STIFDB - Entry Name : AT2G39200

Stress Signals involved in


STIFDB Provides Data in 2 levels:

Gene Description : AT2G39200

Locus IdentifierGene Model NameGene Model DescriptionGene Model Type
AT2G39200AT2G39200.1A member of a large family of seven-transmembrane domain proteins specific to plants, homologs of the barley mildew resistance locus o (MLO) protein. The Arabidopsis genome contains 15 genes encoding MLO proteins, with localization in plasma membrane. Phylogenetic analysis revealed four clades of closely-related AtMLO genes. ATMLO6 belongs to the clade IV, with AtMLO2, AtMLO3 and AtMLO12. The gene is expressed during early seedling growth, in root tips and cotyledon vascular system, in floral organs (anthers and stigma), and in fruit abscission zone, as shown by GUS activity patterns. The expression of several phylogenetically closely-related AtMLO genes showed similar or overlapping tissue specificity and analogous responsiveness to external stimuli, suggesting functional redundancy, co-function, or antagonistic function(s).

Gene Ontology Data from TAIR : AT2G39200

GO Category GO Annotation Type GO ID GO Evidence Type References
Biological Processdefense response to fungus, incompatible interactionGO:0009817 IMPPublication:501719013|PMID:16732289
Biological Processdefense responseGO:0006952 ISSCommunication:501714663
Cellular Compartmentplasma membraneGO:0005886 TASPublication:501718767|PMID:16525893
Biological Processcell deathGO:0008219 ISSCommunication:501714663
Molecular Functioncalmodulin bindingGO:0005516 ISSCommunication:501714663
Cellular Compartmentplasma membraneGO:0005886 ISSCommunication:501714663
    Biological Process     Molecular Function     Cellular Compartment

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Gene IdSorghum bicolorZea maysGlycine Max


Contact :

Prof. R. Sowdhamini


Prof. R. Sowdhamini | Shameer Khader
Mahantesha Naika B. N. | Oommen K. M.

Last Updated :

15th Oct, 2012