DSDBASE Help Central


Engineering Disuphide bonds

Search by PDB code To search by PDB code, enter a valid PDB code (4 letter code starts with number), select the "PDB Code" option from radio button given), then submit the form.The result page contains PDB code (with link) and Protein name. User can reach the choosen entry by using link provided in PDB code. 
Search by EC(Enzyme Commission) Number To search by EC Number, enter a valid EC number (seperated by period), select the "EC number" option from radio button given), then submit the form.The result page contains PDB code (with link) ,EC number and Protein name. User can reach the choosen entry by using link provided in PDB code.
You may type 1 digit into the first field (the enzyme class), 1 or 2 digits into the second and third fields (subclass and sub-subclass), and up to 3 digits into the fourth field. For example, you may type to get the corresponding ENZYME entry.You may also enter a partial EC number in order to get a list of all ENZYME entries whose EC numbers begin with the given pattern. For example, you may just type 1.2 
Search by Keyword To search by keyword, enter keyword and select the "Key word" option from radio button given (by default this search engine will go for keyword search), then submit the form. The result page contains PDB code (with link) and Protein name. User can reach the choosen entry by using link provided in PDB code
Search by Sequence To search by Sequence, Paste query sequence in FASTA format, then submit the form . The results contain PDB code (with link), alignment and corresponding scores (Blast output). User can reach the choosen entry by using link provided in PDB code. BLAST program used here is "blastall", database is "PDB-April2003" release. Standard E-value=10. In output PDB codes which has liks are present in DSDBASE, without links are absent.

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MODIP online

Requirements for MODIP There is a provision to run MODIP online, for proteins not present in DSDBASE or for new protein structure
1. Upload or Paste the Coordinates file in PDB format
2. PDB file can be single chain or multi chain.
3. MODIP won't accept 'C-alpha only' proteins.

The output is displayed on to the screen with information such as total number of disulphides, number of modelled and native disulphides and grade distribution are given. followed by this detailed results will be given in table. Table gives the information about Residues in postion "i" and "j" which can accomadate disulphide bridge, and corresponding grade.

Following is the pictorial view of all the features of DSDBASE. 
The protein in this example is an enzyme, Manganese peroxidase (PDB code- 1mnp).

User can get the Mutant pdb file, where choosen pair of residues are changed to "Cysteine" and sulfur coordinates are fixed( Sulphur coordinates are not available for D grade disulphides).

Redox active cysteine ,such as thioredoxins and disulfide isomerases which are expected to behave differently from the structural disulfides are highlighted with italic bold font.Redox-active represents redox-active disulphide bonds which are functionally important and expected to behave differently from typical structural disulphide bonds. These are reductive, reaction probably involves nucleophilic attack by the Cys thiolate on the substrate to form a mixed disulphide intermediate.

Rasmol option to view mutant pdb file also available.

All the four possible positions for sulphur fixing can be viewed by clicking Stereochemistry logo with detailed stereochemical parameters.

In case of enzymes more features which allow viewing of the mutable residues with respect to the active site residues are provided.

Rasmol : To view the structure in
rasmol, click on the rasmol logo after configuring your browser. Alternatively for Windows a rasmol script can be downloaded by clicking "Win". First download the pdb file and open it in rasmol and then run the script (rasmol>script 'scriptfile'). Unix user can download the script file by clicking "Unix" and run it through rasmol (unix> rasmol -script 'scriptfile').
Chime : First configure your browser (IE/Netscape Navigator). Clicking on the chime link will open the chime view of the molecule of your interest in a new window.

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Modelling Disulphide rich peptides

Screen shot of DSDBASE search page

screenshot.jpg (96246 bytes)

Let's start with an example ..................

Search method

Ex : Endothelin ( PDB code : 1EDP )
       Sequence                              :

       No of residues                        : 17
       Disulphide bond connectivity : 1-15  ,   3-11

       conn.jpg (7376 bytes)

Filling form for the above example 
1. Select database : Select database :

Currently three different types of datasets are available.

nr-db a database of native and modelled disulphide bonds derived from non-redundant set of proteins (25% sequence identity, Hobohm et al.,1992) derived from PDB(April 2003).
nr-native a database of only native disulphide bonds derived from non-redundant set of proteins (25% sequence identity, Hobohm et al.,1992) derived from PDB (April 2003).
fulldb(PDB-April 2003) a database of native and modelled disulphide bonds derived from full PDB release(April 2003).
PDB-April 2001 a database of native and modelled disulphide bonds derived from full PDB release(April 2001).

Click here for statistics.

2. Protein name : Protein Name :

Enter any name (this is optional)

3. Sequence information :

This is optional. Enter the sequence of the protein/peptide. Please note that only the portion of protein/prptide whose connectivity is being searched is to be provided. In this example "CSCSSLMDKECVYFC" is to be pasted into the text area(the full length sequence is "CSCSSLMDKECVYFCHL"). Donot include charactres otherthan alphabets. No particular format is needed. Simply paste the raw sequence.

4.  No of Disulphide bonds No of Disulphide bonds :

(user can chose from 1 - 5, based on the number of disulphide bonded system he/she wanted to search)

5.  Enter disulphide bond connectivity of the query
Disulphide Bond 1 :
Disulphide Bond 2 :
Disulphide Bond 3 :
Disulphide Bond 4 :
Disulphide Bond 5 :

( Enter only the residue numbers of pair involed in disulphide bond )

Since this example has only 2 disulphide bonds, leave the remaning boxes empty.

5. Advance options
a. Loop size relaxation : Loop size relaxation :

Explanation of loopsize relaxation

Now we can represent our connectivity pattern as follows

Loop 1: C..............C
                1               15                        

In this case loop size = ( 15-1 ) + 1 = 15
If loop size is relaxed by 1 residue then search can be performed for loop size 15, 14 (15-1), 16 (15+1)

Loop 2:     C........C
                  3         11

In this case loop size = ( 11-3 ) + 1 = 9
If loop size is relaxed by 1 residue then search can be performed for loop size 9, 8 (9-1), 10(9+1)

b Loop proximity relaxation : Loop proximity relaxation :

Explanation of loop proximity relaxation

Loop proximity of given query can be represent like this

        1 3       11   15
         .               ...
         +1            -3
Spatial distance between starting residue of bond1 and bond2   =  3 - 1   = +1
Spatial distance between end residue of bond1 and bond2        = 11 -15  = -3

By default (even without invoking this option), the search engine looks for any sub-structural motif of a protein having loop sizes similar to query and also their spatial distances.

If spacial distance is relaxed by 1 residue then,

spatial distance for starting residue  : +1,  0 (1-1),  2 (1+1)
spatial distance for end residue        : -3,  -4 (-3-1),  -2 (-3+1) 
and search can be performed as follows,

        1  3       11   15
          .              ...
         +1          -3
[ OR ]        C..C.......C..C
        1   4       12 15
          ..              ..
         +2            -2
[ OR ]       CC.......C....C
        12       10    15
        0              -4

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Output format

The output file contains following informations.

Screen shot of search result for  Endothelin

output.jpg (104558 bytes)

A click on ......

Hit   takes you to the substructure information (see below for more on this)
PDB code leads to the corresponding entry in DSDBASE.
Segment      gives PDB file for Given region alone ( Example: for Hit 1 segment gives PDB file for residue no 15 to 29 )
CelLoc  CelLoc is the subcellular location of the protein based on the aminiacid sequence alone. The results are from the SubLoc prediction server. Ref-Support vector machine approach for protein subcellular localization prediction.Bioinformatics. 2001 Aug;17(8):721-8. PMID: 11524373 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
"Not Known" - SubLoc couldn't predict the cellular location of the protein.
SeqSim SeqSim is the the percentage of sequence similarity of the hit with the query sequence. Note that the cysteine positions are not fixed. INS = Input Not Supplied. FNP = File Not Present: Most probably this may be an obsolete/theoretical entry in the PDB.
Rasmol option to veiw that particular region alone in Rasmol viewer

A 'Hit' is ...............

CYS - 17 CYS - 25 C 9 1fre
a b c d e f g h i
a amino acid in ith  position
b chain identifier
c amino acid number of ith position
d amino acid in jth position
e chain identifier
f amino acid number of jth position
g grade
h loopsize
i PDB code

Native represents a substructural connectivity where both the residues are CYS(Cysteine). In most instances these are as annotated in the PDB file and here represented in Blue color. If MODIP only predicts these connectivities, they are represented in Red color.

Redox-active represents redox-active disulphide bonds which are functionally important and expected to behave differently from typical structural disulphide bonds. These are reductive, reaction probably involves nucleophilic attack by the Cys thiolate on the substrate to form a mixed disulphide intermediate.

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About Rasmol

RasMol2 is a molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules. The program is aimed at display, teaching and generation of publication quality images. RasMol runs on Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh, UNIX and VMS systems. The UNIX and VMS systems require an 8, 24 or 32 bit colour X Windows display (X11R4 or later). The program reads in a molecule co-ordinate file and interactively displays the molecule on the screen in a variety of colour schemes and molecule representations. Currently available representations include depth-cued wireframes, 'Dreiding' sticks, spacefilling (CPK) spheres, ball and stick, solid and strand biomolecular ribbons, atom labels and dot surfaces.

Setting Browser

Get a complete source code of rasmol and install it in your system.

Configure your browser as follows : Go to (In netscape) Edit --> Preferences --> Navigator --> Applications --> New

Fill the following : Description : PDB file; MIME Type : chemical/x-pdb;

Activate the option Application : Application :"rasmol_path" ("rasmol_path" = Rasmol path in your system.)

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