STIFDB - Entry Name : AT5G48160

Stress Signals involved in


STIFDB Provides Data in 2 levels:

Gene Description : AT5G48160

Locus IdentifierGene Model NameGene Model DescriptionGene Model Type
AT5G48160AT5G48160.1tropomyosin-related similar to protein binding / zinc ion binding [Arabidopsis thaliana] (TAIR:AT3G07780.1) similar to Potyvirus VPg interacting protein [Nicotiana benthamiana] (GB:AAP22954.1) similar to CONSTANS interacting protein 6 [Lycopersicon esculentum] (GB:AAS67374.1) similar to Potyvirus VPg interacting protein [Pisum sativum] (GB:AAP22955.1) contains InterPro domain Zinc finger, FYVE/PHD-type (InterPro:IPR011011) contains InterPro domain Zinc finger, PHD-type (InterPro:IPR001965) contains InterPro domain Arabidopsis thaliana 130.7kDa hypothetical protein (InterPro:IPR004082)

Gene Ontology Data from TAIR : AT5G48160

GO Category GO Annotation Type GO ID GO Evidence Type References
Cellular CompartmentnucleusGO:0005634 IDAPublication:501724561|PMID:18403411
Molecular Functionzinc ion bindingGO:0008270 IEAAnalysisReference:501724250
Molecular Functionprotein bindingGO:0005515 IEAAnalysisReference:501724250
Biological Processmaintenance of shoot apical meristem identityGO:0010492 IGIPublication:501724561|PMID:18403411
Biological Processembryonic development ending in seed dormancyGO:0009793 IGIPublication:501724561|PMID:18403411
Molecular Functionprotein bindingGO:0005515 IEAAnalysisReference:501724250
Biological Processroot meristem specificationGO:0010071 IGIPublication:501724561|PMID:18403411
Biological Processmaintenance of root meristem identityGO:0010078 IGIPublication:501724561|PMID:18403411
Molecular Functionzinc ion bindingGO:0008270 IEAAnalysisReference:501724250
    Biological Process     Molecular Function     Cellular Compartment

Click here for Guide to GO Evidence Codes


Gene IdSorghum bicolorZea maysGlycine Max


Contact :

Prof. R. Sowdhamini


Prof. R. Sowdhamini | Shameer Khader
Mahantesha Naika B. N. | Oommen K. M.

Last Updated :

15th Oct, 2012