Search Results for "structure"
AlphaDist - C-Alpha-Distance
Atm2Seq - Converts PDB format file into a PIR formatted sequence file
CoilCheck - Predicts existence and location of potential coiled-coil domains in proteins
Predict CoiledCoil - Predicting coiled-coil from sequence input
DDMatrix - Generate Distance Matrix Plot for two PDBs
IMOT - Identifying conserved spatially interacting regions across proteins
Joy - A set of tools for protein sequence-structure representation and analysis
Joy-HBOND - Tool to locate possible hydrogen bonds in a protein structure
Joy-SSTRUC - Tool for identifying torsions and secondary structure for a protein
Modeller - Models three-dimensional structures of proteins and their assemblies by satisfaction of spatial restraints
Modip - Modelling of Disulphide bonds in proteins
CAPSEcal - Various energy calculations
GenThreader - Fold Recognition
PSIPRED - protein secondary structure prediction
Super - Calculate RMS Deviation between 2 structures
RANMOD - Random Conformation to Polypeptide Backbone
Harmony - Protein structure validation server
PASS2 - Protein alignments organised as structural superfamilies
RStrucFam - RNA-binding structural protein families
PPCheck - webserver for quantifying the strength of a protein-protein interface
PIMA - Protein-protein interactions in macromolecular assemblies server
PIMADb - Database of Protein-protein interactions in macromolecular assemblies