Search Results for "server"
CAPSBlast - Sequence search against databases from CAPS
CoilCheck - Predicts existence and location of potential coiled-coil domains in proteins
Predict CoiledCoil - Predicting coiled-coil from sequence input
DISOPRED - Protein Disorder Prediction
FMALIGN - Multiple alignment of protein sequences
IMOT - Identifying conserved spatially interacting regions across proteins
Joy - A set of tools for protein sequence-structure representation and analysis
Modeller - Models three-dimensional structures of proteins and their assemblies by satisfaction of spatial restraints
Modip - Modelling of Disulphide bonds in proteins
MOTIFS Homologous - Identifies Motifs on a sequence using homologous
MOTIFS - Identify Motifs from a set of sequence or alignment
GenThreader - Fold Recognition
Phylip-Consense - Consensus tree program from Phylip
Phylip-Kitsch - Fitch: Margoliash and Least Squares Methods with Evolutionary Clock
Phylip-Neighbor - Neighbor: Joining and UPGMA methods
Phylip-Proml - Protein Maximum Likelihood program
Phylip-Promlk - Protein maximum likelihood program with molecular clock
Phylip-Protdist - Program to compute distance matrix from protein sequences
Phylip-Protpars - Protein Sequence Parsimony Method
Phylip-Seqboot - a general bootstrapping and data set translation tool
PURE - Prediction of Unassigned REgions
POEAS - Plant Ontology Enrichment Analysis Server
Harmony - Protein structure validation server
SCANMOT - Scan motifs
SMotif - Structural motifs in proteins
RStrucFam - RNA-binding structural protein families
PPCheck - webserver for quantifying the strength of a protein-protein interface
PIMA - Protein-protein interactions in macromolecular assemblies server