms resolution
5lpr structural basis for broad specificity in alpha-lytic protease mutants
5lym studies of monoclinic hen egg white lysozyme. iv. x-ray refinement at 1.8 angstrom resolution and a comparison of the variable regions in the polymorphic forms
5mdh crystal structure of ternary complex of porcine cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase alpha-ketomalonate and tnad at 2.4 angstroms resolution
5nse bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase, h4b-free, hydroxy-arg complex
5p2p x-ray structure of phospholipase a2 complexed with a substrate-derived inhibitor
5pad binding of chloromethyl ketone substrate analogues to crystalline papain
5rub crystallographic refinement and structure of ribulose-1,5- bisphosphate carboxylase from rhodospirillum rubrum at 1.7 angstroms resolution
5sga structures of product and inhibitor complexes of streptomyces griseus protease a at 1.8 angstroms resolution. a model for serine protease catalysis
5sic molecular recognition at the active site of subtilisin bpn': crystallographic studies using genetically engineered proteinaceous inhibitor ssi (streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor)
5tim refined 1.83 angstroms structure of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase, crystallized in the presence of 2.4 m-ammonium sulphate. a comparison with the structure of the trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase-glycerol-3- phosphate complex
5tss toxic shock syndrome toxin-1: orthorhombic p222(1) crystal form
5upj hiv-2 protease/u99283 complex
5xia structures of d-xylose isomerase from arthrobacter strain b3728 containing the inhibitors xylitol and d-sorbitol at 2.5 angstroms and 2.3 angstroms resolution, respectively
6adh structure of triclinic ternary complex of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase at 2.9 angstroms resolution
6apr structures of complexes of rhizopuspepsin with pepstatin and other statine-containing inhibitors
6chy structure of chemotaxis protein chey
6cox cyclooxygenase-2 (prostaglandin synthase-2) complexed with a selective inhibitor, sc-558 in i222 space group
6csc chicken citrate synthase complex with trifluoroacetonyl-coa and citrate
6ebx structure determination of a dimeric form of erabutoxin b, crystallized from thiocyanate solution
6fab three-dimensional structure of murine anti-p- azophenylarsonate fab 36-71. 1. x-ray crystallography, site-directed mutagenesis, and modeling of the complex with hapten
6gss human glutathione s-transferase p1-1, complex with glutathione
6gst first-sphere and second-sphere electrostatic effects in the active site of a class mu glutathione transferase
6gsu first-sphere and second-sphere electrostatic effects in the active site of a class mu glutathione transferase
6gsv first-sphere and second-sphere electrostatic effects in the active site of a class mu glutathione transferase
6gsw first-sphere and second-sphere electrostatic effects in the active site of a class mu glutathione transferase
6gsx first-sphere and second-sphere electrostatic effects in the active site of a class mu glutathione transferase
6gsy first-sphere and second-sphere electrostatic effects in the active site of a class mu glutathione transferase
6hbi scapharca dimeric hemoglobin, mutant t72v, deoxy form
6ins x-ray analysis of the single chain b29-a1 peptide-linked insulin molecule. a completely inactive analogue
6lpr structural basis for broad specificity in alpha-lytic protease mutants
6nse bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase, h4b-free, canavanine complex
6tim the adaptability of the active site of trypanosomal triosephosphate isomerase as observed in the crystal structures of three different complexes
6upj hiv-2 protease/u99294 complex
7aat x-ray structure refinement and comparison of three forms of mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase
7api the s variant of human alpha1-antitrypsin, structure and implications for function and metabolism
7cat the nadph binding site on beef liver catalase
7cei the endonuclease domain of colicin e7 in complex with its inhibitor im7 protein
7fab crystal structure of human immunoglobulin fragment fab new refined at 2.0 angstroms resolution
7gsp ribonuclease t1/2',3'-cgps, non-productive
7gss human glutathione s-transferase p1-1, complex with glutathione
7hbi scapharca dimeric hemoglobin, mutant t72v, co-liganded form
7lpr structural basis for broad specificity in alpha-lytic protease mutants
7nse bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase, h4b-free, adma complex
7tim structure of the triosephosphate isomerase- phosphoglycolohydroxamate complex: an analogue of the intermediate on the reaction pathway
7upj hiv-1 protease/u101935 complex
7wga 2.2 angstroms resolution structure analysis of two refined n- acetylneuraminyllactose-wheat germ agglutinin isolectin complexes
830c collagenase-3 (mmp-13) complexed to a sulphone-based hydroxamic acid
8aat x-ray structure refinement and comparison of three forms of mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase
8api the s variant of human alpha1-antitrypsin, structure and implications for function and metabolism
8cat the nadph binding site on beef liver catalase
8lpr structural basis for broad specificity in alpha-lytic protease mutants
8nse bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase, nna complex
8pch crystal structure of porcine cathepsin h determined at 2.1 angstrom resolution: location of the mini-chain c-terminal carboxyl group defines cathepsin h aminopeptidase function
8prk the r78k and d117e active site variants of saccharomyces cerevisiae soluble inorganic pyrophosphatase: structural studies and mechanistic implications
8rsa crystal structure of two covalent nucleoside derivatives of ribonuclease a
8tim triose phosphate isomerase
9aat x-ray structure refinement and comparison of three forms of mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase
9api the s variant of human alpha1-antitrypsin, structure and implications for function and metabolism
9atc atcase y165f mutant
9gaa precursor of the t152a mutant glycosylasparaginase from flavobacterium meningosepticum
9gac precursor of the t152c mutant glycosylasparaginase from flavobacterium meningosepticum
9gaf precursor of the w11f mutant glycosylasparaginase from flavobacterium meningosepticum
9gss human glutathione s-transferase p1-1, complex with s-hexyl glutathione
9hvp design, activity and 2.8 angstroms crystal structure of a c2 symmetric inhibitor complexed to hiv-1 protease
9ins monovalent cation binding in cubic insulin crystals
9ldb design and synthesis of new enzymes based on the lactate dehydrogenase framework
9ldt design and synthesis of new enzymes based on the lactate dehydrogenase framework
9lpr structural basis for broad specificity in alpha-lytic protease mutants
9nse bovine endothelial nitric oxide synthase, ethyl-isoselenourea complex
9pai cleaved substrate variant of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
9rsa crystal structure of two covalent nucleoside derivatives of ribonuclease a
9rub crystal structure of activated ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase complexed with its substrate, ribulose-1,5- bisphosphate
9wga 2.2 angstroms resolution structure analysis of two refined n- acetylneuraminyllactose-wheat germ agglutinin isolectin complexes