STIFDB - Entry Name : AT5G67580

Stress Signals involved in


STIFDB Provides Data in 2 levels:

Gene Description : AT5G67580

Locus IdentifierGene Model NameGene Model DescriptionGene Model Type
AT5G67580AT5G67580.1ATTRB2/TRB2 (TELOMERE REPEAT BINDING FACTOR 2) DNA binding / transcription factor similar to ATTRB3/TRB3 (TELOMERE REPEAT BINDING FACTOR 1), DNA binding / transcription factor [Arabidopsis thaliana] (TAIR:AT3G49850.1) similar to MYBR6 [Malus x domestica] (GB:AAZ20445.1) contains InterPro domain Homeodomain-related (InterPro:IPR012287) contains InterPro domain Linker histone, N-terminal (InterPro:IPR003216) contains InterPro domain Histone H1/H5 (InterPro:IPR005818) contains InterPro domain Homeodomain-like (InterPro:IPR009057) contains InterPro domain Myb, DNA-binding (InterPro:IPR001005) contains InterPro domain Winged helix repressor DNA-binding (InterPro:IPR011991)

Gene Ontology Data from TAIR : AT5G67580

GO Category GO Annotation Type GO ID GO Evidence Type References
Biological Processresponse to gibberellin stimulusGO:0009739 IEPPublication:501718564|PMID:16463103
Biological Processresponse to ethylene stimulusGO:0009723 IEPPublication:501718564|PMID:16463103
Cellular CompartmentnucleusGO:0005634 IEAAnalysisReference:501724250
Molecular Functiontranscription factor activityGO:0003700 ISSPublication:1345963|PMID:11118137
Biological Processresponse to auxin stimulusGO:0009733 IEPPublication:501718564|PMID:16463103
Molecular FunctionDNA bindingGO:0003677 ISSCommunication:501714663
Biological Processresponse to salicylic acid stimulusGO:0009751 IEPPublication:501718564|PMID:16463103
Molecular FunctionDNA bindingGO:0003677 ISSCommunication:501714663
Biological Processresponse to jasmonic acid stimulusGO:0009753 IEPPublication:501718564|PMID:16463103
Molecular Functiontranscription factor activityGO:0003700 ISSPublication:1345963|PMID:11118137
Biological Processresponse to abscisic acid stimulusGO:0009737 IEPPublication:501718564|PMID:16463103
Cellular CompartmentnucleosomeGO:0000786 IEAAnalysisReference:501724250
Biological Processresponse to salt stressGO:0009651 IEPPublication:501718564|PMID:16463103
Cellular CompartmentnucleosomeGO:0000786 IEAAnalysisReference:501724250
Biological Processresponse to cadmium ionGO:0046686 IEPPublication:501718564|PMID:16463103
Cellular CompartmentnucleusGO:0005634 IEAAnalysisReference:501724250
    Biological Process     Molecular Function     Cellular Compartment

Click here for Guide to GO Evidence Codes


Gene IdSorghum bicolorZea maysGlycine Max


Contact :

Prof. R. Sowdhamini


Prof. R. Sowdhamini | Shameer Khader
Mahantesha Naika B. N. | Oommen K. M.

Last Updated :

15th Oct, 2012