STIFDB - Stress Responsive Genes in Chromosome - 03 from Oryza sativa subsp japonica:

No. TAIR IDGenes DescriptionResponsive Transcription FactorStress Elements
1 Os03g0102700 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
2 Os03g0108300 Catalysis of the hydrolysis of any O-glycosyl bond. ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-HEAT,
3 Os03g0111200 A closed structure, found only in eukaryotic cells, that is completely surrounded by unit membrane and contains liquid material. Cells contain one or several vacuoles, that may have different functions from each other. Vacuoles have a diverse array of functions. They can act as a storage organelle for nutrients or waste products, as a degradative compartment, as a cost-effective way of increasing cell size, and as a homeostatic regulator controlling both turgor pressure and pH of the cytosol. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-HEAT,
4 Os03g0111300 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-HEAT,
5 Os03g0113200 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,GEO-IRON ,
6 Os03g0117900 Catalysis of the transmembrane transfer of a potassium ion by a voltage-gated channel. A voltage-gated channel is a channel whose open state is dependent on the voltage across the membrane in which it is embedded. DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,
7 Os03g0118100 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-HEAT,
8 Os03g0118600 Catalysis of a biochemical reaction at physiological temperatures. In biologically catalyzed reactions, the reactants are known as substrates, and the catalysts are naturally occurring macromolecular substances known as enzymes. Enzymes possess specific binding sites for substrates, and are usually composed wholly or largely of protein, but RNA that has catalytic activity (ribozyme) is often also regarded as enzymatic. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-IRON ,
9 Os03g0122300 Unavailable DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,
10 Os03g0126000 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
11 Os03g0126300 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-IRON ,
12 Os03g0133100 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,
13 Os03g0137700 Double layer of lipid molecules that encloses all cells, and, in eukaryotes, many organelles may be a single or double lipid bilayer also includes associated proteins. DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
14 Os03g0139500 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 Nac_box_NAC GEO-IRON ,
15 Os03g0141100 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 PRE4_WRKY GEO-HEAT,
16 Os03g0141200 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC ABRE_bZIP GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
17 Os03g0149000 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
18 Os03g0158300 Catalysis of a biochemical reaction at physiological temperatures. In biologically catalyzed reactions, the reactants are known as substrates, and the catalysts are naturally occurring macromolecular substances known as enzymes. Enzymes possess specific binding sites for substrates, and are usually composed wholly or largely of protein, but RNA that has catalytic activity (ribozyme) is often also regarded as enzymatic. GEO-IRON ,
19 Os03g0161900 Any molecular function by which a gene product interacts selectively with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
20 Os03g0164200 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with zinc (Zn) ions. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
21 Os03g0168100 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ice, water reduced to the solid state by cold temperature. It is a white or transparent colorless substance, crystalline, brittle, and viscoidal. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,GEO-HEAT,
22 Os03g0184100 The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of a complex or assembly within or outside a cell. ABRE_AB13_VP1 OsIRO2_bHLH GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
23 Os03g0188200 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules). ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
24 Os03g0191900 Any molecular function by which a gene product interacts selectively with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). ABRE_AB13_VP1 Nac_box_NAC GEO-DROUGHT,GEO-SALINITY,
25 Os03g0192700 Catalysis of the reaction: D-glucose 6-phosphate = 1D-myo-inositol 3-phosphate. This reaction requires NAD, which dehydrogenates the CHOH group to CO at C-5 of the glucose 6-phosphate, making C-6 into an active methylene, able to condense with the aldehyde at C-1. Finally, the enzyme-bound NADH reconverts C-5 into the CHOH form. ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
26 Os03g0196600 All of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC PRE4_WRKY GEO-COLD,
27 Os03g0212300 Any molecular function by which a gene product interacts selectively with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). ABRE_AB13_VP1 Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,
28 Os03g0216300 Unavailable DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
29 Os03g0218500 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a nucleotide, any compound consisting of a nucleoside that is esterified with (ortho)phosphate or an oligophosphate at any hydroxyl group on the ribose or deoxyribose. ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-HEAT,
30 Os03g0225200 A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent. DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,
31 Os03g0226200 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with iron (Fe) ions. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-HEAT,
32 Os03g0226400 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-IRON ,
33 Os03g0230300 Catalysis of the reaction: NAD+ + (ADP-D-ribosyl)(n)-acceptor = nicotinamide + (ADP-D-ribosyl)(n+1)-acceptor. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-HEAT,
34 Os03g0230500 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with magnesium (Mg) ions. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
35 Os03g0231600 Catalysis of a biochemical reaction at physiological temperatures. In biologically catalyzed reactions, the reactants are known as substrates, and the catalysts are naturally occurring macromolecular substances known as enzymes. Enzymes possess specific binding sites for substrates, and are usually composed wholly or largely of protein, but RNA that has catalytic activity (ribozyme) is often also regarded as enzymatic. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
36 Os03g0232200 Any molecular function by which a gene product interacts selectively with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
37 Os03g0233000 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
38 Os03g0233900 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with iron (Fe) ions. ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-HEAT,
39 Os03g0234900 Catalysis of the reaction: donor + hydrogen peroxide = oxidized donor + 2 H2O. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC OsIRO2_bHLH GEO-HEAT,
40 Os03g0240600 A protein complex that includes a ubiquitin-protein ligase and other proteins that may confer substrate specificity on the complex. Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,
41 Os03g0243700 Catalysis of a biochemical reaction at physiological temperatures. In biologically catalyzed reactions, the reactants are known as substrates, and the catalysts are naturally occurring macromolecular substances known as enzymes. Enzymes possess specific binding sites for substrates, and are usually composed wholly or largely of protein, but RNA that has catalytic activity (ribozyme) is often also regarded as enzymatic. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC OsIRO2_bHLH GEO-HEAT,
42 Os03g0243900 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ice, water reduced to the solid state by cold temperature. It is a white or transparent colorless substance, crystalline, brittle, and viscoidal. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-HEAT,
43 Os03g0244600 Double layer of lipid molecules that encloses all cells, and, in eukaryotes, many organelles may be a single or double lipid bilayer also includes associated proteins. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP OsIRO2_bHLH GEO-HEAT,
44 Os03g0245100 Catalysis of a biochemical reaction at physiological temperatures. In biologically catalyzed reactions, the reactants are known as substrates, and the catalysts are naturally occurring macromolecular substances known as enzymes. Enzymes possess specific binding sites for substrates, and are usually composed wholly or largely of protein, but RNA that has catalytic activity (ribozyme) is often also regarded as enzymatic. GEO-HEAT,
45 Os03g0245200 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,
46 Os03g0254400 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP OsIRO2_bHLH GEO-DROUGHT,
47 Os03g0254800 Catalysis of the reaction: 5-O-(1-carboxyvinyl)-3-phosphoshikimate = chorismate + phosphate. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,GEO-IRON ,
48 Os03g0255200 Interacting selectvely with a heat shock protein, any protein synthesized or activated in response to heat shock. DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-HEAT,
49 Os03g0258900 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-IRON ,
50 Os03g0261100 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,
51 Os03g0265900 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
52 Os03g0266300 Unavailable DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC OsIRO2_bHLH ABRE_bZIP GEO-HEAT,
53 Os03g0267000 Unavailable DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-HEAT,
54 Os03g0271500 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,GEO-IRON ,
55 Os03g0277000 Prevents the dissociation of GDP from the small GTPase Rab, thereby preventing GTP from binding. ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-HEAT,
56 Os03g0277300 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a nucleotide, any compound consisting of a nucleoside that is esterified with (ortho)phosphate or an oligophosphate at any hydroxyl group on the ribose or deoxyribose. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-DROUGHT,GEO-HEAT,GEO-SALINITY,
57 Os03g0278000 Catalysis of a biochemical reaction at physiological temperatures. In biologically catalyzed reactions, the reactants are known as substrates, and the catalysts are naturally occurring macromolecular substances known as enzymes. Enzymes possess specific binding sites for substrates, and are usually composed wholly or largely of protein, but RNA that has catalytic activity (ribozyme) is often also regarded as enzymatic. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-HEAT,
58 Os03g0278800 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a nucleotide, any compound consisting of a nucleoside that is esterified with (ortho)phosphate or an oligophosphate at any hydroxyl group on the ribose or deoxyribose. ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-DROUGHT,
59 Os03g0284500 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
60 Os03g0286900 Penetrating at least one phospholipid bilayer of a membrane. May also refer to the state of being buried in the bilayer with no exposure outside the bilayer. When used to describe a protein, indicates that all or part of the peptide sequence is embedded in the membrane. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-HEAT,
61 Os03g0287100 The living contents of a cell the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
62 Os03g0287400 A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration. ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
63 Os03g0289800 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with iron (Fe) ions. DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC OsIRO2_bHLH ABRE_bZIP GEO-HEAT,
64 Os03g0296600 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
65 Os03g0300400 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,
66 Os03g0304800 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-HEAT,
67 Os03g0305400 Unavailable DREB_AP2_EREBP OsIRO2_bHLH ABRE_bZIP GEO-HEAT,
68 Os03g0307300 Catalysis of the transfer of a group, e.g. a methyl group, glycosyl group, acyl group, phosphorus-containing, or other groups, from one compound (generally regarded as the donor) to another compound (generally regarded as the acceptor). Transferase is the systematic name for any enzyme of EC class 2. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-IRON ,
69 Os03g0314400 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC PRE4_WRKY GEO-IRON ,
70 Os03g0339300 Catalysis of the reaction: donor + hydrogen peroxide = oxidized donor + 2 H2O. ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-HEAT,
71 Os03g0341300 Penetrating at least one phospholipid bilayer of a membrane. May also refer to the state of being buried in the bilayer with no exposure outside the bilayer. When used to describe a protein, indicates that all or part of the peptide sequence is embedded in the membrane. DREB_AP2_EREBP PRE4_WRKY GEO-IRON ,
72 Os03g0343400 Catalysis of the repair of a photoproduct resulting from ultraviolet irradiation of two adjacent pyrimidine residues in DNA. PRE4_WRKY GEO-HEAT,
73 Os03g0347500 Penetrating at least one phospholipid bilayer of a membrane. May also refer to the state of being buried in the bilayer with no exposure outside the bilayer. When used to describe a protein, indicates that all or part of the peptide sequence is embedded in the membrane. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
74 Os03g0351300 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP OsIRO2_bHLH ABRE_bZIP GEO-DROUGHT,
75 Os03g0351400 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-HEAT,
76 Os03g0351700 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,
77 Os03g0356300 The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome. ABRE_AB13_VP1 Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,
78 Os03g0359600 Catalysis of the transfer of a glycosyl group from one compound (donor) to another (acceptor). ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,GEO-HEAT,
79 Os03g0370600 Penetrating at least one phospholipid bilayer of a membrane. May also refer to the state of being buried in the bilayer with no exposure outside the bilayer. When used to describe a protein, indicates that all or part of the peptide sequence is embedded in the membrane. ABRE_AB13_VP1 Nac_box_NAC GEO-SALINITY,
80 Os03g0379300 A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC OsIRO2_bHLH ABRE_bZIP PRE2_WRKY GEO-IRON ,
81 Os03g0381000 Catalysis of a biochemical reaction at physiological temperatures. In biologically catalyzed reactions, the reactants are known as substrates, and the catalysts are naturally occurring macromolecular substances known as enzymes. Enzymes possess specific binding sites for substrates, and are usually composed wholly or largely of protein, but RNA that has catalytic activity (ribozyme) is often also regarded as enzymatic. Nac_box_NAC OsIRO2_bHLH ABRE_bZIP GEO-IRON ,
82 Os03g0385400 Catalysis of the hydrolysis of a peptide bond. A peptide bond is a covalent bond formed when the carbon atom from the carboxyl group of one amino acid shares electrons with the nitrogen atom from the amino group of a second amino acid. DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-HEAT,
83 Os03g0387300 Any molecular function by which a gene product interacts selectively with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
85 Os03g0388500 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-IRON ,
86 Os03g0421800 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-HEAT,
87 Os03g0423300 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-HEAT,
88 Os03g0427300 Functions in the storage of nutritious substrates. ABRE_AB13_VP1 Nac_box_NAC GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
89 Os03g0439700 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-IRON ,
90 Os03g0566600 Catalysis of the transfer of a methyl group to an acceptor molecule. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP OsIRO2_bHLH GEO-HEAT,
91 Os03g0582000 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with folic acid, pteroylglutamic acid. Folic acid is widely distributed as a member of the vitamin B complex and is essential for the synthesis of purine and pyrimidines. ABRE_AB13_VP1 Nac_box_NAC GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
92 Os03g0594900 Catalysis of the incorporation of one atom from molecular oxygen into a compound and the reduction of the other atom of oxygen to water. ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,GEO-HEAT,
93 Os03g0598100 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
94 Os03g0607200 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-HEAT,
95 Os03g0609500 Unavailable OsIRO2_bHLH PRE2_WRKY GEO-DROUGHT,GEO-HEAT,GEO-COLD,
96 Os03g0638200 Enables the directed movement of substances (such as macromolecules, small molecules, ions) into, out of or within a cell, or between cells. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC OsIRO2_bHLH ABRE_bZIP GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
97 Os03g0639400 Stops, prevents or reduces the activity of an enzyme. ABRE_AB13_VP1 Nac_box_NAC GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
98 Os03g0645900 Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction in which hydrogen or electrons are transferred from one donor, and two oxygen atoms is incorporated into a donor. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP OsIRO2_bHLH GEO-DROUGHT,
99 Os03g0656800 Catalysis of a biochemical reaction at physiological temperatures. In biologically catalyzed reactions, the reactants are known as substrates, and the catalysts are naturally occurring macromolecular substances known as enzymes. Enzymes possess specific binding sites for substrates, and are usually composed wholly or largely of protein, but RNA that has catalytic activity (ribozyme) is often also regarded as enzymatic. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-HEAT,
100 Os03g0659300 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-DROUGHT,
101 Os03g0659700 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP ABRE_bZIP GEO-HEAT,
102 Os03g0661600 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-HEAT,
103 Os03g0670700 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a nucleotide, any compound consisting of a nucleoside that is esterified with (ortho)phosphate or an oligophosphate at any hydroxyl group on the ribose or deoxyribose. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-HEAT,
104 Os03g0671800 A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent. ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-IRON ,
105 Os03g0679700 Unavailable GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
106 Os03g0684400 Double layer of lipid molecules that encloses all cells, and, in eukaryotes, many organelles may be a single or double lipid bilayer also includes associated proteins. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP OsIRO2_bHLH GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
107 Os03g0684500 Catalysis of the transfer of a hexosyl group from one compound (donor) to another (acceptor). ABRE_AB13_VP1 Nac_box_NAC OsIRO2_bHLH ABRE_bZIP GEO-ABA,GEO-DROUGHT,
108 Os03g0684700 The double lipid bilayer enclosing the chloroplast and separating its contents from the rest of the cytoplasm includes the intermembrane space. ABRE_AB13_VP1 Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,
109 Os03g0685100 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof. DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-HEAT,
110 Os03g0685300 Catalysis of a biochemical reaction at physiological temperatures. In biologically catalyzed reactions, the reactants are known as substrates, and the catalysts are naturally occurring macromolecular substances known as enzymes. Enzymes possess specific binding sites for substrates, and are usually composed wholly or largely of protein, but RNA that has catalytic activity (ribozyme) is often also regarded as enzymatic. GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,GEO-HEAT,
111 Os03g0701100 Any of a series of ribonucleoprotein complexes that contain RNA and small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs), and are formed sequentially during the splicing of a messenger RNA primary transcript to excise an intron. Nac_box_NAC PRE4_WRKY GEO-HEAT,
112 Os03g0701500 Penetrating at least one phospholipid bilayer of a membrane. May also refer to the state of being buried in the bilayer with no exposure outside the bilayer. When used to describe a protein, indicates that all or part of the peptide sequence is embedded in the membrane. ABRE_AB13_VP1 Nac_box_NAC OsIRO2_bHLH GEO-HEAT,
113 Os03g0703300 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
114 Os03g0716200 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules). ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP OsIRO2_bHLH ABRE_bZIP GEO-HEAT,
115 Os03g0722000 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP OsIRO2_bHLH GEO-HEAT,GEO-IRON ,
116 Os03g0725200 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-IRON ,
117 Os03g0727800 Unavailable DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC OsIRO2_bHLH GEO-HEAT,
118 Os03g0729000 Unavailable GEO-HEAT,
119 Os03g0733800 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules). DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-DROUGHT,
120 Os03g0734300 Stops, prevents or reduces the activity of serine-type endopeptidases, enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of nonterminal peptide bonds in a polypeptide chain a serine residue (and a histidine residue) are at the active center of the enzyme. Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,
121 Os03g0736900 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-IRON ,
122 Os03g0745000 Any molecular function by which a gene product interacts selectively with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). ABRE_AB13_VP1 Nac_box_NAC OsIRO2_bHLH ABRE_bZIP GEO-HEAT,GEO-IRON ,
123 Os03g0745600 Double layer of lipid molecules that encloses all cells, and, in eukaryotes, many organelles may be a single or double lipid bilayer also includes associated proteins. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP OsIRO2_bHLH ABRE_bZIP GEO-DROUGHT,GEO-SALINITY,
124 Os03g0747500 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ice, water reduced to the solid state by cold temperature. It is a white or transparent colorless substance, crystalline, brittle, and viscoidal. DREB_AP2_EREBP G_box1_bZIP GEO-IRON ,
125 Os03g0749500 Catalysis of the hydrolysis of any O-glycosyl bond. ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-HEAT,
126 Os03g0750500 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ice, water reduced to the solid state by cold temperature. It is a white or transparent colorless substance, crystalline, brittle, and viscoidal. DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-DROUGHT,
127 Os03g0751100 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-IRON ,
128 Os03g0751400 The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome. ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-HEAT,
129 Os03g0757200 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP OsIRO2_bHLH GEO-HEAT,
130 Os03g0759700 A membrane-bounded organelle of eukaryotic cells in which chromosomes are housed and replicated. In most cells, the nucleus contains all of the cell's chromosomes except the organellar chromosomes, and is the site of RNA synthesis and processing. In some species, or in specialized cell types, RNA metabolism or DNA replication may be absent. ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
131 Os03g0764600 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with ice, water reduced to the solid state by cold temperature. It is a white or transparent colorless substance, crystalline, brittle, and viscoidal. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-HEAT,
132 Os03g0769900 Unavailable DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC OsIRO2_bHLH GEO-ABA,
133 Os03g0770800 Catalysis of the transfer of a group, e.g. a methyl group, glycosyl group, acyl group, phosphorus-containing, or other groups, from one compound (generally regarded as the donor) to another compound (generally regarded as the acceptor). Transferase is the systematic name for any enzyme of EC class 2. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP PRE4_WRKY GEO-HEAT,
134 Os03g0773600 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a nucleotide, any compound consisting of a nucleoside that is esterified with (ortho)phosphate or an oligophosphate at any hydroxyl group on the ribose or deoxyribose. Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,
135 Os03g0780800 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with iron (Fe) ions. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,
137 Os03g0782300 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
138 Os03g0782500 Any molecular function by which a gene product interacts selectively with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
139 Os03g0790600 Catalysis of the hydrolysis of the terminal or penultimate peptide bond at the C-terminal end of a peptide or polypeptide. ABRE_AB13_VP1 Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,
140 Os03g0798500 Any molecular function by which a gene product interacts selectively with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). GEO-DROUGHT,GEO-SALINITY,
141 Os03g0802500 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a nucleotide, any compound consisting of a nucleoside that is esterified with (ortho)phosphate or an oligophosphate at any hydroxyl group on the ribose or deoxyribose. ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-HEAT,
143 Os03g0817100 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC OsIRO2_bHLH ABRE_bZIP GEO-DROUGHT,
144 Os03g0817200 Double layer of lipid molecules that encloses all cells, and, in eukaryotes, many organelles may be a single or double lipid bilayer also includes associated proteins. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-HEAT,
145 Os03g0817500 Catalysis of the hydrolysis of internal, alpha-peptide bonds in a polypeptide chain by a mechanism in which a water molecule bound by the side chains of aspartic residues at the active center acts as a nucleophile. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC OsIRO2_bHLH GEO-HEAT,
146 Os03g0820500 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with monomeric or multimeric forms of actin, including actin filaments. ABRE_AB13_VP1 Nac_box_NAC ABRE_bZIP GEO-ABA,GEO-DROUGHT,GEO-SALINITY,
147 Os03g0823400 Stops, prevents or reduces the activity of serine-type endopeptidases, enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of nonterminal peptide bonds in a polypeptide chain a serine residue (and a histidine residue) are at the active center of the enzyme. ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-HEAT,
148 Os03g0826800 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
149 Os03g0828100 The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of the ribosome. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-HEAT,
150 Os03g0832200 Interacting selectively and non-covalently with calcium ions (Ca2+). ABRE_AB13_VP1 Nac_box_NAC OsIRO2_bHLH ABRE_bZIP GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,GEO-HEAT,
151 Os03g0839800 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,
152 Os03g0843200 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,
153 Os03g0850400 Catalysis of the reaction: L-aspartate + ATP = 4-phospho-L-aspartate + ADP + H(+). ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-HEAT,
154 Os03g0853200 Penetrating at least one phospholipid bilayer of a membrane. May also refer to the state of being buried in the bilayer with no exposure outside the bilayer. When used to describe a protein, indicates that all or part of the peptide sequence is embedded in the membrane. ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP GEO-BACTERIAL BLIGHT,GEO-HEAT,
155 Os03g0855100 Any molecular function by which a gene product interacts selectively with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). ABRE_AB13_VP1 DREB_AP2_EREBP Nac_box_NAC GEO-IRON ,
156 Os03g0861100 Unavailable ABRE_AB13_VP1 GEO-HEAT,

Contact :

Prof. R. Sowdhamini


Prof. R. Sowdhamini | Shameer Khader
Mahantesha Naika B. N. | Oommen K. M.

Last Updated :

15th Oct, 2012