STIFDB - Entry Name : AT5G54390

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STIFDB Provides Data in 2 levels:

Gene Description : AT5G54390

Locus IdentifierGene Model NameGene Model DescriptionGene Model Type
AT5G54390AHLEncodes a 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphate (PAP) phosphatase that is sensitive to physiological concentrations of Na+. It does not also act as inositol polyphosphate 1-phosphatases, which other members of the HAL2-like family do. It is proposed that AHL acts in concert with sulphotransferases to prevent both the toxicity of PAP on RNA processing enzymes as well as the product inhibition of PAP on sulphate conjugation.

Gene Ontology Data from TAIR : AT5G54390

GO Category GO Annotation Type GO ID GO Evidence Type References
Molecular Functioninositol or phosphatidylinositol phosphatase activityGO:0004437 ISSCommunication:501714663
Molecular Function3'(2'),5'-bisphosphate nucleotidase activityGO:0008441 ISSCommunication:501714663
Biological Processsulfur metabolic processGO:0006790 ISSCommunication:501714663
Molecular Functioninositol or phosphatidylinositol phosphatase activityGO:0004437 IDAPublication:1610|PMID:10205895
Molecular Function3'(2'),5'-bisphosphate nucleotidase activityGO:0008441 IDAPublication:1610|PMID:10205895
Cellular Compartmentcellular_component_unknownGO:0005575 NDCommunication:1345790
    Biological Process     Molecular Function     Cellular Compartment

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Gene IdSorghum bicolorZea maysGlycine Max


Contact :

Prof. R. Sowdhamini


Prof. R. Sowdhamini | Shameer Khader
Mahantesha Naika B. N. | Oommen K. M.

Last Updated :

15th Oct, 2012