STIFDB - Entry Name : Os09g0439500 | Stress Signals involved in |
STIFDB Provides Data in 1 levels:
Gene Description : Os09g0439500
Locus Identifier | Gene Model Name | Gene Model Description | Gene Model Type | Os09g0439500 | Os09g0439500.1 | A chlorophyll-containing plastid with thylakoids organized into grana and frets, or stroma thylakoids, and embedded in a stroma. | chloroplast |
Gene Ontology Data from
: Os09g0439500
GO Category |
GO Annotation Type |
GO Evidence Type |
References |
Cellular Compartment | chloroplast | GO:0009507 |
IEA | --- |
Biological Process | photosynthesis, light harvesting | GO:0009765 |
IEA | --- |
Cellular Compartment | membrane | GO:0016020 |
IEA | --- |
Biological Process | response to blue light | GO:0009637 |
IEA | --- |
Biological Process | response to far red light | GO:0010218 |
IEA | --- |
Biological Process | response to red light | GO:0010114 |
IEA | --- |
Biological Process |
Molecular Function |
Cellular Compartment |
Click here for
Guide to GO Evidence Codes
Gene Id | Sorghum bicolor | Zea mays | Glycine max
| Os09g0439500 | Sb02g025740 | GRMZM2G117412 | GLYMA09G08260 |