Search Results for "alignment"
ALISTAT - Simple Alignment Statistics
FMALIGN - Multiple alignment of protein sequences
MOTIFS - Identify Motifs from a set of sequence or alignment
Phylip-Consense - Consensus tree program from Phylip
Phylip-Kitsch - Fitch: Margoliash and Least Squares Methods with Evolutionary Clock
Phylip-Neighbor - Neighbor: Joining and UPGMA methods
Phylip-Proml - Protein Maximum Likelihood program
Phylip-Promlk - Protein maximum likelihood program with molecular clock
Phylip-Protdist - Program to compute distance matrix from protein sequences
Phylip-Protpars - Protein Sequence Parsimony Method
Phylip-Seqboot - a general bootstrapping and data set translation tool
RaxML - Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood
Super - Calculate RMS Deviation between 2 structures