STIFDB - Entry Name : AT1G75040

Stress Signals involved in


STIFDB Provides Data in 2 levels:

Gene Description : AT1G75040

Locus IdentifierGene Model NameGene Model DescriptionGene Model Type
AT1G75040AT1G75040.1Thaumatin-like protein involved in response to pathogens. mRNA level of the PR-5 gene (At1g75040)is significantly changed after cutting the inflorescence stem indicating the existence of a network of signal transducing pathways as other stress-regulated genes (At5g01410, At3g17800, At1g29930)do not response to the treatment.

Gene Ontology Data from TAIR : AT1G75040

GO Category GO Annotation Type GO ID GO Evidence Type References
Biological Processsystemic acquired resistanceGO:0009627 IEPPublication:5394|PMID:1392589
Biological Processsystemic acquired resistanceGO:0009627 IEPPublication:501721438|PMID:17419843
Cellular Compartmentendomembrane systemGO:0012505 IEAAnalysisReference:501724248
Molecular Functionmolecular_function_unknownGO:0003674 NDCommunication:501683652
Biological Processresponse to UV-BGO:0010224 IGIPublication:501714274|PMID:15474373
Biological Processresponse to other organismGO:0051707 ISSCommunication:501714663
Biological Processregulation of anthocyanin biosynthetic processGO:0031540 IEPPublication:501716355|PMID:15993620
    Biological Process     Molecular Function     Cellular Compartment

Click here for Guide to GO Evidence Codes


Gene IdSorghum bicolorZea maysGlycine Max


Contact :

Prof. R. Sowdhamini


Prof. R. Sowdhamini | Shameer Khader
Mahantesha Naika B. N. | Oommen K. M.

Last Updated :

15th Oct, 2012